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Flow Classifications

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Flow Classifications

Understanding Flow Behavior

Fluid Dynamics I – Learn the Basics

Introduction to Fluid Dynamics

1 Fluid Static vs Fluid Dynamics

2 Unsteady and Steady Flows

3 Uniform and Non-uniform Flows

4 Rotational and Irrotational Flows

5 Laminar and Turbulent Flows

6 Incompressible and Compressible Flows

7 Flow Configurations

8 Summary
Fluid Statics versus Fluid Dynamics
❖ Fluids can be at rest or in motion.
❖ Fluid Statics is the study of fluids which are at rest (no motion).
▪ Fluids Statics is commonly referred to as Hydrostatics.

❖ Fluid Dynamics is the study of fluids in motion.

▪ Fluid dynamics of liquids is called Hydrodynamics.
▪ Fluid dynamics of compressible gases is called Gas Dynamics.

Courtesy: NASA
Unsteady versus Steady Flow
❖ Nearly all fluid motions observed in nature are
inherently unsteady (time dependent)
❖ Fluid unsteadiness exists at a range of scales from
very tiny to the macroscopic size. The random, mixed
motion we often observe is called turbulence.
❖ In many cases, we can ignore (or model) small- Courtesy: M. Van Dyke, An Album of Fluid Motion, 1982
scale unsteadiness and consider the fluid motion
as only a function of space (time-independent, i. e. An actual unsteady, turbulent flow over a flat plate
velocity, pressure, temperature does not change
with time at a given point). This is the steady-
state assumption.
Boundary layer edge Inviscid zone
❖ For the purposes of modeling fluid motion, the
steady-state assumption can be used to obtain
useful and practical engineering solutions.
U(y) 𝛿
❖ Effects of turbulence can be modeled so that the Viscous zone
simplified steady-state solution yields accurate results
for skin fraction and heat transfer. We will discuss
this topic in more detail later on in this course. Steady-state boundary layer model for flow over a flat plate
Uniform versus Non-uniform Flow
❖ Uniform Flow is a fluid flow where its characteristics and
parameters remain unchanged with distance along a the flow
❖ A steady flow though a long straight pipe of a constant diameter is an
example of a uniform flow

❖ Non-uniform Flow is flow where its characteristics and

parameters vary and are different at different locations along the Uniform flow
flow path.
❖ A steady flow through a pipe with bends or a pipe with a variable
diameter exemplifies a non-uniform flow.

Non-uniform flow
Rotational versus Irrotational Flow
❖ Rotation Flow is a fluid flow where fluid particles moving along the flow path also rotate about their
respective axes.

❖ Irrotational Flow is flow where fluid particles moving along the flow path do not undergo rotation.

Rotational flow Irrotational flow

Laminar versus Turbulent Flow
❖ Laminar Flow
❖ At low speeds, fluid particles move in a smooth,
layered fashion (“lamina”).
❖ The flow appears uniform with no substantial mixing
of the fluid. This is laminar flow.

❖ Turbulent Flow
❖ At higher speeds, fluid particles begin to exhibit
random fluctuations, and move in a chaotic, “tangled”
❖ Flow appears non-uniform and significant mixing of
fluid occurs. This is turbulent flow.

❖ Fluid flow can undergo transition from laminar to

turbulent flow such that both states of fluid motion
are observed. Knowing where this transition
Laminar Turbulent
occurs is a challenging question in fluid mechanics.
Flow Flow
Incompressible versus Compressible Flow
❖ Incompressible Flow – In an incompressible flow, the volume of a
given fluid parcel does not change (compress).
❖ Implies that density is uniform throughout the fluid.

❖ Reasonable assumption for all liquid flows and low-speed gas flows

❖ Compressible Flow – In a compressible flow, the volume of a

given fluid parcel can change (compress) with position.
❖ Implies that density will vary throughout the fluid, usually in Incompressible flow
accordance with a thermodynamic equation of state.

❖ Compressible flows are further classified according to speed of fluid

relative to the speed of sound waves. This ratio is non-dimensional
and called the Mach number (Ma).

❖ For Ma < 1, the flow is subsonic. Pressure waves in the flow can
propagate in all directions.
❖ For Ma > 1, the flow is supersonic. Pressure waves can
compress to form shock waves which propagate in the
downstream direction only.
Compressible flow
Flow Configurations
❖ External Flow
❖ An external flow is defined here as a flow over an object in an
unconfined domain.

❖ Viscous effects are typically important only in the vicinity of the

object. Away from the object, the flow is essentially inviscid.

❖ Examples: flows over aircraft, projectiles, ground vehicles.

❖ Internal Flow
❖ An internal flow is defined as a flow which is confined by walls,
partitions, and other boundaries.

❖ Viscous effects in this case extend across the entire passage

❖ Examples: flows in pipes, ducts, enclosures, nozzles.

❖ We have examined some of characteristics of fluid motion, and
how flows exhibit different behavior based on:
❖ Steady-State versus Unsteady
❖ Uniform and Non-uniform Flows
❖ Rotational and Irrotational Flows
❖ Incompressible versus Compressible Flow
❖ Laminar versus Turbulent Flow
❖ Flow geometry and configuration (external versus internal flows)
❖ In the lessons which follow, we will begin to look at physical
models of fluids that are stationary (Fluid Statics) and in motion
(Fluid Dynamics).

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