Block 4 Module 4 Sacraments and Liturgy REED 104
Block 4 Module 4 Sacraments and Liturgy REED 104
Block 4 Module 4 Sacraments and Liturgy REED 104
OBE-Learning Module
1.4 Articulate, advocate and exemplify Paulinian ideals and values in their private and
professional lives nurtured by
Prayer and a deep relationship with God;
TOPIC : Penance/Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick
LEARNING Worship- Pray devoutly for inner healing,
OUTCOMES Doctrine- Elaborate upon the meaning and significance of the Sacraments
of Healing and Interpret about the demands for conversion,
Moral- Cherish the importance of the Act of Penance and the healing
power of Reconciliation.
Student Activity 1: Opening Prayer
Blessed Day Everyone! You may read the Gospel of John 3:20-30, after reading, you may pause
for a moment of silence. Make your reflection and end your prayer with Glory Be.
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St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines
In today’s reflection I take two lessons in this passage. Do not ever allow despair,
disappointment or hurt to be the guide of your decisions or beliefs in life. They are never a good
guide. Do not doubt the power of God to be able to do anything and everything He chooses. In
this case, God chose to rise from the dead and so He did. In our own lives, God can do anything
He wills. We must believe that and know that what He reveals to us in faith will come to be if we
but trust in His provident care.
Lord, I do believe. Help my unbelief. When I am tempted to give in to despair or to doubt Your
almighty power over all things in life, help me to turn to you and to trust in You with all my
heart. May I cry out, with St. Thomas, "My Lord and my God," and may I do so even when I see
only with the faith You put into my soul. Jesus, I trust in You.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now,
and ever shall be, world without end.
When God forgives, He does not look back but forward, as in Kitty's wonderful and
inspiring story; our strengths and potentials are in His mind like a mother's womb, nourishing
and preparing the child for the future. It's no surprise, however, that the portrayal of God's love,
which uses a motherly image, is possibly the most exquisite depiction of God's love in the Old
Testament. The earliest Christian community focused their teaching ministry to the lost and in
need of conversion, so that they could be reconciled with God through Christ Jesus.
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St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines
Student Activity 3:
A.) Sacred Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:11-21- The Ministry of Reconciliation
Read the text from 2 Corinthians 5:11-21, and answer the questions below.
1. What was the message of Saint Paul to the Corinthians?
Saint Paul message to the Corinthians that for each of us who has become a new creation,
reconciled to God in Christ, the commission is given. Having reconciled to God, we ourselves
are inducted into the ministry of reconciliation.
2. What happen to us if we allow Christ to be with us?
Christ will use each of us differently, having equipped us, each one, with different gifts and
temperaments and capacities.
3. How can you be an ambassador of Christ?
I will commit myself to the Lord for His purposes. May Christ open doors of opportunity for me.
The Second Letter to the Corinthians shows how to act like His disciples. Their zeal
and diligence are for the glory of God and the good of the community most especially in leading
sinners back to God through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Meeting Jesus and allowing Him
to heal us bring new grace and life to us. When we receive the forgiveness of Jesus we will be
transformed. Let us therefore turn to the mercy of Jesus and be healed of our sins and be renewed
with the fullness of His divine grace.
Sickness of the body truly affects our emotional and spiritual well-beings. Through the
Sacraments of Healing, Jesus Christ brings healing physically and spiritually to those who are
seriously ill. Jesus forgives and restores the grace that nourishes us holistically.
B.) Church Teaching: Catechism of the Catholic Church nos. 1421-1523
The Sacrament of Penance and Anointing of the Sick are the sacraments of healing and salvation
of Jesus to show and extend God’s mercy to all the members of the Church especially the sick,
the suffering, and continue the process of healing and forgiving of their sins.
This sacrament through the minister of the Church grants pardon from God’s mercy the offense
committed against God and be reconciled with the Church. The names of the Sacraments are:
1. Sacrament of Conversion- makes sacramentally present Jesus call to conversion and the first
step to return to God the Father who is offended by sin.
2. Sacrament of Penance- it consecrates the Christian sinner’s personal and ecclesial steps of
conversion, penance and satisfaction.
3. Sacrament of Confession- it enables the sinful man to confess his sins to the priest,
acknowledges and praises God’s holiness and obtains God’s mercy to the sinner.
4. Sacrament of Forgiveness- it grants the penitent “pardon and peace” by God through the
priest’s sacramental absolution.
5. Sacrament of Reconciliation- it imparts to the sinner God’s merciful love who reconciles and
enable the penitent respond to the Lord’s call of reconciliation to his brother.
Fasting, prayer and almsgiving express conversion in relation to oneself, God and others.
The surest way of Penance is to take up one’s cross daily and follow Jesus. The daily conversion
and Penance find their source and nourishment in the Eucharist, we are fed and strengthened by
the body and blood of Christ which frees us from daily faults and preserve us from mortal sins.
Reading Sacred Scripture and praying the Liturgy of the Hours bring about the spirit of
conversion and repentance so that forgiveness of sins is gained in every sincere act of worship or
devotion. The intense moment of the church’s penitential practice is Lent and each Friday of
Lent in memory of the death of the Lord. These times are seasoned for spiritual exercises,
penitential liturgies, and pilgrimages as signs of penance, voluntary self-denial such as fasting,
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St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines
The Church’s preaching of the Gospel is addressed first to those who do not yet know
Christ and His Gospel. Those who believe Christ and His Gospel are invited to Baptism which is
the principal place for the first and fundamental conversion. Christ’s call to conversion continues
in the work of the whole Church for all sinners to be purified in the path of penance and renewal
(second conversion). Continuous conversion is the movement of a “contrite heart” drawn and
moved by grace to respond to the merciful love of God who initiated first his love to man.
Reconciliation to God (restoring us to God’s grace), joining us with Him in an intimate
friendship calls for conversion accompanied by these: the penitent and the priest make the sign
of the cross, the priest welcomes the sinner. “May the Lord Jesus who call sinners welcomes you
to have confidence in Him,” confessions of sins by the penitent and act of penance penitent’s
prayer and priest’s absolution, the penitent is dismissed after praises are proclaimed. Conversion
or metanoia (change of heart) is the fruit of one’s rejection of sin and the wiles of the devil. It is
about disposing one’s heart, mind, and will to serve God alone. Conversion is the daily challenge
of every baptized Christian, reconciling oneself to God in the process.
This sacrament commends those who are ill to the suffering and glorified Lord, so he
may raise them up, save them, and freely unite themselves to the Passion and death of Christ.
People in infirmity are continually touched by Christ. He heals by his compassion toward the
sick. Anointing of the Sick was instituted to strengthen those who are being tried by illness using
oil. Extreme Unction is an anointing of the sick exclusively for those at the point of death.
The sick, with good preparation and disposition assisted by their pastor and whole
ecclesial community, is encouraged to receive this sacrament through priests and bishops. The
rite of the Anointing of the Sick consists of Greetings, Penitential Rite, Laying of Hands and
Anointing of the Sick Person. It is a particular gift of the Holy Spirit that completes the union
and conformity to the death and Resurrection of Christ just like Baptism. It is ecclesial grace that
completes the mark of the whole Christian life just like Baptism and Confirmation which
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St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines
strengthens us for combats in life, a preparation for the final journey to fortify the end of earthly
life like a sold rampant for the final struggles before entering the Father’s house. As Viaticum
the Eucharist received in this Sacrament is in preparation for the moment of “passing over” to the
Healing of mind body, and soul is desired by the recipients of this Sacrament and the
Church dispenses this ministry with the mercy and kindness of Jesus, the Great Healer.
Worship: a.) The reception of this sacrament ought to be prepared for an examination of
Conscience made in the light of the Word of God,
b.) By the sacred Anointing of the Sick and the prayer of the priests the whole Church
commends those who are ill to the suffering and glorified Lord, that He may raise
them up and save them.
Doctrine: a.) Christ’s call to conversion continues to resound in the lives of Christians,
b.) God’s forgiveness initiates the healing.
Moral: a.) We spontaneously think of turning away from self-centered pursuit of satisfying our
Own egotistical needs and toward loving service of others,
b.) Christ’s love commandment is exercised in a very practical way through the care
of the sick celebrated in the Sacrament of Anointing.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation plays an important part in our Christian life. It is a
way of acknowledging our sins while asking God’s mercy to forgive us in the person of the
priest. On the other hand, the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick brings Christ’s
compassionate healing to assist those who have serious sickness. This healing does not
necessarily mean that upon receiving this sacrament it will totally eradicate the disease or defect
of the person’s current situation. While there are diseases that are not curable in the medical
sense, there can also be healing that would penetrate the body, soul, and spirit of the sick person.
The purposive direction for such penance and anointing is for one’s total conversion.
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St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines
A. Student Activity 2
B. Student Activity 3
C. Reflection
D. Assignment
E. Expanded Opportunity
F. Describe and Enumerate:
1. Differentiate the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.
This sacrament of Reconciliation is through the minister of the Church grants pardon from God’s
mercy the offense committed against God and be reconciled with the Church. While, the
sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, commends those who are ill to the suffering and glorified
Lord, so he may raise them up, save them, and freely unite themselves to the Passion and death
of Christ. People in infirmity are continually touched by Christ. He heals by his compassion
toward the sick.
2. What are the other names for Sacrament of Reconciliation?
The other names for the sacraments of Reconciliation are the following:
Sacrament of Conversion
Sacrament of Penance
Sacrament of Confession
Sacrament of Forgiveness
Sacrament of Reconciliation
3. Who can receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick and who can administer it?
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick commends those who are ill. The one who can
administer it is priest. They can be performed in a home or a hospital. The priest may also
administer the sacrament of the Eucharist and can hear a confession if so desired.
4. What are the effects of the Sacraments of Reconciliation?
Restoration of our relationship with God.
Restoration of our relationship with each other
Strength and confidence to continue in faith
Ability to continually look at change in one’s life (reflection and action).
A sense of peacefulness and understanding (acceptance)
Freedom to begin again.
5. What are the effects of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick?
Strength to embrace God’s will
Preparation for a holy death
Forgiveness of venial sins (and mortal sins if person is unable to confess)
6. Why are the Sacraments of Healing needed by believers?
The Church offers us the sacraments of healing to assist in our daily journeys of conversion and
reconciliation. During his earthly ministry, Jesus forgave sins and healed those who were
physically and spiritually broken.
7. How should the faithful respond to Christ’s gifts of the Sacraments?
The gifts of right judgment helps you make choices to live as a faithful follower of Jesus.
G. Penance: “Sand Away Your Sins: Do the following faithfully and sincerely, then take a photo
of yourself while you're doing this activity.
1. Have an Examination of Conscience. Recall the sins you have done against God and against
your neighbors.
2. On a piece of paper, write your sins.
3. Do an act of penance for the sins you have done. Ask for forgiveness from God and make
Amends on the faults you have done toward others.
4. Erase the sins you wrote. Crumple, or burn, or tear the paper to pieces.
5. On the clean board or wood, write the good acts you want to do in your life.
6. Be in a moment of silence and reflect on the activity you have done.
7. Write your personal reflection from the activity.
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St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines
Prayer Composition: “We Care for the Sick Persons.” Compose personalized prayer for the sick
Dear God, our great healer,
we raise to You all the sick persons.
Please give them Lord,
the strength to fight and not lose hope.
We wholeheartedly believe
that You will give them healing,
not only physically but,
above all, spiritually. In Jesus name, Amen!
B. Am I a Sacrament of Reconciliation?
This exercise can give you a better sense of your own role as an instrument
for reconciliation. Read each of the following characteristics of
Reconciliation and complete its related task.
Catechism for Filipino Catholics (CFC)
Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)
Evangelista, Carlos S., Jr., MAL: Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments
Sr.Villarubia, Gewena Gay P., AR: Our Way to God
Sr. Maquiling, Christie P., AR: Our Way to God
Juanillo, Eden S. & Cuyos, Fanny A.:Journey with Jesus God Builds and
Unites His People
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