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EOC Review Questions

1. What was the significance of the Dred Scott decision?

a. The Supreme Court overruled attempts by Congress to limit the spread of slavery.
b. The Supreme Court held that the practice of slavery was unconstitutional.
c. While Lincoln objected to the decision, Stephen Douglas supported it.
d. Dred Scott and his wife spent the rest of their lives in slavery.
2. What was the main reason for fighting in Florida during the Civil War?
a. The Union army wanted to prevent cattle and crops in Florida from reaching
Confederate troops.
b. Northern commanders planned to divide the South by marching through Florida.
c. The main Southern fleet was stationed in ports along the Florida Coast.
d. Robert E. Lee, the Southern commander, owned lands in Florida.
3. How did President Andre John’s views on Reconstruction differ from those of Congress?
a. President Johnson refused to pardon former Confederate leaders, while Congress
wanted to treat them leniently.
b. President Johnson was shocked at the Southern “Black Codes”, while Congress
overturned them with a Civil Rights bill prohibiting racial discrimination.
c. President Johnson accepted Southern “Black Codes”, while Congress overturned them
with a Civil Rights bill prohibiting racial discrimination.
d. President Johnson though the readmission of states into the Union should be decided by
Congress, while Congressional leaders saw it as his responsibility.
4. How did the “Black Codes” of 1865-1866 differ from the “Jim Crow” laws of the 1880s and
a. Black Codes created segregated public schools; Jim Cow laws prohibited African-
Americans from learning to read.
b. Black Codes prohibited use of the same public facilities by different races; Jim Crow laws
prohibited voting by African-Americans.
c. Black Codes prohibited freedmen from traveling freely, serving on juries or exercising
civil rights; Jim Crow laws required racial segregation
d. Black Codes required “separate but equal” facilities for different races; Jim Crow laws
stated some races were “not entitled to social and political equality”.
5. The painting on the below on the left depicts the Battle of Little Bighorn in 1876.

What was the primary objective of the U.S. policy that led to the conflict shown in the
a. To protect the safety of the transcontinental railroad from attack.
b. To force American Indian tribes on the Great Plains to live on reservations.
c. To remove remaining American Indian tribes from east of the Mississippi River.
d. To capture deserters from the Union and Confederate armies after the Civil War.
6. Which was NOT one of the ways in which 19th-century settlers dealt with the challenges of
farming on the Great Plains?
a. They used barbed wire for fencing.
b. They burned cow and buffalo chips for fuel.
c. They relied on irrigation from nearby lakes for water.
d. They used steel plows to dig furrows into the tough soil.
7. The patents below were filed by Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Alva Edison.

How did these inventions affect the United States economy?

a. They created a new demand for electricity.
b. They prevented the growth of monopolies.
c. They led to increased working hours in factories.
d. They moved the center of American manufacturing to the South.
8. Which American inventor became a millionaire by developing new haircare and cosmetic
products for African-American women?
a. Sarah Goode
b. Madame C.J. Walker
c. Garrett Morgan
d. Jan Ernst Matzeliger
9. How did Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, and Henry Ford help to transform
the American economy?
a. They were the first to introduce interchangeable parts to manufacturing processes.
b. They introduced the use of conveyor belts and assembly lines in their factories.
c. Their willingness to engage in collective bargaining with unions improved conditions
d. They created new industries requiring large investments, which resulted in cheaper
products for consumers.
10. Which statement best describes the American labor movement in the late 19th century?
a. Workers organized their own labor unions against harsh conditions despite public
b. Government officials encouraged workers to form labor unions because they distrusted
c. Union leaders were unable to recruit members because most workers were satisfied
with their conditions.
d. Disagreements between native-born and immigrant workers made the organization of
labor unions almost impossible.
11. Which government ideology favored self-governing communities over organized government?
a. Communism
b. Anarchism
c. Capitalism
d. Socialism
12. The cartoon below was published by Thomas Nast in the 1870s.

What is the view of the cartoonist about the power of Tammany Hall in New York City?
a. New York City government was unaffected by Tammany Hall.
b. Tammany Hall maintained its power by falsifying vote counts in elections.
c. Immigrants were happy to vote for Tammany Hall to repay it for its services.
d. Many ordinary citizens felt powerful because Tammany Hall listened to them.

13. The graph below shows the population of Chinese immigrants and their descendants in the
United States from 1860 to 1920.
Why the population of Chinese Americans decrease, as shown on the graph, when the
populations of many other ethnic groups were increasing?
a. Improved economic conditions in China discouraged further emigration to the United
b. Congressional legislation in the 1880s banned any further immigration of workers from
c. After completion of the transcontinental railroad, there was a shortage of jobs in
western cities.
d. China entered into a “Gentlemen’s Agreement” with the United States not to permit
further emigration.
14. The excerpt below is from William Jennings Bryan’s speech at the Democratic National
Convention in 1896.

Why did Bryan’s rural supporters believe that the gold standard was oppressive?
a. They knew that railroad owners and grain elevator operators usually insisted on begin
paid with gold coin.
b. They believed that a policy of bimetallism would lead crop prices to rise, making farm
debts less burdensome.
c. They feared that speculators like Jay Gould and James Fisk would manipulate prices by
cornering the gold market.
d. They felt that reliance on the gold standard in international trade had made it difficult
for farmers to export crops overseas.
15. The excerpt below was written by Upton Sinclair in his novel The Jungle in 1905.

Which federal law was passed in reaction to this description?

a. 17th Amendment
b. Federal Reserve Act
c. Meat Inspection Act
d. Clayton Antitrust Act
16. The excerpt below is from the Sherman Antitrust Act, enacted in 1890.

What was the goal of this legislation?

a. To prevent businesses from unfairly exploiting their laborers.
b. To use the power of government to promote economic growth and full employment.
c. To encourage companies to take advantage of their patent rights and natural
d. To maintain fair competition and to halt unfair practices damaging to consumers and
17. The information below describes key events in the development of U.S. conservation policy.

Which Progressive President was responsible for these achievements?

a. Woodrow Wilson
b. William McKinley
c. Theodore Roosevelt
d. William Howard Taft
18. Which new technique for selling newspapers contributed to the outbreak of the Spanish-
American War?
a. Muckraking
b. Yellow journalism
c. Jingoism
d. Social Darwinism
19. The newspaper headline below describes a significant event in U.S. foreign affairs.

How did this event contribute to the United States’ entry into the Spanish-American War?
a. It led to anti-government demonstrations in the United States.
b. It enraged Cuban Americans in Florida who had lost their relatives.
c. It revealed that the United States needed to have colonies in the Caribbean.
d. It became difficult for President McKinley to resist demands to intervene in Cuba.
20. The timeline below shows the dates of U.S. annexation of several territories.

Which argument did American imperialists make in favor of these annexations?

a. These territories were necessary for protection of the Panama Canal.
b. The local populations of these territories had asked to be annexed.
c. These territories would provide good coaling stations for trade with East Asia.
d. The United States should prepare them for self-government and independence.
21. The excerpt below is from President Theodore Roosevelt’s message to Congress in 1905.

Which policy is described in this message?

a. Roosevelt Corollary
b. “Open Door” Policy
c. Dollar Diplomacy
d. Watchful Waiting
22. On January 31, 1917, the German Ambassador to the United States presented the following
message to the United States.

Why did the use of unrestricted submarine warfare in the Atlantic by Germany, as announced
in the note above, so enrage American public opinion?
a. Submarine warfare was prohibited under international law.
b. The United States did not have as large a submarine fleet as Germany.
c. Submarines attacked without warning and did not have enough room to take on
d. The use of submarines for a naval blockade was causing starvation in Great Britain and
23. The photo below shows infantry soldiers in France during World War I.
Which sentence best explains the conditions shown in the photograph?
a. Shortages of fuel made it difficult for armies in France to use tanks or airplanes.
b. The use of machine guns made it difficult for soldiers to advance across open fields.
c. Lack of public support for the war made it safer for soldiers to remain isolated in
d. Troops were kept separate from civilians as a safety precaution before the discovery of
24. The excerpt below is from the Supreme Court in Schenck v. United States (2019).

What action was taken in consequence of this decision?

a. Conscientious objectors were forced to engaged in combat because the United States
was in danger.
b. Charlies Schenck was imprisoned for distributing thousands of leaflets urging young men
to resist the draft.
c. German Americans living on the East Coast were relocated to internment centers to
avoid possible sabotage attempts.
d. Charles Schenck was permitted to go free because the Court did not believe his actions
created a “clear and present” danger.
25. Which federal agency is correctly paired with its achievements during World War I (1917-
26. The Treaty of Versailles, signed on June 18, 1919, included the article below.

What was a consequence of this article?

a. German voters agreed to reduce the size of their armed forces.
b. Germany was required to pay reparations to the Allied Powers.
c. The League of Nations refused to admit Germany as a member.
d. The U.S. Senate failed to ratify the treaty in protest against this article.
27. The diagram below provides details about United States history.

Which phrase best completes the diagram?

a. Red Scare
b. McCarthyism
c. Homestead Strike
d. Civil Rights Movement
28. What was the goal of the Washington Naval Conference, the Geneva Disarmament
Conference and the Kellogg-Brian Pact?
a. To promote American investment abroad
b. To achieve lasting peace without the League of Nations
c. To prepare the Western Allies against German rearmament
d. To strengthen U.S. naval power relative to the European powers and Japan.
29. Which phrase best completes the diagram?

a. The construction of railroads

b. The demobilization after World War I
c. The spread of radio and automobiles
d. The spread of televisions and jet travel

30. Why are the Twenties often considered to have been a turning point for American women?
a. Women were generally able to remain in the jobs they had filled while men were away
during World War I.
b. Women gained social and economic equality with men through new affirmative action
programs and federal legislation.
c. Women were guaranteed the right to vote, wore less restrictive clothing, and enjoyed
increased employment opportunities.
d. Women began taking more aggressive steps on behalf women’s suffrage, including
marches and demonstrations in front of the White House.
31. Based on these excerpts, in what way were the views of W.E.B. DuBois and Alain Locke

a. Both opposed sending African Americans for further vocational education.

b. Both believed that the racist attitudes of the majority of Americans could not be
c. Both looked to the efforts of talented African Americans to overcome racial prejudice.
d. Both believed that conditions for African Americans were just as bad in the North as in
the South.

32. The cartoon below, “Watch your Step,” appeared in November 1925. The photograph below
was taken in Chicago in February 1931.
Which event contributed to the changes from the time of the political cartoon to the
conditions shown in the photograph?
a. Demobilization after World War I
b. The rise of Nazism in Germany
c. “Black Tuesday”
d. The “Red Scare”
33. The picture below shows a dust storm approaching Stratford, Texas, in 1933.

What was one effect of this and similar events across the Great Plaines in the 1930s?
a. Growth of the banking industry from farm loans
b. Mass migration to California and other states
c. Suspension of government assistance to farmers
d. Increase in farm production on the Great Plains
34. How did President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s response to the Great Depression differ from
Herbert Hoover’s?

35. Which New Deal agency helped businesses draw up their own voluntary codes of fair practice,
including standard prices and minimum wages, but was later held to be unconstitutional by
the Supreme Court?
a. Tennessee Valley Authority
b. Civilian Conservation Corps
c. Social Security Administration
d. National Recovery Administration

36. The list below provides information about conditions in the 1940s.

Which conditions are identified in the list?

a. Causes of World War II
b. Effects of World War II on methods of warfare
c. Domestic effects of World War II
d. Social impact of the Progressive Era
37. Which statement best explains the Allied victory over Germany in World War II?
a. The massacre of European Jews and other groups made the war unpopular in Germany.
b. The Soviets had a larger army, Americans manufactured more weapons, and Germany
faced a war on several fronts.
c. The Allies were able to use missiles, atomic weapons and other new weapons against
Nazi Germany.
d. The German army lacked experienced officers, training and supplies, and therefore
quickly surrendered after the D-Day invasion.
38. The excerpt below comes from an official indictment (accusation).
Based on this excerpt, where were these accusations made?
a. Trial of Sacco and Vanzetti
b. Dumbarton Oaks Conference
c. Nuremberg trials
d. Munich Conference
39. The diagram below provides information about an international organization.

Which phrase best completes the diagram?

a. United Nations
b. League of Nations
c. War Refugee Board
d. Organization of American States
40. The statement below was made by President Truman in an address to Congress in March

Which event was Truman referring to in this speech?

a. Stalin’s refusal to permit free elections in Poland
b. The danger of a North Korean invasion of South Korea
c. The threat of a Communist takeover in Greece or Turkey
d. American participation in the trials of former Nazi leaders.
41. The timeline below displays a sequence of events in the late 1940s and early 1950s.
What would be the best appropriate title for this timeline?
a. The Cold War Spreads to Asia and Latin America
b. The Dangers of Nuclear Proliferation during the Cold War
c. The Cold War Creates an Atmosphere of Suspicion at Home
d. Soviet Spies Successfully Infiltrate to the United States

42. The memorandum below was written by President Kennedy in September 1961.
In the last paragraph, President Kenney wrote: “I am also interested in knowing when and
under what circumstances we would expect to use West German forces if the East Germans
confront us.”
Which situation was President Kennedy addressing?
a. The failure of the Soviet Union to permit elections in Poland.
b. The Soviet blockade of all road and rail routes to West Berlin.
c. The building of the Berlin Wall to separate East and West Berlin.
d. The construction of silos for missiles with nuclear warheads in Cuba.
43. What was the significance of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
a. The world came close to a nuclear war.
b. Khrushchev condemned the actions of Castro.
c. The United States overthrew Communism in Cuba.
d. The United States failed to give air cover to Cuban exiles.
44. On what grounds did the Supreme Court rule that racial segregation in public schools was
unconstitutional in Brown v. Board of Education?
a. The practice of racial segregation is based on personal prejudices that Americans should
strive to overcome.
b. Southern states had not invested in African-American schools, which were not equal in
quality to white schools.
c. Segregated schools were by their nature unequal because they gave African-American
children a sense of inferiority.
d. The United States will not be able to compete internationally if it does not help all its
citizens to reach their full potential.
45. The excerpt below is From Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” in 1963.

Which steps did Dr. King advocate African-Americans should take to end those conditions they
could no longer endure?
a. Taking hostages and launching terrorist attacks
b. Rioting in cities and forming armed bands for self-defense
c. Engaging in marches, boycotts, and non-violent civil disobedience
d. Adopting measures to separate from other groups in American society
46. Which organizations favored independent actions by African-Americans to improve their
conditions without collaborating with sympathetic members of other races?
a. Urban League and the NAACP
b. Black Panthers & SNCC after 1967
c. CORE & Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
d. Montgomery Improvement Association & SCLC
47. Which of the following was an important gain for women in the 1970s?
a. Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment
b. Equal representation of women and men in corporate management
c. Passage of the Equal Opportunity in Education Act, known as Title IX
d. Ratification of a constitutional amendment guaranteeing women’s suffrage
48. Which belief prompted American leaders to enter into the Vietnam War?
a. They believed that Vietnamese Communists would be difficult to defeat.
b. They felt that the United States had historic ties with the people of Vietnam.
c. They saw the war as an opportunity to overturn the Communist government in nearby
d. They feared if South Vietnam fell to Communists, other countries in Southeast Asia
would also do so.
49. Which argument was raised by domestic critics of the Vietnam War?
a. Military service, even on behalf of a just cause, should never be compulsory.
b. Most South Vietnamese welcomed establishment of a Communist government.
c. An all-out military effort by the United States would quickly bring a military victory.
d. The U.S. government had misrepresented facts about the war to the American public.
50. What was the primary goal of President Nixon’s policy of détente?
a. To create stronger ties with Latin America
b. To improve relations with Western Europe
c. To decrease tensions with the Soviet Union
d. To recognize the Communist government in China

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