Nagwa 2022
Nagwa 2022
Nagwa 2022
Nagwa Gamal Kharboush
M.B. B.cCh November 2014
Faculty of Medicine - Zagazig University
Resident pediatrician of Banha Children Specialist Hospital
Master degree in pediatrics, 2021 - Suez Canal university Hospital
Prof. Hesham Fathey El- Dr. Mona Karem Amin
sayed Lecturer of pediatrics
Professor of Pediatrics
Faculty of Medicine
Suez Canal University
Student Name: Nagwa Gamal Kharbous Student ID:
Submission Date:
Degree: M.Sc. MD/PH.D.
Department: Pediatric
Thesis Title in Correlation between Interleukin-6 and epicardial
English: fat thickness in obese adolescents in Ismailia
Thesis Title in ذين##راهقين ال##ة في الم##دهون النخابي##ماكة ال## وس6- االرتباط بين بروتين إنترلوكين
Arabic: يعانون من السمنة المفرطة في محافظة االسماعيلية
Study Design:
This study will be a cross-section descriptive study. it will be carried out in the
pediatric endocrinology clinic, at Suez Canal University Hospital.
Study sample:
Expected Outcomes:
Circulating IL 6 levels as a predictor of increased epicardial fat thickness in
obese adolescents.
Obesity and being overweight are two prevalent public health problems
caused by multifactorial and complex processes that influence countries in
various economic conditions1. According to the World Health Organization in
2016, over 1.9 billion adults were overweight, of which more than 650 million
were obese2. In 2017-2018, approximately 18.5% of children aged 2–19 years
(13.7 million) had obesity 3. The COVID-19 pandemic movement restrictions
may increase the risk of childhood obesity in children4.
About one out of seven children aged 6-12 years old in Qena city were obese.
The locality of residence, gender, guardian education, obese guardian, feeding
formula in early life, bad dietary habits (fast food consumption and missed
breakfast), and lack of physical activity were likely to be the predictors of this
alarming issue6.
Although several methods for treating excessive weight gain are used, obesity
remains a major public health problem that requires novel nutritional and/or
medical solutions. Being overweight or obese and the related comorbidities
(cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer) are leading causes of death;
thus, researchers strive to find novel efficient treatments for these conditions9.
A high-calorie diet is the main causal factor for obesity and may induce changes
Tel: ..................... Fax: E-mail: ……………………… 3
in the function of the gut microbiome. In addition to nutritional, lifestyle, and
genetic factors, it has been suggested that obesity may also result from
perturbation of the gut microbiome, which affects metabolic function and energy
The body mass index (BMI) is a good index to diagnose general obesity, but it
does not reflect fat distribution or differentiate between muscle and fat masses.
Waist circumference (WC) has been suggested as an alternative to BMI.
However, many studies have shown that WC is highly correlated to BMI, so its
value per se is limited12.
Diagrams that show BMI categories and charts for children ages 2 to 20 years:13
B. Objectives:
Primary objective
To measure epicardial fat thickness in obese adolescents and its correlation
with the levels of circulating IL-6 as a marker for the inflammatory process.
C. Expected Outcomes:
The study will be carried out in the Pediatric Endocrinology Clinic, Suez Canal
University Hospital
Study population:
Enrollment of participants
Tel: ..................... Fax: E-mail: ……………………… 6
-Group 1 (obese subjects):
- Inclusion criteria:
Sampleing technique
A judgmental convenience sampling technique will be used to recruit individuals
for each group from the Pediatric Endocrinology Clinic in Suez Canal University
Sample size
Study sample size was calculated according to the following formula 19:
[ ]
Z ∝/ 2
Zα/2 = 1.96 (The critical value that divides the central 95% of the Z distribution
from the 5% in the tail)
E = error of margin.
So, total sample size with 10% as drop-out rate equals 40 patients and 40
* Lipid profile (venous sample of serum type 2ml put on serum container.
fasting is recommended but not required).
* Fasting blood glucose (venous sample of plasma type 2ml. fasting for 8 hours
is needed).
-ALT (venous sample put in EDTA plasma container, fasting is not necessary. note
that some drugs may increase SGPT like cephalosporin and salicylates)
-thyroid profile:
All blood samples will be discarded at the end of the research and won’t be
used in another studies
-The student Tt-test will be used as a significance test of difference for quantitative
variables and X2 (Chi-square will be used to test the significance of difference
for qualitative variables).
8. Ethical consideration:
The study procedures will be in accordance with the guidelines of the Suez Canal
University ethics committee on human experimentation.
Tel: ..................... Fax: E-mail: ……………………… 10
Consent will be obtained from all caregivers, and ascents will be given to the
participants after a full explanation of the benefits and hazards of the procedures
that will be carried out, before getting them involved in the study.
Procedures performed in the present study have no harmful effects or are
threatening to patients’ lives.
Parents will be informed about any abnormal results of procedures & tests
performed & will be instructed & treated accordingly.
The parents and their children have the right to refuse participation without
affecting the medical care expected to be offered to them.
Confidentiality of all data and test results of all the study population will be
9. Time Plan:
Total 12 months
Total 12700 LE
11. References:
1- Robert Moulder, DomitilleSchvartz, David R. Goodlett, LoïcDayon :
Proteomics of diabetes, obesity, and related disorders. ProteomClin Appl. 2018;
3- Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Childhood obesity facts.
prevalence of childhood obesity in the United States. 2020.
4- Rundle AG, Park Y, Herbstman JB, Kinsey EW, Wang YC.: COVID-19-
Related School Closings and Risk of Weight Gain Among Children. Obesity
(Silver Spring). 2020 Jun;28(6):1008-1009
12- Choi HS, Cho YH, Lee SY, Park EJ, Kim YJ, Lee JG, Yi YH, Tak YJ,
Hwang HR, Lee SH.: Association between new anthropometric parameters and
arterial stiffness based on brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity. Diabetes Metab
Syndr Obes. 2019 Sep 3; 12:1727-1733.
15- Marchington JM, Pond CM. Site specific properties of pericardial and
epicardial adipose tissue: the effects of insulin and high-fat feeding on
lipogenesis and the incorporation of fatty acids in vivo. Int J Obesity 1990;
16- Gianluca Iacobellis, Barbaro G. The double role of epicardial adipose tissue as
proandanti-inflammatory organ. HormMetab Res 2008; 40:442-5.
17- Mazurek T, Zhang L, Zalewski A, Mannion JD, Diehl JT, Arafat H, Sarov-
Blat L, O'Brien S, Keiper EA, Johnson AG, Martin J, Goldstein BJ, Shi Y.:
Human epicardial adipose tissue is a source of inflammatory mediators.
Circulation. 2003 Nov 18;108(20):2460-6.
18- Kai-HungCheng, Cindy S. Chu, Lee KT, Lin TH, Hsieh CC, Chiu CC, et al.
Adipocytokines and proinflammatory mediators from abdominal and epicardial
adipose tissue in patients with coronary artery disease. Int J Obes (Lond) 2008;
19- Dawson B, Trapp RG: Basic and clinical biostatistics. 4th ed. USA: McGraw-
20- Amel E mohammed, Mona H Ibrahim, et al. […] and Hala M Mohamed:
Egyptian Journal of Community Medicine 37 (3), 16-24, 2019
:مقدمة من
الس منة م رض غ ير متج انس م ع درج ات مختلف ة من أع راض أم راض القلب واألوعي ة الدموي ة والتمثي ل
الغذائي .قد تساهم بعض مستودعات الدهون المنتبذة في مخاطر اإلصابة بأمراض القلب و األوعية الدموية
زءا من تف اوت المخ اطر الملح وظ في الس منة الص حية األيض ية وم ا يس مى بـالمرتبط ة بالس منة وق د تفس ر ج ً
"مفارق ة الس منة" .أدى االهتم ام المتزاي د بالت أثير المحتم ل لألنس جة الدهني ة النخابي ة في مخ اطر اإلص ابة
بأمراض القلب واألوعية الدموية إلى تعميق وظيفتها البيولوجية.
م ع زي ادة األم راض المص احبة م ع ش دة الس منة في س ن مبك رة ،يع اني ع دد كب ير من األطف ال والم راهقين
ال ذين يع انون من الس منة المفرط ة بالفع ل من ارتف اع الترانساميناس ات وم رض الكب د ال دهني غ ير الكح ولي (
، )NAFLDومش اكل العظ ام ،واألم راض النفس ية المش تركة (االكتئ اب أو اض طراب نقص االنتب اه) ،
واضطراباتالنوم .باإلضافة إلى ذلك ،هن اك زيادة كبيرة في خطر اإلص ابة باألورام الخبيث ة في وقت الحق
من الحياة .
السمنة مصحوبة بالتهاب مزمن منخفض الدرجة .تعتبر المستويات العالية من اإلنترلوكين 6وهابتوغلوبين
من المؤش رات الحيوي ة المبك رة لاللته اب المرتب ط بالس منة الش ديدة م ع مخ اطر اإلص ابة ب أمراض القلب
واألوعية الدموية ومرض السكري من النوع الثاني .
ال دهن النخ ابي ه و مس تودع ال دهون الحش وي الحقيقي للقلب .م ع زي ادة ال دهون النخابي ة ،فإنه ا تمأل الف راغ
أيض ا
وأحيانا تغطي السطح النخابي بأكمله كما تمتد كمية صغيرة من األنسجة الدهنية ً
ً تدريجيا بين البطينين ،
من النخابالسطح في عضلة القلب ،وفي كثير من األحيان لما بعد برانيةفروع الشريان التاجي.
أهداف الدراسة:
-1قياس سماكة الدهن النخابي كمؤشر على تأثر القلب لدى المراهقين الذين يعانون من السمنة المفرطة.
-2قياس مستويات إنترلوكين 6كعالمة للعملية االلتهابية التي تحدث عند المراهقين الذين يعانون من السمنة
-يتم إج راء الدراس ة في عي ادة الغ دد الص ماء لألطف ال وقس م الباثولوجي ا اإلكلينيكي ة وقس م أم راض القلب
بمستشفى جامعة قناة السويس.