Lot Acc Test of Armor Helmets
Lot Acc Test of Armor Helmets
Lot Acc Test of Armor Helmets
Committee on Review of Test Protocols Used by the DoD to Test Combat
978-0-309-29866-7 Helmets; Board on Army Science and Technology; Division on Engineering
and Physical Sciences; National Research Council
158 pages
8.5 x 11
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Committee on Review of Test Protocols Used by the DoD to Test Combat Helmets
NOTICE: The project that is the subject of this report was approved by the Governing
Board of the National Research Council, whose members are drawn from the councils of
the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute
of Medicine. The members of the committee responsible for the report were chosen for
their special competences and with regard for appropriate balance.
This study was supported by Contract/Grant No. HQ0034-10-D-0003 between the National
Academy of Sciences and the U.S. Department of Defense. Any opinions, findings, con-
clusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and
do not necessarily reflect the views of the organizations or agencies that provided support
for the project.
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The Institute of Medicine was established in 1970 by the National Academy of Sciences to secure
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The National Research Council was organized by the National Academy of Sciences in 1916 to
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jointly by both Academies and the Institute of Medicine. Dr. Ralph J. Cicerone and Dr. C. D. Mote, Jr.,
are chair and vice chair, respectively, of the National Research Council.
BRUCE BRAUN, Director, Board on Army Science and Technology
NANCY T. SCHULTE, Study Director
DEANNA SPARGER, Program Administrative Coordinator
NIA D. JOHNSON, Senior Research Associate
BRUCE A. BRAUN, Director
CHRIS JONES, Financial Manager
DEANNA P. SPARGER, Program Administrative Coordinator
Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) wrote to Secretary of The study was conducted under the auspices of the NRC
Defense Leon Panetta in June 2012 to express her concerns Board on Army Science and Technology (BAST). The com-
that the new protocol for testing Advanced Combat Helmets mittee appreciates the assistance of Bruce A. Braun, director
(ACHs) posed “an unacceptably high risk” for such protec- of BAST, and Nancy T. Schulte, study director, for their very
tive equipment. In responding to Rep. Slaughter, Dr. Michael effective support in the conduct of this study. It also offers
Gilmore, Director of Operational Test and Evaluation its thanks to the BAST staff members who capably assisted
(DOT&E) of the Department of Defense (DoD), indicated in information-gathering activities, meeting and trip arrange-
that he had requested the National Academies’ National ments, and the production of this report; they include Nia D.
Research Council (NRC) to conduct an independent review Johnson, associate research assistant, and Deanna Sparger,
of DOT&E’s test protocols. The Committee on Review of senior program assistant.
Test Protocols Used by the DoD to Test Combat Helmets Finally, and most importantly, I want to express my appre-
was formed to conduct this review. This report is the result ciation to my fellow committee members for all of their work
of that study. in developing the findings and recommendations and in pre-
The committee held six meetings, including a site visit paring the report. This was an especially collegial group of
to the combat helmet test range at the Aberdeen Test Center experts, and I learned a lot from interacting with them. Rob
in Maryland. It received presentations from some two dozen Easterling and Ernest Seglie, two of the committee members,
entities, including offices within the U.S. Army, the U.S. deserve special mention for their contributions as part of the
Marine Corps, and the Special Operations Forces; the Insti- editorial team. I am also grateful to Naveen Narisetty at the
tute for Defense Analysis; DOT&E; manufacturers of com- University of Michigan for his work on the numerical studies
bat helmets; and the Office of the DoD Inspector General. to examine the robustness properties of test plans.
The committee appreciates the assistance offered by Chris
Moosmann, a staff member in the DOT&E Office of Live Vijay Nair, Chair
Fire Test and Evaluation, in the course of its deliberations. Committee on Review of Test Protocols
Used by the DoD to Test Combat Helmets
This report has been reviewed in draft form by individuals James R. Moran, The Boeing Company,
chosen for their diverse perspectives and technical expertise, John E. Rolph, University of Southern California, and
in accordance with procedures approved by the National Dean L. Sicking, The University of Alabama at
Research Council’s (NRC’s) Report Review Committee. The Birmingham.
purpose of this independent review is to provide candid and
critical comments that will assist the institution in making its Although the reviewers listed above have provided many
published report as sound as possible and to ensure that the constructive comments and suggestions, they were not asked
report meets institutional standards for objectivity, evidence, to endorse the conclusions or recommendations nor did they
and responsiveness to the study charge. The review com- see the final draft of the report before its release. The review
ments and draft manuscript remain confidential to protect of this report was overseen by James O. Berger, NAS, Duke
the integrity of the deliberative process. We wish to thank the University. Appointed by the National Research Council,
following individuals for their review of this report: he was responsible for making certain that an independent
examination of this report was carried out in accordance with
Gordon R. England, NAE, E6 Partners LLC, institutional procedures and that all review comments were
Karen Kafadar, Indiana University, carefully considered. Responsibility for the final content of
Harvey S. Levin, Baylor College of Medicine, this report rests entirely with the authoring committee and
William Q. Meeker, Jr., Iowa State University, the institution.
1.0 Information Gathering, 8
1.1 Summary of the Report, 8
1.2 References, 10
9.0 Summary, 64
9.1 Introduction, 64
9.2 Characterization of the Advanced Combat Helmet Using Existing Test Data, 65
9.3 Expanded Characterization Requiring Additional Data, 65
9.4 V50 Testing, 67
9.5 Comparison with Industrial Practices, 68
9.6 Concluding Remarks, 69
9.7 References, 69
3-1 Broad Categories of Threats, 16
3-2 Relative Body Surface Area and Distribution of Wounds by Body Region, 17
3-3 Distribution of Wounds by Body Region in Operation Enduring Force (Afghanistan) and Operation Iraqi Freedom
(Iraq), 17
3-4 Percentage of Injuries from Gunshot Wounds and Explosions from Previous U.S. Wars, 17
3-5 Distributions of Injury Causes by Body Region, 17
3-6 Representative Standard-Issue Infantry Rifles and Ammunition for Selected Potential Adversaries, 18
3-7 Representative Battlefield Threats/Impact Velocities, 19
4-1 DOT&E First Article Testing Helmet Test Matrix for the Advanced Combat Helmet, 26
8-1 Sample Sizes for the Army’s Historical Lot Acceptance Testing Protocol for a 9-mm RTP Shell, 54
8-2 Helmet Lot Acceptance Testing Matrix, 55
8-3 Helmet Shot Order Test Matrix for Aramid 9-mm, 55
8-4 Subtest Acceptance Quality Limits (Approximate), 59
8-5 Sample Sizes per ANSI Standard ASQ Z1.4-2008 to Achieve an AQL of 0.4 Percent, 60
8-6 Lot Acceptance Testing Helmet Sampling Rate as Specified in the Lightweight Advanced Combat Helmet Purchase
Description, 61
8-7 Switching Rules for Lot Sizes of 1,200 to 3,200 with Acceptance Quality Limit of 0.4, 62
S-1 Operating characteristic curves for the Army’s and the Director of Operational Test and Evaluation’s first article test-
ing protocols for penetration, 2
S-2 Further comparisons of the operating characteristic curves for the Army’s and the Director of Operational Test and
Evaluation’s first article testing protocols for penetration, 3
3-1 Typical timeline of blast, ballistic, blunt injuries compared to ergonomics-related injuries, 16
3-2 (a) Traumatic brain injury (TBI) hospitalizations by source for battle injuries categorized by regions in Operation
Enduring Force/Operation Iraqi Freedom. (b) TBI hospitalizations by combat/noncombat source, 18
3-3 Sagittal headform specified in National Institute of Justice Penetration Standard, 20
3-4 Long linear and depressed skull fractures from nonpenetrating helmet BFD in a human cadaveric model, 21
3-5 Typical potential neck injury locations in adults from impact loading, 22
3-6 Typical blunt brain trauma diagram, 22
3-7 Energy limits for blunt impact injury assessment in AGARD AR-330, 22
4-1 Clay time and temperature effects in the column drop test, 29
4-2 Aberdeen Test Center headform, 30
4-3 New Army “sized” headforms, 31
4-4 Peepsite headforms: five headforms, one for each shot direction, 31
7-1 Operating characteristic curves for Director, Operational Test and Evaluation, backface deformation
(BFD) protocol for the two groups of shot locations, 50
7-2 The two operating characteristic (OC) curves in Figure 7-1 overlaid with the overall OC curve of the backface
deformation (BFD) protocol, 50
7-3 Comparison of the three operating characteristic curves in Figure 7-2 with that of the legacy (0, 20) plan, 50
7-4 Operating characteristic curves for the two location groups for the Enhanced Combat Helmet, 51
7-5 Operating characteristic curves for a single 48-shot plan and for five 48-shot plans, 51
8-1 Operating characteristic curves for resistance to penetration for the three Director, Operational Test and
Evaluation, protocols by lot sizes, 56
8-2 Comparison of operating characteristic curves for the three Director, Operational Test and
Evaluation (DOT&E) lot acceptance testing protocols (black, red, and green) with the Army’s
Legacy first article testing (FAT) protocol (blue) and DOT&E’s FAT protocol (orange), 57
8-3 Comparison of operating characteristic curves for the three DOT&E lot acceptance testing protocols
(black, red, and green) with an illustrative (1, 60) first article testing protocol (red), 57
8-4 Backface deformation (BFD) operating characteristic curves for the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation
(DOT&E) first article testing (FAT) protocol in blue, the original Army FAT protocol in black, and the
DOT&E lot acceptance testing (LAT) protocols in red, 58
8-5 Operating characteristic (OC) curves for the illustrative helmet-based lot acceptance testing (LAT) protocol
in red compared to the OC curve for the combined resistance to penetration and backface deformation for the
Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) LAT protocol in blue, 61
8-6 Switching rules from ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2008, 62
10-1 Linkages between the force of the impact, how the helmet attenuates it, and resulting brain injuries, 71
10-2 Incidence of traumatic brain injury classified by severity for warfighters, 73
10-3 (a) The University of Virginia’s Hybrid III head model used for laboratory simulations and measurements.
(b) Biokinetics headform variant of the Hybrid III headform for ballistic impact, 75
10-4 Instrumented cadaver head, 77
10-5 Thresholds for diffuse axonal injury based on nonhuman primate rotational acceleration experiments
and scaling through computational modeling to human brain masses of 500 g (thick solid curve),
1,067 g (solid curve), and 1,400 g (dotted curve). Regions to the upper and right of each curve are
regions of diffuse axonal injury, 78
10-6 Left: The base of the human skull supports the bottom of the brain and the brain stem that descends
through the large orifice in the center known as the foramen magnum. Right: Positron tomography of
the uptake of ammonia-13N in the normal pituitary, 80
10-7 Principal strains in simulated brain material from projectile-induced kinetic energy striking a helmet at two angles.
Blue is 0 percent, green is 2 percent, and red is >4 percent, 82
10-8 Computational simulations of the protective effect of the Advanced Combat Helmet (center column) and
face shield (right column) show a significant attenuation of the transmitted pressure field when compared to the
unprotected head (left column), 83
10-9 Experimental determination of brain shear modulus (magnitude of the complex shear modulus) showing wide
variance of experimental results from different researchers, 84
10-10 Dependence of shear strain on stress rate shows the importance of correct simulation of the shear stress rate in
simulations, 84
D-1a The helmet test range at the U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center, 124
D-1b Typical test range at set-up for helmet V0 testing, 125
D-2 U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center headform, 125
D-3 Packing the headform with clay and shaping the clay, 125
D-4 U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center headform with clay, 126
D-5 Test impact locations, 126
D-6 Pad Configuration for V0 resistance to penetration testing for full cut style helmet (top) or the tactical
cut style helmet (bottom), 126
D-7 Helmet mounted on a headform, 127
D-8 Test frame and fixture, 127
D-9 Example of headform showing a penetration as evidenced by the presence of projectile fragments in the clay, 128
D-10 Witness plate headforms for hardware testing, 128
D-11 V50 helmet test mount (left) and associated witness plate (right), 129
D-12 Headform showing indent in the clay as a result of helmet backface deformation, 129
D-13 Faro® scanning laser instrument laser scan arm, 129
D-14 Headform clay conditioning by analogy, 130
D-15 Clay calibration test rig, 130
D-16 Examples of helmet conditioning, 131
E-1 Brain alterations shown on functional imaging without behavioral changes, 134
E-2 Positron tomography image showing sites of inflammation using the tracer 11C-PK11195 with superposition of the
positron emission tomography emission on a magnetic resonance imaging anatomical image, 135
10-1 Glossary, 72
CONTEXT AND TASKING combat helmets and prepare a report. The statement of task
for the committee is as follows:
In 2007, the Secretary of Defense asked the Director of
Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) to take over the
• Evaluate the adequacy of the Advanced Combat Hel-
responsibility to prescribe policy and procedures for the
met test protocol for both first article testing and lot
conduct of live-fire test and evaluation of body armor and
acceptance testing, including its use of the metrics of
helmets. A 2009 report by the Department of Defense’s
probability of no penetration and the upper tolerance
(DoD) Inspector General recommended that the DOT&E
limit (used to evaluate backface deformation).
“develop for Department-wide implementation a standard
• Evaluate the appropriate use of statistical techniques
test operations procedure for body armor inserts” that
(e.g., rounding numbers, choosing sample sizes, or
includes “statistical specification of probability of perfor-
test designs) in gathering the data.
mance and associated confidence in that performance” (DoD
• Evaluate the adequacy of the current helmet testing
IG, 2009). As a result of this recommendation, DOT&E
procedure to determine the level of protection pro-
developed and published statistically based test protocols for
vided by current helmet performance specifications.
body armor and for combat helmets, in April and December,
• Evaluate procedures for the conduct of additional
2010, respectively.
analysis of penetration and backface deformation
In June 2012, Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) sent a letter
data to determine whether differences in performance
(Slaughter, 2012)1 to Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta
expressing concerns that the new protocol 2 for ballistic
• Evaluate the scope of characterization testing relative
testing for the Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH) posed
to the benefit of the information obtained.
“an unacceptably high risk” for such protective equip-
ment. Dr. Michael Gilmore, DOT&E, responded to Rep.
This report is the result of the committee’s deliberations.
Slaughter’s letter (Gilmore, 2012)3 on July 13, 2012. As
part of this response, he noted that DOT&E would request
the assistance of the National Academies’ National Research CURRENT PROTOCOLS
Council (NRC) to determine the adequacy of the ballistic
The ACH was introduced by the Army in 2002 and
helmet testing methodology.
continues to be produced. The advance production order
The NRC set up the Committee on Review of Test Proto-
was for 1.08 million helmets, and these are in sustainment.
cols Used by the DoD to Test Combat Helmets to consider
When a manufacturer proposes to produce ACHs for the
the technical issues relating to test protocols for military
Army, it submits a sample for first article testing (FAT).
If the helmet design passes the FAT, the manufacturer will
start production. The produced helmets must be subjected
full text of Rep. Slaughter’s letter to Secretary Panetta is in Ap-
pendix A.
to a lot acceptance test (LAT) for a quality check before the
2The December 7, 2010, protocol for first article testing is superseded lot is accepted.
by the September 20, 2011, protocol for first article testing. This protocol, The FAT process involves a suite of ballistic shots, with
including the May 4, 2012, protocol for lot acceptance testing, is found in the primary one being 9-mm shots at a specified velocity
Appendix B. and at specified helmet locations. Two measures are used to
3The full text of Director Gilmore’s response to Rep. Slaughter is in
Appendix A.
assess the performance of helmets during the test process:
n c
1.0 20 0
240 17
n sample size
0.8 c acceptance number
Probability of Acceptance
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18
Probability of Penetration
FIGURE S-1 Operating characteristic curves for the Army’s and the Director of Operational Test and Evaluation’s first article testing pro-
tocols for penetration. The blue lines show the probabilities of acceptance for the two plans when the true probability of penetration is 0.1.
resistance to penetration (RTP) and backface deformation 90/90 standard in Director Gilmore’s letter and elsewhere
(BFD).4 by DOT&E: If the probability of non-penetration is 0.9 or
The original Army FAT protocol consisted of 20 9-mm less, then the helmet design has at least a 90 percent chance
shots (four helmets and shots at five specified locations on a of failing the FAT.
helmet). The helmets were all the same size, and one helmet In developing its protocol, DOT&E decided to increase
each was exposed to one of four environmental conditions. the number of helmets tested from 4 to 48. Five shots were
A manufacturer’s helmet design was deemed to pass FAT taken at five different locations on a helmet (as was the case
for penetration if there were zero penetrations out of the 20 with the Army’s protocol), leading to a total of n = 240 shots.
shots. This is an example of a c-out-of-n test plan in the sta- DOT&E applied the same 90/90 standard to get the number
tistical quality control literature; in this case, c = 0 and n = 20. of acceptable penetrations as c = 17. In other words, the
The properties of a test plan can be obtained from its helmet design passes FAT if there are17 or fewer penetra-
operating characteristic (OC) curve, which is a plot of the tions in 240 shots and fails otherwise. The dashed red curve
probability of passing the test (y-axis) as a function of the in Figure S-1 shows the OC curve for this plan developed
penetration probability of a single shot (x-axis). The solid by DOT&E. It can be seen that, if the true probability of
black curve in Figure S-1 gives the OC curve for the Army’s penetration is 0.10, the probability of acceptance equals 0.10
0-out-of-20 plan. The blue line shows that, if the true prob- (satisfying the 90/90 standard).
ability of penetration is 0.10, the probability of passing the It is this change in the protocol, from zero penetrations
test is about5 0.10. This property has been referred to as the (out of 20 shots) to allowing as many as 17 penetrations (out
of 240 shots), that resulted in Rep. Slaughter’s concern with
4RTP is a binary outcome indicating whether or not there is a complete the safety of Army combat helmets. In his response, Direc-
penetration of the helmet shell. BFD is measured by the maximum depth of tor Gilmore noted that DOT&E’s plan had (essentially6) the
the deformation that is imprinted by the helmet on the clay surface of the same 90/90 property as the Army’s legacy plan. Further, it
headform. (Formal definitions are given in Chapter 5.)
5The actual probability of acceptance for the 0-out-of-20 plan is slightly had better statistical properties because a larger number of
higher than 0.10. The 0-out-of-22 plan is closer to the 90/90 standard. This
was noted in Dr. Gilmore’s response to Rep. Slaughter. 6See footnote 5.
n c
1.0 20 0
240 17
n sample size
0.8 c acceptance number
Probability of Acceptance
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18
Probability of Penetration
FIGURE S-2 Further comparisons of the operating characteristic curves for the Army’s and the Director of Operational Test and Evaluation’s
first article testing protocols for penetration. The blue lines show the probabilities of acceptance for the two plans when the true probability
of penetration is 0.1; the purple and green lines show the corresponding acceptance probabilities when the true penetration probabilities are,
respectively, 0.005 and 0.05.
helmets and multiple helmet sizes were tested under different letter, there are indeed advantages associated with increasing
environmental conditions, and, therefore, the new protocol the number of helmets tested.
was an improvement. However, a key issue is whether the 90/90 standard, which
was used to develop the protocol, is appropriate. In addition,
that standard specifies only one point on the OC curve in
Comparison of FAT Protocols for Penetration
developing the test plan, but, in fact, the whole curve and the
The committee first considers FAT protocols for RTP plan’s incentives and risks need to be considered. Figure S-2
because these were the focus of the correspondence between provides a re-examination of the OC curves for the Army’s
Rep. Slaughter and Director Gilmore. FAT protocols involv- and DOT&E’s protocols. As in Figure S-1, the black curve
ing BFD are discussed in Chapter 7. LAT protocols for both is for the Army’s 0-out-of-20 plan, and the red curve is for
RTP and BFD are considered in Chapter 8. DOT&E’s 17-out-of-240 plan. Each curve shows how the
The committee emphasizes an obvious point: The Army’s probability of accepting a helmet design (y-axis) varies as
legacy protocol allowed zero penetrations in 20 shots, but the underlying probability of penetration (x-axis) varies. As
that did not imply that a helmet design that passes FAT has noted in Figure S-1, the two curves cross at a point close
zero probability of penetration. to penetration probability of 0.10 (blue line). To the left of
Further, there are good statistical reasons to justify this curve, DOT&E’s plan (in red) has higher probabilities
DOT&E’s increase in the number of helmets tested to 48 of acceptance (passing FAT); to the right it has lower prob-
helmets from the Army’s 5. One gets more precise estimates abilities. In other words, the DOT&E’s plan is less stringent
of the penetration probability from 240 shots than 20 shots. (easier to pass) than the original 0-out-of-20 plan if the actual
In addition, DOT&E’s plan allows better statistical com- penetration probability is less than 0.10 and more difficult
parison of possible differences between helmet sizes and to pass if the penetration probability is higher than 0.10.
environmental conditions. So, as pointed out in Dr. Gilmore’s However, as we will see below, there are more pertinent pen-
etration probabilities at which the plans should be compared.
Data made available to the committee show that manu- Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E), should use this
facturers are currently producing ACHs with penetration information to set the appropriate standard for performance
probabilities around 0.005 or less (overall, there were 7 pen- metrics in the test protocols. In the absence of such a sci-
etrations in 12,147 shots; see Chapter 5). This corresponds to entific basis, DOT&E should develop a plan that provides
the purple line in Figure S-2. At this penetration probability assurance that it leads to the production of helmets that are
of 0.005, the probability of passing the FAT is close to 1.0 for at least as penetration resistant as currently fielded helmets.
DOT&E’s protocol (red curve), while it is about 0.9 for the
Army’s legacy protocol (black curve). So the manufacturer’s Director Gilmore’s response to Rep. Slaughter notes that
risks (probabilities of not passing the FAT) at a penetration the “Services and the U.S. Special Operations Command
probability of 0.005 are zero and 0.1 respectively. These are have endorsed the 90/90 standard for no perforation.”7
relatively small values, as they should be. Despite this assurance, the committee is concerned that
Consider the green line in Figure S-2 that corresponds to a DOT&E’s protocol may have unintended consequences.
penetration probability of 0.05, an order of magnitude higher As noted earlier, under the new DOT&E protocol, there is
than the current penetration level of 0.005. For this value, the a high probability of passing the test even if the penetration
DOT&E’s plan (red curve), has an acceptance probability of probability is an order of magnitude higher than the current
about 0.95, while the Army’s legacy plan (black curve) has levels. Therefore manufacturers may not have an incentive to
a probability of about 0.38. In other words, if manufacturers sustain the current levels of penetration resistance.
produce helmets with a penetration probability of 0.05 (as Of course, future designs of helmets may involve other
noted, an order of magnitude higher than the current level), considerations such as lower weight and added mobility. It
they have a 95 percent chance of passing the FAT under the is possible that manufacturers and the government have to
current DOT&E protocol; that is, the government’s risk is compromise on the penetration probability levels in order to
0.95. In comparison, the government’s risk under the Army’s produce lighter helmets. However, the added benefits of such
legacy plan is 0.38. design changes would have to be studied and demonstrated
So the question comes down to the following: What is the before one accepts higher levels of penetration. In the case
appropriate level of penetration probability at which the gov- of the ACH, there have been no such design changes.
ernment’s risk should be controlled? By selecting the 90/90
standard, DOT&E has set this penetration probability at 0.10,
The Army’s Modified Protocol
a value that is roughly two orders of magnitude greater than
where the manufacturers are currently operating. In 2012, with DOT&E’s approval, the Army modified the
Now, for business reasons, the manufacturers would want 17-out-of-240 plan to a two-stage protocol. The two stages
to design a helmet that has a high chance of passing the test involve conducting a 0-out-of-22 plan in the first stage, and,
while meeting the other helmet criteria such as weight. If if the helmet design passes this test, then a second 17-out-
there is a high probability of passing the test, even if the of-218 plan is used, for a total of 240 shots and a combined
penetration probability is an order of magnitude higher than acceptable number of penetrations of 17. The first stage, the
the current levels, manufacturers may not have an incentive 0-out-of-22 plan, is slightly more stringent than the Army’s
to sustain the current levels of penetration-resistance, and, 0-out-of-20 legacy plan, so this modified plan provides an
hence, helmet safety could possibly be degraded. incentive for manufacturers to achieve a penetration prob-
As noted in Chapters 3, 6, and 10, there is currently no ability of 0.005 or less.
scientific basis for linking performance metrics to brain
injuries. The report notes, in Chapter 3 and elsewhere, that Finding 6-4. The Army’s modified plan satisfies the criterion
there is a need to initiate research that connects performance that it provides an incentive for manufacturers to produce
metrics to brain injuries. helmets that are at least as penetration-resistant as current
Recommendation 3-4. The Department of Defense should
vigorously pursue efforts to provide a biomedical basis for The second stage of this plan allows 17 penetrations
assessing the risk of helmet backface injuries. out of 218 shots, or equivalently, a penetration probability
level of 17/218 = 0.08. However, a helmet design with 0.08
While these links are being developed, it is important penetration probability has a very small chance of being
that the performance of new helmet systems is at least as
good as previous helmet systems, as measured by current 7Director Gilmore’s letter, reprinted in Appendix A, also noted, “The
performance metrics. ational Research Council (NRC), in its recent independent technical review
of the Department’s testing of body armor, indicated that this approach to
Recommendation 6-2. If there is a scientific basis to link testing is scientifically defensible.” It should be emphasized, however, that the
brain injury with performance metrics (such as penetra- Committee on Testing of Body Armor Materials for Use by the U.S. Army—
Phase III did not explicitly endorse the 90/90 standard. Further, the standards
tion frequency and backface deformation), the Director of for helmets should be determined independently of those for body armor.
as currently fielded helmets. However, the committee reiter- • Brain injury tolerances determined in the past, and
ates that there are important advantages to the increased test continuing to be developed for vehicle and sports
size in DOT&E’s plan compared to the Army’s legacy plan. collisions, are based on stresses and stress rates that
Any modification to DOT&E’s plan should retain the benefits are significantly different from those for ballistic and
obtained from the increased test size, although the report blast stresses.
does not make any specific recommendation on test size.
Most of the findings are recommendations in Chapters
3 and 10 are in response to the third point in the commit-
tee’s statement of task: Evaluate the adequacy of current
This report includes 10 chapters and several appendixes. testing to determine the level of protection provided by
Chapter 1 provides an introduction and overview. Chapter 2 the ACH.
describes the history and evolution of the combat helmet as Chapters 4-9 deal primarily with statistical issues. Chap-
well as recent advances in design, materials, and manufac- ter 4 describes the testing and measurement processes for
turing processes. combat helmets, including the test threats and the different
Chapter 3 describes historical wounding patterns and sources of variation. The Phase II report on body armor test-
recent and emerging threats as well as the biomechanical ing noted the need to conduct a formal gauge repeatability
basis for penetration and blunt trauma. The latter topic is and reproducibility (R&R) study to determine the sources
taken up in more detail in Chapter 10, which presents the of variation in the test process (NRC, 2012). It appears that
gaps in medical knowledge of brain injury tolerances relative such a study has not been done. In view of the costs involved
to current standards of helmet protection. The key findings in testing and the benefits to be gained from an R&R study,
and recommendations from these two chapters include the the committee reiterates the importance of carrying out such
following: a study.
• Wounding from an explosive source (including Recommendation 4-1. The Department of Defense should
fragmentation from bombs, mines, and artillery) conduct a formal gauge repeatability and reproducibility
has dominated injuries in all major modern conflicts study to determine the magnitudes of the sources of test
since World War II. Blast and blunt trauma are variation, particularly the relative contributions of the vari-
increasingly becoming a major source of injuries. ous sources from the testing methodology versus the varia-
tion inherent in the helmets. The Army and the Office of the
Recommendation 3-1. The Department of Defense should Director, Operational Test and Evaluation, should use the
ensure that appropriate threats, in particular fragmentation results of the gauge repeatability and reproducibility study to
threats, from current and emerging threat profiles are used make informed decisions about whether and how to improve
in testing. the testing process.
Recommendation 3-3. The Department of Defense should Chapter 5 provides a formal definition of the performance
reassess helmet requirements for current and potential measures—resistance to penetration (RTP) and backface
future fragmentation threats, especially for fragments ener- deformation (BFD)—and discusses their limitations. The
gized by blast and for ballistic threats. The reassessment results from analyses of FAT and LAT data made available
should examine redundancy among design threats, such as to the committee are also described here. These data showed
the 2-grain versus the 4-grain and the 16-grain versus the considerable heterogeneity among helmet sizes and shot
17-grain. Elimination of tests found to be redundant may locations.
allow resources to be directed at a wider diversity of realistic Chapters 6 and 7 are concerned with the evaluation and
ballistic threats, including larger mass artillery fragments, comparison of FAT protocols for RTP and BFD, respectively.
bullets other than the 9-mm, and improvised explosive device Most of the key findings and recommendations from these
fragments. This effort should also examine the effects of chapters are summarized above.
shape, mass, and other parameters of current fragmentation Chapter 8 deals with LAT, with major findings and recom-
threats and differentiate these from important characteristics mendations that mirror those for FAT. In addition, Chapter 8
of design ballistic threats. describes how the current LAT protocols can be modified to
conform to American National Standards Institute standard.
• Unlike body armor, there is not any indirect biome- Chapter 9 responds to the committee’s charge to evaluate
chanical connection between the backface deforma- the scope of current characterization testing and recommend
tion assessment in the current test methodology and additional studies. A number of additional characterization
brain injuries from behind-helmet deformation. studies for new helmet designs as part of a broader program
on characterization are suggested.
CONCLUDING REMARKS nology capability and the needs of the soldier on the
battlefield. Further, it is important that the design of
The committee commends the Director of Operational
test plans focus on that region of the OC curve at
Test and Evaluation and his office for their efforts to bring
which the helmet is expected to perform.
scientific rigor to the testing of combat helmets. These efforts
are of critical importance to the safety and morale of the men
Throughout the course of the committee’s research and
and women of the U.S. armed services. The committee also
deliberations, it became quite clear that DOT&E’s and the
applauds Rep. Slaughter for her active oversight in this area.
Army’s goal is to ensure that combat helmets (and all per-
The overarching messages in this report are:
sonal protective equipment) are manufactured and tested to
the highest possible standards. It is the committee’s hope
• There is an urgent need for the Department of
that this report helps DOT&E and DoD in their continued
Defense to establish a research program to develop
pursuit of this goal.
helmet test metrics that have a clear scientific link
to the modes of human injury from ballistic impact,
blast, and blunt trauma. REFERENCES
• It is critical that test profiles for combat helmets be DoD IG (Department of Defense Inspector General). 2009. D-2009-047.
modified to include appropriate threats from current DoD Testing Requirements for Body Armor. Washington, D.C.: Depart-
and emerging threats. ment of Defense.
• The development of test protocols must be based on Gilmore, J.M. 2012. Letter from J. Michael Gilmore, Director, Operational
Test and Evaluation, to Representative Louise M. Slaughter, July 13.
appropriately derived OC curves, where such curves
NRC (National Research Council). 2012. Phase III Report on Review of the
will likely be unique to each helmet type and design, Testing of Body Armor Materials for Use by the U.S. Army. Washington,
which is intentionally chosen to match current tech- D.C.: The National Academies Press.
Slaughter, L.M. 2012. Letter from Representative Louise M. Slaughter to
Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, June 26, 2012.
This chapter provides the study context and statement of tance testing, including its use of the metrics of probabil-
task. It also describes the scope of the study and includes ity of no penetration and the upper tolerance limit (used
summaries of the various chapters in the report. to evaluate backface deformation).
In June 2012, Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) sent a let- • Evaluate the appropriate use of statistical techniques
(e.g., rounding numbers, choosing sample sizes, or test
ter (Slaughter, 2012)1 to Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta
designs) in gathering the data.
expressing concerns that a recent modification to the stan-
• Evaluate the adequacy of the current helmet testing pro-
dard for ballistic testing for the Advanced Combat Helmet cedure to determine the level of protection provided by
(ACH) posed “an unacceptably high risk” for such protective current helmet performance specifications.
equipment. She urged that ballistics testing procedures be • Evaluate procedures for the conduct of additional analysis
modified. of penetration and backface deformation data to deter-
The July 13, 2012, response to Rep. Slaughter (Gilmore, mine whether differences in performance exist.
2012)2 was made by J. Michael Gilmore, Director of Opera- • Evaluate the scope of characterization testing relative to
tional Test and Evaluation (DOT&E), the principal staff the benefit of the information obtained.
assistant and advisor to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary
of Defense for operational test and evaluation and live-fire 1.0 INFORMATION GATHERING
test and evaluation matters. He expressed the view that the
revised test protocol for the ACH is “better in several ways The committee held six meetings. The first was held in
that the previously used protocol while being designed to Aberdeen, Maryland, and included a site visit to the combat
demonstrate the same level of protection (probability of per- helmet test range at the Aberdeen Test Center. The second
foration) and also the same level of certainty of our knowl- through sixth meetings were held at the Academies’ facili-
edge of the level of protection.” However, he also noted that ties in Washington, D.C., and Woods Hole, Massachusetts.
DOT&E was requesting that the National Research Council A total of 18 presentations were received from the following
conduct a study to review the revised protocol for testing entities:
military combat helmets. This report is the result of that
request. Following is the statement of task. • Offices within the United States Army, the Marine
Corps, and the Special Operations Forces
The National Research Council will establish an ad hoc • Manufacturers of combat helmets
committee to consider the technical issues relating to test • Office of the Department of Defense (DoD) Inspector
protocols for military combat helmets and prepare a re- General
port. The committee will examine the testing protocols along
the following lines: The titles of the presentations are listed in Appendix C.
• Evaluate the adequacy of the Advanced Combat Helmet
test protocol for both first article testing and lot accep- 1.1 SUMMARY OF THE REPORT
The report contains 10 chapters and several appendices.
1The text of Rep. Slaughter’s letter to Secretary Panetta is found in Ap- This is an introductory chapter. Summaries of the remaining
pendix A. chapters are given below.
2The text of Director Gilmore’s letter to Rep. Slaughter is found in Ap-
pendix A.
Chapter 2: Evolution of Combat Helmets by a 9-mm bullet, fired under specified conditions, is on the
order of 0.005 or less. Available BFD data show that the prob-
Chapter 2 describes the changes in design and materials,
ability of exceeding the BFD thresholds is also around 0.005
from those used in World War I to today’s ACH. One of
or less. The distributions of the BFD data also demonstrate
the key advances was the development of aramid fibers in
significant differences among helmet sizes and shot locations.
the 1960s, which led to today’s Kevlar-based helmets. The
Some of the performance differences among helmet sizes may
DoD is continuing to invest in research to improve helmet
be attributed to the test process, such as headforms and stand-
performance, through better design and materials as well as
offs. Many others are likely to be due to the differences in the
better manufacturing processes.
geometry of helmet shells, molds, manufacturing processes,
and other factors. In fact, helmets of different sizes are intrinsi-
Chapter 3: Threats, Head Injuries, and Test cally different products. Based on this, Recommendation 5-5
Methodologies proposes changes to DoD’s test protocols. This is one of the
major recommendations in the report.
A variety of threats lead to head injuries in the battle-
field. Since World War II, the predominant threats have
been from the following: fragmentation and ballistic threats Chapter 6: FAT Protocols for Resistance to Penetration:
from explosions, artillery, and small arms fire; blunt trauma Statistical Considerations and Evaluation of DOD Test
caused by translation from blast, falls, vehicle crashes, and Plans
impact with vehicle interiors and from parachute drops; and
The test protocols for Army helmets were originally based
exposure to primary blasts. Key findings in this chapter
on a requirement of zero penetrations in 20 shots (5 shots
indicate the following:
on 4 helmets). The DOT&E protocol replaced this legacy
plan with a requirement of 17 or fewer penetrations in 240
• Wounding from an explosive source (e.g., fragmenta-
shots (5 shots on each of 48 helmets). The helmets spanned
tion from bombs, mines, and artillery) dominates all
four sizes and were tested in four different environments.
wounding, including bullets.
The 0-out-of-20 (0, 20) plan and DOT&E’s 17-out-of-240
• Nonbattle causes, including blunt traumatic injuries,
(17, 240) plan have comparable performance if the probability
produced nearly 50 percent of the hospitalizations for
of penetrating a helmet shell on a single shot is around 0.10.
traumatic brain injury in Iraq/Afghanistan.
As noted in the Chapter 5, available data indicate that these
• There is no biomechanical link in the current test
penetration probabilities are around 0.005 or less. Near this
methodology between the backface deformation
value of penetration probability, both plans have a 90 percent
(BFD) assessment and head injuries from behind-
or higher chance of passing the test, so the manufacturer’s risk
helmet deformation.
is small, as it should be. However, if there is a 10-fold increase
in the penetration probability from the current level of 0.005
There is a need to revise test methodologies to focus on
to 0.05, DOT&E’s (17, 240) plan still has a 95 percent chance
the dominant threats. The current protocol addresses primar-
of acceptance. This provides little incentive for the manufac-
ily rounds from 9-mm pistol fire, which is a relatively small
turer to sustain current penetration levels. The (0, 20) plan, on
contributor to soldier injuries. It is also important to develop
the other hand, has only a 38 percent chance of acceptance.
better understanding of the scientific connection between
Thus, the (17, 240) plan may have the unintended effect of
head injuries and the performance metrics used in current
leading to a reduction in helmet penetration resistance. In the
test methodology.
absence of a link between penetration probability and human
injury, there is no scientific basis for setting a limit on the
Chapter 4: Combat Helmet Testing penetration probability. In such a circumstance, the commit-
tee’s view is that the objective of a new test plan should be to
Chapter 4 describes how combat helmets are tested. It
provide assurance that newly submitted helmets are at least
includes a brief summary of the testing process, a description
as penetration resistant as current helmets. Chapter 6 also
of the test threats, and a discussion of the various sources of
proposes appropriate criteria for selecting test protocols and
variation in the testing process.
illustrates their use through several plans.
original plan was based on 20 shots; if no BFD measurements Chapter 9: Characterization Tests for ACH and Future
exceeded their limit, the demonstration was successful. In this Helmets
sense, it was similar to Army’s legacy protocol for RTP. The
The committee was tasked to “evaluate the scope of char-
DOT&E protocol expanded the number of shots to 240 and
acterization testing relative to the benefit of the information
used the continuous measurements together with an assump-
obtained.” The term “characterization” is broad and is used
tion that the data are normally distributed. Specifically, the
in different ways in different contexts. However, DOT&E
plan compared the 90 percent “upper-tolerance limits” com-
provided additional information to elaborate on this task.
puted at 90 percent confidence level (90/90 rule) with their
Most of the issues raised by DOT&E that relate to this task
thresholds for the corresponding location on the helmet. As
are addressed in this chapter. Chapter 9 also describes addi-
noted in Chapter 5, available BFD test data show that the
tional characterization tests that are needed. Some of these
probability of BFD exceeding its limits is quite small—on
are intended for future helmet designs. A number of these
the order of 0.005. As this chapter observes, DOT&E’s BFD
additional tests have been discussed in earlier chapters and
protocol has about a 90 percent chance of accepting the hel-
are repeated here because they can be viewed as being related
met design, even if there is an order of magnitude increase
to characterization studies. These include the following: eval-
in the exceedance probability (from 0.005 to 0.05). This
uating helmet performance across a more realistic, broader
weakens the incentive for manufacturers to produce helmets
range of threats; assessing the effect of aging; understanding
that are at least as good as current helmets with respect to
the relationship between helmet offsets and helmet protec-
BFD. In addition, the DOT&E protocols are based on an (a
tion; and conducting gauge repeatability and reproducibility
priori untestable) assumption of normality and the complex
studies to understand the different sources of variation in the
notion of an upper tolerance limit. Recommendation 7-1
test process and possibly providing opportunities to reduce
proposes that DOT&E’s protocol for BDF data be changed.
some of the variation. Chapter 9 also includes a discussion of
This change has the added advantage that the BFD protocol
current V50—the velocity at which complete penetration and
would exactly parallel the RTP protocol and would be easy
partial penetration are equally likely to occur—testing and an
for designers and manufacturers to understand and interpret.
alternative methodology as well as a discussion of industrial
However, it is important that, after testing, the continuous
practices in characterizing process capability.
BFD measurements be analyzed to assess the actual BFD
levels and monitor them for changes over time.
Chapter 10: Linking Helmet Protection to Brain Injury
Chapter 8: Lot Acceptance Testing The relationships between helmet deformation and brain
injury are not well known. Most of the studies in biomechani-
Lot acceptance testing (LAT) is used to ensure that manu-
cal engineering and medicine are related to sports and vehicle
facturers continue to produce helmets that conform to contract
collisions, and these investigations are based on a different
specifications. A random sample of helmets is selected from
range of stresses and stress rates from those encountered in
the production lot, and the helmet shells, as well as hard-
the battlefield. The aim of Chapter 10 is to present informa-
ware, are tested according to the LAT protocol. The number
tion on what is known, and the gaps in knowledge, about the
of helmets in the protocols is determined from an American
linkage between brain injury and current battlefield threats.
National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard, and they vary
The major finding is that helmet protection from penetration
by lot size. Chapter 8 examines the operating characteristic
and BFD greater than a particular value does not protect the
(OC) curves for DOT&E’s LAT plans and compares them
brain from occurrence of many categories of tissue injury.
with FAT protocols in the Army’s legacy plans and DOT&E’s
This chapter discusses recommendations that can help focus
plans. The OC curves for the LAT plans for the different lot
research, including determination of the prevalence of revers-
sizes can vary a lot, indicating that the manufacturer’s and
ible declines in hormonal function years after brain trauma
government’s risks can be quite different across lot sizes.
and acceleration of research in computational modeling and
This is primarily due to the different sample sizes (number
simulation that can show shear stress fields associated with
of helmets and number of shots) as determined from an ANSI
the known spectrum of threats and the protective capabilities
standard. Further, DOT&E’s first article testing (FAT) proto-
of helmets.
cols are considerably less stringent (higher probabilities of
acceptance for the OC curves) than their corresponding LAT
protocols. This is counter to the philosophy that it should be 1.2 REFERENCES
more difficult for manufacturers to pass FAT than LAT. This Gilmore, J.M. 2012. Letter from J. Michael Gilmore, Director of Operation-
issue can be addressed if DOT&E makes changes to the (17, al Test and Evaluation, to Representative Louise M. Slaughter, July 13.
240) FAT protocol as discussed in Chapters 6 and 7. Chapter Slaughter, L.M. 2012. Letter from Representative Louise M. Slaughter to
8 also proposes using binary data for BFD LAT protocols, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, June 26.
to make them consistent with the recommendations for FAT.
Finally, the committee examines the properties of LAT pro-
tocols based on helmets as the unit of testing.
2.0 SUMMARY based on Hadfield steel, called the M1 “steel pot,” in 1942.
These helmets remained in service until the mid-1980s when
Combat helmets have evolved considerably over the
they were replaced with helmets manufactured from a non-
years. This chapter describes the changes in design and mate-
metallic material. Small numbers of the M1 helmet are still
rials, from those used in World War I to today’s Advanced
used today in special missions such as shipboard firefighting.
Combat Helmet (ACH). One of the key advances was the
The beginning of World War II also saw an escalation in
development of aramid fibers in the 1960s, which led to
the lethality of ballistic threats, resulting in higher fatalities
today’s Kevlar-based helmets. The Department of Defense
and injuries. The bullets and shrapnel in World War II had
(DoD) is continuing to invest in research to improve helmet
greater mass and higher velocities. As was the case with
performance, through better design and materials as well as
World War I, soldiers initially resisted wearing helmets. They
better manufacturing processes.
felt that the 3.5-lb helmet was too heavy, and that it limited
hearing, vision, and mobility of the wearer. However, the
2.1 INTRODUCTION troops quickly accepted the trade-off when they observed the
lethality of the munitions on the battlefield and recognized
In early usage, soldiers wore equipment made of leather
the protection provided by the helmet.
or cloth in an attempt to protect their heads from sword cuts
Figure 2-1 illustrates the evolution of U.S. military hel-
and other blows. When rifled firearms were introduced in
mets since World War I. The rest of this chapter discusses
the late 1700s, this equipment was found to be inadequate,
the evolution and developments in some detail.
and its use declined considerably. Over time, the equipment
transitioned from providing protection to being an accessory
worn for pageantry and unit recognition. 2.2 NEW MATERIALS AND DESIGNS
World War I saw a substantial increase in the effectiveness
DuPont invented a new material called aramid fiber in the
and lethality of artillery, resulting in a new focus on protec-
1960s. This was a class of strong, heat-resistant synthetic
tive equipment, including helmets. The primary threat during
fibers that had many desirable properties. It was eventually
this conflict was fragmenting projectiles, and helmets made
marketed under the trade name of Kevlar, and the name
with steel were introduced for protection in Europe in 1915.
would become synonymous with “bulletproof material.”
Even though stopping a rifle bullet was considered beyond
Kevlar represented a breakthrough, enabling a leap ahead in
the ability of the helmet materials at the time (due to weight
technology of synthetic composite materials. The U.S. gov-
considerations), there were enough benefits to warrant issu-
ernment selected Kevlar over other materials that were avail-
ing a helmet to all ground troops.
able at the time, such as nylon, e-glass fiber, and stretched
Around this time, the governments in Europe started to
polypropylene. The government was already molding the
invest considerable efforts on research dealing with helmet
M1 helmet liner with a similar matched-tool compression
design, materials, and support systems (such as chin straps
molding process, so that the same manufacturing process
and liners). This research resulted, among other advances,
could be used to make Kevlar helmets.
in a new grade of metal known as Hadfield steel. Different
The Personnel Armor System for Ground Troops (PASGT)
variations of these steel helmets were used by forces in the
was the first helmet to use Kevlar. PASGT refers to both vests
United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth during
and helmets made of Kevlar, and they were used by all mili-
World War I and later. The U.S. military adopted helmets
tary services from the mid-1980s to around the middle of
FIGURE 2-1 Evolution of helmets from World War I to present. SOURCE: Walsh et al. (2012).
the last decade. These helmets are still being used by some manufacture of thermoplastic-based fibers and matrices for
services but will be replaced in the future. affordable soldier protection systems. The programs focused
Figure 2-1 fixed image
The U.S. Special Operations Command designed and on developing new technologies, tooling, and hybridization
developed the Modular Integrated Communications Helmet techniques to enable commercially available and emerging
(MICH) as a replacement for PASGT. MICH had several grades of thermoplastic ballistic composite materials to be
changes, including improved Kevlar aramid-fiber reinforce- formed into complex helmet shapes. There was participation
ment, leading to better protection. They also allowed better from the Marine Corps, U.S. Special Operations Command,
fit and integration of communication headsets. MICH was and the industrial sector. These efforts enabled the develop-
adopted by the U.S. Army in 2002 as its basic helmet and ment of the Future Assault Shell Technology (FAST) hel-
renamed the Advanced Combat Helmet. The Marine Corps met, the Maritime helmet, and, ultimately, the U.S. Marine
decided to use a design profile that was similar to the PASGT Corps Enhanced Combat Helmet (ECH). The FAST helmet
and designated it the Light Weight Helmet (LWH). is significant for its early use of UHMWPE material and its
There were also developments in helmet retention sys- novel design.
tems. The M1 “steel pot” used a nylon cord suspension sys- To improve ballistic protection, the Army has initiated
tem, sweatband, and chinstrap, and the PASGT helmet and several developmental programs over the last decade. These
its variants also used similar retention systems. The MICH, include the Scorpion, Objective Force Warrior, and Future
ACH, and LWH helmets switched to a multi-pad and four- Force Warrior programs. The goal of the Scorpion program
point retention system (Figure 2-2) that had better impact was to improve protection and performance through an inte-
protection while providing increased comfort. grated system. It tried to address the continuing problem of
The next major advance in helmet technology resulted protection while also providing the soldier with capability,
from a combination of advances in materials and manufac- such as communications, hearing protection, and displays,
turing processes. A new generation of ultra-high-molecular- needed in an evolving battlefield environment. The pro-
weight polyethylene fibers (UHMWPE) was developed gram also explored the use of materials with better ballistic
in industry. In parallel, the government funded efforts to performance and processing concepts to deliver increased
address technology gaps that had previously precluded structural performance. In addition, the program examined
how to provide more options in helmet shaping, compat-
FIGURE 2-2 Helmet multi-pad and four-point retention systems. SOURCE: PEO Soldier, U.S. Army.
mitigation. Vargas-Gonzalez et al. (2011) have explored this DoD has undertaken extensive efforts to improve combat
issue for panels that had more architectural complexity. helmet designs. The design goal is to reduce injuries and
New materials are also under evaluation for mitigating injury severity, while achieving operational needs. However,
the effect of impacts to the head. Both recoverable and non- the goal of this report is to evaluate test protocols. In the
recoverable energy-absorbing materials are being considered following chapters, the extent to which the above goal—of
for use as helmet pads. Concepts for decoupling the helmet reducing injuries and injury severity—is achieved by the test
into a ballistic and impact shell (and using energy-absorbing programs is discussed.
materials between shells) are also being explored.
Novel manufacturing equipment and methodologies also
have a role to play in improving performance. The first gen-
eration Helmet Preform Assembly Machine is an example of Vargas-Gonzalez, L.R., S.M. Walsh, and J.C. Gurganus. 2011. Examin-
ing the Relationship Between Ballistic and Structural Properties of
a process that exploited the ability of thermoplastic compos-
Lightweight Thermoplastic Unidirectional Composite Laminates. ARL-
ites to be locally consolidated, leading to a rapid, automated RP-0329. Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.
method of stabilizing and building up helmet preforms. The Walsh, S.M., L.R. Vargas-Gonzalez, B.R. Scott, and D. Lee. 2012. Develop-
underlying lesson is that processing should also be explicitly ing an Integrated Rationale for Future Head Protection in Materials and
considered as an asset in pursuit of incremental performance Design. U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground,
gains in head protection materials and systems.
3.0 SUMMARY can also be distinguished by the duration of peak force.1 For
example, for blast loading injuries, the time to peak force
A variety of threats lead to head injuries in the battle-
and pressure occurs over a timescale of less than 100 micro-
field. Since World War II (WWII), the predominant threats
seconds. So, blast injuries of a given severity generally have
have been: fragmentation and ballistic threats from explo-
lower associated momentum and strains/displacements than
sions, artillery, and small arms fire; blunt trauma caused
those for blunt impact, which has peak forces occurring at
by translation from blast, falls, vehicle crashes, and impact
3 to 50 milliseconds. On the other hand, ergonomics-related
with vehicle interiors and from parachute drops; and expo-
injuries, such as those from heat, weight, lack-of-fit, and
sure to primary blasts. Key findings in this chapter indicate
long-term usage, typically take days and months.
the following:
The rest of this chapter describes head injuries and their
typical characteristics. The limitations of current injury test
• Wounding from an explosive source (e.g., fragmenta-
methodologies for assessing head injury risk, including the
tion from bombs, mines, and artillery) dominates all
lack of biomechanical links between test methodology and
wounding, including bullets.
injury, are also discussed.
• Non-battle causes, including blunt traumatic injuries,
produced nearly 50 percent of the hospitalizations for
traumatic brain injury in Iraq/Afghanistan. 3.2 HISTORICAL PATTERNS OF TREATABLE
• There is no biomechanical link in the current test INJURIES
methodology between the backface deformation
A number of studies have examined military wound-
assessment and head injuries from behind-helmet
ing of U.S. forces in major conflicts since WWII. See, for
example, Emergency War Surgery (DoD, 2004); Bellamy
et al. (1986); Bellamy (1992); Carey (1996); Carey et al.
There is a need to revise test methodologies to focus on
(1998); and Owens et al. (2008). These studies are based on
the dominant threats. The current protocol addresses primar-
injuries/treatments reported from hospitalizations, including
ily rounds from 9-mm pistol fire, which is a relatively small
those who died of wounds in hospital. They show that the
contributor to soldier injuries. It is also important to develop
extremities are the predominant body region injured followed
better understanding of the scientific connection between
by head/neck (Table 3-2).
head injuries and the performance metrics used in current
Owens et al. (2008) reported that a total of 1,566 U.S.
test methodology.
soldiers sustained 6,609 combat wounds in Afghanistan
(Operation Enduring Force [OEF]) and Iraq (Operation
3.1 INTRODUCTION Enduring Freedom [OIF]). This implies an average of about
4.2 wounds per soldier, likely due to fragments. The data did
The major threats that have caused head injuries in recent
not include those killed in action, or returned to duty, but did
conflicts can be classified into three groups: ballistic, blunt,
and blast. Table 3-1 identifies their sources and lists potential 1There has been considerable research related to head and neck injuries
head injuries. As shown in Figure 3-1, these three categories over the past 40 years (McIntosh and McCrory, 2005; Fuller et al., 2005;
Xydakis et al., 2005; and Brolin et al., 2008). However, much of this work
is not applicable to high-impact-rate, low-momentum-transfer scenarios that
characterize ballistic impact (Bass et al., 2003).
Peak Blast Overpressure Peak Force Peak Blunt Accel due to increased thoracic protection (e.g., Belmont et al.,
(> 3-100 ms) (~200 ms) (> 3,000-50,000 ms) 2010; Wood et al., 2012a). The relative success of thoracic
body armor likely contributes to the changes in proportion
Blast Impact of GSW wounding from previous conflicts to OEF/OIF
Ballistic Impact (Owens et al., 2008).
Blunt Impact For Iraq/Afghanistan, Table 3-5 shows that explosions
Ergonomics Hours, days, months, years are the primary source of injury across all body regions,
ranging from 88 percent for the head to 78 percent for the
Time 200 ms 400 ms 800 ms 1000 ms Wojcik et al. (2010) found results comparable to Owens
et al. (2008) for hospitalizations for traumatic brain inju-
FIGURE 3-1 Typical timeline of blast, ballistic, blunt injuries ries (TBIs) from battlefield causes in OEF/OIF. About 22
compared to ergonomics-related injuries. percent of personnel had TBIs from all causes (Okie, 2005;
Figure 3-1, Warden, 2006; and U.S. Army Medical Surveillance Activ-
ity, 2007). For moderate to severe TBI, about 67 percent of
include those who died of wounds.2 Table 3-3 shows the loca- the injuries were attributable to explosions; of these, direct
tions and distributions of these wounds. The predominant blunt trauma contributed 11 to 13 percent and penetrating
location is extremity (54 percent), followed by the abdomen injuries contributed 11 to 16 percent (Figure 3-2a). Note,
(11 percent), face (10 percent), and head (8 percent).3 Data in however, that many of the injuries attributable to explosions
Owens et al. (2008) also show that the proportion of head and may have been the result of low-rate blunt trauma following
neck wounds in OEF/OIF is higher than those from WWII, blast events. Figure 3-2b shows that nearly half of the hos-
Korea, and Vietnam wars (16-21 percent). On the other hand, pitalizations for TBIs in OEF/OIF were noncombat injuries.
the proportion of thoracic wounds has decreased by about 50 Since helmets are often worn in noncombat scenarios, these
percent from those for WWII and Vietnam. figures emphasize the potential role for the combat helmet
Table 3-4 shows that explosions (blast and fragmenta- in protecting the head from nonbattle TBI from blunt trauma
tion threats) have been the major source of U.S. military and other causes.
wounding since WWII, ranging from 65 percent in Viet-
nam to more than 80 percent in OEF/OIF (DoD, 2004; The conclusions from these studies can be summarized
Owens et al., 2008; Wojcik et al., 2010). In addition, there as follows:
is almost a 50 percent reduction in direct gunshot wounds
(GSW) from Vietnam to OEF/OIF. This may largely be Finding 3-1.
• Historically, head injuries represent 15 to 30 percent
2Owens et al. (2008) noted: “Definitions significantly affect the results of
of all wounding by body region.
casualty analysis. . . . The inclusion of KIAs, RTDs, and NBIs in any cohort
• Wounding from an explosive source (including
analyzed will affect the distribution of wounds and mechanism of injury. fragmentation from bombs, mines, and artillery)
For example, the inclusion of KIAs in the cohort analyzed may result in an dominates injuries in all major modern conflicts since
increase in the number of head and chest wounds seen.” WWII.
3Owens et al. (2008) also reported that there were fluctuations in these
• With respect to blast and blunt trauma:
figures over time. For example, one of the studies cited there reported a
4-month period of casualties received at Walter Reed Army Medical Cen-
—In OEF/OIF, the proportion of blast-associated
ter, when they cared for 119 patients with 184 injuries. There were some head injuries (attributed to blast fragments) has
differences in the breakdowns: head and neck—16 percent, thorax—14 increased relative to gunshot wounds.
percent, abdomen—11 percent, upper extremity—20 percent, and lower —Nonbattle causes, including blunt traumatic inju-
extremity—40 percent. The distribution of the sources of these injuries was ries, produced nearly 50 percent of the hospital-
also different: 39 percent bullet, 34 percent blunt, and 31 percent explosion.
This was during the period of ground warfare and not counterinsurgency.
izations for TBI in OEF/OIF.
TABLE 3-2 Relative Body Surface Area and Distribution of Wounds by Body Region (in Percentage)
OEF (Afghanistan) and
Body Surface Area WWII Korea Vietnam OIF (Iraq)
Head and neck 12 21 21 16 30
Thorax 16 14 10 13 6
Abdomen 11 8 9 10 9
Extremities 61 58 60 61 55
NOTE: Based on injuries/treatments from hospitalizations, including personnel who died of wounds. OEF, Operation Enduring Force; OIF, Operation Iraqi
Freedom; WWII, World War II.
SOURCE: Owens et al. (2008).
TABLE 3-3 Distribution of Wounds by Body Region in TABLE 3-5 Distributions of Injury Causes by Body
Operation Enduring Force (Afghanistan) and Operation Region (in Percentage)
Iraqi Freedom (Iraq) Gunshot Explosion Motor Vehicle
Region Wounds Percent Wounds (%) (%) Collision (%)
Thorax 376 6
Abdomen 709 11
Extremity 3,575 54
Recommendation 3-2. The Department of Defense should
investigate the possibility of increasing blunt impact protec-
Total 6,609 100
tion of the combat helmet to reduce head injuries.
NOTE: Based on injuries/treatments from hospitalizations, including
personnel who died of wounds.
SOURCE: Owens et al. (2008). 3.3 THREATS
TABLE 3-4 Percentage of Injuries from Gunshot Wounds
The presentation by the Chief Scientist, Soldier Protective
and Explosions from Previous U.S. Wars
and Individual Equipment,4 listed repeating pistols, such as
Conflict Gunshot Wounds (%) Explosion (%)
Tokarev (7.62×25-mm caliber) and Makarov (9×18-mm cali-
WWII 27 73 ber), as emerging threats. However, for insurgent and guer-
Korea 31 69 rilla warfare, published data and anecdotal evidence suggest
that AK-47 (7.62×39-mm) and other Kalashnikov-pattern
Vietnam 35 65
weapons are the predominant source of ballistic threats in
OIF or OEF 19 81 Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia (Small Arms Survey, 2012).
NOTE: OEF, Operation Enduring Force; OIF, Operation Iraqi Freedom; In a survey of 80,000 small arms and light weapons seizures,
WWII, World War II. they found that the “vast majority of illicit small arms in
SOURCE: Owens et al. (2008).
Afghanistan, Iraq, and Somalia are Kalashnikov-pattern
assault rifles. Other types of small arms are comparatively
On the other hand, the Department of Defense helmet test- rare” (p. 6). These weapons and their ammunition are inex-
ing protocols—the subject of this report—focus mainly on pensive and widely available with continuing production and
protective capabilities against gunfire threats. large existing supplies (e.g., Small Arms Survey, 2012; Stohl
et al., 2007; Perry, 2004; Jones and Ness, 2012).
Recommendation 3-1. The Department of Defense should
ensure that appropriate threats, in particular fragmentation
threats, from current and emerging threat profiles are used 4James Zheng, Chief Scientist, Soldier Protective and Individual Equip-
in testing. ment, PEO Soldier, U.S. Army, presentation to the committee, March 21,
FIGURE 3-2 (a) Traumatic brain injury (TBI) hospitalizations by source for battle injuries categorized by regions in Operation Enduring
Force/Operation Iraqi Freedom. (b) TBI hospitalizations by combat/noncombat source. NOTE: BSA, body surface area. SOURCE: Based
on data from Wojcik et al. (2010).
TABLE 3-6 Representative Standard-Issue Infantry Rifles and Ammunition for Selected Potential Adversaries
Country Type Bullet (mm) Use Typical Muzzle Velocity (m/s)
China Type 56 7.62 × 39 1956-present 790-930
Type 81 7.62 × 39 1981-present 750
QBZ-95 5.8 × 42 1995-present 735
QBZ-97 5.56 × 45 1995-present
Iran M1 Garand 7.62 × 63 1950s-present 850
HK G3A6 7.62 × 51 1980-present 800
S-5.56 5.56 × 45 990
North Korea Type 58 7.62 × 39 1958-present 715
Type 68 7.62 × 39 1968-present 900
Type 88 5.45 × 39 1988-present 900
Russia AKM 7.62 × 39 1959-present 715
AK-74 5.45 × 39 1974-present 900
AK-74M 5.45 × 39 1991-present 900
SOURCE: Jones and Ness (2012).
Infantry small arms of potential major adversaries includ- Finding 3-2. Small arms surveys and deployed infantry
ing China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia have two pre- weapons from major adversaries suggest that 5.56-mm and
dominant calibers (Jones and Ness, 2012). Reserve forces 7.62-mm rounds at muzzle velocities from 735 m/s to more
are often issued older types of 7.62×39-mm Kalashnikov- than 800 m/s are the current predominant ballistic threats.
pattern weapons. These have more recently transitioned to
5.45×39-mm or 5.56×45-mm (China) types. Muzzle veloci-
ties of these types range from 715 m/s to 990 m/s (Jones and
Ness, 2012). Realistic threat profiles, however, may involve As discussed earlier, fragmenting weapons, including
velocity at typical engagement ranges rather than muzzle artillery, mines, mortars, and other sources of explosions, are
velocities. Available bullet types range from copper-jacketed the principal source of wounding on the modern battlefield.
lead core bullets through armor-piercing incendiary bullets These weapons, including improvised explosive devices
including high explosive fills. Table 3-6 lists the bullets that (IEDs), have a multitude of fills/wounding mechanisms.
are potential threats to U.S. forces. They also have a spatial distribution of fragments that them-
selves vary by sizes/mass and initial velocities. The relative
risk fragments of each velocity and mass should be included impact to the head. In addition, many blast events likely
in the threat profile for testing. involve blunt trauma (Bass et al., 2012).
However, there is limited published data for arena tests5 Blunt trauma threats may be rated as a function of the
for principal artillery and fragmentation threats. Much of the change in velocity (often reproduced by drop-testing), as
extensive work is classified. Nevertheless, several studies shown in Table 3-7. General threats range from approxi-
allow order-of-magnitude analyses for this class of weapon, mately 14 ft/sec for half height falls (falls from 3 ft) to more
based on mass, and velocity information from typical 105- than 50 ft/sec for typical vehicle crashes at 35 mph. For
mm and 155-mm howitzer shells (e.g., ATEC, 1983; Dehn, comparison, the current ACH purchase description specifies
1980; Ramsey et al., 1978; AMC, 1964). A review of these a particular acceleration limit (150 g) for a 10 ft/sec drop,
studies leads to the following findings. far smaller than typical threat velocities.
A recent study of TBI from conflicts in OEF/OIF by
Finding 3-3. Results in the open literature indicate that Wojcik et al. (2010) found that about 15 percent of the
the fragment test velocities used in Advanced Combat hospitalizations were associated with direct blunt trauma, a
Helmet specification are representative of initial fragment figure that is similar to ballistic penetrating injury. Further, it
velocities from 155-mm artillery shells under high explosive is likely that many of the head injuries associated with blast
detonation. (about 50 to 60 percent of the cases) were also attributable to
low-rate blunt trauma from direct or subsequent contact with
Finding 3-4. Results in the open literature show that frag- vehicle interiors, the ground, and so on. For these injuries,
ment masses in the ACH specification are generally rep- Wojcik et al. (2010) found that almost 80 percent of person-
resentative fragment masses from 155-mm artillery shells nel were wearing a helmet during the incident. It is unclear
under high explosive detonation. However, there is a range how much the presence of the helmet mitigates or moderates
of fragment masses between 100-grain6 and 200-grain from potential injury, but there is substantial injury exposure even
artillery shells that have no counterpart in ACH testing. with current combat helmet use.
Data on blunt trauma injuries from more than 120,000
Finding 3-5. IEDs may have dramatically different distribu- parachute jumps during 1941 to 1998 show that blunt trauma
tions of fragment size and velocity compared to other frag- injury rates were approximately 8 per 1,000 drops (Bricknell
menting weapons such as mortars and artillery. The current and Craig, 1999). Bricknell and Craig (1999) reported that
ACH threat profile used in testing was selected before the head injuries were 4 to19 percent of the total injuries across
emergence of widespread IED use. a range of studies. A more recent study (Knapik et al., 2011)
showed that blunt trauma to the head comprised 30 percent
Recommendation 3-3. The Department of Defense should of the total injuries, which is quite large. Overall hospitaliza-
reassess helmet requirements for current and potential tion rates for TBI in OIF were estimated to be 0.31 percent
future fragmentation threats, especially for fragments ener- (Wojcik et al., 2010).
gized by blast and for ballistic threats. The reassessment U.S. drop-qualified personnel are required to make 4
should examine redundancy among design threats, such as jumps/year to retain their jump status (Knapik et al., 2010),
the 2-grain versus the 4-grain and the 16-grain versus the and many active personnel make 10-15 or more jumps per
17-grain. Elimination of tests found to be redundant may year (Knapik et al., 2003, 2010). For exposure over a 10-year
allow resources to be directed at a wider diversity of realistic career, airborne personnel may have career head injury risk
ballistic threats, including larger mass artillery fragments, ranging from 10 percent for 4 jumps per year to 34 percent
bullets other than the 9-mm, and improvised explosive device
fragments. This effort should also examine the effects of
shape, mass, and other parameters of current fragmentation
threats and differentiate these from important characteristics TABLE 3-7 Representative Battlefield Threats/Impact
of design ballistic threats. Velocities
Impact Velocity
Blunt Trauma Threat m/s (ft/sec)
Fall—half height (3 ft) 4.3 (14)
Blunt trauma threats on the battlefield are ubiquitous and
include falls, vehicle crashes, impact with vehicle interiors, Fall—full height (6 ft) 6 (20)
impact from parachute drops, and other sources of blunt Parachute drop (e.g,. McEntire, 2005) 5.2-6.4 (17-21)
Motor vehicle crash—unrestrained occupant 3-15.2 (10-50)
5Arena tests are standard tests of artillery shells in which fragment num-
ber, fragment, and velocity spatial distribution are assessed using high speed Motorcycle helmet standards (e.g., FMVSS-218) 5.2-6 (17-20)
video and nondestructive capture mechanisms. Current ACH threat 3 (10)
6The grain (gr) is a commonly used unit of measure of the mass of bullets.
There are 0.0648 grams per grain. NOTE: ACH, Advanced Combat Helmet.
for 15 jumps per year. Thus, there is a great potential for similar diameters. Based on the earlier threat analyses, the
blunt injury from this threat. committee focuses mainly on military rifle rounds.
Two primary measures are used to assess the performance
Finding 3-6. Common blunt trauma threats have impact of helmets: penetration and backface deformation (BFD).
velocities of 6.1 m/s (20 ft/s) that are equivalent to drops of (They are formally defined in Chapter 5.) Briefly, a penetra-
190 cm (75 inches). On the other hand, current blunt trauma tion occurs if the ballistic impact causes a projectile to pass
threats assessed for the ACH helmet have impact velocities though the helmet shell. BFD is a measure of the deformation
of 3.1 m/s (10 ft/s) which are equivalent to drops of 47 cm on the helmet from impact to the head.
(18.6 inches). The earliest published standard for assessment of pen-
etration with ballistic protective helmets was developed by
the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Law
Primary Blast
Enforcement Standards Laboratory (National Institute of
There is limited information on the effect of primary Justice (NIJ) Standard-0106.01–NIJ-1981). This standard
blast on the head (Bass et al., 2012). TBI associated with specifies inertial impact and penetration assessments for
blast exposure in OEF/OIF is estimated at up to 20 percent ballistic helmets. Testing of penetration resistance in this
of deployed service personnel (e.g., Tanielian and Jaycox, standard uses a fixed headform with witness panels located
2008; Ling et al., 2009). The current helmet is not designed in the mid-coronal plane for a sagittal shot (Figure 3-3) or
with considerations for primary blast, but there is substantial mid-sagittal planes for a coronal shot. (See Chapter 4 for
experimental evidence that the ACH helmet is protective more details.)
against primary blast for most direct exposures (Shridharani The current ACH standard modifies this NIJ headform to
et al., 2012). Further, computational models of the human provide deformation resistance using the clay (Roma Plasti-
head/helmet system show that helmets with padding do not lina No. 1) used to certify ballistic vests. The empty spaces of
exacerbate blast exposure for a range of conditions (Panzer the headform are filled with clay, and the permanent plastic
et al., 2010; Panzer and Bass, 2012; Nyein et al., 2010). But backface deformation of the helmet into the clay is recorded
it is not clear if primary blasts are an important source of as a BFD measurement. Since the head does not undergo
wounding. Data presented to the committee7 indicated that plastic deformation in the same manner as the clay, this pro-
more than 1,500 of the 1,922 reported wounded-in-action cedure has no biomechanical basis (NRC, 2012).
incidents produced mild or moderate concussions. However,
it is not known if the source of these concussions was primary Finding 3-8. The mechanical response of clay is qualitatively
blasts or falls/tertiary blasts. different from the response of the human head/skull, which
may affect both the penetration and backface deformation
Finding 3-7. Epidemiological data, experimental results, and response of the helmet.
computational models suggest that the ACH helmet does not
exacerbate blast exposure.
Penetrating Trauma
Modern ballistic wounding is generally differentiated
between rifle and handgun rounds by velocity. For example,
high-velocity tumbling rounds such as typical 5.56-mm
projectiles (800 m/s or above muzzle velocity) have qualita-
tively different wounding behavior than .22 caliber handgun
ammunition (~330 m/s muzzle velocity), although they have
FIGURE 3-3 Sagittal headform specified in National Institute of
Justice Penetration Standard, based on the Department of Trans-
portation blunt impact headform. Two similar headforms are used
7Natalie Eberius, Predictive Analysis Team Leader, Army Research
for the helmet tests: A modified version of this headform provides
the basis
Figure 3-3,for the advanced combat helmet backface deformation and
Laboratory, “Blast Injury Research” presentation to the committee, April
25, 2013.
penetration tests. SOURCE: NIJ (1981).
Finding 3-9.
• Prather et al. (1977) is the basis for use of clay to
assess BFD injuries. This study linked abdomi-
FIGURE 3-4 Long linear and depressed skull fractures from non- nal response behind deforming soft body armor
penetrating helmet BFD in a human cadaveric model. SOURCE: with abdominal injury in goats through an indirect
Bass et al. (2003). process.
Figure 3-4
• There is no biomechanical link between the BFD
assessment in the current test methodology and head
Modern protective helmet materials (McManus, 1976; injuries from behind helmet deformation.
Carey et al., 2000) may deform sufficiently for the backface
of the helmet to make contact with the head, potentially Recommendation 3-4. The Department of Defense should
causing head injuries (e.g., Mayorga et al., 2010; Bass et al., vigorously pursue efforts to provide a biomedical basis for
2002, 2003). Possible injuries include both depressed and assessing the risk of helmet backface injuries.
long linear skull fractures (Figure 3-4) and other closed-head
brain trauma. Owing to the localization from ballistic impact, Head and neck injuries have been the focus of much
it is unclear that there is a relationship between low-rate research in the past 40 years (e.g., McIntosh and McCrory,
injuries from blunt trauma and potential injuries from BFD. 2005; Fuller et al., 2005; Xydakis et al., 2005; Brolin et al.,
The injuries may occur either from the deforming of the 2008). This work, however, is not necessarily applicable to
undefeated helmet locally onto the head or underlying skull the high-impact-rate, low-momentum-transfer scenarios that
or from acceleration loads transmitted through the helmet characterize ballistic impact (e.g., Bass et al., 2003).
padding to the head (Bass et al., 2003; Mayorga et al., 2010). For BFD scenarios or scenarios in which the bullet
The Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Devel- remains in the helmet, there is a potential for neck inju-
opment (AGARD, 1996) references 29 standards for blunt ries. Such neck injuries are generally associated with large
impact assessment, all of which have a similar underlying momentum input or resulting velocity changes from impact
basis: the head acts as a rigid body (Bass et al., 2003), and (e.g., see Bass et al., 2006). Increased helmet mass will tend
head injury of any type is associated with skull fracture to delay and decrease neck forces and may mitigate the
(Versace, 1971; Hodgson and Thomas, 1973; Bass et al., potential for injury. A number of neck injuries are possible
2003). Recent work by Viano demonstrates poor association from head motion following momentum transfer from the
between skull fracture and brain injury (Viano, 1988). bullet to the helmet. These include ligamentous injuries (such
There are a few studies of head injury that arises from as strains, tears, or distractions), tensile failure in interver-
BFD (e.g., Sarron et al., 2000; Bass et al., 2003). Bass et al. tebral endplates or vertebral bodies, or other injuries to the
(2003) developed injury criteria for skull fracture and brain osteoligamentous spine (Figure 3-5).
injury in human cadaveric heads during ballistic loading of Because neck motion following ballistic impact follows
a protective helmet. These tests used ultrahigh-molecular- a timescale comparable to neck motion from vehicle crashes
weight polyethylene helmets with 9-mm full metal jacket or falls, automobile criteria are likely appropriate. Current
(FMJ) test rounds under various impact velocities to 460 or future helmet ballistic threats have quite low momentum
m/s (1,510 ft/s). Measurements taken from cadavers with transfer to the head, resulting in quite low injury risk (NRC,
and without skull fracture show no association with existing 2012). For example, direct measurements have been made
blunt trauma injury models. Further, there was no obvious of the neck loads following helmet ballistic impact using
association of any acceleration-based response with the a 9-mm FMJ round over a range of velocities for human
occurrence of BFD fracture. Skull force-based injury criteria
are available from Bass et al. (2012), which may be useful in 8James Zheng, Chief Scientist, Soldier Protective and Individual Equip-
future test methodologies. ment, PEO Soldier, U.S. Army, presentation to the committee, March 21,
15-20 mm
Bridging Vein
*d/dt=45 s-1
10-30 mm slip
Tentorium Rupture Brain
Motion Impact
15-25 mm
Axonal Injury
*d/dt=45 s-1
Complex strain
=0.25 pattern
(100-200 g’s)
FIGURE 3-5 Typical potential neck injury locations in adults from
impact loading. SOURCE: Courtesy of Dale Bass, Duke University.
Figure 3-5 fixed
FIGURE 3-6 Typical blunt brain trauma diagram. SOURCE: Based
cadaver tests. Both the NIJ and beam9
injury assessment on Ommaya et al. (1994).
values indicate very low risk of neck injuries (<0.1 percent)
for these scenarios, and no neck injuries were seen in test-
ing. By extension, injury risk through 7.62×54-mm rounds
80 g has been suggested recently to protect against changes
and beyond to muzzle velocities is low. There is, however,
in mentation (cf. Duma et al., 2005). Impact energy limits
the potential for neck trauma from blunt impact to the head.
from these standards are shown in Figure 3-7.
Improved helmet blunt impact characteristics may reduce the
Other potential assessment techniques include the ACH
risk of neck injury from blunt trauma.
standard (CO/PD-05-04), which is based on the motorcycle
helmet Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard–218 (49 CFR
Finding 3-10. The risk of neck injuries from momentum
Sec 571.218); the National Operating Committee on Stan-
transfer from ballistic impact of a nonpenetrating round
dards for Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE); and standards that
or fragment on the helmet is low for current and near-term
incorporate the International Standards Organization (ISO)
future threats up to the 7.62×54-mm rounds at muzzle
headforms. Recent developments include the star rating
system for football helmets from the Virginia Polytechnic
and State University (Rowson and Duma, 2011). The current
Blunt Trauma ACH blunt impact test assessment (CO/PD-05-04) restricts
peak acceleration to a U.S. Department of Transportation
Typical blunt trauma head injuries include skull fractures,
(DOT) headform fitted in the ACH to less than 150 g given a
hematomas and contusions, and diffuse axonal injuries (e.g.,
headform impact velocity of 3 m/s (10 fps). At approximately
Ommaya et al., 1994). Many tentative mechanical injury tol-
45 J drop energy, the ACH blunt impact assessment is quali-
erances have been established for particular injuries (Figure
tatively different from many typical blunt threats experienced
3-6), and blunt trauma injury criteria have been promulgated
by service personnel.
for protective helmets (e.g., AGARD, 1996).
Head protection from blunt impact in vehicles and sports
has advanced substantially over the past 30 years. Wide-
spread use of protective helmets has reduced severity and
frequency of head injuries. Many of the improvements in
helmet technology have arisen from standardized test meth-
odologies based on blunt impact injury criteria. Twenty-nine
blunt impact test standards are included in AGARD AR-330
(AGARD, 1996), and the basis for each of these standards is
some type of impact acceleration limit. Nineteen have accel-
eration or force limits alone, and ten use acceleration/dura-
tion levels. Acceleration levels specified in these standards
vary from 150 g to 400 g, but a standard of approximately
9Beam is a neck injury criterion that was developed to assess the risk of
neck injury from impacts, including the effect of helmets/night vision and FIGURE 3-7 Energy limits for blunt impact injury assessment in
other head-supported mass (Bass et al., 2006). AGARD AR-330. SOURCE: Based on data from AGARD (1996).
Figure 3-7 fixed
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is reprinted in Appendix B.
testing process in more detail.
TABLE 4-1 DOT&E First Article Testing Helmet Test Matrix for the Advanced Combat Helmet
V50 Ambient Hot Cold Seawater Weatherometer Accelerated Aging
2-grain 1 V50 1 V50 1 V50 1 V50
Size: Small Size: Medium Size: Large Size: XL
4-grain 1 V50 1 V50 1 V50 1 V50
Size: XL Size: Small Size: Medium Size: Large
16-grain 1 V50 1 V50 1 V50 1 V50
Size: Large Size: XL Size: Small Size: Medium
17-grain 1 V50 1 V50 1 V50 1 V50 1 V50 1 V50
Size: Medium Size: Large Size: XL Size: Small Size: Large Size: Medium
64-grain 1 V50 1 V50 1 V50 1 V50
Size: Large Size: XL Size: Medium Size: Small
Small arms 1 V50 1 V50 1 V50 1 V50 1 V50
Size: Medium Size: Small Size: XL Size: Large Size: Medium
9-mm RTP/BTD 60 shots 60 shots 60 shots 60 shots
shell 12 helmets 12 helmets 12 helmets 12 helmets
Sizes: Sizes: Sizes: Sizes:
Small: 3 Small: 3 Small: 3 Small: 3
Medium: 3 Medium: 3 Medium: 3 Medium: 3
Large: 3 Large: 3 Large: 3 Large: 3
XL: 3 XL: 3 XL: 3 XL: 3
9-mm RTP 17 shots 16 shots 16 shots 16 shots
hardware 9 helmets 8 helmets 8 helmets 8 helmets
Sizes: Sizes: Sizes: Sizes:
Small: 2 Small: 2 Small: 2 Small: 2
Medium: 3 Medium: 2 Medium: 2 Medium: 2
Large: 2 Large: 2 Large: 2 Large: 2
XL: 2 XL: 2 XL: 2 XL: 2
Small arms RTP 17 shots 16 shots 16 shots 16 shots
17 helmets 16 helmets 16 helmets 16 helmets
Sizes: Sizes: Sizes: Sizes:
Small: 4 Small: 4 Small: 4 Small: 4
Medium: 5 Medium: 4 Medium: 4 Medium: 4
Large: 4 Large: 4 Large: 4 Large: 4
XL: 4 XL: 4 XL: 4 XL: 4
NOTE: BTD, ballistic transient deformation; RTP, resistance to penetration; V 50, velocity at which the probability of penetration is 0.5; XL, extra large.
SOURCE: DOT&E (2011).
There are two types of measurements that are made on the For FAT, as shown in Table 4-1, 48 helmet shells are
tested helmet: (1) whether the bullet penetrates the helmet or tested against the Remington 9-mm threat, and 35 helmets
not (called resistance to penetration [RTP]); and (2) if there are tested for hardware. Another 65 helmets may be tested
is no penetration, a surrogate measure of the deformation of against a small arms threat (which is classified). In addition,
the helmet referred to as the backface deformation (BFD). 27 helmets are tested for V50. Table 4-1 specifies both the
These measures are formally defined in Chapter 5. size of the helmet (small, medium, large, and extra large)
Per the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation and whether the helmet is exposed to a particular environ-
(DOT&E) protocol, the test is conducted as a sequence of ment, such as ambient, hot, cold, seawater,3 weatherometer
five ballistic impacts: one each to the front, rear, left, and (accelerated test to mimic long-term exposure to weather),
right sides of the helmet and to the helmet crown. Both pen- and other types of accelerated aging. Under the DOT&E
etration and BFD, a measure of the indent in the clay caused protocol, within each set of tests (shell, hardware, and small
by the ballistic forces from the bullet, are measured. Current
protocol also tests the V50 ballistic limit using a series of 6 to 3The helmets the Army procures are used DoD wide, including both the
14 shots to the five regions of the helmet at varying velocities Navy and the Coast Guard. Soldiers wearing helmets may also find them-
per MIL-STD-622F (DoD, 1987). (See Chapter 9 for further selves in a maritime environment while on Navy support troop-carrying
discussion of the methodology for estimating V50.) vessels. The purpose of testing helmets that have been conditioned by
seawater is to determine if the helmet material can withstand exposure in
that environment without degraded ballistic performance.
arms), the results are combined across the helmet sizes and it may be tested against an unspecified small arms threat.5
environments to assess whether FAT is passed or failed. The The helmet is also tested for V50, the velocity at which the
details are described in Chapters 5 and 6. helmet is equally likely to stop or not stop an object, such
The current DOT&E testing methodology is based on a as the following:
number of assumptions, including the following:
• 2-grain right-circular-cylinder (RCC) fragment,
• Shots are independent. In FAT and LAT each helmet • 4-grain RCC fragment,
is shot five times in five separate locations. The • 16-grain RCC fragment,
resulting analyses treat these shots as independent, • 64-grain RCC fragment, and,
combining all the shots across the helmets to assess • 17-grain fragment simulating projectile (FSP)
RTP performance. This practice minimizes the num- (DOT&E, 2011).6
ber of helmets tested so that, to the extent that RTP
failure is a rare, helmet-level event, this practice The ACH purchase description further specifies minimum
decreases the chances of selecting a defective helmet V50 velocities for the above RCC and FSP test projectiles
to test. That said, to the extent that the shots are truly (U.S. Army, 2012, p. 13).
independent this is appropriate. On the other hand, to As discussed in Chapter 3, there are three general cat-
the extent that they are not, this practice introduces egories of head injury threats: ballistic/fragmentation threats
a bias in favor of soldier safety because helmets are from rapidly moving bullets or fragments; blunt threats from
stressed beyond what is likely to occur in the field. impact into vehicle interiors, the ground, large slow frag-
• Helmet performance is equivalent across testing ments, or other sources of head impact; and blast threats
environments. In FAT, helmets are exposed to vari- from bombs, artillery, improvised explosive devices, and
ous environments that include temperature extremes other explosive sources. Blast and fragmentation threats
and other potential helmet stressors. The goal in from explosions historically have been the source of a large
such testing is to ensure that the helmets perform majority of U.S. military wounding, while direct gunshot
up to specifications in a variety of environments. wounds have decreased 46 percent relative to injuries with an
Because the helmets exposed to these environments explosive source between Vietnam and Operation Enduring
respond differently to either RTP or BFD, combin- Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
ing the results across all the helmets is not precisely For the DOT&E LAT protocol, the shell and hardware are
statistically correct. However, given the relatively required only to be tested against the Remington 9-mm, 124-
small observed differences between environmental grain FMJ projectile (DOT&E, 2012). The ACH purchase
conditions, it does not appear that this is likely a description further requires V50 testing for the 17-grain FSP
major contributor to variability. (U.S. Army, 2012).
• Data from predefined test locations sufficiently char-
acterizes overall helmet performance. As described
in Appendix E, helmets are tested in five precise
locations, and thus it is implicitly assumed that the Variation in test measurement is an unavoidable part of
results from these five locations adequately describe testing. In the ideal testing process, all observed variation in
the performance of the helmet overall. From a pro- test measures is related directly and perfectly to the items
cess variation perspective, this approach potentially being tested. In industrial quality control parlance, this is
helps minimize testing variation. However, by defini- referred to as “part-to-part” variation. However, in the real
tion, it also means that not all parts of the helmet are world, the testing process itself also introduces variation into
tested, some of which are known to be weaker. For the test measurements. In terms of assessing the quality of
example, the edges of the helmet are not tested, nor an item, this is the “noise” in the testing process. The goal of
are the raised areas of the helmet around the ears. As a good testing process is to minimize these process-related
such, the performance of the helmet in these regions sources of noise. The National Research Council Phase I
is simply not observed during FAT and LAT.4 report (NRC, 2009, p. 12) noted that the “measurement
system variance required for a test should be a factor of 10
or better than the total measured variation,” in order to have
Test Threat Projectiles
confidence that differences in the observed measurements
For FAT, the helmet shell and hardware are tested against predominantly represent part-to-part (i.e., helmet-to-helmet)
a Remington 9-mm, 124-grain full-metal-jacket (FMJ) differences.
projectile (DOT&E, 2011), and per the DOT&E protocol,
5Kyle Markwardt, Test Officer, Aberdeen Test Center, “Helmet IOP
PED-003 Briefing to NRC Helmet Protocols Committee,” presentation to
4See Chapter 9 for a discussion of assessing helmet performance at other the committee on March 22, 2013.
locations during characterization testing. 6Ibid.
Helmet-to-helmet variability includes both variation the test process as the clay cools, and this can affect
within and between helmet manufacturers. There are a BFD.
number of additional sources of variation in the current test • Impact location variability arises to the extent that
process, including the following: different locations on the helmet respond to the bal-
listic impacts differently and/or if the order in which
• Gauge-to-gauge (measurement) variability, which the locations are shot affects the test outcome.
arises when there are accuracy or precision differ- • Environmental testing variability arises when the
ences within or between the gauges used to measure various environmental conditions to which some of
helmet performance. For helmet testing, the issue of the helmets are exposed (high and low temperature,
gauge-to-gauge variation is largely associated with seawater, etc.) differentially affect the RTP and BFD
the laser used to measure BFD, although it may performance of the helmets, and yet the helmets are
also arise in other test-range measures such as those combined together for analysis.
related to measuring projectile velocity, yaw, and
obliquity. The current testing process seeks to control many of
• Operator-to-operator variability, which arises when these sources of variation via the use of standardized testing
the individuals conducting the test either execute procedures, accurate measurement instrumentation, and the
the test differently or interpret test or measurement like. To the extent physically, analytically, and economically
outcomes differently (or both). For helmet testing, possible, the more these sources of variation are controlled
because V0 RTP testing is assessed visually, the the easier it is to distinguish signal (i.e., differences in hel-
operator is the “gauge,” and thus the two types of met performance) from noise (i.e., variation in the testing
variation are synonymous in this particular case. process).
• Lab-to-lab variability arises when different laborato- Of course, testing costs time and money, and there are
ries conduct helmet ballistic testing. Currently, only diminishing returns (and often increasing costs) in the pursuit
the U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center (ATC) conducts of increasingly precise test measurements. Furthermore, the
helmet testing, so this type of variation is not appli- required level of measurement precision should be linked
cable at this time, but it could be in the future. to and driven by the overall variation in the testing process
• Environmental conditions variability arises to the where, for example, excessively precise measurements add
extent that the testing is dependent on environmental little value to a testing process that is itself inherently highly
conditions such as ambient test range temperature variable. Conversely, in any testing process, there should
and humidity. Although the current ATC test is con- be a precision threshold that any measurement device must
ducted in a temperature- and humidity-controlled test meet—again based on the overall variation of the testing
range, the temperature and humidity can still vary process—to ensure that the measurement process itself does
within specified constraints around nominal values. not add excessive variability to the test (NRC, 2012). As
• Projectile velocity and impact variability arise from noted earlier, the previous NRC body armor reports recom-
variation in individual shots. Much of this variability mend that variance attributable to the test measurement
is controlled via the criteria that fair shots must be process should be less than one-tenth of the total measured
within certain constraints on velocity, obliquity, yaw, variation (see NRC, 2009, p. 12; NRC, 2012, Appendix G;
and location, but, as with the environmental condi- McNeese and Klein, 1991).
tions, some residual variation remains within the
range of the specified constraints. Finding 4-1. Some sources of test variation are relevant to
• Test item configuration variability could arise in V0 the current helmet testing process while others are not. For
helmet testing if helmet pads and other hardware example, given that tests are currently conducted only at
differ if, for example, the helmet pads are installed ATC, lab-to-lab variability is not currently applicable. Simi-
in different configurations or if the construction or larly, some sources of variation are directly observable with
make-up of the pads themselves differs. existing data, and some are not. For example, as discussed in
• Helmet-to-headform stand-off variability arises when Chapter 5, the test data show clear helmet size effects, impact
one headform size is used to test multiple sizes of location effects, and minor environmental effects.
helmets. This can result in differential stand-off dis-
tances by helmet size, which can affect BFD. Finding 4-2. In the absence of more formal gauge repeat-
• Clay variability arises because the clay formulation ability and reproducibility (R&R) studies, as well as other
has changed over time and, as a result of this, the clay experimental studies, it is generally not possible to estimate
now has to be heated in order to achieve historical the variation attributed to helmets that actually arises from
rheological properties. However, because the clay is the other sources of variation listed above, such as the clay,
now heated, its properties change over time during operators, and the laser.
The NRC Phase III report on body armor noted the need
for a formal gauge R&R study to determine the sources and
magnitudes of variation in the test process (NRC, 2012,
p. 10). To the best of the committee’s knowledge, such a
study has not been done.
FIGURE 4-3 New Army “sized” headforms. SOURCE: James Zheng, Chief Scientist, Soldier Protective and Individual Equipment, PEO
Soldier, “Helmet Testing, Related Research & Development,” presentation to the committee on March 22, 2013.
FIGURE 4-4 Peepsite headforms: five headforms, one for each shot direction. SOURCE: Robert Kinsler, Survivability/Lethality Analysis
Directorate, Army Research Laboratory, “The Peepsite Headform,” presentation to the committee on January 24, 2013.
Prather, R., C. Swann, and C. Hawkins. 1977. Backface Signatures of Soft U.S. Army. 2012. Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH) Purchase Description,
Figure 4-4 fixed
Body Armors and the Associated Trauma Effects. ARCSL-TR-77055.
U.S. Army Armament Research and Development Command Technol-
Rev A with Change 4. AR/PD 10-02. Soldier Equipment, Program
Executive Office—Soldier, Fort Belvoir, Va.
ogy Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.
1V refers to “the velocity at which complete penetration and partial 2The protocols for FAT and LAT testing are given in Appendix B.
penetration are equally likely to occur” (DoD, 1997). 3Ibid.
Recommendation 5-2. The Department of Defense should Recommendation 5-4. As research progresses, methods,
develop a better understanding of the relationship between measures, and thresholds should be continuously reviewed
backface deformation and brain damage, including the to determine whether the new knowledge warrants changes
examination of alternative metrics to maximum depth. to any of them. The review team should include adequate
expertise from a broad range of disciplines, including medi-
In addition to the definition of BFD, the DOT&E proto- cal, engineering, and testing professionals.
col specifies BFD thresholds at 25.4 mm for front and back
shots and 16 mm for side and crown shots. These appear to
be based on historical helmet testing precedent and are not 5.3 SUMMARY OF RESULTS FROM AVAILABLE TEST
connected to the potential for brain injury. The analysis, how- DATA
ever, appears to be based on the presumption that the larger The DOT&E FAT and LAT protocols, as well as any addi-
the BFD, the greater the likelihood of serious head injury. tional requirements included in service-specific contractual
requirements, specify RTP and BFD pass or fail require-
Finding 5-4. The choice of the helmet BFD threshold val- ments. The particular details of these tests are described in
ues—25.4 mm for front and back shots and 16 mm for side detail in Chapters 6 and 7. This section summarizes how the
and crown shots—does not have a scientific basis. In con- Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH) performs in terms of these
trast, the body armor BFD limit was derived from scientific two measures using data made available to the committee.
Resistance to Penetration Data
As a result, the usefulness of the helmet FAT and LAT test
data on BFD is limited. The data can be used for assessing Table 5-1 provides a summary of RTP test data for ACH
helmet performance against the requirements in the purchase helmets, provided to the committee, from FAT and LAT.
description and the DOT&E helmet testing protocol; the There were two sources of FAT data: the first with 309 shots
results can also be used to compare helmet performance and the second one with 816 shots, and there were no pen-
within and between manufacturers and over time. But the etrations. So, the estimate of the penetration probability from
data cannot be used to determine the level of protection the combined data is 0, and a 90 percent upper confidence
provided by a new helmet that is designed and manufactured bound (UCB) is 0.002. The LAT data were from four differ-
according to a different set of specifications. This becomes ent vendors (as shown at the bottom of Table 5-1), and there
critical when assessing the protection offered by new helmets were only 7 penetrations out of 11,049 shots. This yields an
because there are trade-offs between penetration, BFD, and estimated probability of penetration of 7/11,049 = 0.0006.
other helmet characteristics, such as weight, form, and fit. The corresponding 90 percent UCB is 0.001. Hence, we see
that a Remington 9-mm full-metal-jacket (FMJ) projectile
Recommendation 5-3. The Department of Defense should shot at a randomly selected ACH, under test conditions, is
examine the basis for backface deformation thresholds and unlikely—with only a 0.1 percent chance—of completely
develop appropriate ones based on scientific studies and data. penetrating the helmet.
Averge BFD
forations were all on separate helmets.) One can estimate the 15
probability of helmet failure (rather than penetration at any 14
given location) to be approximately 7/2,200 = 0.003, which
is also very low.
Finding 5-5. Available data indicate that there is very low
probability of helmet perforation (less than 0.005) from a 10
22 23 24 25 26
Remington 9-mm FMJ projectile shot under test conditions. standoff
This level of penetration probability is considerably FIGURE 5-3 Average backface deformation (BFD) as a function of
smaller than the 10 percent “standard” on which the DOT&E stand-off for Data Set 1. Colors represent different environments.
protocol is based. The implications of this result are dis- NOTE: AM, ambient; CO, cold; HO, hot; SE, sea water.
cussed in Chapter 6.
15 lows: back, 21.8 mm; front, 22.5 mm; crown, 23.0 mm; and
left and right, 25.6 mm.5 Figure 5-3 shows how the average
of the BFD measurements differs with stand-off. The colors
correspond to different environmental conditions. Note that
the data are clearly separated by environment. The average
0 BFDs are clearly different for different values of stand-off,
1-Back 2-Front 3-Crown 4-Left 5-Right
Shot Location but the relationship is not monotone, and hence not easy to
BFD (mm)
the helmet contribute to these patterns. 15
Data Set 2
Data Set 2 was from a test of the Marine helmet (MICH)
(Helmet 2). Three helmets each corresponding to four sizes 0
1-Back 2-Front 3-Crown 4-Left 5-Right
(small [S], medium [M], large [L], and extra large [XL]) were Shot Location
25 20
BFD (mm)
15 5
1-Back 2-Front 3-Crown 4-Left 5-Right Back Crown Front Left Right
Shot Location LOCATION
FIGURE 5-4 Backface deformation (BFD) measurements by loca- FIGURE 5-6 Backface deformation (BFD) measurements by loca-
tion for Data Set 2. Specified limits of 25.4 mm and 16.0 mm are tion and helmet size for Data Set 3. NOTE: MD, medium; LG, large;
indicated by solid lines. SM, small; XL, extra large.
6.0 SUMMARY DOT&E plan that has recently been adopted by the Army. A
modification of the current protocol for the enhanced com-
The test protocols for Army helmets were originally based
bat helmet (ECH) is also examined. These discussions are
on a requirement of zero penetrations in 20 shots (five shots
directly relevant to the issues raised in the correspondence
on each of four helmets). The Director, Operational Test
between U.S. Representative Slaughter and the Department
and Evaluation (DOT&E) protocol replaced this legacy plan
of Defense. To provide adequate background, the chapter
with a requirement of 17 or fewer penetrations in 240 shots
begins with an overview of the statistical considerations in
(five shots on each of 48 helmets). The helmets spanned four
the design of test protocols for RTP. The chapter ends with a
sizes and were tested in four different environments. The
discussion of several topics: (1) robustness of the operating
0-out-of-20 (0, 20) plan and DOT&E’s 17-out-of-240 (17,
characteristic (OC) curves when the penetration probabili-
240) plan have comparable performance if the probability of
ties vary across different test conditions; (2) examination of
penetrating a helmet shell on a single shot is around 0.10. As
possible protocols for testing by helmet sizes; (3) post-test
noted in Chapter 5, available data indicate that penetration
analysis of the RTP data to determine the achieved penetra-
probabilities are around 0.005 or less. Near this value of pen-
tion probabilities of the tested helmets; and (4) a proposal to
etration probability, both plans have a 90 percent or higher
base future protocols with the helmets as the test unit rather
chance of passing the test, so the manufacturer’s risk is small,
than shots.
as it should be. However, if there is a 10-fold increase in the
penetration probability from the current level of 0.005 to
0.05, DOT&E’s (17, 240) plan still has a 95 percent chance 6.2 STATISTICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN DESIGNING
of acceptance. This may not provide sufficient incentive for TEST PLANS FOR RESISTANCE TO PENETRATION
the manufacturer to sustain current penetration-probability
As described in Chapter 4, the RTP test protocol speci-
levels. Thus, the (17, 240) plan may have the unintended
fies that helmets of different sizes be conditioned in selected
effect of leading to a reduction in helmet penetration resis-
environments and that shots be taken at different locations
tance. In the absence of a link between penetration probabil-
on the helmet. However, in this section, the committee starts
ity and human injury, there is no scientific basis for setting a
with a simple setup—a single helmet size, a single shot loca-
limit on the penetration probability. In such a circumstance,
tion on the helmet, and a single environment—so that the test
the committee’s view is that the objective of a new test plan
deals with a homogeneous population of units and a single
should be to provide assurance that newly submitted helmets
test environment. (To be specific, one can think of a medium
are at least as penetration-resistant as current helmets. This
helmet, top location on the helmet, at ambient temperature.)
chapter proposes appropriate criteria for selecting test proto-
It is then reasonable to view the penetration outcomes when
cols and illustrates their use through several plans.
n helmets are tested in this manner as being independent and
identically distributed binary (pass/fail) random variables
6.1 INTRODUCTION with constant penetration probability θ. Thus, the probability
distribution of X, the (random) number of penetrations in n
The primary goal of this chapter is to evaluate DOT&E’s
shots, is a binomial distribution with parameters (n, θ). The
protocol for testing a helmet’s resistance to penetration
statistical properties of a test plan can be derived from this
(RTP). The committee compares its performance with that
of the Army’s legacy plan and a modified version of the
c-out-of-n Test Plans The y axis in Figure 6-1 shows the probability that a
(c = 1, n = 40) test will be successful as a function of the
The test plans used by DOT&E for RTP are of the fol-
underlying penetration probability θ. These acceptance
lowing form: take n shots, and if c or fewer penetrations are
probabilities are given by the cumulative distribution, P(X ≤
observed, the first article testing (FAT) passes; otherwise, it
1| θ), where X has a binomial distribution with n = 40 and
fails. In this study, the committee refers to such tests as (c, n)-
penetration probability equal to θ. For example, if θ, the
plans. They are also called binomial reliability demonstra-
underlying (unknown) penetration probability, equals 0.02
tions plans or acceptance-sampling plans for attribute data.
(green line), the probability of acceptance is 0.8 (80 percent
The plan is defined by the value of two constants: c and n.
chance of passing). If θ = 0.10 (red line), the probability
Once these are specified, the protocol’s properties are deter-
of acceptance is approximately 0.10. Conversely, in order
mined and can be studied through its operating characteristic
to have a probability of acceptance of 0.6 (black line), the
(OC) curve. An OC curve is a plot of the probability (P) of
true penetration probability needs to be about 0.38. So the
acceptance (y axis) against the underlying failure (penetra-
OC curve describes the relationship between the acceptance
tion) probability of the items under test (x axis). Figure 6-1
probabilities and the underlying penetration probability as θ
shows the OC curve for a (c = 1, n = 40) test plan; i.e., the
ranges across values of interest.
FAT is successful if there are one or fewer penetrations in
Suppose the decision maker examined the OC curve for
40 shots.
the 1-out-of-40 (1, 40) plan in Figure 6-1 and decided that
In Figure 6-1 and subsequent plots of OC curves in this
the acceptance probability of 0.10 when θ = 0.10 is too high.
report, the x axis is the true (but unknown) penetration
There are two options for reducing this value: decreasing c
probability θ. This format is different from the OC curves
or increasing n.
that are currently used by the Army and DOT&E that plot
Figure 6-2 provides a comparison with two alternatives:
the probability of nonpenetration in the x axis. One should
0-out-of-40 (0, 40) and 1-out-of-70 (1, 70) plans. For both
focus on the penetration probability, because it is easier to
(c = 0, n = 40) and (c = 1, n = 70) plans, the acceptance
interpret the curve as the penetration probability changes.
probabilities are close to zero for θ = 0.10. This may be
For example, an increase in θ from 0.005 to 0.05 is easy
acceptable to the decision maker who is the purchaser in
to interpret as a 10-fold increase in penetration probability;
this situation. But one cannot discriminate between the two
it is hard to interpret this change in terms of 1 – θ, which
plans at this value of θ.
decreases from 0.995 to 0.95.
Consider the case where the target penetration probability
is θ = 0.01. Figure 6-2 shows that, at this level, the (0, 40)
Recommendation 6-1. The operating characteristic curves
plan has an acceptance probability of about 0.63, while the
used by the Department of Defense should display penetra-
6-1 (1, 70) plan has an acceptance probability of about 0.83.
tion probabilities rather than non-penetration probabilities
Since this is the target penetration probability, the decision
on the x axes.
maker will want to accept helmets with a high probability
and will choose the (1, 70) plan or another plan that provides
an even higher acceptance probability at θ = 0.01.
Probability of Acceptance
n c
40 1
40 0
70 1
0.6 0.8
Probability of Acceptance
n sample size
c acceptance number
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18
Probability of Penetration Probability of Penetration
FIGURE 6-1 Operating characteristic curve for (c = 1, n = 40) FIGURE 6-2 Operating characteristic curves comparing 1-out-
test plan. The green and red lines show the probabilities of accep- of-40 test plan with 0-out-of-40 and 1-out-of-70 test plans. The blue
tance for the plan when the true probabilities of penetrations are, lines show the probabilities of acceptance for the two plans when
respectively, 0.02 and 0.10. The black line shows that, if we want the true probability of penetration is 0.1; the green lines show the
the probability of acceptance to be 0.6, the true penetration prob- corresponding acceptance probabilities when the true penetration
ability has to be 0.38. probability is 0.005.
Probability of Acceptance
tion probability is θ = 0.05, which is an order of magnitude The committee performed numerical investigations to
higher, there must be at most a 10 percent chance of passing examine the differences between the true OC curves and the
the test. So, θH = 0.05, and β = 0.10. Therefore, the test is OC curves obtained by assuming that the penetration prob-
designed to discriminate between helmets with penetration abilities are the same across all shots. It examined a range of
probabilities of 0.005 and 0.05. In this example, both α and deviations for the penetration probabilities. Further, it took
β are the same, but they do not have to be. These two risks the constant penetration probability for comparison to be the
are specified by the decision maker. average of the varying probabilities. The study shows that the
Figure 6-3 shows the OC curve for the 1-out-of-77 (1, differences in the OC curves are negligible for the range of
77) test plan that meets the above requirements. It has the penetration probabilities and deviations that are relevant to
desired properties at the specified penetration probabilities the helmet situation.
of 0.005 and 0.05. In practice, however, after a plan has been
obtained, one should also examine its OC curve at other Finding 6-1. RTP data aggregated over helmet sizes,
values of θ to see if it has reasonable (not too low or not too environments, and shot locations may not have a constant
high) acceptance probabilities. In this case, if θ = 0.02 (a underlying penetration probability. An evaluation of operat-
four-fold increase from the desired penetration probability), ing characteristics for modest departures from this situation
the acceptance probability is about 0.55. One may decide indicates that the actual acceptance probabilities are negli-
that this is too high and look for a more stringent plan—say gibly different from those calculated assuming a constant
one with c = 1 but a larger value of n. That change, however, underlying penetration probability. This means that the OC
would increase the manufacturer’s risk and decrease the gov- curves computed under the assumption of constant prob-
ernment’s risk. The OC curve of an acceptance plan conveys ability provide very good approximations.
a variety of incentives and disincentives to stakeholders in
Zero-Failure Plans
“Legacy” Protocol for the Advanced Combat Helmet
A common class of test protocols is based on zero-failures
(i.e., c = 0). One reason is that the lower the value of c, The legacy protocol, first specified by the program man-
the smaller the number of units to be tested, n, in order to ager for the Advanced Combat Helmet (DoD IG, 2013), was
achieve a particular level of government’s risk. However, a (0, 20) test plan. It involved testing four helmets, one each
there may be a false perception associated with zero-failure at four test environments (ambient, hot, and cold tempera-
plans: Because it does not allow any failures, the quality of tures and seawater). Only large-size helmets were tested. For
the products must be, in general, considerably higher than each helmet, the protocol required shooting a 9-mm bullet at
the government’s threshold quality. It is clear but worth five different locations, for a total of 20 shots. The five shots
reiterating that a zero-failure plan does not imply that the on each helmet were in a fixed shot sequence and pattern. No
penetration probability is zero! For example, if the penetra- penetrations were allowed (i.e., it was a zero-failure plan).
tion probability is 0.03, the probability of zero penetrations
in 20 shots is 0.54. This means that, even though there is a
3 percent chance of penetration, the 0-out-of-20 failure plan
will pass the test more than half of the time. Therefore, an
outcome of 0/20 does not imply zero penetration probability.
0.005 0.1
penetration probability is different at different helmet loca- 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
penetration probability
tions. When the penetration probabilities vary across shots,
the number of penetrations, X, in n shots would not have a
FIGURE 6-4 Operating characteristic curve for the legacy (0, 20)
binomial distribution. Therefore, the OC curves computed
test plan. The darker dashed lines show the probabilities of ac-
under this model would not apply exactly. The question of ceptance for the plan when the true penetration probabilities are
interest is whether the binomial calculations are still useful. 0.10 and 0.005.
lower manufacturer’s risk. Director Gilmore’s letter to Rep. there is a 10-fold increase in the current penetration prob-
Slaughter (see Appendix A) recognized that the DOT&E ability (from 0.005 to 0.05), this may provide a disincentive
protocol would lessen the burden on manufacturers to pass to maintain current levels of penetration resistance. In this
the test with helmets with an underlying penetration prob- sense, the (17, 240) plan is not as good as the legacy plan
ability less than the “standard” of 0.10. However, this is not of (0, 20).
necessarily an advantage.
Consider a comparison of the two plans when the penetra- It is likely that manufacturers are more motivated by
tion probability equals 0.05, which is a 10-fold increase in having a high probability of passing the test than they are
the penetration probability from the currently achieved level in avoiding a penetration probability at the current DOT&E
of around 0.005. For this value of θ = 0.05, the acceptance “standard” of 0.10, a value nearly two orders of magnitude
probability is about 0.38 for the (0, 20) plan, while it is about higher than what current data indicate for a helmet penetra-
0.95 for the (17, 240) plan. Thus, even if there is a 10-fold tion probability. If manufacturers have a very high probabil-
degradation in the penetration resistance of helmets, there ity of passing the test, even if there is a substantial increase
is a 95 percent chance of accepting the helmets under the in the penetration probability, the (17, 240) plan may have
DOT&E protocol. Similar comparisons can be made at other the unintended effect of leading to a reduction in helmet
values of θ to the left of the point where the two curves cross. penetration resistance.
For example, for any values of penetration probability of θ ≤
0.04—a five-fold increase—the helmets will almost certainly Recommendation 6-2. If there is a scientific basis to link
be accepted. To the right of the crossing point, however, the brain injury with performance metrics (such as penetra-
(0, 20) plan has a higher acceptance probability (and hence tion frequency and backface deformation), the Director of
poorer performance in terms of screening out helmets with Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) should use this
high penetration probabilities, but still less than a 12 percent information to set the appropriate standard for performance
chance of acceptance). metrics in the test protocols. In the absence of such a sci-
A decision on which of the two plans is better comes down entific basis, DOT&E should develop a plan that provides
to deciding what is the relevant range of values of the pen- assurance that it leads to the production of helmets that are
etration probability. DOT&E’s (17, 240) plan focuses around at least as penetration-resistant as currently fielded helmets.
θ = 0.10, and its main objective is to prevent helmets with
a 0.10 penetration probability or more from being accepted.
Enhanced Combat Helmet Protocol: Modified DOT&E
The (17, 240) plan has comparable performance to the (0,
20) plan at this point and has lower acceptance probabilities
for θ ≥ 0.10. So if this is the region of interest, then the (17, The ECH protocol, a modification of the DOT&E pro-
240) plan is superior to the (0, 20) plan. However, if the tocol, is a 5-out-of-96 (5, 96) plan that involves taking two
objective of the plan is to provide an incentive for manufac- shots each at 48 helmets. The acceptance limit of c = 5 is
turers to produce helmets at least as good as current helmets based on the 90/90 criterion. Figure 6-6 provides a compari-
(θ ≤ 0.005), the (0, 20) plan is better in that it has a lower son of its OC curve with that of the (0, 20) plan. It shows that,
probability of acceptance for helmets that are not as good if the penetration probability is 0.035, the manufacturer’s risk
as current helmets up to a penetration probability of 0.10.
To evaluate a plan, one needs to consider the whole OC
curve, not just one point that may have been used to specify
the plan. The DOT&E plan focuses on the point at which θ
= 0.10. Its main objective is to prevent helmets with a 0.10 1.0
n c
20 0
penetration probability or more from being accepted. Avail- 96 5
n sample size
able data show that the Department of Defense’s design and 0.8
Probability of Acceptance
c acceptance number
0.7 P(17/218)
case. The plan’s government risk when θ = 0.005 is around
0.6 0.10 (i.e., there is a 90 percent chance that helmets with
penetration probability of 0.005 will be accepted). This is
comparable to the (0, 20) legacy plan and also the first-stage
(0, 22) plan. The government’s risk when θ = 0.10 is close
to zero and much lower than the other three plans being
0.1 0.1
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 Because of the first stage, the modified protocol maintains
Probability of Penetration
essentially the same incentive for a manufacturer to achieve
6-5 a penetration probability in the 0.001 to 0.005 neighborhood,
FIGURE 6-7 Operating characteristic curves for the hybrid plan in order to have a high probability of passing the acceptance
and comparison to others. test. Further, thanks to the (0, 22) first-stage threshold, the
protocol is considerably more stringent in rejecting submit-
ted product with underlying penetration probability in the
0.05 to 0.10 range than is the (17, 240) plan in Figure 6-5.
n c
1.0 60
The (17, 218) criterion for Stage 2 would, by itself, give the
60 2 impression that a penetration probability as high as 17/218 =
8 percent is acceptable, which is quite different from Stage 1
n sample size
Probability of Acceptance
c acceptance number
the hybrid plan with its component plans and also the legacy from the characterization analysis that is made possible by the complete
set of 240 shots.
(zero failures) is allowed for a successful outcome. not complete the five shots, and thus reduce the cost of testing. However,
for the sake of further characterization analyses, the protocol might require
that each suite of five shots might be completed. Note that this is part of the
test protocol to evaluate helmet performance. There is no assumption that
this test plan represents a situation in which a soldier takes five helmet hits.
are independent events. Let θ(helmet) denote the probability The two plans have virtually identical OC curves. This is
of a helmet failure. Then, not surprising. Two or more penetrations on any one helmet
has a small probability for the range of θ values considered.
1 – θ(helmet) = (1– θ1) × (1– θ2) × (1– θ3) × (1– θ4) × (1– θ5) So, one failure in 16 helmets means most likely that only one
penetration occurred among the 80 shots in the 16 helmet
Suppose one wants a helmet-level test plan with the prop- tests. A (1, 80) plan is not much different from one of (1, 77).
erties that the probability of acceptance is at least 0.90 when
θ(helmet) = 0.025 and at most 0.10 when θ(helmet) = 0.25. Finding 6-4. Test plans with a helmet as the unit of test are
The blue solid line in Figure 6-9 shows the OC curve for this more desirable and interpretable than those based on shots as
1-out-of-16 (1, 16) plan: test n = 16 helmets, and the FAT is the unit. When the penetration probability of a shot is small,
successful if no more than one helmet fails. the helmet-level test plans and the shot-level test plans will
One can compare this helmet-level plan with a plan based require about the same number of shots.
on shots as the unit of test. When the θi’s are all small,
θ(helmet) can be approximated as the sum of the θi’s, the Recommendation 6-4. The Department of Defense should
individual shot-location probabilities. For illustrative pur- consider developing and using protocols with helmets as the
poses, it is assumed that all the θi’s are the same and equal unit of test for future generations of helmets.
θ. Then, if θ(helmet) = 0.025, θ approximately equals 0.005;
further, if θ(helmet) = 0.25, θ approximately equals 0.05.
Earlier in this chapter, it was shown that a shot-level plan
that satisfied these properties was a (1, 77) plan, shown in DoD IG (Department of Defense Inspector General). 2013. Advanced
Combat Helmet Technical Assessment. DODIG-2013-079. Department
Figure 6-3. This OC curve is superimposed in Figure 6-9 as
of Defense, Washington, D.C.
the dashed red line. U.S. Army. 2012. Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH) Purchase Description,
Rev A with Change 4. AR/PD 10-02. Soldier Equipment, Program
Executive Office—Soldier, Fort Belvoir, Va.
2. 144 measurements from all the shots at left, right, and The left-hand side of this inequality is the number of
crown locations, combined across helmet sizes and (sample) standard deviations, S, between B* and the aver-
environments. age BFD, Y . The conventional term for this quantity is the
estimated “margin” relative to a one-sided specification
To accept the lot, the 90/90 UTLs calculated from the data limit. If the estimated margin is greater than a specified k,
for both groups must be less than their respective thresholds. the acceptance criterion is met.
A 90/90 upper tolerance limit (UTL) is the upper 90 In the statistical and quality control literature, the test
percent confidence bound on the 90th percentile of the plans are developed by controlling the probability of exceed-
underlying distribution. The statistical inference is that, with ing a one-sided specification limit directly from a margin
90 percent confidence, 90 percent of the underlying BFD calculation, rather than backing into this criterion from a
distribution is less than the UTL calculated from the data. UTL. If the calculated margin exceeds a threshold, k, the
The DOT&E protocol calculates the UTLs assuming the demonstration is successful.
BFD measurements have a normal distribution (but different
normal distributions for the two location groups). Finding 7-1. Statistical tolerance limits, which are the basis
For a normal distribution with mean μ and standard devia- of the DOT&E analyses, are complex, and one has to keep
tion σ, the upper 90th percentile is μ + 1.28σ. Because the track of multiple probabilities and inequalities. An equiva-
parameters are unknown, one has to estimate them and also lent, and more conventional and transparent, analysis is to
incorporate the variability in the estimates. It turns out that base the acceptance test on the margin (the standardized
UTL, based on the data, has the form difference between the threshold and the sample mean, as
in Equation 7-1).
UTL = Y + k S
The margin plan parameters (k, n) are analogous to the (c,
Here, Y is the sample mean, S is the sample standard devia- n) parameters for binomial data. For a given plan, operating
tion, and k is a constant that depends on the sample size n characteristic (OC) curves can be calculated that plot the
(number of shots), the confidence level, and the distribution probability of acceptance versus the underlying probability
percentile of interest. The last two are both set at 90 percent of exceeding the limit, B*. By specifying two points on the
by DOT&E, hence the 90/90 rule. The k-factors are derived OC curve, values of n and k can be derived that define a plan
from a non-central t distribution. They have been tabulated that satisfies those two requirements.
and can also be obtained using commercial software.
For the 90/90 criterion, it is clear that the k-factor has to be
Operating Characteristics Curves of DOT&E Protocol
larger than 1.28 to account for the uncertainty in estimating
the parameters μ and σ from the data using Y and S. Figure 7-1 shows the OC curves for the two groups of shot
The 90/90 UTL is applied as follows in DOT&E’s BFD locations: (1) red dashed line corresponds to back and front,
protocol. UTL is a 90 percent upper confidence bound for the and (2) black solid line corresponds to right, left, and crown.
90th percentile, so one can say with 90 percent confidence At the right side of Figure 7-1, the green line shows that,
that at least 90 percent of the distribution is smaller than the if the underlying probability of a BFD “failure” is 0.10 for
UTL (or at most 10 percent of the distribution exceeds the either location group, there is only a 10 percent chance of
UTL). Therefore, the FAT is successful if the UTL is less passing the test. This is the 90/90 criterion that was speci-
than the specified BFD limit B* for each data group. The fied up front, and the plans have the intended property at this
rationale is that if UTL < B*, with 90 percent confidence, B* value. The manufacturer’s risk, and incentive, is read from
exceeds more than 90 percent of the distribution, and there is the left end of the curves. For example, for the extreme left
less than 10 percent of the distribution exceeding B*. (red) line where P(BFD > B*) = 0.005, comparable to the
The same theory underlying the determination of normal proportion of available BFD data that exceed their thresh-
distribution tolerance limits can be used to calculate a 90 olds, the probability of acceptance is close to one; that is, the
percent upper confidence limit on the probability of exceed- manufacturer’s risk is close to zero. The blue lines show that,
ing a specified threshold. This exceedance probability is to have at least a 90 percent chance of passing the acceptance
analogous to the penetration probability for RTP testing. test, the manufacturer must have a BFD exceedance probabil-
The acceptance criterion would then be that this confidence ity of about 0.05 for the back and front locations and about
limit on the exceedance probability be less than 0.10. This 0.055 for the other group. Putting it another way, even if the
criterion is equivalent to the UTL criterion, but more in line exceedance probability is as high as 5 percent or 5.5 percent,
with the 90/90 criterion underlying the DOT&E protocols. manufacturers still have a 90 percent chance of passing the
The acceptance criterion, that Y + k S < B*, can be FAT requirement for BFD.
rewritten as The DOT&E protocol specifies that the plans for both
groups of locations must pass their acceptance tests in
(B* – Y )/S> k. Equation 7.1 order for the overall BFD protocol to be successful. Thus,
k critical distance
converting BFD failures to binary data. The OC curves of
0.6 such plans were discussed in Chapter 5; in this case, P(BFD
0.5 > B*) is the probability of a BFD failure. Figure 7-3 overlays
0.4 the OC curve for that plan on the OC curves in Figure 7-2.
0.3 To have at least a 90 percent chance of passing the legacy
plan, the underlying BFD failure probability had to be 0.005
0.1 0.1
or less. The DOT&E protocol relaxes that incentive by about
00 01 02 03 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
an order of magnitude (even considering that the tolerance
0. 0. 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 .
Pr(BFD>B*) limit acceptance test has to be passed by both data sub-
groups). Thus, as was the case for RTP, the DOT&E protocol
FIGURE 7-1 Operating characteristic curves for Director, Opera- is “easier” to pass than the legacy protocol for values of true
tional Test and Evaluation, backface deformation (BFD) protocol BFD failure probabilities less than 0.075 (where the legacy
for the two groups of shot locations: red dashed line corresponds
and the green curves cross).
to back and front and black solid line corresponds to right, left, and
For the BFD data provided to the committee (see
crown. Green and red lines show the acceptance probabilities for
the two groups when P(BFD > B*), the exceedance probabilities, Chapter 5), there were 8 BFD failures in a total of 816 tests.
are 0.10 and 0.005 respectively. Blue line shows the exceedance All of those failures were in one test series, which could
probabilities when the acceptance probability is fixed at 0.9. indicate a systematic problem with that helmet or that test
series. The combined data for the other three helmet tests
yield an upper 90 percent confidence limit on the BFD failure
probability of 0.004. This should be the region of interest for
BFD protocol.
0.0 0 5 0.045 0 .1 Finding 7-3. Figure 7-3 shows that the DOT&E protocol
0.9 has a 90 percent chance of accepting helmets even when the
BFD failure probabilities are an order of magnitude larger
P(acc:both) than what has been achieved by current helmets. This reduces
the incentive for manufacturers of future helmets to sustain
BFD failure probabilities at current levels.
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15
Pr(BFD > B*)
the green curve in Figure 7-2. On the other hand, even when 0.1
Finding 7-2. The use of two BFD tests, rather than a single FIGURE 7-3 Comparison of the three operating characteristic
test, has made the evaluation of the government’s risk and the curves in Figure 7-2 with that of the legacy (0, 20) plan.
manufacturer’s risk and incentive more complicated.
helmet size and environment. There are 2 shots per helmet, 0.6
totaling 96 shots. One shot is at one of the front/back loca- Pr(acc) 0.5
The same type of 90/90 UTLs are computed based on the 0.3
assumption of normality; the k-factor for n = 48 and the 90/90
0.1 0.1
criterion is 1.57. The black curve in Figure 7-4 is the OC
curve for the plan based on 48 shots. The red dashed curve 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12
Pr(BFD > B*)
is the OC curve for both tests passing. This curve shows that
for a manufacturer to have a 90 percent chance of acceptance
FIGURE 7-5 Operating characteristic curves for a single 48-shot
for both location groups, the helmets should have an underly-
plan and for five 48-shot plans. NOTE: BFD refers to backface
ing probability of exceeding the limit, B*, at just less than
0.03. As was the case with the previous protocol, this is a
substantially higher BFD failure probability than what cur-
rent helmets have achieved.
four or five subgroups is in line with the patterns of hetero-
geneity that were discussed in Chapter 5.
Finding 7-4. The DOT&E protocol for the ECH has a 90
Under this protocol, the tolerance limit analysis is done
percent chance of accepting helmets that have an order of
on appropriate subsets of either 48 or 96 shots, depending
magnitude larger BFD failure probability than those achieved
on the location and whether the left and right distributions of
by current helmets.
BFD are consistent. Figure 7-5 shows the OC curves for the
situation in which the protocol is applied to a single group
Army’s Modified DOT&E Protocol for the Lightweight of 48 shots, and the combined curve is for the situation of all
Advanced Combat Helmet five groups passing their individual margin tests.
Figure 7-5 shows that for a manufacturer to have a 90
This protocol changed the grouping of the shots in the
percent chance of passing all five acceptance tests by loca-
subsection above as follows: (1) front only, (2) rear only, (3)
tion, the underlying BFD failure probability would have to be
crown only, and (4) right and left sides combined. Before
about 0.02. As was the case with RTP, the Army’s modifica-
combining right and left sides, a pre-test is done to test if the
tion of the DOT&E protocol is considerably more stringent
distributions (mean and variance) for the two sides are differ-
than the DOT&E protocol (Figure 7-2).
ent; the data are combined only if there is not an indication
of significant difference. This separation of the protocol into
P(acc:48, both)
cols, the committee’s impression is that they do not receive
the same level of public scrutiny as the RTP protocols. For
example, they were not mentioned in the communications
Pr(acc) 0.5
between Rep. Slaughter and the Department of Defense.
0.4 There are many possible reasons, some of which are stated
0.3 in the following finding.
0.1 0.1 Finding 7-5. The rationale behind BFD protocols for FAT is
0.0 difficult to understand for the following reasons:
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12
Pr(BFD > B*)
threshold has no practical or scientific meaning, and this case, it is preferable to use protocols that do not require
their use is limited to comparing a new design of strong parametric assumptions. An additional consideration
helmets with existing ones; and is the need for simplicity and transparency. The use of two
• BFD measures the deformation on clay, which is very different protocols for RTP and BFD data makes it dif-
only an indirect measure of the actual deformation ficult for DoD test designers to develop plans with the same
on helmets. goals and for users to understand their properties.
DOT&E’s legacy protocol was a simple and transparent
There are also several statistical issues related to the plan that was based on binary data. Specifically, each BFD
DOT&E protocols. The data in Chapter 5 indicate an appre- measurement is compared to its location-specific threshold,
ciable difference between the BFD distributions for front and the data are converted to 0-1 outcomes depending on
and rear shots. To address this, DOT&E has recommended whether the observation is below or above the threshold. A
preliminary analyses to decide whether the BFD data can BFD measurement above the threshold leads to a “failure.”
be pooled across groups before conducting the test. These The probability of interest is then the exceedance probability.
added analyses will add substantial complexity to both the
decision process and the properties of the test protocol. They Recommendation 7-1. The Director, Operational Test and
also make it the protocols less transparent. These points are Evaluation, should revert to the more transparent and robust
summarized in the following finding. analysis of backface deformation data based on pass/fail
scoring of each measurement.
Finding 7-6.
• The current DOT&E protocols for BFD data are With such conversion, one can use the same types of pro-
based on upper tolerance limits, which are more dif- tocols as those for RTP. For the BFD data the committee has
ficult to understand than the protocols for RTP based seen, the probability of exceedance is around 0.005, about
on binary data. the same levels as the penetration probabilities estimated
• These protocols are based on the assumption that the from the data. So, if the same considerations in Chapter 5 are
BFD data follow a normal distribution. The computed used to develop the BFD plan, the two protocols are likely
values of the upper tolerance limits are sensitive to to be the same.
this assumption. A natural concern in converting continuous measurements
• The graphical diagnostics that were shown to the to binary data is the loss of statistical efficiency. However,
committee indicate that the normality assumption is recall that the goal of the test protocols is to determine if the
not unreasonable for the limited data sets that have BFD measurements exceed their corresponding thresholds.
been analyzed. However, one should be cautious in The FAT BFD data provided to the committee indicate
assuming that future BFD test measurements will that these thresholds are well in the upper tails of the BFD
always be normally distributed. measurements (see Figures 5-2 and 5-4). The data show that
• The methodology for computing UTLs requires that P(BFD > B*) is less than 0.005. The probability of rejecting
the BFD data across environments, helmet sizes, and helmets (manufacturer’s risk) produced at this level of qual-
across locations (within the two groups) are homo- ity is essentially zero for the test, based on binary data (the
geneous; that is, they have a normal distribution with same as that for protocols based on normal theory). In other
the same mean and variance. DOT&E has proposed: words, the probability of acceptance is essentially 1 for both
(1) conducting preliminary hypotheses tests to deter- protocols. If P(BFD > B*) were to increase to 0.05 (an order
mine if this assumption of homogeneity holds, and of magnitude increase), the probability of rejection under a
(2) pooling the data only for cases where the pre-test binary (17, 240) plan is about 0.10 (see Figure 6-5). This is
suggests the homogeneity assumption is valid. Such very close to the combined normal-theory plan that is cur-
an approach will add substantial complexity to the rently in use (see Figure 7-2).
decision process and, more importantly, to the prop- The current DOT&E protocol is based on two different
erties of the test protocol. plans for the two different location subsets, because they
have different thresholds and also differences in distributions
The replacement of the legacy protocol, based on binary within location subsets.
data, with variable BFD data was presumably driven by effi-
ciency considerations. If the normal distribution assumption Recommendation 7-2. The binary data for the different
is correct, the resulting protocol is much more efficient from location subgroups should be combined into a single back-
a statistical perspective. When the test sample is small, as face deformation protocol.
was the case with the legacy protocol of 20 shots, statistical
efficiency is indeed an important consideration. Converting to a binary protocol and combining the data
However, if the test sample size is large (as is the case with across the locations would mean that the exceedance prob-
240 shots), the concern about efficiency is less critical. In abilities may vary across locations. However, the numerical
study described in Chapter 5 indicates that the OC curves are Recommendation 7-3. The Office of the Director, Opera-
robust to the level of deviations in exceedance probabilities tional Test and Evaluation, and the Services should analyze
that are present with current BFD data. the continuous backface deformation measurements, com-
pute the margins, and track them over time to assess any
changes over time.
Post-Test Analyses
As noted, the loss in efficiency is not a major concern in Recommendation 7-4. Available backface deformation
converting the continuous BFD measurements to 0-1 out- (BFD) data should be used to develop data-based limits
comes. It is, however, important for DOT&E and the Services against which to compare future BFD data, as a replacement
to do post-test analyses of the continuous BFD data, compute for the current legacy ad hoc limits.
the margins, and monitor them to see if there is any trend or
increase or decrease in BFD values over time. Such monitor-
ing is an important part of any test process.
8.0 SUMMARY dard ASQ Z1.4-20081 for selecting lot sample sizes and
acceptance limits (ASQ, 2008). The performance of the
Lot acceptance testing (LAT) is used to ensure that
DOT&E’s LAT protocol is compared to the Army’s original
manufacturers continue to produce helmets that conform
FAT protocol and DOT&E’s FAT protocol, both in terms of
to contract specifications. A random sample of helmets is
resistance to penetration (RTP) and BFD. This chapter also
selected from the production lot, and the helmet shells as
examines the feasibility of helmet-based LAT protocols.
well as hardware are tested according to the LAT protocol.
The number of helmets in the protocols is determined from
an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard, 8.2 LOT ACCEPTANCE TESTING PROTOCOLS
and they vary by lot size. This chapter examines the operat-
ing characteristic (OC) curves for the Director, Operational The Army’s Original Lot Acceptance Testing Protocol
Test and Evaluation’s (DOT&E’s) LAT plans and compares
Table 8-1 shows the Army’s original LAT protocol for
them with first article testing (FAT) protocols in the Army’s
RTP (DoD IG, 2013, p. 6). Note that the number of helmets,
legacy plans and DOT&E’s plans. The OC curves for the
and thus the resulting number of shots, is small.
LAT plans for the different lot sizes can vary a lot, indicating
that the manufacturer’s and government’s risks can be quite
TABLE 8-1 Sample Sizes for the Army’s Historical Lot
different across lot sizes. This is primarily due to the differ-
Acceptance Testing Protocol for a 9-mm RTP Shell
ent sample sizes (number of helmets and number of shots)
as determined from ANSI standard. Further, DOT&E’s FAT Lot Size Sample Size Accept Reject
protocols are considerably less stringent (higher probabilities 4-150 5 shots, 1 helmet 0 1
of acceptance for the OC curves) than their corresponding 151-1,200 5 shots, 1 helmet 0 1
LAT protocols. This is counter to the philosophy that it
1,201-3,200 10 shots, 2 helmets 0 1
should be more difficult for manufacturers to pass FAT than
LAT. This issue can be addressed if DOT&E makes changes SOURCE: DoD IG (2013).
to the (17, 240) FAT protocol as discussed in Chapters 6 and
7. This chapter also proposes using binary data for backface
deformation (BFD) LAT protocols, to make them consistent DOT&E’s Lot Acceptance Testing Protocol
with the recommendations for FAT. Finally, the committee
For DOT&E’s LAT, the sample sizes (numbers of helmets
examines the properties of LAT protocols based on helmets
to be tested) are derived from the ANSI standard ASQ Z1.4-
as the unit of testing.
2008 (ASQ, 2008). Table 8-2 is the helmet LAT matrix from
Appendix A of the DOT&E LAT protocol.2 It provides the
8.1 INTRODUCTION requirements in terms of the number of helmets to be tested,
After a helmet manufacturer has passed FAT and begins
production, LAT is used to ensure that the helmets continue 1The committee notes that the DOT&E protocol does not mention or
to meet contract specifications. This chapter describes the explicitly reference the ANSI standard. The Army purchase description does
DOT&E’s LAT protocol, which is based on the ANSI stan- specify the ANSI standard (U.S. Army, 2012).
2The current DOT&E LAT and FAT protocols are found in Appendix B
of this report.
the total number of shots, and the accept/reject criteria by lot how to implement the protocol in Table 8-3. However, for
size. The test plan in Table 8-2 involves a finer division of situations where there are helmets of multiple sizes in a lot,
lot sizes and a larger number of helmets and shots than the Table 8-2 does not specify the order in which the different-
Army’s legacy protocol (Table 8-1). sized helmets should be tested.
The other aspects of DOT&E’s LAT are similar to its FAT
protocol, including range setup, the use of clay as a backing Finding 8-1. The DOT&E LAT protocol does not specify
material and its calibration, the definitions of complete and helmet size, while the FAT protocol specifies testing of four
partial penetrations, and the metrics (RTP and BFD). How- different helmet sizes.
ever, unlike FAT, all tests are conducted only under ambient
conditions. The 1996 report DoD Preferred Methods for Acceptance
Note that the sample sizes for LAT are smaller than FAT of Product, MIL-STD-1916, states:
sample sizes. Further, the protocol varies substantially by lot
sizes: from a sample size of 5 helmet shells (and a total of The product shall be assembled into identifiable lots, sublots,
25 shots) for the smallest lot to a sample size of 13 helmet or batches, or in such other manner as may be prescribed.
shells (and a total of 65 shots) for the largest lot. Similarly, Each lot or batch shall, as far as practicable, consist of units
for hardware testing, the sample sizes vary from 3 helmets of product of a single type, grade, class, size [emphasis
added], and composition, manufactured under essentially
(and 6 shots) to 8 helmets (and 16 shots).
the same conditions, and at essentially the same time. (DoD,
As with FAT, the DOT&E LAT protocol specifies a helmet 1996, p. 9).
test matrix that defines the shot order for each helmet in the
test sequence (Table 8-3). Recommendation 8-1. The protocol established by the
The DOT&E LAT protocol makes no mention of helmet Director, Operational Test and Evaluation, should be revised
size. If lots consist of only one helmet size, then it is clear
TABLE 8-3 Helmet Shot Order Test Matrix for Aramid 9-mm
Helmet Order
LAT Helmet #1 B L Cr F R
LAT Helmet #2 Cr R B L F
LAT Helmet #3 R B Cr L F
LAT Helmet #4 B F L R Cr
LAT Helmet #5 B R F L Cr
LAT Helmet #6 Cr B L F R
LAT Helmet #7 L B Cr F R
LAT Helmet #8 Cr B R F L
LAT Helmet #9 L F R B Cr
LAT Helmet #10 F Cr B L R
LAT Helmet #11 Cr L R B F
LAT Helmet #12 R F B L Cr
LAT Helmet #13 Cr F L B R
NOTE: B, back; CR, crown; F, front; L, left; R, right; LAT, lot acceptance testing.
SOURCE: DOT&E, 2012.
to explicitly state that: (1) it will be applied separately to each 8.3 EVALUATING PERFORMANCE: COMPARISON OF
helmet size; and (2) if the lot contains helmets of multiple OPERATING CHARACTERISTIC CURVES
sizes, the test requirements will be applied according to the
number of helmets of each size in the lot. Resistance to Penetration
This section compares the OC curves of DOT&E’s LAT
The Army’s Hybrid Protocols protocol with DOT&E’s FAT protocol and the Army’s origi-
nal FAT protocol. In comparing LAT and FAT, it is important
As with FAT, the Army has recently introduced modi-
to keep in mind that the manufacturer has already demon-
fied LAT protocols. For penetration, it is a hybrid of the
strated the ability to meet specification requirements via FAT.
Army’s historical LAT protocol and DOT&E’s LAT protocol
The goal of LAT is to assess whether the manufacturer’s
(DOT&E, 2012).
helmets continue to conform, and thus the government is
expected to assume greater risk at this stage.
• In Stage 1, either 5 or 10 shots are taken, depending
Figure 8-1 shows the OC curves for the DOT&E LAT pro-
on the lot size (as specified in Table 8-3). If there is
tocols for the three different lot sizes: 91 to 150 (black), 151
any complete penetration, the test terminates in a
to 500 (red), and 501 to 3,200 (green). The interpretation of
failure. If there are no complete penetrations, the test
an OC curve here is the same as that in Chapter 6: It is a plot
continues to Stage 2.
of the probability of acceptance (passing LAT in this case)
• In Stage 2, passing the LAT RTP requirement is based
on the y axis versus the true penetration probability on the x
on the accept/reject criterion specified in the DOT&E
axis. In Figure 8-1, the OC curves for the different lot sizes
protocol (Table 8-2). As described in the DOT&E
vary considerably and hence can have quite different manu-
protocol, if a penetration is observed, then a new
facturer’s and government’s risks. For example, the blue line
helmet is substituted and tested, and the data from
corresponds to a penetration probability of 0.005 (current
both helmets are counted toward the final accept/
levels where manufacturers are operating), and the prob-
reject determination.
abilities of acceptance for the three curves range from about
0.88 to about 0.99. Thus, the manufacturer’s risks (which
Hardware testing is conducted strictly in accordance with the
equal 1 – probability of acceptance) range from 0.01 to 0.12.
DOT&E protocol (DOT&E, 2012).
Consider now the case where the probability of penetration
For BFD, the Army’s LAT hybrid protocol is based on
is around 0.05—which is an order of magnitude higher. The
the same hybrid test for penetration (DOT&E, 2012). If the
purple lines indicate that the probabilities of acceptance, or
test continues as a result of successful completion of the
government’s risk, vary from about 0.18 to 0.4.
first stage RTP test described above, then passing the LAT
It is difficult to match the OC curves very closely if one
BFD requirement is based on all of the data collected and the
wishes to vary the sample sizes for different lot sizes and,
accept/reject criterion specified for the lot size. As before,
in particular, fix the sample sizes using the ANSI standard. 8-1
if a penetration is observed during the test, a new helmet is
substituted and tested, and the BFD data from both helmets
(excluding the shot that resulted in a penetration) are used
in the BFD calculations. Thus, the Army’s lightweight
advanced combat helmet protocol is virtually the same as
the DOT&E protocol. The only difference is that the light- 1.0
weight protocol does not specify a two-stage procedure for 40
lot sizes of 91 to 150 helmets; instead, it simply requires a 75 0.8 n sample size
Probability of Acceptance
c acceptance number
percent upper tolerance limit (UTL) at 90 percent confidence
(DOT&E, 2012). 0.6
n c n c
1.0 25 0
25 0
40 1 40 1
65 1 65 1
0.8 20 0 0.8 60 1
Probability of Acceptance
Probability of Acceptance
240 17
n sample size
n sample size c acceptance number
c acceptance number
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18
Lot Proportion Defective Probability of Penetration
FIGURE 8-2 Comparison of operating characteristic curves for the FIGURE 8-3 Comparison of operating characteristic curves for
three Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) lot ac- the three DOT&E lot acceptance testing protocols (black, red, and
ceptance testing protocols (black, red, and green) with the Army’s green) with an illustrative (1, 60) first article testing protocol (red).
Legacy first article testing (FAT) protocol (blue) and DOT&E’s
FAT protocol (orange).
Figure 8-2 provides a comparison of the DOT&E LAT restrict the number of shots for the LAT plans to be 60 or
protocols (black, red, and green OC curves) with the Army’s fewer, rather than its current value of 65.
legacy FAT protocol (blue) and DOT&E’s FAT protocol The committee emphasizes that these are just illustrative
(orange). The OC curve for the Army’s legacy FAT protocol discussions and that the committee is not endorsing a par-
is within the range of the curves for DOT&E’s LAT proto- ticular FAT plan for RTP.
cols. However, DOT&E’s FAT protocol (17-out-of-240 pen-
etrations) has a much higher probability of acceptance than Backface Deformation
the LAT protocols in the left end of Figure 8-2. This region
corresponds to penetration probabilities of 0.08 or less, cov- The Army’s historical LAT BFD protocol was also based
ering the current region where manufacturers operate as well on the sample sizes in Table 8-1. For each of the shots, the
as penetration levels more than an order of magnitude higher. BFD was measured and compared to a threshold: 25.4 mm
So, the manufacturer’s risk for the LAT protocols is higher for front and back shots and 16 mm for side and crown shots.
than that for the DOT&E FAT protocol. This is counter to If any of the BFDs exceeded its associated standard, then the
the philosophy that LAT should be easier for manufacturers lot failed. In other words, the BFD LAT protocol, like the
to pass than FAT. BFD FAT protocol, was based on binary outcomes—whether
the BFD measurement exceeded the threshold or not.
Finding 8-2. Some of the DOT&E LATs for penetration DOT&E’s LAT protocol, like its FAT protocol, assesses
are more difficult for manufacturer’s to pass than the FAT helmet BFD performance using statistical tolerance limits
plans. This is contrary to the philosophy that LAT is intended (discussed in Chapter 7). The LAT procedures continue to
to assess whether the manufacturers helmets continue to fix the confidence levels at 90 percent. However, unlike FAT
conform to specifications, and so it should be less stringent where the UTL was also fixed at 90 percent, the UTLs for
than FAT. LAT vary with lot size (and hence with sample size): 80
percent UTL for lot sizes of 501 to 3,200 helmets, 75 percent
As discussed in Chapter 6, the problem illustrated in Fig- UTL for lot sizes of 151 to 500 helmets, and a more compli-
ure 8-2 is with DOT&E’s (17, 240) FAT protocol. For illus- cated two-stage procedure for lot sizes of 91 to 150 helmets.
trative purposes, consider the situation in which the DOT&E The DOT&E LAT protocol states that the “UTL (at 90
FAT is changed to a 1-out-of-60 (1, 60) plan. Figure 8-3 percent confidence) will be calculated by combining the
shows a comparison of the OC curve of this plan with those right and left shot locations if the data from the qualifying
of the current LAT OC curves. The blue curve corresponds First Article Test indicates the data from the side locations
to the (1, 60) FAT plan and, as to be expected, it is very close can be combined for analysis.”3 This procedure is different
to the 1-out-of-65 (1, 65) LAT plan that corresponds to the from the DOT&E FAT protocol in which back and front
largest lot size. If one wanted to insist that LAT plans be
less stringent than the corresponding FAT plans, one could
3DOT&E, 2012, pp. 5-6; reprinted in Appendix B
and the three DOT&E LAT protocols (solid and dashed reds).
As was the case with penetration, the curves for the three
BFD LAT protocols vary considerably, indicating that they
can have quite different manufacturer’s and government’s
risks. In particular, the OC curves for the large two lot sizes
(dashed reds) have much higher probabilities of acceptance
Pr[Pass BFD Test(s)]
(OC curves to the right) than that of the small lot size. Thus,
If a perforation [complete penetration] occurs, no additional This lack of consistency in the current protocol—whether
shots will be taken on the perforated helmet. The perforated a shot or a helmet is the actual unit of test—makes it chal-
helmet will count against the accept/reject criteria in Ap- lenging to understand and interpret its properties. Further,
pendix A. To complete the test matrix,4 a new (untested) as described below, it is difficult to connect the test sample
helmet will be tested using the full 9mm V0 shot sequence for
sizes to the ANSI standard quality metrics.
the helmet that was perforated. Valid penetration and BTD
data from both helmets will be used for analysis (DOT&E,
2012, p. 5).5 Determining the Acceptance Quality Limit
The result of this requirement is that, if a penetration occurs, The helmet sample sizes in Table 8-1 are derived from the
the number of helmets sampled will not match the sample ANSI standard special inspection level6 S-2 for the hardware
size in Table 8-1 or the ANSI standard. Substituting for the and special inspection level S-3 for the shell.7,8 The DOT&E
penetrated helmet is a conservative approach, in the sense protocol alludes to this indirectly by saying, “Helmet testing
that additional data are collected when a perforation is is unique in that [it requires] two to three disparate destruc-
observed. However, it introduces an additional level of com- tive tests. . . . The total number of helmets allocated to . . .
plexity into the test, and it makes it difficult to quantify and tests closely reflects the quantities required for . . . sampling
compare test protocol performance in terms of OC curves. at either the S-2 or S-3 levels” (DOT&E, 2012, p. 5). Table
A testing regime strictly implemented per the ANSI stan- 8-4 provides the acceptance quality limit (AQL) for each of
dard would simply fail any helmet that experienced a single the sub-tests assuming the tested helmets are not perforated.
penetration (out of five shots to the helmet). No additional As such, they are approximations of the actual AQLs for the
helmets would be substituted in order to complete the total LAT protocol.9
number of shots indicated in Table 8-1. Under this testing The DOT&E protocol goes on to say that the helmet
protocol, the helmet is the unit of testing and analysis. As sample sizes are based on a “4% acceptable quality level”
such, the helmet is subject to a multi-shot test, and it either or AQL10 (DOT&E, 2012, p. 6), where “the total number
passes if no penetrations are observed, or it fails as soon as of helmets allocated to penetration and BTD tests closely
one penetration is observed. (Note that this is similar to the reflects the quantities required for the S-4 sampling level”
helmet-level test for FAT that was proposed at the end of (DOT&E, 2012, p. 5) of ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2008 (ASQ, 2008).
Chapter 6.) This is not correct, in the sense that the quality of shells in the
Finding 8-5. The DOT&E LAT protocol does not precisely the ANSI standard, special inspection levels “may be used where
relatively small sample sizes are necessary and large sampling risks can or
follow the ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2008 testing protocol that calls
must be tolerated” (ASQ, 2008, p. 5).
for sampling a fixed number of items out of a lot. It requires 7Using Table II-A of ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2008, convert the helmet shell
testing of additional helmets when penetrations occur. Fur- sample sizes in Table 8-1 to the sample size code letters and then use Table
ther, the shot is the actual unit of testing, despite the fact that I to see that the lot size and letter combinations correspond to the S-2 and
sample sizes are stated in terms of helmets. S-2 inspection levels.
8The “Shots” sample sizes in Table 8-1 do not correspond to any of the
LAT requirement both to substitute a new helmet if a perforation occurs and ity Limit.” It explicitly states, “the use of the abbreviation AQL to mean
to use all of the data (U.S. Army, 2012). Acceptable Quality Level is no longer recommended” (ASQ, 2008, p. 8).
TABLE 8-5 Sample Sizes per ANSI Standard ASQ Z1.4- roughly three to six times larger than what is specified in the
2008 to Achieve an AQL of 0.4 Percent current DOT&E protocol. However, the sample size of 32
Accept/Reject helmets for lots up to 500,000 helmets is generally smaller
General Sample Size Criteria than the total number of helmets required for all the LAT tests
Inspection (Number of (Number of as specified in the lightweight helmet purchase description
Level Lot Size Helmets) Helmets) (see the table on p. 76 of U.S. Army [2012], reproduced in
S-4 1,201-3,200 32 0/1 Table 8-6 below). These values range from 28 for a lot of
S-4 3,201-10,000 32 0/1 500 helmets or less to 44 for lots of 1,201 to 3,200 helmets.
S-3 35,001-150,000 32 0/1
S-3 150,001-500,000 32 0/1 8.5 USING THE HELMET AS THE UNIT OF TESTING
S-4 500,001+ 125 1/2
Helmet-Based Lot Acceptance Testing Protocols
SOURCE: Adapted from ASQ (2008).
Chapter 6 (Section 6.6) proposed that protocols for future
helmet designs be based on helmets as the units of test rather
helmets tested for hardware is unknown, and the hardware than shots. Such a test design has the advantage of following
quality of the helmets whose shells are tested is unknown. the ANSI standard more closely. In this section, the commit-
Thus, while it is clear that for any lot the subtest AQLs are tee pursues this topic in the context of LAT.
approximately those given in Table 8-4, the AQL of the Table 8-6 shows the number of lightweight Advanced
helmets can be anywhere between the largest subtest AQL Combat Helmets required for LAT under the current pur-
(because different types of defects tend to occur within the chase description. Note that the total, including the contin-
same helmets) and the sum of the AQLs for all the subtests gency, is close to (or more than) the 32 helmets required for
(because different types of defects tend to occur on different a 0.4 AQL test (cf. Table 8-4). Thus, if the various tests can
helmets). be appropriately combined, then a helmet-based test at 0.4
AQL is feasible within the current contract requirements.
Finding 8-6. The AQL at the helmet level is unknown, Similarly, if two shots were required per helmet (say, consist-
despite the current DOT&E protocol that suggests helmets ing of a combination of two shell shots or one shell shot and
are being tested to a 4 percent AQL. Although the AQL for one hardware shot)—rather than five shots per helmet shell
the helmet shell and hardware can be specified (see Table and two per hardware test—then the total number of shots
8-4), it is not clear how these subsystem AQLs combine at the is 64, which is less than the combined number of shell and
helmet level, and, further, the AQL associated with helmet hardware shots currently required for lots greater than 500
BFD performance is not assessed. helmets. This suggests that a helmet-based test is feasible
within current resources.
The 2013 DoD Inspector General report Advanced Com- To illustrate the concept, the committee studied the prop-
bat Helmet Technical Assessment found, “In selecting the erties of a helmet-based LAT using simulation. The frame-
LAT RTP requirement of 4 percent AQL . . . DOT&E did work for the simulation study was as follows:
not consider selecting an AQL that was based on the safety
criticality of the helmet” (DoD IG, 2013, p. 13). The report • 32 helmets are shot at three random locations, two
further notes that the Defense Contract Management Agency of the standard five locations (front, back, right, and
(DCMA) uses a 0.4 AQL for personal protective equipment left sides, and the crown) and one on hardware.
and that manufacturers are currently working to a 0.4 percent • Each non-hardware shot is evaluated for whether it
AQL (DoD IG, 2013). perforates and whether the resulting BFD is less than
Table 8-5 provides the sample sizes necessary to achieve the required threshold and the hardware test is evalu-
an AQL level of 0.4 percent. However, during presentations to ated for perforation.
the committee on June 17, 2013, DCMA stated that it would • Hence, in this illustrative test, each helmet is subject
defer to Program Executive Office Soldier and DOT&E for to five binary-outcome tests, and each helmet is
setting the appropriate AQL for combat helmets.11 scored as a pass if all five tests are passed or as a fail
Finding 8-7. As Table 8-5 shows, the required sample size
(in terms of helmet shells) to achieve an AQL of 0.4 is Making the BFD test a binary pass/fail is consistent with
Recommendation 7-1 and consistent with past Army testing
11CIayton Maddio, Soldier Systems Sector Integrator, DCMA Opera- practice.
tions Directorate, noted during an informal discussion with the committee Figure 8-5 shows the OC curves for this illustrative hel-
on June, 17, 2013, that, while DCMA Critical Safety Items (CSI) policy is met-based LAT protocol (red) compared to the DOT&E LAT
stated with an AQL of 0.4 percent, DCMA policy permits the customer to
decide the AQL for CSI items, thus overriding DCMA Policy.
protocol (blue). To do the comparison, the committee calcu-
TABLE 8-6 Lot Acceptance Testing Helmet Sampling Rate as Specified in the Lightweight Advanced Combat Helmet
Purchase Description
Lot Acceptance Testing (Number of Helmets Required)
Static Pull Barcode
9-mm RTP/ 9-mm RTP 17-grain Blunt Edging Paint Test (Ref. Pad Water Label/
Lot Size BTD (Shell) (Hardware) FSP V50 Impact Adhesion Adhesion System) Absorbancy Marking Contingency Total
500 8 5 2 2 1 2 1 ~ ~ 7 28
501-1,200 13 5 2 3 2 3 1 ~ ~ 8 37
1,201-3,200 13 8 3 3 3 4 1 ~ ~ 9 44
NOTE: BTD, ballistic transient deformation; FSP, fragment simulating projectile; RTP, resistance to penetration.
SOURCE: U.S. Army (2012).
lated a combined OC curve for the DOT&E LAT tests. This limits in each of the five locations (where the assumption was
was accomplished by simulating the appropriate number of made that the side shots could not be combined) had to be
shell and hardware shots, each at the same probability of pen- less than the required thresholds with 90 percent confidence.
etration, and also simulating the BFDs associated with the It is important to note that these combined OC curves are
shell impacts. A helmet passed the LAT if the number of shell based on the assumption that, if there is a change in the x
penetrations did not exceed their accept/reject requirements axis, that change is reflected in the probability of test failure
and the hardware penetrations did not exceed their accept/ across all tests in the LAT.
reject requirements and all of the BFD upper tolerance limits The main points of Figure 8-5 are that (1) the curves for
were within requirements. For example, for a manufacturer the illustrative helmet-based test are similar to the current
to pass the DOT&E Combined LAT protocol for lot sizes DOT&E LAT in many respects, and (2) varying the AQL
1,201 to 3,200, there could be no more than 1 penetration allows for tailoring the performance of the helmet-based test.
out of 65 shots on 13 helmets and no hardware failures in
16 shots on 8 helmets, and the 80 percent upper tolerance Finding 8-8. Implementing a helmet-based LAT in place of
the current DOT&E protocol is feasible from the perspec-
tive of the required testing resources, and such a test can be
appropriately tailored by setting the AQL.
FIGURE 8-5 Operating characteristic (OC) curves for the illustra- The concept of AQL only applies when an acceptance
tive helmet-based lot acceptance testing (LAT) protocol in red sampling scheme with rules for switching between normal,
compared to the OC curve for the combined resistance to penetra- tightened and reduced inspection and discontinuance of
tion and backface deformation for the Director, Operational Test sampling inspection is used. These rules are designed to
and Evaluation (DOT&E) LAT protocol in blue. NOTE: AQL, encourage suppliers to have process averages consistently
acceptance quality limit. better than the AQL. If suppliers fail to do so, there is a
FIGURE 8-6 Switching rules from ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2008. SOURCE: ASQ (2008).
high probability of being switched from normal inspection Finding 8-9. The DOT&E LAT protocol does not specify
to tightened inspection where lot acceptance becomes more the use of switching procedures. Further, the lightweight
difficult. Once 8-6, fixed image
on tightened inspection, unless corrective ACH purchase description explicitly states that switching
action is taken to improve product quality, it is very likely procedures will not be used (DOT&E, 2012). As a result, the
that the rule requiring discontinuance of sampling inspection
motivation inherent in the ANSI standard for manufacturers
will be invoked (p. 2).
to maintain a process average at least as good as the speci-
fied AQL is not incorporated into current LAT procedures.
Figure 8-6 illustrates how the switching rules work. A
manufacturer starts under the normal regime. Should the
With the current DOT&E LAT protocol, it is difficult to
manufacturer fail one or two of five consecutive lots, then it
implement switching rules because they must be applied at
is switched to tightened rules, which make it more difficult
the subtest level, which introduces a level of complexity in
to pass the LAT. If five consecutive lots are accepted under
terms of record keeping that may be burdensome. However,
the tightened rules, then the manufacturer is switched back
to the normal regime. On the other hand, if five consecutive
lots are not accepted under the tightened regime, then the
manufacturer must re-qualify via FAT. TABLE 8-7 Switching Rules for Lot Sizes of 1,200 to
If a manufacturer under the normal regime has 10 con- 3,200 with Acceptance Quality Limit of 0.4
secutive lots accepted, then it is switched to reduced rules Accept/Reject
that make it easier to pass the LAT. However, as soon as it Sample Size Criteria
(Number of (Number of
fails a lot while under the reduced rules, the manufacturer is
Switching Rule Lot Size Helmets) Helmets)
switched back to the normal regime.
For example, Table 8-7 shows the switching rules for lot Normal 1,201-3,200 32 0/1
sizes of 1,200 to 3,200 with an AQL of 0.4. Tightened 3,201-10,000 50 0/1
Reduced 35,001-150,000 13 0/1
SOURCE: Adapted from ASQ (2008).
with the application of a helmet-based test, the implementa- DoD (Department of Defense). 1996. Department of Defense Test Method
Standard: DoD Preferred Methods for Acceptance of Product. MIL-
tion of switching rules is more feasible.
STD-1916. Department of Defense, Washington, D.C.
DoD IG (Department of Defense Inspector General). 2013. Advanced
Recommendation 8-2. If the Director of Operational Test Combat Helmet Technical Assessment. DODIG-2013-079. Department
and Evaluation implements a helmet-based protocol, it of Defense, Washington, D.C.
should specify the use of switching procedures so that manu- DOT&E. 2012. Standard for Lot Acceptance Ballistic Testing of Military
Combat Helmets. Memorandum from J. Michael Gilmore, Director.
facturers are motivated to maintain a process average at least
May 4, 2012. Office of the Secretary of Defense, Washington, D.C.
as good as the specified acceptance quality limit. [reprinted in Appendix B]
U.S. Army. 2012. Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH) Purchase Description,
Rev A with Change 4. AR/PD 10-02. Soldier Equipment, Program
8.6 REFERENCES Executive Office—Soldier, Fort Belvoir, Va.
ASQ (American Society for Quality). 2008. American National Standard
Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes. ANSI/
ASQ Z1.4-2008. American Society for Quality, Milwaukee, Wisc.
6. What BFDs are associated with FSPs/RCCs currently Similarly, existing data for ACH can be used to answer
used during helmet testing? Questions 3 and 4 above. The suite of resistance-to-pene-
7. How do helmets perform against foreign threats?2 (slide 5) tration (RTP)/BFD tests for FAT (see Table 4-1) consists
of a designed “full factorial experiment” with three factors:
The presentation requested that “the committee review helmet size (Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large), condition-
and comment on the scope of characterization testing relative ing environment (ambient, hot, and cold temperatures, and
to the benefit of the information obtained and the resources seawater), and shot location (front, back, left, right, crown).
required to do so.” In particular, While the procurement decision rules are based on aggre-
gated data, the full data provide the necessary information
I. Are there additional questions that should be addressed to characterize differences among helmet size, shot location,
(threats, conditions, etc.)?
and environment, as specified in Questions 3 and 4 above. In
II. Should characterization address issues such as durability
fact, Chapter 5 (Section 5.3) reports some answers to these
and aging (“shelf life”)?
III. Should there be a common (minimum) set of questions all questions from the committee’s analyses of FAT and LAT
characterization efforts should address and what should data that were made available to it. Moreover, the “cluster-
those include?3 (slide 6) ing” analysis already being done by DOT&E and the Institute
for Defense Analysis is aimed at characterizing exactly these
The rest of this chapter is aimed at identifying the relevant differences.4,5
aspects of characterization, addressing the questions posed The current goal of the clustering analysis is to do pre-
by DOT&E, and providing a general discussion of industrial liminary tests to see if the data can be pooled across the
practices involved in studying process capability. different factors (environment, locations, etc.), and the com-
mittee has noted in Chapter 7 that such preliminary tests are
not to be recommended. However, the analyses to estimate
9.2 CHARACTERIZATION OF THE ADVANCED the differences among the factors and to monitor them over
COMBAT HELMET USING EXISTING TEST DATA time (Questions 3 and 4 above) are certainly important and
For the ACH, existing test data from first article testing should be continued.
(FAT), lot acceptance testing (LAT), and other sources can V50 testing, raised in Question 5, is discussed in Section
be used to answer most of the questions posed above by 9.4 in this chapter. Regarding Question 6, the committee
DOT&E. In fact, Question 1 was the subject of Recom- does not know if data from fragment simulating projectiles
mendation 6-3 in Chapter 6. It notes that upper confidence (FSPs) and right circular cylinders (RCCs) are stored from
bounds (UCBs) should be computed and reported based on past FAT studies for ACH. If they are, Question 6 can also
the observed number of penetrations in FAT. In addition to be readily answered.
characterizing the actual penetration probability, the UCBs The issue of testing helmets against other threats has
can be used to monitor how the penetration levels vary over been discussed extensively in the report. The committee will
time and among manufacturers. The same kinds of analyses return to this point in Section 9.3.
should also be done with LAT data to monitor a manufac- ACH test data can also be used to characterize many other
turer’s performance over time. aspects of helmet performance. For example, FAT and LAT
A similar recommendation was made in relation to Ques- data can be compared over time to find trends and patterns
tion 2 in Chapter 7. Recommendation 7-3 states that the BFD associated with the production process for an individual man-
measurements (from FAT) should be analyzed to determine ufacturer. Data can also be compared across manufacturers
the margins (number of standard deviations between the to detect possible differences across manufacturers. Further,
mean BFD and its threshold) and tracked over time to assess data from the drop-tests can be used to track performance
changes. Since the BFD thresholds lack scientific basis, it is of manufacturers over time in terms of blunt-force trauma.
better to track changes in the margins or examine the exceed-
ance probabilities at multiple thresholds. It is straightforward 9.3 EXPANDED CHARACTERIZATION REQUIRING
to compute the point estimates and associated confidence ADDITIONAL DATA
intervals (or upper bounds) for the exceedance probabili-
ties. Again, similar analyses should be done with LAT data DOT&E also asked if there were additional topics that
to track a manufacturer over time. Recommendation 7-4 should be part of its characterization studies. The committee
suggests replacing the current ad hoc threshold for BFD (at describes selected topics here. This class of characterization
different locations) using data-based limits obtained from
historical BFD test data. Developing such limits can be 4Janice Hester, Research Staff Member, Institute for Defense Analysis,
viewed as a characterization study. “DOT&E Helmet Test Protocols Overview: Statistical Considerations and
Concerns,” presentation to the committee on January 25, 2013.
5Laura Freeman, Research Staff Member, Institute for Defense Analysis,
2Ibid. “Protocol Analyses and Statistical Issues Related to Testing Methodologies,”
3Ibid. presentation to the committee on March 21, 2013.
studies is intended to explore the properties of the helmet that many soldiers change the padding locations or
beyond the current DOT&E protocol. Several of these sug- remove some of the pads from their helmets in the
gestions are of a longer-term nature and intended for the field. Understanding the differences between test-
ECH and newer generations of helmets rather than the ACH. ing results and what would be experienced by the
soldier would help quantify relevance of the testing.
• Evaluate helmet performance for a variety of dif- One option for such a characterization study would
ferent threats. As noted in Chapter 3, the primary be to obtain samples of common pad configura-
focus of DOT&E’s (and the Army’s) test protocols tions in the field and perform the standard RTP and
is gunfire threats. Recommendations 3-1, 3-2, and BFD testing. This would allow better connection
3-5 emphasize the importance of expanding the test of results to soldier experience and may suggest
profile to cover emerging threats as well as more real- additional recommendations or requirements for
istic blunt-impact threats. For example, improvised soldiers.
explosive devices (IEDs) have dramatically different • Evaluate the relationship between helmet offsets and
distributions of fragment sizes and velocities com- helmet protection. With the availability of 5 headform
pared to those from artillery. Recommendation 3-3 sizes, it should be straightforward to characterize
asks DoD to reassess helmet requirements for cur- differences in BFD by location as a function of
rent and potential future fragment threats, especially helmet offset. It is widely assumed that increased
those energized by blast. Such a reassessment would offset provides improved protection through reduced
include examining redundancy in the current profile BFD magnitude. (However, Figure 5-3 in Chapter 5
of threats, such as the 2-grain versus 4-grain, and may shows that this may not be the case.) Quantifying
lead to elimination of some tests. Resources can then this improvement, if it exists, could lead to changes
be redistributed to cover a wider range of realistic to helmet assignment or a reassessment of the trade-
ballistic threats, including larger mass artillery frag- offs between functionality and protection.
ments, bullets other than 9-mm, and IED fragments. • Evaluate the aging characteristics of the helmets to
A comprehensive examination of threat profiles determine if there is any meaningful degradation of
would involve considerable additional resources and the protection performance of the helmets over time.
consist of much more than characterization studies. An approach to this testing might be to store some of
Nevertheless, the committee believes that this is a the helmets from a given lot and perform a test simi-
very important direction for future efforts by DoD. lar to FAT testing on helmets of different ages. For
• Evaluate the sources of variation in the test process. example, if helmets were generally thought to be used
As noted in Chapter 4, there are many sources of for 2 years before they were replaced, then a testing
variation in the test process and test measurements. regimen could be established that tests helmets at
Recommendation 4-2 recommends that the DoD ages 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, and 30 months to determine
conduct formal gauge R&R studies to understand if there are changes in protection performance. An
the different sources of variation (test methodology, alternative would be to develop an accelerated testing
helmets, use of clay, headforms, etc.) and use the program in which the helmets are exposed to stressful
results to improve the test process. The committee environmental or to use conditions that would simu-
judges that this should be a high priority, given the late accelerated aging. This testing would provide
high costs of testing and the benefits to be gained reassurances that the helmets are not degrading over
from such an R&R study. time.
• Evaluate helmet performance at selected areas of the
helmet not currently tested. The test protocols do not Program and oversight personnel can identify other poten-
assess the helmet in some regions, such as edges and tially important characterization tests that would provide
around the ear covering. While it may be reasonable additional information about a helmet’s protective capabili-
to exclude them in the formal test process, it is still ties. DOT&E’s charge to the committee specifically asked
of importance to understand the range of protection for an evaluation of “the scope of characterization testing
afforded at these helmet locations. Potential dif- relative to the information obtained.” The committee does
ferences in manufacturing choices could be better not have the necessary information or the expertise to do
understood and might lead to improvements in over- a cost-benefit analysis. On the other hand, the Department
all design. of Defense has the relevant expertise and information as
• Evaluate performance for different helmet pad con- to which information is important for soldier safety in the
figurations. Current testing procedures test the five battlefield. DoD is better equipped to make the decision on
locations with padding directly in the line of fire of which tests should be done, how to fund them, and whether
the shot (crown, front, and back) or in a gap between funds should be redistributed from current test resources for
pads (left and right). Anecdotal evidence suggests important characterization tests.
Chris Moosmann’s presentation to the committee6 listed The V50 testing procedure under MIL-STD 662F is as
some possible studies that are being planned to charac- follows:
terize the ACH (from different vendors) and compare its
performance with the lightweight ACH. If the ACH will no • A first round is shot with a striking velocity that is
longer be procured (only current manufacturers who have approximately 75 to l00 feet per second (ft/s) above
passed FAT will produce them), then it is not wise to invest the minimum V50 required per specification. (Previ-
considerable additional resources to characterize the ACH. ous V50 testing on comparable helmets could also
New tests and characterization studies should focus on new provide a good starting velocity.)
helmet designs. • If the first round results in a complete penetration,
When DoD adopts new helmets with changes to the the velocity of the second round is decreased by 50
design (such as lighter weight and added mobility), it will to 100 ft/s from the velocity of the first round. If it
be necessary to reevaluate the test protocols. For example, results in no or partial penetration, the velocity is
it may not be possible for manufacturers to produce lighter increased by 50 to 100 ft/s.
helmets at current levels of penetration. • In subsequent shots, the velocity is increased or
decreased, as applicable, until one partial and one
Recommendation 9-1. When combat helmets with new complete penetration is obtained.
designs are introduced, the Department of Defense should • After obtaining at least one partial and one complete
conduct appropriate characterization studies and cost-benefit penetration, the velocity is increased or decreased in
analyses to evaluate the design changes before making deci- increments of 50 ft/s. Firing is continued until suf-
sions. It is not advisable to automatically apply the same ficient partial and complete penetrations are obtained
standard (such as the 90/90 rule or others) when these tests to estimate V50 by taking the average of the velocities
could potentially be across different protective equipment corresponding to an equal number of the highest par-
(body armor, helmets, etc.), different numbers of tests (e.g., tial and the lowest complete penetration, as specified
96 tests for the enhanced combat helmet, 240 tests for the in the contract (DoD, 1997, p. 10).7 Typically 8-14
advanced combat helmet), or over time. shots are used.
• It can be useful for comparing helmet performance Understanding the ability of a current product to conform
between manufacturers and over time. to production requirements is a common aspect of indus-
• PEO Soldier uses V50 time series data as a leading trial practice and product improvement and is often called
indicator of manufacturer process degradation. capability analysis (Bothe, 1997; Pyzdek and Keller, 2003).
It encompasses characterization of process stability as well
V50 values are used informally. More structured analyses as margin on performance relative to product requirements
could be done to compare V50 estimates among manufactur- (Hoerl and Snee, 2012). It is applicable to understanding
ers, over time, and among environments. Another potential product conformance internal to a company and for external
characterization analysis would be to investigate the relation- suppliers, customers, and users. Typically, formal product
ship between V50 and fragment grain size. requirements such as acceptable failure rates and specifica-
tion limits are based on understanding customer needs. In
the helmet procurement process, this would likely be based
Additional V50 Testing and Characterization Analyses
on data collected during developmental testing. Developing
The current goal of V50 testing is to estimate a single point a stronger connection to what is possible, given current hel-
(the median) on the velocity-penetration curve. In the com- met manufacturing capability, would allow the opportunity
mittee’s view, it would be beneficial to expand V50 testing to leverage this into improved helmets for the soldier. Using
so that the whole curve can be estimated with reasonable legacy measures to define the standard a helmet is required
precision, without expending a lot more additional resources to meet for FAT and LAT represents a lost opportunity and
in terms of number of shots. potentially an important sacrifice in helmet protection.
This expanded testing would involve taking multiple shots
at different (selected) velocities and fitting a parametric curve Recommendation 9-3. To be consistent with the goal of
to the velocity-penetration response data. Typical choices continuous improvement, developmental testing results from
for the curve are logistic or normal distributions, leading to helmet design should be used to allow better calibration of
logit and probit curves, respectively. This approach allows current helmet capability and to help define more meaningful
for estimation of any quantile of the velocity-penetration thresholds for helmet protection.
distribution, not just the median. One can also compute the
standard error associated with the estimated quantile. There A key difference in DoD’s approach used in the procure-
is extensive literature on the design and analysis of such ment process for helmets from the more common practice of
studies (Ruburg, 1995; Prentice, 1976). industry is the focus on performance specifications instead
The curves are typically described by two parameters for of design specifications. In much of industry, and indeed for
location and shape. The shape parameter provides an indi- some military procurement processes involving complex
cation of the spread in the velocity-penetration distribution. products and systems, when a product is being developed,
It measures how consistent the penetration velocity is from design specifications for material, structure, and assembly
helmet to helmet or among shot locations within a helmet. are the basis for assessing its adequacy. In other words, the
Changes in a production process, for example, could either manufacturing process is closely monitored and checked to
increase or decrease the variability of penetration velocities. make sure that the product matches the details for what is
Certain environments might not affect V50 but could increase required. This provides a direct and easily measurable means
the standard deviation and, thereby, degrade a helmet’s pro- of checking new products as they are completed.
tective capability. On the other hand, the current DoD helmet procurement
process allows manufacturers to build the helmet with any
Recommendation 9-2. The Department of Defense should design specifications, and the sole test of the adequacy of
consider alternative approaches to its current methodology the helmet is through performance tests during FAT and
for estimating V50. One alternative is to estimate the entire LAT testing. An advantage of this approach is that it allows
velocity-penetration distribution by varying the shot veloci- the manufacturers the flexibility to change the process and
ties over a prescribed range. Given the limited test resources update their production methods as technology evolves.
(number of shots), the estimation methodology has to be However, it has the disadvantage of placing all of the burden
based on fitting parametric curves. The approach also allows for evaluation at the end of the production process through
computation of standard errors associated with V50 and other rigorous and expensive testing.
quantiles of interest. A potentially beneficial alternative—one that would
encourage improved process monitoring while still allow-
ing manufacturers flexibility to improve their product as
new technologies are developed—would be to combine the
So far, this chapter has focused on specific issues on char- design and performance specification approaches. Manufac-
acterization related to helmet testing. This section provides a turers could develop their own design specifications, which
more general discussion of industrial best practices. would then be tracked with reports given to the DOT&E.
This information would then be used to complement the bilities, relative to the costs and resources they require. A
performance-based testing currently used, particularly at the number of the proposed characterization studies can be done
LAT testing stage. This additional information would allow using data that are collected as part of the FAT and LAT test
DOT&E to have better understanding of the stability of the process. Others will require different types of testing and the
process, while having the reassurances of the performance- investment of additional resources.
based testing.
Once the design specification requirements have been Recommendation 9-5. For new generations of helmets, the
determined by the manufacturer, then the capability of the scope of characterization studies should be broader than
currently available product can be quantified using one of what is currently being done. They should include many of
the common process capability metrics (Montgomery, 2012). the activities described in Section 9.3.
In the absence of formally specified requirements, matching
or surpassing current production capability is a common
alternative for capability analysis methods. Characterizing
product performance is an established practice in industry Bothe, D.R. 1997. Measuring Process Capability: Techniques and Calcula-
tions for Quality and Manufacturing Engineers. McGraw-Hill, New
and is used to quantify current performance as well as
York, N.Y.
establish a baseline from which target future improvements DoD (Department of Defense). 1997. Department of Defense Test Method
can be assessed. Standard: V50 Ballistic Test for Armor. MIL-STD-662F. U.S. Army
The standard approach to monitoring stability of produc- Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.
tion is through control charts based on manufacturing char- DoD IG (Department of Defense Inspector General). 2013. Advanced
Combat Helmet Technical Assessment. DODIG-2013-079. Department
acteristics (Hoerl and Snee, 2012), that allow for continuous
of Defense, Washington, D.C.
supervision and monitoring of standards as products are Hoerl, R.W., and R.D. Snee. 2012. Statistical Thinking: Improving Business
being produced. Supervision and monitoring involve active Performance. Wiley, Hoboken, N.J.
management and watching real-time results to see if there Lozano, F., Product 9 Manager, Soldier Protective Equipment, U.S. Army.
is a problem. Current FAT and LAT testing is based on a 2013. V50 Ballistic Limit Testing. Information paper. June 18, 2013.
U.S. Army, Fort Belvoir, Va.
paradigm of inspection, in which during post-production
Montgomery, D.C. 2012. Introduction to Statistical Quality Control. Wiley,
the products are evaluated to assess conformance. Standard Hoboken, N.J.
practice in industry has evolved away from primarily using NSA (NATO Standardization Agency). 2003. Ballistic Test Method for Per-
inspection to a model in which monitoring is a key aspect sonal Armour Materials and Combat Clothing. NSA/0723-PPS-2920.
of ensuring ongoing product quality. Monitoring has the STANAG 2920 PPS–Edition 2. NATO Standardization Agency, Brus-
sels, Belgium.
advantages of ensuring that a production process operates at
Prentice, R.L. 1976. Generalization of the probit and logit methods for dose
its full potential, reducing waste, and detecting changes in response curves. Biometrika 32:761-768.
performance quickly. Pyzdek, T., and P.A. Keller. 2003. Quality Engineering Handbook. CRC
Press, Boca Raton, Fla.
Recommendation 9-4. Manufacturers should be required to Ruburg, S.J. 1995. Dose response studies I. Some design considerations.
Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 5(1):1-14.
provide some documentation of ongoing process monitoring
U.S. Army. 2012. Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH) Purchase Description,
of the helmet production as a beneficial enhancement to the Rev A with Change 4. AR/PD 10-02. Soldier Equipment, Program
lot acceptance testing protocol. Executive Office—Soldier, Fort Belvoir, Va.
Many of these injuries are caused by differential motions/ Quasistatic compression as high as 50 MPa (7300 psi) or
strains within the soft tissues of the brain. The motion of the more does not result in injury to mammalian cells (Grundfest,
surface of the brain against the bony structures of the head 1936). Nerves and blood vessels are susceptible to stresses
leads to tissue contusions, vascular tears, and hemorrhages. with strain tolerances usually less than 10 to 20 percent for
These initiating injuries 10-1, editable
may degrade brain function through functional failure of neural tissues such as neurons/axons/
various mechanisms such as the restriction of blood supply or glia and probably less for some arterial networks (Margulies
damage to cells. It is thought that compression (hydrostatic) and Thibault, 1992; Smith et al., 1999).
alone is not an initiating cause of tissue injury unless it results The susceptibility of the brain to shearing forces, and
in shear stress. (See Panzer et al., 2012, for results with high its very high incompressibility, may lead to contusions or
rate blast impacts.) hemorrhaging at the surface of the brain. Rotational accel-
eration and change in acceleration cause blood vessel rup-
tures leading to bleeding between the brain covering (dura
mater) and the skull with the result of increased intracranial
pressure. Bleeding may also arise in the space between the
TABLE 10-1 Categories of Brain Injuries dura mater and the brain (subdural hemorrhage). Injuries
Categories associated with the rapid acceleration and deceleration of
1 Direct contusion of the brain from skull deformation or fracture the head result in forces that produce stretching and tearing
2 Brain contusion (including coup) from movement against interior of axons (causing DAI). Such strains and potentially large
surfaces of the skull pressure or stress waves in small blood vessels can lead to
3 Indirect (countercoup) contusion from mechanical response of the
small hemorrhages (petechial hemorrhages) deep within the
brain opposite the side of the impact
4 Reduced blood flow due to infarction or pressure-based occlusion brain. Even when not life threatening, such injuries have the
5 Disruptive and non-disruptive diffuse axonal injury from shear potential for delayed injury, including local brain swelling,
stresses as well as long-term consequences with symptoms persisting
6 Tissue stresses and strains produced by motion of the brain many years after the initial brain injury.
hemispheres relative to the skull
Important and frequently undiagnosed effects include
7 Subdural and epidural hematomas produced by rupture of bridging
vessels between the brain and the dura mater alterations in microcirculation that can lead to hypoperfusion
8 Pressure-based rupture of small blood vessels leading to petechial or regional vasospasm with the result of inadequate delivery
hemorrhages of vital metabolites to neural tissue. These mechanisms are
9 Strains beyond material tolerances of nerves and blood vessels believed to contribute to the short-term as well as long-term
10 Vasospasm resulting in diminished blood flow
effects from ballistic helmet hits, head collisions, and expo-
11 Trauma induced hypopituitarism
12 Perturbations in brain biochemistry functioning with pathologic sures to high-intensity blasts. Other long-term effects from
signs and symptoms long after the injury brain trauma may include declines in hormonal function
13 Temporary or permanent changes in visual, verbal, and motor related to disruption of the pituitary gland (e.g., growth hor-
BOX 10-1
Blast Detonation of liquid or solid explosive material results in the generation of gaseous products in the pressure range of
150,000 atmospheres or 1.5 billion Pascals (1.5 GPa) and temperature of 3000 Kelvin.
DTI Diffusion tensor imaging—a MRI method that maps the magnitude of water diffusion in different directions. The
method gives a value of diffusion anisotropy (DA), which will decline if the normal orientation of fiber in white
matter is disrupted by edema or tears, for example.
Epidural hematoma Collection of blood from rupture of vessels between the brain dura mater and the skull.
FEM Finite element modeling—a computational system that provides the means to simulate the effects of forces on
structures such as the skull and brain tissues.
fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging—fMRI is similar to MRI, but the image gives information regarding blood
flow changes in the brain after some stimulation.
Hypopituitarism Dysfunction of the pituitary organ manifested by low secretion of hormones such as ACTH, growth hormone, thyroid
stimulating hormone, oxytocin, vasopressin, etc.
J Joule is energy or force times the distance over which force acts. It is the unit for kinetic energy defined as mass
times velocity squared/2.
kPa (kiloPascal) is a unit of pressure equal to a 1000 Pascals (10 kPa is 1 atmosphere of pressure).
Momentum Defined as the product of mass and velocity. The rate of change of momentum is force.
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging
PET Positron emission tomography—an imaging method that uses radioactive tracers that specifically target proteins
and other functions of the body. It differs from SPECT in the types of tracers used and the characteristics of the
Pituitary organ A 7-mm diameter organ suspended on a stalk from the base of the brain into a well at the floor of the skull. It secretes
9 hormones into the bloodstream in response to stimuli from the hypothalamus also at the base of the brain. These
hormones include growth hormone and thyroid stimulating hormone.
Shear modulus The ratio of the tangential force per unit area to the angular deformation in radians.
Strain The fractional change in a physical dimension of matter in response to stress. It is frequently given as a percentage
(e.g., 5 percent) and can be over 100 percent.
Stress The force per area or volume with dimensions of newtons per meter squared or Pascal.
Stress waves Compression waves in a material due to an impulse or sudden load change.
Criterion (HIC) severity index. Although it is widely used, it levels specified in these standards range from 150 to 400 g,
is recognized as inadequate to fully explain brain injury out- with more recent standards tending to the 150 g peak limit.
come (Versace, 1971). For military helmets, HIC and similar Studies of football impacts suggest that an acceleration
concepts incorporating global skull rotational parameters standard of approximately 80 g should be used to provide
(e.g., Newman et al., 2000) assume rigid body motion of the protection below the threshold for changes in menta-
head/brain system and do not incorporate local deformations tion (Duma, et al., 2005). Other relevant results include:
that may be crucial for assessing the injury potential from the Advanced Combat Helmet standard (CO/PD-05-04),
ballistic impacts (Bass et al., 2003). which is based on the motorcycle helmet Federal Motor
Some measures based on internal stresses and/or strains Vehicle Safety Standard-218 (49 CFR Sec. 571.218); and
have been proposed as the injury criteria for the brain (e.g., the National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic
Stalnaker et al., 1971; Takhounts et al., 2003). However, Equipment and standards incorporating the International
there is still no universally acknowledged criterion, and Standards Organization headforms. Virginia Polytechnic
the situation today is much the same as that articulated by Institute’s star rating system for helmets2 involves extensive
Goldsmith (1981): impact tests and risk analysis to establish a rating for com-
mercial football helmets.
Thus, the state of knowledge concerning trauma of the hu- These criteria are based, in part, on underlying assump-
man head is so scant that the community cannot agree on tions that are not realistic, especially for military use with
new and improved injury criteria even though it is generally ballistic protective helmets. The first is that the head acts
admitted that present designations are not satisfactory. Mini- as a rigid body so that acceleration or some derivative may
mally, there is an urgent need to differentiate skull fracture
be correlated with injury and that head injury of any type is
and mechanical and/or physiological damage to the central
nervous system, with a replacement of a critical acceleration
associated with skull fracture (Hodgson and Thomas, 1973).
level for the former by a limiting stress value. Previous studies show a poor correlation between skull
fracture and brain injury (Viano, 1988). For ballistic BFD
In the past 30 years, experimental data and models have injuries, local deformations invalidate the rigid body assump-
been accumulating from animal, cadaver, physical models, tion, and injuries seen from BFD are not well correlated with
and computational modeling and simulation studies (dis- acceleration-based measures.
cussed later in this chapter). With further research, these data
and models can lead to injury risk evaluations such as those 10.4 BRAIN TISSUE INJURY: EXPERIMENTAL
done for the risk of a skull fracture for 9-mm bullet impacts RESULTS
to the helmet as detailed below. A goal is to determine the
injury risk function for the major brain tissue injuries of Over the past 70 years, researchers have attempted to
Table 10-1 relevant to militarily relevant injuries such as understand the relationships between head, skull, and brain
those associated with BFD and blunt and blast neurotrauma. injury mechanisms and blunt trauma using cadavers, physical
models, animals, and computer simulations. This has been
Recommendation 10-1. There is an urgent need to establish stimulated largely by the automobile industry in an effort to
stress and stress rate or other parameters as metrics for cat- improve vehicle occupant safety. More recently, sports inju-
egories of brain tissue injuries from ballistic and blast-based ries have triggered international efforts to improve helmet
head exposures. protection and to make measurements on human subjects
involved in collision sports. Currently, there is no satisfactory
experimental model that can produce the complete spectrum
Nonmilitary Helmet Protection Standards of brain injuries that are seen clinically while also being suf-
There have been major advances in blunt head protection ficiently well controlled and quantifiable for defining brain
over the past 30 years. Some of these advances are be due injury tolerances. Some data do exist for the stress associated
to widespread use of helmets in athletics and the subsequent with skull fracture, but this is only part of the spectrum of
reduction in both frequency and severity of head and neck short- and long-term consequences of ballistic impacts to the
injuries. Many improvements in helmet technology have fol- helmeted soldier, and the low-rate tests generally available
lowed from the development of standardized test methodolo- may not be applicable to ballistic impacts.
gies based on mechanical blunt impact injury criteria. The
Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development Early Investigations of Mechanisms
(AGARD) Report AR-330 lists 29 blunt impact test standards
(AGARD, 1996), and each of these standards has some form In the early 1940s, investigators proposed that brain injury
of translational impact acceleration limiting criterion. Of from skull fractures was from intracranial pressure. However,
these standards, 19 are based on acceleration or force peaks physical studies using photoelastic models of the head dem-
alone, and 10 are based on acceleration/duration levels. The
2Additional information is available at http://www.sbes.vt.edu/nid.php.
Biological Response of Cells Exposed to Mechanical linear and angular accelerations of 1.5 g and 120-140 rad s–2,
Forces respectively. These accelerations are orders of magnitude
less than those associated with concussions. Small displace-
A key aspect of defining tissue tolerances is to describe
ments were found in regions having brain-skull connections.
the pathophysiological activation of cellular biochemical
Strain fields seen in this study exhibited significant areas with
cascades that produce delayed cell damage and death. This
maximal principal strains of 5 percent or greater at these
can be accomplished by measurements of the consequences
low experimental accelerations. Simple head flexion causes
of mechanical injuries on living brain tissue through observa-
cerebellum rotation of a few degrees and a downward motion
tions of cell viability and tissue biochemical changes using a
of up to 1.6 mm of the brain stem (Ji et al., 2004).
tissue culture model of rapid stretch induced injury (Ahmed
et al., 2000) or pulse pressure pulse exposure TBI (Morrison
et al., 2003). Stretch-induced injuries associated with about Hemorrhage: Petechial Disruption, Subdural Hematoma,
30 percent strains alter mitochondrial membrane potential and Epidural Hemorrhage
and cellular bioenergetic molecules, as shown by chemical
There are three principal types of internal vascular dis-
assay methods applied at various times after injury (Ahmed
ruptions from shear stresses and rotational accelerations
et al., 2000). Strains and strain rates can be precisely applied
that cause shear strain on small and large blood vessels and
and responses measured by fluorescent imaging and immu-
lymphatics: petechial, subdural, and epidural hemorrhages.
nostaining, including cell death quantification (Morrison et
Petechial hemorrhages can occur throughout the brain
al., 2003). Cellular energy metabolism perturbations have
and give evidence of shear strain as well as a pressure-based
been shown through standard molecular biology studies
disruption of capillaries and arterioles. The pressure can be
using in vitro and in vivo shock tube models of blast-induced
from a remote stress such as a blunt trauma to any part of
TBI (Peethambaran et al., 2013). Blast exposures resulted
the body and possibly from blast stresses of high intensities
in significant decreases in neuronal adenosine triphosphate
(NRC, 2012). These hemorrhages appear as blood extrusions
levels at 6 h post-blast that returned towards normal levels
of a millimeter or less in diameter in the midbrain, but they
by 24 h.
can be extensive throughout the brain. They are not recog-
nized as a clinical entity unless they disrupt sensory or motor
Finding 10-2. There are no data on axonal injuries from
functions of the brain. But they can cause some compromise
backface deformation. Also, currently there is no method to
of brain function and perhaps play a role in progressive brain
detect if diffuse axonal injury has occurred from head trauma
deterioration. They can be detected by high-field MRI if the
in the battlefield.
proper MRI pulse sequence is used. Subdural hemorrhages
leading to subdural hematomas occur in the space between
Recommendation 10-2. Methods including blood sampling
the dura (the outer cover over the brain) and the arachnoid
and brain imaging should be explored for feasibility of early
detection of diffuse axonal injuries.
Epidural hemorrhages are bleedings from ruptured vessels
between the skull and the outer layer of dura. The build-up
Evidence for Differential Motion of the Brain and Skull of blood causes an increase in pressure within the intracra-
nial space, with subsequent compression of brain tissue and
A mechanism for many consequences of rapid accelera-
obstruction of the flow of blood and cerebral spinal fluid.
tions and decelerations is the shearing caused by differential
This is associated with particularly serious brain injury
motion between the skull and local brain tissue. Typical
because 15 to 31 percent of patients die of the injury (Leitgeb
injuries include contusions and meningeal hematomas seen
et al., 2013).
in automobile accidents. The first definitive study of brain
motion after a traumatic skull impact was done on live sub-
human primates using a Lucite cover over the skull vertex. Pituitary/Hypothalamus Damage
Blunt trauma was applied by a pneumatic impactor, and
The pituitary gland is a pea-sized gland suspended from
observations were made with cinephotography (Pudenz et
a pedicle at the base of the brain. It is surrounded by a skull
al., 1946). These authors also provided a detailed review of
base bone structure whose saddle-shaped structure is known
theories and observations from the late 1800s regarding brain
as the sella turcica (Figure 10-6). This gland secretes nine
motion as well as contusion and hemorrhage mechanisms.
hormones, some of which control the secretion of other hor-
Although experimental studies demonstrate motion
mones that are vital to growth and metabolism and whose
between brain and skull, little data exist regarding the base of
dysfunctions have been related to disorders beyond metabo-
the skull. Experiments on human subjects used MRI tagging
lism, including behavioral and affective disorders. Pituitary
techniques to show that the brain rotates relative to the skull
gland dysfunction has been inferred from the occurrence
(Kleiven and Hardy, 2002). Relative brain-skull displace-
of hypopituitarism in victims of head injury from low-rate
ments of 2 to 3 mm in some areas of the brain for induced
Chronic hypopituitarism, defined as deficient produc- Recommendation 10-3. Modeling and simulation studies
tion of one or more pituitary hormones at least 1year after should incorporate the biomechanics of blunt brain trauma
injury, occurs in 40 percent of subjects who have sustained that affects the pituitary organ in the base of the brain in
blunt brain trauma (Bondanelli et al., 2005). Figure 10-6,the
In contrast, fixed order to determine injury thresholds and tolerances for blunt
prevalence of hypopituitarism in the general population is trauma and for ballistic backface injuries.
estimated at 0.03 percent. As the hormones released from
the pituitary are triggered by events in the hypothalamus, one Recommendation 10-4. The medical community should
cannot be certain of which tissue has been damaged. Growth institute a data collection program to determine the preva-
hormone decreases develop in 15 to 20 percent of patients lence of hypopituitarism in warfighters relevant to ballistic
with complicated mild, moderate, or severe TBI and are and blast blunt trauma with appropriate warfighter controls.
associated with symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder
(Kelly et al., 2006; Powner et al., 2006). About 15 percent of There is high prevalence of pituitary hypofunction in
TBI patients develop gonadal hormone deficiencies, and 10 brain trauma from all causes. The recent discovery of low
to 30 percent of them develop hypothyroidism. After brain levels of pituitary hormones in TBI soldiers, coupled with
trauma, the short-term decline in hormones can recover in the known replacement treatments for this disorder, mean
some cases, but there is a high prevalence of long-term defi- that the medical community should launch a broad program
ciencies after severe TBI (Leal-Cerro et al., 2005; Agha et of long-term periodic tests for veterans of head and blast
al., 2004). Chronic adrenal failure can occur because of low injuries.
adrenocorticotropic hormone secretion from the pituitary in
TBI patients.
Neurobehavioral Effects from Traumatic Brain Injury
Most studies found the occurrence of posttraumatic
hypopituitarism to be unrelated to injury severity. In the The linkages between the severity and frequency of blunt
past 2 years, researchers have found that about 42 percent brain trauma to various physical injury classifications listed
of veterans with blast injuries showed abnormally low levels in Table 10-1 are the topics emphasized in this chapter. But
of at least one of the pituitary hormones (Wilkinson et al., there is another classification associated with brain trauma
2012). Some veterans had abnormal levels of vasopressin and that has an association with TBI from all causes. Neu-
oxytocin, and these hormones are linked to psychological robehavioral changes include the specific neuropsychiatric
or behavioral abnormalities. It is not clear if this applies to syndromes of depression, mania, psychoses (e.g., paranoia
ballistic BFD impacts. and obsessive compulsive disease), aggressive behavior, and
Blood tests, some of which are complicated, can assess personality changes as well as cognitive decline. The causal
pituitary function. Positron emission tomography (PET) associations have been debated for 100 years since the early
(Figure 10-6) and MRI, discussed in Appendix F, can papers on shell shock and also more recently because of the
noninvasively image metabolic function and structural prevalence of psychiatric symptoms in veterans from wars of
abnormalities of the pituitary. MRI and PET can visualize the past 70 years. Clear evidence of a causative relationship
anatomical and metabolic changes, respectively, as presented between negative neurobehavior and brain trauma has arisen
in Appendix F. in the past few years from pathological studies on athletes
who have sustained TBI. Yet, despite some continuing skepti-
cism about the lack of objective studies, there is compelling This section of the chapter, on linkages between a bal-
evidence for associations between both behavioral and cog- listic or blast threat and brain injury, is directed toward the
nitive disorders and TBI. From the vast literature of reports important role of computational models, as it is through this
of psychiatric and cognitive evaluations of TBI subjects, two tool that one can equate needed protection from brain injury
cited below have measures of the prevalence. to helmet design. One principal value of M&S in human
Depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem were the prin- injury biomechanics is its ability to obtain information in
cipal disabilities in half of 360 head-injured individuals situations in which it is fundamentally impossible to conduct
evaluated from the group who had survived for 7 years after in vivo tests on the actual system (the human), although
an initial head injury (Whitnall et al., 2006). Another study postmortem testing is possible using human cadaver tests.
showed the prevalence of depression is 6 to 39 percent with This approach may be supplemented by in vivo testing in
mTBIs (Schoenhuber and Gentilini, 1988). animal surrogates to understand force effects on the human
Cognitive impairments 10 years following TBI were body and possible ways to mitigate them. There are cases in
found to be associated with injury severity using tests of which this approach has provided useful insights into injury
attention, processing speed, memory, and executive func- biomechanics such as blast lung injury criteria (Bass et al.,
tion (Draper and Ponsford, 2008). Even mTBI patients may 2008) and to develop test equipment for vehicle collision
perform worse than controls on some tests of reasoning tests against tissue injury criteria. However, as discussed in
(Borgaro et al., 2003). Long-term effects of mild head injury this report, in the particular case of military helmets, evalu-
approximately 8 years post injury included complex atten- ation and acceptance protocols are based exclusively on tests
tion and working memory defects (Vanderploeg et al., 2005). that use head surrogates with poor biofidelity.
Early-onset dementia in particular is frequently associated It is therefore clear that M&S can play a significant role
with head injury history (McMurtray et al., 2006). Repeated both in improving understanding of injury biomechanics and
concussions have been linked to dementia (Guskiewicz et in guiding the design of protective systems with enhanced
al., 2005) and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (McKee injury mitigation performance. Analytical approaches
et al., 2009). include mathematical modeling and computer simulations
using advanced constitutive models and coupled fluid-solid
Finding 10-3. An increased prevalence of neurobehavioral mechanics. In the past, these approaches have been chal-
abnormalities has been confirmed from many scientific lenged as inadequate because of limitations in the fidelity
evaluations of individuals involved in TBI incidents. of the computer simulations, realism of the tissue material
properties, and the lack of validation.
Computational Simulations of Brain Injuries from Blunt
Computational modeling and simulation (M&S) has long
been considered an invaluable tool for analyzing engineering
systems in a wide range of technology areas. Recently, M&S Ten years ago NHTSA developed a Simulated Injury
has also been used effectively in the broad field of injury Monitor (SIMon), based on a finite-element head model.
biomechanics and to a limited extent in the evaluation and This tool uses vehicle-dummy-head kinematics as an input
design of force protection systems. and estimates the probability of three types of injuries: dif-
M&S can provide a quantitative description of the rel- fuse axonal injury, contusions, and subdural hematomas
evant physical system response that can be used to assess (Takhounts et al., 2003). This system is intended for vehicle
system performance and inform potential improvements. crashes, and it is unclear how the results might apply to bal-
Significant effort has been devoted in the past several decades listic BFD injuries.
to developing the basic science, algorithms, simulation soft- SIMon has been upgraded and recently did evaluations
ware, and hardware infrastructure to meet this goal. How- using input from instrumented helmets on professional
ever, owing to the unique complexities associated with the football players (Takhounts et al., 2008) and vehicle col-
interplay between the physics and biology of injury, the full lisions (von Holst and Li, 2013). A finite element model
potential of M&S in understanding of injury biomechanics of the human head described the dynamic response of the
and the design of protection systems is yet to be realized. brain during the first milliseconds after the impact with
Analytical and computational modeling of ballistic perfo- velocities of 10, 6, and 2 m/s, respectively. Their simula-
ration of materials has been exhaustively reviewed up to 1978 tions show what is called a dynamic triple maxima sequence:
(Backman and Goldsmith, 1978) with an update 10 years (1) strain energy density, (2) intracranial pressure, (3) the
later (Anderson and Bodner, 1988). More recent reviews first principal strain. Limitations of the NHTSA simulation
are provided by King et al. (1995). But the biomechanics system include limited spatial fidelity, uncertainty in brain
of blunt trauma to tissues is a major added complexity to material properties, and limited incorporation of potentially
M&S because of the need to incorporate biophysical and important brain structures such as the hippocampus and the
biomedical parameters. amygdala. For example, the relative motion of the brain and
skull is not modeled well with current computational model injury dating from World War I when soldiers with neurologi-
mesh sizes that do not provide the opportunity for insertion cal and neuropsychological symptoms were labeled “shell
of the anatomy and material properties of vessels and tether shocked” (cf. Bass et al., 2012). The linkage between symp-
points between the brain and the inner table of the skull. For toms and blast exposures is not the subject for this chapter,
example, the tensile strength of the dura material is much but the role of the helmet and face shield in mitigating the
larger than brain tissues. strain field is of great importance.
Several papers (including Moore et al., 2009; Chafi et al.,
2010; Panzer et al., 2011; Przekwas et al., 2011; Nyein et al.,
Simulations of Brain Strains from Ballistic Impacts on
2010; and Sharma and Zhang, 2011) developed human head
Helmeted Head
models from medical imaging data to study the interaction
Finite element simulations to determine expected skull of blast waves with the head, including various anatomical
and brain tissue injuries from ballistic BFD trauma were structures resolved to various scales. Work still remains to
performed in Sweden (Aare and Kleiven, 2007). These were be done on material properties, especially at blast-different
performed using a validated human head and brain model as stress rates (Panzer et al., 2012), but the body of this work
well as a model of the coupling between helmets of various suggests that blasts are a plausible cause of TBI, including
stiffnesses and the head, so that tissue trauma parameters the potential for axonal injury at various locations within
could be assessed based on the ballistic kinetic energy (ca. the brain.
518 J) of an 8 g, 9-mm bullet impact and angle of impact. It has been clearly demonstrated that blasts can lead to
The trauma parameters measured were stress in the cranial the development of significant levels of pressure, volumetric
bone, strain in brain tissue, pressure in the brain, change in tension, and shear stress in focal areas on a short time scale
rotational velocity, and translational and rotational accelera- and that stress patterns are dependent on the orientation of
tion, as shown in Figure 10-7. the blast wave and the complex geometry of the skull, brain,
and tissue interfaces (Taylor and Ford, 2009; Moore et al.,
2009; Panzer et al., 2012).
Computational Simulations of Brain Injury from Blast
A numerical and experimental investigation into the
Recent efforts in computational modeling of traumatic effects of low-level blast exposure on pigs used a two-
physical effects on the central nervous system have focused dimensional pig head model that consisted of a skull model
on blast-induced TBI. A reason for this effort is the need to (Teland et al., 2010). They found that the blast wave propa-
resolve the controversy regarding the mechanism for brain gates directly through the skull and that the orientation of
FIGURE 10-7 Principal strains in simulated brain material from projectile-induced kinetic energy striking a helmet at two angles. Blue is
0 percent, green is 2 percent, and red is >4 percent. SOURCE: Reprinted from Aare and Kleiven (2008), with permission from Elsevier.
the head is important. Another study constructed a better to conduct simulations of the stress and strain distributions
computational pig model consisting of skull, brain, cerebro- after a frontal force of 7 kN impulse of 2.75 ms (Kraft et al.,
spinal fluid, dura, and pia using computed tomography and 2012). They then used a damage model based on data from
MRI data (Zhu et al., 2013). The researchers found high rat experiments to predict cellular death based on axonal
pressures in the frontal and occipital regions, possibly due to strain and strain rate. The temporal and occipital regions
wave reflection at the skull/brain interface. Examining strain, had the largest values of axonal strain and thus the highest
they found that the highest strains of 1.7 percent were in the amount of cellular death. Four days after injury, 19.7 percent
brainstem, and the lowest strains of 0.2 percent were in the of the network edges were fully degraded, but the network of
center of the brain. They also found that strains within the axons remained intact. This type of analysis is new to blast-
skull were two orders of magnitude lower than the strains induced injury research and offers a promising route to con-
within the brain and that the maximum deflection of the skull nect biomechanical response to neurophysiological insight.
was less than 0.5 mm. It is unclear, however, what the brain material properties
Very-high-resolution anisotropic models have been and detailed network behavior are in this basis, because the
developed MRI T1 relaxation weighting and DTI with a underlying experimental work has not been done.
three-dimensional, biofidelic finite-element volume mesh
FIGURE 10-8 Computational simulations of the protective effect of the Advanced Combat Helmet (center column) and face shield (right
column) show a significant attenuation of the transmitted pressure field when compared to the unprotected head (left column). SOURCE:
Nyein et al. (2010).
Figure 10-8 fixed
dynamic rates—comparable or exceeding those in blast and lations of dynamic transients (impact from ballistic BFD/
ballistic events with stress rates from 0.01 to 3000 s-1. But blunt trauma, blast/shock wave propagation) leading to TBI.
the low-strain-level behavior of brain tissue at high stress
rates is not well known, and currently available results are Finding 10-5. For models and simulations of brain trauma
not reliable because of the experimental methods employed to be meaningful for injury assessments, they should include
to date. The results gathered to date on bovine and porcine constitutive models of brain tissue response that account for
tissue properties have been obtained mostly in vitro (Pervin nonlinear and rate-dependent viscoelastic effects. Viscoelas-
and Chen, 2009; Prevost et al., 2011a). Previous studies on tic brain properties for high rate, low strain levels necessary
brain properties of note were on the juvenile pig (Gefen and for ballistic BFD calculations are not established.
Margulies, 2004). These results might differ quantitatively
from those encountered in vivo, and this knowledge is criti-
cal for the development of biofidelic brain models. Further,
different regions of the brain respond differently to identical The protection of the warfighter afforded by helmets from
mechanical stimuli, as shown in culture studies of the rat threats ranging from bullets, shrapnel, blasts, vehicle colli-
cortex and rat hippocampus. The cortex was less vulnerable sions, and parachute landings has improved with improved
to stretch-induced injury than the hippocampus (Elkin and helmet design and materials. However, the level of protec-
Morrison, 2007). tion from nonfatal brain tissue injuries, which may have
Recently, Prevost et al. (2011b) measured the nonlinear health consequences beyond the acute phase, is not known.
dynamic response of the cerebral cortex to indentation of the This chapter and Chapter 3 give information regarding what
exposed frontal and parietal lobes of anesthetized porcine is known about brain injury from blunt trauma and what
subjects. Measurements included nonlinear, rate-dependent, is known about injury tolerances. In addition, this chapter
hysteretic, and conditioning white and gray matter response defines the types of injuries that occur and most of the meth-
in vivo, in situ, and in vitro. Results showed similar responses ods for diagnosis of both near- and long-term-onset medical
between in vivo and in vitro studies with respect to load conditions.
versus indent and a “stiffening” with increase rate of stress. The principal finding is that there is not a known rela-
The data raise concerns regarding doing measurements in tionship between brain injury to the ballistic parameters of
situ, wherein central circulation and cerebral spinal fluid momentum, rate of change of momentum, acceleration, and
pressures are much less than in vivo. Without the intact dura time duration of the impact force. Findings in Chapter 3
mater, whose tensile strength is much greater than other emphasize that there is no known relationship between the
brain membranes, in vivo or in vitro measurements can be measure of BFD by helmet evaluation protocols and skull
questioned, thus characterization of brain material proper- fracture and brain trauma. This finding is known to the U.S.
ties might best be done by elastography using magnetic Army Medical Research and Materiel Command. Research
resonance techniques in vivo. But elastography does not is already underway on skull fracture injury criteria.3 Link-
have the spatial resolution to give region specific elastic age of the ballistic threats whose physical parameters are
properties and published values might be too low for stud- known to brain injury must include knowledge of the pro-
ies of brain-surface-to-cortex relative motion or strains (cf. tective attenuation of the helmet. The degree to which the
Coats et al., 2012). listed types of brain-injury parameters are moderated by the
Magnetic resonance elastography enables the visalization helmet is not known.
and measurement of mechanical waves propagating in three Vehicle and sports collisions have been studied and mod-
dimensions throughout a sample (Muthupillai et al., 1995; eled with attendant animal experiments. But parameters for
Manduca et al., 2001). From this information, the shear stiff- the rate of change of momentum (i.e., force) and duration
ness of the sample can be inferred. In MRE, oscillating shear of contact are orders of magnitude different from those for
displacements are generated by harmonic vibrations induced ballistic injuries. Therefore, considerations in the design of
mechanically or acoustically on the skull or brain surface. sports and vehicle head protective devices as well as the
The displacements are measured from phase images obtained parameters of injury tolerance are not the same as those
by modulating the gradient field of the magnetic resonance encountered by the warfighter. The committee notes a broad
scanner at the vibration frequency. These measurements have effort to define mechanisms, develop diagnostic methods
already shown the skull acts as a low-pass filter for frequen- for evaluating organic damage to the brain, and methods for
cies of 45, 60, and 80 Hz. Skull transmission decreases, and treatment. But the current principal approach is protection
shear-wave attenuation in the brain increases with increasing from transfer of injurious forces afforded by the helmet.
frequency (Clayton et al., 2012).
Further work is required to continue to improve and
validate constitutive models—not just for brain but also for
3Karin Rafaels, Army Research Laboratory, Survivability/Lethality
bone and other tissues. These models are essential for simu-
Analysis Directorate, “Joint Live Fire Test Program Behind Helmet Blunt
Trauma Skull Injury,” presentation to the committee on January 24, 2013.
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Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
FIRST COMMITTEE MEETING folio Manager, Blast Injury/Hearing and Vision Protection,
JANUARY 24–25, 2013, ABERDEEN, MARYLAND Military Operational Medicine Research Program, U.S.
Army Medical Research and Material Command.
Objective: To introduce National Research Council
(administrative actions, including committee introductions
The Peepsite Headform. Robert Kinsler, Survivability/
and composition, balance, and bias discussions for com-
Lethality Analysis Directorate, Army Research Laboratory.
mittee members); review committee statement of task with
sponsor; visit the Aberdeen Test Center, examine equipment,
Joint Live Fire Test Program Behind Helmet Blunt Trauma
and receive detailed presentations; and discuss future meet-
Skull Injury. Karin Rafaels, Survivability/Lethality Analysis
ing dates and next steps.
Directorate, Army Research Laboratory.
Briefings and Discussions Protocol Analyses and Statistical Issues Related to Test-
ing Methodologies. Janice Hester, Research Staff Member,
Body Armor Study and Helmet Testing. Cameron R. Bass,
Institute for Defense Analysis.
Thomas F. Budinger, and Ronald D. Fricker, Former mem-
bers, Committee on Testing of Body Armor—Phase II, and
members, Committee to Review Test Protocols Used by the SECOND COMMITTEE MEETING
DoD to Test Combat Helmets. MARCH 21–22, 2013, WASHINGTON, D.C.
Objective: To review documents and data received;
Army Perspectives on Helmet Protection and Perfor-
receive briefings on perspectives on the new protocol; review
mance Requirements and Specifications. Ian Rozansky,
preliminary report outline and confirm committee writing
Project Engineer, Office of the Product Manager for Soldier
assignments; and discuss information-gathering requests,
Protective Equipment, U.S. Army.
and confirm next steps.
Marine Corps Perspectives on Helmet Protection and Per-
formance Requirements and Specifications. Deidre Hooks, Briefings and Discussions
ECH Project Officer, and Kathy Halo, Project Engineer,
Perspectives of the PEO Chief Scientist. James Zheng,
Office of the Product Manager for Soldier Protective Equip-
Chief Scientist, Soldier Protective and Individual Equipment,
ment, U.S. Marine Corps.
PEO Soldier, U.S. Army.
Special Operations Forces Perspectives on Helmet Pro-
Protocol Analyses and Statistical Issues Related to Test-
tection and Performance Requirements and Specifications.
ing Methodologies. Laura Freeman, Research Staff Member,
David Colanto, Project Officer—Helmets Office of the
Institute for Defense Analysis.
Program Manager, Special Operations Forces—Survival,
Support and Equipment Systems (PM SOF-SSES).
Presentation on IOP PED-003. Kyle Markwardt, Test
Officer, Aberdeen Test Center.
Medical Research on Skull Behind Armor Blunt Trauma
(BABT) and Injury Criteria. Richard Shoge, Deputy Port-
DOT&E Issues Update. Christopher Moosmann, Live Helmet Performance Testing with Respect to Head and
Fire Test and Evaluation Office of the Director, Operational Brain Injury Prevention. Carol Chancey, Injury Biomechan-
Test and Evaluation (DOT&E). ics Branch Chief, U.S. Army Aeromedical Research Labora-
tory (via video teleconference).
Perspectives on the New Protocol. Robby Young, Man-
ager of Quality Engineering, Gentex Corporation; David
Rogers, Vice President of Concept Development Ops-Core,
JUNE 17–18, 2013, WASHINGTON, D.C.
Artisent LLC (a subsidiary of Gentex); with, by video and
teleconference, Clayton Maddio, Sector Integrator, and Objective: To review documents and data received;
Kenneth Williams, Lead Platform Command Defense Con- receive a briefing from the Office of the DoD Inspector
tract Management Agency. General; review the first-full-message draft; confirm commit-
tee writing assignments; and discuss information-gathering
Perspectives on the New Protocol. Marc A. King, Presi- requests, and confirm next steps.
dent, Ceradyne Armor Systems, Inc.; Vasilios Brachos,
General Manager, Diaphorm Division, and head of R&D for
helmet products, Ceradyne, Inc.
Advanced Combat Helmet Technical Assessment. Anna
Ferre, Tom Bulk, Kandasamy Selvavel, and Rajesh Rajen-
drapillai, Office of the Inspector General.
APRIL 25–26, 2013, WASHINGTON, D.C.
Objective: To review documents and data received; to
receive briefings on perspectives on the new protocol; review
the concept draft; confirm committee writing assignments;
and discuss information-gathering requests, and confirm Objective: To review documents and data received; review
next steps. the concurrence draft; confirm committee writing assign-
ments; and confirm next steps.
Briefings and Discussions
Setting the Specifications for Ballistic Helmets. Frank J.
Lozano, Product Manager, Soldier Protective Equipment,
U.S. Army. Objective: To review the concurrence draft and reach
concurrence on findings and recommendations.
Blast Injury Research. Natalie Eberius, Predictive Analy-
sis Team Leader, Survivability and Lethality Analysis
Directorate, Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving
Appendix D
FIGURE D-3 Packing the headform with clay and shaping the clay. SOURCE: Kyle Markwardt, Test Officer, Aberdeen Test Center, “Helmet
IOP PED-003 Briefing to NRC Helmet Protocols Committee,” presentation to the committee on March 22, 2013.
FIGURE D-4 U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center headform with clay.
SOURCE: Kyle Markwardt, Test Officer, Aberdeen Test Center,
“Helmet IOP PED-003 Briefing to NRC Helmet Protocols Commit-
tee,” presentation
Figuer to
E-4the committee on March 22, 2013.
FIGURE D-6 Pad Configuration for V0 resistance to penetration testing for full cut style helmet (top) or the tactical cut style helmet (bottom).
SOURCE: Kyle Markwardt, Test Officer, Aberdeen Test Center, “Helmet IOP PED-003 Briefing to NRC Helmet Protocols Committee,”
presentation to the committee on March 22, 2013.
Figure E-6
FIGURE D-8 Test frame and fixture. SOURCE: Kyle Markwardt, Test Officer, Aberdeen Test Center, “Helmet IOP PED-003 Briefing to
NRC Helmet Protocols Committee,” presentation to the committee on March 22, 2013.
Figure E-8
Clay Calibration
FIGURE D-9 Example of headform showing a penetration as As described in the Phase II and Phase III body armor
evidenced by the presence of projectile fragments in the clay. reports (NRC, 2010, 2012), the Roma Plastilina #1 clay
SOURCE: E-9(2013).
ATC currently being used to test helmets and body armor must be
heated to achieve rheological properties consistent with past
FIGURE D-10 Witness plate headforms for hardware testing. SOURCE: Kyle Markwardt, Test Officer, Aberdeen Test Center, “Helmet IOP
PED-003 Briefing to NRC Helmet Protocols Committee,” presentation to the committee on March 22, 2013.
Figure E-10
FIGURE D-11 V50 helmet test mount (left) and associated witness plate (right). SOURCE: ATC (2013).
Figure E-11
FIGURE D-14 Headform clay conditioning by analogy. SOURCE: Kyle Markwardt, Test Officer, Aberdeen Test Center, “Helmet IOP PED-
003 Briefing to NRC Helmet Protocols Committee,” presentation to the committee on March 22, 2013.
Figure E-14
PED-003 Briefing to NRC Helmet Protocols Committee,” presentation to FIGURE D-15 Clay calibration test rig. SOURCE: ATC (2013).
the committee on March 22, 2013.
Figure E-15
FIGURE D-16 Examples of helmet conditioning. SOURCE: Kyle Markwardt, Test Officer, Aberdeen Test Center, “Helmet IOP PED-003
Briefing to NRC Helmet Protocols Committee,” presentation to the committee on March 22, 2013.
Appendix E
SCOPE than 10 years ago, it has been used to assess sports injuries.
Recently, ANAM was validated in the combat environment.
Methods for detection of brain injury range from observa-
Sixty-six cases and 146 controls were studied with the result
tion of the victim’s behavior to advanced noninvasive imag-
that the simple reaction test, if applied within 72 hours of
ing methods, including the following: report of symptoms
the injury, is a relatively sensitive method to differentiate
and responses to questions that test awareness and memory;
concussed from non-concussed individuals in the combat
sophisticated computer-based neuropsychology computer
environment (Kelly et al., 2012).
tests; and advanced sensing methods of magnetic resonance,
There are a multitutude of cognitive tests that neuropsy-
positron tomography, acoustic, electroencephalographic and
chiatrists and psychologists use to assess and score mental
impedance measurements that enable noninvasive sensing
capabilities. Before the computerization of cognitive tests,
of blood flow, brain metabolism, brain inflammation, brain
these were applied in controlled studies of cognitive abili-
accumulation of markers of injury, and brain electrical
ties in old and young subjects years after experiencing TBI.
For example, cognitive impairments 10 years following TBI
The status of these methods relative to detection of
were found to be associated with injury severity using tests
traumatic brain injury (TBI) is reviewed here. Blood tests
of attention, mental processing speed, memory, and execu-
for biomarkers of nerve damage are not discussed because,
tive functions (Draper and Ponsford, 2008). An instrument
despite extensive investigations in the search for definitive
that specifically assesses the quality of life in patients with
markers of TBI, none has emerged as specific, timely, and
TBI (Quality of Life after Brain Injury) has been developed
sufficiently sensitive for diagnosis within hours of the con-
(von Steinbüchel et al., 2010). The European Brain Injury
cussive incidents (Svetlov et al., 2009).
Questionnaire (EBIQ) is a clinically reliable instrument to
determine the subjective well-being of individuals with brain
COGNITIVE TESTS injury and to assess changes over time (Sopena et al., 2007).
Detection of brain trauma in the battlefield is based on the
signs and symptoms of mental status ranging from uncon-
sciousness to symptoms such as confusion, memory loss, MRI IMAGING
slurred speech, headaches, and dizziness. An assignment
Of the major methods that have known efficacy in the
of concussion is based on these symptoms. The concept of
examination of the brain in vivo (i.e., electroencephalogram
concussion is imprecise and not related to a specific neuro-
[EEG], x-ray computer tomography [CT], emission tomog-
logical mechanism, nor have methods of quantification of the
raphy, magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]). MRI is the one
severity of a concussive event been available until recently.
that can provide noninvasive information specific to most of
The most commonly used method for detection of con-
the pathologies (e.g., Gutierrez-Cadavid, 2005; Benson et al.,
cussion in combat zones and during sports events is neuro-
2012). MRI can provide a wealth of information regarding
psychological testing. The assessment tool for concussion in
organ changes associated with ballistic trauma to the body,
the battlefield is the Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics
as has already been shown in studies of blast-injured veterans
(ANAM). The method is a 20-minute computer based evalua-
(Van Boven et al., 2009). Below is a synopsis of the specific
tion that tests reflex times and some measures of memory and
capabilities for noninvasive measurements by MRI.
cognitive abilities. After development by the military more
• Brain contusion. Edema is an expected early sign water diffusion (fractional anisotropy). Fractional anisotropy
of contusion and will appear as a bright signal on metric varies from 0 to 1. Low values indicate less directional
T2-weighted or fluid-attenuated inversion recovery diffusion and relatively less fiber orientation suggestive of
(FLAIR) MRI. The appearance of edema on MRI damage. This MRI method has been found to delineate white
is variable (Gutiereex-Cadavid, 2005). T1-weighted matter defects in TBI, and these defects were correlated with
protocols might give a sensitive diagnosis, as will neuro-cognitive function (Lipton et al., 2008, Kumar et al.,
other protocols. 2009; Jorge et al., 2012). Some caution should be exercised
• Brain edema. Edema resulting from vascular com- in making inferences from the MRI studies as being directly
promise (i.e., air emboli from lung damage), pres- related to organic nerve injury. A recent study found DTI
sure impulse transmitted from the periphery to the abnormalities in combat-exposed soldiers that normalized
brain, or ischemic damage from other causes can after 1.5 years, but the soldiers had neither posttraumatic
be detected by MRI diffusion-weighted imaging stress disorder (PTSD) nor TBI (van Wingen et al., 2012).
sequences, FLARE, and possibly by T1-weighted As discussed in Chapter 10, a number of clinical imaging
protocols. studies with MRI have shown associations between white
• Vasospasm. Vasospasm is of major importance and matter neuronal track disruptions inferred from images and
perhaps the least understood. Vasospasm is a narrow- symptoms associated with blunt trauma and blast injuries in
ing of the small arteries of the brain and frequently veterans months and years after return from the battlefield
follows subdural hematoma, but also can occur as (Mac Donald et al., 2011; Yeh et al., 2013). However, in one
a consequence of blunt trauma without hematoma. study, white matter injuries were not revealed by magnetic
The onset of vascular spasm can be a few days after resonance DTI on veterans with mild TBI, despite their
trauma, and as vessel narrowing limits blood supply symptoms of compromised verbal memory (Levin et al.,
to parts of the brain, vasospasm is a major cause of 2010).
morbidity. The importance of vasospasm has not been
generally recognized (Ortell et al., 2005). It can be
Functional MRI
detected by magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)
or Doppler ultrasound. The majority of cases of vaso- Functional MRI (fMRI) involves evaluation of the
spasm reviewed at the National Naval Medical Center changes in local blood flow and volume due to an external
were blast trauma victims (Armonda et al., 2012). stimulus such as a visual challenge or memory test (Figure
• Hemorrhage. Early signs of hemorrhage usually E-1). It is also known as blood oxygen level dependent
occur due to tears in the tributary surface veins that (BOLD) MRI. This is an objective test of brain functioning
bridge the brain surface to the dural venous sinus. and has been found to correlate with some post-concussion
T2-weighted MRI can show the accumulation of symptom metrics such as visual memory (Talavage et al.,
blood as a bright signal initially, with an evolution 2013).
to a dark signal in 2 to 3 days and back again to a Instrumentation availability and costs vary widely—from
bright signal within the first 2 weeks (Taber et al., a permanent magnet system for small animals at less than
2003, Tong et al., 2003). The choice of magnetic $0.5 million to elaborate systems that combine magnetic
resonance (MR) protocol is important here as it has resonance with PET at over $2 million. Most studies can be
been shown that susceptibility-weighted MR imaging enabled through collaboration with medical clinics.
depicts significantly more small hemorrhagic lesions
than does conventional gradient echo (GRE) MR
imaging and, therefore, has the potential to improve
the diagnosis of small hemorrhagic lesions as well as Mapping the origin of ionic current densities in the brain
diffuse axonal injury (Tong et al., 2003). by detection of the induced magnetic fields at the surface of
the human head has been employed in neurophysiological
investigations and surgical applications to treat epilepsy as
Neuronal Architecture Imaging Methods
well as to identify functioning tissues in tumor surgery. The
Neural axon injury might be the most subtle, yet the principal attribute of magnetoencephalography is its ability
most important, pathology that requires early imaging for to provide high temporal fidelity information of the activity
diagnosis (Mayorga, 1997). Experience has shown that this of parts of the brain with limited spatial resolution. The com-
pathology occurs in the corpus callosum and brain stem. bination of magnetoencephalography with MRI methods,
Diffusion-weighted imaging (Huisman et al., 2003) and including MRI tractography (a method of displaying major
T1-weighted protocols have been replaced by diffusion nerve bundles in the brain through detection of proton dif-
tensor imaging (DTI) because DTI has been found to be a fusion principal tensor component), has promise for identi-
sensitive indicator of white matter defects. DTI is able to fication of late manifestions of neuronal dysfunction in TBI
detect damage to axonal tracts using a measure of directional patients (Larson-Prior et al., 2013).
FIGURE E-1 Brain alterations shown on functional imaging without behavioral changes. fMRI image of highschool football players without
clinically diagnosed concussion, performing neurocognitive testing before football season and during football season: Even in the absence
of concussion (in 8 out of 21 athletes), fMRI shows changes in stimulated blood flow that are correlated with a poorer performance in
neurocognitive testing. SOURCE: Talavage et al. (2013). The publisher of this copyrighted material is Mary nn Liebert, Inc., publishers.
PET AND SPECT IMAGING resolution in instruments designed for animal studies can
be 2 mm or less. Normally, the spatial resolution for large
Whereas magnetic resonance spectroscopy of specific
animals and human subjects is 4 to 6 mm. The tracers avail-
volumes of the brain can define the chemical status of, for
able allow studies of blood flow, glucose uptake (commonly
example, bioenergetic molecules (e.g., adenosine triphos-
interpreted as cerebral metabolism), dopamine transporters
phate [ATP], creatine phosphate, etc.) for most studies
and receptors, muscarinic system activity, and blood brain
of brain metabolism and neuroreceoptor concentrations,
permeability. PET and SPECT instrumentation for small
emission tomography (single photon emission tomography
animal studies is available from a number of vendors. Large
[SPECT] and positron tomography [PET]) is the sensitive
animal studies can be accomplished through collaborators at
measurement method. Pathophysiological perturbations in
medical institutions where the requisite approvals for use of
the following parameters can be imaged by PET:
radionuclides are already in place.
• Oxygen utilization,
• Regional glucose metabolism, Metabolism Imaging
• Regional blood flow and vasospasm detection,
Since the early 1980s, cerebral glucose metabolism
• Permeability,
associated with dementia has been quantitatively imaged
• Neuroreceptor concentrations,
in patients using 18F-fluoro-deoxyglucose and positron
• Inflammation,
tomography. Recent human studies in boxers showed pat-
• Beta amyloid deposits associated with dementia, and
terns of hypometabolism using the accumulation of 18F-
• Tau protein associated with brain trauma and
deoxy-glucose (Provenzano et al., 2010), but one must be
careful not to interpret hypometabolism when the reason for
less apparent tracer uptake is tissue atrophy or decreases in
The methods are noninvasive and can be repeated over
blood flow rather than a decrease in the metabolic uptake
the course of hours or days. Whereas PET and SPECT are
mechanism. An important application of PET evaluation of
readily available in medical centers, not all experimentalists
brain glucose uptake is to study the effects of low growth
will have these instruments and the required radioisotopes
hormone associated with trauma-induced hypopituitarism
available, particularly for small animal studies. The spatial
because brain glucose metabolism increases after growth
and impedance are available, and their development has Kelly, M.P., R.L. Coldren, R.V. Parish, M.N. Dretsch, M.L. Russell. 2012.
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specific damage or infarction from the measurement of tissue impedance
following repetitive brain ischaemia in the rat. Neuropathology and Ap-
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Appendix F
Vijayan N. Nair, Chair, is the Donald A. Darling professor of 2011) and the ASA Section on Quality and Productivity
statistics and professor of industrial and operations engineer- (2006). Dr. Anderson-Cook holds a Ph.D. in statistics from
ing at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Previously, he the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, as
was a research scientist at Bell Laboratories in New Jersey well as an M.S. in statistics (University of Toronto, Toronto,
for 15 years. His areas of expertise include quality improve- Ontario, Canada).
ment and system development, particularly in industrial
applications. Dr. Nair has done extensive consulting work Cameron R. Bass is director of the Injury Biomechanics
with the automotive and telecommunications industries. He Laboratory in the Biomedical Engineering Department at
is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement Duke University. He is a recognized expert in blast and
of Science, the American Statistical Association (ASA), ballistic injury risk modeling with more than 15 years
the American Society for Quality (ASQ), and the Institute of experience in biomechanics. This includes substantial
of Mathematical Statistics (IMS). Dr. Nair is currently experience in developing biomechanical injury models of
president of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and is blast, ballistic, and blunt trauma. Following postdoctoral
past-president of the International Society for Business and experience (on an a National Science Foundation fellowship)
Industrial Statistics. He served as editor of Technometrics developing injury biomechanics models for blunt impact at
and is currently co-editor-in-chief of the International Sta- the University of Virginia, Dr. Bass established a military
tistical Review. He was a member of the National Research and high-rate biomechanics program at the University of
Council (NRC) Committee on National Statistics, the NRC Virginia Center for Applied Biomechanics, which he ran
Board on Mathematical Sciences and their Applications, from 1995 to 2008. Since 2008, he has led efforts in bio-
and has served on several NRC panels on statistics and test- mechanics at Duke University in the Injury Biomechanics
ing in defense acquisition. He holds a Bachelor’s degree Laboratory. One initial focus of the program was cranial,
in Economics from the University of Malaya and a Ph.D. thoracic, and spinal injuries from behind-armor blunt
in statistics from the University of California, Berkeley. trauma and other biomechanically based injury risk func-
tions. In recent years, Dr. Bass’s program has focused on the
Christine M. Anderson-Cook has been a research scientist assessment of brain and thoracic trauma from primary blast
in the Statistical Sciences Group at Los Alamos National and high-rate blunt trauma. He has developed animal and
Laboratory since 2004. Her current research areas include human cadaver models for assessing blast injuries, includ-
design of experiments, response surface methodology, ing the first large animal model, which demonstrated diffuse
system reliability, and multiple criteria optimization. She injury to axons from short-duration blasts that do not cause
was a faculty member in the Department of Statistics at fatality from pulmonary trauma. Dr. Bass has more than
the Virginia Polytechnic and State University from 1996 to 80 peer-reviewed publications in biomechanics, including
2004. Dr. Anderson-Cook is a fellow of the ASA as well as blast and blunt injury biomechanics and tissue biomechan-
the ASQ. She has more than 100 peer-reviewed publications ics. He received a Ph.D. from the University of Virginia.
in professional statistics and interdisciplinary journals and is
currently serving on the editorial boards of Technometrics, Thomas F. Budinger (NAE/IOM) holds concurrent posi-
the Journal of Quality Technology, Quality and Reliability tions with the University of California, Berkeley (UCB),
Engineering International, and Quality Engineering. She has where he is a professor of the Graduate School, and Law-
served as the Chair of the ASQ Statistics Division (2010- rence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) where he is
senior scientist. He is professor emeritus at University of versity, and a bachelor’s degree from the U.S. Naval Acad-
California, San Francisco, where he was a professor of radi- emy. Upon graduation from the Naval Academy, he served
ology from 1984 to 2008 and previously served as director of as a surface warfare officer in the U.S. Navy. Dr. Fricker is
the Magnetic Resonance Science Center and Research PET a fellow of the ASA and an elected member of the Interna-
[Positron Emission Tomography] (1993-1997). At UCB, he tional Statistical Institute. He has published widely in pro-
has been a professor of bioinstrumentation, electrical engi- fessional journals and is on the editorial boards of Statistics,
neering, and computer sciences since 1976 and is the found- Politics and Policy, and the International Journal of Quality
ing chair of the Department of Bioengineering. Dr. Budinger Technology and Engineering. He has served as the chair of
was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1996 the section on Statistics in Defense and National Security
and to the Institute of Medicine in 1990. He has authored (SDNS) of the ASA and, prior to the creation of SDNS, he
numerous papers on biomedical electronics, aging, cardio- was a member of the Committee on Statisticians in Defense
vascular physiology, bioastronautics, image processing and and National Security, serving as both chair and vice chair.
reconstruction, nuclear magnetic resonance, positron emis-
sion tomography, reconstruction tomography, and inverse Peter N. Fuller (Major General, U.S. Army retired) is the
problem mathematics. Dr. Budinger received a B.S. in president and chief operating officer at Cypress Interna-
chemistry from Regis College, an M.S. degree in physical tional, a business development and acquisition management
oceanography from the University of Washington, Seattle, an consulting firm operating for over 36 years. Previously, he
M.D. in medicine from the University of Colorado, Denver, was the deputy commander for programs, NATO Training
and a Ph.D. in medical physics from UCB. He served in the Mission—Afghanistan, and was responsible for planning
Arctic and Antarctica as a U.S. Coast Guard officer. and executing resources in order to generate and sustain the
Afghan security forces. He integrated and synchronized all
Michael J. Cushing recently retired as director of the U.S. processes to include requirements generation, acquisition,
Army Evaluation Centers Reliability and Maintainability funding, construction, logistics, and contract management
Directorate. In this position he directed the evaluation of 550 for a yearly program valued at over $10 billion dollars com-
active Army and Department of Defense (DoD) systems with prised of infrastructure, equipment, training, and sustainment
respect to their reliability and maintainability characteristics. efforts. He also coordinated with external organizations such
Dr. Cushing earned a B.S. degree in electronic engineering as the Defense Contract Management Agency, Corps of
and computer science from Johns Hopkins University and Engineers, Joint Task Force-435, NATO International Secu-
M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in reliability engineering from the rity Assistance Force, ISAF Joint Command, Combined Air
University of Maryland, College Park. During 30 years in Power Transition Force, Office of the Secretary of Defense,
military reliability, he authored numerous publications, and the Joint Staff. Prior to his assignment in Afghanistan,
helped formulate and implement a variety of Army and he was Program Executive Officer—Soldier. In his capacity
DoD reliability policies, and contributed towards several as PEO Soldier, General Fuller was responsible for ensuring
reliability standards. all Soldiers were lethal, survivable and able to operate in any
environment. He was commissioned a second lieutenant in
Robert G. Easterling is retired from Sandia National Labo- 1980 after graduating from the University of Vermont with a
ratories where he was a statistical consultant, manager, and B.A. in history and political science. He also holds an M.S. in
senior scientist. He spent the majority of his career investi- public administration from Shippensburg University, an M.S.
gating and promoting the application of statistical methods in military arts and sciences from the U.S. Army Command
to various engineering issues, with emphasis on statistical and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and
methods for reliability evaluation. He is a fellow of the an M.S. in resourcing of the national security strategy from
ASA, a former editor of Technometrics, and a recipient of the the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Fort McNair,
ASQ’s Brumbaugh Award. Since retirement from Sandia, he Washington, D.C. General Fuller’s assignments include
has been an itinerant visiting professor at various universi- assistant director for acquisition (PATRIOT), Ballistic Mis-
ties and has taught an introductory statistics short course at sile Defense Organization, Washington, D.C.; systems coor-
Sandia. He holds a Ph.D. in statistics from Oklahoma State dinator, U.S. Army Staff for Anti-Armor Missiles; project
University. manager, Stryker Brigade Combat Team; deputy command-
ing general of the U.S. Army Research, Development and
Ronald D. Fricker, Jr., is a professor at the Naval Postgradu- Engineering Command, Fort Belvoir, Virginia; and Program
ate School. His current research is focused on the perfor- Executive Officer—Soldier, Fort Belvoir, Virginia.
mance of various statistical methods for use in biosurveil-
lance, particularly epidemiologic surveillance, and statistical Raúl Radovitzky is the associate director, Institute for Sol-
process control methodologies more generally. Dr. Fricker dier Nanotechnologies, and a professor of aeronautics and
holds a Ph.D. and an M.A. in statistics from Yale University, astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
an M.S. in operations research from George Washington Uni- Dr. Radovitzky was born in Argentina and educated at the
University of Buenos Aires, where he obtained his civil Ernest Seglie is retired from the position of science advi-
engineering degree. He received his S.M. in applied math- sor of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Operational
ematics from Brown University and his Ph.D. in aeronautical Test and Evaluation. His responsibilities included providing
engineering from the California Institute of Technology. He scientific and technical guidance on the overall approach to
joined MIT’s Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics DoD evaluation of the operational effectiveness and suit-
in 2001 as the Charles Stark Draper Assistant Professor. ability of major DoD weapons systems. He received a B.S.
Dr. Radovitzky’s research interests are in the development in physics from Cooper Union and a Ph.D. in theoretical
of advanced concepts and material systems for blast, bal- nuclear physics from University of Massachusetts. He taught
listic, and impact protection. To this end, his research group at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Yale University
develops theoretical and computational descriptions of the before joining the Institute for Defense Analyses in 1979.
physical event and its effects on structures and humans, He received the Andrew J. Goodpaster Award for Excellence
including advanced computational methods and algorithms in Research in 1987, the International Test and Evaluation
for large-scale simulation. The resulting models help to Association 2009 Allen R. Matthews Award for “leadership
improve the understanding of the various physical compo- and technical contributions to the evaluation of operational
nents of the problem and thus to design protective systems. effectiveness and suitability,” and the National Defense
Dr. Radovitzky’s educational interests include computational Industrial Association Walter W. Hollis Award in 2009. In
mechanics, continuum mechanics, aerospace structures, addition, he received the President of the United States’ Rank
mechanics of materials, numerical methods, and high- Conferral of Meritorious Senior Professional in 2003 and the
performance computing. He is a member of the American Secretary of Defense Medal for Meritorious Civilian Service
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, International Asso- in 2010, which included mention that he “led the drive to
ciation of Computational Mechanics, American Academy apply statistical methods to test design and evaluation.”
of Mechanics, Materials Research Society, U.S. Association Recent areas of interest include test and evaluation policy in
of Computational Mechanics, and American Society of DoD, and reliability.
Mechanical Engineers.