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Higher Education in India – Issues, Challenges and Suggestions

Chapter · June 2011

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1 author:

JD Singh
G V (PG) College of Education (CTE), Sangaria-335063 Rajasthan, India


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This article published in Edited book ‘Higher Education’, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2011, Pp.93-
103. ISBN: 978-3-8465-1753-6

Higher Education in India – Issues, Challenges

and Suggestions

Dr. J D Singh *

Our university system is, in many parts, in a state of disrepair...In almost half the districts
in the country, higher education enrollments are abysmally low, almost two-third of our
universities and 90 per cent of our colleges are rated as below average on quality
parameters... I am concerned that in many states university appointments, including that of
vice-chancellors, have been politicised and have become subject to caste and communal
considerations, there are complaints of favouritism and corruption.
– Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in 2007

Although there have been challenges to higher education in the past, these most
recent calls for reform may provoke a fundamental change in higher education. This change
may not occur as a direct response to calls for greater transparency and accountability, but
rather because of the opportunity to reflect on the purpose of higher education, the role of
colleges and universities in the new millennium, and emerging scientific research on how
people learn. These disparate literatures have not been tied together in a way that would
examine the impact of fundamental change from the policy level to the institutional level
and to the everyday lives of college and university administrators, faculty and students.
Now the time has come to create a second wave of institution building and of excellence in
the fields of education, research and capability building. We need higher educated people
who are skilled and who can drive our economy forward. When India can provide skilled
people to the outside world then we can transfer our country from a developing nation to a
developed nation very easily and quickly.

India's higher education system is the world's third largest in terms of students, next
to China and the United States. Unlike China, however, India has the advantage of English
being the primary language of higher education and research. India educates approximately
11 per cent of its youth in higher education as compared to 20 per cent in China. The main
This article published in Edited book ‘Higher Education’, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2011, Pp.93-
103. ISBN: 978-3-8465-1753-6

governing body at the tertiary level is the University Grants Commission (India), which
enforces its standards, advises the government, and helps coordinate between the centre
and the state. Universities and its constituent colleges are the main institutes of higher
education in India. At present in 2011, there are 227 government-recognized Universities in
India. Out of them 20 are central universities, 109 are deemed universities and 11 are Open
Universities and rest are state universities. Most of these universities in India have affiliating
colleges where undergraduate courses are being taught. However Jawaharlal University is a
remarkable exception to this rule. According to the Department of higher Education
government of India, 16,885 colleges, including 1800 exclusive women's colleges
functioning under these universities and institutions and there are 4.57 lakh teachers and
99.54 lakh students in various higher education institutes in India. Apart from these higher
education institutes there are several private institutes in India that offer various
professional courses in India. Distance learning is also a feature of the Indian higher
education system.
Some institutions of India, such as the Indian Institutes of technology (IITs), have
been globally acclaimed for their standard of education. The IITs enroll about 8000 students
annually and the alumni have contributed to both the growth of the private sector and the
public sectors of India. However, India has failed to produce world class universities
like Harvard and Cambridge. According to the London Times Higher Education (2009)-
Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University rankings, no Indian university features among
the first 100. But universities in East Asia have been included in the first hundred. Hong
Kong has three, ranked at 24, 35 and 46; Singapore two ranked at 30 and 73; South Korea
two ranked at 47 and 69 and Taiwan one in the 95th position. Notably, China's Tsinghua
University and Peking University are ranked at 49 and 52 respectively. There is no Indian
university in the rankings from 100 to 200. It is only when one moves on to the next 100
that we find the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur at 237; IIT Madras at 284 and the
University of Delhi at 291.
A recent evaluation of universities and research institutes all over the world,
conducted by a Shanghai university, has not a single Indian university in the world's top
300 while China has six. The Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, comes in somewhere in
the top 400 and IIT, Kharagpur, makes an appearance after that. Yet this decisive edge also
has its shortcomings. Besides top rated universities which provide highly competitive world
class education to their pupil, India is also home to many universities which have been
founded with the sole objective of making easy money. UGC and other Regulatory
authorities have been trying very hard to extirpate the menace of private universities which
This article published in Edited book ‘Higher Education’, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2011, Pp.93-
103. ISBN: 978-3-8465-1753-6

are running courses without any affiliation or recognition. Students from rural and semi
urban background often fall prey to these institutes and colleges. Today, Knowledge is
power. The more knowledge one has, the more empowered one is. According to the
University Grants Commission (UGC), India needs 1500 more universities with adequate
research facilities by the end of the year 2015 in order to compete in the global market.
The country lacks the critical mass in higher education. Its gross enrolment ratio
(GER) is a mere 11 per cent compared to China's 20 per cent, the USA's 83 per cent and
South Korea's 91 per cent. This means that in comparison to India, China has double the
number of students pursuing higher education. The Eleventh Five Year Plan envisages
increase in the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in higher education to 15 per cent of the
population in the age cohort group of 18-24 years by 2011-12. This requires a substantial
increase in the number of institutions and consequently would require an adequate number
of teachers for imparting education. Failure to redress the faculty shortage would hamper
the achievement of the targets for increase in GER set out by Government.
President Pratibha Patil said that India aspires to increase enrolment in higher
education. She added that the country intends to raise gross enrolment ratio in higher
education to 30 percent by the year 2020, which means almost tripling the enrolment from
the present 14 million to about 40 million. As per sources, the President has made the
announcement at the sixth convocation of the Mizoram University, held on September 24,
2010. Patil also said that higher education has been accorded priority in our country.
Further, she added that universities of the country, existing and the new ones, will be
responsible for achieving this target.
The overall scenario of higher education in India does not match with the global
Quality standards. Hence, there is enough justification for an increased assessment of the
Quality of the country’s educational institutions. Traditionally, these institutions assumed
that Quality could be determined by their internal resources, viz., faculty with an impressive
set of degrees and experience detailed at the end of the institute’s admission brochure,
number of books and journals in the library, an ultra-modern campus, and size of the
endowment, etc., or by its definable and assessable outputs, viz., efficient use of resources,
producing uniquely educated, highly satisfied and employable graduates.
Critical appraisals undertaken by the governmental committees and independent
academicians have highlighted the crisis confronting the system: ‘increasing educated
unemployment; weakening of student motivation; increasing unrest and indiscipline on the
campuses; frequent collapse of administration; deterioration of standards; and above all,
the demoralizing effect of the irrelevance and purposelessness of most of what is being
This article published in Edited book ‘Higher Education’, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2011, Pp.93-
103. ISBN: 978-3-8465-1753-6

done.’ While the politicians and policy makers have often spoken about the need for radical
reconstruction of the system, what has been achieved in reality is only moderate reformism.
At present, the world-class institutions in India are mainly limited. Most of the Indian
colleges and universities lack in high-end research facilities. Under-investment in libraries,
information technology, laboratories and classrooms makes it very difficult to provide top
quality instruction or engage in cutting-edge research. This gap has to be bridged if we want
to speed up our path to development. The University Grant Commission of India is not only
the lone grant giving agency in the country, but also responsible for coordinating,
determining and maintaining the standards in institutions of higher education. The
emergence of a worldwide economic order has immense consequences for higher education
more so under the changes that have taken place in the recent past with regard to
globalization, industrialization, information technology advancement and its impact on
education aided to these are the policy changes that have taken place at the UGC, All India
Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Distance Education Council (DEC), Indian Council
for Agriculture Research (ICAR), Bar Council of India (BCI), National Council for Teacher
Education (NCTE) Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI), Medical Council of India (MCI),
Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), Indian Nursing Council (INC), Dentist Council of India
(DCI), Central Council of Homeopathy (CCH), the Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM)
and such other regulatory bodies from time to time to accommodate these development and
yet maintain quality students in higher education. It is time for all those who are concerned
with policymaking, planning, administration and implementation of Higher Education to
revitalize the very thinking on the subject and put it on the right track.
After recording growth rate of around 9 percent for the three consecutive years,
India is now considered to be one of the most promising economies of the world. While,
higher education gives India an edge in the world economy as evident from the availability
of the skilled manpower, and research scholars working abroad, unemployment, illiteracy
and relative poverty continue to be the major deterrents to realize her potential in human
resources. The taskforce constituted by World Bank and UNESCO during 2000 has also
observed that higher education helps increase wages and productivity that directly enrich
individuals and society. The prospects and development in the higher education sector in
India needs a critical examination in a rapidly globalising world. Expansion, inclusion and
excellence were the three objectives of higher education policy of Government of India. The
government had taken many steps to increase student enrollment in higher education and
quality improvement in higher educational institutions.
This article published in Edited book ‘Higher Education’, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2011, Pp.93-
103. ISBN: 978-3-8465-1753-6

Keeping in view The Government has constituted a Knowledge Commission to

suggest measures to alleviate the problems that higher education sector is afflicted with and
make India a Knowledge super power in the global economy. But the government is at a
crossroad. While there is a need for an expansion of the higher education sector, resource
constraint for both the Centre and the states poses challenge to ensure quality education
even in the existing institutions. The government after pursuing neo-liberal policies for the
last 17 odd years is keen to open the higher education sector to the private providers,
either through public-private participation or foreign direct investment in higher education.
The society is divided. While one section is opposed to commodification of education, the
other section thinks that involving the private sector is the only way out. How would the
higher education sector evolve in response to these challenges is a crucial issue for us to
understand and anticipate. How is the sector contemplating changes to engage with the
world? If India is to be a global economic powerhouse it is essential to nurture this higher
education sector.

Critical issues in Indian higher education

As India strives to compete in a globalised economy in areas that require highly
trained professionals, the quality of higher education becomes increasingly important. So
far, India’s large, educated population base and its reservoir of at least moderately well-
trained university graduates have aided the country in moving ahead, but the competition is
fierce; from China in particular. Other countries are also upgrading higher education with
the aim of building world class universities. Even the small top tier of higher education faces
serious problems. Many IIT graduates, well trained in technology, have chosen not to
contribute their skills to the burgeoning technology sector in India; perhaps half leave the
country immediately upon graduation to pursue advanced studies abroad, and most do not
return. A stunning 86 per cent of Indian students in the fields of science and technology
who obtain degrees in the United States do not return home immediately following their
graduation. A body of dedicated and able teachers work at the IITs and IIMs, but the lure of
jobs abroad and in the private sector makes it increasingly difficult to lure the best and
brightest to the academic profession.
The present system of higher education does not serve the purpose for which it has
been started. In general education itself has become so profitable a business that quality is
lost in the increase of quantity of professional institutions with quota system and
politicization adding fuel to the fire of spoil system, thereby increasing unemployment of
graduates without quick relief to mitigate their sufferings in the job market of the country.
This article published in Edited book ‘Higher Education’, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2011, Pp.93-
103. ISBN: 978-3-8465-1753-6

So, the drawbacks of the higher education system underscore the need for reforms to make
it worthwhile and beneficial to all concerned.
Most observers agree that Indian higher education, the significant and impressive
developments of the past few decades notwithstanding, faces major challenges in both
quantitative and qualitative terms. Perhaps the clearest and boldest statement of this issue
can be found in the “Report to the Nation 2006” of the National Knowledge Commission
which concludes that there is ‘a quiet crisis in higher education in India that runs deep’, and
that it has to do with both the quantity and the quality of higher education in India.
Recognizing this dual challenge, the Indian Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, severely
criticized in a recent speech the serious qualitative deficiencies in Indian higher education
while at the same time announcing plans for a major expansion of the system. Reflecting on
the findings of a confidential report by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council,
which is affiliated to the University Grants Commission (UGC), he expressed his concern
over the fact that two thirds (68%) of the country’s universities and 90 percent of its
colleges are “of middling or poor quality” and that well over half of the faculty in India’s
colleges do not have the appropriate degree qualifications. Knowledge is the base for overall
growth and if the nation has to be competitive and to be at par with the globalization pace,
we will have to respond to the market forces.
According to a study only 25% of engineering graduates are directly employable
(Infosys, an IT giant, last year sorted through 1.3 million applicants only to find that around
two percent were qualified for jobs.) Quality of education delivered in most institutions is
very poor. While India has some institutions of global repute delivering quality education,
such as (Indian Institute of Management) IIMs and (Indian Institute of Technology) IITs, we
do not have enough of them. It has very narrow range of course options that are offered
and education is a seller’s market, where is no scope of incentive to provide quality
education. There is clearly a lack of educated educators and teaching is not an attractive
profession. It’s a last choice in terms of career. Number of Ph.D.s produced each year is
very low and those required by academia is far higher. In fact, at many institutions fresh
graduates are employed to teach, leading to poor quality of classroom instruction. Most of
the education institutions esp. in states such as Maharashtra and states in South India are
owned by politicians. This Education system which is highly regulated by the government
has been set up to benefit politicians.
The growth of higher education in India has been largely guided by the serviceable
prerequisite of the economy. After independence, the role of the state in planning out a
development path and also in building higher education institutions was guided by mutuality
This article published in Edited book ‘Higher Education’, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2011, Pp.93-
103. ISBN: 978-3-8465-1753-6

of purpose. Most observers of higher education in India feel that performance of higher
education institutions has been less than satisfactory in terms of access, equity and quality.
Now there is an urgent need to work for the development of the educational sector to meet
the need of the emerging opportunities, increasing younger generation population and
challenges of the 21st century.

Challenges of present higher educational system in India

Since we have got independence we are facing challenges to establish a great and
strong education system. Various governments came and gone. Off course they tried to
establish new education policies in the system but this is very sad to dictate that they were
not sufficient for our country. Still we are facing lot of problems and challenges in our
Education System. India recognises that the new global scenario poses unprecedented
challenges for the higher education system. The University Grants Commission has
appropriately stated that a whole range of skills will be demanded from the graduates of
humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and commerce, as well as from the various
professional disciplines such as agriculture, law, management, medicine or engineering.
India can no longer continue the model of general education as it has been persisting
in for the large bulk of the student population. Rather, it requires a major investment to
make human resource productive by coupling the older general disciplines of humanities,
social sciences, natural sciences and commerce to their applications in the new economy
and having adequate field based experience to enhance knowledge with skills and develop
appropriate attitudes.
Responding to these emerging needs, the UGC stated: "The University has a crucial
role to play in promoting social change. It must make an impact on the community if it is to
retain its legitimacy and gain public support". It seeks to do so by a new emphasis on
community based programmes and work on social issues. Concepts of access, equity,
relevance and quality can be operationalised only if the system is both effective and
efficient. Hence, the management of higher education and the total networking of the
system has become an important issue for effective management. The shift can occur only
through a systemic approach to change as also the development of its human resource, and
networking the system through information and communication technology.
There are many basic problems facing higher education in India today. These include
inadequate infrastructure and facilities, large vacancies in faculty positions and poor faculty
thereof, low student enrolment rate, outmoded teaching methods, declining research
standards, unmotivated students, overcrowded classrooms and widespread geographic,
This article published in Edited book ‘Higher Education’, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2011, Pp.93-
103. ISBN: 978-3-8465-1753-6

income, gender, and ethnic imbalances. Apart from concerns relating to deteriorating
standards, there is reported exploitation of students by many private providers. Ensuring
equitable access to quality higher education for students coming from poor families is a
major challenge. Students from poor background are put to further disadvantage since they
are not academically prepared to crack highly competitive entrance examinations that have
bias towards urban elite and rich students having access to private tuitions and coaching.
Education in basic sciences and subjects that are not market friendly has suffered.
Research in higher education institutions is at its lowest ebb. There is an inadequate
and diminishing financial support for higher education from the government and from
society. Many colleges established in rural areas are non-viable, are under-enrolled and
have extremely poor infrastructure and facilities with just a few teachers. A series of judicial
interventions over the last two decades and knee-jerk reaction of the government – both at
the centre and state level and the regulatory bodies without proper understanding of the
emerging market structure of higher education in India has further added confusion to the
higher education landscape in the country. There is an absence of a well-informed reform
agenda for higher education in the country. A few efforts made now and then are not rooted
in the new global realties based on competition and increased mobility of students and
Time to time system influenced with new challenges and government taken a major
role to build the system. But there are many challenges always faced by the government.
Some of the leading challenges before the higher education system are continuous
upgradation of curriculum to keep in pace with rapid growth of science and technology;
globalisation and the resultant challenges from the international universities; grooming of
many private institutions without any method of ensuring maintenance of quality and
standard; need for adequate funding to meet the demands of various novel innovative
programmes; developing a meaningful and purposeful inter-face between the universities,
National Research Laboratories, industries, government and society, etc. ICT in higher
education policy may not be able to completely overcome all these challenges though it may
play a role in information and resource sharing.
There are so many people in various parts of country which are still out of reach.
This is when we have emphasize more on our education programs and made our system
reachable to all areas. Government has to rethink on these areas to implement more on the
policies. Money also plays a vital role for the education system which needs to unique for
all globally recognized syllabus and curricula. Take a look on our constitution which says
that this is the responsibility of central and state government to build good education
This article published in Edited book ‘Higher Education’, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2011, Pp.93-
103. ISBN: 978-3-8465-1753-6

system. For that we need to have funds. But despite there was a large expenditure on the
funds every year on Education where the fund goes and our system remains intact.
Central government prepares policies and plan while responsibility of State
government is run those policies on ground. The standard education facilities are higher in
the states which are much rich. There is a need to change such defects from the country
education system which only can be influenced by increasing funding and providing better
facilities to students. But we know there is always increase in the fund for the education
system but never implemented in that area. So we have to work in this area. Government
tries to make different policies which are implemented but quality never checked. Majority
of fund goes in the pockets of officials working for this. There is a vast need to improve the
quality and standards.
The time now is to modernize our education system so that our country can get
much more technically graduated people which can help our country to developed state.
Today’s youth always try to go foreign for his higher education as they have much better
facilities and quality of their system. Can’t we get that quality here itself? We have to stop
this brain drainage so as avoid students to run away from country. Our governments trying
for various challenges faced but no one is doing well for that. Government came and goes
but system remains intact.
Higher education is extremely diverse and the challenges and issues faced by higher
education institutions are just as diverse. The process of education is not merely digesting
books. It is also about doing several co-curricular and extra-curricular activities that give a
broader meaning to life in general and education in particular. I believe that opportunities
for such holistic development are not enough in India. Facilities for the same are lacking or
not easily accessible in India. Even where facilities exist, there is a lack of information about
the same.
There is a lack of universities and institutes for education but one most important
fact is that the quality of education is absent in higher education. There are very few
teachers and their knowledge is very insufficient. Most of the teachers are making money
with tuitions. I have seen my places where there tuitions. The teachers are not having
proper knowledge of subject even and resources to student community are very poor.
Students do not have any student-ship ethics, they just want marks in the subject and they
study only for grabbing jobs. There is no creativity in students. Our top class students are
hard-worker but not innovative. They are not capable enough to produce new technology.
There is a great need to revolution in higher education. These are just some challenges
This article published in Edited book ‘Higher Education’, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2011, Pp.93-
103. ISBN: 978-3-8465-1753-6

which should cover all the aspect in the present scenario of education and we have to
implement hard on them.

Suggestions for improving quality of higher education

There are some suggestions and Expectations from Government, Industry,
Educational Institutions, Parents and Students for improving quality of higher education-
1. Towards a Learning Society- As we move towards a learning society, every
human activity will require contributions from experts, and this will place the entire
sector of higher education in sharp focus. Although the priorities, which are being
assigned today to the task of Education for All, will continue to be preponderant, the
country will have to prepare itself to invest more and more on higher education and,
simultaneously, measures will have to be taken to refine, diversify and upgrade
higher education and research programmes.
2. Industry and Academia Connection- Industry and Academia connect necessary to
ensure curriculum and skills in line with requirements. Skill building is really very
crucial to ensure employability of academia to understand and make sure good jobs
(keeping in view knowledge + skills+ global professional skills = good jobs).
3. Incentives to Teachers and Researchers- Industry and students are expecting
specialized courses to be offered so that they get the latest and best in education
and they are also industry ready and employable. Vocational and Diploma courses
need to be made more attractive to facilitate specialized programs being offered to
students. Incentives should be provided to teachers and researchers to make these
professions more attractive for the younger generation.
4. Innovative Practices- The new technologies offer vast opportunities for progress in
all walks of life. It offers opportunities for economic growth, improved health, better
service delivery, improved learning and socio-cultural advances. Though efforts are
required to improve the country’s innovative capacity, yet the efforts should be to
build on the existing strengths in light of new understanding of the research-
innovation-growth linkage.
5. To mobilize resources- The decline in public funding in the last two plan periods
has resulted in serious effects on standards due to increasing costs on non-salary
items and emoluments of staff, on the one hand, and declining resources, on the
other. Effective measures will have to be adopted to mobilize resources for higher
education. There is also a need to relate the fee structure to the student’s capacity to
This article published in Edited book ‘Higher Education’, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2011, Pp.93-
103. ISBN: 978-3-8465-1753-6

pay for the cost. So that, students at lower economic levels can be given highly
subsidised and fully subsidised education.
6. Coming of Information Age- The world is entering into an Information Age and
developments in communication, information and technology will open up new and
cost-effective approaches for providing the reach of higher education to the youth as
well as to those who need continuing education for meeting the demands of
explosion of information, fast-changing nature of occupations, and lifelong education.
Knowledge, which is at the heart of higher education, is a crucial resource in the
development of political democracy, the struggle for social justice and progress
towards individual enlightenment.
7. Student-Centred Education and Dynamic Methods- Methods of higher education
also have to be appropriate to the needs of learning to learn, learning to do, learning
to be and learning to become. Student-centred education and employment of
dynamic methods of education will require from teachers new attitudes and new
skills. Methods of teaching through lectures will have to subordinate to the methods
that will lay stress on self-study, personal consultation between teachers and pupils,
and dynamic sessions of seminars and workshops. Methods of distance education will
have to be employed on a vast scale.
8. Public Private Partnership- PPP is most essential to bring in quality in the higher
education system. Governments can ensure PPP through an appropriate policy.
University Grants Commission and Ministry of HRD should play a major role in
developing a purposeful interface between the Universities, Industries and National
Research Laboratories (NRLs) as a step towards PPP. Funding to NRLs by the
government should ensure the involvement of institutions of higher education
engaged in research activities to facilitate availability of latest sophisticated
equipment. There has been some effort both by the government and the private
education institutions to develop the teaching staff at various levels. However, this
needs to be intensified with appropriate attention to all the aspects related in order
to prepare quality and sufficient number of educational staff. Such efforts need a
very serious structuring for the research base institutions. We have to be optimistic
that private-public partnership and the Industry interface will take place in the field
of education at all levels, and particularly in the backward regions, which is the need
of the hour. To achieve excellence, we thus need to create a real partnership
between government, educators and industry– Partnerships that can provide our
This article published in Edited book ‘Higher Education’, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2011, Pp.93-
103. ISBN: 978-3-8465-1753-6

high-tech industries with skilled workers who meet the standards of their
9. To Provide Need Based Job-Oriented Courses- All round development of
personality is the purpose of education. But the present day education is neither
imparting true knowledge of life and nor improving the talent of a student by which
one can achieve laurels in the field one is interested. So, combination of arts subjects
and computer science and science and humanities or literature should be introduced
so that such courses could be useful for the students to do jobs after recruitment in
some companies which would reduce unnecessary rush to higher education. The
programme must be focused on graduate studies and research and developing
strategies and mechanisms for the rapid and efficient transfer of knowledge and for
its application to specific national and local conditions and needs. Meritorious
doctoral students should be recognized through teaching assistantships with stipends
over and above the research fellowships. Finally, based on knowledge only vision of
the future life and work can be had; based on this vision only a broad ambition can
be fixed for oneself; and based on this ambition only one can lead interesting life
doing satisfying job to do remarkable achievements in some field in the world.
10. International Cooperation- Universities in India have been a primary conduit for
the advancement and transmission of knowledge through traditional functions such
as research, innovation, teaching, human resource development, and continuing
education. International cooperation is gaining importance as yet another function.
With the increased development of transport and communication, the global village is
witnessing a growing emphasis on international cooperation and action to find
satisfactory solutions to problems that have global dimensions and higher education
is one of them.
11. Towards a New vision- India realizes, like other nations of the world, that
humanity stands today at the head of a new age of a large synthesis of knowledge,
and that the East and the West have to collaborate in bringing about concerted
action for universal upliftment, and lasting peace and unity. In this new age, great
cultural achievements of the past have to be recovered and enriched in the context
of the contemporary advancement so that humanity can successfully meet the
evolutionary and revolutionary challenges and bring about a new type of humanity
and society marked by integrated powers of physical, emotional, dynamic,
intellectual, ethical, aesthetic and spiritual potentialities.
This article published in Edited book ‘Higher Education’, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2011, Pp.93-
103. ISBN: 978-3-8465-1753-6

12. Cross Culture Programmes- After education, tour to all the places in India and
world as far as possible with the cooperation of government is necessary so that one
can understand about people, culture, arts, literature, religions, technological
developments and progress of human society in the world.
13. Action Plan for Improving Quality- Academic and administrative audit should be
conducted once in three years in colleges by external experts for ensuring quality in
all aspects of academic activities. The self-finance colleges should come forward for
accreditation and fulfill the requirements of accreditation. Universities and colleges
should realise the need for quality education and come forward with action plan for
improving quality in higher educational institutions.
14. Individuality- The life of one will not be interesting but rather boring, monotonous
and frustrating. This is mainly due to parental interference in the education of the
children. Parental guidance is necessary but it should not interfere in the creativity or
individuality of the students. Also, in spite of the obsolete type of education system,
some are achieving wonderful things in Sports, Music, Dance, Painting, Science and
Technology in the world. This is only due to the encouragement of the parents and
some dedicated teachers in the educational institutions. Higher education is
necessary for one to achieve excellence in the line one is best. But one should be
selected for higher education on the basis of merit only. Further, fees for education
in general should not be high; especially, the fees for higher studies should be within
the reach of every class of people in the nation.
15. Privatization of Higher Education- In any nation education is the basic necessity
for the socio-economic development of the individuals and the society. In reality only
20% of the population is educated in India. So, improved standard of education as
first priority should be offered to the majority by the govt. authorities with sincere
political will. Also, privatization of higher education is absolutely necessary in a vast
country like India as government alone is helpless to do so.
16. Quality development- Quality depends on its all functions and activities: teaching
and academic programs, research and scholarship, staffing, students, building,
facilities, equipments, services to the community and the academic environment. It
also requires that higher education should be characterized by its international
dimensions: exchange of knowledge, interactive networking, mobility of teachers and
students and international research projects, while taking into account the national
cultural values and circumstances. The level of education and knowledge being
imparted by many colleges...is not up to the mark. Instead of concentrating on
This article published in Edited book ‘Higher Education’, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2011, Pp.93-
103. ISBN: 978-3-8465-1753-6

quantity, these institutions should concentrate on quality. The approach of doctoral

research in social sciences needs to be more analytical and comparative and be
related to society, policy and economy. A study conducted on Social Science
Research Capacity in South Asia (2002) showed that the share of the Indian
universities in the special articles published in the Economic and Political Weekly was
only about a 25 percent. This too was dominated by only three universities, namely-
Jawaharlal Nehru University, University of Mumbai & University of Delhi.
17. World Class Education- Indian government is not giving priority to the
development of Standard in education. India should aspire for the international
standard in education. Many national universities like in the USA, UK, Australia, etc.
allow studies in higher education for foreign students in their countries and through
correspondence courses as well. In the same way India Universities of world class
education can also offer courses of studies to foreign students taking advantage of
the globalization process. To achieve that goal it should adopt uniform international
syllabus in its educational institutions.
18. Personality Development- Finally, education should be for the flowering of
personality but not for the suppression of creativity or natural skill. In the globalized
world opportunities for the educated people are naturally ample in scope. As a result
business process outsourcing (BPO) activities have increased competition in the
world trade leading towards the production of quality goods and their easy
availability everywhere in the world market. That is the way the world can be
developed for peace, prosperity and progress by able and skilful men.
19. Status of Academic Research Studies- If we see the number of researchers
engaged in Research and Development activities as compared to other countries we
find that we have merely 119 researchers, whereas Japan has 5287 and US has
4484 researchers per million of population. Even in absolute terms, number of
researchers in India is much smaller compared to US, China, Japan, Russia, and
Germany. Numbers of doctoral degrees awarded in all subjects are 16, 602 out of
which 6774 are in Arts and 5408 in science and rest in others (professional
subjects). India has a little over 6000 doctorates in Science and engineering,
compared to 9000 in China and 25000 in US. It increased rapidly from a little over
1000 in 1990 to over 9000 in recent years in China. In comparison, there has been a
modest increase in India. National Science Foundation (NSF) - Science and
Engineering Indicators (2002) shows that in the US, about 4% of the science and
engineering graduates finish their doctorates. This figure is about 7% for Europe. In
This article published in Edited book ‘Higher Education’, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2011, Pp.93-
103. ISBN: 978-3-8465-1753-6

India this is not even 0.4%. Data on doctorates particularly in science, engineering
and medicine suggests that only a few institutions have real research focus. In
engineering there were merely 650 doctorates awarded in 2001-02. Of these 80
percent were from just 20-top universities. In science, 65 percent of the doctorates
awarded were from the top-30 universities.
20. Stipends to Research Fellows- The number of Ph.Ds from Indian Universities
should increase with proper standards. This should be seen in the context of
extremely low fraction of Ph.Ds in India in relation to M.Sc./B.Tech., as compared to
what it is in USA, UK, Germany, Japan etc. Meritorious doctoral students should be
recognized through teaching assistantships with stipends over and above the
research fellowships Identifying talented, meritorious students and encouraging them
through recognition is very important to attract students into research and teaching.
21. Fair Quality Assurance System- Colleges and Private institutes should set up
Internal Quality Assurance Cell and must follow a minimum standard to give
degrees. The quality assurance system must be independent of political and
institutional interaction and it must have a basis in the legislation. There should be
operational, financial and academic autonomy coupled with accountability. There is a
need of an independent accreditation agency with a conglomerate of government,
industry, academia, society etc. means all stakeholders of the education to ensure
that the stakeholders particularly the students are not taken for a ride. They should
be able to know whether a particular institution delivers value or not, then things can
be under control to some extent. It is also important that all institutes of higher
learning must make public the acceptability of their courses and degrees. (i.e. the
status, recognition and acceptability of their courses by other institutions).
22. To increase Quantity of Universities- We need more universities because we are
more in number and present number of universities is too less. On 13th June, 2005
Government of India constituted a high level advisory body known as National
Knowledge Commission (NKC) to advise the PM about the state of education in India
and measures needed to reform this sector. It was headed by Sam Pitroda and
submitted its report in November 2007. NKC has recommended setting up of 1500
universities by 2015 so that gross enrollment ratio increases to 15 percent. It has
also called for establishing an Independent Regulatory Authority for Higher Education
(IRAHE) to monitor the quality of overall higher education in India.
This article published in Edited book ‘Higher Education’, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2011, Pp.93-
103. ISBN: 978-3-8465-1753-6

23. Examination Reforms- Examination reforms, gradually shifting from the terminal,
annual and semester examinations to regular and continuous assessment of
student’s performance in learning should be implemented
24. High-tech Libraries- Our university libraries have a very good collection of books,
but they are all in mess. A library must be online and conducive for serious study.
Indian universities should concentrate more on providing quality education which is
comparable to that of international standards.

After independence, there has been tremendous increase in institutions of higher
learning in all disciplines. But with the quantitative growth has it been able to attend to the
core issue of quality. India is today one of the fastest developing countries of the world with
the annual growth rate going above 9%. In order to sustain that rate of growth, there is
need to increase the number of institutes and also the quality of higher education in India.
To reach and achieve the future requirements there is an urgent need to relook at the
Financial Resources, Access and Equity, Quality Standards, Relevance and at the end the
To attain and sustain national, regional or international quality, certain components
are particularly relevant, notably careful selection of staff and continuous staff development,
in particular through the promotion of appropriate programs for academic development,
including teaching/learning methodology and mobility between countries, between higher
education institutions and the world of work, as well as student mobility within and between
countries. Internal self-evaluation and external review must be conducted openly by
independent specialists, if possible with international experts.
Report of the National Knowledge Commission if implemented can help boost
education sector in India. We are moving towards an era which would be defined by the
parameters of knowledge and wisdom. India in order to become a developed nation by 2020
and knowledge power by 2015. The decisions that are going to be taken on these are likely
to hold the key to India’s future as a center of knowledge production. We need higher
educated people who are skilled and who can drive our economy forward. When India can
provide skilled people to the outside world then we can transfer our country from a
developing nation to a developed nation very easily and quickly.
According to Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh ‘The time has come to
create a second wave of institution building and of excellence in the fields of education,
research and capability building’. We need an educational system that is modern, liberal and
This article published in Edited book ‘Higher Education’, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2011, Pp.93-
103. ISBN: 978-3-8465-1753-6

can adapt to the changing needs of a changing society, a changing economy and a changing
world. The thrust of public policy for higher education in India has to be to address these
challenges. However, one university can’t make much difference. If the government
welcomes more such initiatives, the future will be ours. We will be able to match and
compete with other countries and the dream to be the world’s greatest economy won’t be
difficult to achieve.

 Altbach, Philip G. (2006) The Private Higher Education Revolution: An Introduction.
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 Anandakrishnan, M. (2006) Privatization of higher education: Opportunities and
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Economic Growth: an illustration’, World Bank Group Working Paper, downloadable
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 Agarwal, Pawan (2006) Higher Education in India: The Need for Change (ICIER
Working Paper No. 180). New Delhi: Indian Council for Research on International
Economic Relations, (http://www.icrier.org/publication/working_papers_180.html)
 Chronicle of Higher Education, various issues (cited as CHE) (http://chronicle.com/)
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103. ISBN: 978-3-8465-1753-6

 Carl Dahlman and Anuja Utz, (2005) India and the Knowledge Economy: Leveraging
Strengths and Opportunities (World Bank Report No.31267-IN),Washington DC: W.
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 Raghunath A. Mashelkar, India’s R&D: Reaching for the Top. Science Vol. 307, No.
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 National Knowledge Commission, Report to the Nation 2006. New Delhi: National
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 Jandhyala B.G. Tilak, Absence of Policy and Perspective in Higher Education.
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 Higher Education in India: Issues, Concerns and New Directions
 Higher education in India and Yashpal Committee recommendations
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 Chatterjee, Jayanta, How to improve India's higher education and research quality?
http://www.nature.com/ 04 November 2008, available on 25.1.2011
 http://education.nic.in/uhe/uhe.asp, available on 25.1.2011
 Top universities in the world., http://in.answers.yahoo.com/ available on 25.1.2011
 Tewari, Asha, Implementing Quality in higher education,
http://www.qcin.org/nbqp/qualityindia/Vol-2-No2/specialreport.htm, available on
This article published in Edited book ‘Higher Education’, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2011, Pp.93-
103. ISBN: 978-3-8465-1753-6

Dr. J D Singh

Dr. J D Singh is working in a reputed Institute Gramotthan Vidyapeeth Post Graduate

College of Education (CTE), Sangaria, Rajasthan, India as Senior Lecturer in Education. He
is serving in the field of Teacher Education since 1994. He has also acted as Principal, Aklia
College of Education for Women, Goniana Mandi, Bathinda, Punjab (2006-08). He is an
author of three books related to School organization and management and Vedic
Mathematics. Dr. Singh has attended about three dozens of national and international
seminars, conferences and workshops and presented more than three dozen papers. About
45 general articles and 13 research papers have also published in national and international
journals. 17 days workshop on educational research methodology, one refresher course in
education and 8 research projects have completed and 4 radio talks have broadcasted from
All India Radio, Suratgarh. Eleven candidates have registered for the degree of Ph.D. in
Education, in which seven research scholars awarded Ph.D. degree from Maharaja Ganga
Singh University, Bikaner under his able supervision & guidance.

6, CTE Quarters, GV Campus, Sangaria-335063, Rajasthan, India
Contact No. +919414577875, email: drjdsingh@gmail.com

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