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Lesson Plan - GMRC

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Teaching Physical Education and Health in the Elementary Grades

I. Objectives
At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to;
a. Discuss the what is Punctuality
b. Appreciate the importance of
c. Apply punctuality in real life
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Punctuality
B. Reference: Internet
C. Materials: Laptop and Projector
D. Values Integration: Attentiveness, collaboration
E. Strategy: group activity
III. Procedure
A. Learning Activities
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparation

1. Prayer

Good Morning class.

Good morning Teacher.

Let us all stand for the prayer.

Maricon, please lead the prayer.
Classmates are you ready to pray?

Yes, we are.

In the name of the father, of

the son, and of the holy spirit amen. Our
father who art in heaven holy be your
name your kingdom come, and you will
be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and
forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive
those who trespass against us and lead
not into temptation, but deliver us from
evil amen.
Good morning class.
Before you set down, please pick Good morning Teacher
up some pieces of paper if there’s any
and throw it on the trashcan or put it on
your bag. Are we clear?

Please sit down. Yes, Teacher.

Thank you Teacher.

2. Checking of the Attendance

Is everybody present today?

B. Review Yes, Teacher.

Class, do you still remember our

topic last meeting?

Yes, teacher.
Who can recall?

I teacher.
Yes, Annika?

Our topic last meeting was all about

Very Good! So what is Respect again?

I teacher.
Yes, Regine.

Respect is a way of treating or thinking

about something or someone.
Very Good. Who can give an
example of Respect?

I teacher.
Yes, Angel?
Pagmamano po teacher.

So respect is important in our daily

life because it helps us to feel safe and
express ourselves.

So since you already understand what

is Respect and the importance of it. Let
us proceed to our new topic.

Are you ready class?

Yes, teacher.
C. Motivation

(watching videos)
I want you to watch the short video and
understand it attaintively. Because after
watching the video I have some
questions for you.
Are we clear?
Class do you understand the video .
who can explain what is it all about.
D. Presentation

After watching the video, who I teacher.

have any idea what would be our topic
for today?

I think teacher our topic for today is all

about Punctuality.
Yes, Jasmine?

Yes, Very Good.

E. Discussion
I teacher.
What comes in your mind when
you hear the word punctuality?
I think Punctuality is all about being on
Yes, Marie?
Very Good. Punctuality is a habit of
attending task on time. In a wider sense
it’s a habit of doings things at the right
home. Yes, Teacher.

Do you think punctuality is important

in school?
I teacher.

Why? What do you think why it is

Punctuality is important because it
helps removing laziness and negative
attitudes of students.
Yes, Betty.

I teacher.

Very Good. Another idea?

Punctuality is important because it is
the key to success for all the punctual
Yes, Mike?

Very Good.

There are some reason that prove

why punctuality is important?

1. It divulges your integrity.

If you promise to meet someone

at a certain time, and if you reach
their 10 to 15 minutes late, you
have essentially broken that
promise. On the other hand,
being on time shows you are a
man of with integrity.
2. It shows you are dependable.
A student who is punctual always
be found at his duty and demanding for
that time. People can easily have faith
in such student, if he speaks he will be
there. On the other hand, if a student
who is not punctual, one cannot depend
on him. They don’t know where he will
be when they need help from him. His
connections will start to realize he
cannot manage his own time and these
uncertainties will seep into matters
beyond the clock.

3. It builds your self- confidence.

Being on time not only make you

dependable person but also it teaches
you that you to build confidence in
yourself. The more you keep the
undertakings, the more confidence will
grow and people believe you. The more
you become self-confidence, the less
you will be at the mercy of your habits
and compulsions. Ultimately, your life
will be in your control.

4. It shapes and exposes your


A punctual student can manage his

time more efficiently that he pays
attention to details and he can put away
a task to do another important task on
time. It’s been great if students develop
discipline in their lives. They can be
punctual at places like school, library,
projects, and examination as well as
home. It will help them in getting rid of
laziness and negative attitude. A
regimented and prompt student always
gets respect and social acceptance in
the society and school.

5. Key to Success.

For all students, being on time is

the key to success. They should follow
the life of great people who achieved
success and frame. It will encourage
them to do well in many fields of their
lives. No one is born with virtue,
everyone requires developing it.

6. It makes a student more cultured.

A student needs to be punctual if he Yes, teacher.

wants to achieve what he wants in life. It
is one of the most important qualities
that make the student more civilized
and cultured. A student who has a habit
of doing things on time never fails.
Being punctual saves you from
unnecessary trouble.

Do you understand class?

So since you already understand the

topic. Let’s have an another activity.

F. Application

Count yourself in 1 to 3. After

counting yourself proceed to your Yes, teacher.
respective groupmates.
(pupils actively performed the said
All you have to do is to make a activity).
drama/ role play that the situation will
show punctuality. I will give you 5
minutes to prepare. Failure to perform
will not receive a points.

Are we clear?
I teacher.

I learned that punctuality is

important in our daily life especially as a
G. Generalization student because it helps removing
laziness and negative attitudes of
Class, what have you learned this students. And this is also the key to
morning? success for all the punctual students.

Okay Fred?
I have found out that you listen
very well in our discussion.

Let’s give 15 clap to everyone.

IV. Evaluation
Direction: List down at least five advantages and disadvantages of being a punctual
and not punctual.

Advantages Disadvantages
1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

Possible answer:
1. They will be successful in his/her whole life.
2. Very healthy because they eat food on time.
3. Never miss important Information

1. No one like him.
2. They do not work on time.

V. Assignment
Direction: Research the meaning of leadership and its importance.

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