Bam Long Quiz 2
Bam Long Quiz 2
Bam Long Quiz 2
1. It refers to the written approval or disapproval made by a government office or agency on the
application or request submitted by an applicant or requesting party for processing
ANSWER: Action
2. ________shall coordinate with all government offices to review existing laws, executive
issuance and local ordinances and even recommend the repeal of the same if deemed outdated,
redundant and adds undue regulatory burden to the transacting public.
3. "Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018"shall apply
to all government offices and agencies which provide services covering business and
nonbusiness related transactions, including:
ANSWER: LGUs, GOCCs and other government instrumentalities
5. It is developed and established by the Anti-Red Tape Authority. Its purpose is to improve
regulatory management towards the improvement of regulatory quality.
ANSWER: Regulatory Management System
6. These are applications or requests submitted by applicants or requesting parties of a
government office which necessitate evaluation in the resolution of complicated issues by an
officer or employee of said government office, such transactions to be determined by the office
11. The Authority shall have the following responsibilities in relation to the Citizen's Charter. A.
Upon effectivity of the Rules, the Authority shall issue a template of the updated Citizen's
Charter, taking into account the most effective way of informing the public;
B. Within the same period, the Authority shall issue the criteria for simple, complex and highly
technical transactions; and
C. The Authority shall monitor and review the submitted Citizen's Charter by each agency and
the implementation of the same.
D. All of the foregoing
12. is like a declaration of standards for various services offered by the government
ANSWER: Citizen's Charter
13. A ______is an official document that communicates, in simple terms, the service standards
or pledge of an agency/service office of the frontline services being provided to its citizens. It
describes the step-by-step procedure for availing a particular service, the person responsible for
each step, the documents needed to be submitted and the fees to be paid, if any
14. Statement I. A Citizen's Charter is an official document that communicates, in simple terms,
the service standards of the frontline services being provided to its citizens.
Statement II.M is the responsibility of the government agencies to set up the most current and
updated service standards.
15. This is an application which requires the use of technical knowledge, specialized skills and/or
training in the processing and/or evaluation thereof.
ANSWER: Highly Technical Transactions
16. Statement I. The head of the agency shall ensure compliance in the preparation of their
respective Citizen's Charter.
Statement II. Zero-contact policy is where the government agencies, including the LGU shall
limit the interactions with an applicant or requesting party to the preliminary assessment and
evaluation of sufficiency of submitted requirements of an application or request
ANSWER: All of the statements are true
17. Statement I. Action pertains only to written approval made by a government office or agency
on the application or request submitted by an applicant or requesting party for processing
Statement II. Business registration is a document that must be secured from the city or municipal
government, usually through its Business Permits and Licensing Office (BPLO), for a business
to legally operate in the locality.
18. Statement I. The head of the office or agency shall be primarily responsible for the
implementation of this Act and shall be held accountable to the public in rendering fast, efficient,
convenient and reliable service.
Statement II. All transactions and processes are deemed to have been made with the permission
or clearance from the highest authority having jurisdiction over the government office or agency
ANSWER: All of the statement are true
19. These are applications or requests submitted by applicants or requesting parties of a
government office or agency which only require ministerial actions on the part of the public
officer or employee, or that which present only inconsequential issues of the resolution by an
officer or employee of said government.
ANSWER: Simple Transactions
20. Statement 1. Business Registration refers to a set of regulatory requirements that an
entrepreneur must comply with, to start operating a business entity in a city or municipality.
Statement II. Clearance is a formal authorization to pursue some lawful purpose.
ANSWER: All of the statements are true
21. Statement I. Citizen's Charter may also be in the form of published materials.
Statement II. Administrative but not criminal liability shall arise upon failure, without due cause,
22. Statement I. Denial of application or request for access to government service must be fully
explained, orally or in writing, by the person making the denial.
Statement II. No applications may be processed if incomplete
ANSWER: Statement 2 is true
23. Its purpose is for reviewing, simplifying, modifying, modernizing regulations, laws,
issuances and ordinances to reduce regulatory burden and cost.
ANSWER: Regulatory Impact Assessment
24. A single common site or location or a single online website or portal designated for the
Business Permit and Licensing System of an LGU to receive and process applications, receive
payments and issue approved licenses, clearances, permits or authorization.
29. Statement I. Informing the applicants of the deficiency in accompanying requirements must
be made immediately after the receipt of the application.
Statement II. The prescribed processing time of a simple transaction is 7 working days.
ANSWER: Statement 2 is false
30. In all government agencies respective websites and in the form of published materials written
either in English, Filipino or in the local dialect, that detail, except
A. A comprehensive and uniform checklist of requirements
B. The person/s responsible for each step
31. It is the permission evidenced by a certificate issued by the concerned government agency or
ANSWER: Permit
32. Statement I. Highly technical transactions processing time shall in no case be longer than 20
working days but may be extended only once for the same number of days
Statement II. The prescribe processing time must be strictly observed even in times of force
majeure or natural or man-made calamity
34. It is any individual whether or not officially involved in the operation of a government office
or agency who has access to people working therein, and whether or not in collusion with them,
speedy completion of transactions for pecuniary gain or any other advantage or consideration
38. Statement I. In cases where the cause of delay is due to force majeure, the prescribed
processing times mandated shall be suspended.
Statement ll. No application or request shall be returned to the applicant or requesting party
without an appropriate action.
39. is the process or transaction between applicants or requesting parties and government offices
or agencies involving applications for any privilege, right, reward, license, clearance, permit or
authorization, concession or for any modification, renewal or extension of the enumerated
applications or requests which are acted upon in the ordinary course of business of the agency or
office concerned
40. Statement I. Citizen's Charter may be posted in their respective websites. Statement II.
Citizen's Charter must be written either in English or Filipino only. ANSWER: Statement 1 is
41. "Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018"is
ANSWER: Republic Act No.11032
42. Statement I. It is the policy of the State to promote integrity, accountability, proper
management of public affairs and public property as well as to establish effective practices,
aimed at efficient delivery of government services and the prevention of graft and corruption in
Statement II. The State shall take appropriate measures to promote transparency in each agency
with regard to the manner of transacting with the public, which shall encompass a program for
the adoption of simplified requirements and procedures that will reduce red tape and expedites
business and nonbusiness related transactions in government.
ANSWER: All of the statements are true
43. Any regulation, rule, or administrative procedure or system that is ineffective or detrimental
in achieving its intended objectives and, as a result, produces slow, suboptimal and undesirable
social outcomes
44. Statement I. The government owned and controlled corporation is not included in the
coverage of RA 11032
Statement II. To qualify as fixer within the purview of this Act, one must be officially involved
in the operation of a government office and who access to people working therein.
45. is a set of regulatory requirements that a business entity must comply with to engage, operate
or continue to operate a business
ANSWER: Business-related transactions