Urinary Elimination
Urinary Elimination
Urinary Elimination
Pant liner
• Urinary catheter – a tube that is Purposes:
inserted into the bladder to drain • Used before, during and after
urine surgery to keep bladder empty
• Types: • Allow hourly urinary output
- straight measurements in clients with
- in-dwelling (aka retention / critical illnesses
Foley) • Last resort for managing
- suprapubic incontinence
- condom • Clients who are extremely weak /
have disabilities
• Diagnostic uses
Catheters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTFS3FILWGY
When applying a condom catheter:
➢ Hold the penis firmly. Roll the condom onto the penis.
Catheters Leave a 2.5-cm space between the penis and the
catheter end
➢ Secure the condom with elastic tape. Apply in a spiral
Giving catheter care
• Follow rules of medical asepsis and • Move drainage bag to the side of
Standard Practices the bed to which the client will be
• Make sure urine flows freely turned. You must move the bag
before the client
• Make sure that the tube remains • Do not let the bag rest on the floor
slack, never taut or pulled
• Make sure the catheter is • Coil the drainage tubing on the bed
connected to the drainage tubing • In women, secure the catheter to
• Keep drainage bag below the level the inner thigh. In men, to the
of the bladder thigh or lower abdomen
• Attach drainage bag to the bed • Check for leaks
frame or the back of the chair • Provide catheter care, if ordered,
once or twice a day
• Also report the colour, clarity and
odour of urine and the presence of
Giving catheter care • Encourage fluid intake as instructed
• Provide perineal care daily by the care plan
• Empty the drainage bag at the end • Always check the care plan before
of the shift or at intervals specified changing an in-dwelling catheter
in the care plan bag to a leg bag
• Use a clean, dry measuring
container to measure each client’s
• Do not let the drain or the drainage
bag touch any surface
• Immediately report any complaints
of pain, burning, urge to urinate or
Cath-secure® Statlock®
Bladder training
• Helps restore bladder tone
• Developed for clients with urinary incontinence
• Some clients need this after removal of an in-dwelling catheter
• Goal: control of urination
Bladder training
First Method Second Method
• The client uses the toilet, • The client has a catheter
commode, bedpan or urinal at • The catheter is clamped usually
scheduled times for 1 hour at first, and eventually
• The client is given 15 or 20 mins 3-4 hours at a time
to initiate voiding • When the catheter is removed,
• Follow guidelines for encourage client to void every 3-
maintaining normal urination 4 hours or as directed by the
• Assume normal position if supervisor and the care plan
Sorrentino, S. A., Remmert, L. N., & Wilk, M. J. (2018). Mosby's Canadian textbook for the
support worker (4th ed.). Toronto, ON: Elsevier.