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Concept Paper - "Instructional Leadership Implemented by The Ranks of Primary School Administrators in Pasir Gudang Has An Impact On Teachers"

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“Instructional leadership implemented by the ranks of primary school administrators in

Pasir Gudang has an impact on teachers”


Matric Number: 2020.8.EDU02.0002

Course: Master of Education

Subject: Supervision and Leadership in Education

Code of subject: EDS1230


“Instructional leadership implemented by the ranks of primary school administrators in
Pasir Gudang has an impact on teachers”

The primary role of leaders in schools is to shape the mission, goals and objectives of the
school. The line of administrators consisting of headmasters and senior assistant teachers as
leaders play an important role in ensuring the effectiveness of teaching and learning in
schools. The Malaysia Education Development Plan 2013-2025 (PPPM 2013-2025) is a
noble effort by the government in transforming the country's education system to be in line
with the progress of education in developed countries such as the United Kingdom, America
and Findland. Accordingly, to realize this aspiration, schools need leaders who are brave and
dynamic and ready to face the challenges of change that is so fast in today's age of science
and technology (Nor Azni, 2015; Yusof, Mohd Faiz & Ibrahim, 2019).

Instructional leadership methods are often discussed in the education system because
they refer to the goals to be achieved in a school. Competent and quality leadership is a key
factor of school effectiveness as leaders are able to drive a culture of excellence in leading the
organization. Therefore, the relationship between the ranks of administrators as leaders in the
school with teachers needs to take place well to create an effective teaching and learning
environment in the classroom for student excellence. This study aims to help understand the
effectiveness of instructional leadership methods practiced by administrators. Therefore,
research was conducted in a primary school in Pasir Gudang to see the extent of its
effectiveness and impact on teachers.

Background of the study

Several studies have concluded that this instructional leadership is capable of highlighting the
impact and potential of the line of administrators. Previous studies on effective schools,
implementation of change, and school improvement have been conducted extensively in
various countries by researchers. Hallinger (2011) explains that instructional leadership is a
very popular leadership style and has been the choice of principals in the United States. This
situation has given credence among policy practitioners and policymakers that instructional
leadership is a key factor that makes schools effective (Hallinger, 2011).
Johan & Jamalul Lail (2017) also explained that instructional leadership is the ability
of leaders to provide support and encouragement to teachers and students as well as to shape
leadership to enhance teaching and learning in schools. Leadership that involves subordinates
in decision making is one of the instructional leadership styles (House & Mitchell, 1974).
According to Calik et al., (2012) head teachers who practice intructional leadership can
increase teacher effectiveness and be more committed in teaching while working hard
towards achieving organizational goals.

Past studies have shown that the average level of teacher commitment in an
organization is an unhealthy phenomenon. Therefore, the Ministry of Education Malaysia
(MOE) has created a plan to increase the level of leadership among administrators. The
concept of teacher commitment in careers and organizations is often hotly debated in various
quarters. Chapman (1982, in Day, 2007) defines commitment as the degree of psychological
bonding of teachers in their careers.

Problem statement
The practice of administrative line leadership is an important factor in determining the
success and effectiveness of a school or educational institution. This statement is supported
by Alger, G (2005, 23 June) who states “Leadership is an essential component of all school
improvement efforts”. Effective student academic achievement also has a very strong
influence on student academic improvement (Muijs and Harris, 2003 in Alger, G (2005)).

Administrators are constantly urged to practice leadership duties in schools as they are
believed to contribute to student academic achievement (Hillinger, 2011). Yet in the real
reality the ranks of administrators cannot fully practice the function of leadership because the
models and theories of leadership themselves are diverse and not the same.

In addition, motivation is also very important in mobilizing the abilities and

competencies of the individual (Vroom, 1979). Vroom stressed that abilities and
competencies that are not driven by factors that can produce motivation do not provide any
benefit to management.
Leadership behaviours and motivation as well as commitment are key factors in
determining the effectiveness and smooth running of an organization. Adair (1989) and
Maher et al (1992) explained that there is a very close relationship between leadership and
motivation. However, a big problem often faced by organizations is how to increase the
motivation, commitment of teachers and support staff so that they work more productively
while increasing their satisfaction and engagement in the job. Therefore, in this study later to
find out the instructional leadership conducted can have a positive or negative impact on
teachers in a school in Pasir Gudang.

There are two objectives to this concept. The objectives are:
1. To identify which dimension of instructional leadership is most practiced by
primary school leaders in Pasir Gudang.
2. To identify the relationship of instructional leadership dimensions to teachers in
primary schools in Pasir Gudang

Research Questions and or Hypothesis

The overall focus of this concept paper is to see whether the instructional leadership ranks of
administrators positive or negative impact on the commitment and motivation of teachers in
primary schools Pasir Gudang

Based on the above objectives, this study will answer the following questions:
1. What is the level of instructional leadership lineup administrator in an elementary
school in Pasir Gudang?
2. What is the level of motivation and commitment of teachers of primary schools in
Pasir Gudang?
3. What is the relationship between instructional leadership and motivation of
school teachers in Pasir Gudang?
Significance of the study
The development of education is fundamental to the development of society and the nation.
Sustainable education will have a positive impact on the development of society and will
improve the socio -economy of Malaysian society. In order to produce excellent human
capital, the line of administrators as leaders and teachers in schools who are the implementing
agents to the change must have the required quality or standards. This is as stated in the
Education Development Master Plan (PIPP) (2007).

Therefore, the field of education is a noble service because it contributes towards

human development. In improving the level of leadership, there is a line of administrators
consisting of headmasters, senior assistant teachers who are less knowledgeable about
leadership theory as emphasized by Kamaruddin (1989) who explained the problems of the
line of administrators arise due to lack of three competencies namely administrative
efficiency, efficiency social and teaching competence. Therefore, the line of administrators
needs to improve the weaknesses and be open -minded and ready to administer the school.

Teaching activities are the heart of the education system. The way the line of
administrators handles the work environment can help this heart function properly. It can be
seen that the teachers will give commitment so that there is high motivation and be positive in
facing challenges. The results of this study are expected to provide feedback and benefits to
the ranks of administrators as administrators and teachers as implementers of education

Research method
This small-scale survey study collected evidence from administrators and teachers of Pasir
Gudang primary schools to find out the extent to which instructional leadership practices are
practiced in the school and its impact on teachers. The approach used is through a qualitative
method that involves a semi-structured interview technique with 4 administrators and
teachers in a Pasir Gudang primary school.

Selection of respondents based on several criteria. First, the line of administrators

consisting of head teachers, senior assistant teachers, senior assistant teachers of student
affairs and senior co -curricular assistant teachers have different work experiences as some
are newly appointed as administrators and some have long worked as administrators.
Secondly, the selected line of administrators is from different areas because some have
worked as officers in the Johor State Education Department and some have worked from
urban and rural vernacular schools.

The semi-structured interview data collection-oriented study was designed based on a

study conducted by Bossert and colleagues (Bossert et al., (1983) at the "Far west Lab R&D"
in the United States in the early 1980s. The approach used aims to reveal the fundamental
perspectives, beliefs and behaviours that underlie instructional leadership practice.

Interviews involved open-ended and semi-structured questions that gave respondents

the opportunity to express how they and others viewed their role in implementing
instructional leadership and its impact on teachers (Denzin, 1978; Glazer & Strauss, 1965).
The interview takes between 45 - 60 minutes. When the interview process is completed, the
transcription process is done. Conversations are converted into words and documentation or
even transcripts. Each interview transcript was read repeatedly by the researcher to gain an
understanding of the data and at the same time data that were not relevant to the purpose of
the study were removed from the transcript to ensure accuracy. Coding is also done to
facilitate analysis.

The security and confidentiality aspects of the respondents are also a priority. To
ensure that nicknames are used during the writing and manuscript process. Respondents were
also confident that they could withdraw from the study at any time without giving any reason.

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