Ftot = the total noise figure of the spectrum analyzer and preamplifier combination,
F1 = the noise figure of the pre- amplifier
F2 = the noise figure of the spectrum analyzer, and
G1 = the power gain of the preamplifier.
The first criteria for the preamplifier design is clearly a preamplifier noise figure
much lower than that of the spectrum analyzer. Second, the equation shows that the
total noise figure decreases when G1 increases and approaches F1 that is, when G1
becomes very large compared to F2. Therefore, because the spectrum analyzer's noise
level is proportional to F2.the lowest total noise level- or best sensitivity-is obtained
with the highest preamplifier gain.
Another function of interest is the ratio R1(G1) of the dynamic range of the spectrum
analyzer alone to the dynamic range of the spectrum analyzer with a preamplifier.
Figure 2 shows a plot of the R1(G1) in decibels, versus the preamplifier gain, G1. The
curve indicates that for gains less than 20 dB, degradation is very small. Dynamic
range degradation increases rapidly (and the dynamic range decreases) as the
increasing preamplifier gain,
Expression of Merit
The overall noise figure of the preamplifier/analyzer system, using the optimum
preamplifier gain, is 3 dB higher than the noise figure of the preamplifier alone. In
summary, when a preamplifier is used with a spectrum analyzer, its optimum gain
will decrease dynamic range by only 3 dB, but will increase the sensitivity by the
difference in noise figures of the spectrum analyzer and the preamplifier, minus 3 dB.