2-Cold War
2-Cold War
2-Cold War
Cultural homogenization on a
regional scale, like the
Russification of Eastern and
Largely but not entirely the
Central Europe, or in an earlier
Dominant spread of Americanization – from
time, the Turkification of the
Culture Big Macs to iMacs to Mickey
Ottoman Empire, the
Hellenization of the Near East
and the Mediterranean under the
A wall (the Berlin Wall) which World Wide Web which unites
divided everyone everyone
The “treaty” The “deal”
Source: Chapter 1, Friedman, T.L. (2000). The lexus and the olive tree. New York:
Anchor Books
Key Terms:
Neo-liberalism -- the market-oriented reform policies such as
Global North --- refers to the industrialized, advanced, relatively rich countries of the
Northerh Hemisphere (European, North American countries)
Global South----located below the equator, the states that relatively poor, less
developed and developing countries
X-ray Machine --- in globalization era this refers to the gadgets, instruments for
monitoring people/consumers
Electronic Herd -- the "faceless" investors of the stock market, coming from all over
the world and who transact business thru the internet
Supermarkets --- huge stockmarkets of the world, examples: Wall Street ( New
York Stock Exchange or NYSE); Hong Kong Stock Exchange
View this link for a short overview of the Cold War Period: