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Understanding Pain

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Also by Naheed Ali

Understanding Lung Cancer:
An Introduction for Patients and Caregivers

Understanding Celiac Disease:

An Introduction for Patients and Caregivers

Understanding Fibromyalgia:
An Introduction for Patients and Caregivers

Understanding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:

An Introduction for Patients and Caregivers

Understanding Alzheimer’s:
An Introduction for Patients and Caregivers

Understanding Parkinson’s Disease:

An Introduction for Patients and Caregivers

Arthritis and You:

A Comprehensive Digest for Patients and Caregivers

Diabetes and You:

A Comprehensive, Holistic Approach

The Obesity Reality:

A Comprehensive Approach to a Growing Problem

An Introduction for Patients

and Caregivers

Naheed Ali and Moshe Lewis


Lanham • Boulder • New York • London
Published by Rowman & Littlefield
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Information Available

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Ali, Naheed, 1981– , author.

Understanding pain : an introduction for patients and caregivers / Naheed Ali and Moshe Lewis.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4422-3360-7 (cloth : alk. paper)—ISBN 978-1-4422-3361-4 (electronic)
I. Lewis, Moshe, 1968– , author. II. Title. [DNLM: 1. Pain—Popular Works. 2. Age Factors—
Popular Works. 3. Attitude to Health—Popular Works. 4. Pain Management—Popular Works. WL
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Understanding Pain is dedicated to our readers, to
people in pain, and to all who provided encouragement
and support for this work.

Preface ix

1 Introduction to Pain 3
2 Introduction to the Nervous System 9
3 Physiology of the Nervous System 23
4 Occurrence of Pain 33
5 History of Pain 43
6 Different Interpretations of Pain 51
7 The Changing Culture of Pain 61


8 Pathology of Pain 73
9 Diagnostics of Pain 87
10 Causes of Pain 95
11 Damaging Effects 107
12 Role of Internists and Family Practice Physicians 115
13 Role of Physical Medicine and Rehab in Pain Care 125
14 Role of the Pain Management Specialist 137


15 Congenital Insensitivity to Pain 147
16 Acute vs. Chronic Pain 157
17 Occupational Pain 169


18 Sports-Related Pain 179

19 Pain from Excessive Movement 187
20 Pain from Sedentary Lifestyle 195
21 Age-Related Pain 199

22 Troubleshooting Pain 213
23 Natural Approaches to Pain 223
24 Diets for Pain Relief 235
25 Exercises for Pain Relief 245
26 Addressing the Mental Aspects 255
27 Surgery and Other Nonpharmacological Approaches 263
28 Pharmacological Approaches 277

29 Second Opinions 293
30 Conclusion 301

Appendix A: Pain Related Links 307

Appendix B: Research and Training 309
Appendix C: Pain Organizations 317
Appendix D: Nationally Recognized Pain Clinics 323
Appendix E: For Further Reading 329
Glossary 331
Notes 337
Bibliography 379
Index 389
About the Authors 401

When someone is suffering from an injury, an illness, or severe men-

tal or emotional distress, he or she is basically feeling pain. A widely
agreed-upon definition of pain is that pain is an unpleasant sensory and
emotional feeling associated with potential or real tissue damage, or is
explained in terms of this damage. 1 Three facets of this definition must
be well understood. First, pain is a physical and emotional experience
that isn’t always entirely in the body or in the mind. Second, the pain is
in response to actual or potential tissue damage, so there may or may
not be abnormal lab or radiography reports in spite of the presence of
real pain. Third, pain is described in terms of such damage. This final
component is aligned with an often-recommended definition of pain:
Pain is whatever an individual suffering from it claims it is, surfacing
whenever he says it does. 2
So why does pain exist? According to many theories, the true func-
tion of pain is to persuade the individual who experiences it to withdraw
from harmful situations and to prevent such experiences from occurring
in the future. 3 When it comes to injuries, pain may help prevent further
harm. A child who touches a hot stove pulls his hand away before a
serious burn occurs. Pain that is (1) sudden and of any intensity, (2)
anticipated or unpredictable, or (3) of a duration of less than six months
is said to be acute. Chronic pain, however, is constant and recurring
without anticipation and prediction and lasts greater than just a few
months. We need to know about pain, its management and assessment,
because complications may occur when we experience it, since the body
produces a stress response in which harmful substances are released
from injured tissue. These include breakdown of tissue, increased
metabolic rate, impaired immune function, and negative emotions. This


goes to show that pain also prevents one from participating in self-care
activities. Unfortunately, pain can also bring forth feelings of helpless-
ness and hopelessness. Pain management options allow one to maintain
some control.
The caregiving team’s responsibility is to teach the pain patient
about the goals of pain management and why it’s an important part of
care. When a team member disregards the patient’s report of pain, the
patient will usually have a sense of not being believed. The patient may
compensate by either underreporting pain—or, less commonly—anx-
iously overreporting. He or she may try to hide the pain for fear of
being thought of as a complainer or drug seeker. Moreover, pain is
more than a symptom; it can be a high-priority problem in itself. When
in excess, it presents both physiological and psychological dangers to
health and recovery. Severe pain is viewed as an emergency situation
deserving prompt attention from formal caregivers such as physicians. 4
Pain is the most common reason patients seek medical advice. Tak-
ing care of patients in pain is challenging, and it requires a systematic
approach to assessment and treatment. Pain management requires
careful assessment of the patient’s condition while taking into consider-
ation the ethical principles that affect patient care. Accurate assessment
of pain is essential to effective treatment. Without this, it’s not possible
to intervene in a way that meets the patient’s needs. Effective manage-
ment can help reach goals by (1) enhancing comfort, (2) minimizing
side effects of medications and complications related to inadequate
control, and (3) reducing the length of hospital stay.
An unfamiliar environment such as a busy hospital lobby, with its
noises, lights, and activity, can compound the effects of pain. In addi-
tion, a person who is without family or a support network may perceive
pain as severe, whereas a person who has supportive people around may
perceive much less pain. Some prefer to withdraw when they’re in pain,
whereas others prefer the distraction of people and activity around
them. Family caregivers can be a significant support for a person in
pain. With the increase in outpatient and home care, families are as-
suming a greater responsibility for medical pain management. More-
over, education related to the assessment and management of pain can
positively affect the perceived quality of life for both the clients and
their caregivers. 5 Expectations of significant others can affect a person’s
perception of (and responses to) pain, and sometimes, it may also be the
presence of support people that changes a client’s reaction to pain.
After reading through this book, the reader should understand that
experiences with pain may also vary depending on the age group. An
infant may respond to pain with increased sensitivity, avoiding pain by
turning away or physically resisting. This can be compared with a tod-

dler or a preschooler who already has the ability to describe pain and its
location. The toddler might respond by crying or with anger because
pain appears as a threat to his security. A school-age child may try to be
more resilient when facing pain but should be provided with support
and nurturing from the caregiver. An adolescent could be slow to ac-
knowledge or recognize pain because “giving in” may be considered
weak. When an adult experiences pain, he or she might exhibit gender-
based behaviors learned as a child. An adult may ignore pain because to
admit it could mean weakness or failure.
On the other hand, the elderly may perceive pain as part of the aging
process. Studies have shown that chronic pain affects 25–50 percent of
older pain clients living in the community and 45–80 percent of those in
nursing homes. 6 Senior citizens constitute the largest group of individu-
als seeking health care services. While the prevalence of pain in the
elderly population is generally higher due to both acute and chronic
medical conditions, the pain threshold doesn’t appear to change with
aging, although the effect of analgesics may increase due to physiologic
changes related to drug metabolism and excretion (getting rid of
waste). 7 Sometimes, they may withhold complaints of pain because of
fear of (1) treatment, (2) any lifestyle changes that may be involved, or
(3) becoming dependent. The person may consider it unacceptable to
admit or show pain and describe it differently, such as an “ache,” “hurt,”
or “discomfort.”
Although pain is a universal experience, the nature of such an expe-
rience is unique to the individual, based, in part, on the type of pain
experienced, the psychosocial context or meaning, and the response
needed. Before advancing any further, the reader should know that
emotional or spiritual distress and the fear related to dependence on
family caregivers may alter the patient’s perception or reporting of pain.
Some patients may feel pain more intensely because of the influence of
fear, and others may underreport if they are trying to protect family
members in some way or another. That said, it’s important to learn as
much as possible about pain and its management to effectively advocate
for pain sufferers, assist with patient education, and provide appropriate
resources for caregivers. Although it’s not the authors’ intension to
make this book difficult to read, the reader should understand that
certain concepts related to pain must be presented at the advanced
reading level to provide the comprehensive overview of pain that this
book seeks to provide. A glossary of terms has been provided as an aid
to the reader’s better understanding of these concepts. Moreover, the
reader may notice redundancies throughout the book; it is hoped that
occasionally repeating some material in different words will allow those
xi i P REFA CE

who are unfamiliar with the topics to properly digest the presented
material more easily.



Everyone experiences pain once in a while; it might be because of

headaches, sore throats, wounds, injuries, burns, or other reasons. Pain
is the key reason why people search for medical assistance, since it’s the
major and most typical symptom of almost all existing illnesses. Al-
though pain is usually uncomfortable and undesirable to feel, it serves
as an indication that something—possibly overall health—isn’t right.
Therefore, the individual must never disregard pain. If possible, the
person should immediately consult a physician once a considerable
amount of pain is experienced, in order to know the principal cause of
the suffering. If such pain is ignored, there is a very good possibility that
the condition causing the pain could lead to a serious problem or illness
that might be difficult to address.
Pain is an unpleasant physical sensation occasioned by actual or
probable damaged tissues. 1 One thing to learn about pain is that it is
subjective. This means that the intensity of pain an individual feels is
not necessarily the same as another might feel, even though they have
the same illness. In addition, the individual experiencing the pain is the
only one who can correctly define and describe the pain that he or she
is feeling. Pain is not only a sensation or outcome of physical conscious-
ness; it also involves perception, which is the subjective consciousness
of discomfort. 2 It is perception that provides information regarding
where the pain is, its intensity, as well as a little about its nature. 3 The
variety of conscious and unconscious reactions to both perception and
sensation, including the emotional reaction, add further definition to
the general concept of pain. 4



Why and When the Term Dolorology Was Coined

The term dolorology was derived from the Latin word dolor, meaning
“pain,” along with the Greek word logos, which means “study.” 5 The
term was coined by a neurosurgeon, Dr. C. Norman Shealy, who found
that his usual methods were not alleviating the suffering of his patients.
He began to work with an electrical engineer to devise “a low-voltage
electrical unit that could short-circuit pain by preventing the pain sen-
sation from traveling up the spinal cord to the brain.” 6 Their research
resulted in the transcutaneous electrical nerve simulator (TENS), which
is now used to control both acute and chronic pain. Shealy was the first
physician to specialize in and dedicate himself to, the management of
pain. He basically devised the term dolorology for his new medical
specialty. 7

Explanation of Dolorology
Dolorology is, broadly, “a medical specialty concerned with the study
and treatment of pain.” 8 It includes a shift in the medical conceptualiza-
tion of pain as a symptom of disease to chronic pain as an independent
clinical entity. 9 People who specialize in management or treatment of
pain, also called “pain therapists,” are sometimes referred to as dolorol-
ogists. 10
Dolorology, being the study of pain, involves pain management.
“The treatment of pain is guided by the history of the pain, its intensity,
duration, aggravating and relieving conditions, and structures involved
in causing the pain.” 11 So pain management involves accurately deter-
mining the source of the pain—that is, the cause of the stimulation of
the nerves in that part of the body.


Straightforward Definition
All people feel pain, but all pains are not the same. Pain is an uncom-
fortable sensory feeling along with emotion(s) linked to actual or poten-
tial damaged tissues. Nevertheless, pain is actually a sign that can’t
always be objectively measured. The caregiver can’t observe an affected

person and know specifically what is affected and what the pain feels
like. The meaning of the pain is therefore, inevitably dependent on the
individual experiencing it. 12
Most people try to stay away from pain. On the other hand, some
hold the notion that “suffering is good for you” or perhaps the pain is
justified because “they brought it upon themselves.” In the past, the
presence of pain was sometimes believed to be an intrusion by evil
spirits or a punishment for sins. For those who don’t have a particular
religious belief, pain can nonetheless be viewed as a positive means for
self-growth or even self-evaluation. Surprisingly enough, some individu-
als can relate to sexual pleasure with particular kinds of pain. 13

Chronic Pain Might Be a Disease Itself

Chronic pain is certainly an ailment, and because it has so many medi-
cal causes and consequences, experts are contemplating whether it
should be classified as a disease. Chronic pain results when the root of
the pain can’t be handled anymore. It is persistent and frequently inca-
pacitating. This sort of pain is frequently associated with a long-term or
life-threatening disorder. A person experiencing long-term soreness
could possibly be frustrated, withdrawn, and worn out. 14 Chronic pain
is a condition initiated by real harm wherein the pain has survived so
long (half a year or longer) that it has itself become an ailment. Typical-
ly, there is no foreseen end. Such a pain intrudes directly into the
patient’s existence. There is usually an intense mental adjustment for
this “new lifestyle” and patients who depend on strong pain-eliminating
treatments have often unfortunately fallen into a cycle of ache, major
depression, and a lack of exercise. There are three types of chronic

1. Limited: wherever the actual physical pathology is; here it might

be identified in cases of cancer or slow-curing injuries, including
burns or even damaged muscle tissue.
2. Intermittent: the affected individual has times when he’s com-
pletely free from pain. Examples are: headache, such as migraine,
and back pain.
3. Prolonged or “chronic benign pain”: This usually happens daily,
and examples include middle-back pain or arthritis pain.

Sometimes, sensation associated with an injury or even disease never

entirely vanishes. Such is the case with severe, repetitive headaches and
other pains appearing without reason and then recurring or perhaps

never disappearing. Several surgical treatments that patients resort to

simply make the situation much worse, as does the unnecessary use of
over-the-counter (OTC) medication.
Chronic pain can be recognized immediately. It could be a “spicy”
sensation of burn moments after a finger comes into contact with an
oven, or perhaps it’s a dull pain over the forehead after a full day of
tension and stress. Otherwise, the pain patient might recognize it as a
sharp sting along the back after lifting something large. Chronic pain, in
its more benign manifestation, warns people when something is not
exactly right, when to take medication, or go to a doctor. At its worst,
however, chronic pain robs individuals of efficiency, well-being—and
for many struggling with extended sickness—life. In certain instances,
chronic pain can be much worse than death itself. These days, chronic
pain is among the most common medical problems and a critical and
costly general public health issue.


Psychological factors can also cause aches to a certain extent, which can
be just as extreme as pain derived from bodily stimulus. Since pure
physical pain is uncommon, it will be typically a mixture of physiological
and psychological components. Treating emotional pain is as important
as dealing with bodily pain. It is emotional anguish that accompanies or
perhaps exacerbates physical pain. The victim may feel that he or she is
missing his or her dignity, his or her sense of humor and therefore is
“not himself or herself” as a result of bodily pain. Previous tragedies and
losses, such as those involving divorce proceedings or deaths in the
family can lead to the sufferer’s overpowering anxiousness. There might
be a feeling of helplessness as well. It’s been found that previous psychi-
atric ailments sensitize people to their pain, which usually shows itself
through major depression or perhaps frustration. Appreciation and con-
cern on the side of the care team members could alleviate this very part
of pain by encouraging the sufferer to talk about feelings of pain.

Spiritual Facets of Pain

In ways similar to psychological pain, spiritual factors can be involved
with physical pain. Pain can make a spiritual person feel a new desolate
meaninglessness regarding his or her existence. The sufferer’s view of
life continues to be broken. People are not destroyed by simply suffer-
ing; they might be struggling without purposefulness or meaning. This

could be attributed to the breakup of a happy relationship or even the

loss of someone close. 15

Pain and Memories

Patients’ past experiences associated with pain and its discomfort will
also have an effect on how they judge that pain and what it implies.
Therefore, the childhood recollection of one’s palm on the scorching
iron and the resulting pain experienced from the burn may give rise to
learning to keep away from committing the same blunder again. The
patient’s view of his own existing pain can also be influenced by discom-
fort from earlier events, for instance, if a family member died from an
identical procedure. 16

It turns out that introverts are more serious about pain, though they
report it less often than their extroverted counterparts. People who fail
to grumble of soreness tend to be a lot more emotional and less soci-
able. 17

Elderly individuals acquire much more rest from anesthetics compared
to their younger counterparts. It is possible that younger sufferers have
greater anticipation involving treatment, or perhaps they haven’t experi-
enced serious soreness before. This may be why dissatisfaction with
treatment is more common among younger patients. The volume of
pain tolerated by sufferers lessens with increase in age. 18


Choosing bodily over psychological pain is a concept that can’t be ap-

proached without difficulty. With bodily pain, sufferers tend to ac-
knowledge it for what it is and “deal with it.” A person breaks a bone
and sees a medical professional and gets healed. It’s not a comfortable
sensation, but people understand what causes the pain and so they can
cope and get on with their life. Emotional or psychological pain, on the
contrary, is generally caused by nonacceptance of what is happening as

well as an inability to deny the facts. The focus is on the cause of the
pain, and the more one thinks about it, the greater the discomfort.

Uncovering the Differences

Emotional pain can be a more agonizing experience than physical pain.
As the sufferer screams in order to somehow “spell out” the pain sensa-
tion, the discomfort increasingly makes itself real, and therefore more
valid. However, psychological pain might be dealt with more rapidly
and easily by knowing the best way to target the mind. It is possible to
relax and release the pain with thoughts, provided that they are under-
stood. For example, people can use their imagination to be able to feel
warm fingers placed on their heart, comforting them and piecing things
back together again. They can visualize their inhalation and exhalation.
They can focus on words and phrases that will soothe the pain, help
them loosen up and heal. They will be able to heal their own mental
pains using their mind. They do not have to go on a rampage and open
up their current wounds. Simply put, it is extremely difficult to think
clearly if you are going through mental chaos. When you take things
easy, you might also manually program your mind to concentrate on
another route, therefore gaining strength to handle your emotions in a
beneficial way—essentially “rub salve” on your psychological wounds,
cover up emotions, and move on with life. 19


As a basic introduction to pain, this chapter showed how pain is an

adverse feeling but may be regarded as a positive experience, since it
serves as a warning that something is damaged within the body, or is
going to be. In the absence of pain-sensing ability, a person might not
seek required medical attention. 20 Pain encourages people to seek out
medical help to get rid of, or at least lessen, the pain that they feel.
Through this, they’re able to prevent any health-threatening circum-
stances from taking place, thus saving themselves from potentially seri-
ous illnesses. Whether or not total eradication of the pain is possible,
being familiar with the general concept of the pain may help with con-
sideration of specific therapeutic alternatives. 21


Pain is conducted by the nervous system, one of many body systems

found in most multicellular animals such as human beings. The nervous
system governs the actions of other body regions and coordinates these
systems with each other. There are two main parts of the nervous sys-
tem for most animals. These are the central nervous system and the
peripheral nervous system, whose main role is to control the body. 1
This control is effected through information collected from the environ-
ment through signals sent from one cell to another. The central nervous
system analyzes the gathered data and chooses the correct response.
The intricacy of nervous systems varies from one organism to another. 2
Sponges, for example, lack the kind of intricate nervous system humans
have, but parts of their genetic makeup have a similar function, ena-
bling them to move about in a primitive manner. The study of the
nervous system, called neuroscience, is important for the understanding
of pain because without the collaboration between pain receptors and
organs, pain would never have come to exist.


The main parts of the nervous system, which transmit pain in most
animals, are the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous
system. The central nervous system of bilaterian (having bilateral sym-
metry) animals, or creatures with a back and a front end as well as a top
and a bottom end, such as in humans—as opposed to radially symmetri-

10 CHA P TER 2

cal animals such as jellyfish—consists of the brain and the spinal cord.
Some also classify the retina and the cranial nerves as part of the central
nervous system. The bulk of the nervous system is found in the central
nervous system, which is enclosed within the dorsal cavity and is pro-
tected by a system of membranes called meninges. The dorsal cavity
contains the cranial cavity that houses the brain and the vertebral or
spinal canal that holds the spinal cord. In conjunction with the periph-
eral nervous system, the central nervous system has an important role in
the behavior of animals toward pain, among other sensations. 3

The center of the nervous system of most animals is the brain. It is
divided into four separate sections: (1) the brain stem, (2) diencepha-
lon, (3) cerebellum, and (4) cerebrum. These four sections work togeth-
er with the help of the spinal cord to control the animal’s voluntary and
involuntary behaviors. Because of the brain’s complexity, there are also
some parts that scientists have trouble categorizing. One of these parts
is the limbic system, which influences emotion, behavior, motivation,
long-term memory, and olfaction (smelling) among many other func-

Brain Stem
The brain stem is located in the hindmost part of the brain. It connects
the brain to the spinal cord. All signals sent from the cerebrum and
cerebellum to the body and back travel via the brain stem through
nerve connections of the motor and sensory systems, including (1) the
corticospinal tract, responsible for motor functions; (2) the posterior
column-medial lemniscus pathway, which has a sensory function; and
(3) the spinothalamic tract, which governs the body’s pain perception.
These connections enable the brain stem to govern the body’s basic and
involuntary behaviors, such as reflexes, blood pressure, respiration,
awareness, as well as the release of hormones during a painful “flight-
or-fight” situation—namely adrenaline, noradrenaline or norepineph-
rine, and cortisol. These integral functions of the brain stem make it
such that any damage to it can be fatal to an animal’s survival. An
important region of the brainstem is the medulla oblongata, or simply
medulla, which controls the body’s autonomic functions such as diges-
tion, heart rate, and respiration.

The diencephalon, or the interbrain, is located inside the cerebrum just
on top of the brain stem. In unborn vertebrates, it is the region of the
neural tube that develops into the central nervous system when an
animal reaches adulthood. Part of its function includes regulating sleep
patterns, appetite, and metabolism. The diencephalon is divided into
four different sections. These sections are thalamus, the subthalamus or
prethalamus, the hypothalamus, and the epithalamus. 4 The thalamus,
also known as dorsal thalamus, found in the middle part of the brain in
vertebrates, is a walnut-shaped and walnut-sized structure located be-
tween the cerebral cortex and the midbrain. It is likened to a relay
station or an information switchboard, processing sensory and motor
signals and sending them to the cerebral cortex. It also regulates con-
sciousness, awareness and sleep. 5 Damage to the thalamus can send a
person into a coma.
The subthalamus, also known as prethalamus or ventral thalamus, is
wedged between the thalamus and the hypothalamus. It’s found below
the thalamus and is separated from it by the zona limitans intrathalami-
ca, a compartment that serves as a border and a signaling center be-
tween the two sections. The subthalamus is responsible for regulating
movements made by skeletal muscles. The bulk of the subthalamus is
made up of the subthalamic nucleus, a small lens-shaped structure
whose main function might be pain perception, but this has yet to be
determined. Some theories state that the subthalamic nucleus is a func-
tional part of the basal ganglia control system that performs action
selections. An increase in impulsiveness when presented with two equal
stimuli is a sign of dysfunction of the subthalamic nucleus in pain suf-
ferers. 6
The hypothalamus is a part of the brain that forms the lower end of
the diencephalon. It contains several small multifunctional nuclei. It
can be found between the thalamus and the brainstem. It monitors and
controls appetite, thirst, fatigue, sleep, homeostasis, circadian rhythms,
and other body urges. It links the nervous system to the endocrine
system through the pituitary gland. Since the hypothalamus is so critical
for a person’s actions (whether harmful or safe), it thus indirectly deter-
mines whether an individual will experience pain or not. It creates and
releases hypothalamic-releasing hormones that stimulate pituitary hor-
mones such as the following:
12 CHA P TER 2

• Thyrotropin-releasing hormone, which helps regulate meta-

• Corticotropin-releasing hormone, involved in stress and immune
responses as well as the regulation of inflammation, carbohydrate
metabolism, protein catabolism, blood electrolyte levels, and be-
• Gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which regulates normal
growth, sexual development, and reproductive function; 7
• Growth hormone-releasing hormone, a peptide hormone that
stimulates growth, cell reproduction, and regeneration;
• Pituitary inhibiting hormones, such as somatostatin, which sup-
presses the release of the growth hormone and thyroid-stimulat-
ing hormone (TSH); and
• Dopamine, the “feel-good hormone,” known to be crucial in re-
ward-driven learning.

The epithalamus can be found in the rear part of the diencephalon.

It connects the brain to the limbic system and controls the secretion of
melatonin by the pineal gland and the regulation of motor pathways and
emotions. It consists of (1) the trigonum habenulae, a small triangular
structure that contains the ganglion habenulae, a group of nerve cells;
(2) the pineal body, which produces serotonin, a neurotransmitter
found in the gastrointestinal tract involved in pain perception, growth,
reproduction, and aging as well as feelings of well-being and happiness;
and (3) the posterior commissure, a rounded band of white fibers that
contributes to the bilateral pupillary light reflex (when pupils increase
or decrease in diameter due to light levels) because of its interconnec-
tion with the pretectal nuclei (nerves branches with the primary func-
tion of responding to light). 8

The cerebellum is the region of the brain found underneath the cere-
brum, attached to the brain stem appearing as though a separate struc-
ture. It is classified by anatomists as a part of the metencephalon, which
is the upper part of the rhombencephalon, or the hindbrain. It manages
motor control, coordination, the body’s ability to interpret painful stim-
uli, as well as cognitive functions that include attention, memory, lan-
guage, problem-solving, and decision making, and in the regulation of
fear and pleasure responses. 9 It doesn’t initiate movement but has a
fine-tuning functionality that contributes to equilibrium, posture, and
motor learning. 10 The cerebellum is divided into three lobes: the floccu-

lonodular lobe, anterior lobe, and posterior lobe. It has: (1) two types of
neurons in its circuit, namely, the Purkinje cells and the granule cells;
(2) three types of axons: mossy fibers, climbing fibers, and parallel fi-
bers; and (3) three main layers: the thick granular layer found at the
bottom of the cerebral cortex, the Purkinje layer that contains only
Purkinje cells, and the molecular layer, which contains the dendritic
trees of the Purkinje cells. They both originate from the mossy fibers
and climbing fibers and go into the deep cerebellar nuclei. There, deep
cerebellar nuclei come in a pair of each of the following nuclei: the
dentate nucleus, the emboliform nucleus, the globose nucleus, and the
fastigial nucleus. Two main pathways cross the cerebellar circuit that
connects the axons to the deep nuclei. Clinical evidence proves that
Purkenje cells have a modulatory function in pain reception. 11

Three Lobes of the Cerebellum

The flocculonodular lobe influences head and eye movement with its
connection to the vestibular nuclei. It can be found in the frontal and
lower surface of the cerebellum. It consists of the nodule and flocullus,
which are both connected to the nodulus, the midline structure,
through thin pedicles. Infliction to this area can result in problems in
visual tracking and movements related to eye control such as nystag-
mus, as well as trouble maintaining balance and equilibrium. The ante-
rior lobe or the paleocerebellum is responsible for coordinating an indi-
vidual’s perception with the position of its body parts and employing
strength of effort in movement. It is found in the front part of the
cerebellum and receives data, including pain signals, from the spinal
cord. 12 The anterior lobe can deteriorate with alcohol abuse.
The posterior lobe, or the neocerebellum, is found in the lower back
side of the cerebellum. It is thought to be the youngest part of the
cerebellum when evolution is considered. The neocerebellum controls
fine motor coordination through the inhibition of involuntary move-
ments with the help of involuntary neurotransmitters such as gamma-
aminobutyric acid, more commonly known as GABA. The posterior
lobe receives data from the brain stem, specifically from reticular infor-
mation and the inferior olivary nucleus. 13

Two Types of Pain-Related Neurons in the Cerebellum

The Purkinje cells or Purkinje neurons are a class of gamma-aminobu-
tyric neurons found in the cerebellum and are its output neurons. They
were discovered by Czech anatomist Jan Purkyně and are (1) one of the
most unique neurons in the brain, and (2) among the earliest types to
be identified. They are notable for their size, shape, and distinct activity
14 CHA P TER 2

patterns. Purkinje cells are some of the largest neurons in the brain.
Like other neurons, they form a tree-like pattern that is aptly called a
dendritic tree. Similar to an actual tree, dendritic spines branch out
profusely. Each spine sends out synaptic data to another. A synapse is a
structure that allows another neuron to transmit electrical or chemical
signals (including that of pain) to another cell, and the Purkinje cells
receive more synaptic pain data than any other cell in the brain. Pur-
kinje cells dispatch inhibitory messages to the deep cerebellar nuclei,
and they can send data for all motor coordination in the cerebellar
cortex (the inner part of the cerebellum). Purkinje cells are found in the
Purkinje and the molecular layers of the cerebellum.
The granule cells, unlike the Purkinje cells, are among the tiniest
neurons in the brain, but they are also some of the most abundant.
Granule cells get all of their data from mossy fibers, but they outnum-
ber them. For example, in the human brain the ratio of granule cells to
mossy fibers is 200 to 1. This enables the granule cells to expand the
information gathered from the mossy fibers. Granule cells are densely
packed and gather at the thick granular layer found at the bottom of the
cerebellum. The number and structure of granule cells lets the cerebel-
lum make much more accurate distinctions between input patterns
than what the mossy fibers can allow. 14

Two Types of Axons of the Cerebellum

An axon or nerve fiber is really a long slender projection of a neuron
that normally sends electrical impulses from a neuron’s cell body to
another. There are two types of axons that will be discussed here. These
are the mossy fibers and the “climbing” fibers.
Mossy fibers connect with granule cells inside the granular layer.
Research demonstrates that these fibers are important for the nervous
system’s transmission of pain. 15 Their point of contact is called the
glomeruli. They may arise from the pontine nuclei, the spinal cord, the
vestibular nuclei or another point of origin, such as the cerebral cortex.
The cerebral cortex has numerous pathways to the mossy fibers. They
arrive at the cerebellum through pontocerebellar fibers that run
through the middle cerebellar peduncles and the pons, a structure
found in the brainstem. Within the granular layer, a mossy fiber creates
an array of enlargements called the mossy fiber rosettes that can be
found inside a glomerulus. Terminals from Golgi cells, inhibitory inter-
neurons found within the granular layer, filter through the mossy fiber
and make inhibitory synapses, which are crucial in the pain regulation
process, onto the granule cell dendrites. The mossy fibers found in the
cerebellum have very little similarity to those found in the hippocam-

pus. Whereas the latter is more involved in different types of behavior

such as spatial learning, the ones found in the cerebellum are merely
pathways for pain-related information to reach the Purkinje for process-
Climbing fibers send data to the Purkinje cells from the inferior
olivary nucleus, the largest nucleus in the olivary bodies or “olives.”
They (the climbing fibers) carry information from various sources such
as the spinal cord, vestibular system, red nucleus, superior colliculus,
reticular formation, and sensory and motor cortices. There are two the-
ories on the function of climbing fibers; one is that the climbing fiber
input serves primarily as a training signal for other cells, while the other
theory suggests that its function is to shape cerebellar output directly.
For the majority of researchers, the climbing fibers signal errors in
motor performance either in the usual manner of discharge frequency
modulation, as a single announcement of an “unexpected event,” or the
degree of rhythmicity among a population of climbing fibers. This is
how climbing fibers participate in the pain sensation process. 16

The cerebrum (often confused with cerebellum) is the topmost struc-
ture of the central nervous system in vertebrates. With the help of the
cerebellum, it controls the pain patient’s more conscious and voluntary
behaviors, such as speech and emotional responses. The cerebrum also
controls the memory and the senses. The cerebrum together with the
diencephalon constitutes the forebrain. The cerebrum is divided into
four different lobes. These lobes are the frontal, occipital, parietal, and
temporal lobes.
There are two frontal lobes that make up the largest section of the
cerebrum. They are associated with an individual’s personality and log-
ic. The lobes also control administrative functions such as thought pat-
terns, planning, decision making, problem solving, and emotional con-
trol. The frontal lobe houses most of the dopamine-sensitive neurons in
the cerebral cortex. Dopamine is a simple organic chemical responsible
for reward-driven learning. Every type of “reward” increases the level
of dopamine transmission in the brain, including the effects of a variety
of highly addictive drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine, both
of which have pain-relieving properties. Too much dopamine in the
system can be found in people with schizophrenia, whereas a lack of
dopamine can be found in people suffering from depression, attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder and restless legs syndrome. 17 Parkinson’s
disease is said to be caused by the loss of dopamine-secreting neurons
16 CHA P TER 2

in the substantia nigra. 18 The frontal lobes play an important part in

keeping long-term memories that are not task based. These memories
are regularly associated with emotions coming from data sent by the
brain’s limbic system. The frontal lobe analyzes those emotions and
alters them to fit socially acceptable norms. Damage to the frontal lobe
can lead to transient ischemic attacks or strokes, Alzheimer’s disease,
Parkinson’s disease, and frontal lobe epilepsy.
The occipital lobes are the smallest set of lobes in the cerebrum and
can be found in the back-most portion of the brain. An occipital lobe is
a visual processing center of the mammalian brain and contains the
visual cortex and controls an individual’s sight, visual perception, and
reaction to light. Recent studies show that certain epilepsies are trig-
gered by a sensitivity of the occipital lobe, and that seizures in general
can be painful. 19 Occipital seizures or photo-sensitivity seizures are
brought about by flicker stimulation caused by flashes of images with
multiple colors through television, video games or any other flicker
stimulatory system, and they generally happen during daytime.
The parietal lobe, found above the occipital lobe and behind the
frontal lobe, gathers sensory data from different locations to determine
navigation and spatial sense. The somatosensory cortex enables the pa-
rietal lobe to map visually perceived objects and interpret them into
body-coordinate positions. The temporal lobe, a region of the cerebral
cortex, is located beneath the Sylvian or lateral fissure—a structure that
divides the frontal lobe and the parietal lobe—and is found on both
cerebral hemispheres of the mammalian brain. 20 The temporal lobe’s
main role is to influence auditory perception. It also helps in the pro-
cess of understanding auditory and visual inputs and in the formation of
long-term memory. There are three gyri, or ridges, found in the tempo-
ral lobe of the human brain. These are the superior temporal gyrus, the
fusiform gyrus, and the parahippocampal gyrus. Another part of the
temporal lobe is the medial temporal lobe, which contains the hippo-
The superior temporal gyrus contains parts of the Brodmann areas
housing the primary auditory complex and the Wernicke’s area. The
primary auditory complex found within the Brodmann areas of the
superior temporal gyrus is the first part of the cerebral complex to
receive auditory signals that travel through several subcortical (below
the cortex) nuclei. This primary complex is responsible for hearing and
processing sounds. The Wernicke’s area, on the other hand, is involved
in processing of speech and comprehending languages. The superior
temporal gyrus is found on the top, rear, and side parts of the temporal
lobe. The fusiform gyrus, or the discontinuous occipitotemporal gyrus,

is located between the occipitotemporal gyrus and the parahippocam-

pal gyrus. 21

Limbic System
Research suggests that the limbic system is highly involved in pain
processing. 22 The limbic system, or the “paleomammalian brain,” is in
fact a set of brain structures that includes the hippocampus, amygdalae,
and the neocortex, as well as the hypothalamus and the thalamus. It’s
known to influence a variety of functions, such as emotion, behavior,
motivation, long-term memory, and olfaction, or the sense of smell. It
works through its influence on the endocrine and the autonomic ner-
vous systems.
The hippocampus is a key component of the limbic system situated
in the medial temporal lobe, underneath the cortex surface. The hippo-
campus creates forms, classifies and stores memory and plays an impor-
tant role in spatial navigation and behavior. There are two hippocampi
in mammals and they are both found in each side of the brain. Damages
caused by stress, aging, oxygen starvation, encephalitis, or medial tem-
poral lobe epilepsy may show up as posttraumatic stress disorder, se-
vere depression, Alzheimer’s disease, anterograde amnesia, or schizo-
phrenia. Signals from the hippocampus to the hypothalamus and the
septal nuclei are carried by a C-shaped axon called the fornix.
The amygdalae are small groups of nuclei found deep within the
medial temporal lobes of the brains of complex vertebrates. They pro-
duce and process emotions, such as reward and fear as well as social
interactions, sexual desires and aggression, and store emotionally
charged memories. Emotional responses such as an increase in heart-
beat, sweaty palms, and freezing are triggered through the amygdala.
This region has an important role in mental states and is associated with
many psychological disorders. Hyperactivity on the left amygdala can be
found among people suffering from depression, whereas a lack of activ-
ity or size in this region contributes to anxiety, obsessive compulsive
disorders, and posttraumatic stress.

Spinal Cord
The spinal cord is a long, thin, and tubular structure that begins from
occipital bone and ends at the first and second lumbar vertebrae, which,
in humans are found in the back region. It is made of nervous tissue
that extends from the medulla oblongata, which transmits neural signals
from the brain to the rest of the body and contains neutral circuits for
18 CHA P TER 2

independent control of several reflexes. It has three major roles, acting

as a channel for motor information, as a channel for sensory informa-
tion, and as a center for coordinating reflexes. 23 It is protected by the
spinal column, a bony structure that starts at the base of the skull and
extends to the pelvic region.


The peripheral nervous system is made up of nerves and ganglia outside

the brain and the spinal cord. It’s not protected by any bone. Its main
function is to connect the central nervous system to the limbs and
organs. It is divided into two or three parts: the somatic nervous system
and the automatic nervous system. Other sources consider the sensory
systems to be part of the peripheral nervous system as well. The somatic
nervous system is connected to the conscious and voluntary control of
skeletal muscles through efferent (going toward muscles) nerves that
stimulate muscle contraction. The automatic nervous system (otherwise
known as the visceral or involuntary nervous system) is a control system
that functions below the level of consciousness. It affects heart rate,
digestion, respiratory rate, salivation, perspiration, pupillary dilation,
urination, and sexual arousal. Sensory systems are responsible for pro-
cessing sensory information such as vision, hearing, touch, taste and
smell. They consist of sensory receptors and pathways that transmit data
from the physical realm to be interpreted by the mind, thus, creating
perception of the outside world. 24



There are various body systems found in multicellular animals, and in a

sense, the nervous system controls all the other body systems that can
suffer from pain. The other body systems have distinct vital functions
that can be dependent upon the other but they rely on the nervous
system the most. It’s important to know about this relation when study-
ing how patients and caregivers address pain.

Circulatory System
This system includes the cardiovascular system, which distributes
blood, and the lymphatic system, which brings lymphatic fluid to the

heart and affects the immune system. 25 The nervous system and the
circulatory system are mutually dependent. The circulatory system pro-
vides the nervous system with nutrients and oxygen, whereas the ner-
vous system controls heart rate. It also changes the constriction or dila-
tion rate of blood vessels (a great way to reduce certain pains), thereby
altering blood flow and distribution of heat throughout the body. Parts
of the nervous system that affect the circulatory system include the
medulla oblongata and the autonomic nervous system.

Digestive System
The digestive system breaks down food that morphs into nutrients dis-
tributed in the body (which includes the nervous system) through the
circulatory system. The nervous system through the diencephalon,
hypothalamus, and epithalamus monitors and controls appetite, while
the enteric nervous system, a subset of the autonomic nervous system,
controls the movement of the digestive organs, especially the gastroin-
testinal tract.

Endocrine System
The endocrine system works closely with the nervous system to secrete
different types of hormones into the bloodstream. These hormones are
secreted through its glands and they regulate the body and affect be-
havior. Similar to the nervous system, the endocrine system is an infor-
mation signal system, but unlike the former, where information travels
rapidly, the endocrine system’s effects on the body are slow but last
longer. Hormones released by the endocrine system, including those
involved in pain regulation, directly affect the nervous system. These
hormones are as follows:

• Thyrotropin-releasing hormone;
• Gonadotropin-releasing hormone;
• Somatostatin;
• Vasopressin;
• Oxytocin;
• Dopamine;
• Growth hormone-releasing hormone; and
• Corticotropin-releasing hormone.
20 CHA P TER 2

In response, the nervous system through the hypothalamus and the

limbic system sends signals to the endocrine system to release the said

Excretory System
The excretory system is responsible for the elimination of the waste
products from the body to maintain homeostasis or stability, and to
prevent painful damage. The said waste products are a result of
metabolism and may come in solid, liquid or gaseous forms. The excre-
tory system includes the integumentary structures (skin, hair, nails, and
other appendages), the digestive system, the respiratory system, and the
urinary system. The excretory system maintains a healthy environment
within the bloodstream to prevent any painful disorders of the nervous

Immune System
The immune system is the body’s defense mechanism against disease. It
affects all organs, including those of the nervous system. The nervous
system in connection with the endocrine system release hormones for
stress and relaxation. Too much stress hormones in the body in turn can
negatively affect the immune system.

Musculoskeletal System
This system consists of the skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles.
Through signals sent from the nervous system, these muscles are able to
move. Skeletal muscles are voluntarily controlled by the nervous system
through signals from the cerebellum to the somatic nervous system.
They enable the body to do conscious physical actions such as dancing,
running, and other such activities. The smooth and cardiac muscles, on
the other hand, are involuntary muscles. Smooth muscles are found in

• lymphatic vessels;
• walls of blood vessels;
• uterus;
• urinary bladder;
• male and female reproductive tracts;
• gastrointestinal tract;
• respiratory tract;

• arrector pili of the skin; and

• ciliary muscle and the iris of the eye.

As the name suggests, cardiac muscles are the muscles of the heart.
Both the smooth and the cardiac muscles are controlled by signals from
the brainstem, through the autonomic nervous system.

Reproductive System
The organs of the reproductive system are controlled and regulated by
hormones released by the pituitary gland through signals sent by the
hypothalamus. 26 These hormones, because of their reproductive func-
tion, affect the organism’s growth into sexual maturity—inadvertently
affecting the organism’s size and shape as well as the development of
secondary sexual characteristics. They also affect pregnancy in females
and the development of the fetus. Also, the amygdalae control sexual

Respiratory System
The respiratory system allows the body to take in oxygen that is circulat-
ed throughout the bloodstream and to get rid of carbon dioxide. All
body systems, including the nervous system, need oxygen. It is vital in
the consumption and release of energy used for an organism’s survival.
As with other involuntary systems, the respiratory system is influenced
by the brainstem and the autonomous nervous system.

Skeletal System
The skeletal system provides the structure supporting the body and
protects vital nervous system components as well as organs such as the
heart, the lungs, the brain, and the spinal cord. The growth of the
skeletal muscles from infancy to childhood to maturity is affected by
hormones released by the brain through the pituitary gland. 27 Aside
from sensory pain receptors within the bone structure, the skeletal sys-
tem’s movement isn’t directly affected by the nervous system. It could
be indirectly affected, however, through the movements of the skeletal
muscles, which are controlled by the cerebellum through the somatic
nervous system.
22 CHA P TER 2


Some scientists consider the retina and the cranial nerves to be distinct
structures of the central nervous system because these parts actually
originate and emerge from the brain. The retina is a light-sensitive
structure that lines the inner surfaces of the eyes. 28 It receives informa-
tion from the visual world through light that is interpreted as chemical
and electrical events that eventually trigger nerve impulses. These im-
pulses then travel through fibers of the optic nerve to several visual
centers of the brain. Cranial nerves are also considered part of the
peripheral nervous system (with the exception of the optic nerve, which
is a tract of the diencephalon) and have various functions. There are
twelve pairs of cranial nerves in humans, the first two of which emerge
from the cerebrum while the rest come from the brainstem. These
nerves have either motor or sensory functions or both. The cranial
nerves are as follows:
• Olfactory • Facial
• Optic • Vestibulocochlear
• Oculomotor • Glosopharyngeal
• Trochlear • Vagus
• Trigeminal • Accessory
• Abducens • Hypoglossal nerves
Three of these nerves, the oculomotor, trochlear, and the abducens
nerves, transmit signals for eye movement. The rest of the cranial
nerves channel signals for smell, vision, facial sensations and control,
sound, taste, respiratory and digestive sensations and control, neck and
shoulder control, and tongue control.


Pain patients and caregivers must understand that the nervous system,
which plays a crucial role in pain, is a vital component of vertebrates, as
it controls all bodily functions, from conscious thought to memory to
involuntary movements such as a heartbeat. The nervous system con-
tains an intricate network of information delivering neurons more com-
plex than any computer system in existence. However, it can be suscep-
tible to painful damage through substance abuse and physical injuries to
the head and spine.


The nervous system is a network of specialized cells that can send,

transmit, receive, or keep messages associated with the organism and its
environment. By processing those messages, the nervous system stimu-
lates reactions in other body parts. Nervous tissue consists of nervous
(nerve) cells and glial cells, and nervous cells are the functional units of
the nervous system. Different glial cells usually perform many auxiliary
functions, such as fixing damaged nervous tissue and nutrition of ner-
vous cells. While the basic structures of various parts of the nervous
system have been covered in the preceding chapters, this chapter ex-
plains the specific physiology (functioning) of these parts as they relate
to pain perception.


The nervous system can be divided into two categories—central and

peripheral. The central nervous system is located inside of the spine
and skull bones. It consists of the spinal cord and brain. As far as parts
of the brain are concerned, one can recognize three major areas: brain-
stem, cerebellum (based on the Latin term for “little brain”). and cere-
brum (based on the Latin term for “large brain”). The peripheral ner-
vous system includes (1) some small clusters of nervous cells located
outside the central parts, and (2) “shoots” of nerve cells, which connect
the central nervous system with various structures on the periphery,
such as sensory organs, muscles, and glands. These shoots are arranged
in bundles referred to as nerve bundles, which are essential for properly
sensing pain. A total of twelve pairs of nerves originate from the brain
24 CHA P TER 3

and are called cerebral or cranial nerves, and thirty-one pairs attached
to the spinal cord are called spinal nerves. Nerve fibers that connect the
sensory organs with the central nervous system are called sensory fi-
bers. Fibers connecting the central nervous system with muscles are
called motor fibers.
The part of the peripheral nervous system associated with the senso-
ry organs and the striated or skeletal muscles is called the somatic
nervous system. Through it the information about changes in the envi-
ronment (such as painful injury) of living creatures is transmitted from
the sensory organs to certain parts of the central nervous system. Fur-
thermore, through the fibers of the somatic nervous system the com-
mands from the central nervous system are transmitted to the skeletal
muscles, which allow for responses to painful environmental stimuli.
The second part of the peripheral nervous system is connected to inter-
nal organs such as the stomach and lungs. That part of the peripheral
nervous system is called the vegetative or autonomic nervous system. It
allows regulation of processes in the organism that serve to sustain life.
The autonomic nervous system also has an important role in the devel-
opment of various physiological changes, such as pain, that accompany

Spinal Cord
The central part of the spinal cord consists of nerve cell bodies—visual-
ly seen as a gray mass. Around the central part of the spinal cord is the
white matter, which consists of a bundled series of nerve fibers that
connect the sensory organs and the executive organs on the periphery
with the structures in the central nervous system. Sensory fibers enter
the spinal cord through the posterior roots of spinal nerves and motor
fibers exit the spinal cord through the anterior (front) roots. The spinal
cord has two physiological roles. The first is a so called conductive
function. From sensory organs located in the trunk and extremities,
impulses are sent through the spinal cord to higher parts of the central
nervous system. Likewise, nerve impulses are carried from different
parts of the central nervous system through the spinal cord to the mus-
cles. Second, centers of various reflexes are located in the spinal cord.
Muscle reflexes are the reactions of a gland that occur when nerve
impulses are transmitted from sensory organs to the executive branch of
the nerve through the designated heritage. 1 Therefore, these are reac-
tions that don’t require any prior learning. For example, when a finger
touches a candle flame, it causes a reflexive movement of the finger.
When the heat of the flame stimulates receptors for warmth that are

found in the skin, it generates painful nerve impulses in sensory nerve

fibers. These fibers transmit impulses to the spinal cord gray matter,
and, there, they’re submitted to the motor fibers. When nerve impulses
through motor fibers reach the muscle, the muscle shortens and the
finger moves away from the flames. In order to cause such a reaction to
pain, it’s not always necessary for nerve impulses to reach the brain.
The spinal cord contains a series of reflex centers. Part of the reflex
center provides protection of the organism from harmful stimuli. The
second part of the reflex center regulates reflex reactions necessary for
the normal performance of a series of motor actions, such as standing
and walking. It should be mentioned that the reflex centers are under
the influence of some of the following structures of the central nervous

The brainstem is composed of three parts: the medulla oblongata, me-
sencephalon (midbrain), and pons. Bundles of fibers pass through the
brainstem, connecting the spinal cord to the brain. Through the middle
of the brainstem stretches a nerve structure called the reticular forma-
tion, which is linked with many other parts of the nervous system and is
necessary to keep the organism awake. In other words, the general
physiology of the nervous system depends on the number of active cells
in the reticular formation. In this way, the part of the nerve impulse
that is evoked by stimuli to sensory organs leads to the reticular forma-
tion. These impulses increase the activity of cells in the reticular forma-
tion (in this case, specific nerve fibers in the brain) and thus contribute
to the maintenance of nervous system vigilance (when nerve cells are
alert). This is the reason why it’s easier to fall asleep in a room that is
dark and silent than in one that is noisy and well lit. In the medulla
oblongata are nerve centers for breathing, heartbeat, and blood pres-
sure control. Thus, there are some reflexes involved here that are nec-
essary to sustain life for the pain patient. Furthermore, fibers pass
through the pons, connecting the cerebellum with some parts of the
central nervous system, primarily with the cerebral cortex. Through
these fibers, the cerebellum can control voluntary movements. This is
how the physiology of the cerebellum can indirectly determine whether
a person will experience pain from injury.
In the midbrain, one can find a larger number of clusters of nerve
cells. Some of these clusters are related to the sensory organs of sight
and hearing. Due to their function, for example, a person can avoid
collisions with objects. Ten pairs of cerebral nerves come out of the
26 CHA P TER 3

brainstem and they primarily connect different sensory organs and

muscles in the head with the central nervous system.

The cerebellum is located in the rear of the brainstem. It (1) allows the
pain patient to maintain body balance, (2) regulates muscle tone, and
(3) conducts movement. 2 Some nerve cells in the cerebellum are sensi-
tive to the increased amount of alcohol in the blood. That’s why, after
consuming large amounts of alcohol, one can become groggy. Diseases
of the cerebellum, some of which are painful, are evident in a series of
disorders in motor skills. Thus, pain patients with problems of cerebel-
lar physiology may have difficulty in coordinating movements. One of
the ways to check whether there is a disorder is, like a sobriety test, to
have the subject extend his arms, close his eyes, and then touch his nose
with the tip of the forefinger.

The thalamus consists of a large number of small clusters of nerve cells
or ganglia. Toward the thalamus, are nerve impulses transmitted from
specific sensory organs. Impulses from the thalamus go to different
areas in the cerebral cortex of the cerebrum where sensations arise.
Some parts of the thalamus are directly connected with reticular forma-
tions. These areas of the thalamus (in conjunction with the cerebral
cortex) process information that comes from the different sensory or-
gans. Therefore, these areas of the thalamus are important for the pro-
cesses of so-called selective attention. Some parts of the thalamus are
connected to the front part of the cerebral cortex and regions of the
limbic system. These connections are important for the physiology of
emotion—something that can, at times, cause mental and physical pain
in the long run. The thalamus is connected to the main endocrine
gland: the pituitary gland. Some parts of the hypothalamus secrete spe-
cific chemical substances that affect the secretion of certain hormones
from the pituitary gland. In this way, the nervous system (by way of the
hypothalamus) influences the performance of the endocrine glands.
The hypothalamus, through the vegetative nervous system, coordinates
the work of various systems in the organism that are necessary to sustain
a pain-free life. For example, it regulates body temperature and blood
pressure. 3 In it are the main centers for thirst and hunger, as well as
centers for the physiology of sexual behavior of both healthy individuals

and pain patients. Along with parts of the limbic system, the hypothala-
mus plays an important role in the regulation of emotion.
The limbic system includes a series of structures located on the
inner side of each hemisphere. It’s connected with nearly all parts of
the nervous system, particularly with the reticular formation and the
front parts of the cerebral cortex. Electrical stimulation of the front
parts of the limbic system in animal experiments has shown that animals
can quickly learn to handle the device that irritates these parts of the
limbic system. 4 The hippocampus is a structure that’s part of the limbic
system. It is involved in memory processes. Individuals who have a
damaged hippocampus can’t memorize any new information, but they
can remember what they’ve learned or experienced before the injury.

The cerebrum consists of two hemispheres. The hemispheres are inter-
connected by transverse nerve fibers that enable physiological collabo-
ration between the hemispheres. On the surface of the cerebrum is a
thin layer of nerve cell bodies that form the cerebral cortex. The human
cerebral cortex is wrinkled, and below the cerebral cortex is a multitude
of nerve fiber bundles that are home to several clusters of nerve cell
bodies. 5 The cerebrum has four sections called lobes. The frontal lobe
is located in the front of the cerebrum. Damage to the frontal lobe can
result in social difficulties and mood changes. On the upper back side of
the cerebrum is the parietal lobe, which has a great role in visual per-
ception. The temporal lobe is located on the side of the cerebrum
involved in the processing of complex stimuli such as faces and scenes.
In the back of the cerebrum is the occipital lobe, which is responsible
for sight. 6

Cerebral Cortex
The cerebral cortex is part of the nervous system that developed last in
the course of evolution. In the cerebral cortex, nerve activity may switch
to psychonervous (mind and nervous system) activity. The cerebral cor-
tex can be divided physiologically into sensory, motor, and associative
areas. The nervous impulses arrive from certain sensory organs to the
sensory areas. In these areas sensations are stacked into the complex,
structured experiences known as perceptions. Therefore, these parts of
the cerebral cortex allow cognition of what’s happening in the environ-
ment. The areas responsible for processing information received from
the receptors for vision are located in the occipital lobe; for hearing in
28 CHA P TER 3

the temporal lobe; and for touch, cold, warmth, and pain in the parietal
lobe. While the majority of fibers that transmit nerve impulses from the
sensory organs intersect each other, the neuronal stimulation that arises
from the sensory organs in the left half of the body ends up in the right
hemisphere, and vice versa. Motor areas are located in the frontal lobe.
From these areas, nerve impulses are transmitted to the muscles, allow-
ing the physiological development of movements of varying complexity.
Unlike the various reflex and automatic movements whose occurrence
is controlled by the lower parts of the nervous system, the cerebral
cortex controls voluntary movements. Pathways that transmit the stimu-
li to the muscles intersect, so that the nerve impulses from motor areas
in the left hemisphere are transmitted to the muscles in the right half of
the body and vice versa. Major associative areas are located in the
frontal lobe and on the border between the parietal, occipital, and tem-
poral lobe. Associative areas of the frontal lobe are also called the areas
of general integration. The associative areas of the frontal lobe are re-
sponsible for the physiological programming and control of the overall
behavior of the pain patient.
Associative areas in the frontal lobe allow for the management of
activities toward certain goals. People with injuries in this area of the
brain can experience changes due to the action of some random stimuli
from the environment, and hence they can forget their original inten-
tions. In the overlapping zone, the information units processed in dif-
ferent sensory areas are linked. These areas allow for memorization of
newly received information. In essence, the function of the overlapping
zone is related to the ability to orient oneself in space. Patients with
injuries in this area confuse “left,” “right,” “up,” and “down” positions.
The functions of associative areas include a series of complex physiolog-
ical processes, such as learning, memory, and thinking. The perfor-
mance of these processes isn’t limited to a narrowly localized center in
the cerebral cortex, for their execution requires cooperation between
different brain areas.
It is necessary for pain patients and caregivers to understand the
physiology of speech since words alone can often instill pain in the form
of slander. Important areas of the cerebral cortex are involved in the
understanding and production of speech. Most people have these cen-
ters located in the left hemisphere of the brain. The center for speech
understanding is located in the back of the temporal lobe, but the
center for the production of speech—that is—for uttering words, is
located at the bottom rear of the frontal lobe. Words are registered in
the “visual” sensory area. In one region of the gyrus angularis (overlap-
ping zone), visual information is encoded properly so that it can be
“understood” by the center for speech understanding (Wernicke’s

area). 7 From that area, information is relayed for the production of

speech (Broca’s area), where, through the motor areas, are located mus-
cles whose activation is necessary for uttering words. A simple way to
describe how the cerebral cortex functions in receiving information
from the environment and responding to it is as follows: Information
received through the sensory organs is initially processed in certain
sensory areas and then integrated into the overlapping zone. In accor-
dance with this physiological process, signals are generated in the motor
areas and then through motor nerve pathways nerve impulses are trans-
mitted to specific muscles. It should be noted that the cerebral cortex
doesn’t perform its complex functions independently, but in close coop-
eration with a number of other parts of the central nervous system.
The vegetative (autonomic) nervous system relates to the various
internal organs, blood vessels, and glands. Processes that the vegetative
nervous system influences, including pain reception, are achieved
through reflex. There are two parts of the vegetative nervous system:
the sympathetic and parasympathetic. Increased activity of the sympa-
thetic nervous system causes rapid heartbeat, elevated blood pressure,
rapid breathing, and pupil expansion and enhances the secretion of
certain hormones, particularly adrenaline. It also hampers digestion. 8
All these changes allow increased motor activity: a physiological event
necessary for pain moderation. Most emotions are accompanied by an
intensified response of the sympathetic nervous system. Emotions of
fear, anger, and the increased activity of the sympathetic nervous sys-
tem are especially important when an individual is in a life-threatening
situation. Fear accompanied by increased performance of the sympa-
thetic nervous system may provide for a temporary physiological escape
from the source of a pain stimulus, but not for permanent relief. As
opposed to the response of the sympathetic nervous system, the para-
sympathetic nervous system has an inverse effect, as its increased activ-
ity slows down heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing and “encour-
ages” the digestive system to begin digestion. The central structure that
coordinates the work of the vegetative nervous system is the hypothala-

Looking into Nerve Cells

A nerve cell or neuron consists of a “body” and a “shoot.” The body is
wrapped in a semipermeable membrane and contains cytoplasm and
the cell nucleus. In the cytoplasm, one can find a series of structures
called organelles. The nerve cell bodies form the so-called gray matter
of the nervous system. The nerve cell contains two kinds of shoots:
30 CHA P TER 3

dendrite and axon. A typical neuron has two or more branches of den-
drites and only one axon. Bundles of nerve cell shoots form a white
mass of the nervous tissue. A neuron usually has several dendrites. In
reality, dendrites are extracted parts of the protoplasm of the body cell
and have the same structural form and physiology as the body cells.
They are usually shorter than axons. Their function is to receive infor-
mation from the sensory organs or other nerve cells, and to transmit this
information to the axon via the nerve cell body. An axon originates in a
body cell in a place called the axon hillock. Some cells have axons that
are only a few micrometers long. There are also cells whose axons are
longer than one meter. Inside the toe muscles, for example, are axons
whose body cells are located in the spinal cord. The main physiological
function of axons is transmission of information from one nerve cell to
another nerve cell or to muscles and glands. An axon can be wrapped
with a myelin sheath, or myelinated. When axons lose this protective
cover, conditions such as multiple sclerosis can ensue. The axon
branches into a number of thin terminal branches. At the end of each
terminal branch is a thickening that is called a terminal button, which
allows for chemical communication with other cells. In the terminal
buttons are stored special chemical substances called neurotransmit-
ters. When in their basic element, neurotransmitters allow the trans-
mission of nervous system information, including pain from one nerve
cell to another.
A place where the terminal button (end) of one nerve cell touches
the membrane of another cell is called a synapse. Most commonly,
synapses are between the axons of one cell and dendrites or cell body of
another cell. 9 Nerve impulses from one nerve cell are transmitted
through the synapse to the other cell mostly via neurotransmitters.
When the nerve impulse arrives at the end of a nerve cell, the neuro-
transmitter is released. Neurotransmitters on one nerve cell (the post-
synaptic neuron) bind to specially built molecules called receptors.
Moreover, there are several various neurotransmitters. A single neuro-
transmitter can only bind to certain receptors. Depending on the type
of neurotransmitter and the type of receptors, that binding causes ei-
ther the increase of electrical potential on the membrane of the post-
synaptic neuron or its decrease. In case of increased potential, there is
breakage or inhibition. In case of decreased potential, there is excita-
tion. Each neural cell contains a large number of synapses. There can
be several thousand. Some inhibition occurs in these synapses, along
with some excitation. If at a given moment excitation dominates, the
nerve impulses go through the postsynaptic neuron. In most nerve cells,
there are constant spontaneous outbreaks of the nerve impulses. This
means that the excitation of the postsynaptic neuron enhances out-

breaks of nerve impulses and inhibition completely halts the out-

breaks. 10
Here’s one example that shows that the processes of synaptic excita-
tion and inhibition are important for the function of the nervous system
and therefore the overall process of pain: The arm muscles allow the
pain patient to extend and retract his forearm. Contraction of the biceps
allows retraction of the forearm and contraction of the triceps facilitates
its extension. If the patient wants to stretch his forearm, the excitation
of those nerve cells that cause nerve impulses in the triceps is neces-
sary. When the nerve impulses arrive at the triceps, the muscle fibers
that build the muscle will shorten, while the tendon attached to the
bone of the forearm extends the forearm. To extend the forearm prop-
erly, it’s necessary to relax the biceps. That means that the nerve cells
that transmit nerve impulses to the biceps have to be inhibited. The
nature of nerve impulses in all of the nerve cells is the same. In other
words, there’s no difference in the nature of signals (including pain
signals) to which the nerve cells mutually agree. Thus, all the variations
of stimuli that can affect sensory organs turn into a series of impulses
that are transmitted to different parts of the nervous system. This can
be explained in the following way: Whether someone is reading a book
or listening to someone saying something, the way in which the infor-
mation from the environment is transmitted to his brain is the same—
by means of nerve impulses that are transmitted through nerve cells
and their shoots from the sensory organs of vision and hearing to certain
areas of the brain.
Nerve impulses that have reached the center for vision will cause
physiological sensations that differ from those taking place when nerve
impulses reach the center for hearing. If equal nerve impulses are the
only language that the nerve cells understand, the question is more
about how the nervous system can accomplish incredibly complex func-
tions. One of the physiological characteristics of the nervous system is
the virtually limitless possibilities of connections between the nerve
cells themselves. Certain groups of these cells may command extremely
complex physiological functions, such as pain regulation. The connec-
tions between cells can be modified under the influence of experience.
Another factor that is the base of the complex function of the nervous
system is the multitude of neurotransmitters that the system has. There
are neuronal circuits in the brain (clusters of the nerve cells and nerve
cell shoots linking these clusters) that are using a specific neurotrans-
mitter. The type of neurotransmitter determines the function of each
neuronal circuit. Well-known neurotransmitters are acetylcholine, nor-
epinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, and gamma-aminobutyric acid.
32 CHA P TER 3

A special group of neurotransmitters consists of neuroactive pep-

tides. It is interesting that neuroactive peptides aren’t only secreted
from nerve cells, but also from other tissues in the organism. From
these tissues, they’re carried by the blood and subsequently transmitted
to the nerve cells in the brain and affect the latter’s ability to recognize
pain. Among various neuroactive peptides, a particular interest among
scientists is endogenous opiates or endorphins. These are substances
that are secreted from nerve cells in different brain areas and from
some cells in the spinal cord. One of the physiological functions of
endogenous opiates is that they regulate pain sensitivity. For example,
some nerve cells that secrete endogenous opiates in the spinal cord are
related to the nerve cells that transmit nerve impulses from receptors
for pain. It is considered that these cells, through specific endogenous
opiates, can, more or less, inhibit the further conduction of nerve im-
pulses from pain receptors and thus affect the intensity of the pain
When death from painful injury occurs, chemical and physiological
changes affecting the neurons take place. Neuronal loss can happen
after each serious injury that affects these cells. Cell death and the
elimination of cellular remains is an important phenomenon that can be
seen in normal and pathological conditions of the nervous system.
There are two main types of processes that lead to cell death: necrosis
and programmed cell death. Necrosis is the process of death that occurs
under the influence of external pathological factors, usually due to an
acute process that damages the membrane and allows entry of calcium
ions, sodium and water. Thus, swelling of the cell is the first change,
which results in the dissolution of the cell. Apoptosis (programmed cell
death) is essential for normal development and processes for cell pro-
liferation with limitations that prevent an excessive amount of cells.
Research has shown that apoptosis is actively involved in pain regula-
tion. 11


The ability to respond physiologically to painful stimuli is a fundamental

property of all living organisms. The nervous system is a vast “coordina-
tor” that uses chemical agents called neurotransmitters for inter-neuro-
nal communication via synapses. The function of the nervous system—
transmission, processing, and retention of information—is governed by
the synthesis and emission of chemical mediators.


Pain and suffering are an integral part of life. Man has been trying to
understand the “wherefores” and “whys” of pain and suffering for a long
time; there have been many studies devoted to this theme, examining it
from all imaginable angles. Today’s medical science explains the occur-
rence of pain as the manner in which the central nervous system inter-
prets any, but mostly harmful, stimulations, or to simplify: the way
unpleasant sensations are perceived with the associated feeling of dis-
comfort. Pain is an experience that is both physical and emotional. This
chapter investigates what actually happens inside the body while pain
takes place.



Difference between Acute Pain and Chronic Pain

There has to be a distinction made between acute (short-term/tempo-
rary) pain, and chronic (persistent/long-term) pain. Acute pain passes
relatively quickly. By general considerations, it should not last longer
than three to six months from the time of the onset. At times, it lasts for
a shorter period—just a few seconds.
The sensation of pain serves as a signal that something isn’t right, but
as soon as the cause of the pain is taken care of, such as when an injury
is healed, the hurting sensation ceases and the body suffers no lasting
damage. Chronic pain, however, exists much longer or beyond the ex-

34 CHA P TER 4

pected time of healing. As such, it places its mark on the rest of the
body in much more definite terms. While in general it is considered to
be a symptom of a sickness of sorts, on many occasions, chronic pain is a
condition in itself and distinct from any other disorder.

Real Effect of Pain on the Nervous System

When experiencing a painful injury or when some abnormal processes
happening in the body are causing pain, the nervous system will certain-
ly go through changes. These changes can differ depending on the type
of the pain. Acute pain won’t cause any lasting changes or damage to
the body. In the case of chronic pain, however, the processing of pain
seems to become abnormal. One of the functions of the central nervous
system is to automatically inhibit any unpleasant sensations, yet with
chronic pain patients this function gets altered and becomes much
more sensitive to pain than usual. In such cases the nerve cells may
become so sensitive that even a gentle touch can feel painful to the

How the Occurrence of Pain Influences the Brain

There have been several studies on the effect of pain on the brain. It’s a
known fact that the pain people feel is the result of the signal from the
site of the injury in the body. However, it is even more so the result of
the signal being processed in the brain. There’s evidence that chronic
pain actually can cause physical changes in the brain. A situation known
as brain morphology (in this case, the altering of brain tissue) in areas
related to pain processing was found in patients suffering from the
following disorders: chronic back pain, fibromyalgia, complex regional
brain syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, tension-type headache, and
migraine. 1
What causes the change in the brain? Is it the source of the hurting
sensation and inflammation, or is it the pain itself? The results of stud-
ies at the University of California greatly help in answering this ques-
tion. 2 Researchers studied patients with “phantom limb” pain. These
patients lost a limb, yet continued to have painful sensations in their
missing limb. How is this possible? Well, if anything, their brain is
giving mistaken signals, as it remembers the chronic pain the patient
experienced before losing the limb. They don’t have the aching limb
anymore, but the pain continues because of the wrong brain signal.
Other studies shed more light on how the structure of the brain itself
can change due to long-term pain. 3 These structural changes include

cell atrophy, synaptic loss, cell size, blood volume, and even gray matter
destruction. It becomes evident that while short-term pain has the
function of “setting the alarm off” that something is amiss the useful-
ness of pain is arguably lost when it becomes chronic. It actually gets to
be quite problematic for the patient. Naturally, when chronic pain is
occurring along with negative changes in the brain, the patient will
experience other consequences in life: his brain will start underper-
forming, which will have an influence on his work and quality of life in
general. Thankfully, the process can be reversed by making the changes
necessary to turn the tide. As the brain can suffer due to long-term
pain, it can also go through a healing process. Even simple advance-
ments, including (1) better exercise, (2) more wholesome and nutritious
food, and (3) a positive, can-be-done attitude, could be a start to set the
individual suffering from pain on to the path to recovery.


Actual Process
When the body gets injured, it responds in an automatic manner by
stimulating pain receptors. These pain receptors continue the process
by releasing chemicals and sending them to the spinal cord. The chemi-
cals carry the message of “hurting” with them, and from the receptors
of the spinal cord the message goes all the way up to the brain, where
the thalamus receives it and passes it on to the cerebral cortex—the
part of the brain where the message gets processed and registered as
“pain”—after which the pain message is sent back to the site of the
injury. It all happens very quickly. When an individual bumps his head,
he feels the pain right away; not five minutes later.
Pain perception actually starts from a stimulus that’s sensed by the
receptors (nociceptors) and is transmitted to the brain by signals passing
through neurons after the brain processes the signal. It then “orders”
the body to perform different evasive measures to stop further damage.
Some neurons with nociceptors have little myelin—a substance first
introduced in the preceding chapter, that enables fast transmission of
signals—thus slowing the signal of pain. The pain is probably a feeling
that a person doesn’t want to feel, yet feeling pain can sometimes turn
out to be a positive feeling to be grateful for after the painful occur-
rence. When a person is going to experience an injury, for example, a
burn due to touching a hot pan, the body quickly reacts to the immedi-
ate pain by pulling the hand away. This would cause a sharp pain in the
36 CHA P TER 4

hand, yet when inspected carefully, the pain that the person felt is
minimal compared to what the person would’ve experienced had the
hand been in contact with the pan for a long time, which would have
resulted in extensive burns. 4 In this example, pain acts as an “emergen-
cy alarm,” preventing further injury to the body. Pain can cause a par-
ticular region of the body to be immobilized, to prevent further compli-
cation or damage to that specific part. Pain perception mostly acts as a
reflex action to prevent an injury, before substantial injury occurs in the

There is, in fact, more to the process of pain, scientifically called noci-
ception, taking place than written in the above paragraph. Nociceptors
in mammals are sensory neurons. These neurons are cells that serve as
the basic building blocks of the nervous system, with the function of
transmitting information throughout the body. They are found in body
regions capable of sensing pain. These locations can be internal or
external. Some external examples of body regions with nociceptors are
in the tissues (skin, cornea of the eye, and mucous membranes). Inter-
nal samples are in different organs (bladder, gut, muscle, joint, and
continuing along the digestive tract).

Types of Nociceptors
Several types of nociceptors can be noted with their separate functions:
thermal, mechanical, chemical, sleeping, and polymodal. Thermal noci-
ceptors respond to excess heat or cold. Mechanical ones are activated
when excess pressure or mechanical deformation is present. Chemical
nociceptors can respond to a range of things: from a variety of spices
used in cooking, to different environmental irritants (such as acrolein, a
cigarette smoke component as well as a chemical weapon used during
World War I); and to internal irritants such as some fatty acids formed
when changes take place in internal tissues. Sleeping nociceptors only
respond to stimuli—whether thermal, mechanical, or chemical—if the
surrounding tissue gets inflamed. Polymodal nociceptors don’t perform
a single function, but many in combination.


Categorizing Pain According to Its Source in the Body

Pain (acute or chronic) can also be categorized according to its source
of origin in the body. Neuropathic pain or nerve-injury pain happens
when the nervous system is injured in some way. The injury can be
caused by some sort of nerve damage, or perhaps a compression of a
nerve. The problem could also originate in the brain or in the spinal
cord. It’s a burning kind of pain, which can feel like a dagger piercing
through and can surface along with tingling and numbness.
Radicular pain is also a type of neuropathic pain. However, in the
case of radicular pain, there’s pressure on the nerve roots, and the pain
travels directly down the path of the nerve. The patient with such pain
most likely has compressed or irritated nerves in the neck or spine while
experiencing the pain shooting down the arm or the leg. Somatic pain
(occasionally called musculoskeletal pain) occurs when the pain recep-
tors are stimulated either in the musculoskeletal tissues inside or on the
surface of the body. Here the source is the skin, bones, muscles, ten-
dons or ligaments. A common but often-overlooked type of somatic
pain is myofascial pain, which includes either a single muscle or a group
of them. The (1) muscles, (2) fascia (connective tissue covering the
muscles), and (3) soft tissues, all play a part in causing such pain. The
source of visceral pain is in the main body organs such as the heart,
lungs, kidney, and others. A vague kind of pain is felt, and at times it’s
even difficult to know where it actually originates from.

Things May Not Be So Obvious

When it comes to the occurrence of pain, there are cases that are quite
difficult to judge. Recovery can take a long time and it can be a frustrat-
ing process for both patient and caregiver to find the causes (see chap-
ter 10) of chronic pain. After all, the pain can originate from a large
variety of ailments. In order to determine the right specialist, it is im-
portant to take a close look at the patient’s history concerning the pain.
Perhaps the sufferer will have to undergo a CAT scan or other examina-
tion as part of a broad diagnostic process, such as magnetic resonance
interferometry or electromyography. Still, there are cases where a defi-
nite description of the occurrence of pain cannot be found.
Such a situation can be debilitating for the patient: not only do they
have to deal with the pain, but also, there seems to be no “proper”
explanation as to what is wrong with them. This can lead to their being
38 CHA P TER 4

judged and misunderstood by associates and in the workplace; unfortu-

nately they can even end up losing their jobs. It’s evident that behind
these difficult-to-detect-and-treat cases there might be psychological
and emotional reasons, perhaps stress or some childhood trauma. This
issue will be dealt with in more detail later in this chapter, but for now,
the susceptibility of pain in individuals will be explored.

Pain Proneness
Two patients could suffer from the same type of injury and one might
end up with chronic pain while the other might not. Among survivors of
traffic accidents, cancer, or AIDS, why do certain individuals end up
with an unusual amount of pain? Some experts believe that it takes
tissue damage to initiate and maintain chronic pain (i.e., neuropathic
pain after surgery). Recently, researchers from Northwestern Univer-
sity came to an intriguing conclusion regarding this matter. 5 They re-
portedly found evidence of the involvement of the sections of the brain
related to emotional and motivational behavior: the more communica-
tion these two regions have with each other, the more likely the devel-
opment of chronic pain in the patient.
With 85 percent accuracy, the researchers predicted which patients
would develop long-term pain. They made their prediction based on
the level of neurological interaction taking place between the frontal
cortex and the nucleus accumbens, a small region of the brain believed
to be involved in addiction and impulsivity. It seems that the more
emotional the brain’s reaction is to the initial injury, the more likely that
the pain will continue even after the injury has healed. Perhaps this
section of the brain tends to get more excited with some individuals.
Also, there might be environmental or genetic influences that condition
the brain so that the nucleus accumbens interacts at an excitable level.
The ongoing pain, then, is the result of the injury combined with the
state of the brain. Actually, a major function of the nucleus accumbens
is to train the rest of the brain on how to react to the external environ-
ment; it also has an evaluative role. It’s possible that this brain section
may react to the pain signal by somehow “training” the rest of the brain
to develop chronic pain.

Risk Factors Leading to Long-Term Pain

While specific causes of pain are discussed later in this book, it’s very
helpful to be aware of the general risk factors that can contribute to the
occurrence of chronic pain, especially for the purposes of easier preven-

tion, recognition, and treatment. Risk factors for pain can be divided
into three major categories: biological, psychological, and lifestyle fac-
tors. Biological risk factors stem from the pain patient’s physical charac-
teristics. Psychological risk factors are connected to the pain sufferer’s
personality and mood, while lifestyle risk factors are, of course, con-
nected to the person’s lifestyle.

Biological Risk Factors

Some of the leading biological risk factors are as follows:

• Old age: Elderly people, who have stood the wear and tear of time
longer, are many times afflicted by pain.
• Genetics: Chronic pain conditions such as migraine headaches are
connected to genetics. Some individuals have genetic conditions that
can make them more sensitive to pain.
• Race: Certain races such as Hispanics or African-Americans seem to
be at greater risk for experiencing chronic pain in their lives (see
chapter 10).
• Obesity: Carrying a lot of extra weight is definitely a risk factor in
more ways than one.
• Previous injury: The main neurotransmitter is released in significant-
ly greater quantities in individuals with previous pain problems. For
this reason, people who’ve recovered from a previous injury are at a
greater risk of chronic pain.

Psychological Risk Factors

• Childhood trauma: Individuals who experienced physical or sexual

abuse or parental neglect as children are at a higher risk to develop
long-term pain.
• Mood disorders, such as depression or anxiety problems: Quite a few
brain areas and neurotransmitters that have the function of handling
pain signals also act as mood “managers.”

Lifestyle Risk Factors

• Stress: Chronic pain is connected to chronic stress and posttraumatic

stress disorder.
• Smoking: Smokers are more at risk of chronic pain. They also seem to
respond less to pain-management therapies.
40 CHA P TER 4

• High-risk jobs: Work that requires strenuous physical activity or

heavy lifting often has adverse effects on individuals; chronic pain
can be one of these.

Gender Differences in Relation to Pain

Strong clinical evidence suggests that women are more prone to long-
term pain and seem to experience pain more intensely than their male
counterparts. 6 First, women suffer more from chronic pain in general,
including that from headaches, neck, shoulder, knee, or back pains; oral
pains; or facial pains. What causes these differences? There are several
possible explanations, with the first one pointing to some differences
between male and female brain structure and chemistry. Even when a
man and a woman experience similar levels of pain, the woman’s central
pain processors show greater activity. A possible reason why men and
women have different reactions to opioid painkillers is that the painkill-
ers work on different sections of the brain. Other theories point to the
differences in sex hormones. Female hormones such as progesterone
and estrogen appear to have a strong connection with pain reception
because neurochemical changes caused by these female hormones can
intensify pain sensations. The menstrual cycle in women also plays a
major role. Several pain conditions (i.e., migraines) tend to fluctuate
along with the cycle.
The next explanation leads the reader to the biological differences
between genders. Quite a bit of pain that women experience is part of
the process of menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth. There are ge-
netic differences between men and women, and it’s known that long-
term pain conditions are linked to genetics. Some people believe that
women are also more expressive about pain than men; therefore they
report pain more frequently.

Age and the Occurrence of Pain

It is observed that the variations of age and gender—in relation to
chronic pain—are amazingly consistent across the globe. Furthermore,
it’s safe to say that there’s an increase with age when addressing pain
that interferes with life, on a global level. Chronic pain being more
prevalent in women than men is also true worldwide. Another signifi-
cant observation is that musculoskeletal pain, especially that of the back
and the joints, is the single dominant type of chronic pain in the world. 7
At the same time, most chronic pain patients have multiple sites of pain,

including patients suffering from chronic, disabling back pains. Head-

aches comprise another type of pain that’s prevalent worldwide.
The abovementioned facts explain why results of studies of individu-
al sites in the body—especially of musculoskeletal sites, such as the
back, or the head—can be relied on and considered on a large scale
when studying the occurrence of chronic pain at any age.

Pain Prevalence by Age-Groups

Chronic pain is common in children, adolescents and adults. Children
do have less chronic pain in general, while the prevalence increases as
they grow into adolescence. As an example: only 1–6 percent of chil-
dren, but 18–51 percent of adolescents, suffer from back pains. The
latter group’s statistics are closer to the percentage that is prevalent in
adults, which is 45–80 percent in communities as well as in institutional
settings. 8

Adult Chronic Pain Often Originates during Childhood

Early studies of chronic pain epidemiology focused mainly on adults,
and there was a large concern for the short- and medium-term risk
factors of causing long-term pain. Researchers were investigating the
onset of the type of pain (such as back pain) happening for the first time
in individuals in order to possibly modify potential risk factors for future
episodes of pain. However, there was a difficulty: few adults experi-
enced such regional pains for the first time. Most individuals reported
having suffered the first onset of pain many years earlier; many of them
had the first onset in their teenage years. Subsequent studies confirmed
that previously experiencing pain (i.e., in childhood) is a common risk
factor for the occurrence of pain. 9

Dominant Type of Pain in Elders

The topic of pain occurrence in older adults is under-investigated, and
there have been relatively few studies that specifically aim at research
of chronic pain in the age group of the elderly. The main reasons for
pain occurrence in older people are musculoskeletal conditions, espe-
cially osteoarthritis in multiple joints (pain in the knee, hip, hands, and
feet). Much pain is associated with sleep problems, limitations in activ-
ities, and increased uses of health care resources.
42 CHA P TER 4



In comparison to other areas of medicine, the study of chronic pain

across the life-course (considering possible risk factors in the patients’
lives) is still in its infancy. The studies taking these factors into account
were published in 1995 in an issue of Arthritis and Rheumatism. 10 The
experiments were concerning fibromyalgia, a condition where patients
experience muscle pain, extreme tiredness, and “tender points” on the
neck, shoulders, back, hips, arms, or legs that hurt when touched.
While conducting these researches, a group of women with fibro-
myalgia and a control group of female subjects were tested. Both
groups reported quite high levels of physical and sexual abuse—events
where pain almost always occurs. While the group with the women who
had fibromyalgia had a higher percentage of abuse reported, the differ-
ences in the percentage of abuse cases between them and the control
group weren’t significant. Frequent, severe cases of abuse were asso-
ciated with fibromyalgia, as well as the number and severity of the
symptoms. Another finding was that the majority of significant abuses
reported had taken place during the patients’ childhood.
A study conducted in 1998 implied that among patients with fibro-
myalgia, the ones that had reported abuse suffered higher levels of
fatigue, pain, stress, and disability. 11 They also had higher health care
usage. Subsequent studies used alternative methods to find connections
of chronic pain with trauma in childhood or adolescence; the results
were varied in how past events were recalled among persons with or
without current chronic pain. Nevertheless, there has been a definite
association found between the events taking place early on in life, and
chronic pain in adulthood. In cases where a parent reports common
chronic symptoms of pain in his child, the probability of chronic pain
occurring in a youngster is greater once adulthood is reached.


Pain occurrence is an integral part of life that experts have studied for
many centuries. Medically speaking, pain is the way the central nervous
system interprets any—but mostly harmful—stimulations, and it serves
as an alarm signal that something is not up to par. Pain patients and
their caregivers should also note that the occurrence of pain can be
divided into two categories according to the length of its duration: acute
(short-term), and chronic (long-term).


Pain has existed since living creatures (animals, to be more scientifical-

ly specific) have been around. Ancient civilizations recorded their own
experiences of pain through stone tablets. 1 Historically, pain was closely
related to “the dark side of the world,” which is comprised of demons,
evil beings, magic, and sorcery. The expulsion of pain was to be the sole
responsibility of the tribal shamans, priests, and sorcerers, who used
different tactics, such as herbs, incantations, and ceremonial rites to
cure painful ailments. The Greeks and Romans were the first to consoli-
date the idea of how pain is actually felt. They thought that the brain
and nervous system were causing the sensation of pain. During the
Middle Ages, evidence supporting that idea began to come to light. In
the Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci was one of the contributors to the
idea that the spinal cord is responsible for transmitting the pain sensa-
tion to the brain and then to the parts of the body. 2 Research on the
mechanisms of pain has continued to the present day.


In English the word pain is derived from the Old French peine, Latin
poena, (penalty, hardship, torment, punishment, suffering), and in turn
from Greek ποινή (poinē), generally meaning “price paid,” “penalty,” or
“punishment.” 3 The word pain is also present in the Frisian language as
pine, which in turn is connected to the English verb phrase “to pine,”
meaning “to long for.” Historically the word was first used as a sign of
penalty for sins, wherein the pain is due to wrongdoing or as punish-
ment that can only be appeased by atonement. By experiencing pain,
44 CHA P TER 5

the sufferer would atone for the sins committed. Another more modern
term for pain, nociception, meaning “injury perception,” was coined by
Charles Scott Sherrington (1857–1952) from the original Latin word
nocere, which means to injure. 4


The attempt to understand the origins of pain may have begun with a
belief that pain was a form of punishment for the folly of human beings,
believing that the solution is to perform penance or other rites and
rituals, which include sacrificial offerings and ceremonies. Ancient civil-
izations had their own concepts of pain, as well as their own processes
for treating it. As time passed, pain evolved into a theory that painful
sensation is caused by different stimuli, an idea that led to the conclu-
sion that pain is a feeling connected to the brain. The Greeks and
Romans were pioneers of the description of pain in these terms, con-
tributing to the foundation of pain’s history. Further along the timeline
lay the knowledge that pain is felt by a person through a series of
receptors that pass the signals to fibers, which then deliver the message
to the brain. Scientists have proven this concept of pain, and they have
asserted further that pain is felt through completely different receptors,
independent to that of the other senses.
Part of the variation in theories about pain stems from the fact that
pain is very subjective, since there are different ways of feeling it, as
well as different ways of explaining what it really is. Pain can be per-
ceived as minor by one individual, but severe by another. Different
kinds of pain perception exist in different cultures and for different
historical periods. Indeed, research has shown that pain can be felt
differently than the usual negative effect. 5 For instance Native
Americans during their rituals do not experience pain. They perform
ceremonial acts for hours, subjecting a person to tremendous amounts
of what would normally be painful experiences, yet the person doesn’t
feel the actual, physical nature of the pain. Instead, the individual
somehow negates pain and its effects. 6 The following sections explain
some of the thinking about pain in throughout the progression of civil-

It was said that the Greek goddess of revenge, Poina, in the form of
pain, punished mortals who angered gods. 7 Ancient cultures have long

thought that pain was divine punishment for human foolishness; they
thought that appeasing the gods would also appease the pain. During
this period, many thought of pain as a disorder that must be treated and
appeased, while others believed pain to be a necessary feeling, that it’s
only right that a person experiences pain, and that one should welcome
the pain as a blessing rather than a disorder. Dating back to ancient
times around 5000 BCE, records about pain were etched on stone
tablets indicating that pain was partially relieved by using opium, re-
ferred to as the “joy plant.” By 800 BCE, we find Homer mentions in
The Odyssey that a man forgets his worries and soothes his pain by
using opium. 8 It was believed that opium was a form of analgesic, and
gaining this knowledge initiated the research of different kinds of anal-
gesics by different cultures in the past. Another such analgesic was
willow tree bark, of which research was essentially spearheaded by Hip-
pocrates. Aristotle first interpreted pain as emotion rather than sensa-
tion. He thought that pain was unrelated to the brain and was an emo-
tion caused by spirits entering the body when a person experiences an
injury. 9 Hippocrates (460–370 BCE), on the other hand, believed that
pain was due to an imbalance in vital fluids. He used willow tree leaves
and barks to provide relief from pain. The Greek physician Pedanius
Dioscorides (40–90 CE) also recommended willow bark as a cure for
pain and shared his knowledge about such cures during his time, as
compiled in his five-volume pharmacopeia.

Middle Ages Theories

Religious groups of the Middle Ages had their own versions of pain
theories. Some even thought that pain existed outside of the human
body and that deities created pain to remind their subjects to do pen-
ance and practice their faith in God, as prayer was believed to be their
only treatment. These religious theories were supported by the other
religious groups, resulting in a rise in the number of religious theories
regarding pain and its origins. They also compared pain with the suffer-
ing of Christ, thinking that the suffering that they endure is the same as
Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for the sake of humanity. But even among
the religious there were contending beliefs. The Franciscans believed
that pain and suffering led the way to knowledge, while the Domini-
cans, on the other hand, believed that learning is the pathway to divinity
and that pain is a distraction from the acquisition of knowledge. During
the thirteenth century, academics agreed that pain is caused by an
imbalance of the bodily fluids, the Hippocratic “humors” (blood,
phlegm, bile, and black bile). They believed that pain would occur
46 CHA P TER 5

when the mixture of humors was altered. Use of narcotics to balance

out the humors was also believed to be an effective remedy during that
time. 10

Renaissance and Early Modern Theories

It was during the Renaissance that the idea of sensations’ connection to
the brain resurfaced. Leonardo da Vinci believed that pain is from the
sensation being delivered by the spinal cord to the central organ, the
brain, which is mainly responsible for all sensations in a human being.
René Descartes (1596–1650) in his Treatise of Man theorized that the
body feels pain as a disturbance of the brain’s functions, explaining that
the human body was similar to a machine. This theory implied that pain
is not religious punishment, but is a mechanical sensation found in the
brain. Essentially, Descartes eliminated the religious belief in experi-
encing pain. Descartes explained this through his example of a man
being struck by a hammer that has a hollow tube with a cord (symboliz-
ing an arm) and a bell at the end (symbolizing the brain). The mecha-
nism works when the hand is struck by the hammer and the cord is
pulled and the bell is rung, indicating that the brain finished receiving
the painful “message” from the hand. From this example, researchers
started to focus on treating pain starting with the initial culprit in the
occurrence of pain: by cutting the pain fibers (the cords in the arm), the
pain signal doesn’t reach the brain (the bell), eliminating the feeling of
pain itself even though the body experienced injury.
Thomas Sydenham (1624–1689), also known as the English Hippo-
crates, popularized an effective medicine called laudanum, formed by
mixture of opium and alcohol. 11 A theory known as the specificity theo-
ry states that a sensation can only be felt by its own sensory compo-
nents, independent to that of the other senses. 12 This theory was the
foundation of Charles Bell’s proposal of specific sets of sensory recep-
tors, responding to only their respective stimuli. 13 Further research of
the historical theories of pain led to Johannes Müller’s (1801–1858)
single-stimulus type theory, stating that some energy types are per-
ceived by a specific set of receptors mainly broken down to Aristotle’s
five senses. He characterized itching, pain, heat, and other varieties of
sensation to be “feeling and touch.” 14 He concluded that pain can be
sensed by touch only, and not by the other four senses. After his discov-
ery, the era of sensory psychology began, primarily aiming to secure
knowledge about variations of stimuli. Later, Wilhelm Erb (1840–1921)
argued that pain is a sensation actually generated if the source of pain is
intense enough, thus giving birth to the intensive theory of pain. 15


In 1953, an observation by Willem Noordenbros explained how the
signal carried by smaller pain receptors is dispersed or alleviated by
larger “touch, pressure or vibration” sensors. Simply put, Noordenbros
maintained that when a person experiences an injury, such as that from
a direct physical hit, the person rubs the assaulted part in order to
neutralize the pain by the hand’s touch receptors. 16 Touching the pain-
ful part can relieve part of its pain. A later theory regarding the reasons
for pain soon surfaced. The gate control theory was introduced by Pat-
rick Wall and Ronald Melzack in 1965. Their article, titled “Pain Mech-
anisms: A New Theory,” explained that nerve fibers carry information
from the injured part, sending the information to the spinal cord, and
later the signals are received by the brain. 17 This theory has given the
world a physiological explanation for pain perception. Roughly ten years
after the gate control theory was proposed, the International Associa-
tion for the Study of Pain proposed a clear-cut definition of pain, com-
bining their knowledge of the past. The organization has described pain
as a sensory or emotional phenomenon that can lead to actual or poten-
tial tissue impairment. 18 Based on historical definitions, pain is a physi-
cal phenomenon that, when linked with trauma, can induce not only
physical trauma, but also, emotional and mental trauma if the painful
event resurfaces. A simple example can further elaborate this pain phe-
nomenon: Assuming there are two persons with the same painful injury
and one of them experienced a greater amount of emotional stress than
the other, the former would feel a more intense sensation of pain physi-
cally than the other when the event happens again.

Religion vs. Science

William James states that the full understanding of pain has been an
enigma throughout history. 19 Treating pain with anesthetics by means
of surgery puzzled physiologists for ages. Further contemplation with
regard to treating pain led to the understanding that pain originated
from other sources and not from God. Yet an English novelist, Harriet
Martineau, wrote a book in the mid-1800s that claimed that pain is the
chastisement of a priestly being. 20 She believed without doubt that pain
is the work of a deity, believing that pain was meant to be desirable in
some way or another. After much further research, the religious belief
of pain began to decline and the scientific explanations began to flour-
48 CHA P TER 5

ish. Gradual knowledge of the field of medicine throughout history

began to unveil the real reason behind pain, and it became clear that
pain is an uncomfortable feeling that should be alleviated by chemical
or surgical means rather than by strict religious ritual. 21 Essentially,
science has proven that pain can be identified and its relief can be
sought. The religious beliefs regarding the reason for pain faded out by
the end of the nineteenth century.
An example in modern pain perception theories is an experiment
that tested the visual perception of pain by humans, where investigators
subjected the hand of a person to heat. 22 When the person is visualizing
the hand directly, a stronger resistance against pain is reported; when
looking away, the person feels a greater amount of pain. This research
has demonstrated how the person perceives pain in accordance with
visual input, that there is greater pain threshold when the part sub-
jected to pain is viewed as opposed to it not being seen. Another per-
ception proven by experiment is that pain can be felt differently de-
pending on the belief of the sufferer. The experiment consisted of
people with varying religious beliefs (Roman Catholics, atheists, and
agnostics) who were subjected to electrical shocks after being shown a
painting of the Virgin Mary and the Lady with an Ermine. The subjects’
brain scan results had the same rating of pain when they were present-
ed with The Lady with an Ermine painting before they were shocked,
but the results for the other painting were strikingly different. The
Roman Catholics reported experiencing lesser pain when they were
presented with the Virgin Mary before they were shocked as compared
to the others. A review of this experiment leads one to the placebo
effect, wherein the pain is simply thought to be less threatening or not
dangerous at all. This is possible due to the activation of the part of the
brain that is regulating the perception of pain signals. The Catholics felt
that they were somehow safe under the eyes of the Virgin Mary, and
though their belief in the latter may have helped them reduce the pain,
the experiment did not prove that religion really appeases pain. The
placebo effect however does reduce pain, and it can be achieved by
anyone as long as they can channel the pain into something that is less
threatening, by means of meditation or mental strategies. 23


Pain—whether considered an undesirable sensation, a sign of underly-

ing sickness, or a supernatural punishment—has always been part of
human life. Pain continues to be perceived and defined differently by

people up until this day, both a negative experience, such as from an

injury, and a positive experience, as it prevents further injury because of
reflex action. But one thing is for sure: members of modern society will
be born with it, live with it, and die with it, since people will inevitably
experience pain in different forms throughout life.


A discourse on the different interpretations of pain requires a review

of the diverse factors that contribute to how an individual measures the
painfulness of any given experience. Such factors include, but are not
limited to: age, socioeconomic status, culture, past experiences (espe-
cially during childhood development), and gender. Consideration of
these factors brings forth one of the most peculiar and problematic
aspects that one confronts when dealing with pain and its diagnosis,
which is its subjective nature. Certain experiences that might be painful
or unpleasant to some people might not cause the same feelings of
discomfort in another individual. What one person might consider as
painful might not be interpreted by another individual as such, since
the latter doesn’t feel the usual sensory qualities associated with what
he or she commonly identifies as “pain.” Taking these points into ac-
count, this chapter provides a better understanding of (1) why pain is
perceived differently from one person to another, and (2) how interpre-
tation ultimately affects patients’ and caregivers’ management of pain.


Age and Socioeconomic Status

The idea that pain is a vague phenomenon instead of an objectifiable
experience seems to be an axiom. Indeed, what one person might con-
sider as a painful experience might be considered by another as just one
more mundane, trifling sensation. The difference between people’s

52 CHA P TER 6

interpretations of pain has constantly been a source of interest and

concern in a wide variety of scientific fields. Some individuals have
been found to bear stimuli that normally cause severe pain with mere
indifference, while others react to relatively moderate pain with ex-
treme reactions and emotional turmoil.
One factor contributing to this perceived difference in pain interpre-
tation is age. Studies conducted on pain tolerance capabilities between
different age groups yielded clear-cut, evident differences when it
comes to pain interpretation. One such study, performed jointly by the
Stanford University Medical Center and The Permanente Medical
Group in the 1970s showed that pain tolerance generally decreases with
age. 1 It’s worth noting, however, that when the results of this study
were compared to earlier work, it seemed that along with increasing
age, tolerance to cutaneous pain increases while tolerance to deep pain
decreases. Another more recent study indicates that not only do the
differences in pain interpretation among people from different age
groups exist, but that people’s reactions to different kinds of pain stimu-
li also vary depending on this same factor. 2 These details may be critical
when understanding the root or nature of pain that a particular person
experiences, therefore paving the way for a well-suited form of treat-
A person’s current socioeconomic status is yet another factor that
might contribute to the topic of pain interpretation. While an individu-
al’s socioeconomic disposition can lead to a wide variety of effects on his
health and well-being at several different levels, it’s also highly relevant
when trying to deal with how any particular person responds to pain. An
individual’s socioeconomic status is comprised of several different at-
tributes, such as place of residency, financial capability, occupation,
education, and degree of access to basic health care services. It is well
known that socioeconomic inequality has a fundamental effect on all
aspects of human existence. Therefore, it is unsurprising that socioeco-
nomic position should also have a tremendous impact on how a certain
person interprets pain. A study conducted in 2008 indicates that people
who come from households with an average annual income of $30,000
and below have higher instances of feeling pain and feel a higher de-
gree of pain severity. 3 This is twice the number of pain occurrences and
severity compared to people who come from households with an aver-
age annual income ranging above $100,000. The same study indicates
that blue-collar employees have a higher average pain rating compared
to white-collar workers. Test participants who have less than a high
school degree also displayed double the average pain ratings as did the
participants who graduated from college. The investigators even noted
in an interview from 2008 that the people who have higher incomes

seem to welcome pain and that the pain usually results from exercising,
while people who have lower incomes report that their pain usually
comes from doing their work. 4 Furthermore, a recent study published
in The European Journal of Pain showed that people from the lower
end of the socioeconomic ladder feel that they suffer from a greater
degree of disability through pain compared to those who come from the
higher end of the socioeconomic rankings, even though the pain inten-
sity and the number of painful body areas were the same for all survey
participants. 5 Clearly, a person’s income, degree of education, and oc-
cupation imparts a very significant contribution on how he or she inter-
prets any form of pain in their lives, since pain itself has a direct impact
on a person’s daily productivity and role effectiveness in society.

Cross-Cultural Differences
In spite of the ubiquitous nature of pain in human lives, the interpreta-
tions, definitions, and perceptions of it seem to be culturally specific.
The several ways that people express and control pain, manifests itself
as a learned behavioral attitude that is distinct from one culture to
another. 6 Some individuals might display stoicism in the face of experi-
encing pain and consider it as the norm. They tend to withdraw socially
and just turn to themselves, bearing the discomfort with a grin and a
“stiff upper lip.” Others are extremely expressive both verbally and
physically wherein some scream, cry, or sometimes even succumb to
episodes of hysteria (uncontrolled emotion). It’s been suggested that
people who come from an Eastern cultural background have a more
stoic approach or response to pain compared to people who were raised
in a Western culture upbringing. 7 During case studies made by The
University of California, the researchers observed that people from His-
panic, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern cultures are mostly very
expressive with their pain, while most people of Asian and Northern
European cultural backgrounds tend to exhibit stoicism. 8 Some cul-
tures tend to view pain as a punishment from a higher being brought
about by spiritual failings and thus, believe that it must simply be borne
with fortitude. Pain might be a result of failure to heed traditional
rituals designed to please deities, thereby apparently invoking divine
Others still, interpret the pain that they’re experiencing as a result of
negative karma and must therefore endure pain willingly as a necessary
evil to maintain the proper balance and harmony of the environment.
Notably, in most of these cultures where pain and illnesses are usually
seen as the work of a divine hand, people tend to interpret painful
54 CHA P TER 6

experiences as a test of religious faith. In the same study by the Univer-

sity of California, the primary investigator studied a patient who under-
went a shoulder surgery telling his nurse that he was experiencing se-
vere pain, but refused to take pain medication, because it was suppos-
edly the will of a god that he go through this painful experience and that
a god will give him the strength to bear it for the exact same reason. The
main researcher also noted a Nigerian farmer who had to undergo
arthroscopic knee surgery due to injuries sustained from a charging
bull. He never asked for pain medication afterward because, being a
Muslim, his pain was apparently an “offering to Allah” in return for the
good fortune of getting such a surgery. 9 People from cultures that value
stoicism when it comes to dealing with pain are also mostly unvocal
about what exactly they are feeling. They may feel that admitting to
pain or showing signs of pain is a sign of weakness. Thus, they hide it
and make a conscious effort of not letting it show on their faces. They
might even deny feeling pain when asked. On the flip side, some people
from other cultural groups tend to be very descriptive of the pain that
they’re feeling. This may be correlated to experiences or behaviors
learned and acquired during childhood. Certain cultural groups believe
that expressing their pain through groaning, grimacing, screaming, and
howling actually help to relieve and ease the pain. 10 They don’t sub-
scribe to the idea that pain is something to be endured, but instead,
they interpret it as something that must be alleviated as soon as pos-
The manner by which a pain patient interprets the pain that he
experiences is highly affected by culture and belief systems, therefore
leaving pain subject to a wide and diverse variety of interpretations
differing from one cultural group to another. Currently, existing studies
on the correlation between pain interpretation and culture are at the
most, mere “benchmarks” and do not provide a set of solid qualitative
data from which a concrete culture-specific treatment for pain may be
administered. It is of absolute importance to note that the usage of
current study results regarding the relation between culture and pain
interpretation is restricted to just guidelines, since culture provides only
a basic outline of any particular person’s behavior.
Not everyone in every culture strictly conforms to a specifically ex-
pected set of behaviors and beliefs. The current, existing descriptions
about any particular culture may even be considered as merely wide
generalizations. A strict observance of cultural generalizations in deal-
ing with pain leads to stereotyping. Stereotyping can lead to grave inac-
curacies in diagnosis and potentially harmful or inappropriate prescrip-
tions of pain-treatment methods. Even though pain is a universal hu-
man condition, the fact remains that it is culture-specific as well, fur-

ther reinforcing the significance of pain’s subjectivity and susceptibility

to individual-specific interpretations, as a crucial aspect to be consid-
ered—when dealing with its treatment and medication.
In relation to different cultural upbringings, an individual’s past ex-
periences with pain also contribute largely to how he’ll respond to suc-
ceeding pain episodes that may be encountered throughout his lifetime.
It has been recognized that the differing degrees of pain tolerance
capabilities from one person to another are directly affected by how a
certain person learns to cope or respond to past encounters with pain
while growing up. Parenting style is of great importance, as the parents
serve as models for their children on how to respond to a painful experi-
ence. 11 This still has a direct relation to a person’s cultural background,
since a person’s development of his own pain threshold parameters are
directly acquired as a result of learned experience, mostly from the
formative years and in reaction to the environment. The development
of this set of behaviors and attitudes will directly affect how the person
interprets and responds to pain later on in life.

Sexual Differences in Pain Interpretation

Experiments referenced throughout this writing indicate that there’s
consistent, supporting data to suggest that sex or gender has an effect
on the way that a person interprets pain. However, current studies on
the relationship between sex differences and pain interpretation have
varying results and seem to raise even more questions than answers.
Nonetheless, sex differences in pain interpretation appear to be existent
even though it’s not always explicable. In one of her studies regarding
the relationship between childhood pain and gender, an expert ob-
served that in general, boys and girls have a different conceptualization
of what’s considered to be painful. 12 She noted that the pain reactions
between boys and girls differ. Generally, girls tend to feel fear and
anxiousness when encountering pain. Boys tend to feel anger. Boys
interpreted the tightening of braces as severely painful while girls on
the other hand, reported having a broken arm as being more painful in
comparison. These observations however, may be more related to the
way that boys, in virtually all cultures, are raised to be more stoic when
it comes to dealing with pain as compared to girls. This may affect the
males as they grow older for they may possibly underreport feelings of
painful discomfort. Girls on the other hand aren’t necessarily encour-
aged but neither are they admonished when they get emotive or expres-
sive of their feelings and emotions. In the elderly, sex hormones and
anatomical differences might contribute to the differing pain interpre-
56 CHA P TER 6

tations. Evidence indicates that pain thresholds and pain tolerance for
human females vary along with the different stages of the menstrual
cycle. 13 It’s also now well-known that there are ailments that are more
common among women than men such as fibromyalgia, migraine, irri-
table bowel syndrome, and abdominal pains. The sexual differences
regarding some painful experiences, such as those in relation to mi-
graine, even diminish gradually after menopause. 14 The American Pain
Society published an extensive study in 2009 affirming the existence of
sexually-influenced interpretations of pain. However, a completely real-
ized method of its application in handling different responses to pain
perception based on sex remains beyond reach. The bottom line: pain
will always be subjective from one person to another, and interpreting it
also requires certain sensitivity to anatomical and psychosocial differ-
ences between males and females.


Currently, there are several modern technological advancements that

are capable of interpreting pain. Medical image processing can reveal
areas of the body that have sustained tissue or nerve damage. Several
less-technological methods are also already in place for quite some time
now, capable of interpreting the nature of any particular pain sensation.
These methods are anchored mainly on language and the prerequisite
that both the patient and the person trying to administer treatment
understand each other. However, due to pain’s subjective nature, its
severity may not always be interpreted by the degree of tissue or nerve
damage shown through imaging studies. As such, a more thorough and
accurate diagnosis of pain relies heavily on the person’s own self-reports
and descriptions. This is where the efficiency of treatment and accurate
prescription of medication starts to depend on the particular individu-
al’s interpretations and beliefs. In light of this, a mere understanding of
each other (patient and caregiver) through the ability to speak in the
same language doesn’t provide a fully satisfactory way of dealing with
pain, for it’s still subject to personal biases: both from the pain patient
and the caregiver’s point of view. It is therefore of great importance
that individual interpretations of patients as based on age, culture, sex,
and socioeconomic status be taken into consideration in order to pro-
vide the most effective and most applicable form of pain relief method


Since pain’s subjective nature requires that the experiencing individu-

al’s circumstances be taken into account, a closer look must also be
directed toward the other end of the spectrum to consider the manner
in which the health worker interprets a patient’s pain. Patients and
doctors often seem to have differing ideas or perceptions when it comes
to interpreting pain. This shouldn’t really be a surprise since it has been
well established that even though objective assessment of a source of
pain may show little or no difference between individuals with a certain
kind of injury, the perception of the severity and intensity of pain being
felt still rests upon the specific patient’s own interpretation. Doctors
and nurses often seem to incorrectly assess pain intensity and severity,
or at least disagree with a patient’s own interpretation. One study asked
a group of patients to rate pain intensity from zero to ten, where zero
represents painlessness and ten is unbearable pain. 15 As part of the
study, a group of doctors were asked to do the same using a similar pain
rating scale. Findings show that the doctors underestimated the pain
that their patients self-reported about 40 percent of the time, even
though the former group had full access to patient records. Forty-six
percent of participating physicians gave the same pain intensity ratings
that the patients did, while 15 percent overestimated the pain intensity
that their patients felt by a slight margin. Clearly, the different factors
influencing how a person interprets pain not only affects the person
experiencing it but must also be taken into account by whoever is pro-
viding the treatment. While overestimation of a patient’s pain might not
necessarily be detrimental toward proper diagnosis, underestimating a
patient’s pain can definitely lead to under-treatment. For many years
now, health care organizations have been lobbying for a proposal that
health care providers should simply accept the patients’ self-reports of
pain as the basis for providing pain treatments. Furthermore, a patient’s
own interpretation of the pain being experienced plays a very significant
role in the processes of pain management (see chapter 14).
Self-reports shouldn’t, however, be regarded as the only basis for
determining the most efficient methods required to alleviate a patient’s
pain. A doctor’s knowledge and expertise of the conditions of the hu-
man body, brought about by years of education and training, is also
instrumental in ensuring that the most appropriate form of treatment is
received by the patient. Nonetheless, just as is the case with patients,
health care professionals are also potentially subject to their own per-
sonal biases based on the different factors that affect an individual’s
interpretation of pain. In order to achieve the most effective pain man-
agement, caregivers must consistently take all the factors that affect a
58 CHA P TER 6

person’s pain interpretation into consideration. Effective communica-

tion with a patient is needed in every clinical encounter to reduce
misunderstandings and differences regarding the intensity of pain being
experienced. This will ensure that there are no discrepancies between
the pain treatment method being provided and the actual pain severity
the patient is experiencing, thereby resulting in better management of



Linguistic Challenges
A huge part of dealing with the different subjective ways that a person
interprets pain involves having a firm grasp on the terms that people
normally use to describe such experiences. The words people use for
describing pain are as varied as the factors that affect a person’s inter-
pretation of it. Terms such as “waxing and waning,” “throbbing,” “tin-
gling,” “shooting,” “intermittent,” “numbing,” and “gnawing” are just
some of the words that people use to ascribe some form of measure-
ment to the intensity of any particular pain sensation. This puts the
interpretation of pain under an even more idiosyncratic light.
Within the medical and scientific community, the different interpre-
tations of painful sensations usually fall under the two broad categories
of either acute or chronic pain, and then into several subcategories.
This categorization still doesn’t resolve the basic need to describe the
nature or intensity of a painful experience, which varies from one per-
son to another even though the root cause might be the same. In every-
day instances, people may use a broad expanse of terms to describe the
degree or intensity of a painful experience. A “dull” kind of pain is that
which may normally be used by patients to describe a pain that doesn’t
prevent the performance of daily activities. It’s usually the type of pain
that is just barely noticeable and negligible. This type of pain is general-
ly classified as just a slight, vague, or trifling sensation that doesn’t
provide so much discomfort that an individual cannot perform daily
tasks. A “mild” pain generally describes the same kind of pain as a dull
one, except for the aspect that the latter is usually consistent and nag-
ging. Dull pain is something that is more spread out and not focused on
one specific area of the body. A mild pain might usually be referred to
in the context of describing the intensity of a particular pain, while a
dull pain may refer more to the persistence of any particular painful

experience over a period of time. A sharp pain is generally something

that is the opposite of these two descriptions. It’s most often used by
patients to describe the kind of pain that has a definite and clear loca-
tion on the body. It is the “stabbing” kind of pain that is keenly and
suddenly felt. “Severe” pain, on the other hand, is most often used by
people to describe a kind of pain that is extreme in nature. It is the form
of pain that rating systems place in the highest and most intense catego-
ries. Physicians seem to agree that a severe pain is the kind of pain that
awakens the patient in the middle of the night, and, if experienced, is
usually interpreted as a more serious bodily ailment that needs to be
addressed immediately through clinical intervention.


Scientists appear to have been constantly struggling to devise a way to

objectively interpret pain. In spite of several extensive studies and edu-
cated attempts, its realization still remains elusive. Health care workers
have already accepted patients’ self-reports as the most valid measure of
the pain experience. Pain caregivers should strive to be sensitive re-
garding differences in age, sex, socioeconomic status, culture, and med-
ical history when trying to address pain-related issues. Pain patients
should be encouraged to describe their pain as accurately as possible.
That is how the individual differences and interpretations of pain that
people naturally have will be less of a hindrance in providing efficient
medical services.


The preceding chapter discussed some cultural interpretations of pain;

now this chapter explores in much more detail how people of distinct
cultures perceive and deal with pain in everyday life. Pain can be de-
fined with respect to (1) time, (2) the body portion or tissue type in-
volved, or (3) the way that it was generated. The perception of pain
differs for every individual because it is influenced by both the present
situation and past experience. 1 Even though pain is universally treated
with some kind of painkiller, more often than not, people tend to prefer
to deal with their pain first using home remedies and over-the-counter
remedies rather than immediately consulting with a physician.
Throughout the years, various studies have been conducted regarding
the phenomenon of pain and the possible treatments to alleviate it, but
its complexity still leaves researchers with a lot of things to consider. In
research done in 2000, it was discovered that 80 percent of Americans
viewed pain as an inevitable part of getting older and something they
have to live with. 2
Pain exists in spite of the continuous advancements in science be-
cause it requires a multidisciplinary viewpoint. While there are many
culturally distinct therapies available, including acupuncture, pharma-
ceuticals, nutrition, supplementation, yoga, and psychology among oth-
ers, pain reduction still relies heavily on the patient, and a chosen heal-
ing therapy must complement the sufferer’s cultural needs and beliefs. 3

62 CHA P TER 7


By definition, culture is an integrated and patterned idea through domi-

nant economic forces, social patterns, symbols, and values. 4 Culture is
said to be present only in humans. Although animals can learn certain
methods and practices and develop attitudes based on the natural in-
stinct for survival, only humans have what is called cultural learning,
which depends on symbols attached to certain phenomena, allowing
people to give meaning to events. 5
Culture can be best defined by highlighting its core characteristics.
The first is that culture can be learned consciously or unconsciously
through the process known as enculturation, which is defined to be a
conditioning process (both conscious and unconscious) wherein hu-
mans achieve competence and internalize their culture. 6 Culture is also
shared; it is a feature of individuals as members of groups and not
something of one’s own making. In addition, culture depends on the
human ability to assign meaning to events, which allows people to eval-
uate phenomena. 7 Culture can be adaptive or maladaptive in the sense
that it may offer short-term benefits as well as threaten a group’s long-
term existence. 8

Why Cultural Perceptions of Pain Change

Pain patients and caregivers must also realize that culture is also known
to be all encompassing, which basically means that a certain culture
may include otherwise painful things that may sometimes be regarded
as trivial. Eventually, changes are bound to influence cultures, and
three distinct forces are determined to be responsible for these
changes: the various influences within a society, the interaction be-
tween societies, and changes in the natural environment. 9 Within a
society, changes can be attributed to technological or ideological inno-
vation and to cultural loss, which is essentially the replacement of old
cultural patterns with new ones. Diffusion, acculturation, and transcul-
turation are identified as the leading factors for changes that happen
through interaction between societies. Diffusion allows for the spread-
ing of certain cultural traits (e.g., how pain is to be defined) to different
areas, and allows these traits to be shared in different territories. 10
Acculturation is the process of change that results from the interplay of
cultures, while transculturation describes an individual’s experience
when moving to a new place with a different culture that is then
adopted. 11

Introduction to the Changing Culture of Pain

Pain depends upon the meaning that one gives it, and this constantly
changes across time, culture, and social contexts. 12 Over the years, the
notion of pain has transformed from a cultural and personal phenome-
non to being an entirely medical problem. 13 The current cultural per-
ception in the West is based largely on the research and breakthroughs
presented by science. In America alone, this huge dependence on sci-
ence to treat pain is evident in Americans’ expenditure of more than $4
billion annually for painkillers. 14
As early as 428 BCE, the classical Greek philosopher Plato present-
ed his ideas on pleasure and pain through Timaeus, one of Plato’s pub-
lished dialogues that explore the nature of the physical world and of
human beings. 15 In this dialogue, Plato states that pain largely depends
on the senses. All pain has some meaning associated with it, and within
cultural limitations, pain is viewed by a person as a form of suffering
when it is rendered useless otherwise. 16 Pain stems from many cultural
experiences, and is usually interrelated with various occurrences in a
person’s life. Throughout the years, pain was seen in relation to other
factors, including religion, sex, and even comedy. Through an analysis
of literature and other works of art, there’s been a link seen between
the perception of pain and brilliance. 17 David B. Morris in The Culture
of Pain states that a majority of patients are suffering from pain because
of physicians’ refusal to acknowledge pain as a phenomenon that should
include cultural and social factors. 18
In the present day, some researchers and professional caregivers
essentially depend on the medical viewpoint in understanding pain and
in treating it. Aspirin, the popular name for acetylsalicylic acid, has
been used largely to treat mild to moderate pain, as well as to reduce
fever and inflammation. This drug, manufactured and patented by a
major Germany-based corporation, became prominent during World
War I and since then has established a huge presence in the market
worldwide. 19 Over the years, more and more medicines and drugs have
been manufactured, claiming to be a solution for pain, but recent expe-
riences present contradictions that prove that pain cannot be seen only
from a purely medicinal viewpoint and as a brain problem.
The cultural resources that were available in the past have been
generally forgotten because of the world’s complete trust in medical
“cures.” Today, however, those in the field of medicine and even those
who are not, have already begun to explore new methods of pain re-
lief. 20 These changing (cultural) viewpoints play a large part in the
world’s understanding of pain, and also hold the future of pain medica-
64 CHA P TER 7

Regulatory Barriers and Culture

Regulatory organizations can indirectly shape the way pain is dealt with
in a specific culture. The basic food and drug law present in the United
States, which is considered to be the most extensive law of its kind in
the world, is the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, while the
Secure and Responsible Drug Disposal Act of 2010 acknowledges that
the nonmedical use of prescription pain drugs is a continuously growing
issue in the country, and that the number of deaths related to this has
significantly increased. 21 There has also been a recorded increase in
violent crime and property crime due to the abuse of controlled pre-
scription drugs (CPDs) in the past years, and for this reason, there’s
greater concern and necessity for the government and related agencies
to impose strict restrictions and guidelines related to prescription pain
medications and their public sales to consumers.
In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
aims to promote and protect consumers’ health by monitoring and pro-
viding regulatory guidelines for food, drugs, medical devices, vaccines,
cosmetics, radiation-emitting products, and tobacco products. In rela-
tion to pain medications, the FDA is responsible for providing consu-
mers and health professionals with information on new drug warnings
and safety information. At present, as many as three billion prescrip-
tions are written annually in the United States alone, but many people
die as a result of errors given in preventable medications. 22 The Food
and Drug Administration created the Safe Use Initiative in order to
facilitate public and private collaborations within the health care com-
munity. By identifying risks linked with various pain medications, pre-
ventable harm can be drastically reduced for any particular culture—
not just the American one. The potential partners of this project could
include federal agencies, health care professionals and professional so-
cieties, pharmacies, hospitals, and the consumers.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Drug Evalua-
tion and Research (CDER) is tasked with evaluating pain drugs before
they can be allowed to be sold publicly, therefore allowing the consu-
mers to have a guaranteed safe medication. Companies who wish to sell
drugs in the United States have to send CDER certain test results to
prove that the drugs are safe and that they work for their intended
purpose. This is then reviewed by the CDER to ensure that the compa-
ny is to sell drugs that are true to their labels, and when it’s already
made certain that the health benefits of the drugs outweigh its known
risks, the drug is approved for public sale. The drug company first
performs routine laboratory and animal tests to show how the drug
works, before it’s tested on pain patients. 23

In the United Kingdom, the Medicines and Healthcare products

Regulatory Agency (MHRA) examines the safety and quality of health
care products. While there may be cultural differences between the
United States and UK, the MHRA makes sure that companies comply
with European and local (UK) laws, which are somewhat similar to
those in the States. In December of 2009, the (MHRA) had a press
release that launched a set of new guidelines for the sale of pain killers
in the UK, which is yet another expanding culture. This is in line with
the MHRA’s partnership with stakeholders, including large and small
retailers, pharmacists, trading standards offices, and the pharmaceutical
industry. The British Retail Consortium (BRC) and the Association of
Convenience Stores (ACS) are also part of the stakeholders. The guide-
lines stated the following restrictions on the sales of pain killers: 24

• No more than two packs of painkillers should be sold per transac-

• Retailers are discouraged from encouraging the sale of more than
one packet at a time.
• “Buy one get one free” or price promotions that hint a discount
for buying more than one pack would merely encourage custom-
ers to purchase a lot more than necessary.
• In a general sales outlet, the maximum pack-size for pain relief
medicines is sixteen tablets or capsules. Pharmacies under the
supervision of a pharmacist may sell larger packs of up to thirty
tablets or capsules.
• Sales of more than 100 tablets or capsules of paracetamol or aspi-
rin in one retail transaction is illegal as per legislation.

The above points help to minimize stockpiling and overdosing

(whether it is accidental or impulsive) within a specific culture of soci-
ety. Moreover, the medications would be effective and safer if the in-
structions for the use and dosage of the medicines are followed. The
laws can be implemented through the use of regular training of staff on
the imposition of restrictions, and notices for customers so as to raise
awareness. In the UK, all medicines that go to the market are first
scrutinized by the MHRA before they are approved to be sold publicly.
The MHRA also issues a so-called marketing authorization or license,
and manufacturers and distributors are also directly licensed by the
agency. Apart from the MHRA, there are other organizations con-
cerned with ensuring the quality and safety of publicly sold drugs, in-
cluding (1) a Notified Body, (2) member states of the European Union,
and (3) ethics committees. 25 In Europe, Notified Bodies are organiza-
tions who carry out compliance assessments. Member States of the
66 CHA P TER 7

European Union (EU) aid in sharing problems that they encounter with
certain drugs, thus improving the regulation. Lastly, ethics committees
are the ones responsible for clinical trials of the products, whereas the
MHRA is responsible for scientific evidence.
The MHRA and the FDA are both significant agencies when it
comes to medications, particularly in ensuring their safety for public
consumption, as well as in setting standards and performing tests before
drugs are sold in the market. This way, the consumers can be more
confident that the medications they are using are medically tested to be
safe and that consumption will result in improvement rather than risk.


There are cases in which patients are said to suffer from pain because
the doctors are afraid to prescribe medicines to alleviate pain. This is in
line with the fact that there is a significant number of people who abuse
prescription drugs by using them way above their dosage limits, or by
selling them to other people. This is a growing issue in the United
States, and as more doctors hold this fear, more and more patients
become agitated and bothered by pain that doctors refuse to manage.
Patients are thus going to the pharmacies without prescriptions from
their physicians in an attempt to get drugs that might reduce or numb
the pain that they are feeling. This has further caused growing concern
with regard to drug use. Patients affected by inadequate treatments
include both types: those who are suffering from chronic pain and those
experiencing severe acute pain.
A renowned pain management professional stated that fears of pain
medications being abused are irrational and are often caused by inade-
quate medical training. 26 He further argued that there are other ways to
manage pain, including massage, opioids, and behavioral therapy, and
that any medication could easily be misused or abused. In truth, Kath-
ryn Hahn, an expert and practicing pharmacist notes that abuse of pain
medications has indeed been worsening throughout the years, given
that federal treatment programs for drug abuse have more than tripled
within the past decade. Additionally, she states that there are alternative
pain management techniques available but doctors are not yet fully
informed about these new options. Doctors need to have full knowl-
edge of their patients’ pain and be well informed about other pain
relieving options. Patients also need to take the prescriptions seriously
and acknowledge their seriousness so as to make doctors more confi-

dent in prescribing them, including opioids, over-the-counter pain re-

lievers, and antidepressants. 27
In light of these rising problems, organizations and agencies (who
undoubtedly contribute to the culture) feel more compelled to impose
guidelines regarding pain management. Most importantly, the direction
for pain management experts in dealing with these problems is to edu-
cate professionals with the best drug- and non-drug methods to reduce
and control pain. 28



Emergence of Electronic Medical Records

An electronic medical record is a computerized medical record created
by an organization that delivers medical care, and includes a clinical
data repository (CDR), a clinical decision support system (CDSS), a
controlled medical vocabulary (CMV), a computerized provider order
entry (CPOE), and other pharmacy and clinical documentation applica-
tions. 29 Ideally, electronic medical records (EMRs) should serve to save
all of the patient’s information such that all records are secure and
easily accessible not only to physicians, but to the patients as well. This
method, which is increasing in certain cultures, also allows a patient to
see several specialists without worrying about the specialist not knowing
the patient’s medical history, which is crucial to treatment and recovery
in most cases.
The downside to such an information system is that it may be costly,
with an estimated cost (for hardware and software) of up to $20,000 for
every physician. 30 Furthermore, doctors will need to dedicate many
hours of their time to properly learn how to handle and use the system,
which is undeniably a great deal of time, and this may even take longer
for doctors who are not acquainted with the new technology. Despite its
downsides, hopes for the EMRs’ benefits are continuously increasing.
Solid research studies show how electronic medical records can lead to
a higher quality of care because of interactive features that include
regular e-mail reminders to patients for their checkups and other ser-
vices. 31 This allows professional caregivers to serve their patients more
fully with a reduction of risks associated with the much older paper-
based system. Eight core capabilities possessed by electronic medical
records are 32
68 CHA P TER 7

• health information and data;

• electronic communication and connectivity;
• decision support—the use of reminders and alerts to ensure regu-
lar screenings and preventive practices for the patient;
• patient support;
• result management—increases patient safety by allowing provid-
ers and other professions to new and past test results of a patient;
• order management;
• administrative processes; and
• reporting.

With continuous improvements in technology, the cultural changes pre-

sented by EMRs are expected to be solved sooner rather than later, and
eventually, the benefits presented by the system will be fully utilized by
the professional world to better serve the patients and aid in their
treatments, especially when it comes to sensitive issues such as pain.

Research and Products

With the changing culture of pain, the world has been adapting along
with the way that people understand it. At present, pain is seen as a
disease that alters the nervous system, thus increasing the need to im-
prove research and methods on how to deal with it. Seeing pain in this
light lends more hope for resolving the patient’s problem, particularly
with the belief that pain as a disease means that the patient can alter it
with his emotional, professional, and family settings. Ongoing research
about pain and the medications for controlling it within a given culture
are said to be more promising, allowing for optimism that pain and its
associated risks will be less of a problem in the future.
The goal of current research is to educate patients on how to deal
with the pain they are feeling, which is mostly an interaction between
the mind and the body. The president of the American Pain Founda-
tion stated that several long-acting products are now being developed,
and there are new drugs that are set to appear to deal with nerve
damage pain. 33 Researchers have acknowledged that better treatments
are needed to alleviate pain, which is a growing problem in the United
States and worldwide.


Pain research has indeed taken on different cultural approaches. By

recognizing pain in its medicinal aspect and in its cultural terms, re-
searchers are better off in providing people with treatment modalities
to alleviate their pain. The future of pain research largely depends on:
(1) the acknowledgement of the interplay between the mind and body
and the results of it, and (2) the further education of caregivers across
various cultures.

Clinical Picture


In order to understand and treat pain effectively, it is vital for patients

and caregivers to know the pathology of pain. Pain is an unpleasant
feeling that might be alleviated by different remedies. It is also a bodily
alarm that serves as a warning sign when something is wrong. In this
chapter, pathology will be defined and explored to provide a further
understanding of the structure of pain. The four factors involved in
pathology are also identified, since recognizing the different disciplines
of pathology is essential to alleviate pain that may be associated with
different diseases.


Pathology is a study that deals with the transformation of structures and

functions in the human body that is a result of an illness or disease. 1
Pathology: (1) focuses more on the alterations that the cells, tissues, and
body organs undergo due to the nature of the disease, and (2) is a
medical specialty that touches virtually all of medicine. It is relevant for
the development of a permanent cure for pain and treatment for ill-
nesses that affect humanity. 2

Four Pathological Bases of Painful Disorders

Because pain is so interrelated with the concept of disease, we should
explore the latter in depth. Pathology addresses four facets of disease:
etiology (cause), mechanisms of development (pathogenesis), change of

74 CHA P TER 8

cell structure (morphological changes), and the result of these of

changes (clinical manifestations). 3
Etiology is the first component of pathology and refers to the origin
of the disease, which could be from (1) biological agents, (2) physical
forces, or (3) nutritional excess or deficit. These agents may affect one
or more organs or body structures. A disease, including one that is
responsible for pain, could have several predisposing factors as the
cause. For example, diseases can be the consequence of a genetic pre-
disposition along with events that trigger disease development. 4
Pathogenesis focuses on the development of the disease process.
After determining the cause, it is vital to be aware of the progression of
the illness. Before the effects of the illness are evident, the body under-
goes changes that are caused by risk factors or predisposing conditions.
The primary structure of cells and tissues is referred to as morphology.
This primary structure is altered with the onset of a disease, which is
known as morphological change. To study the changes, several labora-
tory tests are done, including blood testing and internal imaging. The
changes that take place are known as clinical manifestation. Manifesta-
tions such as fever, dizziness, difficulty in breathing, and pain are all
possible by-products of a disease. A particular symptom may be a mani-
festation of one or more diseases. 5

Disciplines of Pathology
It is essential to trace the pain’s progression, which is sometimes mis-
interpreted as the pathology of pain itself. To some, pathology is medi-
cine since it plays a vital role in treating illnesses from conception to
post mortem (following death). 6 Pathology has many disciplines, name-
ly: anatomical, chemical, clinical, forensic, genetic, hematological, im-
munopathological, and microbiological. It is important for pain patients
and caregivers to understand these categories fully, in case professional
referral is necessitated.

Anatomical Pathology
Anatomical pathology deals with the study of diseased organs. To deter-
mine the cause of the disease, specialists obtain a tissue sample from
the patient during operation or post mortem. Pathologists examine
these tissues to examine the cause of the disease or the death of a
patient. Separated cells from different body organs can also be exam-
ined by pathologists. 7

Chemical Pathology
Chemical pathology is another branch of pathology that focuses on the
complete scope of the pain. It identifies painful disorders through ex-
amination of body fluids or components of the blood during an illness to
determine the electrolytes and enzymes. It also aims to detect signs of
cancer as well as chemical origins of pain. Chemical pathology is very
important in detecting chemical changes, as well as ensuring accurate
medical intervention and treatment. 8

Clinical Pathology
Clinical pathologists are well trained in chemical pathology, microbiolo-
gy, hematology, and blood banking, though not as specialists in each of
these fields. They are familiar with clinical branches of laboratory medi-
cine. For concerns that require a more detailed evaluation of a painful
disease, they usually consult experts in a specific field. They work close-
ly with medical technologists. 9

Forensic Pathology
Forensic pathology involves the investigation of unexpected deaths for
medico-legal purposes. This mainly involves an autopsy or examining
external and internal body parts to identify the cause of death. 10

Genetic Pathology
Genetic pathology is the latest field of pathology to emerge, and it
focuses more on the genetic makeup of the patient to identify the
underlying cause of an illness, especially those that are congenital. Ge-
netic pathologists provide families with advice on hereditary diseases
from different specialists. 11

Hematology is a discipline closely related to pathology that is develop-
ing fast. It specializes in studying diseases that affect the blood, such as
anemia, leukemia, and bleeding or clotting disorders. Hematologists are
also involved in the management of blood transfusion services. 12

Immunopathology involves laboratory evaluation of the patient’s im-
mune system. An example is testing for allergy antibodies (specialized
protective proteins) to determine if the individual is allergic to a partic-
ular substance. The immune system is the body’s defense against
76 CHA P TER 8

foreign particles that may arise in the form of bacteria and viruses.
Immunopathologists manage disorders that result from malfunction of
the immune system, such as lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid ar-
thritis, and AIDS, as well as transplantation medicine. 13

While microbiologists aren’t formally considered pathologists, the scope
of microbiology can involve the evaluation of painful disorders caused
by infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. This
field of pathology is very critical to society since it deals with outbreaks.
New organisms and infectious diseases have been discovered by micro-
biologists through history. 14


From a general standpoint, physical malfunction of the body occurs

when something fails to operate normally. 15 The nervous system is an
intricate “machine” comprised of structures already explained in the
preceding chapters. These structures in humans are relatively ad-
vanced, but once illness takes over or when these organs sustain sudden
or violent injury, the welfare of the entire pain patient is at risk. When
the nervous system malfunctions (i.e., it becomes pathological), there
are many varied effects that the body experiences, and these effects will
mainly depend on the area that is malfunctioning. General effects range
from altered levels of consciousness to problems in motor function. 16

Developmental Defects as Pathology

Some nervous system disorders are caused by developmental defects.
These defects can be congenital, such as hydrocephalus (swelling and
fluid build-up in the brain). Painful infections and inflammation are also
a common cause of nervous system problems. Toxic, metabolic, and
nutritional disorders such as phenylketonuria are also responsible for
some disorders. Vascular disorder wherein blood vessels become dis-
eased and with interrupted, blood flow to the brain and other organs is
also a cause of a painful developmental disorder. In addition, tumors
are also life-threatening problems of the nervous system that often re-
quire surgery. 17

Brain Malfunction
Since the brain and spinal cord are the two main parts of the nervous
system, there are major effects when these parts malfunction. Injuries
to these parts may result to impaired consciousness. This may range
from confusion to coma. The ability to think clearly or alertness is easily
disturbed in this instance, once the nervous system malfunctions. These
effects may be accompanied by unresponsive pupils, inability to re-
spond to stimuli, and impaired motor and verbal response. A seizure
can also be an effect for any brain malfunction. All of these are evident
in pain patients experiencing problems with the nervous system in gen-
eral, but more specifically, the brain. 18

Spinal Cord Malfunction

Malfunctions in the spinal cord also have devastating effects on body
functions. An injury in the white matter of the spinal cord leads to
problems in the function of the upper extremities. Spinal cord problems
in the anterior part may result in an inability to feel pain and tempera-
ture. Sacral and lumbar cord injuries will impair bowel, bladder, and
sexual functions. Complete spinal cord injuries may result in paralysis.
Furthermore, the resultant paralysis impairs circulatory function. Brad-
ycardia (slow heart rate), hypotension (poor blood pressure in compari-
son to normal perfusion), and oxygenation are experienced. 19

Disorders in Motor Function

Nervous system pathology has detrimental effects such as involuntary
reflexes. Spasms or involuntary muscle contractions may cause delays
and disturbances in simple activities such as eating, dressing, or walk-
ing. This can also be dangerous for a person experiencing pain since the
reflexes cannot be controlled and spasms may occur at any time. Trem-
ors and tics are also involuntary movements that may be experienced by
the individual suffering from pain. Movements of the face such as gri-
macing, rolling of the eyes, and raising the eyebrows occur unintention-
ally. Limbs may move also. These involuntary movements may range
from brief and rapid, to slow and irregular. 20

Disorders in Bladder, Bowel, and Sexual Function

Pain is also a common effect of any malfunction, and it can be quite
devastating depending on the severity. Impaired bladder and bowel
78 CHA P TER 8

function is one of the substantial problems in nervous system malfunc-

tion. Sexual function may also get impaired. Men may experience erec-
tile dysfunction and women may have fertility problems. There could
also be problems with responding to sexual stimuli. 21

Peripheral Nerve Pathology

There are also long-term effects for any nervous system malfunction
that is not treated promptly. Paralysis can last a lifetime due to cerebro-
vascular diseases such as stroke. Disorders of the peripheral nerves can
cause weakness that leads to difficulty in chewing, climbing stairs, or
lifting objects. 22 Carpal tunnel syndrome is another effect of malfunc-
tion of the peripheral nerves, but it can also be associated with different
pathological disorders such as diabetes mellitus, which comes with pain
in the wrist and hands, along with numbness of the thumb. There is also
paresthesia or a feeling of “pins and needles” and a weak grip. 23

Nervous System Pathology in the Elderly

Some disorders of brain function can lead to memory loss and personal-
ity change in a senior, and therefore these disorders indirectly contrib-
ute to the general pathology of pain. Such problems often occur in the
elderly but may also affect much younger individuals. As people get
older, there is a greater chance that the brain may malfunction and
hence may, by extension, affect the level of pain in the patient. Older
people may exhibit unusual behavior such as restlessness, abstract
thinking, agitation, and wandering. This may prevent them from carry-
ing out activities of daily living normally. Inability to communicate
along with urinary and fecal incontinence is also evident. These effects
do not only concern the patient but the patient’s family as well. Elderly
people experiencing dementia and other malfunctions of the brain re-
quire thorough assistance and quality caregiving. 24

Sleep Disorders
Sleep disorders are also the result of nervous system pathology. The
most common sleep disorder is insomnia. Chronic insomnia usually
results in mood changes such as depression and irritability. Dyssomnia
is a disorder wherein the person has excessive sleepiness or impaired
wakefulness. Narcolepsy is also known as “sleep attack” where the pa-
tient may fall asleep while doing daily routines such as driving and

eating. This disorder can be harmful and is also difficult to treat. Some
also experience motor disorders of sleep, characterized by an irresistible
urge to move the limbs. Sleep apnea is the cessation of airflow through
the nose and mouth, which usually lasts for at least ten seconds.
Changes in behavior may be the only treatment for patients with mild
sleep apnea. These changes include weight loss and eliminating alcohol
and sedatives. Proper bed positioning during sleep can also help. 25


For pain patients and health care professionals to develop accurate and
effective approaches, the pathology of pain can be studied extensively in
molecular detail. 26 A molecule is actually “the smallest identifiable unit
into which a pure substance can be divided and still retain the composi-
tion and chemical properties of that substance.” 27 Common examples
would be oxygen (O2) which has one element and water (H2O) which
has multiple elements.

N-methyl-D-aspartate Activation
Activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors would allow
calcium ions (Ca2+) entry, which in turn activates calcium-sensitive
intracellular signal cascades that lead to the combination of the NMDA
receptor and other receptor-ion channels with phosphoric acid, insti-
gating extended increases in the excitability of spinal cord neurons. 28
Since the cell properties of the magnesium ion (Mg2+) are unique,
generally NMDA receptors are inactive under normal conditions. As a
result, synapses containing only NMDA receptors are called silent syn-
apses. Research showed the presence of silent synapses among sensory
fibers in dorsal horn neurons. 29 Moreover, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-
HT), a neurotransmitter with a crucial role in pain pathology, trans-
forms inactive glutamatergic (pertaining to the behavior of glutamate, a
salt molecule) synapses into useful ones. The basic way this conversion
occurs is (1) 5-HT induced protein kinase-C activation, (2) α-amino-3-
hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor (AMPA) activa-
tion, (3) PDZ interactions, and (4) the addition of AMPA receptors.
PDZ stands for post synaptic density protein, drosophila tumor sup-
pressor, and zonula occludens protein. 30
80 CHA P TER 8

Opioid Receptors
Mu, delta, and kappa are different types of opioid receptors. The
endorphinergic pain modulatory pathways are represented by multiple
endogenous ligands (binding molecules) and the opioid receptors.
Endorphins are visible in the periphery, on nerve endings, immune-
related cells and other tissues, and generally circulate in the central
nervous system (CNS). They are involved in many neuroregulatory pro-
cesses apart from pain control, including the stress and motor re-

Depolarization involves an intricate neurochemistry where molecules
produced by tissues, inflammatory cells, and the neuron itself, influence
transduction. As depolarization takes place, the transmission of infor-
mation continues nearest to the axon and spinal cord and then on to
upper centers. Complex systems that modulate this input exist on all
levels of the neuraxis and are greatly characterized in the spinal cord.
Transmission across the first central synapse may be influenced by ac-
tivity in the afferent (toward the brain and spinal cord) pathway and
modulatory neural pathways that originate segmentally or supraspinally
(above the spine). Further modulation results from processes initiated
by glial cells (“glue” cells that protect the nervous system). 31 The molec-
ular chemistry of these processes involves an amazing array of com-
pounds, including endorphins, neurokinins, prostaglandins, biogenic
amines, GABA, neurotensin, cannabinoids, purines, and others.

Anterior Cingulated Cortex

The anterior cingulated cortex (ACC) neurons react to nociceptive
stimuli (chapter 4), and movement within the ACC is related to the
discomfort of somatosensory stimuli. 32 Electrical and chemical activa-
tion of the ACC leads to sensitization to heat or shock in animals,
whereas blocking cyclic adenosine monophosphate (CAMP) inhibits
pain. 33
Neural activity activated by injury boosts the release of glutamate at
the ACC synapse. This leads to an increase in postsynaptic calcium in
the spine. Calcium attaches to calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein
kinase (CaMK), leading to the activation of calcium-stimulated pain
pathways. Activation of CaMK, a molecule which is mainly produced in
the nucleus of the neuron, generates CaMK-dependent CREB. Togeth-

er with other premature genes, CAMP response element binding pro-

teins (CREBs) set off targets known to cause long-term changes in
synaptic make-up and hence, pain function. Upcoming studies are re-
quired to map pathological pain pathways that enhance the mainte-
nance of long term potentiation (LTP), plus late-phase LTP, in the
ACC. 34
Activated microgliae also increase the synthesis and emission of the
following during pain:

• A range of cytokines and chemokines;

• Interleukin-1β (IL-1β);
• Interleukin-6 (IL-6);
• Prostaglandin E2;
• Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha; and
• Nitric oxide.


The cell is the fundamental structural and functional unit of the pain
patient’s body. The body is composed of billions of cells. The brain and
spinal cord cells include neurons and glial cells. Neurons are cells that
send and receive electro-chemical signals to and from the brain and
nervous system. Glial cells, or glia, are supportive cells that provide
protection for the neurons (see below). Neurons vary in structure but
they all carry electro-chemical nerve signals. Most cells are replaced
with new ones after painful damage, but neurons are not. 35

Nociceptive Neurons
Pain can be branded as “nociceptive” when it is due to the ongoing
activation of the nociceptive system by tissue injury. The nociceptors
are responsible for the detection of painful stimuli such as temperature,
mechanical force, acidity, and tissue inflammation. When a pathological
disorder ensues, nociceptors conduct electrical signals to the spinal
cord via the sodium channels, which will trigger neurotransmitters to
activate nerve cells in the brain where the sensation of pain is realized.
Although neuroplastic (brain versatility) alterations such as underlying
tissue sensitization are involved, nociceptive pain is presumed to trans-
pire as an effect of the activation of the nociceptive system by irritating
stimuli, a process that involves transduction, transmission, modulation,
and perception of pain at the cell and tissue level. 36
82 CHA P TER 8

Tissue injury triggers afferent neurons—namely nociceptors, which

are small-diameter afferent neurons—that react to pain and are found
in skin, muscles, joints, and some visceral tissues. These fibers have
specific receptors that may be responsible for irritating mechanical,
chemical, or thermal stimuli that often cause pain. 37 Nociceptive affer-
ent neurons are wide ranging. Most neurons are “silent.” They’re only
active when stimuli of sufficient strength or quantity invade. Some
neurons only respond to one type of stimulus, such as heat, but most
respond to several different forms of sensory stimulation. Research re-
garding various types of nociceptors to disease states, or to possible
therapeutic targets, is still at a nascent stage. 38

Somatic and Visceral Pain

Nociceptive pain may be chronic or acute. It may mainly entail damage
to somatic or visceral tissues. Somatic pain is caused by constant activa-
tion of nociceptors stimulating nerves in the bones, joints, muscles, and
connective tissues. Somatic pain is often described as an aching,
squeezing, throbbing, and stabbing pain experience and is often asso-
ciated with a lesion. The pain coming from stimulation of afferent re-
ceptors in the viscera is called visceral pain and is usually described as
constricting and gnawing with varying intensity. Nociceptive pain of any
kind can be “referred” (i.e., the pain is felt somewhere other than the
site of injury), and some referral patterns are medically significant. For
example, an injury to the hip joint may pertain to the knee, while bile
duct clotting may create pain closer to the right shoulder blade. Noci-
ceptive pain may pertain to acute or chronic inflammation. The func-
tioning of inflammation is often difficult to understand. Moreover, the
prostaglandins (hormonelike compounds that have regulating proper-
ties) produced by injured tissues may increase the nociceptive response
to irritation by lowering the threshold to noxious stimuli. 39

The knowledge about pathological pain has developed from neuronal
mechanisms to neuroglial interactions. Mainly, astrocytes (star-shaped
nerve cells) and microglia serve as potential modulators of pain by dis-
charging cytokines and chemokines. Astrocytes and microglia have dis-
similar roles in relation to pain pathology but they do have some over-
lapping functions in mediating CNS natural immune response. Astrocy-
tes and microglia are stimulated in neuropathic pain, and their activa-

tion leads to pro-inflammatory responses with pathological effects, such

as nerve hyperexcitability, neurotoxicity, and chronic inflammation. 40

Glial Cells
Glial cells provide support functions for nerve cells involved in pain.
Ninety percent of brain cells are composed of glial cells. The different
glial cells carry out several important functions, including: (1) digestion
of components of dead neurons, (2) manufacturing myelin for neurons,
and (3) physical and nutritional maintenance of neurons. These cells
play important roles in transmitting pain reception. 41

Microgliae act as primary immune defense barriers of the central ner-
vous system. These cells are (1) scattered throughout the brain and
spinal cord, and (2) are highly sensitive to any changes in the environ-
ment. Due to evidence that microglia play an important part in pain
modulation, specialists are now aiming to study them and their related
signaling molecules in hopes of better pain control. This will be benefi-
cial to pain patients due the fewer number of side effects involved.
Some immunosuppressive (inhibiting over-responsiveness of the im-
mune system) compounds are being generated to ease microglial activa-
tion and inflammation and have been confirmed to be effective in lab
animals. 42
Microgliae are the existing macrophages and major immune-respon-
sive cells in the central nervous system. 43 They are equally scattered in
the brain. Presently, there isn’t much information about the function of
inactive microglia under regular conditions, but it was discovered that
inactive microglia have vastly active processes and survey the microen-
vironment in the brain. 44 In pathological conditions, these cells are
stimulated and produce movements related to chemical agents and de-
fend the body by destructing foreign matter. 45 An inactive microglia
quickly transforms into an activated state in the following:

• Host defense against infectious organisms;

• Trauma;
• Autoimmune inflammation;
• Neurodegeneration;
• Ischemia; and
• Neuropathic pain. 46
84 CHA P TER 8

Changes in morphology, up-regulation of immune surface antigens, and

the creation of cytotoxic or neurotrophic molecules is accompanied by
activation of microglia. 47 In neuropathic pain conditions, microglial
creation in the spinal dorsal horn has been established by at least three
different methods. Initially, the structure of microglia transforms from
“dormant” states, which have thin and branched processes, to “activat-
ed” states, which is pathologically manifested with hypertrophy. The
morphological change is also associated with proliferation or microglio-
sis. 48

Nerve Axons
Painful injury to a peripheral nerve axon can result in an abnormal
nerve structure. The damaged axon may develop multiple nerve
sprouts, which may form neuromas (nerve cell tumors). The nerve
sprouts, including these growing neuromas, can generate spontaneous
activity that intensifies several weeks after injury. The heightened sensi-
tivity: (1) is associated with a change in sodium receptor concentration
and other cell and tissue processes, and (2) can take place at spots of
demyelination (when the protective cover is removed) or nerve fiber
injury. These damaged areas are more insightful to physical stimuli,
which is clinically associated with tenderness and the manifestation of
Tinel’s sign (i.e., pain or tingling when the area over a nerve is tapped).
Atypical connections may develop between nerve sprouts or demyeli-
nated axons in the area of the nerve injury, allowing “crosstalk” between
somatic or sympathetic efferent nerves and nociceptors in the long run.
Dorsal root fibers may also grow following injury to peripheral nerves.

Peripheral Nerve Pain

Other pathological changes occur in peripheral nerves that are related
to pain and yet are poorly characterized. Anterograde (forward) and
retrograde (backward) transport of compounds may shift, and chemical
messages received in neurons may turn on specific genes. Some of
these changes in structure and function produce peripheral sensitiza-
tion, which may be connected to a lower pain threshold or a develop-
ment in receptive fields. In contrast to the still underdeveloped under-
standing of the mechanisms of peripheral-generated pain, there is al-
most no information about the processes that induce or sustain central-
ly-generated pain syndromes. Functional neuroimaging has demon-
strated the extraordinary neuroplasticity of the brain in the setting of a

neuropathic pain, such as phantom pain, but the mechanism respon-

sible is still largely unknown. 49


The pathology of pain has been studied, researched, and experimented

for centuries. Even now, specialists are finding new ways to understand
pain pathology in its entirety. Furthermore: molecules, cells, and tissues
at the pathological level are explored by pain experts in hopes of finding
more avenues for treatment.


When it comes to diagnosis, it is important to understand that pain is

a natural, organic occurrence without which a person could not survive.
However, with pain that is acute or severe or becomes chronic, there is
no advantage involved. Pain should therefore be transitory, lasting only
until the harmful stimuli are completely removed or the original dam-
age or pathology has recovered. 1 As such, pain is a symptom of a medi-
cal problem, and thus it is crucial to diagnose. Knowing the time of
onset, location, and intensity of the pain, as well as the pattern of occur-
rences, such as continuous or intermittent and exacerbating, will assist
the examining doctor to precisely diagnose the pain. 2 Even though pain
is a part of life, doctors and other professional caregivers have many
methods for reducing the harshness of the pain. 3
Pain is diagnostically useful for a number of reasons. These reasons
include alerting pain patients that something isn’t physiologically cor-
rect with their body. From a diagnostic standpoint, pain is a “good
thing” because it warns patients of impending damage. For instance,
pain may alert someone about structural damage in the spine. 4 Pain
itself can also be diagnostically—to a certain extent—a sign of infection,
such as an abscess. In addition, pain can warn a person who has had
previous surgeries; the reoccurring pain then become a warning sign
signaling that something may have changed or slipped. It may also
indicate that a new fracture has occurred. 5

88 CHA P TER 9


This section pertains to the diagnosis of painful disorders and the prop-
er recognition of painful signs by professional caregivers. Pain is a part
of everyone’s life and therefore care must often be taken to not make it
go away completely in the diagnosis and treatment of both chronic and
acute pain. 6 The major objective of diagnosing generalized pain is to
examine the patient over the course of a given period of time to see if
the pain is getting worse or if it goes away on its own, which therefore
informs the diagnosis and indicates how to proceed. 7
Chronic pain originates in social and personal norms. Since the
source of pain is frequently elusive in many ways, techniques for diag-
nosis tend to look at the purpose of the pain. 8 Diagnostics also tend to
get separated into those that depend on mechanical, chemical, and
nerve-related reactions. 9
It is important to be able to diagnose pain properly in order to treat
it the right way. The question as to why a patient’s pain care is not
working cannot be addressed if the diagnosis of pain is erroneous. This
is made more challenging because pain doesn’t have any objective bio-
logical markers—groans, moaning, and such cannot necessarily be tak-
en as definitive signs of pain. Thus the subjectivity of pain presents
barriers to communicating the pain felt by the sufferer.
Surveying the ways to diagnose the type of pain felt by the patient
and its intensity, one comes to a single conclusion: it is the patient who
knows what he or she is feeling and experiencing, and the caregiver
needs to take the patient’s word for it. The one suffering is the most
reliable source of information regarding the intensity, duration, onset,
and aggravating factors of the discomfort experienced, and what re-
lieves it. Therefore, trust between the sufferer and the health care
provider is essential to properly diagnose pain.


First Agent: The Doctor

To the general public, a “doctor” is a person with clinical expertise and
medical knowledge. However, doctors in the field of medicine special-
ize in different medical subfields, such as pain diagnosis, pediatric dis-
eases, and surgery, among many other fields. When people experience
sickness, physicians investigate to discover possible causes as well as the
treatment required. They examine patients, ask them to describe their

health problems, and carry out tests to diagnose the problem. 10 They
also administer medicine to patients as well as provide advice on diet,
exercise, and sleep schedules. 11
Family physicians and general medical practitioners are usually the
first doctors visited by patients who have a painful condition. These
doctors attend to common problems of illness and refer the patient to
other doctors who specialize in specific types of health issues. For in-
stance, internists pay attention to internal organs. Pediatricians focus on
care for young children as well as babies

Second Agent: The Pain Patient

A patient is any individual who seeks medical care services from the
physician or other professional caregiver. These patients seek medical
attention for diagnosis as well as treatment. Pain patients can be treated
in two different settings: outpatient or inpatient. An outpatient is a pain
patient who is hospitalized for less than twenty-four hours after a medi-
cal issue is diagnosed. The treatment provided in this mode of medical
attention is known as ambulatory care. An inpatient is a patient admit-
ted to the hospital and stays overnight or for an indefinite time. The
hospital stay can run for several days or weeks. The treatment adminis-
tered in this fashion is known as inpatient care. 12
Ideally, when a person experiences pain or any other type of illness
and it remains unresolved, he or she considers visiting a doctor. Howev-
er, some may feel stigmatized when asking for diagnostic help. Stigma-
tization may cause pain patients to shy away from seeking medical at-
tention, hindering the diagnostic process as well as worsening the over-
all level of pain, since most pain or illness exists because of weakened
tissue (chapter 8). If the patient has shoulder pain, for example, then
some painful tissues in the body need to be strengthened. Therefore,
medical attention is essential to stimulate healing as well as strengthen-
ing of the affected tissues. But the treatment for pain is not universal.
Some patients depend on pain killers, while others seek the assistance
of doctors simply to certify that they are well and have only a minor
temporary problem. 13

Third Agent: Imaging Technology

Imaging technology is used to produce, preserve, or reproduce images
as part of the diagnostic process of painful medical conditions. There
are several different kinds of diagnostic imaging technologies and tech-
niques available to assist doctors in diagnosing the injury that is respon-
90 CHA P TER 9

sible for the pain. 14 The technology involves the use of X-rays, which
are electromagnetic radiations that create shadows of the structure of
an object upon passing through it. X-rays penetrate the skin tissue as
well as other soft tissues and form a shadow-gram of the bones within
the body of the patient, which assists doctors as a diagnostic tool. The
X-ray imaging test allows doctors to look at bony structures inside the
body of the patient without surgery. The results of the X-ray films are
used by doctors to spot the cause as well as the degree of the injury
causing pain and to develop a treatment program. In addition, imaging
technology also uses infrared imaging, ultra-sound detection, electro-
optical sensors, as well as electron microscope and imagery analysis. 15
Functional magnetic resource imaging (MRI) allows the diagnosing
specialist to look at brain activity and indicates whether a patient is in

Three Agents in Unison

Before diagnosing generalized pain in its totality, it is significant to
know different facts about pain. The key factor to always keep in mind
is that the pain might be exactly what the individual going through
states it is, occurring where and when the patient describes it. 16 If an
individual can communicate his pain, it will most likely be simple to
relay it to a pain physician. When the individual cannot communicate
what he or she is experiencing, it may be tougher to evaluate the dis-
comfort, but it is still possible. To do this, the assessor must be aware of
the physical signs and symptoms that convey what the individual is
feeling. Physical diagnosis for pain involves identifying the nature of the
pain. Pain is subjective, but a quick overall assessment can illuminate
relevant factors. Vital signs may suggest the presence of pain, usually
with regard to breathing, heartbeat, and blood pressure. 17
When the patient decides to visit the doctor because of the severity
of the pain, the doctor performs a physical examination to develop a
medical history of the patient. Information such as the location as well
as the intensity of the pain, pain pattern, what relieves it as well as what
makes it worse are given to the doctor by the patient. The doctor also
asks how the pain affects the proper functioning of the individual and
seeks information about the past medical conditions of the patient. 18
For diagnostic purposes, it is important for the pain patient to be
honest when discussing the present and past medical history with the
doctor. This information helps physicians plan the treatment program
as well as select any appropriate drugs. If the pain is originating from an
internal source and seems to be severe, the doctor will order the patient

to be examined with imaging techniques such as X-ray, ultrasound,

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) scans,
or bone scans. 19 In some instances, imaging as well as lab tests are
carried on to help interrelate the conditions of pain with the symptoms
given by the patient. The imaging tests that the doctor may order de-
pend on the location of the pain. For example, X-rays are used for
imaging bones and teeth, MRIs are used for imaging soft tissue. 20
While the tests can be revealing, doctors do not rely on them exclu-
sively as diagnostic tools. Sometimes the examination results (as well as
medical history) signal the need for advanced testing. 21 It is essential to
note that physical examination as well as lab tests are meant to indicate
the normal as well as abnormal manifestations of pain. The doctor will
then compare signs as well as symptoms with the result of the examina-
tion and lab tests to come up with an accurate diagnosis. However,
caregivers sometimes do not find a clear anatomical cause of the pain in
the examined region of the body, and, conversely, imaging studies may
disclose an internal stress for which the patient might not experience
any pain. 22


Misdiagnosis is prevalent enough for pain sufferers to be concerned

that possible treatments they require will not be applied. Most empiri-
cal studies on diagnosis indicate that 30 percent of cases are misdiag-
nosed. 23 If a patient continues to experience symptoms despite medica-
tion, then the diagnosis could be incorrect.
Several factors can lead to misdiagnosis of patients’ conditions. For
example, misdiagnosis may occur if the symptoms as well as other medi-
cal information of the patient or results of checkup tests are misinter-
preted or wrongly dismissed. Also, a pain patient might supply incom-
plete or misleading information. Moreover, laboratory tests are not al-
ways foolproof and can be misleading without any fault of the doctor.
Medical personnel are human beings and everyone makes mistakes. A
misdiagnosis could be one that is missed, delayed, or inaccurate.

Missed Diagnosis
Diagnosis is said to be “missed” when particular signs or symptoms do
not come to light or are ignored, leading to inaccurate or no treatment.
For instance, a patient might be told that a small lump in his elbow is
benign, only to discover later that it is in fact malignant. In some in-
92 CHA P TER 9

stances, a missed diagnosis is no different from incorrect diagnosis.

Unfortunately, any pain patient can experience a missed diagnosis on
occasion. 24
Physicians use a sequence of questions designed to capture the rele-
vant diagnostic information from the pain sufferer to obtain the possible
cause as well as the extent of the pain. Possible diagnostic results range
from neurologic conditions such as sciatica to foraminal stenosis (nar-
rowing of the holes in the skull). If the symptoms are acute, the cause
may be determined to be more life-threatening such as meningitis.
Unfortunately, it is often more difficult to get an accurate “pain diagno-
sis” than a diagnosis for other medical problems.

Delayed Diagnosis
Delayed diagnosis is diagnosis of a medical situation that comes later
than the ideal. The delay in diagnosing health issues is likely to result in
more serious health complications or possibly even death because of the
delay in proper treatment. Delayed or incorrect diagnosis of any painful
medical condition can result in

• an incorrect form of medical therapy for the patient;

• failure to order indicated as well as essential diagnostic tests;
• misinterpretation of the results of medical tests; and
• incorrect tests being ordered.

Delayed diagnosis may preclude the possibility of necessary surgery or

reduce treatment options, especially during critical health situations.
problematic complications or even eventual incapacitation or death may
result. 25

Inaccurate Diagnosis
Inaccurate pain diagnosis occurs when the professional caregiver fails to
correctly diagnose the medical condition of a patient, possibly because
of inaccurate laboratory results. These lab results can include imaging
as well as other types of test results. Inaccurate diagnosis also arises due
to (1) instances of human error, such as contaminating or mixing sam-
ples or incorrectly reading imaging or other test results, (2) the use of
improper procedures by the technician, as well as (3) use of faulty
diagnostic equipment. 26

Effects of Misdiagnosis on the Pain Patient

When misdiagnosis occurs, pain sufferers can be left with heavy medi-
cal expenses as well as the inescapable pain. Diagnosis is an essential
stage of the pain treatment process, and if it is to be accurate the doctor
has to have sufficient knowledge about the pain sufferer.
If a patient’s pain is diagnosed as severe when it is in fact very minor,
the error may result in the patient undergoing unnecessary medical
procedures. As a consequence, the health of the pain patient is adverse-
ly affected and this may lead to a medical malpractice claim. Converse-
ly, when a false negative diagnosis is given to a patient, it results in the
disease or condition going undetected. This can cause deterioration of
the patient’s painful condition to the point that the pain will require
advanced medical care. The condition may deteriorate to the point that
even extensive intervention may not yield good results. 27
In conjunction with persisting symptoms of the pain, misdiagnosed
patients unfortunately also suffer increased stress and anxiety. It is wor-
risome when pain symptoms are not improving despite medical atten-
tion or when the illness has progressively worsened. Patients and family
members may also be concerned because of lost income and increased
costs in the prolonged treatment process. 28
Consequences of receiving a misdiagnosis of pain can vary because
different people have different immune responses. Sometimes no real
harm is experienced, despite a condition being repeatedly misdiag-
nosed. On the other hand, missing or misdiagnosing pain from serious
conditions such as meningitis can have devastating effects on the pa-
tient’s quality of life or even cause death. Patients with misdiagnosed
pain and those who eventually receive incorrect medical attention may
also be forced to hire pain specialists, adding to medical costs. 29


The personal handling of the psychological aspects of pain will be cov-

ered in detail in chapter 26, but it is important to look at the diagnostics
of the psychological ramifications of pain here. Since pain causes both
mental and physical problems, it can be diagnostically considered both
a psychological and physical issue. 30 Recently, there has been a growing
recognition that acute pain and chronic pain need very different diag-
nostic approaches from a psychological standpoint. Acute pain is the
warning sign to stop something that is likely to be harmful. Conversely,
chronic pain is referred to as the alarm signal that keeps on “ringing”
long after the original source of the pain has been addressed. This sort
94 CHA P TER 9

of pain can affect the attention as well as the emotional center of a

person’s brain. This is because chronic pain is a multidimensional
health problem with both sensory as well as affective components. It is
viewed by medical professionals as a biopsychological phenomenon in
which biological, psychological, and social factors dynamically interact
with each other. Therefore, it is essential for doctors to comprehend
(“diagnose”) the psychological factors in the case of chronic and dis-
abling pain.
Approximately 60 percent of all patients diagnosed with chronic pain
exhibit various levels of psychological distress. 31 A considerable propor-
tion of patients with chronic pain are diagnosed with reactive disorders
such as depression, anxiety and somatization, personality disorders, as
well as various nonspecific issues. These nonspecific issues include in-
tense emotion, anger, and loss of self-esteem. The high rate of reactive
disorders diagnosed in patients with chronic pain, even though well
acknowledged, is poorly understood. Therefore, psychological abnor-
malities, their diagnosis, and management are an essential part of inter-
ventional pain management. Psychological issues may significantly in-
fluence the diagnosis and prognosis as well as the outcome of treat-
ment. 32
Effective chronic pain diagnosis is more likely when doctors and
other formal caregivers undergo additional training. Pain has long been
recognized as a major symptom that is suitable to diagnose acute injury
or illness. However, an injury may heal or a disease may subside and
leave patients with undiagnosed chronic pain.


Pain patients and caregivers have a lot to do so as to come up with

proper and accurate diagnostic procedures. Pain can sometimes present
a diagnostic challenge for doctors since it involves a physical examina-
tion as well as diagnostic tests used for a myriad of other ailments.
Lasting pain affects social behaviors as well as daily norms of the af-
fected individuals. In this and in many other ways, pain presents accu-
rate symptoms which are appropriate for diagnosing acute injuries or
health problems. Pain diagnosis therefore requires a detailed history of
previous painful disorders, if any, to be taken from the patient.


The English word pain originated from the Latin poene, which means
“to punish.” Yet pain does not always come from punishment; it comes
from the perception of different stimuli leading to the feeling of pain.
René Descartes proposed that the mind and body are separate parts of
the human being and are connected by the pineal gland, which is the
“seat of the soul.” Even though Descartes’s conception has been dis-
credited, it has led to the study of different genres of pain. Thus, the
cause of pain has either a physical or a mental basis, depending on the
person, thanks to Descartes’s theory. 1


The perception of pain is affected by various factors, including

thoughts, emotions, and stress. A large part of pain can be exacerbated
by stress, since stress is linked to the mind, while the mind in turn is
linked to pain reception. It is all dependent on the way that a person
classifies what pain is. Pain can be differentiated as two types: hyperac-
tivity and immobility. Both these kinds of pain can greatly affect the
lifestyle of a person, and with that in mind, the following sections
present a deeper look into each, to further understand the overall
causes of pain.

96 CHA P TER 10

Hyperactivity-related pain usually occurs due to tissue injury. In fact,
scientific reports suggest that hyperactivity-related pain occurs often in
the muscles. 2 Even though just “being a really active person” does not
itself lead to pain, the injuries resulting from hyperactivity can result in
pain. Moreover, pain can originate from anxiety, stress, and other
sources. This may then lead to different reactions in the body that,
though not deadly, can be worrisome, since these might be underlying
manifestations of pain that may be even worse than the pain currently
being experienced. These manifestations include 3

• increased respiratory rate;

• increased blood pressure;
• dilation of the pupils; and
• hyperventilation.

How can the above affect the lifestyle of a person? A person might
experience attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) disorder
that leads to mental pain in the form of irritability, a feeling of restless-
ness, and depression in worse cases.

With regard to the causes of pain, immobility is specifically a condition
wherein the person is unable to move a part of the body due to accident
or sickness. There are many sources of immobility; such sources include
sports-related mishaps, vehicle accidents, stroke, and severe injury of a
part of the body. This kind of pain usually affects the older generation,
since they have less resilience against these conditions. Immobility is
not a lethal condition, yet the person experiencing immobility can feel
depressed due to inability to accomplish simple tasks such as walking
about the house, going to the bathroom, or making meals. Some of the
difficulties that the body may experience with immobility-related pain
are 4

• problems with using crutches or wheelchairs;

• severe pain whenever the injured part touches anything (e.g., an
injured foot touching the ground);
• dependency due to inability to perform simple tasks; and
• side effects due to taking medications.


Medications can be effective in treating the sickness they are prescribed

for, but they often come with harmful side effects. Some medications
cause pain for certain people. Some examples of these pain-inducing
substances include prescription drugs and medications prescribed in
the wrong dosages. Caution must be exercised in taking these kinds of
medications, since they can be harmful to the pain patient’s body. Ironi-
cally, sometimes pain medications themselves are the cause of pain.
This is especially true for a class of drug called opioids, and while these
prescription drugs come in various forms, they all have relatively the
same mechanism of treating pain. Negligence on the part of the medi-
cal practitioner or abuse on the part of the patient may lead to undesir-
able situations. Opioid-induced hyperalgesia (OIH) is the paradoxical
condition of opioid medications causing pain, a side effect of long-term
taking of opioids for treatment of chronic pain. Opioids can be adminis-
tered to a patient without the risk of addiction or dependency, yet they
can eventually be a cause of pain that may complicate the treatment of
the chronic pain that the patient is experiencing.

Tolerance versus Sensitization

Tolerance is a condition wherein a person taking medication grows
familiar with the drug, resulting in a decrease in the desired effect of
the drug, which may lead to increase in dosage. This increase then leads
to overdose or other harm to the person. Sensitization to pain comes
from increased dosage of opioids, which may lead to faulty operation of
the nervous system—specifically, its transmission of pain. 5 Two types of
sensitization can occur; the first is primary hyperalgesia wherein the
peripheral nerves are the ones injured. The other is secondary hyperal-
gesia, which originates from the reception of the stimuli itself.
Sensitization is often synonymous with OIH, since the excessive in-
take of opioids for treatment of chronic pain may lead to pain from
stimuli that were not previously painful to the person. Simply put, toler-
ance can be treated with increased dosage of the opioid, whereas sensi-
tization can be treated with reduced dosage or eliminating the opioid.

Approaches to Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia

There are three areas studied by medical experts involving body sys-
tems activated by OIH:
98 CHA P TER 10

1. Central glutaminergic system: This system, when inhibited, acti-

vates NMDA (N methyl-D-aspartate) receptors in order to pre-
vent the further development of OIH and tolerance in a person. 6
2. Spinal dynorphin: The spinal dynorphin, in increased levels, re-
leases spinal excitatory neuropeptides that in turn develop into
3. Descending facilitation: This prevents the increase in excitatory
neuropeptides, thus preventing the development of OIH. 7

There are two research approaches to OIH:

1. Basic science: Tests are conducted using rodents responsive to

opioids, indicating that their pain thresholds are reduced when
administered these drugs. 8
2. Clinical evidence: Pain reduction tests conducted with patients
that were detoxified from high-dose opioids. 9

Treatment of chronic pain when opioids are involved can be rather

difficult since both and tolerance can result. The question is how do we
identify the main condition that the pain patient is facing? Different
solutions for lack of success with the opioids may involve opioid rota-
tion, reduction of dosage, or detoxification. Identification of the condi-
tion before further treatment is important, since tolerance and OIH
have different treatment procedures. The clinician also faces the prob-
lem of distinguishing whether the pain that the patient is experiencing
is due to OIH or the chronic pain the opioids are being used for.
Tolerance may be another cause for an increase in pain. OIH can be
identified clinically by the changes in the pain threshold of the patient,
as well as by the tolerance to the opioid. If the patient’s tolerance to
opioids is still high, an increase in dosage may relieve the patient’s pain,
but the patient could still be developing or facing a worsening OIH. 10
When faced with a patient with chronic pain, the practitioner may
include non-opioid medication in the patient’s treatment. This helps to
reduce the amount of opioid used, thereby reducing the possibility of
contracting the side effects of the opioid and ultimately OIH, which
could be a cause for the pain in the first place. Another strategy would
be to rotate the type of opioid used in order to reduce the tendency to
be dependent on a single form of opioid, which is more immediate
when only a single type of opioid is administered. Other strategies in-
clude interventional pain management and behavioral management,
both aiming to reduce the need for pharmacotherapy, thereby eliminat-
ing the use of opioids altogether. If the above options are unavailable or

ill advised, the physician can then look to the following options for
diagnosis and treatment of OIH:

• Increase dosage of the opioid and take note of changes in efficacy

or tolerance.
• Reduce or eliminate opioid medication and take note of whether
there is a change in pain threshold.
• Consider NMDA receptor antagonists (with limitation) for the
pain patient.
• Use opioids that may mitigate OIH: This can be done with either
methadone or buprenorphine, which both have the ability to pre-
vent or reduce OIH, but buprenorphine can treat chronic pain
and may even treat OIH.

As with all therapies, there are side effects that can’t be prevented,
no matter what. When treating a pain patient with opioids, there must
be a backup plan in case complications such as tolerance, opioid depen-
dence, addiction, and even OIH occur. The caregiver should also con-
sider the possibility of OIH when the therapy fails. Most of all, the
treatment of a patient with opioids should be initiated in a mutual
agreement between the patient and the pain caregiver.


While everyone will likely experience stress at times, some people are
so used to living with stress that they don’t feel pain from it or even
identify stress at all. There are two different kinds of indicators of stress:
physical and mental. A discussion of each of these kinds of stress reac-
tions and their role as a cause of pain follows.

Physical Signs of Stress

Physical signs of stress show up in body organs and tissues in reaction to
stressful conditions, and these reactions may lead to pain. Typically,
there are two types of physical signs of stress: short term and a long
term. Here are some physical reactions that occur with stress: 11

• increased heart rate;

• increased sweating;
• cold extremities and cold skin;
• malaise (a “sickening” feeling);
100 CHA P TER 10

• tense muscles;
• dry mouth;
• frequent urges to use the bathroom;
• fatigue, headaches, shortness of breath;
• changes in appetite;
• changes in sleeping habits;
• nervous responses such as nail biting, twitching, or other repeti-
tive actions; and
• reduced immunity to sickness.

An example of chronic pain induced by stress is a headache. Severe

cases of headache may lead to nausea, vomiting, and irritability. This
kind of pain can originate from stressors such as an abusive conversa-
tion with a boss or a recollection of a traumatic event from the past.
Severe physical conditions can also result from recurrent stress; some
examples are cardiac arrest, stroke, and even death. Prevention of pain
from stress is not possible since stress is part of everyone’s life. Here are
some ways to cope with physical stressors known to cause pain: 12

• stress management therapy;

• taking medication prescribed by a doctor to relieve stress, such as
painkillers and steroids; or
• as a last resort, the pain patient can undergo surgical procedures
to block the nerves that cause the pain during highly stressful

Mental Signs of Stress

Mental signs of stress appear when the mind and its capabilities of
functioning properly are affected as a product of stress. Some of the
short-term mental signs of stress that appear in patients are: 13

• panic;
• interference with judgment resulting in bad decisions;
• feeling threatened by difficult situations;
• loss of enjoyment in an activity;
• difficulty in concentration;
• anxious or frustrated feelings;
• feelings of rejection.

Some long-term mental stress indicators are:


• successive anxiety/panic attacks;

• dependency on food, tobacco, alcohol, and/or drugs;
• confusion resulting in inability to make decisions;
• sudden mood swings;
• negligence in school, work, or personal hygiene; and
• phobias.

As well as severe psychological issues such as behavioral disorders,

these reactions of the mind may lead to some mild physical pain prob-
lems such as toothache. 14 Other evidence has been found supporting
pain caused specifically by mental stress. 15 One research project fo-
cused on how stress can affect the effectiveness of cortisol to regulate
inflammatory response. Immune cells are activated by cortisol (a stress
hormone) when there is inflammation. The inflammatory response to a
virus may lead to a common cold, as it is the sign of the body fighting off
the infection. The scientists found out that a prolonged stressful event
can hinder the response of the immune cells to the signal of cortisol,
and people affected by stress have the likelihood of developing a com-
mon cold or other sickness. Another experiment within the same study
involved about eighty participants who were tested for their capabilities
to regulate inflammatory responses before exposure to the virus. They
were also monitored for the production of chemicals that aid the in-
flammation process. The tests showed that people with lesser capabil-
ities of regulating inflammatory responses produced more chemicals
when exposed to the virus. 16 These tests have proven that stress can be
a source of physical diseases; thus, stress can also be an indirect source
of pain.



There are several factors that can cause pain, including cultural, envi-
ronmental and genetic elements. Definitions and other important de-
tails of each factor will be discussed in the following paragraphs.

Cultural Factors
Culture can affect a person’s way of assessing pain. For example, a
person who has a belief that walking on coal is a sacred ritual, may not
feel any pain, whereas an individual who has a different belief may get
hurt, not because the method of walking on coal is different for each
102 CHA P TER 10

person, but because the mind interprets what is and what is not “pain-
ful.” In this case, walking on coal is not painful for the believer because
that person’s cultural beliefs are able to block the sensation, whereas
the nonbeliever tends to focus on it. Medical practitioners also face
cultural factors in determining how pain patients classify their pain and
how they respond to painful situations. Cultural factors involved in as-
sessing the etiology of pain are portrayed in the following five exam-
ples: 17

• Stoic persons are the type that mask the pain and hide it from
others, thereby giving the impression that they’re strong enough
to withstand the pain on their own.
• Expressivity would be the opposite case. Cultural subtypes with
this characteristic tend to seek attention when in pain. Moaning or
even crying, are also demonstrative of this group.
• Language barriers can pose a cultural factor since the patient and
the caregiver may not fully understand each other, even while an
interpreter is present.
• Cultural beliefs also have control on a person’s reluctance to take
certain medications. Some people do not believe in medication at
all, and thus difficulty arises in finding the cause of the pain.
• Racism is a subcultural factor that can lead to improper treatment
and pain management.

Different cultural factors can make finding the actual cause of a pain
difficult. Therefore, the professional caregiver should always consider
the above factors in the treatment for every pain patient.
Patients from different cultures use different cognitive frameworks
to conceptualize and describe the pain they experience, making it diffi-
cult for a professional caregiver to unearth the true cause of the pain.
Gaps in proper understanding of the patient’s experience of pain may
result from the failure to understand particular descriptive content. For
example, a Native American patient may reference their “sacred num-
ber” to describe the level of pain being experienced, in contrast to the
usual understanding of numbers in pain assessment, wherein the inten-
sity of pain coincides with the progression of the numbers in a scale. 18
Patients from some cultures may reference or avoid lucky and unlucky
numbers when rating their pain. A culture may have many different
words for pain, each describing a particular type. For example, in the
Tagalog language, words with different nuances differentiate (1) pain
from general sickness (sakit), (2) burning or searing pain (hapdi), and
(3) regular muscle or cramp-like pains (kirot).

Hispanic patients frequently describe pain as “suffering,” while

African American patients usually use the word “hurt” to describe
pain. 19 They also employ different methods to cope with their pain once
they have determined its cause: while Hispanic patients usually ignore
their pain, African American patients tend to turn to distractions,
prayers, and hope. Patients from cultures that value stoicism are less
likely to complain of pain, or show signs of discomfort, for fear of being
perceived as “weak” or of losing control. On the other hand, some
patients will groan and scream with pain, as their cultural background
has taught them to be expressive. Some cultures emphasize collective
decision making, and people from these cultures tend not to seek treat-
ment for their pain without first consulting family, friends, and spiritual
or traditional leaders. Clearly, then, there are cultural gaps that must be
bridged in order to assess the actual cause of pain in patients. 20
However, language and cultural barriers are not enough to explain
the glaring disparities between pain assessments received by the white
majority population and minorities. It seems that in a clinical setting
where the minority patient has not established a relationship with the
medical practitioner, ethnic bias and stereotypes may influence or shift
clinical decisions. These biases and stereotypes may influence the phy-
sician’s perception of the true cause of the minority patient’s pain. Also,
nurses, physicians, and other health care providers may have certain
convictions about how to properly react to the patient’s pain that may
cause misunderstandings that hinder the process of finding out the
cause of the pain. 21
Most physicians are advocates of equal medical opportunities for
people of all cultural and ethnic groups. However, recent studies sug-
gest that disparities are caused by implicitly held biases and prefer-
ences. 22 It is possible that an individual who strongly denies racist and
prejudicial sentiments harbors biases that take the form of unacknowl-
edged acceptance of negative characteristics and stereotypes associated
with a particular group. Thus, a person may hold a certain conviction to
pain in a “rule-based” (gauging pain based on logic or language) cogni-
tive fashion, but will also hold beliefs associatively (gauging pain based
on other constituents in the environment). In the clinical setting, medi-
cal practitioners are particularly prone to cognitive overload. Busy
schedules, numerous patients, fatigue, and other factors may make the
associative cognitive function dominate the rule-based cognitive func-
tion. The physician, due to cognitive overload and the need to process
information quickly, may tend to think in terms of associative cognitive
models. 23
In the expanding world of medicine, it is important for pain patients
and their caregivers to be sensitive to the specific needs of patients who
104 CHA P TER 10

belong to other ethnicities and cultural groups, and realize that race,
language, and culture play a noteworthy role in medical care, especially
the treatment of pain. When considering these needs, finding an accu-
rate cause of pain is not a one-dimensional experience. As a subjective
experience, pain is multidimensional, and its perception and interpreta-
tion is significantly influenced by the cultural and societal makeup of
the one suffering from it, as well as the experts trying to figure out the
underlying cause of it. Steps need to be taken by the current health care
system to ensure that medical practitioners are made aware that racial
and ethnic disparities do exist so that further steps can be taken to
significantly reduce—if not eliminate—the broad gap between the pain
assessments received by majority patients versus those received by pa-
tients belonging to minority groups.

Environmental Factors
Environment can exacerbate pain depending on how a person reacts to
a certain event. Inadequate sleep, for example, because of too much
light or noise in the room can intensify a person’s chronic pain. Personal
habits for coping with environmentally induced lack of sleep can in-
clude: 24

• Keeping the body temperature cool or warm, depending on the

• Self-distraction methods such as watching TV, reading books; and
• Avoiding daytime naps that disturb sleep patterns.

Some can experience muscle pain due to a sudden change in the envi-
ronmental temperature. Strenuous daily routines and poor nutrition are
also among the factors that cause muscle pain. Since nutrition is a
general factor in experiencing pain, it is considered an environmental
influence: the diet is dependent on the environment where food is
produced, prepared, and consumed. 25 In addition, daily stress is nor-
mally a result of environmental factors around a person.

Genetic Factors
Genetic factors may affect pain tolerance. Research shows that hand
dominancy can be an important feature affecting one’s tolerance of
pain. According to a 2009 Israeli study from the University of Haifa,
right-handed people are more tolerant of pain than left-handed individ-
uals. 26 Moreover, studies have been presented at a meeting of the

American Society of Anesthesiologists that surprisingly revealed that

redheads have less pain tolerance as compared to people with other hair
color. 27 This is due to the fact that a mutated gene causing their hair to
become red, known as the melanocortin-1 receptor, also belongs to pain
receptors in the brain, thus making redheads more sensitive to pain.
Due to the complexity of pain, one can never accurately quantify
whether part of the pain is caused by genetics psychological elements,
or environmental factors. That said, genetic factors that “cause” pain are
typically related to multiple genes. Here are some of the genetic factors
that contribute to the pain experience of a person: 28

• Gender difference is an example of a genetic cause of pain since

females experience different kinds of pain that are not experi-
enced by a male. Moreover, males have higher pain thresholds
and thus can tolerate pain longer than their female counterparts. 29
• Heredity of illness varies depending on the genes of a person. For
example: siblings may have the same illness as their parents, or it
may be that only one of them is genetically affected by the dis-
• Genetic factors also apply to two different persons undergoing the
same medical procedure who report different postoperative (after
surgery) pain levels.
• Inherited characteristics such as race, ethnicity, and personality
type affect pain perception.
• Other factors influenced by genetic makeup include stress thresh-
old, overall mood, and cognitive processes of the brain.

Genetic factors play an important role in differentiating pain percep-

tion of every individual. Knowledge of these factors may prove vital in
the process of assessing the true cause of a person’s pain. Though noted
as different kinds of factors causing pain, genetic factors are also rele-
vant for determining methods of pain relief.


The perception of pain can be traced to different sources beyond physi-

cal problems, including medications, beliefs, environment, psychologi-
cal stress, and the genes of a person. Since each individual perceives
pain differently, one of the duties of formal caregivers is to pinpoint the
cause of it. Furthermore, it’s of great importance that the cause of pain
is known in order to prevent the development of pain into worse situa-
106 CHA P TER 10

tions. Knowledge about the causes of pain may prevent pain itself, and
experience in identifying the cause of pain will definitely increase the
chances of successful pain care.


Many illnesses are accompanied by pain. As such, pain has an impor-

tant preventative function in the human organism. Technically, pain is
an essential helper in understanding problems and averting further det-
riment of the organism. 1 As soon as pain becomes severe, intense, or,
nagging and chronic, it might pose considerable threat to one’s exis-
tence, lead to depression, and affect quality of life in a damaging way. 2
For instance, a severe headache might have damaging effects, utterly
disrupt one’s everyday existence, inflict serious suffering upon the pain
patient, and have far-reaching implications for personal and social life-
style. 3 There is no clear blueprint for studying every single damaging
effect of pain. Yet, to form a departure point and create a structure, this
chapter has been divided into three sections that in themselves repre-
sent general areas for identifying the damaging effects of pain: personal,
social, and economic.


Pain is highly romanticized in popular culture. It is thought to be a great

source of inspiration for artists. In movies, heroic crime victims derive
their strength from it. And the motto “no pain, no gain” promises great-
er power through it. In many respects, the ideas people have about pain
share common features. Pain is in fact really a very damaging, but also a
very personal experience. There are scores of studies that prove this
argument. 4 Two different people may experience pain differently,
though suffering from the same type of injury. When it comes to per-
sonal experience of pain in real life, there is not much “romanticism” in
108 CHA P TER 11

it. Pain may transform one’s personal life in many unexpected, mostly
negative ways; it may turn an individual from an effective and hard-
working person into a disabled one, or from a person with a healthy
desire for sex into a sexually unresponsive individual. 5 The social and
economic damages of pain are explained later, but for now, one of the
most personal segments of life, sexuality, will be investigated.

Pain and Sexuality

Psychological problems may be a substrate for physical pain during sex.
In many instances, physical pain during sex might be a serious issue. It
is indicative of gynecological disorders of the female reproductive sys-
tem. Irrespective of the cause, the pain makes women sexually unre-
sponsive. Sigmund Freud pioneered in studying the primacy of sex and
the sexual drive. 6 Today it is taken for granted that sexual intercourse
has one of the central roles in life; it is not only essential for reproduc-
tion, but also for keeping partners together as a functioning pair. 7 It is
possible to say with a high degree of confidence that an irregular sex life
will inevitably lead to strife in a marriage and, in the extreme, to its
dissolution. A person in pain often has little desire for sexual contact.
During illnesses or recovery periods, doctors sometimes warn: “No
Sex!” 8 If a physician prohibits intercourse, the first thing the pain pa-
tient must do is discuss it with his or her partner to avoid damaging
complications of the relationship.
A well-qualified caregiver is aware of the fact that it is always diffi-
cult, especially for a man, to stop to having intercourse. After a pro-
longed period of abstinence from sex, a man might find it difficult to
react to sexual stimulation, or his reaction to sexual stimulation might
change. Secondly, abstinence from sex can create stress and aggression,
hamper functioning, and engender psychological damages. Thus, it is
very important to consider alternatives to absolutely abstaining from
sex. “Soft” sex—or intercourse that is not very intense and does not
generate too much physical strain—is a reasonable practice in many
instances. Research has shown that healthy intercourse can 9

• reduce blood pressure;

• improve immunity;
• burn calories;
• improve heart health;
• develop self-esteem;
• lower chances of incontinence;
• gives a person better sleep; and

• cut pain threshold.

It is important that the pain patient discuss his or her sexual life with
a doctor. In some instances the doctor might prohibit the patient from
having sex “just in case,” but there should be objective reasons for such
a recommendation. In some cases, an individual seeking help from a
pain doctor might be reluctant to discuss his or her sexual life with a
doctor, but health should not be compromised for the sake of protect-
ing privacy in this matter. Consulting with a doctor might help an indi-
vidual to maintain sexual activity without compromising health or aggra-
vating pain during sex. A caregiver has to advise and assist his patients
in finding a healthy sexual lifestyle, since sex has a vital role in maintain-
ing the psychological well-being of an individual.
The topics of pain and sexual effects have many inherent controver-
sies. On one hand, there is sexual desire, which is rooted in human
nature. On the other, there are religious and moral mores, as well as
sociocultural dictums. 10 In essence, a sexual life may have a positive
impact, on the pain patient, such as increased stamina or personal pow-
er. 11 In some cultures it also might not conform to an individual’s sense
of honor and purity. 12 All in all, the effects of a sex life for pain patients
boils down to individual preferences and priorities.


Chronic pain is one of the underlying causes and contributors to

psychological illnesses such as depression and anxiety. 13 Pain and de-
pression in tandem create a vicious circle. In an attempt to understand
better the social bearing of pain, a number of studies present the fol-
lowing correlation: pain causes depression and anxiety while depression
and anxiety reinforce the pain. 14 As a result, the social life of an individ-
ual starts decaying in varying degrees. A deeper look into the social
impacts of pain inevitably leads to discussion about painful, damaging
effects of depression and anxiety.

Depression and Anxiety

From a social perspective, depressed persons often attempt to isolate
themselves from the larger social milieu and develop social phobia. This
entails much more than isolation of an individual from society, be it
actively or passively. Research findings suggest it is important to medi-
cally and scientifically validate the damaging effects of pain to make it
110 CHA P TER 11

socially acceptable. 15 Absence of medical validation of pain leads to

antipathy and caution by society. Since pain is not understood in entire-
ty, its psychological factors may be misunderstood, and ultimately, peo-
ple may ostracize and stigmatize the pain patient. Two important les-
sons follow from this observation: First, it is essential to clearly define
pain and increase social awareness of it in order to have it socially
accepted. Otherwise, the individual might be personally held account-
able for the pain and suffering as well as considered weak, further
excluding the patient from society. Second, misjudgment of pain by
society re-creates the vicious circle of pain and depression, which
means more and more pain for the individual and for society as a whole.
Based on research data, the World Health Organization (WHO) argues
that depression is one of the greatest sources of disability in the world. 16
The burden of depression (1) puts strain on an individual by limiting
quality of life or imposing difficulties in carrying out everyday activities,
and (2) entails enormous costs on the social and employment sectors.
Many visionaries and artists were labeled as mad people, yet in their
cases, their individuality and uniqueness was ultimately valued, espe-
cially in hindsight as the benefits to society of the person’s accomplish-
ments came to be recognized. An ordinary member of society, however,
is more likely to have no reprieve from being isolated from the larger
social world, and their contributions at work and other social sectors
never given a chance to be appreciated. A study conducted by WHO
suggests that average person suffering from depression is likely to end
up laid off from work and with a financial disaster. 17

Suicidal Tendencies
Every year, about one million people commit suicide, which is yet an-
other damaging effect of depression that may be caused by pain. 18
Failure to treat depression or inadequate treatment of it leads to com-
plications such as development of suicidal tendencies. Surveys suggest
that depression is one of the leading causes of death among teens. 19
Clinical research also shows that suicidal behavior is very common dur-
ing the adolescence period, again due to the painful, damaging effects
of depression. 20
A number of factors are usually invoked in analyzing risk factors and
explaining suicidal drive. Studies conducted by U.S. scientists maintain
that pain damages the brain tissues of a child. 21 The longer a child is
exposed to pain, the more damage it inflicts upon the youngster’s brain.
As a general rule, the younger the age, the more the child is vulnerable
to the damage. Pain is a huge enough challenge for an adult, but for a

child the suffering is manifold. It is vital to stop the pathological process

from further progress in children, since long exposure of the brain to
pain damages nerve cells and deters physical and psychological devel-
opment. Thus, to prevent further deterioration of a child’s health, it is
imperative to use the appropriate pain medication. The problem is that
it can be difficult to predict the effects of psychoactive medications. A
number of studies have documented that the medications in themselves
may lead to suicide, thus contributing to the already-damaging effects
of pain. 22
Differences in gender (females are more likely to commit suicide)
and social standing are yet additional factors affecting rates and meth-
ods of self-inflicted death. 23 A case in point is the social upheaval in
China in the 1980s, which led to changes in social roles. Clashes be-
tween the popular representation of freedom, right to choose one’s
personal life, and traditional mores led to gossip about improper sexual
behavior of certain women. Inability to cope with the social pressure
drove young women from rural areas to commit suicide. 24 The women
were caught between the new and the traditional Chinese values.
Works of research also suggest that depression, known to be a dam-
aging effect of pain, leads to lowering of self-esteem. 25 Therefore, a
discussion of depression and suicide in relation to pain would be incom-
plete without inclusion of the situation in Japan. Depression and suicide
are one of the most pressing social issues in Japanese society. Every
year, more than 30,000 people commit suicide there. 26 Research from
the University of Hiroshima has found a way to objectively diagnose the
state of depression by blood analysis. 27 Until now, the only way to diag-
nose depression in treating patients was to study subjective experience.
The investigators managed to detect a gene that is accountable for
brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF). The research results were
based on a blood sample analysis taken from two groups of people:
healthy, and depressed. The analysis revealed that chemical reactions
taking place in genes have strongly pronounced features. For the first
time in the history of medical science, scientists managed to discover
the protein that could highlight depression. 28

Pain Affecting Culture

While the preceding chapter explored how cultural elements can cause
pain, this section briefly discusses how pain in turn affects culture in a
damaging way. Changing cultural perception of pain is oftentimes vital.
In many cultures, stoicism is a commonly accepted norm of conduct,
and to endure hardship without complaint is important for one’s social
112 CHA P TER 11

standing. 29 Many people around the globe suffer from various forms of
psychological illnesses and depression, yet some are reluctant to seek
help because of certain cultural imperatives and painful social stigma. 30


The prevalence of pain makes it one of the most important problems in

world economies. The financial burden of pain and depression in the
U.S. alone is tens of billions of dollars. 31 Much of the burden is associat-
ed with loss of work productivity and reduced work performance. That
said, it is important to discuss the damaging economic impacts of pain.
Fiscal damages associated with pain can be divided into two catego-
ries: direct and indirect costs. Direct costs are primarily the medical
ones associated with the cost of treatment. Indirect costs include lost
productivity and absenteeism from work due to sick leaves. There are
also a number of other intangible costs, such as hampered concentra-
tion, low efficiency, and diminished ability to work in a productive way.
It is estimated that with millions of people suffering from various forms
of pain, the economic burden is worth at least $560 to $625 billion each
year. 32

Due to the vast number of physically and mentally painful disorders
existing today, the economic burden of all these conditions would be
impossible to address here. Therefore, depression will be used as an
example here. In the 1990s, the economic burden associated with de-
pression was roughly $40 billion. Nowadays, it’s estimated to be around
$50 billion. 33 A study that observed individuals for forty years to exam-
ine the effects of psychological issues and their consequences on per-
sonal, social, and economic realms has determined that people suffering
from depression have: (1) lower income as opposed to healthier
counterparts, (2) do not have high educational achievements, and (3)
often take sick days. The study also found lifetime economic loss for an
individual with psychological problems is estimated at $300,000, and
that people who suffer from depression are reluctant to get married
and, on average, have a loss of $10,400 income by the age of fifty, which
is a 35 percent decrease in lifetime income. 34
Depression is a global issue. The situation in the United States in
many respects is similar to the one in the UK. Pain and depression puts
enormous strain on the British economy. Research suggests that indi-

rect financial damage associated with the issue is far greater than the
direct ones. A recent economic survey estimated that the cost is over £9
billion. Of the total, £370 million is associated with direct costs, while
the rest comes from roughly one hundred million lost working days and
around two thousand six hundred suicides due to depression. 35 It’s no
surprise that the National Health Service of UK (NHS-UK) has devel-
oped a similar program to that of the Japanese—with goals of effective
treatment of depression to reverse social and economic costs. 36
The Japanese government says that the economic burden of pain,
depression and suicide of a Japanese national is $1 million per individu-
al. 37 The suicides of 32,000 Japanese last year inflicted a fiscal damage
of $32 billion to the Japanese economy due to the lost income and the
cost of treatment of the people in pain. To counter the problem, the
government of Japan might organize a special group of experts to devel-
op a mental health intervention program. Such a program might give
people access to effective ways of treating depression and other damag-
ing psychological problems connected to pain. Some might consider
this a cynical and a rather commercial proposal, but the main argument
behind such an initiative is economic. Japan is also a good example of a
culture where it is common for an individual not to complain about pain
and to endure hardship silently. An individual asking for help could be
stigmatized due to these cultural restraints. It is said that this is one of
the primary reasons why psychotherapy is not very popular in Japan, as
opposed to Europe and the United States. Doctors in Japan prefer to
treat depression with medication, as opposed to alternative methods. 38
As one can see, the damaging economic burden of pain and depres-
sion are about the same in all the case studies reviewed. Indirect work-
place-associated costs present great damage to economies, yet the total
share spent on treatment is increasing. The findings noted above sug-
gest that no one is immune to the hampering effects of pain.


The objective of this chapter has been to present an overview of damag-

ing personal, social, and economic impacts of pain. However, pain as
such cannot be blamed for all of the world’s problems. Rather, it is the
externalities associated with it that complicate people’s lives, increase
tension in society, and inflict economic damage. Measures need to be
taken for identification and elimination of painful disorders while they
are in early stages of development because, untreated in the long run,
the disorders have greater damaging effects on individuals and society
114 CHA P TER 11

as a whole. In summation, the damaging consequences of pain, such as

(1) low self-esteem, (2) diminished academic performance at school, (3)
social decline, (4) loss of productivity and absenteeism in the workplace,
and (5) disruption of interpersonal relationships, can all be reduced if
pain is resolved effectively by the right caregivers.



In contemporary societies when a person experiences serious pain or

has concerns about disease, he or she often meets with a physician. In
many instances these visits lack a proper framework, and are usually left
to the discretion of the doctor. This chapter will discuss this issue as it
applies to internists and family practice physicians—the two major cate-
gories of primary care specialists in the United States. It will thus hope-
fully provide a way to ease the process of patient-physician interviews.
The chapter will also include historical and educational backgrounds of
medical specialties, and information on typical routines of physicians to
provide a multilevel exploration.


Brief History
The concept of internal medicine as a method to treat pain and other
medical conditions can be found in texts dating back to 400 BCE; re-
ferred to as kayachikitsa, it was part of Ayurveda, the ancient system of
Indian medicine that encompasses multiple disciplines aiming to cure
the diseased, reduce pain, preserve health, and prolong life. 1 The term
internal medicine was derived from the German phrase Innere Medizin
which was used in the 1880s to describe physicians that integrated
laboratory research with patient care. At the beginning of the twentieth

116 CHA P TER 12

century, American doctors who completed their medical studies in Ger-

many brought these practices to the United States. 2
The first institutional appearance of internal medicine as a primary
care specialty came about with the creation of the American Board of
Internal Medicine (ABIM) in 1936 through the contributions of biolo-
gists, company administrators, businessmen, doctors, and scientists. 3
The vision of these founders was to institute a non-surgical, academic
board of internal medicine that could competently provide the certifica-
tion and intercommunication required by physicians practicing this
newly “imported” branch of primary care. A strong trend for specializa-
tion made its way into the medical field during World War II, with an
increasing number of funds allocated for medical research, and a grow-
ing number of physicians that placed their focus in the analytical study
of pain and the human organism.
A primary division between general internists and sub-specialties of
internal medicine was most evident at the beginning of the twentieth
century because of scientists who involved themselves in laboratory
research. This led to a boom in the 1940s and 1950s with increasing
numbers of research and residency programs that allowed both clinical
and academic physicians to share their findings. 4

Education and Specialization

In the United States, the life of an internist involves extensive training
and education. After the completion of a medical degree, graduates are
expected to spend one or two years of supervised practice before they
can be licensed. This is just about the time when they are exposed to
pain patients whom they can treat as a working doctor, as long as super-
vision is present. Subsequently, they are expected to enroll in a training
program for internal medicine, and, if desired, one of its sub-specialties.
Only after this stage can a physician get certified by an organization
responsible for the certification of trained internists. There currently
are three organizations that certify internists in the United States:

• American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM);

• American Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine (AOBIM); and
• American Board of Physician Specialties (ABPS).

Internists who treat patients in pain may be classified as either general

internists or specialists. General internists deal with all parts of the body
and a broad range of diseases. They provide their services in ambulatory

and inpatient settings, and they are experts in diagnosis, treating chron-
ic diseases, promoting health, and preventing illness. 5
Sub-specialists of internal medicine usually add two to three years to
their medical residency training, or what is known as a fellowship, and
they specialize in one of the core sub-specialties of internal medicine.
We will look at each of these below.

Adolescent Medicine
Also known as ephebiatrics, this specialty is centered on providing sup-
port in the psychobiological (mind and body) and social development of
adolescents. In addition to the training required to get a board certifica-
tion in internal medicine, specialists in this field have to spend years
learning about conditions that affect individuals in the age spectrum
between thirteen and twenty-one years of age. Experts in adolescent
medicine are trained to deal with a variety of medical and behavioral
issues, and they can consult the pain patient on a variety of topics
ranging from sexuality to growth and development. 6

Allergy and Immunology

Solid clinical evidence proves that allergies are associated with pain. 7
An allergist-immunologist is prepared to handle a variety of inconsisten-
cies affecting the human immune system, including allergy, which rep-
resents a peculiar condition where the immune system acquires sensi-
tivity to particular substances and their presence in the digestive tract,
the respiratory tract, or on the skin. Experts in this field mainly deal
with asthma and other allergic conditions. The most commonly used
test for determining allergens is a scratch exam, in which the physician
punctures the patient in the forearm or back with very small quantities
of the suspected allergens and then evaluates the reactions. 8

This field deals with various disorders affecting the heart, such as con-
genital heart defects, heart failure, coronary artery disease, and valvular
heart disease. 9 The residency program in cardiology is years long after
medical school and it takes into consideration the diagnosis, treatment,
identification, and research of all kinds of diseases and injuries affecting
the heart. 10

With the emergence of hormonal imbalance, an endocrinologist is the
specialist that is consulted. It takes years of additional training (on top
118 CHA P TER 12

of a medical degree and an internal medicine certification) to get into

this field and it deals with various conditions such as diabetes, osteopor-
osis, infertility, obesity, hypertension, and lipid (fat) disorders. 11

The focus of this medical specialty is the digestive tract. An internal
medicine board certificate and a fellowship lasting from two to four
years are required to practice in this field. Specialists in this category
treat painful conditions such as gastrointestinal cancers, esophageal
problems, gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD), ulcer, Helicobact-
er pylori (a type of bacteria) infection, gallbladder bile duct diseases,
and pancreatic disorders. Common tests used as part of the process of
addressing gastrointestinal pain include colonoscopies and endosco-
pies. 12

Geriatrics is the one part of internal medicine that, like adolescent
medicine, provides its services to individuals who fall into a certain age
group. Much like all other specialties, geriatrics practice requires fur-
ther training after the completion of a board certification in internal
medicine. Physicians trained in geriatrics care for and treat elderly pa-
tients, so there are often issues regarding pain. Important practices
include, but aren’t limited to, (1) determining the effects of drugs on
the patient’s body, (2) making sure that the patient has appropriate
familial and social support, (3) identifying the effects of past diseases on
the patient, (4) helping choose a suitable environment and lifestyle for
patients, and (5) curing the various disorders that affect elderly pa-
tients. 13

A derivative of the Greek terms haima and logos, hematology is the
science that studies blood: that mysterious liquid substance that flows
throughout the body to transport life-giving oxygen and other nutritive
substances. The role of the hematologist is to deal, with dysfunctions
related to blood and the structures that produce it. 14 Among hematolo-
gists’ areas of expertise are 15

• hematinics (these increase red blood cells);

• immunosuppressants (these prevent hyper-reactivity of the im-
mune system);
• derivatives of blood;
• antithrombotic agents; and

• anticoagulants.

Infectious Disease
These specialists deal with viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi, which
can all be spread to large numbers of people. 16 They are trained to treat
infections of the sinuses, heart, brain, lungs, urinary tract, bowel, bones,
and pelvic organs. Many experts in this field choose to focus on the
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which is the main culprit for
AIDS. Training in this specialty also includes a penetrating knowledge
of antibiotics, immunology, and epidemiology. 17

A nephrologist is an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders
related to the kidneys. After the completion of a basic medical educa-
tion and a certificate in internal medicine, two to three years are re-
quired to complete a specialization in nephrology. Experts in this field
can deal with a variety of painful renal conditions, such as kidney
stones, chronic kidney disease (CKD), polycystic kidney disease
(PKDs), and acute renal failure.

Oncologists are specialists that deal with cancer. There are three main
sub-branches of oncology: (1) medical oncology, dealing with the appli-
cation of various types of chemotherapy to kill off cancerous cells; (2)
radiation oncology, the use of high-energy X-rays to target affected
cells; and (3) surgical oncology, involving the surgical removal and biop-
sy of cancerous tissues that may be actively causing pain. The role of
these specialized internists consists in 18

• proposing and explaining plans of treatment;

• caring for the cancer patient from the moment the diagnosis is
made; and
• mitigating the pain and side effects developed during the period
of treatment.

An internist specializing in the lungs and pulmonary tracts is known as a
pulmonologist. Training includes a minimum of two years besides a
medical degree, and an internal medicine board certification. Experts
in this field learn to approach a variety of chronic and acute pulmonary
120 CHA P TER 12

disorders by taking appropriate tests and working out suitable treat-

ment plans. 19

Arthritis and other painful disorders involving the muscular and the
skeletal body systems are usually confronted by a subspecialist of inter-
nal medicine known as a rheumatologist. These experts usually deal
with painful problems affecting the joints, muscles, and bones. A fel-
lowship program in rheumatology takes two to three years to complete.
Conditions usually treated by these professionals may include osteopor-
osis, some cases of defective immune system, tendinitis, osteoarthritis,
gout, and lupus—all of which can be painful. Diagnosis usually involves
some physical tests and a review of the patient’s history. 20

Sports Medicine
Internists in this field specialize in treating musculoskeletal disorders
affecting athletes and other physically active individuals. Specialization
takes one to two years after the completion of all tertiary-level courses
in medicine and a certification in internal medicine. Commonly treated
painful injuries include ankle sprains, groin pulls, hamstring strains,
shin splints, knee injuries, tennis elbow, and shoulder injuries. Although
most professionals in this subspecialty choose to focus on treating pain-
ful sports-related conditions, some actually involve themselves in the
prevention of injury and the conditioning of athletes to reach peak
performance through the appropriate techniques, training regimens,
and dietary guidelines. 21 Sports medicine doctors usually work with
pain patients referred to them by general internists.

Special Characteristics
Internists, whether general or subspecialty, have a series of distinguish-
ing characteristics that include the following:

• They treat patients in the context of their individuality.

• They have a thorough knowledge of the human body, and are
capable of dealing with multiple painful disorders occurring at the
same time.
• They only treat individuals who are above thirteen years of age.
• Relations with patients are usually regarding the onset of disease
or the prevention of a particular illness.

• They know when to refer to appropriate specialists when a partic-

ular case of chronic pain goes beyond their expertise.

International Presence
Organizations such as the International Society of Internal Medicine
(ISIM), the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP), the Euro-
pean Federation of Internal Medicine (EFIM), and World Health Or-
ganization (WHO) have allowed for the emergence of global networks
of internists, each located in different continents. These global net-
works, theorize how the specialties can adapt to cope with the ever-
changing structure of society. They also allow for a far-reaching ex-
change of technologies, techniques, and knowledge that contribute to
the ever-growing expansion of internal medicine.

Initial Appointments with Internists

Most specialized internists choose to work in a clinic that deals exclu-
sively with their branch of internal medicine. Commonly, patients first
need to consult a general internist and consider whether they need to
go to a specialist or not. If it is determined that the patient needs a
specialist, he or she will be referred to an appropriate practitioner. The
most common conversations between an internist and a pain patient
usually revolve around a detailed description of the patient’s symptoms.
An experienced internist is usually prepared to identify most painful
disorders without having to order any laboratory tests, but the skill to
know when it is appropriate to refer their patients to specialists also
plays a very important role in the success of their endeavor.


Brief History
The general practice of treating illness, or what is sometimes called
family medicine due to the growing obsoleteness of the “general practi-
tioner” in the United States, originated well before the establishment of
the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), previously known
as the American Academy of General Practice (AAGP). The tendency
of some physicians to maintain continuous and comprehensive relations
with their patients led to the extension of the practice for the patients’
122 CHA P TER 12

family nucleus. In the mid 1960s concern over the declining number of
generalists operating at the time provided the necessary foundations for
the emergence of a unified organization that could maintain the various
societal, political, and academic needs of the specialty. Recent attempts
to strengthen the specialty have been made through projects such as
the Future Family Medicine (FFM), an attempt to transform the spe-
cialty so that it might more efficiently meet the needs of its patients in
the changing environment of the twenty-first century.

Education and Work

In the United States, family physicians are required to complete an
accredited three-year family medicine residency before they may at-
tend an examination to get a board certification, which is preferred by
many hospitals and health plans. The exam needs to be renewed every
seven to ten years, depending on the board. 22 Although family medicine
residency programs may differ from university to university, the curric-
ular orientation is very similar in that they all aim to develop general
medical skills to be applied in the context of a community of patients
that need to trust the physician(s) to treat their health-related issues by
getting to know their environmental and familial contexts. This could
involve, in spite of the fact that it’s poorly advised in medical literature,
the gradual emergence of a strong emotional rapport between the pa-
tient and physician. Family doctors are sometimes entwined in commu-
nal activities. Their role is to understand the societal contexts of their
patients so to treat the whole person rather than separate maladies and
diseases. Contrary to popular belief, this is one way by which family
physicians do in fact “practice” holistic medicine.

Special Characteristics
Physicians under the category of family medicine are easily identified
by some of their basic characteristics:

• They treat patients by taking into consideration their family and

• They specialize in the treatment and prevention of diseases
among various members of a familiar and communal cycle.
• They can handle patients from gestation to death.
• They are involved in their patients’ life and family, and usually
maintain a good rapport whether a disease is present or not.
• They have good socialization skills.

International Presence
Family practice doesn’t only exist in America. Although the AAFP is an
internationally renowned family practice institution, other institutions
such as (1) the South African Academy of Family Physicians (SAAFP),
(2) Academy of Family Physicians of India (AFPI), (3) Portuguese Asso-
ciation of General and Family Medicine (APMGF), and (4) the World
Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associa-
tions of General Practitioners/Family Physicians (WONCA) also play an
important role in the global presence of physicians that focus on provid-
ing holistic, continuing care and assistance to their patients. The global
presence of residency programs in family medicine opens up a range of
possibilities to students wishing to extend their experience to specific
cultural and environmental contexts academically as well as profession-

Initial Appointments and Questions

Initial meetings with a family physician frequently occur at the onset of
the birth of a child. Other instances might include couples that need
consultation on their sexual life. Appropriate questions from pain pa-
tients should primarily focus on the reason of their presence and on an
explanation of the approaches being proposed by the doctor as a solu-
tion to the problem. Physicians should be asking about the patient’s
medical history, family composition, and any question that might stimu-
late feedback about the proposed approach on how to confront the
pain-related issues at hand.

Typical Session with a Family Physician

A meeting with a physician practicing family medicine usually includes
the measurement of heart rate, blood pressure, and weight by a trained
nurse, and the reporting of these measurements on a chart containing
all the details known about the patient. This will be passed to the doctor
as the patient enters the exam room to discuss his condition. Based on
(1) this preliminary data, (2) the description of symptoms by the pa-
tient, and (3) the further tests that might be required to determine the
patient’s condition, the family physician might write a prescription, per-
form a small surgical operation, or refer the patient to a specialist that
can better handle the case. An interesting trait of family medicine is
that multiple members of the same family can actually visit the doctor
and allow for a holistic approach to their problems.
124 CHA P TER 12


It is often difficult to draw conclusions on an extensive topic such as

medical specialties treating pain. Nevertheless, in order for the reader
to gain a working knowledge on how to act in a medical context as a
patient in pain, it is important that the role of each side be properly
understood and identified by individuals who have developed chronic
pain conditions that eventually require a specialist, or people who want
to keep doctor-patient rapport at a personal level. Family medicine is a
holistic (i.e., mind and body), community-based specialty of primary
care best suited for family contexts, in cases where people of all ages
might have a chance of contracting certain infectious diseases that can’t
be treated unless the whole family is taken into account, or situations
where the age of the pain patient doesn’t allow consultation with an



Physical medicine and rehabilitation (also known as rehabilitation

medicine or physiatry) is a segment of medicine that restores function
and quality of life to those who are impaired physically. Physiatrists, the
physicians who’ve completed training in this field, are often called re-
hab medicine specialists. People with painful injuries to the tissues,
muscles, nervous system, and bones can be treated and have their opti-
mal functions restored by physiatrists.



The term physiatry was first coined by Frank Krusen in the late 1930s.
This specialty field expanded in reaction to the need for innovative
recovery techniques for the vast number of hurt military personnel
returning from World War II. 1 Nerves, muscles, and bones are the
major concerns of rehabilitation physicians, who treat injuries or ill-
nesses that affect how a person moves. A recovery physician’s goal is to
cure pain and increase overall performance without surgery. The physi-
cian first tries to figure out the source of the painful illness, and then
develops a course of action that can be carried out by the sufferers
themselves or by a health care group. This health care group may in-
clude other doctors and health care professionals, neurologists and
physiotherapists. Physiatrists offer an appropriate course of action to
stay as active as possible, given the patient’s age.

126 CHA P TER 13

Scope of the Field

In essence, the physiatrist specializes in a branch of medicine that fo-
cuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of health problems
through utilizing physical means, effectively combining medications,
and physical therapy. The physiatrist usually focuses treatment on dis-
orders of the musculoskeletal system, made up of the body’s muscles,
bones, nerves, tendons, ligaments and their peripheral structures. The
rehabilitation aspect of this specialization targets the aspects of these
disorders that cause pain and interfere with normal functioning. Al-
though physiatrists don’t perform surgical procedures, their line of
treatment always begins with the end in mind. The aim of the treatment
plan is to enable patients to regain functional independence through
achieving a pain-free existence. This becomes the crux of everyday ther-
apies in the implementation plan. After years of training, physiatrists
further hone their expertise by zeroing in on specific areas and forms of
treatment. While others focus on spine medicine, sports medicine, and
brain and spinal cord injuries, physiatrists take on the coordinating role
and continue to further their knowledge in other areas of this ever-
changing field.
Physiatry and rehabilitation combine pharmacological and non-phar-
macological approaches in order to come up with a multifaceted plan to
address issues of injury. This approach includes the use of medications
while exploring the benefits of active and passive physical therapy
alongside massage therapy. 2 This approach also gives credence to the
power of the mind to manage pain through the inclusion of psychology
into the equation. Physiatrists and rehabilitation medicine practitioners
also often suggest the use of assistive devices and body braces to aid
patients in accomplishing activities of daily living. In effect, physiatrists
are often called to take on the role of the pain management specialist
(see chapter 14) because of their ability to see cases from a holistic
vantage point. Although this approach focuses on rehabilitation, the
physiatrist also solicits the expertise of various practitioners in the medi-
cal and allied health fields to achieve a truly sound and effective treat-
ment plan.
Physical medicine and rehabilitation includes the management of
disorders and optimization of physical, pain-free function through the
combined use of

• flexible equipment and assistive devices;

• resistance and healing exercises;
• foot orthotics (braces);
• medications;

• movement and activity modification;

• prosthesis; and
• experimental exercising techniques.

Physical medicine and rehabilitation doctors may also execute

electrodiagnostics, which are used to provide neurological system infor-
mation for analysis regarding various neuromuscular conditions. A typi-
cal electrodiagnostic assessment conducted by physiatrists is hooked-
wire electromyography (EMG). This nerve conduction study involves
(1) electrical stimulation of peripheral nerves, (2) measurement of
nerves’ responses, including signal amplitude, (3) latency of onset, and
(4) conduction velocity. Needle electrodes are advanced into the mus-
cles to evaluate the electrical potential coming out from muscle fibers.
Irregular electrical potentials, detected by EMG needles, indicate the
presence of muscle fibers that have abnormal nerve supplies.
Musculoskeletal pain syndromes such as fibromyalgia, low back pain,
and severe head injury, which are common conditions of amputation,
spinal cord injury, and sports injury, are treated by physiatrists. Cardio-
pulmonary rehabilitation involves boosting functionality of heart and
lungs. This is sometimes accomplished through a multidisciplinary
strategy involving physical therapists, psychologists, and occupational

Physiatrists at a Glance

Types of Treatments Physiatrists Offer

Physiatrists provide a vast array of treatments. However, they don’t do
surgery except for very minor wound injuries (on occasion). They rec-
ommend medications, prosthetics, and assistive devices. They also rec-
ommend physical rehabilitation with cold and heat treatments, electro-
therapies, massage, physiological traction and healing exercise, as well
as work-related and speech treatments. Some physiatrists receive addi-
tional training in techniques to address pain, while some perform Botox
treatments and intrathecal (brain and spine) medication administration
to cure spasticity. 3

Major Areas of Focus

A physiatrist is qualified to handle a variety of disorders and diseases,
but practitioners will often focus on specific types of injuries. Because
128 CHA P TER 13

of the wide variety of conditions handled and the extensive characteris-

tics of their training, physiatrists are uniquely positioned to adapt to
new technology and changing trends in medical care. Areas of focus
include the following: 4

• Pain management: Examples include long-term pain approaches,

complex regional pain syndrome (previously named reflex sympa-
thetic dystrophy), severe back pain, arthritis, and carpal tunnel
• Neurorehabilitation: Here there is specific focus on spinal cord
impairment, brain injury, brain hemorrhage, multiple sclerosis,
and Parkinson’s disease.
• Musculoskeletal care: Topics of attention include osteoarthritis;
osteoporosis or fragility of the bones; rheumatoid arthritis; fibro-
myalgia or long-term, body-wide pain; back pain; and sacroiliac
joint impairment.
• Injuries associated with sports: Examples include stress-associated
fractures, tendonitis, injury to the knee, turf toe (sprain of the toe
joints, including the big toe), medial and lateral inflammation of
the epicondyle (covers the end part of bones), tenosynovitis (a
tendon inflammation), separation of acromioclavicular joint (one
of the shoulder joints), tendonitis of the biceps, and concussions.
• Health care during the postoperative period: Examples include
bone replacement, organ transplantations, assistive gadgets for
left-ventricle, or cardiac or pulmonary rehabilitation.
• Pediatric disorders: Examples include motor nerve dysfunction,
muscle weakness, and loss of muscle tissue, developmental or
congenital disorders, or Down syndrome.
• Distinct rehabilitation: Examples include stress-reduction (music,
dance, vocals), cancer of various organs, cardiac impairments, pul-
monary diseases, pelvic pain, or palliative care.

Standard Treatments and Other Procedures

In an inpatient establishment, physiatrists offer general therapy similar
to essential medication to maintain health care balance and deliver
secondary protection of impairment. Physiatrists don’t perform major
surgery, but they have many stepwise approaches for analysis and thera-
py: 5

• Electromyography (EMG): Entering fine needle electrodes into

muscle tissue and monitoring muscle potentials when the muscu-

lar tissues are stimulated to help differentiate whether a weakness

is due to muscle tissue or nerve malfunction (i.e., myopathy vs.
• Nerve conduction studies (NCS): Electrodes are used to monitor
muscle and nerve feedbacks that are disseminated by electrical
current. This test can help identify the location of a neurological
system sore (radiculopathy, peripheral neuropathy, motor neuron
impairment, or neuromuscular junction).
• Injections into peripheral joints: Injections are used for the diag-
nosis and treatment of bone and soft tissue impairments, which
are common in rheumatologic, orthopedic and sports-associated
disorders such as osteoarthritis of the knee, tendinopathy of the
rotator cuff muscles, and epicondylitis.
• Spinal therapeutics: Diagnosis of and injections into the spine that
are image-guided. These methods are being used as a non-surgi-
cal pain-relieving technique for back pain and radiculopathy.
• Point injections: For the treatments of trigger points, an adjunct
such as lidocaine or dry needling, a technique similar to acupunc-
ture, can be used.

Physiatry vs. Physical Therapy

Physiatrists and physiotherapists treat patients with the same types of
circumstances. However, physiatrists are specialized doctors who have
finished medical school, plus four years of residency training. A typical
misconception regarding physiatrists is that they are the ones actually
performing all therapies. In general, physiotherapists are qualified in
the bone and joint pathology and musculoskeletal examination. They
create a course of action and practical methods, including heat, cold,
and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). Physiatrists
handle medical findings and suggest the treatments that physiothera-
pists will perform. Despite these variations, both therapists and physia-
trists work together to ensure that pain sufferers are receiving appropri-
ate therapy. 6
The role of the physiatrist is to control a person’s medical issues as
they take part in the rehabilitation process. A physiatrist will evaluate
the affected person and assure that the affected person is medically
stable to get involved in therapies. Medical topics pertaining to recovery
include pain control, the bowel and renal system, spasticity control, and
disease education. A physiatrist will handle other comorbid conditions,
high blood pressure, diabetes, coronary artery disease (CAD), and
130 CHA P TER 13

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), to avoid further medi-

cal complications. 7


Physical medicine is a division of medicine using an interdisciplinary

strategy to work toward total well-being of individuals. 8 The typical
physical medicine group involves doctors and other medical profession-
als, physiotherapists, therapists, and scientific health professionals. 9
Pain may be eliminated quickly once the underlying stress or pathology
has been cured and is treated by one member of the team with medica-
tions such as pain killers and sometimes anxiety-reducing drugs. In case
of long-lasting pain, however, the combined effort of all members of the
team is required. 10
When (1) an agonizing damage or pathology is resistant to therapy
and persists, (2) discomfort continues after the damage or pathology has
been cured, or (3) medical technology cannot recognize the cause of
discomfort, the approach of physiatry is to reduce suffering. The pain
management specialist’s options for treating long-lasting pain, aside
from obvious painkillers, include

• antidepressant drugs and anticonvulsants;

• interventional procedures;
• actual rehabilitation;
• workout;
• application of ice or heat; and
• psychological techniques, such as attitudinal treatment.

The psychological therapy approach is instrumental in increasing the

quality of life for people who have a history of chronic pain conditions.
Another focus of physical medicine and rehab is the potential of being
able to discontinue pain medicines, and this is sometimes a sector of
major emphasis. Physical rehabilitation is basically the process of re-
gaining and reestablishing physical ability and functionality, so it can be
used to handle anything from a simple ankle strain to helping a stroke
survivor to walk, talk, and eat.

Physical Rehabilitation Process

The rehabilitation process varies from person to person, but a typical
rehabilitation might progress as outlined below.

Physician Care: To Stabilize the Pain Patient’s Condition

For severe accidents and health-related disorders such as stroke, injury
to the brain, or multiple shocks, inpatient rehabilitation health care
systems use an acute-care hospital accommodation. For accidents such
as pains from minor stresses, strains and fractures, a visit to a doctor will
be the first line of approach.

Inpatient Rehabilitation: To Restore the Ability and Recovery

At a rehabilitation facility center, pain patients receive various occupa-
tional, speech, physical, and recreational therapies. A team composed of
therapists, physicians, and other health practitioners build and monitor
a treatment plan to reach a specific goal.

Outpatient Rehab: Maintain and Improve the Methods

After discharge from an inpatient rehabilitation center, a pain patient
has to be treated in an outpatient facility. Improving physical and men-
tal function on an ongoing basis may include use of a fitness center or
support group.


A physiatrist’s typical schedule varies widely from doctor to doctor de-

pending on their specialization. Six to eight hours of examining and
prescribing patients in an office-based environment is common. Also,
there may be one or two visits to patients in the medical center or
hospital. Physiatrists at times have to work very closely with the surgery
department. Additionally, the doctor will also spend time with manage-
ment responsibilities such as upgrading individual information. Physia-
trists may also spend time on various research studies related to their
specific expertise. Emphasis is given to theorizing methodologies as
well as developing existing methods to get maximum output from their
Physiatrists are usually involved in a lot of problem solving and anal-
ysis, especially at the diagnostic stage. Upon determination of a suitable
pain management and treatment plan, the physiatrist focuses on reha-
bilitation through providing opportunities for physical and occupational
therapy, primarily concentrating on gross and fine motor skills. Apart
from the usual active physical therapy activities, the physiatrist also
facilitates passive physical therapy sessions that may include the use of
ultrasound equipment to help alleviate pain. Injections may also be
132 CHA P TER 13

undertaken in the physiatrist’s clinic, but this usually requires close

coordination with other specialists because of the use of special medica-
tions. Focus on nonpharmacological approaches is usually preferred by
most physiatrists and they revert to the use of pain medications and
injections only when there is a pressing need to bring severe pain under
control. Once the pain has become more manageable, the physiatrist
can then encourage the patient to begin rehabilitation. 11


A visit to a physiatrist may last only a very short time and what the
doctor wants the patient to do may not be explained well. Often it is up
to the patient to take measures to get the most out of the visit. It should
be kept in mind that not all physiatrists suit all pain patients perfectly.
Of utmost importance, is to focus on the goal for the appointment,
whether be the need for a diagnosis, advice on coping with an existing
condition, referral to a specialist, or a change in treatment. This goal
will guide the patient’s communication with the physiatrist, who will
generally first listen to the pain patient’s history and then perform a
physical examination. If the pain sufferer feels any general health issues
are relevant to the case, such as diet, weight, sleep, and so on, he or she
must discuss them with the physiatrist. Patients can also find out what
screening tests might be appropriate for their age, such as a mammo-
gram or colonoscopy. It is important not to be embarrassed to discuss
sensitive topics with the physical medicine specialist, as there is prob-
ably nothing the patient could say that an experienced physician would
not have already heard.
Upon leaving the physiatrist’s office, the patient should be clear
about (1) what should or should not be done at home, (2) required
approaches, (3) how to receive treatment, and (4) the length of time the
treatment may go on. If the patient needs more information about his
or her condition or treatment protocols, the doctor should be able to
provide resource options such as the library, medical resource centers
at hospitals, or other alternatives. Pain patients should feel comfortable
entrusting their health to their physical medicine and rehab specialist.

Questions for the Patient

The first appointment with a physical medicine specialist is much like a
visit with other physician. Although there are many similarities, the
focus is on pain, the cause or contributing factors, and the pace at which

the pain is corrected. Physiatrists perform a physical and neurological

examination and review the pain sufferer’s medical history, paying par-
ticular attention to his pain history. Factors the patient may be asked
about include 12

• pain rating on a scale from zero to ten;

• pattern of change during night and day;
• any instances that relieve the pain;
• the physical condition of the patient when the pain started;
• the consistency of the pain;
• trends of spread of the pain to other body parts;
• starting time of the pain;
• events that make the pain more severe;
• efficacy of measures that have been taken to reduce the pain; and
• instances of medicinal overdose.

Some physiatrists use an illustration of the front and back of the

body to allow the individual with pain to point out where the problem
lies, as well as to indicate pain propagation. The patient may or may not
be requested to complete the form at each appointment. The appropri-
ate analysis may include acquiring an X-ray, CT scan, or MRI to validate
the cause of discomfort. When healing spine-related pain, other assess-
ments such as discography, cuboid assessments, nerve system assess-
ment (electromyography, sensor transmission studies), and myelogra-
phy (spinal canal imaging) may be conducted. Some spinal injuries and
treatments require participation by other professionals, including the
patient’s primary doctor, neurosurgeon, and professionals in 13

• radiology;
• psychiatry;
• oncology;
• nursing; and
• related alternative health care.

In the case of spine-related pain, the physical medicine specialist might

refer the patient to a neurosurgeon to determine if the pain necessitates
back surgery.

Questions to ask the Physiatrist

Some sample questions are listed below that can serve as effective
guidelines. Sometimes, it is helpful to write down particular questions
134 CHA P TER 13

to prepare for the visit to the physician. The answers may help the
patient make informed decisions about treatment. 14 Questions about
the physiatrist can include the following:

• Any board certification?

• Open to a second opinion?
• Fellowship trained?
• Are family members or friends allowed during visits?

A trip to the physiatrist should be a flow of interaction in both

directions. The physician often has a lot of concerns, but it is also in the
individual’s interest to ask as many questions as is required to complete-
ly comprehend the situation. The first queries would probably be to
find out the exact medical disorder the patient really has, what triggered
the situation, and whether it can be verified. An individual in pain will
also need to know if more assessments are required. He or she should
ascertain (1) whether any planning is necessary for the checkup, (2)
what the checkup requires, and (3) how long the additional assessments
are and (4) what the outcomes of the assessments mean. During the
visit, it is essential for the patient to let the physician know if he or she is
confused by the details or if the physician is using too many medical
terms. If the patient is disappointed with the physiatrist’s analysis, it is
within the patient’s privilege to request a second opinion. Diagnostic
topics for the physiatrist include

• severity or degree of illness and how it will affect personal and

work life;
• the long-term and short-term prognoses;
• a source that is responsible for the painful condition;
• indications of symptoms worsening;
• whether an examination for a certain condition is needed;
• how the diagnosis can be confirmed;
• additional symptoms the pain sufferer should look for;
• how a specific painful condition can be determined;
• what specific tests will be included in diagnosing a specific painful
condition and what the results will indicate; and
• the degree of safety and accuracy of the specific tests.

A pain physician, after verifying the tests, might then offer the af-
fected person one or more treatments. These alternatives may range
from drugs to natural techniques. The ultimate choice about what ther-
apy to take is obviously the patient’s. After being informed about treat-
ment options, the patient may want to find out about each—such as

where the treatment is available and how much time the treatment plan
will take. Clearly, treatment plans vary for different people depending
on their condition, thus even the expense of the treatment may influ-
ence which one is chosen in the end. Other factors that may influence
the decision are what side effects or risks are associated with the treat-
ment, and what the positives and negatives are of each remedy. Fur-
thermore, the pain patient may want to know what will happen if he or
she (1) refuses treatment, (2) delays the onset of treatment, or (3) fails
to complete the full course of the treatment. If the treatment is compli-
cated, the client may want the physiatrist to provide a written treatment
Another important question to ask the doctor is whether the patient
should avoid anything or should undertake any lifestyle changes during
treatment. If the treatment causes unexpected or unwanted side effects
or doesn’t seem to be working, the pain sufferer should inform the
doctor immediately so the latter can look into possibly changing the
diagnosis or treatment. Questions regarding treatment should include:

• What are the treatment options for the patient?

• Where is the treatment available?
• Is any generic form available?
• What happens if a dose of drug is missed?
• Is there way of knowing whether the medication is working?
• What are the effects of delaying the treatment?
• What is the most common treatment plan for this kind of condi-
• What is the expense of the total treatment process?
• What side effects may the patient face?
• What should the patient do if any side effects occur?
• What are the associated risks to the treatment plan?
• How long is the treatment procedure?
• Is there any need for change of lifestyle?

The pain sufferer should be relaxed with the physiatrist. Asking ques-
tions is the best way to keep the interaction open and alive.


Physical medicine and rehabilitation are always evolving in medical sci-

ence, providing pain patients with a vast array of new treatment plans
and developing techniques and methods to serve more effectively. For
136 CHA P TER 13

guaranteed effectiveness of the treatment of a pain patient, the physia-

trist, patient, and laboratories are all necessary.



Pain management, also known as pain medicine or algiatry, is a branch

of medicine utilizing an interdisciplinary method for reducing the suf-
fering and enhancing the quality of life of individuals coping with pain. 1
A pain management specialist (PMS) is typically a physician who is
board certified in pain management, whether or not he or she is a
physiatrist. The role of the pain management specialist is pivotal in
ensuring that holistic (mind and body) care is given to patients who are
in need of highly personalized medical attention. Since this branch of
medicine is extremely multifaceted, it requires a unique skill set. Apart
from medical expertise, physicians who specialize in pain management
need to have the aptitude to approach patients as individuals, taking
into account the psychology that goes hand in hand with the physiology
of the various aspects of pain. PMSs are also team players, recognizing
the need for coordination among members of an interdisciplinary group
of experts, all focusing on the common goal of achieving a better quality
of life and level of functioning for patients who suffer from chronic
pain. 2



Pain management as a clinical discipline puts significant focus on the

holistic care of patients through ensuring that a comprehensive medical
history is taken prior to the commencement of a more long-term plan.

138 CHA P TER 14

Furthermore, PMSs are primarily focused on a patient’s quality of life,

treating individuals as a sum of multiple parts rather than just focusing
on a particular part of the body that may have been identified as the
source of pain. To achieve a holistic approach, PMSs are keen on for-
mulating an accurate diagnosis. This can be achieved through establish-
ing significant rapport with the patient. The PMS usually needs to go
beyond the apparent, especially in cases where chronic pain is the chief
complaint. The patient-doctor rapport established while going over pa-
tient history becomes a keystone in this professional relationship.
The involvement of several experts in the pain management team
also ensures that a patient is provided with comprehensive care. For
instance, PMSs may come from a variety of backgrounds such as phy-
siatry (see chapter 13), physical therapy, neurology or psychiatry, an-
esthesiology, and interventional radiology. 3 The pain specialist may
stand as the coordinating physician in the team, playing a vital role in
keeping the treatment plans on track. The coordinating physician must
also work toward keeping communication lines open to ensure that the
patient’s voice is given credence. Ultimately, care and treatment must
be patient-centric.
Pain management specialists can guide patients toward finding an
optimal combination of treatments and approaches that will cater to
their dynamic and evolving needs. Many pain sufferers find consulta-
tion sessions frustrating and confusing because of the availability of
numerous options that can be explored. 4 Patients need to feel “cared
for” as they participate in the search for a pain management program
that suits their unique and individual needs. The PMS becomes a fun-
damental point of contact even after patients find the approach that
they agree with most. It is important to remember that this specialty is a
process, and it involves “hand holding,” especially for patients enduring
severe pain. Pain management specialists also need to consider the level
of commitment that goes into treating patients who suffer from chronic
pain. Pain management plans can be very demanding in terms of time
and resources invested by the patient, physicians, and caregivers. The
desire to communicate and see the treatment plans through must come
primarily from the pain management specialist.


Pain management challenges experts to come up with combination

therapies in the management of acute and chronic pain. Since the disci-
pline is dynamic, there is no single field of health care that can be

considered as the preferred approach. In fact, a multidisciplinary ap-

proach is considered optimal in pain management, and as such, many
pain management specialists are unofficial members of a variety of dis-
ciplines, both in the medical field and its ancillary services. These disci-
plines include anesthesiology, interventional radiology, occupational
and physical therapy, and even neurology and psychiatry. Expertise
coming from these disciplines makes it possible to come up with a more
elaborate pain management treatment plan for patients. Pain sufferers
should also acknowledge that because of the wide array of options avail-
able, the process of determining a suitable approach integrated into a
pain management treatment plan requires a lot of time and patience. It
is imperative that patients seeking relief from acute and chronic pain
work closely and cooperatively with health professionals until the best
approach is established. All the hard work and time invested in seeking
a suitable approach will be well worth it once improvement in quality of
life and level of function are achieved.

Inpatient versus Outpatient Settings

Inpatient care is essentially extended to a patient admitted to a hospital,
hospice, nursing home, or any care facility. The initial step in inpatient
care requires a stringent multi-disciplinary evaluation to determine pos-
sible pain management approaches that may be undertaken. The pa-
tient’s medical history, properly supported by medical records and actu-
al X-ray films and MRIs, is obtained through proper dialogue between
members of the clinical team and the patient or his next of kin. The
pain management specialist’s recommendations are made based on
conclusions drawn from the collation of data, and these include whether
inpatient care is indeed the best option. If it all leads to an inpatient
pain rehabilitation program, patients are admitted into a care facility for
a predetermined period of time and are advised to participate in the
prescribed multidisciplinary regimen.
Inpatient care is also often provided to hospitalized patients experi-
encing pain as a result of their illness or the treatment or procedure
they underwent to treat their primary illness. These procedures may
have been necessary to treat the illness such as a surgical procedure,
colonoscopy, endoscopy, intubation or even chemotherapy. Such neces-
sary procedures may cause patients to experience pain. In instances
such as these, inpatient care becomes a preferred approach.
Inpatient care also becomes necessary for pain sufferers who have
already undergone a rehabilitation program but have shown little to no
progress. Patients who have not managed to regain a significant amount
140 CHA P TER 14

of functional movement, despite undergoing an outpatient rehabilita-

tion program, are also good candidates for inpatient care. Outpatient
care, on the other hand, usually involves follow-up programs that sup-
port an established pain management and treatment plan. Comprehen-
sive outpatient programs cater to (1) individuals who have completed an
inpatient program, (2) clients who are able to function and perform
activities of daily living with chronic pain, and (3) those seeking suppor-
tive therapy options to address their long-lasting pain. Outpatient care
may be availed at a clinic, treatment facility, doctor’s office, hospital or
the patient’s home, especially for those who have limited mobility and
have difficulty traveling. Therefore, the PMS needs to “stay on top of
everything” to ensure that everyone in the team carries out the aspects
outlined in the pain treatment plans. Coordination is a key factor, and
the PMS plays a major role in both inpatient and outpatient care sce-



It is important to recognize that pain management in all of its complex-

ity tends to be extremely patient-centric. Individuals in pain should be
open-minded when discussing their condition, needs, and apprehen-
sions with their PMS or with the members of the pain rehabilitation
team. Pain sufferers also need to be able to set their own expectations
regarding the treatment based on the available resources of their cho-
sen treatment center. Treatments in the management of pain tend to be
quite varied, especially with the involvement of multiple disciplines.
Therefore, when in dialogue with several pain management specialists,
it is imperative to note differences in approaches and ask questions that
will help lead the team and the patient toward the appropriate treat-
ment plan.
When formulating questions to ask the PMS, the pain sufferer may
also need to keep his or her own expectations in check. What are the
goals and objectives for seeking treatment from a particular pain man-
agement clinic? Through managing expectations, the patient will be
able to compare these with what the pain management clinic has to
offer. Since information is now more widely available, the patient may
also opt to do prior research to review existing therapies and modalities
of treatment and then decide on an option based on personal prefer-
ences and needs.

Typically, there is some common ground among experiences offered

by pain management clinics. Going through the different options can
help patients formulate appropriate questions for each step along the
way. Patients should consider preparing a list of questions to serve as a
guide, while highlighting major points during the discussion. Clients are
also encouraged to take notes during the initial and succeeding meet-
ings or perhaps ask a companion to do this so as to be able to fully
attend to what is being said.

Step 1: Evaluation and Diagnosis

It is imperative that patients ask about what evaluation and diagnostic
procedures are utilized and followed by the team. Questions to ask at
this stage could include the following:

• Who will conduct the medical history and physical exam?

• Who will be the coordinating physician? What is that person’s specif-
ic area of specialization?
• Do I need to bring results of previous tests as well as other documen-
tation? What specific paperwork do I need to bring?
• What sort of tests do I need to expect as part of the diagnostic
procedure? Which of these are invasive and which are noninvasive?
• Will there be a need for imaging or lab tests?
• Will I be able to request a comprehensive summary of the assess-
ment results?

Step 2: Referral to Other Doctors and Specialists

• Will there be other doctors and specialists in the team? What will be
their role?
• What test results would merit the participation of other doctors and

Step 3: Determining a Treatment Plan

• How much involvement am I allowed to have as far as participating

in the determination of my pain treatment plan is concerned?
• What invasive techniques are necessary in the treatment plan? What
are the alternatives to these invasive techniques?
142 CHA P TER 14

• What are the specifics of the pharmacological approach that will be

used? What are the medications that might be prescribed? Are there
any side effects that I need to watch out for?
• What are the specifics of the nonpharmacological approaches that
will be used? Will the PMS consider alternative medicine options as
• Is there a need to enroll into an inpatient program or is it more
beneficial to visit an outpatient clinic?
• What is the prognosis for the chosen treatment plan? What are the
best and worst-case scenarios? What timelines are in place to gauge
efficacy or failure of the treatment strategy?

Step 4: Getting into the Specifics

• What sort of preparations do I need to make in line with insurance

requirements to be able to enroll in this pain management treat-
• What is the usual waiting or observation time where I can measure
the efficacy of the treatment plan? When is it fair to say that we can
move on to an alternative treatment plan?
• What are your expectations of me as a patient in terms of the level of
compliance to ensure the success of the treatment plan?
• What specific Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes related
to pain management do I have to seek from a health insurance pro-
vider, if required? 5
• How will this illness and its accompanying treatments affect my daily
activities? Will my family be affected as well?
• What sort of preparations do I need to look at in case some complica-
tions or special needs arise from my illness or the treatment plan?

Ultimately, an honest dialogue is the key to achieving a treatment

plan that will work. Patients seeking help are encouraged to be open
about therapies and medications they have already tried in the past,
with or without advice from a medical professional. This level of hones-
ty is integral in building a working relationship that benefits all parties
involved. The first consultation will set the tone of the patient’s rela-
tionship with the pain management specialist handling the case. It will
also give an initial indication of how comfortable he or she will feel
about discussing other aspects of his painful condition during future
visits. Devising the right questions to ask pain management specialists
can help patients make more informed decisions in the long term. Pa-
tients also need to be proactive in making suggestions based on what

they feel may be the best route to take to manage their pain effectively.
However, the pain management specialist may or may not approve of
suggestions from the pain patient.


It is important for the pain management specialist to possess effective

questioning techniques and to be armed with questions that can isolate
critical details from patients’ anecdotes and experiences. Here are some
inquiries that pain management specialist may ask patients during med-
ical visits: 6

• Aside from the obvious, why are you seeking treatment?

• Can you describe how the pain feels? Is it piercing, stabbing,
shooting, throbbing, sharp, burning, tender, or simply unbear-
• Does the pain follow a “feeling” or warning signal that you feel
• Are there other symptoms that preempt or accompany the pain
that you feel? For instance, do you feel lethargic, nauseous, or do
you have difficulty sleeping or eating?
• Does your pain interfere with activities of daily living, whether
you are at home or at work? Does your pain affect your mood? In
what way?
• Where do you feel pain? Is it localized or do you feel pain in
several parts of your body at the same time?
• On a scale of zero to 10, with zero being the lowest level of pain
and 10 being the highest level of pain, how will you rate the last
pain episode that you experienced prior to this visit? Do you keep
a pain diary? Are you open to the idea of keeping and maintaining
• How often do your pain episodes happen? Will you describe the
occurrences as periodic, occasional, or continuous? Do you notice
that your pain episodes are connected with specific times during
the day? Could the pain episodes be connected to the seasons and
temperature changes?
• What specific actions or activities seem to trigger the pain? These
can include simple activities of daily living such as reaching for a
soup can in an overhead cupboard or bending a knee to pick up
the morning paper.
144 CHA P TER 14


The specialty of pain management has evolved further through the

years, requiring more of highly specialized practitioners who are in tune
with their patients’ needs while in possession of the necessary knowl-
edge, aptitude, and skills to address pain. Today, pain management
specialists are encouraged to further hone their skills through advanced
certification programs—specifically in the field of pain management
and pain medicine. 7 All in all, the PMS focuses on keeping the balance
between the many faces of pain itself.

Many Faces of Pain



A world where the sensation of pain does not exist in any form and
where hot and cold are indistinguishable is difficult to imagine. It may
be appealing at first instant, but on reflection, it is a shuddering
thought. From the time a baby is born, pain is a crucial in communicat-
ing to the brain any instability of the body’s homeostasis. The brain
activates the proper defensive mechanism for receiving this signal. The
perception of pain is a protective mechanism for realizing an impair-
ment and for aligning activities toward restoration. The consequences
of failure to realize the impairment could culminate in life-threatening,
permanent damage.


The rare disorder characterized by the inability to sense pain or any

nerve-related sensation with all other sensory modalities remaining in-
tact is called congenital insensitivity to pain (CIP), or CIPA when an-
hidrosis is present. Anhidrosis is a malfunction of sweat glands. CIP is
caused by genetic mutations that prevent the production of nerve cells
for transmission of pain. 1 The exact origin of this disorder and the cure
for it are being researched. First recognized in the 1930s as a condition
warranting due medical attention, various descriptions have been for-
warded along the way. 2 Patients exhibiting manifestations of this disor-
der were said to be suffering from (1) congenital general pure analgesia,
(2) congenital universal insensitiveness to pain, (3) congenital universal
indifference to pain, or (4) congenital universal absence of pain. 3 The
various names indicate the myriad of responses experienced by CIP
148 CHA P TER 15

patients. Some patients do not exhibit a response to injury, do not suffer

from involuntary responses to pain, or have difficulties in distinguishing
various types of pain stimuli. Others display a lack of responsiveness to
pain, but have the ability to identify the presence of pain and modality.
Modality in this context refers to a sensory identification of pain using
hearing, smell, taste, touch, vision, or cold.

Real Meaning of Congenital Insensitivity to Pain

The multitude of terms, when used loosely, can be consolidated into (1)
congenital insensitivity to pain, and (2) congenital indifference to pain.
Although these definitions are sometimes used interchangeably, there
is a distinct difference. Patients diagnosed with congenital insensitivity
to pain seem to disregard sensations of pain. They have the pronounced
inability to perceive the type, intensity and quality of pain stimuli.
Meanwhile, in patients diagnosed with congenital indifference to pain,
even though pain is perceived, there is a complete absence of a re-
sponse to it. Patients experience sensations of pain, but despite an ab-
sence of neurological abnormalities in the pain pathways, show no emo-
tional response, such as aversion or withdrawal action from the stimuli.
The term congenital pertains to anything inherited genetically from
birth. Impairment of pain perception caused by mental retardation,
infection, trauma or toxic agents is excluded from the definition of
congenital insensitivity to pain. Peripheral neuropathy related to the
degenerative state of the nervous system is considered a criterion for
diagnosing CIP. Researchers have focused on channels and the genetic
abnormalities within the channels, which could possibly have implica-
tions toward the cause of CIP. Although an accurate estimate on the
number of CIP patients is unknown, the New York University School of
Medicine, which specializes in the treatment of CIP, has on average
thirty-five patients, of whom seventeen are from the United States.
Globally, there are an estimated three hundred people suffering from
CIP. 4 The extremely low number of patients could be due to various
factors, including the high mortality rate resulting from the nature of
the disorder, as most die before the age of three. 5 It could also be due
to the fact that manifestations of the disorder might not be considered a
disease, but a simple abnormality. This is the general opinion in the
developing and underdeveloped world. Case studies conducted in par-
ticular areas of the developing world indicate that the disorder is ac-
cepted as an anomalous behavior by society. 6 In Pakistan, a ten-year-old
boy who had CIP was a street performer who would cut himself with
knives and walk on flames. The society was aware of his abnormal

qualities, but unfortunately, he was not diagnosed as a CIP disorder

victim. He finally died by jumping off a building, apparently unaware of
the dire consequences. 7
Another factor to be taken into account in developing countries is
the lack of monitoring required by victims of CIP in preventing harm to
themselves. The potential for similar occurrences in many parts of the
world cannot be overruled. In North America, the paucity of CIP cases,
the lack of simple diagnostic tests, and the variable presentations of CIP
have also made it difficult to identify victims of this disorder. 8
Research has been conducted within multiethnic groups to deter-
mine whether ethnicity is a contributing factor to getting CIP. Toward
this end, a study conducted with CIP patients from Spain, Japan, Italy,
Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, and Canada concluded that gene muta-
tion could cause CIP in various ethnic groups. 9


Exhibited as a recessive trait, CIP is transmitted down through families,

and if only one parent has the corresponding gene, then the chances of
it passing on to their children are greater. CIP has a recessive genetic
characteristic and occurs more often among families with close blood
ties with the disorder. Clinical studies are still ongoing for CIP, as it is
difficult to find cases unless brought to the attention of medical author-
ities. CIP testing involves accurate diagnosis of the physical and bio-
chemical characteristics determined by genetic makeup and environ-
mental influences.

Classifications of CIP
CIP itself falls within the genetic hereditary sensory and autonomic
neuropathy (HSAN) class of neuropathies. Three subclassifications of
HSAN, which manifest as CIP with slight variations, will be the focus of
interest below.

HSAN IV is a subclassification of HSAN caused by mutations in the
neurotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor Type 1 (NTRK1) gene and local-
ized to chromosome 1q21-22. HSAN IV is sometimes classified as CIP
with (1) anhidrosis, (2) severe degeneration in the nervous system, (3)
mental retardation, and (4) absence of unmyelinated (uncovered) fibers
150 CHA P TER 15

and loss of small myelinated fibers. The NTRK1 gene, which is also
known as the TRKA gene, provides encoding for the making of a pro-
tein or nerve growth factor (NGF) that is critical for certain neurons. A
mutation in NTRK1 does not permit NGF to function normally, thus
causing problems in the growth of pain receptors. Skin evaluations of
HSAN IV patients reveal a distinct lack of nerve stimulation within the
skin epidermis. An absence of sweating or anhidrosis is due to the loss
of nervous stimulation of sweat glands by neurons.
A person must inherit two copies of the defective NTRK1 gene (one
copy from each parent) for the disorder to appear. People who inherit a
mutated gene from only one parent are called “carriers” of the dis-
ease. 10 Children of a parent who is a carrier, or has only one copy of the
defective gene will have a 50 percent chance of inheriting one defective
gene and also being a carrier. When both parents are carriers, about
one out of four children have CIP. As with many other inherited disor-
ders, CIP occurs more often in closely related or consanguineous fami-
lies that share a bloodline. Consanguineous families are a common cul-
tural trait in traditional homogenous societies. 11

HSAN V is categorized as two different types, based on mutations in
the genes causing the disorder. The first is the NTRK1 gene. The
second is the nerve growth factor beta polypeptide gene (NGFB).
HSAN V is classified as CIP with mild anhidrosis and no mental retar-
dation. Pain and temperature insensitivity is evident in childhood ac-
companied by painless fractures, ulcers and burns. However, sensitivity
to touch, pressure, and vibration and subconscious sensations of the
body and limb movement are unaffected, which is a similar situation to
congenital indifference to pain. Involuntary manifestations vary from
minimal to the extreme of skin blotching, abnormal sweating, and high
temperatures. There is a severe loss of small myelinated fibers with a
possible decrease in unmyelinated fibers.

SCN9A Channelopathy
This is considered by some experts to be the third classification of
HSAN. As far as channelopathy (defects in cellular channels) is con-
cerned, there have been research studies on the sodium-channel-volt-
age-gated-type IX-alpha-subunit gene (SCN9A). The SCN9A gene’s
primary role is to ensure the proper functioning of one part of nav1.7
sodium channels, for transporting of sodium into cells. The nav1.7 chan-
nels are found at the end of nerve cells called nociceptors located near
the spinal cord. CIP occurs when there is a mutation in the SCN9A

gene resulting in impairment and production of short nonfunctional

nav1.7 channels, which in turn suppresses the transmission of pain sig-
nals. 12
Further research was conducted on nine families from several differ-
ent nationalities. DNA was collected and testing for CIP was narrowed
to chromosome 2q24-q31, a region known to contain a cluster of volt-
age-gated sodium channel genes. The genetic data supported the evi-
dence that nav1.7 plays an essential role in mediating pain in humans
and that SCN9A mutations underlie congenital insensitivity to pain.
SCN9A is characterized by CIP with hereditary erythemalgia, a disease
of the hands and feet characterized by purplish coloring accompanied
by a burning sensation. As compared to HSAN IV and HSAN V, the
central nervous system appears unaffected in the candidates. 13


Historically, infants were believed to not experience any pain. Consid-

ered to be sub-human, pre-human, and even “a lower animal in human
form,” infants were unfortunately discriminated against in more ways
than one. 14 The traditional view expressed in medical journals during
the nineteenth century was that the defensive mechanism observed in
infants is attributed to mechanical movements but not to neural con-
nections of the brain. Operating on babies in the absence of anesthesia
was a widespread practice in the 1940s and 1950s due to the commonly
held view that anesthesia was too strong for them.
In reality, newborn infants do have functional nervous systems ca-
pable of perceiving pain. With repeated painful procedures, infants
develop an increase in signs of discomfort. Unmanaged pain during the
neonatal period can bring about long-term complications. It was falsely
presumed that infants lacked memory of pain and so they would have
no means of interpreting it (see chapter 6) the way adults do. Even the
drawing of blood without any form of analgesic should be considered a
practice that could have long-term physiological and behavioral conse-
The effects of pain experienced by infants can be categorized into
(1) physiological impacts, (2) behavioral cues, and (3) hormonal or
metabolic responses. Physiological effects relate to changes in physiolo-
gy, such as dilation of pupils, heartbeat, blood pressure, intracranial
pressure, oxygen requirement, and change in complexion and muscle
tone. Behavioral cues include crying, facial expressions, body move-
ments, and emotional state. Hormonal responses relate to internal
152 CHA P TER 15

chemical reactions such as hormones and secretions. The changes in

the hormone levels effect changes in the composition of fats and pro-
teins with far-reaching implications on the development of the infant.
Neglected pain in the infant can form abnormal pathways in the
brain with the potential to affect social cognitive skills and cause self-
destructive behavior. Premature infants have unpredictable responses
to pain stimuli. They are more vulnerable to the effects of pain, as they
have been thrust abruptly into an environment for which they might not
be ready, physically and emotionally. For assessment of pain within a
structured and standardized framework, pain assessment scales have
been formalized.

There are various pain scales used as benchmarks for assessment of
pain in newborns, which are used in procedures such as pain medica-
tion administration. The determinant factors in formulating a pain scale
include behavioral signs such as quality of cry, breathing pattern, facial
expression, muscle tone, and changes in oxygen requirement. The be-
havior-based face-legs-activity-cry-consolability (FLACC) scale is used
for children ranging anywhere from two months to seven years old and
for others unable to communicate pain messages coherently. 15 Scores
for each variable are rated from zero to two, with a sum total of ten. A
total of four or greater indicates pain. The CRIES scale is used for
accessing infants up to six months old for all neonatal pain assessment
except surgery. CRIES is the acronym for “cry, requires oxygen, in-
creased heart rate and blood pressure, expressions, and sleeplessness.”
Similar to FLACC scoring, a score of four or greater on the CRIES
scale implies the infant is experiencing pain and intervention is re-
quired. There is also the neonate and infant pain scale (NIPS), which
assesses the pain experienced by infants based on criteria such as facial
expression, crying state, arm and leg movement, breathing patterns and
state of arousal. 16

Stopping the Problem before It Happens

As with adults, pain signals in an infant send an alert for attention due
to an unstable condition that requires management. Symptoms of CIP
can be observed from the embryonic stage, birth, or early infancy. Ir-
regular development in the outer layer (or ectodermal layer) of an em-
bryo can signal the start of CIP. The ectodermal layer develops into (1)
the skin and epidermic tissues, such as the nails, hair, and glands of the

skin, (2) the nervous system, including pain receptors, external sense
organs and mucous membrane of the mouth, and (3) the anus. An early
detection of CIP will enable correct management of the disorder. How-
ever, CIP infants will not manifest physiological or behavioral responses
to the above-mentioned assessment scales due to the absence or muta-
tion of nerve cells. Hypotonia (diminished muscle tone) and delayed
developmental milestones are frequent in the early years of CIP pa-
tients, while strength and tone normalize with age.
Close and frequent observation of the infant is carried out by the
parents and formal caregivers to determine any anomalies such as self-
inflicted wounds and scratches. Due to the habit of scratching the cor-
nea, an ophthalmologist might routinely check such infants. For other
forms of self-mutilation, expert evaluation is required on a routine ba-
sis. Young CIP sufferers are normally recommended to have their baby
teeth removed so they cannot chew through their tongue, lips or fingers
until their full set of adult teeth grow through. Ensuring a safe and
secure environment and taking preemptive measures in alleviating
harm will provide a higher level of confidence in the safety of the CIP
infant. In reality, most patients rarely live longer than three years and
the maximum age of most adults is twenty-five.



Since infants are not physically and mentally capable of protecting

themselves in full, internal injury within or outside of the body will go
unnoticed, leading to infection and ultimately death. 17 Infants are vul-
nerable to serious risks of injury, as in self-biting of the tongue or
fingers, rubbing of eyes, and bruises on the body. During childhood,
medical incidents, such as a ruptured appendix, can go unobserved with
serious implications. Due to the inability to sweat in CIP victims, in-
fants are unable to regulate their body temperature. 18 The heat con-
tained within their bodies can result in high fever with dire conse-
quences such as hypothermia. It can also weaken the immune system,
making the body susceptible to further implications such as cell damage
and virus infections. Death from hyperpyrexia or extremely high tem-
perature occurs within the first three years of life in 20 percent of
patients. 19
154 CHA P TER 15

Susceptibility to Heat
In hot-climate regions, extra precaution should be taken to ensure that
infants and small children do not suffer from contact burns. Protective
clothing and appropriate footwear should be used at all times. There
should not be any contact with sun-exposed objects. Hot water taps
should be regulated to prevent burns from scalding water. Similarly,
children and infants should be kept away from any objects that could
cause a burn, such as heaters, irons, matches, and so on. Burns and
trauma can be prevented by ensuring a safe and secure environment.
Educating and instilling these habits in caregivers and parents will re-
duce the suffering experienced by infants and young CIP victims.

Examples of CIP
To illustrate an example of a young CIP patient, one could consider the
case of a five-year-old CIP patient from the United States. 20 As a baby,
she chewed her hand, bit through the skin, and continued on to the
bones. This was resolved by having all her teeth extracted. She poked
one eye, resulting in blindness and has second-degree burns due to
grabbing a light bulb. Another case is of a seventeen-month-old British
baby whose parents took the preemptive measure of extracting all his
teeth before he could do further damage to his oral cavity. 21 The initial
observation of the parents was that they had a son who was a “real tough
baby,” an observation that later translated into a diagnosis of CIP.


In the event that a family member has been identified with CIP-causa-
tive mutations, carrier testing for at-risk family members, such as prena-
tal testing for pregnancies, can be conducted. General diagnosis should
include a complete physical exam with a detailed study of the family
history, focusing on the patient’s receptivity to pain and history of inju-
ries. Furthermore, biopsies are carried out to determine the degenera-
tive condition of nerve fibers as well as the absence or presence of
sweat glands. Tissues are extracted from CIP patients and family mem-
bers for this examination.
Prenatal DNA genetic evaluations can now be performed by amnio-
centesis (analyzing the blood or the amniotic fluid) surrounding the
fetus at fifteen to eighteen weeks gestation. Chorionic villus sampling
(CVS) is another form of testing where placenta tissues are extracted

from the fetus at ten to twelve weeks gestation. Due to risk of miscar-
riage in prenatal testing, it is highly recommended that genetic testing
is there only when identification of CIP-afflicted family members are
Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a relatively new proce-
dure that tests embryos created by artificial fertilization for NTRK1
gene mutations that could cause CIP. This test is done before implanta-
tion and it provides parents with the requisite knowledge on the health
of the embryo. There is no definite cure for CIP, although there are
medications still at an experimental stage, such as naloxone. 22

Current Approaches
Due to the ongoing research for a definite cause and cure for CIP, the
current focus is on the management and prevention of injuries and
infections. Behavioral therapies recommended include counseling and
education on the implications of CIP. By studying the structure of the
mutant genes for CIP, researchers also hope to find ways to reduce the
pain suffered from chronic disorders such as back pain.

Anesthetic Approaches
While CIP patients do not feel pain, sufferers who undergo surgical
operations still require anesthetic management. 23 According to a study
conducted on Bedouins, cardiovascular complications following an-
esthesia are common in patients with the Israeli variant of CIP. A simi-
lar study done in Japan concluded that when it comes to anesthetic
management of patients with CIP, anesthesia is a necessary component
and that sufficient sedation must be given during operations since CIP
patients are sensitive to touch sensations. Temperature management
should likewise be given due consideration. 24


Prognosis for HSAN disorders such as CIP is improving with current

research methods, and these disorders can no longer be viewed only as
childhood medical conditions. With greater understanding of CIP, an
increasing number of patients are reaching adulthood. Because CIP is
extremely rare, centralization of its care would undoubtedly boost the
ability to (1) diagnose pain patients in general more accurately, (2)
156 CHA P TER 15

understand the natural progression of painful disorders, and (3) recom-

mend appropriate interventions for professional caregivers.


Acute pain is a sudden pain caused by an ailment or a hazardous

condition in the body. It is typically defined as intense, shocking, or
severe in characteristic but can also be trivial depending on the cause.
The duration of the pain can vary from a few moments to a few months,
though not longer than six months in general.
Chronic pain is endured by the body, even after the causative ail-
ment is cured. It persists to affect the body physically or mentally for
weeks, months, or years. Chronic pain can as well be described as the
pain with no exact duration. It usually persists beyond the anticipated
period of recovery. 1 Chronic pain isn’t entirely dependent upon its
origin, and it can evolve into new stages with time. This dynamic behav-
ior makes chronic pain difficult to treat.
A recent market research report revealed that more than 1.5 billion
individuals across the world suffer from chronic pain and that almost
3–5 percent of the worldwide populace suffers from neuropathic pain. 2
The prevalence of chronic pain increases with the increase in the age of
the people. Another research report indicated that chronic pain afflicts
around one hundred million U.S. adults. The yearly nationwide finan-
cial cost associated with chronic pain is assessed at $560–$635 billion. 3
The cost of treatment for chronic pain is particularly high because it is
an ongoing problem and can also involve spending on psychological
damages caused by the chronic pain. Geographical area might also be a
factor if proper medical resources are not locally available and thus
minor illnesses possibly turn into more painful, chronic ones.

158 CHA P TER 16


Pain Management
The management protocols of the two types of pain differ. Acute pain
can be alleviated by treatment from one practitioner, whereas the man-
agement of chronic pain generally involves the combined efforts of a
team that includes a medical or clinical practitioner, a psychiatrist, and
a physiotherapist, depending on the nature of the pain. 4 Acute pain is
usually treated with analgesics and painkillers, and the main focus of the
doctor is to eliminate the origin of pain. The treatment of chronic pain
is generally not focused on its origin, and instead of analgesics and
painkillers, physical therapy can play a major role in the remedy.
In addition, the management of acute pain is more direct and physi-
cal in nature, while the treatment of chronic pain involves physical as
well as mental factors. Patients dealing with chronic pain usually have a
tendency to be worried more regarding their pain, and they are also
susceptible to suffer from conditions such as depression and anxiety
more immediately. Emotional conditions can distinctively affect the
way pain is experienced, and can even hinder the organic pain-inhibit-
ing processes of the brain. People with acute pain may also experience
emotional trauma, but it generally ends once pain is diminished or
eliminated. Formal caregivers such as physicians understand that the
pain tends to last when it is chronic. This can have a significant effect on
the way pain is felt and experienced and how patients react to it.

Acute pain can result in severe suffering for the patient, but it does not
last as long as chronic pain. Chronic pain is known to have caused
psychological depression due to the pain lasting for prolonged periods
of time. Chronic pain can also change forms after the initial source of
pain is addressed, thus making it more challenging to rectify in the long

Socioeconomic Differences
Pain can be a major cause of reduced work ability and well-being. A
questionnaire was distributed from 2000 to 2002 to find out which
forms of pain are more common among employees: acute, chronic, or
disabling chronic pain. 5 The questionnaire was targeted at workers in

Helsinki, Finland, aged between forty and sixty. It included (1) demo-
graphic and socioeconomic elements of present pain, (2) time intervals
of pain, and (3) disability related to pain. The parameters for defining
pain were that if the pain lasted a maximum of three months, it was
acute, but chronic when carrying on for more than ninety days. Dis-
abling chronic pain was verified with the use of the disability subscale of
the Von Korff Chronic Pain Grade survey. Fifteen percent of the wom-
en reported acute pain, about 30 percent were suffering from chronic
pain, and 7 percent were affected by disabling chronic pain. The com-
parative statistics for men were 12, 24, and 5 percent. Disabling chronic
pains were more frequent in senior citizens of both genders. The secon-
dary-educated women tended to be more likely to suffer from chronic
or disabling chronic pain as compared to those with higher education.
Low-skilled non-manual employees and manual laborers were more
exposed to disabling chronic pain than managers. Separated, divorced,
or widowed men were more likely to suffer from acute pain than mar-
ried men, and labor-intensive workers were more likely to complain of
chronic pain than executives. Chronic pain was fairly widespread in this
populace, and the ones who were older, with lower education, and
working class appear to be at extra risk of chronic pain, particularly for
the disabling type. 6

Difference in Drug Therapy

The kind of pain, whether acute or chronic, should be taken into ac-
count when dealing with pain pharmacologically. The category of pain
can suggest different medications or therapies being used. Certain
medications or therapies may be more effective for acute pain, others
for chronic pain, and some might work well on both. Acute pain medi-
cation is usually for quick onset of pain, such as from forced trauma or
postoperative pain. Chronic pain medication is generally for removing
long-lasting, ongoing pain.
Abdominal pain can further demonstrate the difference. A quick
diagnosis is essential in emergency situations of acute abdominal pain.
Analgesia has to be given as soon as possible. The different classes of
painkillers should be applied according to their recognized effects, side
effects, and incompatibilities. Postoperative pain after abdominal sur-
gery is also deemed as a unique case of acute abdominal pain. Main
treatment choices are chiefly comprised of non-opioid painkillers and
opioids. Opioids can be processed into the circulatory system through
patient-controlled analgesia mechanisms. Neuroaxial (surrounding the
nerves) painkillers provide ideal pain relief with constructive influence
160 CHA P TER 16

on gastrointestinal movement and the cure for patients when preferably

dispensed through an epidural catheter in major abdominal surgery.
Fundamental medication often turns out to be tricky because of diffi-
culties in assigning chronic abdominal pain to a specific organ. Co-
analgesics such as anticonvulsants and antidepressants are also used in
order to lessen sensitization and recover the endogenous pain-reducing
process. Nondrug tactics and substitute treatment methods may be
beneficial, and the treatment of chronic cancer pain through oral or
transcutaneous opioids is an effective method of treatment. 7
There are also dissimilarities among chronic pain patients them-
selves, with at least three recognized chronic pain patient groups. The
first type of patient suffers from a chronic disease with chronic pain
very much dependent and related to the pain-causing illness. Their pain
can also be contingent on a previous injury that has caused other unre-
solved issues. The second type of patient suffers from a chronic sickness
in which new nervous system processes coincide with those connected
to the causative disease. Of the third type are patients affected by
chronic pain in which the relationship between pain and the original
tissue injury is nowhere to be found anymore, and the pain persists due
to newly developed pain mechanisms in the body. Patients can be dif-
ferentiated according to these types into sufferers from painful chronic
disease or independent chronic pain. 8


How Acute Pain Turns into Chronic Pain

Whether acute pain can always become chronic is not entirely clear, but
some types of stimuli and constant nociceptive processes may change
the nature of acute pain. The mechanisms are complicated and depend
on various factors. 9 Effects of factors such as damaged tissues and inju-
ries diminish and other influences gain more importance as the pain
transforms from acute to chronic. The efficiency of a specific treatment
for chronic pain will usually vary from patient to patient. For example, a
specific therapy or injection for a herniated disc might give sufficient
pain relief to some patients but not to others.
Not all patients with identical disorders develop chronic pain, and it
is not known why some people can develop chronic pain while others
do not. Caregivers should realize that a disorder that may appear con-
siderably minor can transform into severe chronic pain, and a severe
medical condition may not be painful at all. The term chronic is com-

monly used in everyday clinical practice in order to specify a type of

pain that persists over time and is complemented by diagnostic and
medicinal complications. Consequently, the health expenditure for the
treatment of chronic pain patients is becoming consistently higher.
There are many patients with ambiguous pain disorders that are consid-
ered to be chronic and incurable only because it persists for a long time,
though they achieve full pain relief after correct analysis and treat-
ment. 10
Many pain sufferers who go through surgery will need drug therapy
to manage the acute postsurgical pain. Efficient control of acute post-
surgical pain is necessary for the patient not only in the short run, but
also in the long run so as to eliminate the chances of developing chronic
pain, which can arise if initial acute pain is prolonged. At the moment,
opioid painkillers are used worldwide for dealing with acute postsurgi-
cal pain. Aphids give effective postsurgical pain relief, but their use is
associated with a vast number of dangers, including—in particular—the
growth of opioid-related side effects. 11
Acute pain could be the origin of the chronic pain in case of injuries
caused by accidents. These mishaps could be caused by trauma, colli-
sion, or a sudden movement in the body. This pain can result in chronic
pain due to many factors, such as a complex wound that may not heal
back to its original state, lack of awareness and ignorance of the patient,
and inappropriate diagnosis and treatment by the physician. Acute pain
may not be severe in some cases and may come across as trivial and
insignificant, in which case it may gradually turn chronic.

Prevalence of Acute Pain

Very little is known about the prevalence of acute pain in pre-hospital
emergency medicine compared to the case of emergencies. A study was
conducted to find out the pre-hospital prevalence of acute pain and to
pinpoint the elements related to ineffective treatment. 12 The patients in
the study were age sixteen or older and were able to self-assess pain.
These patients were involved for a period of eleven months in 2007, and
947 among the 2,279 participants had acute pain. Pain was reported to
be anywhere from intense to severe in 64 percent of the patients. Trau-
ma was partly responsible for acute pain in the under-seventy-five age
group. Strong pain was specifically linked with pain of cardiac (heart-
related) or traumatic derivation, and 48 percent suffered from acute
pain among the 1,364 patients who were transported by mobile units. A
sedative was given to around 70 percent of the participants. Fifty-one
percent of the patients found pain relief and the percentage of pain
162 CHA P TER 16

relief was lower in patients who were affected by trauma or a gyneco-

logic or obstetric ailment. Pain in pre-hospital emergency medicine
influenced more than 40 percent of patients included in the studied
population. The rate, however, differed greatly depending on the
source of the pain. Pain management was inadequate considering the
fact that only one in two patients experienced relief overall. 13


Endometriosis, occurring when the lining of the uterus grows beyond its
natural boundaries, is one of the significant sources of acute pain. Sev-
eral theories have tried to describe the growth of such tissue. The
biological incident of endometrial reflux in the fallopian tubes during
menstruation sometimes may oppress native immune systems, embed,
and multiply. This is the most commonly mentioned hypothesis and is
known as the implantation theory, although this theory doesn’t clarify
the reason why endometriosis only develops in roughly 10 to 15 percent
of women, while the reflux of endometrial tissue through the fallopian
tubes during menstruation is a very common phenomenon. The endo-
metrium of women suffering from endometriosis is usually abnormal
compared with the endometrium of fit women. 14
Diagnosis of endometriosis is usually late, and the signs are com-
monly normalized despite the fact that the patient suffers from pain
often reported as intense and overwhelming. That, along with the inad-
equate efficiency of treatments makes women experience problems
with friends, work, family, and sexual relations. 15

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Complex regional pain (CRP) syndrome is another important example
of acute pain. This is a type of neuropathic syndrome signified by in-
tense, ongoing pain and reaction, autonomic dysfunction, and motor
symptoms and signs. Complex regional pain syndrome is twofold. CRP
syndrome Type 1, often labeled reflex sympathetic dystrophy, is asso-
ciated with injury to minor sensory nerve branches. CRP syndrome
Type 2, formerly known as causalgia, is related to damage and disorder
of the major nerve trunks, such as median or sciatic nerves. Complex
regional pain syndrome is most commonly observed after trauma and

surgery, but it can also appear after conditions such as heart attack or
stroke. Sensory symptoms of CRP syndrome include acute pain, nor-
mally described as “burning” in character, and hypersensitivity, which
can be associated to touch, pressure, and any temperature change. Cold
conditions affect most of the patients. A large number of patients expe-
rience numbness and tingling, which are known as negative sensory
phenomena, in addition to pain and other positive physical occurrences.
Sensorimotor neglect (inability to measure motor functions) is a phe-
nomenon that was discovered recently. CRP syndrome patients who go
through this phenomenon report that the body part feels as if it does
not belong to the body and that they struggle to use that body part.
Autonomic symptoms involve thermoregulatory (temperature control)
problems such that the affected body part is either warmer or cooler as
compared to the remainder of the body, even at room temperature; skin
color changes, as the skin may come across as “blotchy and light,” or
“dark blue and brown”; hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, due to
changes in glands; and weakness and exhaustion as well as tremor and
dyskinesia (movement impairment). Patients with CRP syndrome gen-
erally also suffer from muscle spasms. 16
Early identification and treatment increases the chances of a suc-
cessful cure, as in most medical conditions. Patients with physical signs
and symptoms of CRP syndrome after an injury should instantly seek
medical assistance. Physical therapy is the fundamental and basic way to
treat complex regional pain syndrome. Mild conditions can be cured
through physical therapy and physical modalities. Patients with moder-
ate to severe pain may need regional anesthetic blockage in order to
participate in physical therapy. A small number of patients may suffer
from chronic pain and may require long-term, multidisciplinary treat-
ment, which may include a combination of physical therapy, psychologi-
cal help, and pain-relieving measures. Pain-relieving techniques may
include medications, sympathetic or somatic blockade, spinal cord stim-
ulation, and spinal analgesia. 17

Groin Pain
Groin pain is another common example of acute pain. It can be a
disturbing and displeasing injury, especially for athletes who play such
sports that involve kicking, rapid accelerations and decelerations, and
swift direction changes. The most usual problems are adductor muscle
strain, osteitis pubis (inflammation of a bone called pubis symphysis),
and sports hernia. Other important causes include nerve pain, stress
fractures, and intrinsic hip pathology. Multiple problems frequently co-
164 CHA P TER 16

exist and thus make the condition complicated at times. Correct diagno-
sis helps to streamline the treatment, with therapy focused on purpose-
ful reinforcement and stability. 18
Groin pain may actually be caused by other factors, such as

• kidney stone traversing through a ureter;

• a urinary tract infection;
• hip problems in children and older adults in particular;
• inflammations, bumps, and swelling in the groin region caused by
the infection;
• seizure, infection, inflammation, or low blood flow in the large
• female pubic complications, such as pelvic inflammatory disease,
ovarian cyst, or ectopic pregnancy;
• male pelvic complications, such as a skin infection of the scrotum,
a prostate infection, or torsion of a testicle;
• a hip fracture, diseased hip joint, or strain fracture of the hip;
• arthritis;
• spine problems in the back close to the lower ribs; or
• tweaking of nerves that pass through the groin area, triggering
groin and thigh pain.

When it comes to infection, groin pain is often confused with testicular

pain, although groin pertains to a much larger area and has many organs
in it. Testicular or scrotal pain is usually acute in nature, but depending
on the cause and nature of the pain, things can turn chronic.


Cancer Pain
Cancer pain is among the most significant forms of chronic pain. The
prevalence of cancer pain is extremely unpredictable and incompletely
understood. Research is not populace-based and samples only repre-
sent vague data on the etiology of pain, pain pattern, and medical or
demographic elements in relation to cancer. Furthermore, the dynamic
nature of pain has not been thoroughly clarified, but cancer-related
pain is usually caused by (1) direct tumors, (2) diagnostic or therapeutic
techniques, or (3) toxicities of medication. Patients may suffer from
more than one kind of pain simultaneously that may be related to can-
cer. Some researchers have concentrated only on particular causes of

cancer-related pain in specific patient populaces, and only a few of

them have identified groups at greater risk of pain, such as the senior
citizens or the underserved. Researchers have not always surveyed can-
cer-related pain to find its course of attack, intensity, effects on quality
of life, and other associated factors. 19
There are four basic methods of controlling chronic cancer pain: (1)
altering the origin of pain, (2) amending the main perception of pain,
(3) lessening transmission of pain to the central nervous system, and (4)
limiting the advancement of pain to the central nervous system. Gener-
al pharmacological management is usually targeted at the first three of
these approaches, and the three collectively serve as the fundamental
technique for treatment of the majority of cancer patients with mild to
severe pain. 20

Fibromyalgia is another critical example of a chronic pain disorder. It is
described as prolonged, widespread pain with allodynia (excessive pain
when the stimulus is normally painless) or hyperalgesia (excessive pain
when the stimulus is normally painful), and is categorized as one of the
prime groups of tissue pain disorders. The pathogenesis of fibromyalgia
is not completely known, although it is believed to be the result of a
central nervous system malfunction. There are no examinations to
prove the diagnosis, but most alternative possibilities for the pain can be
eliminated through a general medical examination and from the past
medical history of the patient. It would appear best to accept the whole
range of sensitivity and distress in order to adapt treatment on an indi-
vidual basis. 21

A Word or Few on Chronic Pain Approaches

Long-term pain does not subside eventually. This disorder can affect a
specific part of the body, as in low-back discomfort or complications, or
involve many areas simultaneously, as in fibromyalgia or arthritis.
Chronic pain is more than an indication of an illness or injury. It is
almost as if it becomes a sickness in itself. Regardless of the affected
organ or cause, chronic pain influences the daily routines of many peo-
ple who may experience work-related problems, depressive disorders,
drug-related issues, and decline of the quality of life. When all is said
and done, pain-reduction approaches such as medicines, injections, and
surgical operations provide little to reduce the severe pain and long-
term strife that can develop.
166 CHA P TER 16


Occipital Neuralgia
Occipital neuralgia is a medical condition that is an example of both
acute and chronic pain. It is defined as a paroxysmal (sudden) stabbing
pain in the cutaneous circulation of the superior or inferior occipital or
third occipital nerve. The pain is generally labeled sharp, jabbing, or
shocking, especially one-sided and remitting, exuding to the occipital
and frontal areas of the brain with related signs indicating a pain source
in the neck. Types of occipital neuralgia include (1) shocking (72 per-
cent), (2) deteriorating (14 percent), and (3) oncological or idiopathic
(14 percent). 22 Most instances result from a flexion-extension injury to
the neck, which usually arises from a posterior motor vehicle accident.
Treatment modalities for occipital neuralgia differ from traditional pro-
cedures, which are generally the main treatments for injections and
surgical involvements. Injections such as regional sedative nerve blocks
are primarily useful in most of the situations and are also beneficial as a
diagnostic device. 23

Sacroiliac Joint Pain

Sacroiliac (SI) joint pain is another of those pains that can be either
acute or chronic in nature. The sacroiliac joint is a common origin of
pain in the lower back and buttocks in nearly 15 percent of people. 24
Identifying sacroiliac joint pain can be difficult because the signs and
symptoms are identical to those of other sources of back pain. People
with sacroiliac joint pain rarely complain of pain above the lumbar 5
(L5) region of the back. Many identify their pain to the region close to
the posterior superior iliac spine. Radiographic and laboratory examina-
tions mostly assist in excluding other origins of low back pain. Magnetic
resonance imaging, bone scans, and computed tomography, of the
sacroiliac joint are not dependable when it comes to figuring out wheth-
er the joint is the origin of the pain. Moreover, regulated analgesic
injections of the sacroiliac joint are crucial tools in the diagnosis. Treat-
ment modalities for SI joint pain, whether chronic or acute, could in-
clude medications, bracing, physical therapy, radiofrequency denerva-
tion, manual therapy, and arthrodesis (fusion of the joint). 25


There is no absolute medicinal approach to acute or chronic pain, and

most of the time, successful treatment is achieved through a medley of
strategies. Caregivers should note that while the time intervals of acute
and chronic pain are different, both types of pain result in damage to
the health of the pain sufferer, if not addressed promptly. 26


Every profession has its own health risks. Working individuals can easi-
ly suffer from occupational hazards in their workplace. The first indica-
tion of serious health problems at work is often occupational pain,
which is strictly connected with the type of job at hand. For example, IT
specialists, accountants, and managers spend much time at the comput-
er desk where they work all day long. A continuous seating position may
lead to

• extra load on the spine;

• degenerative disorder of vertebral discs;
• muscle spasm of shoulders and neck;
• impaired blood and lymph outflow in the legs;
• damage of neuronal cellular parts; and
• rise of specific pains.

It is important for pain patients and caregivers to know the health risks
of the kind of work being done in order to prevent disease, to start
treatment immediately if any occupational pains surface, or to select a
profession less harmful for their individual health. This approach is
much more efficient, faster, and certainly cheaper than treatment of
chronic suffering arising from occupational pain that has been ignored
during early stages due to lack of knowledge, time, or attention.

170 CHA P TER 17



There are three categories of occupational hazards: chemical, physical,

and biological. Chemical hazards can be found in substances used in the
manufacturing industry, agriculture, construction, or transport. Physical
factors associated with work involve the lack of mechanization, lack of
ergonomic equipment, or overestimation of the psychophysiological
(mind and function) capabilities of an individual. Biological hazards are
those connected to exposure to living organisms such as bacteria. Based
on these broad categorizations, occupational pains can be divided into
three groups: (1) thermal pain, caused by temperature factors, (2) me-
chanical pain (i.e., injury to limbs), and (3) chemical pain (irritation
from aggressive chemicals). These may involve pain accompanied by
vomiting and nausea (visceral pain), pain from minor wounds or burns
(superficial pain), and pain from stimulation of the nociceptors in bones
(deep somatic pain). 1
In the chemical category there are occupational pains caused by jobs
directly involving strong chemicals. Those who work in chemical plants
or factories and are in contact with chemicals or their by-products dur-
ing manufacturing processes could suffer from symptoms of chemical
poisoning or chronic toxicity. Even the smallest daily exposure of chem-
icals may lead to the accumulation of toxins and serious destruction of
health. This kind of toxicity can happen with either isolated or com-
bined lesions of various organs and body systems. Work-related pain in
such cases differs from general chemical intoxication, which could man-
ifest as weakness, headache, and vomiting within just a few hours of
inhaling the substance, for example fine dust or metallic vapor during
casting, cutting or welding certain metals. Skin disorders that could also
result are paronychia (skin infection around the nail) or folliculitis (in-
fection of hair follicles) caused by the direct impact of chemicals on the
Among the most harmful dusts are those containing silica (quartz
drillers, coal miners, sand tone polishers are among those typically in-
jured), and fine dust (dust particles with a diameter of less than five
microns), such as flour, cement powder, or plastics-related dust. The
dust enters the lungs and causes respiratory disorders known to mani-
fest with pain in limbs. However, the severity of pathological process, its
terms, and development are dependent on the nature of inhaled dust
and its concentration. This occupational factor can lead to different
manifestations of lung disease such as silicosis, chronic dust bronchitis,
or alveolitis. In the initial stages of these work-related disorders, pa-
tients usually just suffer from minor somatic pain caused by pathologi-

cal changes such as dry cough, shortness of breath on exertion, and

chest problems.

Becoming at Risk of Occupational Pain

Occupational pain can result from conditions that involve

• vibrations from machinery (e.g., while drilling or tractor driving);

• contact with ultrasound;
• exposure to electromagnetic radiation;
• scattered laser light (e.g., hospital workers or doctors can be ex-
• atomic radiation while working with radioactive substances;
• fluctuations in atmospheric pressure (e.g., in airplanes); and
• adverse weather conditions (e.g., agricultural field work in very
warm climates).

Occupational pain in the physical category can afflict office workers, IT

professionals, teachers, barbers, and even cash register operators, who
often have to sit or stand at work for long periods. Continuously retain-
ing a stagnant position can result in muscle spasm, slow blood circula-
tion in strained limbs, and pain and diseases of the musculoskeletal
system. Disorders of the vocal apparatus and vision problems (in the
case of eye strain) may also occur in these occupations. There can be
neuropathic pain, or pain from the damages to the nervous system, as
well as psychogenic pain (i.e., headache, back pain, stomach pain, and
pain from work-related stress).
In the third group, there are jobs involving biological factors. These
include bacterial infections, parasites, and candida, a type of fungus.
Farmers, agricultural workers, veterinarians, furriers, and other profes-
sions related to constant contact with biological material are most at risk
for occupational pains and diseases of this type. Work-related pain will
mostly be symptoms of the inbound disease. Visceral pain from tuber-
culosis and brucellosis serves as an example of this.

Acute versus Chronic Occupational Pains

Occupational pain can be divided into acute and chronic. 2 Acute occu-
pational pain occurs suddenly, for example, after exposure to relatively
high, concentrated chemical substances in the air, a dose of radiation,
or contact with other harmful substances during one work shift, but not
longer. Chronic occupational pain is caused by prolonged systemic ex-
172 CHA P TER 17

posure to harmful factors in the workplace. Chronic diseases and their

varying symptoms are the gradual features of chronic occupational pain.


According to reports from the International Labor Organization, there

are around one hundred sixty million victims of occupational diseases
registered yearly worldwide. 3 Since the vast majority of diseases are
painful, this number can relate to the prevalence of occupational pain.
In a sense, every employee has suffered from occupational pain in the
workplace, whether psychological or physical.

Occupational Pain Statistics

Chronic pain disorders account for 98 percent of work-related cases,
while acute pain disorders are responsible for only 2 percent. However,
strong acute pain after accidents, which injure the main limbs and body
systems, accounts for the most cases of immobility and morbidity. 4
Among the occupational pains, those caused by physical factors such
as sore muscles and broken bones take first place statistically. In 2011,
the main reason for occupational pain was poor organization of the
workplace together with deficiencies in the production process. The
highest prevalence of occupational pains and disease was observed
among the physically demanding professions, while the best health and
working abilities are found among men who do not have jobs that re-
quire physical labor (e.g., office workers). 5 Unfortunately, nowadays the
lack of occupational physical labor for many professions also means a
lack of physical activity, leading to other problems.

Occupational Pain Statistics for Age Groups

The statistics for different age groups show that younger and older
individuals are the most vulnerable to occupational pain. Furthermore,
general aging of the population in developed countries, along with ex-
tended pension age requirements, boosts the overall number of older
employees. According to research, the incidence of occupational pains
and diseases rises in the forty-five-and-above age group, and having job
experience of more than twenty years in a profession is linked to harm-
ful effects. 6 The representatives of this age group are mostly suffering
from variable nociceptive occupational pains that occur from (1) heavy

use of muscles, (2) tensed or poor work postures, and (3) damaging
physical environments such as rooms with chemicals.
Besides the elderly working class, increased susceptibility to harmful
chemicals with corresponding occupational pains is also observed
among adolescents and young workers, especially during the first years
of contact. The adjustment to heavy labor and overworking is also more
difficult for young employees and adolescents. Nociceptive, psychogen-
ic (originating from the mind), and neurological occupational pains sur-
face faster and injure this age group more often. Clinical symptoms are
also more severe. Young workers can even have various types of allergic
reactions and their related occupational pains, which don’t normally
take place among older adults with similar conditions of labor.

Occupational Pain: Males vs. Female Statistics

The female body is more sensitive to harmful elements of a manufac-
turing process and to the occupational pain caused by it in comparison
with the male body. The difference is related to anatomical and physio-
logical characteristics as well as by social conditions such as major
household duties. The main occupational hazard for women is strenu-
ous physical labor.
Moreover, disorders such as silicosis, develop earlier in women’s
organs than in men’s, even if a man and woman are working in the same
conditions and are exposed to equal concentrations of silicon dust.
Women are also generally more sensitive to the effects of ionizing radia-
tion than men working in similar conditions. The greater overall sensi-
tivity of women to vibration can be explained by greater vulnerability of
the woman’s nervous system. The higher levels of tenderness and
permeability of a woman’s skin causes susceptibility to dermatitis (in-
cluding allergic) and to conditions that derive from the penetration of
toxic substances through the skin, such as pain from toxic polyneuritis
(multiple nerve inflammation) caused by organic solvents.
Acute occupational pain is harsher for women, and if it transforms
into chronic pain, it can lead to more serious aggravations. Additionally,
women have more problems with thermoregulation in both hot and
cool climates, as well as increased sensitivity to electromagnetic fields.
Generally speaking, ovarian-menstrual function is also very sensitive to
toxins. A female’s resistance to chemicals and other occupational haz-
ards is reduced during pregnancy, even possibly causing functional
anomalies for a newborn’s genes.
174 CHA P TER 17



The impact of undesirable labor conditions and workplace environ-

ments can lead to adverse consequences for employees such as tired-
ness, illness (sickness), trauma, and death. 7 Each of them are either
supporting or predicting factors of occupational pains.

Occupational Pain and Fatigue

Physical fatigue is a physiological condition of the human body resulting
from overly intense or prolonged activity. It is manifested in a tempo-
rary decline in functional capacity. Physical fatigue, usually from in-
tense and prolonged physical labor, leads to the impairment of muscle
tissue and consequently diminished strength, accuracy, and consistency
of movement.
Mental fatigue can also result from overwork, reducing productivity
during intellectual labor. The symptoms include difficulty concentrat-
ing and decreased interest in work. This form of fatigue occurs in jobs
that require intense intellectual activity. Emotional fatigue can also
arise from occupational stress. It is marked by a decline in emotional
response caused by a lack of leisure time and excessive workloads expe-
rienced in the workplace.
Fatigue and the occupational pain often arising with it can be ad-
verse effects of even simple labor. However, the employee’s body can
be rejuvenated after appropriate rest. Scheduled breaks, lunchtime,
rest days, and vacation—all the traditional, widely used, and often man-
datory measures to prevent stress—can relieve occupational pain. Un-
fortunately, the modern pace of life has increased the number of people
suffering from occupation-related pain.
The relationship between occupational pain, occupational disease,
and workplace conditions is very complex and ambiguous. The set of
environmental factors that create the general conditions of labor, its
severity and intensity, can have a specific and direct pathological impact
on workers (such as acute pain) as well as more nonspecific indirect
harm (for example, accumulation of chemicals in the body over time).
Nonspecific effects lead to reducing the overall protective functions of
organs and to the development of disorders signified by chronic pain.
As these disorders are triggered by labor conditions, they’re called oc-
cupational or work-related disorders.
Distinguishing occupational pains from disorders caused by natural
diseases can be difficult. The vast majority of occupational disorders

and pains (around 98 percent) are chronic. 8 Pathological changes in a

pain patient can advance unnoticed for many years and then suddenly
emerge as a serious occupational disorder. However, pain can be the
principal indicator of this pathological process and it is important to
know its connection with occupation. The level of mortality among
people with occupational medical disorders that develop either from
harmful factors in the workplace or eventual disintegration of health
and immunity later in life is higher than that seen in the general popula-
tion. The diagnosis of occupational pain may require specialized medi-
cal facilities that employees can use in case of suspicious symptoms or
pains traceable to work-related conditions.

Occupational Pain and Trauma

Another painful effect of poor working conditions is trauma. In the case
of trauma, the distinguishability of the pain is dependent on the type of
exposure. Traumatic occurrences can include

• falls;
• bruises;
• bites;
• punctures;
• burns;
• wounds;
• crushing;
• cuts;
• electric shock;
• stroke;
• shock (such as from sepsis or blood infection); and
• asphyxia (suffocation).

Depending on the severity of injury or trauma, the pain may require

medical treatment.

Occupational Pain and Death

The most serious traumas can lead to occupational disability (inability
to work within the scope of their expertise), or total disability (complete
inability to perform occupational duties), or even death. The occupa-
tional pains from minor cuts, sprains, and other relatively minor injuries
are considered to be micro-traumatic pains.
176 CHA P TER 17

Social Characteristics of Occupational Pain

All forms of occupational pains, including those from fatigue, trauma,
and their respective consequences, are together a purely medical phe-
nomenon. If the occupational pain and its aggravations are sustained
while on the job, things can quickly escalate into a social matter. If the
person is unable to work due to occupational pain or poor health caused
by undesirable working conditions or because of trauma, the patient’s
income source may be insufficient to cover living expenses. Therefore,
sufferers of occupational pain may receive financial assistance and
worker’s compensation from social (taxpayer) funds. Occupational inju-
ries are thus distinguishable according to their significant social conse-


There are many approaches to avoiding occupational pain. One method

is ergonomic organization of the office. 9 Ergonomics is a way of evaluat-
ing the optimum conditions for worker capability and effectiveness,
thus aiding in the prevention of muscular or skeletal pains and disor-
ders. While there are specific injuries for every industry, the most com-
mon occupational pain occurs in bones, muscles, and nerves. The symp-
toms related to occupational pains in the hands, back, neck, or nerves
do not completely disappear after resting. That is why it is not all about
tiredness or overstraining. If an employee has noticed continuous or
repeated occupational pain, he needs to analyze his workplace to cor-
rect the harmful factors there.
For employees suffering from occupational pain caused by repeated
movements during work, ways to avoid further harm include

• adjusting the workplace by using different mechanical tools or

working instruments to increase comfort and unstrained positions
of the body;
• substituting manual labor with technology;
• following the work schedule properly (no overtime when in pain);
• rotating the tasks and types of work with colleagues.

Use of properly working tools and gloves or other protective materials,

as well as limitation of lifting heavy objects can prevent occupational
pain. It is also possible to reduce the load for pain sufferers by lifting or

carrying objects using special mechanisms such as rollers or powered

It is essential that employees and employers actively work together
in this process, since occupational pain affects both parties—physical
suffering for the former, and economical loss for the latter. Self-educa-
tion for preventing and distinguishing occupational pain, training pro-
grams for employers and employees about ergonomics at the work-
place, and simply creating a safe working environment can all help to
avoid occupational pain.


Work is an important part of people’s lives, as they devote thousands of

hours to it every year. In most cases, occupational pain happens from
physical labor, especially if there are repeated movements or strains in
posture. Approaches to occupational pain can include ergonomic reor-
ganization to minimize exposure to harmful factors, and educational
workshops. In the end, preventing occupational pain in the first place is
much more efficient than treatment or having to compensate workers
for immobility later.


When it comes to sports, sustaining injuries is inevitable. Injuries have

always been part of athletics. Athletes learn from their injuries and try
their best not to make the same mistakes again. When painful injuries
are left untreated or overused the body is not given time to rest, the
damages may have lasting effects. Before playing a sport, athletes must
be mentally prepared for the possible injuries that they might sustain.
Sports often challenge a person’s ability physically and mentally, and
therefore athletes require a lot of effort to reach a specific goal. When
injuries come into the picture, they are often disappointed with them-
selves for not being able to participate.


Pain is actually normal for athletes. One cannot consider oneself an

athlete without having gone through some pain. This is where the
phrase “no pain, no gain” comes in handy. But pain from sports injuries
is actually deeper than what is perceived through the naked eye. From a
mental standpoint, athletes often strain themselves to please their train-
ers and often end up frustrated because they cannot meet the goals they
set for themselves. In short, pain in sports isn’t just physical; there is
also psychological pain associated with it. But usually athletes focus on
getting back to what they do best—playing the sport that they love. 1

180 CHA P TER 18

Short-Term Effects of Painful Injuries

Short-term injuries take little time to fully heal. Injuries such as a brok-
en rib cage may take a few weeks or months to heal completely. It is
important to be aware that when sustaining such injuries, one must
always make sure to check with a doctor. If left untreated, the result
may be a longer-term injury and, possibly, the end of a career in sports.
Repeated short-term damage to the same area may bring about serious
injuries in the future.

Long Term Effects of Painful Injuries

Long-term sports injuries occur when an athlete’s body can no longer
sustain the constant wear and tear. Boxers, for example sustain injuries
not only during matches, but even when they are in training. Intense
training without proper supervision, knowledge, and equipment can
result in losing a fight or worse, damage with far-reaching conse-
quences. For instance, boxers often suffer from brain injuries. 2


The danger of injuries when it comes to sports is actually quite frighten-

ing. Athletes have even ended up paralyzed for life or dead. Boxers have
died due to head injuries that led to a coma. 3 Even if athletes survive
such an injury, they may not be their old self anymore. Professional
boxers also sometimes have to deal with swelling on the left side of the
brain. Recovery is possible, but authorities may refuse to allow further
fighting. 4

Factors of Sports-Related Pain: Age and Decrease of

Age is a crucial element when it comes to sports-related injury. Ath-
letes’ performance is always based on what their body can do physically,
and the peak of their prime in general is usually during their twenties.
At this age, the athlete is already physically and mentally trained for the
game and his or her entire body has developed fully, anatomically and
physiologically. 5 They incur short-term injuries, such as a broken arm
due to a fall during game play, but recovery is typically faster than for
older athletes. In the thirties, performance will start to dwindle, as will

the body’s rate of recovery from painful wounds. Athletes from ages
seven to seventeen who sustain an injury also heal rapidly.

Factors of Obtaining Injury: Type of Sport

Statistics about the rate of injury in sports really depend on the type of
sport in question. The more contact an athlete has with other players,
the higher the risk of injury. Men are more aggressive by nature, and
this always shows when it comes to contact sports. Studies show that
most male athletes suffer from acute injuries and that it usually happens
during warm up, exercise, and/or playing the game itself. Examples of
sports that involve a high risk of injury are basketball, football, rugby,
boxing, and mixed martial arts. 6


Sprains are caused by the stretching or tearing of the ligaments around

the joints. This happens when an athlete falls and lands on his hand or
foot, or twists his knees. A person suffering from this injury can feel
pain, swelling, bruising, or the inability to use the affected joint. Sprains
range from mild to severe. It is best to seek medical help to assist in
easing the pain and help the joint to fully recover. To prevent getting
sprains, play or exercise should never be done when tired, and the
necessary protective gear should be worn at all times for the sport. 7
Broken bones are caused by falling or receiving a heavy blow to the
affected area. A person will feel intense pain throbbing from the area
and may not be able to move it. In some instances, a bone will protrude
from the area. The athlete must be taken to the nearest hospital to help
prevent infections and further injury. 8
A concussion is caused by severe head trauma. This happens when
the brain moves vigorously within the skull. If vomiting, sudden dizzi-
ness, and unusual sleepiness occur, it is best to seek medical help so
professional caregivers can conduct tests. 9
Muscle cramps, on the other hand, have no direct cause. Usually,
they are caused by various factors such as lifestyle and activity in sports.
When a professional athlete suffers from a cramp, he is unable to move
the affected area and is in great pain. This happens often within the leg.
Swimmers often experience this type of injury if they are not careful.
People who frequently suffer from cramps must always drink a lot of
fluids, eat the right foods, and pay attention when playing sports. The
182 CHA P TER 18

duration of this injury usually lasts only for a few minutes. Athletes can
stretch for the excruciating pain to cease. 10
Muscle pain in general is the pain felt when a particular muscle is
overused or stressed. It is common among athletes who strain them-
selves while practicing, warming up, or playing. It is advisable to seek
medical attention when it persists for more than three days or if there is
something unusual, such as infection. To prevent muscle pain, athletes
should always warm up before exercising and do stretches before play-
ing the game. It is best to drink lots of fluids from start to finish. 11
Fractures are also common to those whose sport involves physical
contact. Most require medical attention to prevent further injury to the
affected area. Giving the body plenty of rest will help the injured part to
fully heal. 12
Neck injuries are very common in sports. Most are just muscle-
related pains, but on a rare occasion, neck injuries can also do serious
damage to an athlete’s nervous system due to effects on the spinal cord
or irritated nerve roots. When such an incident happens, an athlete
must be consulted by a doctor to check whether the injury is serious or
not. If a neck injury is serious, it is quite complicated to recover and
treat. When the injury seriously damages the spinal cord, it may result
in disability, paralysis, or even death. There are sports that often involve
this injury, such as American football. 13
Side stitches are common with swimmers and runners, this is the
discomfort usually felt in the right lower abdomen. There isn’t any
concrete cause for it, but there are medical theories that mention the
type of food eaten before exercise or game play that could be respon-
sible. To lessen the pain, a runner must stop running and place the
hand to the right side of the belly while pushing up and inhaling or
exhaling. When such incident happens to a swimmer, he or she must try
and take even, deep breaths. In general, the athlete has to stretch to
lessen the pain. Prevention will be more likely if enough time is allowed
to digest food and drinking sodas or juices before or during exercise is
avoided. If it happens often, it is best to consult a doctor. 14
A jammed finger is a painful injury that sometimes occurs. Basket-
ball players are susceptible to this injury. A player will have a tendency
to experience finger joint pains or swelling due to impact. Immediate
attention from professional caregivers is needed in order to help heal
the affected area faster. While the duration of this injury is very quick,
the athlete must allow some time for the affected joints to rest. This can
take from just a few weeks to a few months, depending on the depth of
the injury. 15
Deep thigh bruising is often a result of a direct blow. Players who
often experience such an injury are in contact sports such as football

and rugby. 16 Pain will range from mild to severe, depending on the
impact received by the affected body region. The athlete must always
seek medical attention in this circumstance, as it may lead to permanent
complications. Treatment for this painful injury requires (1) plenty of
rest, (2) application of ice, and (3) elevation of the leg. Once the pain is
lessened, the player must then try to stretch the area, but not to the
extent where the pain is unbearable.
Stress fractures happen when an athlete repeatedly causes stress to
the reparative ability of the skeletal system. Runners, for example,
should find ways to decrease the amount of shock the tissues receive on
impact. It is also important to wear the right shoes, cross train in other
sports that strengthen muscles, maintain proper posture, and listen to
what the body is “trying to say” when in pain. 17
Heat exposure is also quite common with athletes who spend a lot of
their time under the sun. Since most sports are played outside, a large
number of athletes end up experiencing this injury. The factors in-
volved here are dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. In order
to prevent heat exposure, athletes must always drink enough fluids to
replace the ones lost during exercise or sports. The right clothing must
also be worn. Professional athletes can wear lightweight, loose-fitting
clothes for the heat to dissipate properly. Sunscreen is advised to re-
duce the risk of getting painful sunburns. Sunblock (SPF25 or higher) is
commonly used for such activities. The athlete should limit going out
under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs and should take
time to rest following consumption of large meals. If an athlete feels
there is something wrong during play, he or she is advised to slow down
and gradually stop. The idea here is to give the body adequate rest in
order to regain what is lost. 18
Whiplash is a painful sport-related injury wherein a forceful impact
(usually from behind) causes an individual’s head and neck to snap
forward and backward in a violent motion. This injury is also commonly
seen in car accidents. The recovery from pain usually lasts weeks. Inju-
ries such as this should always be checked by a doctor in order to
receive proper treatment and to prevent the pain from lingering on and
leading to serious injuries in the future. Close attention should be paid
for the first twenty-four hours after experiencing a whiplash injury.
Symptoms may include

• dizziness;
• headaches;
• difficulty concentrating or remembering;
• pain over the shoulder or shoulder blade;
• neck pain and stiffness;
184 CHA P TER 18

• pain or numbness in the arm or hands;

• ringing in the ears or blurred vision;
• irritability;
• sleep disturbances; and
• fatigue.

If two or more symptoms are being experienced, it is best to check with

a doctor immediately. The treatment for whiplash will always depend
on the extent of the injury and the pain associated with it. This injury
often damages the cervical disks, muscles, and ligaments around the
neck and shoulder. Proper treatment must be received in order to fully
recover. 19
Shoulder separation is a painful injury that occurs when ligaments
stretch or tear where the collarbone and the shoulder blade meet. This
happens when an athlete experiences a fall or strong impact in the
shoulder region. A person who has suffered from this injury will have
mild to intense pain around the shoulder. There are times when a slight
deformity can be seen around the infected area as well. 20
Rotator cuff tendinitis is a painful event caused by inflammation of
the tendons of the shoulder. The cause of this damage is because the
rotator cuff, a group of muscles that join the scapula and humerus
bones, partially tears off. This happens when the arm is required to
move over the head repeatedly in sports such as baseball (especially
pitching), tennis, weightlifting, and swimming. When an athlete is over
forty and is involved in the sports mentioned above, the risk of getting
injured is high. If there is pain when moving the arm, discomfort in
sleeping on the affected side, or extreme weakness when reaching for
something above, it is advised to check with a doctor and verify the
extent of the rotator cuff tendinitis. During the treatment, the athlete
must avoid activities that may cause the affected area pain. An ice pack
is to reduce swelling and anti-inflammatory drugs that don’t contain
steroids can be used to lessen the pain from rotator cuff tendonitis.
Physical therapy is also given to gain full functionality in the shoulder
area. 21



Sometimes an athlete is required to undergo a surgery in order to aid

with the healing process. The operation will have a great effect on game
play if the injured part is replaced. After the operation, the knee or joint

itself will be quite sore for weeks; doctors give their patients painkillers
to ease the pain. While in the recovery process, the area may get in-
fected and the patient may need to take antibiotics. If the balance
between the two knees or joints is not as it used to be, a second surgery
may be needed. There is also a risk of getting blood clots in the veins of
the legs. A stocking specially made for this is given to the patient to
prevent such a complication. When an athlete has fully recovered from
surgery, the ability to play sports will be quite difficult in the beginning.
The reason behind this could be that the joint replaced is not perfectly
aligned with the other joints or the athlete is still getting used to stress
that the sport places on the replaced part. This only applies in the
months following successful replacement. 22


Athletes should undergo prescreening tests in order to make sure they

are still physically fit to play the sport and to help reduce the risk of
future injuries. This is also done to satisfy the legal requirements im-
posed by athletic boards. Physical tests are given to determine the cur-
rent level of pain and the medical condition of an athlete. Using such
techniques will reduce the risk of repeating a past injury or having
limitations due to the injury. Physical attributes are also recorded to
check if there is any change in weight, muscle formation, and pain
Formal caregivers such as sports medicine physicians can check the
measurements of muscle strength, joint flexibility, gait, and posture
with functional specific and neuromuscular assessment. Skin sensitivity
and illness is also evaluated in order to determine if an athlete has skin-
related diseases that can also harm other players. Allergies are reviewed
to pinpoint an athlete’s specific sensitivity. Eye coordination is checked
to make sure that there are no complications when it comes to an
athlete’s vision.
Drug testing is widely done to make sure the player is not under the
influence of illegal drugs during or prior to the game. Athletes are also
assessed for psychosocial issues that have been clinically linked to pain
and pertain to alcohol, tobacco, and steroid use. 23 Sexual practices are
included in this stipulation. Menstruation is also checked in female
athletes in order to determine amenorrhea (absence of menstrual cy-
cles), eating disorders, and osteopenia (loss of bone mass) that could
contribute to the absence of their monthly period. 24
186 CHA P TER 18


When it comes to advances in sports-related pain, science is accumulat-

ing findings and discovering other ways to treat injuries. For example,
an athlete no longer needs to undergo some surgeries as there are more
natural ways of rehabilitating musculoskeletal injuries that cause pain.
There are also technical advances and improved imaging methods to
better diagnose and treat an athlete in pain and stronger understanding
of proper nutrition when it comes to specific sports and for the pain
recovery process. Tissue engineering is another great addition to the
advancement in treating athletes with painful injuries. There have been
studies for this kind of treatment with the view to make it ordinary as
proper treatment as far as bone-mending is concerned. 25


Accidents and pains may surface together, but full prevention of the
pain is always better than having to treat a sports injury. In terms of
treatment of sports-related pain, medical science is “getting there.”
Furthermore, seeking medical attention for even the slightest injury an
athlete experiences must always be done. If an injury happens, it is also
advisable to give the body enough rest for it to be able to fully recover.
Pain patients and caregivers should understand that a focused mind and
a calm persona must be exercised to meet the painful challenges one
faces on the professional sports stage.


Pain from excessive movement can affect any number of joints and
tissues, but this chapter will focus on the knee, which is a very common
locus of pain from overuse. Pain in the knee greatly restricts mobility
and it may cripple the pain patient if it becomes permanent. These
pains are often associated with actual or potential tissue damage due to


Pains in the knees are caused mostly by injuries, degeneration, arthritis,

and infection. Knee pain alone is responsible for about a third of mus-
culoskeletal problems handled by primary care practitioners annually.
In fact, each year, about 55 percent of athletes who participate in active
sports suffer from some kind of knee pain. 1 The reason for this is the
fact that the knee joints are almost constantly at work, being essential
for body movement. Therefore, knee pains have the ability to restrict
someone from working or performing daily activities in order to earn a
The knee joint, considered a type of “hinge joint,” is very complex
and intricately designed to allow extensive movement. The complexity
of the knee design is one big factor that puts the knee joint constantly at
high risk of being injured. Two disks, known as menisci, separate the
femur (bone above the knee), and tibia and fibula (bones below the
knee). These bones meet at the knee joint where they are connected by
ligaments, tendons, and muscles. A tough cartilage known as articular
cartilage covers the surface of the bones inside the knee joint. It is this
188 CHA P TER 19

surface that helps the knee joint absorb shocks and makes for a smooth
gliding surface during movement. To reduce wear on the knee joint, a
secretion from the membrane around the joint called synovial fluid
flows over and lubricates the bones at the joint.
The knee joints are the largest hinge joints in the body and are
considered to be the most active weight-bearing joints, since the mus-
cles and tendons around the knee joints hold the legs relatively straight
and bear most of the body weight. Because the knee joints carry almost
the full weight of the body, they are particularly susceptible to injuries
when overused. Once any of the tissues such as the tendons, muscles,
ligaments, or bursae surrounding the knee joints is injured, pain sets in.
Other pains in the knee joints occur when the cartilage, menisci, and
bones forming the joints are injured. Some of these pains come about as
a result of excessive use of the knee joints, while others may take place
due to ageing, traumatic injuries, and mishaps in athletic activities.



Knee injuries developed through excess movement of the joints may

occur when people engage recreational activities, work-related tasks,
and home projects. Knee injuries can be serious. In the United States
alone, it is estimated that roughly 1.3 million people visit the emergency
rooms of hospitals as a result of knee trauma. 2 The first noticeable sign
of overuse of the knee joint is pain, followed by swelling. The acute pain
ranges from mild to excruciating in magnitude. Ironically, the symptom
is often experienced after a long period of just sitting or standing in
place. Another symptom of knee joint overuse may be a recurring pain
around the kneecap, especially at the place where the kneecap and
thighbone meet. The pain gets more intense when the knee joint is
used, especially during exercises, walking, running, kneeling, or squat-
ting. The pain may worsen when climbing or descending stairs or walk-
ing uphill or downhill. Sometimes there may be a popping or grinding
sensation experienced within the knee. All these injuries can be clas-
sified into two types: sudden or acute injuries, and injuries due to long-
time overuse.

Acute Pain from Excessive Movement

Sudden or acute injuries mostly occur when (1) the knee suffers a direct
blow, (2) a person falls on the knee, (3) the knee is bent excessively, or

(4) the knee is abnormally twisted. Symptoms that result may be in the
form of bruising, pain, or swelling that occurs within minutes of the
injury. Sudden or acute injuries may also cause damage to the blood
vessels such that the person experiences numbness in the knee or lower
blood vessels. Weakness, coldness, a tingling sensation, or the color
turning pale or blue may also occur. Below are some particular acute
injuries of the knee joint.

Knee Strain
This is an injury that influences either the muscle or the tendon (fibrous
cords that connect muscle to bone) of the knee joint. Such an injury
usually occurs when these muscles or tendons located near the knee
become overstretched or awkwardly twisted or when subjected to un-
necessary force. A strain may be a simple overstretch of the muscle or
tendon, depending on the severity of the injury. Sometimes a strain
happens as a result of a partial or complete tear of the muscle or ten-

Knee Sprain
A sprain is an injury that occurs when there is a stretch or a tear of the
ligament (a band of fibrous tissue that connects two or more bones at a
joint) around the knee joints. Injuries of the ligament are usually painful
and worsen when (1) the injured knee bends, (2) weight is exerted on
the injured knee, or (3) the knee is used for walking excessively. In a
sprain, one or more ligaments may be affected, and an acute sprain may
be partial or complete, depending on the extent of the injury and the
number of ligaments involved. Painful ligament tears are of three types.
The first occurs on the inner portion of the knee, known as the medial
collateral ligament. This is the ligament of the knee joint most common-
ly injured from overuse. The second ligament tear occurs in the outer
part of the knee, the lateral collateral ligament. When the injury of the
lateral collateral ligament is felt deep within the knee, the location of
the pain is usually the anterior cruciate ligament. This third type of
injury of the ligament usually occurs as a result of trauma.

Knee Tendinitis
This occurs when the tendon suffers an inflammation as a result of
strain, such as from jumping. Tendinitis comes in two forms. When it
takes place just below the patella or kneecap, the tendinitis is called
patellar tendinitis. When the inflammation is in the popliteal tendon in
the back of the knee, it is acute popliteal tendinitis.
190 CHA P TER 19

Meniscus Tear
A common injury that damages the rubbery cushion of the knee joint,
this happens as a result of a twist of the knee when the foot is firmly on
the ground. People who play tennis or ski are prone to suffer from this
injury. The meniscus is a crescent-shaped tissue with two disks: the
medial meniscus and the lateral meniscus, which both act as shock
absorbers, distributing weight evenly across the knee. A meniscus tear
is common among the elderly due to the normal wear and tear associat-
ed with aging, and can result from everyday activities such as walking,
squatting, sitting, and rising from a chair or bed. 3 A meniscus tear
usually involves acute pain that results from swelling and damage of the
tissues. When this pain occurs on the inside of the knee, it indicates that
the tear is in the medial (inner) meniscus while the pain experienced at
the outer side of the knee means the tear is in the lateral (outer) menis-

Knee Dislocation
When the bones that comprise the knee region are out of position it is a
dislocation. There are two types: dislocation of the patella (the kneecap
bone that lies at the end of the quadriceps tendon), and dislocation of
the knee joint. When dislocation occurs, nerves and blood vessels may
get damaged. Soft tissues around the knee joint, such as ligaments,
tendons, muscles, and cartilage may overextend or tear in a very painful
manner, and excessive movement obviously does not help the situation.
Dislocation of the kneecap is the more common of the two, and is likely
to happen when the knee is bent in such a position that it is turned
outward, or when the side of the kneecap is hit by a blunt force that
pushes it out to somewhere within the leg. Kneecap dislocation is more
common in females between thirteen and eighteen years of age. 4 Once
a kneecap is dislocated, it is more likely to dislocate again when hit by
the type of force that dislocated it the first time or when another injury
affects the kneecap. 5 The symptoms of a kneecap dislocation are pain
and swollen knee. Dislocation of the knee joint is rarer than a kneecap
dislocation, and may sometimes be associated with serious vascular in-
jury. 6 A diagnosis of knee dislocation is often difficult to make since a
multisystem trauma or spontaneous reduction may be present. 7 Knee
joint dislocation is much more serious than kneecap dislocation and
thus requires immediate medical attention even if the bones return to
their normal position, as there may still be pain and swelling. 8

Knee Fracture
This is a more serious acute injury of the knee joint that can happen due
to excessive movement. It occurs when the kneecap or any of the knee
bones (including the tibia and femur) is cracked, broken, or fractured.
Symptoms of knee fracture include bruising, severe pain and swelling,
twisted and bent leg, or a malformed or malpositioned knee. A knee
fracture also results in locked knee, wherein the knee cannot bend or
straighten. When an individual’s knee is fractured, the skin usually be-
comes cool and pale with numbness or a tingling sensation at or below
the knee. These symptoms are more common when nerves and blood
vessels are injured or pinched. Knee fractures may result from excessive
movements such as atypical twisting of the knee, bending the knee the
wrong way, and sports-related activities. Knee fracture is also quite
common with elderly people who suffer from osteoporosis. The frac-
ture usually results in some sort of trauma, and such trauma may vary
according to the type of fracture involved. Examples of knee fractures,
some from extensive movement and some from trauma, are:

• Patella fracture—occurs when the knee suffers a direct hit such as

in vehicular accidents. It may also happen if the knee is in a semi-
fixed position during a fall.
• Femoral condyle fractures—occurs when the knee is stressed.
• Tibial eminence fracture is a fracture that is common with chil-
dren aged between eight and fourteen years, although it can also
happen to adults in some occasions. 9 This injury usually comes in
cases of sports accidents or in bad falls during cycling or horse-
back riding.
• Tibial tubercle fracture is an injury that is rare in adults but more
common with physically active adolescents between the ages of
fourteen and seventeen years who engage in sports that involve
powerful contraction of extensor muscles. 10 These active sports
involve sprinting, hurdles, and jumping movements that may re-
sult in avulsion fracture, which happens in the area where a ten-
don or ligament attaches to the bones.
• Tibial plateau fracture is a fracture of the tibial plateau (one of the
most critical load-bearing areas in the human body), which affects
knee alignment as well as the stability and motion of an individual.
Early detection is very important for this painful injury in order to
avoid disability or complication that may result in posttraumatic
192 CHA P TER 19

Runner’s knee is a common ailment that affects runners, jumpers,

skiers, cyclists, and soccer players because of the excessive movement
they exert on their knees. A number of factors are responsible for run-
ner’s knee. These may include partial or complete dislocation of the
knee joint or kneecap; injury, tightness, imbalance or weakening of the
thigh muscles; and flatfoot. Many victims of runner’s knee suffer from
anterior knee pain syndrome (a pain that occurs at the front and center
of the knee). This comes as a result of overuse of the knee, strained
tendons, muscle imbalance, and inadequate stretching. Runner’s knee
may cause pain and irritation of the soft tissues around the front of the
knee. Some individuals who suffer from runner’s knee may experience
misalignment of the kneecap from cartilage overuse that takes place
during vigorous exercise, thus leading to the softening and breaking
down of the cartilage on the patella, causing pain in the underlying
bone and irritation in the knee joint lining. Sufferers may also experi-
ence a dull aching pain, both under and around the kneecap, especially
where it connects with the thighbone. The pain becomes more intense
when the individual walks up or down stairs, kneels, or squats or sits for
a long period of time with the knees bent.

More on Pain from Overuse of the Knee Joints

The excessive movement of the knee joint may cause irritation and
inflammation. Prolonged repetitive activities include stair climbing, cy-
cling, jogging, and jumping. Injuries due to overuse of the knee joints
may lead to the following:

• Bursitis: This is caused by the inflammation of the knee bursa.

The bursa is a saclike cavity situated in the tissues of the knee
joint where fluid is produced that lubricates and cushions the
knee to avoid unnecessary bone friction during movement.
• Tendinitis: This is the inflammation, irritation, and swelling of the
tendons as a result of overuse, injury, or ageing. The affected
tendon may burst during severe cases of inflammation. Symptoms
of tendonitis include pain, especially at night, and tenderness
along the affected tendon. This pain worsens with movement of
the joint.
• Arthritis: This is a result of inflammation.
• Chondromalacia patellae: This occurs when the cartilage at the
back of the kneecap is damaged due to the overuse of the knee
joint and softening of the cartilage.

• Pathellofemoral pain syndrome: Pain in the front of the knee

caused by the inflammation of the patellar tendon as a result of
overuse, injury, excess weight, or other problems in the kneecap.
• Plica syndrome: A joint ailment caused by the thickening or fold-
ing of the knee ligament due to remnant embryological cells that
differentiate into the knee during fetal development. Plica syn-
drome is accompanied by swelling coupled with pain when bend-
ing the knee—especially after a prolonged exercise.

Screening Techniques and New Advances

Any pain in the joint could be an indication that a ligament, tendon,
bone, or muscle is ailing due to excessive movement. In order to ade-
quately treat and prevent further deterioration, it is important that a
competent medical practitioner conduct a proper diagnosis. In some
cases, treatment might immediately begin after a careful visual observa-
tion, but further screening and tests are often be required to confirm
the diagnosis or to rule out other possible causes of the pain. Supple-
mentary tests may later be needed if the symptoms do not show signs of
The doctor’s first visual screening test is to look for signs of knee
dislocation or fracture. When this is ruled out, other screening proce-
dures begin. One of the first areas that a physician treating the painful
joints would look into is the diagnosis for chondromalacia patellae. The
first screening may come in the form of blood tests as well as standard
knee X-rays to help rule out inflammation or some types of arthritis.
If inflammation and arthritis are ruled out, the medical practitioner
can then proceed with other screenings:

• Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a type of scan that uses

magnets and radio waves, eliminating any exposure to X-rays or
other damaging forms of radiation. MRI would show details of the
knee joint, thereby exposing any case of chondromalacia (soften-
ing of cartilage).
• Arthroscopy is the use of a minuscule camera inserted inside the
knee to give the medical practitioner a clearer view of what the
cartilage looks like. Screening with arthroscopy techniques re-
quires anesthesia and thus the patient runs a small risk of develop-
ing complications.

One important tool used for screening dislocation and fracture is X-ray.
The X-ray will determine the condition and position of the bone before
194 CHA P TER 19

treatment proceeds. In knee dislocations and fractures, more often than

not arteries surrounding the knee joints become injured as well. A
physician would first search for the location of the arteries in the knee
to ensure that pulses in the affected foot exist. After this procedure, the
arteriogram (X-ray of the artery) is conducted to make sure that no
artery has suffered any injury or damage. Some caregivers might assess
the blood flow in the affected arteries by using special ultrasound or
Doppler (sound wave) machines. In cases of tibial eminence fractures
where children are involved, the anterior cruciate ligament may be
injured. Moreover, CT scans are occasionally required in serious frac-
tures in order to delineate the extent of tibial plateau fractures as well
as other complex knee fractures fully.
A standard practice of screening knee injuries from excessive move-
ment is by the use of plain radiographs (X-rays that show only two-
dimensional images) to have a clearer image of the fracture, even
though only 6 percent of knee injury patients worldwide suffer fracture.
The Pittsburgh Decision Rules and the Ottawa Knee Rules, the latest
rules for the use of radiographs in knee trauma, have made it possible
for physicians to clinically identify knee fracture and determine wheth-
er radiographic evaluation is needed, thereby reducing unnecessary
radiographs. 11


Pain is inevitable in times of injury or sickness caused by excessive

movement. The knee joint is particularly susceptible to excessive move-
ment, being central to moving the body through space and bearing
most of the weight of the body. Several kinds of injuries due to exces-
sive movement of the knee can be observed in people of all ages. These
have given rise to various techniques and therapies to temporarily alle-
viate the pain or resolve the painful condition.


In this age of advancing technology, sedentary lifestyles continue to

expand. Years of working in offices, playing video games, and watching
television take a toll on general health. A sedentary lifestyle is defined
by the lack of physical activity. There are various health problems con-
nected with this kind of lifestyle, including obesity, cardiovascular dis-
eases, arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, and many others that
frequently cause a great deal of pain.


Back Pain, Hip Pain, and Arthritis

One of the most common forms of pain caused by sedentary lifestyle is
back pain, especially that of the lower back. Sitting in place for long
hours is the worst possible position for the health of a person’s spine. In
that position, the weight of the whole upper body pressures the lower
part of the spine, leaving the legs to carry no weight at all. Sedentary
office workers most commonly suffer from lower back pain and have a
high rate of back muscle fatigue. 1
Hip pain is another type of pain connected to this kind of lifestyle. It
mostly affects persons over sixty years of age and is more often reported
by women than men. The pain can be additionally increased if a person
is obese. 2 Obesity is a side effect of limited use of the body because a
person can never spend the amount of calories digested if there is very
little or no physical activity present. It can lead to numerous painful

196 CHA P TER 20

diseases and conditions and it is sometimes very difficult to treat, so the

pain can continue for years or even end in death.
Sedentary forms of lifestyle can also cause arthritis. Patients who
suffer from it have joint infection, which is extremely unpleasant since,
sometimes, even medicine does not help. Painful, inflamed joints be-
come disfigured, as they are worn out, swollen, or stiffened. 3

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is problematic for many people who lead slow,
inactive lives. If blood pressure is extremely high, it can cause severe
headache and chest pain among other uncomfortable symptoms. High
blood pressure can be controlled by medicine, but when left untreated,
it can lead to a heart attack or stroke. 4
It is important to have regular medical checkups because people
who have a sedentary lifestyle rarely pay enough attention to their
health problems and cannot see how damaged their lives have become.
Whether the main reason is office work, work from home, unemploy-
ment, or general attraction toward computer games, online surfing, or
television, the consequences are the same: obesity, arthritis, high blood
pressure, and other potential disorders. Strong will and some persis-
tence can go a long way in battling consequences of a sedentary way of



With the rise of the awareness connected to obesity and a sedentary

lifestyle, the opposite problem of hyperactivity emerges, and it can be a
cause of a lot of pain. It is also referred to as exercise disorder. People
experiencing this problem are those who overindulge in fitness rou-
tines, jogging, bodybuilding, and other physical activities. In trying to
lose weight or get into shape, they sometimes become addicted to exer-
cise, which has some adverse consequences. Nowadays, activity is con-
sidered as a way to get slimmer and look better and gives the sense of
accomplishment. Hyperactivity is often connected with eating disor-
ders, and ironically it is (to a certain extent) linked to a sedentary life-
style. This is because when people who are normally sedentary sudden-
ly become very active, they end up overusing their muscles (see chapter
19) in an attempt to compensate. 5

Muscle Soreness
One of the most usual and immediate consequences of hyperactivity is
muscle soreness, which happens when (1) a sedentary person is not
fully prepared for exercise, (2) intensity and duration of exercise is
increased, or (3) when the exercise routine is changed. It is caused by
microscopic tearing of muscle fibers and manifests as severe muscle
pain, which is very uncomfortable and can limit one’s use of the mus-
cles. The total amount of the tearing (and soreness) is dependent on
how rigorously and how long a person exercises and what type of exer-
cise they do. The muscle then heals and is more fit and prepared for
further physically demanding exercises. To ease soreness, one can rest
and let the body recover on its own, try sports massage, perform muscle
stretching, or do yoga and warm-ups before exercise. If the pain fails to
pass in over a week, the patient should seek assistance from a physi-
cian. 6

Another frequent form of pain that can occur when a sedentary person
becomes overactive is a cramp. It can be defined as an involuntary and
forcibly contracted muscle that refuses to relax. Muscles that can be
controlled voluntarily, such as the muscles of the legs and arms, alter-
nately contract and relax as a person moves. Muscles that support an
individual’s head, neck, and trunk contract similarly in a synchronized
movement to maintain posture. A muscle, or even a part of a muscle
that involuntarily contracts is in a spasm, and when the spasm is strong
and continuous, it becomes a painful cramp. Muscle cramps very often
cause a tangible or visible hardening of the involved muscle.
Hyperactivity can cause many other pains. Some of the most com-
mon forms are those of the knee, ankle, neck, shoulders, elbow, and
wrist pain. They can be temporary and pass quickly, but they can also
be indicators of larger problems that cause much more pain and result
in surgery.


The easiest way of preventing pain when sedentary lifestyle is con-

cerned is activity. Sedentary pain sufferers and caregivers should gradu-
ally become more active to make their health better. To prevent back
pain, people should maintain healthy movement patterns. The spine
198 CHA P TER 20

needs to move properly and the musculature that supports it should be

strong and stable. Appropriate exercise is the right way to keep one’s
back healthy.
Drinking plenty of water does wonders for the sedentary pain pa-
tient. This includes the back. Since the body is more than 60 percent
water, most pains go away or are relieved due to hydration because
water-based fluid cushions the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and disks
in the spine. A few glasses of water a day are usually suggested, but for
every cup of coffee or black tea, a person should drink an additional
glass of water. Paying attention to posture is an important aspect of
preventing back pain, especially when a person spends their days sitting
at a desk. It is also highly important to have a good chair that follows
natural curves and supports the back. 7
To prevent high blood pressure and the potential pain it causes, the
sedentary pain patient should maintain a healthy weight. This can be
very difficult for someone who leads an inactive lifestyle and is involved
in little or no daily activity. Further tips include (1) avoiding salt, drink-
ing only moderate amounts of alcohol or none at all, reducing stress,
and introducing a higher amount of nutrients such as potassium, cal-
cium, magnesium, fish oils, and garlic into the diet. 8


Some people lead sedentary lifestyles by their own accord, while some
lead it because they are confined by illness. Such a lifestyle is dangerous
and can eventually lead to major health problems. Whether pain arises
from a sedentary lifestyle or hyperactivity, it may warrant immediate
medical assistance.


Old age is usually accompanied by a high incidence of generalized

pain. As their bodies deteriorate, elders begin to experience headaches
and back pains more often than usual. Joints are severely affected, as
are the ligaments and bones. Wrists, knees, hips, and heels begin to
swell and crack, and a higher incidence of arm and ankle pains is usually
reported. The backbone and vertebrae start to become brittle and
somewhat frailer and are more likely to shatter or break when geriatric
(elderly) patients fall or suffer other accidents. Old age therefore has a
substantial, painful impact on the musculoskeletal system.
The natural immune system’s response to harmful stimuli, known as
inflammation, starts to become more active at old age as well. Normally,
this response is very useful for addressing infections and for promoting
wound healing, but chronic inflammation has an adverse effect on the
aging, as it both heals and destroys tissue concurrently. Thus, inflamma-
tion becomes one of the most common sources of pain for seniors, and
one of the major hurdles that caregivers need to overcome to treat pain


Clinical studies have shown a direct correlation between old age and an
increased incidence of pain. 1 The most significant sources of pain in
seniors are degenerative spine diseases, which cause a progressive or

200 CHA P TER 21

sudden loss of structure and function in the spinal cord. These are
followed closely by osteoarthritis, which is caused either by the normal
aging process, or by wear and tear of the joints. Former athletes and
manual laborers have a higher incidence of osteoarthritis when they
become old-aged, as their current occupations involve extensive usage
of the joints. A 2004 finding supported by the World Health Organiza-
tion shows that around 40 million people experience moderate or se-
vere disabilities caused by this disease. 2 Osteoarthritis is the most com-
mon form of arthritis, and one of the leading causes of disability for
seniors in the United States and other developed countries. In 2005,
nearly 27 million American citizens suffered from this condition, and by
2020, experts estimate that osteoarthritis will become the fourth leading
cause of disability in the world. 3
This higher incidence will primarily be caused by a sharp increase in
life expectancy and by an aging population. Studies have determined a
positive correlation between old age and the onset of osteoarthritis,
especially in women. The syndrome acts on articular cartilages, causing
localized loss of hyaline tissue. Simultaneously, new bone formations
called osteophytes (bone spurs) are produced on the bones adjacent to
the affected cartilages. The process affects all joint-related tissues in-
cluding ligaments, muscles, bones and cartilages. This defines an osteo-
phyte as dynamic and metabolically active.
A number of scientists think of osteoarthritis as the repair process
that fixes synovial joints. When trauma affects these tissues, the effects
of osteoarthritis can mend the initial damage to some extent by promot-
ing the formation of new tissues. This makes the condition very hard to
detect earlier on because its onset is masked by some benefits. Howev-
er, the structure of the bone-cartilage system affected by osteoarthritis
is different now than it used to be, and this can raise a “red flag” on a
medical scan. Experts prefer to think of painful osteoarthritis in seniors
as a common complex disorder, meaning that it has a large set of risk
factors, including genetics. Though scientists have yet to discover any
gene or gene complex responsible for this condition, they have estab-
lished that heritability for osteoarthritis can range between 40 and 60
percent. 4 Constitutional factors refer to aspects such as age, gender, the
density of bone tissues, and other risks, including obesity. The third
category of risks, primarily biomechanical ones, refer to preexisting
(and possibly painful) conditions such as the poor alignment of joints,
the amount of muscle strength available, occupation-related damages,
or past injuries affecting the joints. Treating osteoarthritis is a very
complex process. The disorder doesn’t affect all joint tissues in the same
way, and a course of treatment that is suitable for mending hips may not
work for the knees. Additionally, patients experience a wide variety of

symptoms, which are never identical. It falls upon professional caregiv-

ers to figure out the particularities of each case and to determine the
best treatment for each individual.

This neurological disease occurs when multiple nerves in the body mal-
function simultaneously. Some of the symptoms include a burning pain,
weakness, as well as a feeling of losing sensations in the arms and legs. A
similar condition of the nerves, called post-herpetic neuralgia, often
affects seniors with a compromised immune system. The disease is
largely a result of bodily damage produced by the varicella zoster virus.
A neurological condition of the nerves, polyneuropathy is one of the
most significant sources of pain for geriatric patients. The disorder can
be caused by a wide variety of factors, ranging from autoimmune reac-
tions and various infections to the use of specific medication and the
onset of cancer. Its symptoms vary, since polyneuropathy types are
classified by their underlying cause, their progression speed, as well as
the parts of the body that they primarily affect. Experts often catalog
the condition according to which part of the nerve cells it affects as well.
Some types of polyneuropathy go after the myelin sheath that coats
axons; some attack the axons themselves, while others affect the cell
While polyneuropathy develops alongside other medical conditions,
it is often a direct effect of the latter. For example, a form of poly-
neuropathy called distal axonopathy accompanies the onset of metabol-
ic illnesses such as renal failure and diabetes. It may also occur in
individuals who suffer from malnutrition or who are exposed to the
effects of certain drugs. The medications used in chemotherapy for
treating cancer patients are known to produce this variation of poly-
neuropathy as one of their many side effects.
The symptoms associated with polyneuropathy are weak, burning
pain in the most severely affected areas of the body, pins-and-needle
sensations, and loss of sensation. Often the condition affects the hands
and feet first, and does so in a symmetric manner. This means that the
effects felt on one part of the body are exactly the same as those felt on
the opposite side. Certain types of painful polyneuropathy in the elderly
can affect the autonomic nervous system, an integral part of the periph-
eral nervous system described earlier. The former is responsible for
controlling digestion, respiratory rates, perspiration, sexual arousal,
heart rates, and other visceral functions.
202 CHA P TER 21

Medical disorders that usually accompany old age aren’t always the
cause of painful polyneuropathy. Excessive alcohol intake over pro-
longed periods of time favors the development of this condition. Symp-
toms usually start to manifest themselves in the feet and lower leg, and
may include loss of position sense, and a reduced ability to perceive
vibrations. Usually, this occurs in the form of generalized weakness
before the onset of motor symptoms. Though alcohol-related poly-
neuropathy develops gradually over time, professional caregivers such
as physicians also encounter cases wherein the disorder sets in rapidly,
then later, is accompanied by acute pain. This is why seniors who were
or still are alcoholics are at greater risk of painful nerve disease.

Degenerative Spine Diseases

There are several medical disorders classified as degenerative joint dis-
ease (DJD), but degenerative spine disease (DSD) can be broadly con-
sidered a DJD due to the location of the spinal cord in the vertebral
column. DSDs share traits such as irregularities in the normal structure
and function of the spinal cord. Most often, they are caused by undue
pressure applied to the spinal nerves, or the spinal cord itself. There are
multiple ways this can happen. The normal aging process is the primary
method, but disc displacement or herniation can play an important role
as well. Elders affected by tumors, various infections, and arthritis are
more at risk of developing degenerative spine disease, as are those who
suffer from muscle strain. Conditions favoring pressure on the roots of
nerves and on the spinal cord itself, can also catalyze the development
of these diseases. Finally, the conditions can be brought about by the
narrowing of the spinal canal, called spinal stenosis, as the patient ages,
and by the slow breakdown of spinal joints.
There are several ways to detect these painful conditions once the
first symptoms are reported. Physicians can choose to subject their
patients to a spinal X-ray, a technique that doesn’t reveal any damage to
the discs themselves, but detects changes in the overall structure of the
spine. The X-ray can be followed sometime later by an MRI scan that
shows the disks and spine more clearly. This is the most common medi-
cal tool used to set a permanent diagnosis of DSD. Furthermore, de-
generative spine disease has a significant impact on pain patients’ qual-
ity of life. Their overall mobility is reduced, especially when their spinal
cord is hurt. Chronic pain usually accompanies this type of bone and
cartilage degeneration, requiring constant supervision by health care
professionals and other caregivers. As far as treatment is concerned,
doctors begin by prescribing painkillers taken orally and bed rest to

seniors. Physical therapy can also help strengthen aged muscles and
bones, reducing the speed—and therefore the pain—at which these
conditions usually progress. In more severe cases, surgery becomes the
most suitable option. This is especially true for patients experiencing
chronic, severe pain, as well as for seniors suffering from nerve deficits
and loss of bladder or bowel control.

Post-Herpetic Neuralgia
Another source of pain in seniors is post-herpetic neuralgia, a condition
whose symptoms largely come in the form of nerve pain caused by the
varicella zoster virus. When the infectious agent first enters the body, it
causes an acute condition known as varicella, commonly referred to as
chickenpox. Varicella usually affects children and young adults, and it
lasts for a few weeks at the most. Though the disease subsides after this
interval, the virus is not eliminated from the human body, and can
easily take up residence inside neurons. Safely tucked away, the varicel-
la virus can lie dormant for years or even decades. In many elderly
individuals, the pathogen manages to escape the nerve cells and pro-
duces a painful secondary infection called herpes zoster, also known as
This viral disease has different symptoms and properties than chick-
enpox. It produces painful rashes and blisters on the body, which usual-
ly subside within a few weeks. But the infection can result in lingering
pain lasting anywhere from a few days to several years after the blisters
heal. Research studies have shown that the incidence of herpes zoster is
higher in aged people. 5 The only vaccine against the condition works
for individuals above the age of sixty, and the lifetime risk for develop-
ing herpes zoster is 50 percent for seniors above the age of eighty-five
and roughly 25 percent for the general population. 6
In old-age patients, infection can cause lasting damage, also result-
ing in post-herpetic neuralgia. Nerves in the areas affected by the blis-
ters and rash send unusual electrical signals to the brain, even in the
absence of specific stimuli. In many cases, these signals are converted
by the somatosensory cortex (specialized area of the brain) into severe
pain. The pain is both persisting and recurring, as it can last for a few
years after the patient developed herpes zoster or linger on for life.
Some individuals experience stark pain that does not respond to medi-
cation at all.
204 CHA P TER 21

Cancer Pain
Cancer is another important source of pain in the senior age group.
Elders experience pain not only from the tumor itself, but also from
chemotherapy and radiotherapy—two prevalent courses of treatment
for cancer. Additional pain is experienced from diagnostic procedures
as well as from the reactions of the patients’ own immune systems. The
tumor can release hormones that interfere with natural biological pro-
cesses, causing more pain. Physicians in developed nations have a re-
spectable track record when it comes to managing cancer-related pain
in the elderly, but in Third World regions, this is seldom the case as
adequate pain medication is limited.
The incidence of pain arising from cancer is steadily growing world-
wide, as an increasing number of people develop one or another of the
many forms this disease takes. Unfortunately, seniors are no exception
to this trend. The number of deaths caused by cancer in 2007 ac-
counted for around 13 percent of all deaths registered globally. That’s
the equivalent of approximately eight million people. 7
The World Health Organization has published guidelines covering
the treatment of cancer. 8 While the evidence suggests that 80 to 90
percent of all cancer-related pain can be reduced or eliminated entirely
through the use of appropriate medication, surveys conducted by other
national health organizations suggest that only about half of all cancer
patients receive the pain moderation they need. The situation is even
worse for elders, who are notoriously either undertreated or overmedi-
cated for the painful conditions they already suffer from. As such, older
cancer patients experience a lot of pain from tumors and the treatments
they undergo. Medical procedures associated with investigating the na-
ture of the cancer being treated also cause significant acute pain.
The tumors are a primary source of chronic pain for these individu-
als, since they may press against organs or directly on nerve endings.
Cancer cells also produce various toxins and hormones, which may elicit
other types of pain. This is one of the main reasons why a correlation
exists between the development of cancer and depression, anxiety, fear,
and anger in patients. Nearly three-quarters of all cancer patients re-
port chronic pain, usually associated with the effects of the actual tu-
mors. 9 If properly used, specific medication can keep most of these
pains in check, but bouts of breakthrough pain (sudden pain after can-
cer medication) can occasionally occur.
Chemotherapy—the “cocktail” of active drugs used to destroy tu-
mors—often acts indiscriminately; that is, both cancerous and healthy
cells alike are killed. This killing of healthy cells causes peripheral
neuropathy, a condition similar to polyneuropathy that affects anywhere

between 30 and 40 percent of all chemotherapy recipients. 10 Chemo-

therapy causes hypersensitivity to cold and intense pain primarily in the
hands and feet, but these sensations can sometime progress to reach
higher in the legs and arms. Tingling and numbness oftentimes accom-
pany the onset of painful peripheral neuropathy in older cancer pa-
Tumor radiotherapy can cause even more harm to the brain and
spinal cord of senior cancer patients since its primary mode of action
damages the connective tissue that surrounds nerves. The extreme radi-
ation can also damage white and gray brain matter, thus contributing to
the reduction of brain volume. If radiotherapy is applied to the spinal
cord, it may cause intense pains, which become obvious a few weeks to
a few months after the treatment concludes.
Geriatric pain patients can experience all these types of pain more
intensely than younger patients do. This is why great efforts are being
taken by physicians to address the painful side effects of cancer as early
on as possible. Cancer is undoubtedly one of the primary sources of
pain in the elderly, especially in the developing world, where cancer
detection rates are very low and the treatment options available are
rather limited by Western standards. Great efforts are being undertak-
en in these areas to bring medical capabilities up to par with those in
more developed countries.


While studies indicate that seniors generally experience more pain,

much of that pain originates from the conditions that often accompany
old age. There are no investigations to clearly suggest that “getting old”
must be painful. In fact, many authors have shown that individuals tend
to experience a reduction in pain as they age. This reduction is primari-
ly because neuron numbers dwindle in the brain with each passing year,
causing a diminishing of all forms of perception, including pain percep-
In essence, seniors may easily detect or recognize a painful stimulus
they feel, but the sensation may not bother them as much as it would a
younger adult. The interpretation of painful stimuli changes. Besides
the loss of neurons in the brain, reasons why this happens in old age,
include exposure to brain surgery, nerve damage and degradation, con-
fusion due to dementia and other mental illnesses, and various medica-
tions. The internal organs, joints, tendons, muscles, and skin all have
receptors for detecting pain. The way these receptors operate changes
206 CHA P TER 21

with time, but studies have yet to demonstrate whether this shift is due
to old age, or some of the medical conditions that usually accompany it.
This change isn’t limited exclusively to pain, since it also affects heat,
cold, vibration, and touch perception.
One possibility experts speculate upon is that pain receptors become
less sensitive due to naturally occurring vitamin B1 deficiencies. An-
other reason could be the steady decrease of the amount of blood
flowing to these receptors. While the detection of painful stimuli be-
comes more difficult for seniors as a result, there are also some advan-
tages. Studies suggest that somatosensory (body sensor) thresholds tend
to increase as people age. In other words, it gets harder for seniors to
detect pain originating from pressure stimuli. The studies suggest that
aging causes no changes in somatosensory thresholds that detect pain
produced by heat. 11
Other scientists indicate that the intensity of pain stimuli is largely
responsible for how seniors experience pain. 12 These researchers found
that the frequency and intensity of pain associated with certain medical
disorders decreases as people age. Disorders include musculoskeletal
diseases, infections of the viscera, as well as some conditions affecting
the myocardia (inner layer of the heart). Indeed, pain perception can
decrease in old age based on the type of painful stimuli individuals are
subjected to. Cutaneous (skin) pain has been determined to be a small-
er problem for seniors than for younger adults. However, this advantage
is countered by the fact that seniors’ tolerance to deep pain decreases
considerably as they get older. 13



Pain can be managed in a wide variety of ways, but the best way to
handle it is to keep it from occurring in the first place. Over the past
few years, health care providers have placed a heavy emphasis on pre-
ventive medicine, an approach that seeks to avert or delay the develop-
ment of chronic ailments. The process basically begins from birth, but
not many geriatric patients are capable or willing to adjust their lifestyle
so that they minimize the risk of disease. Painful disorders affecting
seniors, such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, nerve damage, and so on, are
often the result of a hectic lifestyle during their midlife years. The
human body can take a great deal of abuse before it starts degrading,

but once that process starts, severe pain becomes a common occur-
In addition to reaching for a healthier life, seniors who are informed
that they are at risk of developing certain conditions can take preemp-
tive action to ensure that the severity of their symptoms is kept in
check. For example, individuals who experience back pain can engage
in a variety of physical exercises that boost the strength of joints and
muscles, thereby helping to delay the onset of very severe pain. This
preemptive approach is also more affordable, and it allows older pain
patients to avoid taking medication that may cause damaging side-ef-

Approaching Painful, Age-Related Spine Disorders

For treating degenerative spine diseases, doctors have an array of op-
tions of both the invasive and noninvasive types. The physician might
choose to begin treating a patient with a combination of oral medica-
tions aimed particularly at combating pain in seniors. They also pre-
scribe a lot of bed rest and physical therapy. The latter is meant to
strengthen the back so that the progression of the disease is slowed or
stopped entirely. In older patients with severe pain, physicians tend to
administer steroids and pain medication via epidural injections, which
enables them to alleviate the painful area directly and enhance the
effectiveness of physical therapy.
While most pain patients can be provided with care in this manner,
the most severe cases require additional attention. If a senior is suffer-
ing from debilitating pain that does not succumb to the usual methods
of treatment, doctors may recommend surgery. This approach enables
them to correct structural abnormalities in the bones, thus restoring
some function back to the affected regions. If much tissue is removed
during these procedures, an approach called spinal fusion will enable
surgeons to use metallic inserts to cover the gap. The main advantage of
using these metallic inserts is that new bone can be encouraged to grow
on them, closing the gap left by the removed tissue. 14

Managing Painful Osteoarthritis

The effects of osteoarthritis on patients’ quality of life are very severe,
especially if the disease is allowed to progress unchecked. Doctors pre-
fer to start addressing it as early as possible, primarily through recom-
mending lifestyle changes, including exercise and weight loss. Obesity is
a complication for osteoarthritis patients who are elderly, yet it is a
208 CHA P TER 21

problem that can be removed from the equation using natural tech-
niques. In addition to these changes, analgesics are commonly used to
help ease joint pain.
Those who have more severe symptoms are prescribed non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs, which are more effective at quelling pain than
basic analgesics. Surgery is required in more severe cases, or when the
disease has already progressed to an advanced stage before doctors have
a chance to begin treatment. Joint replacement surgery is performed
relatively often on the hips in older pain patients, as the bones and
surrounding cartilages become increasingly brittle. Knees are often a
target for replacement surgery as well, since the procedure contributes
to improving mobility and also reduces the amount of pain an aging
knee generates.

Polyneuropathy Treatment Options

The medical guidelines currently in use for treating pain arising from
polyneuropathy are not meant to treat this disorder directly. Doctors
usually concentrate their efforts on treating the underlying disease that
causes the damage to the nerve. But if the nerve pain is caused by
chemotherapy. and discontinuation of the medication would result in
death, the pain must be treated directly with painkillers.
Vitamin deficiencies, diabetes, immune diseases, nerve entangle-
ment, and shingles can be addressed before they result in different
types of polyneuropathy. Treatment options specific to each of these
conditions are normally applied and any residual pain is eliminated
through common pain relief medication, but only at the doctor’s discre-
tion. Tricyclic antidepressants, ibuprofen, vitamin B6, and aspirin are
used for this purpose.

Managing Post-Herpetic Neuralgia Pain

One of the first steps health care providers take to prevent post-herpet-
ic neuralgia is to stop herpes zoster (shingles) from developing. This can
be achieved by promptly administering sympathetic nervous system in-
jections to senior patients. Alternatively, capsaicin and pregabalin
might be prescribed to eliminate this type of pain in the elderly. Pain-
killers, tricyclic antidepressants and anticonvulsants are also used for
treating the symptoms associated with herpes zoster. Topical treat-
ments, such as special creams, can be used instead of oral medication,
though their effects are not as strong or thorough. In more severe cases
of post-herpetic neuralgia, patients may choose to undergo transcutane-

ous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). The artificial nerve stimulation

provides temporary pain relief by saturating the painful areas of the skin
with low-intensity electrical currents. The interference takes place be-
tween the signals passing through the nerves, thereby reducing the
painful sensation. A permanent solution for eliminating the pain that
comes from a single nerve or set of nerves is nerve ablation. This irre-
versible procedure involves the removal of a small portion of the nerve
that transmits the pain stimuli to the brain, and it cannot be reversed.
However, the issue with this type of surgery is that it does not produce
effects that last over time.

Handling Cancer Pain

Treating pain attributable to cancer is a very complex procedure. Physi-
cians first need to assess the stage of the disease as well as the source of
the pain. The pain can originate in any number of locations, and track-
ing those down is made difficult by the fact that the sensation itself is
compounded. This means that seniors may have a difficult time pin-
pointing any one source of pain, since they experience a form of gener-
alized pain. This is especially true for those in the more advanced stages
of cancer. Even though the World Health Organization published clear
guidelines for the treatment of cancer-related pain years ago, a U.S.
study demonstrates that around 26 percent of seniors in nursing homes
do not receive any type of analgesics for their daily pains. 15 Others
receive only weak opiates instead of the morphine they need.
The same study revealed that daily pain is felt by 25–40 percent of
all seniors with some form of cancer. 16 For most of these individuals, a
form of constant pain relief is required. Doctors prefer to use strong
opioids such as morphine as rarely as possible, since these chemicals
can be very addictive. Physicians therefore have the extremely difficult
task of establishing when the pain caused by cancer can be alleviated
with a drug that would normally turn seniors into addicts. Radiotherapy
is also a useful tool for pain relief. It produces effects that last anywhere
between two and four months, especially for seniors suffering from late-
stage bone metastasis. The beneficial effects take effect around a week
after the elderly patient has been exposed to the treatment. The exact
mechanisms through which these low doses of radiation act on tumors
are not fully understood, and the approach does not work for many
types of cancer.
In some cases, even morphine will not reduce pain to bearable lev-
els. When this is the case, a nerve-blocking procedure called neurolysis
may be attempted. This approach damages the nerves to such an extent
210 CHA P TER 21

that the latter is unable to transmit the pain stimuli. Neurolysis is differ-
ent from simply cutting the nerve strand, because it allows for the
damaged scar tissue to regrow in time. This technique is not guaranteed
to eliminate pain, but it often reduces it to a point where morphine and
other heavy drugs can take effect. Doctors prefer to use it on terminally
ill patients (such as seniors in pain), but not on those with Stage I and
Stage II cancers.

Approaching Painful Terminal Illnesses

The very definition of the term terminal disease excludes any possibility
of recovery in the medically accepted terms. However, this does not
mean that seniors with such an illness are left without care. Rather than
focusing their efforts on treating the fatal disease, doctors often switch
their approach once the conclusion that the patient cannot be saved has
been reached. Pain management becomes the primary objective, and
potentially harmful treatments such as chemotherapy are discontinued.
A formal caregiver, such as a nurse or a doctor, takes care of the
terminally ill pain patient until the latter dies. This is done for numer-
ous purposes, often the most important being that too much pain is
present. Many of the drugs used for end-of-life care can only be han-
dled by qualified professionals. Usually, these caregivers also provide
psychological support for their senior patients and help them perform
daily tasks. When ethical issues arise, such as seniors refusing to eat or
drink when they feel their death approaching, informal caregivers usu-
ally contact doctors or other health care professionals who have more
extensive training in such matters. When the pain associated with ter-
minal illnesses becomes too severe, doctors are authorized to use a
variety of opioids, including morphine and diamorphine. The chemicals
these medications contain are very effective analgesics.


The incidence of pain is extremely high in seniors, as they suffer from

more medical disorders in comparison to other subgroups in the gener-
al population. Furthermore, geriatric patients experience pain different-
ly from other age groups. While pain stimuli can be more harmful for
seniors than for younger adults, sometimes the sensation of pain dulls as
age increases. Caregivers should take this information into account
when tailoring effective treatment options for an aging pain sufferer.



Pain “troubleshooting” is an approach that deals exclusively with the

alleviation of discomfort, without regard to curative benefits. It can
extend to all branches of medicine; thus, it requires an interdisciplinary
approach, as other symptoms and experiences are considered in the
overall approach to pain. Though there is no surefire cure for pain as
yet, some government bodies have proposed laws urging further pain
care specialization.


Pain is usually treated in emergency situations with medication such as

anesthetics and the often misunderstood analgesics. Examples of anal-
gesics include acetaminophen, morphine, and codeine. These are used
to treat mild to severe acute pain. Chronic pain, however, requires the
coordinated effort of a team of medical practitioners from different
disciplines to treat effectively, even during an emergency. Patients who
suffer from painful emergencies are also increasingly trying alternative
treatments such as acupuncture, hypnosis, and spinal manipulation.
Noninvasive pain treatment is used when analgesics are unavailable or
when there is a real concern of opioid addiction.
The troubleshooting technique used in an emergency depends on
the type (for example, whether the pain is chronic or acute) and cause
of the pain experienced (see chapter 10) and whether the patient is
comfortable with the treatment or believes that it will bring relief. Dis-
traction techniques make the patient less aware of the pain, and can be
effective for brief periods of acute pain. Emergency massage and pres-
214 CHA P TER 22

sure techniques are used to stimulate tactile signals that negate the
discomfort felt by the patient. Applying appropriate heat or cold to the
area of the body affected with pain, liniments, ointments, unguents, and
menthol might work in pain-related emergencies.


Pain Care Inadequacy

Pain is a pervasive and influential experience, as demonstrated by at-
tempts from ancient times to cure it. 1 Human cultures have always
developed clear attitudes to pain and its treatment, even if these atti-
tudes and treatments differed greatly from preexisting troubleshooting
modalities. If a case can be made to declare pain care as a fundamental
human right, then a legitimate question to ask is: if pain and its treat-
ment are a universal experience and a fundamental human characteris-
tic, why is the prevalence of inadequate pain care on an alarming global
Pain care has received significant attention only recently, despite its
relevance to medical practice and the quality of life of patients. 2 Physi-
cians have focused more on trying to treat their patients than on allevi-
ating pain because, generally speaking, pain can be avoided to the de-
gree that its cause can be prevented. Pain alleviation methods are
viewed to be dangerous, potentially addictive, and an invitation to haz-
ardous side effects, both by medical practitioners and informal caregiv-
ers. Some contend the marginalization of pain care is common in almost
all aspects of medical care, from intensive care units to emergency
wards, and among all age groups, including newborn infants, elderly
patients, and the terminally ill. 3 The contention that inadequate pain
care is rampant is more interesting in view of the relatively low price,
cheap production cost, and widespread availability of pain medications.
This is thought to be due to a number of factors that are political,
cultural, societal, and religious. Examples of these factors would include
the acceptance of torture as legitimate in the political scene, or the
belief in some religious systems and cultures that pain is a just punish-
ment from a deity, a consequence of sin, or simply the human condi-
tion, and is therefore not to be alleviated (an example would be the
belief of some sects that childbirth is supposed to be extremely painful).
Other factors that may result in inadequate pain care include misper-
ceptions such as

• thinking that pain in the elderly is to be expected, or that seniors

always suffer from decreased pain sensitivity anyway;
• inadequate training and personal biases such as the perception
that patients belonging to a race, religion, gender, or social group
that is somehow deemed inferior and need not be prioritized for
pain alleviation;
• physicians’ and other health professionals’ fear of prescription
drug abuse and possible accompanying legal charges due to over-
prescription and abuse;
• focus on the biomedical and pathophysiological aspects of a dis-
ease, rather than its impact on the quality of life of patients.

The full list of factors that affect the troubleshooting of pain is too large
for this study and therefore only some of these factors will be treated in
detail in this chapter.

When the Doctor Disbelieves the Patient

Physicians tend to underestimate the severity of pain experienced by
patients. This is in direct contradiction to the maxim that pain is any-
thing the individual going through it says it is, and that pain exists
whenever the one who experiences it says it does. 4 A crisis of mistrust
between the patient and the health care provider will ensue if this
maxim is not followed. This mistrust will hamper the troubleshooting of
pain and will affect patients’ quality of life. Physicians and other profes-
sional caregivers may also face legal consequences for inadequate pain
care, as will be shown by examples later on.

Paradox of Health Care Provider’s Contribution to Patient’s

Paradoxically, health care providers seem to contribute to the pain pa-
tients feel, or at least fail to alleviate their patients’ discomfort. The
most common physician deficits in pain care are: (1) failure to recognize
that the patient is in pain; (2) inadequate prescription of opioid doses
and treating the resultant side effects; (3) failure to reassess the pain
after the initial treatment; and (4), most disappointingly, simple negli-
gence. 5
The health care system also has its share of barriers that hinder the
effective management of pain. These include

• failure to adopt specific assessment tools for diagnosing pain;

216 CHA P TER 22

• insufficient time and space allowed for pain assessment and docu-
• emphasis on outpatient care and reduced access to practitioners
who can effectively treat pain;
• inadequate health insurance and reimbursement policies; and
• failure to recognize pain as a disability that could severely impact
a person’s quality of life.

Studies point to very alarming realities. Although physicians and other

medical practitioners are by no means the only cause of inadequate pain
care, they seem to contribute substantially to it. While significant ad-
vances have been achieved in the various branches of medicine, includ-
ing advances in the treatment of pain, the prevalence of pain experi-
enced by patients hasn’t changed significantly, nor has it been notice-
ably reduced for decades. 6 The same studies also indicate that patients
with certain characteristics are prone to being administered inadequate
pain care. These characteristics are age (with the elderly and children at
more risk for inadequate pain care), race or ethnicity (minority groups
are particularly prone), gender (females are treated with less-than-ade-
quate pain care), and real or perceived impairment in the pain patient’s
cognitive status. 7

Minorities and Inadequate Pain Care

Minorities frequently suffer from inadequate pain care. African
American and Hispanic patients typically need to bring up the topic of
pain and pain management with physicians. Pain management for these
minority patients is often not offered proactively. The same studies also
indicate that while pain assessment tests are performed on these minor-
ities when the issue of pain is brought up, the results of the assessments
are included in their medical records with much less frequency than
their non-minority counterparts. 8
Other findings are equally alarming. African-American and Hispanic
patients are less likely to be prescribed analgesics for their pain, and are
more likely to receive inadequate pain care and therefore suffer from
more problems. 9 They are also more likely to take more of their pain
medication prescribed by their physicians and health care providers.
Comparisons of physician and patient pain ratings show that doctors
tend to underestimate the pain intensity of minority patients by an
average of two points on an eleven-point numeric scale; the same physi-
cians were twice as likely to overestimate the pain levels of Caucasian
patients. 10 Caucasians tend to receive higher dosages of opioid analge-

sics, or dosages comparable to the pain intensity they are experiencing,

than their African American, Hispanic, or Asian American counterparts.
For instance, comparable disparities are present in the treatment of
postoperative pain for children, particularly those who are patients of
tonsillectomy (removal of tonsils). Latino children receive 30 percent
less opioid analgesic in comparison to Caucasian children. 11
In a nutshell, physicians and nurses tend to underestimate the sever-
ity of the pain experienced by minority patients, fail to record their pain
scores, and prescribe pain medication less frequently or in lower doses.
To compensate, minority patients “self-medicate” and take higher dos-
ages than prescribed to relieve their pain. Thus, the initial fear of over-
prescription, exacerbated by misperceptions and cultural barriers,
seems to create itself, leading to the actual occurrences of drug abuse
due to inadequate pain care. It should be mentioned that the above
deficits are not the only causes of prescription drug abuse, but the
deficits mentioned contribute to it. On the other hand, there are also
barriers to effective pain treatment coming from the minority patients
themselves. Minority patients may fear aggressive pain treatment, may
not be assertive in seeking troubleshooting for their pain, and may not
be familiar with the clinical setting where they are supposed to receive
pain treatment.

Gender and Inadequate Pain Care

Disparities in the way pain is treated on the basis of gender have also
been noted by recent research. 12 It is shown that while women are
more likely to seek treatment for the pain they experience, they are less
likely to receive it effectively or at all. 13 There seems to be a biological
basis in the gender-based differences in pain perception, pain report-
ing, pain coping, and pain-related behaviors. Women are more likely to
receive sedatives for pain treatment, while men are more likely to re-
ceive opioid analgesics, which treat pain more effectively (when disre-
garding side effects). 14 The disparity between the genders in this regard
seems to spread across different age brackets; women aged twenty-four
to fifty-five and fifty-five and above are given less pain medication than
their male counterparts of the same age groups. 15 It is ironic that those
who are unjustly perceived to be of the “physically weaker” gender
(women) do not receive the attention the supposed weakness demands.
Still more surprisingly, this perceived “weakness” contributes to the
inadequacy of pain treatment because it is assumed that women over-
react, are too emotional, and simply imagine pain when none exists. The
concept of women complaining of nonexistent pain is also present in
218 CHA P TER 22

medical literature, where women are portrayed as oversensitive and

hysterical. 16 Thus, pain assessment and diagnosis may potentially be
skewed because of this gender bias. A recent study of nurses, however,
tends to view women as (1) more tolerant of, (2) less sensitive to, and
(3) less disturbed, by pain. 17 The same research indicates that nurses
believe women are more likely to express pain through nonverbal ges-
tures, and more likely to report pain to their physicians and health care
providers. “Healthy is beautiful” (or its reverse formulation, “unwell is
unappealing”) also seems to affect physicians’ treatment of women in
pain. 18 Attractive female patients were perceived by their doctors as
experiencing less intense levels of pain than unattractive females. All of
the mentioned disparities related to gender are of a similar nature to
the disparities related to age and race.

Physician Responsibility and Inadequate Pain Care

Another reason for inadequate pain care is that some doctors fear being
accused of overmedicating the pain sufferer. There are patients who
have died as a result of over-prescription. Pain medication must not
exceed what the human body can handle. If a patient asks for more pain
medication, pain specialists must understand that they cannot simply
prescribe a limitless amount of medications. Physicians will need a care-
ful study of the patient’s health to determine whether they can approve
extra painkillers, and both the patient and caregiver must accept the

Negligence and Inadequate Pain Care

Medical personnel must listen to what the patient says and render care
accordingly to enhance the pain sufferer’s health. If the patient is in
severe agony, caregivers must respond immediately. After the patient
states subjective concerns, the caregivers must confirm it through ob-
jective observation. This could be through vital sign reports. Above-
normal pulse rate and irregular respiration are signs that the patient is
currently in pain. Increased blood pressure is also considered a factor.
Through these objective data, the physician will decide the treatment
for the patient. Thus, monitoring the results is critical when trouble-
shooting pain the right way.

Inadequacy of Pain Care in the Elderly

Under-treatment occurs in care of the elderly due to decrease in pain
sensation caused by aging. It is not possible to rely merely on a pain
scale to determine the severity of pain in older people. If they have high
pain reception, they could be in a severe pain, but if they have average
pain sensitivity, it does not necessarily mean they lack enough pain to
warrant attention. While certain seniors experience moderate pain,
younger individuals might feel the same pain at an above-average level.
The elderly also are more likely to have decreased organ function,
wherein sometimes acute pain lasts less than a few minutes but chronic
pain lasts for much longer. 19 Therefore regular troubleshooting meas-
ures are appropriate so that the physician can provide inadequate care.
Deterioration of body function is more common in the elderly as well,
which can invite disease and cause pain.
Studies show that 45–80 percent of elderly nursing home residents
suffer as a result of inadequate pain treatment. 20 The reason for this
comes from both the patient and the caregiver. The elderly patients
tend to be more stoic, fear that they may become a burden if they
complain of the pain, and accept that pain is a natural part of the aging
process. Health care professionals may share the same views as the
elderly patients they are troubleshooting. In addition, health care pro-
fessionals are wary of the legal consequences of possible addiction due
to the prescription of pain-relieving medication, despite explicit state-
ments from several state medical boards that health care professionals
need not fear disciplinary action for administering, dispensing, and pre-
scribing opioids where and when it is appropriate and consistent with
current acceptable clinical practices. Studies show that while pain is
mostly underreported, fears of pain care medication addiction are
grossly exaggerated. 21 The proper dosage and administering of a neces-
sary opioid medication may be the latest casualty in the “war on drugs.”
The efficacy of opioid medication in the relief of many types of pain has
been proven, provided it is prescribed and administered properly by
medical professionals with sufficient training. Physicians may be held
liable for certain cases of opioid and other drug abuses, and they may
also be held responsible for failure to prescribe the right medication,
including opioid analgesics where and when it is needed. The inade-
quate treatment of pain may have legal consequences as serious as the
legal consequences of being implicated in the wrong dosage resulting in
opioid addiction. A recent landmark case of inadequate pain treatment
involved an eighty-five-year old terminally ill cancer patient who died in
extreme pain after being hospitalized for six days. His physician was
held liable for elderly abuse due to inadequate troubleshooting; the
220 CHA P TER 22

pain he experienced before he died was consistently at a seven-to-ten

range, on a one-to-ten scale. The case was indeed groundbreaking; until
then, pain management complaints have never been considered in the
legal context of elder abuse. 22 The punishment in this case was stiff: the
deceased’s family was awarded over $1 million due to the doctor’s negli-
gence and reckless conduct. Physicians and other health care providers
need to take heed of the fact that pain troubleshooting always needs to
be taken as seriously as the fears of overprescribing that may lead to
drug abuse.
Statistics seem to indicate that some nurses also have their share of
inadequate pain treatment for the elderly. Nurses are two times less
likely to indicate complaints of pain on their records for elderly patients
than for their young patients. 23 The frequency of receiving analgesics
also diminishes as the age of the patients increase. Thus, while patients
in daily pain aged sixty-five to seventy-four years are approximately 35
percent likelier to receive opiates or morphine for pain treatment, this
number is reduced drastically to around 10 percent for patients aged
eighty-five years and older. 24 The frequency of administering pain med-
ication decreases even more if the patient also belongs to a minority
group. This trend is particularly disappointing; it appears that those who
suffer from pain and need relief from it the most are less likely to be
treated effectively.
Another case is enlightening in this regard. A seventy-five-year-old
cancer patient was admitted into a nursing home with metastatic adeno-
carcinoma of the prostate, and required regularly administered opioids
to troubleshoot his pain. The opioids were effective for his pain relief.
However, without consulting the doctors, the nursing staff decided to
wean him from his analgesic regimen on suspicion that he was addicted
to morphine. This case went to court, and the judge approved a settle-
ment in favor of the plaintiff. 25


This chapter has introduced part IV of this book by explaining how the
multidimensional pervasiveness of pain affects its troubleshooting. Pain
medication and treatment is widely available, relatively inexpensive, and
generally effective. Unfortunately, the troubleshooting of pain is below
what is expected in most parts of the world, even in developed coun-
tries. The common barriers to effective pain treatment, such as biases
related to age, race, and gender are driven by misperceptions, which
can be effectively countered by

• educating pain patients, health care providers, and medical practi-

tioners; 26
• providing additional training or retraining, if needed, to profes-
sional caregivers, with a focus on the different aspects of pain, its
experience, its different dimensions, and the barriers that hinder
effective troubleshooting; and
• systems by health care providers where sufficient time, space, and
resources are allotted to pain troubleshooting.

Most importantly, the flawed one-dimensional and exclusively bio-

chemical view of pain must be modified, if not totally abandoned. The
significant impact of pain on the quality of life of those who suffer from
it must become a priority if proper troubleshooting is to be practiced.


The goal of any approach to managing pain is to lessen the negative

effects so that the patient can still be functional. Managing pain natural-
ly involves social, psychological, and environmental issues. 1 Sometimes
a team of caregivers is needed to coordinate a natural approach to
chronic pain. Members of a pain management team, whether natural or
conventional methods are used, usually include physicians, occupation-
al therapists, physiotherapists, physician assistants, clinical psycholo-
gists, and nurse practitioners. 2



Natural pain approaches are those methods of pain management that

do not include the use of drugs. It is also known as nonpharmacological
pain management. Other terms used for this approach are: nonphar-
macological options and nonpharmacological interventions to pain care.
Essentially, any remedy that does not make use of artificial medicine
can be classified as a natural approach to pain management or natural
pain approach. Natural pain approaches can be used for either acute or
chronological pain and either with or without pharmacological sup-
port. 3
Special diets and exercises that target proper metabolism are usually
incorporated in the natural management of pain. Studies have shown
that weight plays a major role in some cases of chronic pain. Heavyset
individuals put more strain on their joints, thus contributing to pain and

224 CHA P TER 23

its complications. There are also studies that point toward specific food
items that can lessen chronic pain. 4
Patients who seek out alternative ways to manage their pain often
take supplements. It is best to remember, however, that supplements
are just that (i.e., they usually do not have a therapeutic effect but only
enhance the effect of the pain medication or drug being taken). Still, in
some situations, these natural pain supplements can have a therapeutic
effect over a period of time. Unlike many pain medications that take
effect almost immediately after consumption, supplements take time,
sometimes a long period, to have an effect on the pain. For example,
anti-inflammatory plants and herbs such as turmeric and ginger offer
the same kind of action as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen, but they do
not work with the immediacy of these drugs and their effectiveness is
not as strong. However, if they are taken together with these drugs, the
effectiveness of the drugs increases.
Natural pain approaches also may include techniques such as acu-
puncture, massage, reflexology, and biofield therapies (energy tech-
niques) that explore therapeutic and healing touch. Exercise is also
showing great potential in alleviating pain. Doctors may have pre-
scribed bed rest for many chronic pain conditions in the past, but this
proved to be detrimental—contributory, in fact, to the worsening of the
overall pain experience. Studies have shown that people who exercise
and stay mobile are able to manage pain better than those who favor
lying in bed all day (see chapter 25). Physical therapists and athletic
trainers can be consulted to draft and design personal exercise pro-
grams tailored to pain patients’ individual needs.

Three Types
Natural approaches to pain management can be classified into three
categories: (1) cognitive or behavioral strategies, such as distraction,
relaxation, imagery, and breathing techniques; (2) the physical or cuta-
neous strategies, which include heat/cold application, vibration, mas-
sage, position changes as well as transelectrical nerve stimulation
(TENS); and (3) environmental or emotional strategies like touch, reas-
surance, or arrangement and decoration of a room. 5
The cognitive behavioral strategies refer to those methods that
change patients’ perception of their experience of pain. They offer tech-
niques meant to interfere with the neural perceptions of pain in the
brain. These natural techniques modify the intensity of the pain that the
patient experiences. 6 Experts say that in order to alter the way a patient
experiences pain, he or she must be distracted by directing attention

away from the pain and focusing on something else. 7 These distractions
include music, and movement—practices that are very effective in re-
lieving pain because they require the patient to participate more active-
ly in the activity. Another effective distraction method is humor, said to
be one of the most effective distraction methods to allay pain and effec-
tive even ten minutes after the laughter has ceased. 8 Relaxation, which
is known to reduce muscle tension, is another cognitive behavioral strat-
egy. 9 Relaxation imagery, which involves a person imagining a pleasant
or peaceful experience, music, and slow breathing, are some of the
natural methods of relaxation that a pain patient can use. Relaxation
decreases the heart rate, blood pressure, and respirations. 10 Evidence
of the effectiveness of relaxation in relieving pain has been scientifically
validated. The research proved the positive effects of relaxation tech-
niques regardless of how they were carried out. Patients reported that
they possessed a certain feeling of control over their pain when relaxa-
tion techniques were utilized. 11
The second classification of the natural pain approach is physical or
cutaneous intervention. This involves subjecting the patient to heat or
cold. This strategy works according to the gate control theory of pain
transmission. When the skin is stimulated, large diameter fibers are
activated. This activation stops the short diameter nerve fibers passing
on the pain to the brain. 12 Physical stimulation may be applied where
the pain is located or in places close to it. Experts say that cold applica-
tion is almost always more effective than heat application, and a combi-
nation of both applications is considered to be even more helpful than
using only one thermal method. 13 When both thermal applications are
used, they reduce the sensitivity of the patient to pain or his muscle
spasms in a natural way. 14 A second type of cutaneous or physical stimu-
lation is vibration. Vibration brings about paresthesia or anesthesia to
the stimulated region of the body and alters the sensation of the pain
from “very severe” to moderately tolerable. When vibration is removed,
the relief from pain can last up to 30 minutes. An even better situation
is the blending of the heat and vibration methods. The third type of
cutaneous therapy to relieve pain is massage, especially in the back and
shoulders. A study showed that when terminally-ill patients are given a
three-minute, slow backrub, their blood pressure was lowered, signify-
ing that they experienced relaxation and were therefore in less pain. 15
The third classification of the natural pain approach involves inter-
ventions coming from family and the social environment of the pain
patient. The social environment plays a very important role in natural
pain management, and a healthy family interaction will be very helpful.
This can be done through family therapy.
226 CHA P TER 23


Nonpharmacological approaches to pain management continue to

evolve, as there is much demand for further research to explore its
potential further. The professional caregiver’s role remains important in
ensuring that such options are presented to patients alongside impor-
tant data that need to be considered. Caregivers can also help patients
suffering from acute and chronic pain to make informed decisions re-
garding the natural treatment plan they wish to pursue. Natural pain
approaches without pharmacological support usually fall under the non-
standard or alternative options to pain management. Standard care, or
the traditional approach to pain, refers to the practice of medical doc-
tors and other health professionals such as registered nurses and physi-
cal therapists. 16 Natural pain approaches are significant because they
consider pain, whether acute or chronic, to be more than just physiolog-
ical. Psychosocial (mind and society) and environmental factors also
play a role in the emergence of pain. Such factors cannot be managed
by conventional medical treatment alone. Hence, natural approaches to
pain management have become popular, even if some approaches have
not yet been thoroughly researched and studied in mainstream medical
practice. 17 The natural pain approach can be considered to be a holistic
approach to pain management, since it takes into account all the
circumstances and issues surrounding the pain. The pain is part of the
patient’s overall human experience.
Alternatives to drug-dependent therapies continue to emerge. Natu-
ral approaches are constantly evolving and provide complementary
means to effectively manage pain. Despite these approaches gaining
increased popularity among patients, few studies have been completed
to validate the efficacy of nonpharmacological techniques. This situa-
tion is slowly being remedied and peer-reviewed journal articles high-
lighting the potential of natural approaches, most especially in the
realm of palliative care, continue to appear. 18 The pain management
specialist needs to be well informed about natural options to be able to
provide a wide array of treatment paths for patients.



The natural pain approach has many benefits. First is cost-effectiveness.
It does not take much money to ease pain the natural way. Laughter, as
is often said, is the best medicine and therefore a great step in ap-
proaching pain naturally. Laughter causes the body to release endor-
phins, which are natural “opiates” that relieve pain immediately or
make the pain disappear over a period of time. For obvious reasons,
there is no financial cost to laughing. A person can enjoy a good laugh
by simply watching stand-up comedy. Entertainment is something that
all people, whether in pain or pain-free, can take pleasure in.

As a coping strategy, another benefit of the natural pain approach is that
it empowers the patient to actively respond to it when it happens. Pa-
tients may not be in control of the pain, but if well-informed by a pain
management team, they can control their response to it. For example,
biofeedback, a form of stress-management, enables the individual suf-
fering from pain to monitor the natural reactions of his body to pain.
Natural methods also enable patients to hone their attention so that at
the onset of pain, their mind is focused elsewhere. Practices of this kind
are found in yoga and other meditation exercises. Becoming aware
would let the patient be in control of the stressful reactions to pain.

A major drawback of the natural pain approach is that there may not be
enough time to make them work. If the pain is acute and must be eased
immediately, the natural approach would not be so practical. Relaxation
exercises, aromatherapy, massage, biofeedback and some other similar
natural pain approaches take time to be administered or become effec-
tive. They do not offer instant relief to the patient. Thus, in extreme
cases of pain, these approaches cannot be utilized alone but only as
additions to traditional medical methods. The attitudes of different
caregivers vary regarding the natural pain approach. Many times it is
not from the rationale of the natural way that caregivers object to, but
the time such methods involve. A research study showed that the atti-
228 CHA P TER 23

tude of nurses and the lack of time are hindrances to offering the pain
patient the best natural approach to pain. 19


The unpleasantness of the experience of pain varies depending on the

culture and environment of each patient. What is painful in one culture
may not necessarily be painful in another. Moreover, as stated earlier, a
religious social environment may also affect how patients view pain.
Hence, the social and living environment of the patient has an effect on
his experience of pain. As such, social and living environment changes
will certainly play an important role in the natural approach to pain.

Family is the most important “social” environment. The severity or the
lightness of the pain is affected by the family atmosphere the patient
lives in. The more stressful and strained the relationship among the
family members, the harsher the mental and physical pains can be. The
more loving the relationship within the family is, the more tolerable the
pain becomes. Pain sufferers in abusive and disorganized families may
have more difficulty in treatment. Natural interventions for them may
need to be further developed on an individual basis. 20

Light, Nature, Video, or Virtual Reality

Environment can also influence pain. Scientists recently published a
study of the environmental factors that influence pain. 21 They focused
primarily on the effects of environmental stimuli on pain, such as light,
video, nature scenes and sounds, and virtual reality (VR). Factors in the
environment that can be easily controlled may help to reduce the use of
analgesics, which can remove difficult side effects from medications.
They can also help lessen the cost of medication and improve quality of
care and results. For example, patients of spinal surgery who have more
exposure to natural sunlight after their surgery and during their recov-
ery may have less stress, reduced pain, less use of analgesic medication,
and a decrease in medical expenses. 22 In order for the patient to enjoy
the long-term benefits of less health care costs, treatment environments
should be designed to make better use of natural light. Managers of
health care facilities could make sure that rooms with many windows

are allotted to patients experiencing pain. Moreover, structural ele-

ments such as skylights and large windows can be built into facilities to
fetch natural light inside. Research has been conducted regarding (1)
the kinds of pain, (2) levels of pain, and (3) pain conditions that will
benefit from exposure to natural light, in most people. 23 Further studies
could examine which parts of the body need more exposure to natural
Viewing nature scenes can generate positive emotional responses
that also affect pain levels. When a pain patient views simple and unem-
bellished scenes of nature, the blood pressure is said to decline within a
few minutes, as evidenced by researchers who showed nature films to
two different sets of participants. 24 One of the groups watched a scary
and “stressful” film, while the other viewed a calming nature video.
After the viewing, investigators reported that those who were exposed
to the nature film demonstrated recovery from cardiovascular stress in
about twenty seconds. Thus, it would be beneficial to pain patients to
place their beds or chairs beside windows with a good natural view of
the outside. It would certainly help if they could spend some time
outdoors and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature.
Studies are also being conducted to determine which kinds of pa-
tients would be helped more by viewing scenes of nature and what type
of nature views are more beneficial to people suffering from pain. An-
other relatively inexpensive strategy for pain relief would be video or
positive VR presentations. Treatment facilities can be designed in such
a way that there are places, such as kiosks, where portable video and VR
are present. In fact, science has provided information regarding the
effectiveness of implementing video and VR presentation for treatment.
Video presentations should take into account different characteristics of
the patient, such as age, gender and ethnicity. Future research is rec-
ommended to evaluate the effectiveness of this kind of treatment if
patients are given the choice as to what they want to view. In summary,
changes in the environment of the patient, such as those involving light,
nature, and video presentations appear to be essential when designing
natural pain approaches.

Effects of Travel on Pain Patients

Pain patients should not be constantly moved across far distances. How-
ever, sometimes circumstances compel a move or brief travel. A report
on the effect of airplane travel on patients with fibromyalgia noted that
altitude, atmospheric pressure, dehydration, weak air flow, and lack of
movement for an extended time can worsen the symptoms. Between 40
230 CHA P TER 23

and 70 percent of fibromyalgia patients go through sporadic or frequent

nausea, which can be worsened by the movement, shaking, and weak air
circulation on an airplane. 25 Migraine headaches are also a common
fibromyalgia symptom, and they can contribute to extreme nausea.
When sitting in a cramped position for too long, the air-travelling fibro-
myalgia patient may experience severe and widespread muscular pain,
specifically that of the back. Long-term travelling in a sitting position
can also aggravate temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, a common
side effect of fibromyalgia. In order to prevent these painful experi-
ences, a few, simple precautionary steps must be taken. For example,
the patient should bring along a lumbar support pillow or a headrest. In
order to stay hydrated, the patient may be advised to drink several
glasses of water per hour. Some precautionary measures and medica-
tion could help prevent nausea and pain. 26


Enzymology is defined as the branch of science dealing with the bio-
chemical nature and activity of enzymes. 27 Enzymes can be extracted
from any living organism ranging from microorganisms to plants and
animals, and they have many uses in an individual’s everyday life. Stud-
ies for pain show that supplementary enzymes are beneficial in alleviat-
ing pain naturally. 28 Enzymes have been discovered to be an effective
alternative to pharmaceutical drugs that are not only natural, but can
also answer the problem of prescription drug abuse. There are two
kinds of supplementary enzymes: digestive enzymes and the systemic
enzymes. 29 Digestive enzymes are those used to improve digestion and
are taken orally with food, whereas systemic enzymes are also taken
orally, but in between meals. Some enzymes used for healing pain and
inflammation include the following: 30

• Amylase: aids in digesting carbohydrates and increases joint mo-

bility. It also reduces muscle pain and inflammation.
• Bromelain: used to treat swelling and inflammation related to
injuries, blood clots, hemorrhaging, and the like.
• Papain: used against insect stings.
• Trypsin: for treating bruises and inflammation.
• Chrymotrypsin: treats inflammations and wounds related to den-
tal work and surgeries.

• Protease: helps in alleviating soft tissue problems caused by acci-

dents or surgery.
• Catalase: relieves inflammation caused by injuries and functions
as an antioxidant.
• Lipase: alleviates swelling and muscle spasms caused by calcium

Like other pain medications, the use of enzyme therapy should be

regulated by a physician. Previous health records are critical in this type
of treatment because certain conditions such as gastrointestinal inflam-
mations don’t react well to enzyme treatment.

Fish Oil/Omega-3
Many chronic conditions produce inflammation and pain. Headaches,
back pain, some nerve pain, and autoimmune conditions such as rheu-
matoid arthritis are treatable to a certain extent by fish oil. Omega-3 can
be discovered in other sources, but it is best found in fish oil and
flaxseed. Its mechanism of action is anti-inflammatory, and mild blood
thinning is its side effect. Its painkilling effect is boosted if it is taken
with other pain supplements such as turmeric or ginger. 31 In a 2004
study, 250 patients experiencing nonsurgical neck or back pain, were
told to take a total of 1,200 mg per day of omega-3 eicosapentaenoic
acid (EPA) and decosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found in fish oil supple-
ments. 32 Results showed the same effect in this selective group, as those
in another selective group, who were taking ibuprofen, in easing arthrit-
ic pain. It was also concluded in this study that omega-3 EPA and DHA
in fish oil supplements seem to be a safer substitute to NSAIDs for the
treatment of patients with nonsurgical neck or back pain.

Antinflammatory Plants and Herbs

Many painful conditions such as osteoarthritis and back pain are
brought about by chronic inflammation. Aspirin, ibuprofen, and na-
proxen are anti-inflammatory medicines that function as blockers of the
enzymes that set off both the swelling and the pain. Alternatives to
these medicines are turmeric, green tea, ginger, rosemary, cat’s claw,
devil’s claw, and willow bark. A physician at the Center for Integrative
Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic said that her patients who started
using turmeric had gotten off their use of NSAID medicines complete-
ly. 33 Turmeric can be found in standard capsules. Rheumatoid arthritis
can be eased by turmeric, whose mechanism of action is anti-inflamma-
232 CHA P TER 23

tory. 34 In an issue of Time, a doctor tells of an experience of a patient

who found turmeric useful. He said that his patient, a seventy-three-
year-old male, had two faulty hips. His joints did not develop correctly
as he grew up. The patient started to experience pain when he entered
his sixties. The doctor prescribed the usual anti-inflammatory drugs to
treat arthritis, but the pain did not go away. His patient stopped taking
the medication and began taking eight capsules of turmeric each day—
four in the morning and four in the evening—and has since been pain-
free. 35
A medicinal herb that contains anti-inflammatory agents called flav-
onoids, sage is a remedy used to relieve swelling of body parts of pa-
tients. 36 Tea from sage is also used as a spring tonic that increases blood
circulation, improves memory, and promotes long life. 37 Ginger is an-
other natural anti-inflammatory supplement. It is said that ginger can
alleviate the pain and swelling that result from an arthritic condition. 38
Symptoms of osteoarthritis were significantly reduced when a well-pur-
ified and uniform ginger extract had been given to approximately 60
percent of nearly two hundred sixty patients who were examined. They
reported that their knee pain was reduced when standing and after
walking fifty feet. 39

Vitamin D
Natural uses for vitamin D include painful osteoarthritis, rheumatoid
arthritis, fibromyalgia, and generalized myalgia (muscle pain). Vitamin
D is a champion pain reliever because it supports healthy muscles,
bones and joints. 40 When pains in these areas are experienced, it usually
is symptomatic of a lack of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is also called the
“sunshine vitamin” because it is made by the skin when exposed to the
rays of the sun. Indeed, it is a natural supplement. When the skin
absorbs vitamin D, the liver and kidneys break it down to form an active
chemical that essentially performs as a hormone. It acts all over the
body in many tissues and organs, as well as in the muscles, nerves, and
the brain. When vitamin D is inadequate in the pain patient’s body,
muscles can ache and nerves get irritated. Because vitamin D supports
healthy bones, getting an adequate amount can help patients with many
types of bone and joint pain. It is particularly beneficial for patients
with back pain. Other natural pain supplements are magnesium, capsai-
cin, riboflavin (vitamin B2), glucosamine sulfate, s-adenosylmethionine
(SAM), acetyl-L-carnitine, alpha-lipoic acid, bromelain, and methylsul-
fonylmethane (MSM). 41

These natural pain relievers can be very effective, but traditional

approaches that make use of NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and naproxen
are also very effective. These drugs can be more affordable than some
of the natural supplements. Natural pain relief and traditional medicine
do not have to be conflicting, since the best approach to relieving pain is
a combination of both. Nevertheless, the advice of a doctor must be
sought first before a patient uses natural pain supplements and pre-
scription drugs concomitantly. It would be wise to ask a good health
care provider who is familiar with both the medicines and supplements
that a pain sufferer can use. 42


Blending Alternative and Traditional Treatments

Every patient has the right to optimal care. Fortunately, the progress of
science and medicine in recent times has made optimal care for the
patient possible using a combination of therapies. These days, tradition-
al medical treatment to manage pain is not enough. The body has natu-
ral capacity to heal itself and sometimes the best way is to let the pain
pass on its own (if it is mild and nonthreatening) since the body will
automatically find a way to overcome it.
For pains that are severe, medicines are readily available for the
patient to take. However, several clinical studies have shown that even
traditional medications, if taken without the proper guidance of a health
professional, induce serious side effects, which in some cases, worsen
the pain rather than heal it. 43 Alternative approaches to pain manage-
ment have emerged to serve as adjuncts to potentially harmful conven-
tional approaches to pain. It is therefore important that a patient not
depend entirely on only one doctor, but rather utilize the expertise of a
small team of health professionals. This team can offer a satisfactory
natural pain management plan, which in most cases, consists of a com-
bination of natural and traditional or pharmacological approaches.

Individual vs. Cooperative Approach

Each patient is unique. In order for patients to be able to find the
balance between pharmacological and natural approaches to pain, they
must be able to connect with a professional caregiver they can trust and
depend on. It is not always easy to find this balance. If traditional
234 CHA P TER 23

approaches are working, then things are going as planned. If not, then
the pain sufferer may resort to natural approaches.


Natural approaches are advisable in pain caregiving even if studies of

their efficacy have not been very conclusive. This kind of approach to
pain management varies according to the kind of pain a patient experi-
ences. The drawbacks of this approach are due mainly to the lack of its
knowledge in certain caregivers as well as the length of time for natural
tactics to succeed. Some of the goals of the natural pain approach are:
(1) minimize the fear and distress that sufferers feel before, during, and
after the pain, (2) increase the tolerance of the patients to pain to
normal limits, and (3) enhance their quality of life.


A person going through physical or psychological pain could possibly

be affected by the food that he or she consumes. Some believe that
some foods can make one “feel good” while others can be pain triggers.
Since various types of food have different chemical compositions, the
patient may consider what groups of food will either aggravate or re-
lieve pain. Developing such awareness about diet enables the patient to
manage pain more effectively, thus coping with the situation easier and
faster. Patients and caregivers should understand that a healthy diet
does not ensure a complete cure for painful medical disorders and that
it is definitely not a silver bullet. Specific diets that work on one patient
may not work on another. It will always depend on the type and the
level of pain being experienced.
A holistic approach to pain includes special diets and exercises that
target proper metabolism, which is greatly correlated to the manage-
ment of pain. Studies have shown that weight plays a major role in some
cases of chronic pain. Heavyset individuals put more strain on the
joints, thus contributing to pain. There are also studies that point to-
ward specific food items that can lessen chronic pain. Examples of these
include (1) salmon, which contains omega-3, (2) onions and garlic,
which contain anti-inflammatory antioxidants, and (3) other antioxi-
dant-rich fruits and vegetables such as blueberries and sweet potatoes. 1
Dieticians may likewise recommend veering away from food addi-
tives known to contribute to or even cause chronic pain. Information
regarding food additives that need to be eliminated or lessened be-
comes increasingly useful, especially for pain conditions where the
source is not readily apparent. Painful conditions such as migraines and
arthritis are increasingly common. Patients suffering from migraine

236 CHA P TER 24

headaches and arthritis are encouraged to stay away from natural and
artificial sweeteners including high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Salt
and monosodium glutamate (MSG), a common flavor enhancer, are
both pinpointed as common culprits as well. All in all, individuals suf-
fering from pain are encouraged to steer clear of preservatives—espe-
cially the synthetic kind. A dietary approach to pain management re-
quires one to choose fresh food over instant or ready-to-eat items, not
just to help decrease pain, but also to improve overall health. 2


While diet and weight loss programs are often associated with over-
weight individuals, they also have been regarded as major factors in
reducing health risks or the severity of various medical conditions. 3 In
1990, research was conducted on 105 patients that determined weight
loss as a major factor in relieving musculoskeletal pain of obese individ-
uals. 4 The findings of this research significantly showed that about 90
percent of the total patient population who lost weight had experienced
pain relief in at least one of their joints, such as back, knee, ankle, or
foot. A similar study was also conducted in 2000 on twenty-four obese
adults, ages sixty years or older, with knee osteoarthritis. 5 The research-
ers concluded that improvements in pain levels were achieved after the
research participants went through a six-month diet program combined
with regular exercise. In 2003, a U.S. survey was carried out among the
older population (minimum sixty years old) to examine the relationship
between an individual’s body mass index (BMI) and the pain felt in the
hip, knees, and back. 6 It was discovered that as elderly people gain
weight, their pain also increases proportionally. In 2004, scientists eval-
uated the positive effects of weight loss on the musculoskeletal pain of
almost sixty obese women who were assigned at least twelve weeks of
diet regimen. 7 The study concluded that weight loss had normalized the
pain, starting from the lower back and down to their feet. Since the
intensity of pain decreased, most of the women’s functional limitations
improved and physical activity levels increased.
Aside from the studies conducted to determine the association be-
tween an individual’s weight and musculoskeletal pain, there are other
clinical works of research that investigated how weight loss can affect
symptoms of certain painful diseases. A medical team from Princess
Alexandra Hospital in Australia carried out a study to understand the
long-term effects of moderate weight loss to the pain symptoms experi-
enced by forty-three overweight patients with fatty liver disease. 8 After

the patients had gone through a three-month weight reduction period

followed by a twelve-month weight maintenance program, improve-
ments in the symptoms of chronic liver disease (e.g., pain felt under the
rib cage, swollen abdomen, fever, and jaundice) could be seen, result-
ing in increased physical activities of the patients. Another research
study was conducted on thirteen individuals suffering from acute inter-
mittent gout who followed a modified weight-loss diet consisting of
complex carbohydrates, and monounsaturated and polyunsaturated
fats. 9 There was a significant reduction in the frequency of gout attacks
among these individuals only after four months of going through diet



Medical researchers are now trying to develop diet therapies to lessen

pain for patients who are going through an unpleasant physical and
emotional experience. Even if such diet therapies only provide tempo-
rary relief, some patients are willing to try them out just to improve
their medical condition. Surprisingly, there are certain common foods
that possibly have been used traditionally as herbal medicines and that
can help alleviate physical pain.

Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic Group

One group of foods is characterized by anti-inflammatory and analgesic
properties that might provide relief from simple to major disorders such
as fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, or chronic pain. 10 Popular examples from
this food group include the following:

• Apple: In herbal medicine, bandages made from apple peelings

can cure skin inflammations and some eye problems. When
stewed, they can relieve diarrhea. Furthermore, apples are used
to treat kidney stones and liver conditions. 11
• Celery: This contains a natural active anti-inflammatory com-
pound that reduces the pain brought about by gout and rheuma-
tism. It has a sedating effect that encourages a relaxing sleep and
alleviates anxiety. 12
• Chamomile Tea: Used externally as a compress, chamomile tea
has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that soothe minor
pains, swellings, insect bites, and bruising. Cold tea bags can give
238 CHA P TER 24

a patient relief from inflamed and itchy eyes that are commonly
associated with hay fever or reduce facial swelling caused by
toothaches and abscess. 13
• Cherry: This acts as an anti-inflammatory agent by neutralizing
free radicals and impeding tissue inflammation in a pain patient’s
body. 14 Cherry is used in traditional medicine to help prevent
painful gout because it contains substances that eliminate uric
acid from the blood. It also cleanses and keeps the kidneys func-
tioning properly. Furthermore, it is a mild laxative that eases con-
stipation and promotes regular bowel movements. 15
• Coffee: Drinking a cup of black coffee a day can be a temporary
relief from strong headaches. A sugary ice coffee drink can also
act as a stimulant that could help a person suffering from heat
exhaustion. 16 According to preliminary medical studies, it is pos-
sible that drinking coffee reduces an individual’s risk for cancer. 17
• Dark Chocolate: Rich in chemical compounds called flavonoids,
dark chocolate can lower blood pressure and increase blood circu-
lation. Also, it might prevent blood clots and heart attacks when
consumed in considerable amounts. According to the Johns Hop-
kins University School of Medicine, cocoa beans have a biochemi-
cal composition that is comparable to aspirin. 18
• Ginger: Whether used as an add-in or consumed on its own, gin-
ger is used for a variety of painful disorders such as stomachaches
and colic pains. Ginger tea also eases cold symptoms such as fever
and nasal congestion. In addition, it boosts blood circulation, en-
hances liver function, and improves heart conditions. It also re-
lieves a toothache when the root is chewed. 19 One remarkable
discovery from clinical research at the University of Michigan is
that ginger, when dissolved in a solution, can control inflamma-
tion and impede the development of ovarian cancer cells. 20
• Green Tea: This is one of those excellent sources of an active
compound called polyphenol that lessens free radicals known to
cause inflammation in a patient’s body. Green tea’s medicinal
properties have been widely used for centuries. 21
• Olive Oil: Popularly known as the staple of the Mediterranean
food diet, olive oil has been found to reduce the risk of strokes
and the occurrence of some cancer diseases. Also, it has an anti-
inflammatory ingredient that is strong enough to be a substitute
for some over-the-counter pain medications. 22
• Salmon: This is a very good source of protein, which is responsible
for a patient’s tissue growth and repair. 23 It is also rich in omega-3
fatty acids that serve as lubricants for the body’s joints. 24

Antiseptic Group
The second “anti-pain” food group is known to have antiseptic, antibac-
terial, or healing properties. Foods that belong to this group have been
traditionally used to sterilize and cure wounds and further fight infec-
tion. Examples are as follows:

• Artichoke: Originating from Mediterranean locales, artichoke

contains a healing substance called cynarin (also spelled cynarine)
that helps lower blood cholesterol levels, enhances liver function,
and aids in the treatment and prevention of painful gallstones in
the gallbladder. 25
• Banana: A widely grown tropical fruit, banana is the perfect food
for people who are recovering from an illness and gradually re-
gaining strength. It is also a known remedy for painful upset stom-
achs and ulcers. 26
• Blackcurrant: Used in herbal medicine, blackcurrant is a widely
used remedy for fever and diarrhea. It has anti-inflammatory and
anti-infective properties that can treat sore, painful sore throats as
well. 27
• Blueberry: Containing anthocyanidins (healthy plant dyes), blue-
berries provide protection against excessive amounts of E. coli,
one of the many bacteria found in the gut. When dried, it is used
as a popular herbal medicine to cure digestive complaints, such as
food poisoning. 28
• Cabbage: Juice is extracted from raw cabbage to promote healing
of gastric ulcers and other digestive issues in traditional medicine.
The chemical compound responsible for this juicy “medication” is
s-methylmethionine (SMMS). 29
• Honey: Traditionally used to treat burns and wounds, honey is a
mild antiseptic that alleviates sore throat and common cold symp-
toms. 30 According to German academic research, a honey-based
dressing called medihoney is an effective medication for diabetic
patients with painful foot ulcers. 31 Its potency reduces inflamma-
tion, kills germs, speeds up healing, and even eliminates any foul
odor smell of infected open wounds.
• Onion: A popular remedy to cleanse wounds during the war era,
an onion has antiseptic properties that can heal insect bites, bee
stings, burns, scurvy, and even athlete’s foot. It also acts as a
sterilizing agent in the mouth and the throat when consumed raw.
Aside from antibacterial properties, it has antiviral capabilities
that enable it to prevent a number of digestive diseases. 32
240 CHA P TER 24

• Wheatgrass: Wheatgrass can be used to treat ulcers of the diges-

tive system, joint pain, and painful skin disorders. It also controls
excessive bleeding of wounds and restores the blood pH level to
optimal levels. Furthermore, it increases the metabolism and re-
covery rate of the body by boosting nutrient absorption. 33

Laxative Group
The third group of pain-reduction foods is characterized by its laxative
and diuretic properties. Examples of foods that belong to this group are
as follows:

• Asparagus: A mild laxative, asparagus relieves a person from pain-

ful bowel movements and also ensures that the kidneys are func-
tioning properly. It could also be used as a sedative in herbal
medicine to cure neuritis (nerve inflammation). 34
• Cape gooseberry: This has diuretic properties and powerful anti-
oxidants that can dissolve kidney stones in the long run. 35
• Dandelion: These leaves have natural diuretic properties used to
purify the blood, cure digestive complaints, and treat painful kid-
ney and liver disorders. It can also be used as a substitute for
coffee when its roots are roasted and ground, which can improve
symptoms of rheumatism, gout, and dyspepsia (indigestion). 36
• Fig: The natural laxative property of fig syrup is a popular remedy
for constipation. Traditionally, fig is used to treat catarrh, mouth
ulcers, boils, tooth abscesses, and carbuncle. 37
• Horseradish: Considered a strong diuretic, horseradish is used
traditionally to cure urinary tract infection, kidney stones, cystitis,
rheumatism, and gout. It is also a potent stimulant that is benefi-
cial to the digestive system. 38

It is of utmost importance that health professionals consider a wide

variety of factors before prescribing and administering any of these
short-term pain-relieving therapeutic diets. Every diet implementation
needs a careful consideration of a number of aspects that could include
the following: a patient’s normal dietary intake, what foods the patient is
able to eat, the patient’s existing weight condition, and the ability of the
patient to chew or swallow food. 39


Apart from the aforementioned specific therapeutic diets to relieve pain

temporarily, there are general diets formulated for patients that will
either help prevent the occurrence of pain, alleviate pain for a longer
period of time, or completely eradicate pain in the long run. The com-
position of such therapeutic diets depends on the disorder causing the
painful sensations and symptoms. Clinical studies have shown that pa-
tients of chronic pain disorders such as diabetes who go undergo their
usual medical care combined with appropriate diet therapies, have re-
duced pain and increased quality of life. 40

Diets without Food Additives

Dieticians may recommend avoiding diets with food additives that con-
tribute to or even cause chronic pain. Information regarding food addi-
tives that need to be eliminated or lessened becomes increasingly use-
ful, especially for pain conditions where the source is not readily appar-
ent. Additionally, painful conditions such as migraines and arthritis are
increasingly common and afflict a substantial number of individuals.
Patients suffering from migraine headaches and arthritis are encour-
aged to stay away from natural and artificial sweeteners as well as high-
fructose corn syrup. Salt and monosodium glutamate, a common flavor
enhancer, are common culprits as well. In general, patients are encour-
aged to steer clear of synthetic types of preservatives. Ultimately, the
diet approach in pain management advocates choosing fresh food over
instant or ready-to-eat items, not just to help decrease pain, but to
improve overall health. 41

Bland Diet
A bland, non-spicy diet is a special kind of diet formulated for patients
with either gastric (stomach-related) or enteral (intestine-related) pep-
tic ulcer. It is comprised of high-protein foods such as milk and eggs to
neutralize the acidity caused by gastric juices. The main goal of this
treatment is to prevent the stimulation of gastric secretion by avoiding
items that can aggravate ulcers (1) chemically, against excessive spices,
strong coffee or tea, and carbonated or alcoholic drinks, or (2) mechani-
cally, against sharp seeds, tough fruit skins, or foods that are too hot or
too cold. For patients who have difficulty chewing or swallowing, a
bland diet is often combined with a “soft” one that consists of foods that
are almost in liquid form. 42
242 CHA P TER 24

Vegetarian Diet and Pain

According to scientists at Georgetown University School of Medicine, a
low-fat, vegetarian diet tremendously reduces the intensity and dura-
tion of pain associated with dysmenorrhea and premenstrual symptoms.
This diet mainly consists of grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes that
are low in fat but high in omega-3 fatty acids. This chemical composi-
tion makes the diet anti-inflammatory, thereby significantly reducing
the intensity and duration of menstrual pains in women. 43

Diets for Painful Esophagus

Based on a study conducted by a team of doctors at Children’s Hospital
of Philadelphia, symptoms of eosinophilic esophagitis (EOE) in children
and even in adolescents can be treated by administering an elemental
diet that reduces the symptoms within ten days. EOE is an infection of
the esophagus, the tube through which food passes after swallowing.
Common symptoms of EOE include nausea, epigastric pain, vomiting,
regurgitation, and heartburn. The elemental diet here is comprised of a
combination of amino acids, corn syrup solids, and triglyceride oils. This
diet is taken together with water, a single fruit such as a grape or apple,
and its equivalent pure fruit juice. 44

Diets for Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s disease is another painful chronic disorder characterized main-
ly by the inflammation of the small intestines that can be treated with
another elemental diet. Potentially fatal inflammation can cause excru-
ciating pain, diarrhea or constipation, loss of appetite, and even internal
bleeding when neglected. 45 The diet devised by a group of medical
researchers in London for patients suffering from Crohn’s disease con-
sisted of a feeding formula called Vivonex (common name is “medical
food”) that replaced the participant’s entire diet with the exception of
coffee and tea. This was administered for four weeks, after which nor-
mal food was slowly introduced to the diet again. Because of the chemi-
cal composition of elemental diet, the digestive enzymes are prevented
from further aggravating the inflamed condition of the intestines, thus
improving the overall condition of the pain patients. Moreover, it is an
effective, nontoxic alternative to the conventional administration of
pain-relieving drugs and surgery in hospitals. 46

Herbal Diets
In Taiwan, a modified traditional herbal diet is found to reduce and
eventually eradicate pain in terminal cancer patients. The herbal diet is
made up of analgesic herbs (peony root and licorice root) and a Taiwa-
nese tonic vegetable soup from lily bulbs, lotus flower seeds, and jujube
fruit. Because of the inherent analgesic property of the herbs, the diet
aids the person in his battle against pain. It is also much safer to admin-
ister the herbal diet to patients as compared to morphine, which could
lead to addiction or even more problematic side effects. 47

Fasting involves partially or completely abstaining from food for a given
duration of time. Since the word diet can also mean reducing food
consumption, fasting will be considered a dieting practice for the pur-
pose of this chapter. According to the University of Linkoping in Swe-
den, fasting can reduce pain and stiffness in patients with rheumatoid
arthritis. 48 Their fasting course does not exactly imply “zero calories,”
but the diet must contain fruit and vegetable juices that would provide a
daily energy supply of approximately 800 kilojoules (kJ). Purgation with
castor oil and water enema (flushing out the digestive system) is also an
important part of this fasting course. Overall, the fasting aims to provide
the pain sufferer with adequate amounts of water and minerals.

Low-Cholesterol Diet
A low-cholesterol and low-fat diet is commonly prescribed to prevent
cardiovascular diseases that are characterized by elevated blood choles-
terol levels, which can result in chest pain. This diet is comprised of
fiber-rich foods such as rice bran, oat bran, peas, lentils, barley, apples,
oranges, pears, and prunes, which effectively reduce cholesterol levels.
As for animal products, it is recommended to eat lean meat, skinless
fish and poultry, and dairy products that are low in saturated fat. 49 This
low-fat diet can be modified further to help prevent painful liver and
gallbladder disease. 50

Gluten-Free Diets
Based on clinical research in the United States regarding the symptoms
of celiac disease (a painful inflammatory disorder of the gut), a gluten-
free diet is advised for patients to speed up recovery from abdominal
244 CHA P TER 24

pain, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal symptoms. 51 The research

found that once a gluten-free diet is introduced, the patient will experi-
ence relief from abdominal pain within days after it is administered.
The frequency of diarrhea will drop substantially until it is completely
eradicated after sixth months of following the diet, and, other gastroin-
testinal symptoms such as nausea and vomiting will also be resolved.


Therapeutic diets can be helpful in preventing, alleviating, controlling,

and further eliminating symptoms of painful medical disorders. Howev-
er, one must understand that it is always a good practice to consult a
health professional such as a physician or a registered dietician before
self-administering any pain-relieving diet. An assessment of an individu-
al’s physical condition and dietary needs will have to be performed and
further compared with existing dietary standards. The means of imple-
menting the therapeutic diet, whether it will be given orally or via a
nasogastric tube (a feeding tube that goes from the nasal cavity to the
stomach), should also be taken into consideration for further research.


Centuries ago when a person suffered from pain the primary prescrip-
tion would have been bed rest or cessation of the activity thought to
induce the pain. Following extensive research, professional caregivers
found that a painful state of discomfort can be reduced to a certain
extent with necessary and accurate exercise. With the help of exercise,
pain patients’ well-being can be increased, their health improved, and
the suffering reduced. Appropriate exercise helps improve flexibility as


Exercise has an important contribution to a person’s physical state be-

cause it really puts strength and endurance to the test. Exercise also
improves cardiovascular (heart and blood vessels) and cardiorespirato-
ry (heart and lungs) capacities. These types of exercises are based on
repetitive movements that accelerate the pulse and maintain its steadi-
ness for the duration of the workout. Moreover, exercise reduces arteri-
al pressure as well as the amount of fat deposited in the blood vessels.
This prevents the formation of blood clots. Another benefit of exercise
is the prevention of cancer. Research has discovered that men and
women who work out thirty to sixty minutes a day have a 30–40 percent
lesser risk of colon cancer. In the case of breast cancer, the percentage
is 20–30. Although it is presumed that exercises for pain can lower the
risk of disease and the development of other types of cancer, the studies
are not 100 percent decisive. 1

246 CHA P TER 25

Exercise maintains and improves the health of muscles, bones, and

joints. It prevents osteoporosis because it increases bone density. Work-
outs increase the body’s immunity, provide a better muscle tone, and
help in losing weight or keeping it constant. They also provide for better
prevention of painful conditions such as diabetes. A study conducted by
The National Diabetes Prevention Program revealed that patients who
lost weight and walked for twenty minutes daily for three years have a
58 percent lower risk of confronting diabetes later on. 2


There is a temptation to avoid exercising when in pain. People experi-

ence all sorts of pain, ranging from backaches to headaches. For each
type of pain, there is a set of exercises meant to reduce and improve the
quality of the pain patient’s life.

Exercise and Back Pain

Back pain usually appears after an everyday activity, and most of the
time, recovery is unpredictable. While few people have a “diagnosable
pain” (irritation of a nerve root), an increasing number of individuals
experience back pain because of a sedentary lifestyle, weight problems,
smoking, or incorrect working posture. These aren’t the only causes of
back pain that would otherwise be relieved with the help of proper
exercise. Tuberculosis, postural defects, metabolic bone illnesses, and
even inner organ illnesses can produce back pains. Studies report that
75–85 percent of adults have problems with their back and that they
experience it at least once in their life. 3
When back pain occurs, professional caregivers can advise simple
back pain exercises. A strict control of intense physical activities is rec-
ommended, as well as control of weightlifting and carrying positions. In
order to protect the body from back pain, there needs to be an under-
standing of how different exercise positions can cause damage. When
lifting objects, a pain patient should never try to pull the object from
the ground at an uncomfortable angle or turn his waist, which should be
flexible while the object is put down. While lifting, the person’s back
can be placed against a wall, with the heels and shoulders touching the
wall. The backbone should be straight and parallel to the wall.
A person with a healthy back should be active and strong. The posi-
tion should be changed frequently; any heavy load that needs to be
carried should be divided in two, and objects should be lifted with the

legs—not with the back. A sturdy orthopedic bed is indicated for sleep-
ing, and the back pain patient should also keep his or her weight under
control. Ideal sports for this kind of pain are running and swimming. 4

Exercises for Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common occurrence among humans. Two out of three
people worldwide suffer from this kind of pain at least once in their
lifetime. 5 In many cases, the exact cause of the pain is not known, and
doctors call this idiopathic or nonspecific neck pain. Neck pains can also
result from a sprain after the neck is bent in unusual angles, from poor
posture, or after sitting stationary for too long. To control neck pain, it is
recommended to consult with a physiotherapist, a manual therapist, or
a medical practitioner. They will prescribe a range of motion exercises
meant to be executed daily so as to put the neck through full move-
ments. This will prevent stiffness and prepare the neck for daily physi-
cal demands.
The exercises presented will help a patient control the pain and
regain mobility or allow more neck activity. Done slowly, for five times
a day, the wanted result will be achieved. Neck flexion requires the head
to be brought forward so the chin comes into contact with the chest and
the face is staring down at the floor. This workout, when done with
care, will properly stretch the muscles at the back of the cervical spine.
These muscles tend to become tensed and they consequentially restrict
the neck from natural movement.

Neck Extension
This exercise requires that the head angles back slowly until the pain
patient’s face is looking directly at the ceiling. If the movement is done
forcefully, it can bring all the small joints into an extreme position and
increase the pain. The neck should be eased back at the end of the
exercise and relaxed for a few seconds. However, if dizziness occurs
after this exercise, the patient should stop, since that could be an indica-
tion that the blood vessels in the neck are getting squeezed.

This exercise suggests that the head be slowly turned around to one side
until it cannot go any further. This motion should be repeated five
times. The neck should be held at the end of the movement for a few
seconds because the motive of this movement is to maintain or increase
248 CHA P TER 25

Side Flexion
Keeping the head straight facing forward, the ear should be tipped
toward the same shoulder. Because this exercise is quite hard on the
neck joints, slow movements are required. It is advisable not to twist
from side to side too frequently while performing this exercise because
that could aggravate the joints and muscles.

Neck Retraction
Also known as a “chicken tuck,” this is a useful exercise as it controls the
tendency of the pain patient’s head to poke forward in a poor posture.
The workout is based on the forward and backward movement of the
pain patient’s head, like a chicken. Experts recommended that a patient
hold his neck at the extreme end of the backward posture for a few

Exercises for Shoulder Pain

Whenever neck pains appear, the discomfort usually involves the tho-
racic spine and the shoulder ring. It is advised to involve these areas in
the exercises in order to loosen the muscles. Workouts proposed for this
area of the body include shoulder shrugs. During this exercise, the
shoulders should be lifted as high as possible and then lowered slightly
farther than normal.

Pain Exercises with Shoulder Braces

Shoulder bracing is another solution to pain, requiring the shoulders to
be brought to the front or trying to get them to meet at the middle.
Sometimes the shoulder braces attempt to pull the shoulders back, as if
bringing the shoulder blades together. A large, slow, repetitive move-
ment is indicated when exercising with shoulder braces. The shoulder
contains muscles, bones, nerves, arteries and veins, ligaments, and oth-
er supporting structures. Shoulder pain can have many causes, some
being life-threatening, such as heart attacks and major traumas, while
others are not so dangerous, such as strains and contusions.

Pendulum Exercises for Shoulder Pain

Exercises that provide relief from shoulder pain include pendulum ex-
ercises. While one hand holds a table, the other should move in free
rotations forward and back as well as left and right.

Climbing Exercises for Shoulder Pain

Facing a wall with the arms straightened, fingers should be moved up
the wall without bending the body. The second part of this exercise
involves turning one side to the wall, placing the opposite hand on the
wall and moving the fingers up as before.

Shoulder Elevation
Here, the patient stands with arms free at the sides. While lifting the
shoulders, the patient inhales a deep breath. Bringing down the shoul-
ders, the patient exhales. The same exercise can be done with one-
kilogram weights held in each hand.

In this exercise, the pain patient lies on his back, face turned to the side.
The shoulders are raised without changing positions. While in the same
pose, the hands are placed on top of the head. Another exercise re-
quires this same position (still lying down) with the hands put next to
the head.
Another type of exercise consists of sitting straight with the arms at
chest level and pushing the hands against each other, counting to ten,
and then releasing for five seconds. The same exercise can be done at
the chin and forehead levels.

Room Exercises
The patient places both hands against the wall. While keeping the arms
straightened, the person stretches as high as possible reaching up the
wall. Then lying on his back, the patient puts his arms beside his body
and, without bending the elbows, the patient raises his hands in the air.
While the arms are perpendicular to the floor, they are rotated without
raising the shoulders.

Exercises for Lower-Back Pain

A common health problem is lower-back pain. This type of issue is
more frequent in elderly women, but due to lifestyles in the modern
age, younger people suffer from it too. 6 Back pain is troublesome as it
restricts the body from adequate movement. To better prevent the
causes of lower-back pain, a general understanding is needed. When a
person stands, the lower back is supporting the weight of the upper
body. When bending, extending or rotating, the lower back is respon-
250 CHA P TER 25

sible for weight bearing, as muscles, tendons, ligaments and the spine
are all involved in the process. Moreover, a critical function of the
lumbar spine is to protect the soft tissues of the nervous system and
spinal cord as well as nearby organs of the pelvis and abdomen.
Sources of this type of pain include excessive fat in the waist region.
Also, surgeries performed around the stomach or backside area can
weaken the muscles of the spinal cord. Because the bone nerves are
shifted from their initial position, this induces lower-back pain. Preg-
nancy could also affect the area because nerves can deteriorate during
labor, and even if the delivery is cesarean, they will still weaken. This
usually results in heavy lower-back pain in female patients. In order to
avoid this type of pain, it is recommended that the person consult with a
physiotherapist who can prescribe the right exercises. It is advisable not
to stand or sit in the same position for a very long period of time.
Moreover, sleeping on a too-firm or too-soft pillow or bed can cause
these problems. Losing weight around the waist and hip region can also
prevent the pain. Yoga and a walk of two to three kilometers in the
morning are also suggested.

Abdominal Exercises
The patient should lie supine on the floor and raise the head four to five
finger lengths. This position should be held for three seconds and then
the head lowered. The same movement should be done with (1) the
hands holding each other across the chest, (2) hands touching the oppo-
site shoulder, (3) hands on the forehead, or (4) hands interconnected at
the back of the neck.

Mobilization and Rotation

On hands and knees the patient extends one arm at the front with the
other bent at the elbow. The elbow is not on the floor at this point. This
exercise involves switching the positions of the arms back and forth, and
it is repeated several times. As far as rotation is concerned, the person
sits in a chair and turns at the waist from one side to the other with the
arms raised.

Dorsal stretching: while lying on the back, one of the knees is held with
one hand and pulled to the chest. The same is done with the other knee
alternately. For hamstring stretching: with the back flat against the
floor, one leg is held straight while the other is bent at the knee. The
straight leg is lifted up slowly. The same movement is then repeated for

the other leg. Stretching can be done just about anywhere, and it im-
proves flexibility by moving body parts in a full range of motion. There
are many programs for stretching, and as a result, some employers have
developed schemes for workers who stand or sit for too long. 7

Pelvic Tilt
While lying on the floor, the knees are bent and the feet are placed on
the floor. The waist is lifted from the floor for ten seconds, then relaxed.
It is advisable for the movements to be done slowly. These exercises, if
performed correctly, will ease pain and improve mobility for the indi-
vidual suffering from pain.

Exercises for Knee Pain

Overusing the knee or suddenly injuring it can result in immediate pain.
Because the knee joint sustains the full weight of the body and the extra
force when running or jumping, it is particularly predisposed to damage
and pain. Pain patients who are overweight are more inclined to suffer
from this type of injury. When knee pain occurs, there are certain
exercises that can improve the health and mobility of the muscles, ten-
dons, and ligaments.

One exercise requires the patient to sit on a chair with the legs straight
out, feet off the floor while the person supports himself with his arms. A
rolled towel is put under the knees by an assistant, while the legs are
pushed down by the helper at the knees. Basically, the idea is for the
patient to resist these movements.

Lying on the Back

The person lies on his back and lifts a leg approximately fifteen centi-
meters from the ground. The patient should hold the position for a few
seconds and then slowly put the leg down. This exercise can also be
performed with one-kilogram weights tied to the feet. The person can
also stand and lift one leg forward without bending the knee.

Experts recommend using different weights and instruments when ex-
ercising for lower-back pain. A good instrument is a heavy medicinal
ball. While standing on relatively soft ground with some weights on her
252 CHA P TER 25

legs the patient tries to catch the ball from different directions while
keeping the same position.
Another back exercise has the patient put a pillow under the knees,
while bending them a little. The feet are crossed and then are pressed
against each other for about seven to eight seconds. The same exercise
is performed while the legs are hanging down from the bed. The legs
will be bent in a 90 degree angle from the knees.

Riding an exercise bike lightly will also help and improve the condition
of the knees in pain. The pedal height must be set to where the knee
becomes completely straight. The first training session can last five
minutes. Then, the level of intensity and the time is slightly increased.


Pain is lessened and the quality of life is enhanced by exercising. Work-

ing out is for everyone, as it usually helps people to reduce the physical
perception of pain and to overcome limited functionalities. The first
step in working out is consulting with a physical therapist or personal
trainer that can develop a set of exercises or recommend a specific

Walking, Swimming, Yoga, and Tai Chi

One activity that will improve flexibility and mobility is walking. This is
a low-impact exercise that is a good choice for pain patients with physi-
cal capability. The advantage of walking is that it can be done just about
everywhere. It is easy to do and it can be practiced during all seasons
outdoors if weather conditions allow it.

Swimming is a great form of exercise for individuals who suffer from (1)
osteoarthritis, (2) issues with the muscles, or (3) any joint disease that
affects the body in an unhealthy way. What makes swimming so benefi-
cial for human health is the fact that water exercises defy gravity, thus
avoiding major impact to the joints.

Another way to cope with pain is yoga. The movement and stretching
combined with breathing routines can help and ease chronic pain. Be-
cause yoga requires certain postures and poses, experts at New York
University recommend comfortable motions that are within a person’s
abilities. 8 The risk of injury develops from postures that involve the
spine and joints. Moreover, it is advisable to avoid rigorous yoga at first.

Tai Chi
Pain can also be prevented by practicing tai chi. This is a martial art that
originated from China, and much like yoga, it fosters mindfulness. Tai
chi is recommended for the young as well as for the elderly. The Na-
tional Health Interview Survey (NHIS) reports that incorporating tai
chi in daily workouts reduces pain, stiffness and fatigue—all while
building strength, endurance, and balance. 9

Strength Training, Pilates, and Aerobics

Strength Training
To avoid pain, lightweight strength training is a solution. Usually, pro-
grams that involve this type of activity are helpful for people suffering
from painful arthritis. This all works by strengthening the joints around
the injury and relieving some of the stress off of the joint used in the
exercise. A pain patient can begin by lifting small cans of soup at first.
Pushups or sit-ups can help prepare the patient for more intense exer-
cises requiring the use of five- to ten-pound weights.

Pilates, developed by Joseph Pilates, has become one increasingly pop-
ular exercise for people in pain. This set of exercises helps with core
strength building, and it is favorable for people with low-back pain as
well as for patients who suffer from fibromyalgia.

Lastly, pain sufferers and their caregivers should understand that aero-
bics is a great form of exercise no matter the type of pain a person
suffers from. This exercise helps with alleviating pain while also
strengthening and toning one’s physique. As an advantage, aerobics also
helps the heart and activates the endogenous (internal or inborn) opioid
mechanisms known to reduce pain. 10
254 CHA P TER 25


This chapter covered the relationship between exercise and pain. To

prevent any strain, pain patients should try to protect their body from
the dangers that can result from intense exercise. While some pains
may result in surgical correction or specialized medical treatment, oth-
ers can be solved with a proper set of exercises. In essence, not all types
of pain require serious medical attention.


To alleviate pain, one must pay attention to the source, but the ability
to manage pain may still ultimately depend on the psychological state of
the patient, which is why people express their pain differently from one
another. The subtleties in how one deals with pain profoundly vary and
involve genetic, psychological, and social variables. These variables can
determine how one mentally perceives pain. Thus the mind has the
power to alter a person’s overall physiology, since pain centers reside in
different areas of the brain. 1 In fact, chronic pain is now also considered
to be a condition of the central nervous system, which may or may not
originate from any physiological damage. According to studies that in-
volve neuroimaging, the pain centers in the brain are made up of a pain
perception system and a pain modulation system. 2
More and more studies are giving credence to mental approaches to
the management of pain versus the straightforward use of pharmacolo-
gy. These mental approaches include, but are not limited to:

• hypnosis;
• visualization and imagery;
• mind-body therapies such as relaxation;
• music and art therapy;
• rhythmic breathing;
• cognitive-behavioral therapy; and
• meditation.

These approaches may come across as unorthodox, and some need ad-
ditional evidence to validate study results, but the potential of these
techniques cannot be underestimated. Ultimately, therapeutic inter-

256 CHA P TER 26

vention that reduces pain and provides long-term relief to a patient

without the use of medications is always advantageous. This chapter will
therefore challenge the conventional understanding of pain and its cor-
responding management.


Introduction to the Processes

To fully grasp the mental aspect of pain, one must be able to determine
four processes involved in the experience and psychological mitigation
of pain. The first process of mentally perceiving pain is transduction.
This is a process by which a physical source of energy, in this case a pain
stimulus, moves in the form of a neural impulse. A neural impulse is
really an electrical charge that travels to the brain through a nerve fiber.
The second process is transmission, in which the stimulus of pain, in
the form of a neural impulse, is conveyed to the brain (particularly the
cerebral cortex), which enables the patient to mentally “get the mes-
sage” that he’s actually hurting. 3 Based on the process of transmission,
the psychological experience of pain is generally created from the
brain’s interpretation of the painful stimulus. As they say, it’s “all in
one’s head.” Clearly, this is where the mental aspect of pain should be
primarily understood, since this is where the psychological feature of
pain originates.
The third process of psychologically recognizing pain is perception.
This is the process by which the cerebral cortex of the brain assesses the
location and intensity of the pain. This is when the person realizes what
part of the body the pain is coming from. Moreover, the intensity of
pain will then be measured, as the patient is now able to mentally
quantify how much pain he’s experiencing. The concept of pharmacolo-
gy (chapter 28) applies to this third process. The action of certain drugs
may affect the physiological function of the brain, thus altering one’s
overall perception of pain.
The fourth process is modulation, which refers to the psychological
manner of dealing with pain. The approach to reducing, diminishing, or
altering pain is considered in this process. 4 Due to the high subjectivity
of pain perception, the treatment and remedy may prove to be a very
challenging feat. In order to understand the nature of pain and how to
ultimately relieve it, various mental issues that people experiencing pain
might face will be explained in the following sections.

Terrible Two: Pain and Depression

Without a doubt, pain diminishes the sufferer’s ability to perform tasks
and to interact socially. This diminishing may lead to depression, seclu-
sion, and feelings of low self-worth. This is especially true in cases
where pain lingers and becomes chronic pain. Chronic pain isn’t only a
physical condition but also a mental one that needs to be treated, as it
normally brings about emotional problems, sleep disturbances, irritabil-
ity, and lack of concentration, which in turn can lead to fatigue, reduced
physical activity, and even weight gain. Clearly, chronic pain and de-
pression have a deep relationship. The relationship between the two
can be illuminated by the fact that depression and chronic pain actually
share the same neurotransmitters. In the second process of pain per-
ception, which is transmission, neurotransmitters carry the message of
pain to the brain. So, in the case of depression and chronic pain, the
same neurotransmitters are employed to carry the signal to the brain.
As a result, the depression can make the pain more unbearable.
Considering the relationship of pain and depression, while pain can
result in depression, in certain cases, depression can also cause pain. A
brain scan may show that the pain’s psychological origin may very well
be attributed to depression, since pain involves active brain activity that
can be comparable to people experiencing depression. 5 Pain (especially
chronic pain) affects one’s behavior, thoughts, or mood resembling that
of depression. Sufferers of chronic pain have a higher risk of developing
depression and other psychiatric problems, and the occurrence of de-
pression further intensifies pain.
Since pain and depression are considered inseparable, treatment
protocols have been improved to aid both. Most physicians treat pain by
initially taking a full medical history and performing physical examina-
tions that will further assess the biological and psychological back-
ground of the pain sufferer. It is necessary to identify the correct cause
of the ailment so proper treatment may be taken.

Substance Abuse
There have been numerous studies confirming that chronic pain suffer-
ers have higher rates of substance abuse. 6 This creates a problem in
treating chronic pain with drugs, especially in patients who have sub-
stance abuse disorders. If the treatment of chronic pain through strong
painkillers or narcotics leads to substance abuse, it could worsen a pain
patient’s mental condition.
258 CHA P TER 26

Anxiety disorders have also been frequently diagnosed with people hav-
ing chronic pain. Anxiety disorders include phobias, panic disorder, and
obsessive compulsive disorders. Anxiety gives the pain sufferer a very
low mental tolerance for pain. An anxiety disorder can also be exacer-
bated through fear of possible side effects. This situation worsens the
experience of the pain. 7

Somatoform Disorder
Somatoform disorder is a mental disorder wherein there is chronic pain
that cannot be explained by medicine, as there is no noticeable effect
from any physical illness. This disorder is related to chronic pain. 8
While the entire biological function of somatoform disorder is still a
mystery, there is a promising conjecture that a sufferer’s amplified con-
sciousness of the sensations of his body may engender a preconceived
notion of pain, thus explaining the presence of pain without a known
biological cause.

Personality Disorders
Chronic pain and personality disorders have also been shown to have a
concrete relationship. Certain personality issues such as hysteria and
hypochondriasis have been found to be more common in sufferers of
chronic pain. Moreover, personality disorders are higher in individuals
experiencing chronic pain. Those who are unable to cope with their
condition tend to show a certain pathology of personality. They may
show feelings of suspicion, exhibit poor interpersonal relationships, and
be exploitative of others. 9



There is no clear-cut way of knowing how much pain a person is experi-

encing. If pain is rated by a group of persons experiencing pain in the
same region of the body, five being the most painful, one person’s
“three” may be another’s “five.” There is a possibility that some persons
are psychologically more resistant to pain than others, able to withstand
excruciating certain amount of pain and remain relatively unbothered
by it. In some cases, an athlete might not feel intense pain from physical

impacts and stress during the height of the game. Thus, the term “mind
over matter” can be applied, since pain tolerance may vary regardless of
the pain’s source.
Pain endurance or conscious suppression of pain may be due to
various factors such as mood, individual personality, and mind-set. Per-
ception of pain during the pain process may be magnified by factors
aside from the pain stimulus. If the person is already anxious or fearful,
a hormone in the body called prostaglandin is stimulated, making pain
more intense. Prostaglandin makes the neural fibers more likely to re-
spond sensitively to pain. Moreover, stresses inhibit a certain type of
hormone in the body called endorphins, which are considered to be the
body’s natural pain relievers. Therefore, different types of psychological
factors will determine how well the body tolerates pain and how pain
tolerance differs among people. 10
Mental pain tolerance may vary according to gender. A study at the
University of Washington in Seattle suggests that men have a higher
tolerance of pain than women. 11 An explanation suggests that men are
more conditioned to hold back and tolerate pain because of cultural
notions of masculinity. Conversely, there is a cultural notion of women
being the weaker gender. Moreover, it is more socially acceptable for
women to express their pain as compared to men. 12 These circum-
stances imply that it is emotional factors that may bring about pain.


While the opposite of chronic pain accompanied with depression or

other mental disorders is happiness—it is likewise true that happiness is
a tool for better mental health. Pain isn’t only a physical condition but
also a mental one, and happiness, therefore, can alter the austere men-
tal state of the chronic pain sufferer.
To have a positive outlook in life and be in good emotional health is
basically to have learned to better manage and cope with the stress of
daily problems and physical and emotional suffering. This does not
mean that one should neglect the realities of life; rather, it’s a way of
embracing life with an optimistic and encouraging standpoint. Pain pa-
tients and caregivers should have a clear and definite meaning of the
term happiness and steer clear of its misconceptions to better under-
stand its vital role in the relief of chronic pain. For the pain patient,
being happy doesn’t mean abandoning the realities of life while just
pretending to be happy. It involves various science-based steps toward
260 CHA P TER 26

One has to look at life with a realistic attitude and be able to accept
that current situations can change at any moment. Furthermore, it is a
common misunderstanding that in order to be happy, one has to disre-
gard physical pains and refrain from speaking openly and honestly
about one’s long-term ailments. One of the many reasons why chronic
pain sufferers succumb to depression is refusal to talk to others about
their pain, believing that no one can actually understand what they are
going through. Sometimes it helps to complain, and it always helps to
find a supportive person or group with whom thoughts and feelings can
be shared. Happiness does not mean being ignorant of the negative
things one is experiencing. Misfortunes in life are normal and unavoid-
able. It is really how the pain patient deals with misfortunes that truly
matters. A person who rationally acknowledges emotional traumas in
life is better able to understand why people have negative feelings, and
thus can improve mentally. Since the conception of pain is derived from
the mind, in order to address pain it is logical to heal the mind through
the introduction of positivity.
Another method for staying happy is avoidance of any form of ille-
gally obtained pain drugs, as they compound the problem with drug
dependence. Happiness is a natural pain reliever to a certain extent.
Happiness, which can be expressed either by just smiling or maintain-
ing positive thoughts, releases “happy hormones” such as serotonin and
dopamine. These hormones are able to aid people in their struggle
against chronic pain. This further alleviates the actual pain and the
emotional trauma linked to it. 13
Based on research from the University of Kentucky, happiness (1)
improves one’s mood, (2) boosts the immune system of the sufferer, (3)
releases natural painkiller hormones that inhibit stress hormones, and
(4) lowers the risk of heart failure and blood pressure. 14 These reasons
alone are enough for staying happy, but a happy state of mind may even
relieve the pain sufferer from further pain and depression.


Facing the mental outcomes of pain is very challenging as the sufferer

attempts to deal with the physical and emotional aspects of pain. Fortu-
nately, the following can be practiced and observed in order to avoid
mental distress that pain may bring.

Maintaining a Healthy and Well-Balanced Diet

As much as it involves mental anguish and distress, chronic pain is still
considered a physical pain since it debilitates the body. Therefore, it is
important to practice well-balanced nutrition so the patient will have
the necessary nourishment to battle the physical aspects of chronic
pain. Feeding one’s body is as important as finding ways to alleviate
pain. The individual suffering from pain must always maintain a healthy
diet since the body and the mind are interrelated.

Although exercises for pain were discussed extensively in chapter 25,
this section explains the role of workouts as they pertain to the mental
aspects of pain. Much like a well-balanced diet, staying fit is important
for those suffering from chronic pain in order to avoid discomforts
brought about by pain such as stiffness, joint and muscle pain, and even
emotional lethargy. Exercise also builds strong muscles, which in turn
promote the release of stress from the joints, and subsequently, the
mind. With a proper routine depression can be alleviated as well as
cognitive abilities improved. Specific activities for mental pain can be
constituted as a complementary treatment for depression and anxiety.
Researchers have shown that certain movements and exercises can help
combat cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. 15 Moreover,
the Duke University Medical Center published a study that demon-
strated the benefits of exercises for a person’s mental capabilities. 16

Stress Management
Emotional and physical pain have a tendency to overlap. Persistent pain
can thus lead to higher levels of stress, and therefore it is important to
stay focused and find ways to “detoxify” the pain patient’s mind. Listen-
ing to calming music, a walk in the park, or playing with a child may
provide satisfactory stress management. It is also useful to occasionally
self-converse. While it may seem silly, talking to oneself boosts self-
motivation. A huge difference can be made by just creating the percep-
tion in one’s head that the pain felt today is far less than that of yester-
day. 17
262 CHA P TER 26


The oftentimes ambiguous relationship between chronic pain and men-

tal health can be explained scientifically by way of psychoneuroimmu-
nology (PNI), which is a study of how the psychological processes of the
brain interact with various organs, particularly those of the immune and
nervous systems. The brain and the immune system have the ability to
communicate with each other through their common signalling path-
ways. The correlation between the nervous system and the immune
system is already seen to be evident through the body’s natural reaction
to various stimuli such as cold or heat. In other words, a stimulus
through the nervous system has a direct effect on the pain sufferer’s
immunity functions. There is also a very interdependent connection
between the immune system and emotions, since both share the same
neural pathways in the brain. Pain thus affects the emotional condition
of the patient, while possibly causing severe mental suffering. 18
Therefore psychosocial conditions can actually affect the health con-
dition of the sufferer. This is considered to be the main idea behind
PNI. According to PNI, the variety of body systems that are involved in
pain management means that the treatment of chronic pain should be
holistically treated so as to relieve all the systems that have been af-
fected by it. 19


The intricacy of the pain processes involved in the human body causes a
ripple effect mentally. This presents a challenge since treatment needs
to involve both the body and the psyche. Perhaps the best way to ad-
dress the mental aspects of pain is to try to maintain a positive mind-set
at all times, which will provide psychological and clinical benefits.



Pains that do not respond to conservative management are targeted

with more aggressive forms of treatment. This chapter will discuss the
advanced therapies indicated for protracted pain, namely surgery, and
other nonpharmacological approaches.


It is a generalized rule that the last resort in any treatment is surgery.

This rule also applies to severe pain, but it also depends on the disorder
that caused the pain in the first place. Surgery will relieve the pain, but
it can also damage receptors in that part of the body. Few people have
tried surgery for the sole purpose of eliminating chronic pain. Like most
clinical cases, surgery for pain also involves making the right choices.
Intrathecal surgery is the insertion of a small tube in the spinal canal
where the pain signals go to the brain. With this technique, the brain
can no longer detect extreme pain in that part of the body. Other
surgical options include spinal cord stimulation, and radiofrequency
ablation. These will be discussed later in this chapter.

When Surgery is the Best Option

Surgery is carried out to achieve either of two purposes: (1) to repair an
anatomical defect or to address another anomaly caused by an illness or
injury, or (2) to interrupt the transmission of pain signals sent to the
264 CHA P TER 27

brain. The different surgical approaches to pain will be discussed here

according to the different kinds of pain for which they are indicated.

When Surgery is Indicated for Back Pain

Pain in a person’s back is almost always triggered by defects along the
length of the spinal column. Those requiring surgical methods are com-
monly caused by disk herniation (protrusion of the vertebra) and spinal
stenosis (narrowing of the spine).
Diskectomy is a procedure indicated for disk herniation. Disk herni-
ation happens when a spinal disc protrudes from its normal alignment.
An accident or habitual straining of the back, especially for elderly
people, usually triggers disk herniation. The protruding disk pressing
against the spinal nerves and the spinal cord causes a sudden shooting
pain. Disk herniation is also commonly referred to as “slipped disk.”
Pain will originate from the cervical (neck) region to the arms or from
the lumbar (lower back) region to the legs, depending on where the
compression occurs. Diskectomy involves the surgical removal of the
damaged disk to relieve the spine and allow the nerves to heal. 1 Diskec-
tomy procedures have become less invasive and there are several ways
of performing it today, such as microdiskectomy, endoscopic diskecto-
my, laser diskectomy and nucleoplasty (or percutaneous diskectomy).
Back pain can also arise from spinal stenosis, the abnormal narrow-
ing of the spinal canal. This restriction of the spinal canal results in a
neurological deficit. The symptoms include severe pain, numbness, and
lessened motor control. Spinal stenosis can occur at several locations
along the spine. When it occurs near the neck, it’s called cervical spinal
stenosis. This is very dangerous and painful because it implies the com-
pression of the spinal cord. 2 Spinal stenosis taking place in the lower
back is called lumbar spinal stenosis. This is the more common and less
dangerous form of spinal stenosis. It involves narrowing of the spinal
canal, thereby causing compression of the spinal nerve roots in the
lower back. Laminectomy is a surgical procedure to treat back pains
caused by spinal stenosis. It is performed to relieve the pressure on
nerves and involves widening of the spinal canal by removing or cutting
away thickened tissues and bone parts. This procedure has a high rate
of success in pain palliation and improvement in quality of life. 3
Spinal fusion surgery is commonly an adjunct surgery to the two
previous types of surgical procedures mentioned. It may also be done as
an exclusive procedure, especially when indicated to treat fractures and
other spinal problems. The objective of this major surgical procedure is
to allow new bone to grow between two or more vertebrae, hence

fusing them together. Sometimes, immobilization of a vertebral area is

the solution. In spinal fusion, the vertebrae are conjoined to inhibit
motion in a particular region of the spine or to correct rare spinal
curvatures. This can be done by using bone grafts or metal implants to
fasten the vertebrae together until new bone develops.
Medical conditions necessitating the full movement of the spine do
not benefit from spinal fusion surgery. Arthroplasty is an alternative to
spinal fusion. It has the advantage of retaining motion of the spine and
preventing the collapse in adjacent levels. Arthroplasty can either be
artificial disk replacement (ADR) or total disk replacement (TDR). Arti-
ficial disk replacement involves implanting cushion structures made of
metal or polymer to replace the invertebral space (space between the
vertebrae). These surgical procedures are indicated for chronic and
severe lumbar and cervical pains brought about by degenerative disk
disease (see chapter 21). The surgery is performed to replace degraded
invertebral disks in the spinal column with artificial ones. This proce-
dure also helps to preserve the disks below and above the replaced part.
Vertebroplasty, also called percutaneous vertebroplasty, is a spine
surgery done to strengthen and stabilize a collapsed or fractured verte-
bra. Specialized cement is simply injected into the damaged vertebra to
form a support structure. The bone cement used in this procedure is
polymethylmethacrylate. Kyphoplasty, or percutaneous kyphoplasty, is
a similar procedure. The procedure is usually recommended for pain
caused by osteoporotic spinal fracture (when the vertebra fractures due
to holes in bones). 4

When Surgery Is Indicated for Pelvic Pain

The etiology of pelvic pain is not all that clear. It is therefore necessary
to evaluate pains identified in the pelvic region very thoroughly before
considering surgery. Pelvic pain could be associated with other prob-
lems such as reproductive and genital disorders, bladder or bowel dys-
function, or musculoskeletal or neurological conditions.
Chronic vulvodynia and vestibulitis are treated by the surgical re-
moval of vulvar or vestibular tissues. Vulvodynia and vestibulitis are
women’s diseases characterized by inflammation and pain in the vulvar
region that radiates to the whole pelvic area. A narrowing cervix (not
the neck), called stenotic cervix, usually causes bleeding and pelvic
pain. Cervical dilation is performed to treat a stenotic cervix. The pres-
ence of a myoma, sometimes incorrectly called fibroids or polyps in the
uterine cavity, usually cause pain in the pelvic region. Surgical options
include myomectomy or myolysis. The procedures can be done by sev-
266 CHA P TER 27

eral methods. Hysteroscopic resection uses an instrument called a resec-

toscope that makes the incision-free vaginal procedure possible.
Laparoscopy for pelvic pain is a method that may involve small inci-
sions through the abdomen. Laparotomy is the method used for myo-
mectomy that will require larger incisions in the abdomen. The size and
location of the painful region determine which of these methods will be
used. Pain patients and their caregivers should understand that laparot-
omy is also the procedure commonly performed when endometriosis or
scar tissues cannot be removed by laparoscopy. When it is necessary to
remove an ovarian cancer and it becomes complicated because of adhe-
sions, laparotomy is again preferred.
Recurrent pelvic pain is sometimes caused by dense periovarian
adhesions that trap fluid from ruptured cysts. Surgery is performed to
remove the adhesion. Adhesiolysis, or surgical removal of adhesions, is
conducted for peritubular (surrounding the fallopian tube) and peri-
ovarian (surrounding the ovary) adhesions. Adhesions can also occur in
the intestines and are initially felt as pain. Enterolysis is the standard
surgical separation of intestinal adhesions, and it is also performed to
remove small bowel obstructions.
Recurrent abdominal and pelvic pain necessitating surgery can also
be caused by a condition called a hydrosalpinx. This occurs when fluids
fill the fallopian tube and it gets infected. Salpingectomy or neosalpin-
gectomy is the surgical removal of the painful fallopian tube. This is also
commonly performed for tubal pregnancies. Endometriosis, a painful
condition when cells from the uterine walls attach to surfaces other
than the uterus, has been the usual culprit in cases of bleeding and
pelvic pains. Endometriosis may be found in the walls of the bladder,
the bowel, and other internal surfaces. It is usually responsible for the
unmanageable pain experienced by some women in their reproductive
age. The pain is usually associated with dysmenorrhea which is a com-
mon condition for ovulating women. Those that cannot be treated by
the common pain relievers are evaluated for underlying conditions. Re-
moval of endometriosis is done by surgical resection.
Uterosacral nerve vaporization may also be done by interrupting
nerves in the uterosacral ligaments. Relief from pain through this pro-
cedure is achieved from (1) the treatment of endometriosis, if that was
indeed the principal cause of the pain, and (2) severing the nerve fibers
that are transmitting pain messages to the brain. Presacral neurotomy
can also be performed to remove the nerves responsible for sending
pain messages from the uterus to the brain. This procedure also treats
pain that originates from the bladder.
Hysterectomy is performed if (1) resection of endometriosis and (2)
presacral neurectomy fail to stop the disabling pain. A possible condi-

tion called adenomyosis, also called internal endometriosis, may require

more than just resectioning and neurectomy or cutting through the
nerves. Adenomyosis, when glands are found connected to muscle, is
characterized by bleeding and extreme uterine pain. Hysterectomy will
treat this condition by surgical removal of the uterus.
Infection of the appendix, called appendicitis, initially results in pain
felt around the navel. The pain increases and becomes more concen-
trated in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen. If confirmed, appen-
dicitis is treated with a procedure called appendectomy or removal of
the appendix.
Uterine suspension, a surgical procedure involving suspension of the
uterus in the pelvis, is usually the only treatment for numerous uterine
conditions displaying signs of pain. It is indicated for the following:

• Pelvic congestion (varicose veins occurring in the abdomen);

• Uterine prolapse (when the uterus slides into the vagina);
• Collision dyspareunia (painful sexual intercourse);
• Severe dysmenorrhea (irregular menstrual cycles); and
• Endometriosis in the anterior or posterior cul-de-sacs (closed cav-

A hernia is the protrusion of a reproductive organ through a cavity

near the pelvic region. It is called an inguinal hernia when the bulge
involves the groin up to the scrotum. Femoral hernia is common in
women and the bulge appears just below the groin. Hiatal hernia occurs
when the upper stomach pushes into the chest. It is called an incisional
hernia when it pushes to a scar in the abdomen, and umbilical hernia
when it bulges around the navel. Hernia can cause severe pain and
discomfort. Surgery is the only treatment for a painful hernia.
Sacral nerve root stimulation, also referred to as sacral neuromod-
ulation, is a low-invasive procedure involving the implantation of a pro-
grammable pulsar in the buttocks. It is attached to a lead wire with an
electrode tip that delivers low-amplitude electrical current to the sacral
nerve where it is secured. Studies show that sacral nerve stimulation
can benefit patients suffering from intractable pelvic pain. 5

When Surgery Is Indicated for Joint Pain

Joint pains can come from injuries, allergies, inflammations and infec-
tions. The following are some of the surgeries performed:
268 CHA P TER 27

• Arthroscopy is a minor surgical procedure that involves the exam-

ination and sometimes the treatment of a damaged joint with the
use of an endoscope.
• Osteotomy is the cutting and repositioning of bones in osteoar-
thritic joints to shift the weight away from damaged cartilage.
• Arthrodesis, also known as joint fusion, is the surgical joining of
joints with the purpose of relieving pain by immobilizing the
• Resection arthroplasty, also known as Girdlestone resection ar-
throplasty, is an alternative to hip replacement surgery for pa-
tients with severe hip arthritis. Surgery is performed to remove
the bone around the hip joint. The joint space is then filled with
scar tissue.
• Radiofrequency ablation is a procedure that is quite successful for
treating pain coming from disorders of the sacroiliac joint. The
procedure involves the use of a radiofrequency probe to “burn”
nerves that allow pain to be sensed from the joint.

Jaw Joint
There are various surgical options for painful disorders of the jaw joint,
also referred to as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. TMJ disor-
der causes, among many other symptoms, lifelong pain that adversely
affects a person’s quality of life. An individual suffering from TMJ disor-
der has several surgical options. A simple arthrocentesis is the least
invasive because it involves joint irrigation, but the pain may still war-
rant minor surgery later on. Articular eminence recontouring is the
reshaping of the socket of the TMJ. Replacement surgery is the most
extreme option because it involves the removal and replacement of the

When Surgery Is Indicated for Limb Pain

Surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome, either open or endoscopic, is per-
formed to release the pressure on a strained nerve in the wrist. This
involves severing the ligament that puts pressure over the median
nerve. Carpal tunnel syndrome is detectable because of intense and
persistent pain in the arm that stems from the wrist.
Pain, numbness, and tingling sensations along the legs can often be
traced to a condition called sciatica. The affected nerves exiting through
the foramen (opening) are compressed, and this results in the symp-
toms. Foraminotomy is the surgical procedure employed to make a
lesion in the tissues of the foramen. This is done to decompress the

sciatic nerve. Sciatica can also be relieved with the previously discussed
percutaneous endoscopic diskectomy. Another procedure is laminecto-
my, which is the surgical removal of the lamina, (linings of thin bones),
which are supposed to protect the sciatic nerve. The purpose of the
procedure is to decompress the nerve root or the spinal cord and relieve
pain from sciatica.
Tendonitis surgery, either open or endoscopic, is performed to treat
tendonitis. When there is pain in moving or pulling a muscle, one of the
reasons could be inflamed or impaired tendons. This occurs when the
band (tendon) that connects a muscle to the bone is torn, ruptured, or
irritated by a bone spur. The surgery repairs tendons and excises bone
spurs. Hallus valgus or bunion surgery is usually performed by a podiat-
ric surgeon to solve painful foot problems caused by bunions. A bunion
is a bony protuberance that develops under the big toe. This will cause
pain and difficulty in walking. The surgery is carried out to (1) remove
the bony enlargement, (2) realign the bone with the other metatarsals
(bones behind the toes), and (3) correct misaligned cartilages and other
deformities of the bones.

When Surgery Is Indicated for Abdominal Pain and the Like

Severe abdominal pain (a strong “stomach ache”) is usually a symptom
of serious ailments such as gastrointestinal, renal and urologic, gyneco-
logic or obstetric, and glandular disorders. Surgery is commonly re-
sorted to after determining the cause of the symptom and after exhaust-
ing all preliminary procedures. Neurolysis is another option used to
destroy sympathetic nerve tissues responsible for the control of most of
the body’s internal organs.
Surgery, either open repair or endovascular stent grafting, is gener-
ally recommended for patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA).
Abdominal aortic aneurysm is the enlargement of the aorta that sup-
plies blood to the abdomen. The pain is severe and persistent, spread-
ing from the abdomen to the groin and legs.
Thoracoscopic splanchnicectomy is indicated for upper abdominal
pain syndromes that are characteristics of many conditions such as,
chronic pancreatitis, supramesocolic (above the mid-colon) malignant
neoplasms, and unresectable pancreatic cancer. For these conditions,
surgical procedures can be done as solutions to pain. In this precise
surgical procedure, either the nerve roots or only the splanchnic nerve
are lesioned or “denerved” to cease the perception of pain in the area in
270 CHA P TER 27

The painful passing of human waste is not an uncommon condition.

The usual cause of the pain is a chronic anal fissure due to pressure on
the internal anal sphincter. Lateral internal sphincterotomy is the sur-
gery recommended for chronic anal fissures. This procedure can be
carried out through open or subcutaneous techniques to remove the
resting pressure in the sphincter. It is indicated for patients with chron-
ic anal fissure when other medical therapies have failed. 6
A celiac plexus neurolysis is performed to destroy the sympathetic
nerves controlling the organs in the abdomen. This operation is indicat-
ed for individuals with severe chronic abdominal pain from cancer or
chronic pancreatitis. Long-term pain relief is expected until the de-
stroyed nerve regenerates. Neurolysis is also performed for the lumbar
plexus nerve, the superior hypogastric plexus nerve, the ganglion impar
nerve, and the stellate nerve.

Surgery for Musculoskeletal Pain

Pain of the muscle and/or bones can come from a fall, fracture, sprain,
direct blow or trauma, degeneration due to age, or defective posture.
The pain will sometimes be perceived as a pain throughout the entire
body. Fibromyalgia is widespread pain in the muscles. A decompression
operation on either the base of the brain or neck spine (cervical spine)
is indicated for fibromyalgia as a last resort for debilitating pain. This
operation is also an option for cervical spinal stenosis. Paget’s disease of
the bone is a chronic disorder that may cause much suffering to af-
flicted patients. This disorder results in enlarged, misshapen bones that
cause pain and fracture to weight-bearing joints. To alleviate the pain,
surgery is often resorted to by cutting and realigning “Pagetic” bones of
the hip or knee. Osteotomy can also be performed to remove damaged
wedges of bones in Paget’s disease. However, if a hip or knee has
already been badly damaged, a surgery to repair the bones or replace
the affected joints may be indicated.
Pain in spastic cerebral palsy is usually felt in the bones, joints, and
in the stiff muscles. Rhizotomy is the surgical sectioning of nerves in the
spinal cord to treat pain brought about by this condition. The procedure
will interrupt the transmission of sensation by selectively destroying
damaged nerves and relieve pain by shutting off the pain signals sent to
the brain. Generally, more than one nerve needs to be sectioned to
achieve the desired result. Variants of simple rhizotomy include selec-
tive dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) for spastic cerebral palsy. Problematic
nerves are isolated during the procedure and severed with tiny electri-
cal pulses. This fixes spasticity issues permanently. The unaffected

nerves and nerve routes remain intact and are able to carry the desired
messages to the brain.

Surgery for Painful Sports-Related Injuries

Sports injury surgeries are performed as a last option for sports-related
accidents that mostly cause chronic and excruciating pain. There are
several surgical interventions that could eventually become necessary
because other options have failed or have become unfeasible. Knee and
shoulder surgeries vary as to the level of invasiveness and procedure
required, depending on damage to the knee or arm. Knee arthroscopy
is a minor surgery to treat many conditions within the joint. Meniscus
tear surgery involves removal of a torn meniscus. Meniscus repair in-
volves suture of the damaged meniscus. Anterior cruciate ligament
(ACL) reconstruction is a major knee surgery and it is the only pain
relief option for a torn ACL. Lateral release is an arthroscopic surgery
to treat patellofemoral (knee and femur) pain syndrome, which is
caused by softened cartilage under the knee cap.
Labral repair is an open surgery to correct a torn labram (cartilage)
of the shoulder. Overhead arm movements of swimmers and throwers
often result in shoulder impingement syndrome or painful arc syn-
drome. This is treated by performing an arthroscopic procedure called
subacromial decompression. Rotator cuff surgery can be performed,
either open or arthroscopic, to repair torn rotator cuffs. Superior la-
brum and posterior (SLAP) repair is performed when pain is unabated
despite other treatment carried out for SLAP tear. This happens when
the cartilage ring surrounding a shoulder joint is torn.

Surgery for Cancer Pains

Pain in cancer is mostly caused by a tumor that imposes nerve pressure
or assaults bone. Bone metastasis is usually associated with tormenting
pain. Cancer pain palliation is enormously important in improving the
quality of life—if not in lengthening it—for a metastasized cancer pa-
tient. 7 Surgical and nonpharmacological therapies may include radio-
therapy, intrathecal neurolysis, sympathetic nervous system blockade,
nerve blocks, vertebroplasty and other more invasive surgical proce-
dures. External beam radiation therapy (EBRT) is a pain relief regi-
men. A study on the efficacy of EBRT in relieving pain and improving
the quality of life of patients with bone metastasis confirmed that EBRT
has the ability to relieve bone pain. 8
272 CHA P TER 27

Cordotomy (or chordotomy) is the surgical interruption of pain path-

ways in the spinal cord. It is accomplished by cutting bundles of nerves
and is presently indicated for pain experienced by patients with asbes-
tos-related cancers, such as pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma. Ante-
rolateral cordotomy is effective for unilateral somatic pain. Bilateral
cordotomy is recommended for visceral or bilateral pain. Cordotomy is
generally done percutaneously, or by needle puncture with fluoroscopic
guidance. Percutaneous cordotomy is always the first option for patients
where it is indicated because of its relative safety. However, open cor-
dotomy may still be resorted to when percutaneous cordotomy is not
feasible or has failed as a first option.
Percutaneous cementoplasty is used to strengthen bone by infusing
cement into diseased bones in bone cancer. This is a similar procedure
to kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty of the spine. Thalamotomy is a highly
invasive procedure and is done only after extensive examination of a
particular case of intractable chronic pain because of the possible com-
plications and risks. The affected part of the thalamus is surgically ablat-
ed or destroyed either by liquid nitrogen, which kills the cells, or by a
heated electrode that burns the cells. 9
Spinal cord stimulation is the standard care indicated for these types
of patients to minimize dependence to pharmacological medications. A
tiny programmable device is embedded under the skin. This device has
a generator and electrical leads that produce electrical currents to the
spinal cord. The electrical nerve stimulation causes a tingling sensation
and blocks the brain’s ability to perceive pain. 10 The device is placed
nearest the location of the pain. Moreover, this technology is gaining
wide attention due to the possibility of adjusting the intensity of nerve
stimulation, and it provides relief to different types of pain. It is battery-
powered and the patient can be taught to use the device without assis-
Low-dose radiotherapy is one of the methods used in treating bone
pain. The periosteal layer of bone tissues is highly pain sensitive, which
causes severe and debilitating pain in many conditions. Some of these
disorders include osteoarthritis, fractures, osteomalacia, osteonecrosis,
and bone cancer. 11


Preparing for Pain-Related Surgery

A person who goes for surgery, except for those who constitute emer-
gency cases, should have decided to go under the knife only after giving
it very careful thought. Even then, it is normal for anxiety to build up as
the day of the surgery approaches. Anxieties come from fears and un-
certainties. A well-informed patient is less likely to be fretful about the
procedure. A patient needs to have all his questions answered and his
doubts cleared away. Emotional and mental preparation for the patient
is crucial when it comes to surgery for pain. This is something that the
pain patient himself must actively take part in. His usual concern will be
the competence of the surgical team who will perform the procedure,
and he must therefore inquire about the surgeon, the anesthesiologist,
and the other professionals who comprise the whole team. He may
inquire as to their experience, their fields of specialization, and similar
cases they have handled previously. Assuring information on this will
lessen the pain patient’s uneasiness.
During pre-surgery consultations and counseling, the patient may
ask questions regarding the procedure, such as how long the procedure
will be and whether he will be half awake during the procedure. The
patient may also like to know what to expect right after the surgery,
what precautions to observe, the length of the recovery period, what
aftercare is required, and locations of nearby recovery facilities. Any
health issues bothering the patient should be inquired about as well; for
example, high blood pressure, allergies, alcohol and smoking problems,
medicines currently being taken, and addictions—all of these are issues
relevant for the doctor. Personal concerns such as the effects of the
surgery on appearance or on sexual capabilities also need to be ad-
Preparations should be made for the surgery well in advance of the
day. Lack of preparedness will cause increased nervousness and make
the surgery a more stressful event. The pain sufferer can ask a friend or
family member to be there during and after the surgery when he or she
will most likely be drowsy for several hours. Arrangements can be made
for post-hospital necessities. A friend can be requested to walk the dog
or do the shopping for a week or two if need be. Preparing for these
small details, with all the things to be done before, during, and after the
procedure clear and planned for, puts the mind in a more optimistic
and calmer mode.
274 CHA P TER 27

Recovery Phase
For some percutaneous (through the skin) and less invasive procedures,
the pain patient simply gets up and goes home a day or two after the
surgery. Highly invasive procedures, however, will require longer after-
care and recovery. Right after the surgery, the patient will still be sedat-
ed. Anesthesia can wear off several hours later. Most surgeries will
require that patients begin sitting and walking as soon as they are able.
Vital signs are closely observed. Dressing of wounds and changing of
bandages will be required regularly or upon the surgeon’s orders, and
the patient might be asked to do a cough-and-deep-breath exercise to
expand the lungs. Food intake usually begins with a diet of clear liquid
before it returns to the regular routine.
The home must be prepared ahead of the surgical patient’s return
for medical and personal necessities. A bed with specified height or
design may be required, or a breathing apparatus and other equipment
may need to be provided. The patient must take things in stride. It is
important to adjust physical activities accordingly. Physical therapy
serves as a great adjunct to recovery management, but the doctor must
be consulted as to the extent of activities the pain sufferer can continue


Headaches are often just “tension” aches involving the neck, scalp, and
the general head area. However, pounding headaches and facial pains
are characteristic of serious migraines and inflamed sinuses. Even
worse: there are “cluster headaches,” which cause a sharp kind of pain.
Headaches can also be symptoms of serious problems such as meningi-
tis, encephalitis, or brain tumor. In deep brain stimulation (DBS), the
hypothalamus is electrically stimulated to relieve chronic cluster head-
aches in pain clients who are unresponsive to drug therapy. A small
generator is implanted under the collarbone. This generator provides
electrical pulses to tiny wires attached to the hypothalamus. Pain relief
in this manner has been successful for some patients, but there are
always risks attached to DBS, such as fatal cerebral hemorrhage. 12
Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is another treatment for cluster
headache and chronic migraine. The vagus nerve extends between the
brain and abdomen. The procedure involves the implantation of a small
generator under the skin on the left side of the chest. A tiny wire runs
from the generator to the vagus nerve to continually send mild electri-
cal pulses to stimulate the nerve.

Occipital nerve stimulation (ONS) is an alternative to DBS and is

considered to be less invasive and less risky. It involves the use of an
electrical impulse to the nerves at the back of the head to treat intract-
able migraine.
A disease that causes intense facial pain is trigeminal neuralgia, also
known as prosopalgia or “suicide disease.” The pain emanates from
compression of the trigeminal nerve. Microvascular decompression is a
surgical procedure for repositioning or eliminating facial blood vessels
that are in contact with the trigeminal root. Gamma knife radiosurgery
uses radiation directly to the trigeminal nerve root. Pain is relieved
gradually in people suffering from this condition. Microvascular decom-
pression is the preferred procedure among many formal caregivers be-
cause of its noninvasive nature.

Support Groups as Nonpharmacological Approaches to Pain

It takes a while to cure pain because most pains are deep seated. In fact,
pain management is a more correct term than pain cure. As the body
undergoes medical procedures for pain, the mind and the psyche must
also undergo processes of wellness. One way to facilitate this process is
by sharing information regarding the condition. Learning about any
feared thing removes much of its mystery and makes it less frightening.
A support group can bring in people with similar experiences and
present an assurance that the pain is not so uncommon. If others have
lived with or survived it, then it is perceived as more manageable. Exer-
cise and recreational activities, if not contraindicated for current medi-
cal treatment and conditions, can also be done. The semblance of nor-
malcy conveyed by these activities can often make the pain bearable.
Other useful adjuncts to the core treatment of pain that can be pro-
vided by support groups are laughter, games, and relaxation therapies.
The primary support group of a person suffering from pain usually
includes family, friends, care providers, and medical professionals. A
support network will help the patient communicate and clarify feelings
of alienation, helplessness, and despair. The ability to articulate and
address all these issues assures a better healing environment and quality
of life, as there is comfort in knowing that there are people willing to
listen and understand. While people should not be intimidated into
thinking that professional psychological help is essential simply because
they are in pain, more often than not, a comprehensive approach that
includes the use of support groups is for the better.
276 CHA P TER 27


Surgery for pain must be performed only after other measures to coun-
ter persistent pain have truly been exhausted. The medical history of
every patient suffering from debilitating pain must be carefully evaluat-
ed and understood before an invasive procedure—or any other non-
pharmacological approach for that matter—is indicated.


Pharmacological action, or pharmacotherapy, is an interdisciplinary

approach of the professional caregivers assigned to the pain patient.
Although they are not aimed at eradicating the cause of the pain entire-
ly, pain medications act toward alleviating pain symptoms and reducing
the pain experience temporarily. 1


The pharmacological approach focuses on the role of drugs and medica-

tion in the management of pain. These medicines include but are not
limited to acetaminophen and opioids. The pain management specialist
needs to be aware of all pain medications prescribed to a patient and be
able to evaluate the patient’s response to these drugs within a given
time frame. Administration of these drugs should be under the guid-
ance of pharmacological principles that outline proper usage and in-
form of side effects to be on the watch for. These principles act to
ensure that patients are given proper education about the medications
they are consuming. Institutions and organizations offering pain man-
agement are governed by their own set of pharmacological principles.
Guidelines need to be in place especially because of the number of
drugs known to be addictive and, therefore, prone to abuse. 2 If man-
aged properly, pharmacological interventions can alleviate most pains
and restore quality of life and normal levels of functioning. However, it
must be noted that although pain medication can be helpful and pro-
vide relief, it is not the only available option and solution.

278 CHA P TER 28

In 1986, the World Health Organization (WHO) formulated a three-

step ladder in prescribing analgesics. Although formulated for use in
cancer pain, it was adapted by health systems and became a standard
for pain management for the next three decades. The three-step ladder
categorizes analgesics by pain severity. For mild pain, it recommends
the use of non-opioids. Weak opioids are given to moderate pain and
strong opioids for severe pain. This is with or without adjuvant drugs. 3
Special considerations were made for children and geriatric patients.
Presently, research is aimed toward evaluating the efficacy of the pain
ladder. Although the WHO “pain ladder” globally remains a basis for
prescribing analgesics, different approaches and innovations are being
formulated in treating pain. 4
Pharmacological therapy for pain is often based on individual need.
It is a collaborative approach that necessitates effective communication
and close management. In basic home-care settings, pharmacological
therapy can be somewhat managed by the family. In cases of palliative
home care, the home-care nurse evaluates the efficacy of the pharma-
cotherapy and relates this with the health team. In fully functional
individuals, over-the-counter (OTC) analgesics are recommended for
use. However, since pain relievers may cause adverse effects and addic-
tion, close supervision is required in persons with constant use of anal-

Right Dose
The right dose of analgesics is needed to achieve a certain level of pain
relief and maintain the serum level of the drug at the therapeutic level.
In the hospital setting, this is routinely monitored by the pain patient’s
health team and evaluated. The dose is modified to satisfy specific re-
quirements and to prevent side effects. The possibility of a drug addic-
tion is also taken into consideration. Since there is minimal opportunity
for continuous monitoring in the outpatient setting, health care workers
often prescribe analgesics with a lower dosage because of fear of unin-
tentionally promoting drug addiction. Side effects may still appear even
with a relatively small dose of painkillers. The lower dosage leads to
only minor pain relief or no relief at all, thus leading to increased drug

Frequency of Use
The standard practice in the past was to administer analgesics only
when there were complaints of pain. This often led to unrelieved pain

because patients in the hospital were unaware that they needed to ask
for pain medications. Some individuals, even those in the outpatient
environment, wait for the pain to become intolerable before seeking
help. WHO included in its guidelines the administration of analgesics
around the clock, rather than pre re nata (PRN), or “as needed.” This is
done to maintain the effect of the drug at its therapeutic level. Since the
serum level of the painkiller gradually decreases, its therapeutic level
decreases as well. Analgesics are administered at intervals before the
pain becomes severe. This proves to be a better pain control method
since only smaller doses are required at this stage.

Time Intervals
The time interval between dosages is individualized as well.
Metabolism rate and absorption time of medications is often different
from one person to another. A certain schedule may be effective in one
pain patient, but not in another. This may also depend on the level of
pain that the client is experiencing. To determine the proper time inter-
val between administrations of the drug, health care workers often as-
sess the magnitude of pain at every dosage, in order to avoid possibly
sedating someone who is not experiencing pain.

Combined Usage of Analgesics

The combined approach refers to the use of more than one analgesic
agent at a time. Sometimes, when a single analgesic is used, the drug is
given more frequently in higher doses to achieve its optimum effect.
This may lead to adverse consequences. Three different categories of
analgesics are often used in a combined approach: opioids, local anes-
thetics and NSAIDs or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Since
these agents work on different mechanisms, maximum relief of pain can
be achieved while potential toxic effects of a single drug are minimized.
Although research about drug efficacy of pain relievers is often exten-
sive, fewer studies have been carried out for the combined therapy
versions. 5
Adjuvant medications are usually the drugs that have medical indica-
tions other than basic analgesia. These are given along with the analge-
sics in the pain ladder. They are usually administered to provide better
pain moderation while promoting lesser opioid requirement. 6 A few
examples of these are antidepressants and anticonvulsants, which are
used either to modulate side effects or to enhance pain relief offered by
280 CHA P TER 28

Patient-Controlled Analgesia
Nowadays, a new approach to pain is implemented by hospitals. Pa-
tient-controlled analgesia or PCA is a pain-relief method that allows the
patient to administer his or her own pain medications. An intravenous,
subcutaneous, or epidural catheter is inserted and is connected to a
PCA pump. The PCA pump is electronically controlled by a timing
device. A patient can self-administer a preset amount of medication in
episodes of pain through a push of a button. An extra dose may also be
administered, but the pump does not allow administration after multi-
ple pushes in rapid succession. The timer can be programmed to disal-
low administration until a certain amount of time or until the effect of
the first dose has exerted its optimum effect. It can also be programmed
to deliver constant background infusions and have the patient adminis-
ter an extra amount when needed.

Pharmaceutical Industry Advertising

In order to sell pain-related products, most pharmaceutical companies
come up with different techniques for advertisement. One strategy is
direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising (DTCPA). 7 Usually, it
makes use of popular mass media such as newspapers, television com-
mercials, billboards, and the Internet, among other forms of mass me-
dia. These are reviewed by governing agencies before being shown to
the public. Although certain requirements and limits must be met be-
fore a DTCPA is approved, there have been recent difficulties in imple-
menting these regulations. 8 A few DTCPA campaigns were found to
omit important information while overemphasizing drug benefits. Some
pain drugs are sold for a higher price but do not offer any significant
benefits with other medicines. Health care professionals, however, re-
port a few benefits from DTCPA. It is regarded as a way for empower-
ing patients and even increasing their compliance toward treatment.
Pain patients are often prompted to seek medical advice due to
DCTPA, and information about illnesses is often provided thereof. This
whole process can prevent under-diagnosis and under-treatment of var-
ious medical conditions. 9
Another tactic utilized by pharmaceutical companies involves send-
ing out representatives to sell or persuade physicians to prescribe their
drug. Medications for pain patients are quite expensive, and there are
claims by pharmaceutical companies that these drugs are more expen-
sive because of the extensive research done on them. A few critics,
however, claim that these drug representatives usually have neither
medical nor scientific education. This implies that exaggeration, mis-

leading information, and incomplete information may be provided to

unsuspecting caregivers. 10


Psychoactive drugs are chemical substances known to cross the blood-

brain barrier and directly act on the central nervous system, resulting in
alterations in perception, mood, consciousness, pain, cognition, and be-
havior. 11 Each drug has a specific action on one or more neurotransmit-
ters or neuroreceptors in the brain. Many psychoactive drugs are
abused due to the subjective changes in consciousness and mood that
one perceives as pleasant or advantageous. Many of these drugs cause
dependence, making it difficult for the pain patient to break free of the
cycle of abuse. Psychoactive drugs can be classified into three catego-
ries, stimulants, depressives, and hallucinogens. Continual abuse of
these drugs may lead to permanent damage to the nervous system.

Stimulants are psychoactive drugs that temporarily improve either the
mental or the physical functions of a person or both. 12 Some of these
effects may include enhanced alertness, wakefulness, and locomotion,
among others. They may also improve mood, relieve anxiety and induce
feelings of euphoria. These effects are induced by temporarily enhanc-
ing the effects of the central and peripheral nervous systems. As the
effects of these drugs are fleeting, an individual will eventually sleep
when the effects wear off, since they leave the person exhausted. As a
person abuses such substances, tolerance to their effects grows higher
while the negative effects intensify. Some of these substances include
amphetamines, MDMAs, cocaine, caffeine, and nicotine, with the last
two substances being the most abused of stimulants. 13

As opposed to stimulants, depressants contribute to temporary feelings
of relaxation, sedation, muscle relaxation, and pain relief. They are of-
ten abused because of these effects. High doses of depressants can
result in cognitive and memory impairment, dissociation, lowered heart
rate, respiratory depression, and even death. Pain sufferers and their
282 CHA P TER 28

caregivers should know that substances associated with this classifica-

tion include 14

• barbiturates;
• benziodiazepines;
• cannabis;
• opioids; and
• alcohol.

Hallucinogens can lead to subjective changes in thought, perception,
emotion, and consciousness. 15 They are divided into three broad cate-
gories: (1) psychedelics, (2) dissociatives, and (3) deliriants. Unlike oth-
er psychoactive drugs, hallucinogens not only amplify familiar states but
also induce experiences that are entirely different from those of ordi-
nary consciousness. Such experiences can be likened to meditation,
trance, daydreams, or insanity. Abuse of these types of drugs may lead
to several mental conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s
disease, senility, and schizophrenia. Among the commonly abused are
the Colorado River toad (a toad that is tongue-licked for “getting high”),
LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, mandrake, salvia, and cannabis. 16


Acetaminophen, sometimes called paracetamol, is the most commonly
used over-the-counter analgesic. Its primary effect is in the spinal cord
and cerebral cortex. It also inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandin and
COX-2 dependent pathways of the pain patient. 17 It is used in relief of
mild to moderate pain and in cases of osteoarthritis. It is also the most
common remedy for muscle aches, headaches, sore throats, menstrual
cramps, and backaches. Because of its antipyretic (anti-fever) effect, it
is also commonly used for the reduction of fever in those who also
happen to suffer from pain. Side effects of acetaminophen are usually
itching, swelling, rashes and in worst cases, difficulty in breathing. In-
take of acetaminophen must be controlled because of its potential to
cause liver damage.

Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) modulate pain by in-
hibiting an enzyme called cyclooxygenase (COX). Common generic
NSAIDs available for market are

• salicylates (aspirin, diflunisal, and salsalate);

• pyrazoles (phenylbutazone), celecoxib, and meloxicam;
• naphthlyalkanones (nabumetone);
• acetic acids (indomethacin, tolmetin, diclofenac, and ketorolac);
• proprionic acids (ibuprofen, naproxen, fenoprofen, ketoprofen,
and oxaprozin);
• fenamates (mefenamic acid and meclofenamic acid); and
• oxicams (piroxicam).

Since NSAIDs inhibit both types of COX, they may cause gastrointesti-
nal toxicity. COX-1 is an enzyme that maintains normal physiologic
function. It increases gastric mucosal blood flow, promotes mucosal
integrity and prevents ischemia. Hence, too much inhibition of COX-1
can lead to gastric ulceration and bleeding. COX-2, the second type of
COX, facilitates prostaglandin formation that in turn results in symp-
toms of pain, inflammation, and fever. Inhibition of COX-2 leads to
relief of mild to moderate pain. COX-2 inhibitors, in combination with
opioid medications, provides better pain relief than with opioid alone.
All NSAIDs have been found to cause kidney toxicity.
Aspirin is the most frequently purchased over-the-counter
NSAID. 18 This drug was found to suppress production of prostaglan-
dins and thromboxanes. It is commonly used as a preventative drug for
heart attack and stroke, but is has been known to cause anaphylactic
reactions or even death when combined with other medications or
when used in patients with specific disorders such as urticaria (hives)
and asthma. 19 Aspirin is harmful when used as a prophylactic since it
can cause stomach bleeding and even kidney failure. 20
Topical NSAIDS are most often in gel, spray, or cream form. The
most common types of topical NSAIDS are salicylate and diclofenac.
Topical salicylate is useful for acute and chronic pain. Topical diclofe-
nac is commonly applied for sports-related pain and osteoarthritis.
COX-2 inhibitors are now being developed to control the effects of
NSAIDs to COX-1. COX-2 inhibitors are formulated to provide pain
relief without causing inhibition of COX-1, and the former is now used
in cases of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. COX-2 improves
analgesic efficacy with decreased incidence of side effects, but it is
contraindicated in patients with ischemic heart disease or who are at
284 CHA P TER 28

risk for coronary artery diseases. These pain drugs have been found to
increase the risk for NSAID-induced bronchoconstriction as well as
myocardial infarction (heart attack).

Tramadol mainly directs its action to the central nervous system. It has
both opioid and non-opioid effects. It is an “opioid agonist” and inhibi-
tor of the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin. It does not sup-
press prostaglandin synthesis and so it causes fewer gastrointestinal and
cardiac side effects than NSAIDs. It is most commonly used in malig-
nant pain, osteoarthritic pain, low back pain, fibromyalgia, and diabetic
neuropathy. Usually, it is also used as anesthesia for surgical and dental
procedures. Nausea, vomiting, lethargy, dizziness, and constipation may
occur with use of tramadol. Adverse effects include seizures and seroto-
nin syndrome. Seizures are most commonly seen in patients who use
tramadol together with antidepressants, neuroleptics, and other opi-
oids. Serotonin syndrome is an increase in the serotonin levels in the
central nervous system. This can cause abrupt changes in the mental
status of the patient.

Opioids continue to be one of the key agents in the treatment of pain. It
is a broad-spectrum analgesic, which provides the most reliable and
effective way for achieving rapid pain relief. Opioids (1) act mainly on
mu receptors, (2) activate pain-inhibitory neurons, and (3) impede pain
transmission. They are most often used in chronic pain conditions along
with other analgesics or adjuvant drugs to reduce the total opioid
Due to possibilities of drug abuse and dependence, strong opioids
are used only when first-line medications fail to provide basic pain
relief. Before prescribing, the physician weighs the benefits with the
possible effects that may arise from opioid use. Moreover, constant
monitoring and evaluation of efficacy is done throughout the course of
treatment. Administration of opiates can be done through different
routes. The intravenous route is the most rapid acting. Spinal infusion
of opioids can cause regional analgesia even with just the use of a
relatively low dose. Since the goal in treatment is to improve quality of
life, the route with the least discomfort is most often used.
A patient taking strong opioids should be monitored closely for ad-
verse effects. The opioids should be stored safely and kept away from

unauthorized persons. Careful observation is also a part of the process,

as it is the main criterion for successful treatment. Any miscalculations
in the administration of the drug will be detected promptly if the indi-
vidual suffering from pain is carefully observed. The ability of the pa-
tient to “retire” from the drug is also important, as there could be
significant withdrawal symptoms when strong opioid medications are
stopped abruptly. Once an individual absorbs the drug, the body adapts
to it. The result is an addiction that is difficult to fight off. To avoid
these problems, strong opioid doses should be lessened slightly over
time until the body is no longer physiologically attached to it.
Opioid drugs can be very dangerous if consumed improperly, and
therefore the right dose has to be established to lessen the risks. Opioid
drugs for pain should be consumed on schedule and not just “on de-
mand.” In other words, the pain patient should not consume opioids
every time he or she experiences pain. This is also done to avoid over-
dosing. The WHO has set a time frame regarding intake of narcotic
drugs, which is an interval of three to six hours, concluding that phar-
macological approaches are 80–90 percent effective and less expensive
when the person administers the right drug and the right dosage at the
right time. 21
Patients and caregivers should also understand that some opioid
drugs are illegal. One example is heroin. This drug is very addictive and
can result in death. The dangerous aspect of this drug is that it goes
directly into the bloodstream and travels up to the brain. The affected
opioid receptors in the brain are normally responsible for breathing,
blood pressure, and arousal. Heroin can suppress respiration, which can
result in serious difficulty in breathing. All opioids may cause nausea,
vomiting, and sedation, but the most serious side effect of opioids is
respiratory depression (difficult, shallow breathing), or hypoventilation
(low ventilation). Opioid rotation, which is the practice of changing
from one opioid to another, may be done to lessen side effects. This
takes into account the principle that each individual reacts differently to
drugs from a pharmacological standpoint.

Local anesthetic agents are applied directly to the site to block nerve
conductions. They inhibit the opening of sodium channels to prevent
transmission of nerve impulses. 22 They can be given through patches,
sprays, or intravenous injections. Topical agents such as lidocaine
patches act solely in the peripheral tissues and nerves. Lidocaine has
been proven to block activities in the neuronal sodium channels, be-
286 CHA P TER 28

lieved to cause several types of pain. Lidocaine patches produce analge-

sia by delivering lidocaine to local tissues without causing sensory defi-
cits. It is beneficial in diabetic neuropathy, HIV-associated neuropathy,
low back pain, osteoarthritis, and other peripheral neuropathic pain.
Due to significantly low systemic levels, side effects are usually mild
and resolve without need of further intervention.
Eutectic mixture of local anesthetic (EMLA) cream is a topical anes-
thetic used only on normal, intact skin. The cream induces anesthesia
by blocking sodium channels of sensory nerves. This is often used post-
operatively or post-surgically. It is also the anesthetic most often used
on genital mucous membranes for superficial minor surgeries. Adverse
effects may include itching, rashes, edema, and pallor, among others.
Intramuscular (IM) injections of specific anesthetic agents have also
proved to be effective in producing regional painkilling effects. Intrave-
nous regional anesthesia is often administered through an epidural
catheter and is used in surgeries or in labor and delivery. It is delivered
directly to the nerve roots, which provides better analgesia. Intravenous
regional anesthesia injections produce better postoperative outcomes
such as early ambulation, fewer complications, and shorter hospital
stays. Spinal anesthesia may cause delayed or prolonged sensory and
motor deficits, since it affects nerve roots directly.
Local anesthetic agents induce toxicity when there is an excessive
amount present at a site. This is often due to constant application of the
agent on the same site without allowing the serum levels of the anes-
thetic molecules to be fully consumed. Toxicity from local anesthetic
agents can cause systemic and localized side effects. It may affect po-
tentially hazardous sites such as the brain and heart. Lidocaine and
other local analgesics may cause slow heart rate and hypotension. Bu-
pivacaine, a local anesthetic most commonly used in chronic pains, has
been known to produce arrhythmias and cardiac collapse. When in-
jected into skeletal muscles, local anesthetic agents may cause rever-
sible histologic damage depending on the agent used.

Antidepressants and Anticonvulsants

Dose-related biological activities of antidepressants appear to include
pain relief. Research often attributes this to the blockage of the hor-
mones norepinephrine and serotonin, which in turn enhances the stim-
ulation of inhibitory neurons. 23 Antidepressants also potentiate the ef-
fects of analgesic agents. Antidepressant medications have been found
to cause orthostatic hypotension, cardiac conduction delay, memory
impairment, and urinary retention.

Anticonvulsant (anti-seizure) drugs have been found to have an ef-

fect on multiple biochemical and pathophysiologic processes involved
in maintenance of pain. 24 These drugs are largely beneficial for reliev-
ing lancinating pains. A few of these drugs are used for headaches and
fibromyalgia. The most common side effects connected with the use of
anticonvulsant drugs are mental clouding and lethargy.

Miscellaneous Pain-Relieving Drugs

Some drugs have analgesic effects when used in specific conditions.
Studies on phenothiazines found it to be effective in postoperative pain.
Benzodiazepines are helpful in the treatment of acute pain. Antihista-
mines, normally prescribed for allergies and colds, are useful for head-
ache, low back pain and cancer pain. Corticosteroids are beneficial in
advanced cancer pain, whereas muscle relaxants can decrease back
pain. However, the use of these drugs as strong analgesic agents is yet
to be established. Most often, these are used as adjuncts to opioids and
other analgesic agents.


The rate of metabolism and absorption is relatively different in a child,

an adult and an older person. Certain modifications in the analgesic
therapy are made to provide efficient pain relief without compromising
the safety of the pain patient. There are a relatively small number of
medications proven safe and effective for pediatric use. By modifying
the WHO pain ladder, a two-step strategy is formulated for children.
The WHO recommends paracetamol and ibuprofen as first options for
mild to moderate pain. For children below three months of age, para-
cetamol is the medication of choice. 25
Opioids are considered for relief of moderate to severe pain. Use of
strong opioids proves to have better benefits rather than intermediate
opioids. Tramadol and other strong opioids are currently being studied
for possible use as an alternative to morphine. Medications should be
given at regular intervals for persisting pain. The least painful, simplest
and most effective route of administration would be the oral route.
Other routes such as intravenous (IV), rectal, or subcutaneous should
be based on clinical judgment and on the condition of the child. The
intramuscular route is avoided if possible since it is painful to the child.
In choosing the right dosage for a pediatric patient, it is most appropri-
ate to use the weight and age as a basis. The nutritional state of the
288 CHA P TER 28

child must also be taken into great consideration. Overdosing of pain

medications must be avoided at all cost, and it is important to keep in
mind that even acetaminophen toxicity is a common cause of drug-
associated death in children and adolescents. 26 Side effects must be
constantly monitored since it may lead to occurrence of drastic effects.
Geriatric patients may have altered drug sensitivity, as the gastroin-
testinal “transit time” for drugs consumed by the elderly is less than that
of younger adults. This means that drug absorption is affected. The
changes in body composition such as decrease in total body water and
lean body mass and the relative increase in adipose tissues may affect
drug distribution. Hepatic and renal blood flow may also be altered in
aging pain patients, which directly affects metabolism and elimination
of the drug. These physiologic changes mean that pharmacological
treatment should be initiated at a lower dose. Sudden escalations of the
drug should be avoided. Treatment is given at regular time intervals,
but considering that the pharmacokinetics of the drug have already
been altered, PRN administration may also be considered. 27 The occur-
rence of side effects may be heightened due to decreased metabolism
of the drug, which essentially means a prolonged half-life (the time it
takes for half of a drug to disintegrate) of the drug. Reduction of dosage
may be done along with change of routes and opioid rotation. Monitor-
ing is emphasized.


Due to abundant options in pharmacological approaches to pain, it is

strongly recommended that medical consultation be done before decid-
ing to take medications. Not all OTC pain drugs are safe for use. Indica-
tions, mechanism of actions, side effects and recommended dosage
should be on the label and should be accessible to the public. It is best
to check this or consult a medical professional when in doubt regarding
a drug. Moreover, analgesics and other drugs must be used cautiously
in patients with renal and hepatic problems. Problems in metabolism
and elimination of the drug may ensue and cause toxicity from the drug.
This may also cause drug addiction due to the prolonged sedative ef-
fects of the drug. Constant use of analgesics in renal and hepatic pa-
tients may cause complete failure of the liver and kidney as well as heart
From a general standpoint, product safety evaluations must be done
before choosing pharmacological substances based on DTCPA, or sales
pitches from pharmaceutical representatives. A few drugs have been

introduced to the market even before full safety profiles were com-
pleted. 28 This means that side effects and adverse effects of the drug
had not been determined before distribution. In these cases, patient
awareness and prescriber education must be emphasized. The expira-
tion date of most drugs should be clearly indicated on the packaging, as
usage of expired medical products is perilous. An expired drug does not
guarantee safety and efficacy, due to the possible change in the chemi-
cal composition of the drug over time. 29 The drug must be disposed of
properly before it causes untoward effects.
As far as side effects are concerned, research is geared toward pre-
dicting positive drug reactions in organs and occurrence of side effects
in order to provide better treatment plans or prepare for potential
emergencies. New tools, standards, and approaches are currently being
evaluated to enhance the assessment of the efficacy, safety, and quality
of pharmacological drugs. 30 These side effects should not be ignored.
Anaphylactic reactions to a drug can lead to serious brain damage or
death. If side effects that are not indicated in the label of the drug are
felt, immediate withdrawal from the drug and medical consultation
should be done. Since pain drugs are metabolized in the liver, over
dosage or improper use of drugs may cause hepatic failure.
Proper monitoring and control of taking analgesics must be done
extensively on a person receiving treatment. Opioids may often lead to
misuse, abuse, and in worst cases, death. In 2009, more than 15,500
people in the United States died after overdosing from pain relievers. 31
Addiction to opioids usually occurs because of the compulsion to take
the medication to experience its psychic and sedative effects. While
collaborative approaches of the family and caregiving team have always
been recommended, certain protocols are now being developed toward
safe prescription and usage of opioids. Prescriber and patient education
is emphasized to address related public health issues.


Pharmacological approaches to pain are intended to reduce the inten-

sity of perceived pain through different physiological mechanisms. Nu-
merous analgesics are available in the market but none are proven to
produce exclusively healthy results in all cases. The labeled indications
and side effects must be taken into great consideration by pain patients
and their caregivers prior to consumption. 32



A second medical opinion is a consultation with a health care provider

concerning a health issue that was previously checked by another doc-
tor. There is nothing wrong with having another physician look into a
patient’s medical condition; in fact, a second opinion is even advocated
by doctors when prescribing pain regulators. 1 The patient’s reasons for
seeking a second opinion vary from case to case. Some consult multiple
caregivers to rule out the risk of mistreatment. Others just want to get
another expert’s take on their condition. 2 Whatever the reason is for
getting a second opinion, the pain sufferer is entitled to a clearer under-
standing of what they are going through and what to do about it. Since a
“second opinion” in general can pertain to the contribution of ideas
from just about anyone, this chapter discusses the involvement of both
doctors and family members in the pain patient’s comprehensive ap-
proach to their suffering.



Doctor’s Office
Pain is a clear indication that the body is in need of medical attention.
Ideally, doctor-patient relations are grounded on the circumstance of
the patient needing a solid opinion. This calls for both the doctor and
the patient’s willingness to listen to each other. The doctor, having the
expertise to address the pain the client is experiencing, suggests treat-

294 CHA P TER 29

ments and prescribes medicines. The means that the physician uses to
treat the patient is heavily dependent on the information disclosed to
A physician at the University of Sydney, concerned that pain pa-
tients’ reluctance to openly speak to their doctors aggravates their ill-
ness, says their hesitation is attributed to their lack of understanding of
the methods that their doctors apply to ease their physical pain. Fur-
thermore, doctors need to get patients to talk about their suffering.
Specialists have devised two methods to maximize doctor-patient rela-
tions: proactively ask about the pain, and comfort the patient according-
ly. 3
Individuals suffering from pain are urged to be as upfront as possible
when discussing their condition with their physician. The earlier the
discovery of the cause of the patient’s pain, the higher the chances of
healing—or at least mitigating—damage to health. Only when patients
are completely honest with their doctor will they be able to get the full
benefit of the services they are paying for.

Involvement When Getting a Second Opinion

The decision to get a second opinion does not have to be entirely up to
either the patient or the doctor. There are cases when professional
caregivers, especially when treating patients whose pain is caused by a
terminal disease, initiate the review of their patient’s case by a fellow
physician. In situations where the patient doesn’t need immediate med-
ical attention, a doctor might forget to voluntarily ask their patient to go
and get a second opinion. This is when the patient has to bring up the
topic. Getting a second opinion is a common medical practice, so pa-
tients do not have to worry about their doctor being offended should
they ask for another consultation with a different doctor.
The doctor’s responsibility to the patients doesn’t end with a second
opinion. On the contrary, the first physician’s involvement is crucial for
updating and conferring with the second doctor. Medical records are
also needed for reference and a more informed diagnosis by the second
doctor. 4

At Home
There is stress where pain is present. While a person in pain can make
life difficult for everyone at home because of the need for special atten-
tion, it is important for family members to understand how their sup-
port, or lack of it, can affect a suffering loved one. According to the
American Chronic Pain Association’s family manual, pain patients need

to be kept involved with family life by talking about the situation and
even giving the patient some simple chores to make him or her feel
useful. Individuals suffering from pain must not isolate themselves, nor
should family members give up on living a normal life. 5
Family members’ involvement in the course of getting a second
opinion is an essential part of the support they offer. Pain sufferers
basically go through all the same tests over again, so they’ll be relying on
their family to get them through another round of assessment. Some of
the patients, whom the Health Experience Research Group (HERG)
interviewed, testified on how pain actually brought their family togeth-
er. 6 In other cases, a family member of someone battling with pain may
have the tendency to be overprotective. This can lead to the patient
becoming uncomfortable with the extra attention and prefer to suffer
through it alone. Often family members get frustrated if medications
fail to work or feel guilty when they can’t identify with the patient’s
feelings. 7 These are common responses to situations of ill health. The
main thing is to allow the family to support the patient, including when
a second opinion on how to proceed is necessary.
The family’s involvement in the patient’s medical endeavor goes be-
yond looking after their needs at home. In order to fulfill their duty as
caregivers, they must understand the patient’s sickness from a medical
practitioner’s perspective. This can only be achieved when the family
member goes all the way in their support. What this basically means is
that relatives can immerse themselves in the process of medication.
This can entail: accompanying the patient to the doctor’s office and
helping the patient to decide whether to seek a second medical opinion
or to begin certain treatments.
Getting at least one adult family member to thoroughly understand a
pain patient’s condition is very crucial when a second opinion is proac-
tively recommended by the attending physician. At times when the sick
individual is indisposed, a family member must be around for the doc-
tor to explain the situation the patient is in. It is important to note,
however, that unless the subject is totally incapable of deciding for
himself or herself, the decision to seek a second opinion must be au-
thorized by the one who needs medical attention. 8 A holistic under-
standing of a loved one’s condition will ensure that their needs are met
at home in spite of living away from a professional’s watch.
296 CHA P TER 29



Anyone who suffers from serious pain should not think twice about
having their case checked by another physician, no matter how tedious
the overall process may seem. Undergoing duplicate cycles of testing
can be challenging, and sometimes, people are so stressed by their pain
that they refuse to even bother getting a second opinion. The true
advantage of seeking a second opinion is “peace of mind.” Affirmation
of whatever the first physician said about the patient’s cause of pain will
determine the next step toward healing. The earlier this is done, the
better. Not knowing enough about what to expect when undergoing
treatments can cause anxiety. The more patients understand their con-
dition, the more assured they will be that all their treatments are sub-
stantially backed by diagnostic data. There is always room for error,
even in medical readings. One way of lessening this kind of risk is by
going through another round of consultation.
Fortunately, seeking a second opinion has never been more conven-
ient than in this age of modern technology. Should patients with a rare
condition fail to find a doctor in their area to better evaluate their
medical case, online consultation through the Internet should be con-
sidered. 9 This attests to the urgency of getting a second opinion. Pa-
tients can be checked online without leaving the comforts of their
home. With this kind of advancement in patient care, there should be
no reason for a patient not to entertain the prospect of getting another
doctor’s opinion.
With a second opinion, the pain patient can be more confident that
they are getting the most up-to-date treatments and prescriptions. This
is a great source of comfort for patients and their family members who
are unsure of the next step to take. Just as with any other big decision in
life, cross-referencing pain-related information leads to a better-educat-
ed conclusion.
Patients who seek a second medical opinion also have a more exten-
sive choice of treatment plans. 10 If a treatment modality does not work,
the second opinion may lead to a better option. The medical expense
involved in getting a second opinion can discourage patients from
understanding the real value of such opinions. But patients and their
family members need to bear in mind the costs that limited consulta-
tions can entail if ultimately unnecessary medications or treatments are

Waiting for the results of another round of tests to accommodate a
second opinion can be detrimental for some who need immediate treat-
ments. The delay is caused when health care professionals have to care-
fully deliberate on the patient’s treatment plan. If time is an important
consideration in the sick person’s case, then it may be better to act
expediently to avoid further harm. 11 In some cases, doctors give varied
recommendations on what to do after a diagnosis is made. This can lead
to confusion, as decisions are partially left with the patient. Pain suffer-
ers may feel overwhelmed when faced with several choices. Unless the
doctor agrees on which treatment will work best, patients are most
likely the ones to decide on the approach. 12
When treatments fail to work despite the concerted efforts of physi-
cians, patients may feel hopeless. There is, of course, no guarantee that
a second opinion will remedy their existing pain. Having to face that
reality can shatter hopes of ever recovering from the pain they are



Before Getting a Second Opinion

While a second opinion is more likely to be sought than not, it is still
pertinent for the patient to use their own resources, if time permits, to
gather as much information about their painful condition as they can. If
the reason for getting a second opinion is mainly to address some ques-
tions about the nature of the sickness as diagnosed or the methods the
doctor used to arrive at a conclusion, then it is practical to ask the same
doctor. Patients should never hesitate to clarify their medical issues
with their doctor.
Taking time to check what other sufferers do to counter pain may
also help to inform the patient. While it is true that physical pain must
be brought to the attention of a professional, it won’t hurt to first ask
others with a similar experience or condition, for example on online
forums. First-hand information can be as valuable, though not as deter-
minative, as a doctor’s opinion. When patients take the initiative to do
their own research, communication with their professional caregiver is
much easier. Having questions prepared before an appointment with a
doctor can make the time spent discussing the cause of pain more
298 CHA P TER 29

productive and efficient. The patient’s insurance coverage should also

be deliberated prior to getting a second opinion to make sure their
coverage allows them to go through the process without having to spend
too much.

What to Ask When Getting a Second Opinion

Drafting questions before seeing the doctor is a key factor in under-
standing pain. Patients may feel hesitant to ask their doctors questions,
for fear of causing irritation or embarrassing themselves. But in reality,
questions are clues to how willing the patient is to cooperate. In fact,
since the patient going to a doctor for a second opinion already has a
preconceived idea of their condition, it can be expected that he or she
will ask in-depth questions based on the first opinion.
Questions may range from simple clarifications to more technical
ones. As they feel more comfortable and get more exposed to equip-
ment and treatment options, patients should have greater confidence to
ask questions. First, pain patients need to confirm the accuracy of the
previous doctor’s findings. There are instances when a second opinion
leads to a totally different diagnosis. This brings about the need of the
patient to seek a third opinion in order to get rid of any doubts. Upon
confirmation of the diagnosis, the patient can then ask about the next
step: getting treatments. There are a variety of things to consider about
treatments. Additional opinions can provide for more options to fall
back on in case the first, second, or third recommendations do not
work. Each treatment will have its own side effects and benefits. No
matter how effective a particular approach seems to be, when the pa-
tient is at risk of worsening, reconsiderations are advised. 13
After getting a second opinion, the pain sufferer can then compare
both doctors’ findings and start weighing options. If, in spite of all these
preparations, questions still remain unanswered, perhaps a third opin-
ion might just be the one that the pain sufferer needed all along. Only
when the patient feels comfortable and confident of what to do will he
or she become conditioned for the next step to recovery.


Pain patients and caregivers should understand that a second opinion

has its own risks and pitfalls. Despite its disadvantages, a second opin-
ion can better inform and further empower the one who is in pain.
Since it provides more opportunity for patients to understand their

condition, it will enable them to keep a positive attitude all throughout

their difficult situation.


By now, the reader should understand that there are five common
factors in assessing pain. First is the precipitating factor—that is, what is
causing the pain, such as a fracture, laceration, or specific disease. Sec-
ond is the quality of pain, which only the person feeling it can describe,
whether it is “crushing,” “burning,” “stabbing,” or any other sort of
descriptor the patient can find to relate the experience. Third is the
location and possible subsequent spread of the pain to other areas of
the body. Fourth is the severity of pain. The most effective way to
determine the severity of pain is by rating it, for example by using a pain
scale where 0 is the absence of pain; 1–3 is mild; 4–6 is moderate; and
7–10 is severe pain. The fifth and last factor is time. Sometimes pains
are persistent and aggravating; sometimes they are intermittent or re-
current, depending on the cause. By observing the timing of pain medi-
cal personnel may also be able to identify the cause or severity. This
concluding chapter explains how the pain patient can (1) try to prevent
pain from happening in the first place or from getting worse, (2) remain
hopeful, and (3) attempt to stay motivated at all times.


As with all medical problems, if possible, prevention is best when it

comes to addressing pain. Regular checkups, daily exercise, and a well-
balanced diet are very advisable, but some people only do these things
after a serious illness strikes. These lifestyle factors are the key to a
healthy life, as well as at the forefront of prevention strategies.

302 CHA P TER 30


There are many different interventions that an individual suffering from

pain can employ, so there is no reason to lose hope. In fact, pain is only
indicative of a physiological disorder that must be addressed, so in a
sense pain is the first step on the road back to health. Pain might be
mild and inconsequential or derive from a severe disorder such as can-
cer. For some individuals it becomes chronic and thereby has a holistic
effect on their life. Such a person must find the inner strength not to
lose hope as well as seek the emotional support needed to get through
the ordeal. The patient cannot overcome chronic pain without this en-
couragement and support.
Pain also intensifies if the person loses hope and the will to continue
fighting against it. For this reason specialized caregivers encourage the
patient’s family to be involved and present in therapy when possible.
That said, it is essential that caregivers understand two major pathways
to hope for the pain patient. The first is noninvasive, and the second is

Noninvasive Strategies for Finding Hope

When it comes to finding hope, noninvasive pain intervention must be
regarded as the “first aid” of pain. Diversion techniques such as medita-
tion or systematic relaxation can be used to help the pain sufferer to
relax and focus more on other things than the pain itself. 1 Relaxation
will help the person to calm down and gather strength while disallowing
the pain to affect him or her holistically. As a result, the pain patient will
gain hope in the struggle against pain. Acupressure is another possibil-
ity. This can be done by massaging pressure points that can alleviate
pain. The person experiencing pain must go to a doctor to seek advice
about noninvasive techniques and to determine whether acupressure is
possible for his or her condition. When the pain is at its peak, the
professional caregiver might want to consider recommending invasive
pain strategies, albeit with caution.

Invasive Strategies for “Finding Hope”

These interventions are best for pain that is most severe or is chronic in
nature. The first invasive intervention is taking medications prescribed
by a doctor. The patient should always get follow-up assessments to
note improvements or deterioration in health as a result of medication. 2
Drugs also depend on the cause of pain. In some cases anesthesia is the

appropriate invasive intervention. 3 If the patient cannot withstand the

pain, local anesthesia under the advice and supervision of a doctor is
used. Anesthesia is only available in hospitals, so, when taking such a
drug, close observation by a nurse or physician is very important. It is
not really advisable to use anesthesia as the sole treatment for pain. The
last solution is surgery. Almost all pain can be cured by surgery, and
therefore the person suffering from pain must never lose hope. There
are hundreds of solutions in dealing with pain. As long as people follow
the prescription of their doctors and there is eagerness to fight pain,
hopelessness need not be a lasting concern.



The most obvious results of pain are seen physically, but mental func-
tioning is also affected. Sometimes, the pain patient can no longer think
properly. For example, a student with a toothache takes an exam and
gets a low score simply because of the pain. Obviously, pain can affect
the sufferer’s performance in any activity; therefore, it is important for
anyone with pain to find motivation to get past it.

Steps to Getting Motivated

A major step here is the willingness of the pain patient to change his or
her lifestyle in order to become healthier, and this cannot be done
without self-confidence. People who believe in themselves can with-
stand any physical misfortunes. The individual suffering from pain must
believe in the path chosen for recovery and trust themselves to follow it.
The achievement of motivational goals is easier when there is self-trust.
Another point to remember is that a patient must be goal-oriented to
stay motivated. Goals can be achieved only if the individual takes the
first step and stays on track until the last step, which is why discipline is
equally essential for getting motivated to fight pain. Simply put, pain
sufferers need self-control to stay motivated, because their body will be
affected physically if they give in to pain psychologically.
Motivation itself is a great technique for handling chronic pain. Fam-
ily members can enhance pain management efforts through their sup-
port and help the sufferer gain more motivation. Doctors usually en-
courage family and relatives to make hospital visits. Moreover, there are
counselors to whom people can go for motivation. People might seek
spiritual or psychological advice, and some experts also provide routine
304 CHA P TER 30

activities to help patients relax and be more in control of their pain,

once again increasing the chances of lasting motivation.


Some people prefer to buy OTC drugs instead of seeking a doctor first.
Their hope is to save time and money, or they simply perceive the pain
as a minor problem. This is acceptable as long as they don’t intend to
manage their long-term pain entirely by themselves. Taking matters
into one’s own hands can be dangerous because stark pain usually oc-
curs in the late stage of disease. For example, if a person with cancer
experiences extreme pain, then he is probably in the late stage of illness.
It is also possible that a specific organ does not have enough oxygena-
tion and blood supply, so other organs automatically send signals to the
brain to respond in the form of pain. This physiological mechanism can
be lessened to a certain extent, and hence it is vital to see a doctor first
rather than take inappropriate action.
Palliative care is primarily given to a terminally ill person who is
experiencing pain. Seeing a doctor can help to ascertain whether the
pain patient needs such care. The objective here is to provide comfort
during the potentially permanent remediation of pain. For example: a
doctor orders an opioid drug for a cancer patient in pain, not necessarily
to treat the cancer, but to provide relief amid fear and unease. The
safest and the most effective way to know “right versus wrong” in the
effort to reduce pain is often consultation with a formal caregiver.
Dealing with severe, lagging pain without the necessary consultation
is hazardous. The dangers include drug tolerance. If drugs are taken
continuously without limitation, the pain sufferer’s body may adapt by
producing antibodies and drug tolerance. As a result, stronger drugs
will be needed to fight off the physiological resistance, leading to over-
dose. Some painkillers are extremely addictive. For example, morphine
sulfate can be addictive to the point where additional health issues
surface. Some take morphine sulfate because they have no other alter-
native for their severe pain, but unfortunately, their desire to end suf-
fering supersedes the realization that their health is in more danger if
they consume the drugs without control.


In general, pain is a simple problem that everyone has to endure at

some point in life, so it is essential to know how to treat pain appropri-
ately and with the right kind of help. There is often no immediate or
fast “cure” to pain, but with the assistance of a physician, pain can be
overcome in a stepwise manner. The most effective step is consulting a
doctor, since it is always better to be assured than to take unnecessary
Appendix A




Appendix B


Alan Edwards Center for (847) 375-4731

Research on Pain Fax: (847) 375-6477
McGill University www.painmed.org
Suite 3100, Genome Building
740 Dr. Penfield Avenue Atkinson Pain Research
Montreal, QB H3A 0G1 Laboratory
(514) 398-8975 Barrow Neurological Institute
Fax: (514) 398-8121 350 W. Thomas Road
cynthia.macdonald@mcgill.ca Phoenix, AZ 85013
www.painresearchcenter.mcgill.ca (602) 406-3000
The Alan Edwards Pain
Management Pain Unit of the The British Pain Society
McGill University Health Centre Third Floor, Churchill House
McGill University Health Centre 35 Red Lion Square,
Montreal General Hospital London WC1R 4SG
1650, Cedar Avenue, Room E19- 020 7269 7840
128 Fax: 020 7831 0859
Montreal, Quebec H3A 0G1 www.britishpainsociety.org
(514) 934-8222
Fax: (514) 934-8096 Canadian Institute for the Relief
www.painresearchcenter.mcgill.ca of Pain and Disability
#204-916 W. Broadway
American Academy of Pain Vancouver, BC V5Z 1K7
Medicine (800) 872-3105
4700 W. Lake Avenue Fax: (604) 684-6247
Glenview, IL 60025 www.cirpd.org


Cancer Pain Research Lab
Norman Bethune College Center for Pain Research
Room 367 University of Bath
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3 1 West Level 3
(416) 340-4800 Bath, BA2 7AY, UK
lucia.gagliese@uhn.ca +44 (0) 1225 383054
www.cancerpain.lab.yorku.ca l.austin@bath.ac.uk
Center for Health and Healing
Oregon University Center for Pain Research
3303 SW Bond Avenue, 4th Floor University of Minnesota
Portland, OR 97239 308 Harvard Street SE
(503) 494-7246 Minneapolis, MN 55455
Fax: (503) 346-6961 (612) 625-2945
www.ohsu.edu carfair@ahc.umn.edu
Center for Neuroscience and Pain
Research Center for Pediatric Pain
University of Texas Research
MD Anderson Cancer Center IWK Health Centre
1515 Holcombe Boulevard, 5980 University Avenue
Box 110 P.O. Box 9700
Houston, TX 77030 Halifax, NS B3K 6R8
(713) 563-5838 (902) 470-8895
Fax: (713) 794-4590 Fax: (902) 470-7255
hlpan@mdanderson.org www.pediatric-pain.ca
Center for the Study and
Center for Pain Research Treatment of Pain
National University of Ireland 317 East 34th Street, 9th Floor,
Galway, University Road Suite 902
Galway, Ireland. New York, NY 10016
+353 (0)91 493266 / 5280 (212) 201-1004
www.nuigalway.ie www.pain-medicine.med.nyu.edu

Center for Pain Research Center for Pediatric Pain

Faculty of Health and Research
Social Sciences IWK Health Center
Leeds Metropolitan University P.O. Box 9700
Civic Quarter, Calverley Street Halifax, NS B3K 6R8
Leeds, LS1 3HE (902) 470-8895
m.johnson@leedsmet.ac.uk Fax: (902) 470-7255

marsha.campbellyeo@iwk City of Hope Pain Resource

.nshealth.ca Center
www.pediatric-pain.ca 1500 East Duarte Road
Duarte, CA 91010
Center for the Study of Pain (626) 256-4673
University of Toronto www.prc.coh.org
155 College Str., Suite 300
Toronto, ON M5T 1P8 Clinical and Translational Science
(416) 946-8270 Institute
nancy.mitchell@utoronto.ca PO Box 100219
www.utoronto.ca Gainesville, FL 32610
(352) 273-8700
Center for Translational Pain Fax: (352) 273-8703
Research www.ctsi.ufl.edu
Massachusetts General Hospital
101 Merrimac Street Danish Pain Research Center
Boston, MA 02110 Aarhus University Hospital
(617) 726-3744 Norrebrogade 44, Building 1A
MSHpainresearch@partners.org. DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
www2.massgeneral.org/ +45 7846 3380
painresearch/ Fax: +45 7846 3269
Comprehensive Center for Pain
Research Department of Anesthesiology
University of Florida Northwestern University
1395 Center Drive Feinberg School of Medicine
Gainesville, FL 32610 251 E. Huron Street, F5-704
(352) 392-3032 Chicago, IL 60611
Fax: (352) 392-3031 (312) 926-8105
ryezierski@dental.ufl.edu Fax: (312) 926-9206
www.painresearch.ufl.edu www.feinberg.northwestern.edu

Chronic Pain and Fatigue Department of Pain Medicine &

Research Center Palliative Care
University of Michigan Health Beth Israel Medical Center
System First Avenue at 16th Street
Department of Anesthesiology New York, NY 10003
PO Box 385 (877) 620-9999
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 Fax: (212) 844-1503
(734) 998-6939 www.stoppain.org
Fax: (734) 998-6900
www.med.umich.edu Faculty of Pain Medicine
The Royal College of Anesthetists

Churchill House Edison, NJ 08820

35 Red Lion Square (732) 321-7000
London WC1R 4SG www.njrehab.org
+44 (0) 20 7092 1500
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7092 1730 The Johns Hopkins Blaustein Pain
info@rcoa.ac.uk Treatment Center
www.rcoa.ac.uk The Johns Hopkins Hospital
1800 Orleans Street
George Washington Pain Center Baltimore, MA 21287
2131 K Street, NW (410) 955-5000
Washington, DC 20037 www.hopkinsmedicine.org
(202) 715-4599
Fax: (202) 715-4598 Krembil Neuroscience Centre
www.gwhospital.com (KNC)
399 Bathurst Street
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Toronto, ON M5T 2S8
Research Institute (416) 603-5800
12902 Magnolia Drive www.uhn.ca
Tampa, FL 33612
(888) 663-3488 Leeds Metropolitan University
www.moffittcancercenter.com Woodhouse Ln.
Leeds, United Kingdom, LS1
HMC Pain Relief Service 3HE
325 9th Avenue S, Box 359724 +44 113 81 21111
Seattle, WA 98104 www.leedsmet.ac.uk
(206) 744-7065
Fax: (206) 744-7085 Michael G. DeGroote Institute
www.depts.washington.edu for Pain Research and Care
McMaster University
The Hospital for Sick Children MDCL 2101
555 University Avenue 1280 Main Street West
Toronto, ON M5G 1X8 Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1
www.sickkids.ca (905) 525-9140, ext. 26538
Institute for Hypnosis & Pain paininstitute/
1328 River Road Murdoch Children’s Research
Teaneck, NJ 07666 Institute Royal Children’s
(201) 836-0033 Hospital
Flemington Road,
JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Insti- Parkville Victoria, 3052
tute Australia
65 James Street (613) 8341-6200

Fax: (613) 9348-1391 Woodruff Lab

www.mcri.edu.au 303 E Superior Street,
Suite 10-121,
Napa Pain Institute Chicago, IL 60611
3434 Villa Lane, Suite 150 (312) 503-1385
Napa, CA 94558 www.womenshealth.
(707) 252-9660 northwestern.edu/
Orthopedic Research Society
National Pain Research Institute, 6300 N River Road, Suite 602
LLC Rosemont, IL 60018
1201 S. Orlando Avenue (847) 823-5770
Winter Park, FL 32789 ors@ors.org
(407) 622-5766
Fax: (561) 372-0219 Oxford Pain Relief Unit
www.natpain.com Churchill Hospital
The Churchill
NHMRC Centre for Clinical Oxford, OX3 7LJ, UK
Research Excellence in Spinal +44 (0) 1865 225404
Pain, Injury and Health Fax: +44 (0) 1865 226078
Room 505, Level 5 maureen.woodford@pru.ox.ac.uk
SHRS, Therapies Building 84a www.medicine.ox.ac.uk
The University of Queensland
Brisbane, Street Lucia QLD 4072, Pain and Anesthesia Research
(617) 3365-4567 Clinic
Fax: (617) 3365-1284 University of Adelaide
Adelaide, South Australia 5000
NHS Foundation Trust +61 8 8222 2712
Lower Lane, Fazakerley Fax: +61 8 8222 2713
Liverpool, L9 7LJ melanie.gentgall@health.sa.gov.au
0151 525 3611 www.adelaide.edu.au
Fax: 0151 529 5500
www.thewaltoncentre.nhs.ukf Pain and Associated Symptoms
Research Fellowships
North West Mersey Deanery University of Iowa
Regatta Place, College of Nursing Building
Brunswick Business Park 50 Newton Road
Summers Road Iowa City, IA 52242
Liverpool L3 4BL (319) 335-7018
0151 285 4734 Fax: (319) 335-9990
www.merseydeanery.nhs.uk collegeofnursing@uiowa.edu
Northwestern University

Pain Management Center +61 2 9382 1585

Department of Anesthesia Fax: +61 2 9382 1008
Stanford School of Medicine Da-
450 Broadway Street vid.champion@sesiahs.health.nsw.
Pavilion A, 1st Floor, MC 5340 gov.au
Redwood City, CA 94063 www.sch.edu.au
(650) 723-6238
Fax: (650) 320-9443 The Penn Medicine Neuroscience
www.paincenter.stanfoRoad.edu Center
Pain Medicine
Pain Management Research Philadelphia, PA 19104
Institute (800) 789-7366
The University of Sydney www.pennmedicine.org
Royal North Shore Hospital
Street Leonardis, NSW 2065 Pittsburgh Center for Pain
+61(0) 2 9926-8423 Research
Fax: +61 (0) 2 9906-4079 200 Lothrop Street
hmjohnst@nsccahs.health.nsw.gov Pittsburgh, PA 15213
.au (412) 383-5911
www.sydney.edu.au Fax: (412) 383-5466
The Pain Relief Foundation
Clinical Sciences Centre, The Resource Center of the
University Hospital Aintree, Alliance of State Pain Initiatives
Lower Lane, Liverpool, L9 7AL (608) 262-0978
0151 529 5820 trc@mailplus.wisc.edu
Fax: 0151 529 5821
www.painrelieffoundation.org.uk The Royal College of
Pain Research Center Faculty of Pain Medicine
Department of Anesthesiology 35 Red Lion Square
University of Utah London WC1R 4SG
615 Arapeen Drive Suite 200 020 7092 1500
Salt Lake City, UT 84108 Fax: 020 7092 1730
(801) 585-7690 www.rcoa.ac.uk
Santa Monica Pain Management
Pain Research Unit Center
Level 1 Campus Center 1245 16th Street, Suite 225
Sydney Children’s Hospital Santa Monica, CA 90404
High Street (310) 794-1841
Randwick NSW 2031 Fax: (310) 319-2263
Australia www.anes.ucla.edu

Level 1 Campus Centre

The Scripps Research Institute High Street
Dorris Neuroscience Center Randwick, NSW 2031
10550 North Torrey Pines Road Australia
La Jolla, CA 92037 www.sch.edu.au
(858) 784-1000
www.scripps.edu Translational Research Institute
on Pain in Later Life
Street John Medical Center Weill Medical College
29000 Center Ridge Road 525 East 68th Street
Westlake, OH 44145 New York, NY 10065
(440) 835-8000 (212) 746-1677
Fax: (440) 827-5015 Fax: (212) 746-4888
www.sjws.net maw2054@med.cornell.edu
Stanford Patient Education
Research Center UC Davis Health System
1000 Welch Road, Suite 204 UC Davis Department of
Palo Alto, CA 94304 Anesthesiology and Pain
(650) 723-7935 Medicine
Fax: (650) 725-9422 4150 V Street, Suite 1200
www.patienteducation. Sacramento, CA 95817
stanfoRoadedu (916) 734-5028
Fax: (916) 734-7980
Stanford University www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu
Pain Management Center
450 Broadway Street UCLA Center for the
Pavilion A, 1st Floor, MC 5340 Interdisciplinary Study and
Redwood City, CA 94063 Treatment of Pain
(650) 723-6238 0940 Wilshire Boulevard,
Fax: (650) 320-9443 Suite 810
www.paincenter.stanfoRoadedu Los Angeles, CA 90024
(310) 794-6290
Swedish Pain and Headache www.pain.ucla.edu
Swedish Medical Center UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson
1101 Madison Street, Suite 200 Medical School
Seattle, WA 98104 Department of Anesthesia
(206) 386-3806 125 Paterson Street, CAB 3100
www.swedish.org New Brunswick, NJ 08901
(732) 235-6153
Sydney Children's Hospital: Fax: (732) 235-5100
The Pain Research Unit www.rwjms.umdnj.edu

Toronto, ON M5T 1P8

University of Aberdeen (416) 946-8270
King’s College, Fax: (416) 978-0817
Aberdeen AB24 3FX www.utoronto.ca
+44 (0)1224-272000
www.abdn.ac.uk University of Virginia
Pain Management Center
University of Alberta Fontaine Research Park
Department of Anesthesiology & 545 Ray C. Hunt Drive, 3rd Floor
Pain Medicine Charlottesville, VA 22908
8-120 Clinical Sciences Building (434) 243-5676
(CSB) Fax: (434) 243-5689
8440 112 Street NW www.uvahealth.com
Edmonton, AB T6G 2G3
(780) 407-8861 Washington University Pain
Fax: (780) 407-3200 Management Center
www.anesthesiology.med. 10th floor, Suite A
ualberta.ca 4921 Parkview Pl
Street Louis, MO 63110
University of Liverpool (314) 362-8820
Clinical Sciences Centre, www.pain.wustl.edu
University Hospital Aintree
Liverpool, L97AL, UK Wasser Pain Management Centre
0151 529 5820 Mount Sinai Hospital
Fax: 0151 529 5821 Joseph and Wolf Lebovic Health
www.liv.ac.uk Complex
600 University Avenue, 11th Floor
The University of Toronto Center Toronto, ON M5G 1X5
for the Study of Pain (416) 596-4200
155 College Street, Suite 300, www.mountsinai.on.ca
Room 302
Appendix C


American Academy of American Academy of Pain

Family Physicians Medicine
11400 Tomahawk Creek Parkway 4700 W. Lake Avenue
Leawood, KS 66211 Glenview, IL 60025
(800) 274-2237 (847) 375-4731
contactcenter@aafp.org info@painmed.org

American Academy of American Academy of Physical

Hospice and Palliative Medicine Medicine and Rehabilitation
4700 W. Lake Avenue 9700 W. Bryn Mawr Avenue,
Glenview, IL 60025 Suite 200
(847) 375-4712 Rosemont, IL 60018
info@aahpm.org (847) 737-6000

American Academy of Nurse American Association of

Practitioners Orthopedic Medicine
Capital Station, LBJ Building 555 Waterview Lane
P.O. Box 12926 Ridgeway, CO 81432
Austin, TX 78711 (888) 687-1920
American Academy of Pain
Management American Board of Pain Medicine
975 Morning Star Drive, Suite A 4700 W. Lake Avenue
Sonora, CA 95370 Glenview, IL 60025
(209) 533-9744 (847) 375-4726


American Chronic Pain American Pain Society

Association 4700 W. Lake Avenue
PO Box 850 Glenview, IL 60025
Rocklin, CA 95677 (847) 375-4715
(800) 533-3231 info@americanpainsociety.org
American Physical Therapy
American College of Association
Rheumatology/ARHP 1111 North Fairfax Street
2200 Lake Boulevard NE Alexandria, VA 22314
Atlanta, GA 30319 (703) 683-6748
(404) 633-3777
acr@rheumatology.org American Society of
American College of Sports 520 N, Northwest Highway
Medicine Park Ridge, IL 60068
401 West Michigan Street (847) 825-5586
Indianapolis, IN 46202 communications@asahq.org
(317) 637-9200
American Society of Consultant
American Council on Fitness Pharmacists
4851 Paramount Drive 1321 Duke Street
San Diego, CA 92123 Alexandria, VA 22314
(888) 825-3636 (703) 739-1300
American Headache Society
19 Mantua Road American Society for Pain
Mount Royal, NJ 08061 Management Nursing
(856) 423-0043 18000 W 105th Street
ahshq@talley.com Olathe, KS 66061
American Medical Association
515 N. State Street American Society of Regional
Chicago, IL 60654 Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
(800) 621-8335 239 Fourth Avenue, Suite 1714
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
American Migraine Foundation (855) 795-ASRA
19 Mantua Road
Mount Royal, NJ 08061 Asia-Oceanian Society of Physical
(856) 423-0043 and Rehabilitation Medicine
amf@talley.com Unit A, 2/F, Ming Tak Centre
135–137 Tung Chau Street
Kowloon, Hong Kong

852 2396 6261 Endo Health Solutions

1400 Atwater Drive
Association of Professional Team Malvern, PA 19355
Physicians (484) 216-0000
333 City Boulevard West
Orange, CA 92668 Hospice and Palliative Nurses
(714) 938-3818 Association
One Penn Center West, Suite 229
Arthroscopy Association of Pittsburgh, PA 15276
North America (412) 787-9301
6300 North River Road, Suite 600
Rosemont, IL 60018 Indian Association of Physical
(847) 292-2262 Medicine and Rehabilitation
susan@aana.org J 103, Kaveri Apartments, Plot 4
Sector 6 Dwarka
Atlantic Neuroscience Institute’s New Delhi, India 110075
Pain Management Center
99 Beauvoir Avenue Institute for Healthcare
Summit, NJ 07901 Improvement
(908) 522-2000 20 University Road, 7th Floor
Cambridge, MA 02138
Canadian Association of Physical (617)- 301-4800
Medicine & Rehabilitation info@ihi.org
1937 Portobello Road
PO Box 17059 Institute for Safe Medication
Ottawa, ON K4A 4W0 Practices
(613) 707-0483 200 Lakeside Drive; Suite 200
info@capmr.ca Horsham, PA 19044
(215) 947-7797
The Center to Advance
Palliative Care International Association for
1255 Fifth Avenue, Suite C-2 Hospice & Palliative Care
New York, NY 10029 5535 Memorial Drive Suite F,
(212) 201-2670 PMB 509
capc@mssm.edu Houston, TX 77007
(936) 321-9846
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention International Association for the
1600 Clifton Road Study of Pain
Atlanta, GA 30333 1510 H Street NW, Suite 600
(800) 232-4636 Washington, DC 20005
(202) 524-5300

International Federation of
Sports Medicine National Hospice and Palliative
Av. de Rhodanie 54 Care Organization
CH-1007 Lausanne, Switzerland 1731 King Street
headquarters-ch@fims.org Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 837-1500
International Society of Physical
and Rehabilitation Medicine National Institute of Neurological
1-3 Rue de Chantepoulet Disorders and Stroke
Geneva, Switzerland P.O. Box 5801
(22) 908-04-83 Bethesda, MD 20824
(800) 352-9424
The Japanese Association of
Rehabilitation Medicine National Pain Foundation
6-32-3 Kagurazaka 201 North Charles Street,
Shinjuku, Tokyo 162-0825 Suite 710
(813) 5206-6011 Baltimore, MD 21201

National Association for New York State Society of

Healthcare Quality Anesthesiologists
4700 West Lake Avenue 110 E. 40th Street, Suite 300
Glenview, IL 60025 New York, NY 10016
(800) 966-9392 (212) 867-7140
ssochacki@nahq.org hq@nyssa-pga.org

National Association of State The NIH Pain Consortium

Controlled Substance Authorities Bethesda, MA 20892
72 Brook Street nihpaininfo@mail.nih.gov
Quincy, MA 02170
(617) 471-0520 The North American Spine
kathykeough@nascsa.org Society
7075 Veterans Boulevard
National Center for Medical Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Rehabilitation Research (630) 230-3600
31 Center Drive, Bldg. 31,
Rm. 2A32 Pain and Palliative Care Resource
Bethesda, MD 20892 Center/City of Hope
1500 East Duarte Road
National Headache Foundation Duarte, CA 91010
820 N. Orleans, Suite 411 (626) 256-HOPE
Chicago, IL 60610 prc@coh.org
(888) 643-5552

Pain and Policy Studies Group Society for Pain Practice

Wisconsin University Management
6152 Medical Sciences Center PO Box 7228
1300 University Avenue Overland Park, KS 66211
Madison, WI 53706 (913) 327-5999
(608) 263-7662
Substance Abuse and Mental
Pain.com/Dannemiller Memorial Health Services Administration
Educational Foundation P.O. Box 2345
5711 Northwest Parkway Rockville, MD 20847
San Antonio, TX 78246 (800) 487-4889
(210) 572-2512 SAMHSAInfo@samhsa.hhs.gov

Weill Cornell Physicians

1300 York Avenue
New York, NY 10065
(212) 746-5454
Appendix D


Bay Area Orthopedic Surgery and Center for Pain Management

Sports Medicine The University of Toledo Medical
100 Hospital Drive, Suite 303 Center
Vallejo, CA 94589 3000 Arlington Avenue
(707) 645-7210 Toledo, OH 43614
(419) 383-3761
Brigham and Women’s Hospital utmc.webmaster@utoledo.edu
850 Boylston Street www.utmc.utoledo.edu
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
(617) 732-9060 Children’s Hospital & Regional
pain@zeus.bwh.harvaRoadedu Medical Center
Clinical and Diagnostic Services
Center for Pain Management 4800 Sand Point Way NE
Rehabilitation Institute of Seattle, WA 98105
Chicago (206) 987-2704
345 E. Superior Street
Chicago, IL 60611 Chronic Pain Management Clinic
(312) 238-7800 Boston Children’s Hospital
www.ric.org 300 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
(617) 355-7040
Fax: (617) 730-0152


Chronic Pain Rehabilitation Department of Pain Management

Program Cleveland Clinic
Neurological Center for Pain 9500 Euclid Avenue / C25
9500 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, OH 44195
Cleveland, OH 44195 (216) 444-7246
(800) 223-2273 (800) 392-3353
Chronic Pain Rehabilitation
Program Department of Pain Medicine and
Courage Center Palliative Care
3915 Golden Valley Road Beth Israel Medical Center
Minneapolis, MN 55422 First Avenue at 16th Street
(763) 588-0811 New York, NY 10003
www.couragecenter.org (877) 620-9999
Cleveland Clinic
2049 East 100th Street Doctors Pain Clinic
Cleveland, OH 44195 1011 Boardman-Canfield Road
(216) 445-8904 Youngstown, OH 44512
(330) 629-2888
Comprehensive Pain Center Fax: (330) 629-8940
13000 Bruce B. Downs Boulevard www.doctorspainclinic.com
Tampa, FL 33612
(813) 972-2000 Fairview Pain Management
Center, University of Minnesota
Comprehensive Pain Medical Center
Management 606 24th Avenue S, Suite 600
92 Nordson Overlook, Suite 205 Minneapolis, MN 55454
Dawsonville, GA 30534 (612) 273-5400
(678) 256-2667
www. Fraser Health
atlantapainmanagementcenters. Suite 400, Central City Tower
com 13450 – 102nd Avenue
Surrey, BC V3T 0H1
Comprehensive Pain Center of (604) 587-4600
Sarasota Fax: (604) 587-4666
1921 Waldermere Street www.fraserhealth.ca
Suite 607
Sarasota, FL 34239 Holistic Resource Center
(941) 363-9400 29020 Agoura Road A-8
Agoura, CA 91301
(818) 597-0966

Jane B. Pettit Pain and Palliative apmcomm@ualberta.ca

Care Center www.uofpain.med.ualberta.ca
9000 West Wisconsin Avenue
Wauwatosa, WI 53226 National Osteoporosis Foundation
(414) 266-2000 1150 17th Street, NW Suite 850
Washington, DC 20036
Kure Pain Management (800) 231-4222
The Spine Specialists
120 Sallitt Drive, Suite D National Pain Centers
Stevensville, MD 21666 1585 Barrington Road, Doctors
(877) 621-1269 Office Bldg. 2, Suite 103
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169
La Jolla Whole Health Medical (847) 701-3250
8950 Villa La Jolla Drive Natural Healing Institute
La Jolla, CA 92037 515 Encinitas Boulevard Suites
(858) 450-5053 201 & 203
Encinitas, CA 92024
Las Vegas Pain Institute and (760) 943.8485
Medical Center enroll@naturalhealinginStreetcom
Centennial Medical Center
7175 N. Durango Drive, Suite 170 Pain Clinic
Las Vegas, NV 89149 University of Colorado Hospital
(702) 880-4193 1635 Aurora Court, Suite 1101
www.lasvegaspaininstitutes.com Aurora, CO 80010
(720) 848-1970
Lawrence J. Ellison Ambulatory www.uch.edu
Care Clinic
Department of Anesthesiology Pain Management &
and Pain Medicine Rehabilitation Center
4860 Y Street, Suite 2600 4793 Manhattan Drive
Sacramento, CA 95817 Rockford, IL 61107
(916) 734-7246 (815) 398-7246
Fax: (815) 398-7276
Multidisciplinary Pain Center kunli4@comcaStreetnet
University of Alberta www.painrehabcenter.com
Surgery A
Reception Area #2A1-01 Pain Management Center
Edmonic Clinic University of Minnesota Medical
11400 University Avenue Center, Fairview
Edmonton, AB T6G 1Z1 606 24th Avenue
(780) 407-8638 Minneapolis, MN 55454
Fax: (780) 407-2736 (612) 273-5400

Pain Management Center
Pain Management and University of California
Rehabilitation 2255 Post Street
801 Brewster Avenue, Suite 240 San Francisco, CA 94143-1654
Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 885-7246
(650) 366-4542 Fax: (415) 885-3883
Pain Management and Rehabilita-
tion Center Pain Management Center
223 Stoneridge Drive University of Maryland Medical
Columbia, SC 29210 System
(803) 296-7246 Kernan Hospital
paininfo@palmettohealth.org 2200 Kernan Drive
www.palmettohealth.org Baltimore, MD 12107
(888) 453-7626
Pain Management Center paininfo@anes.umm.edu
Columbia University www.kernan.org
622 West 168th Street
New York, NY 10032 Pain Management Center
(212) 305-7114 University of Miami Health Sys-
Fax: (212) 305-8883 tem
www.cumc.columbia,edu Northwest 14th Street
Miami, FL 33136
Pain Management Centers (305) 243-4000
North Shore University Health www.uhealthsystem.com
Evanston Hospital Pain Management Clinic
2650 Ridge Avenue Lawrence J. Ellison Ambulatory
Evanston, IL 60201 Care Clinic
(847) 570-2000 Department of Anesthesiology
www.northshore.org and Pain Medicine
4860 Y Street – Suite 2600
The Pain Management Center at Sacramento, CA 95817
Stanford University Medical Cen- (916) 734-7246
ter www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu
450 Broadway Street
Pavilion A 1st Floor MC 5340 Pain Rehab Clinic
Redwood City, CA 94063 Arc Motion
(650) 723-6238 55 E. Huntington Drive
medicalgiving@stanfoRoadedu Suite 219
Arcadia, CA 91006

Bellevue, WA 98005
Pain Rehabilitation Clinic (425) 644-4100
6D-1550 South Gateway Road info@lifeworkwellness.com
Mississauga, ON L4W5G6
(905) 238-0739 University of Rochester Pain
Fax: (905) 602-6852 Treatment Center
www.painrehabclinic.com 180 Sawgrass Drive, Suite 210
Rochester, NY 14620
Pediatric Pain Rehabilitation (585) 242-1300
Clinic www.rochesterpaincenter.com
Kennedy Krieger Institute
707 North Broadway University of Washington Medical
Baltimore, MD 21205 Center Multidisciplinary
(443) 923-9200 Pain Center
Fax: (443) 923-2645 1959 NE Pacific Street
www.kennedykrieger.org Seattle, WA 98195
(206) 598-3300
Preventive Medical Center of
Marin (PMCM) University Pain Center
25 Mitchell Boulevard, Suite 8 Rush Oak Park Hospital
San Rafael, CA 94903 610 South Maple Avenue
(415) 472-2343 Suite 1500
Oak Park, IL 60304
Rehabilitation Institute of (312) 923-9771
Washington www.universitypaincenters.com
415 1st Ave N #200
Seattle, WA 98109 University Pain Consultants
(206) 859-5030 6900 Brockton Avenue
Riverside, CA 92506
Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (951) 784-7111
825 Eastlake Avenue E Fax: (951) 823-0378
Seattle, WA 98109 www.healthgrades.com
(206) 288-1024
University Pain Medicine Center
Swedish Medical Center Towne Professional Park at
Pain Center Somerset
747 Broadway 33 Clyde Road, Suites 105, 106
Seattle, WA 98122 Somerset, NJ 08873
(206) 386-2013 (732) 873-6868
Fax: (732) 873-6869
United Back Care Redmond www.upmcpainmedicine.com
2515 140th Avenue NE
STE E110

Virginia Mason Medical Center Washington University Pain

Physical Medicine and Management Center
Rehabilitation 4921 Parkview Place
1100 9th Avenue Street Louis, MO 63110
Seattle, WA 98101 (314) 362-8820
(206) 625-7249 Fax: (314) 362-9471
Appendix E


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Catalano, Ellen Mohr, and Kimeron N. Hardin. Chronic Pain Control Workbook. Oakland,
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Chew, Ming, and Stephanie Golden. The Permanent Pain Cure. New York: McGraw-Hill,
Cochran, Robert T. Jr. Understanding Chronic Pain: A Doctor Talks to His Patients. Frank-
lin, TN: Hillsboro Press, 2004.
Davies, Clair, Amber Davies, and David G. Simons. The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook.
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Egoscue, Pete, and Roger Gittines. A Revolutionary Method for Stopping Chronic Pain.
New York: Bantam, 1998.
Egoscue, Pete. Pain Free for Women: The Revolutionary Program for Ending Chronic Pain.
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Fishman, Loren M., and Carol Ardman. Relief Is in the Stretch: End Back Pain through
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Gokhale, Esther, and Adams Susan. 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back: Natural Posture Solutions
for Pain in the Back, Neck, Shoulder, Hip, Knee, and Foot. Stanford, CA: Pendo Press,
Goodman, Eric, Peter Park, and Lance Armstrong. Foundation: Redefine Your Core, Con-
quer Back Pain, and Move with Confidence. Emmaus, PA: Rodale Books, 2011.


Hassett Dahm, Nancy. Mind, Body, and Soul: A Guide to Living with Cancer. Garden City,
NY: Taylor Hill, 2001.
Heller, Sharon. Too Loud, Too Bright, Too Fast, Too Tight: What to Do If You Are Sensory
Defensive in an Overstimulating World. New York: HarperCollins, 2002.
Hitzmann, Sue. The MELT Method: A Breakthrough Self-Treatment System to Eliminate
Chronic Pain, Erase the Signs of Aging, and Feel Fantastic in Just 10 Minutes a Day! New
York: HarperOne, 2013.
Hong Wang, Linda, Anne Marie McKenzie-Brown, and Allen Hord. The Handbook of C-
Arm Fluoroscopy-Guided Spinal Injections. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2006.
Hurley, Daniel. Facing Pain, Finding Hope: A Physician Examines Pain, Faith, and the
Healing Stories of Jesus. Chicago: Loyola Press, 2005.
Jay, Gary W. Chronic Pain. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2007.
Kaye, Alan D. Understanding Pain: What You Need to Know to Take Control (The Praeger
Series on Contemporary Health and Living). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2011.
Khalsa, Dharma Singh, and Cameron Stauth. The Pain Cure: The Proven Medical Program
That Helps End Your Chronic Pain. New York: Warner, 1999.
Klapper, Robert, and Lynda Huey. Heal Your Knees: How to Prevent Knee Surgery and
What to Do If You Need It. New York: M. Evans & Company, 2004.
Kolster, Bernard C., and Astrid Waskowiak. The Reflexology Atlas. Rochester, VT: Healing
Arts Press, 2005.
Jacob, Stanley W. The Miracle of MSM : The Natural Solution for Pain. New York: Putnam
Adult, 1999.
Laliberte, Richard. Doctors’ Guide to Chronic Pain. New York: Readers Digest, 2004.
Lehman, Thomas J. A. It’s Not Just Growing Pains: A Guide to Childhood Muscle, Bone and
Joint Pain, Rheumatic Diseases, and the Latest Treatments. New York: Oxford University
Press, 2004.
McKenzie, Robin. Treat Your Own Neck 5th ed. Valley Stream, NY: Orthopedic Physical
Therapy Products, 2011.
Melzack, Ronald, and Patrick D. Wall. Handbook of Pain Management: A Clinical Compan-
ion to Textbook of Pain. 1st ed. London: Churchill Livingstone, 2003.
Natelson, Benjamin H. Your Symptoms Are Real: What to Do When Your Doctor Says
Nothing Is Wrong. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2007.
Patterson, David R. Clinical Hypnosis for Pain Control. Washington, DC: American Psycho-
logical Association, 2010.
Petrone, Elaine. The Miracle Ball Method: Relieve Your Pain, Reshape Your Body, Reduce
Your Stress. New York: Workman, 2003.
Sarno, John E. Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection. New York: Grand Central
Life & Style, 2010.
Sarno, John E. The Mindbody Prescription: Healing the Body, Healing the Pain. New York:
Warner Books, Inc., 1999.
Sarno, John E. The Divided Mind: The Epidemic of Mindbody Disorders. New York: Harper,
Schatman, Michael E., Alexandra Campbell, and American Academy of Pain Management.
Chronic Pain Management: Guidelines for Multidisciplinary Program Development. Boca
Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2007.
Schuler, Lou, Alwyn Cosgrove. The New Rules of Lifting for Life: An All-New Muscle-
Building, Fat-Blasting Plan for Men and Women Who Want to Ace Their Midlife Exams.
New York: Avery, 2102.
Sun Peilin. The Treatment of Pain with Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture. Churchill Living-
stone, 2010.
Thernstrom, Melanie. The Pain Chronicles: Cures, Myths, Mysteries, Prayers, Diaries, Brain
Scans, Healing, and the Science of Suffering. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010.
Vad, Vijay. Arthritis Rx: A Cutting-Edge Program for a Pain-Free Life. New York: Gotham,
Warson, James, and Ami Hendrickson. The Rider’s Pain-Free Back: Overcome Chronic Sore-
ness, Injury and Aging, and Stay in the Saddle for Years to Come. North Pomfret, VT:
Trafalgar Square Books, 2007.

abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). A painful occurrence whereby the abdominal aorta
has more than doubled its size and spreads severe pain from the abdomen down to the
abducens nerve. The sixth cranial nerve; it is directly responsible for the movement of the
lateral rectus muscle of the eye.
accessory nerve. The eleventh cranial nerve that regulates movement on the shoulder and
neck muscles.
acetylcholine. A neurotransmitter used in the motor functioning of the brain and the rest of
the body.
acetylsalicylic acid. Better known as aspirin, a drug used for reduction of pain, fever and
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). A disorder that makes a person more
susceptible to infection due to the weakening of the body’s natural defense or immune
system. It is caused by a virus called human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
acupuncture. Method used in traditional Chinese medicine whereby needles are inserted
into the skin to stimulate certain points in the body to promote healing. One of the most
recognized forms of alternative medicine.
acute pain. A kind of pain that does not last longer than three to six months but can be more
painful than chronic pain.
adjuvant pain medications. A group of drugs used to minimize pain indirectly. Examples
are muscle relaxants, antidepressants, and anxiolytics.
alternative medicine. A separate body of medical practice not taught rigorously in medical
school; includes acupuncture, chiropractic, and homeopathy, among others.
Alzheimer’s disease. A disease that usually affects people age sixty-five and above. The
memory functioning slowly degenerates, leading up to the person’s death.
amenorrhea. The non-occurrence of a woman’s monthly menstrual cycle.
amygdalae. A part of the brain that is significantly involved in emotional responses as well as
memory processes.
analgesic. A kind of drug or medication used to relieve pain.
anaphylactic reaction. Pertaining to anaphylaxis; a dangerous and rapid allergic reaction.
anesthesiology. A branch of medical study that specializes in anesthesia and its administra-
anterior cingulate cortex. A part of the brain that is believed to be involved with decision-
making tasks, problem solving, and motivation.
anterograde amnesia. The inability to form and retain a new set of memories.
anxiolytic. A kind of drug that can help prevent anxiety.
arthroplasty. A surgical procedure involving the replacement of the articular exterior of a
musculoskeletal joint in order to alleviate pain.


Asperger’s syndrome. A behavioral disorder consisting of social, emotional and verbal

difficulties. It is within the umbrella of autism, but the person having Asperger’s exhibits
repetitive actions and limited interests.
astrocytes. A glial cell with a shape similar to a star whose immediate function is to repair
the damage within the brain and spinal cord areas.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). A behavioral disorder mostly diag-
nosed in children attending school who are having difficulty focusing on a single task,
sitting and listening during class, and regulating their reactions to their environment.
autonomic nervous system. A part of the nervous system directly responsible for involun-
tary or automatic reactions of the body to both internal and external stimuli such as
breathing, heartbeats, sexual arousal, and sweating, among others.
axon. The long branch of a neuron that sends out signals to nearby neurons.

benzodiazepine (BZD). A drug class that produces a calming effect on the body, thereby
reducing anxiety. At times it can also relieve pain.
biofeedback. A process of self-awareness that is enhanced through proper control and
continuous observation of the patient’s bodily reaction to stress, pain, and emotions.
bone metastasis. A disease concerning the bone that develops a tumor and has cancer-like
bradycardia. The slowing of the heart rate causing dizziness and fatigue.
brain stem. The lower portion of the brain that includes the medulla oblongata, pons, and
Broca’s area. An important part of the brain that has a direct function in the production of
Brodmann areas. A region in the brain cortex that contains areas responsible for hearing
process and understanding language.
brucellosis. The other term for rock fever or Bang’s disease. Caused by drinking contami-
nated milk or meat portions of an animal infected with the bacteria.
bupivacaine. Pain reliever that is used during long surgical operations.
buprenorphine. Drug that is indicated for treatment on patients having opioid addiction.

carbuncle. Skin disease that is worse than a boil, it has two or more holes, which helps to
drain the discharge.
carpal tunnel syndrome. A compression around the wrist area causing pain and numbness
ranging from the wrist to the arm.
celiac disease. A dysfunction of the small intestine resulting in reduced absorbing capacity
to take vital nutrients from ingested food.
central nervous system (CNS). Main part of the nervous system that specializes in receiv-
ing and processing information. The group includes the brain, spinal cord, retina, and
cranial nerves.
cerebellum. A part of the brain that specializes in motor-coordination, posture, fine motor
skills, and physical accuracy.
cerebrum. The uppermost region of the brain divided into two hemispheres, which are
further categorized into four lobes, namely: frontal, occipital, parietal, and temporal.
chronic fatigue syndrome. A condition usually affecting women who feel severely tired,
sometimes due to muscle pain on joints, arms, and legs.
chronic pain. Type of pain felt for longer than three to six months but generally less severe
than acute pain.
complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). Formerly known as causalgia, it is a disease
that spreads and worsens over time. The patient experiences severe pain as well as inflam-
mation of affected areas.
computed tomography (CT) scan. An advanced method of viewing internal parts of the
body by using X-rays, computers, and film.

congenital insensitivity to pain (CIP). A rare occurrence where people are born with the
inability to feel pain, thereby making them susceptible to infection due to neglected
wounds or prolonged illnesses.
cordotomy. Medical procedure done by surgically severing the tracts that connect the spinal
cord to the receptor that triggers pain. This method is used when the patient is in extreme
pain or if no other treatment can be successfully done.
COX-2 inhibitor. A family of NSAIDs specifically used to minimize swelling and provide
pain relief.
cranial nerves. The twelve pairs of nerves that branch out from the brain.
Crohn’s disease. A disorder that targets the mouth all the way to the anus; it causes the
gastrointestinal tract to swell and produce a variety of illnesses such as diarrhea, skin
rashes, and abdominal pain among others.

deep brain stimulation (DBS). A medical procedure that allows a brain pacemaker to be
surgically inserted into a specific area of the brain.
dementia. A mental disorder characterized by the gradual loss of mental functioning, gener-
ally caused by aging but sometimes a result of an accident.
dendrites. Short branches of a neuron that receives signals from nearby neurons.
dopamine. Natural hormone that allows for positive feelings and reward-driven learning.
drug metabolism. A process wherein the body actively uses and breaks down a drug sub-
dyslexia. A learning disorder usually observed in school children having difficulty reading. A
person with dyslexia can be visually confused regarding the positioning of some alphabets
with their mirror images.

electronic medical record (EMR). A computerized report of the patient’s medical history
that is easily accessible but quite costly.
endogenous opiates. Also known as endorphin, a natural hormone released by the body
that can help reduce or even eliminate pain over time.
erythemalgia. A kind of disorder affecting the hands and feet that becomes painful and
then changes to a purplish color.

facial nerve. Cranial nerve seven. Its function is to control facial muscles and the part of the
tongue responsible for the sense of taste.
fibromyalgia. A disorder characterized by fluctuating reception of widespread pain.

gamma-aminobutyric acid. Commonly referred to as GABA; these are involuntary neuro-

herpes zoster. Also called shingles, this viral disorder produces blisters and painful rashes
that linger on for weeks at a time.
hippocampus. Part of the brain that plays a vital role in storing memory.
hyperkinesia. An excessive use of muscles that can cause tissue damage.
hypnotherapy. Combination of hypnosis and psychotherapy that is used to help patients
overcome a difficulty or a personal crisis by tapping into the unconscious mind.
hypothalamus. Emotional center of the brain.

laudanum. Medicine used for pain in the previous century and earlier; it can be created by
adding opium and alcohol.
lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). In short form called LSD-25; it is a drug that can
change thinking states, and even perception of time and space.

medulla oblongata. Part of the brain responsible for basic body functions needed for
survival, such as respiratory and cardiovascular activities. Called the “bulb” in older medi-
cal terminology.
metabolic rate. Sum of energy used in a specified time.
myelin sheath. Material covering an axon. It allows a stimulus to slide fast from one neuron
to the next.

neuron. A term used for brain cells. A major part of the central nervous system.
nociceptor. A type of neuron that gives off warning signals to the brain when the body
receives stimuli that can possibly harm the body.
nonsteroidal inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). A type of drug with pain relieving effects as
well as anti-inflammatory and antipyretic (anti-fever) properties.

occipital nerve stimulation (ONS). Can be referred to as peripheral nerve stimulation
(PNS). It is a procedure that can help alleviate pain caused by chronic migraine.
oculomotor nerve. The third cranial nerve responsible for the functioning of the eye
muscles and their movement.
olfactory nerve. First cranial nerve. It is directly responsible for the functioning of the nose
and its sense of smell.
optic nerve. The second cranial nerve, which is responsible for the relaying of stimulus from
the eyes (through the retina) to the brain.

palliative care. An arm of medical care that aims to lessen the pain and distress of patients
in every stage of their disease.
Parkinson’s disease. The easily identified symptom of this brain disorder are shaking and
awkward movements due to degeneration of cells responsible for motor functioning.
peripheral nervous system (PNS). A part of the nervous system that includes the nerves
and ganglia connected to the arms and legs. These nerves bring the stimulus from the
extremities to the central nervous system.
physiatry. Also termed physical medicine and rehabilitation, an arm of medical study focus-
ing on treatment for patients with physical disabilities and pain.

radicular pain. A kind of pain felt from the nerve root, moving along the spinal cord.
radiographic. Pertaining to radiography; a method where rays are absorbed in different
levels depending on the heterogeneous substance used.
retina. A part of the eye that creates images for the brain.

serotonin. A naturally produced neurotransmitter that has a positive effect on the body’s
sense of importance and happiness.
somatic pain. Pain felt coming from within the body (“soma” = body).

temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. Disorder characterized by reduced ability to
move the jaw due to problems with the muscles of the jaw and the connecting joints.
thalamus. A part of the diencephalon that has a shape similar to a walnut, its main function
is to transmit and process stimuli coming from the sensory and motor receptors up to the
cerebral cortex.
tramadol. A drug indicated for moderate to slightly severe forms of pain.
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). A method that uses mild electrical
pulses placed on the skin to stimulate nerves, thereby adding to the relief of pain.
trigeminal nerve. The fifth cranial nerve, whose function includes facial and mandibular
motor activities such as biting and chewing.
trochlear nerve. The fourth cranial nerve; the smallest among the twelve with respect to
the number of axons it carries.

visceral pain. Kind of pain that is difficult to locate because it is spread out and within
organs, possibly around pelvic areas and the abdomen.

Wernicke’s area. Area of the brain that processes speech.


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5-HT induced protein kinase-C aerobics, 253

activation, 79 age, 7, 40–41
age groups, 172
α-amino-3hydroxy-5-methyl-4- aging process: normal, 199; pain and, xi
isoxazolepropionic acid receptor alcohol abuse, 13; dependence, 351n10;
(AMPA) activation, 79 excessive, 202; increased amount of,
abdominal aortic aneurysm, 269, 331 26; influence of, 183; moderate
abdominal exercises, 250 amounts, 198; opium and, 46; and
abstaining from food, 243 other drugs, 376n11; and sedatives, 78;
Academies and Academic Associations of and smoking problems, 273; tobacco
General Practitioners/Family and, 101
Physicians, 123 allergies, 117
Academy of Family Physicians of India allergist-immunologist, 117
(AFPI), 121, 123, 362n1 allodynia, 165
ACC synapse, 80 alternative pain management, 66
accumulation of toxins, 170 Alzheimer’s disease, 15, 17, 282, 331
acetylsalicylic acid, 63, 331 ambulatory care, 89
active person, 96 American Academy of Family Physicians
acupressure, 302 (AAFP), 121
acupuncture, 61, 213, 330, 331 American Academy of General Practice
acute postsurgical pain, 161, 359n11 (AAGP), 121
acute renal failure, 119 American Board of Internal Medicine
addictive drugs, 15 (ABIM), 116, 355n3
adhesiolysis, 266 American Board of Physician Specialties
adjuvant medications, 279 (ABPS), 116
adolescent medicine, 117, 355n6 American Chronic Pain Association’s
adrenaline, 10, 29 family manual, 294
adult chronic pain, 41 American Osteopathic Board of Internal
advanced medical care, 93 Medicine (AOBIM), 116, 367n3
alternative ways, 224 The America Pain Society, 55
amygdalae, 17


The American Society of behavior-based face-legs-activity-cry-

Anesthesiologists, 104, 383 consolability (FLACC) scale, 152
amniocentesis, 154 Bell, Charles, 46
amygdalae, 17, 21, 331 best exercises, 246
analgesic herbs, 243 bile, 45
anatomical defect, 263 biofield therapies, 224
anhidrosis, 147, 149–150, 383 biopsycological phenomenon, 93
anterior cingulated cortex (ACC), 74–80, bland diet, 241
331, 348n33 blockage of hormones, 286
anterograde amnesia, 17, 331 blood supply, 304
anticoagulants, 119 bone and cartilage degeneration, 202
antidepressants, 279 brain, 10, 263; diencephalon of, 11–12;
anti-inflammatory antioxidants, 235 malfunction of, 77; morphology of, 34;
anti-inflammatory plants and herbs, neurotropic factor (BDNF) derived
231–232 from, 111, 354n27; stem, 10, 25
anti-pain food groups, 239 The British Retail Consortium (BRC), 65
antithrombolytic agents, 118 broad-spectrum analgesics, 284
anxiety, 258; long-term mental stress as Broca’s area, 29, 332
indicator of, 101; misdiagnosis on pain Brodmann areas, 16, 332
patient and, 92; psychological aspects bunion surgery, 269
of pain and, 94; psychological risk bursitis, 192
factor of, 39; social damage from pain
and, 109 caesarean, 250
apoptosis, 32, 341n11 caMK-dependent CREB, 80
appendicitis, 267 cancer and pain, 204–205
arthroscopic knee surgery, 53 cardiac impairments, 128
artificial disk replacement (ADR), 265 cardiorespiratory capacities, 245
artificial fertilization, 155 cardiovascular, 334
artificial sweeteners, 241 caregiving team, x
The Association of Convenience Stores carpal tunnel syndrome, 78, 128, 268, 332
(ACS), 65 celiac disease, 243
astrocytes, 82, 332 cerebellum, 10, 12–15, 20–21, 23, 25, 26,
attitude, 53; of caregivers, 227; practices 332, 339n13
and, 62; set of behaviors and, 55 cerebral hemorrhage, 274
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder cerebrum, 10–11, 15–16, 22, 26–27, 332
(ADHD), 15, 96, 332 cervical disks, 184
autoimmune inflammation, 83 changing culture of pain, 68
autonomic functions, 10 channelopathy, 149
axons, 84 chemical pathology, 75
ayurveda, 115, 355n1 chemotherapy: discontinued, 210;
induced peripheral neuropathy,
back pain, 246; current approaches to, 364n10; intubation, 139; radiotherapy
155; from limited use of body, 195; and, 204; recipients, 204; in treatment,
musculoskeletal pain and, 127; surgery 201
and, 264 childbirth, 40, 214
barriers, 281 childhood, 7; trauma in, 37, 39
basal ganglia, 11 cholesterol levels, 243
behavioral disorder, 332 chondromalacia patellae, 192–193
chorionic villus sampling (CVS), 154
I N DE X 391

chromosome 1q21-22, 149 cramps, 197

chromosome 2q24-q31, 151 CRIES scale, 152
chronic anal fissure, 270 Crohn’s disease, 242
chronic benign pain, 5 The Culture of Pain, 63, 67, 68,
chronic insomnia, 78 345n12–345n14, 345n16–346n20, 381
chronic kidney disease (CKD), 119 culture of pain, 68
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease current procedural terminology (CPT),
(COPD), 129 142
chronic pain epidemiology, 41, 380 cyclic adenosine monophosphate
chronic vulvodynia, 265 (CAMP), 80
circadian rhythms, 11 cycling, 252
circulatory system, 18–22
climbing fibers, 15 damaged tissue, 4
clinical decision support system (CDSS), death, 175
67 decompression, 270; or probable, 3
cognitive behavioral strategies, 224 decosahexaenoic acid (DHA), 231
cognitive frameworks, 102 deep brain stimulation, 274, 333, 339n6,
cognitive functions, 12, 103 375n12
collision dyspareunia, 267 degenerative spine diseases, 199, 202,
coma, 11, 77, 180 207, 365n14
combination therapies, 138 delayed diagnosis, 92
complementary treatment, 261 dementia, 78, 205, 333
complex regional pain (CPR) syndrome, dendritic tree, 12–13
128, 162–163, 332, 383 depolarization, 80
complications, 155 depressants, 281
computerized provider order entry depression and anxiety, 109–110
(CPOE), 67 descending facilitation, 98
concept of pain, 44 diabetes, 241; affecting seniors, 206
congenital indifference, 148, 150, 358n13 diagnosis of pain, 88, 90; inaccurate, 92
congenital insensitivity to pain (CIP), 147, diets, 223; general, 241–243; specific, 235;
148, 151, 333, 357n1, 358n4–358n5; therapeutic diets, 241; vegetarian, 242
categories of, 149; classifications of. diet therapies, 237
See HSAN V; HSAN IV; current dieticians, 235
approaches to, 155; examples of, 154; difficulty, 7; with breathing, 282; with
screening techniques, 154–155 concentration, 100; with coordinating
consanguineous families, 150 movements, 225; with cultural beliefs,
conscious suppression, 259 102
controlled analgesia, 280 digestive enzymes, 230
controlled medical vocabulary (CMV), 67 digestive system, 19
controlled prescription drugs (CDPs), 64 discomfort, 248
coping strategy, 227 diskectomy, 264
coronary artery disease (CAD), 117, 129, disk herniation, 264
283 daily workouts, 253
corticospinal tract, 10 doctors’ perception of pain, 57
corticosteroids, 287 dolorology, 4
corticotrophin-releasing hormone, 12, 19 dopamine, 12, 15, 19, 31, 260, 333
cortisol, 10, 101 dorsal stretching, 250
cost-effectiveness, 227 dose-related biological activities, 286
COX-2 dependent pathways, 282 detoxify, 261

drug metabolism: changes related to, xi; a European Federation of Internal

process, 334 Medicine (EFIMS), 121
drug seeker, x The European Journal of Pain, 52
drug sensitivity, 288 European Union (EU), 65
drug testing, 185 evolution, 13, 27, 44, 329, 345n7, 351n5,
drug therapy, 159–160 387
dysfunction: autonomic, 162; motor excessive fat, 250
nerve, 128; of small intestine, 332; exercise, 245; lifestyle and, 195; low-fat
subthalamic, 11 diet and, 243; stress and, 229; systems
dyskinesia, 162 of, 340n25
dyssomnia, 78 exercises, 245; best, 246–252; for pain,
252–253; significance of, 245–246
eating disorders, 196 extended sickness, 6
economic impacts of pain, 112 extensive movement, 187
elderly individuals, 7; working class and,
173 facial sensation, 22
electrical engineer, 4 fallopian tube, 162
electrical potential, 27, 30 family caregivers, x
electrical stimulation, 27, 127 family medicine, 121–122; AAFP and,
electromagnetic radiations: exposure to, 123; initial appointments in, 123;
171; sensitivity to, 173 special characteristics of, 122; typical
electromyography, 37 session in, 123
electronic communication, 68 fastigial nucleus, 12
electronic medical records (EMRs), 67, fasting, 243
333 fatigue, 174
emboliform nucleus, 12 fatty liver disease, 236
emotional center, 93, 334 fear, 234
emotional pain: agonizing, 8; or physical femoral condyle fracture, 191
pain, 338n19; treating, 6 fibromyalgia, 165
emotional responses, 229 fish oil, 231
emotional support, 302 flexibility, 252
empowerment, 227 flocculonodular lobe, 12–13
encephalitis, 17, 274 food additives, 235, 241
enculturation, 62 Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
endocrine system, 19–9, 20 64, 346n21–346n22, 376n20,
endometriosis, 162, 266–267, 377n29–377n31
360n14–360n15 foot orthotics, 126
endorphinergic pain modulatory foraminal stenosis, 92
pathways, 80 formal caregivers: additional training and,
endurance, 245 94; to determine any anomalies, 153;
energy supply, 243 duties of, 105; as physicians, 158;
enterolysis, 266 prompt attention from, x; as sports
environmental factors, 104 medicine physicians, 185
enzymology, 230 fornix, 17
eosinophilic esophagitis, 242 frontal lobe epilepsy, 15
ephebiatrics, 117 function of pain, ix
epidural catheter, 159, 280, 286 functional magnetic resonance imaging
exercise, 252 (MRI), 89
fusiform gyrus, 16
I N DE X 393

Future Family Medicine (FFM), 121 HSAN V, 150–151

HSAN IV, 149–150
gamma-aminobutyric acid, 13, 31 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV),
gamma knife radiosurgery, 267 117, 119, 331
gastric secretion, 241 hydrocephalus, 76
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), hydrosalpinx, 266
118 hyperactivity, 197
gate control theory, 47, 225 hyperhidrosis, 162
gender, 40, 217; differences, 55; hyperpyrexia, 153
inadequate pain care and, 217 hyperventilation, 96
generalized myalgia (pain), 209, 232 hypochondriasis, 258
genetic factors, 104–105 hypotension, 77
genetic makeup: characteristics hypothalamic-releasing hormone, 11
determined by, 149; influences of, 105; hysterectomy, 266
parts of, 9; of the patient, 75 hysteria, 53, 258
glial cells, 83
gluten-free diets, 243 imagination, 8
gonadotropin releasing hormone, 12, 19 imaging technology, 89
groin pain, 163–164 immobility, 96
growth hormone-releasing hormone, 12, immune system, 20; immunopathology of,
19 75; suppressants, 83, 118
gynecological disorders, 108 impaired consciousness, 77
importance of seeing a doctor, 304
hallucinogens, 282 incapacitation, 92
hamstring strains, 120 increased sensitivity: to electromagnetic
harmful substances: are released, ix; fields, 173; pain with, x
contact with other, 171 Indian medicine, 115
headaches, 274 individual vs. cooperative approaches, 233
health care costs, 228 infant, 151–152; vs. adult, 153
Health Experience Research Group, 295, inferior olivary nucleus, 13, 15
377n6–377n7 inflammation, 242
heartburn, 242 influence of pain, 228
Helicobacter pylori, 118 injured tissue, ix, 82
hematology, 75 injuries, 180
herbal diet, 243 inpatient versus outpatient settings, 139
hereditary diseases, 75 insurance coverage, 297
hereditary sensory and autonomic intensity of pain, 256
neuropathy, 149, 383 intensive theory of pain, 46
hernia, 267 interdisciplinary strategy, 130
herpes zoster, 203, 208, 334, 385 interleukin-1β (IL-1β), 81
high blood pressure, 196 interleukin-6 (IL-6), 81
high-dose opioids, 98 International Labor Organization, 172
high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), 236, International Society of Internal
241 Medicine (ISIM), 121
Hippocrates, 44–45 internists, 115–117; adolescent medicine,
hippocratic humors, 45 117; allergy and immunology, 117;
holistic understanding of pain, 295 cardiology, 117; endocrinology, 117;
homeostasis, 11, 20, 147 gastroenterology, 118; geriatrics, 118;
hope, 302 hematology, 118–119; infectious

disease, 119; initial appointments, 121; medical: care, 241; history, 67, 90–91,
nephrology, 119; oncology, 119; 123, 132, 137, 139, 141, 165, 257, 276,
pulmonology, 119; rheumatology, 120; 333; malpractice claims, 93; validation,
special characteristics of, 120–121; 109
sports medicine, 120 medicinal ball, 251
interpersonal relationships, 258 medicinal herb, 232
interpretation of pain, 56 Medicines and Healthcare products
intervention, 255, 302 Regulatory Agency (MHRA), 65,
intramuscular injection, 286 346n25
intrathecal surgery, 263 medico-legal purposes, 75
introverts, 7 meditation, 48, 227, 255, 282
invasive pain strategies, 141, 302 medulla oblongata, 10, 17, 18, 25, 332,
involuntary reflexes, 77 334
irregular respiration, 218 melanocortin-1 receptor, 104
melatonin, 12
jaw joint, 268 mental approaches, 255
joint pain, 267 mental connection to pain, 256
mental distress, 260
kaminectomy, 264, 268 mental fatigue, 174
kateral internal sphincterotomy, 270 memories, 7; loss of, 78; processes, 27
kayachikitsa, 115 meniscus tear, 190, 363n3
kidney stones, 119, 237, 240 menstrual cycle, 40, 267, 331, 344n13
knee, 189–192; dislocation, 190; fracture, menstrual pains, 242
191–192; kyphoplasty, 265, 272; pain, mental adjustment, 5
252; sprain, 189; strain, 189; tendinitis, metabolic rate, ix, 334
189 metastatic adenocarcinoma, 220
microbiologists, 76
labor conditions, 174 microgliae, 83–84
labor-intensive workers, 159 mind and society, 226
labral repair, 271 mindfulness, 253
laparoscopy, 266 minorities, 216
laudanum, 46 misdiagnosis, 91; consequences of, 93;
laughter, 227 effects of, 93; factors leading to, 91
laxative and diuretic properties, 240 mobilization and rotation, 250
lemniscus pathway, 10 modulation, 256
lifestyle factors, 301 monosodium glutamate (MSG), 235, 241
life-threatening disorders, 5 mood changes, 27
limbic system, 10, 12, 15–17, 20, 26–27, morphology, 34
340n22, 341n4 Morris, David B., 63
limb pain, 268 motivation, 303
local anesthetics, 286 motor: functions, 10, 162; learning, 12
low cholesterol diet, 243 multicellular animals: human beings as, 9;
lower back pain, 249 systems found in, 18
myocardial infarction, 283
magnetic resonance interferometry, 37 myomectomy, 263
medial temporal lobe epilepsy, 16
medical advice, x, 280 naloxone, 155, 359n22
medical assistance, 3, 163, 198 narcolepsy, 78
nasogastric tube, 244
I N DE X 395

natural approaches, 223; difference reuptake of, 284

between traditional and, 223–224; NSAIDs, 231–233, 279, 283–284, 333,
benefits and drawbacks of, 227; 334
blending traditional treatments with, NTRK1 gene mutations, 155
233; herbs and vitamin D for, 229; nutrition, 261
significance of, 226; three types of,
224–225 obese adults, 236
natural balance, 233 obesity, 39, 117, 195–196, 200, 206–207,
natural painkillers, 260 369n6, 369n7
neck extension, 247 obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), 17,
neck pain, 247 258
neglected pain, 152 occipital: nerve stimulation (ONS), 275,
neocerebellum, 13 334, 360n22–360n23; neuralgia, 166,
neocortex, 17 360n22; seizures, 16
neonatal and infant pain scale (NIPS), 152 occupational pain, 169; avoidance of,
nerve, 23; blocking procedure for, 209; 176–177; disability and, 175; old age
growth factor (NGF), 149, 150, 358n9, and, 199; prevalence of, 172–173; risk
383; growth factor beta polypeptide of, 171; social characteristics of, 176;
gene (NGFB), 150; hyperexcitability type of, 170; workplace and, 174
of, 82; root, 246; stimulation of, 274 The Odyssey, 44
nervous system: central, 9; as a network, olfaction, 10, 17
23; peripheral, 18; structure and omega-3, 231, 235, 238, 242, 368n32
function, 23 opioid: agonist, 284; analgesics, 216–217,
neural tube, 11 219; induced hyperalgesia, 97;
neuroactive peptides, 32 receptor, 80, 279, 285, 369n43
neuroaxial painkillers, 159 opium, 44–46, 334, 343n8
neurodegeneration, 83 optical sensors, 89
neuroimaging, 255 oral medication, 207–208
neurological occupational pain, 173 orthopedic bed, 246
neurolysis, 209, 269–270 osteitis pubis, 163
neuronal loss, 32 osteoarthritis, 207
neuroplasticity, 81, 84 osteoporotic spinal fracture, 265
neurorehabilitation, 128 Ottawa Knee Rules, 194
neuroscience, 9 ovarian cyst, 164
neurotoxicity, 82 overweight, 236
neurotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor oxygen starvation, 17
Type 1 (NTRK1), 149
New York University School of Medicine, Paget’s disease, 270
148 pain, 3, 35, 118, 189, 255, 294; during sex,
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) 108; ladder, 278; of the liver, 243;
receptors, 79 management, 137; neuropathic, 37;
nociceptors, 35–36, 81–82, 84, 150, 170 perception, 255; prevalence, 41, 382;
nondrug tactics, 159 proneness, 38; radicular, 37; relief
non-opioid painkiller, 159 methods, 56; scales, 152; stimuli, 12;
nonpharmacological approaches, 131, supplements, 231; symptoms, 236;
142, 226, 263, 275 therapists, 4; thresholds, 55, 98, 105,
noradrenaline, 10 344n2, 364n11; tolerance, 259
norepinephrine: blockage of hormones painkillers, 65, 89, 130
and, 286; reuptake inhibitors, 376n23; pain-related neurons, 13

pain-sensing ability, 8 126; treatments and, 127; typical day

paleocerebellum, 13 in, 131
paleomammalian brain, 17 physiological resistance, 304
palliative care, 304 pilates, 253, 386
paracetamol, 282 Pilates, Joseph, 253
parahippocampal gyrus, 16 pineal gland, 12, 95
paralysis, 77–78, 182 The Pittsburgh Decision Rules, 194
parenting style, 55 pituitary gland: brain and, 21; endocrine
paresthesia, 78, 225 system and, 11; hormones from, 11,
Parkinson’s disease, 15, 128, 282, 335, 12, 21, 26
340n18, 375n12 plica syndrome, 193
patella, 189–193 point injections, 129
patellofemoral pain syndrome, 193 polycystic kidney disease (PKDs), 119
pathogenesis, 74 polymethylmethacrylate, 265
pathological changes, 174 polyneuropathy, 201
pathology, 74; clinical, 75; definition of, pontine nuclei, 14
73; developmental defects and, 76; pontocerebellar fibers, 14
disciplines of, 74; forensic, 75; genetic, popliteal tendonitis, 189
75; at the molecular level, 79 Portuguese Association of General and
patient education, 289 Family Medicine (APMGF), 123
patient’s report of pain, x post-herpetic neuralgia, 201, 203, 208,
pediatric disorders, 88, 128 385
pelvic congestion, 267 post-synaptic density protein, 79
pelvic pain, 128, 265–266, 267, 373n8, postoperative pain, 159, 216, 287, 358n15,
374n5, 384, 387 365n3, 367n5, 367n7
pendulum exercises, 248 postoperative period, 128
peptide hormone, 12 posttraumatic arthritis, 191
perception of pain, 272 posttraumatic stress disorder, 17
peripheral nerve pathology, 78 postural defects, 246
personality disorders, 94, 258 potential tissue damage: due to overuse,
phantom limb pain, 34 187; response to actual or, ix
pharmaceutical industry, 280 pre re nata (PRN), 278
pharmacopeia, 44 pre-hospital emergency medicine, 161
pharmacotherapy, 98, 277, 337n4, pre-hospital prevalence, 161
346n27, 359n11; agents of, 282; pre-implantation genetic diagnosis
analgesics and, 279–280; dosage and, (PGD), 155
278–279; psychoactive approaches to, pregnancy, 21, 40, 164, 173, 384
281–282; special considerations for, prenatal DNA, 154
287–288 presacral neurotomy, 266
phenylketonuria, 76 preservatives, 235
phlegm, 45 prevention strategies, 301
photo-sensitivity seizures, 16 primary auditory complex, 16
physiatry, 125–126, 129–130, 335; product safety, 288
appointments, 132; areas of focus, prostaglandin, 81, 259
127–128; physiological mechanisms, psychoactive drugs, 281–282
289; questions for the patient, psychological factors, 6; can also cause, 6;
132–133; questions to ask the in the case, 93; in chronic pain, 387;
physiatrist, 133–135; rehabilitation different type of, 259; may be
and, 126–127; role of, 129; scope of, misunderstood, 109
I N DE X 397

psychonervous, 27 Secure and Responsible Drug Disposal

psychoneuroimmunology (PNI), 262 Act, 64
public health issues, 289 sedative, 288
punishment for sins, 5 sedentary lifestyle, 195, 198; back pain
Purkinje cells, 12, 13–15, 339n11 from, 195; high blood pressure and,
Purkyne, Jan, 13 196; hip pain from, 195; pain from, 198
seizures, 284
questioning techniques, 143 self-confidence, 303
self-distraction methods, 104
radially symmetrical, 9 self-help guide, 349n2
radiation emitting products, 64 self-reports, 57, 59
radiography, ix, 363n2 self-worth, 257
realistic attitude, 260 senior citizens, xi, 158, 164
recessive genetic characteristic, 149 sensitization, 80–81, 97, 159, 348n33
recurring pain, 188 sensory, 4; feeling, 4; information, 17
reduced immunity, 100 septal nuclei, 17
reflexology, 224, 330 severe dysmenorrhea, 267
reflex sympathetic dystrophy, 128, 162 severity of pain, 195
regulations, 280; barriers, 64–66; sexual maturity, 21
organizations, 64 sexual pleasure: with particular kinds, 5;
rehabilitation, 131; medicine, 125–126; from peritoneal pain, 338n13
practitioners, 126; programs, 139 sexual stimulation, 108
relaxation imagery, 224 short-circuit pain, 4
relieving conditions, 4 shoulder bracing, 248
religion vs. science, 47 side effects, 233
religious theories, 45 Sigmund Freud, 108
Rene Descartes, 46 silent synapses, 79
repetitive headaches, 5 skeletal system, 21
replacement surgery, 268 sleep, 41, 108, 132, 237, 352n24; apnea,
reproductive system, 21 79; disorders, 78; patterns, 104
respiratory system, 21 slow-curing injuries, 5
response element binding proteins spinal cord stimulation, 263
(CREB), 80 spinal fusion surgery, 264
reward-driven learning, 15, 333 spiritual factors, 6
risk factors, 38; biological, 39; lifestyle sports medicine, 120
related, 39–40; psychological, 39 sports-related pain, 186
risk of mistreatment, 293 smoking, 39, 246, 273, 384
rotation, 247 social difficulties, 27
rotator cuff tendinitis, 184 social environment, 228
Royal Australasian College of Physicians socioeconomic disposition, 52
(RACP), 121 sodium-channel-voltage-gated-type IX-
runner’s knee, 192 alpha-subunit gene (SCN9A), 150
somatic pain, 82
sacroiliac joint pain, 166 somatoform disorder, 258, 373n8
schizophrenia, 15, 282 somatostatin, 12, 19
sciatica, 92, 268 South African Academy of Family
second opinions, 293–295, 297; asking for, Physicians (SAAFP), 123
298; benefits of, 296; drawbacks of, spatial learning, 14
297 speech, 28

spinal analgesia, 163 thyrotropin-releasing hormone, 12, 19

spinal cord malfunction, 77 tissue injury, 96
spinal cord stimulation, 263, 272, 375n10, tibial eminence fractures, 194
387 tibial plateau fracture, 191
spinal dynorphin, 98, 351n7 tinel’s sign, 84
spinal therapeutics, 129 tolerance versus sensitization, 97
spinothalamic tract, 10 tonsillectomy, 216
spiritual, 103, 303, 388; distress, xi, 379; traditional medicine, 233
facets of pain, 6 transculturation, 62
sports hernia, 163, 384 transduction, 256
Stanford University Medical Center, 52 transmission of pain, 256
stereotyping, 54 traumas, 175; childhood, 37; chronic pain
stimulants, 281 and, 42; long-term cost of, 381
stoic person, 102 travel and pain, 227, 229
stone tablets, 43, 44 trigeminal neuralgia, 275, 356n3
strength training, 253 troubleshooting pain, 213
stress, 99; cultural factors of, 101–103; tumors, 204
environmental factors of, 104; genetic tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha, 81
factors of, 104–105; management of,
100, 261–242, 351n12; mental signs of, understanding pain, 298
100–101; physical signs of, 99–100; The University of Hiroshima, 111
response to, ix U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s
striated or skeletal muscles, 23 Center for Drug Evaluation and
subcortical nuclei, 16 Research (CDER), 64
substance abuse, 22, 257, 373n6 uterine: prolapse, 267; suspension, 267
subthalmic nucleus, 11 uterosacral nerve, 266
suicide: behavior, 110; discussion of, 111;
tendencies of, 110–111 vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), 274
superior temporal gyrus, 16 varicella, 203
supernatural punishment, 48 vascular disorders, 76
support groups, x, 275 vertebrates, 11, 15, 17, 22
surgery, 263; for musculoskeletal pain, vertebroplasty, 265, 271–272, 374n4, 387
270, 273; preparation for, 273; vestibular system, 15, 379
recovery after, 274; support group for, virtual reality, 228
275; for tendonitis, 269 visceral pain, 82
surgery and nonpharmacological vital signs, 90
therapies, 271 vitamin B1 deficiencies, 206
Sylvian (lateral) fissure, 16 vitamin D, 232
Von Korff Chronic Pain Grade survey,
tai chi, 253 158–159
technological advancements, 56
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, war on drugs, 219
229, 268, 335 Wernicke’s area, 16, 28, 336
tendonitis, 120, 184, 189, 192 Western culture upbringing, 53
terminal disease, 210 whiplash, 183, 184
thalamus, 26–27 willow tree bark, 44
therapeutic alternatives, 8 women, 40
thoracoscopic splanchnicectomy, 269 work-related conditions, 174
thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), 12
I N DE X 399

World Health Organization (WHO), 109, that show, 194; to target, 119; used for
199, 204, 209, 224, 278, 353n18, imaging, 90; use of, 89; by using, 332
356n16, 364n2, 364n8,
376n13–376n14, 376n16, 376n25 yoga, 61, 197, 227, 250, 252–253, 253,
World Organization of National Colleges, 329, 372n8
zero calories, 243
x-rays: exposure to, 193; or other zona limitans intrathalamica, 11
damaging, 193; penetrate the skin, 89; zonula occludens protein, 79

Naheed Ali, MD, PhD, began writing professionally in 2005 and has
written several books on medical topics and taught at colleges in the
United States. Additional information is available at NaheedAli.com.

Moshe Lewis, MD, MPH, is an ivy league-trained pain physician and

physiatrist. He currently serves as the chief of physical medicine and
rehabilitation at the St. Luke’s Campus of the California Pacific Medi-
cal Center. He lives in northern California, where he enjoys traveling
and writing during his spare time. Visit him online at MosheLe-


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