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Step 1: It is necessary to study the entire e-book which is a great complement for this

course and will help you exercise your communicative skills. This E-Book is in the learning

 Modulo 1 Activity 11

 Modulo 2 Activity 13
 Modulo 3 Activity 8

Step 2: Read complete the chart and carry out the activities


a. Complete the chart using the information above.

When I go to bed, I usually brush my teeth at 8:00 o’clock after dinner, but sometimes I forget it
and then I have to get up in the middle of the night to do so. Occasionally, when I'm too lazy, I set
up an alarm just for that. On the other hand, there is one thing I'll never be able to do, and it is
washing my face before bed, because that always wakes me up. In the morning, I always wake up
and immediately and take a shower, I usually put on shorts and a t-shirt, sometimes I wear a
formal dress when I have to go to work. I often have eggs for breakfast, but always I must drink a
delicious coffee.

Ruth’s Routine
Activity Frequency adverb
Brush my teeth at 8:00 o’clock Usually

I forget it and then I have to get up in

the middle of the night to do so Sometimes

I'm too lazy Occasionally

Washing my face before bed Never

Wake up and immediately and take a Always

Put on shorts and a t-shirt Usually

I wear a formal dress when I have to Sometimes

go to work
Have eggs for breakfast Often

I must drink a delicious coffee Always

b. Write 5 sentences about Ruth’s routine using the frequency adverbs.

 She usually her put on shorts and a t-shirt

 They Always drink a delicious coffee
 She never Washing her face before bed
 He Often have her eggs for breakfast
 She Sometimes her wear a formal dress when I have to go to work

c. Write with the following information sentences with frequency adverbs (always, sometimes,
usually, never) also, write a complement to the sentence.

• Sophia and Joseph / go

Sophia and Joseph sometimes go to the mall

• The dog / bark

The dog usually bark in the park

• My father and I / drink

My father and I always drink juice in the morning

• She / eat

She never eat in the night

• Liliana and Santiago / speak

Liliana and Santiago usually speak in the phone

Step 3: The Recipe

• Choose a typical dish in your region and write the recipe

Meat to llanera
1 Rib of meat
To start with you need firstly one rib of meat, then it is seasoned with salt and then the meat is put
in chuzo to take to the to roast for 8 hours. While it is roasting we are going to cook the yucca and
the plantain, next prepare the chili with the onion, avocado, cilantro and tomato to accompany
the dish. Finally, the meat roasted is served with the other ingredients to the people this delicious
dish typical meat roast the llano.

Step 4: The letter Read the following letter to my mom and complete the activities below.

Dear Mom.

I am really happy to write to you, last week I was in la Guajira, it is a magical place. I enjoyed every
moment there. On Wednesday, I was landing in Riohacha’s airport at 1:00 pm, I had lunch there in
Riohacha and I spent the whole day around. At 3:00 pm I was eating friche in the main park, it is
delicious. Then around 3:30 pm I was walking around to know the place and buying some
souvenirs, at almost 7:00 pm that day I was doing the check-in in the hotel, it is a wonderful hotel,
with a swimming pool and excellent service. On Thursday I was waking up really early, I was very
excited because I was going to travel to Cabo de la Vela, it is around 3 hours from Riohacha by bus.
There in Cabo de la Vela, the landscapes are really beautiful, I stopped for a minute and I was
drinking a delicious juice in a Rancheria in front of the sea. Then I continued walking and I stopped
again in the Arcoiris beach, an amazing place full of sand colors and very calm. Finally, I went to
Ojo del Agua beach, where I was enjoying of calm and crystal waters to swim, after that, I went to
sleep in a Rancheria, it is a real and a marvelous experience. On Friday the last day of my traveling,
I was visiting El Faro, the most tourist place in Cabo de la Vela and I was running because I also
wanted to visit Punta Gallinas, before coming back and I did it. There in Punta Gallinas I was
visiting The Taroa Dunes where is amazing to see the sand mountains and at the end of those
mountains, there is the gorgeous sea. On Saturday I was coming back to Cali, were 3 amazing days
full of moments and experiences very hard to forget.

I can’t wait to take you there with me dear mum. Hugs.

a. Complete the chart writing the sentences with the correct tense (Simple Present, Simple Past,
or Past progressive)

Simple present Past progressive sentences Simple past sentences

 I am really happy.  I was landing in Riohacha.  I was in la Guajira.
 On Friday the last day of  I was eating friche in the main  I can’t wait to take you there
my traveling. park. with me dear mum.
 On Thursday I was  I was waking up really early.  I went to sleep in a Rancheria.
waking up really early.  I was coming back to Cali.  I had lunch there in Riohacha.
 I was doing the check-in in the  I went to Ojo del Agua beach.
 I was going to travel to Cabo de la

b. Write down sentences in simple past with the following information, also write a

They / become (Affirmative)

They became artists last year.
We / run (negative sentence)
We didn’t run on the track
She / call (Interrogative sentence)
Did she call to your father?
He / make (Affirmative sentence)
He made the luch today
I / sing (Interrogative sentence)
Did I sing in the concert?
You / work (negative sentence)
You didn’t work on monday
It / jump (Affirmative sentence)
It jumped from the lake
She / try (Interrogative sentence)
Did she try jump rope?
They / use (negative sentence)
They didn’t use necktie for the occasion
We / write (Affirmative sentence)
We writed the song

c. Write down sentences in past progressive with the following information, also write a

We / bend (Negative sentence)

We weren’t bending the t-shirts.

You / blow (Interrogative sentence)

Were You blowing the bombs?

She / hide (Affirmative sentence)

She was hiding from the police

He / sleep (Negative sentence)

He wasn't sleeping in the night

It / bite (Interrogative sentence)

Was It is biting the apple?

They / drive (Affirmative sentence)

They were driving in the car

I / forget (Negative sentence)

I wasn't forgetting the exam

We / let (Interrogative sentence)

Were we letting the liqueur?

Step 5: Reflection and personal growth

• ¿Estudié y aprendí los temas sugeridos del e-Book?
• ¿Participé en el foro dentro de los tiempos indicados?
• ¿En cuáles de los siguientes espacios de interacción y aprendizaje participé: Foro de esta
tarea, CIPAS, Web conferencias, grupo de WhatsApp, ¿grupo de telegram?
Foro de esta Tarea
• ¿Qué aprendí de esta tarea?
Los dialogos y las oraciones en presente simple, pasado, progresivo en concepto de
afirmacion negacion y interrogates.
• ¿Es importante lo que estoy aprendiendo? ¿por qué?
Si, por que aprendimos mas sobre el idioma de ingles, que nos sirve para nuestra vida
como profesional
• ¿Cómo aporta este aprendizaje a mi vida personal y profesional?
Poder tener el manejo de este idioma, para poder desarrolla nuevas oportunidad de
trabajo en nuestra vida personal y profesional
• Califique su trabajo de 1 a 10 puntos. En caso de que usted no realice la autoevaluación
y/o no responda a las preguntas de reflexión, su calificación será cero (0.0).
Mi calificación para este trabajo seria un 9 por el conocimiento y manejo de las
actividades en este trabajo.
Step 6: Online space

Choose an online space where you are going to upload all the 5 steps given.
You can choose one of the followings:

 Padlet: https://padlet.com/
 Wix: https://es.wix.com/
 Genially: https://genial.ly/es/
ENLACE: https://view.genial.ly/6227a96167c97f00129bd4a4/presentation-presentacion-einstein

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