Use of Natural Coagulants in The Removal of Color and Turbidity From Laundry Wastewater
Use of Natural Coagulants in The Removal of Color and Turbidity From Laundry Wastewater
Use of Natural Coagulants in The Removal of Color and Turbidity From Laundry Wastewater
Received: 27 April 2021 / Accepted: 1 July 2021 / Published online: 9 July 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
Abstract Laundry wastewater has a high amount Tanfloc POP coagulant showed a high performance in
of dirt from the washed items and chemical additives removing color and turbidity from industrial laundry
used in washing process. Aiming the primary treat- wastewater; it has been as a promising coagulant in
ment of this type of wastewater, three different natu- the primary treatment of wastewater in this service
ral coagulants (Tanfloc POP, Tanfloc SL, and Tanfloc sector.
SG) were evaluated in the removal of color and tur-
bidity by the coagulation/flocculation/sedimentation Keywords Natural coagulant · Coagulation ·
process (C/F/S). The results showed that the time Laundry wastewater · Tanfloc
between 5 and 10 min was sufficient for the sedi-
mentation of the flakes, with a time of 10 min being
adopted for further studies. The statistical analysis 1 Introduction
and the cost of acquiring the coagulant were deci-
sive in the selection of the best natural coagulant. The combating of air, soil, and water pollution over
The maximum values of color (88.7%) and turbidity the years has been a major challenge for humans. In
(92.8%) removal efficiency occurred at a concentra- the aquatic environment, pollution has several ori-
tion of 120 mg L −1 (concentration determined by gins, such as industrial effluents, significant use of
the Fischer LSD test) and the lowest cost (0.75$) pesticides and fertilizers in agriculture, and residues
obtained for the Tanfloc POP coagulant. The volume of pharmaceutical and domestic origin (Natarajan
of sludge generated was higher in the treated effluent et al., 2018; Zahrim et al., 2013).
sample compared to the control sample, which proves Among industrial wastewaters, that of laundries
the removal of total solids present in the effluent. The has in its composition high levels of suspended sol-
ids, COD, color, surfactants, and organic matter.
C. de Oliveira Cardoso Nascimento (*) · M. T. Veit · These parameters can alter the characteristics of the
S. M. Palácio water and lead to the occurrence of the eutrophica-
Department of Chemical Engineering, Western Paraná tion phenomenon (Al-Gheethi et al., 2017; Choobar
State University-UNIOESTE, Campus of Toledo, Rua da
et al., 2019). They are generally parameters that are in
Faculdade 645, Jd. Santa Maria, Toledo, PR 85903‑000,
Brazil greater proportions than the legislation allows for dis-
e-mail: posal or reuse, which confirms the need for treatment
of this type of wastewater (Turkay et al., 2017).
G. da Cunha Gonçalves
Color and turbidity are among the main param-
Federal Technological University of Paraná-UTFPR, Rua
Cristo Rei 19, Vila Becker, Toledo, PR 87020‑900, Brazil eters that indicate water quality. The presence of
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color in the aquatic environment reduces the pas- potassium alum, and also based on iron, such as ferric
sage of light through the water, leading to a change sulfate and ferric chloride (Manda et al., 2016).
in the photosynthetic activity and consequent natu- The use of inorganic coagulants in large quantities
ral imbalance of flora and fauna, while turbidity leads to a high production of residues, which are not
indicates the presence of suspended solids such as biodegradable and exhibit toxicity to the environment
organic particles and soluble in water. These are (Ang et al., 2015). The aluminum sulfate, widely used
factors that in addition to causing a poor appearance in C/F/S processes, when present in high dosages in
of the water, are also capable of inducing micro- the human body can cause diseases that affect motor
bial resistance (Collivignarelli et al., 2019; Momeni coordination, such as Alzheimer’s disease (Saritha
et al., 2018). et al., 2019).
The main methods used for the treatment of laun- These problems have stimulated the interest in the
dry wastewater are as follows: coagulation/floccu- development and use of natural coagulants, which can
lation/sedimentation (C/F/S), adsorption, flotation, be extracted from plants and animals (Graham et al.,
and membrane separation processes (Kim et al., 2008). To replace the synthetic inorganic or organic
2014), with the C/F/S process being widely used in polymers or even aluminum and iron salts, the use
the primary treatment of effluents, due to its ability to of cationic polymers prepared from natural prod-
remove organic matter, turbidity, and color (Muthura- ucts has been proposed, for example, the tannin that
man & Sasikala, 2014). is extracted from the husk of Acacia-negra (Acacia
The C/F/S process has the main purpose to remove mearnsii). In Brazil, this tree is cultivated only in Rio
the particles of impurities and the color of the water, Grande do Sul, and the Tanac S.A. company owns an
and for that, it requires the addition of coagulants area of more than 30 thousand hectares (Mangrich
to the samples of wastewater to be treated, in order et al., 2014).
to destabilize and agglomerate the small particles, The cationic organic polymer is prepared by the
making it easier to removal of flakes formed (Freitas Mannich reaction, which consists of the polym-
et al., 2015). erization of tannin by the addition of formaldehyde,
According to Kim (2016), some factors influence ammonium chloride, and hydrochloric acid. This
the efficiency of the C/F/S process, such as the type type of process is conducted in patents, including the
of coagulant used and its dosage, the pH value of the specific process for Tanfloc (Hameed et al., 2016).
water to be treated, speed and stirring time, operating Tanfloc coagulants are widely used to treat effluents
temperature, and retention time. from different industries, and have shown efficiency
Coagulation is the physical and chemical reaction in removing parameters such as color and turbidity,
that occurs between the alkalinity of the water and as reported in the work of Lopes et al. (2019). The
the added coagulant, which results in the formation authors used the C/F process to treat synthetic textile
of flakes. Flocculation is the movement controlled by wastewaters, adding the concentration of 80 mg L−1
the agitation of the effluent that leads to the formation of dye and using Tanfloc SG (concentration: 50 to
of settleable flakes of 20 to 50 µm in size (Ciabatti 200 mg L−1) under the conditions of 3 min of rapid
et al., 2009; Manda et al., 2016). mixing at 150 rpm and 15 min of slow mixing at
The sedimentation process occurs by solid/liquid 20 rpm with 15 min for the flakes sedimentation time
separation influenced by gravity, allowing the heavier and obtained the total removal of turbidity and color
flakes to settle faster than the dispersed particles, in in the treated effluent.
order to settle in the bottom of the solution. Thus, the In the study of Dos Santos et al. (2018), different
aim is to obtain the shortest time of sedimentation to coagulants of natural origin were evaluated in the
achieve a viable and efficient process that reduces the treatment of the wastewater from the cassava process-
operation time of treatment plants (Mohamad et al., ing industry (manipueira) for a sedimentation time of
2021; Ortiz et al., 2021). 15 min. The Tanfloc SL (480 mg L −1) and Acquapol
The coagulants used in the wastewater treatment S5T (320 mg L ) coagulants showed the highest
can be of the inorganic type or of natural origin. Inor- efficiencies, with turbidity and color removal around
ganic coagulants can be formed based on aluminum, 87% and 77%, respectively, for both coagulants. Vaz
such as aluminum sulfate, sodium aluminate, and et al. (2010) obtained removal of 96.77% for color
Water Air Soil Pollut (2021) 232: 300 Page 3 of 12 300
and 99.38% for turbidity in the treatment of electro- (Tecnal R-TEC-04P-MP). Apparent color (8025)
plating effluent with the use of the natural coagulant and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD 5220D) were
Tanfloc SG (concentration: 400 mg L−1) for a sedi- analyzed using a Hach Spectrophotometer (DR
mentation time of 50 min. 3900). The pH (4500_H+ B) was measured using a
Based on the promising applications of natural pH meter (Digimed DM-22), and temperature was
coagulants in different effluents, including Tanfloc, measured using a thermometer Icoterm (ASTM
the present work was encouraged to evaluate the effi- 8C-86 IMM) (APHA-255B). Turbidity (2130B)
ciency of three natural coagulants (Tanfloc POP, Tan- was quantified using a turbidimeter (Model 2100
floc SG, and Tanfloc SL) in the treatment of industrial P), and the analyses of Total Dissolved Solids and
laundry effluent. Therefore, we sought to determine Total Solids were performed following the TDS-
the best coagulant dosage and the shortest sedimenta- 2540C and TS-2540B procedures (APHA, 1998)
tion time for the flakes that would result in the high- respectively.
est removal of color and turbidity of the effluent. The
analysis of the acquisition cost of the coagulants was
carried out together with the statistical analysis to 2.2 Coagulant Solution and C/F/S Tests
choose the best coagulant in relation to the efficiency
in the process. The natural coagulants Tanfloc POP, Tanfloc SG,
and Tanfloc SL used in the C/F/S tests for the treat-
ment of the laundry wastewater were provided by
the company Tanac S.A. These coagulants are pro-
2 Materials and Methods duced by the process of extracting the tannin from
the husk of Acacia-negra (Acacia mearnsii), and
2.1 Wastewater and Analytical Methodology operate in a pH range between 4.5 and 8. The solu-
tions of the natural coagulants (Tanfloc POP, SG,
The raw wastewater was collected in the equalization and SL) were prepared with distilled water accord-
tank of an industrial laundry in the western region ing to the desired concentration (80, 100, 120, 140,
of Paraná, Brazil, and stored in polypropylene gal- and 160 mg L−1) in the C/F/S assays. These tests
lons with a capacity of 5 and 20 L in a refrigerator were carried out in order to select among the three
for use in subsequent tests. As informed by the laun- natural coagulants tested, the one that had the best
dry, approximately 800 kg of items is washed daily, color and turbidity removals, associated with the
such as professional uniforms from a fish fridge, blan- best coagulant dosage and sedimentation time of the
kets, comforters, carpets and curtains of domestic and flakes.
hotel management origin, and sofas and armchairs. In The assays were performed in Jar Test equip-
this washing process, around 8 m3/day of wastewater ment (JT102-Milan) containing tanks with a capac-
from the activity is produced. ity of 1 L of wastewater each. Experiments without
The wastewater was destined to its characteriza- addition of coagulant (control) in wastewater sam-
tion and to the C/F/S assays using different natural ple were performed simultaneously in C/F/S pro-
coagulants to determine the most efficient range in cess. The pH of the wastewater was adjusted to 7.5
the removal of color and turbidity of the wastewater. by adding NaOH 1 mol L −1 and HCl 0,1 mol L−1
The characterization of the wastewater followed solutions, to meet the pH range of the coagulants
the methodologies of Standard Methods for the (between 4.5 and 8). All assays were performed in
Examination of Water and Wastewater (APHA, duplicate and at room temperature at 26 °C, estab-
1998) and all the analyses were performed in dupli- lishing the operating conditions of 120 rpm for
cate. The analyses of Total Organic Carbon (TOC- rapid mixing velocity (RMV) and 2 min for rapid
5310C) and total nitrogen, which followed the mixing time (RMT) and 20 rpm for slow mixing
methodology of American Society for test Method´s velocity (SMV) and 15 min for slow mixing time
D5176 (ASTM, 2015), were analyzed in a TOC-L (SMT).
equipment (brand: Shimadzu). The conductivity
(2510-B) was quantified using a conductivity meter
300 Page 4 of 12 Water Air Soil Pollut (2021) 232: 300
et al.
in each tank in the interval of 5 min until the total
time of sedimentation was completed for 20 min.
The collected samples were evaluated regarding the
removal of color and turbidity parameters and the
pH was also measured.
75.0 ± 0.2
26.0 ± 0.1
10.8 ± 0.4
1185 ± 6
305 ± 10
After the C/F/S step, the best coagulant and its
753 ± 4
best dosage were defined. C/F/S assays were repeated
exclusively to determine the sludge produced, with
all content present in tank (1 L) being transferred to
Shang et al. (2015) Mozia
the Imhoff cone and after 60 min of sedimentation the
et al.
settleable solids were read directly (in the cone) and
the volume of sludge was quantified.
The removal efficiency of color and turbidity
Table 1 – Mean values of physicochemical parameters obtained for raw wastewater in the present study and literature studies
parameters for the C/F/S process was determined by
1240 ± 267
12.2 ± 0.5
735 ± 130
1196 ± 72
Eq. 1:
41 ± 1
Value (control) − (sample)
Efficiency (%) = (1)
Value (control)
Varesche (2014)
The statistical analyses were performed using the
1710 ± 968
Kim et al. (2014) Braga and
Statistica 7® software, in relation to the calculated
5.6 ± 0.9
efficiency values for the color and turbidity param-
eters. The ANOVA analysis of variance allowed to
evaluate which treatments were significant consider-
ing a significance level of 5%. The comparison of the
averages of color and turbidity removal for the three
12.5 ± 0.5
858 ± 111
724 ± 123
1138 ± 58
357 ± 52
coagulants tested in the different concentrations was
40 ± 1
performed by the Fisher LSD test, in the established
sedimentation time of 10 min.
The choice of the best coagulant was based on the
Šostar-Turk Ciabatti
3 Results and Discussion
61.4 ± 1.7
4.8 ± 0.1
9.9 ± 0.3
26.1 ± 0.1
1189 ± 2
447 ± 18
480 ± 2
560 ± 0
409 ± 9
87 ± 6
mg O2 L−1
mg L−1
mg L−1
mg L−1
Water Air Soil Pollut (2021) 232: 300 Page 5 of 12 300
laundry wastewater, a fact that is due to the soiling of According to Mozia et al. (2016), laundry waste-
the washed parts and chemicals used in washing. waters have low value of total nitrogen, being in
The conductivity (480 ± 2 µS c m−1) showed lower your work added nitrogen (14 mg L −1) to balance the
value than the one obtained by other studies in the proportion of nutrients in wastewater. In the present
characterization of laundry wastewater. According to study, the value of 4.8 mg L−1 was obtained, a higher
Mozia et al. (2016), this parameter is an indicative of value than that presented by Šostar-Turk et al. (2005),
the presence of ions in the wastewater, which come of 2.7 mg L−1.
from the products used in the washing. Temperature is a relevant parameter that must be
The color parameter comes from the chemicals monitored, since it interferes in the ionic interactions
used in the process and the coloring that some fab- between adsorbents and surfactants (Ho et al., 2021).
rics lose during washing, which implies a variability Its value depends on the climate at the time of col-
among the values depending on the demand for the lection and the process in which the wastewater is
services. subjected to the treatment plants (Šostar-Turk et al.,
In all characterizations of the laundry wastewater, 2005). In the present work, the temperature of waste-
with the exception of the authors Braga and Varesche water at the time of collection was 26.1 °C.
(2014), the pH of the wastewater showed an alkaline The values presented by physicochemical param-
characteristic, similarly to that obtained in the pre- eters evaluated indicate the necessity of an effective
sent study. These pH results support the statement of treatment to remove the contaminants and organic
Shang et al. (2015) that the high pH value presented matter present in laundry wastewater before the dis-
by laundry wastewaters is due to the use of phos- charge into water springs.
phates, silicates, and other chemical components pre-
sent in soaps and detergents. 3.2 C/F/S Experiments: Choice of the Coagulant
The turbidity parameter is an indication of the
presence of suspended particles and organic matter in The value of pH measured in all the assays remained
wastewater (Pichler et al., 2012). In the present work, around 7.5 ± 0.2. According to Lopes et al. (2019),
the turbidity value was lower in relation to the others, tannin does not change the pH of the water as it does
except for Huang et al. (2019). COD is another indica- not consume alkalinity in the medium, which is an
tor of the presence of organic matter in the wastewa- advantage presented by natural coagulants. In their
ter, with the value obtained in the present study lower work using the coagulant Tanfloc SG in the C/F pro-
than the found by Choobar et al. (2019), Braga and cess for the treatment of synthetic textile effluents, the
Varesche (2014), and Shang et al. (2015). According pH varied at most by 0.3 pH units.
to Al-Gheethi et al. (2017), the detergent compounds The color and turbidity removal curves of the laun-
present in the wastewater contribute to the increment dry wastewater for the three coagulants evaluated in
in the COD and turbidity, due to the fact that they the assays are shown in Fig. 1a–f).
raise the organic load of the medium and cause an The raw wastewater (Fig. 1a–f) used in the control
increase in the chemical reactions among the organic tests, when submitted to the same operational condi-
substances. tions (pH, velocity, and time of mixing), presented
The obtained TS presented a value of 447 mg L−1, a natural sedimentation of the suspended particles
which indicates that most of the solids present in the in the wastewater, reducing the color from an initial
wastewater are dissolved (TDS = 409 mg L −1). This value of 560 to 419 mgPt-Co L−1 and turbidity from
TDS value is close to the value obtained by Kim et al. 87 to 40 NTU in the sedimentation time of 20 min.
(2014) and more than ten times smaller than that pre- However, the effectiveness with the addition of natu-
sented by Choobar et al. (2019). The high value for ral coagulants can be observed, since the three coagu-
TDS in the work of Choobar et al. (2019) is attrib- lants were able to reduce the color and turbidity of the
uted to the presence of high amounts of detergents (in wastewater (Fig. 1a–f) in the different concentrations
powder and liquid) used in the washing cycle and by evaluated when compared with the control sample
the organic matter present in the wastewater (grease, (without coagulant) in the C/F/S process.
oil, and dirt). The results indicated a sedimentation time between
5 and 10 min as sufficient to perform the C/F/S step
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Water Air Soil Pollut (2021) 232: 300 Page 7 of 12 300
◂Fig. 1 Color removal curves (a, b, c) and turbidity removal Figure 2a–c shows the percentages of color and
curves (d, e, f) for the different coagulant dosages in relation turbidity removal for the sedimentation time of
to the sedimentation time using the Tanfloc POP, SG, and SL
coagulants, respectively (mean initial color = 560 mgPt-Co L−1;
10 min using the coagulants Tanfloc POP, Tanfloc
mean initial turbidity = 87 NTU), pH = 7.5, RMT = 2 min, SG, and Tanfloc SL in the tested concentrations.
RMV = 120 rpm, SMT = 15 min, SMV = 20 rpm, tempera- Among the three evaluated coagulants, Tanfloc
ture = 26 °C. Legend: POP and Tanfloc SG showed the highest percentage
of color removal (88.7% and 92.3%, respectively)
of laundry wastewater treatment under the experi- and turbidity (92.8% and 94.0%, respectively) at a
mental conditions studied, so the sedimentation time concentration of 160 mg L−1. The Tanfloc SL coag-
of 10 min was determined to posterior assays. ulant showed the lowest removal efficiency for both
The reduction in turbidity of laundry wastewater in the color (69.0%) and turbidity (58.6%) parameters at
relation to the sedimentation time of the flakes was the same concentration evaluated, a fact that indicates
studied by Kim et al. (2014) using different polymers less intensity of the interactions of this coagulant with
as coagulant. These authors obtained removals higher suspended solids present in the laundry wastewater
than 95% of the suspended particles for a time of (Saritha et al., 2019).
10 min of sedimentation. In the study conducted by Huang et al. (2019) for
The assays using the three natural coagulants pre- the treatment of laundry wastewater using the same
sented a greater reduction in the parameters of color natural coagulant (Tanfloc POP®) in operating pH
and turbidity of the wastewater with an increase in of 7.5 and sedimentation time of 10 min, the best
the concentration of coagulant. At coagulant dosage removal of color (79.68%) and turbidity (83.64%) of
of 160 mg L−1 and 10 min of sedimentation, a reduc- wastewater were obtained to coagulant concentration
tion in color from 438 to 49.5 m gPt-Co L−1 and tur- of 140 mg L−1.
bidity from 53 to 3.9 NTU were obtained for Tanfloc The presented value of increase in percentage
POP. Under these same conditions, a color reduction refers to the average value of color and turbidity
from 423 to 32.5 mgPt-Co L−1 and from 50 to 3 NTU removal using the coagulants dosages of 100 and
for turbidity was obtained for the Tanfloc SG coagu- 160 mg L-1. These additions in removal are equivalent
lant. The Tanfloc SL coagulant showed the smallest to an increase of 60 mg L−1 of coagulant used to treat
removals for both parameters, reducing from 424 to 1 L of wastewater, which increases treatment costs.
131.5 mgPt-Co L−1 for color and 40 to 16.5 NTU for This fact justifies an analysis of the cost of acquiring
turbidity. the coagulant and variance (ANOVA) to assess the
In the study conducted by Hameed et al. (2016), significance of the concentration of coagulant in the
the effect of variations in the concentration of Tanfloc efficiency of color and turbidity removal.
coagulant (0 to 45 mg L−1), mixing velocity (60 to
100 rpm), and mixing time (2 to 30 min) for the treat- 3.3 Cost of Coagulants and Statistical Analysis of
ment of municipal effluent by C/F maintaining the Removal Efficiency
rapid mixing velocity at 200 rpm for 1 min, was eval-
uated. The highest efficiency (90%) in the removal of In order to associate the efficiency of the C/F/S pro-
turbidity was obtained with the dosage of 35 mg L −1 cess in wastewater with the lower operating cost of
of coagulant in the time of 10 min of agitation and the treatment unit, a price survey was carried out
100 rpm of velocity. for each natural coagulant with the manufacturer
In the research work of Dos Santos et al. (2018), (TANAC). Table 2 shows the values of the coagulants
different concentrations (160 to 800 mg L −1) of the quoted in February 2021.
coagulants Tanfloc SL and Tanfloc SG were evalu- As shown in Table 2, the Tanfloc POP coagulant
ated in relation to the color and turbidity removal of has the lowest acquisition cost (R$ 4.09) in relation to
the starch effluent in an interval of sedimentation of the others, as well as demonstrating the highest effi-
the flakes from 0 to 20 min. The greatest efficiencies ciency in color removal (88.7%) and turbidity (92.8%)
were achieved at the concentration of 320 mg L−1 of of the laundry wastewater; therefore, it was selected
the coagulant and the sedimentation time of 15 min. as the best coagulant for the process under study.
300 Page 8 of 12 Water Air Soil Pollut (2021) 232: 300
Fig. 2 Percentage of removal of color and turbidity from (c) for 10 min of sedimentation (pH = 7.5; TMR = 2 min,
the laundry wastewater using different concentrations of the VMR = 120 rpm, TML = 15 min, VML = 20 rpm), tempera-
coagulants Tanfloc POP (a), Tanfloc SG (b), and Tanfloc SL ture = 26 °C
Table 2 Survey of coagulant prices (February 2021) To evaluate the significance of the coagulant
Coagulant Value per kilo (R$)* Value concentration in the removing of color and turbid-
per kilo ity for 10 min of sedimentation, an analysis of vari-
($) ance (ANOVA) was performed for a significance
level of 5%. The ANOVA table and the Fisher LSD
Tanfloc POP 4.09 0.75
test for the Tanfloc POP are shown in Tables 3 and 4
Tanfloc SG 4.89 0.90
Tanfloc SL 4.29 0.79
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) presented in
Quotation corresponding to the month of February 2021 Table 3 shows for a significance level of 5% that the
(1$ = 5.42 R$)
Water Air Soil Pollut (2021) 232: 300 Page 9 of 12 300
Table 3 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for removal of color and turbidity using the coagulant Tanfloc POP (α = 0.05)
Color Turbidity
SS DF MS F p-value SS DF MS F p-value
type of treatment (concentration in mg L −1 of coagu- with the concentrations of 120, 140, and 160 mg L−1.
lant) was significant (p-value < 0.05); i.e., the varia- Therefore, the concentration of 120 mg L −1 of Tan-
tion in concentration influences the efficiency of color floc POP coagulant achieves a satisfactory removal of
and turbidity removal in the C/F/S process of laundry the color and turbidity parameters of the wastewater.
The Fisher LSD test (Table 4) allowed for an anal- 3.4 Sludge Production in C/F/S Process
ysis to compare the means of the percentage of color
and turbidity removal obtained by the treatments and Sludge production in the C/F/S is an important factor
through the p-value to evaluate the difference among to evaluate the efficiency of the process, and its vol-
it. ume should be reduced as much as possible (Beltrán-
The results of the statistical analysis (Table 4), Heredia & Sánchez-Martín, 2009).
considering a significance level of 5%, demonstrate According to Justina et al. (2018), the sludge
that the means are statistically equal (p-value > 0.05) formed by processes that use natural coagulants based
for the treatments of 120, 140, and 160 mg L−1; i.e., on tannins has the advantage of being biodegrad-
there is no significant difference for both color and able and does not pose risks to human health. In their
turbidity removal, which implies the same efficiency work, the effects caused on the soil by the addition of
in removing these parameters when using any of sludge from the C/F process using Tanfloc SL in the
these concentrations. treatment of dairy effluent were studied. The results
The values of the means of color and turbid- showed that there was no release of pollutants in
ity removal obtained for Fisher’s test are shown in the soil, and the acidity of the soil was neutralized,
Table 5. proving the promising results in the use of natural
The statistical analysis demonstrated that the coagulants.
means of color and turbidity removal are equal for The volume of sludge obtained for assays using
a significance level of 5% at concentrations of 100, the concentration of 120 mg L−1 of coagulant Tan-
120, and 140 mg L−1, as well as the means obtained floc POP presented a value of 40 ± 2.8 mL L−1 h−1,
Table 4 Fisher’s test: p-value for the comparison among the means of the percentage of color and turbidity removal in relation to the
concentration of Tanfloc POP coagulant
Treatment Color parameter Turbidity parameter
(mg L−1)
80 100 120 140 160 80 100 120 140 160
300 Page 10 of 12 Water Air Soil Pollut (2021) 232: 300
Table 5 Comparison of removal means (%) of color and tur- significance level of 5%, and the Fischer LSD test
bidity for the Tanfloc POP coagulant at each concentration indicated the concentration of 120 mg L−1 as the
Treatment (coagulant con- Color (%) Turbidity (%) most suitable for carrying out the process. The Tan-
centration, mg L−1) floc POP coagulant showed a high performance in
removing color and turbidity from industrial laundry
80 53.24a 55.87a
wastewater, presenting itself as a promising coagulant
100 74.27b 75.10b
in the primary treatment of wastewater in this service
120 78.61b,c 81.21b,c
140 84.45b,c 86.99b,c
160 88.66c 92.76c
a, b, and c indicate the same mean removal rates between Funding The present work was financially supported by the
the coagulant concentrations; p-value > 0.05; pH = 7.5; Brazilian research funding agency CAPES (Federal Agency for
TMR = 2 min, VMR = 120 rpm, TML = 15 min, VML = 20 rpm, the Support and Improvement of Higher Education).
temperature = 26 °C
Data availability The datasets supporting the conclusions of
this article are included within the article.
against only 3.4 ± 0.5 mL L−1 h−1 in the control sam-
ple. This increase in volume of sludge generated by
the treated wastewater with Tanfloc POP coagulant is
Conflict of Interest The authors declare no competing inter-
due the amount of organic matter, total solids in sus- ests.
pension, and the compounds formed from the coagu-
lant (Aguilar et al., 2002). Consent for Publication All authors consent to the submis-
The results obtained for the C/F/S process using sion and publication in the journal.
the natural coagulant Tanfloc POP (lower cost) for the
treatment of laundry wastewater proved to be satis-
factory and promising in relation to the reduction of
color and turbidity parameters, in addition to forming References
a biodegradable volume of sludge (without metals)
susceptible to further studies for future applications. Aguilar, M. I., Saéz, J., Lloréns, M., Soler, A., & Ortuño, J.
F. (2002). Nutrient removal and sludge production in the
coagulation – flocculation process. Water Research, 36,
4 Conclusion Al-Gheethi, A., Mohamed, R. M. S. R., Wurochekke, A. A.,
Nurulainee, N. R., Rahayu, J. M., & Hashim, M. K. A.
(2017). Efficiency of Moringa oleifera seeds for treatment
The three natural coagulants (Tanfloc POP, Tan-
of laundry wastewater. MATEC Web of Conferences, 103,
floc SL, and Tanfloc SG) demonstrated efficiency 1–8.
in reduction of the color and turbidity parameters of Ang, W. L., Mohammad, A. W., Hilal, N., & Leo, C. P. (2015).
the laundry wastewater, in addition to not changing A review on the applicability of integrated/hybrid mem-
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