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Electronics 08 001861
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3 School of Engineering and Applied Science, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO 63130, USA;
* Correspondence: hwkim@cbnu.ac.kr; Tel.: +82‐01096606110
Abstract: The Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is one of the Smart Grid (SG) applications
that used to upgrade the current power system by proposing a two‐way communication system to
connect the smart meter devices at homes with the electric control company. The design and
deployment of an efficient routing protocol solution for AMI systems are considered to be a critical
challenge due to the constrained resources of the smart meter nodes. IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low
Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) was recently standardized by the IETF and originally designed
to satisfy the routing requirements of lossy and low power networks like wireless sensors (WSN).
We have two kinds of AMI applications, on one hand AMI based WSN and on the other hand AMI
based PLC communication. In this paper, we proposed a real and simulated implementation of
RPL behavior with proper modifications to support the AMI based WSN routing requirements. We
evaluate RPL performance using 140 nodes from the wireless sensor testbed (IoT‐LAB) and 1000
nodes using Cooja simulator measure RPL performance within medium and high‐density
networks. We adopted two routing metrics for path selection: First one is HOP Count (HC) and the
second is Expected Transmission Unit (ETX) to evaluate RPL performance in terms of packet
delivery ratio; network latency; control traffic overhead; and power consumption. Our results
illustrate that routes with ETX calculations in low and medium network densities outperform
routes using HC and the performance decreases as the network becomes dense. However, Cooja
implementation results provides an average reasonable performance for AMI with high‐density
networks; still many RPL nodes suffering from high packet loss rates, network congestion and
many retransmissions due to the selection of optimal paths with highly unreliable links.
Keywords: smart grid; routing protocols; objective function; RPL performance; testbed
1. Introduction
The Smart Grid (SG) is the application of communication and information technology to the
energy grids to manage the generation, delivery and consumption of the electricity. Figure 1 shows
the system structure of the SG network.
The Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is the new part of the Smart Grid which supports
the transfer of two‐way power and a high data rate by connecting Smart Meters (SMs) at user’s
homes to the Meter Data Management Systems (MDMS) in order to collect and manage data. The
main structure used for the AMI network is made of one Data Collector (DC), which acts as a
gateway between the gathered information from SMs at home’s and the utilities companies. In this
paper, we are focusing on the communication network between data collectors and smart meters
using wireless sensors environment.
In the PLC (IEEE P1901.2) standard [1] networks, it is impossible and very hard for most of the
nodes to communicate directly due to many reasons: noises distance, etc. So, each node should
collaborate by relaying different frames to have the ability to reach all nodes in the network. Many
routing protocols are designed to select, maintain and construct the best paths to route packets from
source to final destination. Routing process in (AMI) networks is considered as a critical issue when
designing its communication network. A routing protocol survey is presented in [2] that focused
only on two different communication infrastructure components of the SG, namely, Neighborhood
Area Networks (NANS) and Home Area Networks (HANS). Routing protocols for HANS are
categorized depending on the type of communication as some networks use Power Line
Communications (PLC) technologies [3] and others use wireless communication. On the other side,
routing protocols for NANS are categorized based only on the application requirements. AMI is the
most challenging application of SG that utilizes NANs. The communication infrastructure design of
an electric power network is considered as a hot research area which attracts both industry and
academia. The large‐scale communication network of SG consists of three basic parts: Access area,
distribution infrastructure, and the core network. Homes, buildings and industrial collections
organize the access area which is responsible for delivering, SG services to end costumers and
providing user contribution to electricity production. Distribution infrastructure makes the
collection of electricity usage data, and the core network is responsible for the management and
control based on the received data from the aggregator center. AMI represents an example of the
distribution infrastructure that connects smart meters at the user side with data aggregation center
at the company side using PLC networks and wireless sensors networks (WSN) communication.
The AMI network provides information about the quality of power and quantity of
consumption at the end user side. Devices in AMI networks based WSN are embedded devices with
low computational and storage capability using low data rate and lossy radio communications.
These kinds of networks are called Low Power and Lossy Network (LLN).
Recently, RPL protocol is considered as the most preferred IPv6 routing protocol for large‐scale
low power and lossy networks. The IETF proposed RPL in 2008 and in March 2012 standardization
was accomplished [4]. The new release of RPL standard has been designed to support and provide
the routing requirements of the AMI application based WSN. AMI is expected to support two‐way
communications which allow a third‐party company (e.g. Electricity companies) to keep track of
electricity usage, inform customers with latest prices of electricity and performs remote management
within a real‐time basis. The possible solution to allow all of these functionalities is to deploy a static
multi‐hop wireless network that connects a large number of electric smart meters to a gateway node,
which in turn is directly connected to a control center which is responsible for all management
kinds. AMI applications required a proper routing protocol to ensure the low‐latency and the high
Electronics 2019, 8, 186 3 of 23
reliability delivery for inward and outward traffic from meters to gateway and from the gateway to
meters. However, smart meters’ are static and fixed networks but its wireless connections still
suffering from signal degradation due to the fading effects and signal interference. RPL is defined to
be a Link‐Layer protocol that is supposed to work within a wide of different technologies such as
PLC or wireless network. RPL is part of the effort made by the Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF) to design the IPv6 architecture for low power networks (LLN), it is based on Distance Vector
routing algorithms, which is designed to react and detect routing loops. RPL is originally designed
for typical sensor networks such as the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) based WSN.
In order to satisfy the AMI low‐latency and high‐reliability requirements, the deployed routing
protocol must cope with the frequent link changes by proposing effective and fast routing path
selection with low routing control traffic overhead.
In this paper, we proposed experimental and simulated RPL implementations with a uniform
and random network topology using IoT‐LAB testbed and Java‐based Cooja simulator. We
proposed different scenarios with various packet sizes and different routing metrics. This study
based on two hardware platform M3 Cortex nodes and Tmote Sky nodes with different
experimental configuration scenarios to represent AMI network based on WSN architecture. We
proposed a new RPL performance evaluation using the objective functions Hop Count and ETX, in
terms of Packet Delivery Ratio, Network Latency, Control Traffic Overhead, and Power
Consumption. Extensive simulations were carried out, and a detailed analysis of the proposed
Objective Function ETX and OF0 to choose the best appropriate RPL configuration for the AMI
applications based WSN. Adopting RPL protocol in AMI applications based PLC communication is
out of this paper scope. We are interested in evaluating RPL performance and metrics to propose the
most efficient objective function to choose the best path to destination.
We investigated the objective functions and the most influential parameters on RPL
performance using Contiki as the wireless sensors operating system, IOT‐LAB testbed, and a
Java‐based Cooja emulator to provide an insight into different RPL settings.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section II provides the previous related RPL
implementations for the AMI networks. In Section III, we proposed the RPL process, RPL control
messages under the consideration of AMI and RPL objective function. Section IV presents the
experimental materials and network configuration steps. In Section V, the measured RPL metrics
and the deployed scenarios are investigated. In section VI, the results of the practical
implementation and simulated implementation are conducted followed by the future work and final
conclusions in section VII.
In [7], Accettura et al. measures RPL’s behavior in a WSN composed of 100 nodes. Their
simulation results find that RPL network can converge quickly but they experienced a great
overhead that must be reduced.
RPL’s ICMPv6 control messages are studied in [8]. Generally, [8] mentioned that RPL control
messages especially DODAG Advertisement message (DAO) messages may be result in network
congestions. In [9], the authors investigated RPL’s behavior in high density network: They find that
RPL protocol guarantees a stable path, however, the physical network topology instability showed
that RPL PDR is very low in dense networks. They used an indoor topology with 100 nodes on Lille
SensLAB [10] testbed and they conducted experiments to prove that RPL protocol is an efficient
routing protocol to find the shortest routes to destinations even in a large‐scale network.
At Berkeley universities, an implementation of RPL is introduced using TinyOS [11]. In [11],
authors measured the RPL performance using simulations and real data and their results observed
that the control messages overhead at the beginning of RPL process increased linearly with the
number of nodes participating in the RPL network and then become stable as RPL process is about
to be finished. Previously, many experimental evaluations investigated RPL with small network
scenarios and nowadays many researchers are about to use testbeds to test large‐scale network. In
[12], authors used two hardware platforms, namely WSN430 Sensor Board and the MSB430 Scatter
web mote to implement RPL protocol. The results of [12] showed that RPL performed well and
didn’t depend on the running network topology.
Authors of [13] used the discrete event simulators Castalia/ OMNET++ to propose an evaluation
of RPL protocol performance depending on various network topologies with real data. In [14],
Authors using the NS2 simulator proposed a new RPL multipoint to point mechanism and RPL
broadcast mechanism.
In [15], RPL performance is conducted using a Contiki operating system [16] and java based
network simulator Cooja. Results showed that a few RPL nodes experienced high packet loss rate
and suffered from unreliability issues while average performance was reasonable for AMI networks.
In [17] authors had investigated RPL performance using a wireless sensors testbed, they conducted
experiments using 100 nodes with uniform distribution through IOT‐LAB testbed [18]—this study
was the first phase of RPL performance evaluation. The results of [17] stated that the RPL protocol
works well in medium dense networks and is considered to be the first IPv6 wireless sensor routing
The Routing over Low Power and Lossy network (ROLL) is an IETF working group to analyze
the routing requirements of applications including industrial, home, and building automation [27].
The main objective of ROLL was to develop and design the routing solutions for IP based Low
Power and Lossy Networks (LLN) that have the support of a variety of link layers. LLN is composed
of constrained resources embedded devices that have limited memory, low battery power, and low
processing capability. RPL is considered as 6lowpan IPv6 routing protocol proposed to choose the
best path to destination with the minimum cost.
In LLNs, links are lossy and may become unstable for a short time period due to a number of
reasons; for example, interference. LLNs include a wide range of link layer technologies, including
Bluetooth, IEEE 802.15.4, Power Line Communication (PLC), and low power Wi‐Fi. RPL is an IPv6
routing protocol for low power and lossy networks designed by the IETF (ROLL) working group as
a proposed standard, its used originally to satisfy the routing requirements in WSN applications.
RPL is considered as distance vector routing protocol while link state routing protocols can’t satisfy
the limited requirements of LLNs because it consumes a lot of power and memory to save the link
states. RPL is a proactive routing protocol and starts finding the routes as soon as the RPL network is
initialized. RPL forms a tree called DODAG (Destination Oriented Directed Acyclic Graph) with two
Electronics 2019, 8, 186 6 of 23
types of DODAG (Grounded or Floating): Grounded DODAG in which nodes send their traffic to
the gateway node and the gateway will forward them to the destination on behalf of them, while
Floating DODAG has no gateway node and each node is responsible to forward its traffic. Each node
has a rank value that is calculated with respect to the gateway node according to a predefined cost
metric like hop count, bandwidth, reliability or number of transmissions. Each node in an RPL
network has a preferred parent which works as the gateway of this node to the destination. If an RPL
node didn’t find any path in its routing table for a packet, the node forwards the packet to its
preferred parent and so on until it either reaches the destination or a common parent which
forwards it down the tree towards the destination. Nodes in an RPL network must have routes for
all the nodes down the tree. It means that the nodes which are near to the root node must have large
routing table entries. Route aggregation is not recommended because of several problems in LLN
like the mobility of nodes and the losses due to the radio medium.
RPL protocol has three types of ICMPv6 control messages, which are defined as follows:
DODAG Information Object (DIO): The DODAG root (border router node) issues DIO message
in a multicast form to construct a new DODAG. The DIO message structure contains all
information concerning the network that allows any node to find an RPL instance, select a
DODAG parent set, learn about its configuration parameters, and finally build the DODAG.
Destination Advertisement Object (DAO): As the DODAG is being constructed each node in the
DODAG sends this message to propagate and populate a node rank and routing tables’
information to their predecessor nodes that support the downward route traffic (traffic towards
leaves nodes).
DODAG Information Solicitation (DIS): These messages are sent by any node to trigger the
others to send DIO messages to this node and this happened only when that node didn’t receive
a correct DIO message for a long time.
Electronics 2019, 8, 186 7 of 23
Add the DIO sender to
your parent list
Compute Rank based on the
OF (OF0 and ETX) and your
parent rank
4. Experimental Materials
In this paper, we propose two different scenarios based on actual real testbed (IoT‐LAB) and
Cooja simulator to expand the RPL evaluation environment and platforms. The following sections
will explain each one of them.
access to 2728 sensor nodes. In this paper, a subset of 140 nodes of Lille‐Nord Europe site was used.
Lille‐Nord Europe is consisting of 332 Cortex‐M3 open nodes uniformly deployed over a 225 m2
area as nodes dispatched on wooden poles and ceiling. Lille testbed is deployed over the three floors
of Inria building, through corridors, offices, storage or meeting rooms. In Figure 4 Lille physical
topology over the ceiling and wooden pools are expressed as nodes deployed on the ceiling over a
1.20 m × 1.20 m grid, at 9.6 m high and hanged vertically on the poles at an overall height of 7.60, 8.50
and 9.40 m. In IoT‐LAB testbed there are various node types like an open node, a gateway node, and
control node. Both control and gateway are used to monitor and control the open node by
monitoring the power consumption and select the power supply during experiments. While the
open node is totally open and fully accessed by the user (e.g., any operating system can be loaded,
compiled and debugged). The gateway node can handle, control and gather open node sensors’
information through a serial link. In this study, a new generation of open nodes called M3 is used
with the addition of a combination of the control node and gateway node on the same ship called the
host node. Table 1 summarizes components of M3 open node and host node for more details
consults M3 cortex node datasheet [30].
Figure 4. Lille–testbed network grid over ceiling and wooden poles in Inria building floors.
Sensor nodes are accessed directly using web access over IPv6 from the local machine by using
a local Contiki Tunslip6.
Tunneling process is very important to access the IPv6 network of IoT‐LAB testbed within
internet and other IPv4 networks
Tunslip6 is used to bridge IPv6 network into IPv4 network and vice versa by creating a virtual
interface (TUN) and uses a Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) to encapsulate and pass the IP
traffic to the other side of the serial line. Figure 5 shows the IoT‐LAB testbed experiments steps.
This testbed study is limited to use fixed nodes with only one border router and one RPL
IOT‐LAB testbed allows users to control and monitor the running experiments through serial
lines of nodes with the addition to diagnostic tool Foren6.
Foren6 is a 6LowPan network analysis tool provided by the Belgian research center CETIC to
capture RPL traffic and render the network state in a graphical user interface.
5. Performance Evaluation
In this paper, we conducted real and simulated experiments using IoT‐LAB testbed, 6LoWPAN
Foren6 troubleshooting tool, and Java‐based Cooja simulator. In this study, we investigated different
platforms with uniform and random network topology and different network size. Both scenarios
are introduced in the next sections.
Figure 6. RPL DODAG logical topology using 6LoWPAN Foren6 diagnostic tool.
IoT-LAB Experiment
Num. of nodes 140 nodes M3 hardware
Network Topologies uniform and random over 225 m2
Testbed site Inria Lille
Experiment duration 120 minutes
Operating system Contiki 2.7
Frequency 2.4 GHz
Mac protocol Contiki‐ MAC protocol
Transmission power 3 dBm
Startup delay 65 s
Data rate 250 kbps
The number of collectors 7 sniffers
The number of the border
one node
Electronics 2019, 8, 186 12 of 23
Parameters Value
Num. of nodes 1000 nodes
Network Topologies Randomly distributed
Experiment duration (S) 1300
Operating system Contiki
Frequency IEEE 802.15.4 radio
Mac protocol Contiki MAC
Startup delay (s) 65
200‐byte payload every
Data rate transfer
30 seconds
The number of the border router One border router
DIO Interval Minimum(ms) 12
DIO Interval Doublings(ms) 8
RPL Mode Of Operation storing mode
Use Authentication No
Path Control Size 0
DIO Redundancy Constant 10
Max Rank Increase 1792
Minimum Hop Rank Increase 256
Electronics 2019, 8, 186 13 of 23
Figure 7. IoT‐LAB testbed control traffic overhead with uniform network topology.
Figure 8 illustrates the RPL Control Traffic messages (DIO, DIS, DAO) with a random network
topology using OF0 and ETX that indicates higher control messages than uniform topology.
Number of Packets
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Number of Nodes
Figure 9 shows the comparison between random and uniform topology with OF0 and ETX of
total control traffic for 140 nodes. ETX outperforms OF0 in route calculation under both uniform and
random topology while random networks need higher control messages due to collisions and
retransmissions. Around 90000 packets are exchanged between 140 nodes for two hours experiments
using OF0 and under random nodes distribution. In small densities, the control overhead metric is
similar in both uniform and random distribution.
Number of Packets
Overhead (ETX) Overhead(OF0) Overhead (ETX) Overhead(OF0)
Random Random Uniform Uniform
Figure 9. Comparison between total control traffic overhead in IoT‐LAB testbed using OF0 and ETX
with random and uniform network topology.
Electronics 2019, 8, 186 15 of 23
Packet Delivery Ratio Using OF0 and ETX With Uniform and Random Iot-LAB
Testbed Topology
Packet Delivery Ratio %
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Number of Nodes
PDR of OF0 (Uniform) PDR of ETX (Uniform)
PDR of OF0 (Random) PDR of ETX (Random)
Figure 10. Comparison between packet delivery ratio in IoT‐LAB testbed using OF0 and ETX with
random and uniform network topology.
RPL Network Latency Using OF0 and ETX With Uniform and Random
Iot-LAB Topology
Network Latency in (S)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Number of Nodes
Figure 11. Latency comparison using OF0 and ETX with uniform and random IoT‐LAB testbed.
Electronics 2019, 8, 186 16 of 23
Energy Consumption
Power consumption is considered as the most critical constraint of any wireless sensors
network. In this study, we measure the power consumption while the RPL routing protocol is
running. In this study, we develop a power trace application with the help of the energest power
profile in the Contiki operating system to measure the power consumption of transmitter, receiver,
idle‐lessening mode, and CPU power. It's recommended measuring only the radio transceiver
power as its considered as the major power consumption source in any node. Nearly the majority of
power is consumed on retransmission and idle listening. In this study, we suggest the radio time to
indicate and reflect the power consumption instead of considering the absolute power consumption
in joules. Radio on time is the percentage of the radio during the total time of the experiment while
the nodes are on for sending or receiving.
We change the network density from 20 nodes to 140 nodes to measure the consumed power, as
the network becomes denser as more consumed energy. This increase of power consumption due to
the more transmissions sent by the node. As shown in Figure 12, the total absolute power
consumption is measured over time and the total power consumption is mainly the transceiver
power while the other sources of power are very small. So, in our study we neglect the low power
mode and CPU consumption. We focus on computing the % radio on time which represents the
energy consumption. The more network traffic, the more consumption of the energy and vice‐versa.
If we send more application messages, the more energy is consumed. In Figure 13, the average
power consumption is indicated for OF0 and ETX with uniform and random topologies. ETX
consume less power than OF0 while random topologies need more power for both OF0 and ETX to
retransmit packets. In Figure 14, the power consumption is expressed using the on radio time
percentage which decreased as the packet reception ratio increased. ETX on radio time is less than
OF0 in both uniform and random scenarios.
Figure 12. The total absolute power consumption for one testbed node measured over time.
Figure 13. The average power consumption for OF0 and ETX with uniform and random topologies.
Electronics 2019, 8, 186 17 of 23
Radio On Time %
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Packet Reception Ratio %
Radio On Time % for OF0 (Random) Radio On Time % for ETX (Random)
Radio On Time % for OF0 (uniform) Radio On Time % for ETX (uniform)
Figure 14. The average power consumption in terms of radio on time for OF0 and ETX with uniform
Number of PAckets
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Number of Nodes
Figure 15. The total control traffic in Cooja simulator for OF0 and ETX with random RPL topology.
200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Number of Nodes
Figure 16. packet delivery in Cooja simulator using OF0 and ETX with random network topology.
Network Latency in (Sec)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Number of Nodes
Figure 17. Latency comparison using OF0 and ETX with random Cooja simulator.
Energy Consumption
Figure 18 illustrates the radio on‐time percentage using OF0 and ETX with Cooja random
scenario. The radio on‐time percentage is increased as the network density increased, which reflect
the power consumption during the network for all client nodes. ETX has small radio on‐time
percentage than OF0, as choosing the best path using hop count in large density network consume a
lot of energy to calculate the paths, update the routing tables and share the routing information and
candidate parents.
Electronics 2019, 8, 186 19 of 23
Radio On Time %
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Packet Reception Ratio %
Radio On Time % for OF0 Radio On Time % for ETX
Figure18. Average power consumption in Cooja simulator for OF0 and ETX with random RPL
Table 4 shows IoT‐LAB results for random and uniform 140 M3 wireless nodes while adopting
two different objective functions (OF0 and ETX). Experiments in IoT‐LAB lasted for 2 hours with
sending rate of 45 seconds and with 70 runs. The measured control traffic overhead is considered as
the total overhead traffic for all the network nodes during the experiment time. ETX Objective
Function is outperforming OF0 in the defined measured metrics as it has the lowest control
overhead, latency, and power consumption while providing higher packet delivery ratio than OF0
overall RPL performance, while the network is uniformly distributed and outperforms the results of
random network topology. Random networks experienced high latency, more retransmission,
network congestion, and higher power consumption.
Table 4. RPL routing metrics results in IoT‐lab testbed measured over simulation time
Table 5 shows simulated results of Cooja simulator for a large‐scale network using a random
network topology while applying OF0 and ETX. Simulation lasted for 1300 s with sending rate 30 s
for 1000 nodes, using only one sink node with one RPL DODAG instance. The Cooja simulation
output indicates many variations of RPL performance as the network size increased. It reflects
higher latency when RPL protocol uses ETX to calculate the routes and less power consumption with
the higher delivery ratio. If RPL proposed a high‐density network application, which requires low
latency like medical monitoring applications, it is recommended to apply OF0, which basically
depend on the number of hops to calculate the routing routes as it experiences lower latency than
Electronics 2019, 8, 186 20 of 23
Table 5. RPL routing metrics results within cooja simulator measured over the simulation time.
Accettura Heurtefeux Hakeem Baccelli
RPL implementations proposed
et al et al et al et al
RPL WSN ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
environment PLC × × × × ×
Simulation ✓ × × × ✓
Experimental × ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RPL OF ETX ✓ ✓ × × ✓
metric Hop Count × × ✓ ✓ ✓
Latency ✓ × × × ✓
Overhead ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RPL PDR × × ✓ × ✓
performance Power
× × × × ✓
metrics consumption
Network Uniform ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Topology Random × × × × ✓
To be fair, we choose from literature some related work [7,9,12,17] that evaluate RPL protocol
using operating system Contiki like our study and based WSN environment in terms of routing
metrics and targeting many different platforms and scenarios to test RPL applicability in AMI
applications. We compare our RPL evaluations using the experimental network and simulated
network with these related works and find that we measured RPL performance using two important
objective functions (OF0 and ETX) in terms of four routing metrics (overhead, latency, PDR and
power consumption). Accettura et al [7], find that RPL overhead traffic is very high and should be
decreased. They didn’t measure any other metrics and they use only ETX to find the best path. Their
evaluation does not reflect anything about RPL behavior in dense networks or the effectiveness of
network physical topology. Heurtefeux et al [9] evaluate RPL in uniform topology and their results
showed that RPL overhead is very high, while they mentioned that RPL performance is not affected
by the physical topology. In Hakeem et al [17] this implementation used hop count to find the best
path in medium scale network. Their results lack the RPL end‐to‐end delay calculation and don’t
provide RPL behavior in random WSN topology. In Baccelli et al [12] they provide small network of
27 nodes and they measure only the overhead. In our proposed evaluation, we study RPL routing
protocol using hop count and ETX in terms of overhead traffic, end‐to‐end delay, PDR and power
consumption through two different network topologies. From our experimental and simulated
scenarios, we found the following:
1. Compared to the mentioned related work [7,9,12,17], we tested the performance using several
scenarios and network parameters like network density, routing metrics, physical topologies.
Electronics 2019, 8, 186 21 of 23
2. In contrary to [7], we figured out that RPL performance strongly depends on the physical
network topology. For instance, in the random topology case, we experienced performance
degradation in terms of traffic overhead, latency, power consumption and PDR compared to
the uniform topology.
3. ETX is outperforming hop count as it introduces little traffic overhead, latency, and power
consumption while increasing the PDR value than hop count.
4. For large scale networks, ETX introduces higher latency than Hop Count, thus ETX is only not
applicable for low latency applications. Table 6 summarizes the comparison of different RPL
evaluation environments.
Funding: This work was supported in part by IITP Grant through the Korean Government, under the
development of wide area driving environment awareness and cooperative driving technology which are based
on V2X wireless communication under Grant R7117‐19‐ 0164, and in part by the Center for Integrated Smart
Sensors funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning as Global Frontier Project, South Korea,
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