PULS For Cardiovascular Disease
PULS For Cardiovascular Disease
PULS For Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular Disease
CVDs are the number 1 cause of death globally: more people die annually from CVDs than
from any other cause.
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Transition Epidemiology In Indonesia
Top 10 causes of death in 2017 and percent change, 2007-2017, all ages, number
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• Cardiac Disease remains #1 cause of death worldwide1
• 41.5% prevalence in 2015 which was not predicted to
occur until 20302
• $1 Billion a day in medical costs & lost productivity in US 3
The Clinical • Current clinical evaluation fails to identify the majority of
patients who subsequently have heart attacks
Challenge: • More than 50% of heart attack patients have normal
Cardiac cholesterol
Am I at Risk?
Assessment of
Cardiovascular Risk
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Stratifikasi risiko PJK
Mengidentifikasi individu dengan kondisi subklinis secara akurat (infark
miokard atau angina tidak stabil) yang mendapat manfaat dari intervensi sedini
mungkin adalah kunci pencegahan PJK
• Beberapa model risk faktor saat dianggap kurang akurat, terutama pada
kelompok risiko intermediate.
• Hanya sekitar 20% pasien yang menggunakan kalkulator risiko untuk
mengidentifikasi risiko pasiennya
• 2 per 3 pasien misklasifikasi, underestimasi terhadap risiko serangan jantung.
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What Next?
Need a Better Way
to Evaluate Patients
1. Sachdeva, et al. Lipid levels in patients hospitalized with coronary artery disease: An
analysis of 136,905 hospitalizations in Get With The Guidelines. DOI:
2. PUBLIC RELEASE: 16-MAY-2016 American Heart Association rapid access journal report
3. Kones et al., Drug Design, Development and Therapy 2011, 5:325-380
4. Greenland et al., Circulation 2001, 104:1863-1867
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• Keterbatasan -Score, Framingham 2008, ACA/AHA
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Coronary Artery Disease
Also known as ischemic heart disease, Coronary Heart Disease, Coronary
Microvascular Disease
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Progression of Cardiovascular Disease
Unstable cardiac lesions form progressively involving multiple biological pathways
Fatty streaks caused by Inflammation caused by Lipid accumulation and Plaque rupture and
lipid oxidation from free oxidized lipids in the arterial inflammation increase forming
blood clot formation
radicals form in arterial wall results in tissue damage Unstable Cardiac Lesions
wall and fibrosis (Vulnerable Plaque) → Heart Attack
Atherosclerosis is a process of The presence of such The recruited leukocytes The expression of adhesion molecules
chronic endothelial injury or compounds stimulates the are transformed into lipid- and chemokines participate in platelet
inflammation that increases vessel cells to produce laden foam cells and are aggregation, lymphocyte and
permeability of the arterial molecules and recruit responsible for the growth monocyte adhesion, further activating
wall allowing oxidized lipid leukocytes (monocytes, of the lesion. Growth the lesion injury. A physical change in
particles to bind and granulocytes, and T-cells) factors then are released the smooth muscle cells, and cell
aggregate on the arterial to the arterial walls, and and stimulate the turnover (apoptosis), produce
surface, contributing to the stimulates the proliferation generation of new excessive amounts of collagen, elastin
formation of cardiac lesions of smooth muscle cells. capillaries through the and proteoglycans transforming the
(atheroma) process of angiogenesis lesion into a fibrous plaque comprised
providing the growing of a lipid Core and Thin
lesion with an adequate
blood supply. Vibrous Cap creating an unstable
This presentation has been prepared specifically by Prodia. The content of this presentation may not be used, lesion that is prone to rupture
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1. Cross et al; Current Medical Research & Opinion Volume 28, Number 11 November 2012 UK Ltd: 1829
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Over 70% of Heart Attacks are Caused by Unstable
Cardiac Lesion Rupture
• Individuals frequently have no symptoms
• Risk of rupture is difficult to predict with conventional evaluations
• Detecting unstable cardiac lesion biomarkers increases the chances of identifying truly at-risk patients
Blood Flow
Source: New insights into atherosclerotic plaque rupture | Postgraduate Medical Journal https://pmj.bmj.com/content/77/904/94
Rupture of Unstable Lesion
(Protein Unstable Lession
Advance Intrepretation laboratory result
Prodia PULS Cardiac Marker
(Protein Unstable Lesion Signature)
ü Prodia PULS Cardiac Marker adalah tes darah yang dirancang untuk
membantu mengidentifikasi orang yang tampak sehat tetapi mungkin
memiliki penyakit jantung aktif yang dapat menyebabkan serangan jantung.
ü Tes ini mendeteksi tahap awal penyakit jantung dengan mengenali
cedera pembuluh darah dan pembentukan plak yang tidak stabil,
bahkan pada pasien yang tidak memiliki tanda atau gejala.
ü Prodia PULS Cardiac Test mengukur penanda protein dalam darah
yang terkait dengan plak yang tidak stabil untuk melihat apakah
1. Cross et al; Current Medical Research & Opinion Volume 28, Number 11 November 2012 UK Ltd: 1829
2. Younus M, Fan W, Harrington D, Wong N: Usefulness of a Coronary Artery Disease Predictive Algorithm to Predict Global Risk for Cardiovascular Disease and Acute Coronary Syndrome Younus M, Fan W, Harrington D, Wong
N: The Am J Card. Volume 123, Issue 5, Pages 769–775
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duplicated or transmitted in any form without the written consent from Prodia. All rights reserved.
PULS Cardiac Test Cardiac Test Development & Validation
Gene expression in mice and
1 humans Identified over 250 2 Narrowed 250 proteins to 45
detectable by immunoassay,
proteins expressed in
vulnerable coronary plaque and biomarkers like MPO,
hsCRP, and LP-PLA2 along
with all global risk factors
4 5
3 1. Method of Akaike
Multi-Ethnic NHLBI Population
2. Bayesian Method
Midwest Population
3. Drop-in Deviance
Validation: NHLBI applied the 9
Three statistical software systems All three systems confirmed 9 The 9 biomarker biomarker assessment to a
tested biomarker permutations and biomarkers and the 4 global Algorithm predicts second population MESA and
global risk factors to predict ACS risk factors who is at risk for confirmed the findings
ACS in a 5 year
1. Cross et al; Current Medical Research & Opinion Volume 28, Number 11 November 2012 UK Ltd: 1829
2. Younus M, Fan W, Harrington D, Wong N: Usefulness of a Coronary Artery Disease Predictive Algorithm to Predict
Global Risk for Cardiovascular Disease and Acute Coronary Syndrome Younus M, Fan W, Harrington D, Wong N: The Am
J Card. Volume 123, Issue 5, Pages 769–775
1. Cross et al; Current Medical Research & Opinion Volume 28, Number 11 November 2012 UK Ltd: 1829
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duplicated or transmitted in any form without the written consent from Prodia. All rights reserved.
PULS Cardiac Test1,2
A serum blood test, 40 y/o and older; <40 y/o if Native American, South
Asian, and Middle Eastern, Familial Hypercholesterolemia
Identifies the “Vulnerable Patient” at risk Measures the body’s immune response to
of a heart attack but who does not know endothelial injury (lining of the arteries)
1. Cross et al; Current Medical Research & Opinion Volume 28, Number 11 November 2012 UK Ltd: 1829
2. Younus M, Fan W, Harrington D, Wong N: Usefulness of a Coronary Artery Disease Predictive Algorithm to Predict
Global Risk for Cardiovascular Disease and Acute Coronary Syndrome Younus M, Fan W, Harrington D, Wong N: The Am
J Card. Volume 123, Issue 5, Pages 769–775
PULS Cardiac Test Cardiac Test Performance
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This presentation has been prepared specifically by Prodia. The content of this presentation may not be used,
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This presentation has been prepared specifically by Prodia. The content of this presentation may not be used,
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9 Protein Unstable Lession Signature
Membantu menurukan LDL
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Result Interpretation
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Echocardiography and
Treadmill Stress Test
CT Scan
Cardiac CT
IL16 is still suggestive in the 2nd or 3rd contributor to PULS Cardiac Test score
• When FAS is higher than FasLigand, this is considered a a repair phase (turning off cell death)
• When Fasligand is higher than Fas, this is considered a more acute injury phase (turning on cell
The inflammation is more significant when the biomarker is on the right side of the clinical risk factor (Age,
Family Hx and/or Diabetes).
Here, age is the biggest contributor to the PULS Cardiac Test score. The inflammation is not as critical
because the biomarker is on the LEFT side of the clinical risk factor.
In the above example, a cascade of activated biomarkers is evident. In these cases, more in-depth evaluation is required including potentially a cardiology
referral if the clinical situation warrants such as fatigue, shortness of breath etc. A good indicator for a more aggressive work up is if the relative risk (score
gap) is ≥ 5x expected.
Female Patient: 38 years old smoker: PULS Cardiac Test score is normal but HGF is 1100 pg/ml.
Even though PULS is normal, she is at increased risk of a stroke. Lifestyle and medications (BCP) should
be reviewed and prophylactic anti-platelet therapy considered
In this example, the patient had Stem Cell transplant for Achilles rupture. This is considered a
false cardiac positive and should be repeated after 4 to 6 months.
PULS Cardiac Test Non-Compliant Patient
PULS Cardiac Test Compliant Patient
PULS Cardiac Test Post Stent
Cardiac Test is
• This is not a death sentence-the “check
engine light” is on
80% of Heart Disease
is due to Lifestyle
When individuals know important information about their heart health, they are empowered to make critical lifestyle
changes that can save their life
Nutrition/ Physical Smoking/ Stress Compliance Sleep
Diet Activity Substance Management with prescribed
Cessation medication
1. Yusuf S, Hawken S, Ounpuu S, et al, for the INTERHEART Study Investigators. Effect of potentially
modifiable risk factors associated with myocardial infarction in 52 countries (the INTERHEART study):
case-control study. Lancet. 2004 Sep 11-17. 364 (9438):937-52.
Apakah yang dapat menurunkan skor PULS?
9 Protein Unstable Lession Signature
biomarker-biomarker sebagai penanda pembentukan plak yang tidak
stabil yang merupakan pma serangan jantung.
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Economic Health Benefits
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Don't wait for symtomp !!!
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Thank You