Legal Method Notes (India)
Legal Method Notes (India)
Legal Method Notes (India)
Module – I Nature and Function of Law
a) Meaning and Definition of Law
b) Function and Purpose of Law
c) Classification of Law
i) Public and Private Law
ii) Substantive and Procedural Law
iii) Municipal and International Law
d) Hart’s Concept of Law and the Indian Constitution
(2002) 2 SCC (J) 1
Law, in its widest sense, means and involves a uniformity of behavior, a
constancy of happenings or a cause of events, rules of action, whether in the
phenomena of nature or in the ways rational human beings. In its general sense law
means an order of the universe, of events, of things or actions. In its judicial sense law
means an order of the universe, of events, of things or actions. In its judicial sense,
law means a body of rules of conduct, action or behavior of person, made and
enforced by the State. It expresses a rule of human action.
The different meanings of the word ‘law’ may be classified as follows:
1. Law means justice, morality, reason, order, righteousness etc., from the point
of view of society;
2. Law means Statutes, Acts, rules, regulations, orders, ordinances, etc. from the
point of view of society;
3. Law means titles, written laws, judicial precedents and customs as evidence of
Generally the term law is used to mean three things:
First, it is used to mean ‘legal order’. It represents the regime of adjusting
relations, and ordering conduct by the systematic application of the force of organized
political society.
Definition of Law
1. Idealistic Definitions:
According to Salmond “the law may be defined as the body of the principles
recognized and applied by the State in the administration of justice”.
According to Gray, “The law of the State or of any organized body of men is
composed of the rules which the Courts, that is, the judicial organ of the body lays
down for the determination of legal rights and duties.
2. Positive Definition:
According to Austin, “A law, in the strict sense, is a general command of the
sovereign individual or the sovereign body, issued to those in subjectivity and
enforced by the physical power of the State. According to Austin, “law is the
aggregate of rules set by men as politically superior or sovereign to men as politically
subject”. He says, “A law is a command which obliges a person or persons to a course
of conduct”.
3. Historical Definition:
Savigny says that law is not a body of rules set by a determined authority but
is rules consist partly of social habit and partly of experience. It is not the product of
direct legislation but is due to the silent growth of custom or the outcome of
unformulated public or a professional opinion.
4. Sociological Definition:
According to Duguit, law is essentially and exclusively a social fact. It is in no
sense a body of rules laying down rights. Foundation of law is in the essential
requirements of the community life.
Ihering defines law as “the form of the guarantee of the conditions of life of
society, assured by State’s power of constrain”.
According to Pound, “Law is the body of principles recognized or enforced by
public and regular tribunals in the administration of justice.”
5. Realistic Definition:
Holmes J. says that “the prophesy of what Courts will do, in fact, and nothing
more pretentious, are what I mean by law”. According to realists, the formal law is
simply a guess as to what the Courts would decide and the law is that what the Courts
actually decide.
The modern definition given by Dias is “Law consists largely of ‘ought’
(normative) propositions prescribing how people ought to behave. The ‘oughts’ of
laws are variously dictated by social, moral, economic, political and other purposes”.
Subject-matter of Law
Classification of Law
Public International Law is the body of legal rules which applies between
Sovereign States and such other entities as have been granted international
It is the aggregate of rules to which nations have agreed to conform in their
conducts towards one another. It includes international status, and deals with
questions relating to peace, war and neutrality.
Private International Law:
Private International Law (conflict of laws) is the system of law, in a country,
governing the relations of the citizens of that country, in international matters, matters
affecting foreign contracts and foreign transactions. It applies to individuals and not to
States. Private International Law deals primarily with private rights, duties, liabilities
of citizens, inter se in cases of foreign or international transactions.
Private Law
Private Law is concerned with the matters concerning the individual more than
the public. It regulates and governs the relations of citizens with each other. The
parties in such cases are private individuals and the State adjudicates the matters in
dispute between individuals through its judicial organs.
Private civil law deals with matters such as contracts, insurance, carriage,
damage, for personal injury, civil wrongs, agency, bailment, sale of goods,
partnership, regulation of companies, insolvency, arbitration, negotiable instruments,
transfer of property, trusts and the like. In democratic countries, the Private Law
regulates the major part of the social life.
In the classification of private life there is great difficulty. Different jurists
have given different classifications. A very general classification is as follows: 1) the
law of persons; 2) the law of property; 3) the law of obligations; 4) the conflict of
Public Law
Public law is such part of the law as deals with the Constitution and working
of the State, the functioning of its various departments, the relation between the State
and its citizens (including the rights and duties of the State and its citizens inter se),
the working of the administrative departments of the Government, Acts, rules and
regulations relating to public welfare and so on.
The State activities are largely regulated by public law. The public law
determines and regulates the organization and functioning of the State and determines
the relation of the State with its subjects. In public law, provisions are made with a
view to promote social objectives and to protect the collective rather than individual
interests. Public Law may be divided into three parts: (i) Constitutional Law; (ii)
Administrative Law and (iii) Criminal Law.
Constitutional Law:
Hibbert defines Constitutional Law as “body of rules governing the relation
between the sovereign and his subjects and the different parts of the sovereign body”.
According to Dicey, “Constitutional Law includes all rules which directly or
indirectly affect the distinction or exercise of the sovereign power of the State. Hence
it includes all rules which define the members of the sovereign power, all rules which
regulate the relation of such members to each other, or which determine the mode in
which the sovereign power or the members thereof, exercise their authority”.
Administrative Law:
The term ‘Administrative Law’ is technically known as ‘Droit Administratif’
meaning Administrative Law and rules concerning the administration of the executive
departments of a State. Administrative Law deals with the structure, powers and
functions of the organs of administration; the limits of their powers; the methods and
procedures followed by them in exercising their powers and functions; the methods by
which their powers are controlled including the legal remedies available to a person
against them when his rights are infringed by their operation. It covers legislative and
judicial powers of the executive. It deals with day-to-day activities of officials in
relation to the members of the public. It prescribes the minute details of their duties.
In general it deals with matters of procedure and not of substance.
Dicey defines it as that portion of the French Law which determines:
1. the position and liability of State officials;
2. the rights and liabilities of private individuals in their dealings with officials,
3. the procedure by which these rights and liabilities are enforced.
The main consequences that follow from the enforcement of Droit
Administratif are:
1. It protects a servant of the State from the control of the ordinary Courts
for any illegal act if done in bona fide obedience to the orders of his
superior and in the discharge of his official duties.
2. Dispute between private person and the State are determined by
administrative Courts and not by ordinary Courts.
1. Law of Property deals with the rights and interests which may be enjoyed in
respect of property;
2. Law of Torts is concerned with civil wrongs such as negligence, nuisance,
defamation etc.
3. Law of Contracts which determines whether an agreement made by parties is
valid or not;
4. Family Law is that branch of the law which defines the rights, duties and
status of the husband and wife, parent and child and other members of
5. Law of Succession is concerned with the devolution of property on the death
of the original owner and other related events.
In civil cases the parties to the suit mostly are individuals. In Civil Law the
legal action is begun by the private person to establish rights, against another person
or group of persons. The petitioner or plaintiff claims for damages for civil wrongs
against the defendant through a suit in a Civil Court. In civil cases, judgment and
decrees are passed. The main function of civil law is to provide individuals with
remedies which are enforceable in the Courts where they have suffered a wrong which
is recognized by statute or decided cases.
Substantive and Procedural Law
Civil Law may be classified into: (i) Substantive Law; (ii) Procedural Law
Substantive Law
Substantive Law is the law that is concerned with the determination of rights,
duties, liberties and legal powers. It refers to the rules and principles defining the
rights, powers and privileges possessed by person whose status is recognized by law,
and the corresponding duties, liabilities and disabilities to which others are subject
under the law. It includes rules of law, civil or criminal, defining a civil wrong or a
criminal offence. It is also concerned with the ends which the administration of justice
seeks. Definition of civil wrongs and crimes, prescription of remedies and
punishments are examples of Substantive Law. The Substantive Law includes Indian
Contract Act, 1872, Transfer of Property Act, 1882, Hindu, Mohammedan Laws, Law
of Torts, Indian Penal Code, 1860 etc.
Procedural Law
According to Sir John Salmond, the Law of Procedure may be defined as that
branch of the law which governs the process of litigation. It is the law of actions and
includes all legal proceedings whether civil or criminal. Procedural Law deals with
the means and instrument as by which those ends can be achieved. It regulates the
conduct and relations of Courts and litigants in respect of litigation itself. It regulates
the conduct of affairs in the course of judicial proceedings. Jeremy Bentham used the
term ‘Adjective Law’ for the Procedural Law.
The Procedural Law is the law which deals with the mode in which a process
of law may be set in motion; it deals with the procedure and evidence by which
substantive remedies given under the law can be enforced. It deals with the form in
which actions may be brought in Courts of Law, the kinds of such actions and legal
processes, the mode in which each of the processes of law may be set in motion, e.g.
by summons, plaints, complaints, petitions and writs. It deals with matters such as the
jurisdiction of the Courts, the way in which the hearing or the trial is to be conducted,
judgments of the Courts, and the execution of decrees, orders and sentences passed by
the Court. There is a Procedural Law for criminal cases and trials; and we have a
procedure for civil cases. Generally, the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, the Code of
Criminal Procedure, 1973, the Evidence Act, etc. are procedural laws.
According to Pollock, “The most important branches of law of procedure are
the rules of pleading and the rules of evidence. It is obvious that, if litigation is to be
concluded at all, a Court of Justice must have some kind of rule or usage for bringing
the dispute to one point or some certain points, and for keeping the discussion of
contested matters of fact within reasonable bounds. Rules of pleading are those which
the parties must follow in informing the Court of the question before it for decision,
and in any case of difficulty enabling the Court to define the question or questions.
Rules of evidence are those by which the proof of disputed facts is favoured and
limited. In England practice the sharp distinction between the office of the Court as
Judge of the Law and Jury as Judge of the fact has had a profound effect in shaping
and elaborating both classes of rules”.
Some laws are predominantly procedural and some laws are mainly
substantive. But a Substantive Law also may have Procedural Law in it. Though
Company Law is regarded rather as a Substantive Law, it has much of the procedural
character in it. Thus Company Law contains provisions regarding the mode of
formation of companies, the mode of doing business through internal regulations of
companies. The Company Law further provides special procedures for increase,
reduction, reorganization of share capital, alteration of the objects of the company,
Law based on custom is known as customary law. Custom is one of the most
fruitful sources of law. Custom is to society what law is to the State. Each is the
expression and realization to the measure of man’s insight and ability of the principles
of right and justice.
Custom is the rule of action voluntarily and uniformly observed by the people.
It embodies a rule of conduct approved and accepted by the community for
generations. There are norms of conduct evolved from actual social life. For getting
recognition as law, custom must satisfy the following conditions: (i) Certainty, (ii)
Conformity with statute law, (iii) Consistency with other customs, (iv) Continuity, (v)
Immemorial antiquity, (vi) Observance as of right, (vii) Peaceableness, and (viii)
is a congenial idiot”. Although intended humorously, this remark has a good measure
of truth.
The first Parliament of India called the Provisional Parliament came into being
with the commencement of the Constitution and the ‘Sovereign, Democratic and
Republic of India’ on 26th January, 1950. Thus the Parliament along with the
Constitution and the Republic have completed more than half-a-century of their life.
When India achieved its independence and the founding fathers sat down to
frame a Constitution, they adopted representative parliamentary democracy as the
model of polity most suited to India’s needs, ethos and experience. Ideally, in any
democratic polity, sovereignty derives its legitimacy. And, the will of the people must
manifest itself through Parliament. Parliament is expected to mirror the hopes and
aspirations of the people. It is in this forum that the ideas, the ideals, the fears and
even the frustrations of the people can find expression. It is for this reason that the
institution of Parliament has been accorded a place of primacy in our democratic
Prof. P. Surianarayanan, Development of Rule of Law (1st ed., Madurai: Madurai Kamraj University,
1983) at 3.
N. S. Marsh, International Commission of Jurists - The Rule of Law in a Free Society (Switzerland,
1959) at 191.
“The idea of law based on respect for the supreme value of human
personality and all power in the state being derived and exercised in accordance with
the law”.
Alternatively, it may be understood as:
“The safeguards offered by principles, institutions and procedures, different weight
being attached to them in different parts of the world”.3
The rule of law, comprising the principles of equality and due process, exists
in different forms in each country. It may be contained in the power of judicial review,
the separation of powers, the doctrine of ultra vires (prevents state organs from
proceeding beyond their scope), principles of equity and statutory interpretation.4
The concept of rule of law was first written by the Greek thinkers. Plato, in his
work “The Laws” writes “In any great state, the law must be the ultimate sovereign,
and not any person whatsoever” exhibiting a clear understanding of rule of law.
Aristotle too, in “Politics” says that “the legislator’s task is to frame a society that
shall make the good life possible”.5
The Magna Carta (1215) contains several clauses that reflect the principles of
rule of law among them clause XXXIX – “No freeman shall be arrested or imprisoned
or deprived of his land or banished or in any way molested save by the lawful
judgment of his peers or by the law of the land”.
In the modern period, John Locke the propounder of one of the Social
Contract Theories laid down several principles of the rule of law in the course of his
work. Firstly, the same laws must exist for “for the favourite at Court, and the
countryman at plough”. Secondly, laws should be designed for the good of the people.
Thirdly, the state cannot raise property taxes without the consent of the people.
Fourthly, the legislative may not transfer law making power to any other body.6
Ibid at 196-197.
T. R. S. Allan, Constitutional Justice – A Liberal Theory of the Rule of Law (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2001) at 1-29.
Supra note 1, at 6-8.
Ibid at 8-9.
Ibid at 9-13.
A. Appadorai, The Substance of Politics (11th ed., Madras: Oxford University Press, 1975) at 279-280.
Supra note 4, at 13-15.
that each organ should be independent of the other and that no organ should perform
functions that belong to the other.
Montesquieu in the following words stated the Doctrine of Separation of
There would be an end of everything, were the same man or same body,
whether of the nobles or of the people, to exercise those three powers, that of enacting
laws, that of executing the public resolutions, and of trying the causes of individuals.
Through his doctrine Montesquieu tried to explain that the union of the
executive and the legislative power would lead to the despotism of the executive, for
it could get whatever laws it wanted to have, whenever it wanted them. Similarly the
union of the legislative power and the judiciary would provide no defence for the
individual against the state. The importance of the doctrine lies in the fact that it seeks
to preserve the human liberty by avoiding concentration of powers in one person or
body of persons.
The same was expounded by the Madison as- “The accumulation of all powers,
legislative, executive and judicial, in the same hands whether of one, a few, or many
and whether hereditary, self-appointed or elective, may justly be pronounced the very
definition of tyranny”.
Therefore, separation of powers doctrine acts as a check against Tyrannical rule.
The purpose underlying the separation doctrine is to diffuse governmental authority
so as to prevent absolutism and guard against arbitrary and tyrannical powers of the
state, and to allocate each function to the institution best suited to discharge it.
Classification of Administrative Action
Administrative action is a comprehensive term and defies exact definition. In
modern times the administrative process as a by-product of intensive form of
government cuts across the traditional classification of governmental powers and
combines into one all the powers which were traditionally exercised by three different
organs of the State. Therefore, there is a general agreement among the writers on
administrative law that any attempt of classifying administrative functions on any
conceptual basis is not only impossible but also futile. Even then a student of
administrative law is compelled to delve into the field of classification because the
present-day law especially relating to judicial review freely employs conceptual
Delegated legislation is not a new phenomenon. Ever since the statutes came to
be made by Parliament, delegated legislation also came to be made by an authority to
which the power was delegated by Parliament. Going back into history one can find
the Statute of Proclamation, 1539 under which Henry VIII was given extensive
powers to legislate by proclamations. This proves the fact that there was and will
always be the need for delegated legislation. The exigencies of the modern State,
especially social and economic reforms, have given rise to delegated legislation on a
large scale, so much so that a reasonable fear arises among the people that they are
being ruled by the bureaucracy.
The Indian Parliament enacted from the period 1973 to 1977 a total of 302 laws;
as against this the total number of statutory orders and rules passed in the same period
was approximately 25,414. Corresponding figures for States and Union Territories are
not available, but the number of rules issued under the delegated powers may well be
The modern trend is that Parliament passes only a skeletal legislation. A
classical example may be the Imports and Exports (Control) Act, 1947 which contains
only eight sections to provide through the rule-making power delegated to them under
legislation and leaves everything to the administrative agencies and delegates the
whole power to the administrative agency to regulate the whole complex mechanism
of imports and exports. The examples may be multiplied. This trend brings us to the
need matrix of the phenomenon of delegated legislation or administrative rule-
The basis of need matrix of administrative rule-making lies in the fact that the
complexities of modern administration are so baffling and intricate, and bristle with
details, urgencies, difficulties and need for flexibility that our massive legislatures
may not get off to a start if they must directly and comprehensively handle legislative
business in all their plenitude, proliferation and particularization. Therefore, the
delegation of some part of legislative power becomes a compulsive necessity for
viability. If the 525-odd parliamentarians are to focus on every minuscule of
legislative detail leaving nothing to subordinate agencies the annual output may be
both unsatisfactory and negligible. Law-making is not a turn key project, readymade
in all detail and once this situation is grasped the dynamics of delegation easily
1. Legislation on ever-widening fronts of a modern Welfare and Service State is
not possible without the technique of delegation. It is trite but correct to say
that even if today Parliament sits all the 365 days in a year and all the 24
hours, it may not give that quantity and quality of law which is required for the
proper functioning of a modern government. Therefore, delegation of rule-
making power is a compulsive necessity. It also gives an advantage to the
executive, in the sense that a Parliament with an onerous legislative time
schedule may feel tempted to pass skeleton legislation with the details to be
provided by the making of rules and regulations.
1. Today, legislation has become highly technical because of the complexities of
a modern government. Therefore, it is convenient for the legislature to confine
itself to policy statements only, as the legislators are sometimes innocent of
legal and technical skills, and leave the law-making sequence to the
administrative agencies.
2. Ordinary legislative process suffers from the limitation of lack of viability and
experimentation. A law passed by Parliament has to be in force till the next
session of Parliament when it can be repealed. Therefore, in situations which
require adjustments frequently and experimentation, administrative rule-
making is the only answer.
3. In situations where crisis legislation is needed to meet emergent situations,
administrative rule-making is a necessity because the ordinary law-making
process is overburdened with constitutional and administrative technicalities
and involves delay.
4. In some situations it is necessary that the law must not be known to anybody
till it comes into operation. For example, in case of imposition of restrictions
on private ownership, it is necessary that the law must be kept secret till it
comes into immediate operation, otherwise people could arrange their property
rights in such manner as to defeat the purpose of the law. This secrecy can be
achieved only through administrative action because the ordinary legislative
process is always very open.
denotes a Judge who is judge empowered by law to act judicially as a body, when
such judge or body of judges is acting judicially. The word “Judiciary” again is
explained to mean the Judges of a State Collectively.
The term judicial activism is explained in Black’s law Dictionary as,
“Judicial philosophy which motives judges to depart from strict adherence to
judicial precedent in favour of progressive and new social policies which are not
always consistent with the restraint expected of appellate Judges. It is commonly
marked by decisions calling for social engineering and occasionally these decisions
represent intrusions in the legislative and executive matters.”
Though it is the legislature, which makes the Law, the Judgments rendered
by the Supreme Court and High Courts give the Law a concrete shape, which the
people understand better as the Law. Hence, there is importance of the decision
making process. Justice V. R. Krishana Iyer, the greatest activist Judge, India has so
far seen, feels, judicial activism is a device to accomplish the cherished goal of
social justice. He said,
“After all, social justice is achieved not by lawlessness
process, but legally tuned affirmative action, activist
justicing and benign interpretation within the parameters of
Corpus Juris”.
Judicial Review of Administrative Action
Basic purpose of judicial review is to enforce constitutionalism and to guard
against majoritarianism. Thus an important aspect of public law review is not only the
enforcement of private rights but to keep the administrative and quasi-administrative
machinery within proper control. This aspect of public law review was rightly stressed
by the Supreme Court in S.L. Kapoor v. Jagmohan.10 In this case two non-official
members of the New Delhi Municipal Committee had filed a petition before the
Supreme Court under Article 136 against the governmental action of superseding the
Municipal Committee without complying with the principles of natural justice. During
the pendency of the case, the term of office of the petitioner expired. It was argued that
since the petition has become infructuous, the Court has no power to continue with the
appeal. Rejecting the contention the Apex Court held that since the petition involves
(1980) 4 SCC 382.
an issue of public importance, the Court can still decide the issue even in the face of
loss of standing of the petitioners.
It is no denying the fact that today due to the intensive form of government,
there is a tremendous increase in the functions of the administration as a facilitator,
regulator and provider. Therefore, if these new-found powers are properly exercised
these may lead to a real socio-economic growth and if abused these may lead to a
totalitarian State. Against this backdrop the prime function of judicial review is to
check the abuse of administrative powers and to enforce accountability on the
operators of these powers.
The power of public law review is exercised by the Supreme Court and High
Courts through writs of certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, quo-warranto and habeas
corpus and also through the exercise of power under Articles 136 and 227 of the
Social Action Litigation (PIL)
Public Interest Litigation (PIL) has been an invaluable innovative judicial
remedy. It has translated the rhetoric of fundamental rights into living reality for at
least some segments of our exploited and downtrodden humanity. Under trial
prisoners languishing in jails for inordinately long periods, inmates of asylums and
care-homes living in sub-human conditions, children working in hazardous
occupations and similar disadvantaged sections.
Public Interest Litigation is the name given to the right of any member of the
public, having sufficient interest to maintain an action for judicial redress of public
injury arising from breach of public duty or violation of some provision of the
constitution or the law and seek enforcement of such public duty and observance of
such constitutional or legal provisions. It is the essence of this rule of law, which
constitutes the core of our constitution, that exercise of the power by the State,
whether it be the legislature or the executive or any other authority, should be within
the constitutional limitations and if any practice is adopted by any one of them which
is in flagrant and systematic violation of its constitutional limitations, the petitioner as
a member of public would have sufficient interest to challenge such practice by filing
a writ petition and it would be constitutional duty of the court to entertain the writ
petition and it would be constitutional duty of the court to entertain the writ petition
and adjudicate upon the validity of such practice. Public Interest Litigation is,
therefore, the new device by which public participation in judicial review of
administrative action is being assured. It is also the new strategy through which access
to justice is being assured even to those who for any reason whatsoever not able to
approach the court to ventilate their grievances. Justice P.N. Bhagwati thought that it
was “essentially a co-operative or collaborative effort on the part of the petitioner, the
State or the public authority and the court to secure observance of constitutional or
legal rights, benefits and privileges conferred upon the vulnerable sections of the
community and to reach social justice to them”.
Legitimacy of Judicial Activism
It is significant to note that Supreme Court of India is most powerful apex
court in the world. Unlike the Supreme Court or the House of Lords in England or the
highest courts in Canada or Autralia, the Supreme Court of India can review even a
constitutional amendment and strike it down if it undermines the basic structure of the
Constitution. It can decide the legality of the action of the President of India under
article 356 of the Constitution whereby a state government dismissed. Through public
interest litigation, the Court has granted access to persons inspired by public interest
to invite judicial intervention against abuse of power or misuse or inaction of the
government. Not only was the requirements of locus standi liberalized to facilitate
access but the concept of justiciability was widened to include within judicial purview
actions or inactions that were not considered to be capable of resolution through
judicial process according to traditional notions of justiciability.
Judicial activism is not an aberration. It is an essential aspect of the dynamics
of a constitutional court. It is a counter-majoritarian check on democracy. Judicial
activism, however, does not mean governance by the judiciary. It also must function
within the limits of the judicial process. Within those limits, it performs the function
of legitimizing or, more rarely, stigmatizing the actions of the other organs of
The judiciary is the weakest organ of the State. It becomes strong only when
people repose faith in it. Such faith of the people constitutes the legitimacy of the
Court and of judicial activism. Courts have to continuously strive to sustain their
legitimacy. They do not have to bow to public pressure, rather they have to stand firm
against any pressure. What sustains legitimacy of judicial activism is not its
submission to populism but its capacity to withstand such pressure without sacrificing
impartiality and objectivity. Courts must not only be fair, they must appear to be fair.
Such inarticulate and diffused consensus about the impartiality and integrity of the
judiciary is the source of the Court’s legitimacy.
How is such legitimacy sustained? The myth created by the black letter law
tradition that judges do not make law but merely finds it or interprets it sought to
immunize judges from responsibility for their decisions. Mythologization of the
judges also contributed to the sustenance of legitimacy. Those devices for sustaining
legitimacy, however, presupposed the negative and technocratic role of the judges.
They are of no help in sustaining the legitimacy of judicial activism. We have to
explore the myth that judges do not make law. Similarly, we have to recognize that a
constitutional court is political institution. It is political because it determines the
limits of the powers of other organs of government. Being political need not mean
being partisan or unprincipled.
We also have to understand that judges are human beings as fallible as other
human beings are. Judges are bound to have their predilections and those
predilections are bound to influence their judgments. The courts themselves have
imposed restrains on their powers in order to minimize the chances of vagaries arising
out of subjective lapses or prejudices of the judges. The courts are bound to follow
precedents, they are bound to follow the decisions of the higher courts, and they are
bound to follow certain rules of interpretation. Further, decisions of courts are
reasoned and are often subject to appeal or review. These restrictions ensure that the
lapses would be minimal. Criticism of the judgments of the courts would further act
as a corrective to objectionable judgments. Through such processes the courts sustain
their legitimacy.
Competence of Two Judge Benches of Supreme Court to refer Cases to
Larger Benches
The Supreme Court of United States of America consists of nine judges and
every Judge of that court is a party to each of its judgment. But the same is not the
case in our Supreme Court. The Supreme Court of India consists of twenty-six Judges
including the Chief Justice and sits in Division Courts comprising of two Judges,
three Judges, five Judges, or more, and therefore all the Judges do not become party to
each of the judgment pronounced by the Supreme Court of India. In view of the fact
that our Supreme Court sits in divisions, a practice developed to refer a case to a
larger Bench whenever a smaller Bench doubted the correctness of the law declared in
the earlier judgement. Further references may go to still larger Benches until the law
is settled by a larger Bench. For example, it can be seen as to how Keshavananda
Bharati case11 reached a Bench of thirteen Hon’ble Judges. In Shakari Prasad Singh
Deo v. Union of India12 a five Judge Constitution Bench held that an amendment of
the Constitution made under Article 368 is “not law” within the meaning of Article
13(2) of the Constitution. In Sajjan Singh v. State of Rajasthan13 another five-Judge
Bench also took the same view. These two decisions were doubted and the correctness
of these decisions was considered by an eleven-Judge Bench in Golak Nath v. State of
Punjab14 wherein by a majority of 6:5, the eleven-Judge Bench prospectively
overruled Shankari Prasad and Sajjan singh decisions and it was held that an
amendment of the Constitution is “law” within the meaning of Article 13(2) of the
Constitution. After this decision, Articles 13 and 368 were amended so as to exclude
the amendments of the Constitution from the purview of Article 13(2). The
correctness of Golak Nath case and the validity of the Constitution (Twenty-fourth
Amendment) Act, 1971 were considered by a larger Bench of thirteen Judges in
Keshavanand Bharati v. State of Kearala wherein Golak Nath case was overruled and
the doctrine of basic structure was propounded.
(For further details refer articles given in Module V).
Disciplining Division Benches of Two Judges of the Supreme Court
In two rulings, two Constitution Benches of five judges presided over by
Bharucha, C.J. in Bharat Petroleum Corpn. Ltd. v. Mumbai Shramik Sangh15 and
Pradip Chandra Parija v. Pramod Chandra Patnaik16 have ruled that it was improper
for a Division Bench of two judges to refer the correctness of a judgement of a five-
Judge Bench for reconsideration by another Bench of five Judges as in Bharat
Keshavanada Bharati v. State of Kerala, (1973) 4 SCC 225.
AIR 1951 SC 458.
AIR 1965 SC 845.
AIR 1967 SC 1643.
(2001) 4 SCC 448.
(20020 1 SCC 1.
Petroleum case or for a Bench of two Judges to refer the correctness of a decision of
three Judges to a large Bench of five Judges as in Parija case.
According to these rulings, “judicial discipline and propriety” obliged a Bench
of two Judges to follow the judgement of larger Benches. However, it was ruled, that
if the two Judges concluded that the judgement of a larger Bench
“is so very incorrect that in on circumstances can it be followed, the
proper course for it to adopt is to refer the matter before it to a Bench
of three learned Judges setting out, as has been done here, the reasons
why it could not agree with the earlier judgement. If, then, the Bench
of three learned Judges is incorrect, reference to a Bench of five
learned Judges is justified.”17
(For more details refer to article given in Module V).
Prospective Overruling and Judicial Restrain
The doctrine of prospective overruling originated from the American judicial
system. It was for the first time laid down by Cardozo J. and learned Hand J. The
doctrine aims at overruling a precedent without causing a retrospective effect. The
concept of prospective overruling is now an integral part of legal systems world over.
The basic meaning of prospective overruling is to construe an earlier decision in a
way so as to suit the present day needs, but in such a way that it does not create a
binding effect upon the parties to the original case or other parties bound by the
precedent. The use of this doctrine overrules an earlier laid down precedent with
effect limited to future cases and all the events that occurred before it are bound by
the old precedent itself. In simpler terms it means that the court is laying down a new
law for the future.
There are two aspects to the doctrine of prospective overruling. The first aspect
was laid down by Lord Blackstone, according to this theory Judges don’t make the
law; their job is to define the law. They should however follow the doctrine of Stare
Decisis. The doctrine of Stare Decisis means “to stand by precedent and not to disturb
the settled point of law”; the logic behind this doctrine is that people should not get
confused as to what is legal and what is illegal. The advocates should be able to
clarify to their clients the exact law and not get confused themselves. So accordingly
Pradip Chandra Parija v. Pramod Chandra Patnaik, (2002) 1 SCC 1.
AIR 1967 SC 1643.
AIR 1965 SC 845.
Constitution of India. It was further added that this doctrine is no where against the
Constitution and Articles 32, 141 and 142 of the Constitution of India. By not giving
retrospective effect to the above mentioned case the court certainly saved the parties
bound by it from a lot of chaos and injustice. It was also stated that giving or not
giving a retrospective effect to the overruled precedent is to be left on the learned
Judges depending on the facts of the case.
However now this situation has changed and this doctrine are applicable to
other statutes also, which again is a very dynamic step taken by the judiciary in order
to meet the ends of justice.
The diversity of laws in the modern world is a fact. Each political society in
the world has its own legal system, and it often happens that several laws co-exist
within a legal system. In a federal state, in addition to a federal law, there may be laws
of states, provinces or districts. There are moreover laws of communities that have no
political organization at all, such as Canon Law, Muslim Law, Hindu Law and Jewish
Law. There is as well international law which relates to international commerce.
The diversity of law poses a problem since the laws of the world are expressed
in many different languages and forms and since they have evolved in societies where
the social organization, beliefs and social manners vary. As there are classifications in
different sciences, the laws can also be reduced to a limited number of families.
We can divide the legal system and laws into four categories namely, Romano-
Germanic Legal System (Civil Law System), the Common Law Legal System,
Muslim Legal System and the Socialist Legal System.
Common Law
The Common Law comes from customs and habits applied by English courts.
Local customs which varied from one locality to another were the sources of decision
by local courts.
After the Norman Conquest in 1066, these customs were brought into a
uniform system. It took the name of Common Law because it was common to all men
within the King’s jurisdiction.
To start a legal process, the claimants had to be granted a writ by the King.
These writs defined rights and obligations which were enforceable only in the King’s
courts. This system contributes to the limitation of the development of the Common
Law. This led to the development of Equity.
Besides, the doctrine of precedent is developed. The decision of the court is
binding on the parties to the action. Further, the principle of the decision may become
binding on other parties in future cases. However, not all of a judgment is binding,
only the “ratio decidendi” is.
In many cases, claimants had no remedy at Common Law because they were
unable to find a registered writ drawn to suit their claims. So, the unsatisfied people
seized the King, “the fountain of justice”, by a petition. By the end of the fifteenth
century, the Chancellor would deal with petitions in his name. That is why the court of
Chancery was created.
The cases were solved according to the conscience of the King or the
Chancellor. Where decision given to the Common Law remedy was not appropriate,
the Court of Chancery might give relief to its petitioners according to equity and good
Conflicts and competition existed between the Common Law Courts and the
Court of Chancery. Equity is consequently subjected of Chancellor’s appreciation.
Equity predominates over the Common Law. As a result, Equity was submitted to the
doctrine of precedent. So, it is necessary to differentiate Common Law from Equity.
For example, at Common Law, the normal remedy was damages. However in
Equity, remedies are discretionary, according to the conduct of the parties. So,
2) Crown Court:
It has jurisdiction over serious criminal offences.
3) Court of Appeal
The Court of appeal is an appellate jurisdiction within the Supreme Court of
The House of Lords
The appeal against decisions of the Court of Appeal is brought before the
appellate committee of the House of Lords. The appeal is not a right but it must be
granted. The House of Lords is the Supreme Court, also in civil matters, for England
and the rest of the United Kingdom.
Privy Council
It gives a ruling about appeals made against the decisions of the Supreme
Courts of the United Kingdom overseas territories or countries which are members of
the commonwealth and have accepted the jurisdiction of the Privy Council (Jamaica,
Gibraltar etc.).
Lower Courts
In civil matters, the Lower Courts are the County Courts which have an
important role in the administration of civil justice in England.
The High Court of Justice hears claims of less than 15000 pounds. Claims for
less than 500 pounds are normally subject to a procedure known as the small claims
track which is a swifter and cheaper means of resolving small disputes.
In criminal matters, summary offences are judged by magistrates, who are
laymen or women known as justice of the peace. They are not remunerated. However,
in London and other cities, justices of the peace have now been replaced by
professional full-time judges. The Judges are appointed by the Queen, on the
suggestion of the Lord Chancellor; they must have seven years practice as a Barrister
or Solicitor.
The Civil and Criminal Courts
There is a clear separation and distinction between civil courts, which settle
disputes between people (such as property division after a divorce), and criminal
courts that prosecute those who break the law. Crimes are categorized as minor
offences (‘misdemeanours’) or serious violations of the law (‘felonies’).
The Indian Legal System is one of the oldest legal systems in the entire history
of the world. It has altered as well as developed over the past few centuries to absorb
inferences from the legal systems across the world. The Constitution of India is the
fountainhead of the Indian Legal System. It demonstrates the Anglo-Saxon character
of judiciary which is basically drawn from the British Legal System.
The Primary Origins of Law:
warranto and certiorari to enforce them. The Supreme Court has been conferred with
power to direct transfer of any civil or criminal case from one State High Court to
another State High Court or from a Court subordinate to another State High Court.
The Supreme Court, if satisfied that cases involving the same or substantially the
same questions of law are pending before it and one or more High Courts or before
two or more High Courts and that such questions are substantial questions of general
importance, may withdraw a case or cases pending before the High Court or High
Courts and dispose of all such cases itself. Under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act,
1996, International Commercial Arbitration can also be initiated in the Supreme
The appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court can be invoked by a certificate
granted by the High Court concerned under Article 132(1), 133(1) or 134 of the
Constitution in respect of any judgement, decree or final order of a High Court in both
civil and criminal cases, involving substantial questions of law as to the interpretation
of the Constitution. Appeals also lie to the Supreme Court in civil matters if the High
Court concerned certifies: (a) that the case involves a substantial question of law of
general importance, and (b) that, in the opinion of the High Court, the said question
needs to be decided by the Supreme Court. In criminal cases, an appeal lies to the
Supreme Court if the High Court (a) has on appeal reversed an order of acquittal of an
accused person and sentenced him to death or to imprisonment for life or for a period
of not less than 10 years, or (b) has withdrawn for trial before itself any case from any
Court subordinate to its authority and has in such trial convicted the accused and
sentenced him to death or to imprisonment for life or for a period of not less than 10
years, or (c) certified that the case is a fit one for appeal to the Supreme Court.
Parliament is authorized to confer on the Supreme Court any further powers to
entertain and hear appeals from any judgement, final order or sentence in a criminal
proceeding of a High Court.
The Supreme Court has also a very wide appellate jurisdiction over all Courts
and Tribunals in India in as much as it may, in its discretion, grant special leave to
appeal under Article 136 of the Constitution from any judgment, decree,
determination, sentence or order in any cause or matter passed or made by any Court
or Tribunal in the territory of India.
The Supreme Court has special advisory jurisdiction in matters which may
specifically be referred to it by the President of India under Article 143 of the
Constitution. There are provisions for reference or appeal to this Court under Article
317(1) of the Constitution, Section 257 of the Income Tax Act, 1961, Section 7(2) of
the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969, Section 130-A of the
Customs Act, 1962, Section 35-H of the Central Excises and Salt Act, 1944 and
Section 82C of the Gold (Control) Act, 1968. Appeals also lie to the Supreme Court
under the Representation of the People Act, 1951, Monopolies and Restrictive Trade
Practices Act, 1969, Advocates Act, 1961, Contempt of Courts Act, 1971, Customs
Act, 1962, Central Excises and Salt Act, 1944, Enlargement of Criminal Appellate
Jurisdiction Act, 1970, Trial of Offences Relating to Transactions in Securities Act,
1992, Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act, 1987 and Consumer
Protection Act, 1986. Election Petitions under Part III of the Presidential and Vice
Presidential Elections Act, 1952 are also filed directly in the Supreme Court.
Under Articles 129 and 142 of the Constitution the Supreme Court has been
vested with power to punish for contempt of Court including the power to punish for
contempt of itself. In case of contempt other than the contempt referred to in Rule 2,
Part-I of the Rules to regulate Proceedings for Contempt of the Supreme Court, 1975,
the Court may take action (a) Suo motu, or (b) on a petition made by Attorney
General, or Solicitor General, or (c) on a petition made by any person, and in the case
of a criminal contempt with the consent in writing of the Attorney General or the
Solicitor General.
Under Order XL of the Supreme Court Rules the Supreme Court may review
its judgment or order but no application for review is to be entertained in a civil
proceeding except on the grounds mentioned in Order XLVII, Rule 1 of the Code of
Civil Procedure and in a criminal proceeding except on the ground of an error
apparent on the face of the record.
1. S.R. Myneni, Legal Language and Legal Writing, (1st ed.), Asia Law House,
Hyderabad, 2008 (Chapters 4 (Unit II).
2. Arvind Datar, Commentary on the Constitution of India, (2nd edn.), Wadhawa,
Nagpur, (2007).
3. P.M. Bakshi, The Constitution of India, (7th edn.), Universal Law Pub., New
Delhi, (2006).
4. M.P. Jain, Indian Constitutional Law, (5th ed.), Wadhawa, Nagpur, (2004).
Quotable Quotes
1. “Law is merely the expression of the will of the strongest for the time
being, and therefore laws have no fixity, but shift from generation to
- Henry Brooks Adams
2. “Where there are laws, he who has not broken them need not tremble.”
- Vittorio Alfieri, Virginia
3. “Law is king of all.”
- Henry Alford, School of the Hear
4. “We are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is what the judges say
it is, and the judiciary is the safeguard of our property and our liberty
under the Constitution”
-Charles Evans Hughes
5. “He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy
from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent
that will reach to himself.”
- Thomas Paine quotes
6. “Precedent keeps the law predictable and so more or less ascertainable.”
- Lord Devlin
7. “Statutes should be constructed not as theorems of Euclid but with some
imagination of the purposes which lie behind them and to be too literal in
the meaning of words is to see and miss the soul.”
8. “Legislation is that source of law which consists in the declaration of legal
rules by a competent authority. When judges by judicial decisions lay