Jurnal Bahasa Inggris
Jurnal Bahasa Inggris
Jurnal Bahasa Inggris
By :
Abdul Aris
Program Studi S1-Teknik Informatika, Universitas Semarang
b. Software
The software used in the making of the
program are as follows::
a. Sistem Operasi Windows 7
c. Apache webserver
d.Notepad ++
e. Browser
f. MySQL Database Server
a. Setting up a website www.obatkuat-paten.com
3 : Klik Menu Pilih File()
6. Printer
2 : Tampilan file acceslog yang berhasil di upload()
Program Studi S1-Teknik Informatika, Universitas Semarang
d. Squence Diagram Proses 1
Gambar 5. Class Diagram
Menu home
: User
Upload f ile
Complete Link
l. Activity Pre-proses
Pilih preproses
h. Class Diagram
Keyphrase Similaritas
+Frase +Pk_id
m. Activity Proses1
+PK_id +r
+Jumlah +PK_kata
+Status +s
+Jumlah +drs
+Pre-proses() +m
+Baca _acceslog()
Stopword Step
Pilih proses 1 +PK-id
+PK-id +PK_id +m
+Kata +m +r
+i +s
+PK_Step() +PK-Clater()
Program Studi S1-Teknik Informatika, Universitas Semarang
Proses 1
Analysis of system design has been done in
detail, then the next step is towards the
implementation phase. The purpose of the
implementation phase is to explain about the
manual module to all users who will use the
system. So that the user can respond to what is
n. Activity Proses2 displayed by the system and provide input to
system maker to be repaired in order to be a
better system.
Program Studi S1-Teknik Informatika, Universitas Semarang
Based on a case study that has been
done, then the author can take some conclusions
c. Form Menu Proses 1 as follows:
In this form is used to process the file a) Application Optimization Search Engines
successfully uploaded. Complete Link Method Using built can be
used as a means to improve the segmentation
promotion prodak online store.
b) Application Optimization Search Engines
Complete Link Method Using built to
increase the number of penggunjung website
thereby increasing the number of purchases at
online stores prodak.
c) Application Optimization Search Engines
d. Form Menu Proses 2 Complete Method Using these links can
This form is used to continue the process 1 provide convenience in managing a product
or item that has not been touched by the
search engines.
d) Application Optimization Search Engines
Complete Method Using these links to search
engine optimize a website to the online store.
e) Complete Application Linked To Increased
Website Ranking can improve the ranking of
a website on the first page ranks in the search
Program Studi S1-Teknik Informatika, Universitas Semarang
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Program Studi S1-Teknik Informatika, Universitas Semarang