Midterm Exam in Theodicy
Midterm Exam in Theodicy
Midterm Exam in Theodicy
The idea of John Henry Mccloskey about God and Evil is like a Reasonable in
his mind because for him the question is why do bad things happen in the
Good people if there is God why the evil existing and I think this is the only
insight that was presented by Mccloskey. For me I believe that in the world
there is opposites to all things one of the best example is good and bad
Personally, I consider the inconsistency or irreconcileability between the
presence of evils in the world and the omnipotence of God as the strongest
argument that McCloskey presented to justify that God does not exist.
Although I have some questions behind of its authenticity The argument rests
on the pretext that God is all.powerful.yet evil exists in the world which
questions that God lacks the power to create everything good. From another
angle, if God is perfect, and evil.is privation, hence, it is contradictory to the
nature of God who is perfectly good to create evil.