U1L3 - Features of 21st Century Teaching and Learning
U1L3 - Features of 21st Century Teaching and Learning
U1L3 - Features of 21st Century Teaching and Learning
▰ Introduction
▰ 21st Century Schools
▰ 21st Century Curriculum
▰ Technology in the 21st Century Pedagogy
▰ Understanding 21st Century Learners
▰ Characteristics of 21st Century Education
21st Century Schools
21st Century Schools 1
Schools in the 21st century focus on a
project-based curriculum that would
engage students in addressing real-world
problems and humanity concerns and
21st Century Schools 1
It entails innovation in education, from
textbook-driven, teacher-centered, paper-and-
pencil schooling into a better understanding
of the concept of knowledge and a new
definition of the educated person.
Therefore, it makes a new way of designing
and delivering the curriculum.
21st Century Schools 1
Schools go from buildings to nerve centers,
with open walls and are roofless while
connecting teachers, students and the
community to the breadth of knowledge in
the world.
21st Century Schools 1
Teachers transform their role from being
dispensers of information to becoming
facilitators of learning and help students
translate information into knowledge and
knowledge into wisdom.
Therefore, 21st century requires knowledge
generation, not just information delivery,
and schools create a culture of inquiry.
21st Century Schools 1
Learners become adaptive to changes. In the
past, learners spent a required amount of
time in respective courses, received passing
grades and graduated. Today, learners are
viewed in a new context.
21st century learning demands a school that
excites students for school. There is a little
or no discipline problem because of strong
student engagement.
21st Century Schools 1
Likewise, parents are informed about positive
changes in their children. As a result,
students manifest significant improvement in
basic skills of reading, writing, speaking,
listening, researching, scientific explorations,
math, multimedia skills and others.
21st Century Curriculum
21st Century Curriculum 2
The 21st century curriculum has critical attributes
that are interdisciplinary, project based and
research-driven. It is connected to local, national
and global communities in which students may
collaborate with people around the world in
various projects.
21st Century Curriculum cont… 2
The curriculum also integrates higher
order thinking skills (HOTS), multiple
intelligences, technology and
multimedia, multiple literacies and
authentic assessments, including
service learning.
21st Century Curriculum cont… 2
The classroom is filled with self-directed
students, who work independently and
The curriculum and instruction are designed
imbued with the concept of differentiation.
Instruction turns to be more thematic, project-
based and integrated with skills and
competencies that are explored through
research and concept application in projects
and outputs. 15
21st Century Learning
21st Century Learning Environment 3
A 21st century learning environment is a place
where students collaborate with their peers,
exchange insights, coach and mentor one
another and share talents and skills with other
21st Century Learning Environment 3
An ideal learning environment also considers
the kind of spaces needed by students and
teachers in conducting investigations, and
projects by diverse groups for independent
21st Century Learning Environment 3
An ideal learning environment has plenty of
wall space and other areas for displaying
student work that includes a place where the
parents and the community can gather to
watch student performances, as well as a
place where they can meet for discussions.
Technology in the 21st
Century Pedagogy
Technology in the 21st Century Pedagogy 4
21st century learning recognizes full access to
technology. Therefore, a better bandwidth of
Wi-Fi access should be available along areas
of the school for the students to access their
files and supplement their learning inside the
Other resources in the school can also be
utilized by students in creating opportunities
for their knowledge explorations.
Understanding 21st Century
Understanding the 21st Century Learners 5
Today’s students are referred to as “digital natives,” while
educators as “digital immigrants” (Prensky, 2001).
Most likely, digital natives usually react, are random,
holistic and non-linear. Their predominant senses are
motion and touch.
They learn through experience and learn differently.
Understanding the 21st Century Learners 5
Digital immigrants often reflect, are sequential, and
linear. Their predominant senses are hearing and
seeing. They tend to intellectualize and believe that
learning is constant (Hawkins and Graham, 1994).
Understanding the 21st Century Learners 5
Students’ entire lives have been immersed in
the 21st century media culture. They take in the
world via the filter of computing devices, such
as cellular phones, hand held gaming devices,
PDAs, and laptops plus the computers, TVs,
and game console at home.
Understanding the 21st Century Learners 5
The preschoolers easily navigate electronic
multimedia resources on games, in which
they learn colors, numbers, letters, spelling,
and more complex tasks, such as mixing
basic colors to create new colors, problem-
solving activities, and reading.
Understanding the 21st Century Learners 5
Although, today’s students understand how to access and utilize
these tools, they use them only for entertainment purposes.
Thus, students must be prepared and assisted to become media
literate as they function in an online collaborative research-based
environment with the advent of researching, analyzing,
synthesizing, critiquing, evaluating and creating new knowledge.
Characteristics of 21st Century
Characteristics of 21st Century Education
“ The illiterates of the 21st century will not
be those who cannot read and write…
but rather those who cannot learn,
unlearn… and relearn.
- Alvin Toffler
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