Nip Mop Booklet 2
Nip Mop Booklet 2
Nip Mop Booklet 2
Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (VPDs)
Vaccine-Preventable Disease Surveillance
Cover Photo from DOH Central Office
Chapter 2
Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (VPDs)
A. Rationale
Chapter 2 will familiarize you with the characteristics of each vaccine preventable
disease (VPD) in terms of transmission, occurrence and incidence in order to appreciate
the preventive role of immunization. VPD-related information will serve as your handle
when advising clients regarding VPDs and in educating your local officials and other
stakeholders on the importance of vaccination against said diseases.Fifteen (15) VPDs will
be explained below for your reference.
B. Objectives
Chapter 2 lists and describes the common VPDs in the country. After reading this Chapter,
it is hoped that we will be able to:
1. Define and describe each VPD in terms of transmission, occurrence, population at risk
and incidence; and
2. Describe the appropriate immunization and key strategic prevention, control as well
as elimination or eradiction approaches against each of the VPDs.
What is Tuberculosis?
TB is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium
tuberculosis. It usually attacks the lungs, but other
parts of the body can also be affected, including the
bones, joints, and brain.
How is TB treated?
Patients with TB requires extensive and long-term care, many people who do not adhere
to their treatment course long enough to be cured becomes resistant to anti-tuberculosis
drugs. In response, the “DOTS” strategy was developed for both treatment and control.
DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment Short-Course) is a standardized short course of
How is TB prevented?
National routine immunization programs use the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine
to prevent miliary and meningeal TB in the first years of life. BCG vaccine protects infants
infected with TB from progressing to more dangerous forms of the disease and gives them
some protection against recurrence at a later age. BCG does not prevent TB itself and
provides little protection against the pulmonary forms. It is not recommended for adults.
What is hepatitis B?
Hepatitis B is a viral infection of the liver. Acute
infection either resolves or progresses to chronic
infection, which may lead to cirrhosis or liver
cancer several decades later. In developing
countries like the Philippines, hepatitis B infection
usually occurs in childhood, at the time of birth,
during infancy, or in early childhood. Symptoms
are not usually apparent in infected young A boy with hepatitis
people, but the likelihood that an infected child
will develop lifelong chronic infection is higher than if the infection occurs in older
children or adults.
The WHO recommends the use of oral treatments - tenofovir or entecavir, because these
are the most potent drugs to suppress the hepatitis B virus. They rarely lead to drug
resistance as compared with other drugs, are simple to take (1 pill a day), and have few
side effects and require only limited monitoring.
What is polio?
Polio is a highly infectious disease of the central nervous
system caused by three closely related polioviruses: types 1, 2,
and 3.
In regions where it has been eliminated (the Americas, Europe, Western Pacific, South East
Asia), control measures and certification-quality polio surveillance must be sustained until
the disease is eradicated worldwide.
• High infant immunization coverage with three doses of OPV in the 1st year of life;
• Supplementary doses of OPV to all children under five years of age during
immunization campaigns;
• Surveillance for polio virus through reporting and laboratory testing of all cases of
acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) among children under 15 years of age;
• Targeted “mop-up” campaign once Polio transmission is limited to specific focal area.
In addition, the DOH recently introduced Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) through the NIP in
2014, and switched the Oral Polio Vaccine from trivalent to bivalent type. The reasons for
this change are that Type 2 Polio has been declared eradicated and to decrease the risk of
emergence of VDPV Type 2.
The inclusion of IPV into the national immunization schedule is part of DOH’s efforts to
protect every Filipino child against the disease and to sustain the country’s Polio-free status.
Vaccine-Derived Under very rare circumstances when the coverage of Polio vaccine is
inadequate, the virus strains in OPV can mutate and regain characteristics
Polio Virus (VDPV): of wild polio virus: the abilities to cause paralytic disease in humans and to
spread from person to person. This phenomenon, known as vaccine-derived
polio virus, has been documented in many countries, most recently in Lao
PDR, Myanmar and in Philippines (2014). In each case, vaccination coverage
was very low in the affected areas. As with wild polio virus, the critical factor
in controlling VDPV is achieving and maintaining high vaccination coverage
rates through a combination of strengthening the routine immunization
system and supplemental vaccination.
What is diphtheria?
Diphtheria is a bacterial infection caused by
Corynebacterium diphtheriae. The infection can involve
almost any mucous membrane, but the most common
sites of infection are the tonsils and pharynx. This type of
diphtheria can lead to obstructed breathing and death.
In tropical countries, the disease usually affects the skin
(cutaneous diphtheria) and may result in high levels of
natural immunity against respiratory diphtheria.
D.5 Tetanus
What is tetanus?
Tetanus is caused by the bacterium Clostridium
tetani. The Clostridium tetani bacilli are present in
the soil everywhere. It is the vaccine-preventable
disease that is not spread from person to person.
A typical feature of the spasms associated with
tetanus is the facial expression known as “risus
sardonicus,” or sardonic smile.
The average incubation period is 3 to 21 days. Common signs and symptoms of tetanus, in
order of appearance, are:
The following characteristics may indicate that tetanus is a problem in a particular location:
What is pertussis?
Pertussis, also called whooping cough, is a highly
contagious, acute bacterial disease affecting
the respiratory tract. It is caused by the bacteria
Bordetella pertussis.
D.9 Measles
What is measles?
Measles is an acute viral infection caused by measles virus.
Measles is one of the most contagious diseases of humans.
The rash usually appears on the face and upper neck. Over
a few days the rash spreads to the body and then to the
hands and feet. It usually resolves in about 5 to 6 days.
Vitamin A supplementation reduces the number of deaths from measles. Measles seriously
depletes vitamin A in children, making them more susceptible to complications. All children
in developing countries diagnosed with measles should receive two doses of vitamin A
supplement given 24 hours apart.
Supplemental campaigns are taken by the national authorities with consultation with
regional units and by reviewing the epidemiological evidence of the outbreak.
What is mumps?
Mumps is an infection caused by a virus. It is
sometimes called infectious parotitis, and it primarily
affects the salivary glands. Mumps is mostly a mild
childhood disease, often affecting children between
5-9 years old. But the mumps virus can infect adults
as well. When it does, complications are more likely
to be serious.
People who get mumps and recover are thought to have lifelong protection against the
What is rubella?
Rubella is an infection caused by a virus and is
usually mild in children and adults. Congenital
rubella syndrome (CRS) is an important cause of
severe birth defects. When a woman is infected
with the rubella virus during the first trimester
of pregnancy, she has a 90% chance of passing
the virus on to her fetus. This can cause
the death of the fetus, or it may cause CRS.
Deafness is the most common, but CRS can also
An adult female with rubella infection, showing
cause defects in the eyes, heart, and brain. rashes on the arms and face
WHO emphasizes that the use of rotavirus vaccines should be part of a comprehensive
strategy to control diarrhoeal diseases with scaling up of both prevention (such as
promotion of early and exclusive breastfeeding, handwashing with soap, improved water
and sanitation) and treatment packages (including low-osmolarity ORS and zinc).
Recent surveillance data suggests that JE is endemic in Philippines, with a large number of
positive cases being reported from all over the country.
How is JE prevented?
Immunization is the important measure to control Japanese encephalitis. There are four
types of JE vaccines. Experiences in many countries suggests that environmental control
of JE transmission is not an effective method. Although socioeconomic improvements and
changes in agricultural practices are likely to reduce viral transmission in some places,
large-scale vaccination of affected populations with effective and affordable vaccines
appears to be the logical control measure.
What is HPV?
HPV is the most common sexually
transmitted infection which infects
the skin and mucous membranes
of the genital areas of men and
women. There are more than 100
types of HPV. It is of particular
concern in women since it is now
known to be the cause of 99% of
cervical cancers. Normal cervix (left) and cervical cancer (right)
Symptoms and signs of cervical cancer include abnormal vaginal bleeding (after sexual
intercourse and/or between menstrual periods); pelvic, back and/or leg pain; vaginal
discharge; fatigue and weight loss. Anemia, renal failure and fistula can also occur in
advanced stages of cervical cancer.
What is influenza?
Seasonal Influenza is a respiratory disease
caused by influenza viruses A and B. Globally,
seasonal influenza can affect 5–10% of adults
and 20–30% of children each year.
A. Rationale
The role of disease surveillance in achieving the goals of the NIP cannot be
overemphasized. According to the Philippine Integrated Disease Surveillance and
Response (PIDSR) Manual, disease surveillance is recognized as the cornerstone of public
health decision-making and practice. Data gathered provide information which can be
used for priority setting, policy decisions, planning, implementation, resource mobilization
and allocation, prediction and early detection of epidemics. A surveillance system can
also be used for monitoring, evaluation and improvement of disease prevention and
control programs.
B. Objectives
Chapter 3 provides an overview of the importance and role of disease surveillance in
achieving the goal of the NIP. After reading this Chapter, we will be able to:
1. Describe the vital role of disease surveillance in the overall management and
implementation of the NIP;
2. Define your tasks as a program manager and/or service provider in VPD surveillance;
3. Specify appropriate measures you need to undertake in response to increasing VPD
cases in your locality.
Elimination and eradication of diseases are the ultimate goals of public health. This requires
high commitment and participation of public and private health workers, dedicated focal
point persons at the national and sub-national levels and strengthened linkages to health
facilities through sensitive and efficient system and rapid response capability.
Eradication: The extinction of the pathogen that causes a particular infectious disease. So
long as a single member of the species survives, eradication has not been accomplished.
In other words, eradication is the reduction to zero of the worldwide incidence of infection
caused by a specific agent, the complete interruption of transmission and the extinction
of the causative agent so that it no longer exists in the environment. Hence, intervention
measures are no longer needed.
Three NIP goals are targeted toward the eradication and elimination of the following
VPDs: Poliomyelitis, Measles and Neonatal Tetanus. Surveillance of these diseases is
described in the Philippine Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (PIDSR).
VPD surveillance refers to the intensive case-based surveillance for VPDs targeted for
eradication and elimination - cases of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) or suspected polio,
measles and neonatal tetanus (NT). It also includes the surveillance of adverse events
following immunization (AEFI) cases discussed in the AEFI section under Injection Safety
Key development milestones in the history of VPD surveillance in the country would include:
VPD surveillance varies depending on the level or stage of goals set for each VPD. The
following targets are contained in the 2016-2022 NIP Strategic Plan:
• eradicate polio
• eliminate maternal-neonatal tetanus
• eliminate measles and rubella
• accelerate the control of Hep B
• control other VPDs (e.g. diphtheria, pertussis)
Polio Eradication
Measles Elimination
• Achieve and maintain <1 NT case per 1,000 live births (LB) in every province/ city/
municipality every year.
The table below summarizes the common VPDs in our country with corresponding goal
and the different purposes of surveillance activities.
Any child under 15 years Measles - Suspected Neonatal tetanus case A case of suspected
of age with acute onset case: Any individual, classification is based AMES is any person
of floppy paralysis, OR regardless of age, with solely on clinical criteria. who at any time of the
a person of any age in the following signs and year had sudden onset
whom poliomyelitis is symptoms: A suspected case is any of fever and one of the
suspected by a physician. neonatal death from following:
• fever (38°C or more) or 3 to 28 days of age
• Acute: sudden onset hot to touch; and in which the cause of • Change in mental
of paralysis. Usually death is unknown, OR status (including
• maculopapular rash
the interval from the any neonate reported symptoms such as
(non-vesicular); and
first sign of muscle as having suffered from altered consciousness,
weakness to inability • at least one of the neonatal tetanus from 3 confusion,
to move the affected following: cough, to 28 days of age and not disorientation, coma,
limb(s) takes 3-4 days coryza (runny nose) investigated. or inability to talk)
but may extend to two or conjunctivitis (red
• New onset of seizures
weeks eyes). A confirmed case is any
(excluding simple
neonate that sucks and
• Flaccid: loss of muscle febrile seizures)
cries normally during the
tone of the affected
The clinical diagnosis of first two days of life, and • Neck stiffness of other
limb(s) giving it a
measles is supported by becomes ill from three meningeal signs
floppy appearance (as
the presence of Koplik’s to 28 days of age and
opposed to spastic or • Case diagnosed
spots and if the rash develops both an inability
rigid) by physician either
progresses from the head to suck and diffuse
as encephalitis or
• Paralysis: reduced or to the trunk and to the muscle rigidity (stiffness),
lost ability to move the extremities. which may include
affected limb(s) trismus, clenched fists or
Rubella - Suspected feet, continuously pursed
• If an AFP case is less
case: Any individual lips, and/or curved back
than 5 years of age
regardless of age with (opisthotonus), OR
with less than 3 OPV
the following signs and a neonate from three to
doses and had fever at
symptoms: 28 days of age diagnosed
onset of asymmetrical
as a case of tetanus by a
paralysis OR if the
• fever (38°C or more) or physician.
client has L20B+
hot to touch; and
isolate, the case is
considered a “Hot • maculopapular rash
Case”. (non vesicular); and/or
• one of the
following: post
auricular or axillary
and/or joint pain and/
or conjunctivitis
1.1 A standard case definition for surveillance is a set of criteria used to determine if
a person has a particular disease, syndrome or condition and if the case should
be included in reporting or investigation. This ensures that every case is detected
and reported in the same way, regardless of where and when it occurred or who
identified it.
1.2 VPD cases are expected to be seen in the different health care facilities. Barangay
Health Stations (BHS), Rural Health Units (RHUs), Municipal/City Health Offices
(M/CHOs), government and private hospitals, clinics, laboratories and quarantine
stations are called Disease Reporting Units (DRUs).
1.3 Detection of VPD cases is everyone’s responsibility. You are encouraged to notify
the Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit (ESU) of the next higher level within 24
hours of all suspect cases for complete case investigation.
2. Classify the case accordingly, carefully taking note of all the presenting signs and
symptoms for each case.
2.1 Suspected Case: Indicative clinical picture without being a confirmed or probable
2.2 Probable Case: Clear clinical picture, or linked epidemiologically to a confirmed
case. Note that a “case with an epidemiological link” is a case that has either
been exposed to a confirmed case, or had the same exposure as a confirmed case
(e.g. eaten the same food, stayed in the same hotel, in the same periphery of the
confirmed infected person).
2.3 Confirmed Case: Verified by laboratory analysis. Note that the classification on
these different levels might vary according to the epidemiology of the individual
diseases. Unless specifically stated, persons with symptoms are to be reported.
Persons without symptoms are to be regarded as cases, however, if the infection
has therapeutic or public health implications.
The first and most important step to sensitive and timely surveillance is the immediate
notification of any AFP, measles-rubella or NT case from a health facility or the
community. Case investigation and specimen collection should be done within 48 hours
upon notification. Once a Case Investigation Form (CIF) is completed by the CESU/PESU,
this is submitted to the ESU of the next higher level (RESU) through the fastest means of
communication.The CIF also serves as the laboratory request form; thus, a copy should
be sent to the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM) along with the specimen/s.
The following are the generic steps in conducting a case investigation of AFP, measles
and NT cases:
1. Verify if the case satisfies the case definition for AFP, Measles, NT, AMES or other VPDs.
2. Interview and examine the case.
3. Collect additional information by reviewing client’s records and/or discussing the case
with the attending physician.
4. Collect specimen(s) from each case.
5. Submit the completed CIF, client’s medical chart and laboratory results.
6. Search for additional cases.
7. Conduct 60-day follow-up examination (ONLY FOR AFP).
The RITM Department of Virology is accredited by the WHO as the National Reference
Laboratory for AFP, Measles, Rubella, and Japanese Enchephalitis surveillance. All
specimens are tested in the laboratory free of charge. Laboratory test results serve as
proof to confirm or rule out a reported case. To ensure the efficiency of the laboratory test
and accuracy of laboratory results, specimens should be properly collected, stored and
transported to the laboratory in optimal condition.
For AFP: Poliovirus is shed in the stools at maximum quantity during the first two weeks
after the onset of paralysis. Stools should thus be collected within 14 days of paralysis
onset to increase the likelihood of isolating the virus. Two stool specimens should be
collected at least 24 hours apart. It is important that all stool specimens from AFP cases
are maintained in a “reverse cold chain” (that is, kept cold from the moment of collection
until arrival in the National Polio Reference Laboratory). Otherwise, the virus may no
longer be viable for culture.
Data management is one of the core activities in VPD surveillance. It supports efficient
data capture and information flow that can provide a master list of up-to-date case-based
information. The data will be used for control activities of the disease under surveillance.
Analyzed and disseminated surveillance data is also essential for development of policies
and programs.
1. Data Collection
Be aware of the established deadlines for reporting and submitting reports. Data
should be submitted weekly by ESUs and DRUs.
Ensure that forms submitted by ESUs/DRUs are compiled if the unit encodes data
from the lower levels. Data review and validation must be done on a weekly basis,
especially before performing data analysis.
3. Data Analysis
Data analysis should be performed on a weekly basis. This includes:
Epidemiological Analysis. This begins with summary of the data according to time,
place and person.
Surveillance Indicators. Surveillance indicators are categorized into two: (i) core
performance indicators; and (ii) secondary indicators.
• Core performance indicators are primarily for monitoring of surveillance
performance. It is important that the system is sensitive to detect all cases of
AFP, measles and NT.
• Seconday (System) indicators are necessary to make sure that all data collected
are complete, accurate and timely submitted so that appropriate analysis can be
4. Production of Reports
Surveillance data should be reported in a regular or on-going basis. However, during
outbreaks or any unusual health conditions, reports should be provided promptly for
rapid and efficient response.
5. Dissemination
Surveillance reports should be disseminated to program implementers and policy
makers who can use the data to take public health action. The findings should be
reviewed regularly and reported back to the ESUs and DRUs where the data was
gathered from. This is called feedbacking and will be discussed below.
1. Surveillance data should be analyzed at all levels of the health system in the timeliest
manner possible to determine the public heath response required from each level.
2. Public health programs must ensure that surveillance data are presented so that they
can be used for public health action rather than mere transmission or dissemination
of surveillance results to others.
Cases are reported weekly, monthly or, in some situations, an immediate notification to
higher level is needed.
Zero Case Reporting: This refers to the regular, scheduled reporting of “zero case” when
no cases have been detected by the reporting unit. As manager/ coordinator, ensure
that your health facility reports zero cases on a weekly basis using the Weekly Notifiable
Disease Report Summary Page Form.
Ensure that your health facility is not one of the “silent” Disease Reporting Units. This is
a health facility that does not report VPD cases, including failure to maintain zero case
reporting for two or more weeks. When a silent disease reporting unit is identified, the
disease surveillance officer should conduct active surveillance in that health facility to
determine the reason for non-reporting.
VPD cases identified as immediately notifiable diseases such as AFP, Measles etc at
the DRUs are to be reported simultaneously to the CESU and PESU, Regional ESU
and Epidemiology Bureau (EB) within 24 hours of detection through the fastest means
possible. Initial notification can be verbal using telephone, text message, facsimile or
email, followed by the completely filled out CIF once available.
The other VPDs or vaccine related condition that are notifiable within 24 hours are
Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI), Meningococcal Disease, Neonatal
Tetanus, and Rabies.
E.6 Feedback
Feedbacking is a process where the output or findings are notified to guide the next action
or to verify accuracy of information. Regular and timely feedback is the key element in
maintaining the surveillance system. Feedback such as laboratory results to the clinicians
from the reporting hospital should be monitored carefully from the respective department
in the Regional and Provincial level.
Regional ESUs
Municipal ESUs
E.7 Response
Appropriate actions and recommendations are needed when there are outbreaks of VPDs.
The details of these responses will be included in the VPD Outbreak Response Manual, as
well as various DOH Memorandum and AO which have been formulated and shared for
some specific VPD outbreak. Please refer to the appropriate manuals and guidelines from
Measles outbreak: The definition of an outbreak will vary according to the phase of
measles control.
For countries (or regions/provinces of large countries) that have not yet
completed nationwide catch-up SIAs: A suspected measles outbreak is defined as
For countries (or regions/provinces of large countries) that have not yet
completed nationwide catch-up SIAs: A suspected measles outbreak is defined as
“an increase in the expected number of suspected measles cases being reported in
a specific geographical area”.
Once outbreak is confirmed it is important to know the age group affected, the place
affected and the potential for spread. The immunization program managers can
analyze the routine measles immunization coverage of the area for the past 3 to 4
years to find out the number of susceptible children that have missed the routine
measles immunization since the last SIA. Then the strategy can be to immunize all
the defaulter children that have missed the routine measles vaccine in the age group
of 9months to 59 months (selective outbreak response) or in a scenario where there
are large accumulation of susceptible due to low routine vaccination coverage then
vaccinating all the children with in the age group of 9 months to under 59 months
can be considered (nonselective outbreak response). WHO recommends that in large
measles outbreak where children below 9 months are also infected in large numbers,
measles vaccination can be considered from the age of 6 months and above.