UnitTests Audioscript
UnitTests Audioscript
UnitTests Audioscript
story, isn’t there?
Yes. I decided to camp on Crib Goch.
It was a beautiful night and I slept up 4.18 End-of-year Test 3 – Basic, Standard, Extension
there in my sleeping bag. I was very Welcome to the virtual tour of Venice, one of the most
careful though. If I had rolled over, I fascinating and beautiful cities in the world. Venice is
would have fallen a long, long way known as the city of water because it is built on 118
down, probably into the lake at the small islands, which are connected by 177 canals and
bottom of the mountain! over 400 bridges.
Interviewer: Have you any advice for people thinking Venice is a small city with a population of just 55,000
of doing the same? but it is incredibly popular with visitors. Each year,
Dave: Yes. Climb Snowdon along Crib Goch Venice is visited by around 18 million tourists; that’s
if you have the chance, but remember more than 50,000 every day! This means that the city
that you need to be careful and don’t is often very crowded nowadays, especially during the
sleep up there. It’s a marvellous summer when large cruise ships visit the city. But if you
experience, but it can be a terrifying want to avoid the crowds and still enjoy the sights of
one! this marvellous city, you can see everything during this
4.17 End-of-term Test 3 – Basic, Standard, Extension virtual tour.
Millions of people around the world are afraid of flying. Let’s start our tour with a gondola ride. Gondolas are
The idea of being in a metal tube high up in the sky a special kind of boat and are only found in Venice,
makes them feel worried, insecure and, in many cases, where there are more than 400. You need a special
absolutely terrified. So, what can you do if you have to licence to operate a gondola and only a limited number
travel to Australia, for example, and you have a fear of of licences are issued by the city authorities. Our trip
flying? Well, the best solution is to know some basic begins on the Grand Canal, which is the largest and
facts about flying and how you can teach yourself to longest canal in Venice and one which divides the city
deal with your anxiety. in two. The Grand Canal is 3.8 kilometres long and from
our boat you can see more than 170 gorgeous buildings
1 Bear in mind that the risk of an accident is extremely
on both sides of the canal, including palaces and
low. You have a one in 10 million chance of being on
a plane that is involved in an accident and you have
more chance of becoming the next president of your We are now leaving the gondola to take a short walk
country! Car travel is much more dangerous. In fact, to St Mark’s Square, the most famous square in Venice
it is 100 times more dangerous than flying but no-one and one that is surrounded by stunning buildings.
is afraid of car travel. That would be ridiculous! There are over 400 royal palaces in Venice, some of
which contain paintings by the greatest Italian artists of
2 Learn about aeroplanes and how they work. For
the Middle Ages.
example, a plane which experiences turbulence is
completely safe. Planes are designed to fly safely in No visit to Venice is complete without a visit to a
strong winds and other forms of extreme weather, so typical restaurant. As Venice is on the coast, seafood
stop worrying about turbulence. is a speciality and no visitor will want to turn down the
opportunity to try some delicious grilled fish if they
3 Recognise that anxiety itself leads to fear. If you are
have the chance. Of course, pasta and pizzas are also
worried, this can make you think you are in danger
on the menu, as you can see, and you simply have to
even when you are perfectly safe. Being positive is
try some of the best ice-cream in the world!