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CIRED 22nd International Conference on Electricity Distribution Stockholm, 10-13 June 2013

Paper 231



Ignatius RENDROYOKO Muhammad RUSLI

PT PLN (Persero) – Indonesia PT PLN (Persero) - Indonesia
Ignatius.rendroyoko@pln.co.id m.rusli@pln.co.id

customers have applied for electricity connection in south

ABSTRACT east Sulawesi, West Kalimantan, Ternate and East Nusa
Tenggara region.
The rise of new electric customers with type of load of iron
smelting electric furnace has made PLN prompted to In order to serve electricity connections to supply metal ore
prepare adequate power supply, improved reliability of smelting plant loads, PLN, the one and only state owned
electricity supply and fix the rules of on standards and electricity company, has to prepare two main things, firstly
control procedures of electric power quality on customer’s the availability of adequate power supplies, and second,
ensuring the reliability of supply and power quality. In
side. Load type iron electric furnace or iron smelters, has particular, the readiness of the utilities to ensure the quality
been known to cause power quality problems, especially of electric power is very important because regions where
harmonics, which may cause disturbance to other the plant will be built are mostly consist of weak power
consumers or to electrical power system. Therefore, system. The other important things, the electricity load of
procedures to supervise and to control customer’s electrical mineral smelter plants are categorized as non linear load
load which causing power quality problems need to be which may generate power quality problems such as
developed and implemented to maintain the power system harmonics. In order to anticipate the upcoming problems,
from voltage and current harmonic distortion problem and utility has to begin to develop their power quality
limitations and its control and supervision procedures. The
the influence of other power quality problems. Also, power
new electricity customers should be able to meet the criteria
quality standard as the major rules regarding the limitation and required power quality limits before connecting to
of power quality distortions has to be established and electrical power systems.
consistenly implemented including on the letter of power
purchase agreement between utility and electricity This paper discusses steps undertaken by PLN, the utility
customer. company that has duties and responsibilities to supply
electricity, for the development of electric power quality
This paper shows the efforts of PLN to develop supervision standards and developing the mechanism of power quality
and control procedures and power quality standards for supervision, control and monitoring, for existing customers
and new customers. Numbers of power quality limits are
limiting the distortion power quality and also the
shown and discussed in this paper including the proper
preparatory steps for applying the rule on each electric methods of power quality measurement and mitigation
power customer's. Implementation strategies for applying strategies. Implementation strategies for applying the power
the power quality limitation rule to both news customers quality limitation rules in assessment procedures and article
and existing customers are described in detail. of power purchase agreement are described in detail..

Index Terms — power quality, harmonics, non-linear loads, NON LINEAR LOADS
standards, assessment, supervision & monitoring
It has been stated on the previous section that electrical load
with the type of metal ore smelting plants usually use
equipment arc furnace or induction furnace which
The announcement of a ban on export of unprocessed categorized as one of non linear loads. Non-linear load is
metals and non-metallic minerals in the Minister of Energy define as a load that draws a nonsinusoidal current wave
and Mineral Resources ("MEMR") Republic of Indonesia, when supplied by a sinusoidal voltage source which can
Regulation No. 7 of 2012 regarding the Improvement of cause power quality disturbances increased levels of
Mineral Added Values Through Mineral Processing and
Refining has made numbers mineral mining company began harmonics, flicker and voltage fluctuations1, 2, 3. Single
planning to build mineral processing plants into advanced line diagram load model of the Arc Furnace is shown on
products. The plan has sparked a growing demand for Figure 1 below.
electric power supply for operation of the metal ore
smelting plant in numbers of areas that rich in mineral
resources. Recently, there are already 10 potential

CIRED2013 Session X Paper No 231

CIRED 22nd International Conference on Electricity Distribution Stockholm, 10-13 June 2013

Paper 231

1. Harmonics

Harmonics is generated due to the non-linear loads

connected to the power system. As stated on previous
paragraph, non linear loads such as computer, computer-
based controlled equipment, rectifier, induction furnace, arc
furnace, programmable logic control, electric welding
equipment, etc may cause harmonic currents in power
distribution networks that generate harmonics voltage
distortion on the electric power network. This harmonic
Figure 1 Type of Non Linear Load distortion resulting in disruption of the operation of
equipment such as: computers, transformers, motors,
The nature of non-linear loads is to generate harmonics in electronic control equipment connected to the same
the current waveform. This distortion of the current network. Therefore, the level of harmonic currents at the
waveform leads to distortion of the voltage waveform. customer connection point has to be kept within a certain
Under these conditions, the voltage waveform is no longer limit, so the level of harmonic voltage distortion in power
proportional to the current. in addition, non-linear loads can system still meets the requirements. An example of
cause voltage fluctuations and flicker. The non linear loads harmonic distortion in the current and voltage waveform
are : computer, computer-based controlled equipment, shown in Figure 2.
rectifier, induction furnace, arc furnace, programmable logic This power quality standards is developed based on the
control, electric welding equipment, etc. In particular, the reference of IEEE Std 519-1992 IEEE Recommended
electelectric arc furnace, can also cause voltage fluctuations Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in
and flicker when connected to a weak electrical system. Electrical Power System1. document provides many of those
definitions that are reproduced at the end of this chapter. Its
Based on the above matters, utility electricity companies offer a standardized terminology that facilitates discussion
need to prepare themselves by providing adequate electrical of system harmonic issues. The basic requirements of
power supply infrastructure, set the regulation of power voltage distortion and current distortion are guides for many
quality limits and the ability of handling problems of power users, including utilities, electricity customers, etc. When
quality at the customer side and also on electrical power followed they eliminate most of the power system concerns
system. With it, customers can be maintained to not cause relating to application of solid state equipment.
power quality problems.


The power quality standard is designed to set a maximum
limit allowed of power quality distortion level in the
customer connection point on the low voltage, medium
voltage, and high voltage networks. The standard also
includes measurement procedure, steps in evaluation and
assessment, and mitigation of power quality problems on
customer connection point. The purpose of this standard is
as a general guideline in setting the terms and conditions to
be met on the electrical power purchase agreement, within
the limits of harmonic distortion, flicker and voltage Figure 2 Measured voltage and current harmonics in
fluctuations, and also as guideline to do measurements at the the metal smelting plant
point of customer connection and to perform mitigation
measures. Utility companies have obligations to maintain the quality
of the voltage of the power system within the harmonic
Power Quality Limits voltage limit when the customer can meet the harmonic
Power quality limits that are stated on this standard current distortion limits. Utility can only be fairly judged if
particularly are harmonics distortion limits, limits of voltage customer is within its harmonic current limits1.
fluctuations and flicker. Those power quality limits are
considered closely related to the non-linear loads (such as
mineral smelters) to be connected to the power system.

CIRED2013 Session X Paper No 231

CIRED 22nd International Conference on Electricity Distribution Stockholm, 10-13 June 2013

Paper 231

Table 1 Harmonic Voltage Distortion Limits 2. Flicker

Individual Voltage THDVn
Voltage Level (Vn)
Distortion (%) (%)
Flicker is the impression of instability in the visual sensation
of light caused by stimulation of its time-varying
Vn ≤ 66 kV 3.0 5.0
distribution spectrum caused by voltage fluctuations of
66 kV < Vn ≤ 150 kV 1.5 2.5 electrical equipment such as electric arc furnace, starting of
Vn > 150 kV 1.0 1.5 motor and switching of large electrical loads2.
Table 5 Flicker compatibility and planning levels
Table 2 Harmonic Current Distortion Limits For Compatibility
Vn ≤ 66kV Planning Level
Vn ≤ 66kV LV MV HV
Harmonic Current Distortion Limit IL (%) Pst 1,0 0,9 0,8
Individual Harmonic Order Ih Plt 0,8 0,7 0,6
h< 11≤h 17≤h 23≤h TDD
11 <17 <23 <35 3. Voltage Fluctuations
< 20* 4.0% 2.0% 1.5% 0.6% 0.3% 5.0%
20 – 50 7.0% 3.5% 2.5% 1.0% 0.5% 8.0% Voltage drop due to the fluctuating industrial loads
50 – commonly called voltage flickering or flicker. Voltage drop
10 % 4.5% 4.0% 1.5% 0.7% 12 % above the generally expressed by the short circuit voltage
100 – depression (DTHS) with limits as listed in Table 6 below :
12% 5.5% 5.0% 2.0% 1.0% 15 %
>1000 15 % 7.0% 6.0% 2.5% 1.4% 20 % Table 6 Short circuit voltage depression limits

Level Tegangan DTHS (%)

Table 3Harmonic Current Distortion Limits For 150kV ≤ 2.5
66kV ≤ Vn ≤ 150kV 66 kV ≤ 2.75

66 kV ˂ Vn ≤ 150 kV 20kV ≤ 3.0

Individual Harmonic Order Ih The power quality standards should be defined as a

Ihs/IL h< 11≤h 17≤h 23≤h TDD corporate standard and has to be implemented.
11 <17 <23 <35
0.75 0.15
< 20* 2.0% 1.0% 0.3% 2.5% Measurement
% %
20 – 1.75 1.25 0.25 Measurement of power quality is an important activity since
3.5% 0.5% 4.0%
50 % % % the measurement results will be compared with the
50 – 2.25 0.75 0.35
5.0% 2.0% 6.0% applicable standards and determine next steps in monitoring
100 % % %
100 – 2.75 the quality of electric power. In the electric power quality
6.0% 2.5% 1.0% 0.5% 7.5% standards, there are several things that must be agreed as
1000 %
>100 1.25 10.0 follows:
7.5% 3.5% 3.0% 0.7%
0 % %
1. Determination of measuring points
Location of electric power quality measurements shall be
done at the point of customer transactions
Table 4Harmonic Current Distortion Limits For
Vn ˃150 kV
Vn ˃ 150 kV
Individual Harmonic Order Ih
Ihs/IL 11≤h 17≤h 23≤h TDD
< 11 35≤h
<17 <23 <35
0.75 0.15
< 20* 2.0% 1.0% 0.3% 2.5%
% %
20 – 1.75 1.25 0.25 Figure 3 Measurements on customer transactions
3.5% 0.5% 4.0%
50 % % %

CIRED2013 Session X Paper No 231

CIRED 22nd International Conference on Electricity Distribution Stockholm, 10-13 June 2013

Paper 231

2. Duration of power quality measurement customer transactions point and the results are then
In order to get the data of the installation during full load compared with the applicable restrictions.
and normal cycle operating conditions, measurements
should be carried out over a period of minimum 7 (seven) For prospective or new customers, power quality assessment
days. is carried out using different methods. Because the
installation of electrical power systems of potential
customers has not been installed, then the assessment is
3. Type of equipment that can be used in the
done by simulating the load flow of power using computer
simulation applications to get an estimation of the level of
Power quality measurements performed by using the energy
power quality distortions that may occur due to operation of
meter transaction with characteristics in accordance with
the smelter customer installations. If simulation results
IEC 62053-22 and IEEE 1159-1995 Recommended practice
shows level of distortion that may occur exceed allowable
for monitoring electric power quality.
limits, then the prospective customer is required to install
Types of equipment that can be used to measure power compensator equipment.
quality are as follows :
The flow diagram of power quality assessment is shown in
a) Energy meter with power quality capabilities
Figure 2 below.
b) Power quality analyzer
c) Power quality monitoring equipment

Mitigations of power quality problems

Mitigation of power quality problems are steps that can be
taken in order to reduce the level of power quality
distortions that would meet the required limits and do not
interfere with operation of equipment at customer
installations. Generally, mitigation of power quality
problems can be done by fixing the power system
configuration and also by installing compensator equipment
that can filter out the distortion of power quality.
In the electric power quality standards, mitigation of
harmonic currents in a power system the customer can be
done with the following steps :
a) Grouping of customers that generate harmonics
b) Installation of passive filters
c) Installation of active filters
d) Selection of transformer windings relations
e) Relocation of Shunt Capacitor Banks
f) Transfering customer connection to higher short
circuit level

Mitigation of flicker and voltage fluctuation effects may be

done by:
a) Grouping of power transformer installation with Figure 4 Power quality assessment procedure
voltage fluctuation source load separate from
other customers PQ Assessment for existing customers
b) Installing compensators
Referring to Figure 4 above, the power quality assessment
for old electricity customers or existing customers begins
with determining the point of measurement at the customer
ASSESSMENT AND CONTROL PROCEDURES transactions point. Then, in the first stage, assesment is
Electric power quality assessment conducted to determine conducted by calculating and comparing power system short
the extent of power quality distortion occurs in a customer's circuit capacity to weighted disturbing power (SDW). SDW is
installation. For existing customers, the assessment is number of loads that cause harmonics in the customer's
carried out by measuring the level of power quality at the facility, and can be calculated using this formula:

CIRED2013 Session X Paper No 231

CIRED 22nd International Conference on Electricity Distribution Stockholm, 10-13 June 2013

Paper 231

Definitions and detailed power quality descriptions

This section is designed to describe the definition of
If the comparison between the weighted disturbing power specific terms of power quality such as such as the
and short circuit capacity at the customer connection point definition of harmonics, voltage fluctuations and voltage
less than 0,02% it means that means that the electrical load flickering nor a definition of the induction furnace and
does not cause power quality disturbances and categorized electric arc furnaces, etc. With the explanation both parties
as below the power quality limit. are expected to have the same understanding of some
specific power quality terms which are listed in the
agreement. An examples of the article of power purchase
agreement that mentioning about the explanation on the
definition of power quality terms is shown on Figure 5.
If the first requirement can not be met then assessment
proceed to stage 2. In this stage power quality measurement
will be conducted and the result shall be compared with the
power quality limits. The electricity load will be eligible if
the measurement result is below the required level,
otherwise, electricity customers should install power quality

PQ Assessment for new customers

Assessment steps for new customers for the first stage,
performed with the same steps as to the existing customer.
assesment is conducted by calculating and comparing power Figure 5 Details of the definition of power quality
system short circuit capacity to weighted disturbing power
(SDW). For new customers, the SDW is calculated using their
planned installation. Using the same formula as stated
General Obligations
above, comparison between the weighted disturbing power The agreement imposes obligations on each party to satisfy
and short circuit capacity at the customer connection point the conditions of the power purchase agreement. Generally,
can be calculated and analyzed. the duty of performance is the duty to fulfill each of the
conditions of the agreement including the power quality
limits. The approach of obligations of each party involves a
If the first requirement cannot be fullfilled then assessment divided responsibility between the customer and the utility :
proceed to the next stage. In the 2th stage, a simulation
model of customers installation can be developed using
1. The customer is responsible to maintain power quality
general simulation software and the simulation result should
current injection at the point of common coupling
be compared to the power quality limit. Similar to the
between the customer and the utility so the level of
method applied to existing customers, if the simulation
harmonics, flicker and voltage fluctuations are always
result below the required level then it will pass. Otherwise, a
within the allowable limits.
power quality compensator shall be put into the simulation
and and the simulation is repeated until the result shows the 2. The utility is responsible for the voltage distortion at the
acceptable results. point of common coupling. This means that the utility
must make sure that system resonance conditions do not
result in unacceptable voltage distortion levels, even if
POWER QUALITY IN POWER PURCHASE all customers are within the recommended guidelines for
AGREEMENT power quality1.
The important thing for the development of the power
quality standards is the implementation of these rules to be
Statements of power quality limits
applied by the utility to each electricity customer. In order
to apply the standard and to have legally binding force, then Statements about the limitations of the required quality of
the the power quality limits should be included in the letter electric power are the most important part which specificly
of power purchase agreements (PPA). There are several corresponds to power quality matters. The power quality
important key factors thet should be mentioned as follows : limits, which are written in the agreement, will be the main
reference of power quality performance that must be
complied by the customer.

CIRED2013 Session X Paper No 231

CIRED 22nd International Conference on Electricity Distribution Stockholm, 10-13 June 2013

Paper 231

An examples of the article of power purchase agreements ACKNOWLEDGMENT

that mentions about the power quality limits can be seen in
Figure 6. I would like to acknowledge and extend my heartfelt
gratitude to the following persons who have made the
completion of this paper possible: PLN Director Operation
of Java Bali and Chairman of Cired Indonesia, Mr. Ngurah
Adnyana, for his encouragement and support, PLN Head of
Corporate Delivery Unit and Vice Chairman of Cired
Indonesia, Mr. Harry Hartoyo, for his assistance in the form
of suggestions, and also to all working group members of
power quality standard (SPLN) development for their the
technical opinions. Most especially to my family and
friends. And to God , who made all things possible

Figure 6 Statement of Harmonic Limits REFERENCES

The imposition of sanctions for any violations [1] IEEE Std 519-1992 IEEE Recommended Practices and
Last but not the least, in order to keep customers always Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power
maintaining the level of power quality in their installation, System, IEEE, 1993
in the power purchase agreement has to state the matters [2] IEEE Standard 1453-2004 Recommended Practice for
concerning sanctions for any violations of technical Measurement and Limits of Voltage Fluctuations and
Associated Light Flicker on AC Power Systems
provisions. These types of sanctions can be done in the
form: [3] IEEE Standard 1159-1995 Recommended Practice for
Monitoring Electric Power Quality
1. Temporary disconnection of electricity supply service [4] PLN R&D Centre, Harmonics Levels in Distribution System
Survey in West Java & Banten Industrial Area, 2010.
Electricity supply to customers will be temporarily
disconnected until the customer can resolve the [5] Professor Dr. Adel M. Sharaf. P.Eng., “Electric Power
Quality, Harmonic Reduction and Energy Savings Using
Modulated Power Filters and Capacitor Compensators”,
2. The second party shall pay a penalty for the violations University of New Brunswick-ECE Dept, Canada.

In the PPA included a large number of fines to be paid

on an infringement
The agreement between the parties on the implementation of
these sanctions will reinforce and will add value to the
power purchase agreement, especially on the matters of
power quality restrictions.

The development of power quality standards as defined in
IEEE Std 519 as a corporate technical standard is a useful
exercise and experience but often a challenging one. This
power quality standard will be used as the main reference
for the company to regulate and control their customers,
both existing customers and prospective customers, so that
their load will not cause power quality disturbances.
Implementation of this power quality regulation certainly
will take some effort but will produce a good achievement
in near future.

CIRED2013 Session X Paper No 231

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