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New Algorithms for Evaluating Equity

Analysts’ Estimates and




New Algorithms for Evaluating Equity Analysts’
Estimates and Recommendations
Nya algoritmer för att utvärdera aktieanalytikers estimat och rekommendationer

Fredrik Börjesson

June 2015

Master’s thesis in Computer Science

Examensarbete 30hp
Datalogi 2D1021

Supervisor: Karl Meinke

Examinator: Stefan Arnborg

The purpose of this study is to find improved algorithms to evaluate the work of equity
analysts. Initially the study describes how equity analysts work with forecasting earnings per
share, and issuing recommendations on whether to invest in stocks. It then goes on to discuss
techniques and evaluation algorithms used for evaluating estimates and recommendations
found in financial literature. These algorithms are then compared to existing methods in use in
the equity research industry. Weaknesses in the existing methods are discussed and new
algorithms are proposed. For the evaluation of estimates the main difficulties are concerned
with adjusting for the reducing uncertainty over time as new information becomes available,
and the problem of identifying which analysts are leading as opposed to herding. For the
evaluation of recommendations, the difficulties lie mainly in how to risk-adjust portfolio
returns, and how to differentiate between stock-picking ability and portfolio effects. The
proposed algorithms and the existing algorithms are applied to a database with over 3500
estimates and 7500 recommendations and an example analyst ranking is constructed. The
results indicate that the new algorithms are viable improvements on the existing evaluation
algorithms and incorporate new information into the evaluation of equity analysts.


Syftet med denna studie är att hitta förbättrade algoritmer för att utvärdera aktieanalytikers
arbete. I studien beskrivs inledningsvis hur aktieanalytiker arbetar med att ta fram prognoser
för vinst per aktie och rekommendationer för att köpa eller sälja aktier. Därefter diskuteras
tekniker och algoritmer för att utvärdera analytikers vinstprognoser och rekommendationer
som hämtats från finansiell litteratur. Dessa algoritmer jämförs därefter med befintliga
utvärderingsmetoder som används inom aktieanalys-branschen. Svagheter i de befintliga
utvärderingsmetoderna diskuteras och nya algoritmer föreslås. För utvärderingen av
vinstprognoser diskuteras svårigheterna i att justera för minskande osäkerhet allteftersom ny
information blir tillgänglig, samt svårigheter att identifiera vilka analytiker som är ledande och
vilka som är efterföljande. För utvärderingen av rekommendationer ligger svårigheterna främst
i risk-justering av avkastningar, samt i att skilja mellan förmåga att bedöma enskilda aktiers
utveckling och portföljeffekter. De föreslagna algoritmerna och de befintliga algoritmerna
tillämpas på en databas med över 3500 vinstestimat och 7500 rekommendationer och ett
exempel på ranking av analytiker tas fram. Resultaten indikerar att de nya algoritmerna utgör
förbättringar av de befintliga utvärderingsalgoritmerna och integrerar ny information i
utvärderingen av aktieanalytiker.

1! Introduction........................................................................................................ 1!

1.1! Background ...................................................................................................................... 1!

1.2! Purpose ............................................................................................................................ 4!

1.3! Contribution .................................................................................................................... 5!

2! Evaluating equity analysts in theory .................................................................. 6!

2.1! Methods for evaluating estimates .................................................................................... 6!

2.1.1! Measuring estimation accuracy ................................................................................. 6!

2.1.2! Decreasing uncertainty ............................................................................................ 12!

2.1.3! Leading/herding ...................................................................................................... 13!

2.2! Methods for evaluating recommendations ..................................................................... 18!

2.2.1! Portfolio formation .................................................................................................. 18!

2.2.2! Relative return and risk adjustment ....................................................................... 20!

2.2.3! Portfolio effects ....................................................................................................... 26!

3! Equity analyst evaluation in industry practice ................................................. 31!

3.1! Institutional Investor Research Team Rankings ............................................................ 31!

3.2! Financial Times/Starmine Global Analyst Awards ....................................................... 32!

3.2.1! Estimates ................................................................................................................. 32!

3.2.2! Recommendations ................................................................................................... 33!

3.3! Existing techniques used at one bank ............................................................................ 33!

3.3.1! Estimates ................................................................................................................. 33!

3.3.2! Recommendations ................................................................................................... 36!

4! Proposed solution ............................................................................................. 38!

4.1! Estimates ....................................................................................................................... 38!

4.2! Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 41!

5! Implementation and results .............................................................................. 42!

5.1! Data ............................................................................................................................... 42!

5.2! Estimates ....................................................................................................................... 42!

5.2.1! Existing algorithms ................................................................................................. 42!

5.2.2! New algorithms ....................................................................................................... 43!

5.3! Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 45!

5.3.1! Existing algorithms ................................................................................................. 45!

5.3.2! New algorithms ....................................................................................................... 46!

5.4! Example ranking of analysts .......................................................................................... 47!

6! Conclusions ....................................................................................................... 51!

7! Suggestions for further research ....................................................................... 52!

References .............................................................................................................. 53!

Appendix A: Database diagram ............................................................................. 55!

Appendix B: Fama-French three-factor model ...................................................... 56!

1 Introduction

1.1 Background
The subject of this thesis in Computer Science was conceived in collaboration with the equity
research department of a bank. The bank had identified that their methods and techniques for
evaluating their analysts could be improved upon and wanted to build a new evaluation tool to
this end. Although to build a practical implementation for a specific company was always an
aim of this thesis, the techniques described herein have general qualities and can be applied to
evaluate estimations and recommendations elsewhere in the financial market.

In a general sense, evaluating the work of equity analysts presents us with the same problems
as any evaluation: we want to make sure that the evaluation is done in a manner which is as
objective and fair as possible. By fair we here mean to be able to discern between skill and
luck, and reward the former. To be able to identify how to do this in this specific evaluation
problem, it is necessary to first understand the context in which the problem exists. Therefore,
we will begin by taking a look at how the world of equity research works. Hopefully this
approach will offer the reader a more complete understanding of the problem, give a motivation
as to why it deserves our attention and at the same time provide for a more interesting read.

Let us begin with a basic concept in finance – equity. Equity is the capital due to the
shareholders of a company. Together with debt capital - the other principal form of capital –
the equity forms the total capital available to a company. The term equity research thus refers
to analysts’ work on determining the value of the part of a company’s capital which is due to
its shareholders. In other words – the value of the stocks of a company. From the whole
universe of companies, equity analysts occupy themselves with analyzing a limited subset of
companies; namely those companies which are public and listed on a stock exchange.
Consequently, the stocks that are analyzed by equity analysts are all freely available to buy or
sell for anyone at the market price (given that there can be found another party prepared to
sell or buy, respectively, the same number of stocks for that price).

Clients of an investment bank may use research provided by equity analysts – together with
other sources of information – to decide whether or not they wish to own a particular stock.
Based on such investment decisions, these investors will perform trades, i.e. buy or sell stocks
with the intent of maximizing their returns. Clients usually do not pay directly for access to
equity analysts’ research reports. Instead, an investment bank will normally distribute its
research reports freely to clients, but will in return expect clients to do a number of trades,
from which the bank’s stockbrokers will earn commission. Equity analysts working for banks
like this are said to be “sell-side” analysts. There are also people analyzing stocks working on
the so-called “buy-side”, which means that they work with money management in one form or
other - for example portfolio managers working for mutual funds or insurance companies. One

simplified way to look at it is that “sell-side” equity analysts publish research reports that
“buy-side” fund managers will read to support their decisions whether to hold a certain stock in
their portfolios or not. There are certainly also equity analysts employed on the “buy-side” but
they do not publish their research and for the purpose of this thesis, we restrict ourselves to
discussing evaluation of “sell-side” equity analysts.

Let us now try to describe in more detail what it is that equity analysts do. The work of an
equity analyst involves above all two main activities, which are separate yet intrinsically linked
together. One of these activities is to produce estimates for certain economical key parameters
in the accounting figures which each company must publish regularly, usually once every
quarter at so-called earnings announcements. The most important estimate is without question
earnings per share (EPS). There are plenty of other figures and ratios, which are also commonly
found in analysts’ forecasts, but none of these are typically considered as important as EPS.
Estimates are usually done on a yearly basis, i.e. analysts generally do not produce separate
estimates for every quarter, only one figure for the whole year. As companies release their
earnings reports, the uncertainty about the final figure for the full year is reduced and upon
publication of the annual report the estimates are compared to actual outcomes. Analysts
continually incorporate new information by revising their estimates as the year progresses.

In principle, the estimates are used by the analysts themselves as input parameters in equity
valuation models. Such valuations can be expressed in terms of a price per stock – a target
price. A difference between the target price and the current market price, with proper
adjustments made for dividends (profits paid out to shareholders), is perceived by analysts as
an upside or downside potential in the current stock price – i.e. a mispricing by the market
discovered with the help of superior analytical abilities. This mispricing is assumed to be
corrected by the market at some point, which would lead to an opportunity to earn an
expected return. Based on this expected return – together with any relevant additional
information which may be hard or impossible to quantify – analysts will then issue a
recommendation for the stock. There is usually a pre-defined scale for recommendations, such
as for example “Buy”, “Outperform”, “Hold”, “Underperform” and “Sell”.

All the estimates and recommendations for a stock are collected by providers of financial data
and presented as an average called consensus. There are basically two types of
recommendations: absolute recommendations, where the expected return is the only considered
parameter, and relative recommendations, which are based on the expected return compared to
other comparable stocks or the stock market in general. In other words, absolute
recommendations implicitly consider each stock in isolation, whereas relative recommendations
look at a particular stock as one of several alternative investment opportunities. It has become
a de-facto industry standard that equity analysts’ recommendations on a stock should be
considered relative to its peers within the same industry sector. We will expand on this in the
next chapter.

Let us have a brief look at the equity analyst role as such. In most respects, the equity analyst
is an individual specialist. There is always a lead analyst who has the ultimate responsibility
for the coverage of a given company. Equity analysis is a competitive business and analysts are
periodically evaluated and ranked, both internally and by external firms. Although these
rankings surely are a source of rivalry, co-operation among colleagues is necessary. Equity
analysts usually work in industry-specific teams. A high degree of specialization is necessary for
analysts to develop a sufficiently deep understanding of the business in general and the
minutiae of particular companies. Moreover, companies often report their results during a short
space of time and work division is necessary to cope with the heavy workload during these
reporting periods. Companies are usually categorized first by industry sector (and sometimes
subsectors), then by countries or regions. Dividing up the work by industry and then region –
rather than the other way around – is natural since companies of the same industry share more
similarities than companies belonging to the same geographical market but different industries.
For example, stocks can be first categorized into industries such as financials, consumer goods,
health care etc., and then once more by geographical markets such as Germany, the UK, the
Nordic region and so on.

At this point it might be useful to introduce a perspective which puts the significance of equity
analysts’ work into the wider context of the workings of the capital markets in general. This
perspective builds on a theory called the efficient market hypothesis (EMH), a theory which is
usually deemed important enough to warrant a chapter of its own in introductory finance
textbooks (see e.g. chapter 13 in Brealey & Myers, 2000). Market efficiency is a concept that
deals with the mechanisms allowing new information to disseminate into the market and affect
prices. An efficient market is, in principle, a market where any informational advantages are
instantly neutralized by the market as it incorporates the information into prices, and thus
investors cannot exploit any such advantages to consistently make abnormal returns.
Consistently in this case means that there needs to be an element of predictability over time in
the ability of investors to earn these abnormal returns, and by abnormal we mean that the
returns obtained must be superior to those from alternative investments which carry the same

For the purpose of this study, risk can generally be thought of as a statistical measure of how
much the price of a financial asset, such as a stock, has moved over time historically: the
greater the variance (or standard deviation) of the price of a stock, the greater its risk.
Moreover, in financial literature it is generally postulated that investors are risk-averse – i.e. in
choosing between two assets with identical expected returns, a risk-averse investor will always
prefer the asset with lower risk. Thus, under these assumptions, lowering the risk is desirable
and investors might be willing to give up some expected return to accomplish that, or
equivalently, such investors require a so-called risk-premium (higher expected return) to accept
an uncertain outcome over a certain one. Introducing risk, then, makes the concept of

abnormal profits a bit more difficult to grapple. In fact, how to correctly relate return to risk is
one of the longest-standing debates among academics in the field of finance (see e.g. chapter 8
in Brealey & Myers, 2000). The important thing to keep in mind is that to compare the returns
of two financial assets, we should also take into account the risks associated with respective

The EMH comes in three different flavors: the weak, the semi-strong and the strong form. The
weak form of the hypothesis entails that prices accurately reflect all the information in
historical series of stock prices. In other words, investors cannot exploit patterns in prices such
as e.g. predictable seasonal variations in the stock market to make abnormal returns. The semi-
strong form states that prices reflect all publicly available information. That means that it is
impossible for investors to earn abnormal profits simply by reading news articles, scrutinizing
the company’s annual accounts etc. The strong form, finally, – and this is where equity
analysts are most concerned – states that stock prices effectively contain all available
information. That includes even that information which is laboriously produced by equity
analysts in an effort to help their clients outsmart the market. “It [the strong form of the
hypothesis] tells us that superior information is hard to find because in pursuing it you are in
competition with thousands, perhaps millions, of active, intelligent, and greedy investors.”
(Brealey & Myers 2000, p. 377). Thus, under the strong form of market efficiency, equity
analysts have essentially no hope of consistently contributing any valuable advice to their
clients, and our attempts of developing a methodology for evaluating the work of equity
analysts would then be a meaningless effort right from the outset. After numerous efforts to
test the EMH, results are quite mixed. There seems to be widespread agreement among
researchers that consistently earning abnormal returns is indeed difficult, but few researchers
would be prepared to go so far as to argue that markets are strong-form efficient. Several
researchers have also found so-called anomalies (e.g. the January-effect where a general increase
in stock prices during the month of January has been observed, or the so-called post-earnings-
announcement drift where markets are seemingly slow to discount new information after
earnings surprises), which would suggest that markets are indeed not efficient at all (for a
review of some of the evidence see e.g. Hawawini & Keim, 1995).

1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this thesis is to improve on existing techniques and algorithms used for
evaluating the estimations and recommendations of equity analysts. There are techniques and
algorithms to evaluate equity analysts in place already, as we will describe in later chapters,
but they do not always fully take into account certain problems, which can give a bias and
distort the true picture of who is the better analyst.

The problem was approached by researching techniques for evaluating estimations and
recommendations described in finance literature and looking into what is considered ‘best

practice’ in the industry of equity research evaluation. Based in this, new techniques and
algorithms are proposed, which address some weaknesses in the existing techniques and
algorithms, with the aim to improve the ability of these tools to help reliably distinguish
between good analysts and not-so-good analysts.

1.3 Contribution
We may ask ourselves why this is a worthwhile topic for a thesis? There are several reasons.
Firstly because equity analysts perform an important task in a market economy and therefore
it is in everyone’s interest that they are evaluated in an unbiased way. Secondly, equity
research can generate important business for a bank, and so it is of great commercial
importance to a bank to measure analyst performance as correctly as possible to ensure a high
quality service to clients. Finally, a sound and unbiased evaluation procedure might prove a
valuable tool for analysts themselves if they can take advantage of it to improve their work.

2 Evaluating equity analysts in theory

This section aims to survey previous research and introduce some of the basic metrics and
terminology. After carefully reviewing the previous research available, equity analyst evaluation
methodology appears to be a relatively scarcely researched subject in academic literature.
Nevertheless, researchers have indeed indirectly developed methods for evaluating analysts’
estimates and recommendations, although they have defined the problem in a slightly different
way. For example, a number of researchers have investigated the information content of equity
research reports. In other words, they have tried to determine whether investors can profit
from following the recommendations of equity analysts – in which case they draw the
conclusion that the average recommendation does indeed hold new information. Our approach
is somewhat similar in that we wish to measure recommendation profitability (as one of the
relevant dimensions of evaluation), yet quite different in that we do not look at an “average”
recommendation but instead wish to differentiate between analysts. Thus, even though the
following section is to a large extent based on research, which may be only indirectly related to
our problem, it still gives us some firm ground to build our own analysis on. Algorithms will be
presented throughout in pseudo-code.

2.1 Methods for evaluating estimates

2.1.1 Measuring estimation accuracy

O’Brien (1990) investigates whether observed distribution of analyst forecast accuracies differs
from the distribution expected if their relative performances each year were purely random.
Average accuracy is estimated across individuals, and the observed distribution of analyst
forecast accuracies is compared with the expected distribution for purely random relative
performances. The forecast accuracy metric used is simply the average absolute forecast
(estimation) error. Absolute forecast error is defined as

Ea,s,t = |As,t − Fa,s,t | , (1)

where As,t denotes actual EPS for stock s in year t, and Fa,s,t denotes the forecast from analyst a.

Absolute forecast error

double[][][] absolute_forecast_error() {
double A[][] = double[stocks][days]; //actual EPS reported by the company
double F[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //forecasted EPS by analysts
double E[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //absolute forecast error
bool cover[][][] = bool[analysts][stocks][days]: //stock coverage matrix
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {

for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
if (cover[a][s][t])
E[a][s][t] = abs(A[s][t] - F[a][s][t]);
return E;

O’Brien also points out that average squared forecast error is another commonly used accuracy
criterion. However, using squared forecast error can result in skewed and fat-tailed residual
distributions, so it is often less than ideal as a test statistic.

Stickel (1992) studies the relation between equity analysts’ reputation and estimation skill
using three criteria of evaluation: forecast (estimation) accuracy, frequency of forecast issuance,
and impact of forecast revisions on equity prices. The accuracy measure is identical to that of
O’Brien, but Stickel also reports absolute scaled forecast error, where the actual reported EPS is
used in the denominator:

| As,t − Fa,s,t |
ASEa,s,t = , (2)
| As,t |

Absolute scaled forecast error

double[][][] absolute_scaled_forecast_error() {
double A[][] = double[stocks][days]; //actual EPS reported by the company
double F[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //forecasted EPS by analysts
double ASE[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //absolute scaled forecast error
bool cover[][][] = bool[analysts][stocks][days]: //stock coverage matrix
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
if (cover[a][s][t]) {
if (A[s][t] <> 0)
ASE[a][s][t] = abs(A[s][t] - F[a][s][t])/A[s][t];
return ASE;

Mikhail et al (1999) investigate if earnings forecast accuracy matters to equity analysts by

examining its relation to analyst turnover. Two measures of forecasting accuracy are used, one
absolute metric which measures proximity of the analyst forecast to actual earnings, and one

relative measure which measures proximity of the forecast to the actual earnings relative to
peer analysts. The absolute measure is calculated as follows. First, the absolute percentage
error is calculated as

| As,t − Fa,s,t |
APEa,s,t = , (3)

where As,t and Fa,s,t are defined as before, and Pa,s,t is the stock price at the beginning of the
period. The stock price, which should be of similar magnitude to EPS, is used as a deflator1
instead of actual reported EPS to avoid some potential statistical problems with (2). The
absolute metric used is then calculated as the average absolute percentage error across all firms
in an analyst’s coverage universe (usually an industry), multiplied by minus one (-1) so that
high (low) levels correspond to more (less) accurate analysts.

Absolute percentage error metric

double[][] absolute_percentage_error_metric() {
double A[][] = double[stocks][days]; //actual EPS reported by the company
double F[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //forecasted EPS by analysts
double P[][] = double[stocks][days];
bool cover[][][] = bool[analysts][stocks][days]: //stock coverage matrix
int coveredStocks[][] = int[analysts][days];
double metric[][] = double[analysts][days];
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (t = 0; t < days; s++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; t++) {
if (cover[a][s][t]) {
metric[a][t] += (abs(A[s][t] - F[a][s][t]) / P[s][t]);
metric[a][t] = metric[a][t] / coveredStocks[a][t] * -1;
return metric;

The relative measure is instructive as an example of how one can scale ranks to be able to
relate and compare several ranking measures to each other. It is computed based on the
absolute measure by ranking an analyst’s APEa,s,t as in (3) relative to that of all other analysts
with the same primary industry following the same stock. The rank is then divided by the
number of analysts issuing forecasts for that stock and year. This measure ranges from 1/n to 1
with high levels corresponding to relatively more accurate analysts.

By deflator here is meant the denominator in a ratio calculation, which is used to “deflate” the nominator, to allow
comparison between stocks.

scorea,s,t = (4)
number of analystss,t

Finally, the relative metric used in the study is the average of this rank accuracy for all firms
in an analyst’s primary industry.

Absolute percentage error score

double[][][] absolute_percentage_error_score() {
double A[][] = double[stocks][days]; //actual EPS reported by the company
double F[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //forecasted EPS by analysts
double P[][] = double[stocks][days];
double APE[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //absolute percentage error
bool cover[][][] = bool[analysts][stocks][days]: //stock coverage matrix
int coveringAnalysts[][] = int[stocks][days];
double metric[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days];
double score[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days];
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
if (cover[a][s][t]) {
APE[a][s][t] = (abs(A[s][t] - F[a][s][t]) / P[s][t]);
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
if (cover[a][s][t])
score[a][s][t] = rank(APE[a][s][t],APE[][s][t]) / coveringAnalysts[s][t];
return score;

A similar ranking approach for forecast accuracy is used by Hong et al. (2000). The starting
point here is absolute forecast error as in (1), and the analysts who cover a firm in one year are
then sorted and ranked based on these forecast errors. Instead of using an average, a scaled
score measure is used as follows:

" ranka,s,t − 1 %
scorea,s,t = 100 − $ ' × 100 (5)
$ number of analysts − 1 '
# s,t &

With this procedure, an analyst with the rank of one receives a score of 100; an analyst who is
the least accurate receives a score of zero. Finally, the accuracy metric used is the average
scores for all of the analyst’s covered firms in year t and the preceding two years. Hong et al.
argue that by using three-year averages they get a less noisy proxy for the true forecasting

Absolute forecast error score

double[][][] absolute_forecast_error_score() {
double A[][] = double[stocks][days]; //actual EPS reported by the company
double F[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //forecasted EPS by analysts
double E[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //absolute forecast error
bool cover[][][] = bool[analysts][stocks][days]: //stock coverage matrix
int coveringAnalysts[][] = int[stocks][days];
double metric[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days];
double score[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days];
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
if (cover[a][s][t]) {
E[a][s][t] = abs(A[s][t] - F[a][s][t]);
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
if (cover[a][s][t])
score[a][s][t] = 100 - (rank(E[a][s][t], E[][s][t]) – 1) _
/ (coveringAnalysts[s][t] - 1) * 100;
return score;

In a study by Loh & Mian (2006), a measure of forecasting accuracy relative to other analysts
is constructed. The metric, proportional mean absolute forecast error, is defined as follows

|Ea,s,t | − |Es,t |
PMAFEa,s,t = , (6)
|Es,t |

where Es,t is the mean absolute forecast error of all analysts (the consensus error).

The metric can be interpreted as analyst a’s fractional forecast error relative to the consensus
error for stock s in year t. Negative (positive) values of PMAFEa,f,t represent above (below)

average accuracy. The rationale behind subtracting the consensus mean from the analyst’s
absolute forecast error is to control for stock-year effects. Stock-year effects result from stock-
or year-specific factors that make certain stocks’ earnings harder or easier to forecast in certain
years, for instance macro-economic shocks. Scaling the numerator by the consensus error
controls for heteroscedasticity2 of forecast error distributions across firms, which can be
important for example if the metric is to be used as a variable in a linear regression analysis.

Proportional mean absolute forecast error

double[][][] proportional_mean_absolute_forecast_error () {
double A[][] = double[stocks][days]; //actual EPS reported by the company
double F[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //forecasted EPS by analysts
double E[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //absolute forecast error
double E_bar[][] = double[stocks][days]; //consensus absolute forecast error
double PMAFE[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days];
bool cover[][][] = bool[analysts][stocks][days]: //stock coverage matrix
int coveringAnalysts[][] = int[stocks][days];
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
if (cover[a][s][t]) {
E[a][s][t] = abs(A[s][t] - F[a][s][t]);
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
if (cover[a][s][t])
E_bar[s][t] += E[a][s][t] / (coveringAnalysts[s][t];
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
if (cover[a][s][t])
PMAFE[a][s][t] = (E[a][s][t] – E_bar[s][t])/ E[a][s][t];
return PMAFE;

Heteroscedasticity is a statistical concept, which means in principle that the variance of the data is inconsistent in
magnitude over one or more of the independent variables (often time in time-series data). The presence of
heteroscedasticity is a concern as it can affect the validity of statistical regression significance tests, i.e.. we cannot
be certain the results of a regression are reliable under heteroscedasticity. For a thorough discussion see Gujarati
(2003) pp. 387-428.

2.1.2 Decreasing uncertainty

In the O’Brien (1990) study, forecasts are only included in the sample if they are made at least
120 trading days prior to the annual earnings announcement. This minimum horizon is devised
to provide comparability, because forecast accuracy generally improves as the horizon
decreases. Stickel (1992) tries to mitigate the problem with decreasing uncertainty as the
announcement date approaches by dividing the yearly data into monthly sub-periods so that
only forecasts with equal horizons are compared (those forecasts that are issued in the same

Cooper et al. (2000) develop procedures for ranking the performance of analysts based on three
criteria: forecast accuracy, abnormal trading volume associated with these forecasts, and
“timeliness” of earnings forecasts. The first criterion, forecast accuracy, is measured exactly as
in (2). However, to control for the bias related to decreasing uncertainty as the forecast horizon
becomes shorter, the absolute scaled forecast error from (2) is regressed by linear regression on
the length of time from the forecast release date to the annual earnings announcement by the
following model:

ASEa,s,t = b0 + b1Ts,t + εa,s,t , (7)

where Ts,t is the number of days at time t from the forecast release date until the earnings
announcement date for stock s, b0 and b1 are the intercept and the slope coefficient respectively
and εa,s,t are the residuals. Since the residuals are free of bias related to the length of the
forecast horizon, the average of the absolute value of the residuals over analysts’ coverage
universes can be used as an unbiased measure to rank the analysts’ relative accuracy.
Moreover, the signs and relative magnitudes of the slope and the intercept can be used to draw
conclusions about whether analysts were initially too optimistic (positive slope) or pessimistic
(negative slope) and also estimate at what point in time they changed their sentiment.

Absolute scaled forecast error with time regression

double[][] absolute_scaled_forecast_error_time_regression_metrics() {
double A[][] = double[stocks][days]; //actual EPS reported by the company
double F[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //forecasted EPS by analysts
double ASE[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //absolute scaled forecast error
bool cover[][][] = bool[analysts][stocks][days]: //stock coverage matrix
int daysUntilReport[][][] = int[analysts][stocks][days]: //days until EPS report
double epsilon[][] = double[analysts][stocks]; //residuals
double intercept[][] = double[analysts][stocks]; //intercept
double metrics[] = double[analysts][3]; //residuals, intercept and slope metrics
double averageCoveredStocks[] = double[analysts]; //average covered stocks over time
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {

for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
if (cover[a][s][t]) {
if (A[s][t] <> 0) {
ASE[a][s][t] = abs(A[s][t] - F[a][s][t])/A[s][t];
averageCoveredStocks[a] /= days;
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
Do regression with ASE as dependent variable and daysUntilReport as _
explanatory variable, with intercept.
Save residuals in epsilon[a][s]
Save intercept in intercept[a][s]
Save slope in slope[a][s]
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
metric[a][0] += abs(epsilon[a][s])/averageCoveredStocks[a];
metric[a][1] += intercept[a][s]/averageCoveredStocks[a];
metric[a][2] += epsilon[a][s]/averageCoveredStocks[a];
return metric;

2.1.3 Leading/herding

Hong et al. (2000) investigate the relation between analysts’ career concerns and herding of
earnings forecasts. Herding is when analysts copy the action of others, changing their estimates
to follow the majority. The opposite of herding is called leading. In this context, leading means
that one analyst changes his/her estimates and then the majority of analysts follow suit (with a
time lag). One possible explanation for this is information free-riding where herding analysts
simply delay their revisions of estimates until a leading analyst produces new information
which they subsequently use in their own forecasts. Generally, all other things equal, a leading
analyst behavior is in most circumstances preferable to a herding behavior. However, it should
be pointed out that being bold (leading) and bad (having low accuracy) is certainly not a
desirable combination, so herding/leading should never be used as the sole criteria. Hong et al.
measure leading (or forecast boldness as they call it) with a metric defined as follows

deviation from consensusa,s,t = |Fa,s,t − Fs,t | , (8)

where Fa,s,t is defined as in (1) and A is the set of all analysts who issue an earnings estimate
for stock s in year t, so that Fs,t is a measure of the consensus forecast. Starting with this

measure, the same ranking methodology as previously described for forecast accuracy is used to
construct a score for leading/herding similar to that in (5). Higher (lower) values of the metric
correspond to a more leading (more herding) analyst behavior.

Forecast boldness score

double[][][] forecast_boldness_score () {
double A[][] = double[stocks][days]; //actual EPS reported by the company
double F[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //forecasted EPS by analysts
double F_bar[][][] = double[stocks][days]; //consensus forecast
double deviation[][][] = double[stocks][days]; //deviation from forecast
double score[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days];
bool cover[][][] = bool[analysts][stocks][days]: //stock coverage matrix
int coveringAnalysts[][] = int[stocks][days];
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
if (cover[a][s][t]) {
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
if (cover[a][s][t])
F_bar[s][t] += F[a][s][t] / (coveringAnalysts[s][t];
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
if (cover[a][s][t])
deviation[a][s][t] = abs(F[a][s][t] - F_bar[s][t]);
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
score[a][s][t] = 100 - (rank(deviation[a][s][t], deviation[][s][t]) – 1) _
/ (coveringAnalysts[s][t] - 1) * 100;
return score;

The third criterion used in the study by Cooper et al. (2000), “timeliness”, is an attempt to
incorporate a leading/herding measure into his analysis by quantifying to what extent an

analyst is a leader or a follower. Assuming the information free-riding scenario outlined earlier,
forecast revisions by a leading analyst should be followed closely by forecast revisions of other
analysts. The idea of “timeliness” is illustrated in Figures 1 and 2 below.

Expected pattern of forecast revision dates surrounding the forecast revision of a lead analyst. The timeline shows
forecast revision dates for analyst L and the two most recent forecast revisions before (C and D) and after (X and
Y) L’s revision. The LFR metric for L = (10 + 9) /(1 + 2) = 6 1/3 > 1. (after Cooper et al. (2000) p. 394.)


-10 -9 0 1 2

Days relative to forecast revision date

Expected pattern of forecast revision dates surrounding the forecast revision of a following analyst. The timeline
shows forecast revision dates for analyst F and the two most recent forecast revisions before (C and D) and after (X
and Y) F’s revision. The LFR metric for F = (2 + 1) /(9 + 10) = 3/19 < 1. (after Cooper et al. (2000) p. 394.)


-2 -1 0 9 10

Days relative to forecast revision date

Conditional on the release of a leading analyst estimate, we assume that the times until release
of revised forecasts by follower analysts have independent exponential distributions

e −t/θ1 , (9)

where θ1 is the expected time until the next forecast release by another analyst, which is
assumed to be the same for each follower analyst. Similarly, conditional on the release of a

follower analyst forecast revision, the times until the next forecast release have independent
exponential distributions with expected time until next release given by θ0. Herding followers
will quickly update their forecasts after an earnings forecast release by a leading analyst.
However, they have no incentive to revise their forecasts in response to forecast revisions by
other followers. As a consequence of this logic, θ0 must be greater than θ1.

Next, the cumulative analyst days required to generate N forecasts by competing analysts
preceding and following each of the K forecasts by an analyst is computed. Let t 0n,k and t 1n,k
denote the number of days by which forecast n either precedes or follows the kth forecast by an
analyst. The cumulative lead-time for the K forecasts is then

T0 = ∑ ∑ tn,k
k =1 n=1

Similarly, the cumulative follow-time for these K forecasts is

T1 = ∑ ∑ tn,k
k =1 n=1

The maximum likelihood estimators3 of the expected forecast arrival times during pre- and
post-release periods are T0/N and T1/N respectively. Since 2T0/θ0 and 2T0/θ0 are distributed as
χ (2KN ) , Cooper et al. (2000) can form the test statistic

2T0 / θ 0
LFR = , (12)
2T1 / θ1

which is distributed as F(2KN, 2KN). Since θ0 .and θ1 are assumed to be constants we can simplify
and calculate the pleasingly parsimonious metric

LFR = , (13)

which we call the leader-follower ratio. If leading is defined as systematically releasing forecast
revisions before other analysts, leading analysts are those who have an LFR metric greater than
1 and conversely herding analysts have an LFR metric less than 1. Cooper et al. (2000) suggest
calculating firm-specific LFR statistics by computing lead and follow times across all forecast

Gujarati (2003)

revisions for a given analyst on a firm-by-firm basis. As an alternative, an industry-specific LFR
can be calculated by accumulating across all forecasts for the firms that an analyst follows.

Leader-follower ratio

double[][][] leader-follower_ratio () {
int F_dates[][][] = int[analysts][stocks][];//dates with a forecast revision
int F_revisions[][] = int[analysts][stocks]; //number of forecast revisions
double LFR[] = double[analysts]; //leader-follower metric
bool cover[][][] = bool[analysts][stocks]: //stock coverage matrix
int T0; int T1;
int currentDate; //the date for the forecast being evaluated
int previousDate; //the preceding forecast date by the same analyst
int nextDate; //the next forecast date by the same analyst
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
if (cover[a][s]) { //if covers stock
previousDate = null;
T0 = 0;
T1 = 0;
for (d = 0; d < F_revisions[a][s]; d++) {
currentDate = F_dates[a][s][d];
if (d < F_revisions[a][s])
nextDate = F_dates[a][s][d+1];
nextDate = null;
for (aa = 0; aa < analysts; aa++) { //if analyst cover stock
if (aa <> a && cover[aa][s]) { //if not the same analyst and covers
for (dd = 0; dd < F_revisions[aa][s]; d++) {
if (F_dates[aa][s][dd] < currentDate && _
(F_dates[aa][s][dd] > previousDate || previousDate == null))
T0 += F_dates[aa][s][dd] - currentDate;
else {
if (F_dates[aa][s][dd] > currentDate && _
(F_dates[aa][s][dd] < nextDate || nextDate == null))
T1 += currentDate - F_dates[aa][s][dd];
previousDate = currentDate;
LFR[a] = T0/T1;
return LFR;

2.2 Methods for evaluating recommendations
From a client perspective, analysts’ recommendations are merely a means to an end: generating
adequate profits on investments. Therefore recommendation profitability or performance is
undeniably the single most important metric for evaluating equity analysts. In financial
literature, researchers have interested themselves in this subject mainly from an efficient
market hypothesis-point of view. More specifically whether equity analysts’ recommendations
have investment value by consistently generating abnormal returns. We will discuss abnormal
returns in much more detail shortly, but to be able do so we must first understand the
mechanics of how we move from an analyst’s set of recommendations on the stocks that he or
she covers, to something that we can measure.

2.2.1 Portfolio formation

In principle, the ideal single metric can be thought to embody the portfolio that an analyst
would run, if analysts actually ran portfolios. Thus, performance evaluators invent ways to
create such a synthetic portfolio by weighting the stocks covered by the analyst (the coverage
universe) consistently with his or her recommendations. The simplest stock rating system
consists of the ratings ”Buy”, ”Hold” and ”Sell”. Most brokerage firms, however, use expanded
forms adding such ratings as “Overweight” and “Underweight” or “Outperform” and
“Underperform”. In practice most analyst recommendations are submitted electronically to
database providers such as Reuters, Zacks, and First Call (Thomson). These providers
standardize the ratings by converting them to a numerical scale (usually 5-point). To exemplify
a common technique of weighting the returns from recommended stocks we can look at for
instance at Loh & Mian (2006). They employ a five-point system: 1 = “Strong Buy”, 2 =
“Buy”, 3 = “Hold”, 4 = “Underperform”, and 5 = “Sell”. These ratings translate into
weightings as follows: “Buy” equals a long position in the stock by 100%, so the position simply
earns the same return as the stock. A “Strong buy” gets a weighting of 200%, so the position
earns twice the return from the stock, In reality this could be achieved by taking a leveraged
position (borrowing and investing) in the stock. “Holds” are treated as a special case. It has
been observed in many studies that “Sell” recommendations are underrepresented relative to
positive recommendations, which has led to the belief among researchers that some “Sells” are
actually hidden behind the euphemism of “Hold” due to conflicts of interest such as existing,
and potential, investment banking relationships with the companies. To counter this bias, it
has become a relative common practice in studies to equate a “Hold” with a “Sell”, which is
the approach adopted by Loh & Mian. Furthermore, “Sells” receive a weighting of -100%, thus
creating a position earning the opposite of what the stock returns. This could be interpreted as
investors short-selling the stock (in principle borrowing a stock, selling it in the markets with
the aim to buy it again at a lower price before returning the stock to its owner). For
“Underperform” and “Sell” they use a weighting of -200%, implying a leveraged short-sell in
the stock equivalent to twice the amount of a “Hold” recommendation.

Raw recommendation portfolio returns

double[] recommendations_portfolio_return() {
double recs[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //recommendations indexed 0 to 4
double stockReturn[][] = double[stocks][days]; //daily stock returns
bool cover[][][] = bool[analysts][stocks]: //stock coverage matrix
double weights[] = double[5];
weights[0] = 1; //weight for a ‘Buy’ recommendation
weights[1] = 0.5; //weight for an ’Outperform’ recommendation
weights[2] = 0; //weight for a ‘Hold’ recommendation
weights[3] = -0.5; //weight for a ’Underperform’ recommendation
weights[4] = -1; //weight for a ‘Sell’ recommendation
double portfolioReturn[] = double[analysts];
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
for (d = 0; d < days; d++) {
if (cover[a][s][t])
portfolioReturn[a] += weight[recs[a][s][d]]*stockReturn[s][d]];
return portfolioReturn;

The question of how to weight a “Hold” recommendation and the extent of the bias towards
positive recommendations perhaps warrants some more attention. The results are a bit mixed.
For example, a study by Francis & Soffer (1997, pp. 199-200) using a sample of 1483 U.S. stock
recommendations during 1988-1991 and a three-point scale cites 46% “Buy”, 43% “Hold” and
about 10% “Sells”. On the other hand, a study by Asquith et al (2003, p.10) cites the following
proportions in their sample of 1126 U.S. stock recommendations during 1997-1999: 30.8%
“Strong buy”, 40.0% “Buy” 28.7% “Hold” and merely 0.5% “Sell/Strong Sell”. Jegadeesh et al
(2004), relying on a large international sample with data for all G7 countries for the years
1993-2002, cite the following average for all countries and years: 24.0% “Strong Buy”, 25.1%
“Buy”, 37.3% “Hold” and 13.6% “Sell/Strong Sell”. The authors observe that there are
substantial differences between the U.S. and other countries: “The frequency of sell
recommendations is the lowest in the U.S. In fact, during our sample period, sell
recommendations are about four to five times as frequent in the other countries as in the U.S.
These results support the general notion that the analysts in the U.S. face the largest conflicts
of interest. Therefore, if conflicts of interests were a dominant factor in determining the value
of analysts’ forecasts, then we would expect the value of analyst recommendation to be the
lowest in the U.S.“ (p. 2)

Researchers frequently use techniques to create relative categories such as “Downgrades” and
“Upgrades” with the aim to better capture the value-creating information content in newly
published recommendations. For example, Womack (1996) creates event categories by using
changes to and from the extremes: either stocks added to or removed from the most attractive

ratings (“added-to-buy” and “removed-from-buy”) or stocks added to or removed from the
least attractive ratings (“added-to-sell” and “removed-from-sell”). Creating events like this can
be useful when you are interested in measuring the impact of recommendations on share prices.
Barber et al (2001) takes this approach even further and builds up a whole 5 by 5 matrix to
capture all possible changes between recommendations, not only from the extremes. Another
technique is to treat upgrades a bit differently from downgrades, for example Green (2006, p.
5) classify recommendation changes as upgrades only when they are shifts to “Strong Buy” or
“Buy”, but all downgrades are included regardless of levels. Moreover, to ensure that a
recommendation represents a shift in opinion, Green only considers those recommendations,
which are not reiterations of the same recommendation or new initiations.

Jegadeesh & Kim (2006) make a strong case for using relative changes in recommendations as a
metric. They have found that in a regression model setting with up to 12 other predictive
variables, relative changes have larger predictive power over future performance of a
recommendation than the actual level of the change. Further analysis shows that the superior
performance of recommendation changes is due largely to the fact that recommendation
changes are less affected by the growth bias that afflicts the level variable. The explanation for
this is that the level measure suffers more from an analyst bias towards making more positive
recommendations for high growth ‘glamour’ stocks as opposed to ‘value’ stocks. “Stocks that
receive higher recommendations (as well as more favorable recommendation revisions) tend to
have positive momentum (both price and earnings) and high trading volume (as measured by
their turnover ratio). They exhibit greater past sales growth, and are expected to grow their
earnings faster in the future. /…/ Our results indicate that the economic consequences of sell-
side incentives that impair analyst objectivity can also extend to the type of the stocks they
choose to recommend. /…/ Growth firms, and firms with higher trading activity, make for more
attractive investment banking clients. These firms also tend to be widely held by the
institutional clients that place trades with the brokerage houses. Thus, sellside analysts have
significant economic incentives to publicly endorse high growth stocks with glamour
characteristics. These incentives may cause analysts to, knowingly or otherwise, tilt their
attention and recommendations in favor of growth stocks.” (Jegadeesh & Kim, 2006, pp. 1084-

2.2.2 Relative return and risk adjustment

When equity analysts publish recommendations on stocks, they usually restrict their opinion to
the industry that they are specialized, i.e. the recommendation is valid relative to its peer
stocks in the same industry. The opposite, an absolute recommendation, is of course also
possible but is not feasible in practice because it means that the analyst must incorporate his
or her opinions about all possible external factors that could affect the return on the stock, and
this is usually not within their field of expertise. Therefore, most stock recommendations are
effectively relative to other stocks in the same industry classification. The industry scope also

makes sense from our analyst evaluation standpoint because it would be undesirable to allow
differences between industries to affect the relative evaluation of analysts, for example one
industry being more difficult to analyze (e.g. the banking sector where the regulatory
framework is currently being completely reworked versus for example utilities which are
generally very stable businesses) or one industry simply having a particularly bad or good year.

One way to compare analysts on an equal basis is to simply restrict the comparisons that you
make to within an industry. For example, Mikhail et al. (1999) rank analysts within industries
by their raw returns as a proxy for analysts’ skills in making profitable recommendations.
Alternatively, one must find a way to calculate comparable returns. This could be done by
simply subtracting the return of a broad industry index from the raw return of the stock, or, all
covered stocks could be categorized by their industry sectors and the average return within a
sector can be subtracted from the raw returns. This is a very common practice in academic
papers (for example Womack, 1996) and the result is called abnormal returns. One question
which is sometimes discussed in this context is whether such a comparison index should be
equally weighted or weighted by the market capitalization of each stock. A study by Barber et
al. (2001) cites two reasons for value-weighting the returns. First, an equal weighting of daily
returns is said to lead to portfolio returns that are severely overstated due to the cycling over
time of a firm’s closing price between its bid and ask (commonly referred to as the bid-ask
bounce). Second, a value-weighting is better at capturing the economic significance of the
results, since larger and more important firms will be more heavily represented in an
aggregated return than those of the smaller firms.

Simple market index risk-adjusted recommendation portfolio returns

double[] recommendations_market_adjusted_portfolio_return() {
double recs[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //recommendations indexed 0 to 4
double stockReturn[][] = double[stocks][days]; //daily stock returns
double marketReturn[] = double[days]; //daily market returns
bool cover[][][] = bool[analysts][stocks][days]; //stock coverage matrix
double weights[] = double[5];
weights[0] = 1; //weight for a ‘Buy’ recommendation
weights[1] = 0.5; //weight for an ’Outperform’ recommendation
weights[2] = 0; //weight for a ‘Hold’ recommendation
weights[3] = -0.5; //weight for a ’Underperform’ recommendation
weights[4] = -1; //weight for a ‘Sell’ recommendation
double sum_AR[] = double[analysts]; //sum abnormal returns
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
for (d = 0; d < days; d++) {
if (cover[a][s][d])
sum_AR[a] += weight[recs[a][s][d]]*stockReturn[s][d]] - _

return sum_AR;

Another related issue is that comparison of returns should reflect in some way the risk (price
volatility) associated with the stock. The reason for this is in principle that it matters not only
how high the return on a stock is, but also which path the stock price followed to reach that
return. This is because it is assumed that investors are risk averse, i.e. if two stocks have the
same expected return, investors will prefer the stock with the lowest risk. Hence we need some
way to adjust returns for the fact that stocks have different volatility. One straightforward way
to achieve this risk-adjustment is the technique used by Mastrapasqua and Bolten (1973, p.
708) and calculate the so called Sharpe-ratio by taking ratio of the abnormal return to the
stock volatility as measured by the standard deviation of historical stock prices. For a portfolio
p of stocks:

ARp rp − ri
ARpadj = = , (14)
σ AR var(rp − ri )

where ARpadj is the risk-adjusted abnormal return, ARs is the abnormal return to portfolio p,
σ AR is the standard deviations of these abnormal returns, rp is the raw portfolio return and ri is
the average raw return for industry i.

Sharpe-ratio for recommendations portfolio

double[] recommendations_portfolio_Sharpe() {
double recs[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //recommendations indexed 0 to 4
double stockReturn[][] = double[stocks][days]; //daily stock returns
double marketReturn[] = double[days]; //daily market returns
bool cover[][][] = bool[analysts][stocks][days]; //stock coverage matrix
double weights[] = double[5];
weights[0] = 1; //weight for a ‘Buy’ recommendation
weights[1] = 0.5; //weight for an ’Outperform’ recommendation
weights[2] = 0; //weight for a ‘Hold’ recommendation
weights[3] = -0.5; //weight for a ’Underperform’ recommendation
weights[4] = -1; //weight for a ‘Sell’ recommendation
double AR[][] = double[analysts][days]; //abnormal returns
double sum_AR[][] = double[analysts]; //sum abnormal returns
double vol[] = double[analysts]; //portfolio abnormal returns volatility
double Sharpe[] = double[analysts]; //portfolio sharpe ratio
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
if (cover[a][s][t]) {
AR[a][t] += weight[recs[a][s][t]]*stockReturn[s][t]] - _
sum_AR[a] += AR[a][t];

Sharpe[a] = sum_AR[a]/stdev(AR[a][]);
return Sharpe;

A slightly different way of achieving a similar result would be to follow the example of Francis
& Soffer (1997), who adjust for risk based on forming portfolios of companies with equal
standard deviation (within the same industry).

Another common way to adjust for risk is to employ the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) as
in for example Bjerring et al (1983). This model postulates that a stock’s expected return
above the risk-free rate (excess returns) should be proportional to its systematic risk, measured
as the ratio of the stock’s covariance with the market index to the variance of the market
index, better known as the stock’s beta (β). CAPM can equivalently be expressed as linear time-
series OLS regression of portfolio p excess return on market excess return as follows:

ε p,t = (rp,t − rf ,t ) − (α p + β p (rm,t − rf ,t )) , (15)

where rp,t is the raw return to portfolio p, rf,t is the risk-free rate, rm,t is the market index raw
return, αp is the estimated intercept (Jensen’s alpha), βp is the estimated portfolio beta and εp,t
is the regression error term. The sum of the error terms can be used as a measure of the
abnormal return over the theoretical expected return according to the CAPM.

Risk-adjusted recommendations portfolio returns using CAPM

double[] recommendations_CAPM_adjusted_portfolio_return() {
double recs[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //recommendations indexed 0 to 4
double stockReturn[][] = double[stocks][days]; //daily stock returns
double marketReturn[] = double[analysts][days]; //daily market returns
double riskFreeRate[] = double[days]; //risk-free rate
bool cover[][][] = bool[analysts][stocks][days]; //stock coverage matrix
double weights[] = double[5];
weights[0] = 1; //weight for a ‘Buy’ recommendation
weights[1] = 0.5; //weight for an ’Outperform’ recommendation
weights[2] = 0; //weight for a ‘Hold’ recommendation
weights[3] = -0.5; //weight for a ’Underperform’ recommendation
weights[4] = -1; //weight for a ‘Sell’ recommendation
double returns[][] = double[analysts][days]; //portfolio returns
double epsilon[][] = double[analysts][days]; //CAPM regression residuals
double sum_res[] = double[analysts]; //sum portfolio residuals
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
if (cover[a][s][t]) {

returns[a][t] += weight[recs[a][s][t]]*stockReturn[s][t]] - _
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
Do OLS regression with returns as dependent variable and marketReturn –
riskFreeRate as explanatory variable
Save residuals in epsilon[a][]
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
sum_res[a] += epsilon[a][t];
return sum_res;

Another way of adjusting for risk is based on the premise that companies of similar size should
have similar risk characteristics. Barber et al. (2001) compares returns within decile portfolios
formed by ranking stocks by their company market cap, and Green (2006) forms portfolios
both for size and industry. Womack (1996) uses a more complex way of taking size into
account, which is based on the Fama-French three-factor model. This model is based on the
idea that uses the same market excess return factor as the CAPM and two additional factors:
the first to approximate excess return for smaller companies (small market cap) over big
companies and secondly excess return for companies with a low book-to-market value (low
valuation) over companies with a high book-to-market value.

ε p,t = (rp,t − rf ,t ) − (α p + βm,p (rm,t − rf ,t ) + βs,pSMB + βu,pHML) , (16)

where βm,p is the three-factor model factor on the market excess return (which is not the same
as the CAPM beta as there are additional regression factors), βs,p is the loading for the factor
capturing excess returns of small caps over big caps (SMB) and βu,p is the loading for the factor
capturing excess returns of value stocks over growth stocks (HML).4

Risk-adjusted recommendations portfolio returns using the Fama-French three-factor model

double[] recommendations_Fama-French_3Factor_adjusted_portfolio_return() {
double recs[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //recommendations indexed 0 to 4
double stockReturn[][] = double[stocks][days]; //daily stock returns
double marketReturn[][] = double[days]; //daily market returns
double SMB[] = double[days]; //small-minus-big market capitalisation factor

See Appendix B for an explanation on how these factors are calculated.

double HML[] = double[days]; //high-minus-low book-to-market factor
double riskFreeRate[] = double[days]; //risk-free rate
bool cover[][][] = bool[analysts][stocks][days]; //stock coverage matrix
double weights[] = double[5];
weights[0] = 1; //weight for a ‘Buy’ recommendation
weights[1] = 0.5; //weight for an ’Outperform’ recommendation
weights[2] = 0; //weight for a ‘Hold’ recommendation
weights[3] = -0.5; //weight for a ’Underperform’ recommendation
weights[4] = -1; //weight for a ‘Sell’ recommendation
double returns[][] = double[analysts][days]; //portfolio returns
double epsilon[][] = double[analysts][days]; //CAPM regression residuals
double sum_res[] = double[analysts]; //sum portfolio residuals
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
if (cover[a][s][t]) {
returns[a][t] += weight[recs[a][s][t]]*stockReturn[s][t]] - _
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
Do regression with returns as dependent variable and marketReturn – riskFreeRate,
SMB and HML as explanatory variables
Save residuals in epsilon[a][]
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
sum_res[a] += epsilon[a][t];
return sum_res;

Finally, Barber (2001) takes the complexity one step further and uses an extended Fama-
French three-factor model with an additional price momentum factor. The rationale for using
price momentum comes from Jagadeesh and Titman (1993) who show that the strategy of
buying stocks that have performed well in the recent past and selling those that have
performed poorly generates significant positive returns over 3- to 12-month holding periods.

ε p,t = (rp,t − rf ,t ) − (α p + βm,p (rm,t − rf ,t ) + βs,pSMBt + βu,pHMLt + βmom,t MOM t ) , (17)

where βmom,t is the loading for the factor capturing excess returns of stocks with high positive
momentum (a clear positive price trend) over stocks with high negative momentum (a clear
negative trend).

Risk-adjusted recommendations portfolio returns using the Fama-French three-factor model, with a fourth
momentum factor

double[] recommendations_Fama-French_Momentum_adjusted_portfolio_return() {
double recs[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //recommendations indexed 0 to 4
double stockReturn[][] = double[stocks][days]; //daily stock returns
double marketReturn[] = double[days]; //daily market returns
double SMB[] = double[days]; //small-minus-big market capitalisation factor
double HML[] = double[days]; //high-minus-low book-to-market factor
double Momentum[] = double[days]; //high-minus-low momentum factor
double riskFreeRate[] = double[days]; //risk-free rate
bool cover[][][] = bool[analysts][stocks][days]; //stock coverage matrix
double weights[] = double[5];
weights[0] = 1; //weight for a ‘Buy’ recommendation
weights[1] = 0.5; //weight for an ’Outperform’ recommendation
weights[2] = 0; //weight for a ‘Hold’ recommendation
weights[3] = -0.5; //weight for a ’Underperform’ recommendation
weights[4] = -1; //weight for a ‘Sell’ recommendation
double returns[][] = double[analysts][days]; //portfolio returns
double epsilon[][] = double[analysts][days]; //CAPM regression residuals
double sum_res[] = double[analysts]; //sum portfolio residuals
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
if (cover[a][s][t]) {
returns[a][t] += weight[recs[a][s][t]]*stockReturn[s][t]] - _
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
Do regression with returns as dependent variable and marketReturn – riskFreeRate,
SMB, HML and Momentum as explanatory variables
Save residuals in epsilon[a][]
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
sum_res[a] += epsilon[a][t];
return sum_res;

2.2.3 Portfolio effects

One important aspect we have not discussed yet is our goal to find a method of evaluation that
is fair in the sense that it should reward skill but not luck. In a portfolio context, this is a
related but different issue to the problem of risk adjusting returns, which we have just
explored. For example, if an analyst’s whole sector has had a positive return on average, then,
even after calculating abnormal returns within the sector, an analyst could potentially get the

recommendations completely wrong on some of the stocks, and still earn a high portfolio return
as long as he or she got the recommendation right for some of the best performing stocks they
are covering.

Example of portfolio effects. Analyst A’s portfolio is more profitable than analyst B’s portfolio, while Analyst B’s
assessments of individual stock are clearly superior to those of Analyst A.

Stock Analyst A Analyst B Return

1 Buy Buy 20%
2 Hold Hold 15%
3 Buy Hold 10%
4 Hold Hold 5%
5 Buy Sell -1%

This is easier to see if we illustrate this with an example, consider two analysts, which cover
the same four stocks. To simplify matters, assume that the analysts don’t change their ratings
during the year. Consider that the stocks perform as in Table 1. One straightforward portfolio
formation approach (which we will adopt here) is for the analyst’s portfolio to hold a double
weighting in each of his Buy ratings, a single weighting in each of his Hold ratings, and zero
weighting in any of his Sell ratings. We then calculate a form of relative return by subtracting
the return of the equally weighted analyst’s coverage universe from the hypothetical portfolio’s

Using this methodology, the portfolio return for analyst A is 15.6%. The return of the coverage
universe is 9.8%. So analyst A’s value added is 5.8%. Analyst B, on the other hand, earned a
portfolio return of only 14% with the same 9.8% coverage universe return. Therefore analyst
B’s added value is only 4.2%. So measured by this metric we would conclude that analyst A is
the better analyst.

However, analyst A’s three Buy-rated stocks had an average return of 9.7%, while his two
Holds had an average return of 10%. So one could argue that analyst A’s stock selection is
fundamentally flawed, despite his apparent high portfolio return. Analyst B, on the other hand,
had one Buy rating which returned 20%, three Holds which averaged 10%, and one Sell which
returned -1%. Analyst B’s stock selection is close to perfect, despite an unimpressive portfolio
return. This conundrum arises because the return measure is asked to measure two things with
one number: predicting the general market direction and stock selection. These two are quite
different aspects of analyst skill.

Mastrapasqua and Bolten (1973) recognize that these issues need to be addressed: “Another
difficulty is the failure [of traditional techniques] to disentangle general market movements

from the analyst’s performance and to consider his forecasts [forecasts here refers to returns,
not company earnings]. Frequently, an analyst may demonstrate forecasting accuracy in spite
of poor selection methods and incorrect forecasting simply because of a rising market. A more
appropriate measure should distinguish the analyst’s record from market influences as well as
consider the analyst’s pre-disposition to that market.” (p. 708). They then propose a method to
evaluate analyst recommendations based on probabilities and a clever use of Bayes’ theorem as
follows. Starting with the probability for abnormal returns

P(ra ≥ re ) , (18)

where ra is the actual return to a portfolio of covered stocks and re is expected risk-adjusted
return for the recommended portfolio. (18) is an objective or ex-ante probability of
recommendation profitability. Next, the analyst’s recommendations are incorporated into (18)
to derive the conditional probability, i.e. the probability of the portfolio return exceeding or
equaling the market return given an increase in the value of the market portfolio was predicted
by the analyst:

P(ra ≥ re |U m* ) , (19)

where U m* is the analyst’s prediction of an increase in the value of the suggested portfolio for
each period. Then, using Bayes’ theorem

P(ra ≥ re ) P(U m* | ra ≥ re )
P(ra ≥ re |U ) =
m , (20)
P(ra ≥ re ) P(U m* | ra ≥ re ) + P(ra < re ) P(U m* | ra < re )

where P(U m* | ra ≥ re ) is the ex-post (revised) probability that given a portfolio return greater
than or equal to the expected risk adjusted portfolio return, the analyst had predicted such an
increase. Finally, the revised probability is compared to the prior probability to determine how
effective the recommendations were:

P(ra ≥ re |U m* ) / P(ra ≥ re ) (21)

When this ratio is 1, the analyst’s recommendations did not add any value, because the
performance of the portfolio is exactly what would have been expected just by holding all the
stocks under the analyst’s coverage without taking into account the recommendations on them.
However, as the ratio becomes larger (smaller) than 1, following the recommendations on these
stocks adds (subtracts) more value for an investor holding the portfolio.

Portfolio effects ratio

double[] portfolio_effects_ratio() {
double recs[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //recommendations indexed 0 to 4
double portfolio_AR[][] = double[analysts][days]; //abnormal portfolio returns
bool cover[][][] = bool[analysts][stocks][days]; //stock coverage matrix
double weights[] = double[5];
weights[0] = 1; //weight for a ‘Buy’ recommendation
weights[1] = 0.5; //weight for an ’Outperform’ recommendation
weights[2] = 0; //weight for a ‘Hold’ recommendation
weights[3] = -0.5; //weight for a ’Underperform’ recommendation
weights[4] = -1; //weight for a ‘Sell’ recommendation
int pos_AR[] = int[analysts] //count for positive abnormal returns
double P_pos_AR[] = double[analysts] //corresponding probability
int pos_rec[] = int[analysts] //count for positive average recommendation
int pos_AR_|_pos_rec[] = int[analysts]; //count positive abnormal
//returns conditional on positive
//average rec
double P_pos_AR_|_pos_rec[] = double[analysts]: //corresponding probability
int pos_rec_|_pos_AR[] = int[analysts]; //count positive abnormal
//rec when there was
//positive AR
double P_pos_rec_|_pos_AR[] = double[analysts]; //corresponding probability
int neg_AR_|_pos_rec[] = int[analysts]; //count negative abnormal
//rec conditional on negative
//average rec
double P_neg_AR_|_pos_rec[] = double[analysts]; //corresponding probability
int cases[] = int[analysts]; //total number of evaluated cases per analyst
int coveredStocks[][] = int[analysts][days]; //covered stocks over time
double avg_rec[][] = double[analysts][days];
double metric[] = double[analysts];
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
if (cover[a][s][t]) {
avg_rec[a][t] += recs[a][s][t];
avg_rec[a][t] /= coveredStocks[a][t]; //average portfolio rec at time t
if (avg_rec[a][t] >= 0) {
if (portfolio_AR[a][t] >= 0)
if (portfolio_AR[a][t] >= 0) {
if (avg_rec[a][t] >= 0)
else {
if (avg_rec[a][t] >= 0)

for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
P_pos_AR[a] = pos_AR[a]/cases;
P_pos_AR_|_pos_rec[a] = pos_AR_|_pos_rec[a]/pos_rec[a];
P_pos_rec_|_pos_AR[a] = pos_rec_|_pos_AR[a]/pos_AR[a];
P_neg_AR_|_pos_rec[a] = neg_AR_|_pos_rec[a]/pos_rec[a];
metric[a] = P_pos_rec_|_pos_AR[a] / (P_pos_AR[a] * P_pos_rec_|_pos_AR[a] + _
(1-P_pos_AR[a])* P_neg_AR_|_pos_rec[a]);
return metric;

In a similar way we can also calculate whether the analyst’s downside recommendations add
any value.

P(ra ≥ re | Dm* ) , (22)

where Dm* is the analyst’s prediction of a decrease in the value of the suggested portfolio for
each period under consideration. Calculating both these measures allows us to determine an
analyst’s bias as follows. If he or she issues more profitable Buy recommendations than Sell
recommendations we will find that

P(ra ≥ re |U m* ) > P(ra ≥ re | Dm* ) , (23)

and the opposite will be true for an analyst whose Sell recommendations are likely to be more
profitable than his or her Buy recommendations.

3 Equity analyst evaluation in industry practice

This section aims to provide the reader with an idea about common industry practices in
evaluation of equity analysts. Although all investment banks no doubt have developed their
own proprietary evaluation procedures in place for their equity research departments, obtaining
such information and analyzing it, for reasons of brevity, falls outside the scope of this thesis.
We limit ourselves here to describing the most important publicly available equity analyst
rankings and one example from one bank.

3.1 Institutional Investor Research Team Rankings

The success of equity analysts is ultimately depending on whether they bring in business to
their firms, and by extension whether clients understand their advice, find it useful and are
prepared to act on it. The importance of clients’ opinions is expressed nowhere else more
comprehensively than in the yearly rankings of equity research teams published by the
periodical Institutional Investor. The rankings are based on qualitative surveys sent out to
investment managers at institutions worldwide and there are several rankings, each focusing on
a specific geographical region (All-America, All-Asia, All-Europe, and so on).

The surveys are carried out as follows. The respondents can score individual analysts and/or
research teams on a scale 1 to 10 on four evaluation criteria: estimation accuracy, stock-picking
ability, quality of written reports and overall service. They are free to do this for as many of
about 50 industry sectors, and country sectors as they see fit. There are also categories for
“Economics & Strategy” but those categories fall slightly out-of-scope for our purposes since
they are not relevant to the “classical” equity analyst, but rather for macroeconomists or
derivative strategists. Each vote is weighted based on the respondent’s equity assets under
management in the relevant stock universe (e.g. European equities) and points are given to
individuals and/or entire teams the respondents have ranked in first, second, third or fourth
place. Results are reviewed by an independent auditor. Firms are then ranked within sectors
and regions as well as on the total score over all sectors and regions. (Institutional Investor,

The rankings have been conducted since 1985 and are widely regarded as one of the most
important evaluation measures within the equity research industry. This is understandable
since it reflects the actual opinions of the people responsible for managing a sizeable part of the
equity capital in the world. For example for the 2012 All-Europe Equity Research survey,
Institutional Investor consulted some 2200 money managers from 760 institutions, managing
total assets of $5.7 trillion in European equities, which represents about 84 percent of the
MSCI Europe index’s market capitalisation of $6.8 trillion. An example which illustrates the
ranking’s importance in relation to other factors is Stickel (1992), who cites a Wall Street
Journal article: “At most firms, the important factors affecting pay [for equity analysts] are an
evaluation of the analyst by the brokerage sales force, standing in the Institutional Investor

poll, and job offers from competitors. A smaller set of firms expand the set of factors to include
investment banking business generated, trading volume in recommended stocks, and the
success of buy and sell recommendations. Accuracy of earnings forecasts is rarely an explicit
factor, but is subsumed in the other factors. As one analyst put it, ‘If your estimates aren't
accurate, nobody's going to buy your stocks’.” (p. 1811)

Loh & Mian (2006) point out that it is usually assumed that superior analysts score high on all
four of the Institutional Investor rankings four evaluation criteria, implying a correlation
between them. Obviously, the criteria “Quality of written reports” and “Overall service” are of
a subjective nature and thus cannot be measured without great difficulty. To add to the list of
immeasurable items, well-honed communication skills, an extensive network of personal
contacts with clients as well as such esoteric qualities as charisma can also be of great
importance. The fact that several of the most important aspects of an analyst’s work cannot be
measured and quantified could go a long way in explaining the relative scarcity of research
focused explicitly on the subject of analyst evaluation. Nevertheless, a structured method to
evaluate those criteria which can indeed be quantified can be a useful component in a
comprehensive evaluation procedure. We will now turn our attention to an example of such a
quantitative method.

3.2 Financial Times/Starmine Global Analyst Awards

The Financial Times in cooperation with the research analytics company StarMine publishes an
annual ranking based on quantitative data for the top equity analysts and brokerages in the
US, Europe and Asia, respectively. For each of these regions, awards are presented to the top
three stock pickers and earnings estimators in each industry, to the top 10 stock pickers and
earnings estimators overall, and to the 10 brokerage firms that have won the most individual
analyst awards. Stock picking in this context refers to recommendation performance. There is
also an award for the most Productive Broker which goes to the firm which has the highest
number of individual awards in relation to the number of analysts and a Top Global Broker
award for the firm with the best cumulative results for America, Asia and Europe combined.
StarMine has published analyst rankings for a number of years and their methodology in
quantitative measurement of research performance has become widely respected. Although
their methodology is proprietary, some details about how the rankings are compiled were
described following the 2012 awards.

3.2.1 Estimates

The earnings estimation ranking is based on StarMine’s proprietary metric Single-stock

Estimate Score (SES). The measure can range from 0 to 100, with 50 representing the average
analyst. To receive a score higher than 50, an analyst must make estimates that are both
significantly different from and more accurate than other analysts’ estimates. SES reportedly
incorporates several factors: the analyst’s absolute forecast error, the relative error compared

with other analysts, the variance of the analysts’ errors, the timing of the estimates and the
absolute value of the actual earnings for the stock. SES is computed on a daily basis and
aggregated to provide scores on individual stocks, industries, and the analyst overall.

3.2.2 Recommendations

For the industry stock picking awards, the method is as follows. Analysts are ranked according
to their Industry Excess Return, computed from a portfolio simulation technique that measures
each analyst’s recommendations performances relative to a market capitalization weighted
portfolio of all the stocks in a given industry and region. StarMine builds portfolios based on
each analyst’s recommendations. The portfolio is rebalanced each month and whenever the
analyst adds coverage, drops coverage or changes a rating. For each “Buy” recommendation,
the portfolio is one unit long the stock and one unit short the benchmark. This means that the
analyst’s portfolio return will increase (decrease) by the amount the stock outperforms
(underperforms) the benchmark. “Strong buys” get a larger investment of two units long the
stock and two units short the benchmark. “Holds” invest one unit in the benchmark. “Sells”
are the reverse: long one unit in the benchmark and short one unit in the stock. “Strong sells”
get two units long the benchmark and short one unit in the stock. The portfolio is then
opportunity-adjusted to account for differences between analysts’ coverage. Exactly how this
adjustment is done is not explained. The adjusted return is the analyst’s Industry Excess
Return. This metric is then weighted by the number of stocks the analyst covers in each
industry and aggregated into overall excess return (for analysts that cover more than one

3.3 Existing techniques used at one bank

The following describes the existing techniques for evaluating equity analysts at one bank.

3.3.1 Estimates

For estimates the bank relies on three metrics. The first one is called “Average score” and is
defined as the average error by one analyst divided by average consensus error on the stock. A
score below 1.0 indicates better estimates than consensus.

esa / esconsensus
Z aavg = ∑ , (24)
s=1 N

where e is defined as ASE in (2) and esa is the average error by analyst a for stock s.
One obvious problem with this metric is that it weights equally all errors, not taking into
account the decreasing uncertainty of estimates. It does not indicate whether estimates have
improved over the reporting year.

“Average score” used by one bank to evaluate forecasts

double[] average_score() {
double A[][] = double[stocks][days]; //actual EPS reported by the company
double F[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //forecasted EPS by analysts
double F_cons[][][] = double[stocks][days]; //consensus forecasted EPS
double ASE_bar[][] = double[analysts][stocks]; //analyst average ASE
double ASE_cons_bar[] = double[stocks]; //consensus average ASE
bool cover[][][] = bool[analysts][stocks][days]: //stock coverage matrix
double Z[] = double[analysts];
int coveredStocksInPeriod[] = int[analysts]; //count covered stocks over t
bool covered;
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
covered = false;
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
if (cover[a][s][t]) {
if (!covered) //just include in consensus average once
ASE_cons_bar[s] += abs(A[s][t] – F_cons[s][t])/abs(A[s][t]);
covered = true;
ASE_bar[a][s] += abs(A[s][t] - F[a][s][t])/abs(A[s][t]);
if (covered)
Z[a] += ASE_bar[a][s]/ASE_cons_bar[s]; //same denominator so it disappears
Z[a] /= coveredStocksInPeriod[a];
return Z;

The second metric is called “Stdev score” and is calculated as the standard deviation of the
analyst’s errors divided by the standard deviation of the consensus errors. A score below 1.0
indicates less fluctuating estimates than consensus, i.e. higher level of stability during the year

stdev(esa ) / stdev(esconsensus )
Z astdev = ∑ (25)
s=1 N

“Stdev score” used by one bank to evaluate forecasts

double[] stdev_score() {
double A[][] = double[stocks][days]; //actual EPS reported by the company
double F[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //forecasted EPS by analysts
double F_cons[][][] = double[stocks][days]; //consensus forecasted EPS
double ASE[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //analyst ASE
double ASE_stdev[][] = double[analysts][stocks]; //stdev for analyst ASE
double ASE_cons[][] = double[stocks][days]; // consensus ASE

double ASE_cons_stdev[][] = double[stocks][days]; // stdev for consensus ASE
bool cover[][][] = bool[analysts][stocks][days]: //stock coverage matrix
double Z[] = double[analysts];
int coveredStocksInPeriod[] = int[analysts]; //count covered stocks over t
bool covered;
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
covered = false;
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
if (cover[a][s][t]) {
covered = true;
ASE[a][s][t] = abs(A[s][t] - F[a][s][t])/abs(A[s][t]);
ASE_cons[s][t] = abs(A[s][t] – F_cons[s][t])/abs(A[s][t]);
if (covered)
Z[a] = stdev(ASE[a][s][])/stdev(ASE_cons[s][]);
Z[a] /= coveredStocksInPeriod[a];
return Z;

The third metric is called “Sum of errors score” and simply sums the forecast errors by the
analyst and divides by the sum of consensus errors. The bank would also use this metric on a
stock-by-stock basis and let a ratio over 1.0 constitute a “win” over consensus, and then simply
count the number of “wins” and calculate each analyst’s ratio of “wins”.

Z asum = n=1

∑e consesnsus

“Sum of errors score” used by one bank to evaluate forecasts

double[] sum_errors_score() {
double A[][] = double[stocks][days]; //actual EPS reported by the company
double F[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //forecasted EPS by analysts
double F_cons[][][] = double[stocks][days]; //consensus forecasted EPS
double ASE_sum[][] = double[analysts][stocks]; //analyst average ASE
double ASE_cons_sum[] = double[stocks]; //consensus average ASE
bool cover[][][] = bool[analysts][stocks][days]: //stock coverage matrix
double Z[] = double[analysts];
bool covered;
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
covered = false;
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
if (cover[a][s][t]) {

if (!covered) //just include in consensus sum once
ASE_cons_sum[s] += abs(A[s][t] – F_cons[s][t])/abs(A[s][t]);
covered = true;
ASE_sum[a][s] += abs(A[s][t] - F[a][s][t])/abs(A[s][t]);
Z[a] += ASE_sum[a][s]/ASE_cons_sum[s];
return Z;

3.3.2 Recommendations

The technique employed by the bank to evaluate recommendations again is based on

comparison with consensus and the basic long-only strategy. The bank uses only four levels of
recommendations: “Buy”, “Accumulate”, “Reduce” and “Sell” and thus there is no “Hold”
recommendation. The bank weights the recommendations as follows: “Buy” = 1 unit long,
“Accumulate” = 0.5 unit long, “Reduce” = 0.5 unit short and “Sell” = 1 unit short. To be able
to compare with consensus, which has five recommendation levels, the bank decided to count a
consensus “Hold” as corresponding to its “Accumulate” recommendation. Recommended
portfolios are formed based on these weightings, and raw (non risk-adjusted) portfolio returns
are calculated and compared to raw returns of consensus portfolios and a long-only strategy
portfolio where all stocks are given a weighting of 1 unit long. The bank considers that beating
the consensus portfolio with more than 1% constitutes a “win” and then simply count the
number of “wins” and calculate each analyst’s ratio of “wins”. The same approach is then
repeated for comparison with the long-only alternative.

Wins over consensus as used by one bank to evaluate recommendations

double[] recommendations_consensus_comparison() {
double recs[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //recommendations indexed 0 to 4
//except no 2 (Hold)
double recs_cons[][] = double[stocks][days]; //consensus recommendations
//indexed 0 to 4
double stockReturn[][] = double[stocks][days]; //daily stock returns
bool cover[][][] = bool[analysts][stocks][days]; //stock coverage matrix
double weights[] = double[5];
weights[0] = 1; //weight for a ‘Buy’ recommendation
weights[1] = 0.5; //weight for an ’Accumulate’ or ‘Outperform’ recommendation
weights[2] = 0.5 //weight for a ‘Hold’ recommendation
weights[2] = -0.5; //weight for a ’Reduce’ or ‘Underperform’ recommendation
weights[3] = -1; //weight for a ‘Sell’ recommendation
double AR_sum[][] = double[analysts][stocks]; //sum analyst portfolio returns
double AR_cons_sum[][] = double[analysts][stocks]; //sum consensus portfolio returns
bool covered;
int coveredStocks[a] = int[analysts]; //covered stocks at any time in period
double winRatio[] = double[analysts];

for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
covered = false;
for (t = 0; t < days; d++) {
if (cover[a][s][t])
if (!covered) {
AR_cons_sum[a][s] += getConsensusWeight(recs_cons[s][t]) * _
* stockReturn[s][t]]; //consensus weight must be averaged from 2
//weight points
AR_sum[a][s] += weight[recs[a][s][t]]*stockReturn[s][t]];
if (AR_sum[a][s] - AR_cons_sum[a][s] ~ 0.01)
winRatio[a] /= coveredStocks[a];
return winRatio;

4 Proposed solution

In this section we will endeavor to suggest new improved algorithms to evaluate equity
analysts based on the theoretical techniques described in section 2 and the industry practices
described in section 3. We do this from the perspective of a bank, with the aim that the
algorithms should be useful for comparing analysts to their competitors covering the same
industries at other banks, but also between analysts at the same bank, covering different

4.1 Estimates
We want to suggest that the main aspects of evaluating estimates are related to the following

! Precision compared to relevant peers

! Consistency of precision - difficulty of achieving precision changes over time as the
uncertainty in the remaining unpublished company information for the accounting year
! Interpreting new information - timing of estimate revisions can reveal which analysts
are good at translating new information into better precision (leading/herding)

For evaluating precision as such it seems clear to us that a very good candidate is Algorithm F,
which has several attractive traits. It incorporates the consensus, which lets us compare
individual analysts to their competitors, without the need for data on all analysts, and it does
not build on a ranking. Ranking, although useful in some ways, does not tell us how much
better one higher ranked individual is over another lower ranked individual, just that he or she
is better. So with ranking there is some loss of information. Also, Algorithm F automatically
adjusts for stock-year effects, which is an attractive feature.

We suggest that the problem of taking consistency of estimates into account may be addressed
in conjuncture with the problem of reduced uncertainty, all in one fell swoop. Clearly an
analyst who estimates correctly the annual earnings per share already in the first quarter
deserves higher praise than an analyst who manages this only in the fourth quarter. One way
to do this would be through Algorithm G, which uses a regression on time as an explanatory
variable to obtain residuals, which are uncorrelated to the amount of time left to the reporting
date (and thus uncertainty) in the data. By utilizing Algorithm G, if the fit of the regression is
good, this should indicate that the estimates have not fluctuated much over the year.
Therefore, in connection with “good” b0 and b1-coefficients, a higher R-square measure for the
regression should indicate a higher consistency of accuracy. We can interpret the size of the
intercept as follows: Assuming that the accuracy of estimates increases over time (as more
information becomes available), an imaginary regression line should cross the Y-axis close to
zero, i.e. the closer to zero the intercept a is, the better the estimate. The regression sloop can

be interpreted as follows: If the accuracy of the estimate is high already at the start of the
year, a lower slope should denote higher accuracy. We propose a small variation to Algorithm
G, replacing the ASE metric by APE, to avoid problems with inflated error metrics in cases
where actual earnings per share are close to zero. Adjusted algorithm below.

Adjusted absolute scaled forecast error with time regression using APE from equation (3) instead of ASE from
equation (2).

double[][] absolute_percentage_error_time_regression_metrics() {
double A[][] = double[stocks][days]; //actual EPS reported by the company
double F[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //forecasted EPS by analysts
double APE[][][] = double[analysts][stocks][days]; //absolute percentage error
double P[][] = double[stocks][days]; //stock price
bool cover[][][] = bool[analysts][stocks][days]: //stock coverage matrix
int daysUntilReport[][][] = int[analysts][stocks][days]: //days until EPS report
double epsilon[][] = double[analysts][stocks]; //residuals
double intercept[][] = double[analysts][stocks]; //intercept
double metrics[] = double[analysts][3]; //residuals, intercept and slope metrics
double averageCoveredStocks[] = double[analysts]; //average covered stocks over time
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
for (t = 0; t < days; t++) {
if (cover[a][s][t]) {
APE[a][s][t] = abs(A[s][t] - F[a][s][t])/P[s][t];
averageCoveredStocks[a] /= days;
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
Do regression with APE as dependent variable and daysUntilReport as _
explanatory variable, with intercept.
Save residuals in epsilon[a][s]
Save intercept in intercept[a][s]
Save slope in slope[a][s]
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
metric[a][0] += abs(epsilon[a][s])/averageCoveredStocks[a];
metric[a][1] += intercept[a][s]/averageCoveredStocks[a];
metric[a][2] += epsilon[a][s]/averageCoveredStocks[a];
return metric;

Finally, to address the problem of leading/herding, it is straightforward to see that Algorithm I

and the LFR metric can be calculated. We suggest that, if detailed data on forecast revisions by

competing analysts is not available, that changes to the consensus can be used as a proxy for
individual revisions by other analysts.

Leader-follower ratio with consensus revisions instead of individual analyst forecast revisions

double[][][] leader-follower_ratio () {
int F_dates[][][] = int[analysts][stocks][]; //dates with a forecast revision
int F_cons_revisions[] = int[stocks]; //number of consensus forecast revisions
int F_cons_dates[][] = int[stocks][] //dates with consensus forecast revision
double LFR[] = double[analysts]; //leader-follower metric
bool cover[][][] = bool[analysts][stocks]: //stock coverage matrix
int T0; int T1;
int currentDate; //the date for the forecast being evaluated
int previousDate; //the preceding forecast date by the same analyst
int nextDate; //the next forecast date by the same analyst
for (a = 0; a < analysts; a++) {
for (s = 0; s < stocks; s++) {
if (cover[a][s]) { //if covers stock
previousDate = null;
T0 = 0;
T1 = 0;
for (d = 0; d < F_revisions[a][s]; d++) {
currentDate = F_dates[a][s][d];
if (d < F_revisions[a][s])
nextDate = F_dates[a][s][d+1];
nextDate = null;
for (dd = 0; dd < F_cons_revisions[s]; d++) {
if (F_cons_dates[s][dd] < currentDate && _
(F_cons_dates[s][dd] > previousDate || previousDate == null))
T0 += F_cons_dates[s][dd] - currentDate;
else {
if (F_cons_dates[s][dd] > currentDate && _
(dd < nextDate || nextDate == null))
T1 += currentDate - F_cons_dates[s][dd];
previousDate = currentDate;
LFR[a] = T0/T1;
return LFR;

We do not see an absolute need to integrate or weight together the separate metrics produced
by these three algorithms (unless the goal of the evaluation is to rank the analysts). A different
approach could be to look at all the metrics in conjunction as a type of “scorecard” and this

should give a well balanced view on which aspects of forecasting the analyst is good at, and
where efforts to improve can be directed.

4.2 Recommendations
For recommendations, we suggest that the following aspects of evaluation are important and
should be considered

! Profitability of recommendations compared to relevant peers

! Risk adjustment of returns – stripping out returns due to known risk factors
! Taking into account portfolio effects – separating stock picking ability from ability to
predict general market direction

The basic methodology of portfolio formation seems to be a standard so we will adopt this
approach, with the standard scale of five levels and apply the weights as follows: “Buy” 1.0,
“Outperform” 0.5, “Hold” 0, “Underperform” -0.5 and “Sell” -1.0. As with estimates, we
suggest that recommendation performance should be evaluated against a relevant benchmark
on a stock-by-stock basis. This can be achieved by benchmarking against the consensus
recommendation, by calculating a return differential. On an aggregate level this differential will
contain more information than a ranking or a count of “wins”. The differential should be taken
at the level being compared, so if we are evaluating on the single stock level, then the
differential should be return if one were to invest according to the analyst’s recommendations
on that stock minus the return if one were to invest according to the consensus
recommendation on that stock. If evaluating on the portfolio level then the differential would
be the return of the portfolio of stocks weighted by the analyst’s recommendations minus the
return of the portfolio of stocks weighted by the consensus recommendations. As with
estimates, the advantage of using the consensus is that we do not need to have data for all
competing analysts.

To properly risk adjust the recommendation returns we propose to use the 3-factor Fama-
French model in Algorithm N. We suggest leaving the momentum factor out from the
abnormal return regression, as we do not think it is appropriate in the context of stock
recommendations to consider returns due to momentum to be factored out.

On a portfolio level comparison, the portfolio effects metric in Algorithm P should also be
calculated to control for portfolio effects in the analysts recommendations. We will also add the
calculation of bias in (23), which will give valuable new insights on how analyst add value for

5 Implementation and results

In this section, we will implement the proposed algorithms using the bank as an example. We
will compare the output data from the new algorithms to the existing to show how the new
methods can unlock new insights from the data.

5.1 Data
The data set used for this implementation was provided by the bank and contains estimates
and recommendations for 34 equity analysts covering 240 stocks. Two analysts (Analystid 6
and 28) were excluded from the data as they were junior analysts who were not yet lead
analysts on any stocks. The data set contains a total of 3852 estimations for the fiscal year
2006/2007 and 7874 recommendations from these analysts.

The data set also contains consensus estimations (12205 data points) and consensus
recommendations (7046 data points) over the same time period, as well as reported earnings
per share. Data on stock prices, index values, rates and data necessary for the calculation of
the Fama-French factor model such as stocks market cap and book-to-market values were all
collected from Bloomberg. The data was organized into a object-relational database, and the
algorithms were implemented as user-defined-functions and stored procedures using T-SQL on
a Microsoft SQL server. See Appendix A for a database diagram.

5.2 Estimates

5.2.1 Existing algorithms

“Average score”. The null values for analysts 4, 32 and 34 are due to some missing data for their stocks.

AnalystId Average score AnalystId Average score AnalystId Average score

1 0.843 13 11.065 24 0.887
2 5.204 14 0.802 25 1.056
3 0.600 15 1.004 26 0.711
4 NULL 16 0.767 27 0.865
5 1.083 17 2.857 29 1.068
7 14.013 18 0.891 30 13.710
8 6.112 19 1.213 31 1.707
9 1.200 20 0.733 32 NULL
10 2.916 21 3.317 33 0.790
11 3.826 22 1.835 34 NULL
12 0.774 23 1.633

“Stdev score”. The null values for analysts 4, 32 and 34 are due to some missing data for their stocks.

AnalystId Stdev score AnalystId Stdev score AnalystId Stdev score

1 0.823 13 3.213 24 1.539
2 1.597 14 0.526 25 1.887
3 1.899 15 0.700 26 1.870
4 NULL 16 1.265 27 0.282
5 1.946 17 1.221 29 2.342
7 2.014 18 5.481 30 1.664
8 1.225 19 0.740 31 4.989
9 2.222 20 1.081 32 NULL
10 3.591 21 3.710 33 1.379
11 15.578 22 10.928 34 NULL
12 0.770 23 1.757

“Sum of errors” The null values for analysts 4, 32 and 34 are due to some missing data for their stocks.

AnalystId Score Wins Win ratio AnalystId Score Wins Win ratio
1 0.777 2 0.400 18 0.536 10 0.833
2 0.601 7 0.700 19 0.927 1 0.500
3 0.591 2 1.000 20 0.831 3 1.000
4 NULL NULL NULL 21 2.181 2 0.400
5 0.592 3 0.600 22 1.464 4 0.444
7 1.643 4 0.571 23 0.956 4 0.571
8 4.193 4 0.667 24 0.747 6 0.857
9 0.952 2 0.667 25 0.869 4 0.667
10 1.091 4 0.800 26 0.512 7 1.000
11 0.815 5 0.833 27 0.516 1 1.000
12 0.540 5 0.714 29 0.740 7 0.700
13 0.936 9 0.692 30 4.910 5 0.455
14 0.400 2 1.000 31 1.547 2 0.222
15 0.842 6 0.857 32 NULL NULL NULL
16 0.705 3 0.600 33 0.643 3 0.600
17 4.033 2 0.333 34 NULL NULL NULL

5.2.2 New algorithms

PMAFE metric. The null values for analysts 4, 32 and 34 are due to some missing data for their stocks.

AnalystId PMAFE AnalystId PMAFE AnalystId PMAFE

1 -0.108 13 22.476 24 0.018
2 27.493 14 0.183 25 0.320
3 -0.372 15 0.305 26 0.200

4 NULL 16 -0.219 27 5.012
5 0.336 17 3.616 29 4.179
7 57.416 18 1.646 30 28.673
8 6.714 19 7.687 31 2.122
9 1.667 20 -0.313 32 NULL
10 5.347 21 6.487 33 -0.214
11 3.372 22 1.619 34 NULL
12 0.426 23 1.381

APE time regression, averages over covered stocks. The null values for analysts 4 and 32 are due to some missing
data for their stocks.

AnalystId Sum(Residuals) Sum(Abs(Residuals)) Slope Intercept R2

1 -0.005 0.495 3.17E-05 0.009 0.701
2 -0.024 0.824 2.54E-05 0.010 0.655
3 -0.053 13.698 4.67E-04 0.022 0.356
5 -0.013 2.067 1.17E-04 0.002 0.525
7 -0.002 0.640 1.88E-05 0.010 0.441
8 -0.004 1.312 1.96E-05 0.012 0.444
9 0.000 0.186 5.59E-06 0.001 0.298
10 -0.002 0.477 5.39E-05 0.000 0.519
11 -0.001 2.968 1.42E-04 -0.009 0.541
12 -0.010 1.259 7.35E-05 0.010 0.641
13 -0.008 5.211 2.24E-04 0.010 0.433
14 0.000 0.006 1.89E-06 0.001 0.613
15 0.000 0.608 2.52E-05 0.010 0.534
16 -0.003 0.725 2.60E-05 0.003 0.518
17 0.000 0.953 2.05E-05 0.031 0.525
18 -0.005 2.546 2.56E-04 0.047 0.518
19 -0.063 9.692 4.08E-04 0.259 0.419
20 -0.002 1.053 9.68E-06 0.006 0.553
21 -0.003 1.274 3.74E-05 0.007 0.554
22 -0.040 8.061 3.44E-04 0.005 0.571
23 -0.007 1.223 4.42E-05 0.007 0.399
24 -0.015 3.676 2.94E-04 0.068 0.550
25 0.006 1.697 1.04E-04 0.003 0.469
26 0.023 0.873 5.74E-05 -0.001 0.539
27 0.000 0.163 3.56E-06 0.016 0.310
29 -0.007 1.750 9.95E-05 0.015 0.561
30 -0.001 1.340 5.65E-05 0.006 0.494
31 -0.010 6.804 5.50E-05 0.049 0.361
33 -0.005 0.704 4.43E-05 0.002 0.740
34 -0.001 0.153 4.71E-06 0.000 0.303

Leader/Follower Ratio (LFR)

AnalystId LFR AnalystId LFR AnalystId LFR

1 0.978 13 1.219 24 1.221
2 1.187 14 0.462 25 1.007
3 0.794 15 0.719 26 1.016
4 0.931 16 0.961 27 0.899
5 0.718 17 1.451 29 0.797
7 0.828 18 1.085 30 0.921
8 0.941 19 0.953 31 0.783
9 0.543 20 1.204 32 1.062
10 0.963 21 1.616 33 1.221
11 1.187 22 0.587 34 1.007
12 0.978 23 1.108

5.3 Recommendations

5.3.1 Existing algorithms

Recommendation wins over consensus

Average Average
AnalystId Wins Stocks Win ratio abnormal AnalystId Wins Stocks Win ratio abnormal
return return
1 2 5 0.400 -0.020 18 4 12 0.333 -0.053
2 3 11 0.273 -0.123 19 0 2 0.000 -0.108
3 3 8 0.375 -0.058 20 1 5 0.200 -0.057
4 1 9 0.111 -0.206 21 1 7 0.143 -0.154
5 2 5 0.400 -0.031 22 4 7 0.571 0.059
7 4 7 0.571 -0.048 23 3 8 0.375 -0.142
8 2 5 0.400 0.106 24 4 7 0.571 0.081
9 1 5 0.200 -0.067 25 3 6 0.500 0.098
10 2 7 0.286 -0.132 26 3 6 0.500 -0.025
11 2 6 0.333 -0.124 27 0 3 0.000 -0.068
12 3 8 0.375 -0.005 29 3 10 0.300 -0.043
13 7 13 0.538 0.010 30 4 10 0.400 -0.072
14 1 2 0.500 0.139 31 5 7 0.714 -0.003
15 4 7 0.571 -0.006 32 1 1 1.000 0.162
16 4 6 0.667 -0.047 33 2 6 0.333 -0.049
17 2 7 0.286 -0.150 18 4 12 0.333 -0.053

5.3.2 New algorithms

Risk-adjusted recommendation wins over consensus

Average Average
AnalystId Wins Stocks Win ratio abnormal AnalystId Wins Stocks Win ratio abnormal
return return
1 4 5 0.800 0.025 18 6 12 0.500 0.019
2 4 11 0.364 -0.027 19 0 2 0.000 -0.125
3 3 8 0.375 -0.035 20 1 5 0.200 -0.046
4 4 9 0.444 0.004 21 3 7 0.429 -0.003
5 1 5 0.200 -0.061 22 1 7 0.143 -0.109
7 2 7 0.286 -0.059 23 1 8 0.125 -0.072
8 1 5 0.200 -0.024 24 4 7 0.571 -0.021
9 2 5 0.400 -0.039 25 2 6 0.333 0.065
10 3 7 0.429 -0.046 26 2 6 0.333 -0.015
11 2 6 0.333 -0.036 27 2 3 0.667 0.006
12 2 8 0.250 -0.009 29 3 10 0.300 -0.034
13 7 13 0.538 -0.021 30 4 10 0.400 0.020
14 2 2 1.000 0.073 31 3 7 0.429 -0.099
15 3 7 0.429 0.007 32 0 1 0.000 -0.049
16 5 6 0.833 0.030 33 3 6 0.500 -0.003
17 1 7 0.143 -0.049 18 6 12 0.500 0.019

Recommendations, effectiveness and portfolio effects. The null values for analysts 32 and 34 are due to some missing
data for their stocks.

Positive Negative
AnalystId P(ra ≥ re | Um) recommendation P(ra ≥ re | Dm) recommendation Bias
effectiveness effectiveness
1 0.421 0.951 0.500 1.130 -0.079
2 0.483 1.368 0.470 1.329 0.014
3 0.470 1.001 0.498 1.060 -0.027
4 0.557 1.052 0.506 0.956 0.051
5 0.527 1.093 0.426 0.884 0.101
7 0.458 1.116 0.480 1.171 -0.022
8 0.567 1.084 0.433 0.828 0.134
9 0.375 0.898 0.669 1.601 -0.294
10 0.508 1.236 0.348 0.848 0.160
11 0.539 1.058 0.499 0.979 0.040
12 0.449 0.987 0.500 1.098 -0.051
13 0.449 1.030 0.488 1.121 -0.040
14 0.632 1.074 0.488 0.829 0.144
15 0.536 1.217 0.000 0.000 0.536
16 0.520 1.004 0.547 1.054 -0.026

17 0.527 1.118 0.267 0.567 0.260
18 0.501 1.077 0.516 1.108 -0.014
19 0.524 1.100 0.000 0.000 0.524
20 0.625 1.077 0.316 0.545 0.309
21 0.379 0.895 0.513 1.212 -0.134
22 0.502 1.042 0.369 0.766 0.133
23 0.469 1.084 0.491 1.133 -0.021
24 0.490 1.004 0.484 0.992 0.006
25 0.458 1.834 0.559 2.238 -0.101
26 0.521 1.188 0.457 1.044 0.063
27 0.560 1.023 0.000 0.000 0.560
29 0.449 0.960 0.563 1.206 -0.115
30 0.421 0.997 0.626 1.481 -0.204
31 0.439 1.018 0.437 1.015 0.001
32 0.435 1.000 NULL NULL NULL
33 0.510 1.020 0.499 0.999 0.011
34 0.348 1.087 NULL NULL NULL

5.4 Example ranking of analysts

We will exemplify how a bank could use the new algorithms to rank analysts, using the results
above. The assignment of weights to the different metrics is a subjective decision by the
evaluator. However, to keep this example simple we will give the three precision metrics
“Average score”, “Sum of errors score”, “Win ratio” and the consistence metric “Stdev score”
25% weight each. This would give us the following ranking of the analysts:

Estimation ranking based on existing algorithms

Rank AnalystId Rank AnalystId Rank AnalystId Rank AnalystId

1 14 9 16 16 25 25 7
2 27 10 33 18 9 25 30
3 26 11 18 19 11 27 22
4 3 12 1 19 23 28 31
4 12 13 2 21 8 29 21
4 20 14 5 21 10
7 15 14 29 23 13
8 24 16 19 24 17

Using the new algorithms we will assign equal weights (33% each) to precision (PMAFE),
consistency (sum of absolute residuals) and leadership (LFR). For simplicity consistency will be
represented by sum of absolute residuals. For PMAFE we use the absolute values for the
ranking. This would give us the following ranking of the analysts:

Estimation ranking based on new algorithms

Rank AnalystId Rank AnalystId Rank AnalystId Rank AnalystId

1 1 8 17 17 18 25 3
2 33 10 23 18 5 26 30
3 20 11 9 19 10 27 31
4 26 12 15 20 11 28 22
5 24 13 21 20 13 29 19
6 16 13 25 22 7
7 14 15 27 22 8
8 12 16 2 22 29

For ranking recommendations based on the existing algorithms, we give equal weight (50%
each) to the two metrics “Win ratio” and “Average abnormal return” and we end up with the
following ranking of the analysts based on recommendations:

Recommendation performance ranking based on existing algorithms

Rank AnalystId Rank AnalystId Rank AnalystId Rank AnalystId

1 32 8 13 17 3 25 2
2 24 10 16 17 29 25 10
3 22 11 7 17 33 27 17
3 31 12 26 20 18 27 27
5 14 13 1 21 23 29 19
6 25 14 5 22 11 30 21
7 15 14 12 22 20 31 4
8 8 16 30 24 9

Using the new algorithms for evaluating recommendations we give equal weight (25%) to the
four metrics “Win ratio”, “Average abnormal return”, ”Positive recommendation effectiveness”
and ”Negative recommendation effectiveness”, giving the analysts the following ranking:

Recommendation performance ranking based on new algorithms

Rank AnalystId Rank AnalystId Rank AnalystId Rank AnalystId

1 25 9 5 17 22 25 30
2 2 10 23 18 13 26 12
3 10 11 8 19 27 27 29
4 15 12 18 20 33 28 1
5 26 13 20 21 31 29 9
6 17 14 14 22 24 30 21
7 7 15 11 23 16 31
8 19 16 4 24 3

Below is a table listing the outcome using existing and new algorithms and the difference in
ranking between the two.

Example ranking comparison. The missing values for analysts 4, 32 and 34 are due to some missing data for their

Estimations Recommendations
Existing ranking New ranking Difference Existing ranking New ranking Difference
1 12 1 -11 13 29 16
2 13 16 3 25 2 -23
3 4 25 21 17 24 7
4 31 16 -15
5 14 18 4 14 9 -5
7 25 22 -3 11 7 -4
8 21 22 1 8 11 3
9 18 11 -7 24 30 6
10 21 19 -2 25 3 -22
11 19 20 1 22 15 -7
12 4 8 4 14 27 13
13 23 20 -3 8 18 10
14 1 7 6 5 14 9
15 7 12 5 7 4 -3
16 9 6 -3 10 23 13
17 24 8 -16 27 6 -21
18 11 17 6 20 12 -8
19 16 29 13 29 8 -21
20 4 3 -1 22 13 -9
21 29 13 -16 30 31 1
22 27 28 1 3 17 14
23 19 10 -9 21 10 -11
24 8 5 -3 2 22 20
25 16 13 -3 6 1 -5
26 3 4 1 12 5 -7
27 2 15 13 27 19 -8
29 14 22 8 17 28 11
30 25 26 1 16 26 10
31 28 27 -1 3 21 18
32 1
33 10 2 -8 17 20 3

Looking at the results for individual analysts in detail, we note that for estimations, analyst 3
have lost some 21 ranking positions by going from scoring well on all measures by the existing
algorithms to an average score on precision (rank 14) and scoring quite poorly on consistency
(rank 23) and rock-bottom on leadership (rank 30). Looking at recommendations, we note that

analyst 2 have gained 23 ranking positions mainly due to scoring exceptionally well on
recommendation effectiveness, both for positive and negative recommendations. With the
existing algorithms the high effectiveness in the recommendation was hidden, and analyst 2
scored well below average with a (rank 25) for recommendations.

6 Conclusions

We have proposed new algorithms to improve the evaluation of equity analysts. We have found
these new techniques by identifying weaknesses in the existing techniques and exploring
academic literature to come up with alternative ideas and adjustments. We have described how
these new algorithms take into consideration new aspects into the evaluation, such as
leadership in estimation revision, proper risk adjustment of returns and much more. Based on
this, we think that the new proposed algorithms are improvements on the existing ones, as they
give a more unbiased assessment. So we feel confident that we have achieved the goal of this
thesis in that respect.

It is difficult to quantify how much “improvement” the new algorithms offer over the existing
ones because there are more than one aspect/metric to consider and the weighting of these is
basically up to each evaluator’s priorities. But what we can demonstrate is whether the new
algorithms give different results when applied and, if so how much this could affect the
evaluation results. If the new algorithms have added much new information content to the
evaluation, then one would expect large differences in the evaluation. In the previous section
we have done just that by showing an example ranking of analysts. As we have seen the new
algorithms yielded a marked difference in ranking for many of the analysts, which were
revealed to be better/worse analysts on estimation or recommendation performance than
previously indicated by the existing algorithms. Thus, based on this example, it would seem
that the new algorithms have managed to capture new, important aspects in the evaluation.

So far we have not discussed the choice between qualitative techniques, such as the
Institutional Investor rankings described in section 3.1, and the more quantitative techniques,
which we have described at length throughout this thesis. In conclusion there is clearly a strong
case for the latter as they are free from any human biases that may have affected the
subjective surveys. However, it seems equally clear that ideally a good analyst should score
highly on both subjective and quantitative measures, and in a relationship industry such as
banking the importance of favorable reviews from clients cannot be overestimated. Important
aspects of the equity analyst job include for example creativity in new idea generation,
successful marketing of investment ideas, personal industry contacts etc., which are all hard or
impossible to incorporate into a quantitative framework. We would therefore suggest that
subjective measures are at least considered as a part in a comprehensive evaluation of equity
analysts. For example one of the leading industry surveys, such as the Institutional Investor
rankings, could be used, or alternatively it could be worthwhile conducting client surveys,
depending on budget and time constraints.

7 Suggestions for further research

It would be interesting to explore further any link between analysts forecasting abilities and
their abilities to issue profitable recommendations, and how this could potentially be used in
the context of evaluating analysts. In the academic literature, there is some evidence on the
link between forecast accuracy and recommendation profitability. Mikhail et al (1999) found
evidence that an analyst is more likely to change jobs if his or her forecast accuracy is lower
than for peer analysts. Interestingly, they found no statistical relation between absolute or
relative profitability of an analyst’s stock recommendations and the probability of a job change.
This result held regardless of the number of times the analyst has changed jobs. Thus it would
seem that most investment banks indeed incorporate forecast accuracy in the evaluation of
equity analysts, assuming that there is a connection between evaluation and the changing of
jobs. One possible explanation for this result is that if analyst turnover is dependent on
assessments of an analyst's unobservable effort, relative forecast accuracy may be more
revealing of effort than the short-run profitability of stock recommendations.

The study also makes a very strong case for the use of evaluation by relative rather than
absolute measures: “The use of relative performance evaluation appears ideal in our setting
because analysts face common uncertainty, their work output is a noisy measure of their effort,
and unambiguous benchmarks (e.g., actual earnings per share) and reference groups (e.g., other
analysts providing forecasts for the same firm and time period) exist to evaluate their
performance. Holmstrom (1982) demonstrates that in settings such as ours, relative
performance evaluation results in improved risk sharing because the agent is held accountable
only for those outcomes over which he has control.” (Mikhail et al, 1999, p. 193)

Another study is Loh & Mian (2006), where a measure of recommendation profitability is
constructed which corresponds to their earnings forecasting ability measure described earlier.
Analysts are sorted into three groups according to forecast accuracy and a statistically
significant difference is found between profitability between best third and worst third
forecasters. This average difference in profitability is around 10% although there are large
differences in magnitude over industries. Thus there seems to exist a subset of analysts with
superior stock picking skills, which are not by chance since they also have earnings forecasting
skills. This finding provides some support to the semi-strong form of the efficient market
hypothesis regarding informational efficiency. The fact that an analyst with superior
expectations data is able to transform that into value-creating stock recommendations shows
that market prices do not always fully reflect all available information, otherwise information
gatherers like equity analysts would not be rewarded for their efforts.



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Appendix A: Database diagram

Rates FamaFrenc h
Date Date
RiskfreeRate SMB
MarketReturn HML

Com panyRe por t

ReportingCurrencyId ConsensusRecommendatio n
Currenc y StockId
EPS_Reported CurrencyId
EPS_Adjusted Symbol

Anal ystRecommendatio n
RecommendationT ype
RecommendationTypeId RecommendationTypeId



RecommendationWei ght

Anal ystEstimatio n Industr y

AnalystId IndustryId

Anal yst StockId

Stock IndustryName
AnalystId StockId
FirstName StockName
LastName SectorId

ConsensusEstimation_Ad juste d

Covera ge FiscalYear
AnalystId EPS_Adjusted
StockId NumberOfEstimates_Adjusted
StartDate StandardDeviation_Adjusted
EndDate High_Adjusted

RiskAd justedReturns

ConsensusEstimation_Re porte d

Pric e EstimationDate
StockId FiscalYear
PriceDate EPS_Reported
[Close] NumberOfEstimates_Reported

Appendix B: Fama-French three-factor model

The 3-factor model was originally developed by Fama and French (1993), who used six
portfolios formed from sorts of stocks on market value of equity (ME) and book-to-market
equity, which is the ratio of book value of equity to market value of equity (BE/ME). The
portfolios are intended as mimics of underlying risk factors in returns related to size and
differences between growth stocks (low BE/ME) and value stocks (high BE/ME). Each month all
stocks are ranked on ME. The median size is then used to split the stocks into two groups, small
and big (S and B). Each month stocks are also ranked on BE/ME and three groups of stocks are
formed based on the breakpoints for the bottom 30% (L), medium 40% (M) and top 30% (H) of
the ranked values of BE/ME.

Six portfolios (SL, SM, SH, BL, BM, BH) are then created from the intersections of the two ME and
the three BE/ME groups. Daily value-weighted returns on the six portfolios are calculated, and
portfolios are reformed monthly. The size factor-mimicking portfolio SMB (small minus big), is
calculated as the difference, each day, between the average return on the three small stock
portfolios (SL, SM and SH) and the average return on the three big-stock portfolios (BL, BM, and
BH). The value/growth factor-mimicking portfolio HML (high minus low), is calculated as the
difference, each day, between the average return on the two value-stock portfolios (SH and BH)

and the average return on the two growth-stock portfolios (SL and BL).

For anyone interested in the Fama-French factor model, Kenneth French has published an
abundance of data with ready calculated factors for different countries on his excellent website:


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