5. Do you remember stories where a seemingly innocuous detail played a pivotal role?
What was that detail? How was it introduced in the beginning and when did it
become apparent that it was more that it seemed? Explain the role of this detail in
the plot, character development and your own perception of the story.
10. Speak about an idiolect and its levels. What is your own idiolect like? If you
were a book character, how would you represent every level of your idiolect?
Для викладача:
A Character’s Idiolect
When literary characters speak in a fictional text directly, they are presented as
linguistic personalities possessing their own idiolects. An idiolect is an
individual way of speaking and it comprises the following three levels:
general, group and individual.
12. Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious
social problems, as well as practical problems. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this statement?
14. Speak about the biggest challenges for foreign language teachers in the era of
globalization and the Internet.
15. How many languages are you familiar with (including those that you know only a
little)? Do you know more or fewer languages than you parents / grandparents? What are
your predictions for the future? Will your children speak more or fewer languages at the
same age as you are now?
Під час усної частини МКР студент повинен продемонструвати вміння логічно побудувати
монологічне висловлення та діалогічну взаємодію, використовуючи тематичну лексику,
граматичні структури, які вивчалися протягом семестру. Час підготовки до відповіді – 1 хв.
Тривалість відповіді – до 2 хвилин.