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May 2011

Linking China with Europe & the Arab World


BRICS:to build up a new era of prosperity Time to reflect on Silk Road A great opportunity for China and EU TIANJIN:focus on innovation

JAMES JAO architectural genius

city planner & developer


Euro China Arab Business
After 15 successful issues, our magazine Euro Chha Busines has taken a complete transformation, so as to include the promising and wealthy arab world. We will particularly concenrate on the countries comprising the Gulf Cooperation Counil(GCC),namely the Emirates,Qatar,Kuwait,Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Oman,but also taking a strong interest on the other North Africa and Middle East countries. With the free trade talks under way between the sixcountry Gulf Cooperation Council and China,annual trade flowsare expected to more than triple to $350 billion by 2020. China recently overtook the United Stares as the biggest exporter to the GCC countries.with annual exports crossing $60 billion,more than ten times the level decade ago.In return the GCC countries account for 35 per cent of China's crude oil imports. As Nazem Al Kudsi,points out in his article (see page 50),"now investment is taking root.So far the focus has been on energy.Chinese firms have won three of the 11 oil production concessions granted by Iraq and Sinopec was one of the first foreign firms to win a gas concession in Saudi Arabia-but my contact with chinese officials and business leaders point to great variety." At the same time,Europe also takes a great interest in the middle east, promoting trade,investment and toutism. Euro China Arab Business will report to you all developments in the area,with the certainty that we shall promote further the already excellent relations between China,Europe and the middle east countries.

15 GCC 202035 GCC 600 GCC35% Nazem Al Kudsi50 113

Stavros Nikolakopoulos


May 2011



L i n k i n g C h i n a w i t h E u r o p e

Linking China with Europe & the Arab World



President of People's Republic of China

Linking China with Europe & the Arab World

Hu Jintao

BRICS:to build up a new era of prosperity Time to reflect on Silk Road A great opportunity for China and EU TIANJIN:focus on innovation
Chairman of US Federal Reserve

President of United States of Ameria

Barack Obama

King of Saudi Arabia

King Abdullah

Prime Minister of Russia

Vladimir Putin

Under the auspices of Euro Chinese Center of Research & Development With the support of: China Briefing EUPIC Our international licence: ISSN 1792 0027, listed in the International Catalogue of Publications in Paris FRANCE. Executive Editor: Stavros Nikolakopoulos Creative Editor: Alexios Nikolakopoulos Assistants to Editor:Rose Mao Eugenio Palmerini Yanjing Liu Alan Li Chief Designer: Guo Yonghai Layout: Lei Jiaxing Special Advisor: Li Chenggui Legal Advisor: Jason Jiang Published by: Eurasian Link International Consultant (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Address: 506 Tower C2 Oriental Plaza 1 East Chang An Ave.,Dongcheng District Tel86 10 8515 3618\8003 Fax86 10 8515 2818 e-mail:eurasianlink@126.com Website: www.eurochinabusiness.com www.eurochinabusiness.com.cn

Pope of Roman Catholic Church

Pope Benedict XVI

Chancellor of Germany

Angela Merkel

Prime Minister of United Kingdom

David Cameron

JAMES JAO architectural genius

Ben Bernanke

President of India National Congress

Sonia Gandhi


Co-chair of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Bill Gates

city planner & developer


RMB 30 HK$ 45 US$ 6.00 EURO 4.00
INTERVIEW SONG ZHE China's Ambassador to EU


ANDREAS POTAMIANOS Ambassador of Friendship of China Shipowner * the king of cruises


L i n k i n g

C h i n a

w i t h

E u r o p e

L i n k i n g

C h i n a

w i t h

E u r o p e

Contest of the century China v India

Wen Jiabao & George Papandreou Prime Ministers of China & Greece at the Parthenon on the sacred rock of Acropolis attaining the future with confidence!
CHINA TO SAVE GREECE Wen Jiabao's visit to Greece opens new ways and opportunities for tourism,investment and finance (port facilities & modern railways)

RMB 30 HK$ 45

US$ 6.00 EURO 4.00

George Papandreou Prime Minister of Greece

Wen Jiabao Prime Minister of China




The Greek Wine

2010-1 January - February

Greek Wine The elixir of OlympusGods

Special Feature The Phenomenon of Dubai FINANCIAL CENTRE P28 TOURISM HUB P30 REAL ESTATE BOOM P32

L i n k i n g

C h i n a

w i t h

E u r o p e

L i n k i n g

C h i n a

w i t h

E u r o p e

CHINA GREECE A new deal to combat the Greek financial crisis

Leaders to watch in 2010

1 wenjiabao (China)

3 Ichiro Ozawa (Japan) 4 David Cameron (UK)

2 Barack Obama (US)

China Briefing

5 Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (Brazil)

6 Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani (Iran)

7 Ashfaq Kayani (Pakistan)

Hu Jintao

George Papandreou

Weng Jiabao


James Jao, the famous American-Chinese architect and city planner, is building a Greek village in China!

ISSN 1792 0027 :

8 Vladimir Putin (Russia)

9 Sheikh Khalifa bin 10 Olli Rehn Zayed al Nahyan (UAE) (EU)


2009-6 November-December




L i n k i n g C h i n a w i t h E u r o p e

COVER STORY: Turning good intentions into joint actions INTERVIEW: China's engines of growth OPINION: Helping small firms is key to recovery

P4 P16 P28
Papandreou as President of Socialist International meets Hu Jintao

1504\505\506 86 10 8515 3618\8003

L i n k i n g

C h i n a

w i t h

E u r o p e

Herman Van Rompuy new President of EU Baroness Ashton Foreign Affairs Chief
A new and more effective cultural & tourism policy, to promote the treasures and natural beauties of Greece

Greek Minister of Culture & Tourism

Jos Manuel BARROSO

President of European Commission 2009-2014 A new era in EU-China relations 2009-2014

New Prime Minister of Greece With plan & vision for the future

86 10 8515 2818


ga l

Pavlos Geroulanos

Greek Dep. Minister for Tourism

Angela Gerekou

eurasianlink@126.com www.eurochinabusiness.com www.eurochinabusiness.com.cn










7 Cover story: James Jao story

BEIJING is seeking world-city role in tourism

16 J.A.O Design International Architects & Planners Limited 18 Corporate culture 29 Five Tips for foreigners 48 A great opportunity for China & EU 50 Time to reflect on Silk Road 52 BRICS has to take up more challenges 54 BRICS: target global economic reform 55 Meeting cements importance of BRICS 58 Tianjin: Coming out of shadow
A great opportunity for China & EU
Shao Qiwei Chairman of China National Tourism Administration

His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said



61 Tianjin to focus on innovation 62 Tianjin Maritime College 67 Seefine: pipes for China and the world 70 The phenomenon of Dubai 72 Greek Minister of State Haris Pampoukis in China

Painting true portrait of a country



Charging toward the future Tianjin has always suffered when compared to Beijing.Until 2008 it took two hours to travel by rail from Tianjin to Beijing, but the perceived gap in terms of culture and sophistication was measured in light years. Now the high-speed train has reduced the same journey to less than thirty minutes. At the same time,due to the heavy traffic and sprawling urbanization in Beijing,it can take longer to cross the capital than it does to reach Tianjin! At the same time Tianjin government is planning to turn the city into China's next development zone,as the pace shifts into high gear the city has been spruced up; renovations are under way in the historic former international concessions; massive developments are planned for this coastal port city. JIV MAGAZINE


cover story


32360 318020108 276019571903776 117


1980(PRATT)1984 MBA 1988 1993 1996 2001 1989



1819 20



21 200561526 21 21 21 5000




1 1 2040 PPT


GDP40% 21 21


J.A.O. Design International Architects & Planners Limited

J.A.O. Design International Architects & Planners Limited-Your Trusted Professional Firm in Executing Projects in China-was established in 1984 in New York. It was founded by Chinese American Mr. James Jao, one of the industry leaders in design, architecture and community planning. J.A.O. Design is a certified foreign enterprise that has over fifteen years experience in serving the Chinese government and private clients. J.A.O. has developed advanced abilities in design, concept, government communication, finance and economic evaluation services. We have won more than 117 awards in urban planning, and architectural design encompassing 31 provinces across China. J.A.O. employs professional designers from many different ethnic and national backgrounds. There are four disciplines of professional service that JAO Design provides to its clients: (1) Urban Planning: CBD design, city planning, new town planning, urban re-development, tourism planning and residential community planning. (2) Architecture Design: Class A offices, shopping centers, residential buildings, museums, exhibition & convention centers, international schools, mixed-use apartments and star-rated hotels; (3) Landscape Architecture: Gardens, parks and plazas. (4) Interior Design: Star-rated hotels, high-end homes, model units and clubhouses. At J.A.O. Design, our teams offer tailor-made design and planning production. We aim to provide various services based on project demands. J.A.O. Design also supports its clients with thorough feasibility investment research, finance, investment and consulting services. Since 2004 we have continuously been designated as one of Ten Most Influential Design Firms in China. J.A.O. has always endeavored to offer a combination of Chinese and Western cultures and exercises advanced business philosophies in our planning and architectural design projects. When our excellence in design is coupled with the prominent social status and resources Mr. James Jao possesses, we can assist our clients with government relations, financial support and other services. These assets have helped our clients projects bring back a high rate of return and shortened the time cycle of each project. Since 1993, J.A.O. Design has utilized its excellent design on more than 300 projects across China.


1984 31 80117 20046 300 1 CBD2 34 (ADB)(WD)


Corporate Culture
We will progress as we go.
To participate Urban Development via urban planning. ! To provide world class Low Carbon Green Buildings for ordinary Chinese people!



2010 Long Ons Operational Goal in 2010 is Simplification

Do ones job well, and excel oneself

Three abilities one must possess in order to become successful

1. ( Ability and Capability 2. Ability to bear pressure 3. Ability to react

Which category do you belong to?

1. You are capable, and you are essential. 2. You are capable, but not essential. 3. You are not capable, but you are essential. 4. You are neither capable or essential. 5. You are easily replaceable.

Who is James Jao?

B 13

There are four kinds of staff

1. Has the will, and the abilities. 2. Has the will, but no abilities. 3. Has no will, but has abilities. 4. Has no will, nor abilities.


The importance of a culture

De-centralizing production recommendation from the CCPs Deputy Chairmans office

When Jiang Zemin was the mayor of Shanghai, he was the first person to ask the Central Government to allow Shanghai city keep paying its current level of taxes to the Central government yet allow the excess amount to be used for the development of the local city. This system is the foundation of rapid Chinese urban development. J.A.O. can refer to this system for its future expansion in China.

The Three Steps to Stay Involved

Recognize our corporate culture and values Do your job well Excel yourself

Having the right perspective will deliver the right policies.

Not every one can make a difference

The two golden principles

Time is money! Efficiency is Life!


Which investment makes most of the money?

1. Buy and Sell Real Estate 2. Develop Real Estate 3. Buy and Sell Land 4. Change Land Use 5. Turn non-developable area into developable area A. One shot deal B., . Deal that makes steady and continuous cash flow, i.e. water supply, waster water management, electricity, toll road, garbage, district energy.

The HR Recommendations from the CCPs Deputy Chairmans office

Discover those undiscovered Promote the able Fairly treat those arguable Disqualify those who are less able

1. 2. 3.

1993 Former Premier Zhu Rongjis expectation on James Jao

Introduce and integrate latest Western design theories and concepts to China Train and mentor first-class design talent for China Contribute excellent architectural design to the Chinese urban landscape



J.A.O Design International Management Philosophy

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.ISO9001, 8.360 9. 1.Commercialism +Confucianism 2.Be a good adviser and friend to our client. 3.An unique style in combining Western and Eastern culture.(Never be ashamed to ask questions.) 4.There is a teacher among three people. 5.hree ordinary people can surpass a super wiseman. (Believe in Brain-storm Power) 6.Be true to yourself. One step creates one print. (Never jump before you can run.) 7.Implement ISO9001. Use pictures and Remarks instead of words. 8.Apply Amoebae Management System. Adopt 360 degree evaluation system. 9.Business competition is merciless. If one does not excel, one will be left behind.

12 J.A.O. requires its designer to possess 12 criteria

Good Taste Good Taste Ambiance Ambiance Vision Vision

Density Density

Experience Experience

Scale Scale

Spatial Spatial Relationship Relationship

Proportion Proportion

Materials Materials

Technical Technical

Color Color Coordination Coordination

Details Details


How to develop taste


J.A.O. Designs Goal is

To become a major architectural design and planning firm offers complete services in the Greater China Region with branch offices in major Chinese regions;

How do we combine the best between East & West?

5050%50% mix? 3070Or 30-70% mix?

Deng Xiao Pings metaphors

Being behind does not mean one will stay behind. ! Keeping developing is the only way. One will touch the rock to cross the river. Being flexible and adjust ones path along the way.

To combine Chinese and western design philosophies in providing our clients with the latest international design concepts. (

Our Methodologies
We are not a communal company. We are a private enterprise. Work more, pay more. Fair reward and punishment. Clear job role with fair responsibility, duty, and profit sharing. Team members--Project Manager---Studio Manager---Director, each one must know his/her role, and each one can perform as expected.

Lacking of any precedent, we will choose and walk down our own path.



Banana+ Orange theory of James Jao

() One needs to be firstly assimilated before one can do planning in that society. . Play hard and work hard. Be personable yet maintain ones personality

J.A.O. Designers Mission

As designers or planners, we must realize that every line we draw today will affect the quality of lives of the local residents in the future. We must know the needs of tomorrow; We must be responsible for what we do today; and we must be proud of what we did yesterday

Combine natural and civilization. User-Friendliness is Based Upon End-Users Rather Than Developers or City Officials. It must be environmental friendly.

Our Corporate Believes

Our requirement in execution. 3 A staff shall be able to work in a branch office within three hours of reporting because every form, system, and filing are identical in all offices.

Our aim is to create a pleasant work environment

I will work under a sharp team leader. I will only work with competent people. += Elite team+ Flexible System = Better Working Environment.

JAO Designer s Pursuit

Clients satisfaction is our biggest encouragement!

Member of J.A.O. Design

Be Programmatic Receiving and Delivering Be Truthful Sustaining J.A.O. Design


The Requirements of JAOs Dept. Head

JAO Designer s Management Members Belief

Detail is everything. Plan

It is not easy of being a JAO Staff

Only the best joins J.A.O. Design... , Only the best lasts in J.A.O. Design 360 We uses 360 degree, all angle evaluation system, to disqualify those who are less able each year.

good, plan hard, plan all around, and plan ahead. Executing detail will determine the successful conclusion of a job. Manager must act as a role model for the team member to follow. Crooked stick produces crooked shadow.

JAO Talks

JAO Designer s Attitude

What we have chosen is a life time profession. our career. We are easy as a personal, yet serious on our projects! We are very proud of

J.A.O. suggests its clients to posses the following 3 criteria

Resources both political and economical. Taste Guts --dare to make decisions



Our System
Reasonable work distribution, and adequate project scheduling. Every project has a budget, and every studio has a goal. Bonus and profit distribution will be recommended by the PM, and approved by the HR Director. The bonus amount will be decided by the Accounting Manager.

Our Design Aim to Achieve Three Happiness

Happy Buying Happy Living Happy Selling

ISO9001 The purpose implementing ISO 9001 system

We will deliver what we promised to our client, nothing more, nothing less Put everything in writing so it has a proof. Avoid a problem from happening before hands. Minimize the negative impacts when a problem occurs. Review and prevent the same problem from happening again.

Responsibility is number one task!

Late three times will receive a warning. Company will automatically deduct one month salary after three warnings. If the PM is absent from work once without noticing the appropriate personnel, half a month salary will be deducted, and he/she may be removed from his job.

Work smart is better than merely working hard

We have a lot of previous reports in the library. It is very important that people, especially the new staff, to read them before you start working on projects, so you would know how to utilize this resources to save time in actual production phase. 2 EURO CHINA arab BUSINESS

Regardless of what kind of projectthe juror will decide the winning design based upon the following criteria
Did the design follow the mission statement? Is the design concept exciting? Is the design concept well presented? Does the presentation stands out among other entries? Is the scheme implement able?

The Six Capabilities of a Designer

1. Able to observe (nice design details) 2. Able to think and research (design

5-P J.A.O.s 5-P Operational Aim

direction) 3. Able to execute (design believes) 4. Able to write (design narratives) 5. Able to read (design reference materials) 6. Able to speak (so to convince owner of your design intentions)

Passion Affection Relation

Never Assume. When you assume, you are making an ASS out of U and ME.



PR Profitable Result (PR)


Jao's Five Tips for Foreigners who want to do business in China

them published. First of all, family life in China is not too bad. You basically can get almost everything you need these days. There are many western-styled residential communities where kids can ride their bikes, while parents walk the dogs. Starbucks coffee shops are as prolific as in any western city. You can also find the best cuisines from around the world in Beijing these days French, Italian, Spanish, and Japanese ... you name it, Beijing has it ... and more are coming."Eyeopening" has now replaced the term "mind-boggling" as the key phrase used by many wester n tourists to describe China. In terms of business, people in the U.S. say that we have the three "Ps" here in China Performance, Proof-ofrecord and Profit. While other firms sit on the bench with strong desires to come here, I am here already. While others are still struggle to make money, my firm has already distributed sizeable dividends to our investors. So, what are the secrets? Well, there are no secrets. The old doctrines of hard work and trying new ideas out have made us who we are today. Nonetheless, I do have five tips for those individuals who would want to come here. 1) One must know its unique culture. Contemporary Chinese culture is a combination of traditional values, communist ideology, socialism and neo-capitalism. I call this mixture "neo-mainlandism". It is unique from other Chinese societies in Southeast Asia, Taiwan, Hong Kong and elsewhere. For example, one of the most famous phrases used by the people here is: wen-ti-buda (). The problem is not big. Many people who come here, including myself at the beginning, are totally confused by its meaning. Because, you either have a problem or no problem at all. Does this phrase mean that there is a problem? Well, if you have good connections, it means the problem can be minimized, and it could be also solved. But if you don't have the pull, it is definitely a problem. Get it? That is the reason I emphasize these days that understanding China's unique culture is imperative to doing business here. Speaking Putonghua is not good enough. 2) Relationship will bring you motivations, and friendship will yield results, or wealth. When I first came to China, my friends taught me this golden rule. It means that one must make as many friends as possible. That is also why there are so many social gatherings one must attend to broaden one's list of contacts here. Chinese people love to become friends first and then do business later. After years of isolation, most locals are a bit insecure. They know they need to get outside help, but they don't know whom to trust. As a result, referral is the best source of gaining instant creditability. The weight of your credentials is often measured by who brought you into the picture. Therefore, having good connections is the key to making things happen. But there are many caveats in exercising this rule-ofthumb in China as the status of your Chinese contacts can change overnight. 3) You must be the best in what you do. The locals can do mediocrity cheaper and faster. China is evolving rapidly. Ten years ago, when food stamps were still a part of normal daily life, I bet no one could envision EURO CHINA arab BUSINESS

Recently I was invited to Harvard Business School to participate on a panel discussion on China's urbanization. In case you haven't noticed--China is the fastest urbanizing country in the world t o d a y, a n d a s a r e s u l t m a n y opportunities exist here. Years ago, China was a "hardship" posting for the staff of multinational companies and org anizations. Today, applications for postings in China are increasingly rapidly, as it is probably one of the safer places to be these days. Of course, it is not Switzerland yet. As an individual who was born outside China, who grew up in the U.S., and who now works in China, many people had asked me about my life here and what advice I could offer to people wanting to participate in the rapid economic development in China. After having repeated the same advice a few times, I think perhaps I should record them down and get

the China we have today. Likewise, no one here, not even the most renowned Chinese experts can predict what China would be like ten years from now. When China first opened itself up, people tended to sell inferior products and provided poor services here. Today, with the Internet, mobile phones, and modern IT technology, plus local ingenuity and drive, any foreigner who wishes to work in China must be the best in their field in order to prosper here. Mediocrity no longer works here, because the local can do it cheaper and faster. 4) Don't be afraid of trying. Action is the key. Chinese people are normally very fond of foreigners, and they are more tolerant to the honest mistakes that foreigners make. Don't be afraid to tr y things out. As long as you are not playing games, you will get a second chance here. In the business world,

everyone wants to make money in China. However, honest action speaks louder. 5) Nothing is impossible; everything is difficult. Patience is a vir tue. Despite China j o i n i n g t h e Wo r l d Tr a d e Organization and getting the 2008 Games and the 2010 World Expo, getting things done here can sometimes be not all that easier. Although the system is getting better daily, patience and having a g ood stomach to bear the pains of dealing with the local regulator y bodies is necessary. It still requires a lot of paperwork to get the proper licenses and permits. So, be patient. Profit will come if you can sweat it out. These are my five tips to those people who are considering coming to China. I hope to hear

feedbacks from those of you who are here already.

P (Performance, Proof-of-record and Profit) 5 1. 2.

, 3. 10 IT 4. 5. 2008 2010 5


Macau, China

( 2006 )

Location: Macau, China Client: Xinjianye Group Size: 370,000 Service: Facade Design 370,000


Macau Keweina Residential Complex

Macau, which is close to mainland China, has always been an economic trade and cultural intersection between the East and the West. It has trade relationships with more than one hundred countries and regions via its extensive international marketing network. Entering Macao means entering an international region, it has been more than 10 years since J.A.O. Design came into the mainland from Hong Kong. The Keyina project in Macao is a milestone in the development of J.A.O. Design. Keyina project is located in the section of keyina road lulianyue road, and neighbors the Macau Jockey Club. The size of project is 37 hectares, in which there are eight fifty story towers with a height of 159 meters each. The place is very beautiful and quiet and is provided with convenient traffic, which combines peace with prosperity and becomes the senior residential ideal location. Taking developers-strategic planning and marketing requirements into consideration, the new class was selected among many architectural styles. Elegant and architectural style was reflected by using modern techniques (such as metal and glass) based on the deep understanding and extraction of classical architecture.
100 37 850159 ,


Beijing Songzhuang Creative & Cultural Community Urban Design

2008 Beijing Songzhuang Creative & Cultural Community Urban Design(2008) Location: Beijing, China 15 Size: 3,705 acre Service: Urban design 20086 Remark: In June, 2008, this project won the Dubai International Award for Best Practice to Design to Living Environment, it has already been finished.

15 20086


European Style Commercial Street in the Yancheng New District Jiangsu
36,000 European Style Commercial Street in the Yancheng New District Jiangsu Location: Yancheng, Jiangsu Province Size: 36,000 m2 Service: Project Planning, Detailed Planning, Architectural Design, Landscape Design, Construction Design Remark: Built


2009 46 3

4 4


3 12123 2010 3 11 3 3 :LED 3 2 8 life experience 201051


Dominic Portsmouth New Commercial City & Londonderry Golf Resort Concept Planning
Dominica ( 2006 )

Client: Commonwealth of Dominica Size: 338 ha. Service: City Planning & Golf Resort Planning Remark: Commissioned Design 338

New Commercial City Planning of Portsmouth & Londonderry Golf Resort Planning Dominica is a member of the Caribbean belt and Common Market (CARICOM). This project is focused on the International Commercial City of Portsmouth and the Londonderry Golf Villa Area. The site of the International Commercial City which is located in the northwest part of Dominica and enclosed by Douglas Bay and Prince Rupert Bay is the second largest city in Dominica. The famous Cabrits National Park which houses the ruins of Fort Shirley is located there and attracts many visitors every year.

The International Commercial City is a comprehensive development project integrating commerce tourism and residential development. It includes a largescale international commercial city. Several ecological residential areas a holiday hotel a large-scale amusement city administrative and commercial office buildings and several wharves which serve visitors and tourists Design Concept: Design Objective

To create a city connection and a clear regional frame composed of nature reserves areas developable zones and traffic systems. To s t i m u l a t e c o m m e r c i a l demands and to create an international commercial center with local features.To strengthen commercial exchanges optimize commercial atmospheres and buildup city characteristics. To create a multilayer traffic system including all kinds of traffic modes such as external waterborne traffic motorway and cycle way. To create sophisticated open spaces and walking systems in order to offer diversified outdoor activities.To elevate the quality of the planning region by integrating commerce finance local culture and tourism into the planning. The site of the Golf Villa Area is located in Londonderry in the northeast part of Dominica,Melville

Hall Airfield, which serves light aircraft.Is located to the south and Londonderr y Bay is located to the east.This is a comprehensive development project with an 18-hole golf course and about 200 villas. There are also a commercial district serving the villa area and a golf club.

18 200


Zhejiang, China ( 2005 )

Location: Ningbo, Zhejiang Province Size: 76,500 m2 Service: Architectural Design Remark: International Competition; On Sept 21, 2006, this project won the Jinshi Prize of Excellent Planning of International Team in the 14th China Architecture Jinshi Prize Competition. 76,500 2006921,14


Ningbo Communications Adminstration Industry & Commerce Adminstration Office Building

We present a ground breaking, cutting-edge design to activate the new CBD. A chance to set a new standard for sustainable building in China and do it in Ningbo! Our Building is a majestic set of towers that dance with each other and reach out to the new city. It is a Symbol of the Interconnected Transportation Network. A Network that makes all Industry and commerce possible. It is a Unique and Fitting Symbol for Both the Transportation and Commerce Bureaus of Ningbo.


Shanghai Star Location: Shanghai, China Size: 140,00chitectural Design Remark: Commissioned Design 140,000


Shanghai Star
The project is the composed of 2 steel structure buildings with a total area of 100,000s.m. with an F.A.R. of about 4. An open air space that is around 72% and a density of no more than 20%. The tower has a radius of 80 m. and the top 16 stores have an empty central core that provides natural light and works as a thermal chimney driving the air upwards. As in all large buildings, cooling is the load factor throughout the floor, and this design will allow greater efficiency. The second building is a curved tower of 100m. high with air intake point that drives the air into the thermal chimney. The number of stores is 23 and with a 3.9m floor-to-floor height each. A futuristic Office Park featuring an 80-meter diameter orb shaped building as its central core. Two curved towers flank the orb on either side. The buildings all employ energy saving state of the art double skins and mechanical blinds to automatically adjust and control climatic conditions.

100,000 472% 20%8016 100 233.9


How did you become so famous in China?


My talented in-house design manager, Dennis, asked me this question while we were traveling in Ningbo. Although it was a simple question, I think it was a good question and especially of interest to many of the foreigners who would like to make it here in China. Therefore, I am writing my answers down. I hope my sharing of it will be inspirational to others. My answers to Dennis question were as follows.
Dennis Dennis

First of all, be proactive--treat yourself as one of the locals not as an alien in this community.

Second, work hard in order to become one of the inner circles in your field.

I dont know about others, but I have always hated to be an outsider. Outsiders dont get a fair shot no matter how big you are. The biggest market is the local market, not the minority one. So becoming a member of the inner circle is crucial to becoming an even more-trusted member. Thats why I worked hard while I was in the United States of America so I could be treated as a member of the community there. I avoided being isolated. I volunteered, and got myself involved. I didnt live in Chinese congregated areas. I perfected my language skills so I could mingle with the locals.

As many of you know I did not grow up in China. Therefore, when I came to China, I deployed the same strategy. I chose not to live in the all-American town, not do foreign-based business or to attend just expatriate functions. The mainstream is, and will always be, the locals. Due to differences in life style and culture, it is never going to be easy mixing in with the locals. But one must try. It had taken me ten years in the US to not be treated as an interloper, and it has taken me five years here in China. Yes, being an ethnic Chinese helped. But with my big nose, I did not look Chinese to them. Many of my old friends here can attest to you that my Chinese was not good when I first came here. My vocabulary was limited and I had to mix many English words in my conversation. But I did not give myself excuses. I knew China would be my biggest market, so I have learned to adapt to the local environment and acquired local social skills. These days, I am indeed very happy whenever I hear someone say that James Jao has little friends in China but a lot of buddies. It is always true that no matter where you are, and who you are, you will yield and reap the benefits once you have become an inner circle member.

Third, make sure that the government likes you.

about me. The title of the book is called: From the American Dream to the Chinese Dream--James Jao, the Urban Doctor. My personal blog has been rated as one of the ten most influential blogs in China in the last three years. I am especially privileged that I have helped found the China Real Estate Design League, the largest NGO of design professionals in China, and was elected as the second CEO in 2008. My firm is now a brand name entity here, and I dont worry about being left out of the competition here.
1990 30108 200910 2008CEO

Unlike the western system, Chinese system works from the top down not from the bottom up. Subsequently, getting the necessary governmental recognition is very important here. It is very significant when the government endorse your talents. Ever since the early 1990s, I have written many papers in my field to be recognized as a certified foreign expert by the State Council. I am now a consultant to some 30 plus provinces and municipalities, and have won over 108 awards in China. I have written two very popular books on planning and life in general. These two books have been widely read by the Chinese officials. In Oct. 2009, the government published a biography


Fourth, you can not pretend. You must be good in what you do.

Chinese know they are behind in the world. They are seeking you to teach and to show them the trend. Being a rule maker and to yield profit is always the better position no matter where you are in this world. On top of that, the world is a small place and people know each other. Many people have this misconception that China is a big place with 1.3 billion people, and you can get away with anything. Not true. It is a big country alright, but it is still a small community on the top of the pyramid. In the end, everyone knows each other. Therefore, dont think you can get away with anything. Honesty is the best policy. This is a true doctrine across the board. Be sincere and honest to your friends, clients and colleagues. Tricks can only work temporarily. It is your true knowledge and know-how that will last. Furthermore, you will be respected and you will be given a fair share. After all, respect must be earned.

business opportunities here. Being isolated from the outside world between 1949 and 1989, Chines people knows it needs to work hard on its internationally accepted social etiquettes. They also need to pay attention to its natural resources and environment. But just like any new student in school, he or she needs coaches and counselors rather than critics. Americans dont like me to complain about their problems. The same holds true here in China. Chinese dont like to hear you complain about them all the time. If you dont like Chinese money, get out of the country.

Finally, one must work hard in order to succeed.

As a young immigrant in New York, I had to work my butt off to become who I am. I have always believed in the old proverb that working hard does not necessarily guarantee success, but not working hard will guarantee failure. So, put in the hours and sweat it out.

Fifth, you dont need to love China but you must like China and believe in its future.

No matter where you are, the host always hates those who have come to their house to eat yet complained a lot. Like it or not, China is on its way to becoming a top nation in the world. And I have often stated that I am indeed much honored and very grateful to be a part of this prosperous growth in China. There are many

With the approach of the Chinese Year of Tiger, Id like to wish to those of you who have a will in China to find your way here. Gong Hey Fat Choy! Gong Xi Fa Cai! (pronounced gong-shi-fa-chai) MAY 2010 BE A PROSPEROUS YEAR FOR YOU ALL.

China - France


A great opportunity for China and EU


not to mention the hundreds of years of contacts between Europe and China. Many millions of young Europeans and Chinese, even well-educated university g raduates, find themselves struggling in the current employment market or are in some way anxious about the future. And indeed many of those lucky enough to h ave j o b s fi n d th em sel ves trapped in low-paid employment, wo r r y i n g a b o u t h o u s i n g a n d mortgage payments, expensive healthcare, rising cost of living and the seeming lack of opportunities to make a better life for themselves and their families. Young people are increasingly stressed about so many different aspects of their lives. In organizing this year-long event, we need to be as inclusive as possible of all our young people, no matter their educational background or level of social standing. We should also tr y to answer the question on the lips of many young people, both European and Chinese: What difference can the EU-China Year of Youth make to my life?

This year is the European UnionC h i n a Ye a r o f Yo u t h . A i m e d at strengthening and expanding people-to-people contacts, intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding and cooperation, it offers opportunities for young Europeans and Chinese to meet, exchange ideas and learn from each other in 2011 and beyond. Last month saw the successful launch of this celebratory year in Brussels, capital of the EU. This excellent initiative promises to be one of the most important areas of cooperation in the 35-year history of our formal relationship,



I think that the best answer to this question is "opening up to each other". Knowing more about each other is the best way to reinforce peaceful and respectful relations and to build a better future in what is no longer a vast unexplored planet, but an increasingly familiar global village in which we are all close neighbors. We have identified a number of highly interesting areas for future joint work: voluntary activities, active involvement in society and youth work, healthy lifestyles, creativity and international vision, employment and entrepreneurship. The younger generation today has one great advantage that even people of my generation, just 20 years ago, did not have: They have the ability to connect with other young people all over the world instantly through the magic of the Internet, social media and mobile communication. The first great youthful connector between Europe and China, Marco Polo, left Venice in Italy in 1271 as a young man of just 17 years old and it took him more than three years to reach Beijing. Today, a young Chinese in downtown Shanghai can connect with a friend in rural Hungary in the blink of an eye. But despite all the great technological advances, many young Europeans and young Chinese still know very little about each other. Language is of course the first obstacle that comes to mind, but there are plenty of young Chinese with sufficient knowledge of English and other European languages, as well as an increasing number of young Europeans with some knowledge of Chinese to facilitate more contact between each other.

Currently, there are 210,000 Chinese students in Europe, many through the EU's well-known Erasmus Mundus study program, and 25,000 European students in China. This is already a good start, but we are hoping to expand contacts between students this year through the twinning of schools. Our target is to have 100 schools on each side participating in this program. A much bigger challenge seems to be how to overcome social and cultural barriers and misperceptions that we have about each other. This we can only achieve by encouraging more people-to-people contacts between our peoples, especially between our youth. I would say that most young Europeans don't know much about the daily lives and concerns of young Chinese and vice-versa. This year, we will hold a series of events both in China and Europe, such as concerts, cultural events, film festivals, art exhibitions and competitions, debates, social events, student events, and open days of EU and Chinese embassies in Europe and China. All of these will be open to the public and I encourag e yo u n g p eo p l e to participate in them as much as possible. In his famous essay, Young China, Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) scholar and one of China's first democrats Liang Qichao wrote: "If the youth are wise, society will be wise; if the youth are rich, society will be rich; if the youth are strong, society will be strong; if the youth are independent, society will be independent; if the youth are free, society will be free; if the youth progress, society will progress." Success can only be measured in results. It would be wonderful to think that in the years to come, the


result of this first EU-China Year of Youth will lead more marriages between Europeans and Chinese. Yes, the EU-China Year of Youth is a matchmaking exercise, but not of the traditional kind. The future will see more EU-Chinese joint enterprises, joint patents, joint innovations by EU and Chinese scientists, technology developed by EU and Chinese researchers that combats climate change, Chinese and Europeans securing peace together in trouble spots around the world, even exploring the vast universe of space together. There is no limit to what the next generation of great European and Chinese minds can accomplish working together. The author is the European Unions ambassador to China.


Time to reflect on Silk Road

By Nazem Al Kudsi

The turbulence in resource-rich Middle East and North Africa has been worrying political leaders and businesses across the world. But I believe a process is unfolding that will make the region a more attractive place to do business and invest - especially if it can emulate China's progress over the last two decades. Demographics - about two-thirds of the region's population is aged below 30 years - is one of the most important long-term drivers of rapid economic growth in the Middle East and North Africa. While this has led economists to forecast a surge in domestic demand in the coming years, the region will reach its true economic potential only if this group of increasingly well-educated people can fulfil their aspirations. An estimated 40 million jobs need to be created in the next few years in the region - a task that can only be met and sustained if the private sector is unleashed. Governments must now create the right environment for new businesses to blossom, and small companies to grow into national leaders - which means withdrawal of vested interests and providing a level-playing field for all. Policymakers in the Middle East and North Africa know that economic reform is needed and have been moving in the right direction by reducing red tape and taxes.

The recent events, however, may give the much-needed jolt to set the private sector truly free. That is why I am inspired when I l o o k b a ck a t t h e e c o n o m i c transfor mation that emerged from Deng Xiaoping's southern tour in 1992, which set the tone for unprecedented economic stimulation and sparked enormous growth in China's private enter prises. In China, private companies have doubled in number

to about 40 million over the last two decades, and created 11.4 million jobs in 2009 alone, accounting for 90 percent of new urban employment. With governments fully focused on job creation, a similar liftoff is possible in the Middle East and North Africa, where state enter prises still dominate the economic landscape. There is much room for private c o m p a n i e s t o g r o w. P r i v a t e

investment rates have stagnated in recent years at around 15 percent of GDP, compared to 30 percent in East Asia. T he number of registered businesses in the region, as a proportion of the population, stands at one-sixth the level of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and one-third that of East Europe. As a result, manufacturers in the region face six times fewer competitors in the domestic market than their East European counterparts. If, as I believe, leaders across the region start to actively promote private enterprises, productivity g a i n s w i l l f o l l o w, a n d t h e opportunities for inward investment will be huge. This is a time for China and the Middle East to consolidate their relations. Two thousand years after land and sea routes were established to carry

goods, cultures, languages, the arts and religions between East Asia and the Middle East, we are seeing a revival of the "Silk Road". With free trade talks underway between the six-countr y Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and China, annual trade f lows are expected to more than triple to $350 billion by 2020. China recently overtook the United States as the biggest exporter to the GCC countries, with annual exports crossing $60 billion, more than 10 times the level a decade ago. In return, the GCC countries account for 35 percent of China's crude oil imports. Now investment is taking root. So far the focus has been on energy Chinese firms have won three of the 11 oil production concessions granted by Iraq and Sinopec was one of the first foreign firms to win

a gas concession in Saudi Arabia - but my contact with Chinese officials and business leaders point to greater variety. Eag er to lear n, and extending a g enuine hand of friendship, they want to set up long-ter m businesses at all levels - essentially to become part of the region's society and development. Banking, financial services, aviation and land transportation have been particularly interesting for recent delegations. As China builds up its investment in the Middle East, Chinese entrepreneurs will naturally start to form views on how the region's policies steer economic development, and therefore impact their return on capital. I believe this will be a positive d e ve l o p m e n t a s o p i n i o n s a r e moulded by experience. The Middle East can learn much from China's development over the last two decades, particularly when it comes to moving up the manufacturing value chain, increasing productivity, building infrastructure and fostering private enterprise. Confucius said we might learn wisdom by imitation, which is the easiest, and by experience, which is the bitterest, but the third, reflection, is the noblest. I am in favour of all three. The author is CEO of Invest AD, a United Arab Emirates company offering investment expertise to institutional investors.


climate change

BRICS has to take up more challenges

r a z i l , Ru s s i a , I n d i a , China and South Africa (BRICS) together have a population of more than 3 billion - or about 43 percent of the world total. The BRICS economies account for 18 percent of the world's economic aggregate, 15 percent of foreign trade volume, and attract 53 percent of the foreign capital. By 2015, BRICS' total GDP will increase to 23 percent of the world total, and by 2020 to 31 percent. T he five countries' combined population will peak at 44 percent of the world total by 2015 but is expected to fall to 37.1 percent by 2030. Their continuous GDP growth and falling population (after 2015) are bound to increase their per capita income and improve the living standards of their peoples. The leaders of the five countries will met at the BRICS summit in Sanya, Hainan province, on April 14 to discuss global developments, financing and cooperation. But apart from the points on the Sanya summit agenda, the leaders had to deal with five domestic problems.

First, they have to take measures to narrow the large income gap in their countries, although they are already implementing social policies to this end. Second, the BRICS economies have to increase the pace of industrialization. Currently, their industrial str uctures and most of the products they export are resource-intensive or laborintensive. But to become countries with high per capita income, they have to transform themselves into skill-intensive and knowledgeintensive economies. Third, the five economies have to improve their social security systems. They are indeed trying hard to do that, but they have to intensify their efforts. Fourth, they have to take steps to control inflation. In the past 10 years, Brazil has successfully implemented macroeconomic control. It has basically stabilized inflation - at least it doesn't face hyperinflation. But inflation is a serious problem for China and the

other three BRICS economies. For China, rising prices of iron ore and imported oil are increasing prices of goods in the domestic market. So it has to find the best way to control inflation and maintain steady and fast economic development at the same time, which is not an easy task. Last, the five countries have to stem the flow of hot money into their economies. This again is a difficult task, because their fast development and investment oppor tunities offer high returns and thus attract overseas investors. Apart from the massive gains they can make by solving their domestic problems, the BRICS economies have a lot to benefit from their relationship with developed countries, and vice-versa. In fact, their cooperation can result in a truly win-win situation. The BRICS economies import a huge amount of equipment from developed countries to meet their urbanization and industrialization demands. Their combined demand and the developed countries' capital and technological superiority can drive global economic growth, and help the developed economies to emerge from the global economic crisis. The BRICS economies' relationship with other developing countries is again a mutually beneficial affair. The expansion of BRICS' markets will especially help countries in Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia, which can increase their

climate change

exports. In return, BRICS can take advantage of the rapid development of other developing countries' markets to increase their own exports and growth. Last year, China imported nearly $1.4 trillion worth of goods. Going at the current growth rate, its imports will reach $3 trillion by 2015. Such a big market is open to all countries, and hopefully more developing countries will capitalize on it to boost their economic growth and employment rate. The BRCIS economies are increasing their overseas investment, especially in developing countries. For example, China is the biggest investor in Brazil. Besides mutual investments, the BRICS economies are also investing in other developing countries, helping increase local employment and economic development. The BRICS economies have a lot in common, including their fight against trade protectionism, which s o m e c o u n t r i e s h a ve resorted to after the global financial crisis. Some developed countries have imposed a technological blockade and refuse to export high-tech products to the developing economies. This is nothing but

"excessive trade protectionism", an "anti-globalization" trend, which is a challenge for the BRICS economies. The global financial crisis was created because some individuals in major developed countries abused their national credit system and issued excessive amounts of currencies, which resulted in the proliferation of financial products. Now, all countries are mulling ways to reform the international financial and monetary system to stabilize the world economy. The BRICS economies are more or less the victims of the global financial crisis and, therefore, should cooperate to the fullest extent to reform the international financial and monetary system. It is important that the five countries

speak in one voice to increase their say and influence in the international financial system reform. Climate change is another common challenge for the BRCIS economies. Industrialization in the developed countries began a couple of centuries ago, and they have been emitting greenhouse gases since then. So they should take the major responsibility of fighting climate change. Besides, they should also transfer environmentally friendly technologies to the developing nations at low costs, if not for free, to help the latter adapt to and fight against climate change. But some developed countries are using the transfer of green technologies to make profits. This is tantamount to sabotaging the development of emerging economies, a move that can be thwarted only if BRICS cooperate on the issue. But the five countries also need multi-level consultations to learn from each other and meet common development goals if they want to have their say in the new world order.


BRICS: target global economic reform

ANYA, Hainan - Leaders of the five BRICS nations vowed to support reform of the international monetary system and the setting up of a broadbased international reserve currency system. The pledge was made after a summit of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) group in Sanya, Hainan province. "Recognizing that the international financial crisis has exposed the inadequacies and deficiencies of the existing international monetary and financial system, we support the reform and improvement of the international monetary system, with a broad-based international reserve currency system providing stability and certainty," the post-summit communique said. P r e s i d e n t H u J i n t a o, Ru s s i a n President Dmitry Medvedev, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff,

and South African President Jacob Zuma attended the summit on Thursday. The leaders welcomed proposals to expand the Special Drawing Right (SDR), reser ves held by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and sug gestions that the composition of a basket of currencies for the SDR should be broadened. The BRICS also called for the rapid reform of the IMF, which was ag reed at previous G20 summits. The leaders agreed the governing structure of international financial institutions should reflect changes in the global economy, especially by increasing the voice and representation of emerging economies and developing countries. V l a d i m i r D m i t r i e v, ch a i r m a n of Vnesheconombank, Russia's development bank, said that the enhanced economic power of the BRICS should result in an increased

role for their currencies in the international financial system. Five BRICS development banks signed a framework agreement on financial cooperation, vowing to gradually promote credit and settlement in local currencies. Chen Yuan, chairman of China Development Bank, a leading lender among the five banks, told China Daily that although no specific details were settled in the framework agreement, he expected the bank's yuan lending to the other four BRICS members will reach as much as 10 billion yuan ($1.53 billion) this year. Though the bank did not lend yuan to the other members of BRICS before, it had lent more than $38 billion to the group by the end of 2010, compared with total foreign exchange lending of $141.3 billion, according to Chen. He expected loans to the other BRICS members to rise by as much as 20 percent year-on-year in 2011. T he framework also extended cooperation to capital markets, including bond issues and helping corporations to list, Chen said. Lu Zhengwei, chief economist with Industrial Bank, said the large economic disparity among the BRICS means their room for manoeuvre on reform of the international monetary system may be limited. It would be more practical to urge stabilization of major currencies, e s p e c i a l l y t h e U S d o l l a r, a n d coordinate their efforts against "hot money", speculative capital inflows of foreign capital, he said. E m e r g i n g m a r ke t s h ave b e e n a favored destination for "hot money" and the BRICS should boost cooperation on the issue, Wu Hailong, China's assistant foreign minister, said on Thursday at a news briefing.


Meeting cements importance of BRICS

By Wang Yusheng

South Africa joined the BRIC n a t i o n s, B r a z i l , Ru s s i a , I n d i a and China, for the third BRIC summit meeting, which was held in China's resort city of Sanya, Hainan province. With emerging market economies g rowing all over Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America, the newly enlarged BRICS is becoming more and more influential. BRICS is a reflection of the changing times. Since the end of the Cold War, the rise of developing countries has resulted in a historic change in the global balance of power and it was natural for the five countries to come together in order to expand their international influence and share prosperity, as cooperation among the BRICS countries is an extension of the C h i n a - Ru s s i a - I n d i a t r i l a t e r a l cooperation and the India-BrazilS o u t h A fr ica " qua si-a llia nce" mechanism. The BRICS countries share many common characteristics and aspirations. They all adhere to an independent development model and are endeavoring to establish a more just and reasonable international economic and political

order and a peaceful international environment. "Our economic potential, political influence and our development prospects as an alliance are exceptional," Russian President

Dmitry Medvedev said after the summit on Thursday. The third summit was held against a different background to the first BRIC summit in Russia in 2009 and the second in Brazil in 2010, which took place amid the global financial crisis. The latest meeting comes in the wake of the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami in Japan, and the political and military "earthquakes" in North Africa and the Middle

East. In a statement after the summit BRICS leaders said they were deeply concerned about the turbulence in the Middle East, the North African and West African regions and said they "share the principle that the use of force should be avoided". They called for a peaceful settlement to the conflict in Libya and praised the mediation efforts of the African Union. The massive earthquake in Japan and the ensuing nuclear power plant crisis sparked people's selfexamination over the safe use of nuclear power. BRICS countries all need to develop and use nuclear energy, therefore the summit was a good opportunity for state leaders to exchange experiences and views and reach a consensus on ways forward. Of course, it was also important f o r t h e s u m m i t t o co o r d i na te positions on ways to sustain the world economic recover y and accelerate the global rebalancing, for this year's G20 summit in France. The leaders called for a broadbased international reserve currency system that would be able to provide stability and certainty. It is clear that some developed countries are alarmed by the rise of developing countries and they seek to use ideological differences and problems left over by history to sow discord among the BRICS members. T he BRICS countries must be prudent and defuse any situations that arise promptly and carefully. What BRICS countries are endeavoring to do is to care for each other's basic interests and strengthen dialogue and cooperation, in order to promote world peace and development. The author is executive director of the Strategy Research Center of China International Studies Research Fund.


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2009-3 MAY-JUNE

Dmitry Medvedev



Taso Aso

Kevin Rudd

Sarkozy Berlusconi

Gordon Brown

collective action the only solution!

The World in Recession



The Liberation Bridge, formerly the International Bridge, is one of the landmarks on the Haihe River. Ma Cheng

By Raymond Zhou

Coming out of the shadow

In ter ms of histor y it cannot compete with Beijing. In terms of cosmopolitan flair and industrial prowess, it is no rival for Shanghai. A Tianjin Museum exhibition that highlights its history over the past 100 years even includes several exhibits specific to Beijing. Moreover, it seems Tianjin has not fully reconciled with its colonial past, which was tinged with such violence as the 1870 church incident and the 1900 Boxer Rebellion. It had nine concessions, while foreign trade also turned Tientsin (as it was then termed) into an international hub. Wester n civilization f lowed in through this port city, creating China's first modern university, the first law school, the first teacher training college for women, the first school for training music and physical education teachers, the first aquaculture school, among others. Tianjin holds some 100 records of this kind in the nation's progress toward modernity. While Western imperialists used Tianjin as a stepping-stone, those loyal to the throne, and revolutionaries, viewed the city as a back yard.

Tianjin is usually defined in relation to Beijing. For good or bad, its proximity to the capital city - 137 km from both cities' downtown railway stations - has determined that it will forever be in the capital's shadow, the relatively neglected younger sibling of a high-profile brother, so to speak. Tianjin was China's third municipality under the central g over nment, after Beijing and Shanghai. It got that status in 1927, but lost it temporarily from 1958 to 1967. Tianjin's awkward position is not just the result of its geographical location.

humor, distinct dialect and folksy sensibilities. Like it or not, Tianjin is on the march. Whole streets are being renovated. New buildings - in the old colonial style nonetheless - are being erected along the Haihe River. Most importantly, a high-speed rail line opened last year between Beijing South Railway Station and downtown Tianjin. The journey takes just 30 minutes and trains depart every 15 minutes, essentially turning Tianjin into a Beijing suburb. Since 2003 when the Beijing-Tianjin integration plan came into being, Tianjiners have come to realize that they don't have to see the city next door as a rival, but as a neighbor whose halo will spread endless light. As San Jose is to San Francisco, or Shenzhen is to Hong Kong, Tianjin has found its unique position that allows it to flourish in its own right. They withdrew from the center stage that was Beijing, morphed into "crouching tigers and hidden dragons" in Tianjin, and bided their time for a chance to return. The last emperor Puyi lived in the Japanese concession from 1924 to 1931 and was divorced by his concubine, an unprecedented blow to his imperial honor. It was also in this city that Peking Opera stars found their fame. As the old saying went: Learn the trade in Beijing, gain fame in Tianjin and make money in Shanghai. Nowadays, Tianjin is the cradle of crosstalk, the Chinese equivalent of stand-up comedy. Ma Sanli, with his dialect-heavy delivery, had a strong influence on a generation of Chinese comedians. Guo Degang, the reigning king of crosstalk, has re-established his hometown as the spring for this kind of Chinese humor. Tianjiners are widely believed to be acerbic and witty. Having a "Tianjin mouth" is tantamount to possessing a certain eloquence, somewhat similar to David Letterman's humor. Tianjin is more laidback than other Chinese metropolises. Some call it "lagging behind", citing the slower pace of ultra-urbanization; others deem it a way of preserving the old lifestyle with its quirky EURO CHINA arab BUSINESS

Tianjin Binhai New Area and TEDA, and making outstanding achievements in facilitating trade cooperation and projects with counterparts home and abroad. From 2004 to the first half year of 2009, CCPITTJ and TCOIC have invited and received 307 trade missions of more than 3600 people from Brazil, U.S.A., Ger many, Netherland, Greece, Thailand, Korea and Japan successively, organized delegations overseas for business purpose.At present, C C P I T T J a n d T C O I C h ave a n e t wo r k o f p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h economic and trade organizations as well as well-known talents from over 100 countries and regions; have signed agreements or MOU with 81 foreign counterparts from continents such as Europe, North America, South America and Asia. Meanwhile, we have held various economic and trade events to promote investment and business overseas with foreign counterparts, for example: Outbound Investment Seminars Swiss Resource and Investment Environment Seminar Czech Market and Investment Environment Seminar Japan Investment Environment Seminar Philippine Trade and Investment Seminar International Trade Talks Europartenariat Trade Talks from 2000 to 2006 in Europe &China 7th American Housing Technology and Building Products Trade Talks Spain China Investment Trade Talks 2008 Greece and China Business Trade Talks 2008 Thailand Agricultural Products Caravan in China 2009 Germany-Tianjin Business Talks 2009 Trade Fairs Abroad North East Asia Region(NEAR) International Materials & Components Industry Fair, every two years from 2002 to 2008, IFMA Cologne and Milan International Bicycle Exhibition for many times Through these projects, we have successes in promoting business and enlarging exhibition scale. For example, we have assisted to export 150 electric sample bicycles to the Caribbean markets, introduce Israel Strawberry Planting Technology and Greenhouse to Tianjin etc. In this golden season, Mr. Zhao Xueming, Chairman of CCPITTJ and TCOIC cordially invite friends to the beautiful coastal city- Tianjin from all business circles all over the world, to visit the Binhai New Area of vigor and energy, and set up close relations. CCPITTJ and TCOIC are doing their utmost to offer the winwin bridge among all circles home and abroad, exploring international cooperation and development in the future. www.ccpittj.org Tel: +86 22 23301395, 23301375 Fax: +86 22 23301395 E-mail:changyongqiang@ccpittj.org

Mr. Xi Jinping, Vice-Chairman of Peoples Republic of China and the Standing Member of POLIBURO gave the keynote address at the 18th Asian Corporate Conference. China Council for the Promotion of International TradeTianjin SubCouncil (hereinafter as CCPITTJ), established in 1963, is a trade and promotion ser vice organization sponsored by Tianjin Peoples Municipal Government. China Chamber of International Commerce, Tianjin Chamber of Commerce (hereinafter as TCOIC), founded in 1988, is a non-profit organization with a membership of over 1500 enterprises in all business sectors and institutions. CCPITTJ and TCOIC have been p l ay i n g a f u l l r o l e o f s e r v i c e and bridge in promoting Tianjin economic development, especially giving a full advantage in the course of development and refor m of

Tianjin to focus on innovation

Rolling Stock Industry (Group) Corporation (China CNR), a major high-end railway locomotive manufacturer in China, has set up a research and development hub for high-speed locomotive raw material and technolog y innovation in Tianjin. The current investment for the research and development center is 10 million yuan ($1.5 million), and its scope of research and functions are set to expand in the future. China CNR will invest another 3 billion yuan in Tianjin, setting up an industrial park devoted to the assembly of wind turbines, urban railway manufacturing and maintenance, electric engine and appliance maintenance and high-speed railway locomotive core component research and manufacturing. According to Chen Baoliang, deputy chief engineer of China CNR's Tianjin subsidiary, the industrial park will commence with the production of high-speed urban railway trains, and will expand its focus to intercity high-speed railway locomotives, with products to be used on express railroads linking Tianjin with Tangshan and Qinhuangdao. The industrial park will g o on stream in the very near future and is expected to generate an annual revenue of more than 5 billion yuan, Chen told China Daily.

China CNR's project is just one of Tianjin's innovation-oriented projects in the coming five years. "Tianjin will build 10 internationaloriented key laboratories and a host of engineering research centers during the next five years," Huang added. Tianjin will establish State-level demonstration hubs for aviation and aerospace, petrochemical engineering, heavy equipment manufacturing, electronics and information, biological pharmacy, alternative materials and energy and national defense technology. "Our ultimate target is that by the end of the 12th Five-Year Plan period, the overall output of these competitive key industries would have contributed to 95 percent of the overall industrial output in Tianjin," Huang stressed. Currently, the output of Tianjin's eight dominant industries, including aviation and aerospace, electronics and infor mation, and national defense technology, account for 90 percent of the municipality's industrial output. The municipality's GDP exceeded 900 billion yuan in 2010, which is 2.3 times of that in 2005. The annual GDP growth rate was an average 16 percent from 2006 to 2010, and is expected to average 12 percent from 2011 to 2015.

Tianjin Mayor Huang Xingguo

The municipality of Tianjin will focus on innovation in the coming five years, with a slew of strategically-important research and development projects in the pipeline, the municipality's mayor said. "Independent research and the capability to innovate have been regarded as the key to transform the pattern of development and reinforce regional competitiveness," Tianjin Mayor Huang Xingguo told China Daily during an exclusive interview. Priority projects, such as high-speed railway locomotives and high-power wind turbines, are expected to be finished during the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015) period, Huang elaborated. China Northern Locomotive and


Maritime College

Maritime College of Tianjin University of Technology

Maritime College was founded in May 2007, and previously derived itself from Department of Marine Engineering , which was attached to a Branch of Tianjin University. The college has been accepted as a formal member to the IAMU(International Association of Maritime Universities) in 2004 It is the only school in Tianjin with Bachelor degree provided. The college cultivates talents on maritime fares according to the STCW78/95(The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers 1978 as amended in 1995) formulated by IMO(the International Maritime Organization) and to The Regulations for seafarers on eligibility examination, evaluation and certification of the Peoples Republic of China. The college has attained the approval of examine and verify of MSA(Maritime Safety Administration) CHINA about the managements system on Education of seafarers in 1999.
20071986 2004 IMO197895 1999








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Greek Minister of State Haris Pampoukis in China

Minister of State with Chinese Vice Premier, Li Keqiang


and Planning Association, Fan Chunyong. In a meeting between Chinese Vice Premier, Li Keqiang, and Greek Minister of State, Haris Pampoukis, the Chinese Vice Premier stated that China has shown its confidence to Greece with practical actions, and added that China welcomes Greek compa-nies to invest in China and will encourage Chinese companies to invest in Greece. The Greek Minister of State stressed that Greece values its friend-ship with China and will provide favorable condi-tions for Chinese compa-nies who want to invest in Greece.

Greek Minister of State with COSCO President and CEO, Capt. Wei Jiafu

Minister of State, Haris Pampoukis, The meeting was also attended by Chinese Vice Foreign Minister, paid an official visit to China for Greek Ambassador to China H.E. Zhang Zhijun, received visiting talks with high-ranking state officials Theodore Georgakelos and Capt. M i n i s - t e r o f S t a t e . T h e t wo sides exchanged views on Sino and busi-ness executives. Xu Minjie, Vice Presi-dent of Greek rela-tions, global economic Mr. Pampoukis began his official COSCO Group. governance, European debt crisis visit with a meeting in Beijing with COSCO President and CEO, Capt. The meeting with Captain Wei and on inter-national and regional Wei Jiafu. Both parties exchanged was followed by a meeting with issues of common inter-est. views on COSCO's busi-ness the President of the China developments and the status of the Industrial Over-seas Development COSCO-invested PCT project. The discussion was conducted in a friendly and positive manner. Captain Wei thanked the Minister for the support he and the Greek government rendered to COSCO's collaboration with Greek shipping community. Mr. Pampoukis said that the Greek Government suppor ts the effor ts and the investments o f C O S C O, w h i c h contributes to the further development of Greek Economy and creates greater perspective of turning Piraeus to a transshipment hub Greek Minister of State with Chinese Vice Foreign Minister, Fu Ying in Southeastern Europe. EURO CHINA arab BUSINESS

Pampoukis & Li Keqiang

Mr. Zhang highly evalu-ated the relationship between Greece and China and extended appreciation to Greek Government for its assistance during the evacua-tion of Chinese citizens from Libya. He also added that bilateral relations have been further promoted since the visits of Premier Wen Jiabao and Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang to Greece, and stressed that China will have a close cooperation with Greece, will expand commercial cooperation and implement the agreements reached by the leaders of the two countries. Stating that Greece regards China as an important strategic part-ner, Mr. Pampoukis stressed that Greece is willing to promote a healthy development of Sino-Greek and

Sino-European relations. Besides, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister, Fu Ying, received the delegation headed by the Greek Minister of State. Ms Fu highly evaluated the relationship of the two countries, and stressed that China is willing to implement along with Greece the agreements reached by the leaders of the two countries, to keep close contacts between high ranking officials and to expand practical coop-eration, so as to achieve win win situation. On his side, Mr.Pampoukis referred t o t h e r a p i d d e ve l o p m e n t o f bilateral relations in recent years with frequent visits among leaders,

and stressed that Greece, a good part-ner of China un the EU, is willing to enhance contacts and cooperation in various fields. Both sides mentioned the upcoming flight connecting Beijing to Athens, on May, 11th, saying that it will facilitate the tourism coop-eration. Mr. Pampoukis also met with National Develop-ment and Reform Com-mission (NDRC) Chair-man Zhang Ping, with Commerce Vice Minister, Jiang Yaoping, with China Investment Corp. President, Lou Jiwai, with State-owned Assets Super vision and Administra-tion Commission of the State Council ( S A S AC ) V i c e C h a i r w o m a n , Huang Danhua, and with China Development Bank Chair-man, Jian Chaoliang.


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