MGT501 Short Notes
MGT501 Short Notes
MGT501 Short Notes
Purposes of T & D
➢ Orient new employees
➢ Prepare for promotion
➢ Satisfy personal growth needs
➢ Reduced learning time
➢ To cope with the change
➢ Improve performance
➢ Update employees skills
➢ Avoid Managerial Obsolescence
➢ Solve organizational problems
Selecting T & D Program
➢ Cost effectiveness
➢ Desired Program content
➢ Learning principles
➢ Appropriateness of the facilities
➢ Trainee performance and capabilities
Career (cont..)
Internal Barriers to Career Advancement
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➢ Lack of time, budgets, and resources for employees to plan their careers and to undertake training and
➢ Rigid job specifications, lack of leadership support for career management, and a short-term focus.
➢ Lack of career opportunities and pathways within the organization for employees.
Successful Career-Management Practices
➢ Placing clear expectations on employees.
➢ Giving employees the opportunity for transfer.
➢ Providing a clear succession plan
➢ Encouraging performance through rewards and recognition.
➢ Encouraging employees to continually assess their skills and career direction.
➢ Giving employees the time and resources they need to consider short- and long-term career goals.
Individual and Organizational Perspectives on Career Planning
Performance =A*E*S
➢ A: Ability
➢ E: Effort
➢ S: Organizational Support
Why Do We Care?
Determinants of Job Performance Sample Core Performance Indicators Financial (Economic) Perspective
How do we look to shareholders?
Survive Cash flow
Maintain Quarterly sales growth and operating income
Prosper Increased market share, profit, ROI /
Customer Perspective
How do our customers experience us?
New products Percent of sales derived from new products Value Competitive pricing, product quality
Brand loyalty Market share Customer satisfaction Repeat business, response time, accuracy and minimal
product returns …
Innovation, Learning and Equity
How can we sustain our success?
Leadership, Staff development and learning, participation
Staff stability Employee retention /turnover trends; satisfaction & loyalty
Innovation, Continuous process, improvement and redesign, creativity valued
Internal Business (Operational) Perspective
What must we excel at?
Manufacturing excellence, Product develop cycle time, unit cost, time to market
Design & productivity, Efficiency (output per labor cost), material yields
Factors that influence whether performance will be sustained
➢ Valid performance
➢ Value of reward
Performance Standards
➢ Expected levels of performance
Should relate back to the job description details Characteristics of Well-defined Standards
➢ Realistic
➢ Measurable
➢ Clearly understood
Appraisal process
➢ Determine performance requirements.
➢ Choose an appropriate appraisal method.
➢ Train supervisors.
➢ Discuss methods with employees.
➢ Appraise according to Job standards.
➢ Discuss appraisal with employees.
➢ Determine future performance goals.
Influence employee decisions on whether to apply, accept an offer, stay, & when to retire
➢ Depends on external environment, org environ, etc.
Communicate organization’s values & support strategic objectives
Cost containment (use them wisely!)
➢ Note: benefits average about 40% of payroll costs
Enhance organizational image
Benefits depend on the times! They aren’t motivators (not Performance-based), but can Attract & Retain
What Happens to Benefit Money?
Insurance Payments
➢ (e.g., medical premiums, vision care, dental care, life insurance, etc).
Payment for Time Not Worked
➢ (e.g., leaves, vacations, holidays)
Legally Required Contributions
➢ (e.g., Social Security, unemployment, workers’ compensation)
Determinants of Job Performance
Performance Formula
Performance = f (ability X motivation X opportunity)
Ability = individual’s knowledge, skills, and ability to accomplish task
Motivation = level of individual energy for the task
Opportunity = right performance opportunity
Occupational health & safety refers to the physiological-physical and psychological conditions of a
workforce that result from the work environment provided by the organization.
What Causes Accidents?
➢ Chance occurrences
➢ Unsafe working conditions
➢ Unsafe acts by employees
⚫ Unsafe conditions
– Physical conditions
➢ defective equipment
➢ inadequate machine guards
➢ lack of protective equipment
– Environmental conditions
➢ Noise
➢ dust, fumes
➢ stress
➢ Unsafe behaviors
Causes of Accidents
⚫ Human
➢ Overwhelming majority
➢ Carelessness
Eustress and Distress
The person or event that triggers the stress response Stressors in the Work Environment
➢ Job risk
➢ Prolonged noise
➢ Glaring or inadequate lighting
➢ Temperature variations
➢ Poor air quality
➢ Required repetitive motions
➢ Talking too fast or too loud
➢ Bad moods
➢ Being irritable
➢ Defensiveness
➢ Being critical
➢ Aggression
➢ Irrationality
➢ Overreaction and reacting emotionally
➢ Reduced personal effectiveness
➢ Being unreasonably negative
➢ Making less realistic judgments
➢ Being unable to concentrate and having difficulty making decisions
➢ Being more forgetful
➢ Making more mistakes
➢ Being more accident prone
➢ Changing work habits
➢ Increased absenteeism
➢ Neglect of personal appearance
Stress Prevention
Focuses on controlling or eliminating stressors that might provoke the stress response.
Stress Management Programs
➢ Training
➢ Time management
➢ Coping skills
➢ Wellness
➢ Assessment
➢ Self-help materials
➢ Group programs
➢ Relaxation
➢ Time management
➢ Manage Change
⚫ Employee
➢ Information central source
➢ Commitment, security
➢ Direction
⚫ Employer
➢ Committed workforce
➢ Recruit
➢ Educate, inform, and guide employees
➢ Helps employees learn about company at their own pace
➢ Provides references regarding policies, rules, and benefits
➢ Ensures HRM policies will be consistently applied
➢ Creates sense of security and commitment for employees
➢ Provides information to recruits
➢ May be interpreted as implied contract
➢ Should be updated continually
To Achieve that….
➢ Well organized
➢ Clearly written
➢ Legally limited
➢ Introductory comments
➢ What you should know
⚫ Union
➢ organization formed for purpose of representing members’ interests in dealing with employers
⚫ Factors Promoting Interest in Unions
➢ Working environment
➢ Compensation
➢ Management style
➢ Organization treatment
Working Environment
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➢ Inadequate staffing
➢ Mandatory overtime
Organization Treatment
➢ Job insecurity
➢ Unfair discipline and policies
➢ Harassment and abusive treatments
➢ Not responsive to complaints
Unions Defined
⚫ Organization of workers
⚫ Acting collectively
⚫ Seeking mutual interest
➢ Protection
➢ Promotion
⚫ Through collective bargaining
What is a Trade Union?
A trade union is an organization that represents the interest of its members in work and related matters. It
seeks to maintain and improve their employment relations through direct collective bargaining with
Why Do Workers Organize?
Why People Join Union
➢ Greater bargaining power
➢ Desire for self-expression
Today’s Topics Conflict and Negotiation Conflict
The process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by
another party.
➢ Perceived by the parties
➢ Parties are in opposition to one another
➢ At least one party is blocking the goal attainment of the other party
➢ Goals can be tangible or psychological
➢ Money
➢ Task Achievement
➢ Happiness
“a process which begins when one party perceives that the other is frustrated, or is about to frustrate, some
concern of his (or her).”
Organizational conflict
➢ Organizational hierarchy
➢ Competition for scarce resources
➢ Self-image & stereotypical views of others
➢ Differing goals & objectives
➢ Failures & resultant blame fixing
➢ Poor coordination of activities
➢ Evidence of a failure in management
➢ The “Common Sense” view of conflict
➢ Conflict is a natural occurrence
➢ We should accept conflict
➢ The view of current Conflict Theory
➢ Conflict should be encouraged & managed
➢ Brings life, creativity & synergy
➢ Two kinds:
➢ Functional
➢ Dysfunctional
Is Conflict Good or Bad?
⚫ Functions of Conflict
➢ Synergy
➢ Promotion of change
➢ Promotes goal achievement
⚫ Dysfunctions of Conflict
➢ Wasted time & energy
➢ Stress
➢ Detracts from the goal of the group
➢ Statistical approaches
➢ Judgmental methods
➢ Trend analysis
➢ Ratio analysis
Statistical approaches
➢ Communicate the position so that they respond
➢ The more, the better
➢ Self select out
➢ Saves time, money
➢ The less, the better
Sources of recruiting
➢ Internal sources
➢ External sources
Alternatives to Recruiting
“Picking from the applicant pool”
Steps in the Selection Process
➢ Initial Screening
➢ Application Blank
➢ Structured Interview
➢ Unstructured Interview
➢ Mixed Interview
• Background Checks
➢ Conditional job offer
➢ Medical Exam/Drug Tests
➢ Selection Decision
➢ Orientation
➢ Welcome party
➢ Job rotation
➢ On job training
➢ etc.
A process whereby people acquire capabilities to aid in the achievement of organizational goals.
“The Peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education”
Phases of Training
➢ Needs assessment ➢ Role playing
➢ “What’s the issue?” ➢ Computer-based
➢ Design of training
➢ “What content will address it?”
➢ Delivery of training
➢ “How will the training be given?”
➢ Evaluation
➢ “How will we know its effect?”
➢ “Did it work?”
➢ Lecture
➢ Case method
➢ Simulations
➢ Internships
➢ Mentoring
➢ Discussions
➢ Games
Training Methods
⚫ Critical Incidents
➢ Annual Review
➢ Checklist
Process for ensuring internal equity (jobs of comparable worth receive comparable wages)
The comparison results in a wage or salary hierarchy Choosing a Job Evaluation Method
There are four general job evaluation methods.
➢ Ranking
➢ Classification
➢ Factor comparison
➢ Point factor
Job Pricing
Compensation system
Strategic Role of Benefits
➢ Benefits absorb social costs for health care and retirement.
➢ Benefits influence employee decisions about employers (e.g., recruitment and retirement).
➢ Benefits are increasingly seen as entitlements.
➢ Benefit costs are about 40% of total payroll costs.
Types of Benefits & Services
⚫ Insurance Benefits
➢ Medical Insurance
➢ Vision Insurance
➢ Dental Insurance
➢ Mental Health Insurance
➢ Life Insurance
➢ Disability Insurance
⚫ Employee Security Benefits
➢ Employment Income Security
➢ Retirement Security
⚫ Time-Off Benefits
➢ On-the-job Breaks
➢ Sick Days Pay
➢ Holidays & Vacations
➢ Leaves of Absence
⚫ Work Scheduling Benefits
➢ Shorter Work Times
➢ Flextime
➢ Job Sharing
➢ Global or Trans-national
The Evolution of Global Business
➢ Exporting - Selling abroad
➢ Licensing - Organization grants a foreign firm the right to use intellectual properties
➢ Franchising - Parent company grants another firm the right to do business in a prescribed manner
➢ Multinational corporation - Firm that is based in one country and produces goods or provides services in
one or more foreign countries
➢ Global corporation - Has corporate units in a number of countries that are integrated to operate as one
organization worldwide
HR and International Business Challenge
➢ What HRM strategies are appropriate at different stages of internationalization?
➢ How is the best employee mix (host-country and expatriate) determined?
➢ Why do international assignments fail?
➢ How are returning employees re-integrated into the firm?
➢ Development
➢ Knowledge & innovation dissemination
➢ Identifying and development talent on a global basis
How Inter-country difference affects HRM?
➢ Cultural factors
➢ Economic factors
➢ Labor cost factors
Cultural Environment
Language, religion, values, attitudes, education, social organization, technology, politics, and laws of a
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Dimensions to Culture
➢ Power distance
The End
Thanks for your attention