Enhancement of Solubility of Albendazole by Complexation With E-Cyclodextrin
Enhancement of Solubility of Albendazole by Complexation With E-Cyclodextrin
Enhancement of Solubility of Albendazole by Complexation With E-Cyclodextrin
Printed in Brazil
Vol. 25, No. 02, pp. 255 - 267, April - June, 2008
*To whom correspondence should be addressed
Brazilian Journal
of Chemical
C. Moriwaki
, G. L. Costa
, C. N. Ferracini
, F. F. de Moraes
, G. M. Zanin
E. A. G. Pineda
and G. Matioli
Departamento de Farmcia e Farmacologia, Phone: + (55) (44) 3261-3868, Universidade Estadual de Maring UEM,
Av. Colombo 5790, Bloco P02, CEP: 87020-900, Maring - PR, Brasil.
E-mail: gmatioli@uem.br
Departamento de Engenharia Qumica, UEM, CEP 87020-900, Maring - PR, Brasil.
Departamento de Qumica, UEM, CEP 87020-900, Maring - PR, Brasil.
(Received: August 17, 2006 ; Accepted: January 31, 2008)
Abstract - A high dosage of albendazole (ABZ) is required for treating systemic helminthe infections because
of its low solubility. Aiming at increasing ABZ solubility, complexation with beta-cyclodextrin (-CD) using
aqueous and acetic acid solutions as ABZ solubilizer was studied. In aqueous -CD, complexation increased
solubility 53.4 times, giving a complex equilibrium constant of 1266 L mol
with a maximum ABZ
concentration of 276 mol L
for 16.3 mmol L
-CD. For complexation in 1.05 mol L
acetic acid, UV
absorbance spectra and
H-NMR analysis confirmed complex formation. The UV absorbance of ABZ/acid
acetic/-CD solutions was modeled by the formation of two complexes with molar ratios 1:1 and 1:2 ABZ:-
CD. When neutralized with NaOH these solutions did not form precipitates only for the ABZ:-CD molar
ratios of 1:8 and 1:10, showing that ABZ solubility could be increased 306 times. Results show that high -
CD molar ratios hold ABZ in solution by complexation enhanced by the acetate anion.
Keywords: Albendazole; Cyclodextrins; -cyclodextrin; Complexation; Solubility.
Albendazole (ABZ) is an antihelminthic drug
derived from benzimidazole that has a broad
spectrum of activity, good tolerance, and low cost. It
has been used against human and animal helminthe
parasites, such as nematodes, metacestodes, and
hydatoses, for more than two decades (Gyurik et al.,
1981; Evrard et al., 2002).
When used in lengthy therapies such as for
hydatoses and neurocysticercosis, ABZ can produce
gastrointestinal pain, severe headaches, fever,
fatigue, hair loss, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and
liver degeneration. Hence, it is not recommended for
patients with hepatic problems. ABZ is teratogenic
and embryotoxic and consequently cannot be
administered to pregnant women. The safety of ABZ
for children of less than two years has not yet been
established (Hardman et al., 1996).
In some of the less developed regions of the
world, helminthic intestinal infections are more
common and they may impair ocular, muscle or
blood systemic circulation (Evrard et al., 2002). The
low cost and broad spectrum of activity of ABZ
make it typically the drug of choice for these cases.
However, its very low solubility results in low
absorbance through the gastrointestinal tract and in
some applications, such as for the systemic diseases,
high oral doses that cause adverse gastrointestinal
disturbances and several detrimental side effects are
256 C. Moriwaki, G. L. Costa, C. N. Ferracini, F. F. de Moraes, G. M. Zanin, E. A. G. Pineda, and G. Matioli
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering
required. Therefore, achieving greater ABZ
solubility, for example through complexation with
cyclodextrins (CDs), could increase bioavailability
of the drug, which would be most advantageous in
lengthy therapies (Bassani et al., 1996; Castillo et al.,
1999; Garcia et al., 2003).
CDs are cyclic oligosaccharides composed of a
variable number of glucose units (commonly 6 to 8),
linked by o-1,4 bonds. They are produced by the
reaction of starch with the cyclodextrin-
glycosyltransferase enzyme (CGTase) (Matioli et al.,
2000). The CD molecules are more hydrophilic
externally and relatively hydrophobic in side their
ring cavity. In liquid or occasionally solid media,
CDs are able to form inclusion complexes with many
different types of appropriately sized, preferentially
nonpolar molecules (Frmming and Szejtli, 1994;
Martin del Valle, 2004).
For some substances with low solubility,
inclusion in CDs may improve their solubility and
kinetics of dissolution. The active principle may
cross the membranes with greater ease if the
complex stability constant has intermediary values,
and this translates into a higher in vivo
bioavailability and simultaneous increase in
therapeutical efficacy (Bekers et al., 1991).
Solubility depends on the type of CDs. Increased
solubility is obtained when the more commonly
substituted CDs are used instead of nonderivatized
CDs (Castillo et al., 1999). This occurs because
highly soluble CD derivatives are used. Derivatization,
such as that in hydroxypropyl--CD, increases
aqueous solubility by imparting greater flexibility to
the external CD hydroxyl groups, which also has the
potential to increase hydrogen bond formation
between the guest molecule and the derivatized CD
and consequently may increase the stability of the
inclusion complex. Several cyclodextrins have been
considered for their ability to form an inclusion
complex with ABZ. Of these cyclodextrin, 2-
hydroxypropyl--CD (HP--CD) appears to be
especially useful based on its safety for humans and
its complexation potential (Evrard et al., 2002).
However, the CD most commonly used for
producing pharmaceutical formulations is -CD,
probably because it is the cheapest due to its low cost
of production, since it is easily separated from the
starch reaction mixture by crystallization (Martin del
Valle, 2004; Szejtli, 1988).
A large number of pharmaceutical drugs have
been encapsulated in -CD aiming at improving their
physicochemical proprieties (stability and solubility),
bioavailability, and tolerance and reducing their
adverse side effects (Frmming and Szejtli, 1994;
Hamon and Moraes, 1990; Stella and Rajewski,
1997) some examples are acetyl salicylic acid,
naproxen, piroxicam, ketoconazole, ibuprofen,
ketoprofen, furosemide, tolbutamide, ABZ, etc
(Szejtli, 1988).
Previous studies have already reported a
synergistic effect of organic acids and CDs on the
solubility of drugs, especially with citric acid. This
type of solubility is generally attributed to a change
in the solute-solvent interaction, such as ionization of
guest molecules (Evrard et al., 2002).
This work was developed with the objective of
studying the complexation of ABZ with -CD in
aqueous and acetic acid solutions as ABZ solubilizer to
confirm complex formation and increase ABZ
solubility with a nonderivatized CD. Both synergistic
solubility enhancers, -CD and acetic acid, were
chosen because they are the cheapest and most readily
available cyclodextrin and organic acid, allowing the
production of a low-cost ABZ preparation intended for
application in poorer regions of the world. It was also
expected that, based on the lower molecular average
pKa of acetic acid in comparison to that of citric acid,
the guest molecule would be more ionized in the
inclusion complex, increasing the solubilizing
synergistic effect. The product of encapsulation was
characterized by UV-V spectroscopy, infrared
absorbance spectra, DSC, TGA, and NMR.
ABZ (Smithkline Beecham Pharmaceutical, UK)
and -CD (Sigma Chemical Co., USA) were used.
Other analytical grade reagents and distilled water
were used throughout this work.
ABZ Specific Molar Absorbance
ABZ (5, 7.5, 10, 15, and 20 mg) was dissolved in
3 mL of concentrated acetic acid and water was
added to give a volume of 50 mL. The solution
absorbance was measured at 295 nm against an
equivalent solution of acetic acid (1.05 mol L
) and
a straight line was fitted to the data, yielding ABZ
specific molar absorbance (c
) as the slope.
Enhancement of Solubility of Albendazole 257
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ABZ:-CD Phase Solubility Tests
ABZ and -CD were mixed in the following
molar ratios: 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:6, 1:8, and 1:10 in
accordance with a procedure similar to that given by
Bassani et al. (1996). For the 1:1 molar ratio, ABZ
(21.0 mg) was added to a solution of -CD (92.5 mg
in 50 mL water) and the suspension was kept under
agitation (175 rpm) at 37 C for three days. Since -
CD has a limiting solubility of 18.5 g/L at 25 C, for
all the ABZ:-CD molar ratios, -CD was in solution
and the excess ABZ was in suspension. After the
agitation period, the suspensions were cooled to
25C and the supernatants were filtered through a
0.45 m Millipore membrane, diluted with water,
and analyzed by UV spectroscopy as described in
Characterization methods.
A similar protocol without -CD was used for the
direct determination of ABZ solubility in distilled
Study of Interaction Between ABZ and -CD
The supernatant solutions from the phase
solubility tests were evaporated until dry
(rotaevaporator BUCHI, model RE 120) and solid
samples were taken for characterization of the
supposed ABZ:-CD complex as indicated in
Characterization methods.
Solubilization of ABZ Before Complexation
According to Szejtli (1988), a better
complexation is achieved if the host and guest have
previously been completely dissolved. Given the
low solubility of ABZ in water, acetic acid was
used as ABZ solvent for another series of
complexation tests. In this case, 21 mg of ABZ was
initially dissolved in concentrated acetic acid (3
mL) and then 47 mL of an aqueous solution of -
CD was added. The following molar ratios of ABZ
to -CD were used: 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:6, 1:8, and 1:10.
These liquid mixtures were analyzed by UV-VIS
spectroscopy in accordance with Characterization
Additionally, two physical mixtures of ABZ and
-CD were prepared at molar ratios of 1:1 and 1:8
and added to 3 mL concentrated acetic acid and
water was added to give a total volume of 50 mL.
These suspensions were kept under agitation for a
short time (2 h at 37C) and then filtered.
Characterization Methods
a) UV-VIS spectroscopy and -CD analyses
The ABZ:-CD supernatants were characterized
by UV-VIS spectroscopy using a Varian
spectrophotometer, model Cary 50, at 200-400 nm,
and noncomplexed -CD was determined by
colorimetry with the dye extinction method using
phenolphthalein (PHE) (Hamon and Moraes, 1990).
A solution of PHE was mixed with the ABZ:-CD
supernatants and the two guests molecules, ABZ and
PHE, competed for complex formation with -CD.
The PHE/-CD complex had negligible absorbance
at 550 nm and the PHE solution was discolored
proportionally to the PHE/-CD complex formed;
thus -CD concentration can be inferred.
b) DSC, TGA, and FTIR Analyses
Thermal analyses are useful for determining
whether the product of the complexation protocol is
a true complex. Solid products were obtained by
drying the filtered solutions from the complexation
tests with molar ratios of 1:6, 1:8, and 1:10. Samples
of 6 mg of these solids were analyzed by DSC and
TGA using a Shimadzu calorimeter (DSC-50 and
TGA-50) at a heating rate of 5C/min in a nitrogen
atmosphere (20 mL/min). Pure ABZ and -CD were
also analyzed for comparison.
The same solids and a sample of the 1:8 physical
mixture were analyzed with a FTIR BOMEM
spectrophotometer, model MB-100, with a resolution
of 4 cm
. The spectrum measurements were performed
with KBr disks in a frequency range of 4000 to 400 cm
c) NMR Analysis
The solid product of complexation was also
analyzed by NMR spectroscopy (H
-NMR and C
NMR) with a Varian mercury plus BB model, run at
300 MHz. The samples were dissolved in deuterated
dimethylsulfoxide (=2.49 ppm) and the conditions
for the Fourier transform were an acquisition time of
3.641 s, a pulse angle of 45, a retention time of
1.359 s, and a spectrum number of 32.
d) Neutralization of the Supernatants with NaOH
In another test, after the complexation procedure
in which ABZ was first solubilized with acetic acid,
258 C. Moriwaki, G. L. Costa, C. N. Ferracini, F. F. de Moraes, G. M. Zanin, E. A. G. Pineda, and G. Matioli
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering
as described in Solubilization of ABZ before
complexation, the filtered solutions were
neutralized by the addition of solid NaOH and the
solution was monitored for formation of
precipitates. If the solution remained clear, it was a
good indication that all the ABZ used (21 mg/50
mL) was held in solution owing to the formation of
a complex with -CD.
ABZ Specific Molar Absorbance
Figure 1 shows the absorbance data at 295 nm for
the ABZ acetic acid solutions, prepared as described
in ABZ specific molar absorbance. The value
calculated for the ABZ specific molar absorbance
) was 7927.9 L mol
ABZ:-CD Phase Solubility Diagram
The phase solubility diagram, in which the total
concentration of solubilized ABZ (C
) is plotted as
a function of total -CD concentration (C
), is
shown in Figure 2. A straight line was fitted to the
data and the ABZ:-CD 1:1 equilibrium constant
was determined in accordance with Higuchi and
Connors (1965) by Equation (1):
( )
C 1 s
where C
is ABZ concentration in the absence of
-CD, obtained as the y-intercept, and s is the slope
(Figure 2). The total concentration of solubilized
) was calculated as
C =
where ABS
is the phase solubility test absorbance
and c
is the specific molar absorbance of ABZ at
295 nm. It is implicitly assumed in the Higuchi and
Connors (1965) procedure that the c
value does
not change upon complexation with -CD.
The calculated values for the equilibrium constant
and ABZ concentration at zero -CD concentration
were K
= 1266 L mol
and C
= 13.62 mol
, respectively. Since the maximum ABZ
concentration obtained was 276 mol L
concentration was increased 20.3 times in relation to
the C
calculated value. Alternatively, the direct
measurement of ABZ solubility in water gave 5.17
mol L
, and using this value, the maximum ABZ
concentration achieved with aqueous -CD was 53.4
times greater.
y = 7927.9x + 0.0165
= 0.9875
0.00E+00 4.00E-05 8.00E-05 1.20E-04
Albendazole concentration (mol/L)
Figure 1: Determination of ABZ specific molar absorbance.
y = 0.01695x + 0.01362
= 0.9773
0 5 10 15 20
Beta-cyclodextrin (mM)
Figure 2: Phase solubility diagram of ABZ in aqueous -CD.
Enhancement of Solubility of Albendazole 259
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 25, No. 02, pp. 255 - 267, April - June, 2008
Solubilization of ABZ Before Complexation
Solubilization of ABZ with acetic acid before
complexation with -CD allowed larger
concentrations of ABZ in solution to be obtained.
The UV spectrophotometric data obtained with the
filtered ABZ/acetic acid/-CD mixtures are shown in
Figure 3.
In Figure 3 it can be observed that for 295 nm the
absorbance peak increases with molar proportions of
-CD in the mixture for the smaller -CD
concentrations, indicating the formation of an
ABZ:-CD complex. At this wavelength, -CD
absorbance is negligible.
It is interesting to observe that the peak
absorbance at 295 nm does not increase
monotonically with higher -CD concentrations, and
this can be explained by the formation of two
ABZ:-CD complexes with molar ratios 1:1 and 1:2
ABZ:-CD. The second complex should be
prevalent for the higher -CD concentrations and its
absorbance per mol of ABZ should be smaller, so
absorbance of an ABZ:-CD mixture would have a
local maximum as -CD concentration increases
(Figure 4). The curve drawn in Figure 4 results from
a theoretical model based on equilibrium of the two
complexes considered above (see Appendix).
The phenolphthalein assays of -CD in the
supernatant mixture indicated a lower concentration
of free -CD that in the same solution without ABZ.
Therefore, this test also corroborated the formation
of an ABZ:-CD complex (Figure 5).
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy did not
show a significant change in position of the peaks at
1100 to 2000 cm
, as can be observed in Figures 6
and 7. Consequently, FTIR data did not allow the
confirmation of complex formation. According to
Frmming and Szejtli (1994), the characteristic FTIR
bands associated with the inside of the CD are
scarcely affected by the formation of a complex.
These bands showed significant changes only when
the mass of the guest molecule did not exceed 5 to
15% of the complex mass; otherwise the changes
were masked by the guest spectrum. For a 1:1
ABZ:-CD complex, ABZ corresponded to 18.9% of
the complex mass, hence the negative result.
Figure 3: UV spectrum for the supernatant of ABZ/acetic acid/-CD mixtures.
0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.0
Beta-cyclodextrin (mmol/L)
Equation (A.6) with
K1:1 = 535.0 L/mol
K1:2 = 2 x 10
c1:1 = 3.381 x 10
c1:2 = 1 x 10
Figure 4: Absorbance at 295 nm for the filtered ABZ/acetic acid/-CD mixtures.
260 C. Moriwaki, G. L. Costa, C. N. Ferracini, F. F. de Moraes, G. M. Zanin, E. A. G. Pineda, and G. Matioli
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1:6 1:8 1:10
Molar ratio ABZ/Beta-CD
ABZ:-CD mixture
equivalent pure -CD solution
Figure 5: -CD as given by the measurement with phenolphthalein.
Figure 6: Infrared spectroscopy spectra in the range of 500 to 4000 cm
Figure 7: Infrared spectroscopy spectra in the range of 1100 to 2000 cm
Enhancement of Solubility of Albendazole 261
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Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and
Thermogravimetry (TGA)
Thermal analyses are the first choice of analytical
means for exact physicochemical characterization of
the CD solid state in terms of energy required for
water loss. Particular attention has been focused on
the study of solid-vapor equilibrium for -CD. In
addition, the inclusion complexes formed with the
CDs are usually prepared in an aqueous medium and
can be considered a water-CD-guest molecule
ternary system (Giordano et al., 2001).
The inclusion complexes in which -CD is the
host can be subjected to thermal analysis if the
melting or boiling points of the guest molecule are
below the temperature of -CD decomposition (250
to 300C) or if it is volatile in the range of 60 to
250C (Frmming and Szejtli, 1994).
In general, the occurrence of complexation is
verified by the disappearance of the endothermic
peak that is characteristic of the encapsulated
molecule. This disappearance can be ascribed to an
amorphous state, complex formation, or both
(Szejtli, 1988). In our work, it was not possible to
determine the melting point of the ABZ:-CD
complex, but rather a temperature range, 160 to
240C, as shown in Figure 8.a. According to
Frmming and Szejtli (1994), the CDs do not have
a definite melting point and above 200C they start
to decompose. The observed thermoanalytical
properties depend on at least four factors: water
content, crystalline structure, heating rate, and
gaseous environment. During TGA analysis, the
CDs lost water below 100C and began to
decompose above 250C. Therefore, the fact that a
molecule does not melt at a given definite
temperature impedes the confirmation of complex
formation. In our work, this fact hindered
verification of the ABZ:-CD complex by DSC and
TGA (Figure 8.c).
Castillo et al. (1999) analyzed pure ABZ by DSC
and observed an endothermic peak at around 200.7C
that corroborates the results in Figure 8.a. This peak,
they observed, is not a simple peak, but in fact, can
be considered a double peak that may be indicative
of enantiomeric or polymorphic compounds. This
factor also hinders the analysis of a possible ABZ:-
CD complex.
Thermal analysis of the complex preparations
with molar ratios of 1:6, 1:8, and 1:10 (Figure 8.a
and b) compared to the pure ABZ peak profile
(Figure 8.a) indicates a reduction in the endothermic
ABZ peak position at around 200C. However, it
should be cautioned that this reduction might be
considered the effect that in the complex
preparations, ABZ is diluted by a much higher -CD
ratio. The peak profile in this case would then only
reflect the weighed addition of the ABZ and -CD
peak thermograms.
Castillo et al. (1999) also found these
inconclusive results with DSC for the preparation of
ABZ:hydroxypropyl--CD complex by coprecipitation,
but they observed a true complex when the
preparation method was freeze-drying.
(a) DSC analysis:
-CD ,
1:8 Complex preparation
262 C. Moriwaki, G. L. Costa, C. N. Ferracini, F. F. de Moraes, G. M. Zanin, E. A. G. Pineda, and G. Matioli
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering
(b)DSC analysis of ABZ:-CD complex preparations:
(c) TGA analysis:
1:8 Complex preparation,
Figure 8: Thermal analyses of ABZ, CD, and their complex.
NMR Results
A variety of techniques are used to analyze
complexes. Only nuclear magnetic resonance of
protons (H
-NMR) and carbon 13 (C
-NMR) have
proved the formation of a complex (Hedges, 1998).
They are efficient for the identification and study of
CD inclusion compounds, either in the solid or liquid
state. -CD has primary and secondary hydroxyls at
the terminal regions of the CD toroidal structure. The
H(3) and H(5) protons are directed towards the
inside of the CD cavity, while H(1), H(2), and H(4)
are found on the outside. Thus, when the guest
molecule is lodged inside the cavity, H(3) and H(5),
or close to it, H(6), have to be dislocated.
Alternatively, when association occurs on the outside
of the toroidal structure, H(1), H(2), and/or H(4) are
necessarily affected (Szejtli, 1988).
Results from C
-NMR analyses of the 1:8
complex preparation sample did not confirm the
formation of the ABZ:-CD complex (results not
shown) because the chemical dislocations observed
were insignificant. This result may be a consequence
of the low molar ratio for ABZ and because aliphatic
guests or included compounds with low association
constants normally have negligible chemical
dislocations (Wimmer et al., 2002).
The H
-NMR results obtained with the dried
solids from the supernatant of the 1:8 ABZ:-CD
complex preparation are shown in Figure 9. Analysis
of changes in the H
peak in the range of 5.6 to 5.8
ppm for the free ABZ and -CD can be interpreted
as a good indication of formation of the ABZ:-CD
complex because of the band broadening and change
in peak intensity observed. Chemical dislocations
(ppm) for the protons of the free -CD and ABZ:-
CD complex (preparation molar ratio of 1:8) are
shown in Table 1. -CD proton H(1), present in the
range of 5.6 to 5.8 ppm, had four chemical
dislocations and proton H(5), seen in the range of 4.4
to 4.5 ppm, had three (see Figure 9.a also). The
complex preparation had only one chemical
dislocation (see Figure 9.b also), corroborating the
inclusion of ABZ in -CD.
Enhancement of Solubility of Albendazole 263
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(a) Chemical shift (ppm) of the -CD protons in the free state
(b) Chemical shift (ppm) of the protons from the supposed ABZ:-CD complex
(c) Chemical shift (ppm) of the ABZ protons in the free state
Figure 9: H
-NMR results: (a) -CD, (b) complex, (c) ABZ.
264 C. Moriwaki, G. L. Costa, C. N. Ferracini, F. F. de Moraes, G. M. Zanin, E. A. G. Pineda, and G. Matioli
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Table 1: Chemical dislocations (ppm) for the protons of free -CD and the ABZ:-CD complex
(preparation molar ratio of 1:8).
Proton H(1) H(5)
Free -CD 5.665 4.448
5.672 4.467
5.711 4.485
Complex 5.691 4.457
Neutralization of the Supernatants with NaOH
In Figure 10 it is shown that the filtered solutions
of ABZ/acid acetic/-CD mixtures neutralized with
NaOH developed precipitates when the molar ratios
were in the range of 1:1 to 1:4; the preparation with
molar ratio 1:4 showed a fine precipitate at the
surface, but for the higher molar ratios of 1:8 and
1:10, the solutions remained mostly clear. This
indicates that for the molar ratios of 1:8 and 1:10,
practically all the ABZ present was complexed with
-CD and the complex formed was soluble under
these conditions. Therefore, the goal of increasing
ABZ solubility with -CD complexation was
achieved, since the solution contained 21 mg of ABZ
per 50 mL of solution. Using an ABZ solubility in
water of 5.17 mol L
, the maximum ABZ
concentration achieved with 1.05 mol L
acetate and 16.3 mmol L
-CD was increased 306
times. The higher increase in ABZ solubility
observed with the neutralized solutions indicates that
the presence of acetate anion enhanced complexation
by -CD. Other authors have also obtained a
synergistic effect for complexation with CDs in
acidic media (Evrard et al., 2002; Castillo et al.,
1999; Garcia et al., 2003).
Finally, it should be pointed out that enhancement
of ABZ solubility has been studied by a number of
authors (Evrard et al., 2002; Bassani et al., 1996;
Castillo et al., 1999; Garcia et al., 2003), using
preferentially hydroxypropyl--CD (HP--CD),
which can increase ABZ solubility up to 3500
(Bassani et al., 1996) or even 10000 using citric acid
as solubility enhancer (Evrard et al., 2002).
However, ABZ is an inexpensive drug, frequently
used for helminthiasis commonly found in poor or
developing countries and because HP--CD is more
expensive than -CD, using HP--CD or HP--CD
and citric acid raises the price of the medicine,
thereby hindering commercialization.
Figure 10: Neutralized ABZ/acid acetic/-CD complex preparations (from left to right:
ABZ:-CD molar ratios of 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:6, 1:8, and 1:10).
Enhancement of Solubility of Albendazole 265
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Spectrophotometric analyses of the preparations
of ABZ:-CD complex indicated the formation of a
complex and the previous solubilization of ABZ with
acetic acid allowed a more concentrated complex
solution to be prepared. Still, infrared spectroscopy
and thermal analyses by DSC and TGA did not
confirm the formation of a complex, the latter
because ABZ does not have a sharply defined
melting point and has a polymorphous nature. C
NMR also failed to confirm the presence of a
complex, but H
-NMR yielded a good indication of
complex formation because of band stretching and
change in peak intensity observed for the complex,
compared to those in the ABZ and -CD standards.
Neutralization of the filtered solutions of ABZ/acid
acetic/-CD mixtures allowed a very clear and visual
result that was interpreted as a demonstration of
complex formation.
The phase solubility diagram for the formation of
the ABZ:-CD complex in aqueous -CD at 37C
gave a straight line with an equilibrium constant of
1266 L mol
for the 1:1 molar ratio complex. The
maximum ABZ concentration was 276 mol L
the presence of 16.3 mmol L
-CD, resulting in a
53.4-time increase in ABZ concentration.
Complexation in the presence of acetic acid was
modeled by the formation of two complexes with
molar ratios 1:1 and 1:2 ABZ:-CD, giving an
adequate fit with equilibrium constants of 535.0 L
and 2 x 10
L mol
, respectively. When ABZ
acetic acid solutions were mixed with -CD they
formed clear solutions that remained clear when
neutralized with NaOH only for ABZ:-CD ratios of
1:8 and 1:10. Precipitates formed with lower ABZ:-
CD ratios, suggesting that the mixtures with high -
CD molar ratios were more appropriate for ABZ
complexation. In addition, a synergistic effect was
observed for solubility enhanced by -CD and the
acetate anion. The 1:8 ABZ:-CD molar ratio is
preferred because it required less -CD than the 1:10
case and provided the desired solubility effects. The
goal of increasing ABZ solubility with -CD
complexation was achieved. ABZ solubility was
increased up to 306 times in the presence of 1.05 mol
sodium acetate and 16.3 mmol L
-CD. Therefore,
it was demonstrated that acetic acid in conjunction with
-CD is also a synergistic solubility enhancer pair of
substances for ABZ and an alternative to more costly
pairs such as hydroxypropyl--CD/citric acid already
studied (Evrard et al., 2002).
Although, the -CD/acetic acid pair showed a
smaller potential for ABZ solubility enhancement than
derivatized CD, such as HP--CD and citric acid, the
lower cost of -CD/acetic acid seems more appropriate
for application in poorer regions of the world where
improved ABZ medicine is most needed. Nonetheless,
further studies are necessary to establish the
pharmacological cost effectiveness and occasional side
effects of the ABZ--CD/acetic acid preparation.
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ABZ:-CD Complexation Model
Here a theoretical model for the complexation of
ABZ with -CD in the presence of an ABZ solvent,
will be developed, considering the formation of two
complexes with molar ratios of 1:1 and 1:2 ABZ:-
CD. The absorbance of the complex solution at 295
nm, ABS, measured against an equivalent solvent
solution without ABZ and -CD, is given by the sum
of four contributions, namely
ABZ BCD 1:1 1:2
ABS x y z u = + + + c c c c (A.1)
where x is the concentration of free ABZ, y is the
concentration of free -CD, z is the concentration of
the 1 ABZ:1 -CD complex, u is the concentration of
the 1 ABZ:2 -CD complex,
is the specific
molar absorbance for free ABZ,
is the specific
molar absorbance for the 1 ABZ:1 -CD complex,
is the specific molar absorbance for the 1 ABZ:2
-CD complex, and
is the specific molar
absorbance for free -CD.
The two complexes are in thermodynamic
equilibrium in accordance with the following
G + H
C ,
x y
= (A.2)
(x) (y) (z)
C + H
z y
= (A.3)
(z) (y) (u)
Stoichiometric relations for the species in solution:
x = a z u (A.4)
y = b z 2 u (A.5)
where a is the total concentration of ABZ, and b is
the total concentration of -CD.
After some algebraic calculations, Equations
(A.1) to (A.5) can be combined to yield
( )
( )
( )
ABZ 1:1 1:1 1:2 1:2
K y K y
y b a
K y
+ +
= +
c c c
c (A.6)
( )
( )
3 2
1:1 1:2 1:1 1:2
K K y K K 2 a b 1 y
1 K a b y b 0
+ + +
+ =
The specific molar absorbance for free ABZ,
can be calculated as
c = (A.8)
where ABS
is the molar absorbance of the solution
containing ABZ at concentration a and -CD
concentration is zero.
Enhancement of Solubility of Albendazole 267
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 25, No. 02, pp. 255 - 267, April - June, 2008
Given a, b, K
, and K
, y is first calculated as
the real number solution of the cubic Equation (A.7).
Then the complex solution absorbance is calculated
with Equation (A.6), giving additionally,
, and
. To reduce indetermination of the
parameters, K
can be initially calculated
with the points of low -CD concentration and then
these values are used with Equations (A.6) and (A.7)
with K
still to be selected or determined by
some procedure, such as minimization of the sum of
the square of the errors for ABS, compared with the
experimental data.