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Maguire Ultra Brochure June 2020 Us Letter v20 01 Screen File

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The world’s first ULTRA
low energy dryers.

The first ULTRA low energy
dryer for all plastic
raw materials.
ULTRA Dryer - Product Guide V20-01 l 03

The First ULTRA Low Energy Dryer

Energy efficiency is the number one criteria for selecting dryers or replacing existing dryers!
See below the desiccant high energy components, versus the ULTRA low energy components.

Desiccant High Energy Components ULTRA ULTRA Low Energy Components

4 4
Intensive energy Minimal energy
used to HEAT used to HEAT
the material. the material.


1 vs.

Regeneration Process: Desiccant beds become Vacuum Drying Process: No regeneration process.
1 1
saturated with moisture and need to be regenerated No added energy used.
which is energy intensive.

Only one smaller blower & heating unit required:

Extra Blowers & Heating Unit: Regeneration requires For smaller volume and energy efficiency.
a separate heating unit, and separate blower which is
energy intensive.
Low Maintenance: No scheduled maintenance
requirements and no consumables.
Frequent Maintenance: The desiccant beds require
replacement after 18-24 months. Filters need to be
maintained weekly. Expensive dew point meters are Compact Heating Hopper: Less material in process,
required to ensure correct dew point & calibration. less energy used.

Large Drying Hopper: Constantly circulating a required ULTRA efficient in every way!
level of airflow through large drying hoppers for
residence times of 4-6 hours.

ULTRA also offers significant benefits over desiccant in all of these criteria

Return on Material Time Cost of Maintenance Scrap Rate

Investment Changeover How long does Ownership How much Drying control
What is the initial How quick can it take to dry What is the real maintenance & & sufficient
purchase cost of you change raw materials? cost of the dryer? servicing? dry time?
the dryer? material?

The First ULTRA Low Energy Dryer

The difference in energy used
to dry material, after it’s brought
up to temperature is huge:

A Desiccant Dryer Uses:

45 100
Watts/lb/hr Watts/kg/hr


Our ULTRA Dryers Use:


Switching from Desiccant to ULTRA

Saves You:

ULTRA Dryer - Product Guide V20-01 l 05

Key Benefit: Energy Savings

The ULTRA low energy dryer is the most efficient dryer available in the market today.

Watts/lb/hr Watts/kg/hr
45 100
45 W/lb/hr,

(100 W/kg/hr)
35 77
This is where the difference occurs!

30 66
Desiccant dryers re-circulate
25 55 hot air for hours, which is energy
intensive and slow.
20 44

15 33
Our ULTRA dryers use a minimal
10 22
amount of energy in this process,
saving time, energy and money.
5 11
4 W/lb/hr, (8 W/kg/hr)

Energy to HEAT material to required temperature. THIS IS ENERGY USED TO


Desiccant ULTRA
Savings Year on Year
$7,128* $634* With a kW difference of 41 Watts/lb/hr,
92 Watts/kg/hr using an ULTRA dryer, you can
save $6,494 annually doing the exact same job.
ANNUAL COST TO DRY MATERIAL* Savings year on year:

After 5 Year Period $32,470

After 10 Year Period $64,940

*Based on 220 pounds per hour, 6000 hours per year, kW cost at national
average of $0.12per kW, measured at 80% of rated max throughput. This chart
shows the EXCESS ENERGY required to DRY the material. After 15 Year Period $97,410

ULTRA Efficient Drying Process

What makes the ULTRA low energy dryer the most
efficient drying system on the market?

ULTRA Energy Saver

Temperature Sense: Temperature is controlled
ULTRA Low Maintenance
efficiently with energy saver modes built in
• Touchscreen identifies problems by as standard.
highlighting area in red service box.
For example: Low air pressure
• System will not RUN if the process ENERGY EFFICIENT DRYING
requirements are not met:

1 No vacuum / no heat
2 System logs alarms


By design the ULTRA low energy dryer has no

scheduled maintenance requirements:
• No desiccant beds to replace
• No process filters to clean and change 4
• No regeneration cycles
• No cooling requirements
• No chilled water connections

ULTRA Smart Drying

 nboard Flexbus Lite offers a full feature
control to load/offload material from the
ULTRA dryer
• Smart feeding of material to process
• L oad cells monitor process demand by live
lb/hr (kg/hr) consumption
 utomatic adjustment of amount of material
under vacuum and in retention hopper
ULTRA Green feeding the process 6
ULTRA dryers provide further savings •U
 LTRA signals when to release the next
from reduced CO2e - Global Warming fresh batch
Potential (GWP). Running 220.2 lb/ • Retention Insulation: The retention hopper is
hr (100 kg/hr) provides a saving of heavily insulated and enclosed to minimize
54,120 kW a year heat loss and moisture reabsorption
This equates to saving:


*US Government source
ULTRA Dryer - Product Guide V20-01 l 07

ULTRA Heating Hopper

Less raw material in process due to a compact
1 heating hopper.


ULTRA avoids heating material that is not

required for the process.


ULTRA Load Cells

• Use of load cells in the vacuum chamber and retention
hopper allow the drying rate to match the process rate.
• As lb/kg demands go up or down, the ULTRA matches the
process requirements accordingly.



ULTRA Quick Drying
ULTRA dryers use vacuum as the main
method to dry versus air dew point. Drying MORE PRODUCTION TIME
by vacuum drops the boiling temperature
of water to 133°F / 56°C. This creates a
temperature and pressure differential that
means moisture is rapidly released from FASTER MATERIAL CHANGES
the material.
 Typically, 1/6th of the drying time of
conventional desiccant dryers. MORE MACHINE UPTIME
This dramatically reduces the energy
required to DRY material.

Using the ULTRA, Polycarbonate can be dried from cold start-up in 30-40 minutes compared
to 3 hours in a desiccant dryer.

Dryer Range: Wide Range of Models Available

Maguire offers 4x ULTRA models and 3x LPD models to cater to small and large lb/hr (kg/hr) throughputs.


1 2 3 4


5 6 7
The LPD 30 as the
standard solution
for small lb/hr and
kg/hr technical drying

LPD 30 LPD 100 LPD 200

ULTRA Dryer - Product Guide V20-01 l 09

Throughput Ranges - the ULTRA dryers drying output are determined by the combination Please visit www.maguire.com
of the preheat time and vacuum drying time. Throughputs illustrate typical averages but
to download our product data sheets.
please refer to expected drying times for specific materials for more accurate information.



115 lb/hr
50 kg/hr

2 300 ULTRA 300

230 lb/hr
100 kg/hr

3 600 ULTRA 600

650 lb/hr
300 kg/hr

4 1000 ULTRA 1000

1100 lb/hr
500 kg/hr

lb kg 250 113 500 227 750 340 1000 454 1250 567


30 lb/hr
14 kg/hr

6 100 LPD 100

100 lb/hr
45 kg/hr

7 200 LPD 200

200 lb/hr
90 kg/hr

lb kg 250 113 500 227 750 340 1000 454 1250 567

ULTRA Smart Controls and Features

The addition of the touchscreen has allowed us to show the drying
process graphically and simply.

ULTRA Smart Controls

Simple Export Function Access to all Production
& Program Updates Parameters in one Screen
• Constant development of software • lb/kg in vacuum chamber
features and functions • lb/kg in retention hopper
• Automatic program updates • Live current lb/h (kg/h)
• USB port provided • Total lb/kg used in a process
• Program updates via flash memory or batch
using a standard USB memory device
FlexBus Lite Materials
Monitoring of Numerous Conveying Control
Alarm Conditions • Control up to 10 material
• Maintain consistent vacuum level, receivers & 1 vacuum pump
temperature & cycle time • Full features like line cleaning
• Problem indication on display and via • Visual and easy to see conveying
alarm light & horn status to and from ULTRA dryer
• Works with Maguire & third-party
Easy Retrofittable
loading equipment
• Easy removal for service or replacement
• Multilingual support

Our touchscreen automates many routine functions

ULTRA Unique Features

Auto Start Dynamic Drying
Scheduled and automatic Use of load cell data to
start-ups controlled by time. automatically adjust drying
rate to process rate.
Auto Stop
Use of load cell data to Energy Saver Mode
automatically finish a drying Energy saver mode is a
run of a batch of material. standard feature for ULTRA.
Result: Leaving all hoppers The heater and blower are
empty & ready for faster / more automatically regulated to
efficient material changes, ensure that only the required
simpler production stop. amount of heat and air flow
are used to bring material up
to temperature.

Controller Variations

ULTRA Standard ULTRA Touchscreen

Controller Controller
ULTRA Dryer - Product Guide V20-01 l 11

ULTRA Options
Maguire offers a range of options for the ULTRA dryer to meet
production and installation requirements.

Heating Hopper
Extension Option
• Higher throughput capacity
of additional 1 cu.ft / 30 L
Remote HMI Option • Allows for increased heat
residence time
• For remote locations
• Suitable when drying
• Standard cable length ‘50
difficult materials
• Available for touchscreen only
• Typical materials: PA, PET

Membrane Dry Air

Purge Option
Monitoring Option
• Provides a supply of -20°C /
-68°F dew point air to purge • Prevents running of dryer if
vacuum chamber and blanket 3-phase rotation is backwards
the retention hopper • Prevents running in case of
3 phase drop out
• Prevents moisture re-absorption
• Recommended for highly • Protects blower motor
hygroscopic materials from damage
• Recommended for highly
mobile units

5 6
Gravity Feed Option
• Standard later VTA replaced with
downward-facing drop tube Multi-Point Convey Option
• Used for mezzanine / elevated • Lateral convey to more
installations than one receiver
FlexBus Lite Materials Conveying Control
* Requires FCA
• Materials conveying to dryer & machine or small
group of machines made easy
• Integrated full feature conveying control for up to
10 material receivers & 1 vacuum pump
• Visual and easy to see conveying status to and from
ULTRA dryer
• Works with Maguire & third-party loading equipment

Material Savings Focus

Costs So Low, It’s Almost Free!

ULTRA dryers use energy to dry all type of resin at a drastically lower rate
than a comparable new desiccant dryer. Savings with the ULTRA dryer are
even greater in comparison with a low-efficiency old dryer.

Desiccant vs.

Material Drying
Example System Energy to DRY Energy Cost
Watts/lb/hr Watts/kg/hr to DRY*

ABS Desiccant 45 100 $7,128.00

180°F / 80°C 4 8 $634.00

PC Desiccant 59 130 $9,345.00

250°F / 120°C 5 11 $792.00

PET Desiccant 86 190 $13,622.00

350°F / 180°C 7 15 $1,108.00

Save thousands every year with ULTRA drying!

Maguire reserve the right to change and update any information.
ULTRA Dryer - Product Guide V20-01 l 13

How does Desiccant compare to ULTRA?

The savings provided by the ULTRA translate to fast return on investment, vs.
without considering other benefits of faster drying, heating & start-up
times, significantly lower maintenance, and intelligent operation.

10 Year ULTRA Heating Time Overall Drying Material in

Drying Saving** Savings Time Savings Process Savings

Drying Time: 180 Mins

180 Mins 760 lb | 360 kg
Start-up Time: 180 Mins

Drying Time: 20 Mins

$64,940.00 15-30 Mins
Start-up Time: 55 Mins
233 lb | 105 kg

Drying Time: 180 Mins

180 Mins 750 lb | 350 kg
Start-up Time: 180 Mins

Drying Time: 20 Mins

$85,530.00 15-30 Mins
Start-up Time: 55 Mins
270 lb | 125 kg

Drying Time: 300 Mins

300 Mins 1,100 lb | 500 kg
Start-up Time: 300 Mins

Drying Time: 30 Mins

$125,140.00 40-60 Mins
Start-up Time: 70 Mins
250 lb | 115 kg

ULTRA RETURN *DRY - This is the net energy used in the drying **Typical energy costs & savings calculated on lb
ON INVESTMENT process to DRY the raw material. HEATING a lb or and kg data. Example based on 220 lb/hr or 100 kg/
kg, energy usage is the same for ALL types of drying hr, based on 6000 production hours per year, at an
system and therefore excluded from these examples. energy kW cost of $0.12.

ULTRA Dryer Case Study

ULTRA dryers increased drying efficiency

at Greiner Packaging, Austria.
Greiner Packaging, a major manufacturer of packaging for food and
non-food applications pursues a clear sustainability strategy.
From recyclable products with a high recyclate percentage through to
an energy efficient production process with reduced CO2 emissions.
For their raw material drying process in injection stretch blow
molding, the company has tested the ULTRA low energy dryer as a
replacement for conventional desiccant dryers.

Main Benefit: Energy Savings

Side by side energy trials at Greiner’s production facilities have
shown a clear reduction in energy consumption compared to
conventional desiccant dryers.


ULTRA requires: THIS IS:

7 Watts/lb/hr 79 Watts/lb/hr
15 Watts/kg/hr 175 Watts/kg/hr
to DRY PET at 180°C / 350°F LESS than an average
desiccant dryer


Additional Benefit: Reduced Drying Time Additional Benefit: Reduced Footprint

Drying time has been drastically reduced after switching from By choosing the ULTRA dryer, Greiner have considerably
conventional desiccant dryers to Maguire ULTRA dryers! reduced their footprint thanks to ULTRA’s vertical, slim
and compact design.

Quick material changeovers 03:00 Hrs

within 40 mins compared to
3 hours with a desiccant dryer. 00:40 Mins
ULTRA dryers
require 50% less

space than Greiner’s
Additional Benefit: Quick Material Changeovers conventional dryers
where the hopper
has to be placed

8 2
More material trials achieved with
the UTLRA. 8 material trials per
day with the ULTRA, compared to
2 using a desiccant dryer.
ULTRA Dryer - Product Guide V20-01 l 15

Material Drying Table

ULTRA versus desiccant drying by material type.

Target Moisture Drying Drying Bulk Density Bulk Density Desiccant Drying Vacuum Drying
Material Generic Name Content Temp °C Temp °F kg/liter lb/ft³ Time Hrs Time Mins
ABS Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene <0.04 80 176 0,6 37.5 2 to 3 15 - 30
ASA Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate - 80 176 0,65 40.6 2 to 4 20 - 30
ASA+PC Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate & PolyCarbonate Blend <0.10 100-110 212 - 230 0,65 40.6 2 to 4 20 - 30
CA* Cellulose Acetate <0.15 60-65 140-150 0,5 31.2 2 to 3 N/A
LCP Liquid Crystal Polymer <0.02 150-160 302-320 0,6 37.5 4 20 - 30
PA 6 Polyamide 6 <0.04 80 176 0,65 40.6 3 to 5 30 - 40
PA 6.6 / 6.10 Polyamide 6.6 / 6.10 <0.04 80 176 0,65 40.6 3 to 5 30 - 40
PA 11 / 12 Polyamide 11 / 12 <0.04 80 176 0,65 40.6 4 to 6 30 - 40
PAA Polyarylamide 30GF <0.10 80 176 0,65 40.6 4 30 - 40
PAEK Polyaryletherketone <0.05 150 302 0,65 40.6 4 20 - 30
PAEK-HT Polyaryletherketone HT <0.05 180 356 0,65 40.6 4 20 - 30
PAI Polyamide-imide <0.05 - 0.01 180 356 0,65 40.6 4 30 - 40
PAR Polyarylate <0.02 150 302 0,65 40.6 4 20 - 30
PAS Polyarylsulfone <0.05 135 275 0,65 40.6 4 to 5 20 - 30
PBT Polybutylene Terephthalate <0.03 120 248 0,7 43.7 2 to 3 20 - 30
PC PolyCarbonate <0.02 120 248 0,7 43.7 2 to 3 15 - 30
PC+ABS PolyCarbonate & Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Blend <0.04 100-110 212 - 230 0,7 43.7 2 to 3 20 - 30
PC+PBT PolyCarbonate & Polybutylene Terephthalate Blend <0.02 105-115 221 - 239 0,7 43.7 2 to 4 20 - 30
PC+PET PolyCarbonate & Polyethylene Terephthalate Blend <0.02 105-115 221 - 239 0,75 46.8 2 to 4 20 - 30
PE Polyethylene - 90 194 0.6 37.5 1 to 2 20 - 30
PE, Black Polyethylene, Black Compound - 90 194 0.6 37.5 1 to 2 15 - 30
PEC Polyethylene Carbonate <0.02 130 266 0,7 43.7 4 to 6 20 - 30
PEEK Polyetheretherketone <0.05 150 302 0,6 37.5 2 to 3 20 - 30
PEI Polyetherimide <0.01 150 302 0,6 37.5 3 to 4 20 - 30
PEK Polyetherketone <0.05 160 320 0,6 37.5 4 20 - 30
PESU Polyarylsulfone <0.05 120 248 0,7 43.7 3 to 4 20 - 30
PET-a Polyethylene Terephthalate - Amorphous <0.02 120 248 0,85 53.1 3 40 - 60
PET-c Polyethylene Terephthalate - Crystaline <0.004 170 338 0,85 53.1 6 40 - 60
PETG* Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol <0.05 60 140 0,6 37.5 3 to 4 N/A
PETP Polyethylene Terephthalate <0.02 120 248 0,85 53.1 3 40 - 60
PI Polyimide - 120 248 0,6 37.5 2 to 3 20 - 30
PMMA Polymethyl Methacrylate <0.04 80-100 176-212 0,65 40.6 2 to 3 20 - 30
POM Polyoxymethylene <0.10 100 212 0,6 37.5 2 to 3 20 - 30
PP Polypropylene - 90 194 0,6 37.5 1 to 2 15 - 30
PP Talc Polypropylene, Talc Filled 10% <0.03 100 212 0,7 43.7 3 20 - 30
PP, Black Polypropylene, Black Compound <0.03 105 221 0,7 43.7 3 to 4 20 - 30
PPA Polyphthalamide <0.15 80 176 0,65 40.6 6 20 - 30
PPE Polyphenylene Ether <0.03 110-120 230-248 0,65 40.6 3 to 4 20 - 30
PPE/SB Polyphenylene Ether & Styrene Butadiene Blend - - - 0,65 40.6 - 20 - 30
PPO Polyphenylene Oxide <0.02 110 230 0,5 31.2 2 20 - 30
PPS Polyphenylene Sulfide <0.03 150 302 0,6 37.5 3 to 4 20 - 30
PPSU Polyphenylsulfone <0.10 150 302 0,65 40.6 2 to 3 20 - 30
PS Polystyrene <0.05 80 176 0,5 31.2 1 to 2 20 - 30
PSU Polysulfone <0.04 120-135 248-275 0,65 40.6 2 to 3 20 - 30
PUR Polyurethane <0.02 90-100 194-212 0,7 43.7 2 to 3 20 - 30
PVC* Polyvinyl Chloride <0.20 70 158 0,5 31.2 1 -
SAN Styrene Acrylonitrile <0.10 80 176 0,6 37.5 2 to 3 20 - 30
SB Styrene-butadiene <0.05 80 176 0,6 37.5 1 to 2 20 - 30
TPE Thermoplastic Elastomer <0.03 110 230 0,65 40.6 2 to 3 20 - 30
TPU Thermoplastic Polyurethane <0.03 100-110 212 - 230 0,65 40.6 1 to 2 20 - 30

All materials listed are detailed as per general typical requirements * = Low drying temperatures are not recommended applications for
regarding typical drying temperature, time and density. Users should vacuum drying due to proximity of boiling temperature under vacuum
always refer to the specific material technical data sheet to confirm being close to 56°C/133°F.
specific details for a specific grade of material.

ULTRA Specifications
ULTRA low energy dryers are available for throughputs of 115, 230,
650, and 1100 lb/hr (50, 100, 300, and 500 kg/hr). Like all Maguire
products, they are protected by our 5 Year Warranty.

40 1/8
US Metric

Practical Heating Hopper Volume 2.5 cu. ft. 70 L

Vacuum Chamber Volume 1 cu. ft. 28 L

Retention Hopper Volume 1.3 cu. ft. 37 L

Max. Temperature 350°F 176°C

95 7/8 240V, 480V, 575V / 3Ph / 60Hz,
Power Requirements 400V / 3Ph / 50Hz 10A
16A, 8A, 7A

Process Heater 10 kW

Blower 1.1 HP, 105 scfm 0.75 kW, 2973 L/min

Compressed Air Pressure 85 psi 5.86 bar

Compressed Air Usage 5.2 scfm 2.4 N m3/h

Product Weight 501 lb 228 kg

Depth = (558) 22

For more information, download the ULTRA 150 data sheet at: www.maguire.com

48 1/4
US Metric

Practical Heating Hopper Volume 4.25 cu. ft. 120 L

Vacuum Chamber Volume 2 cu. ft. 57 L

Retention Hopper Volume 2.25 cu. ft. 64 L

Max. Temperature 350°F 180°C

119 240V, 480V, 575V / 3Ph / 60Hz
Power Requirements 400V / 3Ph / 50Hz 33A
52A, 27A, 22A

Process Heater 15 kW

Blower 3.5HP 2.2kW

Compressed Air Pressure 85 psi 5.86 bar

Compressed Air Usage 3.6 scfm 5.6 N m3/hr

Product Weight 918 lb 416 kg

Depth = (660) 26

For more information, download the ULTRA 300 data sheet at: www.maguire.com
ULTRA Dryer - Product Guide V20-01 l 17

For LPD specifications, please visit

www.maguire.com to download our
product data sheets.

68 13/16
US Metric

Practical Heating Hopper Volume 12 cu. ft. 340 L

Vacuum Chamber Volume 5.5 cu. ft. 156 L

Retention Hopper Volume 6.1 cu. ft. 173 L

Max. Temperature 350°F 176°C

161 9/16 480V, 575V / 3Ph / 60Hz
Power Requirements 400V / 3Ph / 50Hz 54A
49A, 22A

Process Heater 20 kW

Blower 8.5 HP, 400 scfm 5.5 kW, 5380 L/min

Compressed Air Pressure 85 psi 5.86 bar

Compressed Air Usage 11.2 scfm 17.4 N m3/hr

Product Weight 1824 lb 827 kg

Depth = (1026) 47 1/2

For more information, download the ULTRA 600 data sheet at: www.maguire.com

81 1/8
US Metric

Practical Heating Hopper Volume 26 cu. ft. 739 L

Vacuum Chamber Volume 10 cu. ft. 283 L

Retention Hopper Volume 11 cu. ft. 311 L

Max. Temperature 350°F 180°C

177 7/8 480V, 575V / 3Ph / 60Hz
Power Requirements 400V / 3Ph / 50Hz 75A
67A, 37A

Process Heater 25 kW

Blower 10 HP, 600 scfm 7.5 kW, 16990 L/min

Mezzanine Level

Compressed Air Pressure 85 psi 5.86 bar

Compressed Air Usage 18.9 scfm 29.4 N m3/hr

Product Weight 2950 lb 1338 kg

Depth = (1118) 44

For more information, download the ULTRA 1000 data sheet at: www.maguire.com

Where To Find Us
Our aim is to support our customers locally, with our extensive global
network of agents and distributors. Maguire Headquarters

Agents & Distributors




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Contact Our Teams

Maguire USA Maguire Europe Maguire Asia

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T: +1 610 459 4300 T: +44 1827 338 280 T: +65 6848 7117
F: +1 610 459 2700 F: +44 1827 338 285 F: +65 6542 8577
E: info@maguire.com E: info@maguire-europe.com E: magasia@maguire-products.com.sg

Maguire Canada Maguire China Connect With Us:

Ontario, Canada Shanghai @MaguireProducts
T: +1 905 879 1100 T: +86 21 5882 3410
F: +1 905 879 1101 F: +86 21 5882 3420 Maguire-Products
E: info@maguirecanada.com E: amber@maguirechina.com MaguireProducts
Innovations For Raw
Maguire IMEA Maguire Taiwan Material Handling For
Dubai, UAE Taichung City 435 Over 40 Years -
T: +971 4 881 6700 T: +886 4 2658 1535
E: info@maguire-imea.com E: mptw.mgmt@maguire.tw Blending, Drying,
Feeding & Conveying.


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