Entrep Mind Module 5
Entrep Mind Module 5
Entrep Mind Module 5
Maria Campus
Elective 104
Module 5
Assistant Professor I
Entrepreneurship is not for everyone. But how do we know, beforehand, that a person is a
good prospect. What determines success or failure? It is important for those interested in
entrepreneurship to know the answers to those question.
1. Identify important personal traits of an entrepreneur.
2. Discuss the difference between entrepreneur and manager.
A. Environment as a Factor
Entrepreneurship will survive and grow only in economic environments of free enterprise. Full
blooming entrepreneurship cannot be expected to flourish in economies that are not fully supportive of
free enterprise.
Types of Economic Environment
1. Fully supportive of entrepreneurships- entrepreneur’s task is easy
2. Moderately supportive of entrepreneurships- entrepreneur’s task is less easy
3. Not supportive of entrepreneurships- entrepreneur’s task is hard
What is Personality
Personality refers to the pattern of characteristics that distinguishes one person from another. It
includes the person’s traits, values, motives, genetic blueprints, attitudes, emotional reactivity, abilities,
self-image, intelligence, and visible behavior patterns.
Six Personality Types According to Holland
1. Realistic- this individual prefers activities involving aggressive behavior and physical exertion
requiring skill, strength, and coordination. Examples: farming and mining
2. Investigative- individual prefers to be analytical, curious, methodical, and precise. Example: crime
3. Artistic- he is expressive, nonconforming, original, and introspective. Examples: song writer and
4. Social- he enjoys working with and helping others and purposefully avoids systematic activities
involving tools and machinery. Example: social worker
5. Enterprising- this individual enjoys verbal activities to influence others and to attain power and status.
Examples: manager and entrepreneur
6. Conventional- he enjoys the systematic manipulation of data, filing of records, or reproducing
materials. Examples: accounting, finance
Characteristics/Traits of Entrepreneurs
1. Drive
Reaching a goal is often achieved through a series of moves. It is rare for entrepreneurs to
succeed with just a single stroke. If he fails in the first attempt, he makes another attempt. He repeats
the attempts, maybe with some improvements until he succeeds. This will happen if the person has
2. Thinking ability
An entrepreneur must use his thinking ability and it should be sufficient to guide him to make
the best decisions for success.
4. Ability to communicate
This skill is very important to entrepreneur in order to become successful. The ability to
understand and be understood makes it easier for the entrepreneur to transact business with
customers, bankers, and government officials.
When the entrepreneur gives orders that are easily understood, wastages in time and
materials are minimized. An entrepreneur who has little ability to communicate tends to do demoralize
and alienate his staff. What usually happens next is low productivity and high employee turnover.
5. Technical knowledge
Operating a business requires the performance of major and minor tasks like recruitment of
personnel, purchasing of materials, bookkeeping, sanitation, cashiering, and others. An entrepreneur
should at least be familiar with and posses some technical knowledge about how the various tasks are
6. Reasonable risk-taker
When a person starts a new venture, he has already begun to assume the risk of business
failure. Entrepreneurs are expected to be reasonable risk-takers, not conservative but also not
gamblers. They assume risks but only after they are convinced that they have the skills and resources
to overcome the difficulties inherent in a new venture.
Types of Risk Taker Level of Risk Taken Expected Level of Benefits
Salaried employee low Low
Entrepreneur moderate Moderate
Gambler high hgh
Entrepreneur compared with Other Risk Takers
7. Self-confident
In any undertaking, a person’s belief in his ability leads him to actual performance and eventual
success. When a person has self-confidence, he does his job without inhibition.
8. Goal setter
Goals are very useful motivational tools especially those related to accomplishing the
objectives of entrepreneurs.
Functions of Goal:
a. Directs one’s attention to a specific target.
b. Encourages one to exert effort toward achieving something specific.
c. Encourages persistence.
d. Fosters the creation of strategies and action plans.
9. Accountable
The success of an enterprise will depend much on the willingness of subordinates to comply
with the wishes of the entrepreneur. Compliance can be expected if the entrepreneur is accountable
enough to take responsibility for whatever happens to the firm.
10. Innovative
A free enterprise allows business enterprises to flourish. This will depend on how well the
public is convinced to patronize them. Buyers will have to be persuaded to buy from the entrepreneur’s
firm rather than from competitors. The innovative entrepreneur will be able to handle this problem.
Innovation may be the only way the entrepreneur can achieve the following:
a) Penetrate the market
b) Improve employee turnover
c) Reduce manufacturing cost
d) Improve collection rate
The Entrepreneur and Manager Distinguished
The terms entrepreneur and manager are sometimes used interchangeably. Although both jobs
are useful to the economy, each performs distinct functions.
A major distinction between the entrepreneur and the manager is about orientation. The
entrepreneur (also called promoter) feels confident of his ability to seize a business opportunity
regardless of the resources under his current control. The manager (also called the trustee)
emphasizes the efficient utilization of resources.
Competition and the Complementary Functions of the Entrepreneur and the Manager
Business Activity Competitor’s Activity
Entrepreneur’s Turf Step 1- Identify and seize Competitor is unaware
Entrepreneurs are different from managers because they perform functions that are distinct
from each other.
Answer the following questions.
Medina, R. G. Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. Third edition. Rex Book Store,
Manila, Philippines