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BLT Bid DOC 29 - 09 - 2022

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(A Government of India Undertaking)

Ref: RVNL/RKSH/BLT(TENR)/1/2021/CIVIL/RKSH-Part(1) DATED: 29/09/2022


Engagement of Ballastless Track Structure
“System Provider and Designer”
to provide detailed Design
support for installation of Ballastless track
“In tunnels, bridges and formations including all yards
between chainage Km 5+662 (FLS) to chainage Km
125+200 (FLS) in connection with new BG line between
Rishikesh and Karanprayag in the state of Uttarakhand,


Page 1 of 2

1 Notice Inviting `Request for Proposals’

2 Instructions to Consultant, Data Sheet &

Selection Criteria

3 Proposal Forms (Technical & Financial)

4 Terms of Reference

5 Form of Agreement, General Conditions of

Contract and Special Conditions of Contract

Page 2 of 2
(A Government of India Enterprise)



(Through e-tendering mode)

Ref: RVNL/RKSH/BLT(TENR)/1/2021/CIVIL/RKSH-Part (1) DATED: 29/09/2022

1. RAIL VIKAS NIGAM LIMITED (RVNL), having its Corporate office at 1st
Floor August Kranti Bhavan, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi – 110066,
India is a Public Sector Enterprise set up as a wholly owned Government
Company under the provisions of Section 617 of Companies Act., invites
proposals under single stage Two packet system, from experienced and
reputed firms, that are registered in India, for the following consultancy

Engagement of Ballastless Track Structure “System Provider and Designer”

to provide detailed Design and support for installation of Ballastless track “in
tunnels, bridges and formations including all yards between chainage Km
5+662 (FLS) to chainage Km 125+200 (FLS) in connection with new BG
line between Rishikesh and Karanprayag in the state of Uttarakhand, India.”

Nature of tender : Domestic Competitive Bidding

Period of Completion: 06 months for detailed design plus 36 months for

construction supervision plus 6 months Defect Liability Period for the

Sr. Activity Estimated

No. Period
1 Design of ballastless track 06 Months

2 Construction Supervision Stage 36 Months

3 Defect Liability Period 6 Months

2. Scope of Consultancy Services: The scope of the Detailed Design and

technical supervision Consultancy Services required by RVNL for the
above-mentioned Project is detailed in in Section 4 (Terms of Reference) of
the RFP Document.

3. RFP Document: RFP document can be downloaded free of cost from

https://rvnl.euniwizarde.com w.e.f. 11.00 Hrs. of 10/09/2022 and the bid can
be submitted on the downloaded document.

Please note that, drawings, if any, referred to in the RFP document, but not
uploaded with the RFP document, can be viewed in this office on any working

Section 1 Page 1 of 5
day. The Tenderer can also have a copy of the same on payment of non-
refundable cost of Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only) by a crossed
Demand Draft on any Scheduled bank payable at New Delhi drawn in favor of
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited, New Delhi.

It will be the responsibility of the Consultant who is submitting the proposal

on downloaded RFP document to check and see any addendum/corrigendum
issued in this regard from the website from time to time and ensure
submission of proposal along with all addendum/corrigendum.

4. Proposal Security: Proposal Security of ₹ 50Lakhs Consultant has to select

the payment option as “Online mode or Bank Guarantee” to pay the proposal
security as applicable and enter details of the instrument. In case of Bank
Guarantee, scanned copy of BG should be uploaded along with the proposal.
The Original Bank Guarantee should be delivered in person to the official
nominated as indicated in the Bid Data Sheet within 5 working days of
deadline of submission of bids. Non-submission of scanned copy of Bank
Guarantee with the proposal on e-tendering portal and/or non- submission of
original Bank Guarantee within the specified period shall lead to summary
rejection of the proposal. The details of the BG physically submitted, should
match with the details available in the scanned copy and the data entered
during the proposal submission time, failing which the proposal will be

In case of MSEs, they should upload the scanned copies of their registration
in place of scanned copy of Bank Guarantee. In case the consultant opts to
submit proposal security declaration, as per format given in Section-3, they
should upload the scanned copies of their declaration in place of scanned
copy of Bank Guarantee.

5. The provisions of revised ‘Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India)

Order 2017’ issued by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion under
Ministry of Commerce and Industry vide letter no. P-45021/2/2017-PP (BE-
II) dated 16.09.2020, as amended from time-to-time up to 28 days prior to
deadline for submission bids, shall be applicable to the bidding process and
award of the contract shall be done accordingly. In this connection, the
minimum local content shall be as per ITC para 16. The margin of purchase
preference to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) and Public Procurement
(Preference to Make in India) are not applicable

Special Provisions for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs): MSEs

registered with District Industries Centres/ Khadi and Village Industries
Commission/ Khadi and Village Industries Board/Coir Board/ National
Small Industries Corporation/ Directorate of Handicraft and Handloom/
‘Udyog Aadhaar’ – The Online Portal of MSME/ Any other body specified
by Ministry of MSME are exempted from the payment of RFP document fee
and proposal security for this tender.

Section 1 Page 2 of 5

a. Consultants are required to enroll on the e-Procurement Portal

(https://rvnl.euniwizarde.com) with clicking on the link “Online
bidder Registration” on the e-bid Portal by paying the Registration fee
(inclusive of 18% GST) of Rs. 2360/- per year charge.

b. As part of the enrolment process, the consultants will be required to

choose a unique user name and assign a password for their accounts.

c. Consultants are advised to register their valid email address and mobile
numbers as part of the registration process. These would be used for any
communication with the bidder.

d. Upon enrolment, the consultants will be required to register their valid

Digital Signature Certificate (Only Class III Certificates with signing +
encryption key usage) issued by any Certifying Authority recognized by
CCA India (e.g. Sify / TCS / nCode / eMudhra etc.), with their profile.

e. Only one valid DSC should be registered by a consultant. Please note

that the consultants are responsible to ensure that they do not lend their
DSC’s to others which may lead to misuse.

f. Consultants then logs in to the site through the secured log-in by

entering their user ID/password and the password of the DSC / e-Token.

g. The scanned copies of all original documents should be uploaded on


h. For any Query contact to our helpdesk Number 011-49606060,

Email: helpdeskeuniwizarde@gmail.com, Mr. Anand Kumar - +91
9355030602, Mr. Amrendra - +91 9355030628, Mr. Satyam Kumar
Rai - +91 9355030633


a. There are various search options built in the e-bid Portal, to facilitate
consultants to search active proposals by several parameters. These
parameters could include Proposal ID, Item/work id, Title, Date, etc.

b. Once the consultants have selected the proposals they are interested in,
the consultant can pay non-refundable processing fee of Rs. 7500 + 18
% GST by net-banking / Debit / Credit card and then download the
required documents / Proposal documents etc. Once processing fee is
paid, it will be moved to the respective “requested” Tab. This would
enable the e-bid Portal to intimate the consultants through e-mail in case
there is any addendum and corrigendum issued to the proposal

Section 1 Page 3 of 5

a. Consultant, in advance, should get ready the proposal documents to be

submitted as indicated in the proposal document / schedule and
generally, they can be in PDF /JPEG formats. Original proposal
documents may be scanned with 100 dpi with Colored option which
helps in reducing size of the scanned document.

b. To avoid the time and effort required in uploading the same set of
standard documents which are required to be submitted as a part of
every proposal, a provision of uploading such standard documents (e.g.
PAN card copy, annual reports, auditor certificates etc.) has been
provided to the consultants. Consultants can use “My Documents”
available to them to upload such documents.

c. These documents may be directly submitted from the “My Documents”

area while submitting a bid, and need not be uploaded again and again.
This will lead to a reduction in the time required for proposal
submission process.

d. Consultant should log into the website well in advance for the
submission of the proposal so that it gets uploaded well in time i.e. on
or before the proposal submission time. Consultant will be responsible
for any delay due to other issues.

e. The consultant has to digitally sign and upload the required proposal
documents one by one as indicated in the bidding document.

f. The server time (which is displayed on the consultant’s dashboard) will

be considered as the standard time for referencing the deadlines for
submission of the proposals by the consultants, opening of proposals
etc. The consultants should follow this time during proposal

g. All the documents being submitted by the consultants would be

encrypted using PKI encryption techniques to ensure the secrecy of the
data. The data entered cannot be viewed by unauthorized persons until
the time of bid opening. Data storage encryption of sensitive fields is
done. Any bid document that is uploaded to the server is subjected to
symmetric encryption using a system generated symmetric key. Further
this key is subjected to asymmetric encryption using buyers/bid opener
public keys. Overall, the uploaded proposal documents become
readable only after the proposal opening by the authorized proposal

h. Upon the successful and timely submission of bid click “Complete” (i.e.
after Clicking “Submit” in the portal), the portal will give a successful
proposal submission acknowledgement & a proposal summary will be

Section 1 Page 4 of 5
displayed with the unique id and date & time of submission of the
proposal with all other relevant details.

i. The proposal summary has to be printed and kept as an

acknowledgement of proposal submission.

9. Receipt of Proposals: The completed Proposals must be submitted through

e-Tendering Portal https://rvnl.euniwizarde.com before 11:00 Hrs on
20/10/2022 and the Proposals will be opened online on the same day at
11:30 hours. RVNL reserves the right to accept/reject any or all proposals
without assigning any reason thereof.

10. A Consultant will be selected under Quality and Cost Based Selection
(QCBS) method by giving weightage to and adding the Technical &
Financial evaluation scores. Detailed method and procedures including
weightage for Technical and Financial score are described in ‘Section 2 –
Instruction to Consultants (ITC) including Data Sheet and Hurdle Criteria of
the RFP.

11. Address for Communication:

Chief Project Manager,

Rail Vikas Nigam Limited,
RVNL Office Building, opposite GST Bhavan
Next to GMVN, Bypass Road Rishikesh-249201,
Uttarakhand, India, Telefax: 0135-2442008
E-mail: ajit.yadav@rvnl.org

For any Query regarding e tendering portal / Bid submission please contact
Number 011-49606060,
Email: helpdeskeuniwizarde@gmail.com,
Mr. Anand Kumar - +91 9355030602,
Mr. Amrendra - +91 9355030628,
Mr. Satyam Kumar Rai - +91 9355030633

12. Pre-Bid Meeting: - A pre-bid meeting will be held on 30/09/2022 at 11:00

Hrs in the Corporate Office of Rail Vikas Nigam Limited, at 1st floor,
August Kranti Bhavan, Bhikhaji Cama Place, New Delhi- 110066 to clarify
any issues and answer any queries on any matter relating to the services, as
stated in the clause 2 of ITC.

Chief Project Manager

Rail Vikas Nigam Limited

Section 1 Page 5 of 5
Engagement of Ballastless Track Structure “System Provider and Designer”
to provide detailed Design and support for installation of Ballastless track
“In tunnels, bridges and formations including all yards between chainage
Km 5+662 (FLS) to chainage Km 125+200 (FLS)
in connection with new BG line
Between Rishikesh and Karanprayag in the state of Uttarakhand, India.”


Section 2 Page 1 of 40

Sr. No. Description Page

1 Instructions to Consultants 5 to 33

2 Data Sheet (Annexure-1 Section 2) 34 to 36

Data Sheet (Annexure-1 Section 2)
3 37 to 38
Attachment 1 (Hurdle Criteria)
Data Sheet (Annexure-1)
4 39
Attachment 2 (Site Facilities during Pre-construction)
Data Sheet (Annexure-1)
5 40
Attachment 3 (Site Facilities during construction)

Section 2 Page 2 of 40

Clause Sub-Clause Particulars Page No.

1.1 Background 5
1.2 Selection of Consultants 5
1.3 Familiarization of Site and other details of the Projects 11
1.4 Examination of RFP Documents 11
1.5 Joint Proposal 11
1.6 Conflict of Interest 12
1.7 Fraud and Corruption 13
1.8 Only one Proposal 13
1.9 Proposal Validity 13
1.10 Participation of Government Employees 14
2.1 Pre-bid Meeting 14
2.2 Clarifications 14
2.3 Addendum 14
3.1 Components 14
3.2 Language 14
4.1 General 14
4.2 Proposal Letter 15
4.3 Documents Comprising Proposal Format 15
4.4 Proposal Content 18
5.1 Submission of Fully Responsive Proposal 19
5.2 Online submission of Proposals 19
5.3 Deadline for submission of Proposals 20
5.4 Proposal Security 20
5.5 Modifications and withdrawal of proposals 21
5.6 Opening of Proposals 21
5.7 Proposal Evaluation 22

Section 2 Page 3 of 40
Clause Sub-Clause Particulars Page No.

Data Sheet 34
Attachment 1 to Data Sheet: Hurdle Criteria 37
Annexure 1 Attachment 2 to Data Sheet: Facilities for the
Consultant during Pre-Construction
Attachment 3 to Data Sheet: Facilities for the
Consultant during Construction

Section 2 Page 4 of 40

1.1 Background: Rail Vikas Nigam Limited is a Public Sector Enterprise created by
Ministry of Railways, Government of India, and has been vested with the
responsibility of implementing this Project. Funds for this project will be provided by
Ministry of Railways Government of India. The status and scope of work of this
project is included in Section 4. The works contracts for this project will be awarded
by RVNL as per scope of work given in section-4 TOR with technical/contractual
support from the Consultant who is under selection through this RFP.

1.2 Selection of Consultants:

1.2.1 Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL), hereinafter called the Employer, will select
consulting firm/organization, called the ‘Consultant’ for detailed design and technical
support for the installation of Ballastless track from amongst the eligible consultants
who have submitted their proposals in response to Request for Proposal (RFP) against
‘Notice Inviting Proposals’ (NIP), a copy of which is placed in Section 1, in
accordance with ‘Quality cum Cost Based Selection’ (QCBS) method. The consultant
is referred as ‘System Provider and Designer’ which are defined in the section 4- TOR
of the bid document. Separate tender/tenders will be invited for supply of fastenings
and construction of the Ballastless track structure with the technical/contractual
support from the Consultant who is under selection through this RFP.
1.2.2 Eligibility and Qualification Criteria:
I.A Eligibility: Only firms that are registered or incorporated in India are eligible to
compete. A subsidiary company, registered / incorporated in India may utilize the
financial and technical credentials of their parent/holding company having more than
90% share in the subsidiary company either at its own (directly) and/or combined
(indirectly) through one or more of its subsidiary companies. The technical credentials
of subsidiary(ies) in which shareholding of the parent / holding company is more than
90% either at its own (directly) and / or combined (indirectly) through one or more of
its subsidiary companies, shall be treated as the credentials of parent / holding
company. This will be subject to submission of undertaking by the parent / holding
company in the prescribed format in Form 14 of Section 3.
1. Any Consultant from a country which shares a land border with India will be
eligible to bid in this tender only if the Consultant is registered with the Competent
Authority as stated in DoE Order no 6/18/2019-PP dtd 23 July 2020 (Public
Procurement No.1).However, it will not apply to consultants from those countries
(even if sharing land border with India) to which the Government of India has
extended lines of credit or in which the Government of India is engaged in
development projects as stated in DoE Order no 6/18/2019-PP dtd 23 July 2020
(Public Procurement No.2).

“Consultant from a country which shares a land border with India” means: -
i. An entity incorporated, established or registered in such a country; or

Section 2 Page 5 of 40
ii. A subsidiary of an entity incorporated, established or registered in such
a country; or
iii. An entity substantially controlled through entities incorporated,
established or registered in such a country; or
iv. An entity whose beneficial owner is situated in such a country; or
v. An Indian (or other) agent of such an entity; or
vi. A natural person who is a citizen of such a country; or
vii.A consortium or joint venture where any member of the consortium or
joint venture falls under any of the above
2. The beneficial owner for the purpose of 1 above will be as under:

i. In case of a company or Limited Liability Partnership, the

beneficial owner is the natural person(s), who, whether acting
alone or together or through one or more juridical person, has
a controlling ownership interest or who exercises control
through other means (d) In form 12 para number vi. to xi. be
read as 6 to 11
a. “Controlling ownership interest” means ownership of
or entitlement to more than twenty-five percent of
shares or capital or profits of the company.
b. “Control” shall include the right to appoint majority
of the directors or to control the management or
policy decision including by virtue of their
shareholding or management rights or shareholders
agreements or voting agreements;
ii. In case of partnership firm, the beneficial owner is the natural
person(s) who, whether acting alone or together or through
one or more juridical person, has ownership or entitlement to
more than fifteen percent of capital or profits of the
iii. In case of an unincorporated association or body of individuals,
the beneficial owner is the natural person(s), who, whether
acting alone or together or through one or more juridical
person, has ownership of for entitlement to more than fifteen
percent of the property or capital or profits of such association
or body of individuals;
iv. Where no natural person is identified under (i) or (ii) or (iii)
above, the beneficial owner is the relevant natural person who
holds the position of senior managing official;
v. In case of a trust, the identification of beneficial owner(s) shall
include identification of the author of the trust, the trustee, the
beneficiaries with fifteen percent or more interest in the trust
and any other natural person exercising ultimate effective
control over the trust through a chain of control or ownership.

Section 2 Page 6 of 40
3. The bidder must ensure the following:
(a) In case of Single Entity:
(i) Submit Power of Attorney authorising the signatory of the
bid to commit the bidder.
(b) In case of Joint Venture:
(i) The JV shall not have more than two (2) partners i.e. number
of JV partners including Lead Partner shall be limited to two
(02) only.
(ii) Submit MOU as per form given in Section 3.
(iii) The JV shall nominate a Representative through Power of
Attorney (Form given in Section 3) who shall have the
authority to conduct all business for and on behalf of any and
all the parties of the JV during the bidding process and, in
the event the JV is awarded the Contract, during contract
(iv) Submit Power of Attorney by individual partners to lead
partners as per form given in Section 3.
(v) In case a Joint Venture is the successful bidder, the Joint
Venture Agreement should be entered by the Joint Venture
partners. The duly signed Joint Venture Agreement should
be submitted along with the Performance Security to the
employer after notification of the award of contract within 28
(c) The bidder shall have to provide the names of shareholders
(constituting majority ownership), country of origin and
percentage shareholding of each such shareholder as a proof of its
eligibility to bid duly certified by Company Secretary/Auditor as
per Form TECH-31 of Section 3.

4. A Bidder may be a natural person, private entity, government-owned entity, or any

combination of them with a formal intent to enter into an agreement or under an
existing agreement in the form of a Joint Venture (JV).

I.B Eligible consultant can be either ‘Class-I Local’ or ‘both Class-I Local and Class-
II Local’ or ‘combination of Class-I Local, Class-II Local and Non-local’, as
defined below:
i. Class-I Local- means a supplier or service provider, whose goods,
services or works offered for procurement meets the minimum local
content of 50%.
ii. Class-II Local- means a supplier or service provider, whose goods,
services or works offered for procurement meets the minimum local
content of 20%.
iii. Non-local- means a supplier or service provider, who does not meet the
requirements as per i and ii above.
The Consultants are required to submit a declaration using
‘Form-MII’ of Section 3 Proposal Forms.

Section 2 Page 7 of 40
In keeping with the Public Procurement (Preference to Make in
India) Order 2017, as amended from time-to-time up to 28 days
prior to deadline for submission of bids, in case any consultant,
who does not meet the prescribed eligibility criteria shall do so
at its own risk and cost and Employer shall not be liable for any
loss or damage caused to the consultant.

II. The eligibility of the firm will be adjudged based on the hurdle criteria and
Quality based evaluation criteria, to shortlist the Consultants for opening of
financial proposals as detailed in Para 5.7.
III. Personnel –
a) Submission: CV for the position of Chief Design Engineer (Track –BLT)
shall be required to be submitted along with the proposal in form 27A (CV)
of section 3.

b) Deployment:

i. Design Stage: The firm will be required to submit an undertaking at

the time of submission of the Proposal through para 4 (ii) of TPSF
that Chief Design Engineer Track –BLT who will be deployed
after award of the work will be having the experience of designing
the eligible system (during pre-construction stage), shall be stationed
in Local Design Office in NCR (National Capital Region) of India
within 45 days of receipt of Letter of Acceptance (LOA). Failure to
station the above key personnel shall entitle the employer to
terminate the Consultancy Contract and forfeit the Proposal
security/Performance security. All other supporting design staff also
should be stationed in the design office as early as possible.

ii. Construction Stage: Designer shall ensure necessary design support

and technical assistance during the construction stages to experts
stationed in field for successful completion of BLT work from their
home office. This cost shall be inbuilt in the rates quoted in form
FIN-2 and nothing shall be paid extra on this account. For the
technical support during the construction stage, manpower is to be
provided by the consultant. The manpower will be provided at site on
the instructions of the employer. Before the engagement of the
personnel, the CV of the personnel as per Form TECH- 20 (8/13)
will have to be submitted for approval by the employer. No
personnel shall be deputed without the prior approval of the
employer. Necessary training will be provided to such personnel by
the consultant’s firm as per the part 1 of the TOR-section 4 of the bid

The consultant shall deploy a Chief Quality cum Production

Manager (EXPAT) in the factory, who shall be regular employee of
the consultant’s firm (Original Ballastless track structure system
provider firm) with minimum service of 5 years in the production of
pre-cast elements in the consultant’s firm. He should have worked

Section 2 Page 8 of 40
in the position of In-charge or one post lower for production of pre-
cast elements, with total experience of 15 years or more in the area
of concrete works. A certificate from the director of consultant’s
firm fulfilling above conditions should be submitted to the employer
before deployment. CV of the EXPAT personnel as per form TECH
27 (b) and TECH 27 (c) duly signed by the authorized signatory of
the consultant also should be submitted to the RVNL for approval.
EXPAT personnel shall be deployed only after the approval of the
CV by RVNL. After his deployment complete supervision of
production of precast elements will be under him and all QA-QC
documents pertaining to production of pre-cast elements shall be
signed by him.


d) The proposed Personnel should not have any history of involvement in

vigilance/CBI/SPE/Police case resulting in major penalty punishment of
removal/ dismissal/compulsory retirement or conviction for being eligible to
be engaged for the consultancy. Personnel who have been debarred from
Project Management Consultancy by RVNL, and whose period of
debarment is not over before deadline for submission of proposal for Key
Personnel for whom CVs are required to be submitted along with the
proposal or before date of proposing the name of such personnel by the
Consultant for other Personnel, shall also not be eligible to be engaged for
the consultancy.

IV. Approach and Methodology: The firm will be required to submit a

comprehensive Approach and Methodology proposed for carrying out the
Detailed Design services and support services. The firm will be required to submit
the Approach and Methodology for the project for which the consultancy services
are contemplated. It will be ensured that the approach and methodology prepared
is in compliance to requirements in section 4 of the RFP document.
Guidance for Approach and Methodology is available in Form Tech-21 of Section

V. Responsiveness: The firm should have submitted the proposal in accordance with
the guidelines in the Instructions to Consultants and it should meet the required
response as per check list given in Datasheet Attachment 1.

VI. The Consultant shall be disqualified if:

a. The consultant has been blacklisted/ banned for business dealings for all
Government Departments, or by Ministry of Railways or by RVNL at any
time till finalization of proposals, except in cases where such
blacklisting/banning has been withdrawn by Competent Authority or has

Section 2 Page 9 of 40
ceased on the deadline for submission of the proposals, for which satisfactory
evidence is to be produced.

b. Any previous contract of the consultant had been terminated for Consultant’s
failure by Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd. (RVNL) at any time starting from 2 years
before the deadline for submission of proposals and up to one day before the
date of opening of financial proposals;
Provided, however, there is no stay order or declaration by any Court against
such termination of the Contract by the Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd. or such
termination of the Contract has not been revoked by Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd.
c. The consultant or any of its constituents:
(i) has suffered bankruptcy/insolvency or
(ii) has any ongoing case of insolvency before the NCLT/any Court where
Interim Resolution Professional (IRP) has been appointed or is at any
later stage of the insolvency process
On the deadline of submission of bids or thereafter till finalization of bids.

d. The consultant is found ineligible by the Employer, in accordance with ITC-


e. The consultant has been declared by RVNL to be a poor performer and the
period of poor performance is still in force on the deadline for submission of
The consultant has been declared by RVNL to be a poor performer at any
time after the deadline for submission of proposals and upto one day before
the date of opening of financial proposals.
f. The consultant has changed their name or created a new business entity as
covered by the definition of “Allied Firm” under para 1102 (iii) of Chapter XI
of Vigilance Manual of Indian Railways (available on website of Indian
Railways), consequent to having been banned business dealings or suspended
business dealings or having been declared a poor performer.

g. The consultant or its beneficial owner is from a country which shares a land
border with India and is not registered with the Competent Authority as stated
in DoE Order no 6/18/2019-PP dtd 23 July 2020.

h. Entities of countries, which have been identified by the Railway Ministry as

not allowing Indian Companies to participate in their Government
procurements for any item related to Railway Ministry, shall not be allowed to
participate, except for the list of items published by the Railway Ministry
permitting their participation.”

i. Bidder fails to disclose any previous transgressions made in respect of Code

of Integrity [Rule 175 (1) of General Financial Rules 2017] with any entity in
any country during the last three years or of being debarred by any other
procuring entity.”

Section 2 Page 10 of
The Consultant shall submit an affidavit stating that they are not liable to be
disqualified as per this sub clause using the appropriate Performa given in
Section 3. Non-submission of an affidavit by the consultant shall result in
summary rejection of his proposal.

VII. Consultant shall immediately inform the Employer in case they cease to fulfil
eligibility in terms of ITC 1.2.2 (VII) & 1.6. In case the consultant fails to inform
the Employer or submits a false affidavit his proposal shall be summarily rejected
and proposal security shall be forfeited. The consultant shall also be liable for
Banning of Business dealings for a period up to five years.

1.3 Familiarization of Site and other details of the Projects:

1.3.1 Consultants should familiarize themselves with local conditions and take them into
account in preparing their Proposals. To obtain first-hand information on the
assignment and local conditions, Consultants are encouraged to visit the project site.

1.3.2 The Bid Documents to be floated for the execution of the works of this Project,
related drawings will be prepared by the selected consultant. However, RVNL
Standard Specifications for Materials and Works are available in the Office of the
Employer at the address specified in Data Sheet. The Consultants may examine these
documents at any time during the working hours in this Office.

1.4 Examination of RFP Documents: In preparing their Proposals, Consultants are

expected to examine in detail the documents comprising the RFP. Material
deficiencies in providing the information requested in the RFP documents may result
in rejection of Proposal.

1.5 Joint Proposal in case of JV:

1.5.1 The Association of the Consultants (in case of JV) may be for the long term
(independent of any particular assignment) or for this specific assignment.

1.5.2 To qualify for award of Contract, the Consultants shall submit written Power of
Attorney (either Form TECH-2 or TECH-9) authorising the signatory of the bid to
commit the Consultant and the respective consultant partners in case of a Joint

1.5.3 Proposals submitted by a Joint Venture; its partners shall comply with the following
requirements: -
(i) JV Agreement (made out as per guidelines given in Form TECH-12 or the
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Joint Venture participation (Form
TECH-11) should accompany the proposal;

Section 2 Page 11 of
(ii) One of the partners shall be authorized to be in-charge and called as `Lead
Consultant’; and this authorization shall be evidenced by submission of a
Power of Attorney signed by legally authorized signatories of all the partners
(Form TECH-10);

(iii) The Lead Consultant shall be authorized to incur liabilities, receive payments
and receive instructions for and on behalf of any or all partners of the Joint

(iv) All partners of the Joint Venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the
execution of the Contract in accordance with the Contract terms, and a
relevant statement to this effect shall be included in the JV agreement and
MOU for JV participation mentioned under (i) above as well as in the Bid
Form and the Form of Agreement (in case of a successful bid); and

(v) In case a Joint Venture is the successful Bidder, the Joint Venture Agreement
(made out as per the guidelines given in Form TECH-12) should be entered
into by the Joint Venture partners and should be submitted duly signed along
with the Performance Security to the Employer after Notification of the
Award of Contract within 30 days.

1.6 Conflict of Interest:

RVNL requires that Consultants provide professional, objective and impartial
advice and at all times hold the Client’s interest paramount, avoid conflicts with
other assignments or their own corporate interests and act without any
consideration for future work. Consultants shall not be recruited for any
assignment that would be in conflict with their prior or current obligations to other
clients, or that may place them in a position of not being able to carry out the
assignment in the best interest of the Client. Without limitation on the generality
of the foregoing, Consultants, and any of their associates shall be considered to
have a conflict of interest and shall not be recruited under any of the
circumstances set forth below:
i) If a consultant combines the function of consulting with those of contracting
and/or supply of equipment and/or supply of services other than consulting; or
ii) If a consultant is associated with or affiliated to a contractor or manufacturer for
this project; or
iii) If a consultant is owned by a contractor or a manufacturing firm with departments
or design offices offering services as consultants. The Consultant should include
relevant information on such relationships along with a statement in the Proposal
cover letter to the effect that the Consultant will limit its role to that of a
consultant and disqualify itself and its associates from work, in any other capacity
or any future project within the next five years, that may emerge from this
assignment (including bidding for any part of the future project). The Consultant
selected to undertake this assignment will give an appropriate undertaking to such
effect, while signing the agreement; or
iv) If there is a conflict among consulting assignments, the Consultant (including its
personnel and sub-consultants) and any subsidiaries or entities controlled by such
consultant shall not be recruited for the relevant assignment.

Section 2 Page 12 of
A Consultant cannot be recruited to carry out an assignment that, by its nature,
will result in conflict with another assignment of such Consultant. For example, a
Consultant engaged to prepare engineering design for an infrastructure project
shall not be recruited to prepare an independent environmental assessment or to
proof check the designs for the same project. Similarly, a Consultant assisting a
client in privatization of public assets shall neither purchase nor advise purchasers
of such assets or a Consultant hired to prepare Terms of Reference for an
assignment shall not be recruited for the assignment in question.
There are generally 4 types of consultancy services in RVNL i.e.
(i) Pre-Investment studies (PETS & Bankability Studies),
(ii) Detailed Engineering & Design (FLS & DDE),
(iii) Project Implementation (PMC) and
(iv) General Consultancy (GC) / Proof Consultancy (PC).
If a consultancy firm has carried out pre-investment studies mentioned in (i) above,
there may be advantage for appointing the same firm to carry out the consultancy
mentioned in (ii), (iii) and (iv) above. Hence there is no conflict of interest involved
for a firm doing the consultancy for (i) and (ii) or (i) and (iii) or (i) and (iv). However,
firms doing consultancy for (ii), (iii) and (iv) will have conflict of interest.

1.7 Fraud and Corruption:

1.7.1 The Consultants are required to observe the highest standard of ethics during the
procurement and execution of such contracts. In pursuance of this policy, the
following shall apply:
(i) For the purposes of this provision, the terms are defined as set forth below as
a) “Corrupt Practice” means behaviour on the part of officials in the public or
private sectors by which they improperly and unlawfully enrich themselves
and/or those close to them, or induce others to do so, by misusing the
position in which they are placed, and it includes the offering, giving,
receiving, or soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of any
such official in the procurement process or in contract execution; and
b) “Fraudulent Practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to
influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the
detriment of the borrower, and includes collusive practices among
consultants (prior to or after proposal submission) designed to establish
proposal prices at artificial, non-competitive levels and to deprive the
borrower of the benefits of free and open competition.
(ii) Employer will reject a Proposal for award if it determines that the Consultant
recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in
competing for the contract; and

(iii) Employer will declare a firm ineligible either indefinitely or for a stated period of
time, to be awarded a contract if it, at any time, determines that the firm has
engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing, and
the assignments awarded by RVNL.

Section 2 Page 13 of
1.8 Only one proposal:
1.8.1 If a Consultant submits or participates in more than one Proposal, such a Consultant
shall be disqualified.

1.9 Proposal Validity

1.9.1 The Data Sheet indicates how long the Consultants’ Proposals must remain valid
after the submission date.
1.9.2 The Employer will make its best effort to finalise the Contract within this period. In
exceptional circumstances, the Employer may request Consultants to extend the
validity period of their Proposals. The request and the responses shall be made in
writing. In case Consultant extends validity of their proposal, the proposal security as
furnished in accordance with ITC 5.4, shall also be extended up to the date mentioned
in the letter of request for extension. Consultants have the right to refuse to extend the
validity period of their Proposals.

1.10 Participation of Government Employees:

The Government employees are not permitted to undertake any assignment without
the approval of the Government as per extant Government rules. In addition to this,
no close relatives of RVNL staff should be proposed for participation in the
assignment. In case CV of a serving Government Employee is submitted with a
proposal, the same will be evaluated and assigned marks. However, the said person
before joining the PMC assignment shall have to resign and obtain necessary
approval of the Government.


2.1 Pre-bid Meeting: A pre-bid meeting will be held at the place, time and date specified
in the Data Sheet or through video Conference.
2.2 Clarifications: Consultants may request a clarification of any of the RFP documents
prior to pre-bid meeting. Any request for clarification must be sent in writing to the
address indicated in the Data Sheet. The Employer will respond in writing and will
send written copies of the response, including an explanation of the query but without
identifying the source of inquiry, to all Consultants who have purchased the RFP
documents. Should the Employer deem it necessary to amend the RFP as a result of a
clarification, it shall do so following the procedure detailed under Sub-Clause 2.3.
2.1 Addendum: At any time prior to the submission of Proposals, the Employer may,
whether at its own initiative, or in response to a clarification requested by a firm,
amend the RFP by issuing an addendum. The addendum shall be sent to only those
consultants who have purchased the Document, at any time prior to issue of
addendum. Addendum shall also be uploaded on RVNL web site for others. To give
Consultants reasonable time in which to take an amendment into account in their
Proposals, the Employer may at its discretion, if the amendment is substantial, extend
the deadline for the RFP submission.
3.1 Components:
Consultant’s Proposal will consist of separate Technical and Financial proposals of
the firm as detailed in Para 5.2.

Section 2 Page 14 of
3.2 Language:
The Proposal, as well as all related correspondence exchanged by the Consultants and
the RVNL, shall only be in English. All reports prepared by the contracted Consultant
shall also be in English.

4.1 General: The Proposal should clearly demonstrate the Consultant’s understanding of
the requirements of the services, capability and approach for carrying out the tasks for
the project management set forth in the RFP document through the nominated experts.
In preparing the Proposal, Consultants are expected to take into account the
requirements and conditions of the RFP documents. All information provided in
Consultants’ Proposal will be treated as confidential.

4.2 Proposal: The Proposal should include a Technical Proposal Submission Form (Form
TECH-1) and a Financial Proposal Submission Form (Form FIN-1) signed by person
with full authorization to make legally binding contractual (including financial)
commitments on behalf of the firm.
4.3 Documents Comprising Proposal Format
4.3.1 The consultant shall submit the proposal compiling all details and information as
under and submit scanned copies of the same on e-tendering portal except for those
documents which are to be filled up in the e-tendering portal.
Particulars Remarks

“Technical Proposal” in accordance with clause

1. Technical Proposal
5 of section 2
Form TECH-1 (TPSF) Technical Proposal Submission Form (TPSF)
ii) Form TECH-2 (POA- Format for Power of Attorney for Authorised
SE) Signatory of Single Entity
iii) Form TECH-3 Format for Affidavit to be submitted by the
(Affidavit-1) Consultant along with the Proposal
iv) Form TECH-4
v) Form TECH-5 (BG-1) Proposal Security
vi) Form TECH-6 (BG-2) Form of Contract Performance Security
vii) Form TECH-7 Format for undertaking to be submitted by
(Holding) parent/holding company of the consultant
viii) Form TECH-8 (JV/1) Deleted
ix) Form TECH-9 (JV/2- Deleted
x) Form TECH-10 (JV/3- Deleted

Section 2 Page 15 of
Particulars Remarks

xi) Form TECH-11 (JV/4) Deleted

xii) Form TECH-12 (JV/5) Deleted

Form TECH-13 (ELI -
xiii) Consultant ’s Information Sheet
Form TECH-14 (ELI -
xiv) Deleted
xv) Form TECH-15 (NW) Financial Situation
Annual Consultancy Turnover for the last 5
xvi) Form TECH-16 (TO)
xvii) Form TECH-17 (WIP) Deleted
Form TECH-18/1 to
xviii) Deleted
xix) Form TECH-19 Summary of Information of Proposed Personnel
xx) Form TECH-20 (CV)
Deleted except form Tech 20 (8/13)
xxi) Description of Approach and Methodology for
Form TECH-21
Performing the Assignment
xxii) Form TECH-22 Deleted
xxiii) Form TECH-23A Work Schedule
xxiv) Form TECH-23B Deleted
Form TECH-24 Deleted
xxvi) Form TECH-25 (QC) Deleted
xxvii) Form TECH- 26 A Deleted
xxviii) Team Composition, Task Assignments and
Form TECH-26B
Summary of CV Information
xxix) Form TECH-27 (CV) Curriculum Vitae (CV) format for the Key
personnel (Chief Design Engineer Track-BLT)
xxx) Form TECH-27A (CV) Summary for experience as per CV submitted in
form 27 (CV)
xxxi) Form TECH-27 (b) Curriculum Vitae (CV) format for the Key
(CV) personnel (Chief Quality cum Production
Manager (EXPAT))
xxxii) Form TECH-27 (c) Curriculum Vitae (CV) format for the Key
(CV) personnel (Chief Quality cum Production
Manager (EXPAT))
xxxiii) Form TECH-28 (EXP)

Section 2 Page 16 of
Particulars Remarks

xxxiv) Form TECH-29 (EXP)

xxxv) Form TECH-29a (EXP) General Experience
xxxvi) Form TECH-29b (EXP)
Eligible System (System Provider)
xxxvii) Form TECH-29c (EXP) Eligible System (Designer)
xxxviii) Form TECH-29d (EXP) Specific Experience

xxxix) Form TECH-29e (EXP) Details of Proposed Track Structure System

xxxx) Form TECH-30 Format for undertaking under Clause 1.2.2 (III)
(b) for deployment of Personnel
xxxxi) Form TECH-31 Format for providing details of Shareholders
(constituting majority shareholding) as a proof of
fulfilling eligibility under clause 1.2.2 (i)
xxxxii) Form for declaration of
local content
xxxxiii) Form TECH-32 EQC Form No.1: Checklist

xxxxiv) Form TECH-33 EQC Form No.3: Undertaking

“Financial Proposal” in accordance with clause 5

2 Financial Proposal
of section 2

xxxxv) Financial Proposal

Submission Form
xxxxvi) Bill of Quantity FORM FIN-2 (Financial Rate Page under
Financial offer)

4.3.2 The Proposal must be submitted through e-tendering portal only.

4.3.3 Documents related to financial information: The Financial information requires

completion of Form FIN-1 and FIN-2 and quoting remuneration rates through e-
tendering portal. These are to be prepared as under:

(i) Form FIN-1 in Section 3, forming the covering letter for proposal.

(ii) Form FIN-2(Financial Rate Page under Financial offer) in Section 3 relate to the
costs of consulting services. Form-2(Financial Rate Page under Financial offer) is
the BOQ for detailed design of ballastless track and Remuneration billing rates
for personnel and other items as applicable and to be quoted through e-
tendering portal. Rate offered at any other medium will not be considered.

Section 2 Page 17 of
(iii) DELETED.

(iv) Form FIN-1 should be typed on the Consultants’ Letter Heads exactly in the
same format of the form.

(v) In Form TECH-1 & FIN-1, an undertaking is to be given that, in preparation

and submission of the Technical and Financial information, Consultants have:

 Not taken any action which is or which constitutes a corrupt or

fraudulent practice as defined in the RFP documents; and

 Agreed to allow RVNL, at its option, to inspect and audit all accounts,
documents, and records relating to the Consultant’s Proposal and to the
performance of the ensuing Consultant’s Contract.

4.3.4 Proposal Prices: The amount arrived at based on rates quoted online through e-
tendering portal in the summery sheet of remuneration shall be the proposal price.

4.3.5 Currency: Consultants shall submit their offer in INR only and the payment shall be
made in Indian currency (INR) only.

4.3.6 Tax Liability: The Consultant is liable to pay taxes as applicable. While the GST will
be paid extra on production of proof of payment and its verification in GSTR 2A and
3A of RVNL, all other taxes shall be payable by the Consultant. RVNL shall be
deducting taxes deductible at source as per relevant Tax Laws/other applicable laws in

4.4 Proposal Content:

The Proposals and qualification details shall be furnished for in accordance with the
formats given in Section 3 and elaborated in clause 4.3 of these ITC and shall ensure
the following:

i) The proposals and qualification details shall concise, relevant, complete and
furnished in accordance with the formats given in Section 3 and elaborated in
clause 4.3 of these ITC.

Section 2 Page 18 of
5.1 Submission of Fully Responsive Proposal:
5.1.1 The Consultant shall submit a fully responsive proposal including all the
supporting documents requested in the RFP. Non-compliance with important
requirements may result in rejection of the proposal. Once the proposals are
received and opened, consultants shall not be required nor permitted to change the
substance, the key staff, quoted fee and so forth except at the time of negotiations
carried out in accordance with the provisions of the RFP. However, the Employer
may ask in writing from the Consultants any clarifications/information based on
the documents submitted with the proposal considered necessary for evaluation,
but not having any effect on the quoted fee and the substance of the proposal.
Proposals must be submitted online at the web address given in the Data Sheet
(Section 2) on or before the time and date stated in the Data Sheet or any new date
established by the RVNL according to provisions of Sub-Clause 2.2.
5.1.2 The Consultants shall submit the proposals ensuring the following:
(i) The RFP document issued by the Employer in full digitally signed by the
authorized signatory shall be submitted through e-tendering portal and shall
form part of Proposal.

Note: Forms FIN-1 & FIN-2 in the RFP document issued by RVNL, should not be
uploaded with the technical proposal and the scanned copy of same is to be
uploaded in the Financial Proposal on the consultant’s letter head typed in
the format of the Form as available in the RFP.

(ii) The proposal shall be digitally signed by a person duly authorized to sign on
behalf of the consultant.
(iii) All the corrigenda/addenda issued pursuant to clause 2.3 must be digitally
signed and submitted through e-tendering portal with the Proposal which
forms part of the RFP document.

(iv) Technical and Financial proposals shall be submitted in accordance with

clause 5.2.

(v) Scanned copy of the Proposal Security in case of Bank Guarantee shall be
submitted in accordance with ITC Clause 5.4.

(vi) Scanned copy of Undertakings/Affidavits as per requirement of RFP are to be

uploaded along with the proposal.


5.2 Online Submission of Proposals:

5.2.1 The consultant shall submit the Technical and Financial proposal through e-
tendering portal of https://rvnl.euniwizarde.com
i) “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” will comprise all Forms of Section 3 except Form
FIN-&rates quoted in the summary sheet of remuneration uploaded through

Section 2 Page 19 of
RVNL e-tendering portal as envisaged in RFP and all other relevant data specified
in the RFP documents. All forms should be typed on Consultants’ letter head in
the exact format of the Forms.

ii) “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL” will comprise only Form FIN-1 & rates quoted in
the Financial Rate Page under Financial offer of remuneration is available in e-
tendering portal as envisaged in RFP and all other relevant data specified in this
RFP documents. Form.FIN-1should be typed on Consultants’ letter head in the
exact format.

5.3 Deadline for submission of Proposals:
Proposals must be received by the Employer through e-tendering portal only in
accordance with clause 5.2 of these ITC, not later than the time and date specified in
the Data Sheet or extended date in accordance with clause 2.3 of ITC. The e-
Tendering portal cannot accept any proposal once the deadline for the tender
submission has lapsed.

5.4 Proposal Security:

5.4.1 The proposal must be accompanied by Proposal security Declaration or the Proposal
Security as stated in Data Sheet in the form of;

(a) Online e-payment through the link given on e-tendering portal


(b) an unconditional Bank Guarantee in the prescribed form given in Section 3,

Form 6, from the banks acceptable to the Employer as mentioned below:
(i) a Scheduled Bank in India
(ii) a Foreign Bank having their operations in India or
(iii) a foreign bank which does not have operations in India is required to
provide a Counter Guarantee by State Bank of India.
The proposal security shall be valid up to the date as mentioned in BDS (Data Sheet) or
up to the date mentioned in the letter of request for extension in case extension is
requested under ITC 1.9.2.

In case the consultant has opted for Bid security in the form of an unconditional
Bank Guarantee, the consultant should upload the scanned copy of Bank
Guarantee with the bid. The original Bank Guarantee should be delivered in
person to the official nominated as indicted in the bid data sheet within 5 working
days of deadline of submission of bids. Non submission of scanned copy of Bank
Guarantee with the bid on e-tendering portal and/or non-submission of original
Bank Guarantee within the specified period shall lead to summary rejection of bid.
The details of the BG, physically submitted should match with the details available

Section 2 Page 20 of
in the scanned copy and the data entered during bid submission time, failing
which the bid will be rejected.
In case of MSEs they should upload the scanned copy of their registration in place
of scanned copy of bank Guarantee.

5.4.2 The Proposal Security of unsuccessful consultants will be returned as promptly

as possible, but not later than thirty (30) days after the expiration of the validity
of the proposal prescribed in clause 1.9 of these ‘Instructions to Consultants’.

5.4.3 The Proposal Security of the successful Consultant shall be returned promptly
once the successful Consultant has furnished the required Performance Security
and signed the Contract Agreement.

5.4.4 The Proposal Security may be forfeited for any of the reasons mentioned below:
a) if a consultant withdraws its proposal during the period of proposal validity;
b) in case of a successful consultant, if the consultant fails to;
i) Sign the contract in accordance with clause 9 of these ITC
ii) Furnish Performance Security in accordance with clause 10 of these
c) If the Consultant fails to submit a list of personnel along with CVs in prescribed
format in terms of sub-clause 1.2.2 (III) within a period of 30 days from the
issue of Notification of Award;
d) if the undertaking of the affidavit submitted by the Consultant in pursuant
to Sub-Clause 1.2.2 (VII) is found false at any stage during evaluation;
e) if any tampering or changes are made in the RFP document;
f) if the consultant violates any other provision of RFP document.

5.5 Modifications and Withdrawal of Proposals:

5.5.1 The Consultant may modify its proposal after submission through e-tendering
portal any number of times or withdraw it before the deadline for submission of
5.5.3 No proposal may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission
of proposals and the expiration of period of proposal validity. Withdrawal of a
proposal during this interval shall result in forfeiture of its proposal security
pursuant to clause 5.4.3 of these ITC.

5.6 Opening of Proposals:

5.6.1 Opening of Technical Proposal
(a) The Employer shall conduct the opening of Technical Bids through e -
tendering portal of RVNL https://rvnl.euniwizarde.com


Section 2 Page 21 of
5.6.3 The details of proposal security, details contained in the Technical proposals of the
various consultants will be examined by the nominated Tender Committee to
decide on the opening of Financial Proposals of eligible Consultants.
Note: The offers of such Consultants who have withdrawn their offers, who
have not submitted proposal security, who do not fulfil the eligibility criteria
(ITC clause 1.2.2), whose offers are not responsive as decided by the Tender
committee will be rejected. The financial proposal of such Consultant(s) will
not be opened.

5.6.4 The Financial Proposals of the Consultants shortlisted in technical evaluation, will
be opened through e-tendering portal of RVNL i.e.
https://rvnl.euniwizarde.com. The shortlisted Consultants will be advised
through email, the date and time of opening of their financial proposals.

5.6.5 Opening of Financial Proposals:

(i) The Employer shall conduct the opening of Financial Proposals of consultants
who submitted substantially responsive technical proposal and who have
determined qualified as a result of technical evaluation, on date and time
specified by the Employer through e-tendering portal of RVNL i.e.

5.7 Proposal Evaluation


Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method shall be used to evaluate the
Consultancy proposals. The Consultants who submit substantially responsive
proposals conforming to the RFP shall be taken up for further evaluation as per
clauses 5.7.2 to 5.7.4.

5.7.2 EVALUATION OF TECHNICAL PROPOSALS Each substantially responsive proposal shall be evaluated to ascertain

whether it fulfils the Hurdle Criteria as specified in clause below.

Section 2 Page 22 of

Compliance Documents
Criteria Requirement Requirements Submission
Single Entity Requirements Net Worth

Submission of audited balance sheets or, if not required

by the law of the Consultant’s country, other financial
statements acceptable to the Employer, for the last three
years to demonstrate the current soundness of the Must meet Form
Consultants financial position and its prospective long-
requirement TECH-15
term profitability. As a minimum the Consultants net
worth calculated as difference between total assets and
total liabilities should be positive for the latest financial
year. Average Annual Consultancy Turnover

Minimum average annual consultancy turnover of INR

83.64 Cr. calculated as total certified consultancy payments
received for contracts in progress or completed, within the
last three years.
i If the balance sheets of the consultant or any of its
constituents is in the currency other than INR and US$, the
same shall be converted to INR as per Note (h) below the
ii If the Indian company is using the credential of
parent/holding company whose balance sheet is in other Must meet
than INR, then also conversion shall be done as mentioned 100% of the
in (i) above. TECH-16

Section 2 Page 23 of
Compliance Documents
Criteria Requirement Requirements Submission
Single Entity Requirements Contracts of Similar work of size and nature Experience:

“Eligible System” shall mean a ballastless track Structure

system or fastening system, installed in India or elsewhere
which should have been in successful operation on mixed
traffic conditions for a continuous minimum length of 10 km
with minimum axle load of 22MT on goods trains and
operational speed of at least 130 kmph on passenger trains
for at least 5 Years since the date of operation as on deadline
of submission of proposal.

a) Bidder should have experience of designing the

ballastless track Structure system which should have been in
successful operation on mixed traffic conditions for a
continuous minimum length of 10 km with minimum axle
load of 22MT on goods trains and operational speed of at
least 130 kmph on passenger trains for at least 5 Years since
the date of operation as on deadline of submission of
proposal. EXP-29(a),
must meet all
b) Bidder should have successfully provided the ballastless (a), (b) and (c)
track Structure system or fastening system, which should EXP-29(e)
have been in successful operation on mixed traffic
conditions for a continuous minimum length of 10 km with
minimum axle load of 22MT on goods trains and
operational speed of at least 130 kmph on passenger trains
for at least 5 Years since the date of operation as on deadline
of submission of proposal.

c) Bidder should have the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR,

if applicable) of the ballastless track Structure system or
fastening system, which should have been in successful
operation on mixed traffic conditions for a continuous
minimum length of 10 km with minimum axle load of
22MT on goods trains and operational speed of at least 130
kmph on passenger trains for at least 5 Years since the date
of operation as on deadline of submission of proposal.

Note: 1. The Bidder shall submit the experience certificate

for Clause & (b). If the bidder has
completed one job, working as designer and system

Section 2 Page 24 of
Compliance Documents
Criteria Requirement Requirements Submission
Single Entity Requirements
provider, experience certificate of the same job may
be submitted. If the bidder has done both the job
separately, he may submit two experience certificate,
one qualifying Clause (a) and other
qualifying Clause (b). The bidders who
have submitted two experience certificates, the
experience certificate under Clause (a) will
be only used for examining the hurdle criteria under
this clause and will not be considered for the
evaluation of Quality based criteria under and
the experience certificate under Clause (b)
will be used for examining the hurdle criteria as well
as for the evaluation of Quality based criteria under
2. Experience of the bidder as a consultant/sub-
consultant will be considered. Experience as an
“associate” will not be considered

Only proposals of those Consultants who meet the ‘Hurdle Criteria’ specified under
Para shall be taken up for further quality based technical evaluation in the
second stage as per Para

Note :
[a] Deleted
[b] Deleted
[c] Deleted
[d] Deleted
[e] Deleted
[f] Deleted
[g] Deleted
[h] For Sub-clause Average Annual Consultancy Turnover, the Bidder should
submit actual consultancy turnover figures for the specified financial years. For
Evaluation purposes the figures of previous years shall be updated @ 5% per year
compounded annually based on Rupee value to bring them to the level of the last
Financial Year specified in sub-clause. If the figure for turnover in an individual
year is in a currency other than INR, then the same shall first be converted to INR
based on the exchange rates published by Reserve Bank of India/International
Monetary Fund (in that order) as on last day of that year and then the figures in
INR shall be updated as mentioned above.
[i] Deleted

[j] If the original Certificates (i.e. certificate of Incorporation/Registration or

Memorandum & Article of Association, Audited Balance Sheets, Employer
Certificate etc. which are relevant to the bid submission) is in a language other
than in English, the same may be translated into English and notarized/attested
by the Notary Public.

Section 2 Page 25 of
[k] Audited Balance Sheets/ Account Statements shall be certified by a Certified
Public Accountant/Chartered Accountant or any Registered Account Practitioner
by any name.
[l] Bidder shall have its own design team which has experience of designing
ballastless track “eligible system”. If the bidder doesn’t have credentials to fulfil
the design criteria of the ballastless track ‘eligible system’, bidder can sign
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with a designer firm which has
experience of designing the ballastless track ‘eligible system’ as given in para (a) above. The credentials of the designer firm in MOU will be
considered towards meeting with the hurdle criteria. The designer firm along
with the system provider must also fulfil the eligibility as per the clause 1.2.2 I. A
1 of the section 2 -ITC of the bid document. It is mandatory to submit the copy of
MOU along with bid document, failing which, the bid will be summarily

[m] In support of clause bidder shall submit client’s certificate.

[n] The bidder as a part of the technical bid submission shall submit dimension
drawings of “Eligible System” as submitted in the form 29(b) of section 3 of the
bid document which shall illustrate each part of the track structure with clear
description including but not be limited to:
(i). Type of Rail
(ii) Type of Rail Fastening
(iii) Block / Sleepers / Slab/ Track Concrete Layer
(iv). Shear connectors/Shear keys/Restraints/Bolsters; if any
(v) Intermediate layers / Separation Layers / Boots / Elastomeric Layers, if any
(vi). Concrete Base Layer, if any
(vii). Any other material used
[o] The bidder shall submit records to prove that the bidder owns all the necessary
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) for the proposed ‘Eligible System’ ballastless
track or fastening system as in (c) (b) above of para (If Applicable) and
it can be used for RVNL.
In case the IPR is not applicable, the bidder needs to submit records stating that
the IPR is not required for this technology. If the bidder has any IPR which is not
valid on date, bidder may submit the expired IPR as a proof of demonstration of
know-how. Else bidder shall submit proof of direct demonstration of Know-how
in “Eligible System” through As-built drawings/Completion certificate and
Undertaking by the full time Director of the company stating that the
services/work has been done by the bidder.
[p] The experience of the Ballastless track system must be a work of Railways or
metro but excluding LRT, tramway and monorail.
[q] The detail design of proposed Track Structure System (BLT) including of fastening
systems, which will be proposed after award of contract should not deviate from
the BLT system and fastening submitted for hurdle criteria based on which the
proposal is accepted. An undertaking as per EQC form No. 3 of Section-3 to be
submitted. However, Eligible System will have to be suitably modified as per
terms of reference i.e. section 4- TOR of the bid document.

Section 2 Page 26 of
[r] CV for the position of Chief Design Engineer (Track –BLT) is to be submitted as
per forms 27 and 27A of the section 3. The personnel whose CV is submitted for
the position of Chief Design Engineer (Track –BLT) must have designed and
worked with the ‘Eligible System’ as defined in the hurdle criteria given in clause (a) of section 2 of the bid document. Quality based evaluation to shortlist the Consultants for opening of their
financial proposals: Further evaluation of the technical proposal of a
bidder, meeting the ‘Hurdle Criteria’ specified under Para above,
shall be done as per the marking /scoring system enumerated below.
Marking/Scoring System (Applicable for same “eligible system” as
submitted in Para (b)/(c).

Clause Particulars Marking Maximum


A. Provenness of the “Eligible system” installed for For fulfilment of 250

Eligible System continuous minimum ten (10) Track the criteria
Km length, in operation for five (5) continuous 10 (130 km)
years or more. Track Km length,
130 marks

01 additional mark
for each 01 Track
Km length in
continuity to above
continuous stretch
of 10 Km

B. Proportion of Percentage of concrete by Volume Up to 20% volume 300

Pre-casting for a (cum) between center to center of (cum) of the total
standard straight track consecutive fastenings, that is Pre- Track structure – (100%
in Tunnel. cast in the Track structure with 140 marks pre-cast)
respect to the volume based on the
total thickness including grout as per 10 marks for each
the ‘Eligible System’. 5% increase in
precast quantity
Note: In support the values claimed,
the calculation of quantities should be
submitted as per the drawing
provided against note (n) of clause of section 2 ITC of the bid

Section 2 Page 27 of
C. Suitability for If the proposed track structure system For the fulfilment 100
Turnout is suitable for laying turnouts also? of the criteria
Note: As Built/ approved Drawings - If Yes - 100
of the previously executed project marks
shall be submitted.
- If No – 50 marks

D. Provenness with If eligible system is proven with two If proven with only 150
multiple fastening or more fastening system from one fastening
system different suppliers. system – 75 marks (suitable)

Different suppliers are different If proven with two

firms/companies/vendors whose or more fastening
shareholding /majority owners are system – 150
different. For example, Vossloh, marks
Pandrol, Schwihag, delkor, LB Foster

E. Provenness axle Maximum axle load of the fastening If the proposed 100
load of fastening system. fastening system is
system performing for Axle (25MT)
Load of 25MT or

-If Yes - 100marks

-If No – 75 marks

F. Ballastless track on Laying of ballastless track on rail For the fulfilment 100
rail bridges with bridges with LWR of the criteria
LWR (Suitable)
-If Yes– 100 marks

- If No – 50 marks

Sub-Total (A to F) 1000 DELETED deleted Selection and short listing of Consultants for opening of Financial

Proposals based on total score obtained in Technical Evaluation:

Section 2 Page 28 of
Only the top five consultants, in the descending order of the marks obtained
(with a minimum mark as specified in Data Sheet), will be shortlisted for
opening of financial proposals. If the number of consultants who have obtained
a minimum mark as specified in Data Sheet is less than five, but a minimum of
2, the same shall be shortlisted for opening of financial proposals. However, if
the number of such consultants shortlisted is less than 2, RVNL may shortlist
the consultant with the next highest scores in descending order having obtained
a minimum of 500 marks. In such an event, the total number of shortlisted
consultants will be restricted to TWO only.

The criteria to be used for ranking of consultants obtaining the same score,
to restrict the total number of shortlisted consultants to five/two, will be as
under: -

i) If the total score of two or more consultants is the same, the consultant
having obtained the higher score for “Proportion of pre-casting for straight
track” shall be rated higher in the ranking.

ii) In the eventuality that the total score as well as score for “Proportion of
pre-casting for straight track” is the same, the consultant having obtained
the higher score for “Provenness with multiple fastening system” will be
rated higher in the ranking.

5.7.3 EVALUATION OF FINANCIAL PROPOSALS Financial Proposals will be reviewed to ensure that -
(i) The figures provided therein are consistent with the details of the
corresponding Technical Proposal.
(ii) The commercial terms in each proposal in financial document will be
checked for compliance set forth in the Data Sheet and other clauses of the
RFP document. DELETED
(iii) DELETED The Evaluated Total Price will be worked out for all Financial Proposals as
above. The lowest Evaluated Total Price will be given a financial score of 1000
points. The other proposals will be given financial scores that are inversely
proportional to their Evaluated Total Prices. The following formula shall be
used to calculate the financial scores: -
Sf = 1000 x Fm/F
Sf - Financial score of the proposal under consideration

Section 2 Page 29 of
Fm - Lowest Evaluated Total Price
F - Evaluated Total Price of the proposal under consideration


Following completion of evaluation of Technical and Financial Proposals,
final ranking of the Proposals will be determined. This will be done by
applying a weightage to the technical and financial score of each evaluated
qualifying Technical and Financial Proposal and then computing the total
Combined Score (S) for each Consultant as given below
Combined Score, S = (St xWt) + (Sf x Wf) where:
S = Final score
St = Technical score
Sf = Financial score
Wt = Weightage of technical score
Wf = Weightage of financial score
The weightages (Wt & Wf) to be applied to the technical and financial scores
respectively shall be as indicated in the Data Sheet. The proposal with highest
combined total score will be ranked first; second highest score will be ranked
second; and so on.

However, in the event the proposals of two or more Consultants have the same scores
in the final ranking, the Consultant having obtained higher score in technical proposal
shall be rated higher in the ranking.

6 Negotiations

6.1 Normally Negotiations are not allowed. However, if required, negotiations will be held at
the address indicated in the Data Sheet. Representatives conducting negotiations on
behalf of the Consultant must have written authority to negotiate technical, financial, and
other terms and conclude a legally binding agreement.


6.3 The financial negotiations will generally relate to the financial proposal like experts
remuneration and other unit rates.

7 Confidentiality

7.1 Information relating to evaluation of Proposals and recommendations concerning

contract award shall not be disclosed to Consultants who submitted Proposals or to other
persons not officially concerned with the recruitment process until the winning firm has
been notified and contract awarded.

8 Award of Contract
8.1 The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal and to annul the bidding
process and reject all proposals at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby

Section 2 Page 30 of
incurring any liability to the Consultants. In case of annulment, all proposal securities
shall be promptly returned to the Consultants.

8.2 The Employer shall award the Contract to the Consultant whose proposal is substantially
responsive to the RFP Document, provided further that the Consultant is determined to
be qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily and whose offer has been determined
as first rank (having highest combined total score) as per ITC 5.7.4 and after successful
negotiations, if any, subject to ITC 8.3 below.

8.3 The Employer has the right to review at any time prior to award of contract that the
qualification criteria, as specified in ITC 1.2.2 and 1.6, are still being met by the
Consultant whose offer has been determined as first rank. A Proposal shall be rejected if
the qualification criteria, as specified in ITC 1.2.2 and 1.6, are no longer met by the
Consultant whose offer has been determined as first rank. In this event the Employer
shall proceed to the Proposal next in rank to make a similar reassessment of that
Consultant’s capabilities to perform satisfactorily.

9 Notification of Award
9.1 After completion of negotiations (if any), prior to the expiration of proposal validity, the
Employer will notify the successful consultant in writing through registered letter, fax
and/or e-mail that its proposal has been accepted by the Competent Authority at RVNL’s
Corporate Office at Delhi or CPM’s Office.
9.2 The notification of award will constitute the formation of contract.
9.3 Deleted
9.4 Upon the successful consultant’s furnishing of the performance security, pursuant to
clause 10 of these ITC, the Employer will promptly notify the other Consultants who
submitted Proposals that they were unsuccessful and will discharge their Proposal
Security, pursuant to clause 5.4.2.
10 Signing of Contract
10.1 After the Employer notifies the successful consultant that its proposal has been
accepted and the consultant has furnished the performance security in accordance with
Clause 10 of ITC, the Employer will send Form of Contract provided in the Request for
Proposals, incorporating all agreements between the parties, to the consultant.
10.2 Within twenty-eight (28) days of receipt of the Contract Form, the successful consultant
shall sign and date the contract and return it to the Employer. By mutual agreement, the
contract signature date may be postponed by up to thirty (30) days.
11 Performance Security
11.1 Within twenty-eight (28) days of the receipt of notification of award from the
Employer, the successful consultant shall furnish the performance security for an
amount as specified in Data Sheet in accordance with the Conditions of Contract, using
the FORM TECH-6(BG-2) provided in the Request for Proposals Section 3 or another
form acceptable to the Employer.
In case the consultant fails to submit Performance Security within 28 days of issue of
LOA, it may seek extension of time for a period not exceeding 28 days along with
payment of damages either through bank transfer or Demand Draft in favour of RVNL.

Section 2 Page 31 of
The rate of payment of damages for such extended period shall be a sum calculated @
0.035% of the Performance Security for each day of the extension sought. Further, if
the last day of the extension sought happens to be a declared holiday in the concerned
office, submission of Performance Guarantee shall be accepted on the next working
day. Extension of time may be granted by the authority who is competent to sign the
contract agreement.
The contractor may commence the work within 42 days of issue of LOA subject to the
condition that, no payment will be made to the contractor till completion of the

1. Submission of Enforceable Performance Guarantee.

2. Signing of Contract agreement.

In case contract is terminated on account of non-submission of Performance Security

within the specified time or extended time, the Employer shall be entitled to forfeit Bid
Security, damages paid if any, and other dues payable against that contract.
In case a bidder has not submitted Bid Security on the strength of their registration as a
Start-up recognized by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) under
Ministry of Commerce and Industry, DIPP shall be informed to this effect. The
terminated Contractor shall stand debarred from participating in RVNL tenders for a
period of 3 years.
11.2 Failure of the successful consultant to comply with the requirements of ITC Clause 9 or
ITC Clause 10.1 shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and
forfeiture of the proposal security.
12 Contract Commencement Date
12.1 The Data Sheet indicates the anticipated date for the commencement of the contract
12.2 The actual date of commencement shall be within fifteen (15) days of the Notice to
Proceed given by the Employer in accordance with the provisions of clause 4 of
contract agreement in Section 5of RFP.
13 Time of Completion: As indicated in Data Sheet.
14 The bidding process shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
India and the Courts as indicated in Data Sheet shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all
the disputes/issues arising under, pursuant to and/ or in connection with the bidding
15 Special Provisions for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs):
i) Applicants registered with the agencies (as mentioned in para iii) below) as micro
or small enterprise (MSE) are exempted from the payment of RFP/bidding
document fee.

ii) Applicants registered with the agencies (as mentioned in para iii) below) as micro
or small enterprise (MSE) will be exempted from deposit of Proposal/Bid

Section 2 Page 32 of
iii) Applicants who are interested in availing themselves of above benefits will
enclose with their proposal;

a) The proof of their being micro or small enterprise (MSE) registered with
any of the following agencies;
1. District Industries Centres
2. Khadi and Village Industries Commission
3. Khadi and Village Industries Board
4. Coir Board
5. National Small Industries Corporation
6. Directorate of Handicraft and Handloom
7. ‘Udyog Aadhaar’ – The Online Portal of MSME
8. Any other body specified by Ministry of MSME.
b) Supporting document(s) indicating the terminal validity date of registration
which should be a date after the deadline for submission of proposals.

Failing which, their proposals shall not be liable for consideration of benefits
detailed in para (i) & (ii) above.

16 Preference to Make in India

16.1 Preference to Make in India :The provisions of revised ‘Public Procurement
(Preference to Make in India) Order 2017’ issued by Department of Industrial
Policy and Promotion under Ministry of Commerce and Industry vide letter
no. P-45021/2/2017-PP (BE-II) dated 16.09.2020, as amended from time to
time up to 28 days prior to deadline for submission of bids, shall be applicable
to the bidding process and award of the contract shall be done accordingly. In
this connection, the minimum local content shall be 50%

16.2 Local Content: The amount of value added in India, which unless otherwise
prescribed by Railway Ministry, be the total value of the item procured
(excluding net domestic indirect taxes) minus value of imported content in the
item (including all custom duties) as proportion of total value, in percent.
Services such as transportation, insurance, installation, commissioning,
training and after sales services like AMC / CMC etc. are not local value
addition for an imported product

Section 2 Page 33 of
Annex 1 (Section 2)

Item Data
1.2 Selection of Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method
1.2.1 Name of the Employer Rail Vikas Nigam Limited, New Delhi
1.2.2 I.A Eligible Consultant In reference to the said clause, the participation
3 (b) of JV or consortium is not permitted in this bid.
Provisions related to JV stands deleted
elsewhere in the ITC.
1.2.2 I.B Eligible Consultant Eligible Consultant for this work is ‘Class-I Local’
1.9 Validity of the Proposals 120 days from the deadline of submission of proposal
2.1 Pre-bid Meeting: 11:00 hours on 30.09.2022 at: -
time, date and venue “RVNL Corporate office, 1st Floor, August
Kranti Bhawan, Bhikhaji Cama Place, New
2.2 Name and Address of Chief Project Manager,
the Employer where the Rail Vikas Nigam Limited,
correspondence RVNL Office Building, opposite GST Bhavan
concerning this Request Next to GMVN, Bypass Road Rishikesh-249201,
for Proposal is to be
sent: Uttarakhand, India, Telefax: 0135-2442008
E-mail: ajit.yadav@rvnl.org

For any Query regarding e tendering portal /

Bid submission please contact helpdesk
Number 011-49606060, Email:
helpdeskeuniwizarde@gmail.com, Mr. Anand
Kumar - +91 9355030602, Mr. Amrendra - +91
9355030628, Mr. Satyam Kumar Rai - +91

4.3.6 Local Taxation The Consultant is liable to pay taxes as applicable.

While the GST will be paid extra as applicable to the
Consultant by the Employer, all other taxes shall be
payable by the Consultant. RVNL shall be deducting
taxes deductible at source as per Tax Laws/other
applicable laws in India.

Facilities to be provided Employer will arrange to provide the facilities as

by the Employer indicated in the Attachment 2& 3 to this Data

Section 2 Page 34 of
Item Data
5.2 Online submission of e-tendering website
proposals https://www.rvnl.euniwizarde.com

5.3 Deadline for Submission 11:00 hours on 20/10/2022

of Proposals
5.4 Proposal Security Proposal Security of ₹50 Lakhs.
5.4.1 Validity of Proposal
The proposal security shall be valid up to 01/12/2022
5.5 Opening of Technical 11.30 hours on 20/10/2022
Proposals Minimum Technical 600 out of 1000
5.7.4 Weightage to be applied The weightage to be applied to the technical score
to the Technical and (Wt) : 0.90 (or 90%) and
Financial Proposal
Score The weightage to be applied to the financial score
(Wf) : 0.10 (or 10%)
6.1 Negotiations The contents are replaced as below:
Negotiations will include a discussion of the
Technical Proposal, the proposed technical approach
and methodology, work plan and schedule, and
organization and personnel, and any suggestions
made by the Consultant to improve the TOR. The
Client and the Consultants will finalize the TOR,
personnel schedule, work schedule, logistics, and
reporting. These documents will then be
incorporated in the Contract as “Description of
Services.” Special attention will be paid to clearly
defining the inputs and facilities required from the
Client to ensure satisfactory implementation of the
assignment. The Client shall prepare minutes of
negotiations which will be signed by the Client and
the Consultant.

Representatives conducting negotiations on behalf of

the Consultant must have written authority to
negotiate technical, financial, and other terms and
conclude a legally binding agreement.

11 Performance Security I. Within 28 days of issue of Letter of

Acceptance/Award (LOA), @3% of the value
of the accepted contract amount to be
submitted upfront plus 5% of the value of the
accepted contract amount to be recovered
from the IPCs @6% of the IPC amount and in

Section 2 Page 35 of
Item Data
the same currency(ies) in the form of an
unconditional Bank Guarantee for the stated
amounts in the format prescribed in Form
TECH-6(BG-2) and valid for a period of 28
days beyond issue of performance certificate
(Initially Performance Security shall be valid
up to 28 days beyond the specified
completion of the consultancy contract).
12 Expected date for (i) Detailed Design of Consultancy – Dec 2022
commencement of (ii) Construction stage supervision – July 2023
consulting services
13 Time of Completion (i). Completion period of whole consultancy-
42 months + DLP.
(ii). Detailed design- 06 months
(iii). Construction stage- 36 months
(iv). Defect liability Period (DLP):- 06 months
14 Jurisdiction of Courts DELHI
15 Margin of preference for Not applicable.
16.1 Margin of Purchase
Preference for Make in Not applicable.


1) In the event of the dates refer to in this document happen to be a holiday; the next
working day shall be applicable.

Section 2 Page 36 of
Annex 1 (Section 2)
Attachment 1
1. General:
1.1 The evaluation of valid proposals received shall be carried out by the Tender
Committee (TC) on the basis of responsiveness to the TOR and the criteria
specified below.
1.2 The proposals received by RVNL in response to RFP shall be examined in five
stages as under:

S.No. Particulars Criteria Remarks

1. Responsiveness Hurdle Includes submission in accordance
with the guidelines in the
`Instructions to Consultants’.
2. Hurdle Based Technical Hurdle To be evaluated as per Clause
Evaluation of Section 2
3. Quality Based Technical Marking To be evaluated as per Clause
Evaluation System to of Section 2
4 Financial Evaluation Marking To be evaluated as per Clause 5.7.3
System of Section 2
5 Combined Score Rank To be evaluated as per Clause 5.7.4
Evaluation System of Section 2

2. Responsiveness: To be examined as under:

S. No. Item

In case the consultant being interested in availing themselves

benefits extended to MSEs in terms of ITC clause 15, has the
Consultant enclosed the proof of their being MSE registered
1 Yes
with agencies and supporting document(s) indicating terminal
validity date of registration which is a date after the deadline
for submission of proposals?

Is Proposal Security or Proposal Security Declaration Form

2 (Not applicable for MSEs being interested in availing Yes
themselves benefits extended to MSEs in terms of ITC clause
3 Submitted P.O.A.? Yes
4 In case, if MOU is applicable as per note [l] of para of
section 2 of the ITC, has the MOU been furnished?

Section 2 Page 37 of
S. No. Item

5 Submitted audited Balance Sheets for last 3 financial years? Yes

6 Has the firm submitted audited financial data for last 3 Yes
financial years in Form TECH-15 & TECH-16.
7 Has the Consultant submitted CVs of Key Personnel in Form Yes
Tech 27A?
8 Has the Consultant any conflict of interest? No
9 Is the Consultant involved in any fraud and corrupt practices? No
10 Has the consultant submitted affidavit that he is not Yes
disqualified under clause 1.2.2 (VII) of Section 2 Form TECH-3?
11 Has the Consultant submitted undertaking from the Yes/Not
parent/holding company as per ITC Clause 1.2.2(I) in Form applicable
12 Whether undertaking for Staffing Schedule, approach and Yes
methodology has been submitted by the Consultancy firm in
Form TECH-1?
13 Personnel:
Whether undertaking to provide Personnel, other than Key
Personnel, with qualifications and experience, as stipulated in Not
the RFP document, has been submitted by the Consultancy Applicable
Firm in Form TECH-1?
14 Has the consultant submitted Form-MII for Declaration for Yes
‘Local content’?
Has the consultant, who is claiming benefit as MSE, submitted Yes
the valid proof of registration with validity up to a date after
15 the deadline for submission of proposals, issued by competent

Has the consultant submitted Form-Tech 32 i.e. EQC Form Yes

16 No.1 : Checklist

Section 2 Page 38 of
Annex 1 (Section 2)
Attachment 2


The consultant shall set up Local Design Office in NCR (National Capital Region) of India
within 45 days of receipt of Letter of Acceptance (LOA) during pre-construction stage. The
rates quoted in Form FIN-2 include cost of Local Design office including its logistics support
complete in all respect and are also inclusive of all costs of key personnel, support staff,
transportation, office rent, office supplies & utilities, communication, furniture, equipment,
reports & documents, residential accommodation for the Design Office personnel of the
Consultant. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account other than quoted rates except
Goods and Service Tax which shall be paid extra as applicable.


Section 2 Page 39 of
Annex 1 (Section -2)
Attachment 3

Site facilities for the consultant during construction stage:

The office accommodation and vehicle facility will be provided to consultant’s personnel
on sharing basis who are involved in the technical supervision for the production of the
prefabricated element and installation of BLT structure system. (To be provided by the
Construction Contractor as per Chapter 3.0 of Section 6 (Works Requirements) of the
Construction Contract Bid Document). No such facility will be provided during the Pre-
Construction stage of the consultancy contract and the consultant will have to operate
with their own resources and bear all the expenses as per Attachment – 2).

Section 2 Page 40 of

(Technical & Financial)

Engagement of Ballastless Track Structure
“System Provider and Designer”
to provide detailed Design
support for installation of Ballastless track
“in tunnels, bridges and formations including all yards between
chainage Km 5+662 (FLS) to chainage Km 125+200 (FLS) in
connection with new BG line between Rishikesh and
Karnprayag in the state of Uttarakhand, India.”


Section 3 Page 1 of 89

Form No. Description Page No.

Form TECH-1 (TPSF) Technical Proposal Submission Form (TPSF) 04
Form TECH-2 (POA-SE) Format for Power of Attorney for Authorised 07
Signatory of Single Entity
Form TECH-3 (Affidavit-1) Format for Affidavit to be submitted by the 9
Consultant along with the Proposal
Form TECH-4 (Affidavit-2) Deleted 12
Form TECH-5 (BG-1) Proposal Security 13
Form TECH-6 (BG-2) Form of Contract Performance Security 16
Form TECH-7 (Holding) Format for undertaking to be submitted by 19
parent/holding company of the consultant
Form TECH-8 (JV/1) Deleted 20
Form TECH-9 (JV/2-POA) Deleted 21
Form TECH-10 (JV/3-POA) Deleted 22
Form TECH-11 (JV/4) Deleted 23
Form TECH-12 (JV/5) Deleted 24
Form TECH-13 (ELI -1) Consultant ’s Information Sheet 25
Form TECH-14 (ELI -2) Deleted 26
Form TECH-15 (NW) Financial Situation 27
Form TECH-16 (TO) Annual Consultancy Turnover for the last 3 years 28
Form TECH-17 (WIP) Deleted 29
Form TECH-18/1 to 18/3 Deleted 30
Form TECH-19 Summary of Information of Proposed Personnel 33
Form TECH-20 (CV) 34
Deleted except form Tech 20 (8/13)
Form TECH-21 Description of Approach and Methodology for 51
Performing the Assignment
Form TECH-22 Deleted 52
Form TECH-23A Work Schedule 53
Form TECH-23B Deleted 54
Form TECH-24 Deleted 55
Form TECH-25 (QC) Deleted 56
Form TECH- 26 A Deleted 57
Form TECH-26B Team Composition, Task Assignments and 58
Summary of CV Information
Form TECH-27 (CV) Curriculum Vitae (CV) format for the Key personnel 59
(Chief Design Engineer Track-BLT)

Section 3 Page 2 of 89
Form No. Description Page No.
Annex to Form TECH- Deleted 62
27 (CV)
Form TECH-27A Summary for experience as per CV submitted in 63
form 27 (CV)
Form TECH-27 (b) (CV) Curriculum Vitae (CV) format for the Key personnel 64
(Chief Quality cum Production Manager (EXPAT))
Form TECH-27 (c) (CV) Curriculum Vitae (CV) format for the Key personnel 67
(Chief Quality cum Production Manager (EXPAT))
Form TECH-28 (EXP) 68
Form TECH-29 (EXP) 69
Form TECH-29a (EXP) General Experience 70
Form TECH-29b (EXP) Eligible System (System Provider) 71
Form TECH-29c (EXP) Eligible System (Designer) 73
Form TECH-29d (EXP) Specific Experience 74
Form TECH-29e (EXP) Details of Proposed Track Structure System 77
Form TECH-30 Format for undertaking under Clause 1.2.2 (III) (b) 80
for deployment of Personnel
Form TECH-31 Format for providing details of Shareholders 81
(constituting majority shareholding) as a proof of
fulfilling eligibility under clause 1.2.2 (i) (c)
Form-MII Form for declaration of local content 82
Form TECH-32 EQC Form No.1: Checklist 83
Form TECH-33 EQC Form No.3: Undertaking 84

FORM FIN-1 Financial Proposal Submission Form 86

FORM FIN-2 Bill of Quantities 89

Remuneration: Rates for detailed design consultancy
during pre-construction stage (lump sum basis)
Remuneration: Proposed Billing Rates for Design
Support/ Construction Supervision i.e. Key
Personnel, Supervisors and Office Staff Team during
construction stage

Section 3 Page 3 of 89


(On letter head of the Consultant)
Chief Project Manager,
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited,
RVNL Office Building, opposite GST Bhavan
Next to GMVN, Bypass Road Rishikesh-
Dear Sir,
Sub: Detailed Design and technical supervision for: -


1. Having examined the completeness of RFP documents, studied the terms and
conditions of contract stipulated in the RFP documents we, the undersigned offer to
provide Detailed Design and technical supervision for the implementation of the
above work in conformity with the contracts being awarded to Execution contractors
up to the stage of completion of works up to Defect Liability Period as specified in
the Terms of Reference.

2. We undertake, if our proposal is accepted, to:

(i) Furnish performance security within 28(Twenty-eight) days of issue date of
letter of award.
(ii) Enter into the contract agreement within 28 (Twenty-eight) days of issue of
Draft Contract Agreement papers.

3. Unless and until a formal agreement is prepared and executed, this proposal
together with your written acceptance there of shall constitute a binding contract
between us.

4. I/We undertake that:

i. In competing for (and, if the award is made to us, in executing) the above
Contract, we will strictly observe the laws against fraud and corruption in
force in India namely “Prevention of Corruption Act 1988”.

Section 3 Page 4 of 89
ii. Chief Design Engineer (Track-BLT), whose CV was submitted along
with the proposal, will be stationed in Local Design Office in India
within 45 days of receipt of Letter of Acceptance (LOA).

iii. We will deploy the personnel as per RVNL’s advice from the staffing
schedule (as approved by RVNL) within a period of 90 days of the request
by RVNL.

iv. After award of the work, we will submit a comprehensive Approach and
Methodology proposed for carrying out the Detailed Design services
covered in the Part-1 of Terms of reference, including such detailed
information as deemed relevant with special reference to time schedule of
completion of tendered scope of works. Further, we will decide the
Approach and Methodology for the project supervision in consultation with
contractor and Employer as per stipulations in the construction contract
agreement(s) for which the consultancy services are contemplated. It will be
ensured that the approach and methodology prepared is in compliance to
requirements in section 4 of the bidding document.

v. We certify that we do not have any conflict of interest in submission of this

proposal, nor we will take up any assignment in future which will be in
conflict with the present assignment, in accordance with ITC clause 1.6.

5. We certify that in preparation and submission of Technical and Financial

information, we have not taken any action which is or which constitutes a corrupt
or fraudulent practice as defined in the RFP documents.

6. I/We agree to allow RVNL, at its option, to inspect and audit all accounts,
documents, and records relating to the Consultant’s Proposal and to the
performance of the ensuing Consultant’s Contract.

7. Our proposal is valid for 180 days beyond the date of opening of technical
proposal and will be binding on us.

8. We have not made any tampering or changes in the RFP documents on which the
bid is being submitted and if any tampering or changes are detected at any stage,
we understand the bid will invite summary rejection and forfeiture of proposal
security/the contract will be liable to be terminated along with forfeiture of
Performance Security, even if LOA has been issued.

Section 3 Page 5 of 89
9. We declare that we are not liable to be disqualified in accordance with ITC
1.2.2 (VII) and for this we have furnished the affidavit.

10. I/We understand that; the Rail Vikas Nigam Limited is not bound to accept any
proposal that the Rail Vikas Nigam Limited may receive.

Yours faithfully,

Signature of authorised signatory of Consultant

Address: ……………………..
Enclosures: As per ITC, except for Forms FIN-1 to FIN-2

Section 3 Page 6 of 89




(To be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of the appropriate value in accordance with relevant
stamp Act. The stamp paper to be in the name of the company who is issuing the power of
Attorney. Powers of Attorney issued outside India have to be authenticated by an Indian
Consulate official or duly apostilled and duly translated in English.)

Know all men by these presents, we …………………………………………………

(Name of Consultant with address of the registered office) ………. do hereby constitute,
appoint and authorize Mr./Ms. ……………………………. (Name and residential
address ……………………. who is presently employed with us and holding the position
of ……………………………………….? as our attorney, to do in our name and on our
behalf, all such acts, deeds and things necessary in connection with or incidental to
“Detailed Design and technical supervision for
including signing and submission of all documents and providing information/responses
to Chief Project Manager, Rishikesh, RVNL, representing us in all matters, dealing with
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited in all matters in connection with our bid for the said project.

We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said attorney pursuant
to this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid attorney shall
and shall always be deemed to have been done by us.

Dated this the ……… day of …………. 2022

(Signature of authorised Signatory)

(Signature and Name in Block letters of Signatory)
Seal of Company


Section 3 Page 7 of 89
Witness 1: Witness 2:
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
Occupation: Occupation:

 To be executed by Single entity where the competence of the authorised signatory is not
supported by a Board Resolution or General Power of Attorney for such acts (copy of Board
Resolution/GPA to be attached).
 The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure,
if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executant (s) and
when it is so required the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the
required procedure.

Section 3 Page 8 of 89



(To be executed in presence of Public Notary on non-judicial stamp paper of the appropriate
value in accordance with relevant stamp Act. The stamp paper has to be in the name of the
Consultant. Affidavit issued outside India have to be authenticated by an Indian Consulate
official or duly apostilled and duly translated in English.)**

I …….. (Name and designation)**…… appointed as the

attorney/authorized signatory of the Consultant, M/s. ________ (hereinafter
called the consultant) for the purpose of the Proposal for Detailed Design
and technical supervision _________ as per the RFP No._________ of
RVNL, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on behalf of the Consultant as
*1. That the Consultant has not been Blacklisted/ banned for business
dealing for all Government Departments, or by Ministry of
Railways or by RVNL at any time and/or no such blacklisting is in
force as on the deadline for submission of proposals.
*2 That none of the previous contracts of the Consultant had been
terminated/rescinded for Consultant’s failure by Rail Vikas Nigam
Ltd. during the period of last 2 years before the deadline for
submission of proposals.
(Add Proviso of Clause 1.2.2 VII(b) of ITC suitably, if any Contract
was so terminated).
3. That the Consultant is neither Bankrupt/Insolvent nor is in the process
of winding-up nor such a case is pending before any Court on the
deadline of submission of the proposals.
*4. That the name of the Consultant is not on the list of “Poor Performer”
of RVNL as on the deadline for submission of proposals.
5. We declare that the Consultant have not either changed their name or
created a new business entity as covered by the definition of “Allied
Firm” under para 1102 (iii) of chapter XI of Vigilance Manual of
Indian Railways with latest amendments and corrections (available on
website of Indian Railways), consequent to having been banned

Section 3 Page 9 of 89
business dealings or suspended business dealings or having been
declared as poor performer.
6. “I have read the clause regarding restrictions on procurement from a
bidder of a country which share a land border with India. I certify
@This Consultant or its beneficial owner is not from such a
This Consultant or its beneficial owner is from such a country and
the Consultant or its beneficial owner has been registered with the
Competent Authority.

I hereby certify that this bidder fulfils all requirements in this regard
and is eligible to be considered.
7. We declare and certify that we have not made any misleading or false
representation in the forms, statements and attachments in proof of
the qualification requirements.
8. We declare that the information and documents submitted along with
the proposal by us are correct and we are fully responsible for the
correctness of the information and documents, submitted by us.
9. We understand that in case we cease to fulfil the requirements of the
eligibility and qualifying criteria at any time after opening of
proposals and till finalization of proposals, it will be our bounden
duty to inform the Employer of our changed status immediately and
in case of our failure to do so, our proposal shall be rejected and
proposal security shall be forfeited. In case such failure comes to the
notice of Employer at any time after award of the contract, it will lead
to termination of the contract and forfeiture of Proposal or
Performance Security. We shall also be liable for Banning of
Business dealings up to a period of five years.
10. We understand that if the contents of the affidavit are found to be
false at any time during bid evaluation, it will lead to forfeiture of the
proposal security. Further, we [insert name of the
consultant]**_______ understand that we shall be liable for banning
of business dealings up to a period of five years.
11. We also understand that if the contents of the affidavit are found to be
false at any time after the award of the contract it will lead to
termination of the contract, forfeiture of Proposal or Performance

Section 3 Page 10 of 89
Security and banning of business dealings for a period of upto five



Verified on ______ day of _____ at _________ that the contents of

the above-mentioned affidavit are true and correct and nothing material has
been concealed there from.


*Modify the contents wherever necessary, in terms of sub-clause 1.2.2 ITC.

** The contents in Italics are only for guidance purpose and details as
appropriate, are to be filled in suitably by Consultant.
Attestation before Magistrate/Public Notary

Section 3 Page 11 of 89


Section 3 Page 12 of 89

Proposal Security
Bank Guarantee

(On non-judicial stamp paper of the appropriate value in accordance with stamp Act.
The stamp paper to be in the name of Executing Bank).
............................ [Insert Bank’s Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office] ......................
Beneficiary: [Insert Name and Address of Employer (hereinafter called “the
Employer”)] ...............................................................
Date: ...........................................................................
Proposal Security No.: ......................................................................................................................

We have been informed that . . . . . [Insert name of the Consultant]............ (hereinafter called
"the Consultant") intends to submit to you its proposal (hereinafter called "the Proposal") for the
DETAILED DESIGN AND Technical Supervision for the. . . . . . . . [insert name of work] . . . . .
under Invitation for Request for Proposals No. . . . . . .dated . . . (“the RFP”).

WHEREAS, the Consultant is required to furnish Proposal security for the sum of [Insert Value
of Proposal Security required], in the form of bank guarantee, according to your conditions of
WHEREAS, ............[Insert Name of the Bank], with its Branch ...............[Insert Address]
having its Headquarters office at........ [Insert Address], hereinafter called the Bank, acting
through ..............[Insert Name and Designation of the authorised persons of the Bank], have,
at the request of the Consultant, agreed to give guarantee for proposal security as hereinafter
contained, in favour of the Employer:

1. KNOW ALL MEN that by these present that I/We the undersigned [Insert name(s) of
authorized representatives of the Bank], being fully authorized to sign and incur
obligations for and on behalf of the Bank, confirm that the Bank, hereby, unconditionally
and irrevocably guarantee to pay to the Employer full amount in the sum of [Insert Value
of Proposal Security required] as above stated.

2. The Bank undertakes to immediately pay on presentation of demand by the Employer any
amount up to and including aforementioned full amount without any demur, reservation or
recourse. Any such demand made by the Employer on the Bank shall be final, conclusive
and binding, absolute and unequivocal on the Bank notwithstanding any disputes raised/

Section 3 Page 13 of 89
pending before any Court, Tribunal, Arbitration or any Authority or any threatened litigation
by the Consultant or Bank. The demand made by the Employer shall be final, conclusive
and binding on the Bank.

3. The Bank shall pay the amount as demanded immediately on presentation of the demand by
Employer without any reference to the Consultant and without the Employer being required
to show grounds or give reasons for its demand of the amount so demanded.

4. The guarantee hereinbefore shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of the
Bank or in the constitution of the Consultant.

5. The Bank agrees that no change, addition, modifications to the terms of the RFP document
or to any documents, which have been or may be made between the Employer and the
Consultant, will in any way release us from the liability under this guarantee; and the Bank,
hereby, waives any requirement for notice of any such change, addition or modification
made by Employer at any time.

6. This guarantee will remain valid and effective from…….…….[insert date of issue] till
………..[insert date, which should be minimum 42 days beyond the expiry of proposal
validity date in the RFP]. Any demand in respect of this Guarantee should reach the Bank
within the validity period of proposal security.

7. The Bank Guarantee is unconditional and irrevocable.

8. The expressions Bank and Employer herein before used shall include their respective
successors and assigns.

9. The Bank hereby undertakes not to revoke the guarantee during its currency, except with the
previous consent in writing of the Employer. This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules
for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No.758.

10. The Guarantee shall be valid in addition to and without prejudice to any other security
Guarantee (s) of Consultant in favour of the Employer. The Bank, under this Guarantee,
shall be deemed as Principal Debtor of the Employer.
Date ………… ………………………………………
Place…………. [Signature of Authorized person of Bank]
[Name in Block letters]………………....


Section 3 Page 14 of 89
1 Signature Bank’s Seal
Name & Address & Seal [P/Attorney]No……..

2 Signature
Name & address & Seal

Note: All italicized text is for guidance on how to prepare this bank guarantee and shall be
deleted from the final document.

Section 3 Page 15 of 89


[Refer Clause 11 of Instructions to Consultants]
(On non-judicial stamp paper of the appropriate value in accordance with stamp Act. The
stamp paper to be in the name of Executing Bank).

Name and Address of the Bank…..
CPM/GM (Name of PIU)

For and on behalf of

The Chairman and Managing Director,
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited,
1st Floor, August Kranti Bhawan,
Bhikaji Cama Place, R. K. Puram,
New Delhi-110 066.

WHEREAS, Rail Vikas Nigam Limited, hereinafter called the Employer, acting through [Insert
Designation and address of the Employer’s Representative], has accepted the proposal of
[Insert Name and address of the Consultant], hereinafter called the Consultant, for the work of
[Insert Name of Work], vide Notification of Award No.[Insert Notification of Award No.].
WHEREAS, the Consultant is required to furnish performance security for the sum of [Insert
Value of Performance Security required], in the form of bank guarantee, being a condition
precedent to the signing of the contract agreement.
WHEREAS, [Insert Name of the Bank], with its Branch [Address] having its Headquarters office
at [Address], hereinafter called the Bank, acting through [Designation(s) of the authorised
person of the Bank], have, at the request of the Consultant, agreed to give guarantee for
performance security as hereinafter contained:

1 KNOW ALL MEN by these present that I/We the undersigned [Insert name(s) of
authorized representatives of the Bank], being fully authorized to sign and incur
obligations for and on behalf of the Bank, confirm that the Bank, hereby, unconditionally
and irrevocably guarantee to pay the Employer the full amount in the sum of [Insert Value
of Performance Security required] as above stated.

Section 3 Page 16 of 89
2 The Bank undertakes to immediately pay on presentation of demand by the Employer any
amount up to and including aforementioned full amount without any demur, reservation or
recourse. Any such demand made by the Employer on the Bank shall be final, conclusive
and binding, absolute and unequivocal notwithstanding any disputes raised/ pending before
any Court, Tribunal, Arbitration or any Authority or any threatened litigation by the
Consultant or Bank. The demand made by the Employer shall be final, conclusive and
binding on the Bank.

3 On payment of any amount less than aforementioned full amount, as per demand of the
Employer, the guarantee shall remain valid for the balance amount i.e. the
aforementioned full amount less the payment made to the Employer.

4 The Bank shall pay the amount as demanded immediately on presentation of the demand
by Employer without any reference to the Consultant and without the Employer being
required to show grounds or give reasons for its demand or the amount demanded.

5 The Bank Guarantee shall be unconditional and irrevocable.

6 The guarantee hereinbefore shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of the
Bank or in the constitution of the Consultant.

7 The Bank agrees that no change, addition, modifications to the terms of the Contract
Agreement or to any documents, which have been or may be made between the Employer
and the Consultant, will in any way release us from the liability under this guarantee; and
the Bank, hereby, waives any requirement for notice of any such change, addition or
modification to the Bank.

8 This guarantee is valid and effective from the date of its issue, which is [insert date of
issue]. The guarantee and our obligations under it will expire on [Insert the date twenty-
eight days after the specified completion period for the consultancy contract]. All
demands for payment under the guarantee must be received by us on or before that date.

9 The Bank agrees that the Employers right to demand payment of aforementioned full
amount in one instance or demand payments in parts totalling up to the aforementioned
full amount in several instances will be valid until either the aforementioned full amount is
paid to the Employer or the guarantee is released by Employer before the Expiry Date.

10 The Bank agrees that its obligation to pay any amount demanded by the Employer before
the expiry of this guarantee will continue until the amount demanded has been paid in full.

Section 3 Page 17 of 89
11 The expressions Bank and Employer herein before used shall include their respective
successors and assigns.

12 The Bank hereby undertakes not to revoke the guarantee during its currency, except with
the previous consent in writing of the Employer. This guarantee is subject to the Uniform
Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No.758.

13 The Guarantee shall be in addition to and without prejudice to any other security
Guarantee (s) of Consultant in favour of the Employer is available with the Employer.
The Bank, under this Guarantee, shall be deemed as Principal Debtor of the Employer.

Date ………… ………………………………………

Place…………. [Signature of Authorised person of Bank]
[Name in Block letters]……………….....
[P/Attorney]No…… ………………………

Bank’s Seal
[P/Attorney] No…………..
1. Signature
Name & Address & Seal

2. Signature
Name & address & Seal

1 All italicized text is for guidance on how to prepare this bank guarantee and shall be
deleted from the final document.
2 In case the guarantee is issued by a foreign Bank, the said bank shall have operations in
India and should be countersigned and authenticated by Indian operation branch of the
said bank.
3, The Bank Guarantee should be duly attested by Notary public with notarial stamps of
appropriate value affixed thereon.

Section 3 Page 18 of 89



(To be submitted in case the Consultant is utilizing credentials of Parent/Holding Company)

(To be executed on the letter head of the parent/holding company)**

I …….. (Name and designation)**…… appointed as the attorney/authorized signatory# of

……………… (Name of Parent/Holding Company)** being Parent/Holding Company
(hereinafter called the Parent Company) of the Consultant, M/s. ________ (hereinafter
called the consultant) for the purpose of the Proposal for the Detailed Design of _________
as per the RFP No._________ of RVNL, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on behalf of
the Parent Company that we will be providing the financial and technical back up to the
Consultant for the satisfactory completion of the Consultancy mentioned above and in case
of failure of the Consultant, we as well as our subsidiary companies will be wholly
responsible for the services proposed to be rendered by the Consultant.



** The contents in Italics are only for guidance purpose and details as appropriate, are to
be filled in suitably.

# The documentary proof for authorizing the signatory on behalf of the parent company in
the form of Resolution of the company, power of attorney etc as applicable.

Section 3 Page 19 of 89


Section 3 Page 20 of 89


Section 3 Page 21 of 89


Section 3 Page 22 of 89


Section 3 Page 23 of 89


Section 3 Page 24 of 89

Consultant’s Information Sheet

(to be submitted by the bidder in case of Single Entity only)

Consultant’s Information
Consultant’s legal name

Consultant’s country and

year of constitution

Consultant’s year of
Registration in India, if not
constituted in India

Consultant’s legal address in

country of constitution and as
Registered in India

Details of Consultant’s
authorized representative
(name, address, telephone
numbers, fax numbers, e-
mail address)
The Consultant shall attach copies of the following original documents with the form:
1. In case of single entity, articles of incorporation or constitution of the legal entity named
2. Certificate of Constitution/Registration in India or any other country for foreign firms.
3. Deleted

Firm’s Name & Signature of authorized signatory (Seal)

Section 3 Page 25 of 89


Section 3 Page 26 of 89
Net Worth


Block Year Financial Data for Latest Year (in INR for Indian
applicants and in US $ for applicants of other countries)
Year1 Year2 Year3

1. Total Assets

2. Total Liabilities

3. Net Worth [= 1 – 2]

1. The Consultant shall attach copies of the following original documents with the form:
Copies of the audited balance sheets, including all related notes, and income statements
for the last three financial years, as indicated above, complying with the following
 All such documents that reflect the financial situation of the Consultant.
 Net Worth must be audited by a certified accountant.
 Net Worth must be complete, including all notes to the financial statements.
 Net Worth must correspond to accounting periods already completed and audited
(no statements for partial periods shall be requested or accepted).

2. In the event that the audited accounts for the latest Financial Year (Financial year
immediately preceding current financial year in which the bid is being opened) are not
available, the Consultant shall furnish information pertaining to last three financial years
after ignoring the latest financial year.
3. Contents of this form should be certified by a Chartered Accountant/Auditor.

4. For filling up this form, use currency conversion procedure as detailed out in note below
the hurdle criteria table under ITC clause
5. In case a subsidiary is using credentials of their parent/holding company in terms of ITC
1.2.2 (I)(d), data and supporting documents of their parent/holding company shall also be

Section 3 Page 27 of 89

Firm’s Audited Financial Data for last 3 financial years:

Turnover from Consultancy Services in

currencies whichever is applicable to the
S. Particulars consultant
No. (Year) Other than

Total Turnover of 3 years
Average Annual Turnover

1. Please provide Audited Balance Sheets/Profit & Loss Accounts in support of
Information given above. In the event that the audited accounts for the latest
Financial Year (Financial year immediately preceding current financial year in which
the bid is being opened) are not available, the Consultant shall furnish information
pertaining to last three financial years after ignoring the latest financial year.
2. FORM TECH-16(TO) should be certified by Chartered Accountant.
3. In case an Indian subsidiary is using credentials of a foreign parent/holding company
in terms of ITC 1.2.2 I, figures and supporting documents of the parent/holding
company shall be submitted.
4. If the balance sheets of the consultant or any of its constituents is in the currency
other than INR and US$, the same shall be converted to INR as per Note (h) of clause of section-2 ITC. For evaluation purposes the figures of previous years either
submitted in INR or already converted to INR as per above shall be updated @ 5%
per year compounded annually based on Rupee value to bring them to the level of the
last Financial Year specified in sub-clause.

5. If the Indian company is using the credential of parent/holding company whose

balance sheet is in other then INR, then also conversion shall be done as mentioned in
(4) above.

Section 3 Page 28 of 89


Section 3 Page 29 of 89


Section 3 Page 30 of 89
Section 3 Page 31 of 89


Section 3 Page 32 of 89
Family Name, First Name

Section 3
Proposed position for the project


Name of the Firm

Length of service with the Firm

Degree (Year/ Institution)

No. of years of relevant project experience


Total Experience since Completion of

Education in no. of years

Page 33 of 89
Firm’s Name & Signature of authorized signatory (Seal)

CV Signature (by Personnelandby authorised

Signatory of consultant)
FORM TECH-20 (CV) (National)


Section 3 Page 34 of 89
FORM TECH-20 (Contd……2/3)


Section 3 Page 35 of 89
Annexure to FORM TECH 20(CV) (National)


Section 3 Page 36 of 89
Form Tech 20 (1/13)


Section 3 Page 37 of 89
Form Tech 20 (2/13)


Section 3 Page 38 of 89
Form Tech 20 (3/13)


Section 3 Page 39 of 89
Form Tech 20 (4/13)


Section 3 Page 40 of 89
Form Tech 20 (5/13)


Section 3 Page 41 of 89
Form Tech 20 (6/13)


Section 3 Page 42 of 89
Form Tech 20 (7/13)

Section 3 Page 43 of 89
Form Tech 20 (8/13)
Qualification and Experience for Supervisor

Supervisor-Civil Engineer (BLT Installation)

Name: ____________________________
Date of Birth:_____________________
S. BLT Installation Supervisor
Qualification Parameters
N. Requirements as per RFP Details
Preferably Degree or at least
1. Details of Professional
Qualification Diploma in Civil Engineering.
Minimum service of 5 years for
2. Length of Experience
Diploma and 4 years for Degree
in Railway/Metro project
(Experience shall be for
supervision of BLT installation).
Does the personnel have any
history of involvement in
vigilance/CBI/SPE/Police case
3. resulting in major penalty No
punishment of
retirement or conviction

Note: Detailed CV of the person duly signed by the authorized signatory of the consultant
should be submitted along with this form.

Section 3 Page 44 of 89
Form Tech 20 (9/13)

Section 3 Page 45 of 89
Form Tech 20 (10/13)


Section 3 Page 46 of 89
Form Tech 20 (11/13)

Section 3 Page 47 of 89
Form Tech 20 (12/13)


Section 3 Page 48 of 89
Form Tech 20 (13/13)

Section 3 Page 49 of 89
Form TECH-20A(CV) National


Section 3 Page 50 of 89
Form TECH-21

Description of Approach and Methodology for

Performing the Assignment
The assignment in this work is highly technical and as such requires competent
consultant, clear understanding of the work, knowledge of International Standards
& meticulous planning for timely and efficient implementation of the project.

Understanding Objectives, Methodology in execution to ensure highest quality

standard, Innovativeness and Work Program are key components of the
Technical Proposal.

The Consultant should present its Technical Proposal (maximum of 5 pages for
each section, for the following four sections:

B.1 Understanding Objectives:

General Understanding of the project requirement, coverage of principal
components as specified in TOR and site visit assessment. Evaluation of
understanding will be based on how clearly the technical requirements
of the work have been understood and brought out.

B.2 Quality of Methodology

In this chapter you should explain your understanding of the objectives of
the assignment, approach to the services, methodology for carrying out the
activities and obtaining the expected output, and the degree of detail of
such output. You should highlight the problems being addressed and their
importance, and explain the technical approach you would adopt to
address them. You should also explain the methodologies you propose to
adopt and highlight the compatibility of those methodologies with the
proposed approach.
You should highlight the problems being addressed and their importance,
and explain the technical approach you would adopt to address them. You
should also explain the methodologies you propose to adopt and highlight
the compatibility of those methodologies with the proposed approach

B.3 Innovativeness
Workable suggestions specific to the project on improvements to quality
will be appreciated. Special emphasis will be on the implementable
suggestions specific to this work. Proposed innovative improvements in
line with state-of-the-art-technology is expected in this section apart
from elaboration on quality proposed in TOR.

B.4 Work Program & Deployment Schedule for design & design support
Graphical representation of work plan, commensurate personnel
deployment plan to meet the objectives of the project. You should
propose the structure and composition of your team. You should list the
main disciplines of the assignment, the key expert responsible and
proposed technical and support personnel.

Section 3 Page 51 of 89


Section 3 Page 52 of 89

N° Activity1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 n

1 Indicate all main activities of the assignment, including delivery of reports (e.g.: inception, interim, and final reports), and other
benchmarks such as Client approvals. For phased assignments indicate activities, delivery of reports, and benchmarks separately for
each phase.
2 Duration of activities shall be indicated in the form of a bar chart…

Firm’s Name & Signature of authorized signatory (Seal)

Section 3 Page 53 of 89


Section 3 Page 54 of 89


Section 3 Page 55 of 89


Section 3 Page 56 of 89


Section 3 Page 57 of 89
Family Name, First

Section 3

Area of



Firm’s Name & Signature of authorized signatory (Seal)

International or
National Expert


Employment Status
with Firm (full-time, or

Education / Degree
(Year / Institution)

No. of years of relevant

project experience

CV signature (by
expert/by other)
Page 58 of 89

2. NAME :
4. NATIONALITY (Passport No.) :


(Minimum education is graduation
in civil engineering. The years in
which various Qualifications were
obtained must be stated. )



Write ( Yes / No)
Speak (Yes /No)




11. EMPLOYMENT RECORD : Starting with present position, list in

reverse order every employment held and
state the start and end dates of each

Section 3 Page 59 of 89
From To Name of Name of the Position Mention whether Description Any
Employer Project, Held worked as In-charge of Duties other
Specific or one level below the discharged relevant
section of In-charge of the including facts
Project, Project/section of the Works
location & project or any other Undertaken
length capacity

1. Under column ‘Position held’, mention the designation held i.e., Chief Designer, Dy.
Chief Designer, or any other position and clearly state if you were an employee of
any Firm along with your designation or have worked as a consultant or an adviser.
2. In case person has held more than one position in the same project, separate entry
for each such position should be made in the above table.
3. Under the column ‘Description of Duties discharged including Works Undertaken’,
clearly mention the type of work undertaken/supervised such as ballastless track
design, ballastless track construction supervision, etc. as applicable.
4. In case, only month & year are mentioned instead of exact dates for any employment
in ‘From’ and ‘To’ columns above, then for calculation purposes, total period for
that employment will include intervening months plus one month for that

12. CERTIFICATION (Please follow exactly the following format. Omission will be
seen as noncompliance)

(i) I, the undersigned Certify that, I have designed and worked with the
‘Eligible System’ as defined in the hurdle criteria given in clause (a) of section 2-ITC of the bid document.

(ii) I, the undersigned Certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief,
this bio-data correctly describes my qualifications, my experience and
myself. I understand that any wilful misstatement described herein may
lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged. In case RVNL at any
stage detects that misstatement have been made by me, it would be at
liberty to take any appropriate action against me including debarment for
up to Three Years.

(iii) I have not been removed by Competent Authority of RVNL from any of
the RVNL works without completing my assignment and shall be
available to work with the consultants. In case I leave the assignment
without approval of RVNL or I am removed by RVNL on account of
some default, RVNL would be at liberty to take any appropriate action
against me including debarment for up to Three Years.

Section 3 Page 60 of 89
(iv) I hereby undertake that I will not leave RVNL assignment without giving
a minimum notice of 30 days and handing over of all records. I understand
that in case I do so then RVNL would be at liberty to take any appropriate
action against me including debarment for up to Three Years.

(v) I am willing to undertake the assignment and ensure my availability for

the duration of the assignment.

(a) I have no history of involvement in Vigilance/CBI/Police Case, resulting in

major penalty punishment of removal/dismissal/compulsory retirement or
(b) I have never been debarred from Project Management Consultancy by RVNL.
(c) I was debarred from Project Management Consultancy by RVNL for .... years
from ../../.. to ../../.. and period of debarment is now over.

Note: Score out Item which is not applicable to you in (b) or (c) above. Fill up blanks
with requisite details in case (c) is applicable.


DATE OF SIGNING:…………..Day………Month ………….Year……..

Certified that information stated above has been verified by me.”


Signature of Consultant ( Authorized signatory)


Full Name…………………………


Address …………………………...

a) Scan of signed CVs of the concerned candidates on each page, with original
signature of the authorized representative of the firm are permitted for submission
with the proposal provided that if the Consultant’s proposal is ranked first, a copy
of the CV signed by the expat and authorized representative of the firm, in
original must be submitted to the Client before the agreement is signed.
b) Deleted

Section 3 Page 61 of 89
Annexure to FORM TECH-27(CV) (Expat)


Section 3 Page 62 of 89
Form TECH-27A(CV)


Bidder: Folio No. of
CV :
Name of the Personnel: DOB & Age:
Key Position: Qualifications:

Total Experience
Name of Individual single BLT Length for each
Ballastless project
SN Duration Net duration without overlap period track
projects IF >=10km
From To Year Month Year Month (KM) (Nos.)*
Total Completed Total
Years No.

Firm’s Name & Signature of authorized signatory (Seal)

Section 3 Page 63 of 89
FORM TECH-27(b) (CV)

2. NAME :
4. NATIONALITY (Passport No.) :


(Minimum education is graduation
in civil engineering. The years in
which various Qualifications were
obtained must be stated. )



Write ( Yes
/ No)
Speak (Yes




11. EMPLOYMENT RECORD : Starting with present position, list in

reverse order every employment held
and state the start and end dates of
each employment)

Section 3 Page 64 of 89
From To Name of Name of Position Mention whether Description Any
Employer the Project, Held worked as In- of Duties other
Specific charge or one level discharged relevant
section of below the In-charge including facts
Project, of the concrete Works
location & works in the project Undertaken

5. Under column ‘Position held’, mention the designation held i.e., Chief Quality
cum Production Manager, or one post lower, or any other position and clearly
state if you were an employee of any Firm along with your designation or have
worked as a consultant or an adviser.
6. In case person has held more than one position in the same project, separate
entry for each such position should be made in the above table.
7. Under the column ‘Description of Duties discharged including Works
Undertaken’, clearly mention the type of work undertaken/supervised such as
pre-cast concrete construction supervision, etc. as applicable.
8. In case, only month & year are mentioned instead of exact dates for any
employment in ‘From’ and ‘To’ columns above, then for calculation purposes,
total period for that employment will include intervening months plus one
month for that employment.

12. CERTIFICATION (Please follow exactly the following format. Omission will
be seen as noncompliance)

(i) I, the undersigned Certify that, to the best of my knowledge and

belief, this bio-data correctly describes my qualifications, my
experience and myself. I understand that any wilful misstatement
described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if
engaged. In case RVNL at any stage detects that misstatement have
been made by me, it would be at liberty to take any appropriate
action against me including debarment for up to Three Years.

(ii) I have not been removed by Competent Authority of RVNL from

any of the RVNL works without completing my assignment and
shall be available to work with the consultants. In case I leave the
assignment without approval of RVNL or I am removed by RVNL
on account of some default, RVNL would be at liberty to take any
appropriate action against me including debarment for up to Three

(iii) I hereby undertake that I will not leave RVNL assignment without
giving a minimum notice of 30 days and handing over of all records.
I understand that in case I do so then RVNL would be at liberty to

Section 3 Page 65 of 89
take any appropriate action against me including debarment for up
to Three Years.

(iv) I am willing to undertake the assignment and ensure my availability

for the duration of the assignment.

(d) I have no history of involvement in Vigilance/CBI/Police Case,

resulting in major penalty punishment of removal/dismissal/compulsory
retirement or conviction.
(e) I have never been debarred from Project Management Consultancy by
(f) I was debarred from Project Management Consultancy by RVNL for ....
years from ../../.. to ../../.. and period of debarment is now over.

Note: Score out Item which is not applicable to you in (b) or (c) above. Fill up
blanks with requisite details in case (c) is applicable.


DATE OF SIGNING:…………..Day………Month ………….Year……..

Certified that information stated above has been verified by me.”


Signature of Consultant ( Authorized signatory)


Full Name…………………………


Address …………………………...

c) Scan of signed CVs of the concerned candidates on each page, with original
signature of the authorized representative of the firm are permitted for
submission with the proposal provided that if the Consultant’s proposal is
ranked first, a copy of the CV signed by the expat and authorized
representative of the firm, in original must be submitted to the Client before
the agreement is signed.9
d) Deleted

Section 3 Page 66 of 89
Form TECH-27 (c) (CV)


Bidder: Folio No. of
CV :
Name of the DOB & Age:
Key Position: Qualifications:

Total Experience Relevant Experience

Project Name
Net duration Net duration of Relevant Individual precast members for BLT Length
without without Pre-cast for each project
SN Duration Duration
overlap overlap concrete
period period construction
projects IF >=10km
From To Year Month Year Month Year Month Year Month (KM) (Nos.)*
Total Total
Completed Completed
Years Years

Firm’s Name & Signature of authorized signatory (Seal)

Section 3 Page 67 of 89


Section 3 Page 68 of 89
Form TECH-29(EXP) (PMC)


Section 3 Page 69 of 89
FORM Exp- 29(a)
FORM EXP-29(a): General Experience of Consultant
Name of Type of Ballastless Date of Installation Continuous Design and Design and
Project Track (Slab Type/ and year of Installed Length operating Axle Load operating Country of
Block/ Sleeper or any Operation (m) (in Metric Tonne) Speed Installation
other) (KmpH)


Section 3 Page 70 of 89
FORM EXP-29(b): Eligible System

[This form shall be filled by the bidder in compliance with clause
(b) of Hurdle Criteria of section 2-ITC of the bid document.
Contract of Similar Size and Nature
Name Of the Work

Contract Agreement No.

Award Date

Completion Duration (In

months) as per contract

Date of Start of Work

Actual date of Completion of


Role in Contract System Provider for the BLT system

Location of Work
Total Length of BLT in the

Length of BLT in

Length of BLT in Formation

Length of BLT in Tunnel

Design Speed &
Operational Speed for
passenger train in Tunnels

Whether mixed traffic is

running in the section

Axle Load of goods train (In

Metric Tonnes)

Operation starting Date

Fastening System used
including Vendor name

If partner in a JV or
subcontractor, specify
participation in total contract
Percentage of Total: Amount: INR
amount & Portion of the work
undertaken by the bidders

Section 3 Page 71 of 89
Employers Name, Current
Address and Current
Telephone/Fax Number, E-

Comments of the client

regarding the performance of
the BLT and maintenance
efforts in 5 years since the
date of operation
Description of the similarity in accordance with Criteria of Section II

Bidder’s Legal Name: [insert full name]

Bidder’s Party Legal Name: [insert full name]
Page [insert page number] of [insert total number of pages]

The bidder shall attach a copy of the Certificate(s) issued by the employer/client in support of the
information being furnished in each para of above form, failing which the employer has the right to
reject the claims of the bidder. The bidder shall submit all other relevant documents like letter of
acceptance (award copy), copy of contract agreement etc.


Section 3 Page 72 of 89
FORM EXP-29(c): Eligible System

[This form shall be filled by the bidder in compliance with clause (a)
of Hurdle Criteria of section 2-ITC of the bid document.
Contract of Similar Size and Nature
Name Of the Work

Contract Agreement No.

Award Date

Completion Duration (In

months) as per contract
Date of Start of Design Work

Date of Completion of Design

Role in Contract Designer for the BLT system

Whether the contract was for

design of BLT system, or it
was for designing and
providing the BLT system
Name of proof checking
agency of the BLT design
Location of Work
Total Length of BLT in the
Length of BLT in
Length of BLT in Formation

Length of BLT in Tunnel

Design Speed &
Operational Speed for
passenger train in Tunnels
Whether mixed traffic is
running in the section

Axle Load of goods train (In

Metric Tonnes)
Operation starting Date
Name of the BLT system
Name of the Fastening
System used including Vendor
Employers Name, Current
Address and Current
Telephone/Fax Number, E-

Section 3 Page 73 of 89
Comments of the client
regarding the performance of
the BLT and maintenance
efforts in 5 years since the
date of operation
Description of the similarity in accordance with Criteria of Section II

Bidder’s Legal Name: [insert full name]

Bidder’s Party Legal Name: [insert full name]
Page [insert page number] of [insert total number of pages]

The bidder shall attach a copy of the Certificate(s) issued by the employer/client in support of the
information being furnished in each para of above form, failing which the employer has the right to
reject the claims of the bidder. The bidder shall submit all other relevant documents like letter of
acceptance (award copy), copy of contract agreement etc.


Section 3 Page 74 of 89
FORM EXP-29(d): Specific Experience

This form shall be filled by the bidder in compliance with clause (c)
of Hurdle Criteria of section 2-ITC of the bid document.

Details pertaining to IPR

1.0 Name of the Eligible

2.0. Whether it was originally

Developed by the bidder

2.1 If Yes, Year of 1st

successful implementation

2.2 Any Document

Supporting the above

3.0 Whether involved in

Developing the Eligible
System (Yes/No)

3.1 If Yes, Year of 1st

successful implementation

3.2 Any Document

Supporting the above

4.0 Details of IPR, If any

(supporting documents shall
be submitted)
4.1 Whether the IPR of the
ballastless track Eligible
System can be used for RVNL
by the bidder (Yes/ NO),
Provide Details

5 Name of the Fastening

5.1 Whether it was originally
Developed by the bidder

5.2If Yes, Year of 1st

successful implementation
5.3 Any Document Supporting
the above

5.4 Details of IPR, If any

(supporting documents shall
be submitted)

Section 3 Page 75 of 89
5.5 Whether the IPR of the
Fastening System can be used
for RVNL by the
bidder (Yes/ NO), Provide
Description of the similarity in accordance with Criteria of Section II


Section 3 Page 76 of 89
FORM EXP-29(e): Details of Proposed BLT System and Fastening System
[The following table shall be filled in for the Bidder]

Date:[insert date,month,year]
Details of Proposed Ballastless Track Structure System
Name of BLT System
Name of fastening system used in this
BLT system
Approximate percentage of the
pre-cast component in the
proposed system
Expected installation rate (m/day/face)
of BLT laying

Maximum axle load (in MT) for which

the proposed BLT system has been
designed in past
Details of Ballastless Track Sub-systems on Bridges
Item Name Depth of Width of Precast/ Units Total Qty
Sub- Sub- Cast-in-
system system situ

Details of Ballastless Track Sub-systems in Tunnels

Item Name Depth of Width of Precast/ Units Total Qty
Sub- Sub- Cast-in-
system system situ

Details of Ballastless Track Sub-systems in Formation

Item Name Depth of Width of Precast/ Units Total Qty

Sub- Sub- Cast-in-
system system situ

Details of proven fastening of eligible system as per form Exp 29 (b)

Test Report No. with Date of Testing

Drawing No.
Type of BLT system and fastening system
Details of Components of Fastening
Components Tested
Testing Agency Name, Current Address
and Current Telephone/Fax Number, E-

Section 3 Page 77 of 89
NOTE: 1. Copy of Test Report/Certificate(s) issued by the Testing agency in support of the information being
furnished above, shall be attached with this form.
2. Test report of the reputed independent institute/laboratory will have to be submitted. The test report should
be accompanied with the drawing of the fastening system including its components which have been tested and
reported upon is exactly same as the fastening system including its components that have been proposed by the
bidder in the tender. The testing is to be done for Cat-‘C’ as specified in EN-13481-Part-I 2012 & EN-13481-5:2012
with rail section to be used in proposed system. Bidder should submit a statement showing compliance or
otherwise, in juxtaposition to each clause and sub clause of the as specified in EN-13481-Part-I 2012 & EN-13481-

Proven-ness Details of ‘Eligible System’

Name of the project and contract
agreement no
Axle load and speed of passenger trains
for which ‘Eligible System’ is designed
Continuous Total Length of ’Eligible
System’ installed in the project (in km)
Installation Start Date Installation End
Date of the start of train operation in
the section.
NOTE: Bidder shall submit certified copies of relevant documents like letter of acceptance, contract agreement,
drawings, design reports, experience certificate issued by the client/employer etc. in support of above details
Proportion of Pre-casting for a standard straight track in Tunnel.
Name of the project and contract
agreement no
Proportion of Pre-casting for a standard
straight track in Tunnel.

NOTE: 1. Bidder shall submit certified copies of relevant documents like letter of acceptance, contract
agreement, drawings, design reports, experience certificate issued by the client/employer etc. in support of
above details.
2. Bidder shall submit self-attested copies of calculations of pre-cast proportion supported by drawings of
executed BLT system.
Suitability for Turnout

If the proposed track structure Eligible

System is suitable for laying turnouts
also? (Yes / No)
Note: Bidder shall submit As Built/ approved Drawings of the previously executed project .
Proven-ness with multiple fastening system

If Eligible System is proven with two or

more fastening system from different
Name of all fastening systems
Name of the project and contract
agreement no. where each fastening
system is used
NOTE: 1. Bidder shall submit certified copies of relevant documents like letter of acceptance, contract
agreement, drawings, design reports, experience certificate issued by the client/employer etc. in support of
above details.
2. If eligible system is proven with two or more fastening systems, name of all such fastening system
shall be mentioned above and in support of that contract details as asked in note 1 shall be submitted.
Ballastless track on rail bridges with LWR

Section 3 Page 78 of 89
Whether BLT with LWR has been laid on
Rail Bridges (Span arrangement of
Bridge, Type of Super structure may be

Name of the project and contract

agreement no.

NOTE: 1. Bidder shall submit certified copies of relevant documents like letter of acceptance, contract
agreement, drawings, design reports, experience certificate issued by the client/employer etc. in support of
above details.
2. Bidder shall submit copy of the LWR plan and specific drawing and design reports of BLT system over the
bridge along with RSI analysis, if any.

Note: Eligible System has been defined in Clause no. of Section-2


Section 3 Page 79 of 89



We undertake that from the list submitted by us for the personnel having the
prescribed qualifications and experience, and approved by RVNL, required
personnel at the required time as requested by RVNL, will be deployed within
90 days from the date of such request of the Employer.

In case of failure of deployment of key personnel within time period as

stipulated above, RVNL will be entitled to a deduction @ 1% of the accepted
monthly remuneration rate of that personnel per day of delay, for the first 90
days after the notice period of 90 days. For delay beyond first 90 days, a
deduction @ 2% of the accepted monthly remuneration rate of that personnel
per day of delay shall be applicable. [GCC clause 3.07 (a)].

Firm’s Name & Signature of authorized signatory (Seal)

Section 3 Page 80 of 89
Form TECH-31

Format for providing details of Shareholders (constituting majority

shareholding) as a proof of fulfilling eligibility under clause 1.2.2 (i) (c)

Firm’s Name
S. Name of the Shareholder % Share Country of Origin


Verified on ______ day of _____ at _________ that the contents

of the above mentioned affidavit are true and correct and nothing
material has been concealed there from.


Section 3 Page 81 of 89
Declaration for ‘Local content’ in terms of
‘Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order 2017’, as
amended, issued by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion
under Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Ref: Tender Notice No………………………………

I / We declare that:

1. The offer submitted against the meets the ‘Local Content’ requirement
as prescribed vide clause ITB 1.2.2 I.B and ITB 16.
2. The details of the location(s) where local value addition is made is as

Made in India Imported Location of
BOQItem Description BOQ
Items:Amount Items: Value Value
no in brief Amount
of localcontent added in India added in


Total A B C

Total Local Content: B + C

% of local content in total BOQ cost: …..%

3. I / We also undertake that the ‘Local Content’ added in the entire work
will be submitted along with the final bill.
4. *I / We have also enclosed certificate from statutory auditor or cost
auditor of the company or from practicing cost accountant or chartered
accountant. [* Not required for tenders with estimated value up to
₹10.0 Cr.]

Signature of the Consultant

Section 3 Page 82 of 89
Form TECH-32


Clause No & Clause heading Form Checklist(Yes/NO) Details of value of
Name work/quantity of activity and
References (Folio No.) of
Documents through which
criteria against each item is
being met. Hurdle Criteriqa ☐ Yes ☐ No Net worth Form ☐ Yes ☐ No
(NW) Average Form ☐ Yes ☐ No
Annual Construction TECH-16
(TO) Contract of
Similar Size and Nature General EXP-29(A) ☐ Yes ☐ No
Experience EXP-29(B) ☐ Yes ☐ No
☐ Yes ☐ No
☐ Yes ☐ No Specific EXP-29(C) ☐ Yes ☐ No
Experience Conflict of Interest FORM ☐ Yes ☐ No
1(TPSF) Disqualification FORM ☐ Yes ☐ No
1(TPSF) Historical Financial FORM ☐ Yes ☐ No
Performance TECH-
16(TO) and
16A CV of Key Form
Personnel TECH-27A
(a) Engineer Chief Design ☐ Yes ☐ No
Engineer Track –BLT Note(p) Undertaking EQC Form ☐ Yes ☐ No

Section 3 Page 83 of 89
Form TECH-33

EQC Form No. 3


I/We undertake: -

The detail design of proposed Track Structure System (BLT) including of fastening
systems, which will be proposed after award of contract should not deviate from
the BLT system and fastening submitted for hurdle criteria based on which the
proposal is accepted. However, Eligible System will have to be suitably modified
as per terms of reference i.e section 4- TOR of the bid document.

NOTE: I/We understand that non-submission of above-mentioned forms in our bid may result in
rejection of the bid.


Section 3 Page 84 of 89

Section 3 Page 85 of 89


(On letter head of the Consultant)



Chief Project Manager,

Rail Vikas Nigam Limited,
RVNL Office Building,
Opposite GST Bhavan
Next to GMVN,
Bypass Road Rishikesh-249201
Dear Sir,
Sub: Detailed Design and Technical Supervision for: -


Ref: RVNL/BLT/RKSH-KNPG/System Provider Dated:

1. Having examined the completeness of RFP documents, studied the terms
and conditions of contract stipulated in the RFP documents we, the
undersigned offer to provide project management services for the
implementation of the above-named works in conformity with the contracts
being awarded to Execution contractors up to the stage of completion of
works up to Defect Liability Period as specified in the Terms of Reference.

2. We undertake, if our proposal is accepted, to:

(i) Furnish performance security within 28 (twenty eight) days of issue

date of letter of award.
(ii) Enter into the contract agreement within 28 (twenty eight) days of issue
of draft Contract Agreement papers.

3. Unless and until a formal agreement is prepared and executed, this proposal
together with your written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding
contract between us.

Section 3 Page 86 of 89
4. I/We ………………….. (Name of the Consulting Firm) submit herewith
our Financial Proposal for selection of our firm/organization as Detailed
Design and Project Management Consultant for the above mentioned

5. Our attached financial proposal is for the sum of Rs. …… (Rupees …….
only) inclusive of all taxes but exclusive of Goods and Service Tax (GST).

6. Our Financial Proposal shall be binding upon us subject to the

modifications resulting from contract negotiations up to expiration of the
validity period of the proposal, i.e. 180 days beyond the date of opening of
Technical Proposal and will be binding on us.

7. If negotiations are held during the validity of the Proposal, we undertake to

Negotiate on the basis of proposed staff. Our proposal is binding upon us
and subject to …………..Modifications from contract negotiations.

8. I/We undertake that, in competing for and in executing (if the award is
made to us) the above contract, we will strictly observe the laws of the land
in force against fraud and corruption.

9. We certify that in preparation and submission of Technical and Financial

information, we have not taken any action which is or which constitutes a
corrupt or fraudulent practice as defined in the RFP documents.

10. I/We agree to allow RVNL, at its option, to inspect and audit all accounts,
documents, and records relating to the Consultant’s Proposal and to the
performance of the ensuing Consultant’s Contract.

11. Our financial proposal shall be binding on us subject to modifications

resulting from negotiations up to expiry of the validity period of the
proposal .i.e. 180 days beyond the date of opening of technical proposal
and will be binding on us.

12. We have not made any tampering or changes in the RFP documents on
which the bid is being submitted and if any tampering or changes are
detected at any stage, we understand the bid will invite summary rejection
and forfeiture of bid security/the contract will be liable to be terminated
along with forfeiture of Performance Security, even if LOA has been

Section 3 Page 87 of 89
13. I/We understand that, the Rail Vikas Nigam Limited is not bound to accept
any proposal that the Rail Vikas Nigam Limited may receive.

Yours faithfully,


Signature of authorised signatory of Consultant


Address: ……………………..
Enclosures: As per ITC Form FIN-1 to FIN-2

Section 3 Page 88 of 89

Excel Sheet uploaded, same should be Quoted for Rate. Rate against each item
shall be mentioned in numbers as well as in words.

Section 3 Page 89 of 89
Bill of Quantities
1. The consultant shall set up Local Design Office in NCR (National Capital
Region) of India within 45 days of receipt of Letter of Acceptance (LOA)
during pre-construction stage. The rates quoted in Form FIN-2 include
cost of Local Design office including its logistics support complete in all
respect and are also inclusive of all costs of key personnel, support staff,
transportation, office rent, office supplies & utilities, communication,
furniture, equipment, reports & documents, residential accommodation
for the Design Office personnel of the Consultant. Nothing extra shall
be payable on this account other than quoted rates except Goods and
Service Tax which shall be paid extra as applicable.

2. Chief Design Engineer (Track –BLT) will be stationed at Local Design

Office for meetings, presentations, and discussions with
RVNL/Railway, and shall provide all necessary services/ deliverables
as per scope of work given in section 4: TOR including their approval.
Expenditure for the experts visit to work site or local site office during
pre-construction stage (up to 6 visits) is deemed to be included in
quoted item rates.

3. The rates quoted in Form FIN-2 are all inclusive of cost of setting up of
Local Design office, its operational & logistics costs, all remunerations
of key personnel, other experts, support staff etc., as may be required
to deliver the services. Quoted rate also includes transportation
charges, office rent, expenditures on stationary, utilities,
communication, furniture, computers, software, equipment, reports
and residential accommodation of the personnel employed etc., Nothing
shall be paid extra on this account.

4. The consultant shall also provide necessary design support and

technical assistance during the construction stages to experts stationed
in field for successful completion of BLT work from their home office.
This cost shall be inbuilt in the rates quoted in form FIN-2 and nothing
shall be paid extra on this account.

5. The rates quoted in Form FIN-2 include cost involved in providing all
services mentioned in clause 1.3 of part 1 of TOR-section 4, including
the expenditure on all experts and facilities required to carry out the
deliverables for detailed design and other site related activities.

6. Price variation adjustment clause is applicable only for items A105 and
A106 of the BOQ. No price variation adjustment is payable on any other
7. Item A102 of the BOQ will be operated solely at the discretion of the
client/employer. In this regard, employer’s decision will be final and
binding on both the parties. No claims regarding the decrease in value
of the contract price due to non-operation of the item will be admissible.
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited


e-tender No:
Engagement of Ballastless Track Structure “System Provider and Designer” to provide detailed Design and support for installation of Ballastless track “In tunnels, bridges and formations including all yards between chainage
Name of
Km 5+662 (FLS) to chainage Km 125+200 (FLS) in connection with new BG line between Rishikesh and Karanprayag in the state of Uttarakhand, India.”

SCHEDULE A: Desing of Ballastless Track and Technical Supervision During Construction

% Stage
S.No. Description of Item Qty Unit Quoted Rate (in INR) Quoted Amount (in INR)
In Figures In Words In Figures In Words
A101 Detailed design and drawings of Ballastless track using Contractor's own fastening system for axle loads and speeds as specified in the technical
requirements & technical specifications in TOR, section 4, including submission of Design criteria, Calculations, Design Methodology, Detailed
design, detailed drawings, construction methodology, QAP, maintenance manuals, damage rectification methodology, including all its various
components as per various input parameter and characteristics of various component of fastening system, etc as a complete job as per scope
of services and delieverables given in TOR-section 4 of bid document. Design and drawing shall be proof checked by the RVNL appointed proof
consultant. The design will be property of RVNL/Railway to be used in the projects of RVNL/Railways. Design broadly includes following services
also but not limited to:
(i) Design for ballastless track in straight and curves in tunnels (including Cut & Cover) including transition at approaches.
(ii)Design for ballastless track in straight and curves in bridges including transition at approaches.
(iii)Design for ballastless track in bridges including provision of rail free fastening and low toe-load fastenings.
(iv) Design for ballastless track in straight and curves on formations (cutting/filing) including transition portion.
(v) Design of the turnouts with all necessary fittings and approval from RDSO for the ballastless track taking off from straight track (1 in 8.5, 1 in 12 and 1 in
16) including transition portion, if any.
(vi) Design of the turnouts with all necessary fittings and approval from RDSO for the ballastless tracks for turnouts taking out from the curved track (1 in
8.5, 1 in 12 and 1 in 16). 1 Lump sum
(vii) Design and approval from RDSO of the switch expansion joint (SEJ) for the ballastless track including transitions.
(viii) Submission of the LWR plans and approval from Northern Railway.
(ix) Submission of feasiblity report for determining which Track length/features should be Ballasted and which should be Ballastless.
(x) Submission of QA and QC documents for production of pre-fabricated elements.
(xi) Submission of installation manual including construction methodology.
(xii) Submission of QA manual for installation of BLT.
(xiii) Submission of maintenance manual, renewal manual and methodology of restoration of damaged track.
(xiv) Design of C-clamps for holding the joggled fish plates for emergency protection of rail/weld joints in ballastless track.
(xv) Submission of the welding plans with minimum permissible number of AT welds.
(xvi) Submission of all types of reports as per TOR-section 4 of bid document.
(xvii) Submission of specifications, design and drawings of proven fastening system.
(xviii) Submission of inspection test plan for ballastless track structure system (pre-fabricated elements and fastening system).
(xix) Submission of factory setup report.
A101a Submission of Inception Report as a complete job and acceptance thereon by RVNL.(Ref. para 4.3.1 of TOR Part-1 Section-4 of the bid document). 20%
Note: 70% of 20% shall be made on submission and in-principle acceptance of report by RVNL and balance 30% of 20% will be made on approval of
report by RVNL.

A101b Submission of the LWR plan of Rishikesh Karanprayag section and acceptance thereon by RVNL and Northern Railway. 10%
A101c Submission of Pre-Final Design as a complete job and acceptance thereon by RVNL. (Ref. para 4.3.2 of TOR Part-1 Section-4 of the bid document). 40%
1. 30% of 40% shall be made on submission of DBR and in-principle acceptance of report by RVNL and balance 20% of 40% on approval of report by
2. 30% of 40% shall be made on submission of pre-final detailed design of BLT structure system including design reports, calculations, drawings of all
track components and in-principle acceptance of these by RVNL and balance 20% of 40% on approval of these by RVNL.

A101d Submission of all types of reports as mentioned in description of item A101 -(ix), (x), (xi), (xii), (xiii), (xiv), (xv), (xvi), (xvii) and (xviii) and acceptance 10%
thereon by RVNL. (Ref.TOR-section 4 of the bid document)
Note:- 50% of the 10% shall be made on submission and in principle acceptance of these reports by RVNL and balance 50% of 10% on approval of these
reports by RVNL.
A101e Submission of Final Design as a complete job and acceptance thereon by RVNL. (Ref. para 4.3.4 of TOR Part-1 Section-4 of the bid document) 20%
Note: 70% of 20% shall be made on submission and in-principle acceptance of report by RVNL and balance 30% of 20% on
approval of report by RVNL
A102 Cost of Transfer of Technology along with IPR, if any to RVNL as per para No. 2 of TOR Part-1 section-4 of the bid document. 1 Lump sum
A103 Submission of tender document complete in all respects for bidding, involving Bill of Quantities (BOQ), specifications, TOR, preliminary tender design/ 1 Lump sum
drawings, quantity calculations, Calculation and Analysis of rates, Quality Assurance Plan (QAP), Specific/General Conditions etc. for all works required for
construction of BLT works and associated works as per para 4.3.3 and para 5 in part 1 of TOR-section 4 of the bid document.

A104 Manpower for training, as per Clause 1.3 (xii) and 4.8.2 of TOR part 1 of - section 4 of the bid document.(1x30 mandays) 30 Mandays

A105 Manpower for production supervision at factory, as per Clause 6.2 TOR part 1 of -section 4 of the bid document.(1x30 man months EXPAT) 30 Man-Months

A106 Manpower for technical supervision of BLT structure system installation as per clause 1.3 (xiii) of TOR part 1 of -section 4 of the bid document.(8x36 man 288 Man-Months
A107 Providing support for instrumentation , testing and clearance from the statutory bodies as per clause 4.7 TOR part 1-section 4 of the bid document 1 Lump sum

A108 Rail-Structure Interaction(RSI) Analysis of Railway Bridges (Abutment to abutment. Details of all the bridges are given in para 1 of TOR Part 1 section 4 of 907 per metre length
the bid document.) including composite girder bridges, psc girder bridges, open web girder bridges, underslung steel truss bridges or any other type of of bridge
bridge or any combination of steel and concrete bridges.The rates are also inclusive of any number of Railway Tracks over the bridge ie. single track ,
double track or multi tracks over the bridge. Rates are inclusive of single span railway bridges or multi-span railway bridges.

A109 Arrangement for study tour for training, knowledge ehancement, and inspections covering design aspects, construction, maintenance, technological 150 Man days
advancements in BLT, etc. , in the country of origin as per clause 4.8.1 of part 1 of TOR-Section4.
Total for Bill No. A
1 Rate against each item shall be quoted in figures as well as in words.
2 Price variation adjustment clause is applicable only for items A105 and A106 of the BOQ. No price variation adjustment is payable on any other item.
3 Item A 102 will only be operated solely on the discretion of the client/employer

Engagement of Ballastless Track Structure
“System Provider and Designer”
to provide detailed Design
support for installation of Ballastless track

“in tunnels, bridges and formations including all yards

between chainage Km 5+662 (FLS) to chainage Km
125+200 (FLS) in connection with new BG line between
Rishikesh and Karanprayag in the state of Uttarakhand,


Section 4 Page 1 of 72

S.No. Description Page No.

1 Terms of Reference- General Details

1. Introduction 4
2. Brief of the project 4
3. Status of other works 5
4. Objective and scope of the consultancy
5. General requirements of the consultants 8
6. Technical standards and specifications 9
7. Role of RVNL 10
8. Consultants’ organisation and staffing 10
9. Data to be provided by the RVNL
10. Facilities for the personnel

2 Part-1: Terms of Reference for Detailed Design

and Support during construction stage
1. Specific details
1.1 Details of the project 13
1.2 Definitions 20
1.3 Detailed scope of services 21
2. Transfer of technology 26
3. Functional design requirements-Track 26
4. Services to be provided during design stage 29
5. Services to be provided for BLT 36
construction tender
6. Services to be provided during construction 37
7. Design support during construction stage 39
8. Meeting during the consultancy services 39
9. Penalty during design phase and support 40
during construction
10. Organization 40

3 Part-2: Terms of Reference – Technical

1.Technical specifications for ballastless track
1.1 Design requirements 43
1.2 General requirements of ballastless 44
track systems as per EN 16432-Part1
Section 4 Page 2 of 72
1.3 System design, subsystems and 47
components design of ballastless track
system as per EN 16432- Part2
1.4 Acceptance of the ballastless track 51
system as per EN 16432-Part3
2. Track details 55
3. Traction details 56
4. Signalling details 56
5. Derailment guards 56
6. Ballastless track structure 57
7. Performance requirements of fastening 57
8. Manufacturing process for pre-fabricated 66
9. Quality control 66
10. Quality assurance plan 67
11. Procedure for joint sampling of fastenings 69

Section 4 Page 3 of 72
Terms of Reference- General

1 Introduction
1.1 Ministry of Railways, Government of India has entrusted Rail
Vikas Nigam Ltd (RVNL), a PSU under Ministry of Railway,
with the responsibility of execution of 125 km long single line
new BG Rishikesh- Karanprayag Rail Line infrastructure
project under the jurisdiction of Northern Railway, to be
financed by Govt. of India, in the State of Uttarakhand. Rail
Vikas Nigam Ltd (RVNL) is the Implementing Agency (IA) of the
1.2 Name of the Assignment: Engagement of Ballast less tack
(BLT) structure “System Provider and Designer” to Provide
Detailed Design and Support for installation of track in
tunnels, bridges and formations including all yards between
5+662(FLS) to 125+200(FLS) in connection with New BG Line
between Rishikesh and Karanprayag in State of Uttarakhand.

2 Brief of the Project

The new Broad Gauge (BG) Railway line between Rishikesh and
Karanprayag is a very important development project undertaken by
Ministry of Railway. The purpose of providing Rail link between
Rishikesh and Karanprayag is for facilitating easy access to
pilgrimage centre situated in the state of Uttarakhand, connecting
new trade centre, development of backward areas and to serve the
population living in the area. The entire length of the new line falls in
Garhwal Himalayan range. The proposed alignment from Rishikesh to
Karanprayag lies between Longitude 780P15’E to 790PP15’E and
Latitude 300 P05’N to 300P 20’N and passes through 5 districts of
Dehradun, Tehri Garhwal, Garhwal, Rudraprayag and Chamoli in the
state of Uttarakhand. The climate of the project area is tropical
monsoon, but it shows its Montana variations. However, the climate
is milder in valleys. The average temperature in the region varies from
50P to 100 C in the month of January and from 350PP C to 400PP C in
the month of May and June. The monsoon normally occurs in the
mid of June to September. This region especially in the foothills, in
general, receives about 1000-2000 mm rainfall annually. The starting
point of this link i.e. Rishikesh/Virbhadra is connected by existing
rail. Rishikesh and Karanprayag are connected by National Highway
no.58. This road runs parallel to the Ganga and Alaknanda River
valley. The proposed alignment passing through Ganga and
Alaknanda River valleys is 125.20 km long with approx. 85% length
in tunnels and bridges spanning deep gorges and valleys.

Section 4 Page 4 of 72
3 Status of other works the 125km stretch of Rishikesh
Karanprayag is divided in 10 tunnel construction packages. There
are 17 tunnels and 18 bridges along the alignment. The work in all
the tunnels, bridges and formations is in progress at various
stages. The 5.7km track length between Virbhadra Railway station
to Yog-Nagri Rishikesh (YNRK) Station has been completed.

The work from YNRK to Karanprayag is being executed by 10

tunnel construction contractors which includes bridges and
formation works also. The tunnels will be completed in phased
manner due to different lengths and geology in each individual
tunnel. After the completion of individual tunnel, the site will be
handed over to construction contractor for BLT and permanent way

4 Objective and scope of Consultancy Services

4.1 System Provider and Designer, hereinafter called “The
Consultant or BLT System Provider” is to be engaged to assist
RVNL in detailed design & support services during
construction and implementation & installation of the eligible
proven BLT System. Detail scope of services to be delivered by
the consultant are given in para 1.3 of TOR part 1.
4.2 Consultancy services broadly involves:
(i) design of track structure System for mixed (passenger and
freight) traffic route for straight & curved track in tunnels,
on Formation (cutting & embankments), on bridges, yards,
in Turnouts (taking out from straight and curved Track), in
SEJs and in transition portion from ballast less track to
ballasted track; with design criteria based on latest
national/international standards/codes/proven practices.
(ii) Obtaining approval of design and drawings from Proof
Consultant appointed by RVNL.
(iii) arrangement for derailment guards like slab/block
(iv) preparation of LWR plans,
(v) RSI analysis of bridges,
(vi) Submission of various design reports
(vii) issuing of ‘Good For Construction’ Drawings,
(viii) submission of construction methodology including QAP and
maintenance manual for the ballast less track.
(ix) preparation of Bill of Quantities (BOQ), technical
Section 4 Page 5 of 72
specifications, Terms of References and Bid document of
BLT construction tender. The consultant shall assist in
reply of pre-bid queries and finalization of BLT construction
(x) technical supervision of production of pre-cast component
and installation of BLT at site.
4.3 The scope of services has been divided into two stages:
Stage-1 (during Pre-Construction) will commence after award
of this consultancy work and broadly involves design for track
structure system, review of scope of BLT in open area, study of
RSI on bridges, preparation of LWR Plan and preparation of
bid document for BLT construction works and for supply of
fastening system. The detailed scope for this part is given in
Part- 1 of this section.

Stage-2(during Construction) will commence after award of

construction works contract. Services broadly involves
providing Design Support services during construction stage
and technical supervision for installation of BLT system
including production of pre-cast components to ensure timely
completion of BLT works. The detailed scope of work for this
part is given in Part-1 & 2 of this section.
4.4 Duration of work: Total Consultancy assignment duration of
this project is 42 months (6 months – design and 36 months-
construction) + 6 months defect liability period. It is expected
that, the construction work may commence in July’23.
Mobilization of manpower for construction stage is linked with
the award of the civil contract.

4.5 Other Requirements:

(i) While providing consultancy services, the consultant
shall have or will set up Local Design Office in National
Capital Region of India (Delhi / Noida/ Gurgaon/
Faridabad) during pre-construction stage for liasoning
and co-ordination with the Employer. Chief Design
Engineer Track –BLT (during pre-construction stage)
whose CV was submitted along with the proposal, shall
be stationed in Local Design Office in NCR (National
Capital Region) of India within 45 days of receipt of
Letter of Acceptance (LOA). In case of failure of
deployment of above personnel within time period as
stipulated above, RVNL will be entitled to a deduction of
Rs 5000 per day.
Section 4 Page 6 of 72
(ii) Chief Design Engineer (Track –BLT) will be stationed at
Local Design Office for meetings, presentations, and
discussions with RVNL/Railway, and shall provide all
necessary services/ deliverables as per scope of work given
in section 4: TOR including their approval. Expenditure for
the experts visit to work site or local site office during pre-
construction stage (up to 6 visits) is deemed to be included
in quoted item rates.

(iii) The rates quoted in Form FIN-2 are all inclusive of cost of
setting up of Local Design office, its operational & logistics
costs, all remunerations of key personnel, other experts,
support staff etc., as may be required to deliver the
services. Quoted rate also includes transportation charges,
office rent, expenditures on stationary, utilities,
communication, furniture, computers, software,
equipment, reports and residential accommodation of the
personnel employed etc., Nothing shall be paid extra on
this account.

(iv) The consultant shall also provide necessary design

support and technical assistance during the construction
stages to experts stationed in field for successful
completion of BLT work from their home office. This cost
shall be inbuilt in the rates quoted in form FIN-2 and
nothing shall be paid extra on this account. Cost of
travelling and stay for the site visits if required, will be
reimbursed on submission of claim supported by vouchers
as per Section 6.14 of Section-5: (General Condition of
Contract) with prior approval for the name(s) of such
official(s) from RVNL.

(v) Site office accommodation during Construction stage will

be provided by RVNL according to Attachment-2 and
Attachment-3 of Annexure-1 of Section-2.
(vi) All personnel to be deployed during construction stage
shall be stationed in field office in the project area.
(vii) If any, international expert/ Expat visits the site for design
support or technical assistance, then a professional fee of
USD 1000 per working day shall be payable. In addition,
one day fee (1000 USD) will be paid for to and fro journey
period. The cost of air travel (National/International) by
direct and most practicable route, lodging and local
Section 4 Page 7 of 72
conveyance will be reimbursed as applicable to E7
category of RVNL employees in case of Expats and E5
category of RVNL employee in case of national and shall be
reimbursed on submission of claim supported by vouchers
(for air travel, lodging charges & local conveyance).
Relevant provision regarding entitlement in above respects
is per Section 6.14 of Section-5: (General Condition of
Contract). All such tour shall have prior approval of RVNL.

(viii) The Work Schedule for the execution of the services

illustrated with bar charts of activities shall be submitted
as per FormTECH-23A.

5 General Requirements of the Consultant: The standards

of output required from the appointed consultants shall be of
international level both in terms of quality and adherence to the
agreed time schedule. The objectives of the consulting services are
to design the proven eligible BLT system as per technical
requirement of BLT and then assist the Employer to implement and
install the proven eligible BLT system in whole project in
conformity with Railways’ rules and regulations; relevant codes;
local laws, bye laws, regulation, rules etc.
5.1 The Consultants shall ensure:
(i) That the work is implemented up to the last detail and
shall provide assistance to the Employer up to the end of
`Defect Liability Period’ under the Contract.
(ii) That Consultant will observe due diligence and excellent
standards in the performance of assignment.
(iii) Compliance of all rules of Railways related to the
execution of the project.
(iv) highest standards of quality assurance in the execution
of BLT works.
(v) That the BLT construction Contractor executes the BLT
works as per the QA-QC protocol of the system provider.
Production and installation of BLT system should be
done in same manner as of proven eligible BLT system.
(vi) Completion of work in the prescribed time schedule by
removing bottlenecks for execution and by giving fast
decisions on the design or construction issues raised.
(vii) that the Consultant assists the Employer for the
required coordination with the railway administration
and any other agencies.
(viii) that the consultant will prepare written submissions and
Section 4 Page 8 of 72
technical defence statements to the satisfaction of
employer, in case the project executing agency evokes
demand for arbitration.
(ix) Quick decisions on doubts and clarifications sought by
the RVNL in reasonable time without affecting execution
of works.

5.2 The Consultant shall discharge their duties in a fair,

impartial and efficient manner, consistent with the highest
standards of professional integrity and good industry
practices. While assisting RVNL in execution of the project,
the Consultant will ensure:

i) economy, durability, environment friendliness,

passenger comfort and safety, quality assurance, safety
during construction, maintenance, and operation.
ii) expeditiousness and ease of construction.
iii) maintainability, reliability, and renewability of the
system in the context of the Indian socio-economic and
technological environment.
iv) phased construction and commissioning of the project;
v) adoption of the state-of-the-art technology for design,
construction and contract management practices.
vi) to incorporate the relevant clauses of international
rules/international specifications and best practices
pertaining to BLT construction.

6 Technical Standards and Specifications (For

general guidance only)

The recommended design criteria, specifications, standards

and codes of practice will be in accordance with the relevant
Indian codes of practice/specifications. Where the standards
and specifications are deficient or not available in the Indian
codes of practice/specifications, International codes of
practice/ specifications/ guidelines/ recommendations etc
suitable in Indian conditions will be adopted with the approval
of RVNL. Details of technical specifications for guidance of BLT
design are given in details in Part-2: Terms of Reference –
Technical specifications.
Section 4 Page 9 of 72
7 Role of RVNL
The role of RVNL in brief shall be as under:
i) RVNL will be the final accepting authority for all technical,
financial and project planning matters.
ii) RVNL will be responsible for arranging funds for the
project and release of payments to consultants, suppliers
and contractors.
iii) RVNL will provide assistance in coordination with Railway,
RDSO, various local authorities and government
departments for approval/NOC/resolution of issues related
to the implementation of the BLT system. The Consultant
will associate to provide support to RVNL by way of
providing expert advice and providing data, drawings,
sketches etc and technical inputs on the issues, attending
the meetings and giving presentations wherever required.
iv) Reviews/endorsements/proposals/recommendations/advi
ce/comments/services tendered by the consultant shall be
put up for approval/NOC of RVNL before implementation.

8 Consultant’s Organization and Staffing

Prior to commencing services and thereafter whenever there is
a significant change, as required by the Contract, the
Consultant shall submit an overall Organization Chart for the
approval of the Client or the Client’s Representative. This
Chart should identify the reporting structure and lines of
communication of Key Personnel.

The Organization chart shall be in sufficient detail to enable

the Client or the Clients’ Representative to identify how and
with whom the Consultant is intending to manage the works.
The chart shall be submitted together with the names and
curriculum vitae of all Key Personnel to demonstrate the
competence of those persons who will be employed in the
management of the track Works.

9 Data to be provided by RVNL

RVNL shall provide following documents as available with it:

(i). Index Plan and L-section.

(ii). General arrangement drawing of bridges.
(iii). Typical cross-section of Tunnels.
(iv). Approved Yard Plans.
Section 4 Page 10 of 72
10 Facilities for the Personnel

(i) The Consultant shall provide mobile phones for

communications to all the personnel at his own cost. In
case of failure of the Consultant to do so, the Employer
may purchase and provide the same and recover double
the cost incurred from the bills of consultant.

(ii) During pre-construction stage, consultant shall have or

arrange local design office/facilities in accordance with
Attachment 2 to Annex 1 (section 2).

(iii) RVNL will arrange to provide the site office and other
facilities as indicated in the Attachment 3 to Annex 1
(section 2) during the construction stage.

Section 4 Page 11 of 72

Section 4 Page 12 of 72
Part-1: Terms of Reference
Detailed Design; and Design Support during construction stage

1 Specific Details:

1.1 Details of the Project: The salient feature of the project are as
(i) Technical Parameters

1 Gauge 1676 mm (BG), Single line
2 Electrification Electrified Section.
3 Ruling gradient 1 in 80
4 Maximum degree of curvature (on 2.75° with relaxation up to 4° on need
Main Line) base.
5 Maximum speed for Passenger 100 kmph
6 Maximum speed for goods Trains 65 kmph
7 Maximum speed on turnouts 50 kmph
8 Limiting gradient in station yards 1 in 400 (Max)
9 Loading standard 25MT standard loading of 2008
10 Seismic Zone According to the seismic zoning map
of India, the entire alignment lies in
11 Total Length (km) 125.20
12 No. of New Stations (Nos.) 11
13 No. of tunnels (Nos.) 17
14 Total Length of Main tunnels (kms) 117.14
15 No. of Major Rail bridges (Nos.) 18
16 Total Length of Major bridges (m) 2767.75

(ii) List of Bridges (According to FLS Chainages)

Tentative Tentative
Bridge Span No. of Curve/
No. Name
Start End Length
Arrangeme Tracks Straight
Chainage Chainage
Bridge at
Br1 Chandrabh 5+687.450 6+001.850 314.40 12x24.400 One
aga (Curve)
Bridge at 1x32.710+ 2.00
Br2 Shivpuri
18+448.814 18+579.551 130.74 Triple
1x32.613+ ( Curve)
Bridge at
Br3 Guller
24+808.780 24+939.180 130.40 4x32.600 Single Straight
Triple Track
Bridge at (Partial
Br4 Byasi
33+104.705 33+202.655 97.20 3x32.650 with 2
Curve) in

Section 4 Page 13 of 72
Bridge at 1x26.350+
Br5 Kaudiyala
35+472.603 35+596.903 124.55 Single Straight
Bridge at 1x32.650+
Br6 Devprayag
45+462.850 45+620.500 155.10 Single Straight
Bridge at
Br7 Podi 45+882.999 45+915.649 31.93 1x32.650 Single
Nallah Curve) in
Bridge at
Br8 Alaknanda 63+106.250 63+383.000 276.75 3x90.000 Single Straight
Bridge at
Br9 Alaknanda 73+010.800 73+499.800 489.00 15x30.500 Single
Srinagar (Curve)
Bridge at Triple/X- 0.769
Br10 Dhari in
82+849.000 82+924.000 75.00 1x72.000
Over (Curve
Bridge at Triple/X- 0.769
Br11 Dhari out
83+667.050 83+862.950 195.90 4x47.550
Over (Curve)
Bridge at 2.33
Br12 Narkota
91+201.375 91+227.525 26.15 1x24.400 Single
Bridge at Triple/X- 1.20
Br13 Tilani out
101+395.063 101+427.773 32.71 1x32.710
Over (Curve)
Bridge at Triple/X-
Br14 108+101.514 108+265.064 163.55 5x32.710 Straight
Gholtir in Over
Bridge at (Curve)+
Br15 Gauchar
117+166.800 117+508.770 341.97 1x79.680+ Single
Bridge at Triple/X-
Br16 Sivai
123+930.000 124+060.000 130.00 4x32.500 Straight
Langali- Single/X-
Br 17 Kolda Nala
125+449.000 125+475.200 26.20 1x24.400 Straight
Br 17 Langali-
125+449.000 125+475.200 26.20 1x24.400 Double Straight
A Kolda Nala

(iii) List of Tunnels (According to FLS Chainages

Statement of Tunnels

Tunnel Tentative start Tentative end

SN Length
no. chainage chainage

1 T1 6+815.00 17+650.00 10835.00

2 T2 18+685.00 24+775.50 6090.50
3 T3 25+487.50 32+145.00 6657.50
4 T4 33+390.00 35+435.00 2045.00
5 T5 35+624.00 45+390.00 9766.00
6 T6 45+636.50 45+867.00 230.50
7 T7 45+930.00 47+200.00 1270.00
T8- 47+588.00
8 62+165.00 14577.00
9 DOWN- 47+520.00 62+185.00 13127.00
Section 4 Page 14 of 72
Statement of Tunnels

Tunnel Tentative start Tentative end

SN Length
no. chainage chainage

10 T9 63+584.80 66+452.00 2867.20

11 T10 67+350.00 71+417.00 4067.00
12 T11 73+750.00 82+825.00 9075.00
13 T12 83+900.00 91+036.00 7136.00
14 T13 91+223.00 100+650.00 9427.00
15 T14 101+570.00 108+055.00 6485.00
16 T15 108+950.00 115+962.00 7012.00
17 T16 117+578.50 123+863.50 6285.00
18 T17 125+496.70 125+686.70 190.00

(iv) List of Station Yards

SN Station No. of Total Type of Yard Turnouts

High Level No. of
Platforms Lines
1 Shivpuri 02 03 All Line Ballasted 1 in 12= 4 Ballast
1 in 12= 2 BLT
1 in 8.5=2 Ballast
2 Byasi 02 03 All Line Ballasted 1 in 16-2 BLT
1 in 12-3 BLT
1 in 12-3 Ballast
3 Devprayag 02 02 All Line BLT 1 in 12-6 BLT
4 Janasu 01 02 All Line Ballasted 1 in 16-2 BLT
(Auxiliary) 1 in 12-2 BLT
1 in 12-1 Ballast
1 in 8.5=1 Ballast
5 Maletha 02 03 All Line Ballasted 1 in 12-4 BLT
1 in 12-1 Ballast
1 in 16-1 Ballast
1 in 8.5=2 S.S.
6 Srinagar 3Passnenger + 07 All Line Ballasted 1 in 8.5-5 Ballast
2 Goods except Line No. 1 in 12-9 Ballast
1,2 & 3 1 in 16-3 Ballast
1 in 8.5=3 Ballast
7 Dhari Devi 02 04 All Line Ballasted 1 in 12-1 BLT
1 in 8.5-1 Ballast
1 in 12-7 Ballast
8 Tilani 02 03 All Line BLT 1 in 12-6 BLT
1 in 16-2 BLT
9 Gholtir 02 03 All Line BLT 1 in 12-7 BLT
1 in 16-1 BLT
10 Gauchar 02 04 All Line Ballasted 1 in 8.5-1 Ballast
1 in 12-4 Ballast
1 in 16-2 Ballast
1 in 8.5=1 Ballast
1 in 12=1 Ballast
Section 4 Page 15 of 72
SN Station No. of Total Type of Yard Turnouts
High Level No. of
Platforms Lines
11 Sivai 3Passnenger + 10 All Line Ballasted 1 in 8.5-9
(Karnaprayag) 1 Goods except Line No. 1 in 12-18
1,2 & 3
Note: The details of Ballastless yard and Ballasted yard are tentative
and their finalization is under the scope of extent tender.

(v) Chainage wise listing of BLT and Ballasted Works

Tentative Tentative Length of NOTES/FEATURES Remarks

6+015 END
6+815 Track
0.800 B1A2 to T1P1 Open area
6+815 17+650 10.835 T1P1 to T1P2 Tunnel 1
17+65 18+448 0.798 T-1P-2 to B2A1 Open Area
18+448.816 18+579.718 0.130 B2 A1 to B2 A2 (Triple Line Bridge 2
18+579.718 18+685 0.105 Section)
B2 A2 to T2P1 Open area
18+685 24+775.5 6.090 T2P1 to T2 P2 Tunnel 2
24+775.5 24+808.8 0.033 T2P2 to B3 A1 Open area
24+808.8 24+939.2 0.130 B3 A1 to B3 A2 (Single Line Bridge 3
24+939.2 25+487.5 0.548 Section)
B3 A2 to T3P1 Open Area
25+487.5 32+145 6.657 T3P1 to T3P2 Tunnel 3
32+145 33+104 0.959 T3P2 to B4A1 Open Area
33+104 33+202 0.098 B4A1 to B4A2 (Tripple Line Bridge 4
33+202 33+39 0.188 Section)
B4A2 to T4P1 Open Area
33+39 35+435 2.045 T4P1 to T4P2 Tunnel 4
35+435 35+472 0.037 T4P2 to B5A1 Open area
35+472 35+596.54 0.124 B5A1 to B5A2 (Single Line Bridge 5
35+596.54 35+624.01 0.027 Section)
B5A2 to T5P1 Open Area
35+624.01 45+39 9.766 T5P1 to T5P2 Tunnel 5
45+39 45+462 0.072 T5P2 to B6A1 Open Area
45+462 45+62 0.158 B6A1 to B6 A2 (Single Line Bridge 6
45+62 45+636.5 0.016 Section)
B6A2 to T6P1 Open area
45+636.5 45+866.75 0.230 T6P1 to T6 P2 Tunnel 6
45+866.75 45+882.74 0.016 T6P2 to B7A1 Open area
45+882.74 45+915 0.032 B7A1 to B7A2 (Single Line Bridge 7
45+915 45+93 0.015 Section)
B7A2 to T7P1 Open Area
45+93 47+2 1.270 T7P1 to T7P2 Tunnel 7
47+2 47+588 0.388 T7P2 to T8P1 Open area
47+588 62+165 14.577 T8P1 to T8P2 Tunnel 8
13.127 Tunnel-8 Downline
62+165 63+106 0.941 T8P2 to B8A1 Open Area
63+106 63+383 0.277 B8A1 to B8A2 Bridge 8
63+383 63+584 0.201 B8A2 to T9P1 Open Area
63+584 66+452 2.868 T9P1 to T9P2 Tunnel 9
66+452 67+35 0.898 T9P2 to T10P1 Open area
67+35 71+417 4.067 T10P1 to T10P2 Tunnel 10
71+417 73+01 1.593 T10P2 to B9A1 Open Area
Section 4 Page 16 of 72
73+01 73+499 0.489 B9A1 to B9A2 Bridge 9
73+499 73+75 0.251 B9A2 to T11P1 Open area
73+75 82+825 9.075 T11P1 to T11 P2 Tunnel 11
82+825 82+849.74 0.025 T11 P2 to B10 A1 Open Area
82+849.74 82+924 0.074 B10A1 to B10A2 (Triple Line Bridge 10
82+924 83+657 0.733 Section)to B11A1
B10A2 Open Area
83+657 83+861 0.204 B11A1 to B11 A2 (Triple Line Bridge11
83+861 83+9 0.039 Section)to T12P1
B11A2 Open Area
83+9 91+052 7.152 T12P1 to T12P2 Tunnel 12
91+052 91+165 0.113 T12P2 to B12A1 Open Area
91+165 91+191 0.026 B12A1 to B12A2 (Single Line Bridge 12
91+191 91+223 0.032 Section)
B12A2 to T13P1 Open Area
91+223 100+644 9.421 T13P1 to T13P2 Tunnel 13
100+644 101+395 0.751 T13P2 to B13A1 Open Area
101+395 101+427 0.032 B13A1 to B13A2 (Triple Line Bridge 13
101+427 101+57 0.143 Section)to T14P1
B13A2 Open area
101+57 108+055 6.485 T14P1 to T14 P2 Tunnel 14
108+055 108+101.54 0.046 T14P2 to B14A1 Open Area
108+101.54 108+265 0.163 B14A1 to B14A2 (Triple Line Bridge 14
108+265 108+95 0.685 Section)
B14A2 to T15P1 Open area
108+95 115+962 7.012 T15P1 to T15P2 Tunnel 15
115+962 117+166.8 1.204 T15P2 to B15A1 Open Area
117+166.8 117+508.7 0.342 B15A1 to B15A2 (Single Line Bridge 15
117+508.7 117+578.5 0.070 Section)
B15A2 to T16P1 Open Area
117+578.5 123+863 6.284 T16P1 to T16P2 Tunnel 16
123+863 123+93 0.067 T16P2 to B16A1 Open Area
123+93 124+06 0.130 B16A1 to B16A2 (Triple Line Bridge 16
124+06 125+449 1.389 Section)to B17A1
B16A2 Open area
125+449 125+4752 0.026 B17A1 to B17A2 (Double Bridge17
125+449 125+4752 0.026 Line Section)
B17AA1 to B17AA2 (Double Bridge 17A
125+475.2 125+496.65 0.021 Line Section)
B17AA2 to T17P1 Open Area
125+496.65 125+686 0.189 T17P1 to T17P2 Tunnel 17
Note: The details of Ballastless yard and Ballasted yard are tentative
and their finalization is under the scope of extent tender.
Total length of BLT: 133.41 km (approximate)
Total length of ballasted track: 42.47 km. (approximate)
Note: T1P1 represents Tunnel No.-1 Portal-1 and B1A1 represents
Bridge No.-1 and Abutment-1 and likewise

(vi) List of Formations

Start Length of
Chainage Embankment Block Section Yard
6+015 6+815 0.800 Yognagari Rishikesh-Shivpuri
17+65 18+448 Yognagari Rishikesh-Shivpuri
Shivpuri Yard
0.798 Shivpuri -Byasi
18+579.718 18+685 0.105 Shivpuri -Byasi
Section 4 Page 17 of 72
24+775.5 24+808.8 0.033 Shivpuri -Byasi
24+9392 25+4875 0.548 Shivpuri -Byasi
32+145 33+104 Shivpuri -Byasi and Byasi
Devprayag Byasi
33+202 33+39 0.188 Byasi- Devprayag
35+435 35+472 0.037 Byasi- Devprayag
35+596.54 35+624.01 0.027 Byasi- Devprayag
45+39 45+462 0.072 Byasi- Devprayag
45+62 45+636.5 0.016 Byasi- Devprayag
45+866.75 45+882.74 0.016 Byasi- Devprayag
45+915 45+93 0.015 Byasi- Devprayag
47+2 47+588 Byasi- Devprayag and
0.388 Devprayag -Janasu
62+165 63+106 Devprayag-Janasu and
0.941 Janasu-Maletha
63+383 63+584 0.201 Janasu Maletha
66+452 67+35 Janasu Maletha and
0.898 Maletha-Srinagar
71+417 73+01 Maletha-Srinagar and Srinagar
1.593 Srinagar-Dhari Devi Yard
73+499 73+75 0.251 Srinagar-Dhari Devi
82+825 82+849.74 0.025 Srinagar-Dhari Devi
82+924 83+657 Srinagar-Dhari Devi and
Dhari Devi
0.733 Dhari Devi-Tilani
83+861 83+9 0.039 Dhari Devi-Tilani
91+052 91+165 0.113 Dhari Devi-Tilani
91+191 91+223 0.032 Dhari Devi-Tilani
100+644 101+395 Dhari Devi-Tilani and
0.751 Tilani Gholtir
101+427 101+57 0.143 Tilani Gholtir
108+055 108+101.54 0.046 Tilani Gholtir
108+265 108+95 Tilani Gholtir and
0.685 Gholtir-Gauchar
115+962 117+166.8 Gholtir-Gauchar and
1.204 Gauchar Karnapryag
117+508.7 117+578.5 0.070 Gauchar Karnapryag
123+863 123+93 0.067 Gauchar Karnapryag
124+06 125+449 Gauchar Karnapryag Karnaprayag
1.389 Karnaprayag yard
125+475.2 125+496.65 0.021 Karnaprayag yard Karnaprayag

Section 4 Page 18 of 72
(vii) List of curves

S.no Curve Degree TTP1 TTP2 Total Length Location

No. of Length of
Curve of Curve Circular
1. 2 2.333 5712.209 6051.462 339.253 82.434 Chandrabhaga
2. 3 2.33 6095.701 7278.315 1182.614 916.012 Between
and in Tunnel 1
3. 4 1.167 12338.439 13314.853 976.414 776.413 In Tunnel 1
4. 5 2.5 16097.149 17749.311 1652.162 1452.162 In Tunnel 1
5. 6 2 18028.161 18541.878 513.717 353.717 Shivpuri Yard
and Bridge 2
6. 7 2.333 18747.050 20337.350 1590.300 1398.300 In Tunnel 2
7. 8 1.458 21998.590 22258.073 259.483 163.483 In Tunnel 2
8. 9 0.438 25647.509 27587.352 1939.843 1907.843 In Tunnel 3
9. 10 1.989 31191.427 32685.560 1494.132 1334.132 In Tunnel 3
10. 11 0.875 33961.17 34273.41 312.240 172.240 In Tunnel 4
11. 12 0.875 44545.350 44802.150 256.800 116.802 In Tunnel 4
12. 13 3.977 45617.650 45898.03 280.380 160.383 In Tunnel 4
13. 14 3.889 45947.220 46537.140 589.920 389.921 In Tunnel 4
14. 14A 3.941 48133.513 48039.140 94.373 54.373 In Tunnel 8
15 14B 3.941 48247.886 48153.513 94.373 54.373 In Tunnel 8
16. 15 1.373 50888.740 51094.578 205.838 85.838 In Tunnel 8
17. 15A 1.346 3705.812 3497.114 208.698 88.698 Tunnel 8 DL
18. 16 1.750 59518.345 59708.078 189.733 69.734 In Tunnel 8
19 16A 1.707 12319.69 12126.720 192.977 72.977 Tunnel 8 DL
20. 17 2.500 61142.219 61800.022 657.803 457.804 In Tunnel
21 17A 3.941 13763.954 13670.725 93.23 33.23 In tunnel 8 DL
22. 17B 2.475 14383.990 13891.290 492.698 432.698 In Tunnel 8 DL
22 18 3.889 63398.251 64114.473 716.22 514.222 In Tunnel 9

23 19 2.500 65096.942 66146.649 1049.707 840.707 In Tunnel 9

24 20 1.017 66334.061 67325.537 991.476 895.476 Maletha Yard

25 21 0.318 68076.530 71327.97 3251.458 3211.458 Tunnel 10
26 22 1.522 72191.670 72599.27 407.602 311.602 Srinagar yard
27 23 3.182 72734.825 73463.470 728.646 512.646 Srinagar Yard
to Br 9
28 24 2.333 74084.499 74715.127 630.627 390.627 Tunnel 11
29 25 2.333 75091.160 75894.509 803.35 563.350 Tunnel 11
30 26 2.333 80108.809 80590.965 482.156 242.156 Tunnel 11
31 27 0.769 82701.609 86287.403 3285.794 3485.794 Dhari yard and
Tunnel 12
32 28 1.944 86407.226 87533.960 1126.734 976.734 Tunnel 12
33 29 1.944 89688.207 90528.479 840.272 690.272 Tunnel 12
34 30 2.333 90896.740 91821.159 924.418 684.418 Tunnel 12 and
35 31 2.333 93452.503 93827.662 375.159 135.519 Tunnel 13
36 32 1.750 99704.869 99909.700 204.831 64.831 Tunnel 13
37 33 1.207 100706.603 101992.647 1286.043 1186.043 Tilani yard Br
13 and Tunnel
Section 4 Page 19 of 72
38 34 1.750 103102.295 103668.05 565.755 365.755 Tunnel 14
39 35 0.700 104414.222 107773.029 3358.807 3298.807 Tunnel 14
40 36 1.582 108280.119 109177.628 897.509 777.509 Gholtir yard
and Tunnel 15
41 37 2.5 109374.304 110063.240 688.937 488.937 Tunnel 15
42 38 0.875 110614.095 111801.172 1187.077 987.077 Tunnel 15
43 39 2.692 113652.085 114917.586 1265.501 1041.501 Tunnel 15
44 40 3.995 115323.667 115927.929 604.262 484.262 Tunnel 15
45 41 2.000 115974.152 116959.565 985.416 955.413 Tunnel 15
46 42 3.684 116974.297 117373.579 399.461 361.461 Tunnel 15
47 43 2.059 118308.202 118633.138 324.936 124.936 Tunnel 16
48 44 0.875 119506.086 120480.612 964.530 864.530 Tunnel 16
49 45 1.458 123139.648 123791.126 651.478 451.478 Tunnel 16

1.2 Definitions
(i) CRS: Commissioner of Metro Railway Safety/Commission of
Railway Safety.
(ii) MOR: Ministry of Railways
(iii)Eligible System or Proven Track Structure: shall mean a
ballast less track Structure system or fastening system installed
anywhere in India or elsewhere the world which should have
been in successful operation on mixed traffic conditions for a
continuous minimum length of 10 km with minimum axle load
of 22MT on goods trains and operational speed of at least 130
kmph on passenger trains for at least 5 Years since the date of
operation as on deadline of submission of proposal.
(iv) Proof Checking Agency: Agency appointed by RVNL for the
review and checking of all the designs, drawings, documents,
etc. submitted by System Provider (DDC).
(v) RDSO: Research Designs and Standards Organization, under
(vi) System Provider: System provider is the firm which has
successfully provided the proven eligible ballastless system or
supplied proven fastening for eligible system.
(vii) Designer: Designer is the firm which has designed the proven
ballastless track system which should have been in successful
operation on mixed traffic conditions for a continuous minimum
length of 10 km with minimum axle load of 22MT on goods
trains and operational speed of at least 130 kmph on passenger
trains for at least 5 Years since the date of operation as on
deadline of submission of proposal.
(viii) System Provider and Designer: The agency to be engaged
under the extent tender.
(ix) Consultant: The agency to be engaged under the extent tender
Section 4 Page 20 of 72
which is system provider and designer is referred as Consultant
in the extent tender.
Track Structure System: Track structure System is Ballast
less track (BLT) includes all components of track such as Rails,
Rail Fastenings, Rail Support system, sleeper/ slab, Mass
Spring System and all other components to be provided above
the track bed including connections with the track bed.
(x) Track Construction Contractor (Contractor): Agency
responsible for execution and installation of track structure
along with supply and fixing of approved fastenings, appointed
by the Employer.
(xi) SOD: Indian Railway Schedule of Dimension.
(xii) Ballastless track: A ballastless track or slab track is a type of
railway track in which the elastic combination of ties/sleepers
and ballast is replaced by a rigid construction of concrete.
(xiii) Ballastless track system: It is a combination of ballastless
track and Rail Fastenings.

1.3 The detailed scope of services:

System Provider shall perform the activities of Detail Design and

technical assistance for implementation and installation of BLT.
Proposed Ballastless track structure system and fastening
system shall be the same for which the Consultant fulfilled
the EQC requirements during the bidding.

Description of main activities to be carried out (but not limited

to) is given below:

(i) Provide all necessary IPR of the ballastless track structure

system to RVNL for the production and installation of Track
structure system.
(ii) Provide the design and drawings of the Eligible System which
fulfilled the EQC requirements with the Employer.
(iii) Design the customized Ballast less track structure system as
per technical requirements of Indian Railways in Part-2: TOR.
(iv) Provide specifications, Design and Drawings of proven fastening
of eligible systems with required documents for the proposed
track structure system.
(v) Submit the details of each component used in the fastening on
Ballast less track structure including:
a) Component drawings clearly showing dimension details of
each component including source of supply.
b) Material composition and specification for each
Section 4 Page 21 of 72
component along with relevant codes, standards and
acceptance criteria.
c) Inspection and test plan of each component along with
relevant codes, standards and acceptance criteria.
d) Inspection and test plan for complete fastening system

(vi) Provide specification, shop drawings or part drawings of all the

materials including System Specific Material used in Track
Structure system and potential vendors for procuring the
System Specific Material.
(vii) Prepare and provide detail documents describing the procedure
for Production of pre-casted elements of the track structure.
(viii) Submission of “Factory setup report” for setting up the factory
for pre-casted elements of track structure which shall include
but not limited to:
a) Detail Plan of the factory
b) Requirements of plant and machinery
c) Lab and testing equipment’s
d) Production supervision and Testing Facilities
e) Quality Assurance and Quality control manual for the
f) Design, detail drawing of Shuttering and moulds for Pre-
casted elements
g) Estimation of manpower requirement for production
supervision of Pre-casted elements including Quality
(ix) Inspection of Shuttering and moulds for Pre-casted elements
(x) Supervision of production of pre-casted elements including
Quality Assurance and mock-ups.
(xi) Prepare and provide installation manual including
construction methodology, machinery, T&P requirements,
installation tolerances etc. Quality Assurance manual during
installation of track.
(xii) Provide in-person training to Employer/Employer’s personnel
(PMC staff) for production of pre-casted elements in factory
and installation of track structure system. Training shall be
provided by the EXPAT personnel of consultant’s firm (original
system provider/ fastening supplier firm). EXPAT personnel
should be regular employee of the consultant’s firm for at least
5 years which has been involved in production of pre-cast
Section 4 Page 22 of 72
(xiii) Provide manpower for supervision of installation of BLT as per
the requirements given in TOR part (2). Total of 8 personnel
will be required for technical supervision of BLT installation at
various worksites. These persons to be engaged for the
supervision of the work should have the experience of at least
5 years in the installation of similar Track Structure System
at site. CV of all these personnel shall be submitted to RVNL
for approval as per Form Tech 20 (8/13). Before deployment in
the site, these personnel should be trained by official of
consultant’s firm and a certificate of competency shall be
submitted to RVNL.
(xiv) Prepare and provide maintenance manual, renewal manual
and methodology of restoration of damaged track, for all type
of track structures provided for mixed traffic conditions.
(xv) Provide technical support required for testing,
instrumentation and getting clearances from statutory bodies
for commissioning of the system.
(xvi) The Rishikesh-Karanprayag rail line section is on a hilly
terrain with multiple tunnels with limited open space in
between the tunnels. The Ballastless track is to be provided
in all the tunnels. For providing the Ballastless track in
between tunnel locations on various major bridges,
embankment /open-area, yard etc, detailed study of the L-
section of the alignment shared by the Employer is to be
performed by Consultant for feasibility of LWR and
Ballastless track. A feasibility report shall be submitted with
detailed justification for approval of the proof
(xvii) The consultant must get the Rail Structure Interaction (RSI)
studies done for continuation of LWR track over all the
bridges and structures (if required) following relevant
provisions of Indian Railways/UIC codes in this regard. The
consultant must prepare LWR plans for the complete track
length and get these approved from NR/RDSO through
In case bridge is passing in RSI analysis, then LWR/CWR
shall be laid on that bridge. In case bridge is failing in RSI
analysis, the track shall be designed with low toe load
fastenings or rail free fastenings. If still requirements of
laying LWR/CWR are not met then, SEJ shall be designed in
such a way that LWR/CWR can be continued through the
bridge and hence, BLT construction is possible.
(xviii) Design of ballast less track with selected fastening system for
Section 4 Page 23 of 72
60 Kg or similar Rail Section in tunnels, on bridges, in yards,
on formations and in transition portion from Ballasted track
in tunnel and formation, Ballastless track to ballasted track
and vice versa; including arrangement for prevention of
derailment like slab/block, preparation of associated
drawings & specifications, maintenance manual for the
ballast less track on freight/mixed (passenger and freight)
traffic route for straight & curved track in tunnels, on
Formation (cutting & banking), on bridges, yards and in
transition portion from ballast less track to ballasted track
with design criteria based on latest international
standards/codes/proven practices. Design of derailment
guard should be such that it is possible to do in situ AT
welding in case of rail/Weld failure.
(xix) Detailed designs of ballast less track system of all types
(track on straight, track on curves, track on
ramps/transition slab/tunnels/bridges), track on gradient,
track with mass spring system for noise and vibration
mitigation, track with or without shear keys, track with
prefabricated slabs for turnouts including arrangement for
fixing of point driving machines, 2nd drive and any other
arrangement required for fixation of S&T and OHE
equipment, all type of working drawings & details.
(xx) Detailed designs of ballast less track system including
provision of Rail-free fastening, low Toe-load Fastenings,
design of Rail Expansion Joint (SEJ) over the BLT bridge in
case, Bridge is not passing in RSI analysis and LWR must be
continued over the Railway bridge having BLT.
(xxi) The work shall also include design of Ballast less track in
Yards, Turnouts, Turnouts taking off from curved track, SEJ,
Glued joints, etc. Overall length of turnouts should not
exceed the standard length of turnouts given in approved
yard plans (ESP). The turnouts to be designed for 25MT axle
load for straight and curves with all necessary fittings. The
design shall be approved from RDSO, and it is solely the
responsibility of the Consultant to get the design approved
from the competent organization or authorities.
(xxii) The SEJ are to be designed for 25MT axle load with all
necessary fittings. The design shall be approved from RDSO,
and it is solely the responsibility of the Consultant to get the
design approved from the competent organization or
(xxiii) Design and drawings of BLT will have to be got approved and
Section 4 Page 24 of 72
proof checked. It shall not absolve the consultant from
producing the Ballast less track of proper functional utility
for which it is designed. All necessary software /
specification and other documents required for evaluation of
design and drawings will have to be arranged by the
Consultant. The Consultant shall be prompt in clarifying the
objections/doubts of the Proof consultant/RVNL. At no
stage, work at site should suffer on account of design.
System Provider is advised to propose minimum three
agencies of international repute who are suitable to do proof
checking of Ballast less Track Structure.
(xxiv) Design shall be as per relevant codes of practice such as BIS,
EN, IRS, IRC and UIC with latest revision/edition. If for any
item/work, above mentioned codes are not relevant, best
available Engineering Practice/International Code shall be
(xxv) Design & details of suitable Transition System for smooth
transition from ballasted track to ballastless track on both
ends shall be part of the design of ballastless track.
(xxvi) Design and details of Expansion / Contraction joints in
ballast less track at suitable intervals shall be part of the
design of ballastless track.
(xxvii) Design of C-clamps for holding the joggled fish plates for
emergency protection of rail/weld in Ballastless track
during the track operations.
Note: The C-clamps used in Ballasted track require more
clearance below the rail for clamping the joggled fish with the
rail. The C-clamps are to be customized in the manner that they
can be provided for protection of rail/weld in Ballastless track
with available clearance between concrete surface and bottom of
rail. The design of customized C-clamp should be suitable for
25MT axle load.
(xxviii) Technical parameters required for foundation of Ballastless
track shall be suitably considered for Indian conditions and
shall be mentioned in the design along with their test code
& procedure. A design monograph of varying sub- grade
characteristics, if applicable, to be provided by the firm /
(xxix) Feasibility study of locations for the storage of rails,
transportation of the material to the site and methodology
for laying of this is to be done by the consultant.
(xxx) Submission of detailed drawings including shop drawings,
material specifications, technical parameters and
Section 4 Page 25 of 72
characteristics, manufacturing tolerances, etc of all the
components of BLT (Ballastless Track) including of
fastenings system. Submission of construction methodology
including QAP for installation of ballastless track.
(xxxi) Preparation of welding plans with minimum permissible
number of AT welds and getting approved by RVNL. AT
welds shall be used only at de-stressing of rails locations.
Any deviation shall have to be approved by the Engineer.
(xxxii) Provision of duct crossings in BLT for electrical, signal &
telecommunication etc. shall be kept in drawings.
(xxxiii) Quoted rates include cost involved in providing all above
services including the expenditure on all experts and
facilities required to carry out the deliverables for detailed
design and other site related activities.

2. Transfer of Technology
2.1 System provider shall transfer technology and know-how of
the proposed track structure system and fastening systems
to RVNL through proven designs, drawings, technical
specifications, other relevant documents and demonstrating
the techniques for production of various elements &
2.2 System Provider shall provide all valid and necessary
unconditional IPR of the proposed ballastless track or
fastening system Track Structure System and fittings in
entirety, if any to RVNL for the production and installation
of Track structure system. It is a deemed accepted condition
of contract that the System Provider indemnifies and save
harmless the Employer from and against all claims and
proceedings on account of infringements of patents rights,
design, trademark name etc.
2.3 Decision for transfer of technology including intellectual
property rights (IPR of ballastless track or fastening system)
shall be solely at the discretion of the client/employer. In
this regard, employer’s decision will be final and binding on
both the parties. No claims regarding the decrease in value
of the contract price due to non-operation of the item will be

3. Functional Design Requirements-Track Structure

System Provider shall be overall responsible for proper
functioning of the Track Structure System and shall incorporate
the following requirements of track in its design.
Section 4 Page 26 of 72
3.1 Ballastless Track Structure
The Ballastless track structure system is to be designed for
the design speed of 130 kmph and operational speed of 100
Kmph for 25MT axle load and shall also comply the
requirements of RDSO, Noise & Vibration (N&V)
requirements, Civil works, Electrical works, S&T works,
Rolling Stock etc. as per the requirements of Indian Railway
standards. System Provider will be responsible for the
proper and efficient working of track throughout the life

In general, the Track structure designed for the Project


• Ensure highest levels of safety, reliability and comfort.

• Have noise and vibration emitted by train passing well
within the limits laid down in Noise and Vibrations
guidelines set out in this document.
• Ensure surface and sub-surface drainage.
• Ensure low resistance traction current return path.
• Integrate with other systems.
• Resist the Track forces.
• Have adequate edge distance of concrete beyond the
anchor bolts (in case of direct fixation fasteners) to
provide resistance against edge failure.
• Provide a level base for uniform transmission of rail forces.
• Have geometrical accuracy and enable installation of Track
to the laid down tolerances.
• Ensure adequate drainage.
• Resist weathering.
• Be construction friendly, maintainable and quickly
repairable in the event of an accident-causing damages to
the Track structure.
• Ensure provision for electrical continuity between
consecutive Track structure’s elements by an appropriate
3.2 Requirement for Service Life of Track Structure System
& Components:
(i) The design life of Track Structure System above ground
shall be a minimum of 100 years unless otherwise
specified or agreed upon.
(ii) Adequate measures shall be proposed to ensure
minimum of 100 years serviceability of track
Section 4 Page 27 of 72
structures, producing durable concrete and the
durability of system specific components shall be
proposed by the System provider and agreed by the
Employer/Employer’s representative.
(iii) The System Provider is expected to submit a report
demonstrating, the approach in design & selection of
material to achieve required design life.
3.3 Rails
For main line the general rail section shall be 60E-1, 1175
grade Heat treated.
3.4 Rail Fastening System
The proposed Rail Fastening System shall meet the criteria
given in Para 7 of Part 2-TOR-Technical specification.
3.5 Check rail/ Restraining rail
The track structure system shall accommodate check rail /
restraining rails on curves of sharper radius or anywhere
else as per the SOD of Indian Railway.
3.6 Derailment Containment Provisions
The derailment guard shall be provided inside of the
running rails in tunnels and bridges as per the provisions of
Indian Railway.
3.7 Continuous Welded Rail (CWR)
System Provider shall design the railway track as LWR/CWR
throughout the section including through turnouts. Switch
Expansion Joint (SEJ) may be provided at locations where it
is unavoidable.
3.8 Turnouts
System Provider shall provide customized design as per the
requirement given in Part1-TOR para 1.4 XXV in
consultation with the proof Consultant.
3.9 Rail Inclination
1 in 20
3.10 Switch Expansion Joints
SEJ shall be incorporated in the Track structure System as
per the requirements.
3.11 Requirements for earthing, bonding and corrosion
System Provider shall consider the requirements of Indian
Railway for electrical isolation, signalling track circuits,
electrical insulation levels to be maintained by rail supports
and rail fasteners in wet and dry operating conditions,
including the type of insulated joints, surface water
drainage requirements, corrosion control from stray
Section 4 Page 28 of 72
currents, touch potentials from the traction return currents,
etc. in the track structure.
3.12 Buffer Stops
System Provider shall incorporate the requirements of
Buffer Stop, while customizing the Track Structure System.
3.13 Track Tolerances
Track parameters to be adopted during production of pre
casted elements, installation of track and maintenance
tolerances required for the proper functioning of track
during its life cycle shall be provided by the System Provider
in consultation with Employer/Proof Consultant.
Installation and maintenance tolerances are already given in
Para 2 Track details in part 2-TOR-Technical Specifications.
Propose suitable methods for quality control of track
parameters during production installation and
maintenance, so that prescribed tolerances can be achieved.
3.14 Interface with other Agencies
The System Provider in consultation with proof-consultant
shall include in the design, the facilities as required by other
system wide agencies for the support of their equipment.
3.15 Noise and Vibration issues
System Provider shall design the Track Structure System to
mitigate the noise and vibrations as per the requirement set
by the Employer/Proof-consultant.
3.16 Technical Specifications
The System Provider shall also consider and prepare
technical specifications for any material, workmanship
specifications for design, manufacture and installation of
track work as per requirement in consultation with proof-
3.17 Ministry of Railway and/ or RDSO approvals
All new track components proposed for use on any railway
system in India is required to be investigated, tested and
authorized by the RDSO/ Ministry of Railways. All track
components not previously approved by the Ministry of
Railways (MoR) and proposed for use by the Employer may
require testing under the Ministry of Railways. Employer will
undertake the necessary applications. System Provider shall
provide all technical and relevant details for meeting the
requirements of MoR. The System Provider in consultation
with proof-consultant will assist the Employer with requisite
details in replying any queries by the MoR and other stake
holders. System Provider shall attend meetings with MoR /
Section 4 Page 29 of 72
RDSO whenever required.

4. Services to be provided during Design Stage

4.1 The System Provider will design and customized the proven
track structure eligible system as per the requirements of
RVNL. The System provider will incorporate all the details
suggested by proof checking agency. The proof checking
agency appointed by the RVNL will Proof Check the Design
and drawings submitted by the System Provider.

4.2 Codes and Standards

System Provider shall submit the list of relevant standards
which are applicable to various aspects of the Works to
Employer/Employer’s Representative and provide the
relevant extracts of the standards in English.

System Provider shall use the RDSO approved guidelines (if

available), Detailed Project Report, SOD of the Employer,
relevant codes and standards for preparation of Design
Basis Reports and to propose Design and Planning Criteria
and any other design specifications for approval by the
Employer as the basis for developing the full design,
Construction reference Drawings, Good for Construction
Drawings, Cost Estimates and BOQs.

4.3 Stages of submission of various designs and reports.

The analysis, design and drawings shall be submitted in
three phases i.e. Inception, pre-final(Design Basis Report)
and final design phases with the pre-final design to a
standard sufficiently detailed to permit RVNL to incorporate
them into ‘construct only’ tenders without much further
amendments. Final designs shall follow acceptance of the
pre-final designs. Final designs and drawings should be fit
for adoption and while submitting these, consultant will
ensure that designs and drawings are functionally
compatible for the multi-disciplinary works and the
construction activity on such works, is not hampered or
delayed for want of timely availability of the designs and
drawings. ‘Good for Construction’ drawings and documents
covering the full scope of works shall be produced and
submitted as part of Final design.
4.3.1 Inception report
The inception report shall be submitted within 4 weeks from
Section 4 Page 30 of 72
the date of commencement of services, comprising-
 Design note containing design criteria
 The Approach and Method Statement to meet the
requirement of Deliverables and Services as per Terms
of Reference (TOR).
 Submission of outline of design criteria and
construction methodology.
 The identification of design codes and standards.
 Detailed programme of design work identifying the Key
Performance Indicators.
 List of personnel along with role and responsibility.

4.3.2 Pre-final Design

Pre-final design which shall be submitted within 10
weeks from the date of commencement of services.
The Pre-Final Designs shall provide RVNL with an
indication of the manner in which the works will
be performed in general and shall consist of key
features pertinent to the design work. The Pre-Final
Designs submission shall be a coherent and complete
set of documents, properly consolidated and indexed
and shall fully describe the proposed Pre-Final
Designs. It shall include but not limited to the
following: Design Manual (Design Basis Report) -

System Provider shall prepare a Design Basis Report
(DBR) which shall be approved by the
Employer/Proof-consultant of Employer after studying
project requirements bringing out the design
philosophy and criteria for design of the track

System provider should keep in mind that they should

provide best options, methodologies; strategies by way
of value engineering and optimized design suited for
best interest of the Employer. Any methodology
proposed should be analysed properly in terms of
time, cost, suitability, affordability, availability of the
same locally.

The Design Manual shall incorporate all design

requirements/criteria, standard codes/ manuals/
Section 4 Page 31 of 72
guidelines, loading cases, construction methodology,
permissible movements and deflections, material
properties, Detailed construction methodology, details
of support system design and all other documents or
matters which are relevant to and govern the design.
The design manual shall refer to all codes and
standard used, making clear their specific
applications. The design manual shall be produced so
that it can be used by those involved in the
preparation or review of the design of the permanent
works as a comprehensive reference text and efficient
working document. Pre-final detailed design of BLT structure system

including design reports, calculations, drawings of all
track components. It should be in sufficient details
for Proof Consultant to examine it without any
difficulty and all the technical support including raw
data file and software shall be made available to
4.3.3 Preparation of tender document for construction
work of BLT:
Submission of tender document complete in all
respects for bidding, involving Bill of Quantities
(BOQ), specifications, TOR, preliminary tender
design/ drawings, quantity calculations, Calculation
and Analysis of rates, Quality Assurance Plan (QAP),
Specific/General Conditions etc. for all works required
for construction of BLT works and associated works
within 16 weeks from the date of commencement of
4.3.4 Final design:
The final design shall be submitted within 22 weeks
from the date of commencement of services. The Final
Design is the design of the permanent works
embodied in:

 The latest revision of the documents comprised

in the Pre-final designs, taking account of
comments, if any.
 The latest revision of the Construction
Reference Drawings;
 The calculations;

Section 4 Page 32 of 72
 All deliverables as per scope of work; and
 Such other documents as may be submitted by
the consultant at the request of RVNL’s
representative to illustrate and describe the
Permanent works and for which a letter/notice
has been issued.
The submission shall contain the final design
drawings, specifications, Bill of Quantities and
Employer’s Requirements for use in the Contract
Documents and Drawings for issue on award of the
Construction. Complete design report including a sign
off letter from each designated consultant/designer
shall also be submitted.
4.3.5 Key dates for Detailed Design activities
Activities shall be completed as per the Key Dates
given below:

Activity Completed Key dates

1 BLT and associated works Design Date of
1(a) Submission of Inception Report as a complete 4
job and acceptance there on by RVNL/Proof-
consultant. (Ref.para4.3.1of Part-1 Section-4:
1(b) Submission of feasibility report for Ballasted 8
track & Ballastless track and LWR Plan

1(c) Submission of Pre-Final Designs as a 10

complete job and acceptance thereon by
RVNL/Proof-consultant. (Ref. para 4.3.2 of
Part-1 Section-4: TOR)
1(d) Submission of tender documents for 16
construction of BLT and associated work as a
complete job and acceptance thereon by
(Ref. para 4.3.3 of Part-1 Section-4: TOR)
1(e) Submission of All other reports mentioned 20
anywhere in this document (TOR-Section4).
1(f) Submission of Final Design as a complete job 22
(Ref. para 4.3.4 of Part-1 Section-4: TOR)

Section 4 Page 33 of 72
1(g) Acceptance thereon by RVNL/Proof-consultant. 26

4.4 Sets of design/reports to be submitted by Consultant

A soft copy of each item listed below shall be delivered

together with the number of hard copies indicated below for
the final and accepted submissions. All material shall be
delivered to RVNL as follows:

Deliverables No. Sets of copies

Inception Report 20% 6 Copies
Pre-Final Design Submission 4 Sets of drawing A1 size
4 Sets of design calculations
4 Copies of various
4 All other deliverables

Final Design Submission 20% 6 Sets of drawings A1 size

6 Sets of GFC drawings A1 size
6 Sets of design calculations and
1 Full set of original drawings in
editable and pdf format
3 Sets of all other Reports

4.5 Submission of Design

4.5.1 Unless otherwise required by RVNL, calculations
relevant to the Design shall be submitted for review with
the respective Design Submission. The Employer’s
Representative may require the submission of applicable
software including in house software program/work
sheets developed by the Consultant, computer input and
program logic for its review prior to the acceptance of the
computer output.

4.5.2 Consultant will submit two copies of design

calculations and drawings to RVNL for obtaining NOC

Section 4 Page 34 of 72
after which the consultant will submit final copies for
execution and record. However, the responsibility for
correctness/adequacy of the design shall continue to lie
with the consultant.

4.5.3 Consultant will prepare his design note containing

design criteria and obtain No Objection Certificate (NOC)
signed from RVNL to proceed with the detailed design.
However, the responsibility for correctness/adequacy of
the design shall continue to lie with the consultant.

4.5.4 The Consultant shall prepare and submit a

comprehensive set of a calculation for the Pre-Final
Design in a form acceptable to RVNL. Should the design of
the Permanent works be revised thereafter, and such
revision renders the calculations, as submitted, obsolete
or inaccurate, the Consultant shall prepare and submit
the revised calculations.

4.5.5 Drawing Standards: Construction drawings are to

comply with Indian standard procedures and formats, and
are to detail the design criteria and any other information
that is relevant to ensuring that the new structure is
constructed and maintained in accordance with the
4.6 Installation Manual
System Provider shall prepare and provide installation
manual which shall include but not limited to:
i. Construction methodology,
ii. Machinery requirements
iii. T&P requirements
iv. Installation tolerances
v. Quality Assurance manual for Track installation

4.7 Mock-ups, Test Tracks, Laboratory Tests

System Provider shall demonstrate adequacy and

suitability of track design and construction concepts for
installation of track through sample track/mock-up/test
track construction including laboratory testing and
instrumentation to establish compliance to DBR,
including testing. The cost of providing all materials, track
fastenings, construction of sample track/mock-up/test
Section 4 Page 35 of 72
track, for conducting the tests shall be borne by the
Employer under the supervision of System Provider and
Employer. System Provider shall assist employer in all the
technical issues and queries of MOR/RDSO etc.
The System Provider will analyse the test reports and
recommend any change in the track structure design, to
Employer’s representative/ Employer. The changes
approved by the Employer / Employer’s representative
will be suitably incorporated in the Track structure
design. System Provider shall assist the
Employer/Employer’s representative in filing the required
documents to secure approval of statutory authorities.
In order to confirm the design properties of all the
components of the track structure for structural strength,
electrical insulation, dynamic, fatigue resistance, etc., the
System Provider shall recommend the full spectrum of
tests to be performed, the equipment to be used, the test
procedure and the acceptability of test results.

4.8 Training for Employer/Employer’s Representative

4.8.1 The consultant shall make all arrangements and

bear the cost for at least 5-day study tour for training,
knowledge enhancement and inspections covering design
aspects, construction, maintenance, technological
advancements in BLT, etc, in the country of origin, for the
officials of Employer. Each of the visits may have three or
more officials and a duration of five or more working days
excluding days of travel. However, Man-Days spent for all
such visits combined will be limited to a total of 150 Man-
Days (inclusive of intervening non-working days but
excluding the day of arrival and departure). The class of
air travel for all officials will be business class, and hotel
accommodation shall not be less than USD 280 for
Directors and above, USD 160 for CPM/GM level and
USD 130 for rest of the RVNL officials. Place of return
journey can be accommodated from other places within
the limits of air journey tickets. The other expenses like
hiring of local transport, to & fro airport/hotel etc;
transport costs associated with inspection,
refreshments/working lunch etc shall be borne by
consultant and deemed to be included in quoted rates of
the bid.
Section 4 Page 36 of 72
4.8.2 The Consultant shall also organize at least 5
training sessions (classroom sessions) spread over a
period of 1 year for the training of the officials of the
Indian Railways after commissioning of the Ballastless
track so as to get familiar with the ballastless track
system and how to inspect/maintain the BLT and its
fastenings and other BLT features. The training sessions
shall be detailed and must cover the know-how of the
ballastless track system and its parts including
fastenings. Each training session will be of 2 days
duration. These training sessions shall be delivered in
person at conference hall of RVNL at Rishikesh by the
competent official of consultant’s firm (Original System
Provider and fastening supplier firm). Training sessions
will be organized after the approval of the employer.

5 Services to be provided for BLT construction tender

5.1 Tender for Construction Contractor
System Provider shall provide employer’s requirement and
BOQ for engaging Track construction contractor to install
the track and fastening system as per the requirement.

System Provider shall provide Drawings for tender,

Specifications or revisions of such documents, and other
information, wherever required, shall be submitted to
Employer / Employer’s Representative, and prepare a bid-
document for construction of the Ballastless track and
supply of the proposed fastenings.

System provider shall furnish technical explanations and

clarifications to specific queries of the Tenderers during
the pre-bid meeting. System provider shall provide
technical assistance in finalization of BLT works tender.
5.2 System Specific Material
System Specific Material here means all the proprietary
materials/ parts to be used for construction of Ballastless
Track excluding items Rail, Rail fastenings, Cement
Concrete (castin-situ/ Pre-casted), Prestress cables and
Reinforcement Steel.

System Provider shall provide specification, shop

drawings or part drawings of all the System Specific
Section 4 Page 37 of 72
materials used in Track Structure system and List of the
potential suppliers for procuring the same.

6 Services to be provided during Construction Stage

6.1 Pre-casted Elements
System Provider shall prepare and provide detail
documents describing the procedure for Production of pre
casted elements of the track structure including
estimation of manpower requirement to produce pre-
casted elements. The setting up of the Pre-casted
elements factory will be under the scope of Track
Construction Contractor, the number of factories will
depend upon the quantum of work and System Provider
shall prepare and provide a “Factory setup report” which
shall include but not limited to:
a. Detail Plan of the factory
b. Requirements of plant and machinery
c. Lab and testing equipment’s
d. Production supervision and Testing Facilities
e. Quality Assurance and Quality control manual for
the production
f. Design, and drawing of Shuttering and moulds for
Pre-casted elements
g. Estimation of manpower requirement for production
supervision of Pre-casted elements including Quality

6.2 Services to be provided in the Factory

In the factory, System Provider shall provide its services
(a) Inspection of Shuttering and moulds to produce pre-
casted elements
(b) Supervision of Mock-ups for production of pre-casted
(c) Supervision of production of pre-casted elements
(d) Quality Control/Quality Assurance of production

For ensuring quality delivery of above services, the

consultant shall deploy an EXPAT personnel (Chief
Quality cum Production Manager) in the factory. The
deployed personnel shall be regular employee of the
Section 4 Page 38 of 72
consultant’s firm (Original Ballastless track structure
system provider firm) with minimum service of 5 years in
the consultant’s firm. The personnel should have worked
in the capacity of production in-charge or one post lower,
in pre-cast factory. Total experience of the expat shall not
be less than 15 years in similar field (pre-cast production
of BLT slab/sleeper). A certificate from the director of
consultant’s firm fulfilling above conditions should be
submitted to the employer before deployment. CV of the
EXPAT personnel duly signed by the authorized signatory
of the consultant also should be submitted to the RVNL
for approval. EXPAT personnel shall be deployed only
after the approval of the CV by RVNL. After his
deployment complete supervision of production of precast
elements will be under him and all QA-QC documents
pertaining to production of pre-cast elements shall be
signed by him.

6.3 Installation Supervision

System Provider shall provide manpower for supervision
of installation. The person to be engaged for the
supervision work should have the experience as asked in
from TECH-20(8/13) of section 3- Forms of the bid
System Provider shall prepare inspection sheets during
site visits which shall be submitted to the Employer at the
end of each month and suggest modifications, if any for
the installation of the track structure.

7 Design Support during Construction Stage

The System Provider shall provide design support for all
construction activities including coordination, review of shop
drawings of the contractor, and modifications / revisions of
CRDs / GFCs and other drawings as required in the
construction contract. The System Provider will alter the
design in case of major design changes.

System Provider shall propose rectification and repair

methodology pertaining to works upon request from
contractor / Employer and submit necessary additional
designs, drawings and necessary technical documentation as
required, to the Employer for approval.

Section 4 Page 39 of 72
System Provider shall review the as-built drawings submitted
by the contractors with respect to GFC/ Latest design
Modifications on a continuous basis.

Representatives of System Provider shall attend site meetings

as and when required by the Employer, during the design
stage and construction phase to provide his services. The
result of such visits shall be reported to the Employer
immediately, if urgent actions are required
8 Meeting during the consultancy services
8.1 In addition to the express requirements herein, the
consultant shall whenever RVNL’s representative so requests,
provide information and participate in discussion/progress
review meetings that relate to design, preparation of
construction tender documents and progress of works etc.
8.2 During all stages of the Consultancy Services, the Consultant
shall arrange and convene regular meetings and working
sessions, question and answer session so that RVNL is kept
informed of the progress and development of the contract.
Drawings computer simulations and output, models and
graphic sketches etc. shall be used to explain and illustrate
the details of the proposal whenever necessary.
8.3 The frequency of regular meetings and working sessions shall
be monthly, or as and when required, or as instructed by
RVNL’s representative.
9 Penalty during design phase and support during
9.1 Deficiency in Services
For non-performance of any obligation/provision of services as
stipulated in the Terms of Reference OR non-compliance of the
contract or delay in submission of the documents/reports, during
design phase or support during construction a deduction of Rs.
25,000/- shall be applicable for each instance of non-
performance/ non-compliance.

10 Organization
10.1 General
System Provider shall establish an efficient organization
to the satisfaction of the Employer for carrying out all
services according to programme and requirements
organization chart shall be submitted to the Employer.

Section 4 Page 40 of 72
10.2 Professional independence
9.2.1 Consultant shall have no direct or indirect interests
in commercial, manufacturing or contracting
activities that might tend to influence its
professional judgment. It is remunerated solely by
the fees paid to it by RVNL.

9.2.2 It shall approach all assignments objectively and by

using sound technical and economic principles and
provide solutions, which serve the best interest of
9.2.3 The Consultant shall give a declaration that its firm
has no financial or managerial ties with other
organization that could influence its independence.
10.3 Quality Assurance Plan
System Provider shall establish a Quality Assurance Plan
(QAP) and a system of internal checking and approval of
all deliverables prepared and submitted to the Employer’s
Representative for approval, duly signed by Team Leader.
The purpose of the checking shall be to ensure accuracy
and consistency, as well as compliance with
requirements, standards, codes etc. Certification of such
a check has been carried out, shall be issued to the
Employer’s Representative with each batch of
documentation of acceptance, at the final submission and
subsequent submissions.
Internal checks shall be carried out by personnel who
have experience and competence equal or superior to the
originator, but who have not been involved in producing
the original design. All the design drawings and
calculations shall be checked & then to be submitted to
Employer/Employer’s Representative.
The QAP shall identify the personnel, procedures,
instructions, records and forms necessary to implement
the plan with the following minimum requirements:
• Certification process of deliverables for issue
• Organizational structure;
• document control;
• checking of documents;
• document control;
• internal quality audit; and
• Corrective action.
11 Project Director, nominated by the Employer, will be the
Section 4 Page 41 of 72
Employer’s Representative.


Section 4 Page 42 of 72
Terms of Reference
Technical specifications

Section 4 Page 43 of 72
1 Technical Specifications for Ballastless Track (BLT)

1.1 Design Requirements

The design of the ballastless track shall be done in accordance
with EN 16432 -Part 1 and EN 16432-Part 2. The construction
and performance of ballastless track systems shall be as per EN
16432-Part 3. In designing Ballastless track for straight & curved
track on Indian Railways, the following parameters may be
considered for guidance.

(i) Main line for 25MT axle load & speed 130 100 kmph (Mixed
(ii) Loop line for 25MT axle load & speed 50kmph.
(iii) Dynamic augment shall be 2.5.

(iv) Spacing or supports to rails – preferably at every 65 60

cm (wherever rails are supported on sleepers / discrete supports)
so that the permissible bending stress in rails are not exceeded
beyond stipulated values. The values of permissible bending
stress are as under:
1. For LWR section – 25.25 kg/mm2 (for 110 90 UTS)
2. For SWP – 30.25 kg/mm2 (for 110 90 UTS)
3. For FP section – 36.00 kg/mm2 (for 110 90 UTS)

(v) Upward reaction/ pressure from support base should be

clearly mentioned in design.

(vi) Exceptional vertical loads shall be checked taking into

account the low frequency of occurrence.

(vii) Longitudinal loads caused by braking and acceleration

shall be considered equivalent to the force generated by at least
2.5 m/s2 in combination with the corresponding vertical loads.
Above minimum value of acceleration may be increased suitably
as per Indian Railway condition as instructed by the engineer.

(viii) Bearing Capacity: The limiting stress to be applied by

the ballastless track system shall be specified. Unless otherwise
specified, vertical stress activated by operational rail traffic
loading should not exceed 5 tonne/m2.

(ix) Design shall be done as per EN 16432 -2: System Design,

Subsystems and Components however, if there is contradiction in
contract conditions and EN 16432-Part 2, in such case,
conditions given in contract shall prevail or as decided by the
engineer. as per relevant codes of practice such as BIS, EN, IRS,
IRC and UIC with latest revision/edition. If for any item/work,
above mentioned codes are not relevant, best available
Engineering Practice/International Code shall be mentioned.

Section 4 Page 44 of 72
(x) Design service life of Ballastless track should be
minimum 100 years.

(xi) No crack of width greater than the crack width approved

at design phase/codal provisions or settlements or separation of
parts should be developed during services in the Ballastless track
leading to impaired service or failure.

(ix) Ballastless track should be designed for almost maintenance

free conditions except replacement of worn-out fastening
components after their service life is over.

(xii) Adequate corrosion protection measures must be

included in design to minimize corrosion of fastening components
of proposed system for Ballastless track. Test report of the
proposed fastening system should be submitted as per EN 13146
– 6: 2012- Test methods for fastening system – Effect of severe
environmental conditions and EN ISO 9227, Corrosion tests in
artificial atmospheres – salt spray tests or as per any
international standard being in practice.

(xiii) The design should be cost effective serving all functional

requirements expected of Ballastless track.

(xiv) The durability condition for the concrete shall be

considered as “SEVERE” for design purposes.

1.2 General Requirements of Ballastless Track systems

as per EN 16432- Part 1
1.2.1 For the purpose of this contract, all the terms and
definitions as given in EN- 16432 -part 1 are applicable until
otherwise there is contradiction in contract conditions and EN
16432-Part 1. In such case, conditions given in contract shall
prevail or as decided by the engineer. Some of the important
definitions are reiterated below:

Ballastless track system: Entire structure of a ballastless track

from rail to substructure interface and not just a proprietary
subsystem or component.

Design life : Assumed period for which a ballastless track system,

or part of it, is to be used for its intended purpose with planned
maintenance but without major repair. Design life is considered
as 100 years for this contract.

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC): Ability of the equipment or

system to function satisfactorily in its electromagnetic

Section 4 Page 45 of 72
environment without introducing intolerable electromagnetic
disturbances to anything in that environment.

Floating slab: Track system where a designed elasticity is

introduced between the ballastless track system and
substructure. EXAMPLE-For vibration mitigation.

Substructure: Earthworks (embankment, cutting or at grade) or

bridges (or similar civil structures) or tunnel floor that lie below
the ballastless track system.

Track stability: Resistance of the track to the buckling.

1.2.2 Where applicable, effects due to eddy current braking as

given in para, shall be considered.

1.2.3 The design of the ballastless track system shall consider

the constraints of EMC between different equipment, e.g.
vehicle/signalling and signalling/signalling. The ballastless track
must be fit for track circuit as per the Indian Railways standards.

1.2.4 The running rails are part of the signalling system. In order
to form the track circuit, the running rails shall have sufficient
electric conductivity.

1.2.5 Both the traction power supply system and the signalling
system have requirements for the rail-to-rail insulation.
Therefore, a minimum rail-to-rail insulation shall be provided.
These requirements are expressed in terms of the resistance of
fastening systems in kΩ.

1.2.6 Transitions between earthworks, bridges and tunnels shall

ensure a gradual transition with respect to track geometry and
track stiffness. The ballastless track system shall be designed to
take account of long-term variation in track geometry due to
settlement and the variation in stiffness of the substructure.
Capability for adjustment of the track geometry to minimize the
dynamic response of the vehicles shall be provided. The length of
the transition zone will depend on the design speed for the line
and the differences in the settlement and stiffness characteristics
of the adjacent structure and substructure. Provisions shall
therefore be made to limit differential settlement at transitions
between railway bridges and
earthworks to a level that is compatible with the operational

1.2.7 The ballastless track system shall continue to function as

intended when subjected to relevant and representative
environmental conditions. These conditions are divided into
representative physical and chemical actions. This subclause

Section 4 Page 46 of 72
defines the requirements for ballastless track system subject to
environmental actions and man-made effects acting on the
system due to:
(a) water including snow and ice: Exposure to water shall be
considered over the design life of the ballastless track
system. In the design phase the following conditions of
exposure to water shall be considered:
 Rain water, tunnel leakage water, ground water, air
 Water in the event of a fire being extinguished.
 The ballastless track system shall have a drainage
system with sufficient capacity, strength and stability
to resist ground water pressure, which permits rapid
removal of surplus water and which is easy to
 Requirements for the substructure drainage system
shall be compatible with the drainage system for the
ballastless track system.
 If ground water pressure occurs at the interface
between the substructure and the ballastless track
system, the effects of water shall be taken into
account in the design.

(b) Temperature: Exposure to temperature and variation in

temperature shall be considered over the design life of the
ballastless track system. In the design phase various
aspects of exposure to temperature shall be considered.
 Exposure to air temperature.
 Effects of temperature gradients during the heating and
cooling cycles.
 Effects of differential temperature.
 Thermal effects due to the operation of rolling stock
loading, e.g., Eddy-current braking.
 Thermal effects due to installation and maintenance works;

 The ballastless track system shall be able to perform its

design function, whilst remaining safe and durable, within
the operational temperature range specified by the

(c) Earthquake (Zone V): The earthquake sensitivity of the

substructure shall be considered, where relevant, over the
design life of the ballastless track system.

1.2.8 Track Stability: The track shall be designed to provide

resistance to buckling as a result of longitudinal forces in the
track structure particularly due to thermal actions. It should be
demonstrated by calculation, including moment of inertia of the

Section 4 Page 47 of 72
ballastless track system, normally with the use of fixations
between subsystems according to EN 16432-2:2017, 6.5.

1.2.9 Maintainability: The requirements for maintenance of the

ballastless track system shall be considered during the design
phase. This shall include inspection, repair and replacement of
components, subsystems, or the entire ballastless track system
as well as most common maintenance activities, e.g., CWR
stressing, rail defects, track geometry adjustment, grinding.

1.2.10 Fixing of equipment: The design of the ballastless track

system shall incorporate all equipment where required, e.g.,
loops, balises, axle counters, track circuits, noise absorbing
panels, level crossings, guard rails, check rails and their
connections to the track. Local changes in the track cross-section
shall be accommodated in the track design.

1.3 System Design, Subsystems and components design

of Ballastless track system as per EN 16432-Part2:
1.3.1 Establishing the system criteria:-
The overall system design shall ensure that the ballastless
track system integrates safely, and effectively into the
interfacing elements of the railway system throughout its
specified life. This includes impact on and from following:
a. signalling system (including induction effects, interference
from reinforcement etc.);
b. supporting structures (e.g. earthworks, foundations,
tunnels, bridges, viaducts etc.);
c. electrical power system (e.g. stray current requirements,
cable access etc.);
d. other electrical systems (e.g. telecommunications); —
operational needs (e.g. drainage, maintainability and

This requires an initial high level design to be outlined to

enable understanding of the applicable general requirements,

a. understanding the interaction of the system with the

supporting substructure(s) presented and interpreting the
necessary parameters influencing them, such as settlement,
flexure etc.;
b. dealing with the requisite live and exceptional loads;
c. dealing with other environmental actions (including
drainage etc.);
d. risk factors affecting durability, such as shrinkage, water
ingress temperature etc.;

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e. understanding the interfaces such as those that arise with
transitions in and between substructures and track
components, such as switches and crossings;
f. parameters influencing environmental performance (e.g.
vibration emissions);
g. combination with either assumptions or nominations in
respect of:
(i) construction methodology;
(ii) track stability in the vertical, lateral and longitudinal
directions, accounting also for dynamic effects;
(iii)rail and components for its fixation.

1.3.2 System Assurance Plan

A system assurance plan shall be prepared which shall
define the acceptance criteria by which the
performance will be verified. It shall demonstrate that it
complies with the performance requirement as given in
EN 16432 -2 and EN 16432 -3. The system assurance
plan should be developed and reviewed throughout the
design process. Acceptance criteria should be defined
based on risk and may include physical testing and/or
simulation methods.
1.3.3 System Integration
System integration ensures that compatibility between
subsystems of the track and external interfaces are
suitably considered. This shall include consideration of
failure/deterioration modes of the ballastless track
system, subsystems and components. The process of
detailed design shall then be structured to ensure all
the components (e.g. layers, etc.) are accounted for and
the interactions, internal loads and load distribution
effects are dealt with. Various approaches can be used
to ensure all aspects are considered, including risk
management, FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect
Analysis), RAMS (Risk Assessment and Method
Statement) and limit state analysis.

1.3.4 Vertical Track Stiffness

The required value should be proposed by the
consultant and approved by the employer/proof
checker of the ballastless track system taking into
account the permissible bending tensile rail foot stress
and the proposed operating conditions. The track
stiffness is the result of the combination of the stiffness
of the different constituents. Different combinations
can produce the same global result. Changes of track
stiffness should be applied gradually along a pre-
determined transition length.
1.3.5 Track Stability

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Track stability in the lateral direction shall be
demonstrated according to EN 16432-1 by:
a. fixations introduced at the interfaces between
subsystems and components designed to handle
horizontal forces
b. application of the lateral and longitudinal
resistance force between prefabricated element and
substructure, shall result in a lateral displacement not
exceeding 2 mm.
1.3.6 A special construction is required between
Ballastless track and ballasted track
Different types of Ballastless tracks (for stiffness
At the transition between ballastless track and
ballasted track, different vertical deflections at the rail
can occur. These different deflections can result in
similar load distributions as for a sudden change in
stiffness, leading to increased settlement of the
ballasted track and an increased degradation risk at
the ballasted track supports.
Therefore the transition zone should be designed to
limit the differential settlement to a minimum:
— no sudden change in track stiffness should occur at
the transition. For this reason elastic rail pads under
sleeper pads or ballast mats may be applied;
— the bound base layers according to 10.4 may
continue under the ballast over a certain length;
— the ballast may be glued;
— additional rails may be installed to increase the load

At the transition between different ballastless track

systems and for different vertical deflections, it is
recommended that every stiffness zone should have a
minimum length of V [m/s] x 0,5 [s].

For High speed application the difference in rail

deflection under design loads according to EN 16432–
1:2017, 5.1.2 over any intermediate transition length
should not exceed 0,5 mm.

1.3.7 Adjustments
Adjustments of the rail geometry may be provided by
the fastening systems.
1.3.8 Geometrical tolerances of the prefabricated unit
A quality system shall be provided, which is defined
and maintained in a quality manual. This manual shall
address all testing requirements including definition of
testing equipment, method of testing, frequency of test
etc. The geometrical tolerances shall be fixed in this

Section 4 Page 50 of 72
quality manual. In particular the following quality
characteristics shall be checked:
 Length
 Width
 Thickness
 Rail seat distance
 Vertical and lateral alignment of rail support points
 Dimension of grouting openings
 Exterior and inner rail support point distance
 Depth gauge
 Inclination
 Surface and planarity
1.3.9 Storage, handling and transportation of the prefabricated
The consultant has to submit the method statement
which comprises of the following points, but not limited
a. maximum number of slabs mounted on top of each
b. method for the slab storage (3-point-mounting, 4-
point-mounting, etc.)
c. equipment used for the storage, handling and
transport of the slab
d. the slab installation method step by step which
ensures that the geometrical tolerances defined in
the quality plan are met:
1. vertical position of the track
2. horizontal position of the track
3. track gauge
4. rail seat distance.
It should be ensured that the slabs are continuously
supported and bedded. Quality control tests during on
sire installation shall be done as per information given
in table E.4 of EN 16432-Part 2.

1.3.10 Filling layer

When precast blocks or sleepers are used (not in the
case of precast slabs) the surface of the filling layer
forms the top of the ballastless track system.
The surface should be plain with integrated slope for
surface drainage.
The filling layer is installed in combination with
prefabricated elements on a pavement layer or any
other supporting structure. It is placed in a second
working stage subsequent to the construction of the
pavement layer or any other supporting structure and
installation of prefabricated elements. The filling layer
shall act as a monolithic structure securing
prefabricated elements within or as part of the track

Section 4 Page 51 of 72
system and establishing bond to the pavement or any
supporting structure

1.3.11 Typical Reinforcement

Typical amount of reinforcement in the track slab is as
follows (but not less than 0.28% of the cross-sectional
a. 0.8 % to 0.9 % of concrete pavement cross section
for CRCP.
b. 0.4 % to 0.5 % of concrete pavement cross section
for jointed CRCP.
c. Minimum transverse reinforcement shall be 0.28%
of the cross-sectional area.

CRCP-continuously reinforced concrete pavement.

1.4 Acceptance of Ballastless Track Systems as per EN

16432-Part 3
1.4.1 A Work Acceptance Plan (WAP) shall be created to set out all
agreed measurements, tests and reports required to provide
evidence that the works have met the specified criteria.
1.4.2 The WAP should detail all the requisite Inspection and Testing
Plans (ITP) that define both the applicable tests and the stage
in construction to provide a progressive assurance process.
This should recognize the linear and layered nature of track
construction work and ensure that required tests are instigated
and checked from the commencement of works and applied in
an ongoing process to avoid the incorporation of hidden
1.4.3 The verification should be defined based on quantifiable
measures and include pass/fail criteria that have a reasonable
basis and defined method of measurement, including
methodology and number of tests.
1.4.4 The criteria in the WAP shall ensure that the various
subsystems (as defined in EN 16432-2) have been accepted on
a progressive basis prior to installation of subsequent
1.4.5 The vertical stiffness performance of the subsystems and
components providing the designed vertical track stiffness of
the ballastless track system shall be specified during track
design and verified prior to the track construction. Therefore,
no on-site testing is required to demonstrate the vertical track
1.4.6 The verification of stiffness of subsystem and components shall
be done by test methods as given in EN 13146-9 for fastening

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1.4.7 Vertical track stiffness should be uniform along the track
except along designed transitions to control additional dynamic
vehicle-track interaction forces.
1.4.8 Key criteria for acceptance of work:
Documentation shall be provided demonstrating that interfaces
between different subsystems have been built according to the
ballastless track system design.

If the ballastless track system uses connectors (elements

designed to accommodate horizontal forces between
subsystems) the correct number and sequence of connectors
shall be checked. All connectors shall comply with the design
and it shall be documented that the installation has been done
according to the designed installation procedures.

1.4.9 Drainage:
All drainage paths that could affect the performance of the track shall
be checked with regards to functionality. It shall be ensured that the
surface roughness and slopes are in accordance with the design.
Inspections should also make sure that no alterations nor additions
have been made to the design that can hinder drainage.

1.4.10 Ballastless track on earthworks: As a minimum requirement

following verification shall be undertaken before commencement of
the construction Verification of deformation modulus EV2 of the
Verification that estimated remining settlement or heave is within the
design allowances
1.4.11 Ballastless track on bridges: The following parameters of a
bridge shall be verified against design prior to commencing the

Geometric requirements on the constructed deck of a bridge

structure to confirm that adjustments or precautions defined in the
design to account for e.g. pre-camber or temperature, can be applied
or if modifications are necessary.

 Actual bridge geometry with respect to changes because of

loading conditions.
 Bridge deck length and gaps between deck ends at a measured
 Actual status of deformation and displacement due to concrete
creep and shrinkage in comparison with design.
 The level of the bridge deck in relation to top of rail to
determine that the construction depth of the ballastless track
system can be achieved.
 The amount of settlement at bridge piers and abutments.

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 Waterproofing measures.
 Drainage system.
 Shear connection to the deck(s) to confirm compatibility with
the construction method and system for ballastless track
system. This may include reinforcement stirrups and surface
roughness of concrete protection layer and/or the top surface
of the bridge deck.
 In addition to these parameters, any specific track-bridge
interaction design or assessment previously undertaken for a
bridge structure shall be checked for any additional parameters
that require verification.
1.4.12 Ballastless track in tunnels:

Geometric and mechanical requirements shall be verified on the

completed tunnel structure to confirm that adjustments or
precautions defined in the design to account for e.g. settlement or
heave, can be applied as planned, or if modifications are necessary.
The following condition parameters shall be verified against design
prior to commencing the construction:

 Actual tunnel geometry with respect to changes because of

loading and/or track support
 Tunnel segment/section length and gaps at joints, compared
with design assumptions.
 The amount of total and residual settlement or heave.
 Waterproofing measures where applicable.
 Drainage system.
 Shear connection to the tunnel to confirm compatibility with
the construction method and the ballastless track system. This
may include reinforcement stirrups and surface roughness of
concrete protection layer or tunnel concrete base.

1.4.13 Transitions in substructure:

At locations where the substructure (bridge, tunnel, earthworks)

changes, changes of stiffness of support to the track and/or
differential settlements may occur depending on substructure design.
The following parameters of a transition zone shall be verified against
design prior to commencing the construction:

 Drainage.
 Compaction and substructure stiffness (e.g. demonstrated by
deformation modulus Ev2) on either side of and across the
change of substructure.
 Geometry and position of substructure joints.
 Differential settlements or heave.

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1.4.14 Absolute surface level check:
An absolute surface level check shall be carried out on base layers.
Unless otherwise specified, the locations to check the level of frost-
blanket layer, unbound base layer, cement treated base or
bituminous base layer shall be 1,30 m to the right and left of the
track axis at every 5 m chainage and at beginning and end of the
ballastless track system.

1.4.15 Surface geometry check: Evenness of base layers shall be

within a maximum deviation transversely and longitudinally from a 4
m chord. Measurement may be taken using a physical or virtual
straight edge.

 Maximum evenness tolerances:

 Unbound base layer - 20 mm.
 Hydraulically bound base layer - 15 mm.
 Cement treated base layer, Concrete base layer - 15 mm.

1.4.16 Width of the pavement (e.g. using the formwork as reference)

shall be in accordance with the design. The arithmetic mean of
measured pavement width shall not fall below the designed width.
Maximum deviation of single values from designed width shall not
exceed ± 1 % of designed width. Different tolerances may be applied
and specified according to system design.

1.4.17 Where the ballastless track system design requires measures

related to electrical insulation between crossing rebars to realize loop-
free zones (see EN 16432-1:2017, 6.9.6) the completeness and
correctness of the installed insulation devices shall be checked
visually immediately before concreting.

1.4.18 The acceptance of the intermediate layer shall consider the

parameters used for the ballastless track system design and shall
prove that the criteria on which the design is based are met following
the method described in 5.2. All tests shall be finished before the
next layer is installed.

1.4.19 Acceptance of fastening systems:

All fastening systems shall be complete and correctly fixed according

to the design specification. Fastening systems shall be installed in
accordance with the procedure provided by the supplier, ensuring
that all rail seat clearance provided by the fastening system occurs
on the gauge side of the rail.
The minimum requirement concerning vertical and horizontal
adjustment capability according to the design should be verified
Section 4 Page 55 of 72
The number of rail seats within 1000 m shall be exactly the designed
number. Permissible deviation from the designed rail seat spacing
should be ± 10 mm.

1.4.20 The neutral temperature at installation (stress-free

temperature) shall be in the range applicable to the local geographical
region. The actual neutral temperature at installation shall be
measured and documented.

2 Track Details
Ballastless track for Indian railways shall be designed for following
track details:
(i) Rail section: Rail profile shall conform to UIC 60 (90/110
UTS/HH) or (60E1 1175 HT Rails) and Rail material shall
conform to IRS-T-12-2009 class-‘A’, including manufacturing
and testing in accordance with IRS-T-12-2009 with latest

(ii) Schedule of Dimensions (SOD) and Maximum Moving Dimension

(MMD) of Indian Railways for BG shall be followed.

(iii) Ruling gradient: 1 in 80 or flatter

(iv) Rail cant at Rail seat (inward): 1 in 20

(v) Maximum degree of curvature: up to 4° for Ballastless track.

(vi) Maximum permissible cant: 165mm.

(vii) Speed potential: Full speed prevailing on main line (130kmph) &
loop line (50 kmph).

(viii) Traffic: Mixed – passenger & freight

(ix) During service if some parameter goes out in case of any

unforeseen circumstances, the leeway / margin available to
correct the parameter.
i. Vertical: + 10mm / -3mm, Horizontal: ± 3mm.

(x) Design temperature range: 70 degree Celsius variation of rail

temperature as per zone & chart of Indian Railway P.Way
manual and 40-degree variation of ambient temperature.

(xi) Long welded rails (LWR)/CWR are to be used. The proposed

design of Ballastless track should take into consideration of the
forces due to LWR/CWR and interaction between slab track and
bridge deck.

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(xii) Ballastless track should be designed in such a way that It
should be possible to do in-situ AT welding as per the Indian
Railways welding manuals, in case of Rail/Weld failure.

(xiii) Track Tolerances: Track tolerances over Ballastless track when

installed and later during service under floating conditions
should be as under:
S. Parameter Installation Service
1 Gauge (with reference to 1676 mm, measured ± 1 mm ± 3 mm
below 14 mm rail top) for straight track and for
curve upto the radius of 350 m.

2 Cross Level on straight and curved track ± 1 mm ± 3 mm

3 Variation in versine on curved track (20 m ± 3 mm ± 6 mm

chord with half overlapping)
4 Vertical alignment over a 3.6 m chord ± 1 mm ± 6 mm
5 Lateral alignment over a 7.2 m chord on ± 1 mm ± 3 mm
straight track
6 Twist on 3.6 m base ± 1 mm ± 5 mm

3 Traction Details
Rail-to-rail electric insulation: Both the traction power supply system and the
signalling system have requirements for the rail-to-rail insulation. Therefore, a
minimum rail-to-rail insulation shall be provided.IR has Diesel / Overhead
Electric (25 KV) traction. The Ballastless track design should have adequate
electrical insulation for correct performance of signalling and traction
equipment’s even in flooded condition during monsoon for which necessary
local field visit may be done and the design should take care of return current
as per traction.
4 Signalling Details
The running rails are the part of the signalling system. In order to form the
track circuit, the running rails shall have sufficient electrical conductivity. For
signalling, the track circuiting is provided through the rails. The ballastless
track system should take care of the same with adequate insulation. A
minimum electrical resistance of 5Ω per Km as per Indian Railway Signalling
Manual needs to be ensured.
5 Derailment Guards
The design of the ballastless track system shall consider the effects of actions
due to the wheels of a derailed vehicle and the likelihood and consequences of
tipping of a derailed train. Suitable arrangement for prevention of derailment in
tunnels / viaduct as per instructions issued by Indian railway from time to

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time in the form of derailment slab/block shall be provided to keep the derailed
wheels in confined space and prevent damage in case of derailment. Derailment
guard shall be designed such that in case of derailment:
(i) The wheels of a derailed vehicle under crush load, moving at maximum
speed are retained on the viaduct or tunnel etc.
(ii) Damage to track and supporting structures is minimum.

6 Ballastless Track Structure

Track shall be laid on cast in situ/precast, reinforced plinth or slab or sleepers,
herein after referred to as the ‘track slab’ for all purposes. The track slab shall
be design as plinth beam or slab type Ballastless track structure with
derailment guards. Similar arrangement should be in case sleepers or any
other arrangement is used. The minimum depth of concrete below the fastening
system should be decided based upon characteristics of underlying base and
the design of fastening system. In general, track slab/sleepers on which the
fastening and rails are to be fitted shall:

(i)Resist the track forces

(ii)Provides a level base for uniform transmission of rail force
(iii)Have geometrical accuracy and enable installation of track to the tolerance
laid down.
(iv)Ensure proper drainage in whole BLT system specially in the vicinity of rail
seat. Drainage shall also be ensured between derailing block and pathway.
Drainage should be designed in such a way that no water is stagnated in
the railway track.
(v)Resist weathering
(vi)Be construction friendly, maintainable and quickly repairable in the event of
derailment. The ‘Repair and maintenance methods’ shall be detailed in a
manual to be prepared and made available before completion of work.
(vii)Ensure provision for electrical continuity between consecutive
plinth/slab/sleepers by an appropriate design.
7 Performance Requirements of Fastening System:
7.1 Terms and Definitions: All terms and definition as given in EN-13481-1
are applicable for this contract. Some of the important definitions are
reproduced below:
7.1.1 Category C fastening system
Fastening system designed for conventional main line railways, with a typical
axle load of 225 kN, a typical curve of 4 degree, a typical maximum speed of
250 km/h, a typical rail section of 60E1 and a typical sleeper or support
spacing of 600 mm.

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7.1.2 Slab track
Track in which the structure supporting the rails and transmitting the track
forces into the sub-base consists of a slab supported directly on a formation
without ballast.

7.1.3 Baseplate
Non-elastic component which supports the rail and is secured to the
supporting structure.

7.1.4 Baseplate pad

Non-metallic pad placed between baseplate and sleeper.

7.1.5 Rail pad

Non-metallic pad placed between rail and baseplate or rail and sleeper, bearer
or slab.

7.1.6 Fastening system

Assembly of components which secures a rail to the supporting structure and
retains it in the required position whilst permitting any necessary vertical,
lateral and longitudinal movement.

7.1.7 Direct fastening system

Assembly in which a rail is directly secured to the supporting structure with or
without a baseplate.

7.1.8 Indirect fastening system

Assembly in which a rail is secured to a baseplate independently of the
fastening of the baseplate to the supporting structure.

7.1.9 Static stiffness

Force per unit deflection measured under a uniaxial static force.

7.1.10 Vertical stiffness

Force per unit vertical deflection measured normal to the running surface
between specified minimum and maximum applied loads.

7.1.11 Vibration attenuation

Reduction in transmission of vibration from running and check rails into the
supporting structure.

7.1.12 Noise attenuation

Reduction in emission of audible vibration into the surroundings

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7.2 General
7.2.1 The fastening system shall be designed to hold the two rails of the track
strongly to the supporting structure in upright position by resisting the
vertical, lateral and longitudinal forces (including thermal forces) and

7.2.2 The fastening shall provide specified insulation as per client requirements
or EN 13481-5 to take of return current of traction system. Further, Fastening
system shall be capable to maintain electrical resistivity as per provision
contained in EN 13146-5.

7.2.3 Fastening should satisfy the required performance norms as stated

below: The BLT fastening shall have design service life of 30 years in general,
except embedded parts in concrete, if any, which shall be designed for 100
years or shall be of replaceable type. However, its components such as rail pad,
tension clamp/rail clip. can be designed for 300 GMT or 15 years whichever is
less. Its components must not suffer any degradation during service life to a
degree which may affect the performance. The BLT fastenings shall have to be resistant to following conditions

and factors:

 Atmospheric ultraviolet radiation.

 Contact with oil, grease or distillate dropped from Track vehicles.
 Rail temperature range: minus 7oC to plus 73oC
 Annual average Rainfall: 1000-2000mm
 Average annual Humidity: 76%
 The fastening system must have fire retardant properties. The BLT fastening system shall:

 be capable of performing satisfactorily under expected dynamic loads,

structural support conditions and environmental conditions;

 facilitate efficient maintenance and renewal practices, without

interference in the slab structure.

 be construction friendly, maintainable and quickly repairable in the

event of a derailment.

Section 4 Page 60 of 72
 be capable of providing required elasticity & dampening within the
fastening system;

 have mechanisms to protect the rail against torsion/tilting ensuring

stable rail guidance, and long guiding surface within the fastening point;

 Be capable of complete pre-assembly in case of BLT system is pre-cast.

The concrete slab can be delivered on site with fastening system
components pre-assembled over it.

 Be able to assemble and de-assemble, including the replacement of

inserts/dowels as the anchoring device with simple hand tools/devices.
The same tool shall be preferably used for assembling and de-

 Permit quick and easy installation and replacement with special tools.

 The fastenings in the track slab shall enable the adjustment of individual
rail seat height to compensate for settlement or elevation of the track
slab, with a minimum height adjustment capability up to 25 mm and
minimum gauge adjustment capability of fastening system at rail seat
shall not be less than ±5mm. The rail seat adjustment in fastening
system should be achievable in steps of 1 mm.

 Detailed calculations for the number of anchor bolts/screws required on

tangent and curved tracks shall be furnished by the designer, and
approved by the RVNL. The bidder shall consider this aspect while
quoting the rates and no extra payment shall be made for the fastening
system with extra number of bolts/screws.

 For all fastening components of proven fastening system of eligible

system, the designer shall furnish detail drawings, specifications and
inspections & test plan to RVNL.

 Be supplied from the factory which is registered against ISO:9001 and

ISO:14001 by an accredited third party.
Fastening system shall meet the Performance Criteria as prescribed in EN
16432-1, EN 16432-2, EN 13481-1 and 13481-5, duly satisfying test methods
for fastening system of EN 13146. The BLT fastening system shall meet the
requirements of the EN Standards, DIN Standards, ISO Standards in this order
of precedence. Some of the important requirements are given below:

Section 4 Page 61 of 72
7.3.1 Longitudinal rail restraint or longitudinal stiffness
For discrete fastening systems, the longitudinal rail restraint shall be not less
than 7 kN when measured by the procedure in EN 13146-1. On structures
such as long bridges, the longitudinal force transmitted between the track and
the structure may be calculated by the method in EN 1991-2. The value of
Fmax measured in accordance with EN 13146-1 may be used in the
calculation. In such cases and subject to agreement between the purchaser
and manufacturer, the minimum requirement for longitudinal restraint may be

7.3.2 Assembly and pad stiffness

As required by EN 13146-4, the assembly static stiffness and assembly low
frequency dynamic stiffness shall be measured in accordance with EN 13146-

7.3.3 Effect of repeated loading

This shall be determined by the procedure in EN 13146-4. In the case of twin
block, booted concrete sleepers, the whole sleeper shall be subject to testing
using the procedure for two rail seats.

As required by EN 13146-4, the following measurements shall be performed

before and after repeated loading. The change in performance shall not exceed
the values shown below: -
 Longitudinal rail restraint change ≤ 20 %; or
 Longitudinal stiffness change ≤ 20 %
 Vertical static stiffness change ≤ 25 %
 Clamping force change ≤ 20 %.

The requirement for change in vertical static stiffness is not applicable to

fastening systems with static stiffness ≥ 300 MN/m.

7.3.4 Electrical resistance of the fastening system and slab track elements
If the purchaser requires the fastening system to provide electrical insulation,
this shall be not less than 5 kΩ when measured in accordance with EN 13146-
5. The purchaser may specify a different value for use with certain track
circuits in accordance to the Indian Railways requirement.

7.3.5 Effect of exposure to severe environmental conditions

The effect of exposure to severe environmental conditions shall be determined
in accordance with EN 13146-6. Following exposure to the salt spray test, the
Section 4 Page 62 of 72
fastening assembly shall be capable of being dismantled, without failure of any
component, and re-assembled using manual tools provided for this purpose.
The requirement for dismantling does not apply to adhesive fastening systems
for embedded rail.

7.3.6 Effect of fastening system tolerances on track gauge

Calculations shall be provided by the manufacturer to show the maximum
variation in static track gauge which can arise from the fastening system. The
calculations shall be based on the design dimensions of the rail section given in
EN 13674-1 or EN 13674-4+A1 and shall include any assumption about the
position of the rail within the fastening assembly and the tolerances on all
component parts of the fastening system. It shall not include tolerances arising
from the location of the fastening components in the slab or from any baseplate
location. The variation in track gauge, calculated in this way, shall not exceed ±
1 mm. The manufacturer shall also provide a drawing of the interface between
the fastening system and the element of slab track. This drawing shall include:
 The external gauge point (see EN 13230-1:2009, Figure 2) of the rail
fastening system which defines the track gauge (for example holes or
elements cast into slabs).
 The dimension and the tolerance between internal and external gauge
points for the rail section for which the fastening assembly is designed.
 Drawings with dimensions and tolerances of components of the fastening
 The design inclination of the rail seat.

7.3.7 Cast-in fastening components

Components of the fastening assembly which are cast into the concrete during
manufacture of concrete elements or construction of the slab, or glued into the
concrete elements or slab after the concrete has hardened, shall be subject to a
vertical load test using the procedure described in EN 13481-2:2012, Annex A.
Three concrete blocks, each incorporating cast-in components for one fastening
assembly shall be selected for this test. One cast-in component in each block
shall be tested.

After removal of the load, there shall be no visible cracks in the concrete, grout
or mortar adjacent to the component tested. Spalling of mortar immediately
adjacent to the cast-in component is permissible.

7.3.8 Test specimens

When used for type approval testing, the test specimens shall be provided by
the organization commissioning the test. Any change in the materials or design
of one or more components, which could affect performance in relation to the
Section 4 Page 63 of 72
requirements of this European Standard, shall necessitate retesting of the
complete fastening assembly.

7.3.9 Fitness for purpose

The manufacturer shall ensure that the fastening systems supplied comply
with the requirements of this European Standard. Specifications for individual
components shall be provided by the manufacturer at the time the assembly is
presented for testing.

7.3.10 Marking, labelling and packaging

Where there is adequate space for legible marking and no effect on
performance, each component shall be permanently marked with raised or
indented symbols or letters which identify the manufacturer and include the
particular component reference. When components are packed in containers,
each container shall be labelled with details of the components and with the
production batch number or date of manufacture.

The fastening system supplied shall be tested and complied as per the EN
standards. In case some of the tests are not covered in EN standards,
European standards for component material /testing can be used with the
approval of the Employer. Some of the standards which are envisaged for the
BLT fastening system are as below:

7.4.1 EN 13481 Part 5: Performance requirements for BLT fastening systems

for slab track. The BLT fastenings supplied shall be in compliance with EN
13481-1 & EN 13481-5 Category-C.

7.4.2 The rail fastening system shall meet the acceptance criteria prescribed in
EN 13481-1 & EN 13481-5 respectively.

7.4.3 The fastening system shall be subject to the loads and conditions as per
EN 16432-1 and EN 16432-2.

The consultant shall ensure that Contractor submit ITR (Internal Test Report)
for each lot of material, components and assemblies for the tests conducted as
specified in their respective codes.

Indian Railways/RVNL shall get regular testing of the fastening system as per
EN-13481-5:2012 during regular production of the fastenings at the factory as

Section 4 Page 64 of 72
per inspection plan. The Employer/ Engineer shall appoint Inspecting authority
for pre-dispatch/pre-shipment inspection & testing of materials as per the
approved Inspection and Testing plan. Where no procedure for testing is
specified, the consultant shall propose suitable standard or particular
procedures for Employer’s Approval. After production of fastening as per
specification, lots shall be formed and offered to Inspecting agency/RVNL for
inspection. After inspection Certificate is issued by the inspecting officials,
fastenings shall be dispatched to work sites. The materials, equipment, labour,
fittings/components required for testing and all other testing facilities required
for testing shall be arranged by the Contractor at his own cost. For those tests,
for which the testing facilities are not available with the Supplier, the tests can
be conducted in reputed laboratories/Institutions at Contractor’s cost with
prior approval of the Employer.

In addition to the inspection and testing by inspecting authority, the Employer
or his authorized representative may also witness the tests and/or conduct test
checks to be organized by Supplier for validation of test/inspection by
inspecting authority. Test of individual components of BLT fastening shall be
carried out in presence of the Purchaser / authorized representative to
ascertain compliance of these as per test plan. The Supplier shall provide all
the Inspection and testing facilities for the entire Inspection at his own cost.

The cost towards inspecting and testing agency appointed by the Employer,
including Professional fees, travel, accommodation etc. of nominated official(s)
of Employer shall be borne by the Employer. However, if during the inspection
and testing, the stipulated test fails, the retest shall be conducted and all
expenses for inspection and testing for the retests shall be borne by the
Contractor. The Dispatch of the BLT fastenings should only be done, after they
are Inspected, tested, Passed and Issue of Inspection Certificate by the
Inspecting agency.

The Employer may select a few random samples of BLT fastening system from
the lots supplied and the Employer will get these tested in an independent
laboratory / Institution for ascertaining its compliance with the performance

No supply shall be despatched from the manufacturing facility unless explicitly
clearance is given in the form of Inspection Certificate (IC) to despatch the
material by Employer/Engineer.

Section 4 Page 65 of 72
The agency will be required to submit third party inspection report for each lot
of fittings for the tests conducted as specified in codes referred above.

The agency will be required to conduct one full assembly test for the actual
material supplied by them in the presence of RVNL officials. The agency will
have to bear the expenses for conducting the tests. All the arrangements and
cost for witnessing of the assembly test shall be borne by the agency.

8 Manufacturing Process
8.1 General requirements
Details of production plant and equipment are part of the design of the
prefabrication. The processes for curing, formwork removal and handling
conditions of the prefabricated concrete elements are part of the manufacturing
process. Any change in the manufacturing process shall be verified and
The concrete and air temperature shall be monitored at least in the testing
phase of the production. When the relationship between concrete and air
temperature is evident at all stages throughout the curing cycle, it is
permissible for the air temperature within the immediate curing environment to
be measured instead of the concrete temperature.
When the temperature is measured in the concrete, it shall be measured as
near as possible at the mid depth and at the mid width of the element.

8.2 Curing
Curing and protection should start as soon as possible after the compaction of
the concrete and continue according to EN 13230-1:2016, 6.2, Figures 4 and 5
to ensure durability. The curing procedure applied to the element shall be
chosen in accordance with required interface conditions, e.g. bond, defined by
system design.

8.3 Surface finish

For the specification of the surface characteristics of a precast element,
reference should be made to EN 13230-1:2016 for concrete sleepers and
bearers and EN 13369:2013, J.4 for the surface items to be described of other
precast elements.

8.4 Marking
It is recommended to identify each element with permanent marking to ensure
Section 4 Page 66 of 72
9 Quality Control
A quality management system shall be operated, which is defined and
maintained in a quality manual. This manual shall address all actions,
functions and resources, procedures and practices concerned with achieving
and providing documentary evidence that the quality of the delivered concrete
element and services are in line with the requirements.

The quality manual shall include a quality plan for the production of concrete
elements, which defines and details at least the following:

 The organization, structure and responsibilities.

 All the materials, processes and procedures for manufacturing, storing and
transporting of the concrete elements.
 All testing requirements including definition of testing equipment, method of
testing, frequency of tests, etc.
 All other quality control procedures to ensure and verify that the concrete
elements and services provided are to the requirements.

9.2 Quality control during design approval tests

The quality documents in relation with the pre-fabricated elements which shall
be submitted for design approval are at least:

 Detailed drawings of the element and components included.

 Detailed information of the reinforcing system (including anchoring system
or pre-stressed elements), if applicable.
 Detailed information about material composition.
 Procedure showing how all requirements are fulfilled. This includes:

(1) Geometrical tests with description of the gauge and measurement

method for each dimension.
(2) Calculations and optionally load tests on concrete elements with the
description of the measurement means and method.
(3) General description of the manufacturing process; test report showing
compliance of the elements with the dimensions and maximum
specified tolerances. Quality control during manufacturing

Prior to start of manufacturing a quality plan including all quality documents
in relation with the acceptance of materials and manufacturing of the concrete
elements shall be established.

Section 4 Page 67 of 72
For routine tests, alternative test arrangements can be used if evidence of
results complying with approved test arrangements is provided.
The quality plan shall detail at least:

 Frequency of testing for each dimensional requirement.

 If part of the quality control frequency for load tests on concrete elements:
(1) Mechanism used to increase the testing frequency when defects are
(2) Actions to be taken in the case of defects being found to ensure
remedial works and recheck for compliance or not acceptance for

10 Quality Assurance Plan

1. Within thirty (30) days of the Commencement Date, the Contractor shall
present for approval of the Employer's Representative, a Preliminary Test Plan
showing in as much detail as possible the tests anticipated to ensure a safe
and reliable operation of the Works, together with an indication of the periods
in which the various stages of testing will be carried out.

2. The Preliminary Test Plan shall include lists of all Factory Acceptance Tests
and on-site tests.

3. The Preliminary Test Plan shall be amplified into a detailed Test Plan to be
submitted for approval from the Employer's Representative, to include, but not
be limited to, the following:

a) Identify the date on which the Contractor proposes to conduct each

of these listed tests;

b) Describe the nature and purpose of each test;

c) State the location at which the test is to be conducted;

d) Identify the interfaces with the Civil Contractors and all Interfacing
Contractors that require their attendance and/or support;
e) Identify the Contractor’s requirements and schedule for the
Engineer’s staff to operate equipment during Integrated Testing and
Commissioning and Trial Running.

f) Commissioning plans; and

g) Integrated Testing and Commissioning schedule

Section 4 Page 68 of 72
4. Equipment, apparatus and materials for in-situ tests and laboratory
compliance tests shall be provided by the Contractor.

5. The Contractor shall give the Engineer a minimum of Thirty (30) days for
approval of all required inspections and tests for factory acceptance test and 15
days’ time for other tests, giving details of the exact date, time and place of
inspections and tests as well as other necessary information such as
anticipated time.

6. Test procedures shall show unambiguously:

a) the extent of testing covered by each submission;
b) the method of testing and test requirements;
c) the relevant drawing (or modification) status, iv) the location of
d) the safety management during test;
e) test personnel qualification requirement;
f) test parameters to be measured;
g) constraints to be applied during the test;
h) defined pass/fail criteria;
i) format of the raw data for processing by the Contractor;
j) certificated test instrumentation and test circuitry to be used
during the test;
k) pro-forms to facilitate easy manual handwritten entries during the
execution of the tests; and
l) Consequential procedure or action when test is failed.

7. Test procedures shall be amended during the duration of the Contract to

reflect changes in design or the identification of additional testing

8. The Contractor shall be responsible for all on-site and off-site testing and for
all in situ testing.

9. The Engineer shall have the right to request the Contractor to perform
additional testing and/or retesting where the results of the original tests are
unsatisfactory, Incomplete, corrupted, inconclusive or demonstrate that the
equipment or system under test failed to meet the requirements of the
Contract, and that all costs associated with such retesting shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor, Including any costs associated with the
Engineer s attendance.

10. All materials, components or assemblies shall be tested and inspected

at the frequency stated within the present Specification.

Section 4 Page 69 of 72
11. A comprehensive schedule of all material inspection/tests at the
required/specified frequency of testing shall be submitted by the Contractor for
engineer's approval.

12. A sample Performa, with typical examples, for the material

inspections/tests shall be submitted by the Contractor for Engineer’s approval.

13. On receiving Approval of the material inspection/test schedule, the

Contractor shall follow the schedule to prepare the required individual test and
inspection plans and submit for Engineer’s approval.

14. Such of those tests and inspections, for which Engineer has opined to
witness, shall be carried out only in the presence of Engineer. For other tests &
inspections test/inspection results and certification thereof shall be submitted
as directed by Engineer for his approval. However, Engineer may at his
discretion conduct test checks to be organised by contractor for validation of
test/inspection results. The expense of such tests shall be borne by the

15. Suitable Performa for the recording and witnessing of all tests and
inspections shall be submitted for Engineer’s Approval. Confirmation of date of
a test or inspection shall be presented on an Approved Performa, not less than
21 Days prior to the date for test / inspection.

16. No material, component or assembly shall be shipped until the

clearance for this has been obtained from the Engineer.

17. Should the items to be tested or inspected fail to meet the

requirements of this Specification, necessitating additional visits to the
laboratories or works for retesting or inspection the costs of these additional
visits shall be at the expense of the Contractor.

18. Periodically, during the Contract the Engineer may conduct

inspections of manufacturing activities at the premises of the Contractor and
those of his suppliers and subcontractors. Such inspections shall include
quality procedure checks, witness inspections, both routine and prototype, and
shall also be for the purpose of monitoring progress. During each inspection
suitably qualified staff shall be provided by the Contractor.
11 Procedure for Joint Sampling
1) Samples shall be of sufficient size and in accordance with relevant Standards
to carry out all specified tests.

Section 4 Page 70 of 72
2) Unless agreed otherwise by the Engineer samples taken on the Site shall be
selected by, or taken in the presence of; the Engineer and shall be suitably
marked for their identification. An identification marking system should be
evolved at the start of works in consultation with the Engineer.

3) Samples shall be protected, handled and stored in such a manner that they
are not damaged or contaminated and such that the properties of the sample
do not alter.
4) Samples shall be delivered by the Contractor, under the supervision of the
Engineer, to the specified place of testing. Samples on which non-destructive
tests have been carried out shall be collected from the place of testing after
testing and delivered to the Site or other locations as instructed by the

5) Samples which have been tested may be incorporated in the Works provided
a. the sample complies with the specified requirements;
b. the sample is not damaged; and
c. The sample is not required to be retained under any other provision of
the Contract.

6) Additional samples shall be provided for testing if in the opinion of the

a. Material previously tested no longer complies with the specified
requirements; or
b. Material has been handled or stored in such a manner that it may not
comply with the specified requirements.

7) The Contractor shall be responsible for all on-site and off-site testing and for
all in-situ testing.

8) All appropriate laboratory tests shall be carried out in the Contractor's

laboratory, unless otherwise permitted or required by the Engineer. Where the
laboratory is not appropriately equipped and/or staffed for some tests, or if a
Notice has been issued by the Engineer, tests may be carried out in other
laboratories provided that:

a.they are accredited for the relevant work to a standard acceptable to the
Engineer; and

b. Particulars of the proposed laboratory are submitted to the Engineer for


Section 4 Page 71 of 72
9) The results of tests on samples or specimens shall be considered to represent
the whole batch from which the sample was taken.

Section 4 Page 72 of 72





Section 5 Page 1 of 43
Cl NO. Description Page
1 Services 4
2 Reports 4
3 Personnel 4
4 Commencement Date 4
5 Date of Arrival 4
6 Provision of Services and Payment to the Consultant 4
7 Accounts for payment 5
8 Authorized Representative of Consultant 5
9 Notices and Requests 5
10 Effective Date 6
11 Miscellaneous 6
12 Documents forming the Contract 6
I Personnel 7 to 9
II Staffing Schedule 10
III Performance of the Services 10 to 13
IV Sub-Contracts 13
V Relationship of parties 14
VI Payment and mode of Billings 14 to 19
VII Accounts and Records 19
VIII Indemnity and Insurance 20 to 21
Ownership of work product, Computer Programs and
IX 21
X Disposal of Data & Equipment 22
XI Co-ordination 22
XII Exemptions and Facilities 22
XIII Force Majeure 22 to 23
XIV Suspension 24
XV Termination 24 to 27
XVI Settlement of Disputes 27 to 30
XVII Variations 30 to 31
XVIII Conflict of Interest 31
XIX Confidential Information 31
XX Contractual Ethics 31
XXI Compliance to Laws, Bylaws and Regulations 32
XXII Specifications & Designs 32

Section 5 Page 2 of 43



CONTRACT No. __________________

This AGREEMENT (hereinafter, together with all the appendices/attachments

attached hereto called the “Contract”) is made on the _________ day of __________,
2011, between the ______________________________________ on the one part
(hereinafter called the “Employer”) acting through the Managing Director, and
____________________ in association with_______________________________
(hereinafter [jointly] called the “Consultant”) on the other part [notwithstanding
such association] the Consultant will be represented hereunder at all times by
____________________ which will retain full and undivided responsibility for the
performance of obligations hereunder and for the satisfactory completion of the
Consultant's services to be performed hereunder.


A) Rail Vikas Nigam Limited has been established by Ministry of Railway,

hereinafter referred to as “Railway” as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) under
the Companies Act 1956 to develop, mobilize resources and implement these
projects which are part of National Railway Vikas Yojana (NRVY) Scheme
through a Memorandum of Understanding.

B) The Employer has requested the Consultant to provide consulting services

for “Detailed Design and support services for BLT installation for the
works of installation of BLT “- “In tunnels, bridges and formations
including all yards between chainage Km 5+662 (FLS) to chainage Km
125+200 (FLS) in connection with new BG line Between Rishikesh and
Karanprayag in the state of Uttarakhand, India.”
C) The Consultant has agreed to provide the Services on the terms and
conditions set forth in this Contract.

NOW THEREFORE the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

Section 5 Page 3 of 43
Clause 1. Services

The work to be performed by the Consultant under the Contract (such

work being hereinafter called the Services) is more particularly
described in the Terms of Reference (TOR) set forth in the RFP
document. Any modifications to such TOR that materially impact
upon the Services which may be agreed between the Consultant and
the Employer pursuant to Section 17.01 of the General Conditions of
Contracts and any subcontract approved by the Employer pursuant
to the terms of Section 4.01 of the General Conditions of Contract,
shall only be implemented with the prior concurrence of the

Clause 2. Reports

The Consultant shall submit to Employer in the English language the

reports and documentation specified in TOR.

Clause 3. Personnel

(a) Subject to Sections, 2.01 and 3.01 of the General Conditions of

Contract, the Services shall be carried out by the personnel specified
in the RFP document (hereinafter called the personnel) for the
respective periods of time indicated therein.

(b) The consultant shall, ensure that there is a Chief Design Engineer
Track –BLT acceptable to the Employer to carry out the design works
during the design stage and to provide design support during
construction stage from home office and carry out technical
supervision during the construction stage and to be responsible for
liaisoning between the Consultant and the Employer as and when
required. During the construction stage, consultant shall ensure
deployment of EXPAT personnel (Chief Quality cum Production
Manager) in the pre-cast factory. After his deployment complete
supervision of production and quality control of precast elements will
be under him and all QA-QC documents pertaining to production and
quality control of pre-cast elements shall be signed by him.

Clause 4. Commencement Date

(a) For detailed design stage, the Consultant shall commence the
Services within forty-five (45) calendar days after the issue of LOA.
(b) Design Support and technical supervision service during construction
stage: The consultant shall commence the services within 45 days
from the issue of notice of commencement by the Employer.

Clause 5. Date of Arrival

The Consultant shall promptly inform the Employer of the date of

arrival of the personnel at site.

Section 5 Page 4 of 43
Clause 6. Provision of Services and Payment to the Consultant

(a) In consideration of the payments to be made by the Employer to the

Consultant as indicated in this agreement, the consultant hereby
covenants with the Employer to provide the services in conformity in
all respects with the provisions of the contract.
(b) The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Consultant in
consideration of the provision of services for completion of the project,
the contract price or such other sum as may become payable under
the provisions of the contract at the time and in the manner
prescribed in the contract.

Clause 7. Accounts for Payment

Subject to Articles VI of the General Conditions of Contract, all

payments under this Contract shall be made to the following account
of the Consultant:
(To be indicated by the Consultant and agreed by the Employer)

Clause 8. Authorized Representative of Consultant

Any action required or permitted to be taken, and any documents

required or permitted to be executed under this Contract may be
taken or executed on behalf of the Consultant by a designated
representative and on behalf of the Employer by designated
representative of Rail Vikas Nigam Limited.

Clause 9. Notices and Requests

Any notice or request required or permitted to be given or made under

the Contract shall be in writing and in the English language. Such
notice or request shall be deemed to be duly given or made when it
shall have been delivered by hand, mail, telex or facsimile to the party
to which it is required to be given or made at such party's address
(given below) specified in writing to the party giving such notice or
making such request.

The Chief Project Manager,

Rail Vikas Nigam Limited
For the Consultant

Section 5 Page 5 of 43
Clause 10. Effective Date

(a) The Contract shall become effective upon the date notice is given to
the Consultant to proceed with the Services pursuant to Clause 4
(b) Should the Contract not have become effective within ninety (90)
calendar days of the issue of Letter of Acceptance, either party may,
by not less than ten (10) calendar days written notice to the other
party, declare the Contract to be null and void, and in the event of
such a declaration by either party, neither party shall have any claim
against the other party with respect hereto.

Clause 11. Miscellaneous

(a) No delay in exercising or omission to exercise, any right, power or
remedy accruing to their party under this contract upon any default
shall impair any such right, power or remedy, or be construed to be a
waiver thereof or an acquiescence in any default, affect or impair any
right, power or remedy of such party in respect of any other
subsequent default.
(b) The General Conditions of Contract and documents attached hereto,
which including this Agreement collectively constitute this Contract
(as defined hereinabove) are each integral and substantive parts of
this Contract and are fully binding on each of the parties.
Clause 12: Documents forming the Contract
The following documents along with original RFP documents,
addendum/corrigendum or any other reference made in connection
with RFP document shall be deemed to form and be read and
construed as part of this Contract Agreement.
i) The Letter of Award
ii) The consultant’s Proposal along with the addenda
iii) All correspondence between Consultant and Employer after
Submission of RFP and before issue of Letter of Award.
iv) Notice to Proceed.
v) Performance Security.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereof have caused the Contract to be

signed in their respective names as of the day and year first above written.


(Authorized Representative)


(Authorized Representative)

Section 5 Page 6 of 43
Section 1.01: Deleted

Section 1.02: The Consultant is expected to deploy the key personnel for
whom the Consultant has submitted the CVs with the proposal,
no changes shall be made in the personnel at the time of initial
deployment. If, for any reason (except as mentioned in the
forgoing sentence) beyond the reasonable control of the
Consultant, it becomes necessary to replace any of the
personnel, the Consultant shall forthwith provide a
replacement acceptable to the employer with equivalent or
better qualifications and experience

In case RVNL does not convey the approval/rejection within 10

days of receipt of CV for the proposed replacement, the
Consultant shall give a reminder to the Employer promptly and
wait for the decision of the Employer for another 10 days from
the receipt of such reminder by the Employer, if still Employer
fails to convey its approval/rejection of CV, then the CV shall
be deemed to be accepted and such proposed personnel shall
become eligible for deployment.

Section 1.03: In the event that any of the deployed personnel is found by the
Employer to be incompetent, guilty of misbehaviour or
incapable of discharging the assigned responsibilities, the
Employer may direct the Consultant by a written notice, at the
expense of the Consultant, to forthwith provide a replacement
with equivalent or better qualifications and experience
acceptable to the Employer.

Consultant shall promptly submit the CV of the personnel

proposed to be deployed as replacement and RVNL shall convey
approval/rejection (after personal meeting, if required, with
Project Director), within a period of 10 days of receipt of such

Such replacement should be arranged at the earliest but not

later than 60 days of such notice. If a replacement is not given
within 60 days then a deduction @ 1% of the accepted monthly
remuneration rate per day of delay, for the first 60 days after
the notice period of 60 days shall be applicable. After 60 days
period, a deduction @2% of the accepted monthly remuneration
rate per day of delay shall be applicable. In case RVNL instructs
to remove the personnel with immediate effect in the interest of
project implementation, the Consultant shall be bound to
comply with Employer’s instructions without demur. However,
in such a case payment of remuneration for the notice period of
60 days shall be borne by RVNL.

Section 5 Page 7 of 43
In case RVNL does not convey the approval/rejection within 10
days of receipt of CV, the period of 60 days shall deemed to be
extended by the number of days taken beyond stipulated 10
days subject to the condition that there is no delay on account
of the Consultant in presenting the person for meeting with
Project Director on the date decided and conveyed by RVNL and
in such a case, the Consultant shall give a reminder to the
Employer promptly and wait for the decision of the Employer
for another 10 days from the receipt of such reminder by the
Employer, if still Employer fails to convey its approval/rejection
of the CV, then the CV shall be deemed to be accepted and
such proposed personnel shall become eligible for deployment.

Section 1.04 If the personnel are replaced by the consultant on its own or
the personnel quits the job in between the service, the
consultant shall arrange the replacement as early as possible.
A deduction @ 1% of the accepted monthly remuneration rate of
the personnel per day of delay shall be levied from the day
when consultant notifies employer about his intention for
replacement of the personnel till the day personnel is deployed.

Section 1.05: Chief design engineer Track BLT and the key personnel
(Chief Quality cum Production Manager and Supervisors) being
important controlling personnel for the project should normally
not be changed once deployed. However, in exceptional
circumstances (except in case of serious medical condition,
death, absconding from the service), if change is a must, then
an overlapping period of 15 days is to be provided for proper
handing over and taking over. For such overlapping period, the
Employer will pay the man-month rate for one person only. In
case if such overlapping period is not ensured, recovery
@2/30th of the accepted monthly remuneration rate of the
personnel shall be done for each day of reduction in overlap.

Section 1.06: If CV of the proposed personnel is found incorrect or inflated at

a later date, the personnel accepted will be removed from his
assignment and debarred from further assignments in RVNL
works for a period of 3 years. If a consulting firm submits such
incorrect or inflated CV for the second time in the same
contract, necessary action will be taken by RVNL to debar the
firm from participation in future assignments of RVNL for a
period up to 2 years.

Section 1.07: To ensure better discipline, management and technical

supervision of BLT installation, the Consultant shall ensure
that the deployed personnel reside in the vicinity of the Site
office(s) in their work area by making suitable arrangement.
Failure to ensure this will be treated as non-compliance of
contractual obligations under section 3.07.

Section 1.08 The deployment schedule for each Supervisor for the next day
Intimation of should be fixed on daily basis by the Team leader/Project

Section 5 Page 8 of 43
Daily Deployment Manager on the previous evening and conveyed by email to
the concerned CPM/Project Director of RVNL. Failure to
ensure this will be treated as non-compliance of contractual
obligations in terms of section 3.07. If during check by RVNL
any of the personnel is not found at site as per the
deployment intimated, the person shall be marked absent for
the day.

Section 1.09: The Consultant shall not recruit or attempt to recruit personnel
from amongst persons in the services of the Employer or
working on the works of the Employer from
contractors/consultants side unless such recruitment is for a
position higher than the existing position of the person, which
can be done only after the approval of the Employer. In case of
non-compliance detected at any time the Employer it will be
treated as non-compliance of contractual obligations in terms of
section 3.07 and may also lead to termination of contract.

Section 1.10: Any personnel who have been removed by RVNL, in any of its
contracts, shall not be recruited for the assignment.

Section 1.11 Minimum Monthly Payment by the Consultant:

The Consultant shall ensure that each national personnel

deployed for services is not paid less than the minimum
monthly payment stipulated below for each category:
Supervisor - Rs.48,000/-
The payment for this purpose shall include only salary, leave
salary, medical insurance, PF contribution of the employer.
The minimum payment as specified above shall be applicable
for the first 12 months from the date of commencement and
shall be increased @ 5% every 12 months from the date of
commencement. However, any reduction in remuneration rate
under provisions of this Article 1 of GCC shall not affect the
payment of minimum monthly salary to the personnel by the

The Consultant will certify in each interim payment certificate

that no personnel is being paid less than the minimum
stipulated amount. In addition, the Consultant will be required
to submit documentary proof thereof as demanded by RVNL
including Form 24 or any other relevant Form (submitted
quarterly to Income Tax Department) and Form 16 or any other
relevant Form (Issued annually to the employee) under Income
Tax Act.

Section 1.12 A system of monitoring the progress of the projects

through Remote Eye System is under implementation in
RVNL. The Consultant will be required to visit sites and
upload the required information/data as per the system.

Section 5 Page 9 of 43
Staffing Schedule
Section 2.01: During construction stage, deployment of Technical
Supervisors (Civil) as specified by the employer, will be done
within 90 days of the notice of commencement linked with
anticipation of award of construction contract.

Section 2.02: Employer reserves the right to reduce the nos. and estimated
person months of site supervisors by serving 60 days’ notice
to the consultant, without any claim on either side, as per site
requirement and the staffing schedule shall be amended

Performance of the Services
Section 3.01: The Consultant shall carry out the Services with due diligence
and efficiency and shall furnish to the Government and the
Employer such information related to the Services as the
Government, or the Employer, may from time to time
reasonably request.

Section 3.02: The Consultant shall act at all times so as to protect the
interest of the Employer and will take all reasonable steps to
keep all expenses to a minimum consistent with sound
professional practices.

Section 3.03: The Consultant shall furnish to the Employer such information
related to the Services as the Employer may from time to time
reasonably request.
Section 3.04:
(a) Performance Security
The Consultant shall furnish performance security as specified
in Data Sheet for carrying out the services in accordance with
the provisions of Contract Agreement. The consultant shall
ensure that the Performance Security is valid and enforceable
until the Consultant has completed the services and remedied
any defects. If the terms of the Performance Security specify its
expiry date, and the Consultant have not become entitled to
receive the Performance Certificate by the date 28 days prior to
the expiry date, the Consultant shall extend the validity of the
Performance Security up to the anticipated date that the
services will be completed and any defects remedied.
The Guarantee shall be unconditional and irrevocable. The
Employer shall return the Performance Security to the
Consultant within 21 days after issue of Performance
Whenever the contract is terminated under Section 15.01 due
to default of the Consultant, Performance Security shall be

Section 5 Page 10 of 43
forfeited in full and the Performance Guarantee shall be
The balance work shall be got done independently by the
Employer without risk and cost of the failed Consultant. The
failed Consultant shall be debarred from participating in the
tender for carrying out the balance work.

(b) List of Personnel

The Consultant will submit a list of names of personnel along
with CV required as indicated separately by RVNL within a
period of 30 days from receipt of such request from RVNL.

On submission of the CV by the consultant, RVNL shall

examine the same and the candidate proposed may be required
to have a personal meeting with the Chief Project
Manager/Project Director before the acceptance of the
proposed personnel by the Employer. The approval or rejection
of the personnel will be communicated by RVNL within 10

In case RVNL does not convey the approval/rejection within 10

days of receipt of CV for the proposed personnel, the
Consultant shall give a reminder to the Employer promptly and
wait for the decision of the Employer for another 10 days from
the receipt of such reminder by the Employer, if still Employer
fails to convey its approval/rejection of the CV, then the CV
shall be deemed to be accepted and such proposed personnel
shall become eligible for deployment.

The Firm is required to submit an undertaking (Form TECH 30)

at the time of submission of Proposal that from the list
submitted by them, and approved by RVNL, required personnel
at the required time as requested by RVNL, will be deployed,
within 90 days from the date of such request of the Employer.

In case of failure of deployment of personnel within 90 days

time period, RVNL will be entitled to a deduction @ 1% of the
accepted monthly remuneration rate of that personnel per day
of delay, for the first 90 days after the notice period of 90 days.
For delay beyond first 90 days, a deduction @ 2% of the
accepted monthly remuneration rate of that personnel per day
of delay shall be applicable.

Section 3.05: Effectiveness of Contract

The Contract shall come into force and effect on the effective
date subject to fulfilment of conditions precedent to signing of
contract agreement.
Section 3.06: Commencement of Services
The consultant shall commence the services in accordance with
clause 4 of the Contract Agreement. The anticipated dates of

Section 5 Page 11 of 43
commencement and completion of works for which detailed
design and technical supervision is required to be provided by
the consultant are:
a) Date of commencement: As specified in Data Sheet of
Section-2 (Clause Ref.12 of Section2).
b) Period of Consultancy Services: As specified in Data Sheet
of Section-2 (Clause Ref.13 of Section-2).

Section 3.07 - Deficiency in Services:

a) I) In case of failure of deployment of key personnel;
(i) for whom CVs were submitted along with the tender proposal,
within 45 days of the issuance of LOA
(ii) from the list submitted by the Consultant subsequent to
award of contract and approved by RVNL, within 90 days from
the request of the Employer.
RVNL will be entitled to a deduction @ 1% of the accepted monthly
remuneration rate of the personnel not deployed per day of delay,
for the first 90 days after the due date of deployment. For delay
beyond first 90 days, a deduction @ 2% of the accepted monthly
remuneration rate of the personnel not deployed per day of delay
shall be applicable.
b) If the Project Director is satisfied about non-performance of any
obligation/provision as stipulated in the Terms of Reference OR non-
compliance of any of the provisions of the contract, a deduction of
Rs.25,000/- shall be applicable for each instance of non-
Notwithstanding anything contained above, the Consultant must
ensure to perform/take corrective action on the particular non-
performance/non-compliance in a reasonable time frame. Failure to
take corrective action within a reasonable time frame, depending upon
the importance of the activity, may lead to termination of contract as
decided by the employer.
c) If more than 5 incidents occur requiring deductions as mentioned in
(b) above, the Employer may initiate action to terminate the contract
due to unsatisfactory performance, on the recommendations of Project
d) In case any part of BLT installation work supervised by the consultant
is found to be defective during subsequent checks by the Employer,
requiring replacement/rectification, a deduction of Rs. 30000/- shall
be applicable on the Consultant and shall be recovered from his
interim payments. The Consultants shall also enquire as to the
reasons for such failure and submit a report on the same to the
Employer indicating the remedial measures to be taken to prevent
recurrence of such incidents in future.

e) Deleted
f) Deleted
g) Deleted
h) Notwithstanding anything contained above, the Employer may initiate
proceedings for declaring the Consultant “Poor Performer/Banning of

Section 5 Page 12 of 43
Business Dealings” for the default(s)/failure(s) noted of the Consultant
in performance of their assignment depending upon the
gravity/frequency of the default/failure.

Section 3.08 Extension of Time:

a) Extension of time due to reasons not attributable to Consultant:
In case of delays in completion of works and remedying defects during
defect notification period of the construction contract(s) on account of
any reason(s) which are not attributable to the Consultant, the period
of consultancy shall be extended by the Employer on the same rates
and terms and conditions of the Agreement.
b) Extension of time due to reasons attributable to the Consultant:
If the period of consultancy is required to be extended due to
extension of time of the construction contract for the reasons
attributable to the Consultant, the Employer shall grant such
extension of the Consultancy contract with imposition of delay
damages @ 1/10000 of the contract price for each day of delay.
Section 3.09 Performance Certificate:
Performance of the Consultant’s obligations shall not be considered to
have been completed until the Employer has issued the Performance
Certificate to the Consultant, stating the date on which the
Consultant completed his obligations under the Contract.
The Employer shall issue the Performance Certificate within 28 days
after the latest of the expiry dates of the Defect Notification Periods of
the construction contract(s), or as soon thereafter as the Consultant
has completed and tested all the Works, including remedying any
defects, prepared final bill, completion report and the Consultant has
handed over all the documents and drawings related to the works to
the satisfaction of the Employer.
Only the Performance Certificate shall be deemed to constitute
completion of the consultancy services.
Section3.10 Maximum limit of delay damages under section 3.08 and
deductions/recoveries/reduction in payment effected in terms of
provisions of section 1.03, 1.04, 1.05, 1.06 and 3.07 a) shall be 10%
of the original contract price.
Section3.11 If validity of contract is extended beyond the original time of
completion of services for reasons not attributed to the Consultant,
then no deduction shall be made in terms of section 1.04 for any
personnel under deployment on replacement basis during such
extended period.
The provisions of section 1.04 shall be applied afresh starting from
start of extended period i.e. replacements made during the extended
period shall only be counted for arriving at the percentage
replacements duly considering all the conditions of section 1.04.


Section 4.01: Not permitted.

Section 5 Page 13 of 43

Relationship of Parties
Section 5.01: Nothing contained herein or in the Technical Assistance
Agreement shall be construed as establishing or creating
between the Employer and the Consultant a relationship of
master and servant or principal and agent.
Section 5.02: The Consultant shall during the performance of the Services be
an independent contractor retaining complete control over its
personnel, conforming to all statutory requirements with
respect to all its employees, and providing all appropriate
employee benefits.
Payments and Mode of Billings
Section 6.01: Payment of the amount due, shall be made in INR as specified
in the Data Sheet, into the bank account of the consultant.

The Employer shall pay to the Consultant in respect of the

Services, such remuneration on the accepted rates and
reimburse the expenditure as per clause 6.14. The monthly
payment will be made 100% of the accepted man month rates
as per actual deployment of staff duly certified by employer or
his representative.
a) Deleted.
b) Deleted
c) Deleted
d) In case of validity of contract is extended for reasons not
attributed to Consultant, the payment per month in the
extended period shall be made based on accepted man
month rates and actual deployment of staff.
e) In case the contract is extended due to reasons attributed to
Consultant, the payment per month in the extended period
shall made based on accepted man month rates and actual
deployment of staff subject to recovery of delay damages
specified in Section 3.08 and no payment for adjustment for
changes in cost shall be permissible.
f) In case the project being supervised is completed ahead of
schedule of the original completion date, then the payment
to the consultant will be restricted up to the month in which
the project is concluded plus the defect liability period.
g) In the event of termination of construction contract or
removal of contractor, no further payment beyond 30 days of
such event shall be made to the Consultant, till it is decided
by the Employer, if the services of the Consultant/personnel
are required and in which case the situation shall be
reviewed including further deployment of consultant’s staff

Section 5 Page 14 of 43
Section 6.02
a) Remuneration shall be determined on the basis of time spent by
the personnel listed in the Staffing Schedule in performance of the
Services after the Effective Date at the accepted man month rates.

b) Remuneration for periods of less than one month shall be

calculated on a calendar day basis for the time spent in the field
for part of the month. The personnel shall not be entitled to be
paid for overtime nor to take paid sick leave or vacation leave. The
Consultant’s remuneration shall be deemed to cover these items.
Any taking of leave by personnel shall be subject to the prior
approval of the Employer (except in emergency cases post facto
approval may be considered by the Employer) and the Consultant
shall ensure that absence for leave purpose will not delay the
progress and adequate supervision of the Services. The period for
which the Consultant’s personnel will be on leave or absent, shall
not be charged on the bill and the bill must be accompanied with
the attendance record for the period. In case a person remains
absent for more than 3 days in a month, on one hand period of
such absence shall not be charged on the bill and in addition
recovery @ 1% of the monthly billing rate of the personnel shall
also be done from the bills of the consultant for each day of
unauthorized absence exceeding 3 days. In case, the Consultant
becomes aware that the personnel is unlikely to resume his duty,
he shall inform the Employer accordingly and initiate action for
replacement of the personnel. The additional recovery for
unauthorised absence shall be stopped from the day when the
Employer is intimated so by the Consultant. The work of the
personnel of the Consultants will have to be adjusted for proper
supervision at all times when the work is in progress, without any
over time according to the requirement at site.

It is anticipated the project during construction stage will have

multiple shift work, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Working in
nights, weekends and holidays will be required. Back-up
Consultant resources should be available in case of loss of staff,
sickness, or vacations or as required for the project.

c) Consultant Personnel can avail one weekly rest, National holidays

and three of the religious holidays from the list of religious
holidays declared at CPM/Rishikesh/RVNL office, with the
approval of Project Director, for which no deduction in their
remuneration will be made. Maximum of six weekly rests can be
clubbed with/without prefixing/suffixing it with National Holiday,
Religious holiday and taken together, solely at the discretion of the
Project Director. However, this will only be with the prior approval
of Employer. Consultant if required shall stagger/defer such
weekly rest or availing National Holiday or religious holiday during
exigencies, so as to ensure uninterrupted progress of works.

Section 6.03: DELETED

Section 5 Page 15 of 43
Section 6.04: DELETED

Section 6.05:
(a) Payments to be made by the Employer hereunder shall be
strictly subject to, and representative of, satisfactory progress
achieved by the Consultant.
(b) Deleted
(c) Deleted
(d) As soon as practicable and not later than fifteen days after the
end of each calendar month during the period of the Services,
the Consultant shall submit to the Employer, in duplicate,
itemized statements, accompanied by receipted invoices,
vouchers and other appropriate supporting materials including
the attendance record for the period, of the amounts payable to
the consultant for such month. Each such separate monthly
statement shall distinguish that portion of the total eligible
costs which pertains to remuneration from that portion which
pertains to reimbursable expenses.

Section 6.06: As soon as practicable after the completion of the Services or

termination of the Contract, the Consultant shall submit to the
Employer the Final Statement of Eligible Costs incurred, with
vouchers and other appropriate supporting documents for such
reimbursable expenditures referred to in Section 6.14. The
statement shall distinguish that portion of the total eligible
costs which pertains to remuneration from that portion which
pertains to reimbursable expenses. It should also include the
final statement of local content after completion of services in
Form-MII provided in Section 3Proposal Forms.

Section 6.07: Final payment shall be made by the Employer only after the
Final Statement and the Final Report have been submitted by
the Consultant and approved by the Employer. The Consultant
shall submit the Final Statement to the Employer within 120
calendar days of the date of approval by the Employer of the
Final Report. All costs, including reimbursable expenses, which
have not been included in the Final Statement will not be paid
or reimbursed. Should any discrepancy be found to exist
between the actual payments made by the Employer and the
costs authorized to be incurred by the Consultant pursuant to
this Contract, the final payment shall be adjusted by the
Employer to reflect such discrepancy. The Consultant shall
reimburse any amount that the Employer has paid or caused to
be paid in accordance with this Section in excess of the costs
actually incurred to the Employer within 3 days after receipt by
the Consultant of notice thereof.

Section 6.08: DELETED

Section 5 Page 16 of 43
Section 6.09:
(a) Subject to Sections 6.01 and 6.05 above, the Employer shall pay to
the Consultants the amounts claimed pursuant to this Article VI
within twenty-one (21) calendar days after receipt of satisfactory
statements and supporting documents. The Employer may add to
or subtract from any subsequent payment any amount to cover
the difference between the amount paid and the cost authorized to
be incurred.

(b) All payments by the Employer shall be made to the account(s)

specified in Clause 7 of the Agreement.

Section 6.10: Payments do not constitute acceptance of the Services nor

relieve the Consultant of any obligations hereunder.

Section 6.11: DELETED

Section 6.12: The Consultant shall give the following details of their bankers
for payments in accordance with clause 7 of the Contract
Agreement and Section 6.09 of General Conditions of Contract.
(i) Name of the Bank
(ii) Address of the Bank
(iii) Title of Bank Account
(iv) Bank Account Number
(v) Bank’s sort code
(vi) Bank’s swift code
(vii) Bank’s telephone number

Section 6.13: Payments shall be made in accordance with Section 6.09. No

interest is admissible on amounts payable by the Employer.

Section 6.14: Reimbursable Expenses: The Employer shall pay or reimburse

to the consultant in Indian Rupee (INR) for the expenditures
incurred in India/abroad in respect of the Services as follows
on production of vouchers etc.: -
a. For the visits of Consultant's personnel as required by the
Employer to places outside (in India as well as outside
India) his office/Project area in which the personnel is
deployed, the Entitlement for Daily allowance, Lodging
charges and local conveyance shall be as applicable to E7
category of RVNL employees in case of Chief Design
Engineer Track BLT and Chief Quality cum Production
Manager of Consultant, E1 in case of Supervisors and
below Executive category of RVNL employees in case of
other personnel and shall be reimbursed on submission of
claim supported by vouchers (For lodging charges & local
b. Relevant provision regarding entitlement in above respects
is enclosed as Annexure ‘A’ of Special Conditions of
Contract to Section 5 and with its correspondence revisions

Section 5 Page 17 of 43
as per RVNL’s Handbook on Establishment Matters as
applicable during the currency of this contract)”.
c. Cost of Travel for attending RVNL office at New Delhi or
other places outside Project Area in which the personnel is
deployed by train will be limited to 2nd AC Class. However,
with prior written approval of the Employer the travel may
be permitted by Air limited to Economy class.
d. Deleted
e. The safety equipment like safety shoes, jacket, helmets etc
for staff (over and above that provided by the contractor)
may be procured by the Consultant (to ensure that each
and every personnel is provided with safety equipment)
after obtaining prior approval of the Project Director and
the expenditure incurred on the same shall be reimbursed
to the Consultant.
f. Any other such thing deemed necessary but not covered in
this contract is purchased/hired with the approval of
Project Director.

Section 6.15: Adjustment for Changes in Cost.

(A) Price Adjustment: The amounts payable to the Consultant at the
accepted remuneration rates as per agreement shall be adjusted by the
formulae prescribed in this clause.
(B) Other Changes in Cost: To the extent that full compensation for any
rise or fall in the costs to the Consultant is not covered by the provisions of
this or other Clauses in the Contract, the unit rates and prices included in
the Contract shall be deemed to include amounts to cover the contingency
of such other rise or fall in costs.
(C) Adjustment Formulae: Payments for remuneration made in
accordance with Clause GCC 6.01 in local currency i.e. INR shall be
adjusted as follows:
(a) Remuneration/payment made in INR pursuant to the rates set forth in
item no. A105 and A106 of FIN-2 Section-3 (No price variation
adjustment is payable on any other item of FIN-2) shall be adjusted every
12 months (and, for the first time, with effect for the remuneration
earned in the 13th calendar month after 28 days before the deadline of
submission of bid) by applying the following formulae:

(i) When adjustment due date falls before original date of completion of
R l  R lo   0 . 1  0 . 9 
I lo
(ii) When adjustment due date falls in extension period for which
extension is sanctioned for reasons not attributable to the consultant
R l  R lo   
where Rl is the adjusted remuneration/payment, Rlo is the
remuneration/payment payable on the basis of the rates set forth in
Form FIN-2 Section-3 for remuneration/payment payable in local
currency, Il is the all India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers
as published by RBI (Reserve Bank of India) Bulletin for the month on

Section 5 Page 18 of 43
the date of completion of every 12 months from 28 days before the
deadline of submission of bid and, Ilo is the all India Consumer Price
Index for Industrial Workers as published by RBI (Reserve Bank of India)
Bulletin for the month 28 days before the deadline of submission of bid.

(b) Deleted

In case new category of personnel is required to be deployed (not provided in

the contract), the base rate would be fixed with mutual consent of both parties
and adjustment as above shall be applicable after 12 months from the initial
deployment of such category.

(D) Price adjustment shall not be applicable during the extension period
for which extension is sanctioned for reasons attributable to the consultant.

Accounts and Records

Section 7.01: The Consultant shall keep accurate and systematic accounts
and records in respect of the Services in such form and detail
as are customary in its profession and are sufficient to
establish accurately that the remuneration and reimbursable
expenses referred to in Article VI have been duly incurred.

Section 7.02: The Consultant shall permit duly authorized representatives of

the Employer, including auditors selected by the Employer, to
inspect and make an audit of all such documents, accounts
and records in connection with payments made in accordance
with this Contract, including a breakdown of remuneration
rates and reimbursable expenses, and make copies of such
documents, accounts and records if so requested by the
Employer. The basic purpose of this audit is to verify payments
under this Contract and, in this process, to also verify
representations made by the Consultant in relation to the
Contract. The Consultant shall cooperate with and assist the
Employer and its authorized representatives in making such
audit. In the event the audit discloses that the Consultant has
overcharged the Employer, the Consultant shall immediately
reimburse the Employer an amount equivalent to the amount
overpaid or short payment of remuneration as specified in
Section 7.01(i) above, together with interest on such amount
calculated at the then current interest rate for lending by the
Employer from its ordinary capital resources, payable from the
date of such overpayment until the date of reimbursement. If
overpayment is a result of the Consultant having been engaged
in what the Employer determines to constitute corrupt
practices or fraudulent practices, the Employer shall, unless it
decides otherwise, terminate the contract. Such action shall be
in addition to any action that the Employer may declare the

Section 5 Page 19 of 43
Consultant ineligible for award of further the Employer-
financed contracts.


Indemnity and Insurance

Section 8.01: The Consultants (a) shall take out and maintain, and shall
cause any Sub-Consultants to take out and maintain, at their
(or the Sub-Consultants, as the case may be) own cost but on
terms and conditions approved by the Employer, insurance
against the risks, and for the coverage, as specified in the
Section 8.02 hereunder, and (b) at the Employer’s request,
shall provide evidence to the Employer, showing that such
insurance has been taken out and maintained and that the
current premiums have been paid.
Section 8.02: The risks and the coverages shall be:
(1) Third Party motor vehicle liability insurance as required under
Motor Vehicle Act, 1988, in respect of motor vehicles operated
in India by the Consultants of their Personnel or any Sub-
Consultant’s or their Personnel, for the period of Consultancy.

(2) Third Party liability insurance, with a minimum coverage for

Rs.2 lakhs for the period of Consultancy.

(3) Employer’s liability and worker’s compensation insurance in

respect of the Personnel of the Consultants and of Sub-
Consultant’s, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the
Applicable Law, as well as with respect to such Personnel, any
such life, health, accident, travel or other insurance as may be
appropriate; and

(4) Professional liability insurance with a minimum coverage equal

to total contract value for this consultancy contract.

Section 8.03:

(a) The Consultant shall indemnify, protect and defend at

Consultant’s own expense the Employer, its agents and
employees from and against any and all actions, claims, losses
or damages arising out of Consultant’s failure to exercise the
skill and care required under Section 3.01. However, the ceiling
on Consultant’s liability shall be limited to the original value of
the consultancy contract, except that such ceiling shall not
apply to actions, claims, losses or damages caused by
Consultant’s gross negligence or reckless conduct.

(b) In addition to any liability Consultant may have under Section

8.01 Consultant shall, at its own cost and expense, upon
request of Employer, re-perform the services in the event of

Section 5 Page 20 of 43
Consultant’s failure to exercise the skill and care required
under Section 3.01.

(c) The Consultant shall have no liability whatsoever for actions,

claims, losses or damages occasioned by (I) Employer’s
overriding a decision or recommendation of consultant or
requiring consultant to implement a decision or
recommendation with which consultant does not agree.


Ownership of Work Product, Computer Programs and Equipment

Section 9.01: All reports, documents, correspondence, draft publications,

maps, drawings, notes, specifications, statistics, work product
in any form and technical data compiled or prepared by the
Consultant and communicated to the Employer in performing
the Services (in electronic form or otherwise and including
computer-disks comprising data) shall be the sole and
exclusive property of the Employer, and may be made available
to the general public at its sole discretion. The Consultant may
take copies of such documents and data for purpose of use
related to the Services under terms and conditions acceptance
to the Employer, but shall not use the same for any purpose
unrelated to the Services without the prior written approval of
the Employer.

Section 9.02: All computer programs developed by the Consultant under this
Contract shall be the sole and exclusive property of the
Employer; provided, however, that the Consultant may use
such programs for their own use with prior written approval of
the Employer. If license agreements are necessary or
appropriate between the Consultant and third parties for
purposes of development of any such computer programs, the
Consultant shall obtain the Employer’s prior written approval
to such agreements. In such cases, the Employer shall be
entitled at its discretion to require recovering the expenses
related to the development of the program(s) concerned.

Section 9.03: Equipment, vehicles and materials furnished to the Consultant

by the Employer, or purchased by the Consultant wholly or
partly with funds supplied or reimbursed by the Employer
hereunder, shall be the property of the Employer; Equipment,
or materials furnished by the Consultant shall remain the
property of the consultant.

Section 5 Page 21 of 43

Disposal of Data and Equipment

Section 10.01: Upon completion or termination of the Services, the Consultant

(i) Sort and index the documents and data (including the related
software) referred to in Sections 9.01 and 9.02 hereof and
transmit the same to the Employer; and

(ii) Furnish to the Employer, as the case may be, inventories of the
equipment and materials referred to in Section 9.03 hereof as it
then remains, and dispose of the same as directed by the
Employer, respectively.


Section 11.01: The Consultant shall at all times cooperate and coordinate with
the Railway and the Employer, with respect to the carrying out
of its assignment under the project.

Exemptions and Facilities

Section 12.01: Taxes and Duties:

(a) For Consultants/personnel: The consultants and its personnel
shall pay the taxes, duties, fees, levies and other impositions
levied under the existing, amended or enacted laws during life
of this contract and the Employer shall perform such duties in
regard to the deduction of such tax as may be lawfully
imposed. However, GST will be paid extra, as applicable, to the
Consultant by the Employer.
(b) The Contract Price shall be adjusted to take account of any
increase or decrease in cost resulting from a change in the
Laws of the Country (including the introduction of new Laws
and the repeal or modification of existing Laws) or in the
judicial or official governmental interpretation of such Laws,
made after the Base Date i.e. 28 days prior to the deadline for
submission of bids, which affect the Consultant in the
performance of obligations under the Contract.

Section 12.02: Facilities: The Construction Contractor shall provide facilities as

detailed in Data Sheet Attachment 2 of Section2.

Force Majeure
Section 13.01: If either party is temporarily unable by reason of force majeure or
the laws or regulations of Republic of India to meet any of its
obligations under the Contract, and if such party gives written

Section 5 Page 22 of 43
notice of the event within fourteen (14) days after its occurrence,
such obligations of the party as it is unable to perform by reason
of the event shall be suspended for as long as the inability

Section 13.02: Neither party shall be liable to the other party for any loss,
actually incurred or not, or damage sustained by such other
party arising from any event referred to in Section 13.01 or
delays arising from such event.

Section 13.03: The term “force majeure” shall mean events beyond the control of
either party, which prevent the affected party from performing
and fulfilling its obligations under the Contract, and could not
have been reasonably anticipated or foreseen, or although
foreseen were inevitable, such as acts of war, whether or not war
be declared, public disorders, insurrection, riots, sabotage,
explosions, violent demonstrations, blockades and other civil
disturbances, epidemics, nuclear contamination, landslides,
earthquakes, typhoons, volcanic eruption floods, washouts and
other natural calamities and acts of God, strikes, lock-outs or
other industrial action or equivalent disruption or disturbances,
boycotts and embargo or the effects thereof, and any other
similar events.
Section 13.04: No Breach of Contract:
The failure of a Party to fulfil any of its obligations under the
Contract shall not be considered to be a breach of or default
under this Contract in so far as such inability arises from an
event of Force Majeure, provided that the Party affected by such
an event (a) has taken all reasonable precautions, due care and
reasonable alternative measures in order to carry out the terms
and conditions of this Contract, and (b) has Informed the other
Party as soon as possible about the occurrence of such an event.

Section 13.05: Extension of Time:

Any period within which a Party shall, pursuant to this Contract
complete any action or task, shall be extended for a period equal
to the time during which such Party was unable to perform such
action as a result of Force Majeure.

Section 13.06: Payments:

During the period of their inability to perform the Services as a
result of an event of Force Majeure, the Consultants shall be
entitled to continue to be paid under the terms of this Contract
for the personnel actually deployed during the period and
reimbursable expenses incurred.

Section 5 Page 23 of 43


Section 14.01:
(a) The Employer may, by notice to the Consultant, suspend, in
whole or in part, the Services or the disbursement of funds
hereunder if the Employer determines that
(i) The Consultant shall have failed to carry out any of its
obligations under this Contract;
(ii) any other condition has arisen which, in the reasonable
opinion of the Employer interferes, or threatens to interfere,
with the successful carrying out of the Services or the
accomplishment of the purposes of the Contract; or
(iii) A force majeure event has occurred.
(b) In the event of a major delay in the implementation of the
Services, the Employer may suspend the payments as


Section 15.01: Termination by the Employer:

The Employer may terminate the Contract in case of the

occurrence of any of the events specified in paragraphs (a)
through (i) below. In such an occurrence the Employer shall
(except in the case of paragraph (f), (g) & (h) below)serve not less
than Fourteen (14) days written notice of termination and if the
Consultant does not within14 days after the delivery to him of
such notice proceed to make good his default in so far as the
same is being capable of being made good and carry on the work
or comply with such directions as specified in such notice to the
entire satisfaction of the Employer, the Employer shall be
entitled to terminate the contract by issue of termination notice
to the Consultant. In the case of sub-paragraph (f) or (g) or (h),
the Employer may by a notice terminate the Contract

(a) fails to remedy a failure as specified in a notice of

suspension under Clause 14.01
(b) fails to comply with Sub-Clause 3.04 (a) Article III
[Performance Security];
(c) fails to comply with Sub-Clause 3.04 (b) Article III [List of
(d) If as the result of Force Majeure, the Consultants are
unable to perform a material portion of the Services for a
period of not less than forty-five (45) days,
(e) abandons the Works or otherwise plainly demonstrates the
intention not to continue performance of his obligations

Section 5 Page 24 of 43
under the Contract,
(f) without reasonable excuse fails:
(i) to perform any of its obligations under the contract,
including the carrying out of the Services, or

(ii) to take steps to deploy competent and adequate number

of personnel as per requirement of the Employer
(g) becomes bankrupt or insolvent, goes into liquidation, has a
receiving or administration order made against him,
compounds with his creditors, or carries on business under
a receiver, trustee or manager for the benefit of his
creditors, or if any act is done or event occurs which (under
applicable Laws) has a similar effect to any of these acts or
events, or
(h) gives or offers to give (directly or indirectly) to any person
any bribe, gift, gratuity, commission or other thing of value,
as an inducement or reward:
(i) for doing or forbearing to do any action in relation to
the Contract, or
(ii) for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour
to any person in relation to the Contract,
or if any of the Consultant’s Personnel, agents or
Subcontractors gives or offers to give (directly or indirectly)
to any person any such inducement or reward as is
described in this sub-paragraph (g). However, lawful
inducements and rewards to Consultant’s Personnel shall
not entitle termination.
(i) If the consultant, in the judgment of the Employer has
engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for
or in executing the Contract.

For the purpose of this clause:

“Corrupt Practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or
soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of a
public official in the selection process or in contract
“fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in
order to influence a selection process or the execution of a
contract to the detriment of the Employer, and includes
collusive practice among consultants (prior to or after
submission of proposals) designed to establish prices at
artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the Employer
of the benefits of free and open competition.

(j) If the Employer, in its sole discretion and for any reason
whatsoever, decides to terminate this Contract.

The Employer’s decision to terminate the Contract shall not

prejudice any other rights of the Employer, under the Contract
or otherwise.

Section 5 Page 25 of 43
The Consultant shall then leave the Site and deliver any required
Goods, Documents, and other design documents made by or for
him, to the Employer.
After termination, the Employer may complete the Services
and/or arrange for any other entities to do so, in the manner
and method at his sole discretion and whose decision shall be
final. The Employer and these entities may then use any Goods,
Documents and other design documents made by or on behalf of
the Consultant.

Section 15.02: By the Consultant:

The Consultant may terminate this Contract, by not less than

thirty (30) days written notice to the Employer, such notice to
be given after the occurrence of any of the events specified in
paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section 15.02.

a) if the Employer fails to pay any sum due to the Consultants

pursuant to this Contract and not subject to dispute pursuant to
Article XVI hereof within forty-five (45) days after receiving
written notice from the consultants that such payment is
overdue, or.

b) If, as the result of Force Majeure, the Consultants are unable to

perform a maternal portion of the services for a period of not less
than forty-five (45) days.
Section 15.03: Payment upon Termination:

(a) If the termination has been occasioned by the default of the

Consultant as per section 15.01 (a) to (h) except (c), the
Employer shall encash the performance Guarantee and forfeit
the Performance Security in full. Employer shall release any
payment due to the Consultant for satisfactory services
provided prior to termination and evaluated at the date of
termination as per contract conditions. However, if by this time
the Consultant has failed to make a payment due to the
Employer, the same will be deducted from the payment due and
any balance remaining shall then be paid to the Consultant.

(b) Unless such termination shall have been occasioned by the

default of the Consultant, the Consultant shall be entitled to
reimbursement in full for the costs specified in Section 6.05 as
shall have been incurred up to the date of such termination
and for costs incident to the orderly liquidation of the Services
(including return travel of the personnel).

(c) All claims made by the Consultant under Section 15.03 (b)
shall be supported by documentation submitted to the
Employer, satisfactory in form and content to the Employer.

Section 5 Page 26 of 43
(d) Upon the receipt or giving of any notice referred to in Section
15.03 (a), if the Consultant is not in default under the Contract
and has partly or substantially performed its obligation under
the Contract up to the date of termination and has taken
immediate steps to bring the Services to a close in prompt and
orderly manner, to reflect the reduction in the Services,
provided that in no event shall the Consultant receive less than
his actual costs up to the effective date of the termination, plus
a reasonable allowance for overhead and profit.


Settlement of Disputes
Section 16.01 Amicable Settlement:
In case any dispute or difference between the Employer and the
Consultant for which claim has already been made by the
Consultant, remains unresolved, the Consultant shall then,
give notice of dissatisfaction and intention to commence
arbitration to the Employer duly specifying the subject of the
dispute or differences as also the amount of claim item-wise.
The parties shall make attempts to settle the dispute amicably
before the commencement of arbitration. However, unless both
parties agree otherwise, demand for arbitration may be made by
the Consultant after 90 days from the day on which a notice of
dissatisfaction and intention to commence arbitration was
given, even if no attempt for amicable settlement has been
Section 16.02: Arbitration
Any dispute, in respect of which amicable settlement has not
been reached, arising between the Employer and the Domestic
or Foreign Consultant related to any matter arising out of or
connected with this contract, then the Consultant, after 90
days but within 150 days from the day on which a notice of
dissatisfaction and intention to commence arbitration was
given under clause16.01, shall be entitled to demand in writing
that the dispute or difference be referred to arbitration.
Only such dispute(s) or difference(s) in respect of which the
demand had been made for amicable settlement under clause
16.01 but could not be settled, together with counter claims or
set off, given by the Employer, shall be referred to arbitration
subject to the condition that total amount of claims in the
contract is not exceeding 20% of the contract price. Other
matters shall not be included in the reference.
The Arbitration proceedings shall be assumed to have
commenced from the day, a written and valid demand for
arbitration is received by Chairman and Managing Director,
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited, New Delhi (CMD/RVNL).
The disputes so referred to arbitration shall be settled in
accordance with the Indian Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996
and any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof.
Further, it is agreed between the parties as under:

Section 5 Page 27 of 43
16.02.1 Number of Arbitrators: The arbitral tribunal shall consist of
three arbitrators.

16.02.2 Procedure for Appointment of Arbitrators: The arbitrators

shall be appointed as per following procedure:
(a) The Consultant, while invoking demand for arbitration,
shall submit to CMD/RVNL, claims duly quantified along
with name and contact details of his nominee arbitrator.
Thereafter, he Employer will nominate his nominee
arbitrator within a period of 30 days from receipt of such
demand from the Consultant and will issue letter of
appointment to both the arbitrators appointed by the
parties with a copy to the Consultant.

(b) The third Arbitrator shall be chosen by the two

Arbitrators so appointed by the parties and shall act as
Presiding Arbitrator. In case of failure of the two
Arbitrators appointed by the parties to reach upon
consensus within a period of 30 days from the
appointment of the Arbitrators subsequently appointed,
then, upon the request of either or both parties, the
Presiding Arbitrator shall be appointed by the Chairman
and Managing Director, Rail Vikas Nigam Limited, New
(c) If one or more of the arbitrators appointed as above
refuses to act as arbitrator, withdraws from his office as
arbitrator, or vacates his/their office/offices or is/are
unable or unwilling to perform his functions as arbitrator
for any reason whatsoever or dies or in the opinion of the
CMD/RVNL fails to act without undue delay, the
CMD/RVNL shall appoint new arbitrator/arbitrators to
act in his/their place except in case of new Presiding
Arbitrator who shall be chosen following the same
procedure as mentioned in para (b) above. Such re-
constituted Tribunal may, at its discretion, proceed with
the reference from the stage at which it was left by the
previous arbitrator(s).

16.02.3 Qualification and Experience of Arbitrators (to be appointed

as per sub-clause 16.02.2 above):

The contract being of specialized nature requiring knowledge

and experience of dealing with project management /
construction contracts, the arbitrators to be appointed shall
have minimum qualification and experience as under:
Arbitrator shall be;

Section 5 Page 28 of 43
a working/retired officer (not below E- 9 grade and above in a
PSU with which RVNL has no business relationship) of any
discipline of Engineering or Accounts/Finance department,
having experience in project management consultancy /
construction contracts; or
a retired officer (retired not below the HAG level) of any
Engineering/Accounts Services of Central Government, having
experience in Contract Management of construction contracts;
or a retired officer who should have retired more than 3 years
previously from the date of appointment as Arbitrator (retired
not below E-9 grade in RVNL or a PSU with which RVNL has a
business relationship) of any Engineering discipline or
Accounts department, having experience in project
management consultancy / construction contracts.

No person other than the persons appointed as per above

procedure and having above qualification and experience shall
act as Arbitrator.
16.02.4 No new claim, except as otherwise mutually agreed by the
Parties, shall be added during proceedings by either party.
However, a party may amend or supplement the original claim
or defence thereof during the course of arbitration proceedings
subject to acceptance by Tribunal having due regard to the
delay in making it.
16.02.5 Neither party shall be limited in the proceedings before such
arbitrators to the evidence nor did arguments previously put
before during amicable settlement.
16.02.6 The reference to arbitration may proceed, notwithstanding that
the services shall not then be or be alleged to be complete,
provided always that the obligations of the Employer and the
Consultant shall not be altered by the reason of the arbitration
being conducted during the progress of the Consultancy.
Neither party shall be entitled to suspend the services, nor shall
payment to the Consultant be withheld on account of such
16.02.7 If the Consultant(s) does/do not prefer his/their specific and
final claims in writing, within a period of 90 days of receiving
the intimation from the Employer/Engineer that the final bill is
ready for signature of the Consultant(s), he/they will be deemed
to have waived his/their claim(s) and the Employer shall be
discharged and released of all liabilities under the contract in
respect of these claims.
16.02.8 Arbitration proceedings shall be held at New Delhi, India or at a
place where CPM/RVNL’s (dealing the contract) office is located,
and the language of the arbitration proceedings and that of all
documents and communications between the parties shall be in
16.02.9 The Arbitral Tribunal should record day to day proceedings.
The proceedings shall normally be conducted on the basis of
documents and written statements.

Section 5 Page 29 of 43
All arbitration awards shall be in writing and shall state item
wise, the sum and detailed reasons upon which it is based.
16.02.10 Any ruling on award shall be made by a majority of members of
Tribunal. In the absence of such a majority, the views of the
Presiding Arbitrator shall prevail. A party may apply for
correction of any computational errors, any typographical or
clerical errors or any other error of similar nature occurring in
the award of a tribunal and interpretation of specific point of
award to tribunal within 60 days of the receipt of award.
A party may apply to tribunal within 60 days of receipt of award
to make an additional award as to claims presented in the
arbitral proceedings but omitted from the arbitral award.

16.02.11 Where the Arbitral award is for the payment of money, no

interest shall be payable on whole or any part of the money for
any period till the date on which the award is made.

16.02.12 The fees and other charges of the conciliator/arbitrators shall

be as per the fee structure fixed by the employer (enclosed as
Annexure ‘B’ to Section 5) and as amended from time to time
irrespective of the fact whether the Arbitrator(s) is/are
appointed by the parties or by the Court of law unless
specifically directed by Hon’ble Court otherwise on the matter,
and shall be shared equally by the Employer and the
Consultant. However, the expenses incurred by each party in
connection with the preparation, presentation will be borne by

Section 16.03 The Contract Agreement shall be subject to exclusive

jurisdiction of Courts as indicated in the Data Sheet.



Section 17.01: (i) The second part of the contract i.e., design support during
construction stage shall only come into operation once
construction contract is awarded. In case the construction
contract is not awarded then the design support during
construction shall not be required and the same shall not
be treated as variation. In such case, no claim of the
consultant on account of non-operation of Design Support
services shall be entertained
(ii) Payments during design stage shall be released to the
consultant as per the services delivered by the consultant
as specified in FIN-2.
(iii) The design and deliverables submitted by the consultant
and accepted by RVNL shall be the property of RVNL and
will be used in subsequent works.
(iv) In addition, the Contract may be varied by agreement
between the parties. All such variations shall be in writing

Section 5 Page 30 of 43
signed by the authorized representative of the Consultant
and the Employer.

Section 17.02: The Employer may notify the Consultant to alter, amend, omit,
add to, or otherwise vary the Services upto 25% increase of the
contract value or upto 50% increase of the original completion
period stipulated in the contract, whichever is earlier, on the
same rates, terms and conditions and the Consultant shall be
bound by such variations. Beyond 25% increase of the
Contract Value or beyond 50% increase of the original
completion period, whichever is earlier, new rates shall be
agreed between Employer and Consultant. In such event, the
Consultant shall submit to the Employer an estimate for the
proposed changes in rates along with justification for such
rates to the Employer:
(i) within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of a notice
of variation in case of proposed increase of the contract
value beyond 25%;

(ii) at least 60 days in advance of reaching limit of 50%

increase in completion period, if it is anticipated that
consultancy contract period shall need to be extended
beyond 50% of the original completion period.

Conflict of Interest

Section 18.01: Except as the Employer shall otherwise specifically agree in


(a) Neither the Consultant, the personnel nor any subsidiary or

affiliate of the Consultant shall engage in any activities, other
than as consultant, on any future project which may emerge
from the Services;

(b) No personnel of the Consultant listed in the Staffing Schedule

shall engage, directly or indirectly, in any business or
professional activities which would conflict with the Services.


Confidential Information

Section 19.01: Except with the prior written consent of the Employer, the
Consultant and the personnel shall not at any time
communicate to any person or entity any confidential
information acquired in the course of the Services, nor shall
the Consultant and the personnel make public the

Section 5 Page 31 of 43
recommendations formulated in the course of, or as a result of,
the Services. For purposes of this section, “confidential
information” means any information or knowledge acquired by
the Consultant and/or its personnel arising out of, or in
connection with, the performance of the Services under this
Contract that is not otherwise available to the public.


Contractual Ethics

Section 20.01: No fees, gratuities, rebates, gifts, commissions or other

payments, other than those shown in the proposal or the
contract, have been given or received in connection with the
selection process or in the contract execution.


Compliance to Laws Bylaws & Regulations

Section 21.01: The Consultants shall respect and abide by all applicable laws
and regulations in force and effect as of the date hereof and
which may be promulgated or brought into force and effect
hereinafter in the Republic of India including regulations and
rules made there under as may be in force and effect during
the subsistence of this agreement. The consultant shall use its
best efforts to ensure that their personnel and their
dependents, while in India and local employees of the
consultant shall respect and abide by the said laws and


Specifications and Designs

Section 22.01: The consultant shall prepare all specifications and designs
(wherever applicable) using the metric system and so as to
embody the latest design criteria.
Section 22.02: The consultant shall ensure that the specifications and designs
and all documentation relating to procurement of goods and
services (wherever applicable) for the project are prepared on
an impartial basis so as to promote international competitive

Section 5 Page 32 of 43
(These conditions are amendments, supplements and modifications to General
Conditions of Contract (GCC) and shall supersede the GCC in interpreting the
contractual obligations)

Definitions: Unless the context otherwise require the following terms wherever
used in this contract shall have the following meaning:

a) “Applicable Law” means all laws in force and effect as of the date hereof
and which may be promulgated or brought into force and effect thereafter in
India, including regulations and rules made there under, as may be in force
and effect during the subsistence of this Agreement.

b) “Contingencies” means provision for items of work which have been

overlooked or which may turn out to be necessary during the progress of
the services and price contingencies due to increase in international and
domestic costs for the person-months rates and reimbursable.

c) “Contract” means the Contract Agreement signed by the Parties which

includes all the documents listed in clause 12 of the Contract Agreement.

d) “Effective Date” means the date on which ‘notice to proceed’ is given to the
consultant pursuant to clause 10 and clause 4 of the Contract Agreement.

e) “Foreign Currency” means currency of any other country other than the
currency of the Republic of India.

f) “Local Currency” means the currency of the Republic of India.

g) “Party” means the Employer or the Consultants, as the case may be, and
parties means both of them.

h) “Personnel” means persons hired by the Consultants or by any sub-

consultant as employees and assigned to the performance of the services or
any part thereof.

i) “SCC” means the Special Conditions of Contract by which the General

Conditions of Contract may be amended or supplemented; and

j) “Services” means the work to be performed by the Consultants pursuant to

this Contract as described in RFP document.

k) “Sub-Consultant” means any entity to which the Consultants subcontract

any part of the Services in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.01 of
Article IV of GCC.

l) “Consultant” means the firm providing services to the Employer.

m) “Contractor” means the firm who is executing the project for the Employer

Section 5 Page 33 of 43




9.1 In cases of journeys from Headquarters to contiguous places, within a radius

of 25 km. from the Headquarters, daily allowance is not admissible.
However, actual conveyance charges as per entitlement as mentioned in para
9.2 will be reimbursed.

9.2 Entitlement of local conveyance

Category of
Designation Entitlement
E9 ED Actual Taxi fare
E8 GGM/GM/CPM Actual Taxi fare
E7 AGM Actual Taxi fare
F6 JGM Actual Taxi fare
E5 DGM Actual Taxi fare
E4 Sr. Manager Actual Auto charges
E3 Manager Actual Auto charges
E2 Asst. Manager Actual Auto charges
E1 Sr. Executive Actual Auto charges
E0 Executive Actual Auto charges
S1 Below Executive Public Transport

9.3 Travel entitlements while on tour/transfer: -

Category of
S.No. Mode Entitlement
Business/Club class by
(i) By Air E8-E9
air/AC first class by train
Economy class by air/ AC first
(ii) By Air E5 - E7
class by train
(a) E3-E4 AC 2 Tier
(b) E-0 to E-2 AC 2 Tier
(iii) By Rail
(c) Below Executive First class/AC 3 Tier/ Chair
(iv) By Rail Below Executive II class/II class sleeper

Section 5 Page 34 of 43
Category of Employees Designation Entitlement (Rs.)
E9 ED 1500
E8 GGM/GM/CPM 1350
E7 AGM 1200
F6 JGM 1050
E5 DGM 1050
E4 Sr. Manager 900
E3 Manager 900
E2 Asst. Manager 900
E1 Sr. Executive 800
E0 Executive 800
S1 Below Executive 500

9.5 Daily allowance may be drawn for broken periods of a “Day” on the following
For absence of less than 6 hours 30%
For absence of 6 hours and more but less than 12 hours 70%
For absence of 12 hours and above 100%
9.6 For the time spent on Journey, rates of D.A. as indicated in Para 9.6 above
(for other cities) will be admissible.
9.7 Lodging Charges: Upper ceiling for lodging charges shall be as under: -

Category and Upper ceiling for lodging charges

scale of the
employee X Class Cities* Y Class Cities* Z Class Cities*
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
(I) (II) (III) (IV)
E8-E9 10000 9000 7500
E-7 7500 6000 5000
E-6 & E-5 6000 5000 4000
E-4 to E-2 3000 2500 2000
E-1 & E-0 2000 1500 1000
Below Executive 500 300 200
(1) * as per classification of cities for the purpose of HRA annexed at
(2) The above rates of accommodation are exclusive of taxes and surcharges.

Section 5 Page 35 of 43
Letter of Acceptance
[on letterhead paper of the Employer]
. . . . . . . date. . . . . . .
To: . .... . .[name and address of the Consultant] . . . . . . .

Subject:. . . . . . . [Insert Name and Identification number]……..[Notification of

1. This is to notify that your Bid dated ---------- opened on ------------- for execution
of the (insert name of the consultancy), for Bid No.i------------------------ dated ---
------------------ for the Accepted Contract Amount of the equivalent of Rs ---------
----------------excluding GST (Rs.-----(in words)----------, excluding Goods and
Service Tax), as corrected and modified in accordance with the Instructions to
Consultant’s, is hereby accepted. Goods and Service Tax will be paid extra as
2. The consultancy work are to be completed within ------ months of actual date of
commencement. Date of commencement will be within 45 calendar days from
the date of issue of Letter of Acceptance (LOA).
3. You are requested to furnish the Performance Security of Rs.------------------
within 28 days from the date of issue of Letter of Acceptance in accordance with
the Conditions of Contract.
4. You shall also undertake not to use information gained in the designing of the
works for any purpose without obtaining the prior approval of RVNL and shall
not make any public announcement or divulge any material relating to the
project either in India or overseas without the prior written consent of RVNL.
5. You are requested to contact CPM/Rishikesh/RVNL for signing of the Contract
Agreement and making necessary preparation for mobilization of men and
materials & for execution of work.
6. Until a formal agreement is signed, this Letter of Acceptance will constitute a
binding contract between you and RVNL.
7. This Letter of Acceptance is sent to you in duplicate. You are required to return
one copy duly signed and stamped on all pages including your unconditional
acceptance thereof so as to reach the undersigned within fourteen days of
issuance of this letter, as a token of your acknowledgement.

Authorized Signature: ............................................

Name and Title of Signatory: .................................

Section 5 Page 36 of 43
[Refer Clause 11 of Instructions to Consultants]
(On non-judicial stamp paper of the appropriate value in accordance with stamp Act.
The stamp paper to be in the name of Executing Bank).
Name and Address of the Bank…..
CPM/GM (Name of PIU)

For and on behalf of

The Chairman and Managing Director,
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited,
1st Floor, August Kranti Bhawan,
Bhikaji Cama Place, R. K. Puram,
New Delhi-110 066.

WHEREAS, Rail Vikas Nigam Limited, hereinafter called the Employer, acting
through [Insert Designation and address of the Employer’s Representative],
has accepted the bid of [Insert Name and address of the Contractor], hereinafter
called the Contractor, for the work of [Insert Name of Work], vide Notification of
Award No.[Insert Notification of Award No.].
WHEREAS, the contractor is required to furnish Performance Security for the sum
of [Insert Value of Performance Security required], in the form of bank
guarantee, being a condition precedent to the signing of the contract agreement.

WHEREAS, [Insert Name of the Bank], with its Branch [Address] having its
Headquarters office at [Address], hereinafter called the Bank, acting through
[Designation(s) of the authorised person of the Bank], have, at the request of
the [Insert name of the consultant] , agreed to give guarantee for performance
security and additional performance security as hereinafter contained:

1. KNOW ALL MEN by these present that I/We the undersigned [Insert
name(s) of authorized representatives of the Bank], being fully
authorized to sign and incur obligations for and on behalf of the Bank,
confirm that the Bank, hereby, unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee to

Section 5 Page 37 of 43
pay the Employer the full amount in the sum of [Insert Value of
Performance Security required] as above stated.
2. The Bank undertakes to immediately pay on presentation of demand by the
Employer any amount up to and including aforementioned full amount
without any demur, reservation or recourse. Any such demand made by the
Employer on the Bank shall be final, conclusive and binding, absolute and
unequivocal notwithstanding any disputes raised/ pending before any Court,
Tribunal, Arbitration or any Authority or any threatened litigation by the
Employer of Bank.
3. On payment of any amount less than aforementioned full amount, as per
demand of the Employer, the guarantee shall remain valid for the balance
amount i.e. the aforementioned full amount less the payment made to the
4. The Bank shall pay the amount as demanded immediately on presentation of
the demand by Employer without any reference to the contractor and
without the Employer being required to show grounds or give reasons for its
demand or the amount demanded.
5. The Bank Guarantee shall be unconditional and irrevocable.
6. The guarantee hereinbefore shall not be affected by any change in the
constitution of the Bank or in the constitution of the Contractor.
7. The Bank agrees that no change, addition, modifications to the terms of the
Contract Agreement or to any documents, which have been or may be made
between the Employer and the Contractor, will in any way release us from the
liability under this guarantee; and the Bank, hereby, waives any requirement
for notice of any such change, addition or modification to the Bank.
8. This guarantee is valid and effective from the date of its issue, which is
[insert date of issue]. The guarantee and our obligations under it will expire
on [Insert the date twenty eight days after the expected end of defect
liability period]. All demands for payment under the guarantee must be
received by us on or before that date.
9. The Bank agrees that the Employers right to demand payment of
aforementioned full amount in one instance or demand payments in parts
totalling up to the aforementioned full amount in several instances will be
valid until either the aforementioned full amount is paid to the Employer or
the guarantee is released by Employer before the Expiry date.

Section 5 Page 38 of 43
10. The Bank agrees that its obligation to pay any amount demanded by the
Employer before the expiry of this guarantee will continue until the amount
demanded has been paid in full.
11. The expressions Bank and Employer herein before used shall include their
respective successors and assigns.
12. The Bank hereby undertakes not to revoke the guarantee during its currency,
except with the previous consent in writing of the employer. This guarantee is
subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No.
13. The Guarantee shall be in addition to and without prejudice to any other
security Guarantee (s) of the contractor in favour of the Employer available
with the Employer. The Bank, under this Guarantee, shall be deemed as
Principal Debtor of the Employer.

Date ………… ………………………………………

Place…………. [Signature of Authorised person of Bank]

[Name in Block letters]

[P/Attorney] No.
Bank’s Seal

[P/Attorney] No.……
1. Signature
Name & Address & Seal

2. Signature
Name & address & Seal
Note :

Section 5 Page 39 of 43
1 All italicized text is for guidance on how to prepare this bank guarantee and
shall be deleted from the final document.
2 In case the guarantee is issued by a foreign Bank, which does not have
operations in India, the said bank shall have to provide a counter-guarantee
by State Bank of India.
3 The Bank Guarantee should be duly attested by Notary public with notarial
stamp of appropriate value affixed thereon.

Section 5 Page 40 of 43

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