ChoiceOrder 380018
ChoiceOrder 380018
ChoiceOrder 380018
1 1216 Saveetha Engineering College (Autonomous), Thandalam, Computer Science and Engineering
Sriperumpudur Taluk, Kancheepuram District 602105 (Internet of Things)
6 1422 SRM Valliammai Engineering College (Autonomous), Kat- COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGI-
tankulathur, Chennai 603203 NEERING
8 2722 Sri Krishna College of Technology (Autonomous) , Kovaipudur COMPUTER SCIENCE AND EN-
Post, Coimbatore District 641042 GINEERING (ARTIFICIAL INTEL-
9 1317 St. Joseph’s College of Engineering (Autonomous), Old Ma- Artificial Intelligence and Machine
habalipuram Road (OMR), Chennai 600 119 Learning
10 1317 St. Joseph’s College of Engineering (Autonomous), Old Ma- INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
habalipuram Road (OMR), Chennai 600 119
13 2722 Sri Krishna College of Technology (Autonomous) , Kovaipudur COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGI-
Post, Coimbatore District 641042 NEERING
14 2722 Sri Krishna College of Technology (Autonomous) , Kovaipudur Computer Science and Engineering
Post, Coimbatore District 641042 (Internet of Things)
15 1216 Saveetha Engineering College (Autonomous), Thandalam, Computer Science and Engineering
Sriperumpudur Taluk, Kancheepuram District 602105 (Cyber Security)
16 1324 Sri Sai Ram Institute of Technology (Autonomous), West Tam- INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
baram, Chennai 600044
18 2708 Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology (Au- COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGI-
tonomous), Othakkalmandapam Post, Coimbatore District NEERING
22 2719 Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College (Autonomous), Vatta- COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGI-
malaipalayam, Coimbatore District 641022 NEERING
25 1311 K C G College of Technology, Karappakkam, Chennai 600096 COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGI-
26 1216 Saveetha Engineering College (Autonomous), Thandalam, Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Sriperumpudur Taluk, Kancheepuram District 602105 Learning
27 1219 Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering (Autonomous), Post ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND
Bag No.1, Chennai-Bengaluru High Road, Pennalur, Irun- DATA SCIENCE
gattukottai S.O., Sriperumbudur Taluk, Kancheepuram District
28 1450 Loyola ICAM College of Engineering and Technology, Loyola ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNI-
College Campus, Nungambakkam, Chennai 600034 CATION ENGINEERING
30 1324 Sri Sai Ram Institute of Technology (Autonomous), West Tam- ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND
baram, Chennai 600044 DATA SCIENCE
31 1324 Sri Sai Ram Institute of Technology (Autonomous), West Tam- COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGI-
baram, Chennai 600044 NEERING
33 1120 Velammal Engineering College (Autonomous), Ambattur-Red- COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGI-
hills Road, Chennai 600066 NEERING
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