P12 Fac RTP
P12 Fac RTP
P12 Fac RTP
Q. 1. a) For each of the questions given below, one out of four answers is correct. Indicate the
correct answer and give your workings/ reasons briefly.
i. The traditional view of financial management looks at :
A. Arrangement of short-term and long-term funds from financial institutions.
B. Mobilisation of funds through financial instruments
C. Orientation of Finance function with Accounting function
D. All of the above
ii. A firm seeks to increase its current ratio from 1.5 before its closing date of the
accounts. The action that would make it possible is :
A. Delaying payment of salaries
B. Increase charge for depreciation
C. Making cash payment to creditors
D. Selling marketable securities for cash at book value.
iii. The dividends distributed to the shareholders and taxes paid during the year are shown
as application of funds when provision for dividends and provision for taxes are treated
as :
A. Current liabilities
B. Non-current liabilities
C. Fund items
D. Non-fund items
iv. In using debt-equity ratio in capital structure decisions, there is an optimal capital
structure where :
A. The WACC is minimum
B. The cost of debt is lowest
C. The cost savings are highest
D. The marginal tax benefit is equal to marginal cost of financial distress
v. Where the firm has sufficient profits from its existing operations, the loss on the new
project will :
A. Cause overall loss
B. Reduce the overall taxation liability
C. Increase WACC
D. Increase cost of debt
vi. Buying and selling call and put option with different strike prices and different
expiration dates are called :
A. Butterfly spread
B. Diagonal spread
C. Vertical spread
D. Short hedge
viii. Which of the following is/are basic precondition/s for interest arbitrage theory ?
A. Free capital mobility
B. No taxes
C. No government restrictions on borrowing in foreign currency
D. All of the above
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x. If the amount and timing of a foreign currency outflow are both uncertain, then the
best hedging technique will be to :
A. Buy a put option
B. Buy a call option
C. Sell a call option
D. Buy a forward contract
Q. 1. (b) In each of the questions given below, one out of four is correct. Indicate the correct
i. Vishnu Steels Ltd. Has issued 30,000 irredeemable 14% debentures of ` 150 each. The
cost of floatation of debentures is 5% of the total issued amount. The company’s
taxation rate is 40%. The cost of debentures is :
A. 8.95%
B. 7.64%
C. 9.86%
D. 8.84%
ii. The balance sheet of ABC Ltd. Shows the capital structure as follows :
2,50,000 equity shares of ` 10 each; 32,000, 12% preference shares of ` 100 each;
general reserve of ` 14,00,000; securities premium account ` 6,00,000; 25,000, 14%
fully secured non-convertible debentures of ` 100 each.; term loans from financial
institutions ` 10,00,000.
The leverage of the firm is :
A. 67.2%
B. 62.5%
C. 59.8%
D. 56.3%
iii. A company has obtained quotes from two different manufacturers for an equipment.
The details are as follows :
Product Cost (` Million) Estimated life (years)
Make X 4.50 10
Make Y 6.00 15
Ignoring operation and maintenance cost, which one would be cheaper ? The
company’s cost of capital is 10%.
[Given : PVIFA (10%, 10 years) = 6.1446 and PVIFA (10%, 15 years) = 7.6061]
A. Make X will be cheaper
B. Make Y will be cheaper
C. Cost will be the same
D. None of the above
iv. According to the second method of lending by a bank as per Tandon committee
suggestion, the maximum permissible bank borrowing – based on the following
information is :
Total current assets ` 40,000; Current assets other than bank borrowings ` 10,000; Core
current assets ` 5,000.
A. ` 22,500
B. ` 20,000
C. ` 16,250
D. ` 18,500
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v. ABC Ltd. Is selling its products on credit basis and its customers are associated with 5%
credit risk. The annual turnover is expected at ` 5,00,000 if credit is extended with cost
of sales at 75% of sale value. The cost of capital of the company is 15%. The net profit of
the company is :
A. ` 1,25,000
B. ` 77,670
C. ` 88,430
D. ` 1,10,500
vi. The following various currency quotes are available from a leading bank:
`/£ 75.31/75 .33
£ /$ 0.6391/0.6398
$ /¥ 0.01048/0.01052
The rate at which yen(¥ ) can be purchased with rupees will be
A. Re. 0.5070
B. ` 1.5030
C. ` 1.7230
D. None of the above.
vii. Ms. S buys 10000 shares of RR Ltd. at ` 50 and obtains a complete hedge of shorting
400 Nifties at ` 2200 each. She closes out her position at closing price of next day at
which point the share of RR Ltd. has dropped 2% and the Nifty future has dropped
1.5% . What is the overall profit/(loss) of this set of transaction ?
A. Gain ` 3200
B. Gain ` 2200
C. Loss ` 3200
D. Loss ` 2200
viii. An Indian company is planning to invest in US. The US inflation rate is expected to be
3% and that of India is expected to be 8% annually. If the spot rate currently is ` 45/
US$, what spot rate can you expect after 5 years ?
A. ` 59.09/US$
B. ` 57.00/US$
C. ` 57.04/US$
D. ` 57.13/US$
ix. The stock of Pioneer company sells for ` 120. The present value of exercise price and
the value of a call option are ` 108.70 and RS. 19.80 respectively. Hence the value of
the put option is :
A. ` 8.50
B. ` 9.00
C. ` 10
D. Zero
x. The spot and 6 months forward rates of L in relation to the rupee (Re/L) are `
77.92542/78.1255 and ` 78.8550/78.9650 respectively. What will be the annualized
forward margin (premium with respect to Ask price) ?
A. 2.31%
B. 2.15%
C. 1.80%
D. 1.59%
Answer 1. (a)
i) D
ii) C
iii) B
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iv) D
v) B
vi) B
vii) A
viii) D
ix) C
x) B
Answer 1. (b)
i) D – 8.84%
Total issued amount (30,000 x ` 150) 45,00,000
Less : Floatation cost (` 45,00,000 x 5/100) 2,25,000
Net proceeds from issue 42,75,000
ii) C – 59.8%
Fixed income funds = Preference share capital + Debentures + Term loans
= ` 32,00,000 + ` 25,00,000 + ` 10,00,000 = ` 67,00,000
Equity funds = Equity share capital + General reserve + Securities premium
= ` 25,00,000 + ` 14,00,000 + ` 6,00,000 = ` 45,00,000
Total funds used in the capital structure
= ` 67,00,000 + ` 45,00,000 = ` 1,12,00,000
iv) B – ` 20,000
MPBF under second method
= (75% current assets) – (Current liabilities other than bank borrowings)
= (` 40,000 x 75/100) – ` 10,000 = ` 20,000
v) B – ` 77,670
Profitability of credit sales (`)
Credit sales 5,00,000
Less : Cost of sales (` 5,00,000 x 75/100) 3,75,000
Less : Cost of granting credit
Default risk (` 5,00,000 x 5/100) 25,000
Opportunity cost (` 5,00,000 x 60/365 x 15/100) 12,330
Administration cost (` 5,00,000 x 2/100) 10,000 47,330
Net profit 77,670
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viii. C – ` 57.04/US$
According to Purchase Power Parity, spot rate after 5 years
= ` 45 x [(1 + 0.08)/ (1 + 0.03)] = 45 x 1.2675 = ` 57.04
ix. A – ` 8.50
Value of put option = Value of call option + PV of exercise price – Stock price
= ` 19.80 + RS. 108.70 – ` 120
= ` 8.50
x. B – 2.15%
The forward margin (premium with respect to Ask price) rate :
= F – S x 12 x 100
S n
Answer 2.
i. Marking to market – Marking to market is a characteristic feature of future contracts. Future
contracts are standardized contracts that trade on organized future markets.
Under a future contract the seller agrees to deliver to the buyer a specified quantity of
security, commodity or foreign exchange at a fixed time in future at a price agreed to at the
time of entering into the contract. To ensure that default risk is reduced to minimum, both
parties are required to deposit some margin money with the organized clearing house, which
is known as the initial margin. Further, with the fluctuation in the price of the underlying
asset, the balance in the margin account may fall below specified minimum level or even
become negative so that it may not happen like this, at the end of each trading session, all
outstanding contracts are appraised at the settlement price of that session. This is known as
Marking to Market.
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This would mean that some participants would make a loss while others would stand to gain.
The exchange adjusts this by debiting the margin accounts of those members who made a
loss and crediting the accounts of those members who have gained. A member making a loss
must make good loss and the counter party will receive his profit.
Thus the value of the future contracts is set to zero at the end of each trading day.
ii. Cross border leasing – Cross-border leasing is a leasing agreement where lessor and lessee
are situated in different countries. This raises significant additional issues relating to tax
avoidance and tax shelters. It has been widely used in some European countries, to arbitrage
the difference in the tax laws of different countries.
Cross-border leasing have been in practice as a means of financing infrastructure
development in emerging nations. Cross-border leasing may have significant applications in
financing infrastructure development in emerging nations – such as rail and air transport
equipment, telephone and telecommunications, equipment, and assets incorporated into
power generations and distribution systems – and other projects that have predictable
revenue streams.
A major objective of cross-border leases is to reduce the overall cost of financing through
utilization by the lessor of tax depreciation allowances to reduce its taxable income. The tax
savings are passed to the lessee as a lower cost of finance. The basic prerequisites are
relatively high tax rates in the lessor’s country, liberal depreciation rules and either very
flexible or very formalistic rules governing tax ownership.
iii. ‘Financial Engineering’ involves the design, development and implementation of innovative
financial instruments and processes and the formulation of creative solutions to problems in
finance. Financial Engineering lies in innovation and creativity to promote market efficiency. It
involves construction of innovative asset-liability structures using a combination of basic
instruments so as to obtain hybrid instruments which may either provide a risk-return
configuration otherwise unviable or result in gain by heading efficiently, possibly by creating
an arbitrage opportunity. It is of great help in corporate finance, investment management,
money management, trading activities and risk management.
In recent years, the rapidity with which corporate finance and investment finance have
changed in practice has given birth to a new area of study known as financial engineering. It
involves use of complex mathematical modeling and high speed computer solutions.
It has been practiced by commercial banks in offering new and tailor-made products to
different types of customers. Financial Engineering has been used in schemes of mergers and
The term financial engineering is often used to refer to risk management also because it
involves a strategic approach to risk management.
iv. A forward-to-forward contract is a swap transaction that involves the simultaneous sale and
purchase of one currency for another, where both transactions are forward contracts. It
allows the company to take advantage of the forward premium without locking on to the spot
rate. The spot rate has to be locked on to before the starting date of the forward-to-forward
A forward-to-forward contract is a perfect tool for corporate houses that want to take
advantage of the opposite movements in the spot and forward market by locking in the
forward premium at a high or low. Now, CFOs can defer locking on the spot rate to the future
when they consider the spot rate to be moving in their favour. However a forward-to-forward
contract can have serious cash flows implications for a corporate.
v. Economic value added (EVA) measures economic profit/ loss as opposed to accounting
profit/loss. EVA is essentially the surplus left after making an appropriate charge for the
capital employed in the business. It may be calculated in any of the following, apparently
different but essentially equivalent, ways :
EVA = NOPAT – c x Capital
EVA = Capital ( r – c)
EVA = [PAT + Int. (1 – t)] – c x Capital
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Q. 3. a) What is foreign exchange risk ? Briefly explain the major types of foreign exchange
Answer 3. (a)
Foreign exchange risk concerns the variance of the domestic currency value of an asset, liability or
operating income that is attributable to unanticipated variances in the exchange rates. Foreign exchange
risk is an exposure of facing uncertain future exchange rate. When firm and individuals are engaged in
cross-border transactions, they are potentially exposed to foreign exchange risk that they would not
normally encounter in purely domestic transactions.
Foreign exchange exposures can be classified into three broad categories :
i. Transaction exposure : Transaction exposure arises when one currency is to be
exchanged for another and when a change in foreign exchange rate occurs between the time a
transaction is executed and the time it is settled.
ii. Translation exposure : When the assets and liabilities of trading transactions are
denominated in foreign currencies, then there may be risk of translation from such denominations
into home currencies. This will also be due to fluctuations in the rates of different currencies.
iii. Economic exposure : Economic exposure is the risk of a change in the rate affecting the
company’s competitive position in the market. It is normally defined as the effect on future cash
flows of unpredicted future movements in exchange rates. This affects a firm’s competitive
position across the various markets and products and hence the firm’s real economic value.
Answer 3. (b)
We need to use the equivalent annual cost method as the machine which is currently used and the
replacement machine are having different lives. We first find the equivalent annual cost of new machine
and then see for each of the four years the incremental cost. We choose that year in which incremental
cost is least.
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PV of costs of new machine =` 90,000 + ` 10,000 x PVIFA (15%, 8) – ` 20,000 x PVIF (15%, 8)
= ` 90,000 + ` 44,873 – ` 6,538
= ` 1,28,335
Equivalent annual cost of new machine = ` 1,28,335 / PVIFA (15%, 8)
= ` 28,600
Since, we are to spend this amount after one year only, we need to find the future value of this,
= 1.15 x ` 26,960 = ` 31,000
It is very clear from the above analysis that anyone would prefer to replace it now and spend just ` 28,600
and thereafter, rather than spending ` 31,000 and ` 28,600 thereafter. Though similar calculation can be
performed for each year’s replacement, the calculations are unnecessary. This is because; the opportunity
cost and increasing maintenance would only increase the equivalent annual cost of old machine. The same
would be certainly higher than ` 28,600.
Q. 4. a) What is the difference between Economic Value Added and Accounting Profit ?
b) The following is the condensed Balance sheet of NHPC Ltd. at the beginning and end of the year.
Balance Sheets
As at ………………..
Particulars 31.12.2011 31.12.2012
Cash 50,409 40,535
Sundry debtors 77,180 73,150
Temporary investments 1,10,500 84,000
Prepaid expenses 1,210 1,155
Inventories 92,154 1,05,538
Cash surrender value of Life Insurance Policy 4,607 5,353
Land 25,000 25,000
Building, machinery etc. 1,47,778 1,82,782
Debenture discount 4,305 2,867
5,13,143 5,20,380
Sundry creditors 1,03,087 95,656
Outstanding expenses 12,707 21,663
4% mortgage debentures 82,000 68,500
Accumulated depreciation 96,618 81,633
Allowance for inventory loss 2,000 8,500
Reserve for contingencies 1,06,731 1,34,178
Surplus in P & L A/c 10,000 10,250
Share capital 1,00,000 1,00,000
5,13,143 5,20,380
The following information concerning the transaction are available :
i. Net profit for 2012 as per Profit and loss account was ` 49,097
ii. A 10% cash dividend was paid during the year.
iii. The premium of Life Insurance Policies were ` 2,773 of which ` 1,627 was charged to
Profit and Loss Account of the year.
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iv. New machinery was purchased for ` 31,365 and machinery costing ` 32,625 was sold
during the year. Depreciation on machinery sold had accumulated to ` 29,105 at the
date of sale. It was sold as scrap for ` 1,500. The remaining increase in Fixed Assets
resulted from construction of a Building.
v. The Mortgage Debentures mature at the rate of ` 5,000 per year. In addition to the
above, the company purchased and retired ` 8,500 of Debentures at ` 103. Both the
premium on retirement and the applicable discount were charged to Profit and Loss
vi. The allowance for Inventory Loss was created by a charge to expenses in each year to
provide for obsolete items.
vii. A debit to reserve for contingencies of ` 11,400 was made during the year. This was in
respect of a past tax liability.
You are required to prepare a statement showing the Sources and Applications of funds for the year
Answer 4. (a)
Earning profit is not sufficient, a business should earn sufficient profit to cover its cost of capital and
surplus to grow. Any surplus generated from operating activities over and above the cost of capital is
termed as Economic Value Added (EVA). Economic Value Added measures economic profit/ loss as
opposed to accounting profit/loss. EVA calculates profit/loss after taking into account the cost of capital,
which is the weighted average cost of equity and debt.
Accounting profit on the other hand ignores cost of equity and thus overstates profit or under states loss.
NOPAT = Net operating profit after tax = EBIT (1 – t)
K = Capital employed (Equity + Debt)
WACC = Weighted average cost of equity and debt.
The estimates are fine-tuned through several adjustments. For instance, NOPAT is estimated excluding
non-recurring income or expenditure. PAT is shown in the profit and loss account to include profit available
to the shareholders, both preference and equity. Ability to maintain dividend is not a test of profit
EVA is the right measures for goal setting and business planning, performance evaluation, bonus
determination, capital budgeting and evaluation.
Simply stated Accounting Profit equals Sales Revenue minus all costs except the cost of equity capital,
while Economic Profit is Sales Revenue minus all costs including the opportunity cost of equity capital. Thus
economic profit may be lower than the accounting profit. If accounting profit equals the opportunity cost
of equity capital, economic profit is zero. Only when accounting profit is greater than the opportunity cost
of equity capital, economic profit is positive. Under perfect competition, all firms in the long run earns zero
economic profit.
Answer 4. (b)
Statement of Sources and Applications of Funds
For the year ended 31 December 2012
Sources ` Applications `
Sale of Machinery 1,500 Purchase of machinery 31,365
Trading profit (adjusted) 75,457 Payment for construction of building 36,264
76,957 Dividend paid 10,000
Add: Decrease in working capital 28,600 Redemption of debentures 13,755
Tax liability paid 11,400
Premium on Life Policy 2,773
(1,146 + 1,627)
1,05,557 1,05,557
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Workings :
Statement of Change in Working Capital
2011 2012
` `
Current Assets :
Cash 50,409 40,535
Sundry debtors 77,180 73,150
Temporary investments 1,10,500 84,000
Prepaid expenses 1,210 1,155
Inventories 92,154 1,05,538
3,31,453 3,04,378
Less : Current Liabilities :
Sundry creditors 1,03,087 95,656
Out. Expenses 12,707 21,663
1,15,794 1,17,319
Working capital 2,15,659 1,87,059
Decrease in working capital - 28,600
2,15,659 2,15,659
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Q. 5. a) Venture Capital is considered to be a high risk capital. Do you agree? Enumerate the main
features of Venture Capital investment.
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Answer 5. (a)
The venture capital can be defined as the “long term equity investments in business which display potential
for significant growth and financial return”.
The term ‘venture capital’ comprises of two words viz. ‘venture’ and ‘capital’. The dictionary meaning of
‘venture’ is a course of proceedings associated with risk, the outcome of which is uncertain and ‘capital
means resources to start the enterprise. In a narrower sense venture capital is understood as the capital
which is available for financing new venture. Broadly, it can be interpreted as the investment of long-term
equity finance where the venture capitalist earns his return from capital gain.
The venture capital financing refers to the financing of new high risky venture promoted by qualified
entrepreneurs who lack experience and funds to give shape to their ideas. In a broad sense, under venture
capital financing, venture capitalist make investment to purchase equity of debt securities from
inexperienced entrepreneurs who undertake highly risky venture with potential of success.
The main features of venture capital investment are :
i. Providing finance of entrepreneurial talents
ii. Providing capital to persons having managerial skills.
iii. Expecting a high return in the form of capital gain.
The venture capital schemes are designed to promote technological advancement and innovation through
introduction of new products, process or plants and equipments. The activities which, in general need
venture capital support are :
i. Commercial production of viable new process or products.
ii. Technological up-gradation, including adoption of imported technology suitable to Indian
iii. Energy conservation with innovative technology.
iv. Commercial exploitation of proven technology.
Thus, the distinguishing characteristic of venture capital sources is an investment policy aimed at achieving
most of the profit through capital gain.
Answer 5. (b)
Calculation of Profit (before tax and interest)
` `
Interest on Bank overdraft ` 10,00,000 1,50,000
` 6,00,000
66,000 2,16,000
7.5% Dividend on cumulative pref. shares ` 2,00,000 15,000
Ordinary shareholders’ dividend ` 40,00,000 4,80,000
Reserve & retained profits
[(` 4,80,000 + 15,000) 4,95,000 × = 8,25,000]
(8,25,000 – 4,95,000) 3,30,000 8,25,000
Tax @ 50% of Net profit before tax
Therefore, net profit after tax will be 100% i.e. 8,25,000
Profit before tax and interest 18,66,000
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Capital employed :
(` 93,00,000 + ` 10,00,000) 1,03,00,000
= ` 18,66,000 . x 100
` 1,03,00,000
= 18.12%
b) Aggressive Leasing Company is considering a proposal to lease out a tourist bus. The bus can be
purchased for ` 5,00,000 and, in turn, be leased out at ` 1,25,000 per year for 8 years with
payments occurring at the end of each year :
i. Estimate the internal rate of return for the company assuming tax is ignored.
ii. What should be the yearly lease payment charged by the company in order to earn 20%
annual compound rate of return before expenses and taxes ?
iii. Calculate the annual lease rent to be charged so as to amount to 20% after tax annual
compound rate of return, based on the following assumptions :
I. Tax rate is 40%
II. Straight line depreciation
III. Annual expenses of ` 50,000 and
IV. Resale value ` 1,00,000 after the turn.
Answer 6. (a)
A lease is considered as a Financial lease if the lessor intends to recover his capital outlay plus the required
rate of return on funds during the period of lease. It is a form of financing the assets under the cover of
lease transaction. A financial lease is a noncancellable contractual commitment on the part of the lessee
(the user) to make a series of payments to the lessor for the use of an asset. In this type of leases, lessee
will use and have control over the asset without holding ownership of the asset. The lessee is expected to
pay for upkeep and maintenance of the asset. This is also known by the name ‘capital lease’. The essential
point of this type of lease agreement is that it contains a condition whereby the lessor agrees to transfer
the title for the asset at the end of the lease period at a nominal cost. At the end of lease it must give an
option to the lessee to purchase the asset he has used. Under this lease usually 90% of the fair value of the
asset is recovered by the lessor as lease rentals and the lease period is 75% of the economic life of the
asset. The lease agreement is irrevocable. Practically all the risks incidental to the asset ownership and all
the benefits arising therefrom is transferred to the lessee who bears the cost of maintenance, insurance
and repairs. Only the title deeds remain with the lessor.
Answer 6. (b)
i) Payback period
= 5,00,000 = 4 years
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ii) Desired lease rent to earn 20% IRR before expenses and taxes
Present value of inflow annually for 8 years @ 20% = 3.837
iii) Revised lease rental on tourist bus to earn 20% return based on the given conditions
PV factor [( X – Expenses – Depreciation) ( 1 – T) + D] + (PV factor x Salvage value) = C0
3.837 [(X – 50,000 – 50,000) (1 – 0.4) + 50,000] + (0.233 x 1,00,000) = 5,00,000
3.837 [0.6 x – 60,000 + 50,000] + 23,000 = 5,00,000
2.3022 x = 5,15,070
X = 2,23,730
Verification `
This may be confirmed as lease rental 2,23,730
Less : Expenses + Depreciation 1,00,000
EBT 1,23,730
Less : Tax 40% 49,492
PAT 74,238
Add : Depreciation 50,000
CFAT 1,24,238
Q. 7. a) Explain the term “Swaps”. Outline the possible benefits to a Company of undertaking an
Interest rate swap.
Financial plan
Capital structure A B C
Equity shares of ` 100 each to be issued at 25% premium 60% 40% 35%
15% debt 40% 60% 50%
10% preference shares ` 100 each - - 15%
(Assume Income tax @ 40%)
Required :
i. To calculate the degree of operating leverage, degree of financial leverage and degree
to combined leverage for each financial plan.
ii. To calculate earnings per share and market price per share if price earning ratio in A
plan is 10 times and in B and C plan is 8 times.
iii. To suggest which form of financing should be employed if the firm follows the policy of
seeking to maximize the price of its shares.
iv. To calculate the indifference point between A and B plan.
v. To calculate the financial break even point for each plan and to suggest which plan has
more financial risk.
vi. To calculate the cost break even point.
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Answer 7. (a)
Swaps, as the name implies, are exchange / swap of debt obligations (interest and/or principal payments)
between two parties. These are of two types, namely interest swaps and currency swaps. While interest
swaps involve exchange of interest obligations between two parties, currency swaps involve two parties
who agree to pay each other’s debt obligations denominated in different currencies.
Benefits of Interest rate swap :
i. A company can lower its overall interest burden by making use of the comparative
advantage; it has of borrowing in one market compared with another company that has a
comparative advantage in another market.
ii. A company that is paying one type of interest can switch to paying another type of
interest, for example from fixed to floating or floating to fixed rates.
iii. Swaps can be a more cost effective way of reducing interest rate risk than other hedging
iv. A company can change the structure of its borrowing without giving to terminate existing
loan arrangements, and hence incur early termination costs.
v. Swaps are more flexible than other methods of hedging – there are no prescribed sums
or periods of swaps. Swaps can be reversed as required by swapping with another
counter party.
Answer 7. (b)
Part (i), (ii) and (iii) Statement showing the calculation of degree of various leverages etc.
Recommendation : The market price is highest under Financial Plan A, therefore Financial Plan A is
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The indifference point between Plan A and Plan B is at the EBIT level of ` 15,000
Comment : Since financial BEP for Plan C is highest, Plan C has the highest Financial Risk.
Q. 8. a) From the following information, ascertain whether the firm is following an optimal
dividend policy as per Walter’s model :
Total earnings ` 6,00,000
No. of equity shares of ` 100 each 40,000
Dividend paid ` 1,60,000
Price-earnings (P/E) Ratio 10
The firm is expected to maintain its rate of return of fresh investment. What should be the P/E
ratio at which dividend policy will have no effect on the value of the share ? Will your decision
change if the P/E ratio is 5 instead of 10 ?
b) M Ltd. has a capital of ` 10,00,000 in equity shares of ` 100 each. The shares are currently
quoted at par. The company proposes declaration of a dividend of ` 10 per share. The
capitalization rate for the risk class to which the company belongs is 12%.
What will be the market price of the share at the end of the year, if – (i) no dividend is declared;
and (ii) 10% dividend is declared ?
Assuming that the company pays the dividend and has net profits of ` 5,00,000 and makes new
investments of ` 10,00,000 during the period, how many new shares must be issued ? Use the
M. M. Model.
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Answer 8. (a)
Calculation of market price of share under Walter’s model :
P = D + Ra / Rc (E – D)
Calculation of P/E ratio at which dividend policy will have no effect on the value of the share
Rate of return of the firm (Ra ) is 15%, which is more than its cost of capital (Rc ) is 10%. Therefore,
by distributing 16.67% of earnings, the firm is not following an optimal dividend policy. The
optimal dividend policy for the firm would be to pay zero dividend and in such case, the market
value of share under Walter’s model would be as follows :
The Rc of the firm is the inverse of P/E ratio i.e. 1/5 = 0.20. In such case Rc > Ra
The P/E ratio at which the dividend policy will have no effect on the value of the firm when R c is
equal to the rate of return of the firm Ra. Under the situation, P/E ratio is 5, the optimum dividend
policy for the company would be 100% dividend payout at which the value of the firm would be
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Answer 8. (b)
(i) Calculation of share price under MM – Dividend Irrelevancy Model
P0 = P1 + D 1
1 + Ke
(a) When dividend is not declared
Analysis – The market value of shares at the end of year will remain the same whether dividends
are distributed or not declared.
b) A newly formed company has applied for a short-term loan to a commercial bank for financing
its working capital requirement.
As a Cost Accountant, you are asked by the bank to prepare an estimate of the requirement of the
working capital for that company. Add 10% to your estimated figure to cover unforeseen contingencies.
The information about the projected Profit and Loss Account of the company is as under :
Sales 21,00,000
Cost of goods sold
Gross profit 5,70,000
Administrative expenses 1,40,000
Selling expenses 1,30,000 2,70,000
Profit before tax 3,00,000
Provision for tax 1,00,000
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Answer 9. (a)
The finance functions are divided into three major decisions, viz., investment, financing and dividend
decisions. It is correct to say that these decisions are inter-related because the underlying objective of
these three decisions is the same, i.e. maximisation of shareholders’ wealth. Since investment, financing
and dividend decisions are all interrelated, one has to consider the joint impact of these decisions on the
market price of the company’s shares and these decisions should also be solved jointly. The decision to
invest in a new project needs the finance for the investment. The financing decision, in turn, is influenced
by and influences dividend decision because retained earnings used in internal financing deprive
shareholders of their dividends. An efficient financial management can ensure optimal joint decisions. This
is possible by evaluating each decision in relation to its effect on the shareholders’ wealth.
The above three decisions are briefly examined below in the light of their inter-relationship and to see how
they can help in maximising the shareholders’ wealth i.e. market price of the company’s shares.
Investment decision: The investment of long term funds is made after a careful assessment of the various
projects through capital budgeting and uncertainty analysis. However, only that investment proposal is to
be accepted which is expected to yield at least so much return as is adequate to meet its cost of financing.
This have an influence on the profitability of the company and ultimately on its wealth.
Financing decision: Funds can be raised from various sources. Each source of funds involves different
issues. The finance manager has to maintain a proper balance between long-term and short-term funds.
With the total volume of long-term funds, he has to ensure a proper mix of loan funds and owner’s funds.
The optimum financing mix will increase return to equity shareholders and thus maximise their wealth.
Dividend decision: The finance manager is also concerned with the decision to pay or declare dividend. He
assists the top management in deciding as to what portion of the profit should be paid to the shareholders
by way of dividends and what portion should be retained in the business. An optimal dividend pay-out ratio
maximises shareholders’ wealth.
We can infer from the above discussion that investment, financing and dividend decisions are interrelated
and are to be taken jointly keeping in view their joint effect on the shareholders’ wealth.
Answer 9. (b)
Statement showing the Net Working Capital Estimate of a Company :
Current Assets :
` ` `
Stock of raw material (2 months) :
(` 8,40,000 x 2/12) 1,40,000
Work-in-progress :
Raw materials (` 8,40,000 x 15/100) 1,26,000
Other expenses :
Wages and manufacturing exp. 6,25,000
Administrative expenses 1,40,000
(7,65,000 x 40%) 3,06,000 4, 32,000
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Debtors (2 months) :
Cost of goods sold – Dep. (15,30,000 – 2,11,500) 13,18,500
[Dep. (2,35,000 – 23,500)]
Administrative expenses 1,40,000
Selling expenses 1,30,000
Total 15,88,500
Less : Cash sales @ 20% 3,17,700
(12,70,800x2/12) 2,11,800
Notes :
1. Depreciation is excluded from the computation of cost of goods sold as it is a non-cash item.
2. Element of profit is excluded here.
3. Assume that cash is required for ` 50,700 in order to meet the day-to-day expenses.
Q. 10. a) What are currency futures ? List the steps involved in the technique of hedging through
b) Lucky Computer Stores is making a business plan for the next five year s. Sales growth over
the past years has been good. Sales would grow substantially if a major electronics firm is
established in the vicinity as proposed by an investor.
Lucky Computers has 3 options :
i. To enlarge the current store.
ii. To relocate it at a new site and
iii. To simply wait and do nothing
The decision to expand or move would take little time and therefore, the stores would not lose
revenue. If nothing were done in the first year and strong growth occurred, then the decision to
expand would be reconsidered. Waiting longer than one year would allow competition to move in,
making expansion no longer feasible.
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Strong growth
Weak growth
e 0.45
M Strong growth
Lucky 0.55
Stores Expand
Do Weak growth
no 4 5
th 0.55
Strong growth
Weak growth
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Analysis – There is a decision point II between option 5 and 6. Since option 6 has a better expected value
than option 5, we choose option 6 at this decision point.
Expected values
(i) Moving = (7,65,000 x 0.55) + (3,65,000 x 0.45) = `
(ii) Expand Store = (8,63,000 x 0.55) + (4,13,000 x 0.45) = `
(iii) Do nothing now, do not expand next year
= (8,50,000 x 0.55) + (5,25,000 x 0.45) = `
From the above, it is seen that the best decision is to do nothing (both now and next year).
Q. 11. An investment company wants to study the investment projects based on market demand, profit
and the investment required, which are independent of each other. Following probability distributions
are estimated for each of these three factors :
Using simulation process, repeat the trial 10 times, compute the investment on each trial taking these
factors into trial. What is the most likely return ?
Use the following random numbers :
(30,12,16) (59,09,69) (63,94,26) (27, 08, 74) (64, 60, 61)
(28,28,72) (31,23,57) (54,85, 20) (64,68,18) (32,31,87)
In the bracket above, the first random number is for annual demand, the second one is for profit and the
last one is for the investment required.
Answer 11.
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First of all, random numbers 00-09 are allocated in proportion to the probabilities associated with each of
the three variables as given under :
Annual demand
Units (‘000) Probability Cumulative Random numbers
probability assigned
25 0.05 0.05 00 – 04
30 0.10 0.15 05 – 14
35 0.20 0.35 15 – 34
40 0.30 0.65 35 – 64
45 0.20 0.85 65 – 84
50 0.10 0.95 85 – 94
55 0.05 1.00 95 - 99
Investment required
Investments (` ‘000) Probability Cumulative Random numbers
probability assigned
2,750 0.25 0.25 00 – 24
3,000 0.50 0.75 25 – 74
3,500 0.25 1.00 75 - 99
Let us now simulate the process for 10 trials. The results of the simulation are shown in the tables
given below :
The above table shows that the highest likely return is 13.33% which is corresponding to the annual
demand of 40,000 units resulting a profit of ` 10 per unit and the required investment will be ` 30,00,000.
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Q. 12. A company is evaluating a new venture that will cost ` 10 crore. The venture will have a return on
investment of 20% and the firm forecasts a 12% growth in earnings from the project. The treasurer has
identified the following sources for financing the project :
a. Equity shares to be sold at ` 400 per share.
b. Convertible debentures with a 60% coupon to net ` 980 (face value ` 1,000), and
convertible at ` 500 per share after 2005.
c. Debentures with warrants with a 60% coupon to net ` 980 (face value ` 1,000), and
with each bond having one warrant entitling the holder to buy one equity share at `
500 after 2008.
The financing decision is being made in the fourth quarter of 2003. Over the past ten years, the company
has been growing at a 10% rate of sales and earnings.
The treasurer expects the company to continue to grow at 10% even though the firm has traditionally
paid 40% of its earnings as dividends. The treasurer expects equity shares to continue to rise in price.
Using the price trend over the past 5 years, he has projected probable market price ranges for the next
three years. The historical data and the projections of the treasurer are as below :
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Make suitable assumptions in your answer, wherever necessary figures could be rounded off. Income tax
rate applicable to the company is to be taken at 50%.
Answer 12.
Statement showing EPS in 2007 (end) under various financing options (` In lakhs)
Particulars With With new business financed by
existing Equity Convertible Debt (+)
business shares debt Warrant
EBIT 786.50 986.50 986.50 986.50
Less : Interest on debt :
Existing (` 9 crore x 0.07) + (` 3 crore x 0.06) 81.00 81.00 81.00 81.00
New debt (1,02,040 debentures x ` 60 per debenture) - - 61.22 61.22
Earnings before taxes 705.50 905.50 844.28 844.28
Less : Taxes (0.50) 352.75 452.75 422.14 422.14
Earnings after taxes 352.75 452.75 422.14 422.14
Number of shares (in lakhs) 10.00 12.50 10.00 10.00
EPS (`) 35.275 36.22 42.214 42.214
Statement showing EPS in 2010 (end) under various financing options (` In lakhs)
Particulars With With new business financed by
existing Equity Convertible Debt (+)
business shares debt Warrant
4 5
EBIT 951.66 1,202.54 1,202.54 1,202.54
6 7
Add : Additional EBIT due to additional funds raised - - - 102.04
Less : Interest on existing debt 81.00 81.00 81.00 81.00
Less : Interest on new debt - - - 61.22
(in the case of warrant option)
EBT 870.66 1,121.54 1,121.54 1,162.36
Less : Taxes (0.50) 435.33 560.77 560.77 581.18
EAT 435.33 560.77 560.77 581.18
8 8
Number of shares (lakh) 10.00 12.50 12.04 11.02
EPS (`) 43.533 44.862 46.576 52.74
Statement showing debt (assumed to be long-term) to assets ratio in 2007 and 2010 (` In lakhs)
Particulars With With new business financed by
existing Equity Convertible Debt (+)
business shares debt Warrant
Year-end 2007
Total assets 3,240 4,240 4,240 4,240
Existing debt 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200
Additional debt - - 1,020 1,020
Total debt 1,200 1,200 2,220 2,220
Debt/ Assets ratio (%) 37.03 28.30 52.36 52.36
Year-end 2010
Total assets 3,949.27 5,152.17 5,124.62 5,142.99
Existing debt 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200
Additional debt - - - 1,020
Total debt 1,200 1,200 1,200 2,220
Debt/Assets ratio (%) 30.39 23.29 23.42 43.19
Recommendation : Though EPS is the highest (at ` 52.74) under debt plus warrant plan, it cannot be
implemented as debt/ assets ratio exceed 40% (43.19%). IN view of this, the next best alternative is that
the company should opt for convertible debt plan as under this plan potential EPS is the maximum (at `
46.576 in 2010 and at ` 42.214 in 2007).
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4. EBIT in 2003 = Current EBIT, ` 715 lakh x Growth factor @ 10% for 3 yrs. i.e. 1.331 951.66
7. In the case of convertible debt, no additional funds will accrue. There will be additional funds
in the case of warrant option equivalent to (1,02,040 warrants x ` 500 issue price of equity
share) = ` 510.20 lakh.
As per the principle of conservatism, the ROR likely to be earned on these funds (` 510.20
lakh) is ROR promised by a new venture i.e. 20% or existing ROR which-ever is lower.
(Conventionally, ROR is computer on existing long-term funds employed in business at book
i. No new venture = [` 352.75 lakh + ` 435.33 lakh] x 0.6 x 3 years = ` 709.27 lakhs
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ii. Issue of equity shares = [` 452.75 lakh + ` 560.77 lakh] x 0.6 x 3 years = ` 912.17 lakh
iii. Issue of convertible debentures = [` 422.14 lakh + ` 560.77 lakh] x 0.6 x 3 years
= ` 884.62 lakh
iv. Issue of debt + warrant = [` 422.14 lakh + ` 581.18 lakh] x 0.6 x 3 years
= ` 902.99 lakh
It is assumed that the assets will increase by the amount of increase in retained earnings
under various options.
Q. 13. a) Describe the Little – Mirrlees approach to Social Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA) of a project and
the Indian modification of the same.
b) Superior Engineering proposes a project with the following data :
i. Total asset :` 450 lakhs (` 250 lakhs of Fixed Assets and ` 200 lakhs of Current Assets)
ii. Scheme of financing : ` 100 lakhs equity, ` 200 lakhs term loan, ` 100 lakhs working
capital advance and ` 50 lakhs trade creditors.
iii. Interest rate : Term loan 12% p.a. and working capital advance : 15% p.a.
iv. Term loan is repayable in 5 equal installments, commencing from 3 year of
operations. (Assume that installment for each year is paid on the last day of the year).
v. Depreciation : 30% on written down value.
vi. Production is expected to reach 60% of capacity in the 1 year of operations, 70% in the
nd rd
2 year and 80% from the 3 year onwards.
vii. Expected revenue from the project will be ` 500 lakhs p.a. on 10% capacity utilization
and corresponding Direct Costs are ` 200 lakhs. Fixed costs are ` 100 lakhs p.a. Working
capital advance of ` 100 lakhs is on 80% capacity and proportionately reduced in the
first two years.
viii. Tax rate applicable is 50%.
Assuming that each year’s production is sold away in the same year, draw the projected profit & loss
account for each year of operation and the operational cash flow. Also calculate the Debt Service
Coverage Ratio.
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tradable items. For tradable items where international prices are not available and for non-tradable items,
social conversion factors are used.
The effective rate of protection is calculated as follows :
Domestic selling prices are net of taxes and excise duty but inclusive of selling commission. The selling price
at world prices is the CIF value for imports and FOB value for exports.
Year of operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Capacity utilization (%) 60 70 80 80 80 80 80
(` In lakhs)
Revenue 300 350 400 400 400 400 400
Direct variable costs 120 140 160 160 160 160 160
Fixed costs 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Int. on working cap. 11.25 13.13 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00
Profit before 68.75 96.87 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00
depreciation &
interest on term loan
Depreciation 75.00 52.50 36.75 25.73 18.01 12.61 8.82
Interest on term loan 24.00 24.00 24.00 19.20 14.40 9.60 4.80
Profit after dep. & int. (-)30.25 20.37 64.25 80.07 92.59 102.80 111.38
Tax @ 50% - 10.19 32.13 40.04 46.30 51.40 55.69
PAT - 10.19 32.13 40.04 46.30 51.40 55.69
Operational cash flow 68.75 86.68 92.87 84.96 78.70 73.60 69.31
(PAT + Dep. + Int. on
term loan)
Int. on term loans 24.00 24.00 24.00 19.20 14.40 9.60 4.80
Repayment of terms - - 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00
Total 24.00 24.00 64.00 59.20 54.40 49.60 44.80
DSCR (Op. cash flow/ 2.86 3.61 1.45 1.44 1.45 1.48 1.55
Total payments)
Average DSCR = (Total operation cash flow) / (Total payment against debts)
= (554.87 ÷ 320.00) = 1.73.
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(ii) XYZ Ltd., produces blue detergent powder. Recent studies carried out by marketing indicate
that there is a growing opportunity for white detergent powder. Producing detergent
powders in two different colours in the same plant requires modification to the existing
plant such as, additional facilities for storage and handling. The total investment involved
would be ` 85 lakhs.
(iii) Economic Producers Ltd., is an ancillary unit producing components for trucks. Their main
machinery was installed 17 years back. The equipment is frequently breaking down
throwing the delivery schedules out of balance. The equipment can produce 700
components per day. New equipment available for producing the same component costs `
25 lakhs with a delivery time of 3 months.
(iv) Sri Ajit Singh owns 25 acres of land on which he grows wheat. He is planning to buy a tractor
to speed up his farm operations as well as reduce input costs.
(v) Milk Products Ltd., is in dairy business, producing milk powder and ghee. Recently, a market
survey carried out by the consultants appointed by the company indicates an opportunity
for selling cheese. The total outlay in terms of capital expenditure would be ` 270 lakhs.
b) The projected cash flows and the expected net abandonment values for a project are given
below :
Year Cash flow (`) Abandonment PV factor @ NPV (`) of NPV (`) of
value (`) 10% cash flow abandonment
0 (-) 1,00,000 - 1.000 (-) 1,00,000 -
1 35,000 65,000 0.909 31,815 59,085
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Conclusion : The project should be abandoned since there is no +ve NPV at the end of any year. Further, it
should be abandoned at the end of 2 year, where the losses are the minimal.
Q. 15. A company is considering two mutually exclusive projects X and Y. Project X costs ` 30,000 and
Project Y ` 36,000. You are given below the net present value probability.
Project X Project Y
NPV estimate (`) Probability NPV estimate (`) Probability
3,000 0.1 3,000 0.2
6,000 0.4 6,000 0.3
12,000 0.4 12,000 0.3
15,000 0.1 15,000 0.2
i. Compute the expected net present value of projects X and Y.
ii. Compute the risk attached to each project.
iii. Which project do you consider more risky and why ?
iv. Compute the probability index of each project.
Answer 15.
(i) Statement showing computation of expected net present value of the projects X and Y.
Project X Project Y
NPV estimate Probability Expected NPV estimate Probability Expected
(`) value (`) value
3,000 0.1 300 3,000 0.2 600
6,000 0.4 2,400 6,000 0.3 1,800
12,000 0.4 4,800 12,000 0.3 3,600
15,000 0.1 1,500 15,000 0.2 3,000
1.0 EV = 9,000 1.0 EV = 9,000
Thus the expected net present value of both projects X and Y are same.
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For Project Y
Probability (P) NPV Estimates (`) (µ - 9,000) P (µ - 9,000)
0.2 3,000 - 6,000 72,00,000
0.3 6,000 - 3,000 27,00,000
0.3 12,000 + 3,000 27,00,000
0.2 15,000 + 6,000 72,00,000
Variance 1,98,00,000
(iii) Risk is measured by the possible variation of outcomes around the expected value and the
decision will be taken keeping in view the variation in the expected value where two projects have
the same expected value, the decision maker would choose the project which has smaller
variation in expected value.
In the selection of one of the two projects X and Y, project Y is preferable because the possible
profit which may occur is subject to loss variation (or dispersion), much higher risk is lying with
project Y.
Q. 16. a) An Indian software company receives an order from an European union country. The buyer will
pay in four quarterly installments each of €0.5 million, starting from the end of the first quarter.
The rates for euros in India is as follow :
If an Indian company hedges its foreign exchange rate risk in the forward market, how much
revenue does it earn ?
b) Are arbitrage gains possible from the following set of information to the arbitrageur ?
Spot rate : 47.88/$
3 month forward rate : ` 47.28/$
3 month interest rates :
Re. : 7% p.a.
$ : 11% p.a.
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Since interest rate differential (4%) and premium % (3.34%) do not match, there are arbitrage gain
possibilities. An arbitrageur can take the following steps in this regard :
i. Arbitrageur borrows, say , ` 100 million at 7% for 3 months (he borrows in Indian
currency as it carries lower interest rate).
ii. He then converts ` 100 million in US $ at the spot rate of ` 47.88 in the spot market. He
gets an amount of US $ 2,088,554.72 (` 100 million/ ` 47.88).
iii. He invests US $ 2,088,554.72 in the money market at 11% interest per annum for 3
months. As a result of this investment, he obtains the interest of US $ 57,435.2548 ($
2,088,554.72 x 3/12 x 11/100).
iv. Total sum available with arbitrageur, 3 months from now is (US $ 2,088,554.72 amount
invested + US $ 57,435.2548 interest) = US $ 2,145,989.974.
v. Since he would get US $ 2,1451989.974 after 3 months, he sells forward US $
2,145,989.974 at the rate of ` 48.28.
vi. As a result of a forward deal, at the end of 3 months from now, he would get `
103,608,395.90, i.e. ($ 2,1451989.974 x 48.28).
vii. He refunds the ` 100 million borrowed, along with interest due on it. The refunded sum is
` 100 million + ` 1,750,000 i.e. (` 100 million x 3/12 x 7/100) = ` 101,750,000.
viii. Net gain is ` 103,608,395.90 – ` 101,750,000 = ` 18,58,395.90.
Q. 17. The investment manager of a large Indian software company receives the following quotes from
its foreign exchange broker.
US dollar spot rate : ` 47.75/ US $
US dollar option quotation
Strike price Call Put
September December March September December March
45.0000 3.0 - - - - -
45.5000 2.6 2.9 - - - -
46.0000 2.0 2.3 2.45 0.2 - -
46.5000 1.85 1.95 2.15 0.25 - -
47.0000 1.25 1.85 2.00 0.70 - -
47.5000 0.85 1.15 1.45 1.00 1.25 1.75
48.0000 0.50 0.74 0.89 1.59 1.92 2.50
48.5000 0.30 0.52 0.68 1.70 2.20 -
49.0000 0.15 - - 1.90 - -
49.5000 0.10 - - 2.00 - -
50.0000 0.08 - - 2.30 - -
What calculation will the investment manager make for following questions ?
i. What is the intrinsic value for the December 47.5 call option ?
ii. What is the intrinsic value for the September 46 put option ?
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iii. What is the break-even exchange rate for the March 46.5 call and the March 48 put ?
iv. If the March spot rate is expected to be ` 48.50/US $, which call option should be
bought ?
v. The software company will receive its export income in March and the expected spot
rate (in March) will be ` 46.5/US $, which put option should be bought ?
Answer 17.
Intrinsic value of an option is the amount by which the option is in-the-money.
For a call option, intrinsic value = Maximum [(Spot rate – Strike rate), 0]
For a put option, intrinsic value = Maximum [(Strike rate – Spot rate), 0]
i. Intrinsic value for the December 47.5 call option
= Max [(` 47.75/US $ - ` 47.5/US $),0]
= Max [` 0.25/ US $, 0] = ` 0.25/ US $
ii. Intrinsic value for the September 46 put option
= Max [(` 46/ US $ - ` 47.75/US $), 0]
= Max [-(` 1.75/ US $), 0] = 0
iii. The break-even exchange rate for the March 46.5 call on settlement date is Re. X/US $
So, The premium paid = ` 2.15/US $
Profit from the call option = ` (X – 46.5)/US $
At break even, ` (X – 46.5)/US $ = ` 2.15/ US $
X = ` 48.65/ US $
The break even exchange rate for March 48 put is :
Premium paid = ` 2.50/US $
Profit from the put option = ` (48 – X)/US $
At break-even, ` (48 – X)/US $ = ` 2.50/US $
X = ` 45.5/US $
iv. For an expected spot rate of ` 48.50/US $,, we need to find out profit from buying the
March call option at various strike prices.
Gain from call option
= Max [(Settlement rate – Strike rate),0] – Premium
= value of option at expiration – Premium
Option Strike price (`) Premium (A) (`) Option value at Gain/ Loss [B –
expiration (B) (`) A]
March call 46.00/ US $ 2.45/ US $ 2.50 / US $ 0.05/ US $
March call 46.50/ US $ 2.15/ US $ 2.00/ US $ - 0.15/ US $
March call 47.00/ US $ 2.00/ US $ 1.50/ US $ - 0.50/ US $
March call 47.50/ US $ 1.45/ US $ 1.00/ US $ - 0.45/ US $
March call 48.00/ US $ 0.89/ US $ 0.50/ US $ - 0.39/ US $
March call 48.50/ US $ 0.68/ US $ 0.00/ US $ - 0.68/ US $
So, for the expected March spot rate of RS. 48.50/ US $, the March call option of strike
price ` 46.00/ US $ should be bought.
vi. Gain from purchasing the March put option of various strikes, for which quotes are
available, for an expiration price of ` 46.50/ US $.
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Q. 18. An Indian company is planning to set up a subsidiary in the US. The initial project cost is estimated
to be US $ 400 million; working capital requirements are estimated at US $ 40 million. The Indian
company followed the straight-line method of depreciation.
The finance manager of the Indian company estimated data in respect of the project as follows :
i. Variable cost of production and sales $ 25 per unit.
ii. Fixed cost per annum are estimated at $ 30 million
iii. Plant will be producing and selling 50 million units at $ 100 per unit and
iv. The expected economic useful life of the plant is 5 years with no salvage value.
The subsidiary of the Indian company is subject to 40% corporate tax rate in the US and the required rate
of return of such a project is 12%. The current exchange rate between the two countries is ` 48/ US $ and
the rupee is expected to depreciate by 3% per annum for next five years.
The subsidiary will be allowed to repatriate 70% of the CFAT every year along with the accumulated
arrears of blocked funds at year-end 5, the withholding taxes are 10%. The blocked funds will be invested
in the USA money market by the subsidiary, earning 4% (free of tax) per year.
Determine the feasibility of having a subsidiary company in the USA, assuming no tax liability in India on
earnings received by the parent from the US subsidiary.
Answer 18.
Cash outflows (t = 0) (figures in million)
Cost of plant and machinery $ 400
Working capital requirement 40
Incremental cash outflow in rupees ($ 440 million x ` 48) ` 21,120
Particulars Year
1 2 3 4 5
Operating CFAT $ 239 $ 239 $ 239 $ 239 $ 239
Less : Retention 71.70 71.70 71.70 71.70 -
Repatriation made 167.30 167.30 167.30 167.30 239.00
Less : Withholding tax 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 23.9
Accessible funds to parent 150.6 150.6 150.6 150.6 215.1
Add : Repatriation of blocked funds * - - - - 274
Add : Recovery of working capital - - - - 40
Re/$ exchange rate 49.44 50.9232 52.4509 54.0244 55.6451
Rupee equivalent 7,445 7,669 7,899 8,136 29,442
PV factor (0.12) 0.893 0.797 0.712 0.636 0.567
Present value 6,648 6,112 5,624 5,174 16,694
Total present value 40,252
Less : Cash outflow 21,210
Net present value ` 19,042
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Recommendation : Since the NPV is positive, having a subsidiary in the US is financially viable for
the Indian company.
Q. 19. From the following information, prepare Trading and Profit and Loss Account :
Debt-Equity Ratio (Long-term Debt/Shareholders’ Funds) 2:1
Capital Gearing Ratio (Funds bearing fixed payments to Equity Shareholder’s Funds) 3:1
15% Long-term Debts ` 8,00,000
Return on Equity Shareholder’s Funds 25%
Tax Rate 50%
15% Preference Share Capital ?
Break-up of Cost-Profit :
Materials 40%
Labour 25%
Manufacturing Expenses 10%
Depreciation on Plant 10%
Office & Selling Expenses 2.5%
Operating Profit 12.5%
Answer 19.
Dr. Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended..... Cr.
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Materials 9,60,000 By Sales 24,00,000
To Labour Expenses 6,00,000
To Mfg. Expenses 2,40,000
To Depreciation 2,40,000
To Gross Profit @ 15% 3,60,000
24,00,000 24,00,000
To Office & Adm. Exp. 60,000 By Gross Profit 3,60,000
To Interest @ 15% 1,20,000
To Tax 50% 90,000
To Net Profit after Tax 90,000
3,60,000 3,60,000
To Preference Dividend 15,000 By Net Profit after Tax 90,000
To Balance for Equity
Shareholders @ 25% 75,000
90,000 90,000
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Working Notes :
(i) Calculation of Equity Shareholders’ Funds Long-term Debts
Long - term Debts
Debt Equity Ratio =
Shareholders’ Funds
2 = ` 8,00,000 / Shareholders’ Funds
Shareholders’ Funds = ` 8,00,000/2 = ` 4,00,000
Supposing Pref. Share Capital = x
Equity Shareholders’ Funds = ` 4,00,000 – x
Rs. 8,00,000 x
3 =
Rs. 4,00,000 x
` 12,00,000 – 3x = ` 8,00,000 + x
x = ` 1,00,000
Pref. Share Capital = ` 1,00,000
Equity Shareholders’ Fund = ` 4,00,000 – ` 3,00,000
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Q. 20. (a) The following information is available for the equity stock of Prakash Limited.
Calculate the price of a 6 month call option as per the Black-Scholes model.
(b) The following information is avilable for the call and put options on the stock of Zenith Limited.
Call Put
d2 = d1 t
120 1
ln 0.12 0.16 0.5
110 2
d1 =
0.4 0.5
.0870 0.10
= 0.6612
E 110 110
= 103.60
ert e0.12 0.5 1.0618
C0 = ` 120 × 0.7457 – ` 103.60 × 0.6474 = ` 22.41
60 2 = ` 13.23
e0.10 0.25
The price of the call option is given to be ` 16, which is different from ` 13.23. So the put-call parity is not
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Q. 21. (a) Fresno Corporation Ltd., a US company will need £ 2,00,000 in 180 days. It considers using (1) a
forward hedge, (2) a money market hedge, (3) and option hedge, or (4) no hedge. Its analysts develop the
following information, whichcan be used to assess the alternative approaches to hedging :
• Spot rate of pound as of today = $ 1.50
• 180-days forward rate of pound as of today = $ 1.47
• Interest rates per annum are as follows :
180-days deposit rate 4.5% 4.5%
180-days borrowing rate 5.0% 5.0%
• A call option on pounds that expires in 180 days has an exercise price of $ 1.48 and a premium of $ 0.03
• Fresno Corporation forecasted the future sport rate in 180 days as follows :
Possible outcome Probability
$ 1.43 20%
1.46 70%
1.52 10%
Evaluate each alternative with necessary calculation and give your recommendations. (Assume 360 days in a
year.) — Ignore Transaction Cost or Taxes.
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Call Option :
Exercise = $ 1.48 : Premium = $ 0.03
Decision : The probability distribution Outcomes for no hedge strategy appears to be must preferable to
Fresno Corporation Ltd.
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(ii) According to Walter’s model where the return on investment (20%) is more than the cost of equity,
(16%) the price per share increase as the dividend payout ratio decrease. Hence the optimum dividend
payout ratio in this case is nil.
Q. 22. (a) What are forwards? How they can be used to hedge?
(b) On August 2, Mr. Tandon buys 5 contracts of December Reliance futures at 840. Each contract covers
50 shares. Initial margin was set at ` 2400 per contract while maintenance margin was fixed at ` 2000 per
contract. Daily settlement prices are as follows :
August 2 818
August 3 866
August 4 830
August 5 846
Mr. Tandon meet all margin calls. Whenever he is allowed to withdraw money from the Margin Account, he
withdraws half the maximum amount allowed.
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Evaluation of comparative options offered by the exporter for settlement of payment.
$ `
Option 1 : Pay immediately without any interest charge
(a) Bill value converted to Indian Rupees (135000 × 48.36) 135000 65,28,600
(b) Interest on borrowing from Bank (O/D) @ 16% p./a. (for 3 month) 2,61,144
Total 67,89,744
$ `
Option 2 : Pay after 3 months, with interest @ 6% p.a.
(a) Bill value 135000
(b) Interest @ 6% p.a. for 3 months 2025
Conversion of Indian Rupees 137025
@ Forward ` / $ Rste (137025 × 48.83) 66,99,931
Saving 98,813
Advice : In the light of evaluated options — Supra, it is advisable to settle the payable after 3 months —
(i) Rupee outflow is less by ` 98813 in the option 2
(ii) the 3 months forward premium on US $ is less than the interest differential.
Additional information :
Present exchange rate ` 100 = 340 yen
180 day’s forward rate ` 100 = 345 yen
Commission charges for letter of credit at 2 percent per 12 months.
Advise the company whether the offer the foreign branch should be accepted.
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cash should be invested in such investments as will increase the shareholder wealth.
Any surplus cash after all positive NPV investments have been undertaken, should be returned to the
shareholders, in the form of (i) dividends or, (ii) by share repurchase.
Cost of machine 3,400 lakhs Yen (Conversion rate ` 100 = 340 Yen) 1,000.00
Add : 1st quarter interest (@ 18% p.a. on ` 1,000 lakhs) 45.00
Add : 2nd quarter interest (@ 18% p.a. on ` 1,045 lakhs) 47.03
Total cash outflow 1,092.03
Alternative II : Extension of 180 days credit by Osaka branch of an India-based bank (` lakhs)
Commission charges for establishment of letter of credit 10.00
(@ 2% per annum for 180 days on ` 1,000 lakhs)
Add : 1st quarter interest 0.45
2nd quarter interest 0.47
Recommendation : The total cash outflow is lesser in case of Alternative II by ` 85.88 lakhs. Therefore,
import of machine by establishing letter of credit is suggested.
Q. 25. The following table shows interest rates for the United States Dollar and French Francs. The spot
exchange rate is 7.05 Francs per dollar. Complete the missing entries :
Answer 25.
(a) Calculation of 3 months forward discount on Franc per cent per year and 3 months forward Franc per
3 months Dollar interest rate = 11.5% or 0.115
3 months Franc interest rate = 19.5% or 0.195
As per Interest Rate Parity Theorem :
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rf = Rate of interest of country with Francs as currency
rd = Rate of interest of country with Dollar as currency
Sf/d = Spot rate between Franc and Dollar
Ff/d = Forward rate between Franc and Dollar
Interest rate differential = Exchange rate differential
1 0.115
= Exchange rate differential (differential between forward rate and spot rate)
1 0.195
Differential between forward and sport = 93.3%
Forward discount on Franc per cent for 3 months = 93.3% – 100% = – 6.7%
Forward discount on Franc per cent for 3 months = – 6.7%/4 = – 1.675%
Sport rate of Franc against Dollar = 1/7.05 = 0.141844
Forward Franc = Today’s spot rate (difference between forward and spot rate)
= 0.141844 dollar (100% – 1.675%) = 0.1394681 dollar
Forward Franc per Dollar = 1/0.1394681 = 7.17
(b) Calculation of 6 months Franc interest rate and 6 months forward Franc per Dollar
6 months Dollar interest rate = 12 1/4% or 12.25%
Forward discount on franc % per year = – 6.3% or – 3.15% for 6 months
Hence 6 months Forward rate = 0.141844 dollar (spot rate) (100% – 3.15%)
= 0.13737 dollars
Forward francs per dollar = 1/0.13737 = 7.28 francs
Differential in interest rate between two countries
= Differential between Forward and Spot rate
(c) Calculation of one year Dollar interest rate and one year forward discount on Franc
One year Franc interest rate = 20% Forward Franc per
dollar = 7.5200
Today’s spot rate is 7.05 (given) Francs per Dollar i.e., 1 France 0.141844
Forward Frans is 7.52 Frans per Dollar i.e., 1 France 0.132978
Difference 0.008866
Forward discount on Francs per cent per year
= 100 = – 6.25% or – 6.3% (rounded off)
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Differential in interest rates between two countries
= Differential between forward rate and spot rate
1 Dollar interest rate 7.05
1 0.20 7.52
Dollar interest rate = 1.20 × 0.9374 – 1
= 1.125 – 1 = 0.125 or 12.5%
Q. 26. (a) XYZ Ltd. a US firm will need £ 3,00,000 in 180 days. In this connection, the following information is
available :
Spot rate 1£ = $ 2.00
180 days forward rate of £ as of today = £ 1.96
Interest rates are as follows :
Particulars U.K. U.S.
180 days deposit rate 4.5% 5%
180 days borrowing rate 5% 5.5%
A call option on £ that expires in 180 days has an exercise price of $ 1.97 and a premium of $ 0.04.
XYZ Ltd. has forecasted the spot rates 180 days hence as below :
Future rate ($) 1.91 1.95 2.05
Probability 25% 60% 15%
Which of he following strategies would be most preferable to XYZ Ltd.?
(i) a forward contract
(ii) a money market hedge
(iii) an option contract
(iv) no hedging
Show calculations in each case.
(b) For imports from UK, Philadelphia Ltd. of USA owes £ 6,50,000 to London Ltd., payable on
May, 2010. It is now 12 February, 2010.
The following future contracts (contract size £ 62,500) are available on the Philadelphia exchange :
Expiry Current futures rate
March 1.4900 $/£ 1
June 1.4960 $/£ 1
(i) Illustrate how Philadelphia Ltd. can use future contracts to reduce the transaction risk if, on 20 May
the spot rate is 1.5030 $/£ 1 and June futures are trading at 1.5120 $/£. The spot rate on 12
February is 1.4850 $/£ 1.
(ii) Calculate the “hedge efficiency” and comment on it.
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US $ needed to convert into UK £
= £ 2,87,081 × $ 2 = $ 5,74,162
Principal and interest payable in US $ loan on expiry of 180 days
= $ 5,74,162 × $ 1.055 = $ 6,05,741
(iii) Entering into Option Market by taking Call Option
Expected Premium Exercise Total price Total price for Probability (px)
spot rate per unit option per unit £ 3,00,000 (x) (p)
in 180 days
1.91 0.04 No 1.95 5,85,000 0.25 1,46,250
1.95 0.04 No 1.99 5,97,000 0.60 3,58,200
2.05 0.04 Yes 2.01 6,03,00 0.15 90,450
Q. 27. (a) The following quotes are avilable for 3-months options in respect of a share currently traded
at ` 31 :
Strike price ` 30
Call option `3
Put option `2
An investor devises a strategy of buying a call and selling the share and a put option. Draw his
profit/loss profile if it is given that the rate of interest is 10% per annum. What would be the
position if the strategy adopted is selling a call and buying the put and the share?
(b) What is the difference between Forward and Futures contracts?
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Answer 27. (a)
Strategy I : Buying a call and selling a put and a shre
Initial cash inflow (` 31 – ` 3 + ` 2) = ` 30
Interest rate = 10%
Amount grows in 3 months to (30 × e1 × .25) = ` 30.76*
If the share price is greater than ` 30, he would exercise the call option and buy one share for ` 30 and his
net profit is ` 0.76 (i.e. ` 30.76 – 30).
However, if the share price is less than ` 30, the counter-party would exercise the put option and the
investor would buy one share at ` 30. The net profit to the investor is again ` 0.76.
Strategy II : Selling a call and buying a put and a share
In case, the investor has to arrange a loan @ 10% of ` 30 (i.e. ` 31 + ` 2 – ` ` 3).
This amount would be repaid after 3 months. Amount payable (30 × e1 × .25) is ` 30.76.
After 3 months, if the market price is more than ` 30, the counter-party would exercise the call option and
the investor would be required to sell the share at ` 30. The loss to the investor would be ` 0.76 (i.e. `
30.76 – 30).
However, if the rate is less than ` 30, the investor would exercise the put option and would get ` 30 from
the rate of share. The loss to be buyer would again be ` 0.76.
* Interest can also be calculated on simple interest basis instead of continuous compound interest.
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Answer 28.
1 tonnes = 7.33 barrels
(a) Hedging strategy would be to take position in the futures market opposite to that of in the physical
BOC is short on crude oil and therefore they must go long on the futures of crude oil.
Following would be the hedging strategy :
June : Buy futures contract now
August : Purchase crude oil at the price prevailing then in the spot market, and Sell the future
(b) Quantity to be imported/hedged = 100 tonnes or 733 barrels
Contract size = 100 barrels
Nos of contracts bought = 733/100 = 8 (rounded off)
(c) In August, the firm would buy its requirements of crude oil in the market and unwind its position in
the futures market by selling the contracts bought in June. By doing so, the gains/loss in the physical
market would be offset significantly.
August futures on crude oil = ` 5,668 per barrel
(i) When the price of crude oil rises :
Spot crude oil price = ` 5,750 Future price = ` 5,788
Purchase price in the spot for = 733 × 5750 = ` 42,14,750
Cash flow on futures position
Buying price 5668
Selling price 5788
Profit 120
Realizations from futures market = 8 × 100 × 120
= – ` 96,000
Net amount paid ` 41,18,750
Effective price per barrel = 41,18,750/733 = ` 5,619
(d) If positions in the physical market and futures market were matched then
The effective price would be = S1 – (F1 – F0)
When price rose the effective price paid is
= 5750 – (5788 – 5668) = ` 5,630 per barrel
When price fell the effective price paid is
= 5417 – (5455 – 5668) = ` 5,630 per barrel
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Q. 29. Option Pricing – Black Scholes Model :
The following data is given :
Current stock price = ` 100.00
Strike Price = ` 110.00
Time to expiration = 3 months
Risk free rate of return = 6.00%
Variance of return on the stock = 0.0625
(a) Find out the value of the call option using Black Scholes Model.
(b) Find out the intrinsic value and the time value of the call option.
(c) Using put call parity, find out the value of the put option with same parameters.
(d) Find out the intrinsic values and time values of the put option.
Answer 29.
(a) The value of the call option for non-dividend paying stock is given by Black Scholes Model (BSM) :
c = SN(d1) – Xe–rtN(d2)
In(S / X) (r / 2)t
where d1 = ; and
In(S / X) (r / 2)t
d2 = or
Following values may be inserted in the BSM to find the value of the call.
Spot Price, s = ` 100.00
Exercise Price, X = ` 110.00
Time to expiry, t = 3 months = 0.25 years
Interest Rate, r = 6% p.a.
Satandard Deviation, = 25% p.a.
Inserting the values, we get :
d1 = – 0.5800; N(d1) = 0.2810
d2 = – 0.7050; N(d2) = 0.2404
S × N(d1) = 28.1000
PV of X = 108.3623
PV(X) × N(d2) = 26.0503
Call Value = S × N(d1) – PV (X) × N(d2) = ` 2.05
(c) Put Call Parity states that the difference of the call and put price must be equal to the difference of spot
and present value of the exercise price.
c – p = S – PV (X)
p = c – S + PV (X)
= 2.05 – 100 + 108.36 = ` 10.41
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Q. 30. A company has borrowed through a fixed rate instrument of 8%. The swap quote from the bank is
7.80/7.90, i.e., bank pays 7.80 fixed for receiving LIBOR and would receive 7.90% fixed for paying
LIBOR. The company enters the swap deal with the bank.
After some time, the swap market changes to 6.40/6.50 and the company again reverses the original
swap by entering into 2nd swap opposite to that of the first one.
(a) What does the structure of the first wap achieve?
(b) What is the cost of funds for the firm before and after the swap?
(c) What is the structure of 2nd swap and what does it do?
(d) Find the cost of funds for the company after the second swap?
Answer 30.
(a)The company would undertake the transform the fixed rate liability to floating rate, as it possibly
expects a decline in the interest rates.
Following would be the structure of the swap with the bank.
Fixed 8.00%
Fixed 7.80%
(c) The company would enter into a swap opposite to that of the first one. In the first swap, the firm
received fixed and paid variable. Now in the second swap, it would pay fixed while receiving LIBOR. This
would enable cancelling the floating leg. The company would gain the differential of the fixed legs of first
and second swap.
Fixed 7.80% Fixed 6.50%
Fixed 8.90%
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