Impulse 2 WB U1-2
Impulse 2 WB U1-2
Impulse 2 WB U1-2
Vo c a b u l a r y
Vocabulary 1
Types of food • Preparing food
1 Complete the sentences. 4 Complete the dietician’s advice with the correct
1 A vegetarian doesn’t eat m eat words.
or f . A vegan eats no eggs
or d products, such as cheese. Get healthy and fit before the summer!
2 Scientists believe we should eat at least five 1 Start your day with a glass of w ater .
portions of f and v You can s some lemon juice into it for
a day. It is also important not to eat many more vitamin C.
s because sugar is very bad for you. 2 If you like sandwiches, replace white bread
3 Would you like a d ? Some fruit juice r with brown bread.
perhaps? 3 Use h in your tea or coffee instead
of sugar.
2 Complete the missing words in the table. 4 Don’t add c to your coffee – it’s full
of calories.
Polish English Product category 5 Don’t f meat. It’s better
1 jogurt yoghurt dairy products to cook it without oil.
FR 6 Remember that green vegetables,
2 salmon for example b and
c , are good for you.
3 dynia
Try to have some at least once a week.
4 sour cream
3 A round vegetable that makes you cry when you her with her hand in the spinach / cookie jar.
cut it. 4 TV often squeezes / spices up real stories so that
4 To mix ingredients. more people watch the programmes.
5 A round flat food made of flour, eggs and milk. 5 ‘What is your ingredient / recipe for success,
6 Something you eat with milk for breakfast. Mr Jordan?’ the journalist asked.
7 A little salt that you can hold between your thumb
d przepis na sukces
3 e przyjmować coś z rezerwą
4 WATCH OUT Idiomy
Idiom to wyrażenie, którego znaczenie nie jest
dosłownym znaczeniem wchodzących w jego skład
wyrazów. Idiomy spotyka się w niemal każdym języku.
Niektóre idiomy są podobnie w języku polskim
7 i angielskim, a inne tłumaczy się zupełnie inaczej:
know your onions – know a lot about a subject
(znać się na rzeczy)
Mystery word:
the salt of the earth – an ordinary person, honest
8 UNIT 1
Grammar 1
4 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. One
1 Watch the video and complete sentence is correct.
the sentences. any
1 Gloria believes that Graham eats VIDEO 02 1 Why didn’t you buy much milk? I need some
too much cake and for the milkshake!
2 Gloria thinks there are 2 To make lemonade like this one, you need much
burgers. lemons and a little sugar.
3 They’ve got cheese and
olives to make a pizza, 3 Let’s buy few fresh sandwiches for lunch.
but they don’t have
4 This recipe book doesn’t give much useful
2 Complete the table with the words from the boxes.
Quantifiers then I’m free.
a lot of any each enough every few little 6 My diet is rather healthy – I tend to drink too much
lots of many much some
coffee, but I eat few fast food.
beef blueberry coffee dairy energy
information ingredient jar milk minute
money shrimp spice sugar time yoghurt
FR 5 Translate into English.
1 I had a little salmon
(trochę łososia) for dinner, so I’m not hungry.
Quantifiers Nouns (Ile butelek wody) do you drink every day?
3 After the picnic we spent a
(trochę czasu) in the park.
4 I know I
(dodaję za dużo soli) to my food.
beef, … 5
one week.
UNIT 1 9
Key Phrases
Giving instructions (cooking)
1 Label pictures 1–5 using the verbs from the box. 4 Complete the dialogue with one word in each gap.
Use the Key Phrases for giving instructions on
add cook measure mix pour page 148.
Chad Hello, dear followers, and thanks for watching.
Today, I’m going to show you how to prepare
1 2 3
broccoli with carrots in honey and lemon
sauce. This lovely girl here is my sister and
she’s going to help me. And no – she isn’t
a professional cook.
Lucy Hi, everyone! OK, Chad, what 1 do I have to
Chad 2 , the carrots.
Lucy 3
? Is that OK or
4 5
should I do them smaller?
Chad No, that’s great. Then cut the broccoli into
pieces and put all the vegetables in boiling
water. 4
to cook them for too long.
Broccoli and carrots need to be al dente.
Lucy 5 ?
2 Number sentences a–f in the correct order to make
a recipe for pancakes.
FR Chad Make the sauce. Cut the lemon in half and
squeeze the juice. 6 ,
pour the juice into a small bowl and add two
a Next, add some eggs and mix them with spoons of honey.
the flour. Lucy 7 mix it?
b Finally, pour it into a frying pan and cook it quickly. Chad Of course! Until the ingredients combine and
the sauce is smooth and creamy.
c First, measure the flour and put it into a bowl. 1 8
, put the sauce onto
d You can add a small amount of sugar to the flour if the vegetables. And here is your lunch – light
you like. and healthy!
e Then add some milk to the flour and eggs and mix
5 Choose the correct options.
f Serve with honey and lemon juice. Delicious! 1 Podajesz koledze/koleżance przepis na ciasto,
w którym ważna jest proporcja składników.
10 UNIT 1
An article about pets
1 Read the article and match headings A–E with
paragraphs 1–4 . There is one extra heading.
A Improve your health
B A long tradition
C Better mood
D Better relationships
E Get fitter
Are ppets
ets g
oo 2 Read the text again. Are the sentences true (T)
or false (F)?
for yyour
for our h
eal 1 More people owned pets in the past.
2 Pet owners always enjoy exercising
1 A long tradition 3 Having a smaller pet like a rabbit can
Dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, hamsters, birds, also help you to become more active. T/F
snakes – the list of popular pets is very long. 4 Our body becomes stronger if we have
The tradition of looking after animals goes back contact with dirt outside our homes. T/F
a long way in history and is now more popular 5 Having contact with animals can make
than ever. You can see from the way pet owners people feel more relaxed. T/F
smile that their pets bring them lots of pleasure.
But scientific studies show that owning a pet
might also improve your health.
FR 6 Watching dolphins can help some
children to communicate better. T/F
bodies learn how to fight diseases better. Children i informacje pojawiające się przed nimi i po nich.
who grow up with animals don’t get sick as often Postaraj się wywnioskować z kontekstu, czy są to
as non-pet owners. słowa o znaczeniu pozytywnym, czy negatywnym.
Spending time with animals can also improve 4 Complete the brief summary of the benefits
how we feel. Touching or holding an animal can of owning a pet, according to the article.
reduce stress and help you calm down. People There may be more than one correct answer.
with pets also feel less lonely. Dolphins sometimes In general, pets 1 bring a lot of pleasure to people .
help children who find it difficult to communicate People who own a pet 2
with people. Swimming with these ‘therapy , and this is good for their health.
dolphins’ can help them to become more open Moreover, their bodies 3
and show their feelings. Some people can get because they come into contact with
a special permission to take a pet with them more dirt. People who have a pet are usually
when they fly on a plane to help them cheer up 4
. Animals can
and feel more confident. The unusual pets also help people to 5
people sometimes take with them include .
a duck, a kangaroo and even a very small horse!
UNIT 1 11
Vocabulary 2
Illnesses and treatment
1 Look at the pictures and complete 3 Translate the questions in the survey. Then do
the sentences. the survey in your family.
How many people in your family:
1 2
1 have a cold (są przeziębieni)?
2 (brało tabletki
przeciwbólowe) yesterday?
3 (nigdy nie kicha)?
4 (złapało grypę) last
I have a really bad Go home! You’ve got winter?
cough . af . 5 (źle się czuje) today?
6 use (płyn do dezynfekcji
rąk) regularly?
3 4
4 Add a missing word to each sentence.
1 Unfortunately, we cancelled the trip because half of
the class came with the flu.
I’m not going to eat – The doctor told me to 2 I take a lot of vitamin C to fight infections.
I’ve got a s
a .
take all of these
m .
FR 3 You can’t eat this cake if you’re allergic nuts.
went to bed.
5 6
5 I’ve got a really bad toothache, and I must make
t . b all the time. Do you know the old saying ‘An apple a day keeps
the doctor away’? It might sound old-fashioned,
układ odpornościowy
immune system a lot of sugar. Also, you need to remember that once
you 6 c a cold, a proper diet can help
2 U N R Y N the 7 t you get from your doctor.
4 R P E N E T V
5 food O I P O S I N N G
6 allergic A E R C I N O T
12 UNIT 1
A conversation about improving your health
1 Complete the phrases for healthy habits with the 3 02 Listen to a dialogue between Ben and
verbs from the box. Alice. Tick ( ) the things that Alice mentions as
ways of improving your health.
cut get (x2) keep spend take
• laughter
1 cut down on sugary snacks • eating fish
2 time outdoors • singing
3 enough sleep every day • dancing
4 up early • sleeping more
5 fit • gardening
6 care of yourself • having plants indoors
• not wearing shoes
2 Choose the correct options.
4 02 Listen again and choose the correct
Healthy habits for success
1 Most people think that improving your health
Who do you want to be like? Rafael Nadal? Jennifer
Lawrence? Of course, people become successful a isn’t enjoyable.
for different reasons and in many different ways. b is more fun if you go to the gym.
There is no one secret to success, but here is a list 2 You can get the benefits of laughing
of habits that a lot of successful people share. FR
a only if you really find something funny.
b even if you don’t find something funny.
a has the same benefits as laughing.
b is better for you than laughing.
Rise and shine! 4 Having plants in your home
a makes the air cleaner.
Get up / Stay up / Keep up early,
b isn’t possible for everyone.
and if possible, do some exercise
before breakfast. It’s OK to 5 02 Answer the questions.
sleep on / stay in / sleep in
UNIT 1 13
Grammar 2
Gerunds and infinitives
5 Choose the correct options.
1 Watch the video and complete each
pair of sentences with the same word
or phrase. VIDEO 04
At first, Graham says is fun,
but in fact, he hates .
Graham needs early. Anxiety (feeling worried
He wants in the morning to play or afraid) can be Zoe Sugg
football. a common problem, but
3 1
many / much young people are too shy to talk
Graham to exercise at home. about it. YouTube star Zoe Sugg hopes
He also to run. 2
to change / changing that. Zoe has a vlog
called Zoella with over 8 million followers.
2 Complete the questions with the correct forms of She usually talks about beauty, fashion and
the verbs in brackets. life, but she also uses her vlog to talk about
some / any more serious problems, such as
1 What exercise are you planning to do (do)
this week? her own experiences with panic attacks and
2 What kinds of sports do you enjoy
(take) part in?
FR anxiety. That’s why Zoe is the Digital
Ambassador for the charity Mind and she runs
their new campaign #Don’tPanicButton.
3 Do you find it easy or difficult (eat)
a healthy diet? Why? People wear the button if they suffer from
4 What new things are you trying anxiety or if they want 4 to show / showing
(learn) at the moment? their support for others. A 5 few / little times
5 What sports are you interested in a week, they post photos of themselves online
(try) in the future? wearing the badge, which is important
making / to make others feel better. Both Zoe
3 Answer the questions in exercise 2. and the organisers think social media can help
a 7 lot / lots of young people by 8 to show /
2 showing them they are not alone, and that it’s
3 good 9 to talk / talking about what they feel.
Ge tt in g ac Ti ve at sc ho ol
It is well known that 1 doing (do) exercise every day is good
14 UNIT 1
Use of English
Grammar and vocabulary practice
1 Complete the sentences. 4 Choose the correct translation.
1 Mary is at home with a flu – she’s got a r u n n y 1 (Ile) cream do I have to add to the soup?
nose and a s o r e throat. A How many
2 I’d better stay at home – I s z and B How much
c u h all the time and it seems I have a cold. C A lot of
3 I eat chocolate to h r myself up and I drink 2 I forgot (zostawić kilka naleśników) for Tom.
herbal tea to help me down in stressful A leaving some pancakes
B to leave a few pancakes
4 To make a green smoothie, b d some apples,
C leave a little pancakes
some green leaves (such as sp n h) and water.
3 (Liczenie kalorii każdego dnia) seems like hard
5 To lose a little weight, stop eating d i y,
especially cheese, and all products made of
A Calories counter
f u , for example bread or rolls.
B To count each day calories
6 V t r n don’t eat b f, but they
eat eggs and cheese. C Counting calories every day
7 l ep in at weekends is important, 4 Could you buy three (paczki czipsów), please?
especially if you up on a Friday night. A packets of crisps
B cartons of chips
2 Choose the correct options. C jars of cereals
1 My teacher in primary school made us
to clean / clean our desks before to go / going home.
2 I promised helping / to help you with the dinner, but
FR 5
I miss (jedzenia tych przepysznych herbatników)
for breakfast.
A to have those delicious biscuits
I didn’t agree to cook / cooking everything by myself! B eat these tasty biscuits
3 Too many / much sweets make your blood sugar go C eating these delicious biscuits
up and add a lot of / enough calories to your diet.
4 Please don’t add some / any nuts to the salad 5 Match sentences 1–4 with responses a–e to make
because a little / a few guests have allergies. mini-dialogues. There is one extra response. Write
5 The dish is fairly easy making / to make and very a sentence or a question that could come before
tasty if you add every / enough spices. the extra response.
6 Mum allowed us stay / to stay up late, but she didn’t 1 How much sugar do I add?
let us play / to play video games. 2 I’ve got the nuts, what now?
3 Then, add some strawberries.
3 Read the text and choose the correct options.
Exercise – happy body, happy mind a Just put them into the blender and mix all the
Exercise isn’t just good for your body, it’s good for your ingredients.
mind too. 1 regularly helps with stress, mood and b Like this, into small pieces.
c Only a few teaspoons.
sleep! When you learn how to play a sport and succeed,
UNIT 1 15
An informal email with an invitation
1 Match sentences 1–7 with the ideas they 4 Complete your reply to Robin’s email.
express a–g. Use the prompts.
1 How are you? I hope you’re well.
New message
2 This event looks amazing and
I’d love to take part in it. Robin,
3 I really hope you can come! Let me know. Thanks for your email. The challenge is a great idea
4 I’d like you to do something for me. and 1
Do you know Jack’s brother?
5 I’d like to tell you more about the fitness app (napisz, że chciałbyś/chciałabyś wziąć w nim udział).
I started using. Can you give me some details?
6 Unfortunately, Jenna and I can’t come
on Sunday.
(zadaj dodatkowe pytanie na temat tego wyzwania)?
7 Let’s go camping next weekend. We can use my
Also, 3
brother’s tent.
a Giving the reason for writing (poproś, żeby Robin pomógł ci się do niego przygotować).
b Inviting I’ll keep my fingers crossed for the pizza party
c Rejecting an invitation tomorrow. Let me know how it goes.
d Beginning an email
e Accepting an invitation
f Ending an email
g Asking for help
FR (napisz, że czekasz na odpowiedź).
3 Complete Robin’s email with the missing sentences a–e. Dear Marek,
There is one extra sentence. Thank you for your email. I’m sorry, but …
New message
a I try to stay healthy, but it isn’t always easy.
16 UNIT 1
1 Choose the correct options to complete the recipe 3 Correct the mistakes.
for a healthy breakfast.
1 Wash the fruit before eating it because there are
My super healthy fruit breakfast much germs on them.
First, get all the 1 food / ingredients. You need 2 When did you learn cooking like this? It’s delicious!
different kinds of fruit (about 150 grams), 100 grams
3 I need to add a little green vegetables to my diet.
of oats, two 2 tablespoons / pinches of natural
yoghurt and some honey. First, 3 cook / measure 4 I know I should give up to drink coffee, but it’s so hard!
the oats carefully, so you don’t use too much.
Next, 4 add / chop the fruit into small pieces. 5 If you want to lose any weight, try walking for thirty
(I like to use apple, orange, banana and grapes.)
minutes every day.
Mix / Put the chopped fruit into a cereal bowl.
Then 6 mix / add it with the oats. 7 Mix / Add 4 Translate into English.
the yoghurt on top of the fruit, and 8 first / finally,
Jackfruit – an amazing superfood
for a lovely sweet taste, 9 mix / pour the honey
on top – about a 10 handful / teaspoon is plenty.
Some fruit and vegetables (Niektóre owoce i warzywa)
Cover and leave in the fridge overnight. And there are known as ‘superfoods’ because they help your
it is – a delicious and healthy breakfast! body stay healthy. Very close to the top of the list
of superfoods is the jackfruit. This amazing fruit
(wydaje się) good for you
2 Complete Ana’s healthy week diary with
the phrases from the box.
FR in lots of different ways, from making your heart
stronger to giving you clearer skin. If you aren’t keen
(gotowania) or you
cut down on sugar drink enough water haven’t got 4 (wystarczająco
eat sugary snacks eat too fast dużo czasu), it’s possible to have it raw.
fight off infections get active get enough sleep It’s 5 (trudno uwierzyć),
improving your mood make an appointment but when it is cooked, it tastes very much like meat,
skip breakfast taking an aspirin so you can add 6 (kilka
kawałków) to a dish to replace meat! So if you
Day 1 7
(lubisz próbować) new
I’m trying to 1 cut down on sugar . If I’m hungry, foods, and you 8 (planujesz
Day 5 that the idea of being hangry wasn’t real. But now research
that it really exists. It seems that people are 3
Not a good day today because I was tired, so I ate to have arguments and 4 changes when they don’t
some chocolate for energy! :( I’m going to bed early eat for 5 hours. The reason for this is that when you
tonight to make sure I 6 . haven’t eaten, your 6 sugar drops, and it becomes
Day 7 more difficult 7 your feelings and your behaviour.
Yay! First week done! The goal for next week is The good news is that you can avoid 8 hangry easily –
to start moving a lot more and 7 ! you just have to have a 9 regularly!
I’m going to walk to school every day. I know that 1 a be b to be c being
doing exercise is a good way of 8 2 a shows b is showing c to show
– I feel more cheerful already.
I need to 11
with a doctor ASAP … 9 a dish b food c snack
UNIT 1 17
Matura Practice
1 03 Usłyszysz cztery wypowiedzi związane ze stresem. Do każdej wypowiedzi 1–4 dopasuj zdanie A–E.
Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo.
This speaker:
A is describing how stress affects his/her immune system.
B is a specialist helping students with stress at school.
C claims that a healthy diet helps to reduce stress.
D is giving tips how to fight with stress.
E is encouraging listeners to treat themselves to something unhealthy.
2 Przeczytaj tekst. W każdą lukę wpisz literę, którą oznaczono brakujące zdanie A–E. Jedno zdanie zostało
podane dodatkowo.
A journal by Mario B.
Monday, July 1st
This is the first day of my challenge. 1 I want to eat healthily, exercise more and make a lot of
changes to my daily routine. I hope that keeping a journal can help me complete the challenge.
Also, I have a new app that can help me keep track of the vitamins and minerals I eat,
control the number of calories and record physical activity. So today, I’m not eating any
Today it’s time to get active! I’m planning to spend some time outdoors, go cycling in the park and
then have a walk with my friends in the afternoon. I keep improving my diet. I even try products
that I usually never eat – spinach, lentils and oat milk. 3 I feel like I could do anything!
18 UNIT 1
Matura Practice
3 Uzupełnij zdania, wykorzystując wyrazy podane 6 Przeczytaj polecenie i wykonaj zadanie.
w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie. Możesz Postanowiłeś/Postanowiłaś zmienić swoje
dodać inne wyrazy. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać przyzwyczajenia i zacząć prowadzić zdrowy tryb życia.
maksymalnie pięć wyrazów. Planujesz zorganizować dla przyjaciół i rodziny tydzień
1 Don’t forget to add a pinch of fitnessu, który ma być początkiem zmian. W e-mailu
(add / pinch) salt to the egg whites. do kolegi/koleżanki:
2 (be / rice) • przedstaw swoje plany i wyjaśnij, dlaczego to robisz,
to make curry, or shall I get some more? • napisz, na czym ma polegać Twoje przedsięwzięcie,
3 (chop / • zaproś kolegę/koleżankę do udziału
carrot / not be) a task for a child. w zaplanowanych aktywnościach,
4 If you don’t take care of yourself, you can • poproś o pomoc w organizacji jednej z aktywności.
(come / Długość tekstu powinna wynosić od 100 do 150 słów.
serious) illness.
5 In order to lose weight, it’s Hi, Adam,
(good / count / calorie) than I’d like to make some changes to my lifestyle and start
to stop eating. living more healthily.
This tomato pasta is very easy 1 . You need 1 A making B make C to make
onion, some garlic and a tin of tomatoes. 2 A an B a C the
And 3 pasta, of course! Don’t use 4 garlic
3 A a packet of B a packet C packet of
as it can be too strong. If you haven’t got 5
4 A too many B too much C too
garlic, you can leave it out. Cook the pasta in a lot
UNIT 1 19
Vo c a b u l a r y
Vocabulary 1
Personality adjectives
1 Cross out the extra vowels to find the missing 4 Complete the personal profile with one adjective
adjectives. in each gap.
1 Sam makes me laugh. He’s really
funny . AFUNENUY.
2 Be when you carry your drink Hi, my name’s Tara. I’m a very
because you might drop it. OCEAREFEULY 1
sociable person because
3 Eva makes a lot of noise. She is never
I love being with other people.
4 When Ali is in a bad mood, he isn’t very My friends tell me I’m not very
, and it’s true –
to other people. IPLEASOANTE
5 My uncle is very – he always does I get quite annoyed when I have to
nice things for other people. EKIONDY wait! School is important to me
6 I like Karl because he’s .
and I’m 3 ,
so I always do my homework
2 Choose the correct adjectives to describe each
1 I never get angry or upset. calm / creative
FR on time. I’m quite 4
– I love designing new things and my friends say I have
good imagination. I always try to be 5 ,
2 I’m careful, and I don’t do stupid things. so my friends know they can depend on me if they need me.
brave / sensible
I love music, and I’m learning to play the guitar. My teacher
3 I’m always happy and excited to try new things.
hard-working / enthusiastic wants me to play in a concert next month, but I don’t feel
4 I always try to see the good things in a situation. very 6 about playing in front of other
positive / curious people yet!
5 You can trust me to do what I say I will do.
sociable / reliable
3 Complete the sentences with the adjectives from 5 Make nouns from the adjectives in the table.
the box. There are two extra adjectives. Use a dictionary to help you. Then use the nouns to
4 You spend too much time on your own. You should 1 He is a very good student, but he has little
be more ! confidence in his abilities.
5 Dan is never scared – he’s really ! 2 Remember to treat all people around you with
6 Sofia is very , so no wonder she is and they will be good to you as well.
a top student. 3 People all over the world share great
for sports.
4 The aim of the workshop is to help children develop
20 UNIT 2
Grammar 1
Used to
4 Look at the things Miles and Sofia did when they
1 Watch the video and choose were younger. Complete their profiles with
the correct options. the correct forms of used to and the correct verbs.
1 Graham used to / didn’t use to VIDEO 06
be sociable, but Gloria did / didn’t. Miles Sofia
She used to / didn’t use to go to parties. play computer games
2 Graham used to / didn’t use to do sport and once enjoy studying
he even used to win / won a competition. do a lot of sport
younger because I wasn’t very good at it!
Sid Wow! Is that a photo of you when you were go hire not go not like love spend take
younger? Did you 1 use / used to have long hair?
I remember lots of things from when I was younger.
Mia Yes, I 2 used / did. It 3 used / use to be really long. Some of my favourite memories are from the summer
Sid And where was this photo? It looks like Rome. holidays – they were great! We 1 used to spend
Used you / Did you use to live there? holidays in a little town near the sea. My sister
swimming in the sea, but
a motorboat and
to a small island nearby.
3 Write the questions about when you were younger
using used to. Then write answers that are true 6 Complete the sentences. Use used to where
possible. Where not, use the past simple.
for you.
1 you / like / pizza? 1 In 1999, I started working (start / work) as
Did you use to like pizza? a shop assistant in a local shop.
Yes, I did. 2 In the past, we (spend / less /
2 you / enjoy / school? money) on food, but now everything is so expensive!
3 (you / like) green vegetables
when you were a child or is this something you eat
UNIT 2 21
Key Phrases
Asking for and giving opinions
3 How / What do you reckon?
It was an amazing day
4 In my opinion / idea, the tickets are too expensive. (To był niesamowity dzień)!
5 I / I’m reckon that Jo would love this!
(Szczerze mówiąc), some of the attractions
6 I loved it! I thought it was terrible / awesome! 3
7 I didn’t enjoy it at all. It was really awful / amazing! (były rozczarowujące), but on the whole
2 Complete the dialogue with the words and phrases (to było fantastyczne doświadczenie).
from the box. There are two extra phrases.
Didn’t you think fantastic I thought dobrze się bawiłam). That said,
my opinion terrible What did you think
What do you reckon you ask me mnie), the food wasn’t so good there.
Troy I agree. 7
Mel 1
What did you think of the zip wire? (Myślę, że było okropne).
Drew 2 it was incredible! Meg 8
Mel 3 it was a bit quick? (Nie sądzisz, że) we should do it again this summer?
If 4 , it’s too expensive for Troy Definitely! How about next week?
something that only lasts about a minute!
Drew Well, yes, it was quick, but in 5
it’s worth the money. The views were really
FR 5 Complete the mini-dialogues. There may be more than
one correct answer.
! 1 X:
3 Look at the photo and put the sentences in
that the film was boring?
the description in the correct order.
Y: Not at all! I really liked it.
a I believe they are having a great time. 2 X: W
hat was your opinion of the trip to the zoo?
b There are five girls and three boys. Y:
c I reckon that they know each other .
very well. We should do it again some time.
d The photo shows a group of teenagers 3 X: I went to the new robotics exhibition last Saturday.
in a pool. 1 Y:
e I think they are in a waterpark, ?
because they are sitting on special X: A lot! Do you want to go with me next time?
tubes for riding down the slides.
22 UNIT 2
An article about an amazing teen
1 Read the article quickly and choose the best title.
From headbands
a Why fashion is important
b Making a difference to other people’s lives
c How a visit to Africa inspired a business
to education 2 Read the article again and choose the correct
for all 1
Mary Grace Henry
A lived in Africa when she was young.
B didn’t enjoy her own education.
C learnt about how difficult life was for girls
Mary Grace Henry is an amazing teenager. She grew up in Africa.
in the USA, where she learnt that education is very 2 Many girls in Africa
important. As a young girl, she used to read a lot about A don’t believe that education is important.
various problems around the world. She found out that B can’t go to school for various reasons.
in some African countries many girls don’t go to school. C have a lot of problems at school.
This is because their families are poor and because 3 Mary Grace got the idea for her business
some traditional cultures don’t believe that education A because of a present she received.
is important for girls.
Mary Grace decided to raise money to send one girl to
school. At first, she wasn’t sure how to raise money.
B after she got her sewing machine.
C when she saw some headbands at school.
When Mary Grace started selling headbands,
Then one day, her dad gave her a headband as a gift. A she didn’t raise any money.
The headband soon broke, and Mary Grace had an idea. B a lot of people liked them.
She asked for a sewing machine for her birthday, C other people encouraged her to do more.
and she started making headbands to sell at her school. 5 What inspired Mary Grace to continue her work?
The headbands were popular, and Mary Grace soon A Winning an award.
raised enough money to achieve her first goal of sending B Her visit to Africa.
one girl to school. She realised that she could do more C The need to earn money for herself.
and decided to continue. She started a business called 6 What do we know about Mary Grace’s business now?
Reverse the Course. Soon her goal changed to sending A It now makes other things as well as headbands.
100 girls to school. Reverse the Course B It changed the lives of more than a hundred girls.
became a successful business. C Only some of the money from the company
It made and sold hundreds of helped girls in Africa.
headbands and other hair
3 Answer the questions. In questions 4 and 5,
accessories. Students helped you need to write your own opinion.
her with the sewing.
1 What was Mary Grace’s first goal?
123 girls to receive
an education before
it ended in 2018. And so 5 How do you think Mary Grace felt when she met
the ideas that used to some of the girls she had helped?
be only a dream
became reality.
UNIT 2 23
Vocabulary 2
Injuries • Disability
1 Label the parts of the body.
5 s
6 e
7 a
9 m
8 w 10 k
11 c
12 f 13 n
14 f
15 t
2 Choose the correct options. 4 For each point 1–3, decide which group of words is
1 My uncle is in a wheelchair and he’s got
a(n) assistance / blind / carer dog.
2 Right after the accident, Martha had some problems
FR missing: a, b or c. Then complete the sentences
with the correct forms of the words.
a break sprain survive
with her ears and now she is almost
blind / deaf / disabled. b scar bleed wound
3 I hate needles, so when the doctor wanted to give
me a(n) scar / treatment / injection, I panicked. c bone disabled spine
4 Last summer my brother broke his leg and spent six
weeks in a plaster cast / casualty / bandage. 1 After the bike accident, everyone was scared that
5 I’m afraid your wound isn’t Jesse might be . That’s because he
treating / recovering / healing well. broke a few and severely injured his
3 Complete the mini-dialogues. 2 Magda’s doctor says that her looks
bad. It’s heavily and it’ll probably
for two weeks!
2 Panikuję, kiedy widzę krew.
These mosquitoes are driving me crazy!
3 To odważne pomagać ludziom z poważnymi
Me too! I s t h the bites
all the time!
What are you doing? 4 Ben był bardzo spokojny, kiedy rozciąłem sobie
Exercising. I’m working on my stomach czoło, i zabrał mnie na pogotowie.
u c s before the beach season.
24 UNIT 2
A radio programme about inspirational people
1 Match 1–7 with a–g to make phrases. 5 04 Listen to part of a radio programme. Match
1 start a an online petition people 1–4 with advice a–d.
2 raise b a goal
3 change c society
4 achieve d a campaign
5 gain e knowledge
6 make f a difference
7 sign g money
wanted to do
2 – to learn more about something
3 – to add your name to a list
of people who support an idea
4 – to make a difference to a group
of people
– to help other people in some way
– to collect funds for others
FR 3 Didier Drogba 4 Felix Finkbeiner
a Don’t give up after failing.
3 Complete the dialogue with one word in each gap.
b Start small.
Luke Look at these plans to build houses in our c Use your personal experience for ideas.
park. Can you believe it?
d Use your talents to help other people.
Trish That’s awful! Everyone uses the park!
Do you think we should 1 start 6 04 Listen again and match people 1–4
a campaign to save it? from exercise 5 to sentences A–E. There is one
Luke There’s one already, and there’s extra sentence.
an 2 petition. I think we should
some money to print them, and we could tell C This man tried very hard, but never succeeded.
our friends to do the same. D This man inspired others to help the environment.
Luke Yes. We need to do everything we can to help E This man was determined to achieve his goal even
the campaign achieve its 5 of though others didn’t believe in him.
keeping the park open!
1 2 3 4
his glasses?
programme is about. He couldn’t study.
a a discussion about the advantages and 2 Why didn’t people like the idea of Mickey Mouse?
disadvantages of being an inspiration
b tips about how to make a difference and inspire 3 Why did Felix think it was important to plant trees?
other people
c personal stories about meeting inspiring people 4 What difference do you think Yash Gupta makes to
UNIT 2 25
Grammar 2
Past continuous
4 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with
1 Watch the video and write: the correct forms of the verbs from the box and
• two things that were happening last when or while.
Saturday VIDEO 08
1 2
• what happened when Graham was reading
2 Use the prompts to write sentences in the past
1 this time yesterday / I / wait / for an X-ray / ER
This time yesterday I was waiting for an X-ray
in the ER.
2 where / you / sit / at lunch
3 4
3 we / swim / pool / all morning
4 I / write / an essay / for three hours
5 we / not sleep / eleven o’clock
3 Read the WATCH OUT box and choose the correct
1 Jacob, he was chatting to Eva. arrive cycle not do fall find start stop walk
a When I was seeing
b While I was seeing 1 Mia was cycling to her friend’s house when
c When I saw she fell off her bike.
2 I made lots of new friends money for charity. 2 Mum home, Liam and
George their homework!
a when I raised
b while I raised 3 We our game of rugby
c while I was raising it to rain.
a When I waited
b While I was waiting
c While I waited In the past I 1 didn’t use to care (not care) a lot about
5 What when I called you this morning? the environment, but it changed some time ago. A few
need, prefer, see, understand, want, w swoim it was for. When I 8 (explain),
podstawowym znaczeniu nie przyjmują formy they promised to help too. Now we organise lots
z końcówką -ing, nawet jeśli opisują czynność ciągłą: of events and regularly send money
When my dad was walking towards me, I saw that he to an elephant charity.
was very tired.
26 UNIT 2
Use of English
Grammar and vocabulary practice
1 Write the correct adjective. 4 Complete the questions with the correct forms of the
How can you describe a person who: verbs from the box. Use used to (wherever possible),
the past simple or the past continuous. Then answer
1 is sure about their exam results? confident
the questions.
2 rescued a dog from fire?
3 wants to know every detail about a topic? be do get go meet sit
4 always gives their seat to elderly people on 1 What were you doing at nine o’clock last night?
a bus? 2 Where after school yesterday?
5 does everything he/she promises to do? 3 anyone interesting last weekend?
4 good grades in primary school?
6 likes spending time with other people?
5 Who your best childhood friend?
6 Who with in the last lesson
2 Choose the correct options. yesterday?
1 Do you know any person who has 5 Complete the second sentence with up to six
an exceptional ability / equality? words so that it means the same as the first one. Use
2 If you ask me, Robert is quite an inspiring / the word in capitals.
ordinary person and he doesn’t deserve to win
1 Someone knocked on the door during our
the prize.
3 I expected the waterpark to be amazing, but the
experience turned out to be rather frustrating /
FR supper. WERE
Someone knocked on the door
while we were having supper .
2 In the past, we had more family meetings. MEET
4 Most of the class thought that the science fair
In the past, my family
was awful / awesome, but I really hated it.
5 I couldn’t overcome / suffer my fear of public
speaking and I refused to give a speech. 3 How long does it take for people to get better after
such an illness? FROM
3 Choose the correct word to complete How long does it take
both sentences in each pair. such an
1 a The doctor said he had to a bandage on
3 a My parents’ decision on how good my 6 Complete the text with one word in each gap.
marks are. The person I believe is really inspiring is Jason Barnes. He 1 used
b Mira is 22, but she still on her family for to dream of becoming a world-class drummer, but in 2012 he lost an arm in
any goal I want!
UNIT 2 27
A blog post about a person
1 Complete the text with the words from the box. 4 Read the notes. Write Patricia’s profile using
There is one extra word. although, because and so and the Key Phrases
on page 146.
addition admire difference famous
inspiration shows stop
∙ believed education was very important
anted to help children from
The person who I truly
admire for her achievements poor families
is my sister Carrie. She can be
a(n) 2 because she ∙d
idn’t always have
is a sportsperson who didn’t
give up in difficult times. books, pens etc.
As a child, Carrie started needed for school
swimming in a local sports club
and she soon became very ∙ s et up the organisation
successful. She wasn’t very
for her achievements Dream Boxes
yet, but her coach said she might have
a great sporting career. Sadly, at the age of eleven Carrie
eople donate
was diagnosed with leukaemia. It took her three years to things kids need
recover from this terrible illness. Guess what the first
thing was she did after she was healthy again. Yes! She
started her swimming practice again. She was soon able
FR for school
∙ s ends them
to swim as fast as she could before her illness. But she
didn’t 4 there. She was so determined that to students
she soon won her first medal, which gave her a place in who need
the national youth swimming team. In 5 ,
she wanted to help others, so she started a campaign to them
raise money for children who used to do sport, but now
have problems with it due to illnesses. In my opinion,
her example 6 that anything is possible
if you’re hard-working and brave.
although because so
28 UNIT 2
1 Read what two people said about their dream jobs. 3 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct
Choose the correct options. forms of the verbs in brackets.
1 X: How many students did you ask (ask)
I hope to be a ski instructor one day and help
to help you with the campaign?
people 1 succeed / improve their skills. To learn how to
Y: Not many, three or four. I asked Adam and Ellie,
ski, it’s important to be 2 curious / confident and not
and they (not be)
get upset when you can’t do something. You must
stay 3 relaxed / calm and keep trying. I thought you
2 X: W
hat (do) in the city
had to be 4 creative / brave to go fast down the
centre last night? Paula
mountains, but it isn’t really very scary once you can
(see) you.
ski. But you do have to be 5 careful / reliable and stay
on the parts of the mountain that are safe. Y: Nothing, I (wait) for my
mum to pick me up.
Ella: I would like to be a surgeon for children one 3 X: (send) the information
about the petition last week?
day. I would like to 6 heal / treat wounds and broken
arms, but in a way that doesn’t scare young patients. Y: No, I did it yesterday.
I remember when I 7 bruised / dislocated my shoulder 4 X: W
hat (do) to help
when I was five and I was terrified when I got to advertise the event?
the hospital. I was so afraid of a(n) 8 bandage / injection Y: I made some posters. In fact,
that I kept crying all the time. There was only one I (finish) the last one
doctor who was 9 sensible / friendly enough to give
me comfort. I’d like to be like that doctor, you know!
FR when you called.
5 X:
(take) part in social
Can teenagers 1 a difference in the world? 4 Complete the article with one word in each gap.
Tell us what you think!
bags to carry. 4 I was
We don’t have any power or money, so I think watching and thinking about what to do, a teenager
the best thing we can do is study, to 4 walked up to the woman and offered to help.
knowledge about the problems of the world. The teenager did 5 know the woman –
Then, when we’re older, we can start working she just wanted to help. It really made me think!
to 5 our goals. We see situations like this 6 day where
Lakisha, New York, USA someone needs a bit of help, but what 7
we do? Usually nothing! It doesn’t take very
Of course! My friend and I help people with physical 8
time or effort to do something kind.
and I believe we do change society in this A random act of kindness (or RAK for short) is
way. And if we manage to 7 other teenagers something kind that you do to help someone you
and they joins us one day, it can be a great 8 . don’t know. And a RAKtivist (like me) is someone who
does this. So how do I help?
Cristiano, Manaus, Brazil
By 9 small things,
like opening a door for people
1 a do b make c have or giving them my seat on the
2 a started b made c got bus. The 10
amazing thing about being
UNIT 2 29
Matura Practice
1 05 Usłyszysz cztery teksty. Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź, zgodną z treścią nagrania.
Text 1 Text 3
1 The girl
3 Sam is calling her friend to
A thought the ride was incredible. A give her opinion on a project.
B thinks the tickets cost too much. B ask for help with school work.
C has the same opinion of the ride as the boy. C apologise for not helping her when she needed it.
Text 2 Text 4
2 The girl’s brother 4 Where can you hear such an announcement?
A is a soldier. A At a school assembly.
B suffered from a serious illness. B On the radio.
C is older. C In the news on TV.
2 Przeczytaj tekst. Odpowiedz na pytania zgodnie z treścią tekstu.
home blog
Hi, Guys!
Today I’d like to tell you about someone I started admiring a while ago. While I was looking online last
month, I found Hannah Testa’s website. Do you know who she is? She is an environmental activist
whose mission is to fight for the planet and its future. And she does that, very successfully, despite her
young age.
While she was growing up, she saw the amount of plastic pollution all around her. She realised that it’s
actually one of the environment-related problems that people can control. At the same time she could
see that adults weren’t doing enough to solve it. So she decided to take action herself. She started
a Plastic Pollution Awareness Day, to make people think about the amount of plastic they throw away.
The event became very popular and it appeared
on national TV. As a result, teenagers all over
be like her!
3 What made her campaign so successful?
4 What did she win a prize for?
30 UNIT 2
Matura Practice
USE OF ENGLISH 5 Z opcji A–C wybierz poprawne tłumaczenie
fragmentu zdania podanego w nawiasie.
3 Z opcji A–C wybierz właściwą odpowiedź.
1 According to statistics, women (uprawiają
1 I was playing football my arm.
mniej) sport and exercise than men, but are
A while I was breaking
generally healthier.
B when I broke
A do less
C while I broke
B do little
2 Todd enjoys in the sea but only in summer.
C don’t do as much
A to swim
2 I know my grades are not so good now, but I
B swimming (kiedyś wkładałem) more effort into school work.
C swims A used to put
3 It’s Spanish than Hungarian. B put
A easier to learn C was putting
B easy enough to learn 3 Look! I managed to clean the entire house
C as easy to learn (podczas gdy ty leżałeś) on the couch.
4 Allow the apple pie to before serving. A while you used to lie
A cold B when you lied
B cool C while you were lying
C chop 4 It was (niesamowite doświadczenie) – we
should definitely do it again.
5 After the accident, my dad needed for a few
A an injection
B a wound
FR A an amazing experience
B a terrible experience
C an awful experience
5 (Czy przystosowałeś się) to changes that
C a wheelchair
happened to you when you were a child?
6 Don’t be so lazy! You be more hard-working
A Did you use to adapt
B Did you adapt
A didn’t use C Were you adapting
B used 6 It’s difficult (żyć z niepełnosprawnością) in this
C used to small town.
A lives with a disability
4 Uzupełnij zdania, wykorzystując wyrazy podane
1 My grandpa was famous for helping (be /
6 Przeczytaj polecenie i wykonaj zadanie.
famous / help) blind people back in the 1970s.
2 Where (you / use / Poznałeś/Poznałaś niedawno fascynującą osobę, która
play) when you were a child? udziela się społecznie. Podziel się informacjami o tej
osobie na swoim blogu.
3 (make / difference /
• Przedstaw tę osobę.
be not) as hard as you think.
• Opisz okoliczności, w jakich go/ją poznałeś/
4 She pretended to help other people, but she was
only (determine /
• Napisz, czym się zajmuje i jak pomaga innym.
make / money).
• Wyjaśnij, dlaczego go/ją cenisz.
5 We were thinking about the solution when Tom
(come) a great idea. Długość tekstu powinna wynosić od 100 do 150 słów.
6 I couldn’t focus because Hi everyone! Today, I want to tell you about a very
(neighbour / listen) special person I met recently.
loud music all evening.
UNIT 2 31