2. How many hostages were able to escape during the heist of Royal Mint?
3. How much money were the robbers able to print into the Mint?
4. What was the medical disorder from which Berlin was suffering?
8. How much money did the robbers plan to take away during Heist?
11. How many people did professor recruit to help him carry out his plan?
13. Name the robbers who died during heist in Royal Mint?
19. After how many hours robbers successfully escaped from Royal Mint?
22. How many call does Angel made to Raquel’s before his accident while driving?
25. How many heist had Berlin pulled off before the hesit in Royal Mint?
32. Name the place where they planned the Heist of Royal Mint?
33. At the season 2 finale,in which country does Raquel find Professor?
34. Who quoted 'After all,what’s more human than the fight of survival?
47. Who quoted - A woman can spend 2 days choosing shoes for wedding. But wouldn't spend a minute
arguing over mask for a robbery.
48.who quoted- thieves are caught on the run. , we need to rile' em up a bait?
50. Who quoted- are you a complete idiot or what you're heard of stockholm - syndrome right?