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LK 3 - Williantika Rahayu

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NAMA : Williantika Rahayu

NO UKG : 201800361802
SEKOLAH ASAL : SMK Negeri 16 Samarinda
LPTK : Universitas Mulawarman
LK 3: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri
Judul Modul English For Social Communication

Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Descriptive text 1 (Person & Animals)

2. Descriptive text 2 (Things & Places)
3. Report Text 1 (Classifying & Compositional
4. Report Text 2 (Comparative & Historical Report)
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1 Garis besar materi yang dipelajari KB 1: Decriptive Text 1 (Person & Animals)
: A.Definition
Is a meaningful text that describes particular person or animal
Daftar peta konsep (istilah dan B. Social Function
definisi) di modul ini a. Information about a particular entity by
describing its features, history, and special
b. Information about things by describing
physical attributes, behaviors, uses, etc.

C. Generic structure
- Identification of general statement.
- Description: the parts of a text describe the

D. Language Features
Focus on specific participants as the main character;
1. Use present tense as dominant tenses;
2. Use linking verbs or relational process
frequently (is, are, has, have, belongs to) in
order to classify and describe appearance or
qualities and parts or functions of
3. Use action verbs or material process and
behavioural process in giving additional
description regarding action and behaviour
done by the participants in text;
4. Use mental verb or mental process when
describing feelings;
5. Use nominal group frequently to describe;
6. Use adjective and adverbs to add information
to nouns and add information to verbs to
provide more detailed description about the
7. Use adverbial phrases to add more
information about manner, place, or time and
sometimes realized inembedded clause which
functions as circumstances

KB 2: Descriptive Text 2 (Things & Places)

The Descriptive Text is a meaningful text that describes
particular objects in relation to things and places.

2. Social Function
to give information about a particular entity
(features, history, special characteristic) and about
things (physical,behaviors,uses)

The purpose is to describe represent or reveal an object, either

abstract or concrete. And give a visual picture of a thing and

3.Generic Structure
1. Identification : Identifies phenomenon to be
2. Description : Describe parts, equalities or

4. Language Features
- Specific participant
- The use of the adjective
- simple present tense
- Action verb
- using passive voice
- using noun phrase
- using technical terms
- using general and abstract noun.
- using conjunction of time and cause-effect

KB 3: Report Text 1
(Classifying & Compositional Report)

Report text : Is text which present information about
something, as it is. Detail in this text are scientific
detail that include the description of object from
scientific fact.

B.Social Function
There are different types of the report of the report
1. Classifying Report : To organize and describe
a field or topic into a class and subclass hierarchy.

2. Compositional Report : To Organise and

describe a field or topic according to its part

C.Generic Structure
- Title
- General Statment
- Description

D. Language Features
1. Observe and identify the use of words,
phrases, sentences, and technical terms
which are mostly found in the text.
2. Noun and noun phrases are used rather than
personal pronoun.
3. Most reports are written in the present tense
4. Use some passive voice
5. some reports use technical or scientific terms
6. Use some passive voice
7. Linking verbs are used, eg.is, are, has, have,
belong to, to give coherence
8. Descriptive language is used that is factual
rather than imaginative eg. Color, shape,
size, body parts, habits, behaviors, funtions,

KB 4: Report Text 2
(Comparative & Historical Report)

a. Comparative Report is useful for monitoring
developmental changes, situational differences, and treatment
efficacy. It enables a clear comparison between different tests
of a specific patient and to track his performance at different
times or conditions.

b. Historical Report is returns all issues from a specified time

period that also match the selected assignment, status, and
priority criteria.
This topic happened in the past, then the paragraph
structure should be composed in the past tenses.
Which can be past tense, past continuous tense, or
past perfect tense.

B.Social Function
a. Comparative Report to identify the similarities and
differences between two or more classes or things
b. Historical Report to give information about the way things
were in relation to a particular historical period or site.

C.Generic Structure
a. Comparative Report
 General Statement. It introduces entities tobe
 Description. It contain the systematic analysis
of similarities and differences

b. Historical Report
 General Statement. It identifies historical
period or site. And it defines and locates in
time and place
 Descriptions : features or characteristics,
activities, behaviours, artefacts, historical

D. Language Features
1. Genaeralised Participants are initially
rpresented in simple noun groups (E.g: Stars
and Planets in text 1)
2. Relating verb that link an entity with its
3. Timeless present tense ( with the exception of an
historical report)
4. Attitudinal vocabulary is unusual as the emphasis is on
facts rather on options

2 Daftar materi yang sulit dipahami lexicogrammatical features

di modul ini
3 Daftar materi yang sering - Function and the purpose of the descriptive text
mengalami miskonsepsi

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