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New Module Lesson 5

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Learning Outcomes

Suggested Timeframe: 4.5 hours

In this lesson, you are expected to:
Desired Significant Learning Outcome:
- describe the importance of learning outcomes.


The following are two steps needed to accomplish this phase:

1. Each of you will have to squeeze every resource (traditional and non-traditional means) in
understanding various learning theories. To facilitate your research task and enrich your
understanding of the lesson, watch videos related to learning outcomes.

2. Fill out the KWHL chart and post your thoughts, views, or ideas in your Facebook group page
based on what you have read, what you have browsed in various Internet-based resources,
and what you have viewed in videos and interactive online materials:
On Learning Outcomes

What I KNOW What I WANT to HOW I can learn What I have

find out more LEARNED

Learning outcomes I'm curious about I need to read Learning outcomes

are assertions about the factors that books and articles are quantifiable
what students affect learning about learning assertions that
outcomes. In what outcomes. I can express what
should know and
ways does it help also learn more by students should
be able to students learn? asking other know, be able to
demonstrate after instructors or accomplish, or
participating in a experienced public value after
teachable moment and private school finishing a course
or a set of teachers or program.
educational questions.

Answer the following questions in the space provided below.

1. What are learning outcomes?
- Learning outcomes are quantifiable statements that describe what students
should know, be able to perform, or value after finishing a course or program.
Learning outcomes are statements about what knowledge, skills, and abilities
students should have and be able to demonstrate after completing a learning
experience or series of activities. Learning outcomes, or descriptions of what a
learner should know, do, and value at the end of the learning process, are
crucial in efforts to improve the quality of education we deliver in order to
produce exceptional learners who will positively impact the world.

2. What is the importance of learning outcomes?

- Learning outcomes, which help students focus on what matters, are the foundations
of course design and assessment. Learning outcomes can also be considered a
technique for inclusive education because they can help students grasp what is
expected of them.

3. What are the kinds/types of learning domains?

- Cognitive, emotional, and psychomotor learning are the three types of learning.
Professional development events use a number of approaches to engage
participants in various learning domains.

4. Why is there a need to study various learning domains?

- Students develop critical thinking skills by using ways in the learning domains that
make sense to them. They benefit students by teaching them several ways to new
ideas and concepts. They also give teachers the ability to personalize each
student's learning experience.

5. What are the classroom implications of each learning outcome?

- When questioning in the classroom is focused on aiding student learning, teachers
consciously plan, supervise, and respond to students' responses. This helps
teachers to take advantage of chances during the class to reinforce students'
“Breakthrough Time." You may now express freely your thoughts, feelings, and experiences
in the previous activities (KWHL chart) by writing or sketching them in the space provided
I learn a lot by reading and searching for content to improve my understanding of the topic
or course. The module and lecture give us the information we need and highlight the most
significant components so we can figure out the major definition.


1. Briefly look at your KWHL chart and examine the commonalities and differences of your
output and then summarize it.
2. Go to your respective groups and fill out the diagram below.
3. Share among your group mates what you have done. Discussion will take place after.

4. Get your sample curriculum guide (CG) and decide which sample topic you would to make a
learning outcome for.
5. "Breakthrough Time." You may now express freely your thoughts, feelings, experiences in the
activity (e.g., KWHL chart and activity on CG) by writing or sketching them in the space
provided below.
- I can see how hard the teachers work to prepare lesson ideas for their classes. I
enjoy the exercise or challenge because it provides me the skills I need to create
classes. It clarifies why I should gain knowledge.


1. Create your learning outcome following the matrix below.

Grade 6

Subject EPP

Topic Stitching

Content Standard Students must know different kind of stitching.

Performance Active participation


Learning Show some example of stitching.

Performance Task Individual task

Learning Outcomes Cognitive Affective Psychomotor

students can Learners doing They can ask

identify different stitching. questions if they
stitching need help

2. Learners are asked to work in groups.

3. "Breakthrough Time.” You may now express freely your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in
the activity (creation of learning outcomes) by writing or sketching them in the space provided

- I can see how diligently the teachers organize lessons for their students. I
like the challenge or exercise because it helps me develop the skills I need
to create classes. It makes it clear why I should take part in a learning


1. Bring out your homework (interview one basic education teacher and ask him to identify how
did he or she comes up with his or her learning outcomes). Write report on the teacher's
response guided by the matrix given below.

Basic Information (Teacher)

Name: Mae Ocampo

Gender: Female

Age: 27

School/Address: Cabog-Cabog Elemetary School

No. of years in the service: 4

Subject/s taught: English

No. of years teaching the subject: 4

Impact of learning outcomes to My students' learning outcomes

students' performance: demonstrated how well they had
absorbed the material.

Difficulties encountered in I believe the challenges I had stemmed

developing learning outcomes: from the epidemic, when there were
students who were really difficult to reach
in terms of their education.

Other comments: Being an educator allows me to assist

students in learning and shaping their

Interviewed by: (Signature Over

Printed Name)

2. "Breakthrough Time." You may now express freely your thoughts, feelings, and experiences
in the activity (interview) by writing or sketching them in the space provided below.
- Interviewing a veteran instructor to observe how they produce learning outcomes for their
students will be the most interesting aspect. I'm already aware of the difficulties in
developing learning outcomes, but I believe I'll need to practice and study the process
more thoroughly.

A. Read each item carefully and circle the letter of the best answer.

1. It refers to the brief, clear, specific statements that describe what the learner is expected
to achieve as a result of instruction.
A. Learning Goals
B. Learning Outcomes
C. Learning Objectives
D. Learning Assessment

2. When writing a measurable learning outcome, the most important thing to consider is the
A. focus on teacher's targets
B. state desired performance criteria
C. use general and complex action verbs
D. select broad and difficult assessment methods

3. Learning outcomes are about what the learners are able to demonstrate upon completion
of a course. Which statement is an example of a learning outcome?
A. Learners engage in a formalized language/cultural studies program.
B. Learners master integrated use of information technology.
C. Learners write two essays on critical thinking skills.
D. Learners produce data using excel.

4. Which among the following is not an essential component of measurable learning

outcomes? A. Student learning behaviors
B. Appropriate assessment methods
C. Cultural background and environment
D. Specific student performance criteria for success
5. It refers to what a learner is expected to know, understand, or to be able to da as a result
of a learning process.
A. Learning Outcomes
B. Assessment
C. Objectives
D. Goals


A. Read each item carefully and then circle the letter of the best answer. 1. What specific level
in the affective domain is shown when a learner chooses volunteer to raise funds for
victims of pandemic rather than watch telenovelas?
A. Characterization
B. Organization
C. Responding
D. Valuing

2. Which among the following principles best help learners achieve development of attitude
and values?
A. Learners are encouraged to try out different strategies and observe their
B. Learners pay attention to performance and encouraging feedback.
C. Learners learn through the power of example.
D. Learners are actively involved in activities.

3. Which among the following is not an importance of learning outcomes?

A. Learning outcomes help teachers become excellent.
B. Learning outcomes help teachers design appropriate assessments.
C. Learning outcomes help teachers communicate expectations to learners.
D. Learning outcomes help teachers evaluate the effectiveness of teaching
4. What do you consider best when looking into the creativity of learners?
A. Aesthetic of the product
B. Quality of the product
C. Design of the product
D. Novelty of the product

5. A learner plays the violin with ease and confidence after consistently practicing how to
play it is an example of ____________________________________.
A. Complex Overt Response
B. Mechanism
C. Adaptation
D. Origination
B. Examine the learning outcomes you have developed and answer individually the following
1. Are you happy with your output? Why or Why not?
- I am satisfied with my work since I am convinced that I understand the
content. I am confident in the accuracy of my results.

2. How significant are these learning outcomes in the teaching-learning process? -

Learning outcomes, which help students focus on what matters, are the foundations
of course design and assessment. Learning outcomes are also an inclusive teaching
method since they help students understand what is expected of them.

3. What were the difficulties you encountered in developing the learning outcomes? - I feel
the problems in producing learning outcomes are creating activities for students and
performance tasks. We need to help kids understand and learn the subject. It will be
a straightforward process if the learning outcomes we generate have the best learner

A. At this juncture, go back to your "Breakthrough Time” and summarize your entry thoughts
guided by the following points:
1. What strengths did you develop while doing the activities or insights or new learnings did
you get from the activities?
- It aids in the development of my imagination and the manner in which I approach
each action in this sector. When I interview the teacher, I have a lot of information
that helps me better understand the learning results.

2. What skills did you develop?

- One of the skills I've acquired is critical thinking, which encourages me to develop
a good learning outcome so that I can properly educate my future pupils.

3. Do you find the activities worth doing? Why?

- This project was valuable for me since it taught me how to design learning
outcomes that will help me in the future.
B. Rate your level of need and readiness in creating learning outcomes.
1. Assess your level of needs in describing learning outcomes by putting a check mark (✓) on the
column that corresponds to your answer.

Need Very Fairly Not

Much Needed Needed
Needed (2) (1)

1. I need to read and understand more books /

on learning outcomes.

2. I need to analyze more practical /

classroom situations related to learning

3. I need to watch more video clips related /

to learning outcomes.

4. I need peer tutoring to gain a better /

understanding of learning outcomes.

5. I need a mentor to guide me to acquire a /

deep understanding of learning outcomes.

2. Assess your level of readiness in describing learning outcomes by putting a check mark (✓) on
the column that corresponds to your answer.

Readiness Very Fairly Not Yet

Much Rea Ready
Ready dy (1)
(3) (2)

1. I have adequate knowledge in describing /

learning outcomes.
2. I can mentor my classmate/s who has/have /
difficulty understanding and writing learning

3. I can identify the learning outcomes for /

specific learning competencies.

4. I am more than willing to share my knowledge /

and skills with my fellow learners on learning

5. I am confident I can manage this course in /

the Board Licensure Examination for
Professional Teachers (BLEPT).

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