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Bba LRE Notes

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Impact of it on individuals,organisation and. Society

In the future, workers will see the effects of the gig economy impacting more traditional roles. For
example, incomes will become more adaptive, with individual’s relying on multiple employers to earn a
living. There will also be greater transparency surrounding incomes and the cost of work, thanks to the
rise of the gig economy and talent marketplaces.
In the future of work, freedom and individual responsibility for career paths will become more
commonplace and many of these changes (described in the table above) are already starting to take
shape today. For example, WeWork’s shared working spaces are growing in popularity and employees
value the option to work flexibly as part of their benefits package. The rise of robotics and AI has also
already begun, with McKinsey reporting that the jobs of 800 million global workers will be automates
by 2030.
At present, most organizations invest in a permanent workforce, with a smaller section of contractual
or temporary workers used to support on specialist projects or across busy periods. In years to come,
work will become a variable cost, rather than a fixed cost, with funds being invested in transient
workers who will be overseen by full-time and core managerial staff.
At the organizational level, IT will impact many operational aspects of the office, including security, with
fingerprint or facial scanning replacing traditional I.D. badges. In the future of work, the most impactful
changes will occur on a structural level, with people management, hierarchy and career management
seeing radical transformation.
To make the most of staff and assets available to them, organizations will use technology platforms
such as talent marketplaces to find the staff they need. To gain a realistic view of a worker’s skill set,
appraisals will also be readily available in the public domain. We can already see an individual’s
experience on LinkedIn, but soon, we could see a fuller picture of each worker emerge in a Trip Advisor
style format
The effects that IT will have on the future of work will also impact society. In this new world of work,
many will benefit from the new opportunities and the speed of change that technology will bring.
However, those who can’t adapt as quickly run the risk of being left behind. In the future, there will also
be less government support to bridge this gap and fix societal divides. For example, welfare, and
provisions for health and retirement could be replaced by alternatives such as universal basic income.
To make the future of work accessible for all, organizations and society will need to be mindful and
consider ways to address the challenges of technological change. Governments are already making
steps to prepare for the future, for example, the UK government recently committed to a National
Retraining Partnership in the Autumn budget. However, in years to come, more will need to be done to
ensure the most vulnerable in society have their basic needs protected.

1) Mixed Reality

Mixed reality is the combination of twin technologies of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). The market size of
mixed reality worldwide in 2018, 2019 and 2025 is estimated and predicted by Statista. Here is the graphical
representation of their findings:

AR has won a great amount of growth over the years and the credit for this solely goes to its integration on smartphone

The popularity of smartphones is the only reason why companies are scrambling to invest in their own AR application.
These companies are also hiring AR developers in large numbers. Unlike its twin technology; VR, AR apps do not need
hardware with the latest specifications.

Many people assume that the scope of Virtual Reality does not extend beyond gaming and entertainment. But the efficient
utilization of this technology by Walmart and the US army do not hold this belief true.

The people who lost their trust in VR app developers have started finding the amazing uses of this technology. Microsoft’s
HoloLens’s mixed reality tech is used by the US army for military training purposes. Apart from them, Walmart is also
planning to use VR in 2019 for the purposes of employee training in customer compliance and service.
2) Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer
systems. These processes include learning (the acquisition of information and rules for using the information),
reasoning (using rules to reach approximate or definite conclusions) and self-correction. Particular applications
of AI include expert systems, speech recognition and machine vision.

The subsets of artificial intelligence like machine learning and deep learning are gaining constant popularity among
businesses. More and more companies are taking machine learning and solutions services as a necessity.

Artificial intelligence improvises business tasks and makes them simple. It has provided the web app developers a brilliant
support to experiment. This has made AI to reach healthcare, banking, education, mathematics, etc.

3) IOT

Internet of things covers the broad categories of devices that are connected to the internet. These applications have spread
to both the customer and industrial domains. In the area of safety and customer experience, IoT is witnessing exponential

Every second over 127 new devices will be connected to the internet, according to David Evan’s calculations (former
researcher of CISCO). This gives an idea about the constantly increasing reach of IoT.

Over 90% automobiles by 2020 will be IoT enabled as per PWC estimates. Moreover, according to the data found by
Statista, there were around 23.14 billion devices in 2018 and the number will reach to 26.66 technologies in the

A blockchain is, in the simplest of terms, a time-stamped series of immutable record of data that is managed by cluster of
computers not owned by any single entity. Each of these blocks of data (i.e. block) are secured and bound to each other
using cryptographic principles (i.e. chain).

what is so special about it and why are we saying that it has industry disrupting capabilities?

The blockchain network has no central authority — it is the very definition of a democratized system. Since it is a shared
and immutable ledger, the information in it is open for anyone and everyone to see. Hence, anything that is built on the
blockchain is by its very nature transparent and everyone involved is accountable for their actions.

Block chain explained

A blockchain carries no transaction cost. (An infrastructure cost yes, but no transaction cost.) The blockchain is a simple
yet ingenious way of passing information from A to B in a fully automated and safe manner. One party to a transaction
initiates the process by creating a block. This block is verified by thousands, perhaps millions of computers distributed
around the net. The verified block is added to a chain, which is stored across the net, creating not just a unique record, but a
unique record with a unique history. Falsifying a single record would mean falsifying the entire chain in millions of instances.
That is virtually impossible. Bitcoin uses this model for monetary transactions, but it can be deployed in many others ways.

Eg - Think of a railway company. We buy tickets on an app or the web. The credit card company takes a cut for processing the
transaction. With blockchain, not only can the railway operator save on credit card processing fees, it can move the entire ticketing
process to the blockchain. The two parties in the transaction are the railway company and the passenger. The ticket is a block, which
will be added to a ticket blockchain. Just as a monetary transaction on blockchain is a unique, independently verifiable and unfalsifiable
record (like Bitcoin), so can your ticket be. Incidentally, the final ticket blockchain is also a record of all transactions for, say, a certain
train route, or even the entire train network, comprising every ticket ever sold, every journey ever taken.

But the key here is this: it’s free. Not only can the blockchain transfer and store money, but it can also replace all processes and
business models which rely on charging a small fee for a transaction. Or any other transaction

Role of IT in an organisation

Information technology systems are used by organizations to perform various tasks. Some use IT to provide for the basic
processing of transactions, while others enable customers, distributors and suppliers to interact with the organization
through various communication technology systems such as the internet.

The term ‘’information technology systems in an organization ‘’ is composed of four distinct parts which include: an
organization, information in an organization, and information technology and information technology systems in an
organization. Below listed some of the impacts of information technology in an organization.

*Flow of Information: Information is a key resource for all organizations. information describes might be internal, external,
objective or subjective. External information describes the environment surrounding the organization. Objective
information describes something that is known. Subjective information describes something that is currently unknown. With
information technology the flow of all these three types of information is made simple by use of centralized data centers
where all this data can be retrieved. Information in an organization can flow in four direction and these include upward flow
of information, downward flow of information, outward flow of information and horizontal flow of information.
IT in organization

*Transaction processing: Information technology simplifies the transaction process of an organization. A transaction
process system (TPS) is a system that processes transactions that occur within an organization. At the heart of every
organization are IT systems whose main role is to capture transaction information, create new information based on the
transaction information. TPS will update any transaction process and store that information in a database, so any
concerned party in the organization can access that information via a centralized information storage network of internet.

*Decision support: A decision support system (DSS) is a highly flexible and interactive IT system that is designed to support
decision making when the problem is not structured. A DSS works together with an artificial intelligence system to help the
worker create information through (OLAP) online analytical process to facilitate decision making tasks that require
significant effort and analysis.

*Workgroup support: Since information technology facilitates in the creating an information sharing environment, workers
can easily consult each other across different department without any interruption. They can use emails, text chatting
services to inquire some thing related to a given task at work. With work group support systems, group decision making
becomes easier.

*Executive support: An executive information system (EIS) is an interactive management information system (MIS)
combined with decision support systems and artificial intelligence for helping managers identify and address problems and
opportunities. An EIS allows managers to view information from different angles. Yet it also provides managers with the
flexibility to easily create more views to better understand the problem or opportunity at hand.
*Data Management: With the help of database software, an organization stores all its relevant data on a database. This
infrastructure can be designed when it is internal or external. An internal centralized system can only be accessed with in
the organization while an external centralized system allows data to be accessed out side the organization using a remote
(IP) internet protocol Address or a domain name. In this case, employees or managers can use a company website to
access relevant company data by use of passwords. This data is not exposed to the public and search engines.

*Communication: Information technology accounts in the development of communication technology. Services like
electronic mail make communication within and outside the organization easy and first. Now days email communication is a
default communication technology used by every organization. Communication is a great tool in business develops, with
advanced communication tools, employees and managers can easily make beneficial decisions in the organization.

Information System concept and types

An information system (IS) is a group of components that interact to produce information

• An information system is an integrated and cooperative set of software directed information technologies supporting

individual group organisations actionable or societal goals

*It is the study of complementary networks that people and organisations use to collect,filters,process,create and distribute

Two perspectives of Information System

Types of information systems

1.Office information Systems

OAS Refers to the computer machinery and software used to digitally create,collect ,store
manipulate and relay office machinery

Main types of tools include

>MS Word,Excel etc

>Text & Image Processing system
>Personal database systems and note-taking systems

*OAS includes the following roles/activities

>Exchange of information
>Management of administrative documents
>Handling of numerical data
>Meeting planning and management of work schedules

Function of OAS

2.Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)

*A computerised system that performs and records daily routine transactions necessary to the conduct
of the business

*Usually operated directly by shop floor workers or front line staff which provide the key data required to
support the management of Operations

*This data is usually obtained through the automated or semi automated tracking of low level activities
and basic transactions

Five stages of Transactions Processing Systems

*Data Entry
*Data base
*Document and Report Generation
*Inquiry Processing

Functions of TPS

# Payroll systems
# Reservatins systems
#Order processing Systems

3.Management Information System

• Management Information System are management level systems that are used
by middle Managers to help ensure the smooth running of the organs in the
short to medium term

• The highly structured information provided by these system allows managers

to evaluate an organisation’s performance by comparing current with previous

• MIS primarily serve the functions of planning,controlling ,and decision

making at the management level

Functions of MIS
Applications of MIS
4. Decision support systems (DSS)

• Computer based information system that supports businesses or

organisational decision making activities,typically,resulting in ranking ,sorting
or choosing from among alternatives

• Knowledge based systems,used by senior managers, which facilitates the

creation of knowledge and allow its integration into the organisations

• DSS are interactive and are used to solve ill structured problems

• They Offer acess to databases,analytical tools,allow”what if” stimulations and

support the exchange of information within the organisations

• DSS usually have three major components

> Databases

Stores large amounts of data relevant to problems theDSS has been designed
to tackle

>Model base

Contains one or more models that can be used to analysie the decision situation

> Dialogue Mode

Provide a way for fhe decision maker,usually a non technical manager to

communicate with the DSS

5.Expert systems(ES)
• Support professionals faced with complex situations requiring expert knowledge a well defined

Knowledge in a well defined area

• Expert systems are based on principles of artificial intelligence research

• These systems use human knowledge captured said in a computer to solve problems that ordinarily
need human expertise in mimicking human expert ties and intelligence requires that the computer

*recognise formulae and solve a problem

*explain solutions and
*learn from experience

The systems explain the logic of their advice to the user hence , in addition to solving problems they can
also serve as a teacher.They use flexible thinking processes and can accommodate new knowledge

IT Infrastructure and Architecture

What is infrastructure architecture?

Infrastructure architecture is the activity responsible for ensuring the technical systems and infrastructure are
designed to support business requirements.

In IT, this stage of development obviously works to meet information technology business requirements, which
considered to be very complicated. IT infrastructure refers to the

hardware (servers, computers, data centers, switches, hubs and routers, and other equipment),
software (ERP, CRM, productivity applications),
network resources (network enablement, internet connectivity, firewall, and security) and
services required for the existence, operation, and management of the IT environment. This part includes human
users as well:
*end-users with access to any IT appliance or service.
IT infrastructure allows an organization to deliver IT solutions and services to its employees, partners and/or
customers. It is usually internal to an organization and deployed within owned facilities.

In general, IT infrastructure covers the next building blocks:

operating systems,
end user devices.

IT infrastructure covers the client and server nodes of the hardware configuration, the infrastructure
applications running on them, the services they offer to applications, as well as the protocols and networks that
connect applications and nodes.

IT infrastructure potential problems

Back then, large enterprises have been continuously building their infrastructure architecture to meet every new
requirement and modernize their software. From the business point of view, there was no chance to start the
architecture from the blank canvas. And the only way to maintain what is already done was to multiply numerous
fixes and add new components. As a result, nowadays, they face such problems as:

Heavy customization,
Security vulnerabilities,
Insufficient performance,
Defective reliability,
Poor functionality,
Inadequate scalability,
Technical debt.

Sure, back then, large enterprises had no cure for that. But these days they can really start everything afresh.
With modern technologies, IT infrastructure architecture can be done with fewer efforts, personnel and money
To admit, distributed, unstructured, and democratized data is now the norm.

Modern IT infrastructure

Architectural modernization is about more than lowering expenses by transitioning to the cloud and eliminating
on-premises servers. There are several very important technology achievements available nowadays that can
make any (no matter startup or enterprise) IT infrastructure architecture effective, secure, reliable and scalable.


Cloud computing (“the cloud”) is the delivery of on-demand computing resources — everything from applications
to data centers — over the internet on a pay-for-use basis.
There are the next benefits of cloud computing:

Cost efficiency
Audit and compliance
Business continuity planning

At the same time, the design of a cloud environment is different from the on-premises environment. And a minor
error can have dramatic consequences – with a single click the customer environment can be made readable by
the entire internet. So, a secure setup of the cloud is crucial.
There are two modes for cloud computing deployment:
– Private (when services are delivered from a business’s data center to internal users), and
– Public (when a third-party cloud service provider delivers the cloud service over the internet). You can find a
comparison for main public cloud providers on our blog.
A cloud service has three distinct characteristics that differentiate it from traditional web hosting:

It is sold on demand, typically by the minute or the hour;

It is elastic – a user can have as much or as little of a service as they want at any given time;
The service is fully managed by the provider (the consumer needs nothing but a personal computer and Internet


Containers offer a logical packaging mechanism in which applications can be abstracted from the environment
in which they actually run. As Docker says, a container is a standard unit of software that packages up the code
and all its dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another.
Containers break down monolithic interdependent architectures into manageable, largely independent pieces.
Containers are fully portable and can live on-premises or in the cloud, depending on which is more cost-effective.
There are the next benefits of using containers:

Consistent environment – containers give developers the ability to create predictable environments that are
isolated from other applications.
Run anywhere – containers are able to run virtually anywhere, greatly easing development and deployment.
Isolation – containers virtualize CPU, memory, storage, and network resources at the OS-level, providing
developers with a sandboxed view of the OS logically isolated from other applications.
Containers and virtual machines have similar resource isolation and allocation benefits but function differently
because containers virtualize the operating system instead of hardware. Simply put, containers are more
portable and efficient, but they are not fully independent.


Virtualization is the process of running a virtual instance of a computer system in a layer abstracted from the
actual hardware. Hardware virtualization or platform virtualization refers to the creation of a virtual machine
that acts like a real computer with an operating system. Software executed on these virtual machines is
separated from the underlying hardware resources.

p.s. Operating-system-level virtualization, also known as containerization, refers to an operating system feature
in which multiple isolated user-space instances exist.

DevOps as a service

DevOps as a Service (DaaS) is a delivery model for a set of tools that facilitates collaboration between an
organization’s software development team and the operations team. In this delivery model, the DevOps as a
Service provider collects the disparate tools that cover various aspects of the overall process and connects
these tools to work together as one unit. The DevOps philosophy is “If you built it, you run it”.

While DevOps is typically used for teams developing and running functional software, the same philosophy can
be applied to develop and run an infrastructure platform that functional DevOps teams can use. In an
infrastructure DevOps team, infrastructure developers design, test, and build the infrastructure platforms and
manage their lifecycle; infrastructure operators keep the platform running smoothly, fix incidents, and apply
small changes.


File management is the process of administering a system that correctly handles digital data. Therefore, an
effective file management system improves the overall function of a business workflow. It also organizes
important data and provides a searchable database for quick retrieval.

Benefits of File Management

A file management system allows admins to set limits, permissions and roles for files. This includes
granting different levels of access to files and assigning roles for specific users. This increases
efficiency, as the right user receives the correct file.

A company’s security strengthens with modern file management software. It offers encryption for
logins and supports secure connections. Furthermore, it allows admins to receive data reports which
help them improve business decisions.

Users of File management System

• Large Business
• Governments
• Companies
They will benefit from file management if they require advanced organizing, editing and managing of
files. Furthermore, the more they need to track things like workflow, the more important file
management becomes.

Things to look out for while choosing a File management system

It’s important to find a system that streamlines communication. Therefore, look for features that
include company-wide commenting system on different files. You’ll also want an easy-to-use interface
which is accessible through different mobile devices.

Database management systems (DBMS)

A database management system (DBMS) is system software for creating and managing databases. A
DBMS makes it possible for end users to create, read, update and delete data in a database. The DBMS
essentially serves as an interface between the database and end users or application programs,
ensuring that data is consistently organized and remains easily accessible.

The DBMS manages three important things: the data, the database engine that allows data to be
accessed, locked and modified, and the database schema, which defines the database's logical
structure. These three foundational elements help provide concurrency, security, data integrity and
uniform administration procedures. Typical database administration tasks supported by the DBMS
include change management, performance monitoring/tuning and backup and recovery. Many
database management systems are also responsible for automated rollbacks, restarts and recovery as
well as the logging and auditing of activity in databases.


• Provides centralised view of data that can be acessed by multiple users from multiple locations
• DBMS can limit what data the end user sees,as well as how that end user can view the data
• The DBMS can offer both logical and and physical data independence,That means it can protect
users and applications from needing to know where Data is stored or having to be concerned about
changes to the physical structure of that data

Popular types of DBMSes

• Relational database management system (RDBMS) -- adaptable to most use cases, but RDBMS
Tier-1 products can be quite expensive.

• NoSQL DBMS -- well-suited for loosely defined data structures that may evolve over time.

• In-memory database management system (IMDBMS) -- provides faster response times and better

• Columnar database management system (CDBMS) -- well-suited for data warehouses that have a
large number of similar data items.

• Cloud-based database management system -- the cloud service provider is responsible for providing
and maintaining the DBMS.

Advantages of a DBMS

• One of the biggest advantages of using a DBMS is that it lets end users and application
programmers access and use the same data while managing data integrity
• Data is better protected and maintained and it can be shared using a DBMS instead of creating new
iterations of the same data stored in new files for every new application

• The DBMS provides a central store of data that can be accessed by multiple users in a controlled

• A DBMS delivers economy of scale for processing large amounts of data because it is optimized for
such operations

Creating Databases

With database management systems,many tasks can be done either via programitically or a user

1) programmatically

Many database administrators (DBAs) use Structured Query Language (SQL) to perform many of
their database tasks. To enter SQL, you need to open an interface that allows you to enter your code.
For example, if you use SQL Server, you would normally use Query Analyzer.

The following example is the basic code for creating a new database. Parameters can be added to this
example if your requirements are more specific.
2)User Interface

Most database systems make it very easy to create a database via a user interface. Generally, it's just
a matter of selecting an option from a menu, then providing a name for your database.

The following example demonstrates how to create a database in Microsoft Access.

1-Go to the File menu-‘Create blank Database’

2-Name the database

Data Warehousing

A data warehousing is defined as a technique for collecting and managing data from varied sources to
provide meaningful business insights. It is a blend of technologies and components which aids the
strategic use of data.
It is electronic storage of a large amount of information by a business which is designed for query
and analysis instead of transaction processing. It is a process of transforming data into information
and making it available to users in a timely manner to make a difference

Data warehouse system is also known by the following name:

• Decision Support System (DSS)

• Executive Information System
• Management Information System
• Business Intelligence Solution
• Analytic Application
• Data Warehouse
Here are some key events in evolution of Data Warehouse-

1960- Dartmouth and General Mills in a joint research project, develop the terms dimensions and

1970- A Nielsen and IRI introduces dimensional data marts for retail sales.

1983- Tera Data Corporation introduces a database management system which is specifically
designed for decision support

Data warehousing started in the late 1980s when IBM worker Paul Murphy and Barry Devlin
developed the Business Data Warehouse.

However, the real concept was given by Inmon Bill. He was considered as a father of data warehouse.
He had written about a variety of topics for building, usage, and maintenance of the warehouse & the
Corporate Information Factory.

Types of Data Warehouse

Three main types of Data Warehouses are:

1. Enterprise Data Warehouse:

Enterprise Data Warehouse is a centralized warehouse. It provides decision support service across the
enterprise. It offers a unified approach for organizing and representing data. It also provide the ability
to classify data according to the subject and give access according to those divisions.

2. Operational Data Store:

Operational Data Store, which is also called ODS, are nothing but data store required when neither
Data warehouse nor OLTP systems support organizations reporting needs. In ODS, Data warehouse is
refreshed in real time. Hence, it is widely preferred for routine activities like storing records of the

3. Data Mart:
A data mart is a subset of the data warehouse. It specially designed for a particular line of business,
such as sales, finance, sales or finance. In an independent data mart, data can collect directly from

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