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12 ABM 02

Topic Paper in Practical Research I

Senior High School Department, Adamson University

Adaya, Jon Philip B., Alejandrino, Angelo Luis V., Dolor, Deanne Audrey D., Gandamato,
Shahabiya M., Geronimo, Azaleah Marie B., Horique, Joy Rianne R., Mangila, Abigail N.,
Parilla, Erille Julianne M., Quindoza, Vincent D., Sarador, Rommel M., Viloria, Fransesca
Clarissa C.

Adamson University, Ermita, Manila



This qualitative study aims to know the impact of "1, 2, 3" culture in jeepney drivers'
livelihood in terms of financial and psychological aspects. The goal of this research is to focus
on jeepney drivers' experiences, struggles, and personal opinions and their coping strategies
toward the aforementioned culture. This study consists of five (5) Filipino jeepney drivers, one
(1) operator, and two (2) commuters as respondents. Researchers use purposive technique as
sampling method. The researchers use semi-structured interview in which the researchers
prepared an interview guide for the respondents, they also have the freedom to have a follow-up
questions and elaborate their answer more. The result of the study shows that "1,2,3" culture
hinders the increase in income among jeepney drivers, negatively affects their budget allocation
for other external expenses. This also arouses doubts and suspicions against commuters and
drivers alike.
Introduction stated that it is not only the price commuters
seek on riding public utility vehicles (PUVs)
Jeepneys are considered as the
but also the travel time, the traffic, the
National Symbol of the Filipino Roads since
comfortability and security inside the
the Post-War period of the Philippine
vehicle, and other commuters as well.
history. These vehicles served as military
transport during the war between the “1,2,3” is one of the prevailing
Americans and the Japanese, yet after the culture developed by the commuters towards
war, the Americans left these behind and is PUV operators, in which, according to
now the most prominent form of Cerdana (2018) on her paper Public Utility
transportation here in the Philippines. Transport: The Potential of Automating
Popularized by the Sarao Motors Fare Payment Collection in the Philippines
Incorporated since 1953, these vehicles are using Smart Card, that Filipinos do have a
mass-produced which made this as the great demand on availing public utility
cultural and social icon of Filipino vehicles however, there is a constant threat
passengers. Due to the convenience and the that: 1) the driver was hindered or unable to
quality of this vehicle, and the fact that this collect the fares or 2) the passengers
transportation system is prominent and intended or forgot to pay the fares. There are
evident on Philippine roads, most Filipinos solutions available for operators to resolve
either own or operate a jeep as their source the issue of fares such as automated fares or
of income and business. electronic fare collection system or the
ergonomic redesigning of jeepney structure
Commuters deem to seek the
introduced by the Department of Trade and
cheapest modes of transportations to resolve
Industry last June 27, 2017. However, not all
their challenge on budgeting their expenses
drivers can avail these kinds of technologies
in terms of paying transportation fees.
since their transport economics is not
However, according to an article, 5
developed well yet.
Struggles Every Commuter Faces (Chan,
2015), even though they find these modes Drivers rely on these vehicles to earn
affordable, factors such as comfortability a living, and for certain instances like
and accessibility cannot be guaranteed gasoline price hike, congested roads, and
present on this transportation. It is also underdisciplined passengers can disrupt the
life of jeepney drivers. One of the Additionally, as said by George San
underrated problems every jeepney driver Mateo, the immediate effect [of the phase
faces every day is the widely-known out] is the massacre of livelihoods of an
practice among commuters, the “1,2,3”. estimated 250,000 small jeepney operators
Jeepney drivers experience low revenues in and almost 600,000 jeepney drivers.
which continued practice can gravely affect Although the government assured it will
the drivers' economic and psychological shoulder the down payment which is about
state. 80,000 pesos, the jeepney users are still
unsure about the phase out because there are
Factors Affecting Jeepney Drivers’
concerns about possible fare hikes and lack
of government support when the jeepneys
According to Inso (2017), jeepney are replaced with new vehicles. Jeepney
drivers' earnings range from 400 to 500 drivers continue to decrease its own
pesos every day and huge taxes upon population due to modernize vehicles. It
petroleum products gravely affect their daily leads to the destruction of Filipino jeepney
revenue. A boundary system most drivers drivers' livelihood because their income
experience, heavy traffic jams which delay comes from driving a jeepney.
the running time of jeepneys on their
Furthermore, the study of
respective routes that decrease passenger
Engineering students from the University of
rates, occasional gasoline and oil stops, and
the Philippines (2016) stated that the
unexpected occurrences like problems with
average Filipino jeepney driver spends 10
the engine or the wheels also take up a huge
hours driving that bring discomfort and body
amount out of jeepney drivers' income.
pains that are mainly caused by awkward
Thus, having their budget for the needs of
positions due to being behind the wheel for a
their families be cut short. Also, since prices
long period of time. Though drivers are
for basic products have gone up,
experiencing body aches each working day,
consumers/passengers tend to succumb more
they are contented with the state of their
to the idea of not having to pay the fare or
workspace, they just choose to ignore it
simply doing the "1,2,3" practice and
because there is no monetary cost in solving
prioritize in purchasing more relevant
these problems. The study stated that the
jeepneys are made with just minimal cost
and did not undergo proper design planning of loss of the resources. Resource,
procedures that resulted to poorly designed corresponding to the COR theory can be
workspace that affects the body and health “objects, personal characteristics,
of the drivers. The study suggests that conditions, or energies that are valued by the
jeepneys should undergo proper planning individual or that serve as a mean for
procedures to bring comfort to the drivers attainment of these objects, personal
while working. characteristics condition or energies”.
Altogether with the said definition,
Despite of this, O’Rourke (2019)
resources can be inclined as important when:
stated that vehicles fill a gaping hole in
(1) Resources have contributory value (2)
public transport left unaddressed by the
Resources holds a figurative value.
government. The condition of drivers in
Altogether with the COR Theory, The
different vehicles, specifically jeepneys, is
Transactional Stress Model Lazaruz (1966),
not reaching the local government. Thus,
modified by Navaco et al. (1979), describes
their circumstances are being neglected by
a mechanism of dealing with stressful
the officials, in result, there is no concrete
incidents, incidents which are defined by
action to help the Filipino drivers.
personal-environmental transactions based
Stressors Leading Commuters to on the influence of an external stressor.
Perform the “1,2,3” Practice/Behavior According to TSM, there are two kinds of

As this mode of transportation appraisal, the primary appraisal, which is the

dominated the roads, threats arise such as evaluation of the possible threat, and the

fare evasion, fare miscalculation and secondary appraisal, which is perceived

inefficient fare management. Fare evasion control over the outcomes of the possible

and other commuter-related behaviors, threat. The progression between these two

according to Holland (2014), might have appraisals invokes stress to a certain group

rooted to stress defined by two stress- of people facing a stressor in which

associated concepts. First is the Theory of ‘commuting’ can be considered. Baum

Conservation of Resources (COR) of (1998), he considered ‘commuting’ as a

Hobfoll (1989) in which stress was triggered stressor because of the factors such as

by invoking an attempt to protect, retain and traffic, and other external stimulus of the

stock resources against possible embodiment environment. With the presence of this
stimulus, daily performance and interaction environmental factors. In other words, the
lessens, as observed by Evans and Stecker surroundings, itself, of a certain person
(2004), due to exposure to chronic highly affect their growth and being. In
environmental stressor, which ‘commuting’ relation, this theory manifests the currently
is also included. Altogether with the studies existing Filipino norm known as the "1,2,3"
stated, Holland (2016), on his paper Cost of culture. This phenomenon can be identified
Commuting: A Review of Determinants, as the external factor due to its presence as
Outcomes, and Theories of Commuting- well as it is performed in the society,
Related Stress, synthesized that stress on however, the Social Cognitive Theory infers
commuters and mismanagement of the that external factors are the ones that force
operators hinders the travelling process in people to function and produce actions.
which affects both sides negatively. Moreover, social persuasion is an influence
Commuters, exposed on the stressor in which a commuter tends to imitate their
‘commuting’ might not be able to perform observation of the recurring behavior of
their duties and liabilities since they do also others. Whether a person knows the culture
deal on the strain prevalent on their or not, as long as it is instilled in the minds
environment. Commuting cost significant and actions of the commuters, it will still
damage on both sides, the manager of the circulate in the society. Even though this
commuting process, and the commuter itself. culture is noticeable, commuters still
continuously execute their undesirable
attitudes towards PUVs such as not paying
the prescribed fare or still practicing the
"1,2,3" culture. This culture will be
inevitable unless commuters choose to fully
eradicate such behavior.

The Theory of Planned Behavior

The Bandura's Social Cognitive started in 1980 as a theory of reasoned
Theory (1997) states that people are driven action which predicts an individual intention
by external factors. This theory shows that to immerse in behavior at a specific time and
human functioning can be explained through place. It intended to explain the behaviors
interaction of behavior, personal and that people have. The Theory of Planned
Behavior (TPB) explained that people can Also, this theory explained that whatever a
exert self-control specifically in making person's action based on choices and
decisions and actions. In this theory, it intentions.
involves the behavioral intent of the people.
Several related literatures and studies
These behavioral intents are influenced by
tackle about economic condition of Filipino
the attitudes, subjective norms and perceived
jeepney drivers, the factors that highly affect
behavioral control. This theory is widely
their livelihood, and how modernization
used as it successfully predicted and explain
influences their lives, however, these
the behaviors such as the health behaviors of
supporting articles and studies lack concrete
people and their intentions including
information about "1,2,3" culture and how
smoking, drinking, health services
this phenomenon creates a direct impact to
utilization, breastfeeding, and substance use,
their livelihood. In accordance to the related
among others. It expresses that behavioral
literatures and studies, these solely focus on
achievement is based on both motivation
jeepney drivers only and failed to include
(intention) and ability (behavioral control).
the "1,2,3" culture as a factor. Furthermore,
In this study, TBP somehow explained the
this several researches and articles do not
impact and predicted the behavior of these
contain extensive explanation in relation
fellow Filipino Jeepney Drivers. It is the one
with the practice of “1,2,3” and how jeepney
who foresees on how will these jeepney
drivers get affected.
drivers react to this “1,2,3” culture. In
addition to that, Filipino jeepney drivers This study focuses on the impacts of

have choices if they are willing to undertake “1,2,3” culture mainly to the Filipino

any process to resolve these kinds of issues jeepney drivers in terms of their

or just disregard and neglect this kind of psychological and financial state. This

behavior. The Filipino jeepney drivers have research seeks to fill the gap and the lack of

different reactions with this “1,2,3” culture study on how this culture affects jeepney

based on how it greatly affects their drivers’ livelihood. Also, it covers how these

psychological and financial state. This drivers cope up with this culture in which

Theory of Planned Behavior explained the method or process they undertook to resolve

ability of one-selves to exert self-control to the problem. This study aims to broaden the

come up with desired actions and decisions. knowledge and deepen the understanding of
everyone on the impacts of “1,2,3” culture to 3. What are the coping strategies of
the life of every Filipino Jeepney driver. jeepney drivers in relation to “1,2,3”
In this study, the economic and
psychological state of the drivers will be Methodology
identified in relation with commuters’
The researchers will use
refusal in fulfilling their responsibility on
phenomenology as research design due to
paying the minimum fare in jeepneys.
the study being about individual's
Through this paper, specifications and
experiences about "1,2,3" culture.
recommendations from jeepney drivers will
Researchers will effectively address the
be cited, likewise, prescribing authorities
research problem with the use of this
and passengers on what must be and not be
research design that tackles about
done upon this issue.
development of human consciousness, how
The study aims to highlight the life a person reacts to phenomena, and seek into
in the road of Filipino drivers that will the soul of experience. The researchers come
effectively help them to raise their voices in to derive on how human beings specifically
certain issues such as “1,2,3” culture; to the drivers, passengers and jeepney
make stand on fairness and fight for their operators immerse in "1,2,3" culture. In
own rights. addition, researchers will identify the effects
of the said phenomena to the respondents
Hereby the research statement of the
and examine the commonalities among
problem. On this study, researchers aim to
answer the following questions:
The participants in this study are
1. What is the current economic
Public Utility drivers, passengers, and
condition of Filipino jeepney
operators. From this, five (5) PUJ drivers,
two (2) passengers, and one (1 operator are
2. How does “1,2,3” culture of Filipino
chosen. The participants (drivers,
commuters affect the jeepney
passengers, and operator) are expected to
have knowledge and awareness about the
a. Psychologically?
"1,2,3" culture and have at least experienced
b. Financially?
or seen the said phenomenon once. The
drivers work in the fields of public utility purposes. The interview will be done in the
driving along the roads of Manila. PUJ afternoon during drivers' break time or free
drivers also need to have at least a year of time and upon waiting for their travel time
driving experience, and are licensed drivers in terminal.
under the Land Transportation Office and
For data triangulation purposes, the
the passengers must be frequent consumers
researchers will also conduct a semi-
of PUJs. The jeepney drivers' route runs
structured interview with one (1) jeepney
along the streets of Tayuman - Lardizabal.
operator and two (2) passengers on the same
transport route. These subjects will be
This study is conducted to elaborate
instructed about the purpose of the interview
the experience, struggles and coping
and presented to the subject consent forms
strategies of every Filipino jeepney driver to
as well as introduced to ethical
"1,2,3" culture.
considerations undertaken on the interview.
The researchers object to gather data The participants will be notified whether
through the use of semi-structured interview. they will permit the researchers to video
This kind of interview is used to serve as a record or audio record their interview for
guide by which researchers prepare topics transcription purposes. The interview will be
that will be explored. done for the operator during break time or
free time in the terminal where jeepneys
The researchers will conduct a semi-
wait for commuters. On the other hand,
structured interview with five (5) jeepney
passengers will be interviewed during their
drivers on the route of Lardizabal –
transport travel time.
Tayuman. The drivers will be oriented
accordingly regarding the purpose of the The data and information obtained in
interview and presented to the subjects’ this study of impact of “1,2,3” culture to the
consent forms as well as introduced to Filipino Jeepney Drivers' livelihood was
ethical considerations undertaken during the qualitatively interpreted and analyzed using
interview. The subjected drivers will be Thematic Analysis. The Thematic Analysis
asked whether if they would allow the is an approach that aims to provide detailed
researchers to either audio record their examinations, analysis and interpreting the
answers or video record for transcription patterns of behavior of one’s lived
experiences. In this technique, the drivers, Ethical Consideration. Stated in the
including passenger and jeepney operators, Research Practice that an informed consent
were analyzed to fully understand the must be properly signed by the respondents
jeepney drivers' experiences, struggles and and acknowledge that this consent happens
coping strategies in relation to this “1,2,3” because of the willingness of the participants
phenomenon. Also, thematic analysis to work collaboratively with the researchers
identifies the stories presented and struggles and to make sure that the consent form is
of the people involved and reflect upon it. translated in the language that the
All interviews of the five (5) Filipino respondents can understand.
Jeepney Drivers with the route of Tayuman
Also, the said respondents will be
to Lardizabal, two (2) passengers that take
properly explained their rights to decline
the same route, and one (1) jeepney operator
their participation anytime. Concerning their
were transcribed, presented and interpreted
privacy, the researchers will not release any
information about the real identity of the
Before this paper begins, the participants and the persons that will be
researchers will seek permission from their mentioned in their stories with the strictest
parents and to the principal through parent anonymity and confidentiality. As such, in
consent and request letter respectively to presenting the case of each participant, the
allow the researchers to conduct their names of the people in their stories as well
research outside of the campus, then will as their own will be modified by creating
undergo through two (2) validators to pseudo-names to protect their real identities.
validate research instrument and confirm if
the interview questions is applicable to use,
and lastly, the researchers will ask Current Economic Condition of

permission from the respondents for their Jeepney Drivers

approval to involve themselves in the study Low Income Input. The income
through informed consent. In doing this drivers earn would decrease, as said by one
paper, they will be guided by the Code of of the respondents. As commuters
Ethics as regards to the Research Practice continuously conduct the “1,2,3” culture,
with the reference to the Psychological drivers’ earnings get affected. “Syempre
Association of the Philippines Legal and nababawasan ‘yung kita namin at ‘yung
dapat na pera na kikitain namin inability to support internal expenses like
mababawasan.” [Our revenue would get their kids’ academic expenses, especially
reduced and our income would also get a those in a higher school level.
deduction]. Other commuters also agree that
Assured Income Input. One
the said culture dose have great effect in
respondent concluded that despite of people
drivers’ revenue and income, and also added
downgrading jeepney drivers, he assured
that fares only cost a small amount, hence,
that there is indeed great income from
adding to the further decrease of drivers’
having to drive commuters all day ‘round.
income, “Oo naman, malaki epekto ‘nun
The respondent also stated that the whole
kasi magkano lang din yung kita nila sa
trip jeepney drivers make from morning
isang araw, sampu sampu lang naman
until afternoon, or even until evening, is
‘yung sa isang tao, mababa lang.” [Yes,
enough for diesel and gasoline refills since
“1,2,3” culture contributes great impact
students and office workers are frequent
among jeepney drivers because, how much
passengers of jeepneys.
do they just earn in a day, one person only
cost 10 pesos, it’s as low as that]. “1, 2, 3” Culture affects the Jeepney
Drivers' Livelihood in Financial Aspect
Sustaining Internal Expenses. As one
respondent said, “Kasi sa totoo lang, Income Reducing Factor. Due to

papaano naman ‘yung nagpapaaral ng “1,2,3” culture of the commuters, the

limang anak? Halimbawa, College na ‘yan, income of the drivers are being affected or

oh, saan kukuha yan kung 700 lang ang reduced, as one of the respondents have said,

kikitain ng tao?” [To be honest, how about “Syempre nababawasan yung kita namin

those drivers who provide educational tyaka yung dapat na pera na kikitain namin,

support for five kids? For example, they’re mababawasan nga” [Of course, the money

in College already, where will the drivers that is supposed to be our revenue are being

get the financial support they ought to give reduced]. There is also one respondent that

if they only earn 700 pesos?]. Jeepney said, “Katulad nito yung sakin pituhan lang,

drivers often have their own families to oh mababawasan pa ng tatlo edi dagdag...

sustain, and each have children to give kulang na yun sa kita” [Just like this, mine

educational support to, the respondent can only accommodate 7 passengers,

pointed out the possibility of drivers’ reduced by three, income will also
decrease]. The two drivers answered that well tingin ko magkakaroon talaga sila ng
because this kind of practice affect their problema kasi 1st of all yun yung main
revenues in a way that it is decreasing. source of income ng mga jeepney drivers
and well kung tutuusin marami nga din
Impact of frequent practice of
silang binabayaran siyempre di lang din sa
“1,2,3”. One of the respondents said,
pagkain pati na rin siguro kuryente, tubig,
“Hindi naman masyado, kung araw araw,
siyempre may pamilya din nila and of
pero nga kung madalas, makaka-apekto
course nag papagasolina pa sila, dun nila
kung lalo kung ilang ang magawa “1,2,3”.”
kinukuha sa kita nila tas alam ko
[Not that much, but if it’s every day, and is
nagbabayad sila sa operators nila, most
often, it will have an effect especially when
probably malaki talaga problema nila pag
“1,2,3” is committed frequently]. Frequent
di nagbayad ng maayos ang pasahero” [In
practice of “1,2,3” will give a big impact to
my opinion, not paying the jeepney fare will
drivers’ income, due to it being from the
really affect the drivers, and become a
passengers’ fare.
problem to them, because it is their main
Imbalanced Expenditure/Income source of income. If anything, these drivers,
Output. As one respondent said, “Minsan likewise, have a lot of bills to pay, for
hindi sapat eh... May pamasahe rin ang mga example, utilities (water and electricity),
anak mo. Magkano ang baon nila. bilhan food, gas, they have families to support, and
mo pa bigas wala nang matira ganun.” as far as the researcher knows, they also
[Sometimes, it's not enough. My children have daily boundaries to pay to their
also have fare expenses. How much are their operators. Most probably, they will really
allowances? Plus, the purchase of rice have a huge problem if the passengers will
grains, nothing will be left]. The revenue not pay the fare.] The daily revenue of the
that the drivers are gaining from driving a drivers does not meet their expenses. Their
jeepney is not enough in sustaining their income is not enough to sustain their daily
families’ needs in their everyday lives, and expenses, and because of “1,2,3”, the money
because of “1,2,3” practice, the insufficient allotted for their daily expenses decrease
income will further be decreased. Also, one amd due to this, the income and the
of the commuters that has been interviewed expenses are not balance.
said, “Sure sa tingin ko financially speaking
Damaging/Non-beneficial Impact. “1, 2, 3” Culture Affects the Jeepney
“1,2,3” culture for some drivers hindered Drivers' Livelihood in Psychological Aspect
their ability to earn a good amount of
Honesty of Incapability to Pay
money. Several respondents stated that the
Fares. This phenomenon breaks the trust of
commuters’ attitude towards money is strict
the jeepney drivers massively because the
and value every cent of it. Meanwhile, with
passengers' fees are their life. The money
this practice of “1,2,3” drivers lose their
they received is their survival, expecting
ability to collect what is right for them. One
every passenger will pay for the fare but in
driver said: “Oo naman syempre, ‘yung piso
the end they would run. A respondent said,
nga kinukuha ng pasahero, ‘yung pamasahe
“Nakakabadtrip din kapag ganon ang
ng pasahero ‘di namin nakukuha minsan
nangyayari, syempre umaasa kami
dahil sa “1,2,3” na ‘yan, dahil ‘di
magbabayad lahat ng naisakay namin tapos
nagbabayad.” [Yes, of course. Even a one-
ganon pala nakikisakay lang di man lang
peso change is still asked of but for us,
nagsabi pwede naman makiusap." [It is
sometimes, we don't receive the fare of
really frustrating when that happens
passengers because of that “1, 2, 3.”]
because, of course, we expect that every
Unfairness in Collecting passenger we let aboard would pay up but,
Passengers’ Fare. Having this practice of in the end, they are just hitchhiking, they
not paying fares creates huge effects to could have just asked politely for a ride,
drivers especially that the fare is around nine right?]
pesos. One respondent clearly stated that
Distrust in Passengers. Due to
“Oo naman malaki epekto nun kasi
passengers that always practice this “1,2,3”
magkano lang din yun kita nila sa isang
culture. The PUJ Drivers developed some
araw sampu sampu lang naman yung sa
trust issues among passengers. They already
isang tao mababa lang.” [Yes, “1,2,3”
conclude their actions and distrust their
culture contributes great impact among
passengers as they knew that they will
jeepney drivers because, how much do they
frequently practice this kind of action, but
just earn in a day, one person only cost 10
they also can’t help to feel pity to those
pesos, it’s as low as that.]
kinds of people. As what one driver said
“Oo, oo nagdududa na kami; Minsan nga
maawa ka na rin, ‘yun rin minsan sampu Coping Strategies of Drivers in
sila ang magbabayad lang lima, anim.” [We relation to “1, 2, 3”
already doubt our passenger. Although, we
Verbal Warning of Drivers toward
can’t help to feel pity with those kinds of
Commuters. Filipino jeepney drivers have
people, for example, sometimes they are 10
their ways to overcome “1, 2, 3” culture.
in a group but only 5 or 6 of them will pay.]
Some of the drivers usually use verbal
Manifestation of Concern Among actions to commuters in order to create
Passengers. People find it difficult to deal awareness among passengers who are not
with situations that can affect their yet paid with their fare. Drivers fully stated
livelihood, but some has their own strategies that: “Minsan, minsan nagsasalita na ako
and tactics to overcome those circumstances. “mga 'di pa nagbabayad diyan, magbayad
One of the respondents stated, “Katulad ko na”. Oo, ginaganoon ko na kasi napapansin
paglumalabas ako, lagi kong sinasabi sa ko na yung iba hindi nagbabayad eh.”
mga pasahero pag bago sila bumaba [Sometimes, sometimes I said to them
"salamat po kako, mag ingat po kayo, god “those who are not paid, pay now,” Yes, I
bless po", minsan yung mga nag1-123 did it because I see that others don’t pay.]
napipilitan sila magbayad." [Like me, when
Likewise, some drivers also did the
I go out (to drive), I always say to my
same in order to guilt commuters, saying:
passengers when they have reach their stop
“Minsan sinasabihan namin, minsan nahiya
"Thank you very much", "Please take care",
ka na rin. Pahiya rin sila ipahiya.”
"God bless [maam/ sir]", because sometimes
[Sometimes I tell them, sometimes you get
those who do the “1,2,3” will be force to pay
ashamed. Ashamed that you ashamed them.]
( due to conscience.]. This can have an
effect on the psychological aspect of the Negligence of Drivers Among

passenger in which hearing the driver/s Commuters. Due to there is no proper rules

saying those gentle and thoughtful words and implementations with such action of “1,

can build up guilt inside them when they are 2, 3” and it is not given enough attention by

tending to not pay their fares. In the end, the society and local government. Drivers

they will pay due to guilt and conscience. overcome this phenomenon by simply
ignoring and disregarding commuters who
practice this kind of action. As what PUJ
drivers said: “Ano na lang, bale, overcome this practice is that local
pinapabayaan na lang din namin kasi wala government should support commuters who
naman din kaming magagawa na doon.” are socially disadvantage. He stated
[We just ignore it due to we cannot do “Bigyan nila ng pamasahe.” [Give them
something about it.] fare.]

Others also stated that “Wala lang, Passive Approaches against “1,2,3”
pinapabayaan na lang namin. Parang Culture. Jeepney has been available and
balewala na lang sa amin.” [There is visible only here in the Philippines, after we
nothing, we just ignore. It is like nothing to have been colonized by different countries.
us.] As years pass by, jeepney became a hit due
to its cheap and affordable fare to
Instilled Behavior of Commuters.
passengers. Yet, there is this one culture that
Eradicating “1, 2, 3” culture can also begin
has emerged, known as the "1,2,3". When a
with the commuters. To suppressed this
PUJ driver asked about his coping strategies
practice respondent suggests that it will
regarding this culture, he answered:
begin by the people who commute and use
"Minsan naaano [nakikita] ko eh, minsan
jeepneys as their transportation. As one of
na-momonitor ko ‘yung ano nila, kung sino
the respondents said: “Ang masasabi ko
‘yung nagbabayad eh, tapos 'di na lang ako
diyan, hindi pakikialaman ng ano yan eh, ng
nagsasalita. Ganoon na lang syempre
government ‘yon. Nasa tao lang ‘yon, eh 'di
nakakahiya din, eh, dahil wala naman
pakikialaman ‘yan di ka pakikinggan ng
kaming resibo para sabihing nag-123 sila
government sa ganoon.” [My say with that,
eh. Diba, sabihing, nagbayad ka, sila, kami
the government will not meddle with that. It
pa mapapahiya. Nasa isip na lang namin
is in people, the government will not meddle
yung ganoon." [Sometimes, I can see it,
and lend ears to it.]
sometimes, I monitor if they are paying.
Financial Support from the Local Then, I just don't talk. I just let it that way,
Government. Based on drivers’ response, Of course it's also embarrassing because we
financial aspect plays vital role in doing “1, don't have any receipt to tell that they are
2, 3” culture. Due to lack of money, performing the "1,2,3". If they tell that they
commuters tend not to pay proper fare to paid, we will end up being embarrassed. We
drivers. One of the driver's perception to just let it, hide it in the back of our minds.]
Systematic Transportation for makapasok sa jeep" [If the system becomes
Commuters. Since, Philippines is known to strict in their payments, it means that they
its worst transportation system due to traffic, should pay first before getting into the jeep.]
and financial inadequacy, most of its
Acquiring Modernized
countrymen are wanting to have a
Transportation Equipment. Oftentimes,
systematized transportation for everyone.
jeepney drivers are conducting a strike due
When the interviewer asked regarding the
to different reasons, one of those reasons is
issue, the PUJ Driver said: "Hinahayaan na
the fare hike, and another prevailing issue is
lang namin, pero kung kasi 'di naman uubra
the PUJ modernization.
dito sa pila namin ‘yung 'di sila
makakaligtas, kung mayroon kagaya no'ong Some are in favor, while some are

sa iba na mayron, ano, magbabayad muna not. One unfavorable citizen said: "Hindi

sila bago sila sumakay." [We just ignore ako papayag doon eh [jeepney

them, because it won't be possible in the line modernization]. Kasi mag ca-card ka pa eh.

that they can escape, if there is any, like Sa ibang bansa lang pwede ‘yon. Honest

others, they will pay first before riding.] kasi ang mga tao doon eh." [I am not
infavor, [jeepney modernization] because
They also asked two other
you will use a card, and that is only
passengers, the first passenger suggested:
applicable in other countries because people
"Gumawa ng panibagong system ng
there are honest.]
pagbabayad tapos possibly maging...
maging mas strict ang system at Another unfavorable operator

magkakaroon ng pag-asa na makabayad ng mentioned:

maayos ang mga pasahero sa driver." "Oo, matutuloy at matutuloy ‘yan

[Make a new system for paying, then if pero mahabang proseso pa ‘yan, [jeepney
possible, the system must be stricter, and modernization] pero sa’min kasi para
from it, there is a chance that passengers will sa’min, ayaw namin, Ano, yung kita namin
pay in an orderly manner to drivers.] mawawala?" [Yes, it will be push through

And the second passenger stated: but that will be a long process, but for us,

"Kung magiging mas strict ang sistema sa we're not in favor, our income? we will lose

pagbabayad kumbaga bayad muna bago our income.]

While the favorable PUJ driver having low income output and insufficient
answered: "’Eh wala akong magagawa kung budget allocation for their families and
ma-phaphase out eh [Jeep], Oo pero ako jeepney maintenance expenses. In addition,
pabor ako sa [jeepney] modernization, due to persistent reoccurrence of the said
syempre maganda eh. Hindi, hindi lang sa culture, drivers reluctantly deny themselves
solusyon para din mapaganda ‘yung ano to collect the required fare.
nahuhuli na tayo sa Asia, sa modernization
"1,2,3" culture emphasizes the
eh, ‘di ba?" [I don't have anything to do if it
current economic condition of the drivers.
will be phased out [Jeep], of course it's
Likewise, it is stated that unexpected
helpful. No, no it's not only for the solution,
occurrences such as gas halts, traffic jams,
it's also for the improvement. We [Asia] are
heavy boundary system and jeepney
being left behind in modernization, right?]
expenses (Inso, 2017) gravely affect their
Law Implementations for Proper daily revenue. In line with this, results show
Payment of Commuters. The "1,2,3" culture that "1,2,3" culture was affirmed to be
is already prevalent and cannot simply be considered as a factor which gravely affects
suppressed. Since this culture can gravely the income of the drivers.
affect the livelihood of PUV operators and
Results also stated that commuters
drivers, an action must be taken. A
are unable to pay their fares by reasons that
passenger was asked, and he taught of
they either forgot to pay their fares or the
considering that implementation of a new
commuters doesn't have any money to pay
law is the most effective solution for
to or the passengers just intended not to pay
eradicating such behavior and answered,
their fares. This can be reflected to the
"Gawan na lang nang batas para ‘pag ano,
Theory of Conservation of Resources
mahuhuli diretso, ano, presinto di ba?"
(Hobfoll, 1989) and Transactional Stress
[Make a law, so that if they have been
Model (Lazarus, 1966 modified by Navaco,
caught, they will go straight to jail.]
et.al, 1979) which states that “passengers
Discussion resort to save their resources as something
stressful incidents, often defined as
The impact correlated to the impacts
personal-environmental transactions that can
of the "1, 2, 3" culture appears to have been
be considered as a possible embodiment of
magnified conditions of the drivers such as
loss of resources”. The results also show that and choices. Drivers who neglect “1,2,3”
due to uncertainties formed during the error practice have the intention of not shaming
on the commuting transaction, the behavior commuters while other drivers who use
of the jeepney drivers depreciates as they verbal warnings to remind passengers to pay
became more conscious to their passengers’ fare. Some of the respondents manifest the
movements. ability of one-selves to exert self-control to
come up with desired actions and decisions.
Outcome of the study
aforementioned in the paper Cost of In line to this, most of the
Commuting: A Review of Determinants, respondents denied to approve the plans of
Outcomes, and Theories of Commuting- the government to implement jeepney phase-
related Stress of Holland (2016) which out to give way for the jeepney
states that stress on commuters and modernization and only few agrees to it. As
mismanagement of the operators negates the mentioned by George San Mateo (2019),
commuting process that affects both sides jeepney modernization leads to further
negatively. Respondents of the study destruction of Filipino Jeepney drivers'
answered that most of the time, commuters livelihood since their income was driven by
failed to accomplish their fares due to their currently existing jeepneys.
depreciated honesty capabilities as well as
In conclusion, "1, 2, 3" culture
negligence of drivers to appeal on incurring
impacts the drivers and commuters
"1, 2, 3" culture.
cumulatively. Drivers resolve that their
Furthermore, based on the data income input continuously depreciates as the
gathered jeepney drivers usually neglect and culture is still evident in the commuting
ignore this practice due to lack of ability to cycle. Other than that, unbalanced
handle commuters, however, few drivers expenditures and expenses incurred by the
said to make use of verbal actions that gives commuting cycle also hampers the take
certain warning to passengers who intended home income of the drivers as well.
not to pay fare. This various behavior of Commuters also on the other hand, employs
drivers can be explained by the Theory of the continuous degrading of their image to
Planned Behavior wherein it is stated the drivers. Evident reoccurrence of "1,2,3"
person's action is based on his/her intentions culture will strain the relationship of both
sides as per mentioned by the respondents. there is still pending dangers that can and
Although results also show that solutions for may harm the researchers which could result
this culture and other problems associated to an injury or loss of items.
with the ergonomic conditions of the drivers
The following are the researchers’
exist, drivers deny this to resolve the issue
recommendations based upon the data
which was associated to the lack of funding
gathered from respondents:
and patterns to resolve the problem on
founding it. Even though the research will
Law Implementations. The researchers
accomplish its aims, there are some
would recommend to implement a law/s
unpreventable limitations. First, the
regarding “1,2,3” culture or for those
researchers had lack of time in doing the
passengers who don’t pay the jeepney fare.
study due to weather conditions which
Those passenger who violates the law,
affected the group meetings to discuss the
would pay a certain fine or do a community
paper. Second, they have limited financial
resources in conducting the research
specifically for printing the papers and
Jeepney Modernization. Although a lot of
transportation expenses. The researchers
jeepney drivers do not agreee with the
have found willing respondents to answer
government proposal of modernozation, the
their questions regarding the "1,2,3" culture
researchers still want to recommend a
in the Philippines. Then, they selected a
different kind of jeepney modernizaton
specific route which is Tayuman to
which is first, the ticketing system, before
Lardizabal. Also, the researchers
the passengers ride the jeep they will pay the
encountered a token system in the said
fare first to avoid those who do not pay the
specific route and it opposed their study in
jeepney fare. Second, is Jeepney stops, there
terms of answering how does jeepney
will be a designated stop for every Jeepneys
drivers cope with the "1,2,3" culture. Lastly,
to avoid road congestions, traffics and
there are security reasons that researchers
accidents. Futhermore, to monitor the
considered because they have collected data
ticketing system of jeepney fares.
outside Adamson University. Although
consent forms were provided to allow
unsupervised data gathering by any adult,
Financial Support of Local Government billion to give and help every jeepney driver
Unit. A lot of jeepney drivers face a lot of with a 5,000 pesos fuel subsidy.
problems, especially in the financial aspect.
The researchers want to recommend the
Local Government Unit to help every
jeepney driver financially. Just like what
Secretary Diokno did, he allocated 3.86

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