Academic Calendar 2022-23
Academic Calendar 2022-23
Academic Calendar 2022-23
Rc,No,99/E2-3lcalendar/2022-23 Datedsol_07_2o22
sub:- TSBIE - Academic - Two year Intermediate course - Annuar Academic
Program (Calendar) for the academicyear 2O22_2OZS _ negiiding.-
All the Principars of Junior coIeges (Government/Govern ment sector/Aided/private)
offering Intermediate Course in the State are informed that the Tentative
Annual Academic
Program (calendar) for the academic year 2022-2023 in respect of aI Junior
(General and Vocational) Courses is as follows.
From TO
LAST WORKTNG DAy FOR THE A/y 2022-2023 3lth March, 2O23
EXAMINATIONS IPASE.2O23 Last Week of May'2O23
July'2022 31 7 24
Auqust'2022 31 9 22
September'2022 30 5 25
October'2022 31 12 19
November'2022 30 6 24
December'2022 31 6 25
January'2023 31 8 23
February'2023 6 22
March'2023 .,_t B 23
Total 304 83 221
Working Days for Junior Colleges should be 22O days, rationalized in Board 48th
Keeping in views of strikes, bandhs and agitations the working days are fixed as 221.
Sri Syed Omer Jaleel, I.A.S.,
From To
The Secretary, The Principals of all lunior
T.S. Board of Intermediate Education, Colleges offering Intermediate
Nampally, Hyderabad. courses in the State.
Sir / Madam,
From To
LAST WORKTNG DAY FOR THE A/Y 2022-2023 31th March, 2023
Sri Syed Omer Jaleel,
I.A.S. _
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