Scholars Mate 120 Dec 2013
Scholars Mate 120 Dec 2013
Scholars Mate 120 Dec 2013
D O N ’ T G E T S T U C K I N Z U G Z WA N G
SCHOLAR’S MATE is Canada’s Chess Magazine
For Kids. You can enjoy it on-line, for free!
The Chess’n Math Association publishes Scholar’s
Mate five times per year as a DNL document. It has
the same look as a real magazine, including pages
that actually turn! A printable PDF version of the
magazine is also available.
You can read the “e-magazine” directly on the CMA
webpage or download it to your computer for viewing
at any time. Either way, you will need a DNL Reader,
which can be quickly downloaded for free at our site.
Here’s the mag,
I l lustrator
Jeff Coakley
Antoine Duff
Scholar's Mate is published five times per year by the ZUGZWANG 8
Chess’n Math Association. Dates of issue : October 15, Kiril’s Klass
December 15, February 15, April 15, June 15 Stuck With The Move
Reproduction by any means, mechanical or electronic, is
forbidden except by permission of Scholar's Mate. WORLD CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP 28
December 2013 (date of issue) Canada And World News
Magnus Carlsen Wins Title
6 wdwdwdwd CHALLENGE
letter. Ranks are rows that go
sideways. Each one is named
5 dwdw0wdw
by a number. 4 wdwdPdwd 2014 National Scholastic Championship
Every square also has a name. dwdwdwdw
3 The Chess'n Math Association, Canada’s national
The first part is its file and the
second part is its rank. In this
2 P)P)w)P) scholastic chess organization, is proud to announce
diagram, a white pawn moved 1 $NGQIBHR the 26th annual Canadian Chess Challenge. We hope
to e4 and a black pawn to e5.
a b c d e f g h
that you and your friends can take part this year.
When moves are written down, The competition is played in three stages: regional,
the first capital letter shows the Here are some special symbols:
provincial, and national. The finals will take place on
piece which moves. Q is queen. + check
B is bishop. R is rook. N is used Victoria Day weekend in Winnipeg.
# checkmate For information on how to enter the Canadian Chess
for knight because the king is K.
If there is no capital letter, that e. p. en passant Challenge, contact your provincial coordinator.
means a pawn moves. O-O castles kingside
Next is the square that the O-O-O castles queenside
piece moves to. Bc4 says that a 1-0 white wins A l b e r ta PROVINCIAL Nova Scotia
bishop moves to the square c4. Bruce Thomas
0-1 black wins COORDINATORS Stirling Dorrance
When a piece is captured, an x (780) 473-1557 (902) 678-4453
½-½ draw
is put before the square. Qxf7
means a queen takes on f7. ! excellent move
If a pawn captures, the letter ? mistake British Columbia O n ta r i o
of the file it starts on is given !? cool move Maxim Doroshenko Leslie Armstrong
first, then an x followed by the (604) 568-3283 (905) 841-1342
?! weird (weak) move
square it takes on. exd5 says a
pawn on the e-file captures on The game below is written in Manitoba Prince Edward Is.
the square d5. algebraic notation. Kiril was Jeremie Piche Stacey Kerr
When two pieces of the same new to chess and fell into an (204) 237-1497 (902) 628-7576
kind can go to the same spot, old trap called Scholar’s Mate !
another letter is put after the
piece to show what file it came
ROCKY KIRIL New Brunswick Quebec
from. Rae1 tells us that a rook 1. e4 e5 Lynn Marotte Martine Lemaire
2. Qh5 d6 (506) 206-1410 (514) 845-8352
on the a-file moves to e1. National Office
If the pieces that can move to 3. Bc4 Nf6 ? 3423 St.Denis #400
the same spot are on the same 4. Qxf7 # N e w f o u n d l a n d Montreal, Quebec Saskatchewan
file, then their rank number is Chris Dawson H2X 3L1 Lauri Lintott
added. N6e4 means the knight Oh no! Kiril got mated in just (709) 747-5217 (514) 845-8352 (306) 924-5881
on the 6th rank moves to e4. four moves. That was no fun!
FULL DAYS 9 am to 5 pm
HALF DAYS 9 am - 1 pm or 1 - 5 pm “Chess for me is not a game, but an art.”
from BEGINNERS to RATING 1500 (2000 in Toronto) 1.e4 Nf6
groups divided by rating and age The main line is 2.e5 Nd5 3.d4 d6.
classes and tournaments
CAMP FEES VARY BY LOCATION AND NUMBER OF DAYS Alekhine was a chess fanatic. He played constantly.
Yet his games were always fresh with new ideas.
FOR MORE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION FEES Everyone admired Alekhine as a player, but many
CHESS’ N MATH A SSOCIATION people disliked him as a person. One reason was his
Toronto 416 488-5506 failure to give Capablanca a deserved rematch.
Montreal 514 845-8352 He died poor and lonely while still world champion.
áwdwdwdkd] áwdr4wdkd] áwdwdwdwd] áwdw4kdw4]
à0w0wdp0w] à0pdwdw0p] àdwdwdwdw] àdp0wgpdp]
ßw4wdwdw0] ßwdwdRdwd] ßwdwdwdwd] ßpdndwdpd]
ÞdwdwdQdw] Þdwhwdpdw] Þdwdw!wdw] Þ1wdNdwdw]
Ýwdwdwdwd] Ýwdwdwdwd] Ýkdwdwdwd] ÝwdwdQdwd]
Üdw1Bdwdw] ÜdBdwdw)w] ÜdwdBdwdw] ÜdwdwdwdP]
ÛbdPdwdP)] ÛPdPdw)K)] Ûwdwdwdwd] ÛP)Pdw)Pd]
ÚdwdwdRIw] ÚdwdwdRdw] ÚdwdwdwIw] Ú$wGwdRIw]
árdwdkgw4] áwdwdwdwd] áwdw4w4kd] áwdkdrdw4]
à0pdwhw0w] àdwdwdwdw] àdwdw!p0w] à0pdwdpgw]
ßwdpdwdw0] ßw!wdwdwd] ßwdwdwdwd] ßwdpdwdpd]
Þdwdwdwdw] Þdw$wdwdw] Þ0wdwdNdw] Þdw!wdwdq]
Ýwdwdwdwd] ÝwdwiwHw$] Ýw0wdw)wd] Ýw)wdwdwd]
ÜdwdQdNdw] ÜdwdBdwdw] Üdw)wdwdw] Ü)wdBdwGP]
ÛP1Pdw)P)] Ûwdwdwdwd] ÛP)wdw1wd] Ûwdwdw)Pd]
ÚdwdR$wIw] ÚdwIRdwdw] ÚdwIwdwdR] ÚdwdRdwIw]
Yo u c a n w r i t e m e a l e t t e r
or enter my contest at:
Prince Edward Island had its finest moment RIDDLE : Which number is the champ?
in 1993 when they came in seventh place.
32 Scholar’s Mate 120 Scholar’s Mate 120 33
Can you solve the 4 puzzles on the next KIRIL'S KONTEST
page? Mail me your answers if you do.
One lucky person will win a Kiril T-shirt. E-mail entries to:
White moves first in the mate problems. Deadline: January 25
In case you never saw a “maze” or “loyd” w________w w________w
before, here are some examples:
áwdwdwdw!] áwdwdkdwd]
In a CHESSMAZE only one white The TRIPLE LOYD was invented àdwdwHwdB] àdwdwdwdw]
piece moves. In this maze, it is by Sam Loyd, a famous chess ßwdwdw$wd] ßwgwdKdwd]
the white queen. The object is to composer. They are called triple
capture the black king without because there are three parts. In ÞHwdwdwdw] Þdwdwdwdw]
taking any pieces or moving part A, you place the black king Ýwdwiwdwd] Ýwdwdwdwd]
where the queen can be taken. on the board so that he is in
Draw a line to show the path of checkmate. In part B, place him in
Üdwdwdwdw] Üdwdwdwdw]
the queen. This is a Maze in 8. stalemate. For part C, put the ÛwdKdw$wd] Ûwdwdwdwd]
That means you should get the black king down so that White ÚdwdwdwGw] Údwdw!wdw]
king in eight moves or less. has a mate in 1. solutions page 51
w________w w________w wÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈw wÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈw
áwdwgkdNd] áwdwdwdwd] MATE IN 1 MATE IN 2
àdrdwdwdw] àdwdwdwdw]
ßwdwdBdpd] ßwdwdwdwd] w________w w________w
Þdwhwdwdw] Þdwdwdwdw] áQdwdbdwd] áwdwdwdwd]
Ýwdwdwdnd] Ýwdwdwdwd] à0wdwdwGw] àdRdwdwdw]
Üdwdqdwdw] ÜdwHwdwdw] ßkdwdwdwd] ßwdwdwdwG]
Ûwdw!wdPd] Ûwdwdw!wd] Þdwdwdq)w] Þdwdwdwdw]
ÚdbIwdwdw] ÚdKdwdwdw] Ýw1wdwdw0] ÝwdwdBdwd]
wÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈw wÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈw ÜgwdPdwdw] Üdwdwdwdw]
ÛwdPdwdKd] Ûwdwdwdwd]
We received 3 correct solutions to October’s contest.
Údwdw$wdw] ÚdwdwIwdw]
1 Mate in 1 1.Qf1# wÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈw wÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈw
2 Mate in 2 1.Bc6 Kf3 2.Rg5#
3 Maze Rh8-g8-g7-b7-b8-a8-a4-d4-d8-e8 CHESSMAZE IN 13 TRIPLE LOYD
-e5-h5-h2xb2 Only the white QUEEN moves. PLACE THE BLACK KING IN :
4 Loyd A.Kf4 B.Kh4 C.Kc1 (Rf1#) Capture the black king without A Checkmate
The winner of the drawing for a Kiril T-shirt is: taking any pieces or moving B Stalemate
Thomas Wang of Ontario where the queen can be taken. C Mate in 1
N next corner, he didn’t even see the
E bus stop sign.
R Of course, that’s where
the turtle was going to
catch his ride. And he
One day a rabbit was hopping down the road when he was waiting patiently
came across a turtle along the way. The speedy rabbit when the bus arrived.
was in a hurry, but he stopped for a minute to say hi.
“Hey, Turtle. How are you doing?”
“Hello, Rabbit. I’m doing just fine. I’m going to a chess
“Me too. But you better get a move on, or you’ll be late.”
“Don’t worry, friend. I’ll be there on time.”
“Well, I don’t know how. You don’t look very fast. It’s a Imagine the rabbit’s surprise later, when the bus passed
long way and I’ve gotta run. Good luck.” him by and the turtle waved from the window.
So the rabbit sped off down the road. And the turtle The rabbit wanted to wave back, but he couldn’t. He
smiled, “See you soon!” was busy running, and there wasn’t time to slow down.
All right, chess detectives! Somebody messed up here.
LILY’S PUZZLER solutions In each of the diagrams below, there is something wrong.
A. one turn After 1.e4 or 1.e3, White has The positions are illegal. Can you find the goof? solutions
page 51
30 possible moves. K1 Q4 R0 B5 N5 p15
B. two turns 1.e3 2.Qg4 áwdwdrdw4] áwdwdrdwd]
47 possible moves K2 Q21 R0 B5 N5 p14
àip0wdwdw] àdw0wdkgp]
C. three turns 1.e4 2.d4 3.Qh5
52 possible moves K3 Q19 R0 B10 N6 p14 ßpdngw0wd] ßw0w1wdpd]
D. four turns 1.e4 2.d4 3.Qh5 4.Bc4 ÞdwdN0w0q] ÞhwdPdwHw]
57 possible moves K4 Q19 R0 B15 N6 p13 Ýwdw0P)nd] Ýw0w)wdwd]
E. five turns 1.e4 2.d4 3.Qh5 4.Bc4 5.Bf4 Ü)BdPdw)w] ÜdPdwdRdw]
61 possible moves K4 Q19 R0 B20 N6 p12 Ûw)PdNdB)] Ûw)w!wdP)]
F. six turns 1.e4 2.d4 3.Qh5 4.Bc4 5.Bf4 6.Nc3 ÚdRdwdR!K] ÚdwGwdwIw]
67 possible moves wÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈw wÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈw
K5 (includes castling) Q19 R3 B20 N9 p11
G. seven turns 1.d4 2.d5 3.d6 4.d7 5.d8=Q 6.e4 7.Qh5
72 possible moves K3 Q40 R0 B10 N6 p13
Without a promotion, the maximum is 69.
áwdwdwhqd] áw$wdwdwH]
à0w$ndwdp] à0wGw0w0w]
ßw0wdpdpg] ßrdpdwdPi]
HEY, FRIENDS! Þdpdbdwdp] Þdw0whPdp]
Ýwdw0wdwd] ÝPdpdwdwd]
Yo u c a n w r i t e m e a l e t t e r
or enter my contest at:
ÚHwdwdwdw] ÚdRgw4wdw] wÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈw wÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈw
46 Scholar’s Mate 120 Scholar’s Mate 120 47
TOURNAMENTS Chess’n Math 514 845-8352
registration 11:15 - 11:45 am
Jeremie Piche 204 237-1497
University of Manitoba
FOR KIDS Loisir St-Henri University College Building
530 du Couvent Saunderson Street
TORONTO OTTAWA registration 12:15 - 12:45 pm
January 26 Sunday
Chess'n Math 416 488-5506 Brad Thomson 613 565-3662
February 16 Grand Prix Sunday January 12 Sunday
Marshall McLuhan Sec. School Walter Baker Centre (food court) February 2 Sunday
1107 Avenue Rd. 100 Malvern Dr. February 23 Sunday
February 2 Grand Prix Sunday TO U R N A M E N T
registration 10:00 - 11:00 am registration 12:00 - 12:45 pm CALGARY
Jean de Brebeuf College Simon Ong 403 274-2954
January 12 Sunday 3200 St.Catherine
January 19 OCC qualifier Sunday February 9 Sunday Calgary Junior Chess Club
February 23 Sunday 274-3359 27 Street Northeast
February 23 OCC qualifier Sunday grades K-3, K-6, and 7-11
registration 11:00 - 12:00 noon GUELPH January 11 Saturday
4 Players From Same School
Hal Bond February 1 Saturday
THORNHILL information: Chess’n Math
Guelph University Centre
Yuri Lebedev 416 319-2844
registration 12:30 - 1:00 pm VICTORIA
Knights Of Chess CHAMPIONSHIPS Brian Raymer 250 595-0025
January 11 Saturday
5635 Yonge St. Suite 201 MONTREAL University of Victoria
February 22 Saturday
registration 2:30 - 2:55 pm QUEBEC YOUTH Human Social Devel. Bldg
every Sunday KITCHENER January 17-19 registration 9:30 - 9:45 am
Patrick McDonald 519 648-3253 QUEBEC JUNIOR January 12 Sunday
TORONTO Kitchener City Hall February 7-9
Nathalia Khoudgarian 200 King St. W. HALIFAX
416 879-7300 Chris Felix 902 489-5899
registration 12:30 - 1:00 pm FQE 514-252-3034
Swansea Town Hall Mount Saint Vincent University
95 Lavinia Ave. January 12 Sunday 166 Bedford Hwy
February 9 Sunday Evaristus Hall room 358
registration 12:45 - 1:00 pm QC Provincial Qualifiers
every Saturday South Shore January 12 registration 11:15 am - 12 noon
Eastern Montreal February 2 January 5 Sunday
TORONTO West Island February 22 February 2 Sunday
Corinna Wan Verdun March 9 St. Henri March 15 CHARLOTTETOWN
Oriole Community Centre Outremont March 22 Stacey Kerr 902 628-7576
2975 Don Mills Rd. W. La Ruelle March 22 Colonel Gray High School
registration 12:45 - 1:00 pm South West March 30 175 Spring Park Rd.
every Sunday registration 12:00 - 12:50 pm
CORNWALL Bruce Thomas 780 473-1557
January 19 Sunday
Raymond Lacroix 613 938-6364
ALL EVENTS ARE SCHOLASTIC RATED. Don MacKinnon 306 445-8369 Chris Dawson 709 747-5217