IIFF 2018 List
IIFF 2018 List
IIFF 2018 List
ringing said not participate in agra but participate in chennai fair, said w
not participating
not participating
watssapp me
Mohit sethi
not participating
92127 80045- cp's no. finalised
not participating
not participating
not participating network issue, call later will revert shortly aboufinalized , but maybe participate in Agra s
amit goel
not participating
inhouse production
own vendor
not participating
got it
not participating
not participating
finalised with someone
not participating
mail send
sent design by tmrw budget extremly low
e in chennai fair
call tmrw 10th july cp said area not booki call after finalized with other
wrong no
not participating
permanently closed
9560124204- uday, his whatsapp ncall after 2-3 days, 12th julynot reachable
not participating
not participating
sent co. profile on 18 july said call after 5 min, mail sent again
ringing ringing
ringing switch off
0422 302000
Mr Ahish pradhan