Healthy Living-Mid-Year Examination - 2022
Healthy Living-Mid-Year Examination - 2022
Healthy Living-Mid-Year Examination - 2022
Study the diagram given below and answer question 7 and 8.
A. food
B. snack
C. drink
D. Drug
A. accident
B. smooth breathing
C. lung cancer
D. nose bleeding
10. If your friend cut his hand badly, what is the first thing you can do to help him?
12. Whenever you want something from your friend, you should
A. ask first
C. take it forcefully
16. Which of the following does not help a person’s reproductive health?
A. regular training B. eating fresh vegetables
C. drinking alcohol D. good company
17. Jack smoked cigarettes after school when no one was looking. Sam knew about it and told
him that he had to leave the habit to be with the friends. Jack had to quit smoking. What do you
call the pressure given by Sam on Jack?
A. external pressure B. peer pressure
C. internal pressure D. Sam’s pressure
18. Which of the following activities is good for health?
A. smoking tobacco B. glue sniffing
C. eat fruits and vegetables D. drinking alcohol
Use a word from the box to fill in the given blanks in the answer booklet.
Fracture soap
1. _________________ are chemical substances made by special glands which pass over
the body through the blood stream.
2. Conflicts are ______________ between two people or parties.
3. _________________ is when you keep picking on someone because you think you are
4. We should wash our hands with ____________________ and water.
5. ____________________ is a break in the bone.
Write true or false for the given statements in the answer booklet.
Part II Matching (20 marks)
Match the items in Column I with the items in Column II. Write the letter of your best
choice in the box provided next to the numbers.
Column I Column II
1. Adolescent Development A Apply ice
2. Body building food B Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
3. Helps to prevent global warming C Can make us die
4. Sprain D Always seek an adult
5. CPR E Detol
6. Eat right kind of food in the right F Gives us fresh produce
1. Write down one change that occurs in boys when they go through adolescent stage?
4. Name the eye disease that is common amongst children in our community.
i. ______________________________________________________________
ii. ______________________________________________________________
7. Name a drug that you know about and explain why it’s harmful to us?
8. Write down two ways on how you can protect yourself from communicable diseases such
as Covid-19 viruses. .
ii. _________________________________
10. What are two diseases that arise from natural disasters?
ii. _________________________________