Human Freedom: Lecture Notes - Senior High School Department of Philosophy - University of Santo Tomas
Human Freedom: Lecture Notes - Senior High School Department of Philosophy - University of Santo Tomas
Human Freedom: Lecture Notes - Senior High School Department of Philosophy - University of Santo Tomas
Learning 2. To examine the nature and consequences of freedom in our lived experiences;
Objectives: 3. To construct a positive attitude toward life grounded on the proper exercise of freedom; and
4. To demonstrate the value of freedom and responsibility in the cultivation of the moral
character of the person.
Activity: Heinz’s Case
• Heinz’s wife was dying of a rare kind of cancer, and physicians told him that a
new medication might be able to cure her. A local chemist had discovered the
medication, and Heinz attempted hard to acquire some.
• However, the chemist wanted 10 times the price of making the drug, which
was far more than what Heinz could afford. Heinz was only able to raise a
fraction of the drug’s cost with the aid of his family and friends.
• He told the chemist that his wife was dying and asked if he could get the
medication for a lower price or pay the balance later. But the chemist
declined, saying that he developed the medicine to profit from it.
• The husband was anxious to save his wife, and he did not know what to do.
• So, Heinz’s dilemma is: Is it better for him to steal the medication and face the
consequences? Should he follow the law and not steal the medication, even if it
means letting his wife die?
1. Do you think Heinz has the
freedom to make these
2. What factors will
determine his decision?
3. Will any of these two
options be justified?
4. Is there a cogent way to
solve this dilemma?
“Dilemma” is a predicament in which you must make a difficult choice between two possible actions.
According to Berlin,
1. NEGATIVE Freedom
- It means absence of
arbitrary coercion.
- Proponents:
- Thomas Hobbes
- John Locke
- John Stuart Mill
2. POSITIVE Freedom
- It means self-rule.
- Proponents:
- Buddhists
- Immanuel Kant
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Two Concepts of Liberty (Berlin)
Lesson 1 Lesson 2
Lesson 1
Lesson 1
• Generally, the Categorical Imperative states that one must act only
according to that maxim which an individual can become a
universal law.
• Such law is rational, supreme, and absolute.
• Actions have moral value if they have universal applicability and
reason that qualify this criterion.
• According to Kant, freedom is not about following one's passions or
yielding to one's desires, but rather about controlling or mastering
• In this view, freedom must be conceived and practiced within the
boundaries of reason.
Freedom as
• The choices that we make define our essence, thus determining our essence as
human beings.
Jean-Paul Sartre (1905–1980)
French philosopher, playwright, and novelist
Lesson 3
Freedom and
• Freedom and determinism create an antinomy
that can further be differentiated as free will
and incompatibilism.
From a scientific
point of view,
merely an illusion.
1. Physical Freedom
2. Psychological Freedom
3. Moral Freedom
4. Social Freedom
5. Political Freedom
6. Existential Freedom
Lesson 4
Some Misconceptions
on Freedom
• Subjectivistic Freedom. Doing “freely”
what one subjectively wishes.
• Transcendental Freedom. Freedom
presupposes God’s gift to humanity.
• Scientistic Freedom. This definition of
freedom is strictly deterministic.
• Populist Freedom. Freedom is based on
popular expressions, fashionable
representations, and/or emotivist
Lesson 5
• In his treatise On Freedom (1992), it is feeling (Gefühl) or sentiment
(Empfindung) that gives the person the motivational force or
psychological drive to act, not reason (in the Kantian sense).
• As such, it is unable to maintain or create a consistent pattern of
• Feelings or sentiments (affective states) are insufficient motivation to
carry out one’s responsibilities.
• Generosity, for example, is not totally duty-bound, but it is fundamentally a moral
feeling since it is in our interdependence with others that such an act is fostered and
• Freedom must be intended (or determined) by the moral agent, not just
desire it. Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768–1834)
German theologian, philosopher, and biblical scholar
Lesson 5
• When a moral agent integrates fundamental principles to concrete
things or situations, one is said to be acting morally.
• In this sense, freedom operates within the kind of virtue that the
agent develops.
• In this way, virtuous conduct has a compounding effect that begins to
form character by emphasizing specific dispositions and motivations
over others.
• Our character defines who we are. Our being is determined by our
• The Latin phrase “Operari sequitur esse” most accurately captures
this idea. Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768–1834)
German theologian, philosopher, and biblical scholar