GKK Norms and Guidelines
GKK Norms and Guidelines
GKK Norms and Guidelines
Archdiocese of Davao
Abbreviations .................................................................. ii
Foreword ....................................................................... iii
Section 1 ........................................................................9
Description and Nature of the GKKs
Section 2 ...................................................................... 13
Membership and Roles of Service
Membership .......................................................... 14
Roles of Service ..................................................... 16
Section 3 ...................................................................... 27
Pastoral Formation and Skills Training
Section 4 ...................................................................... 33
Establishment of GKKs
Section 5 ...................................................................... 35
Liturgical Celebrations, Religious Practices and Regular
Encounters as Expressions of Communion
Section 6 ...................................................................... 37
The GKK Chapel
Not a Final Word … ....................................................... 39
APAD Archdiocesan Pastoral Assembly of Davao
BCC Basic Christian Community
BEC Basic Ecclesial Community
BOSSAW Basic Orientation Seminar on Social Action Work
CBCP Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines
CCC Catechism of the Catholic Church
CL Christifideles Laici, Apostolic Exhortation on the Lay
Faithful, 1988
EA Ecclesia in Asia, Apostolic Exhortation on the Church in
Asia, 1999
EG Evangelii Gaudium, Apostolic Exhortation on the Joy of the
Gospel, 2013
EN Evangelii Nuntiandi, Apostolic Exhortation on the
Proclamation of the Gospel, 1975
GKK Gagmay’ng Kristohanong Katilingban
HP Hiniusang Pag-ampo
IDS Information Data Sheet
IGP Income Generating Project
KSD Kasaulogan Sa Adlaw’ng Domingo kon Walay Pari
KSP Kasaulogan Sa Pulong
MSPC Mindanao-Sulu Pastoral Conference
NFP-BOM Natural Family Planning-Billings Ovulation Method
NGO Non-Government Organization
PB Pundok Banay
PCP II Second Plenary Council of the Philippines
PO Peoples Organization
PSA Pangulo sa Alagad
PSB Pangulo sa Batan-on
PSK Pangulo sa Katilingban
PSKB Pangulo sa Kristohanong Banay
PSL Pangulo sa Liturhiya
PSP Pangulo sa Panudlo
RCBDI The Roman Catholic Bishop of Davao, Inc.
RM Redemptoris Missio, Encyclical on the Mission of the
Redeemer, 1990
SCC Small Christian Community
SoCCom Social Communications Committee
TPB Tigpasayon sa Pundok Banay
As the Archbishop of Davao since 2012, I am very happy
to be the shepherd of this local church that centers its pastoral
life on the Basic Ecclesial Communities in our parishes. The
“Guidelines and Norms on the Gagma’yng Kristohanong
Katilingaban (GKK) and the Sacraments”, also known as the
“green book”, were published in 1996 as an effort to implement
the Decrees of the Second Archdiocesan Pastoral Assembly of
Davao (APAD II). If there was an APAD II it is because prior
to that there was an APAD I in 1982 that already articulated the
GKK as our pastoral priority in the Archdiocese. GKKs began
in the Archdiocese in the early 1970s. We are not only looking
at eighteen (18) years of experience since the printing of the
guidelines and norms, but of around forty-two (42) years of
GKKs. That is over four decades of our history! The number
in itself is a statement of what characterizes most of the 65 years
of our existence as a local Church here in the Archdiocese. This
is what we are thankful for and this is what we are celebrating
today on our 65th anniversary.
In the past three years, I observed, together with others,
references and questions related to the “green book”. These
observations led us to realize that the content was no longer
adequately answering our needs. There was a feeling that we
needed to revise and update the “green book”. Further
consultation and reflection took place concerning our GKKs.
This led to a clear decision to produce an updated guidelines
and norms on our GKK. I made a comment at a meeting of the
priests that this process is now formally recognized as an official
process to produce a new edition of the “green book”. Like the
previous version, this 2014 guidelines and norms is a product
of a communal discernment among all of us from the GKK
level to the parish level to the vicariate level to the archdiocesan
level. Parish leaders, parish pastoral councils, the priests and we
bishops too participated in this long process of discernment.
The results of these consultations led us to realize that we would
produce two different booklets, one for the GKKs and another
one next year, 2015, for the sacraments. No one person can
claim credit for this work, because it is indeed the work of the
Holy Spirit through a long and tedious process of discernment.
There are no words that can aptly describe the value of
this new edition. The dynamics of the process behind it and the
layers of participation involved in it, truly speak of our working
together as the Body of Christ here in our local Church. To be
honest, not every detail was planned ahead of time, but we
allowed the Holy Spirit to lead us through the process.
The process to produce these guidelines and norms tried
to address the present realities of our local Church. There will
be newer realities in the future. These guidelines and norms are
our guide as we move to the future. God has particularly gifted
us in our history in Davao with the GKKs. Through these
guidelines and norms on GKKs we hope to be more united as
the Body of Christ.
This December 17, 2014, as we celebrate the 65th
anniversary of our local church, I direct that these guidelines
and norms to be followed in the Archdiocese of Davao.
Archdiocese of Davao
Beginnings of the GKKs in Davao
way to the building of GKKs which were reinforced by MSPC
II’s (1974) theme of self-nourishing, self-sustaining and self-
governing communities.
MSPC I and II brought the lay involvement, lay
empowerment and lay leadership into the mainstream of the
mission of evangelization. Before Vatican II (1962-1965), lay
participation was present but it was basically passive, like the
various mandated organizations. There were also faith based
communities gathered around chapels. However, there were
lay-initiated movements like the Cursillos de Cristiandad and the
Barangay Sang Birhen Seminars which were seen as major
programs of renewal through catechetical formation. These
programs deepened the understanding of the living of the faith,
of what the Church is (ecclesiology) and of the meaning of the
sacraments. And this made easy the establishment of GKKs and
lay leadership.2
religious and clergy – are meant to work together based on the
experience of the GKKs.
In 1991, the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines
(PCP II) presented a vision of the Church as communion,
participation and mission emphasizing the co-responsibility of
the laity, thus paving way to a vision of a participatory Church
throughout the Philippines.3 Thus, the Second Archdiocesan
Pastoral Assembly of Davao (APAD II) in 1994, building on
the experience of GKKs from the early 1970s, APAD I and
PCP II, gave birth to its Vision-Mission Statement. The Vision-
Mission Statement born at APAD II is continually growing in
our local Church but it needs to be nourished to maturity, so to
speak! APAD II revived again that spirit of renewal into the
actual life of our Church. It took its “flesh and blood” in the
GKKs of the now existing 37 parishes in the Archdiocese. It
also bore fruit in the first Guidelines and Norms on the Gagmay’ng
Kristohanong Katilingban (GKK) and the Sacraments in 1996.
Indeed, the GKKs are dubbed as “a new way of being
Church.”4 What an appropriate description of the emergence
and growth of ecclesial communities at the grassroots level! “A
new way” because they are one of the ways of making the local
Church of Davao a participatory, co-responsible and missionary
3 See Claver, Francisco F., SJ, The Making of a Local Church, Quezon City,
Claretian Publications, 2009, pp. 107-130.
4 The phrase, “a new way of being Church”, appeared in many writings
Theological Foundations of the GKKs
engaged in building GKKs should be open to new realities in
the life of the Church.
No wonder, PCP II considers the Church as a Community
of Disciples of Jesus Christ! APAD II adopted such a model, as
reflected in its Vision-Mission Statement. It is now clear that
GKKs are not only organizational/sociological entities. They
are primarily communities of the Church, that is, communities
of faith rooted in Jesus Christ, inspired and nourished by the
Holy Spirit.
The ecclesiological foundation of the GKKs is based on
the following: Church as communion, participation, mission
(PCP II, 87-105; 137). Also the Church shares in the threefold
mission of Jesus Christ: priestly, prophetic and kingly (PCP II,
118-121; CCC, 783-786). Because of this, the GKKs are indeed
worshipping, teaching, and serving communities of faith (PCP
II, 137).6 Moreover, the GKKs are the concrete expression of
the Church of the poor. (PCP II 122-136)
Because of the danger of using the GKKs as mere tools
for ideological and political agenda, the teaching authority of the
Church (Magisterium) has emphasized their being of the Church.
As aptly described by PCP II, GKKs are the concrete
expression of ecclesial renewal (PCP II, 140).
outward dimension (ad extra) refers to apostleship. This means
that the Church that grows inwardly in its life in Christ must
also grow by bringing Christ to others. The GKKs are called to
be evangelized and evangelizing (See Evangelii Nuntiandi (EN),
58; John Paul II. Redemptoris Missio (RM), 51; Ecclesia in Asia
(EA), 25; Apostolorum Succesores, 215e).
To emphasize the missionary character of the Church,
Pope Benedict XVI mentioned about the inherent connection
between discipleship and mission. He stated that “discipleship
and mission are like the two sides of a single coin: when the
disciple is in love with Christ he cannot stop proclaiming to the
world that only in Him do we find salvation.”7
Moreover, Pope Francis repeatedly describes the Church
as “a community of missionary disciples” (See Evangelii Gaudium
(EG), 24, 40, 120). He further states that the Church is not self-
referential: it is meant to go out to the periphery.8 The Church
as “the community of disciples does not exist only for itself or
its members. It exists for the world. It is sent on mission to
proclaim the good news of Christ and to be the instrument of
his grace. It exists in order to evangelize, i.e., to proclaim the
Good News, to build up the Church, and to serve the Kingdom
by permeating the world with Gospel values so that finally all
creation may be united in Christ as head” (PCP II, 104).
In the Philippine context, PCP II has emphasized the
vision of a renewed Church, as a Church of the poor. The poor
are meant not only to be evangelized but they are called to be
evangelizing as well! Indeed the poor can be an effective force
for renewed integral evangelization (See PCP II, 122-136). The
7 Pope Benedict XVI, Disciples and Missionaries, May 13, 2007 Aparecida,
8 See Pope Francis, Address to the Leadership of the Episcopal Conference of Latin
challenge to become a Church of the poor is recently echoed in
what Pope Francis calls “a poor church for the poor”. As a
Church of the Poor, the GKKs are by their very nature “a little
flock” who cares for everyone, especially the less fortunate and
the marginalized.
updating of the Guidelines and Norms on the Gagmay’ng Kristohanong
Katilingban (GKK) in 2014 continues that same spirit of renewal
from Vatican II, APAD I, PCP II and APAD II for the local
Church in the Archdiocese of Davao.
Article 2 Communities of the Church
Since they are communities of Catholic faith, they are
communities of the Church. As Church communities of faith,
GKKs are rooted in the Trinitarian communitarian dynamic
outgoing love of the Father, Son and Spirit. They reflect the
Church as the People of God, the Body of Christ and the Temple
of the Holy Spirit. The ecclesiological foundation of the GKKs
rests on the nature of Church as communion, participation and
mission (PCP II, 87-105; 137). The Church shares in the
threefold mission of Jesus Christ: priestly, prophetic and kingly
(PCP II, 118-121; CCC, 783-786). Hence, the GKKs, as concrete
expression of Church renewal, share too in this threefold
mission. The marks of the true Church – one, holy, catholic and
apostolic – are expressed and experienced in our GKKs in
doctrine, in worship, and in works of charity in missionary
Article 4 Communities of Formation,
Worship, Service, Evangelized and
The GKKs are communities of faith and of the Church in a
parish and are the contexts for pastoral care, prayer,
sacraments, on-going Christian formation, evangelization and
missionary outreach. These communities are the places where
the disciples of Jesus Christ are formed and where they become
apostles, communities of missionary disciples. The GKKs are
contexts and vehicles for the priestly, prophetic and kingly
mission of the Church. They are truly worshipping, teaching
and serving communities. The GKKs as communities of
missionary disciples do not exist only for themselves or for
their members. They exist in order to evangelize, to go out of
themselves to proclaim the good news of Christ to the world
(see PCP II, 103-104). In this sense, they are missionary
because in the measure that they evangelize, they are
themselves evangelized (RM, 49; EN, 58). They reach out in
selfless service to the wider community from their being
evangelized. They are not “a self-absorbed cluster made up of a
chosen few” (EG, 28). As “a poor Church for the poor” (EG,
198), the GKKs are by their very nature “a little flock” who cares
for everyone, especially the less fortunate and the marginalized
in solidarity with other groups.
Article 5 Membership
All persons baptized in the Catholic Church and those formally
received into it residing within the GKK community are all
members of the GKK.
• To receive the sacraments and sacramentals;
• To reach out to other communities such as other GKKs,
other Christian communities, Lumads and other
• To promote a sense of stewardship and integrity of
The PSK should not hold any other leadership role/functions in
the GKK. Neither should the PSK hold civil executive positions.
• Assists in the catechetical activities and formation done
in every school located within the territorial jurisdiction
of a particular GKK.
• Promotes the Pro Life orientation such as the practice of
Natural Family Planning-Billings Ovulation Method
• Facilitates basic and ongoing Family and Life
• Recruits live-in couples for the reception of the
sacrament of marriage.
• Works closely with the Pangulo sa Batan-on
(PSB)/Youth Apostolate.
This selection and appointment process shall take place every
three years. The GKK should recognize the importance of
developing new servant leaders in their GKK.
In the selection and appointment process, the parish priest will
make sure that the necessary requirements are met.
• Pre-Selection:
o Orientation-formation for all members of the
o The parish forms a committee to take charge of
the selection process.
• Selection:
o Every listed member, present or absent except
anyone who is holding an executive position in
the Local Government Units, is qualified for
o Mode of nomination is secret balloting;
o The first three highest nominees of each ministry
or apostolate are to be interviewed by the parish
priest or with the parish team.
• Appointment:
o After due consideration of the results of the
nomination and the needs of the GKK, the parish
priest appoints the servant leaders for each
ministry and apostolate.
• Post-Appointment:
o Appointed leaders undergo formation before
they are sent forth.
• Other considerations:
o To enhance personal and community growth,
leaders shall undergo yearly formation-renewal
o Each GKK shall have one overall in-charge PSL,
one overall in-charge PSP and one overall in-
charge PSA.
o The other PSL, PSP and PSA also serve their
GKK through their participation in each of the
particular ministries.
• Facilitates implementation of GKK programs and
• Enhances a two-way information dissemination that is
from the Pundok Banay level to GKK and vice-versa.
(2) or three (3) members shall be appointed by the six (6) GKK
leaders mentioned in Article 12.
Role: Records keeper, documenter/facilitator of GKK
• Records and keeps minutes of the meetings;
• Maintains and updates the GKK Registry;
• Prepares, releases and obtains the signatures for the
Information Data Sheet (IDS);
• Facilitates dissemination of information;
• Documents important events of the GKK (written and
temporal order – social, political, economic cultural
and environmental.
The main source of an integral formation program is
the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC). The CCC
includes all dimensions of our Catholic faith including
the doctrines of the faith, the celebration of the
sacraments, Christian living and prayer.
• Liturgy Focusing on the Kasaulogan Sa Pulong (KSP),
Bible Reflection and Devotional Prayers.
o Philippine Church events
o Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines
(CBCP) Pastoral Letters
• Historical
o History of BEC Development in the Archdiocese
of Davao
o History of the Archdiocese of Davao
• Social
o Social, political, economic, cultural
o Environmental concerns: seminar on
environmental protection (Climate Change,
Waste Management Segregation, Risk
Reduction, etc.
o facilitating Bible sharing, presiding or
conducting KSP, having an effective impartation
of prepared sharing, conducting sacramentals,
for example, funeral blessings, house blessings,
etc. (if applicable), coordinating liturgical
o creative teaching, forming and learning skills
o conducting Basic Orientation Seminar on Social
Action Work (BOSSAW), organizing disaster
preparedness and quick response efforts,
organizing income generating projects (IGPs),
handling advocacies
o conducting effective seminars related to
Marriage Enrichment and Family and Life
concerns; capability of explaining the NFP-
BOM; basic skills in counseling; basic skills in
family catechesis
o evangelization through theater arts
• Tigpasayon sa Pundok Banay (TPB)
o facilitating Bible Reflection
• Finance Committee
o Simple/Basic Accounting, Reporting
• SoCCom
o documentation and formulation of minutes,
basic journalism
Article 25 GKKs are a Part of the Communion
of Communities in a Parish
An established GKK is a separate entity from the barangay and
purok structures, and from homeowners’ associations.
Furthermore, it cannot have its own identity apart from the
parish and it should not be registered in Securities and
Exchange Commission.
Article 30 Other Celebrations
Other celebrations such as Santacruzan, Panuluyan, Pabasa,
Bible Enthronement, Bible Sharing, communal prayer
meetings, Flores de Mayo, funeral wakes, private prayers and
meditations may be celebrated in a GKK.
Article 32 Chapel
Normally, a GKK is to have its own chapel.
Article 35 Chapel Property Ownership or Use
Chapel properties should be titled and donated to The Roman
Catholic Bishop of Davao, Inc. (RCBDI). Otherwise, other
forms of agreement for the use of the property should be
entered into by the RCBDI and the land owner.
As mentioned in the Foreword and the Introduction, these
updated Guidelines and Norms on the Gagmay’ng Kristohanong
Katilingban (GKK) are the fruits of the entire history of the
development of the GKKs here in the Archdiocese of Davao.
When the first Guidelines and Norms on the Gagmay’ng Kristohanong
Katilingban (GKK) were written in 1996, they were the fruit of
the faith journey of the local Church in Davao at that time. Our
recent process of reviewing our GKKs and the guidelines and
norms over the past few years has led us to this updated version
of 2014.
While these are for us now our guidelines and norms, we
will continue our journey as missionary disciples as the local
Church here in Davao. We will be led by the Holy Spirit into
the new paths to which we will be called and sent. These
guidelines and norms can be updated in the future. Any
updating is not just to update them but to direct us more deeply
into the mystery of Christ and His Church so we can deepen
the living-out of the values of communion, participation, co-
responsibility and mission towards becoming a poor Church for
the poor.