Cired2013 Prosedure
Cired2013 Prosedure
Cired2013 Prosedure
Paper 231
Index Terms — power quality, harmonics, non-linear loads, NON LINEAR LOADS
standards, assessment, supervision & monitoring
It has been stated on the previous section that electrical load
with the type of metal ore smelting plants usually use
equipment arc furnace or induction furnace which
The announcement of a ban on export of unprocessed categorized as one of non linear loads. Non-linear load is
metals and non-metallic minerals in the Minister of Energy define as a load that draws a nonsinusoidal current wave
and Mineral Resources ("MEMR") Republic of Indonesia, when supplied by a sinusoidal voltage source which can
Regulation No. 7 of 2012 regarding the Improvement of cause power quality disturbances increased levels of
Mineral Added Values Through Mineral Processing and
Refining has made numbers mineral mining company began harmonics, flicker and voltage fluctuations1, 2, 3. Single
planning to build mineral processing plants into advanced line diagram load model of the Arc Furnace is shown on
products. The plan has sparked a growing demand for Figure 1 below.
electric power supply for operation of the metal ore
smelting plant in numbers of areas that rich in mineral
resources. Recently, there are already 10 potential
Paper 231
1. Harmonics
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Paper 231
2. Duration of power quality measurement customer transactions point and the results are then
In order to get the data of the installation during full load compared with the applicable restrictions.
and normal cycle operating conditions, measurements
should be carried out over a period of minimum 7 (seven) For prospective or new customers, power quality assessment
days. is carried out using different methods. Because the
installation of electrical power systems of potential
customers has not been installed, then the assessment is
3. Type of equipment that can be used in the
done by simulating the load flow of power using computer
simulation applications to get an estimation of the level of
Power quality measurements performed by using the energy
power quality distortions that may occur due to operation of
meter transaction with characteristics in accordance with
the smelter customer installations. If simulation results
IEC 62053-22 and IEEE 1159-1995 Recommended practice
shows level of distortion that may occur exceed allowable
for monitoring electric power quality.
limits, then the prospective customer is required to install
Types of equipment that can be used to measure power compensator equipment.
quality are as follows :
The flow diagram of power quality assessment is shown in
a) Energy meter with power quality capabilities
Figure 2 below.
b) Power quality analyzer
c) Power quality monitoring equipment
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Paper 231
The imposition of sanctions for any violations [1] IEEE Std 519-1992 IEEE Recommended Practices and
Last but not the least, in order to keep customers always Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power
maintaining the level of power quality in their installation, System, IEEE, 1993
in the power purchase agreement has to state the matters [2] IEEE Standard 1453-2004 Recommended Practice for
concerning sanctions for any violations of technical Measurement and Limits of Voltage Fluctuations and
Associated Light Flicker on AC Power Systems
provisions. These types of sanctions can be done in the
form: [3] IEEE Standard 1159-1995 Recommended Practice for
Monitoring Electric Power Quality
1. Temporary disconnection of electricity supply service [4] PLN R&D Centre, Harmonics Levels in Distribution System
Survey in West Java & Banten Industrial Area, 2010.
Electricity supply to customers will be temporarily
disconnected until the customer can resolve the [5] Professor Dr. Adel M. Sharaf. P.Eng., “Electric Power
Quality, Harmonic Reduction and Energy Savings Using
Modulated Power Filters and Capacitor Compensators”,
2. The second party shall pay a penalty for the violations University of New Brunswick-ECE Dept, Canada.
The development of power quality standards as defined in
IEEE Std 519 as a corporate technical standard is a useful
exercise and experience but often a challenging one. This
power quality standard will be used as the main reference
for the company to regulate and control their customers,
both existing customers and prospective customers, so that
their load will not cause power quality disturbances.
Implementation of this power quality regulation certainly
will take some effort but will produce a good achievement
in near future.