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Guild Building

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Creating and Leveling

a Guild
Easy rules for creating, maintaining, and growing a guild. These rules
turn creating a guild hall into a mini-game that can help your mid-tier
characters interact with the world.
Once the 5d100 are rolled, the party can decide which
Leveling Up Guilds of the missions to pursue. For each mission the adventurers
Through building a guild hall and having its members are successful with, they bring back experience and have a
be active within the realm it can become a well known chance of gaining a treasure. The following chart determines
establishment within its town or the kingdom it resides in an adventurer’s chance of success or failure.
but first it must be built. Building a guild hall requires the
expenditure of 50,000 gp and a period of 3 months before it
can open to the public. Upon opening to the public the guild Very Easy 1-4% fail, 5-100% success
hall attracts the attention of a single adventurer. To attract
Easy 1-34% fail, 35-69% success, 70-100% trea-
further adventurers a character must spend 5,000 gp on the
school. An adventurer can begin collecting experience for the
guild by going out on missions. They can collect experience
Medium 1-44% fail, 45-79% success, 80-100%
based on the difficulty of the mission they finish. Roll 5d100.
Each roll represents a different mission the adventurers can
attempt. The level of difficulty or these missions can be
Hard 1-54% fail, 55-89% success, 90-100%
determined on the chart below.

Very Easy 1 Very Hard 1-64% fail, 65-94% success, 95-100%

Easy 2.44
The DM will roll to determine an adventurer’s chance of
Medium 45-84 success or failure. The party can raise their chances of success
by choosing to send more than one adventurer on a mission.
Hard 85-99 Players can send up to four adventurers on a single mission.
For each additional adventurer added apply a +5 bonus to
Very Hard 100 the success roll. If the adventurers manage to succeed at the
highest percentile they bring a treasure back to the guild with
To build the reputation of a party’s guildhall the guild’s them. To determine what treasure is brought back look at the
adventurers must go on missions. Each mission offers chart below.
experience that helps level up the guild hall. The higher the
level of the guild hall, the more renowned the establishment
becomes. A mission offers different levels of experience based Easy Roll on Magic Item Table A once
on its difficulty. Amounts are determined on the chart below.
Medium Roll on Magic Item Table B once

Very Easy 1 exp Hard Roll on Magic Item Table C once

Easy 5 exp Very Hard Roll on Magic Item Table D once

Medium 10 exp In the event that the outcome of the die is 100, it is
considered a critical success. Roll twice on the respective
Hard 15 exp mission Magic Item Table. The treasures brought back can be
added to the party’s loot or can be sold for half price and be
Very Hard 20 exp used to help bring new adventurers to the guild hall. Initially
the guild can only have 4 adventurers. For each level the guild
goes up another adventurer can join. The following table
shows the guild level by experience.

Level 1 Open the Guildhall Guild Workers
Outfitting a guild member can be a heavy burden on
Level 2 15 exp the party’s pockets. To offset the balance they can instead
choose to spend money on workers employed by the guild.
Level 3 30 exp These skilled laborers can help to bring the cost of new
guild members down based off the services they provide.
Level 4 60 exp
The following chart shows what positions are available.
Level 5 120 exp
Skilled Laborers
Level 6 240 exp

Level 7 300 exp Roles Costs Benefits

Level 8 600 exp Farmer x 3 1000 gp per Reduce cost 150 gp per
Farmer Farmer
Level 9 1200 exp
Carpenter x 3 1000 gp per Reduce cost 150 gp per
Level 10 1800 exp Carpenter Carpenter

Stables/Horses 3000 gp Reduce cost 500 gp

Dealing With Failure Stable Hand x 2 1000 gp per Reduce cost 150 gp per
If an adventurer fails on their mission they do not gain
Stable Hand Stable Hand
any experience for the guild hall and the adventurer is dealt
1/3 damage to their health. A player can choose to have that
Fletcher 2000 gp Reduce cost 300gp
adventurer sit out the next time missions are rolled. Doing
so allows the character time to heal from its previous failure Blacksmith 3000 gp Reduce cost 500 gp
returning it to full health. A player can also choose to
continue sending the adventurer on missions. If they do it
does not heal and continues to stay at the current health loss. Hiring workers can bring the cost of a new guild member
If the adventurer fails three missions before it gets a chance down by 50% but there are some workers that have added
to sit out and heal that adventurer is considered dead and the benefits for missions. These mission helpers cost 250 gp to
slot becomes open. The party can then refill the slot with a hire and can be purchased between missions to apply added
new adventurer. If a group of adventurers are sent on a benefit to guild members. Their benefit can only target a
mission and the group fails, every adventurer that attempted single adventurer. After the benefit has been applied it can’t be
the mission takes 1/3 damage. If the adventurers are all used again until the next round of missions is completed.
suffering from damage, the party can choose to not do any
missions and have all of their adventurers heal but refraining Mission Helpers
from doing missions causes the guild hall’s reputation to
lessen. For every week the party chooses to not do any
missions for the guildhall it looses 15 exp. Roles Benefits
When rolling to determine the success rate of the mission
a 1% is a crit failure causing the adventurers to take double Battle Master Gives one member a +5 chance for suc-
the amount of damage that they would normally take on a cess on the next mission they attempt.
failure. If an adventurer has already suffered from one failure,
they are considered dead and their slot becomes open again. Cleric Heals one member by one degree of

Treasure Hunter Raises the chance of receiving treasure

up by 15% for a single mission.

The following is an example of a fully filled in guild sheet

for reference and an empty one to start tracking a future
guild hall.

Guild Status Guild Workers
Exp: 1166 gp Blacksmith Farmer x 3 Stable Hand x 2
Level: 10 reduces cost by 500 gp reduces cost by 450 gp reduces cost by 300 gp
Treasury: 670 gp Stables/Horses Carpenter x 3 Fletcher
Renown: The outskirts of neighboring reduces cost by 500 gp reduces cost by 450 gp reduces cost by 300 gp
kingdoms have become aware.

Name: Bobby Name: Jane Treasure:

Class: Monk Class: Warlock Keoghtom’s ointment
Goal: Punch a thing Goal: Break the bond Potion of Diminution
HP: HP: Potion of Climbing
Spell Scroll lvl 1 (Beast Bond)
Wand of Secrets
Potion of Superior Healing
Name: Artin Name: Lynicus Bead of Force
Class: Wizard Class: Sorcerer Spell Scroll lvl 3 (Lightning
Goal: Read all the books Goal: Buy a cat Arrow)

Name: Terra Name: Ogthurum

Class: Bard Class: Artificer
Goal: Tell the stories Goal: Create things

Name: Midge Name: Jeb

Class: Rogue Class: Cleric
Goal: Bamboozle cops Goal: Heal the sick

Name: Hurbert Name: Aranore

Class: Paladin Class: Fighter
Goal: Find the light Goal: Win the fight

Name: Elmer Name: Madison

Class: Druid Class: Ranger
Goal: Be one with all Goal: Find her mom

Guild Status Guild Workers

Name: Name: Treasure:

Class: Class:
Goal: Goal:

Name: Name:
Class: Class:
Goal: Goal:

Name: Name:
Class: Class:
Goal: Goal:

Name: Name:
Class: Class:
Goal: Goal:

Name: Name:
Class: Class:
Goal: Goal:

Name: Name:
Class: Class:
Goal: Goal:

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