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Practical Research

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Practical Research institutional, or ideological understanding of the

world. (Badke, 2002)

Research - a careful, systematic, patient study and
investigation in some field of knowledge, undertaken to Types of Research
establish facts or principles Based on Application of Research Methods
o “Re” = a new, over again □ Pure Research – Deals with concepts,
principles, or abstract things. Scientist curiosity
o “Search” = To examine closely
or interest in a scientific question
□ Scientific Methods consist of systematic □ Applied Research – apply chosen research to
observation societal problems or issues, finding ways to
make positive changes in society rather than to
o It can expand knowledge and new acquire knowledge for knowledge sake.
Based on Purpose of the Research
o Helps us look for ways to allocate scarce
resources □ Descriptive Research - aims at defining or
giving a verbal portrayal or picture of
o Develops critical thinking and analysis something.
skills (Kothari, 2002) □ Correlational research - indicates the existence
of a relationship, the causes and ways of the
Ethics of Research
Žukauskas, Vveinhardt and Andriukaitienė (2017) □ Explanatory Research (Causal) - Elaborates or
emphasize that the researcher must possess: explains not just the reasons behind the
relationship of two factors, but also the ways by
□ Honesty – They do not fabricate, falsify, or
which such relationship exists.
misrepresent data; □ Ethnographic Research - It refers to the
□ Objectivity – They avoids or minimizes bias or
investigation of a culture through an in- depth
self-deception; study of the members of the culture
□ Morality – They possesses the code of conduct □ Experimental Research - It is an objective,
that would be accepted by anyone; systematic, controlled investigation, for the
□ Integrity – They keeps their promises and purpose of predicting and controlling
agreements phenomena and examining probability and
□ Carefulness – They avoids careless errors and causality among selected variables.
negligence □ Historical Research – It is one involving
□ Openness – They is open to criticism and new analysis of events that occurred in the remote or
ideas recent past.
□ Respect to intellectual property – They learns □ Phenomenological Research - Its aim is to
to acknowledge ideas and give credits to the describe an experience as it is actually lived by
rightful owner the person.
□ Confidentiality – They discloses sensitive and □ Action Research - Ongoing practice of a school,
personal information to protect the identity of organization, community, or institution for the
the person purpose of obtaining results that will bring
□ Legitimacy – s/he gives accurate results of the improvements in the system.
□ Anti-discrimination – s/he does not Based on types of data needed
discriminate someone else’s culture, tradition, □ Qualitative Research - requires non- numerical
language, race, etc. data, which means that the research uses words
Inquiry – “Seeking for truth, information or knowledge” rather than numbers to express the results
□ Quantitative Research - presents research
□ It elevates your thinking power. findings referring to the number or frequency of
□ Solving problem does not only involve yourself something in numerical forms.
but other members of the society. o Primary Data – obtained through direct
□ It has been said that experience is the best observation or contact with people,
teacher. objects, artifacts, paintings, etc.
□ Whatever knowledge you have about your world
bears the influence of your cultural, sociological,
o Secondary Data – such data have o The rationale, timeliness and/or
already been written about or reported relevance of the study. The rationale,
on and are available for reading timeliness and/or relevance of the study
purposes. to existing conditions must be explained
or discussed.
o Who are to be benefited and how they
Chapter 1
are going to be benefited.
□ Introduction □ Definition of Terms
o TOPIC : define and elaborate o Terms should be defined operationally,
o IMPORTANCE: cite the benefits that is how they are used in the study.
o REASONS: what motivated you o Definitions should a\be brief, clear, and
o PURPOSE: discusses the objective unequivocal as possible.
□ Background of the Study □ Qualitative Variable
o consists of statements on what led the o Categorical Variable
investigator to launch the study. o Not Numerical
o it is an overview of factors which have o It describes data that fits into categories
led to the problem, comprise the o Have no natural order
problem and historical significance
relative to the problem
□ Quantitative Variables have a value and they
□ Statement of the Problem can be added, subtracted, divided or multiplied
o There should be a general statement of □ Theoretical Framework
the whole problem followed by the o Foundation of the research
specific questions or sub problems into o Theories that are established and proven
by authorities
o An organized body that explains what
has been done and what has been said on
the topic or problem being investigated.
o Name/s of authors of the theory
□ Organization of the Study
o How the study was organized

Review of Related Literature

□ Related Study and Concept
□ Supports your claims

which the general problem is broken up. Citations - A way of giving credit to individuals for
□ Scope and Delimitation their creative and intellectual works
o The scope and delimitations should
Citation Style – Dictates the information neccessary
include the following:
 A brief statement of the general □ APA (American Psychological Association) is
purpose of the study. used by Education, Psychology, and Sciences.
 The subject matter and topics □ MLA (Modern Language Association) style is
studied and discussed. used by the Humanities.
 The locale of the study, where □ Chicago/Turabian style is generally used by
the data were gathered or the Business, History, and the Fine Arts.
entity to which the data belong.
o Delimitation – limit the scope and
define the boundaries of your study
o Limitation of the study – include the
weakness of the study beyond the
control of the researcher
□ Significance of the Study
Material In-text Bibliography
Type Citation
A book (Sapolsky, Sapolsky, R. M.
2017) (2017). Behave: The biology
of humans at our best and
worst. Penguin Books.
Chapter (Dillard, Dillard, J. P. (2020). Currents
in 2020) in the study of persuasion. In
an edited  M. B. Oliver, A. A. Raney, &
book J. Bryant (Eds.), Media
effects: Advances in theory
(If the and research (4th ed., pp.
chapter 115–129). Routledge.
is from
book, us
e the
An article (Weinstein, Weinstein, J. (2009). “The
in a print 2009) market in Plato’s
journal Republic.” Classical
Philology, 104(4), 439-458. 
An article  (Grady et Grady, J. S., Her, M.,
in an al., 2019) Moreno, G., Perez, C., &
electroni Yelinek, J. (2019). Emotions
c journal in storybooks: A comparison
of storybooks that represent
ethnic and racial groups in
the United
States. Psychology of
Popular Media Culture, 8(3),
207–217. https://doi.org/10.1
A (Bologna, Bologna, C. (2019, October
website 2019) 31). Why some people with
anxiety love watching horror
HuffPost. https://www.huffpos

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