G-9 Curriculum Map Sy. 2021-2022final
G-9 Curriculum Map Sy. 2021-2022final
G-9 Curriculum Map Sy. 2021-2022final
The learners independently demonstrate core competencies in preparing and producing bakery products and demonstrate competencies in preparing and producing pastry
products gateaux, tortes and cakes and petits fours.
Time Frame Learning Cross-Linked Learning Outcomes Assessment Learning Activities Resource Remarks
Contents Concepts and Values (Learning Competencies Strategies Asynchronous Synchronous Materials
and Success Indicators)
Unit I Preparing and Producing Bakery Products
Week 1 Common EP # 3. Everything is At the end of the week, the Identification Answering Date: August 9 Lifelong
(August 2- 6) Baking connected to students CAN: (Supply Type) (Lifelong Presentation: Learning
Day 1 Ingredients everything else. Learning The students will do the Module
Day 2 (Self-awareness) 1. identify the common Statement Module) following activities:
Each common baking baking ingredients. Completion (Act. #s 1) Textbook 1,
ingredient plays a 1.1 list down the common 1. Activating prior pages 4-9
very important role to baking ingredients (dry True or False Identifying the knowledge by
produce a quality and liquid); and (Select Type) common showing pictures of Online
baked product. And 1.2 differentiate between baking the different baking youtube video
their functions matter dry and liquid ingredients. ingredients. https://
most. In life, we are ingredients. (10minutes); www.youtube
also surrounded by .com/watch?
different people who 2. Clarifying answers v=DLHQSmy
help us every day in in the Lifelong liJA
building our future. Learning Module
Day 3 Proper Way PE – Conflict 2. select the right Naming Answering 1-2(40 minutes); Textbook 1,
Day 4 of Measuring Resolution measuring tool used in (Supply Type) Lifelong pages 9-11
Ingredients (Decision Making) baking. Learning 3. Discovery learning
2. 1 identify the different Graphic Module through Online
It is clearly stated in measuring tools used in Organizer (Act. #s 2) collaborative youtube video
the basic guidelines in baking; (Venn Diagram) activity. (15 https://
measuring ingredients 2. 2 state the importance of minutes); www.youtube
to read and measuring tools; and Sequential Naming the .com/watch?
understand the 2. 3 identify the steps in Arrangement different tools. 4. Extracting essential v=0v-
recipe, use the right measuring baking (Supply Type ideas based from the ulU_mi7o
measuring tool and to ingredients. given statement
avoid spillage. Just found in the lifelong
like when dealing with learning (10
conflicts in any minutes); and
situation, one should
analyze its objective 5. Synthesizing
and think significant learnings
systematically and through
suggest a range of mentimeter.com.
non-violent solutions. (15 minutes)
Online Platforms:
MS Teams
MS forms
Week 2 Classification EP # 7. Nature is At the end of the week, the Identification Answering Date: August 16 Lifelong
(August 9- of Bakery beautiful and we are students CAN: (Supply Type) Lifelong Learning
13) Products stewards 1. recognize the general Learning Presentation: Module
Day 1 of God’s creation. categories of bakery Wordle Module) The students will do the
Day 2 (Appreciation) products; (Supply Type) (Act. # 3) following activities: Textbook 1,
1.1 identify the five pages 24-29
We make wise general categories of Multiple Choice Identifying the 1. Activating prior
decisions when faced bakery products; and (Supply Type) five general knowledge by
with challenging 1.2 classify baked products categories of giving a quote of the
problems in life. according to the way it’s bakery day. (10 minutes);
leavened. products.
2. Clarifying answers
Day 3 Baking PE – Decision Identification Answering in the lifelong learning
Day 4 Equipment Making 2. recognize the baking (Supply Type) Lifelong module.
equipment. Learning (40 minutes); Textbook 1,
Finest baked products 2.1 identify the different ABC Module pages 35-37
require choosing the baking equipment; and summaries (Act. # 4) 3. Discovery learning
right equipment. This 2.2 states the importance (Supply Type) through
is also true when you of the different baking Identifying the collaborative
want to have the finest equipment. True or False baking activity. (15
in life. and Multiple equipment in minutes);
Choice the given
(Select Type) pictures. 4. Extracting essential
ideas based from the
given statement
found in the lifelong
learning (10
minutes); and
5. Synthesizing
significant learnings
(15 minutes)
Online Platforms:
MS Teams
MS forms
Week 3 Basic Mixing Core Values: At the end of the week, the Situation Answering Date: August 23 Lifelong
(August 16- Techniques CHEERS students CAN: Analysis Lifelong Learning
20) 1. recognize the basic (Supply type) Learning Presentation: Module
Day 1 It was amazing to mixing techniques. Module The students will do the
Day 2 know that mixing 1.1 identify the basic One Sentence (Act. # 5) following activities: Textbook 1,
techniques give a mixing techniques. Summary pages 30-32
different texture and 1.2 explain the importance (Supply type) Analyzing the 1. Activating prior
character to baked of mixing techniques in different knowledge by Online
products. In life, we baking situations giving a quote of the youtube video
also need to nurture given. day. (10 minutes); https://
different values to www.youtube
help us develop our 2. Clarifying answers .com/watch?
skills and bring out in the Lifelong Learning v=1td0NN8Xl
the best in us. Module 5-6 mE
(40 minutes);
Day 3 Basic True or False Answering Textbook 1,
Day 4 Principles in EP # 2. All forms of 2. recognize the techniques (Select Type) Lifelong 3. Discovery learning pages 40-41
Baking life are important. used in baking. Learning through
(Independence and 2.1 identify the techniques Aha! and Huh? Module collaborative
Commitment) used in baking.; and Graphic (Act. # 6) activity.
2.2 differentiate each Organizer (15 minutes);
Baking is a baking technique.
combination of Analyzing 4. Extracting essential
science and art. To basic ideas based from the
execute it properly, a principles in given statement
baker must be baking. found in the lifelong
familiar with the learning
baking techniques. (10minutes); and
Just as in our life to
live it to the fullest, 5. Synthesizing
everything is also significant learnings
important and must be through
familiarized. mentimeter.com.
(15 minutes)
Online Platforms:
MS Teams
MS forms
Week 4 Oven PE- Social At the end of the week, the Conversion Answering Date: August 30 Lifelong
(August 23- Temperature Responsibility students CAN: Problem Lifelong Learning
27) (Accuracy) Solving Learning Presentation: Module
Day1 1. recognize the (Supply Type) Module The students will do the
Day 2 You have prepared importance of applying the (Act. # 7) following activities: Textbook 1,
the batter or dough correct oven temperature. Positive and pages 77-79
mixture well, followed 1.1 state the importance of Negative Converting 1. Activating prior
the correct techniques oven temperature; and Thoughts degree Celsius knowledge by giving a
and measured 1.2 convert Fahrenheit to to Fahrenheit quote of the day.
accurately to have a Celsius, and vice versa. and vice versa. (10 minutes);
successful baked
product, but forgot
about the oven 2. Clarifying answers
temperature and time, in the Lifelong Learning
this might cause the Module 7-8-9
failure of your baked (40 minutes);
product. Thus, we
must have a sense of 3. Discovery learning
responsibility towards through
the present and future collaborative
generation. activity.
Day 3 Preparing CORE VALUES – 2. recognize the variety Identification Answering (15 minutes); Textbook 1,
Variety of Respect for others of pastry products. (Supply Type) Lifelong pages 77-79
Pastry 2.1 identify the variety of Learning 4. Extracting essential
Products (Fortitude and pastry products; and 3-2-1 response Module ideas based from the
Excellence) 2.2 differentiate between (Act. # 8) given statement
laminated and non- found in the lifelong
Like the types of laminated pastry. learning (10
pastry, they are being Identifying minutes); and
prepared in different pastry
ways and produced products. 5. Synthesizing
differently. Each significant learnings
different way has a through
purpose that mentimeter.com.
constitutes for a baker (15 minutes)
to develop fortitude
and excellence in Online Platforms:
their baking. MS Teams
Day 4 Mixing CORE VALUES: 3.recognize the mixing Identification Answering MS forms Textbook 1,
Methods for Excellence methods for pastry (Supply type) Lifelong mentimeter.com pages 80-82.
Pastry It is important to preparation: Learning
Preparations know the mixing 3.1 identify the procedures Statement Module Online
methods especially for in preparing a single and Completion (Act. # 9) youtube video
the beginners. There double crust pie; and (Supply type) https://
are times in our life 3.2 differentiate between Identifying www.youtube
that we must learn mixing by hand method whether the .com/watch?
and practice first and mixing by machine Sequential following v=BEvcxePL
some new things for method Arrangement mixing method HbU
us to be able to be is done by
better or good at it. hand or
Week 5 Correct Oven EP # 1: Everything Fill in the Answering Date: September 13 Lifelong
(August 30- Conditions connected to everyone At the end of the week, the blanks Lifelong Learning
31) for Baking else. students CAN: (Supply Type) Learning Presentation: Module
(September Pastries (Patience and Module The students will do the
1-3) Appreciation) 1. recognize the required Acrostics (Act. # 10) following activities: Textbook 1,
oven temperature to bake (Select Type) pages 103-104
Day 1 It is important to goods in accordance with Filling in the 1. Activating prior
Day 2 know the correct the desired characteristics Multiple Choice missing data in knowledge by
temperature for and standard recipe (Select Type) the given table giving a series of
baking pastries specifications. below. questions and then
especially for the 1.1 identify the oven asks the students to
beginners. To produce temperature in accordance list down different
a high-quality with the desired words related to the
product. characteristics and topic. (10 minutes);
In life we have to look standard recipe
back from where we specifications
came from for it will 2. Clarifying answers
give us a clear path in the Answering
towards a successful Lifelong Learning
life. Modules 10-11-12
(40 minutes);
3. Discovery learning
Day 3 Types of EP # 7: Everything 2. recognize the different Classification Answering collaborative
Icing, changes. types of icings, fillings and (Select Types) Lifelong activity. (15 Textbook 1,
Fillings and (Perseverance) glazes; Learning minutes); pages 109-110
Glazes 2.1 differentiate Icing, Questioning Module
Learning about the Filling, and Glaze. (Act. #11) 4. Extracting essential
different types of Scramble ideas based from the
filling is also learning Words Identifying the given statement
about how to types of icing, found in the lifelong
appreciate it. How it fillings and learning (10
was differently done glazes and minutes); and
and how it improves terms that are
its taste. In life, we not related to
need to appreciate the group then 5. Synthesizing
and face the different determine the significant learnings
challenges of life remaining through
terms. mentimeter.com.
(15 minutes)
Day 4 Finishing .EP # 6: Nature is 3.recognize the different Identification Textbook 1,
Pastry beautiful and we are ways to design the crust of and Sequential Answering Online Platforms: pages 120-122
Products stewards of God’s pies. Arrangement Lifelong MS Teams
creation. 3.1 familiarize the steps in Learning MS forms
(Accuracy) designing crust pie. Key points Module mentimeter.com
Summary (Act. #12)
In finishing a pastry
product, it takes much Identifying
time and effort to what kind of
achieve the right pie it is and
design, shape, arranging the
position and color. In steps in
our life, it also takes chronological
time to work on order.
something, to manage,
to create and in due
time we will reap
something beautiful
Week 7 Storing EP # 5: Nature At the end of the week, the Identification Answering Date: September 20 Lifelong
(September Pastry Knows Best students CAN: (Supply Type) Lifelong Learning
13-17) Products (Obedience) Learning Presentation: Module
1. recognize the different Module The students will do the
Day 1 Pastry products has ways how to store pastry (Act. # 13) following activities: Textbook 1,
Day 2 its own ways on how products and the Multiple Choice Identifying pages 132-135
to store and retain its importance of packaging (Select Type) whether it 1. Activating prior
freshness. In the pastry products. refers to time knowledge by giving a
human nature, we 1.1 identify the factors to element, series of questions and
also have our own consider when storing product then asks the students to
ways on how to baked pastry products. placement, and list down different
maintain the purest of shelf life and words related to the
our soul in the way of matching topic. (10 minutes);
remaining good and column A and
do good to anyone. column B.
Packaging EP # 5: Everything 2. recognize the Matching Type Answering 3. Clarifying answers Textbook 1,
Pastry must go somewhere importance of packaging (Select Type) Lifelong in the Lifelong Learning pages 139-140
Products (Responsibility) pastry products. Learning Module 13-14
2.1 identify the different Module (40 minutes);
The importance of packaging materials for Acrostics (Act. # 14)
packaging pastry baked products. (Select Type) 4. Discovery learning
products and the matching through
different materials column A with collaborative
used is for the pastry column B activity.
product to look more (15 minutes);
presentable to the
customers. Similarly, 5. Extracting essential
there is a need for us ideas based from the
to avoid from given statement
Day 3
throwing away found in the lifelong
Day 4
plastics and other learning (10
none-biodegradable minutes); and
packaging material to
help the place look 6. Synthesizing
presentable and to significant learnings
minimize waste through
pollution. mentimeter.com.
(15 minutes)
Online Platforms:
MS Teams
MS forms
Week 8 Gateaux, CORE VALUES: At the end of the week, the Identification Date: September 27 Textbook 1,
(September Tortes and CHEERS students CAN: (Supply Type) Answering pages 153-154
20-24) Cakes Lifelong Presentation:
Day 1 Each bakery product 1. recognize the Questioning Learning The students will do the
Day 2 has its unique differences of gateaux, (Supply Type) Module following activities:
differences, and it tortes and cake (Act. # 15)
depends on its 1.1 identify gateaux, tortes 1. Activating prior
ingredients used. and cakes; and, Identifying the knowledge by giving a
Likewise, people 1.2 classify the different series of questions and
possess unique components of a cake. descriptions of then asks the students to
differences too. Gateaux, list down different
Tortes and words related to the
Cakes. topic. (10 minutes);
Preparing PE: Respect for others 2.recognize the basic type Identification Answering 2. Clarifying answers in Lifelong
and Filling of cakes (Supply Type) Lifelong the Lifelong Learning Learning
for Cakes Knowing the 2.1 identify the basic type Learning Module 15-16 Module
differences of of cakes.: and True or False Module (40 minutes);
shortened from 2.2 point out the common (Select Type) (Act. # 16) Textbook 1,
unshortened cakes mixing methods used for 3. Discovery learning pages 165-166
and a certain filling each type of cake. 3-2-1 Response Identifying if it through
suitable to a cake 2.3 identify the fillings (Supply Type) is a shortened collaborative Online
produces good quality appropriate for a specific or unshortened activity. youtube video
baked products. Like cake. cake and (15 minutes); https://
every individual, we 2.4 recognize the identifying the www.youtube
also acquire ingredients used in cake statement if it 4. Extracting essential .com/watch?
differences. Thus, we filling is true or false. ideas based from the v=n1DVddcF
need to appreciate given statement 4s0
Day 3
each other's found in the lifelong
Day 4
differences. learning
. (10minutes); and
5. Synthesizing
significant learnings
(15 minutes)
Online Platforms:
MS Teams
MS forms
Week 9 Coatings and CORE VALUES: At the end of the week, the Fill in the Answering Date: October 4 Lifelong
(September Sidings for Excellence students CAN: blanks (Graphic (Lifelong Learning
27-30) Cakes (Accuracy) organizer) Learning Presentation: Module
Day 1 1. recognize the Module) The students will do the
Day 2 In decorating cakes, importance of applying (Act. # 17) following activities: Textbook 1,
consistency and coatings and sidings for pages 179-181
creativity is very cakes. 1. Activating prior
important because it 1.1 identify the basic Completing knowledge by
means you are pastry tips used in the graphic giving a series of
producing the same decorating cakes. organizer. questions and then
quality over the 1.2 differentiate coating asks the students to
period of time. As a and decorating. list down different
student, you also need words related to the
to be consistent in topic. (10 minutes);
your studies.
Day 3 Decorating EP # 1: Everything is 2.recognize the steps in Identification Answering
Cakes connected to decorating cake. (Supply Type) (Lifelong 2. Clarifying answers Textbook 1,
everything else. 2.1 identify the designs in Learning in the lifelong learning pages 193-
(Obedience and frosting cakes. Module) modules 17-18 195.
Accountability) (Act. # 18) (40 minutes);
In decorating cakes, Identifying the 3. Discovery learning youtube video
correct steps and following through https://
procedures are highly designs that collaborative www.youtube
recommended so that may be done activity. .com/watch?
it will look nice and using fork, (15 minutes); v=txY9-
attractive. As a spoon, and e8dY7c
student, you also need knife. 4. Extracting essential
to follow steps and ideas based from the
procedures in given statement
fulfilling your dreams found in the lifelong
and aspirations. learning
Day 4 Characteristi CORE VALUES: 3. recognize the Identification Answering (10minutes); and Textbook 1,
cs of a Good CHEERS characteristics of (Select Type) (Lifelong pages 205 –
Cake The secret of good shortened and unshortened Learning Synthesizing significant 206
quality of cakes cake. Module) learnings through
depends on their 3.1identify the (Act. # 19) mentimeter.com. Online
characteristics. characteristics of (15 minutes) youtube video
Likewise, people shortened and unshortened Identifying the https://
Online Platforms:
possess cake. characteristics MS Teams www.youtube
characteristics too. of well- MS forms .com/watch?
prepared, mentimeter.com v=kX5zrVhV
decorated, and gzY
(October 4-
yWeek 11
Grading System:
Mr. Judiver D. Callao Miss Rissa Mae M. Montojo Mrs. Daisy B. Natividad
TLE Teacher TLE/CE Subject Coordinator High School Principal