ACANTHACEAE - The Acanthaceae of Colombia
ACANTHACEAE - The Acanthaceae of Colombia
ACANTHACEAE - The Acanthaceae of Colombia
Volume 31
Publications of the United States National Herbarium
Kemington Kellogg,
Director, United States National Museum.
Errata—Pakt 3
> H
.t >
» ^'
4. T. >', P
P* "^
four subfamilies, of which the first three are treated in their entirety
in this first part ; of the fourth and largest subfamily, 5 of its 13 tribes
are covered in the present paper. The Acanthaceae include many
showy and beautiful plants, which are or should be in cultivation ; the
family is cosmopolitan in the tropical and subtropical parts of the
world and is especially well developed in Andean America. In
Colombia the family demonstrates a high percentage of specific
Systematic treatment 4
Subfamily Nelsonioideae^,., 4
Staurogyne 5
Elytraria 7
Nelsonia 10
Subfamily Mendoncioideae. 10
Mendoncia 11
Subfamily Thunbergioideae 40
Thunbergia 40
Subfamily Acanthoideae_-_ 44
Series Contortae
Tribe Triclianthereae^, 45
Bravaisia 45
Trichanthera 47
Sanchezia 61
Tribe Hygrophileae 57
Hygrophila 58
Tribe Petalidieae 60
Blechum 60
Phaylopsis 64
Tribe Ruellieae 65
Ruellia 66
Tribe Barlerieae 109
Barleria 109
Teliostachya 111
1. Staurogyne lepidagathoides Leonard 6
2. Elytraria imhricata (Vahl) Pers. 9
3. Nelsonia brunelloides (Lam.) Kuntze 11
4. cordaia Leonard 17
5. Mendoncia mirahilis Leonard ^™ ^" ^" ^^ ^^ ^" ^" ^" -^ -^ — -*^ ^— ^T ^^ ^^ ^^ M m 19
0. Mendoncia glnhresccns Leonard 24
7. Mendoncia penneUii Leonard 26
8. Mendoncia glomerata hcoimnl 27
9. Mendoncia rosea Leonard 29
10. Mendoncia liioralis Leonard 31
IL Mendoncia gilva Leonard 33
12. Mendoncia odorata Leonard 35
13. Mendoncia mutisii Leonard 37
14. Mendoncia cualrecasasii Leonard 37
15. Mendoncia microchlamys Leonard 40
16. Thunhergia fragrans Roxb. 43
17. Bravaisia integerrima (Sprcng.) StandL 47
18. Trichanthera gigantea (llumh. & Bonp\.) Noes 49
10. Sanchezia lutea hconiXTd 54
20. Sanchezia putnniayensis Leonard
21. Ilygrophila guianensis Necs 59
22. Blechum hrownei Jiiss. forma -puherulum Leonard 61
23. Blechum haughtii Tjeonard (53
24. P/io7//ops?"s pom/oro Willd. 65
25. Ruellia ioli7nensis J jConsLTd
26. Rucllia polamophila Leonard 72
27. Ruellia chariessa Leonard
28. Ruellia grisea Leonard 81
29. Ruellia ischnopnda Leonard 83
30. Ruellia caucensis Leonard 85
31. Ruellia rushyi Leonard 87
32. Ruellia viridiflora Leonard __ 99
33. Ruellia pcnneliii Leonard __ IQI
4, Ruellia colovibiana Leonard ]03
35. Ruellia aquafica Leonard __ 104
36. Ruellia lasiostachya Leonard _ 106
37. Ruellia putumayensis Leonard 106
38. Ruellia urihei Leonard _ __ _ 108
39- Barleria crisiatalj.
40. Teliostachya lanceolaia Nees
_ _ _ m
By Emery C. Leonard
been made to brino
Colombian Acanthaceae
Prodromus (vol. 11, 1847), Nees
Colomb isolated
pearing as minute short lines on the upper surface of the leaf blades,
the upper portions of the stems, on the branches of the inflorescence,
and on the calyx. Similar cystoliths do occur in a few other distant
Urticaceae. In Acanthaceae they are lacking only
Mendoncioid 5
and for some un-
accountable reason in the large genus Aphelandra of the fourth sub-
family (Acanthoideac). In Mendoncioideae raised stelliform mark-
ings at the bases of the hairs on the upper surface of the leaf blades
may appear to be of the nature of cystoliths. Bremekamp,^ however,
contends that they are merely large raised epidermal cells so elevated
by differential shrinkage. A more general earmark of the family, and
' Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien, ed. 5, 201, 1907.
' Rec. Trav. Bot. NC^erl. 35: 141. 1038.
(Leonard: thei acanthaceae of Colombia, i 3
most Recently
from Mexico
pot plant.
encouraged as garden plants.
The sequence of subfamilies and tribes is that of Dalla Torre and
loan was
New York
a complete set
Tetramermm. Of interest in the
widely distributed H. H. Smith Santa Marta plants with full
of the
collector's data accompanying each sheet.
The photographs of types in European herbaria made by J. I'.
ACANTHACEAE J. St. Hil. : Acanthus Family
Acanthaceae J. St. Hil. Expos. Fam. 1 : 236. 1805.
Nelsonioideae Lindau in Bot. Jahrb. Eugler 18: 43. 1893.
from epvepos, red, and aKavOos, Acanthus, in allusion to the deep red-purple
color of the lower surface of the leaf blades. Type species : E. raccmosus
and broader than the others, the anterior pair usually linear, wider
than the setaceous lateral pair; corolla usually red, purple, or yellow,
tubular, the limb 2-lipped, the upper lip 2-lobed, the lower 3-lobed,
oblong, up to 7.5 cm. long and 2.5 cm. wide (those subtending the
spikelets smaller, usually about 4.5 cm. long and 1.5 cm. wide), acute
at both ends (the tip blunt), entire or undulate, glabrous or the costa
and veins (7 to 9 pairs) sparingly pilose, rather prominent petioles
segment linear, 0.5 mm. wide, 3-nerved, the others subulate, 0.25 mm.
wide, 1-nervcd, the nerves of the lateral segments enlarged near base;
corolla white, glabrous, 4 mm. long capsule oblong, 4 mm. long, 1 to ;
2.5 mm.
broad, rounded at tip, glabrous or having a few minute
apical hairs seeds minute, brown, coarsely verrucose.
Leonard: the acanthaceae of Colombia, i 7
bricate coriaceous , the segments
2-lipped, the lower lip 3-lobed stamens; 2, barely exserted anthers 2- ;
cia-Barnga 2318; Bro. Paul B-7; Bro. Ellas 915).
Elytraria imhncata is extremely variable in its habit of growth,
ranging from small plantainlike herbs a few centimeters high to
ijneous stemmed plants 25 cm. hicfh or more. xiUen's 830
was taken from a "semiherb 6 ft. long," bearing bright-green leaves
and blue-purple flowers.
In Central America the plant is used as a remedy for dysentery,
and the crushed leaves are said to cure pimples. In Colombia it has
been used as a remedy to reduce fever {Dug and <& Garcia-BarHga
Usually found in old fields, on grassy banks, brushy slopes, in
thickets, or in other waste places. It is a plant of low altitudes
usually found below 300 meters, Range Arizona and Texas to north-
ern and western South America. It is also found in the West Indies
and has been introduced into India and the Philippine Islands.
Atlaxtico: Barranquilla, Bro. EUas 160 (US). Juan Mina, Dugand 3G39
(US). Mare Caribe near Salgar, Duijand Jnramillo 2725 (US). Near Mira-
Puerto Colombia, Dugand 3G23 (US). Puerto Colombia, Bro. EUas 915
(US). Between Sabanalarga and Campeche, Dugand d JaramiUo 2767 (US).
Near Salgar, Pennell 12060 (GH, Ph). Sonto Tonifls, Bro. Paul (US). Bl
Isabel L6p
Figure l.—Elytraria imbricata (Vahl) Pers. {Haughi 3865); a, Planti b, side view of bract;
c, bractlet; d, ventral view of bract; e, one of a lateral pair of calyx segments;/, posterior
calyx segment; anterior calyx segment; A, capsule, {a. Half natural size; b~h^ about
BoiJvab: Cartagena, Billlerg, s. n. (S) Bro. Hcriberto 136 (US) 312 (US).
; ;
La Popa, near Cartagena, DarUn s. n. (S). San Ldzaro, Billherg 113 (S). Vi-
cinity of Tiirbaco, KilUp & Smith 14180 (US, NY), 1428S (US, NY).
Magdalena; Bonda, H. H. Smith 1412 (US, NY, Ph, Mo, GH). About 15 km.
northwest of Codazzi, Haught 3S()5 (US). Poponte in the Magdalena Valley,
Cyril Allen 839 (Mo). Santa Marta, Bertero s. n. (Mo. isotype of E. scorpoides;
US, photograph )
Nelsonia R. Br. Prodr. 480. 1810. The genus, named for David Nelson, a
gardener accompanying Cook on his last voyage, consists of a single species.
Type species: Justicia hrwielloides Lam. Type locality: Java.
or 2-cleft; corolla blue or purple, the tube slender, the limb 2-lipped,
the upper lip 2-cleft, the lower one 3-lobed ; stamens 2, the filaments
short, the anther sacs mucronulate at base; ovules several in each cav-
ity; stigma 2-lobed; capsule oblong, beaked.
1. Nelsonia brunelloides (Lam.) Kuntze Figure 3
Jwsftcia &r«ne!IZoides Lam. Tab. Encycl. 1:40. 1791. Type local ty Java. i :
Nelsonia albicans H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 2: 234. 1817. Type collected in a
damp place at mouth of the Rio Simi near El Zapote, Colombia.
Nelsonia brunelloides Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pi. 2: 493. 1891. Based on Justicia
'brunelloides Lam.
7 cm. long, rounded
base or short-decurrent on the petiole; petioles 2 to 20 mm. long;
spikes dense, peduncled or sessile, 2 to 6 cm. long; bracts ovate, acute
or acuminate, imbricate, about 6 mm. long and 4 mm. wide; calyx
about 5 mm. long, the upper lobe ovate, the others lanceolate; corolla
tube 4 to 5 mm. long, the limb about 2 mm. broad; capsule sessile,
glabrous, 4 mm.
long, 4-seedcd; seeds globose, light brown, subver-
rucose, sparingly pilosulous, the hairs anchoraeform.
Partial to moist sandy places. Mexico, Central America, West
Indies, northern South America, Old World Tropics.
AtlAntico: Barranquilla, Bro. EUas 47S (US).
Mendoncioideae Lindau in Engl. & PrantI, Pflanzenfam. IV. 3b: 289. 1895.
tended and partly enclosed by two usually rather large more or less
(Leonard: thei acanthaceae of Colombia^ i 11
more or less oblique at apex, the mesoearp more or less fleshy, the
endocarp bony retinacula none.
Figure Z.^Nelsonia hrunelloides (Lam.) Kuntze {Bro, Elias 473): a, Branch; h, bract;
Cy anterior calyx lobe; d, posterior calyx lobe; e, one of a lateral pair of calyx lobes;/, valve
of capsule showing placenta; g, an anchoraeform hair from seed, (a, Natural size; b-f^
Mendonoia VeU. ex Vand. pL 5, fig. tZ, 1788. The genus was
Fl. Lusit. Bras. 43,
named for Cardinal Mendonga, Patriarch of Lisbon. More than 90 species
have been described, the majority of these limited to tropical America^ No
specific combination was made either by Vandelli in his Florae Lusitanicae
892687—51 2
or by Ruiz and Pavon Prodronms, nor can the plants figured in each
in thoir
publication be assigned with certainty to any known species. The first
species to be definitely established were those of Ruiz and Pavon (Syst.
Veg, Peruv. CbiL 158, 1798), namely, Mendozia aspera and AL racemosa, the
latter a very doubtful species. These were transferred in 1847 to Mc7idoncia
(correctly spelled) by Nees (in DO. Prodr. 11). Previous to Noes' work in
the Prodromus only two valid specific combinations had been made, namely,
Mendoneia alhida and M, coccinea, both published by Vellozo in his Florae
Fluminensis (263. 1825). Type species: Alcndo^ia aspera Ruiz & Pav. Type
locality: Peru.
Mcndozia Ruiz & Pav. Fl. Peruv. Chil. Prod. 89. pt 17, 1794. The name Mcndozia
is merely an alteration of Mendoneia on the part of Ruiz and Pavon, It has
not appeared in botanical literature since last used by Nees in Martins'
Flora Erasiliensis (1874). Type species: Mendozia aspera Ruiz & Pav.
Type locality Peru.
Engelia Nees in DC. Prodr. 11: 721. 1847. Named for Engelio, a director of the
Berlin Theater. Two species are described, both from Colonia Tovar,
Venezuela (not Colombia), by Nees. These are E. tovarensis and E, villosa.
Photographs of the types of both species are in the U. S. National Herbarium,
A careful examination of these photographs leads one to no other course
than to regard these plants as true Mendoneia in spite of the statement in
Nees' generic description that the corollas possess short spurs, a split limb,
and a staminodo. Corollas are not shown in either photograph nor are
mature corollas present on Mntis 895, undoubtedly representing Engelia
mllosa. More ample material is needed to clear up this troublesome point.
Type species Engelia tovarenns Kl. & Karst. ex Nees, Type locality Colonia
: :
Tovar, Venezuela.
face evenly pubescent 19. M. gracilis
ing scabrous ^vith age^ the hairs about 0.5 mm. long, each one arising
from a stellate base, the lower surface rather densely and softly
to 3 in each axil ;
pedicels 2 to 6 cm. long, appressed-pubescent ; bracts
oblong-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, 3 to 3.5 cm. long, 1.2 to 1.5 cm.
wide, often subfalcate, acute at apex, tipped by a short mucro, rounded
at base^ densely and softly sericeous, the hairs yellowish brown, closely
pie, cm. long, 10
1.5 mm. broad, somewhat compressed, sparingly
Woods and thickets,
kets, usually below 400 meters, Colombia, Peru, Bra-
zil, and Surinam.
PuTXJMAYo Umbria, King 1760 ( GH, Mo, NY,
: US )
1.8 cm. wide, rounded at both ends, tipped by a short mucro, incon-
spicuously and minutely appressed-pubescent without, glabrous
within; corolla white, marked by reddish browm within, glabrous, 5 to
6 cm. long, the tube curved, 2,5 cm. long, the throat 1 cm. broad, the
limb 3 cm. wide, the lobes oval, 1 to 1.5 cm. long; style about 5 cm. long;
ovary sparingly puberulous fruit not seen. ;
tip, retrorsely pilose, the hairs up to 1 mm. long, the bracts oblong-
ovate, subpanduriform, rounded and mucronate at tip, cordate at
base, 4.5 to 5 cm. long, 23 to 25 mm. wide near base, 20 to 23 mm. wide
near middle, thin, hirsute, the hairs spreading or ascending, brownish,
up to 1 mm. long, the costa and veins obscure corolla 6 cm. long, white,
Figure 5. Mendoncia mirahilts Leonard {Haught 4922); Portion of plant showing leaves
and inflorescence (half natural size).
cm. long, 1.5 cm. wide, abruptly contracted to a slender tip 5 mm. long
mm. at m
and 7 mm. at throat, the limb sublabiate ; filaments short ; anthers 9 to
lose ; up to 4.5 cm. long.
Known only from type material.
CaquetA: Mocoa, Sprague 402 (isotype, US).
the hairs 3 to 5 mm. long; corolla cream white, tinged with yellow
distally, about 2.5 cm. long; ovary and calyx glabrous; fruit oblong,
g, 9 to 10 mm
rounded at tip, glabrous, deep purple when ripe.
No Colombian specimens were examined. Turrill cites' a speci-
10. Mendoncia villosa &
Karst. ex Nees) Leonanl, comb. nov.
Engelia villom Klotzsch & Karst, ex Nees in DC. Prodr. 11 : 721. 1947. Type
collected at Colonia Tovar, Venezuela, by Karsten. Photograph of type
material from the Berlin Herbarium (photo No. 5883) is in the U. S.
National Herbarium.
at apex, densely hirsute; corolla glabrous; calyx entire, glabrous;
ovary glabrous fruit not seen. ;
17 2484
T* J
veins fairly prominent, the upper surface of the older leaves coarsely
reticulate ;
petioles up to 3 cm. long, glabrous or sparingly hirsute, the
hairs similar to tliose of the leaf blades; flowers usually several, borne
on flattened suborbicular axillary spurs, the pedicels 1 to 1.5 cm. long,
glabrous (except a small area near the insertion of the stamens, this
glandular-papillose) about 1 cm, long, the tube 4 mm. broad at base,
Figure 7.—Mendoncia pennellii Leonard {Pennell 10601): a, Nodal portion of plant show-
ing a pair of leaves, spurs, and two flowers; h, a corolla lobe; c, stamen, {a. Half natural
size; h, slightly larger than natural size; c, twice natural size.)
Figure S.— Mendoncia glomerata Leonard {Klug 1710): a, Leaf; b, inflorescence; c, drupe;
d, flower, showing calyx, disc, and pistil lying on the inner surface of a bract; e, corolla;
up to 8 cm. long and 4.5 cm. wide, acuminate and tipped by a mucro 1 to
petiole, drying dark brown, thin, veiny, sparingly strigose or glabrate,
the hairs confined chiefly to costa and lateral veins (4 pairs) ;
-, '
truncate or more broadly rounded at the base) and by its acute grad-
somewhat abruptly acuminate leaf blades name
o thfi reddish-Dink bracts.
Figure 9— Mendoncia rosea Leonard {Killip W Smith 15368) : a. Node, showing stem and
flower showing calyx, disc, and pistil on inner face of bract; d, stamen.
a leaf; h, bract; c,
{a, Half natural size; h and c, natural size; J, about twice natural size.)
Mendozia velloziana Mart. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 3: 22, p^. 210. 1829. Type col-
lected in Brazil by Venozo. Several paratypes are cited, all from Brazil.
Mendoncia vellozh 1847 Mendozia
velloziana Mart.
up to 1 mm.
long, the costa prominent; calyx 1 mm. long, undulate,
glabrous; corolla red, 3 cm. long, 5 mm. broad at throat, slightly
constricted below the middle, swollen at base, the lobes rounded, 2 to 3
mm. long, 2 mm. wide ; ovary hirtellous toward tip style glabrous ;
Bracts broadly elliptic, 2.5 to 3 cm. long and 2 cm. wide. In other
respects similar to the typical form.
Forests of Colombia.
NoBTE DE Santander: El Rio Cubujfin, 420-480 m.
Indio, alt., region of EIo
Sarare, Cuatrecasas 13109, In part (US).
seen, but since Spruce 2683 was collected between Panure and the Rio
Uaupes, near the Colombia-Brazilian border, the variety has been
included in this treatment.
of Brazil and possibly Colombia
Leonard Figure 10
orientibus instructa, subtus hirsuta, pilis adpressis brunneis, costa et
usually solitary in the axils of the leaf blades pedicels about 1.5 cm.
drupe orbicular, 1.8 cm. long, 1.4 cm. broad, 5 mm. thick, glabrous.
Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1853796, collected a
Silva, on the Rio Cajambre, near the Pacific coast. Department of E
Valle, Colombia, altitude 5 to 80 meters, May 5 to 15, 1944, by J
Cuatrecasas (No. 17529)
resembles M.
but it can be readily separated by the spreading pubescence
Mendoncia gracilis Turrill, Kew Bull. 1919: 418, 1919. The type was col-
lected at Mesa Grande on the Rio Negro, Department of Cundinamarca,
Colombia, 1,200 to 1,300 meters, by Lehraann, No. 8792, and is deposited in
the herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
long and wide, shallowly emarginate fruit elliptic-obovoid, slightly
Cauca: Quindlo, Triana s. n. (Col.).
11584 (NY, US) Miraflores, Palmira,
El Valle Vicinity of La Cumbre, KiUip
Slender herbaceous or sufFrutescent vines ; stems subterete, moder-
ately pilose or densely so at nodes, the hairs appressed or ascending,
cream with brownish markings, glabrous, fragrant
. 6 mm. broad at base, narrowed 5 mm. above base tc
. ;
Figure 13.—Mendoncia mutisii Leonard (Mutis 916): a, Node, showing leaf and inflorcs-
cense; b, flower showing calyx, disc, and pistil on inner face of bract; c, tip of immature
corolla spread to show lobation; d, stamen, (a, i, Natural size; c, d, about twice natural
Type in the U.
National Herbarium, No. 1562336, collected in
Colombia by J. C. Mutis (No. 916)
Mendoncia mutisii is probably related to M, alUda^ but it has much
smaller flowers and a more appressed pubescence.
long. mm
wide, rounded at both ends, apiculate at apex, inconspicuously strigose,
the hairs minute and closely appressed; corolla yellowish white,
of the inner surface of each lobe papillose-puberulous calyx subhya- ;
this new species theyare inconspicuously and closely strigose, with the
hairs minute (0.5 mm. long), but in M. glomerata they are
soft and
silky, the hairs loosely appressed and much longer
(1 mm. long).
4 -k
the costa and lateral veins (3 pairs) obscure above, more prominent
beneath: petioles 1.5 to 2 cm. long, glabrous or sparingly hirsute, the
long, 3.5 to 4 mm. wide, acute, rounded at base, sparingly and minutely
appressed-hirsute, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long; corolla greenish
white (immature), 2 mm. long, the lobes rounded, 0.5 mm. long and
0.75 mm. wide ovary glabrous fruit not seen.
; ;
cross section, the branches It^afy, dull green, fleshy, and the bracts
pale green.
Mendoncia microchlamvs is easilv recocfnized. as the SDecific name
Thunbergioideae Lindau, Bot. Jahrb. Engler 18: 43. 1893; Engl. & Prantl,
Pflanzenfam. IV. 3b: 291. 1895.
conspicuous, white, yellow, or blue, the tube more or less curved and
ventricose, the limb 5-lobed stamens 4, the anthers 2-celled, the basal
will eyer be found native to the Americas. A dozen or more species occur
Thvnhergia capensis Retz. (Africa)
pubescent trailing or climbing vine usually about 1 meter long
leaves ovate to triangular-ovate, 4 to 8 cm. long, acute at apex, cordate
remotely few-toothed, pubescent petiole
or hastate at base, entire or ;
Armenia, Pennell, EilUp, & Hazen 8635 (GH, Ph, NY, US).
CuNDiNAMAEcA : El Colegio, Bro. Ariste Joseph 1055 (US). Juntas, Lehmann
1854 (US). La Esperanza, Qarcia-Barriga 4704 (US). Along stream above Mel-
gar, Pennell 2842 (US). Sasaima, Bro. Nic<^foro Maria s. n. (US).
: ) ;
for Colo
variants of T. alata are common. Many
of these have been recognized
as horticultural varieties or have actually been described as valid var-
ieties or species. It is, however, difficult if not impossible to distin-
guish between these forms or varieties unless fresh flowers are exam-
dr The
following key will serve to separate the entities listed in Bailey's
Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Leaves variegated T, aurajitiaca subvar. doddsii Paxt.
Leaves green.
Corolla uniform in color.
Corolla pure white t. alata var. lakeri Hort.
Corolla sulphur yellow t. sulphurea Hort.
Corolla yellow j, j^^^^ jj^j.^^
Corolla with eye.
Corolla white with dark center T. alata var. alba Paxt.
Corolla bright orange with dark center T. aurantiaca Paxt.
Corolla pale orange with white center T, frycri Hort.
Corolla orange, yellow, buff, or cream with dark center T. alata Bojer
CuNDiNAMABCA Field near La Vega, P&ez-ArlcJdez d Cuatrecasas 5346 (US).
Thunbergia FiGUKE
Thunbergia frwgrans Eoxb. PI. Coromand. I: 47. 1795. Type collected at
Samulcotah, India.
Thunbergia voluMlis Pers. Syn. Pi. 2: 179. 1806. Type collected in India
and deposited in the herbarium of Jussieu, Paris.
A slender finely pubescent vine up to 2 meters long, usually climb-
ing; leaves ovate to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate at apex, hastate
cordate at base, entire or remotely few-toothed toward base
slender, 1 to 4 cm. long flowers axillary peduncles 2 to 7 cm.
; long
bracts lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, 1.5 to 2 cm. long; corolla
2.5 to 3 cm. long, the lobes crenate, nearly as long as the tube capsule ;
Figure \6.—ThunUrgia fragrans Roxb. (a, Killip 35365; b, Perez-Arleldez 577; c-e,
DryandcT 413): a. Node showing inflorescence and a pair of leaves; b, capsule; c, a valve
of the capsule; d, placenta septum showing the large papilliform retinacula; e, seed show-
stems subquadrangul
cm. lonfT and wide, acuminate
apex, cordate or hastate at base (basal sinus usually broad and
rounded), often coarsely toothed or lobed below the middle; petioles
up to 10 cm. long; flowers axillary or borne on slender bracted, termi-
892687—51 4
: .
nal and often recurved racemes spathe Q-valvedj the valves obliquely
included, the exterior cell of each posterior anther armed with a rigid
in diameter, tipped by a stout beak about
Gardens, thickets, forests. Planted ( established
tropical regions throughout many parts <
Acanthoideae Lindau in Bot, Jahrb, Engler 18 : 43. 1893.
Retinacula subulate, usually curved, truncate and more
fimbriate at tip, aestivation of corolla lobes contorted or imbricate.
Contortae Lindau in Bot. Jahrb. Engler 18 : 43, 1893,
A key to the tribes has been constructed by Lindau (Engl. & Prantl,
Pilanzenfam. IV. 3b: 287. 1891). His key, however, is based chiefly
on pollen characters. Since pollen characters are very difficult to
Calyx segments very dissimilar^ the posterior one usually the largest, the anterior
pair more or less united flowers borne in dense terminal spikes.
Corolla red or yellow, tubular, usually 4 cm. long or more ; flowers borne
in spikes^ the rachis simple or branched 8, Sanchezia
Herbs, often more or less suffrutescent (rarely shrubs) calyx segments subu- ;
dric 9- Hygrophila
Corolla regular or nearly so inflorescence various capsules stipitate.
; ;
Bravaisia jya Key. Bign. in Bibl, Univ. Genfeve N. S. 17: 132. 1838, Originally
placed in the family Bignonaceae by DeCandoUe, this genus was first
properly considered to belong to the family Acanthaceae by Bentham &
Hooker (Gen. PI. 2; 1081 1876). It was named in honor of two brothers,
C, and J. Bravais, whose notes on the leaves and flowers of the plant were
utilized by DeCandolle in drawing his description. The material on which
the generic description was based was collected by Vargas at Caracas,
Venezuela. Type species: Bravaisia fioribunda DC.
Onychacanthus Nees In DC. Prodn 11: 217. 1847. Nees describes two species,
O. cumingii (based on two specimens^ one collected in Peru by Pav6n and the
other in Central America by Cuming, No. 1307) and O. herlandierianus
(based on a specimen collected in Mexico by Berlandier, No. 108). The
name Onychacanthus comes from Spv^, claw or nail, and &Kaveosj Acanthus,
in allusion, probably, to the biungulate stigmas. Type species: 0. cumingii
Nees, Type locality Peru.
purplish, the tube short, the throat campanulate, the lobes 5, subequal,
rounded, spreading; stamens 4, the anther cells contiguous, spurred at
base; ovules 2 to 4 in each cell.
dense tree up to 18 meters high; branches glabrous or finely
puberulous, or tomentosc when young; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, 8 to
28 cm. long, 3 to 10 cm. wide, acuminate or acute at apex, narrowed at
base, entire or undulate, subcoriaceous, glabrous or the costa and
lateral veins pilosulous petioles up to 5 cm. long, but usually about
glabrous (except the ciliate lobes), about 2 cm. long, the tube cam-
panulate, about 8 mm. broad at throat, the limb about 2 cm. broad, the
lobes 1 cm. long, 5 to 6 mm. wide, rounded or emarginate; capsule
oblong, 10 to 12 mm. long, obtuse at apex, rounded at base, glabrous,
4-seeded ; seeds flat, suborbicular, about 4 mm. in diameter, greenish,
Vernacular names: Sancarano {Curran 222) ;
palo de agua {Bro.
Elias 444, 487, 1265, 1507; Dugand 580) ; sancho araiia {Dugand 580;
Curran ZQ%U1).
Masses of aerial roots, after the fashion of mangroves, are often
produced at the bases of the trees. The wood is said to be light cream
in color, medium heavy but not hard, and possessing a coarse uneven
grain. packing boxes and food pails/
It is suitable for
Low wet woods and meadows. Peru; Colombia; Venezuela; north
to Oaxaca and Tamaulipas, Mexico,
BotJvar: Estrella, Cafio Papayal, Lands of Loba, Curran 308 (GH, US);
317 (GH), Along the Mompos to Juana Sanchez trail, Island of Mompos, Lands
of Loba, Curran 222 (US). Meadow at Morrocoquiel on the lilo Sinu, Pennell
4697 (GH, Mo, NY, US).
Magdat.ena: Santa Marta, Romero 34 (Mo); H. E. Smith 1869 (GH, Mo,
NY, Ph, US) ; Bertero s. n. (Mo, isotype).
Trichanthera H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 2: 243, in obs. 1817. Ruellia gvgantea,
the type species, was first published by Humboldt and Bonpland in their
Plantae Aequinoctiales (2: vt 102. 1809). It was redescribed in their
Nova Genera et Species Plantarum (2: 243. 1817) with the following
observation appended: **Certe distincti generis ob stamina exserta, antheras
pilosas et capsulae loculos dispermos. Fortasse Trichanthera nominandum."
Nees, in DeCandoUe's Prodromus (11: 218. 1847), published a detailed
Vernacular names Aro-blanco : {Killip <& Smith 15452) ; nacedero
[Dryander 37) rompebarringa {Archer 523).
78 (NY). Titiribf, Archer 574 (US). Vicinity of Turbo, Haught 4549 (US).
BoLfvAB: Sahagiin, Pennell 4101 (NT, US), San Martin de Loba, Lands of
Loba, Curran 54 (GH, US).
BoYACi.: Vicinity of Boavita, Cuatreeasas 1924 (US). MoniquirS., P^rez-
Arbeldez d Cuatreeasas 8132 (US).
Choc6: Bahia Solano, near Ciudad Mutis, Killip d Qarcia-Barriga 33589 (US).
Figure 18. Trichanthera gigantea (Humb, & Bonpl.) Nees {a^ b, Cuatreeasas 13437;
f, Archer 574): a^ Leaf; by inflorescence; f, corolla. (All half natural size.)
NY, Ph). Hoya, between Quebradita del Retiro and Rio Alban, Cuatrecasas
22C31 (Ch). Timba, von Sneidern 1240 (NY, S).
Magdalen A (?) Poponte^ Cyril Allen 876 (Mo).
ular (anterior lobe appreciably longer than the others), 1.5 to 2.3 cm.
long, velvety brown-tomentose, the lobes oblong, 10 to 20 mm. long,
3 to 5 mm. wide, obtuse to acute, 5-nerved, the middle nerve more
pronounced than the 4 lateral ones; corolla 3 cm. long, the tube 5 to
6 mm. broad, glabrous, the throat and lobes whitish or brown and
densely tomentose without, purple and sparingly pubescent within,
the limb 2,5 cm. broad, the lobes erect or spreading, ovate, 12 mm. long,
8 to 10 mm. wide, obtuse; stamens exscrted, the filaments 15 mm, long,
pilose at base, glabrous above, the anthers 7 mm. long and 2 mm. broad,
the basal lobes 2 to 3 mm. long, obtuse, sparingly pilose along the
sutures; capsule oblong, 1.5 to 2 cm. long, 5 to 7 mm. broad, acute or
obtuse at apex, densely tomentose, the hairs brownish mature seed ;
Sanchczia Ruiz & Pav. FL Peruv. Chil. Prodr, 5, pi. 32, 1794; Ruiz & Pav. FL
Peruv. CliiL 1: 7. ph 8, flff, a d 6. 1798. The genus was named for Jos6
Sfinchez, a professor of botany at Cadiz.
Ancylogyne Nees in Wart. FL Bras, 9: G3, pi 7. 1847. The name Ancylogyne
is derived from avKv\os, bent or curved, and t"^"'?* pistil, Nees published two
species in Martius' Flora of Brazil, A. munita and A, macrocnemis, the latter
identical with 8. oUonga Ruiz & Pav. In DeCandoUe's Prodromus (11: 221,
1847), Nees added two more species, A. peruviana and A, capitata. In 18G6
Hooker (Bot. Mag. Curtis 92: pi 5594) reestablished the name Sanchezia,
Java, S
and Amboina. About 30 species are now recognized.
ranca Bermeja, Hauffht 1538 (US). Brazo de Moro above Barranca Bermeja,
Nicmeycr 1 (US), Between Rfo Carare and Rfo Magdalena in the vicinity of
Puerto Berrfo, Haught 1835 (US).
Vaxjp£s: San Jos6 del Guaviare, Citatrecasas 7442 (US),
tuse sepals ligulate, 1.5 to 1.8 cm. long, 3 to 5
; mm. wide, rounded
apex ; corolla orange, the tube 4 to 6 cm. long, 7 to 8 mm. broad at
throat, narrowed below the middle to 3 mm., glabrous, the lobes 3 to 4
mm. long, rounded, emarginate ; stamens inserted about 5 mm. above
the base of the corolla tube, the filaments 4 to 4.5 cm. long, exserted 5
the nodes sometimes beset with a few stiff straight hairs about 0.5 mm,
long; leaf blades oblong-lanceolate, up to 25 cm. long and 6.5 cm.
wide, gradually narrowed from the middle to a slender and sometimes
curved tip, acute at base and decurrent on the petiole, undulate, glab-
rous, the lateral veins (10 to 12 pairs) rather prominent beneath;
bracts subtending the branches of the inflorescence linear-lanceolate,
2 cm. long, about 3 mm. wide at the base, slenderly acuminate, the
mm. long and 6 mm. wide (successively
inflorescence), acute; bractlets oblong, 13
calyx segments linear-oblong to oblanceolate, slightly irregular in size,
obscurely parallel-veined; corolla orange yellow or pale salmon,
thick at base, narrowed above the ovary to 3 mm
to 8 mm., but the throat narrowed to 5 mm.,
5 mm. lonff, 3 mm. wide, rounded and emarcfinate;
ri ^
Figure 19, Sanchezia lutea Leonard {Cuatrecasas 4627): a^ Tip of branch showing leaf
and inflorescence; b^ bract subtending flower clusters; r, bract subtending flower; d^ calyx
segment; ^, stamen and staminode (immature);/, anther, dorsal view to show sutures; g^
anther, ventral view to show connective; A, corolla lobe; i, pistil (immature), (d, Half
natural size; J-^, A, /, natural size;/, g, about twice natural size.)
12 mm. long, glabrous, the anthers 5 mm. long, their ventral surfaces
style glabrous J
fruit not seen.
Type in the U. S. National H
Quibdo, Intendencia of Choco
Colombia, May 20 or 21, 1931, by W. A. Archer
Figure 20,— Sanchezia putumayensis Leonard (Klug 1653): a, Tip of branch showing in-
florescence and leaves; t, calyx opened and spread to show segments; r, bract subtending
flower; d, a stamen and staminode; ^, anther, showing sutures; /, anther^ attachment of
filament, (a, d^ Half natural size; i, c, e^f^ natural size.)
large sufFrutescent herb; stems snnooth, subquadr angular, the
angles rounded; leaf blades oblanceolate, up to 26 cm. long and 7
cm, wide or more, acuminate, subfalcate, narrowed at base and de-
inflorescence a sparingly branched terminal panicle up to 16 cm. long,
and 3 to 4 cm. broad, the fascicles usually several-flowered, sessile,
subsecund, the bracts subtendino* them trianirular-ovate* subconnate.
wide, sparingly puberulent without, ciliolate, both bracts and bract-
lets firm, green or yellowish toward tip; calyx 2 cm. long, the seg-
ments oblanceolate, 4 mm.
wide, actitish, glabrous proximally,
to 6
puberulous distally, ciliolate, yellow; corolla ochre, 4 to 5 cm. long,
about 5 mm, broad immediately above the ovary, about 10 mm, in
about 6 mm.long and 4 mm. wide, emarginate; stamens exserted 7 to
8 mm, beyond mouth of corolla, the filaments tomentose at and above
the insertion, thence sparingly pilose (the hairs up to 1.5 mm. long),
but distally glabrous, the anthers 6 mm. long, 2.5 mm. broad, the sacs
pubescent, the basal lobes ending in subulate spreading spurs about 1
mm. long; staminodes 15 mm. long, sparingly pilose; ovary and style
glabrous; capsule not seen.
Usually found in gardens but sometimes growing wild along
streams, possibly as an escape. Chiapas, Guatemala, El Salvador,
PuTUMAYo: Banks of the Rio Guamui5s between its mouth and San Antonio,
Cuatrecasas 11231 (US),
Eygrophila R. Br, Prodr. FL Nov* HoU, 479. 1810, The name comes from
iypos, wet, and ^I'Xos, loving. Type species: Hygrophila anguBtifolia R. Br.
Caij)a.s: Roadside west of Armenia, Killip & Hazen 8637 (GH). Santa Elena
above Santuario, Penncll 10593 (GH, NY). Tabeja, west of Armenia, Pennell,
lailip, & Bazen 8630 (US).
Choc6 On the Ilfo San Juan between Istmina and Condoto, Qaraia-Barriga
11524 (Col).
Figure 21—Hygrophila guianensis Nees (a, b, Archer 899; c, Mesa Tip of stem
82): a,
flower and calyx; capsule and calyx, (a, Natural
showing leaves and inflorescence; b, r,
. 1847) collected from bank in Colomb
a river
Hooker Herbarium). Hygrophila nvularls is
H. guianensis
Hooker Herbarimn si)ecimen mi
. ^
corolla white or purplish, a little longer than the subtending bracts
mm. in diameter
dry, if moistened the edge bearing a densely set gelatinous band of
natural size.)
this form. Although widely distributed and in many places a com-
62 HERBARimi
17C 523 (US). Puerto Berrlo, Archer 1417 (US) Pennell 3752 (NY, US). Be- ;
tween Rio Guapa and Le6a, Landa, Rivera, & Barkley 180 31G (US). Valparaiso,
Pennell 10798 (Ph, NY, US).
AtlAntico Hacienda Riodulce, Los Pendales, Dugand & Jaramillo 4164 (US).
Pioj6, vicinity of Barranquilla, Bro. Ellas G7G (US) Hacienda Cachubaua, Usia- .
vicinity of Santa Marta, H. H. Smith 1409 (Ph, NY, S). Papare, vicinity of
Santa Marta, H. H. Smith 81 (Ph, NY). Playa Barba, vicinity of Santa Marta,
H. H. Smith 81 (NY, US). Poponte. Magdalena Valley. Cvril Alle.n 841
Santander: Puerto Wilches, Killip d Smith 14767 (NY).
Without DEFINITE locality: Triana s. n. (NY).
deae, puberulae.
Herbs up to 30 cm. high or
more; stems subquadrangular (the
angles rounded) glabrous, hirtellous, the hairs sometimes arranged in
two lines; leaf blades lanceolate, up to 8 cm. long and 2.5 cm. wide,
acute or acuminate (the tip itself sometimes blunt), narrowed at base
and decurrent on the petiole, thin, shallowly serrate, the upper surface
moderately pilose, the hairs 1.5 mm. lonff, curved, the lower surface
sparingly hirtellous ) mm
Leonard: the acanthaceae of Colombia, i 63
cm. Ion
er inconspicuous petioles 1 to;
corolla purple, hypocrateriform, finely pubescent, 2.5 cm. long, the
broad, the throat b mm. mm
rounded, aboul
road, the limb about 12 mm. broad, the lobes ovate,
stamens included capsule ovoid, puberulous
mm. lonir and broad ; ;
Figure 23— Bkchum haughiU Leonard {HaugU 4976): Tip of branch showing inflores-
cence; h, cross section of stem; c, portion of inflorescence showing bract, bractlets, calyx,
and ovary; d, calyx, {a, Half natural size; h, c, natural size; d, twice natural size.)
Blechum angustius Nees
4G7. 1847. Type collected at
Blechum angustius Nees in DC. Prodr. 11:
Colombia, January to February 1826, by Billberg, No. 1,
Cartagena, Bolivar,
deposited in the Berlin Herbarium.
Billberg's No. from
A careful examination of isotype material of 1,
bark These
T etramerium.
mens 4, didynamous, the anthers S-celled, the cells parallel, the base
mucronate; style and stisrma
g from the b
of j^ - . _ J
v^^.jv.^^v^., ,,j.j.i,j,j jJXivoc TVllCil llnJiaLCliCU.
The more species comprising the genus
ten or are found chiefly in
Africa, Asia, and India.
or 2 cm. in width, their petioles often long-pilose spikes
numerous, ;
bracts suborblcular, up to 8 mm. long and 10.5 mm. wide,
rounded or
obtuse at tip, truncate at base and short-petioled, thin,
veined, glabrous or sparingly pilose, the margins
ciliate, some of the
posterior segment of the calyx ovate, 8 mm. long, 4.5 mm. wide, obtuse
_ r j; ,
'i^\ ^
7 mm. lonji, 0.75 mm
mm. long
in America.
Meta: Kestrepo, Oarcia-Barriga 5181 (US). ViUavicencio, Bro. AppolUnaire
Tribe 4. Ruelueae Neea
sometimes spicate and subtended
or in cymes, often forming panicles,
amous, the anther sacs blunt at base; stigma lobes unequal; capsules
oblong or clavate.
^ - I
— « h
Stems (at least the upper portions), peduncles, pedicels, and the
under surface of the leaf blades densely and softly puberulous.
9a. R. macrophylla var. puherula
Calyx segments firm, linear or subulate, gradually narrowed from
base to a slender tip, longer than the calyx tube.
Plants grayish puberulous 10- R- Ori sea
12. R. caucensis^
Corollas red, the stamens exserted about 1 cm, beyond the mouth of the
corolla tube, the filaments straight or slightly curved; corolla lobes
Pubescence eglandular.
C. Stems glabrous, puberulous, or pilosulous.
Corollas mauve.
Capsules clavate, puberulous; flowers axillary.
Leaf blades oblong to lanceolate corollas 2.5 to 3 cm. long.
18. R, geminiflora
Leaf blades narrowly lanceolate ; corollas 4 to 5 cm long.
18a. R, geminiflora var. angustifoUa
Capsules cylindric, glabrous or the calluses bearing a few hairs; in-
florescence verticillastrate, forming a naked interrupted spike.
19. R, ohtnsa
Corollas red, white, greenish, or pink.
Bracts bright red 20. R. colorata
Bracts green.
Plants 4 to 5 meters high loaf blades large (up to 30 cm. long and
I r
ments linear, 0.5 to 0.75 mm. wide; corolla red, glabrous or puberulous
toward base, the tube funnelform, curved, 1.5 mm. broad at base, 5
to 7 mm. broad at mouth, the lobes ovate, 7 to 10 mm. long, 3 to 5 mm.
wide, rounded at tip; stamens exserted to about 5 mm. beyond the
mouth of the tube, the anthers oblong, 2 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide cap- ;
ably erect when young, the stems ascending or even becoming pro-
cumbent with age.
Damp thickets or woods. Colombia, Venezuela, and Tobago.
CuNDiNAMARCA : Bogota, Bro.
Viciiiity of Arisfc-JoscpJi, s. n. (US). Hacienda
Paramillo, between Guaduas and Alto de Aguaclara, Garcia-Barriga 12322 (US).
Santandersito, Silvano-J. 178 (GH). Tenasuca, Triana s. n. (Col, NY, US).
Antioquia: Dabeiba, LcJimann 4739 (US).
El Valle: La Paila, Bolton 599 (NY).
Santaxder: San Gil, Bro. Anionio-Miguel 121 (GH1.
Without locality: Lchmann 4739 (US).
Figure 25. Ruellia tolimensis Leonard {Cualrecasas 10529a): a, Leaf; h, portion of upper
surface of leaf showing cystoliths; c, nodal region of stem and inflorescence; d, enlarged
portion of peduncle to show flatness, wings, and pubescence; e, flower;
/, stamen, {a, c.
Half natural size; h,f, about twice natural size; d, 2}^ times natural size; e, natural size.)
sulcate, the angles narrowly winged, the wings pilose, the hairs barely
1 mm. long, the cystoliths minute ; leaf blades oblong-ovate,
up to 17
cm. long and 7 cm. wide, ratlier slenderly acuminate, narrowed at base
and decurrent on the petiole, thin, sliallowly crenate, glabrous except
the costa, lateral veins (10 pairs), and the margins, these pilose, the
hairs about 0.6 mm. long, spreading or subappressed petioles up
to ;
mm. lonsr and 4 mm
usually smaller, the margins pilose ;
pedicels slender, up to 14 mm. long,
glabrous calyx 8 to
; 10 mm. long, divided nearly to base, the segments
subulate, 0.75 to 1 mm. wide at base, ciliate, the hairs about 0.25 mm.
long; corolla 2.5 cm. long, white, glabrous, the lower portion of the
tube slightly curved, about 2 mm. broad from base to 5 mm. above
bfise, thence gradually enlarged to 7 mm. at throat, the enlarged por-
tion slightly ventricose, the lobes ovate or elliptic, about 8 mm. long
and 5 mm. wide, rounded, shallowly to rather deeply emarginate sta- ;
mens barely exserted; capsules clavate, glabrous, 1.5 cm. long, the
solid stipitate base about 6 mm. long, the seed-bearing portion about
3 mm. broad, each capsule usually maturing 4 seeds, these ovate, flat-
tened, about 3.5 mm. long and 2.5 mm. broad, the margins puberulous
retinacula slender, sharply curved or bent at an angle.
Type in the National Herbarium of Colombia, collected in pasture
lands at Armero, in the Magdalena Valley, Department of Tolima,
Colombia, 400 meters altitude, October 6, 1940, by J. Cuatrecasas (No.
10529a). Fragment of type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No.
1854310. The name alludes to the Department of Tolima, where the
type was procured.
RueJlia tolimensis is closely related to R. potamophUa but can be
separated by the pilose peduncles, these once instead of 2 or 3 times
hrnnrhftd- and bv the more numerous veins of the leaf blades (10 pairs
instead of 8)
Figure 26. Ruellia potamophila Leonard {a-f, Killip 34747; Cualrecasas 1S03S): a.
Nodal region and leaf showing under surface; b, cross section of stem; c, portion of leaf
blade (upper surface), showing arrangement of cystoliths at juncture
of costa and a vein;
d, Inflorescence; e, cross section of peduncle;/, calyx;
g, corolla, (a, d, Half natural size*
h, c, f, g, about natural size; e, about four times
natural size.)
Calbas: Santa Cecilia, 800 meters altitude, von Sneidern 5075 (Cli).
long and broad; capsules narrowly
the lobes oval, about 1.5 cm.
8- to 20-seeded, glabrous or the apical calluses
clavate, 23 cm. long,
2 mm. long, slightly curved.
nous-pilose when moistened; retinacula
collections in the U. S. National Herbarium,
The majority of the
In fact, the distribution
including the type, are from cultivation.
cannot be definitely established. It is,
of the species in its wild state
Mexico. The specific name comes
however, probably a native of
seed, in allusion to the silky appressed
from and^TrepMa,
iJLa\aK6s, soft,
of the tube slender, cylindrie, 1.5 mm. broad, finely and inconspicu-
short, mcluded; capsules slenderly clavate, about 13 mm. long, pub-
erulous, some of the hairs gland-tipped, the slender
sterile basal
portion about 7 mm. long and 1 mm. broad at base, enlarainrr in 1 9?1
^'1 -.
FiGURE 27, Ruellia chariessa Leonard {Haught 4929): «, Node, leaf, and inflorescence;
f '
. 'A -t-
6, Ruellia paniculata L.
Rtiellia paniculata L, Sp. PI. 035. Linnaeus based his species on a
brief description published in Hortus ClilTortianus (p, 313) and on Sloan's
description and figure (Cat. Jam. p. 59 and Hist. 1: 158. pL 100, fig. 2). The
name was suggested by the large spreading panicles so conspicuous in mature
Ruellia paniculata H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 2: 239. 1817, Type collected at
Turbaco, Bolivar, Colombia. Ruellia paniculata L. is cited as a synonym,
rhotograph No. 39433, of the Paris Herbarium sheet, is in the U, S, National
Ruellia viscosa H, B, K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 2: 239. 1817. Humboldt bases his
description on plants he collected *ln ripa fluminis Apures*' and **in
sylvis Orinocensibus justa pagum Qirichana."
Dipteracanthus paniculatiis Nees in DO. Prodr, 11: 142. 1847. Based on
Ruellia paniculata L.
Dipteracanthus turhaccnsis Nees in DC. Prodr. 11: 143. 1847. Type collected
by Humboldt at l\irbaco, Colombia, deposited in the Wilidenow Herbarium.
Ruellia turbacensis Lindau in Engl. & Prantl, Pflanzenfam. IV. 3b: 309.
1S95. liased on Ruellia paniculata H. B. K.
Juan ]\Iina, Dugand 10G3 (US) Dugand & Jaramillo 4091 (US). Miramar,
vicinity of Puerto Colombia, Dugand 3(>33 (US). Between Molinero and Arroyo
de riodras, Dugand & Garcia-D^arrlga 2545 (US). Hacienda El Paraiso along
the liio Ma^dalena between Palmar de Varela and Ponedera, Dugand & Garcia-
Barriga 2445 (US), Piojo, vicinity of Parninquilla, Bro, Ellas 720 (US).
f . »_ 4
Ponedera, Dugand & Jaramillo 2740 (US). Puerto Colombia, Bro. Ariste- Joseph
A946 (US) BarkJeij d GutUrrez 1834. (US) Bro. Elias 821 (US) 1375 (US).
; ; ;
between Palmar de Varela and Ponedera, Dugand & Oarcia-Barriga 2436 (US).
Pioj6, vicinity of Barranquilla, Bro. Elias 707 (US) 746 (US). Puerto Colom- ;
bia, Barldcy <& Qumrrez-V. 1S35 (US) Bro. Elias 857 (US) 1155 (US) 1385
; ; ;
Ruellia clandestina L. Sp. PL 634. 1753. The species was based on cleisto-
gamous material, hence its name clandestina (concealed or hidden), alludin or
to the minute abortive corollas. Cleistogamy is exhibited in other members
of the genus. Type locality Barbados. ;
broad at mouth, the limb 2 to 4 cm. broad, the lobes suborbicular, 12
glabrous, the stigma lobes unequal capsules cylindric, 17 to 20 ram.
long, 3 mm. broad, acute at apex, glabrous except the pilosulous callus
appearing glabrous when dry, mucilaginous-pilose when moistened.
Vernacui^r NAiviEs: Yuca Garganta-
In dry situations the plants seldom exceed 35 cm. in height, but in
wet places they may reach the height of 1.5 meters {Metcalf 30019).
Its bright mauve flowers make it a very attractive plant. Durin**
— KW^-- -i^
— , ;
Cundinamabca: Girardot, Penncll & Rushij 1G7 (GH, NY). La Mesa to San
Javier, Garda-Barriga 12137 (Col) 12148 (US). ;
nate, ending in a blunt tip, rounded or narrowed at base, decurrent
on the petiole, undulate or shallowly crenatc, glabrous or sparingly
puberulous petioles 2 to 6 cm. long, sparingly puberulous or glabrous
late, 2 to 7 mm. long and about 1 mm. wide, those subtending the
Angcl 515 (US). Poponte, Cyril Allen 865 (Mo). Rio Magdaleua, Daicc
(US). Santa Marta, Bcrtero s. n. Mo) Romero 257 (Mo).
DC. Prodr. 11:205, 1847.
. ;
calyx, ovary, and stigma, {a. Half natural size; h, d, e, natural size; c^ about V/2 times
natural size;/, g, twice natural size.)
more, erect or ascending, sulcate, quadrangular, the angles sharp or
narrowly winged, puberulous, the hairs up to 0.5 mm. long, spreading
or retrorsely curved; leaf blades ovate, up to 7.5 cm, long and 5 cm.
wide, obtusish at apex, obtuse or rounded at base, entire or undulate,
both surfaces densely gray puberulous, the hairs up to 0.5 mm. long;
petioles up to 2 cm. long, puberulous flowers secund on dichotomously
about 0*5 mm. long, the costa and lateral veins (8 or 9 pairs) fairly
prominent, the cystoliths of the upper surface, if not obscured by the
hairSj prominent; petioles 1 to 2.5 cm. long, pubescent flowers borne j
Figure 29. Ruellia ischnopoda Leonard {a^ h, e, Haught 2364; d, Cuatrecasas 19710): a^
Tip of stem, showing leaves and inflorescence; b, small area of leaf blade (upper surface)
showing cystoliths; c, cross section of peduncle; i, capsule and calyx; e^ stamens, (a, d^
Natural size; i, e^ about three times natural size; c, about seven times natural size.)
cle narrowly oblong, 1 to 1.5 cm. long and 1.5 to 3.5 mm. wide, early
deciduouSj the smaller bracts, subtending the branches of the inflores-
cence, narrowly spathulate or linear, about 1 mm. wide calyx 8 mm. ;
bright red, salmon, or scarlet (Rusby & Pennell), about 3 cm. long,
. :
tively narrower and less shaggily pubescent leaf blades. The bracts
and calyces of Peruvian relative are, moreover, strongly hirsute
instead of sparingly and minutely pubescent as in R. ischnopoda. The
New York sheet of Ilolton 600 from Colombia bears the name R.
ruiziana in Lindau's handwriting; yet Helton's collection resembles
the specimens cited here under R. ischnopoda much more closely than
it does the authentically named
material of R. ruiziana from Peru (in
U S. National Herbarium). The epithet «sc7mc»/?0(^/a comes from
tVxi'os, weak or feeble, andTrous, foot or stem, in allusion to the slender
weak pedicels.
E I 'm
Figure 30.^Ruellia caucensis Leonard {von Sneidern 2647): a, Node and inflorescence;
the tube cylindric and about 2 mm, in diameter for about 7 mm. of
differs chiefly in its glabrous character and in its much smaller calyx.
Figure 31.
cross section of stem; portion of leaf blade to show cystoUths;
a, Tip of branch; b, c,
to 1,500 meters altitude, and No. 548 (NY), collected in the same
meters altitude, also represent the
general region, 1,200 to 1,700
up to 14 cm. long and 5.5 cm. wide, acuminate at apex (the tip itself
blunt), more or less abruptly narrowed at base and decurrent on the
petiole, the margins entire or undulate, the upper surface finely pubes-
the lower surface densely velvety pubescent, the hairs spreading.
d vena-
tion prominent beneath, less so above; petioles up to 2 cm.
tomentose; flowers borne in short racemes up to about 3 cm. lone
and broad, its branches softly and finely pubescent, the lowermost up
long, retrorsely curved, the pedicels up to 5 mm. long, finely pubescent,
leaving prominent scars after falling, thus giving the rachis
a conelike
appearance calyx finely pubescent and resin-dotted, the tube about 1
acute at tip, densely pubescent, the hairs about 100/. long,
or recurved ; corolla yellow, densely pubescent except at base,
the hairs
straight and spreading, up to 150 long, intermixed with resinous
cla-Barriga 10998 (US). Hacienda Cnriche, El Feii6n, between Rio Bunque and
Rio Murca, Qaroia-Barriga 12478 (US).
elliptic, 4 to 15 cm, long, 2.5 to 8 cm, wide, acuminate (the tip itself
obtuse), acute or rounded at base and decurrent on the petiole, un-
Hiilntp. hnfli Riivfarps nilosulous. the hairs confined chiefly to costa and
^—-^ ' r
from several to 20 or more
the rachis conelike, minutely puberulous; bracts lanceolate, about as
long as the calyx, often deciduous; calyx 9 to 12 mm. long, puberulous.
at base; corollas pink, red, or bright carmine, salverform, minutely
pubescent, up to 6 cm- long, the tube slightly curved and ventricose,
enlarged to about 12 mm. at mouth, the limb up to 5 cm. broad, the
lobes oblong-ovate, up to 3 cm- long and 8 to 9 mm. wide near tip,
emarginate; btamens exserted; capsules clavate, puberulous, gland-
rather bluntlv pointed, narrowed
Eoadsides, borders of damp w^oods or thickets, and in open places
in general. Found usually between 100 and 820 meters altitude.
Panama, Colombia, and Venezuela.
Meta: Camino de Restrepo to Cumaral, Qarcia-Barriga 5126 (US). Woods
of the Rios Ocoa and Apiay, Llanos Orientales, Bugand & Jaramillo 3113 (US).
Hauffht 2458 (US) KiUip 34361 (US) Pcnnell 1G30 (NY) P6rcz-Arl)cJdeii 50
; ; ;
Suffriitescent herbs up
meter high stems ascending, subquad-
to 1 ;
(US)- Rio Seco, above Honda, Jlolton 282 (GH) Triana s.n. (Col).;
Meta: Villavicencio, Cuatrccasas 4535 (US) 4631 (US) CollcctorF 188 (US).
; ;
Type in the U.
National Herbarium, No. 170G866, collected t
stream at Villavicencio, Intendencia of Meta, Colombia, 600 m
altitude, January by Oscar Haught (No. 2569)
29, 1930, . The follow-
ing collections also represent the new form
BOYACA: El Humbo, Latcravce 504 (GH, Mo. NY, S).
Meta: Monte de Machadero, Ocoa, vicinity of Villavicencio, Hermann 11117
(US). Sitio de Montenegro, on the Guayuriba Road between Villavicencio
Ocoa, Dugand d Jaramillo 2920 (US). Villavicencio, KilUp 34354
Borders of damp thickets and woods or along trails and roads.
Found at elevations of about 500 meters. Endemic. The name bi-
color alludes to the purple-throated white corollas.
IGc. Ruellia tubiflora H. B. K. var. tetrastichantha (Lindau) Leonard f. flava
Leonard, f. nov.
-, -._ 1 n K j-^ fl ^v« TTTi'/io riVifnGTcTi af nnpT. narrowed at base and
obscurely puberulous, the costa and lateral veins (10 to 12 pairs)
long corolla about 4 cm. long, minutely
prominent ; petioles 1 to 2 cm. ;
8 mm. broad, puberulous.
U. S. National Herbarium
tween San Pedro and La Joya, below Umbria, Comisaria of Putumayo,
Colombia, January IG, 1945, by J. Ewan (No. 16785).
The collector found a single colony of these plants in partial shade
of a small clearing. The pale violet- white flowers were inodorous.
Rucllia geminiflora var. angustifoUa Nees ex Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 451. ISGl.
Dipteracanfhus angusUfolius Brem. Rec. Trav. Bot. N^erl. 35: 157. 1938.
Based on Diptcraoanthus geminiflorus Nees var. angustifolius Nees.
Riiellia gcminiflora var. angustifoUa Griscb. W.
Fl. Brit. Ind. 451. 1861. Based
on Dipt er acanthus geminiflorus Nees var. angustifolius Nees.
cm. long and 1 nun. wide near base, densely hirsute corolla blue, pink, ;
white, violet, or blue- violet, pubescent, 4.5 to 5 cm. long, the tube f un-
nelform, about 2 cm. broad at throat, the narrow basal portion about 1
cm. long and 2 mm. in diameter, the lobes about 1.5 cm. long; capsule
ovoid, 10 mm. long, 5 mm. broad, pubescent, apiculate, the sterile basal
portion about 3 mm. long.
In addition to the narrowness of the leaf blades mentioned by
Bremokamp states in his discussion of Dipter acanthus angustifolius
that he finds a number of characters by which to separate
his species
from Humboldt's R. ge^nlnifiora, namely, "the stem is erect and not
procumbent; the leaves are sessile, not shortly petiolate, at the top
acute, not obtuse, and at the base cuneate, not rounded;
the number of
the nerve pairs varies between 5 and 8, instead of being
always 5
bracteoles are presentand not even small, instead of being absent the ;
calyx lobes are 15 mm. long and all of the same size, not p'osticous,
10 mm. and the others shorter; the corolla is up to 5 cm. long, instead
bian specimens, which, in fact, seem in some respects to verge strongly
geminiilora. Inasmuch
could naturally be expected.
folia, this
Savannas, meadows, open places in general. The specimens cited
were collected from 100 to 500 meters altitude. Guiana, Venezuela,
and eastern Colombia.
Meta: Cafio Ijoa, road from Macapay
Barranca de Upfa, Haught 2596 (US).
Sabanas del Verjel, Carcia-Barriga 5131 (US). Vicinity of Villavicendo
34330 (US).
Vaup£s: San Jos(5 del Guaviare, EIo Guaviare, Cuatrecasas 7640 (US).
VicHADA Along the Rio Vichada at BopimI, Hermann 11102.
Boyaca, Colombia, "2500 feet'^ altitude, September 30, 1932, by A. E.
Lawrancc (No. 491), Isotypes are in the Gray Ilerl arium
F L n
.H. l"--
hairs minute, curved; bracts linear, 1 to 2 cm. long, 0.5 to 1 mm. wide,
mm. loner, mmu
ments linear-subulate, 3 to 4 mm. long, about 0.5 mm. wide at base,
dark colored in dried specimens, bearing a few minute hairs, the
cystoliths prominent under a lens corolla 3 to 3.5 cm. long, white,
violet, red, or pink with dark stripes, glabrous above, the
lower half
of the tube slender, pilosulous, about 1.5 mm. in diameter, the upper
half campanulate, slightly oblique, 8 to 9 mm. at mouth,
the limb
wide, emarginate, somewhat irregular; stamens included; capsules
12 mm.
long, glabrous, the solid stipitate portion about 8 mm. long,
the seed-bearing portion flattened, oval, about 3 mm. broad,
retinacula 1.5 mm. long; seed suborbicular, flat, reddish brown,
to moi
National Herb
U. S.
quebrada in forest, Tierra Alba on the Rio Sinu, Department of
Bolivar, Colombia, 70 to 150 meters altitude, by Francis W. Pennell
: "^
_*o- :. =
(No. 4658). Isotypes are in the Gray Herbarium and the herbarium
York Botanical Garden. The species is also represented
by the following collections
altitude, Mctcalf & Cuatrecasas 30075 (Mo, US).
Figure 33. /
33559; Haught 1561)
h, : a. Tip of plant; h, cross section of stem; c, leaflike bract subtend-
ing flower cluster; d, same; portion of leaf blade (upper surface) to show cystoliths;
/, calyx; g, corolla; h, capsule, {a, c, d, Half natural size; h, e, g, h, natural size; /, twice
natural size.)
Caldas Moist : soil at Manizales, near the Rio Chinchina, 1,300 to 1,400 meters
altitude, Pennell 10184 (GH, NY).
(S) ;1012 (S).
Killip & Oarcla 33559 (US).
El Vaixe Forest along the Rio Sabaletas, Km. 29 of highway from Buena-
Sogamoso and Carare Rivers, 100 to 500 meters, Ilaught 2099 (US) Magdalena .
Valley, in the vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, between the Sogamosa and Colorado
Rivers, 100 to 500 meters, HaugM 1498 (US) 1561 (US) ; 1580 (US).
mm. loiiiT, 0.5 mm
mm. long seed flat, suborbicular, brown,
solid stipitate base about 5 ;
Antioquia: In dense damp woods between Villa Arteaga and Rio MutaU,
Johnston & BarUey 18C448 (Med).
Boca Tai, 50 to 80 meters altitude,
Bolivar: River-flat of the Rio Sinu at
Las Dantas to Puerto Canoa, on the RIo Es-
renncU 4182 (NY). Moist forest,
meralda, 400 to 800 meters, Fennell 4526 (NY).
24. Ruellia aquatica Leonard, sp, nov.
adscendentibus, subquadrangularibus,
Herbae, caulibus erectis vel
lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, apice
infra glabris, surpum pilosis;
glabra petioli glabri vel parce
obtusa vel rotundata, basi angustata, ;
Figure ZS,-Rudha aquatica Leonard {Ilaught 1762): a. Tip of branch; h, cross section of
stem; c, portion of leaf blade (upper surface) to show cystoliths;
d, bract; t, bractlet;
f, calyx and capsule, {a, Half natural size;
b-f, natural size.)
1.5 mm. wide, pilose; calyx 8 mm. long, the tube glabrous, the seg-
tenlorm, the lower half slender, the upper half
campanulate, about
mm. broad at throat, the limb 10 to 12 mm
capsules 8 mm. long, about 3 mm. wide, clavate, glabrous, the solid
suborbicular, 2 mm. long and 2.5 mm. broad, glabrous when dry, very
finely mucilaginous-pilose when moistened; retinacula 1.5 mm. long
subulate, curved, truncate and lacerate at tip.
Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, collected in frequently sub-
merged areas San Juan Valley (Camp VI), Department of
in the
feantander, Colombia, 100 to 700 meters altitude, June
9, 1935 bv
Sogamoso and Colorado
.'f- -7 -
e, cross section of stem; d, e, bractlets;/, hair from bractlet; g, calyx, (a, h. Half natural
size; c, i, t, g, natural size;/, about eight times natural size.)
1 to 2 mm. long, confined cliiefly to the costa and lateral veins (10 to
12 pairs) ;
long or more, loosely tomentose; flowers
petioles 15
borne in a dense terminal spike 12 cm. long and about 3 cm. broad,
each flower cluster subtended by a large leaflike bract, the lowermost
of these ovate-lanceolate, 9 cm. long, 3 cm. wide, tlienco gradually re-
g and » mm
wide, obtuse and closely imbricate; primary bractlets linear-lanceo-
late, about 10 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, densely pilose with yellowish
hairs up to 4 mm. long ; secondary bractlets oblong-lanceolate, 1.5 to
2 cm. long, 3 to 5 mm. wide, densely pilose; pedicels 1.5 cm. long,
glabrous; calyx 4.5 mm. long, tliin, glabrous or minutely pilosulous at
tip o± segments, these subulate, 3 mm. long, 1.75 mm. wide at base,
keeled corolla hypocniteriform, 3 to 3.5 cm. long, minutely pubescent,
mauve ( ?) the lower half slender, cylindric, about 1.5 mm. in diameter,
losi ;
flores axillares
bracteae ellipticae, apice subobtusae, basi acutae
7mm. lomr and 0.75 mm
base, I-nervedj pilose ; calyx 4.5 mm. long, glabrous or bearing several
Figure 'hl.—Ruellia putumayensis Leonard (^Klug 1696): a, Node and leaf; h, cross section
of stemj c, tip of plant showing Inflorescence; d, bract and bractlets; e, capsule and calyx;
/ /
Figure 38. Ruellia uribei Leonard {Uribe s. n,, December 1930): a, Tip of branch; b, cross
section of stem; c, leaf blade; J, portion of leaf blade (upper surface) showing cystoliths;
fy bract;/, bractlet; f, calyx, style, and stigma; A, coroUa. (a, c, A, Half natural size;
b, df fff, natural size; g^ V/i times natural size.)
leaves; bracts narrowly linear, 1.5 to 3 cm. long 0.5 to 1 mm. wide,
densely pilose with brownish hairs up to 2.5 mm. long ; bractlets similar
but smaller calyx 5
; mm. long, the segments unequal, subulatCj 2.5 to 3.5
mm. long, pilosulous with white hairs 0.5 mm. long or a few reaching
1 mm. in length ; corolla erectj 3.5 to 4.5 cm, long, minutely pubescent,
the tube narrowly hypocraterif orm, about 1 cm. in diameter at mouth,
the limb about 2 cm, broad, the lobes oval, 12 mm. long and 10 mm.
wide, rounded, the stamens included; style densely pilosulous; ovary
Type in the Herbarium of the Instituto de la Salle, Bogota, Colom-
bia, collected in theComisaria of Caqueta, December 1930, by C. tJribe*
Isotype in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1692G07.
Among the Colombian Ruelliae, R. urihei is a well-marked species.
It can be easily recognized by its long, narrow, pilose leaves, narrowly
linear densely pilose bracts, and the relatively small irregular calyx.
The color of the corolla is not apparent in the dried material,
Barleria L. Sp. PI. 630. 1753; Gen. PL ed. 5, 283. 1754. Named for Jaques
Barrelier, a French botanist (1634 to 1673), More than 100 species have
been described. These occur in tropical regions, mostly in the Old World,
Type species: Barleria prionitis L. (India),
Shrubs or herbs; leaves oppositej entire; flowers axillary or borne
in terminal bracted spikes; calyx deeply 4-parted, 2 of the segments
larger than the others ; corolla usually yellow or blue, the tube about
as long as the spreading limb or longer, the limb with 5 rounded lobes
stamens didynamous, borne on the base of the corolla tube; style
elongated; stigma obtuse, ovules 2 in each cavity; capsules ovoid to
oblong; seeds flattenedj ovate to suborbicular.
c, bract; d, posterior calyx segment; e, enlarged portion of calyx segment to show teeth
anterior calyi segments; ovary ana style, {a, Half
and glandular hairs; /, one of the g,
AtlAntico: Barranquilla, Dugand d Qarcia-Barriga 2535 (US); Bro. Elias
Herbs leaves
; entire, bearing cylindrical cystoliths ; flowers borne
in cylindrical or ovoid spikes composed of verticillasters, the spikes
ed bracts or the lowermost by a pair of ordinary
3 to 7 flowers, the lateral flowers subtended by
bractlets 1-nerved calyx divided nearly to base,
sessile, glabrous, 4-seeded, about 4 mm
Wet shaded banks in woods, thick( Brazil, British
Figure ^O.—Telioslachya lanceolata Nees {a-g, Cuairecasas 18716; h-j, Cuatrecasas 7586):
a, Tip of stem; by cross section of stem; c, section of stem to show groove; d, stem leaf;
e, bracts; /, posterior calyx segment; g, anterior and lateral calyx segments; A, corolla;
t, capsule; ;, valve of capsule to show retlnacula. {a, d, Half natural size; b, three times
curved hairs; bractlets setiform, about 5 mm. long, sparingly hirtel-
lous; calyx prominently nerved, the margins and nerves beset with
scattered straight spreading hairs up to 0.5 mm. long, the posterior
segment lanceolate, 5 to 7 mm. long, 1.25 mm. wide, gradually nar-
rowed and cuspidate, 5-nerved with the outer pair of nerves marginal,
the anterior segments subulate, 4 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, 3-nerved
ment subulate, 3,5 mm
white or purplish, 4 mm. long, glabrous without or the lobes sparingly
bearing a few hairs toward
toward tip, the lower half glabrous ; seeds flat, yellowish brown, about
1 mm. in diameter.
Wooded river banks usually in damp situations. Brazil, Colombia,
Choc6: Bank of the Rfo San Juan, near Andagoya, Killip 3538G (US).
El Valle: Between Puente Sofia and Yanaconas, Cuatrecasas 18716 (US).
PuTUMAYo Along the Rio San Miguel between the tributaries Rio Bermeja
The variety from the typical form in that the mature plants
are shorter (20 to 23 cm. high) and more rigid, the stems and leaf
blades are rather densely hirtellous, the hairs up to 0.5 mm. long, ap-
pressed or ascending, and the margins of the leaf blades recurved.
The Colombian specimens cited do not show the strongly recurved
leaves mentioned in the type description and shown in the photograph
of Poeppig's specimen. This character may have been accentuated by
a possible wilting or shriveling of the type material when the specimen
was pressed.
On river banks. Colombia and Peru.
Caldas : Near La Dorada, Ha nght
213S ( US )
Meta: Villavicencio, (7«a^rec««o.9 1985 (US).
" *_ i^ ^^ ^ :* -T 1^-1 ^.
[Synonyms in italics. Page numbers of principal entries in boldface]
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published as Part I of Volume 31, Contributions from the United
National Herbarium, pp- 1-117, June 8, 1951. Part II consists
tribes of the second series, Imbricatae,
of a treatment of the first five
Acanthoideae, Nine genera, including 106 species, of
of the subfamily
Jason R. Swalle
Head Curator. Department of B
Systematic treatment
Subfamily Acanthoideae (continued from Part 1) H^
Series Imbricatac-
Tribe Aphelandreae -
Aphelandra ^^^
Cyphacanthus — .
Tribe Rhombochlamydeae
^ -
Tribe Asystasieae
Tribe Graptophylleae ^^^
Tribe Pseuderanthemeae ^
DEC 1953
_ im
41, Neriacanthus grandiflorus Leonard
42. Stenandrium dulce (Cav.) Nees
43, Aphelandra mutisii Leonard
44. Aphelandra eiiopla Leonard
45. Aphelandra porphyrocarpa Leonard
46. Aphelandra phobera Leonard
47, Aphelandra huilensis Leonard
48, Aphelandra porphyrolepis Leonard
49. Aphelandra crispata Leonard,
50. Aphelandra botanodes Leonard
5L Aphelandra silvicola Leonard 160
52. Aphelandra adsccndens Leonard o
53, Aphelandra ochrolarytLC Leonard
54. Aphelandra uribei Leonard
55. Aphelandra lonchochlamys Leonard
56- Aphelandra pxibcrula Leonard.
57. Aphelandra leiophylla Leonard
58. Aphelandra nana Leonard
59. Aphelandra sneidernii Leonard
60. Aphelandra lampranlha Leonard
61. Aphelandra lasia Leonard
62. Aphelandra taborensis Leonard
63. Aphelandra anomala Leonard
64. Aphelandra glischrochlamys Leonard
65. Aphelandra phlogea Leonard
66. Aphelandra lasiophylla Leonard
67. Aphelandra conformts Leonard
68. Aphelandra colombiensis Lindau ex Leonard
69. Aphelandra hoyacensis Leonard
70. A phelandra arisema Leonard
71. Aphelandra hillipii Leonard
72. Aphelandra cuafrecasasii Leonard
73. Aphelandra craura Leonard
74. Aphelandra pilosa Leonard
75. Aphelandra schieferae Leonard
76. Aphelandra parvispica Leonard
77. Aphelandra mildbraediana Leonard
78. Aphelandra barhleyi Leonard
79. Aphelandra daemonia Leonard
80. Aphelandra grandis Leonard
81. Aphelandra arisfei Leonsivd-
82. Aphelandra irianae Leonard
83. Aphelandra alberi-smUhii Leonard __ 233
84. Aphelandra macropkylla Leonard
85. Aphelandra schullesii Leonard _ _ 238
86. Aphelandra haughiii Leonard
87. Aphelandra incarnaia Ij^oniinl __
_ ^ 244
88. Aphelandra sericantha lieonsivd _ 249
89. Aphelandra xanlhaniha Ijeoimrd _____ 249
90. Aphelandra stranmiea Leonard _ 252
9L Aphelandra acolnikae Leonard
92. Aphelandra sericophylla Leonard _ 256
93. Aphelandra garciae Leonard
__ 258
94. Aphelandra crenata LconsLvd _ _ 260
95. Aphelandra hodgei Leonard _ 264
96. Aphelandra longispica Leonard
97. Aphelandra lingua-bovis Leonard _ 270
98. Aphelandra fernandezii Leonard
__ 272
99. Aphelandra chaponensis Leonard
100. Aphelandra pharangophila IjGoimrd " 276
101. Aphelandra arborescens Leonard _
102. Encephalosphaera vilellina Lindau _ 281
103. Cyphacanthus atopus Leonard
104. Rhornbochlamys rosulaia Lindau
_ _ 286
105. Asystasia gangetica (L.) T. Anders "_
" 288
106. Pachystachys rtedeliana Nees 291
107 Pseuderanthemum haughtii Leonard '
_ _ _ 294
108. Pseuderanthemum idroboi LeouRvd _ _ 296
109. Pseuderanthemum leiophjjllum Leonard _ _ 298
110. Pseuderanthemum poecilanthum Leonard ~
111. Pseuderanthemum ewanii Leonard '
_ 303
112. Pseuderanlhemum pennellii Leonard 304
113. Pseuderanthemum sneidernii Leonard "
114. Pseuderanthemum polamophilum Leonard
"~ 309
115. Pseuderanthemum hylophilum Leonard _ _ 311
116. Pseuderanthemum chaponense Loonst^rd "
117. Pseuderanthemum stenosiphon Leonard __ _ 315
118. Pseuderanthemum cwa/recasasn Leonard '
__ 317
: :
By Emery C. Leonard
and Harms (Genera Sipbono-
Ten tribes are listed by Dalla Torre
Eight of these tribes are repre-
cramarum) in the series Imbricatae.
one more genera from Colombia. The f ollowmg five
sented by or
tribes are discussed in the present treatment
6. Aphelandreae
7. Rhombochlamycleae
8. Asystasieae
9. Graptophylleae
10. Pseuderanthemeae
Bot. Jalirb. Engler 18: 46. 1893.
Imbricatae Lindau,
Anthers 1-celled.
Corolla lobes subequal, spreading.
15. Neriacanthus
Bracts pink or white; plants shrubby
16. Stenandrium
Bracts usually green; plants herbaceous
Corollas 2-lipped.
19. Cyphacanthus
Calyx 3-parted
Calyx 5-parted.
the surfaces divided into tetragons.
Pollen grains spherical,
18. Encephalospliaera
Anthers 2-celled.
Stamens 4 21. Asystasia
Stamens 2.
Corolla largo, 2-lippe<l ; stamlnodes, if present, rudimentary ; bracts large.
22. Pachystachys
Corolla usually small with a limb of 5 subequal spreading lobes stamlnodes ;
the segments subequal, membranaceous-chartaceous
hypocrateriform or infundibular, the limb subregular
ngent; stamens 4, subdidynamous anthers 1-celled ;
Corollas 2 lipped, the tube usually infundibular, although narrowly go, but
mouth always appreciably broader than the base.
Calyx 3-parted 19. Cyphacanthus
Calyx 5-parted.
Pollen grains ellipsoidal bearing 3 longitudinal clefts, each
of these often
bearing a pore 17. Aphelandra
Pollen grains spherical, the markings forming 6 tetragons.
18. Encephalosphaera
lobe borne
punctate, 4-seeded, the basal portion
stipitate, glabrous, nitid, finely
flattened, suborbicular, subtended by blunt-tipped
he present paper only two species have been proposed
N. lehmannimus from , Colombia and Peru, and N.
glabrous, the basal portion about 5 mm. thick leaf blades ;
minutelv serrate toward tip, the teeth
narrowly lanceolate, un-
mm. long and 1.5 mm. broad at base ; bractlets
the larger 8.5 mm. long and 1.25 mm. wide, the smaller one 8 mm.
parallel-nerved and glabrous,
long and barely 1 mm. wide, both acute,
segments subequal, narrowly lanceolate, 1
the costa prominent; calyx
glabrous, finely parallel-nerved, the
cm. long, 1 to 1.5 mm. wide, acute,
corolla lilac, 4 cm. long, glabrous
basal portion carinate and indurate;
thence minutely puberulous, gla-
without from base to middle of tube,
punctate; retinacula 2.5 mm, long, nearly straight, the tips cucullate;
mature seed
obovate, the larger and lowermost about 15 mm. long and 7 mm.
wide, successively smaller toward tip of spike, all obtuse, more or less
lateral ones 0.5 mm. wide, and the anterior pair 0.75 mm. wide, all
middle of the corolla tube, the filaments about 2 mm. long, these
tube in the vicinity of their insertion
and the portion of the corolla
pubescent, the anthers 2 mm. long, 0.25 mm. broad, affixed midway
tips recurved pistil about 1 cm. long,
between middle and base, their ;
5789 (Ph, NY, US). San Antonio, Dryander 2288 (Valle) Killip & Oarcia ;
at apex 3. S. duice
to oblong-ovate or oblong-elliptic, obtuse
leaf blades oblong, acuminate.
Peduncles much exceeding the leaves ;
4. 8. humholdhanum
1. Stenandrium corymbosum Nees
Type collected in
Prodr. 11: 727. 1847.
Stenandrium corvmbosum Nees. DC.
(Hooker Herbarium, Kew). Corymhosum
Colombia by Lobb (No. 171)
this contrasting with the usually
alludes to the flat-topped inflorescence,
2. Stenandrium radicosum Nees
radicosum Nees, DC. Prodr. 11: 283. 1847. Type locality:
gen. berol." type
(h. Hooker), Moritz n. 1273 in h.
Stenandrium duke Nees, DC. Prodr. 11: 282. 1847. Based on Ruellia dulcis
Oerardia^ dulcis Rlake, Contr. Gray Herb. 52: 101. 1917. Based on RuclUa
dulcis Cav.
or sometimes glabrous and sparingly ciliate, or, rarely, subtomentose
slightly enlarged at base, the limb about cm. broad, the lobes sub- 1.5
oblong, 2.5 mm. in diameter, glabrous
equal, obovate, obtuse capsules ;
or puberulous at tip; seeds flattened, ovate, 3 mm. long and 2.5 mm.
broad, appressed-pilose.
variable species inhabiting the grassy, upper slopes of the
8683) Named
. in honor of Alexander von Humboldt.
being illustrated, can be chosen as the type species. When compared with
Aphelandra, the genus Lagochilium is characterized, according to Nees, by its
228609—53 2
spreading, S-lobed, the middle lobe often larger than the lateral ones,
these sometimes very small and adnate to the base of the upper lip
stamens usually slightly exscrted, but rarely if ever exceeding the
upper lip of the corolla; anthers narrow, one-celled, often pilose
dorsally and adhering at tips by webby hairs ; capsules usually ovoid
or cylindric, 4-seeded.
Aphelandra, one of the larger genera of the family, is restricted to
tropical America. The flowering spikes are often large and beauti-
fully colored, even to the bracts, and in certain species varigated or
colored leaves occur. In spite of its attractiveness, however, these
plants are rarely met with in cultivation, possibly because of culture
difficulties. may
species are shade plants from damp forests. In contrast to most
genera of the family, there are no cystoliths.
or absence of teeth, spiny or otherwise, on the margins of the leaf
blades or flower bracts, and the presence or absence of ocelli on the
flower bracts. These ocelli may be represented by one to several
rather large oval brownish or blackish glands plainly visible under
a lens or even to the unaided eye, or again they may be very numerous
and minute, under a high magnification. Without aid of
visible only
a lens, these minute ocelli appear as more or less irregular dark
lar areas on the bracts.
In one large group of species, chiefly the fulchernma-tetragona
complex, the lower lip of the corolla is apparently entire and seems
to consist of a single segment. A careful examination however, will,
reveal small lateral lobes, adnate to the basal portion of the upper
lip with only tlieir tips free and appearing as small
rounded or tri-
angular projections.
Corollas glabrous.
Leaf blades glabrous beneath or essentially so.
4 long
cm- 5. A, ucanthm
bracts lanceolate to obloug-ovate, ser-
Leaf blades shallowly incised;
of teeth) corollas 4 to 6 cm, long. 6. ^4, pholera
rate (4 to 9 pairs ;
puberula 21. A.
Lips of the corolla unequal and very dissimilar, the lower lip
longer than the upper, the lateral lobes ot the lower lip much
smaller than the middle lobe 22. A. uurantiaea
Marginal teeth of the bracts minute, about 0.25-1.5 mm. long.
Bracts glabrous 23. A. leiophylla
Bracts puberulous.
Leaf blades relatively small (up to 7 cm. long and 23 mm.
wide) 24. A. nava
Leaf blades large (up to 20 cm. long and 8 cm. wide or more).
Lips of the corolla subequal, about 15 mm. long.
25. A. sneidernii
Lips of the corolla unequal and dissimilar, about 2 cm. long.
22. A. nurunt'mca
E. Bracts bearing ocelli.
Ocelli borne in a depression.
Leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to G cm. wide; bracts subrhom1)ic,
their tips spreading or recurved 26. A. impressa
Loaf blades narrowly lanceolate or oblanceolnte and not exceeding
21 mm. in width; bracts fiat, tbeir tips not spreading or
recurved 27. A. lampmntha
Ocelli borne on the flat surface of the bracts.
Lower surface of the leaf blades densely pilose, the hairs up to 1.5
mm. long 28. A. lasia
Lower surface of leaf blades hirtellous or tomentose, the hairs
mostly up to 0.5 nmi. long.
Ocelli numerous, minute, appearing without a lens, as an alveolar
area 29. A. taiorevsit
Ocelli few, large and conspicuous.
Teeth bordering the bracts slender, up to 1.5 mm. long.
30. A. deppeana
Teeth bordering the bracts, if present, minute and inconspicuous.
52. A. dacmonia
C. Bracts entire.
F. Ocelli lacking.
Hairs on the bracts, at least in part, gland-tipped.
Bracts ovate, 2 cm. wide; corolla yellow with purple spots.
31. A. anomala
Bracts lanceolate, 1.2 cm. wide or less; corolla red or flame
Bractlets lance-subulate, 2 mm. wide; bracts 2 cm. long and
up to
7 mm. wide 32. a. glischrocMamys
Biactlets lanceolate, 3.5 mm. wide; bracts up to 3 cm. long and
12 mm. wide 33. ^. pjaoffea
oblong-lanceolate, ciliate, the hairs 0.5 to 0.75 mm. long.
Spikes solitary leaves glabrous
38. A. laicranceae
spike? (without corollas) 2 to 3 cm. broad.
65. A. scolnikae
Calyx slightly shorter than bracts.
A. fernandezH
entire to erose or erose-dentate near tip, the upper portion more or
less ciliate with glandular or eglandular hairs or both corolla
the base, thence gradually enlarged to 5 mm. at mouth, the throat
transversely undulate-rugose, the upper lip oblong-ovate, about 15
mm. long, 5 mm. wide, rounded, sometimes obscurely 3-lobed near
the tip, ciliate, finely and sparingly pilose within, the lower lip
definitely 3-lobed, the lobes ovate, 5 mm. long, 2.5 mm. wide,
capsules oblong-clavate, 18 mm. long, about 3 mm, broad
at base, 6
mm. broad at middle, obtuse, glabrous, minutelv Dunctate: sepd fl«f
Tomas (No. 770) states that the plants produce a white latex. The
leaf blades vary greatly. Some are merely irregularly toothed,
striking red.
Wooded mountain slopes from 2,000 to 3,000 meters altitude. Co
lombia and Venezuela.
Antioqul\ : Boqueron, between Medelliu and Palmitas, Hodye 6605 (GH, Med).
Camino Real Antiguo to Boqucr6ii de Me(lellln,Barklcy, Correa & Posada, 101
(US). La Ceja, Bro. Daniel 2172 (US). La Siorra, near Medcllln, Archer
1093 (US). Las Minitas, south of Caldas, Pennell 10940 (GH, NY). San
Crist6bal to San Jerfinimo, Lehmann 7846 (K).' Summit of Santa Elena, be-
stramineis recedit.
Leaf blades oblanceolate, shallowly incised, pilose beneath, the hairs
puniceis recedit.
K, Herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
wide near the ending in a spine about 3 mm. long and bearing
1^ or 2 shorter spines on the margins, rather densely pilosulous and
ciliate except at the base, the hairs yellowish, the nerves prominent;
some of the marginal hairs glandular corolla about 3 cm. long, 7
oval, about 2.5 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, rounded, the lower lip
rounded; capsules 15 mm. long, 6 mm. broad, 4 or 5 mm
at tip, glabrous, nitid, minutely punctate.
muiisii Leonard {a, Mutts 1943; H". Triana s. n.): a, Tip of plant,
Figure iS.—Jphelandra
U. S. National Herba
.C. Mutis (No. 1943), Triana s. n. (NY, US)
Department of Narifio, Colombia, 2,500 meters
altitude, 1851-1857, is also of this species.
bian tooth-leaved species of Aphelandra by the spiny bracts and the
soft, tawny pubescence of the lower surface of the leaf blades and
stems. of
Colombian plants.
U. S. National Herb
J. Cuatrecasas
Figure AA.^AphelarJra euopla Leonard {Cualrecasas 20236): a. Node with leaf, branch
and uppermost interf etiolar bracts; h, interpetiolar bract from lower
of inflorescence,
node; c, tip of terminal spike; d, bract, e, bractlet; /, posterior calyx segment; g, lateral
broader leaf blades and larger (20 cm. long) entire bracts. The leaf
blades of A. cirsioides are rarely over 2 cm. wide and the bracts are
only 15 mm. long and spiny-margined. The name euopla (ei^oTrXos)
tae, serratae, dentibus spinis parvis armatis, strigosae (intus solum api-
longo-ovata vel obovata, apice rotundata, mucronata, dentata, ali-
quando dense subappresso-pubescentia, ciliata ; capsulae oblongae, sub-
obtusae, glabrae, minute punctatae retinacula apice late cucullata.
of leaf blade (under side) to show venation and pubescence; d, interpetiolar bract; e^
portion of spike to show calyx and fruit;/, bract; g, bractlet; h, posterior calyx segment;
J, one of the lateral segments; ;', one of the anterior segments, (a, f, Half natural size;
from it cliieflv in the more
the thin margins, sparingly and minutely pubescent without, glabrous
within, ciliate, each segment terminated by a slender spine up to 1.5
nmi. long; corollas 3.4 to 4 cm. long (from base to tip of upper lip),
yellow, sparingly to rather densely tomentose or subtomentose except
the glabrous basal portion, the hairs whitish, un to 0.75 mm. lono-. t.ViA
mouth, the upper lip erect, 15 to 18 mm. long, about 7 mm. wide
near base, the lobes obovate, about 8 mm. long and 4.5 to 6.5 mm. wide,
rounded, often nmcronate, the lower Up more or less spreading, the
lobes oval, 7 to 10 mm. long, about 6 mm. wide, rounded or shallowly
emarginate; anthers reaching or slightly exceeding the upper lip,
the filaments sparingly pilose toward tip, the anthers, 7 mm. Ion to5
Found at altitudes from 2,200 to 2,400 meters, growing in clearings
or wooded gullies. There seems to be no special flowering season.
Caldas Banks of the Rio Otun, above Pefius Blancas, Cuatrecasas 23821 (US).
minata, extus dense hirsuta, ciliata ; corolla magna, fiava, extus dense
tubo subcylindrico curvato, labio superiore erecto,
hii-suta, pilis fulvis,
lobis oblongo-obovatis, rotundatis, emarginatis, labio inferiore patulo,
the teeth triangular, up to 5 mm. long and 8 mm. broad, these and the
228609—53^ 3
tip armed with sharp, yellowish spines up to 5 mm. long, both surfaces
hirsute, the hairs yellowish, appressed or ascending, 0.75 mm. long,
denser on the costa and veins (about 20 pairs), the venation rather
prominent, the veinlets coarsely reticulate petioles 1 to 6 cm. long,
0.5 mm. long, the hairs toward base gland-tipped, the inner surface
glabrous except toward tip, the costa and veins obscured by the pubes-
cence corolla yellow, up to 6 cm. long (from base to tip of upper lip)
U. S. National Herbarium
Cali, between Puente de los Carpatos and La Margarita
partment of El Valle, Colombia, 2,000 meters altitude, November
1944, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 18484). An isotype is also in the U. S.
National Herbarium, No. 1853811.
Cauca: Canaan, Mount Purac^, KUlip 6796 (US). San Josfi, San Antonio,
J'ennell & KiUlp 7392 (US). Crest of Cordillera Occidental, west of Tambo
naught 5174 (US).
PuTUMAYo: La Cabana, Cuatrecasas 11631 (US).
Department (?) Mutis 1944.
Figure A6.~ApMandTa phohera Leonard {a-dy Cuairecasas 11631; e-i, Cuatrecasas 18484)
d, Node showing leaf and interpetiolar bracts; i, Interpetiolar bract; c, portion of unde
surface of leaf blades to show venation; dy portion of spike; bract; /, bractlct; ^, pos
terior calyx segment; A, one of the lateral segments; i^ one of the anterior segments
{ay dj Half natural size; b, c, ^, natural size.)
mm, wide, rounded, emarginate, the lower lip more or less spread
broad, rouiidedj the middle lobe stamens reaching the mouth of
5 mm. broad
Figure 47. Aphelandra huilensis Leonard {Cuairecasas 23462): a. Node showing leaf,
interpetiolar bracts and lower branch of panicle^ h, intcrpetiolar bract; c, lobe of leaf blade
(underside); J, rip of spike; ^, bract; /, bractlet; ^, posterior calyx segment; ^,oneofthe
lateral segments; i, one of the anterior segments, {a, d, Half natural size; i, twice
Aguabonita, Jose m
the region of Moscopan, Dei^artment of Kl Cauca, Colombia, 2,280
meters altitude, January oO, 104-7, is of this species.
Related to Afhelandra acanthus^ A. huUensis can be recognized
readily when compared with that species by its red, hirsute corolla.
In A. acanthus^ the corollas are yellow and densely and softly pubes-
cent or tomentose. Huila
On the label accompanying his specimen (No. 234C2) Cuatrecasas
rives the following description: "Sufrutex robusto, erguido, espinoso.
Hoja verde glauco claro. Caliz rojizo Corol a ro j a Ant eras .
and pistil reaching tip of lower lip, glabrous, the anthers 6 mm, long,
{a, dy Half natural size; b, ej, k, twice natural size; c,J, natural size; g-iy one and a half
U. S. National Herbarium
meters, October
varying from long to short, laxly pilose; spikes 7 to 13 cm. long, more
or less lax; bracts ovate to oblong, more or less dentate toward tip;
bractlets linear-lanceolate, entire ; corolla about 4 cm. long, glandular-
pubescent, red, the lips about eqiuil, Sdobed, the lobes rounded;
stamens glabrous.
No Colombian specimens seen. Description based partly on the
original and partly on a specimen collected by the Wilkes Expedition
at Obrajillo, Peru.
This is probably one of the many specimens coUected by Lobb in Peru and
erroneously ascribed to Colombia (see Killip, "The botanical collections of
William Lobb in Colombia," Smiths. Jlisc. Coll. 87, No. 11. 1932).
nov. FlGUKE
It. Aphelandra crispata Leonard, sp.
densely pilose, the hairs brownish, 0.75 to 1.25 mm. long, subappressed,
(about 20 pairs) spreading horizontally,
those of the costa and veins
but more so beneath than above petioles about
the venation prominent ;
Glabrous; bracts oblong-ovate, up to 4.5 cm. long and 17.5 mm. wide,
apiculate, livid purple, coriaceous,
obtusish at apex and minutely
noticeably crisped or twisted, closely veined, the margins
mm. wide at middle,
subhyaline; bractlets oblong, 14 mm. long, 5.5
glabrous, the margins entire, sub-
acute, carinatc and oblique at base,
the posterior segment 16
hyaline; calyx segments oblong-lanceolate,
mm. long and 4 mm. wide, tlic anterior pair 16 mm. long and 3.5 mm.
mm. glabrous,
wide, the lateral pair 13 mm. long and 3 wide, all acute,
(immature) canary yellow, densely
their margins subhyaline; corolla
mm. long, the upper lip shorter
pubescent or subtomentose, the hairs 0.5
ovate, minutely 2-lobed at tip, the
than the middle lobe of the lower lip,
3-lobed, the middle lobe cordate, obtuse,
lobes rounded, the lower lip
the lateral lobes lanceolate, slightly shorter than the middle one;
obtuse) long and
, narrowly decurrent on the
to 17 p about 70 degrees
ascending; petioles 4 to 6 cm. long; flowers borne in spikes, the scape
margins rarely bearing a few minute teeth, the internodes about 5 mm.
long bractlets
; similar to the bracts but only 4 mm. long and slenderly
than the others and noticeably narrower corolla bright rosy, the
lip broadly rounded, broadly cuneate toward base, the middle one
mm. loner) : stamens
mi ?
ovary 1.5 mm
Not seen. Description compiled from the original. Known
from type material-
ly. Aphelandra parviflora Leonard
Aphelandra parviflora Leonard, Journ- Washington Acad, Sci. 25: 439. 1935.
gradually narrowed thence to the obtuse tip, obtuse, rounded, or
lowly and obliquely cordate at base and narrowly decurrent on
petiole nearly to the stem, thin, entire or undulate, the
upper surface
glabrous or sparingly appressed-pilose, minutely faveolate
under lens,
the costa and lateral veins (8 to 10 pairs) inconspicuous,
arcuate, the
lower surface drying a lighter green than the upper,
sparingly ap-
pressed-pilose; petioles up to 4.5 cm. long, the pubescence
similar to
that of the stems; flowers borne in 1 or 2 simple terininal
spikes, the
peduncles up to 6 cm. long, the rachis 4 to 6 cm. long, pilose,
the hairs
slendei-, sordid,
appressed or ascending; bracts oblong-ovate, up to 14
mm. long and 5 mm. wide, acute to acutish, the tip itself obtuse, nar-
rowed at base, thin, glabrous or sparingly pilosulous,
delicately and
inconspicuously veined, the margins minutely and distantly
glabrous, the costa and lateral veins (about 12; pairs) moderately
prominent; petioles up to 2 cm. long, glabrous; flowers borne in a
Figure 50.~ Jphelandra botanodes Leonard {Triana s. n., Novita): a. Node and lower leaf;
b, tip of plant; c, bract; d, bractlct; e, posterior calyx segment; /, one of the anterior
segments; g, one of the lateral segments; h, stamen; i, pistil {a, b, Half natural size;
c-g, twice natural size; A, six times natural size; i, about four times natural size.)
margins bearing towards tip a small pair of teeth, the costa prominent
bractiets obliquely lanceolate, carlnate, 2 mm. long,
0.5 mm. wide,
acute, subhyaline, ciliate, the costa prominent calyx 3 ; mm. long, the
segments lanceolate, acute, subhyaline, delicately nerved, the
sparingly ciliolate, the posterior segment 1 mm. wide, the
anterior and
lateral segments slightly narrower; corolla puberulous,
base and throat, slightly wider above middle, the lips 3.5 mm. long, the
mm. long and 0.25 mm. wide.
Nacional Colombiano, collected at Novita, De-
Type in the Herbario
Colombia, 170 meters altitude, March, 1853, by
nartment of Choco,
J Triana, s. n. , , . ^« ^
collected at San Pablo, 100 meters
Triana's specimen (s. n., Col)
may be of this species. It differs, however,
altitude, March 1853,
Novita specimen in having glabrous peduncles and lax spikes
from the
with lanceolate undulate bracts.
the LagocldUum group given
Aphelandra lotanodes belong to
(DC. Prodr. 11:290. 1847). These plants
generic status by Nees
small and herbaceous, standing midway between
are usually
Stenandr Greek
foliorum oblongo-lanceolata, apice
pilis sur'sum appressis; lamina
decurrenti-angustata, tenuis, Integra,
obtusa vel subobtusa, in petiolum
strigosa, juxta costam et venas alba
utrlnque parce strigosa, costa dense
rhache et pedunculo appresso-pubescenti-
vel f ulva ; spica terminalis,
ovatae, apice acutae vel subobtusae, moUiter
bus; bracteae imbricatae,
bracteolac lanceolatac, acummatae, hyalmae,
appresso-pubcscentes ;
glanduloso-ciliata; corolla parce
subhyalina, minute parallelo-venosa,
lobis suborbicularibus stamina mclusa.
pubescens, tubo angustato, ;
cate, somewhat spreading, ovate, 1 cm. long, 4.5 mm. wide, acute or
toward the tip 2 or 3 small triangular as-
obtusish at apex, bearing
appressed-pubescent bractlets broadly
cendino' teeth, 7-nerved, softly ;
25 cm. long and 4.5 cm. wide, rounded or abruptly narrowed into a
__, __ _^._ to _
long, the pubescence that of the blade spikes terminal
and lateral,
hairs 0.75 mm. long, subappressed, the margins just above the middle
of the bract bearing 3 pairs of small, ascending teeth (0.5 mm. long),
slightly below the middle, narrowly acute at tip, dorsally pilose, the
the hairs minute, papilliform corolla ;about 12 mm. long, pale pink
with yellow throat, minutely puberulous, the hairs gland-tipped, the
tube 1.5 mm. broad from base to 4 nun. above base, thence enlarged
to 3.25 mm. at throat, the lips equal, about 2 mm. long, the upper lip
228609—53 4
about 4 mm,
wide, bilobed at tip, the lobes about 1 mm. long, rounded,
the three lobes of the lower lip about 3 mm. long, rounded and
minutely crenate stamens attached 4 mm, above the base of the corolla
Figure Sl.—A^hdandra adscendens Leonard {Lawrance 680): a, Tip of plant showing leaves
and spike; h, portion of leaf blade to show velnlets; c, bract; d, bractlct; e, posterior calyx
segment; one of the anterior segments; g, one of the
/, lateral segments; h, stamen; i,
type of marginal hairs on bractlets and calyx segments, {a, h, Natural size; c-h, twice
natural size; i, about 64 times natural size.)
ochrolaryn FiGUEE 53
apicem c
anthers 1.5 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, webby at tip; capsules not
lected at San Jose, along the Rio Putnniayo, Colombia, August 3, 1899
medio rotundato,
elliptico, apice lobis lateralibus obovatis, apicis ro-
rium glabrum.
Suffrutescent herbs up to 30 cm. high stems
; sparingly branched,
ascending, rooting at the lower nodes, 3.5 mm. in diameter, minutely
liirsute, the hairs less than 0.25 mm. long, spreading to appressed; in-
cm. long and 6 cm. "wide, acuminate at apex, the tip itself blunt, nar-
upper, the costa and veins pubescent, the hairs spreading and strongly
t;urved, the venation of both surfaces fairly prominent, the leaf sur-
reticulate toward tip of bracts; bractlets subulate, 3.5 mm. long, about
0.5 mm. wide at base, puberulous; calyx puberulous, striate, the pos-
Figure S^-ApMandra uribei Leonard {Uribe 1437); a, Tip of plant; b, bract; c, bractlet;
rf, posterior calyx segment; /, one of the anterior segments;/, one of the lateral segments;
g, posterior corolla lobe; K middle lobe of lower Hp; one of the lateral lobes; ;, anther
Leonard FiGUBE
ovarium pubescens capsulae ignotae.
stamina vix exserta ; ;
the uppermost internodes 3 to 5
about GO /x long, retrorsely curved, 3
1 i.1 J-T ^ w.,,^T^ li^rirrav. lonf VilorlpQ ImiPftOlatft. UT) tO 16 Cffi,
decurrent on the petiole, entire, the upper surface
at base and briefly
costa bearing additional straight sub-
veins, these puberulous or the
beneath than above; petioles recurved, up to 1 cm. long,
puberulous, the hairs curved spikes terminal, solitary.
densely brown ;
whitish, straight, spreading, about 0.25 mm. long; bracts lanceolate,
scarlet, finely and sparingly pubescent, the
about 2 cm. long, the lips
posterior lip erect, about 6 mm. wide, acute at tip, the lower lip
spreading, the middle segment elliptic, abruptly acute, about 7 mm.
wide, the lateral segments similar but only about 4 mm. wide; stamens
slightly exserted; ovary pubescent.
Type in the herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, col-
The specific epithet is derived from the Greek A^-yx^/ spear, and ,
ones about 2 muL wide, both anterior and lateral segments often bear-
ing 1 or more minute teeth near tip; corolla 4 cm. long, red, rather
densely pubescent, the tube narrow, 3 cm. long, about 3 mm, broad at
base and 5 mm, broad at mouth, the lips subequal, the upper lip ovate,
about 15 mm. long and 12 mm. wide, obtuse or rounded, the lower lip
3-lobed, the lobes subequal, ovate, about 12 mm. long and 7 mm. wide,
obtuse ovary glabrous capsules not seen.
; ;
West Andes of Popayan, 1,800 to 1*,000 meters altitude, May'' [Lehmann's field
notes], Lehmann S632 (K). Lehuiann states that the plant is a herbaceous
shrub with slender, weakly raniifled .stems up to 1.3 meters in height and the
leaves are dark j^reen and the flowers of a luminous vermilion color.
Figure S6.~Apkclandra puberula Leonard (ten Sneidern 869): a, Tip of plant; b, bract;
c, bractlet; d, posterior calyx segment; e, one of the anterior segments;/, one of the lateral
segments, {a. Half natural size; h-f, natural size.)
and slenderly acuminate; calyx about 1 cm. long, the posterior seg-
ment oblong, 3 mm. wide, acute, the lateral and anterior pairs linear-
lanceolate, 1.5 mm. wide, the 5 segments and bractlets striate-nerved
and puberulous, the nerves ending at the base of each segment in a
callus about 1 mm, long; corollas 6 to 6 cm. long, red, orange or scarlet,
sparingly puberulous, the upper lip oblong-ovate, about 2 cm. long
and 1.2 cm. wide above the base, obtusish and entire at apex, the lower
lip spreading, the lobes elliptic-ovate, the middle one up to 2,5 cm.
long and 1.8 cm. wide, obtuse, the lateral ones similar but only about
smaller than the middle one. In A. lemphylJa the lobes of the lower
. -^'
lip are similar in size. The name leiophyllaMlos, smooth, and 4)v\\ov,
claro en el enves; corolla roja,
60 cm. alt. ; lioja verde obsciira en el haz,
tubo amarillento."
inflorescence; b, bract; c, bractlet; d, posterior calyx segment; e, one of the anterior seg-
ments; /, one of the lateral segments; g, upper part of stamen; h, upper lip of corolla;
;', one of the lateral lobes of lower lip. {a, Half natural size;
1, middle lobe of lower lip;
lamina foliorum ovata vel ovato-lanceolata, acuminata vel breviter
serratis (dentibus 3 vel 4 paribus), costa et venis lateralibus
inentibus, venulis prope margines crasse reticulatis bracteolae anguste
minute puberulae
coriacea, minute puberula, pilis patulis, segmentum
posterius apice
bidentatum, dentibus triangularibns, parvis, anteriora et lateralia gra-
ciliter acuminata; corolla coccinea, parce pubescens, tubo leviter cur-
vato, labiis subaequalibus, labio superiore erecto, acute,
labio infcriore
profunde lobato, lobis obovatis, obtusis; stamina vix exserta, fila-
mentis deorsiim minute et parce hirtellis ; ovarium puberulum ; cap-
sulae maturae ignotae.
Suffrutescent, up to 30 cm. high
stems ascending, the upper portions
corolla tube but barely reaching tlie tip of the upper lip, the filaments
glabrous toward tip, the lower portions sparingly and minutely hirtel-
segments; marginal hairs of a calyx segment; h, corolla, {a, b, h. Natural size; c-f,
Figure 59— Aphelandra sneidernii Leonard {von Sneidern 868): a, Basal portion of in-
florescence; b, tip of spike; c, bract; d, bractlet; e, posterior calyx segment, /, one of the
anterior segments; one of the lateral segments,
g, (a, b. Three-fourths natural size; c-g,
natural size.)
2 mm. wide, both pairs slenderly acuminate; corolla orange (?), mi-
nutely pubescent, 4 cm. long, the tube cylindric, about 2.5 mm. broad
at base and 6 mm. broad at mouth, the lips subequal or the upper
lower, erect or slightly spreading, ovate,
slightly longer than the
about 16 mm. long and 9 mm. wide, rounded, the lower lip 3-lobed,
the lobes subequal, 13 mm. long, rounded, the middle lobe about 8 mm.
wide, the lateral ones about 4 mm. wide ovary
; glabrous.
near San Crist6bal, M6rida, Venezuela, 950 meters altitude, by Funck &
Sehlim (No. 1244). The name impressa alludes to the pitlike impressions
found on the dorsal surface of the bracts in which the glandular dots are
Stems terete, the lower portions glabrous, the upper parts more or
less puberulous, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, straight or curved, up-
falcate from
about the middle into a winged petiole, the margins entire or shallowly
crenate, both surfaces sparingly and inconspicuously pubescent, the
hairs about 0.25 mm. long, appressed, more numerous on the costa and
veins (10 to 13 pairs), these rather prominent; petioles (unwinged
to 15 mm. lone, mmu
cm. loner and 2 cm
22S609— 53 5
tube but not exceeding the upper lip, the filaments 3.3 to 4 cm. long,
pubescent toward base, the anthers 5.5 mm. long and 0.5 mm. broad;
style 4 to 5 mm. long; ovary glabrous; capsule not seen.
According to Cuatrecasas the plants of this species are shrubby,
much branched, bear red {roio vivo) corollas, have purple bracts and
blossom chiefly in November and December. They occur usually be-
tween the altitudes of 240 and 1,240 meters. Found also in Venezuela
and Brazil.
Meta: Between Villaviceucio and BogotA, Sprague s.n. (K). Guapayita, Cor-
dillera La Macarena, Idroio d Schultes 840 (US).
Norte de SANXANDEii Rio Margua valley, between Junin and C6rdoba,
the costa and lateral veins of the lower surface rather densely
ile, about 6 cm. long and 1.5 cm. broad, the rachis sparingly
>nt, the hairs spreading, about 0.5 mm. long bracts imbricate,
ng, lanceolate, 13 nmi. long, 7 mm. wide above the middle, the
the inner surface merely puberulous and glabrous toward base, the
near the base of the third tooth from the tip on either side of the bract
wide, acute, the lower lip 3-lobed, the lobes oblanceolate, the
lobe 12 mm. long, 5.5 mm. wide, subacute, the lateral lobes sim
stamens sliffhtlv exserted bevond
tube of the upper lip; ovary
glabrous ; mature capsules not seen.
herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Ke
lected "Llanos" in the vicinity of Salitre, Departn: of
Andre (No. 1055).
Sabanas de S
is also of this species.
Aphelandra lamprantha is closely related to A, impressa^ agreeing
covered by numerous minute ocelli. If the two species are compared,
however, differences are readily apparent. Aphelandra
is much smaller and herbaceous with leaf blades
not exceeding 21 mm.
in width, the stems are hirtellous with ascending hairs, and the bracts
Tlift RDftoifif' cuithet is from the Greek \aLnrp6s, bright or radiant, and
rhombicae, acutae, dense pilosae, integrae vel dentes 1-4, minutos, as-
FicvRE 6L~Jpk,landra lasia Leonard {Ilaught 3945): a, Tip of stem showing part of
inflorescence; b, bract; c, bractlet; d, portion of bract to show ocelli; f, posterior calyx
segment;/, one of the anterior segments;
g, one of the lateral segments; h, tip of stamen.
{a. Half natural size; b, c, e-g, natural size;
d, about twice natural size; h, about three
times natural size.)
their upper margins adhering in part to the upper lip; stamens 5
cm. long, the filaments glabrous, the anthers 6.5 mm.
long, adhering
at tip, dorsally pubescent; style about 5.5 cm. long,
glabrous; capsules
not seen.
~ji^^ ^.. ...^ U
w. ^. iiuoou, coJiecteci near
.L,«i,xwiicii xxciudiiLiiJi, i>o.
stream in forest above Manaure, Department of Magdalena,
meters altitude, January 16, 1944, by Oscar Haught
Triana (Col, NY). Road between G^aduas and
rarumillo, Qarcia-Barriga 12323 (US).
Alto de Aguaclara, at the Hacienda
Santat?dek: Santa Bdrbara, A'ttZ^reyer 794 (K). _
12268 (US).
deppeana but can be separated
^^helandra lasia is related to A.
brown (in herbarium material) densely
easily from that by its light ,
bracts with their few (if any) minute teeth (up to 1 mm. high)
The bracts of A, deppeana are much smaller (8 to 15 mm. long instead
mm.^ and
mm om
(5-10), less well developed bract teeth
above in having fewer ocelli
lasia,. \o.(jio%,
blades, but agrees in general appearance.
shaggy, alludes to the heavy pilosity of th(
S. Barbara 6/11/78."
29. Aphelandra taborensis Leonard, sp. nov.
sursum dense strigosis, deorsum
Arbor parva ramosa, caulibus
gustata, supra glabra vel subglabra, subtus
molliter pubes(
prominentibus petioli ;
pleurumque 3, terminales
areolam parvam lacunosam formantibus; bracteolae lanceolatae,
dense pubescentes, striato-ner-
acuminatae, obliquo-carinatae, extus
lanceolata, acuta, extus puberula,^striato-
vatae; calycis segmenta
anguste hypocrateriforml, labio
nervata; corolla punicea, tubo
triangulo-ovatis, subacutis, in labio
minute apiculato, lobis lateralibus
dnatis, stamina glabra, lobis basi apiculatis; ovarmm
leaf blades oblanceolat^, 12 to 13.5 cm.
the lower portions glabrate;
from above middle
younger leaves rather densely appressed-
glabrous or nearly so or the
mm. lone, the lower surface drying
grayish olive, densely and softly pubescent, the hairs
ta and
lateral veins (11 or 12 pairs) prominent, especially or
?er surface; petioles about 1 cm. long, appressed-pubescent
usually terminal and subterminal, the peduncles 1 to 2 cm!
ensely brown-pubescent, the spikes 4 to 7 cm. long and 1.5 cm.
the rachis densely brown-pubescent bracts ovate, 9 to 10 mm. ;
and softly pubescent dorsally, the hairs barely 0.5 mm. long,
glandular area on either side poorly defined, the individual
joined to form a small pitted area; bractlets lanceolate,
11 mm. long,
their lobes minutely apiculate at base; pistil slightly exceeding the
stamens; ovary glabrous; mature capsule not seen.
TvDe in the U. S. National Herbarium, No, 1900488, collected on
J Cordillera Occidental
Valle, Colombia
tude, October 19, 1946, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 22284),
The pair of minute found on some of the bracts together with
an agreement in the general aspect suggests a relationship of A. ta-
horensis with A. deppeana Schlecht. & Cham.
Aphelandra deppeana Schlecht & Cham, Linnaea 5: 96. 1830. Type collected
at Hacienda de la Laguna^ Mexico, by Deppe and Scheide. Schlechtendal
named the species in honor of Ferdinand Deppe.
Aphelandra pectinata Wilid. ex Noes, DC, Prodr. 11: 297. 1847, Here is cited
first in a series of syntypes the Rio Sinii specimen mentioned above under A.
pulcherrima. The specimen examined by Nees is in the Willdenow Herbar-
ium, No. 11623. A pliotograph of this is in the U. S. National Herbarium
(Field Mus. pliotograph No. 9511), The other syntypes cited by Nees
under A. pccthvita ^yero procured by various collectors from Mexico, Central
America, the IJuianas, Colombia, and th( The name pectinata
alludes to the pecUnately toothed bracts.
Aphelandra haenkcana Nees, DC, Prodr. 11; 298, 1847. The first specimen
cited by Nees among a number of syntypes is that collected at Acapulco,
Guerrero, Mexico, by Ilaenke. The other syntypes were procured by differ-
ent collectors from various stations in Mexico and Central America. Nees
named tlie specie's in honor of Thaddaeus Haenke, a Bohemian botanist,
who, in company with a French botanist, Luis N6e, collected in various
regions from Chile to Mexico during the later part of the eighteenth century.
ng, 4 to 6 mm.
wide, acuminate, sparingly pilosulous without, gla-
•ous within, rather strongly 5-nerved, bearing above the middle 1 to
veral slender marginal teeth up to 1.5 mm. long and, near the middle
the dorsal surface, 2 small submarginal glands about 0.5 mm. in
ameter bract let? lanceolate, G to 7 mm. long, 1.75 mm. wide, slenderly
[bequal, ovate to lanceolate, the posterior one about 3 mm. wide, the
mm. wide, the anterior pair barelv 2 mm
dorsally; co-
broad at throat, the lips oblong-ovate, 4.5 to 5 mm. wide, subequal, the
upper one erect, 2-lobed, narrowly triangular, the lobes 3.5 mm. long,
1.5 mm. wide at the base, acuminate, outwardly curved, the
lower lip
spreading, entire, acuminate, the tip curved, or if 3-lobed, the lateral
lobes vestigial, appearing as mere notches near the base of the upper
lip stamens exserted capsules oblong, 15 to 20 mm. long, about 8 mm.
; ;
broad and 3 mm. thick, obtuse at the apex, glabrous, minutely and
brown, orbicular, 4 mm. in diam-
eter, 2 mm. thick, minutely roughened.
Flowering usually from October t stems
and the uppermost leaves of Garci£
when collected.
Partial to wooded or open river banks or adjacent slopes,
usually at
elevations from 130 to 380 metei
Barnga 11727) Southern Mexico to 'northern South America
; West
BOLfvAB: Vicinity
[US). San Martin de
Loba, Lands of Loba
Sincelejo, Pennell 4057
(NY. uah
BoYACl On the Rio Cusiana,
: San Antonio, Haught 2613 (US)
CUNMNAMAHCA Hacienda Paramillo, between Quaduas and Alto
Garcia-Barriffa 11727 US ) (
parvis, obtusis.
Shrubby stem ; minutely
terete,pubescent or pilosulous at the nodes;
leaves drooping leaf blades
; oblong, up to 17 cm. long and 5.5 cm. wide
(flowering stems), acuminate at apex, cuneate and decurrent on the
petiole at base, both surfaces softly puberulous except the costa and
terminal, solitary, up to 16 cm. long, 3 to 4 cm. broad, the bracts closely
mbricate, erect-spreading: or tlie lowermost
about 3 cm
the lowermost somewhat smaller, acute, thin, glandular-pubescent,
colored(?), drying to light reddish; bractlets linear-lanceolate, 18
mm. long, 2 mm. wide at base, striate-nerved, soft glandular-pubes-
cent: calvx seirments subequal, lanceolate, the posterior one 4.5 mm
wiue, cue two aiiLeriui tiiiuii o,o inni, ^vivic, i.±xi^ ici,uv.i.<*x v^^w^ ^^ mm
wide, all slenderly acuminate, striate, glandular-pubescent; corolla
a landular
length, the tube 4 mm
mm. long
mm. wide, 2-tootlied at apex, the teeth 2 mm
middle lobe oval, about 25 mm
long and 11 mm. wide, obtusish, the lateral lobes narrowly elliptic,
sules not seen.
Figure 63,—Aphdandra anomala Leonard {Rushy & Pennell 470): a. Tip of stem showing
basal portion of spike; b, tip of spike; c, bract; d, pubescence of bract; e, one of the glandular
hairs from the bract; /, bractlet; g, posterior calyx segment; A, one of the anterior seg-
ments; t, one of the lateral segments; ;, corolla; k, anther, {a, b,
j, Half natural size;
^» /j ^-h natural size; d, about 8 times natural size; e, about 17 times natural size; k,
petioli breves, crassi, glabri vel parce hirteili ; spicae terminales, soli-
Hubcoriacea, striata, marginibus subhyalinis, pilosula, pilis glandu-
losis, patulis, apice bractearum longissimis, segmentum posterius
antheris utrinque acutis, apice flocculosis, filaraentis nnifariam pilosis;
ovarium apice pilosum capsulae ignotae.
glabrous, subqiiadrangiilar ; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 21 cm.
and decurrent
petiole, submembranaceous, entire or sliallowly crenate, both surfaces
glabrous except the costa and lateral veins of the lower surface, these
glabrous or sparingly hirtellous; spikes terminal, solitary, subsessile,
up to 1.5 mm. long, the posterior segment lanceolate, 3.25 mm. wide
near base, tridentate at tip, the teeth triangular-subulate, 1.25 to 4 mm.
long, the lateral teeth shorter or longer than the middle one, all about
0.5 mm. wide at base, the posterior and anterior calyx segments nar-
rowly lanceolate, the anterior pair 2 mm. wide near base, the lateral
ones 1.5 mm. wide; corollas 4 to 7 cm. long, red (?), sparingly hir-
tellous, the hairs 0.25 to 0.3 mm. long, some of them gland-tipped,
the tube 3.5 to 4 cm. long, 4.5 mm. broad at base, slightly narrowed
above base, 6 mm. broad at mouth, the upper lip erect, ovate, 1.5 cm.
long and 16 mm. wide, acute, the lower lip spreading, 3-parted, the
lobes obtuse or rounded, narrowed at base, the middle lobe suborbicu-
exceeding the upper lip, the anthers 6 mm. long, 1 mm. wide
The upper surface of the leaf blades of the type material has dried
to a dull blackish olive with a lighter area bordering
costa and lateral
veins, suggesting that the
upper surfaces of the fresh leaves may have
been purple with costa and veins banded possibly with light
green or
yellowish green. The specific epithet is derived from the Greek words
y\lffxpos^ sticky or clammy, and xXa/*^», military cloak (i. e., bract).
subtus puberulis ; petioli minute puberuli spicae 1 vel plures, spica ter-
scattered stout-based
costa and lateral veins (8 to 10 pairs), these sparingly hirsute, the
drying a lighter olive than the upper, puberulous, the hairs borne on
the costa and veins barely 0.5 mm. long, the others much smaller;
petioles (unwinged portion) cm. long, including the winged
1 to 2
portion up to 6 cm. long, finely puberulous spikes 1 to several,
white-pilose, some of the hairs gland-tipped terminal spike subsessile.
bracts lanceolate, 15 mm. long and 10 mm. wide or the lowermost
much as 3 cm. long and 12 mm. wide, acute to acuminate, densely whi
glandular-pilose, the hairs 0.5 to 2 mm. long, straight and spreadir
bractlets lanceolate, 18 mm. long, 3.5 mm. wide, acuminate, glandul
pilose; calyx about 17 mm. long, indurated at base, the posterior si
ment 4 mm. wide, the anterior pair 2 mm. wide, and the middle p
moderately pubescent, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, the tube 3 cm
mm. broad
mm. at mouth
Figure 6S—Aphelandra phlogea Leonard {Haught 3944): a, Tip of stem showing base of
inflorescence; 6, tip of spike; c, tip of corolla to show lobes; d, bract; e, pubescence
bract; /, bractlet; g, posterior calyx segment; h, one of the anterior segments; t, one of
the lateral segments; ;, tip of stamen, {a, b, c, Half natural size; d, f~i, natural size;
/, about 12 times natural size;/, 3 times natural size.)
U. S. National Herbarium
meters altitude, January 16, 1944, by Oscar Haught
two species bear little resemblance to each other. A. phlogea is char-
acterized by its brisrht, flame-colored corollas nnri hv Hs v^fTiPr liirrro
Leonard: the acanthaceae of colombiAj n 191
34. Aphelandra fascinator Linden & Andre
Aphelandra fascinator Linden & Andr6, 111. Hort. 21: 42, pi. I64. 1874. Type
locality: Colombia.
slightly puberulous ; leaf blades large, 15 cm. long or more, 9 cm. wide,
the upper surface olive-green, the region bordering costa and lateral
veins bright silver, the under surface reddish-violet with costa and
borne in simple terminal spikes bracts ovate,
veins dark violet flowers
; ;
segments acute, equaling one half the length of the corolla tube;
corolla bright scarlet or cinnabar, the tube 7 to 8 cm. long, the limb
upper erect, carinate, the lower 3-parted, the
5 to 6 cm. broad, the lip
A. E. Lawrauce, No. 601. Type in the herbarium of the Riksmuseet, Stock-
Isotypes in the
holm. Fragment of type
herbaria of the Kew, Missouri, and New York Botanical Gardens.
15 cm. long and 5 cm. wide, acuminate, ending in a blunt point, nar-
up to 18 mm. long and 3 mm. wide at base, and 1 cm. wide at middle,
glabrous, subchartaceous, veiny; bractlets linear-
acute at apex,
subulate, 1 mm. wide at base, striate; calyx segments lanceolate,
;ment oblong, 2.5 mm
1.6 mm. wide) and th(
cm. long, red (?), glabrous except the lips, these mmu
228609 —53 6
A close relationship exists
between Aphelandra dhxandri and A,
lawranceae. However, the bracts and corollas of A. alexandri are
glabrous instead of pubescent as in A. lawranceae. The lower bracts
oiA. alexandri occasionally bear toward tip several definite but minute
The following note written by A. E. Lawrance accompanies the type
specimen: "The two colors (brilliant red on the outside and yellow on
the inside of the sepals) make the red appear orange. Outstanding
plant worth propagating. Said to be used as a remedy for worms in
children by boiling flowers in hot water and drinking same." The
species is named for Alexander E. Lawrance.
2.5 mm. wide near base, attenuate, acute, carinate, dorsally white-
tomentose except a narrow marginal area, this glabrous, subby aline
5 mm. wide near base, the anterior pair lanceolate, 3 mm. wide near
(very imm
lip erect, ovate, 13 mm. long and 12 mm. ^ide, obtuse or rounded,
the lo^Ter lip 3-parted, the lobes obovate, rounded, the middle one 15
mm. long and 9 mm. wide, the lateral ones 13 mm. long and 7 mm.
exserted but shorter than the upper lip ovary
wide; stamens slightly ;
same; one of the lateral segments; h, tip of corolla, {a, Half natural size; b, k,
tip of g,
A. E. Lawrance.
pair 1.7 mm. wide, the lateral pair 1.5 mm. wide, all striate and
puberulous toward tip (glandular and eglandular hairs mixe
red, finely pubescent
enlarged from
lip entire, oblong, about 15 mm, long and 6 mm. wide, the lower lip
3-lobed, the lobes subequal or the lateral ones slightly shorter, up to
filaments about 3.5 cm
minutely pubescent toward base; staminode slender, about 13 mm.
long, pubescent at tip; style puberulous; ovary glabrous below,
pilosulous above.
BoYAcl: Mount Cbap6n, Lawrance 243 (K) 244 (K, US type)
; ; 252 (K, US).
CuNDiNAMARCA Bogotd, Saunders s. n. (K).
ovato, {
Suffnitescent ; to 1.3 meters
stems up high, subterete, glabrous or
moderately hirtellous at the nodes, spar-
very sparingly hirtellous or
acuminate slender, often curved
spikes several, terminal, subsessile, crowded, forming a headlike
mm. long, 8 mm. wide slightly below
bricate, oblong-lanceolate, 30
middle, acute, narrowed toward base, submembranaceous, puberu-
slenderly acumi
nate, carinate, stnate-nerved, sparingly puberulous toward tip ; calyx
segments subequal, subcoriaceous, striate-nerved, sparingly puberu-
lous toward tip, the posterior segment lanceolate, rather abruptly
acuminate, sparingly ciliolate at tip, a few of the hairs sometimes
glandular, the anterior and lateral segments narrowly lanceolate,
slenderly acuminate, sparingly ciliolate, the anterior ones 1.5 mm. wide
near base, the lateral ones 1 mm. wide ; corollas dark scarlet, up to 6 cm.
long, rather densely pubescent, the hairs white, more or less curved,
about 0.25 mm. long, the tube 2 mm. broad at base, 5 5
mm. broad
mouth, the upper lip erect, oblong-ovate, 2 cm. long, . ....... „,^^ ^,^^,
base, acute, the lower lip 3-parted to base, spreading or reflexed, sub
equal, oblanceolate, about 18 mm.
long and 4 mm. wide, subobtuse. ob
scurely veiny; stamens exserted about 15 mm. beyond the mouth of the
corolla tube, the filaments slender, glabrous, the anthers linear, straight
subobtuse and hairy at tip, the style sparin^.^ ^..v. ...v.., re-
trorsely hirtellous ovary pilose at tip capsules not seen.
; ;
Figure 69. Aphelandra boyacensis Leonard (Lawrancf 565): Tip of stem; b^ tip of leaf
blade (lower surface); c, bract; i, bractlet; e, posterior calyx segment;/, one of the an-
terior segments; g, one of the lateral segments, (a, h, Half natural size; c-g, natural
r r
nal oblong-ovate spike about 7 cm. long and 3.5 cm. in diameter, the
rachis sparingly strigose; bracts imbricate, oblong-elliptic, 3.5 cm.
long, 17 or 18 mm. wide (the uppermost smaller), acute or obtusish
(tipped by a point 0.5 mm. long), thin, green, coarsely reticulate
(the meshes open), pergamentaceous, glabrous except the costa, this
sometimes sparingly pubescent; bractlets lanceolate, 2 cm. long, 5 mm.
wide, glabrous, thin, veiny, each ending in a minute spine; calyx pale
green, conical, the segments lanceolate, the posterior one about 1& mm.
long and 3.5 mm.
wide, the anterior pair slightly shorter and more
narrowed, the lateral pair 13 mm, long and 3.5 mm. wide, all acute or
acuminate and substriate; corolla pubescent without, about 3 cm, long,
very fragrant, creamish, the throat yellow, the lobes ovate to sub-
orbicular, about 8 mm. long; ovary glabrous; capsule not seen.
Type in the herbarium of the Riksmusect, Stockholm, collected in a
deep forest at El Humbo, Department of Boyaca, Columbia, "3,000
ft." altitude, November 7, 1932, by A. E. Lawrance (No. 565). Type
fragments in the U. S. National Herbarium. Isotypes in the herbaria
of the Missouri and the New York Botanical Gardens.
Aplielandra loyacensis has the general appearance of A, prisTrmtica
Nees of Brazil but can be separated by its larger and relatively wider
leaf blades, these densely strigose beneath instead of practically gla-
brous, and by its shorter and broader spike. TheA. pris-
corollas of
matica have a more slender tube than do those of this new species and
are yellow instead of cream and yellow. Named for the Department
from whence the type was procured. Only a fragmentary corolla
could be found for examination on the type specimen, this consisting
practically of lobes only*
c, bract; d, bractlct; <?, posterior calyx segment;/, one of the anterior segments; gy one of
the lateral segments; k, tip of same; t, retinaculum, (a, b. Half natural size; c, natural
size; d'gj twice natural size; h, 10 times natural size; *, 4 times natural size,)
whitish areas following costa and veins,
42. Aphelandra killipii Leonard, sp. nov. Figuke 71
Suffrutex, caulibus glabris; lamina foliorum magna, elliptica vel
obovata, apice acuminata, apice ipso obtuso, basi angustata, in pe-
tiolum decurrens, supra glabra vel costa pilos raros minutos appressos
ferens, minute alveolata, subtus parce et minute pubescens, pilis
appressis, costa et venis aliquanto prominentibus petioli breves, ;
blades elliptic to obovate, up to 28 cm. long and 14.5 cm. wide, acumi-
nate (the tip itself blunt), narrowed from middle or slightly above
the middle to base and decurrent on the petiole, subchartaceous,
glabrous above or the costa bearing a few appressed hairs about 0.5
mm. long, minutely alveolate, the lower surface sparingly and mi-
nutely pubescent, tlie hairs 0.25 mm. long or less, appressed, the costa
and lateral veins (12 to 14 pairs) conspicuous, more so beneath than
above petioles thick (unwinged portion), up to
; cm. long, glabrous; 1
spike solitary, terminal, sessile, slenderly conic, about 10 cm. long,
2 cm. broad near base, the bracts appressed, the rachis glabrous; bracts
coriaceous, oblong, 3 cm. long, about 1 cm. wide slightly above the
middle, roundjed and minutely mucronate at apex (the margins hy-
aline) , apparently striate-nerved (the meshes of the reticulations com-
of a portion of leaf blade to show markings (appearing alveolar under weak magnifica-
tion); c, bract; d, bractlet; e, calyx segments; /, corolla; g, middle lobe of lower lip; h,
lateral lobe, [a, }, Half natural size; h, about 10 times natural size; c, g, h, natural size;
0.25 mm. long, the tube slender, the throat about 4 mm. broad, the
upper about
lip ovate, 4 mm. wide, bilobed at apex, the lobes rounded,
about 1.5 mm. long, minutely apiculate, the middle lobe of the lower
lip suborbicular, about 5 mm. long and 6 mm. wide, the lateral lobes
oblong, about 6 mm. long and barely 3 mm. wide, obtuse, these and
the lobes of the upper lip bearing a tuft of several minute hairs;
stamens slightly exserted beyond the throat of the corolla, the anthers
barely 3 mm. long, adhering by the webby, dorsally borne hairs, these
about 1 mm. long ovary glabrous capsules not seen.
; ;
upper portions rather densely and retrorselv striirose, the hairs about
narrowed f
undulate »r
surface green, glabrous or sparingly strigose, the hairs about 0.5 mm.
long, the lower surface pale ashy, more densely strigose than
the costa and veins (10 to 12 pairs) rather prominent; petioles (un-
winged portion ) about 1 cm. long, retrorsely strigose like the stems
spike solitary, terminal, about 12 cm. long, 2 cm. broad, the bracts
rather loosely appressed, the rachis strigose; bracts oblong-elliptic,
3 cm. long, 14.5 mm. wide, obtusish and minutely apiculate at apex,
apparently closely striate- veined (the meshes of the reticulations com-
pressed), opaque, bordered by a narrow subhyaline margin
about O.n
mm. wide, the lower half of the bract strigose, the hairs 0.75 mm. long,
the upper half glabrous bractlets narrowly lanceolate, 6
mm. long,
about 1 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed into a slender tip,
sparingly strigose dorsally calyx segments minute, triangular,
0,75 mm. long and broad, acuminate, thin, subhyaline ; corolla cream
about 3 cm. long, densely
mm. broad at base, 5 mm
— T ^ -fc" - y"
broad at mouthy the about equal, the upper lip oblong, about
mm. wide, 2-lobed at tip, the lobes rounded, the middle lobe of tl
lower lip oval, about 9 mm. long and 7 mm. wide, rounded, the later
lobes lanceolate, 8 mm. long and 2.5 mm. wide at middle, blunt at ti
stamens reaching the mouth of the corolla and probably slightly e
serted; ovary glabrous; capsule not seen.
microscopic view of upper leaf surface (appearing alveolate under lens); f, lower node
8 howing part of leaf blade (lower surface); d, bract; e, bractlet;/, corolla limb; g, posterior
calyx lobe; A, anterior and lateral lobes, {a, c, Half natural size; h, about 28 times natural
Size; J-/, natural size; g, A, about three times natural size.)
or pubescent toward tip, the hairs brownish, about 0.5 mm. long,
retrorsely appressed leaf blades elliptic to oblong-elliptic, up to 22
cm. long and 12 cm. wide, acute or short-acuminate at apex (the tip
itself blunt), narrowed and decurrent on the petiole, per-
at base
gamentaceous, lustrous, entire, the upper surface minutely alveolar,
drying dark green, glabrous or bearing a few scattered appressed hairs
less than 0.5 mm. long, the costa and lateral veins (usually
to 8 to 14
pairs) plane or slightly elevated, less prominent than on the lower
surface, this drying light green or olive, subglabrous to finely strigose,
the hairs mostly less than 0.5 mm. long, evenly distributed or confined
c hiefly to costa and basal portions of the
lateral veins, retrorsely ap-
pressed; petioles up to 3 cm. long, the pubescence similar to that of
the stem; spikes terminal, cylindric, solitary or occasionally in 3's, up
to 12 cm. long and 1.5 cm. broad, the rachis angular, pilose or sub-
glabrous, the hairs fine, up to 1.5 mm. long, upwardly appressed to
spreading; bracts closely imbricate or spreading with age, ovate-
lanceolate, 2.5 to 4 cm. long, 1 to 1.3 cm. wide, acuminate, green, multi-
nerved (the meshes of the reticulations compressed) glabrous or more
costa thick, the lateral veins (about 10 pairs) more or less prominent;
228609—53 7
to 3 cm
and minutely pilose toward base, subchartaceous
veined, tlie meshes of the reticulations narrow:
Figure Aphelandra craura Leonard {Haught 5337): c, Tip of stem; h, bract; f, bract-
let; d, calyx segments, {a, Half natural size; b, natural size; c, about one and a half
entire or occasionally bearing a small tooth toward tip, glabrous or
bearing a few marginal hairs about 0.5 mm. long, 3-nerved, sub-
hyaline; calyx segments minute, ovate to triangular, about 0.5 mm.
long and 1 mm. wide, short-acuminate or rounded and minutely apicu-
late; corolla purplish, about 3 cm. long, pubescent except the glabrous
basal portion, the hairs upwardly appresscd, about 0.5 mm. lonff.
brownish, the tube slender, the upper lip erect, oblong, 7 mm. long
(flower immature) and 4 mm. wide, bilobed at apex, the lobes ovate,
ahniit, 9. mm. lonff and 1.5 mm. wide at base, subacute, the middle lobe
U. S. National Herbarium
highway near ColombiaValle,
meters or less altitude, December 8, 1946, by Oscar Haughl
5337). F, 0. Lehmann s. n. (K), from the same general local
also of this species. The label on the Kew sheet bears the foil
note "Stengel
: bis 1 m. hoch, fingerdick. Blatter fast fleischig matt
griin. Bliithen rothlich-gelbeweiss."
A close relationship exists between ApheJandra craura and A
chantha, Afhelandra craura^ however, has purplish corollas i]
almost from Kpavpoz, meanin
brittle, in allusion to the succulent, brittle stems.
rate and densely pilose toward tip, the hairs light brown or whitish,
up to 2 ram. long, spreading, descending, or appressed, the lower
portions of the stem terete, gray, glabrate, the lenticels minute and
corky leaf blades oblong to oblong-elliptic or broadly oblanceolate,
long, the pubescence similar to that of the stem spikes solitary or, if
wide, the lateral pair linear-lanceolate, 1.5 mm. wide, these obtusish
and apiculate, the others acute, all minutely puberulous, ciliate toward
tip and striate-nerved, the nerves indurate at base; corolla red, mi-
nutely puberulous, 6.5 cm. long from base to tip of upper lip, the
3 mm. broad at base, narrowed to 2 mm. at 7 mm. above base, thence
gradually enlarged to a slightly curved cylindric throat about G
broad, the upper lip erect, 2 cm. long, 7 mm. wide at base of
these lanceolate, 1 cm. long, 4 mm. wide, slenderly acuminate,
middle lobe of the lower lip spreading, narrowly elliptic, 2.5 cm. long,
slightly more than 6 mm. wide, acute, the lateral lobes adnate
in part
to theupper lip, their free portions 2 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide,
rounded at tip; stamens exserted about 15 mm. beyond the mouth of
the corolla tube, the anthers 6 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, the basal lobes
not seen.
U. S
woods and thickets of Zurubi, Caiio Cuduyari, Comlsaria of
October J 5
lateral segments; », tip of corolla; /, pubescence of the corolla, {a-c. Half natural size;
d'K twice natural size; t, natural size; ;, about 20 limes natural size.)
nearly straight, the pubescence usually denser on costa and veins, these
prominent, the veinlets finely reticulate petioles about 5 mm. long,
acuminate, the lateral lobes about 3 mm. long and 1 mm. wide, ob-
tusish, stamens
adnate in part to the upper exserted
lip about
; 7 mm.
tube; ovary and style glabrous;
beyond the mouth of the corolla
capsules oblong, obtuse at apex, glabrous.
Vehnacular names Picigallo: {Elias 860) Cresta de Gallo (Eliof
705), Pie de Gallo {Bro. Heriherto 415), Pisigallo {Dugand & Java-
Dugand & JaramiUo 2701 (US). Luvmco, Bro. Apolinar Angel 491 (US). PioJ<5,
Sahagun, Pennell 4108 (NY). Turbaco, Bro. Herilerto 415 (NY, US) Killip
Smith li^lO (NY, US).
CuNDiNAMARCA Casas Viejas, Triana s. n., 1851-1857 (NY).
Maqdalena: Codazzi, Haught 3759 (US). Poponte, Cyril Allen 845 (Mo).
Meta: Villavicencio, Triana s. n. (US).
& Smith 20931 (NY, US). Rio
NoETE DE Santandee: La Esmeralda, Killip
up to 36 cm. long and 10 cm. wide (slightly above the middle), acute
on the petiole, the margins crenate, the upper surface drying
green (about 21 pairs) densely
Jllous, the hnirs brownish, appressed or ascending, 0.25 to 0.5 mm
', the surface between the veins sparingly and
hirtellous, the lower surface drying a light grayish olive-green, densely
and veins
loose, leafy panicle up to 27 cm. long and 17 to 20 cm. broad, the
silvery tomentose, except the glabrous region
adjacent to the posterior
calyx segment; bracts bright scarlet, drying brown,
subcarinate, 8 mm. long, 4.5 mm. wide at 2 mm. above base, thence
gradually narrowed to a slender tip, coriaceous, coarsely
minutely puberulous, the margins ciliolate, the hairs
up to 0.5 mm.'
long; ocelli occurring usually in pairs, elliptic,
1 mm. long and 1.75
mm. wide, brown, nitid, indistinctly alveolate; bractlets lanceolate,
carinate, 7 mm. long, 2 mm. wide at 2.5 mm. above
base, thence grad-
ually narrowed to a slender tip, the keel
densely silvery pilose, the
hairs ascending, about 0.5 mm. long, the region
adjacent to the keel
puberulous, the marsrinal area subhvalinf" nnrl D-lnV.rnno fi.^ r««^„;«^
Figure 75.— Aphtlandra schUjerae Leonard {Schiejer 791): a. Node from inflorescence;
h, bract; c, bractlet; d, posterior calyx segment; e,one of the anterior segments; /, one of
the lateral segments; g, corolla; A, pubescence of the corolla, (a, g, Half natural size;
b-f, twice natural size; A, about 40 times natural size.)
1.5 mm. at 7 mm. above base, thence mm. near mouth, the
enlarged to 7
upper lip narrowly ovate, 21 mm. long and 6 mm. wide at middle,
tipped by 2 triangular acuminate lobes about 3 mm. long and 1.5
mm. wide at base, the middle lobe of the lower lip lanceolate, 22
mm. long, 5 mm. wide, slenderly acuminate, the lateral lobes adnate to
the lower part of the upper lip, their free portions small, about 1
mm. long; stamens slightly exserted beyond the mouth of the corolla
tube, the anthers 6 mm. long and 1 mm. broad, retrorsely pilose dor-
sally ovary glabrous; capsules not seen.
lata, reflexa, acuminata (apice ipso plus minusve curvato), basi an-
erustata, membranacea. inteera. sunra glabra vel costa et vfinis laterali-
minute striii-osis, subtus glabra vel parce et minute
terminales, spicis parvis, pedunculis parce et minute strigosis vel pe-
dunculis ultimis dense hirsutis, pilis parvis, plus minusve patulis,
rhache flocculoso-tomentosa, pilis albis bracteae vivae rubrae, siccae
tips sparingly strigose, the hairs closely appressed, sordid, less than
tered, corky, about 1 mm. long, inconspicuous; leaves reflexed, the
blades oblong to lance-oblong, 7 to 19 cm. long, 1.8 to 5 cm. wide, acumi-
nate, the tip more or less curved, cuneate at base, membranaceous to
gose, the hairs confined chiefly to costa and lateral veins, these rather
mm. lonir, 1 to 2 mm. wide
gment narrowly ovate, 2.5 to 3.5 mm
anterior pair lanceolate, 1.5 to about 2 mm. wide, the lateral pair nar-
rowly lanceolate, 1 to 1.5 mm. wide, all obtuse to obtusish (the lateral
pair apiculate), glabrous, ciliolate toward apex, striate-nerved co- ;
the lateral segments; g, corolla; k, pubescence of corolla; i, stamen, (a, g, Half natural
size; h-f, twice natural size; k, about 30 times natural size; i,
natural size.)
the lower surface drying light olive green, minutely and rather spar-
keel densely white-pubescent, the margins glabrous, subhyaline, deli-
the lower lip elliptic, spreading, 9.5 mm. wide, narrowed at base, sub-
cucullate and apiculate at tip, the lateral lobes about 5 mm. long, the
posterior edge adnate to lower part of upper lip, the free portions
(US). Above Minca, Las Cumbres, in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada de
Santa Marta, 2,000 meters altitude, Saickes 587 (US).
Norte de Santandeh: Ornfifl f^rhlim r>?i7 nr\ e'/,77>«.«^/^« oh /rrv •
Therather small subglabrous leaf blades, short, relatively broad
silky spikes and broad, finely pubescent calyx segments are
vulcherHma The species is named
in honor of Johannes Mildbraed, a specialist in the family
Schultze 0. 695, collected on wooded mountain slope at Casa
this species; a photograph of the Berlin specimen is in the U. S
rmn. in diameter
mm. long, 2 mm
margin, glabroui
mm. lonsr, the others shorter calyx segments ;
Ticencio, 500 meters altitude, November 9, 1938, Cuatrecasas 4538 (US) Haught ;
2528 (US). Ocoa, near Villavicencio, July 21, 1945, Schiefer 851 (US). Aplai,
Llano de San Martin, Triana s. n. (Col).
its membranous, nearly glabrous leaf blades, its glabrous stems, and
brown C
brown background of the bracts are the darker brown nitid ocelli so
tigu In
general appearance A, harkleyi is somewhat like A. lingua-'bovis, but
light brown of the bracts obscured. The spikes of Ilaught's No. 2528
are exceedingly long (30 cm.) and the red corollas are tipped with
laribus, sursum dense strigosis, pilis arete appressis, albidis, minutis,
deorsum glabris; lamina foliorum ovata vel oblongo-elliptica, acum-
inata (apice ipso obtuso et plus minusve curvato), basi angustata, in
petiolum decurrens, chartacea, crenata, supra parce strigosa vel
ous, the margins crenate, the upper surface drying olive brown,
sparingly appres&ed hirsute to glabrate, the hairs about 0.5 mm. long,
the costa flat or slightly impressed, the lateral veins (10 to 12 pairs)
slightly raised, the veinlets inconspicuously and coarsely reticulate,
the lower surface drying a slightly lighter shade than the upper and
somewhat more densely hirsute, the costa and veins more conspicuous,
75 mm. long, spreading
petioles (unwinged portion) inged
above the base
subtending the inflorescence, subsessile, the buds and young leaves
densely yellowish white-pilose; flowers borne in 1 or more terminal,
subsessile spikes 6 to 8.5 cm. long and 8 to 10 mm. broad, the rachis
cottony- white-pubescent bracts closely imbricate, dark brown,
mm. long, the posterior segment narrowly ovate, 4 mm. wide, acutish
or subcucullate at tip, the anterior pair lanceolate, 2.5 mm. wide, the
lateral pair slightly narrower, both anterior and lateral pairs obtusish
Figure 79.—Jphdandra daemonia Leonard {H. H. Smith 141S): a, Tip of stem; b, portion
of leaf blade (undersurface); c, bract; d, bractlet; e, posterior calyx segment;/, one of the
anterior segments; g, one of the lateral segments; h, corolla; i,pubescence of the corolla
tube; /, anther, (a, k, Half natural size; b, natural size; c-g, j, twice natural size; i, about
ted These bracts have,
in fact, a fanciful resemblance to a series of elfin faces peeping above
the brilliant white tomentum of the rachis, thus the species name dae-
monia (Saifj6viov, elf.). Dr. Samuel J. Record states that the wood is
Leonard Figure 80
Frutex, caulibus glabris; lamina foliorum magna, obloiiga vel
oblongo-ovata, apice breviter acuminata, apice ipso obtuso, basi
angustata, in petiolum decurrens, integra vel undulata vel leviter
crenata, glabra, costa et venis lateralibus pilos minutos api)ressos
ferentibus; petioli graciles, glabri; spicae solitariae vel plures fascicu-
nervatae, sericeo-pubescentes, deorsum dense sorlceo-pubescentcs, pills
appressis, albis; ocelli multl, miuiiti; bracteolae Innceolatae, dense
sericeo-pubescentes, pilis appressis; calycis segmenta triangularia,
subaequalia, dense sericeo-pubescentia, pilis appressis; corolla flava,
minute pubescens, labio superiore oblongo, bilobato, lobis triangul-
aribus, acuminatis, labio inferiore trilobato, lobo medio
acuto, lobis lateralibus parvis, obtusis, cum labio superiore pro
connatis; capsulae oblongae, apice obtusae, sursum glabrae et nitidae,
deoi-sum opacae, minute et dense punctatae.
Shrubs up to meters high stems glabrous leaf blades oblong or
3 ; ;
(about 20), elliptic, minute (about 400 /. long and 250 fi wide) ; bract-
mm. Ion u, 6 mm
pubescent y, appressed; calyx segments tri-
segment 7 mm.
iong, the posterior
wide near base, the anterior pair 4 mm. wide, the middle pair 3 mm.
wide, all acute, striate-nerved, densely pubescent with silky ap-
one of the anterior segments; g, one of the lateral segments; h, upper lip of corolla; t,
anther; pubescence of corolla, {a, i, Half natural size; c^i,
middle lobe of lower lip; j, k,
natural size; /, about 5 times natural size; k, about 20 times natural size.)
yellow, finely pubescent, 5.5 to 6 cm. long, 6 mm. broad at throat, the
upper lip oblong, about 15 mm. long and 9 mm. wide, 2-lobed, the
lobes triangular, about 6 mm. long and 5 mm. wide, acuminate, the
middle lobe lanceolate, about as long as the
lower lip 3-lobed, the
upper lip, acute, the lateral lobes small, about 2.5
mm. long and 1
wide, obtuse, their upper margins partly connate with the upper
Shrubby; tips of si
mm. gradually narrowed from
wide, all
the bracts, as in A
flwva moreover, Nees makes no mention of ocelli.
75 mm
Figure 82. Aphelandra trianae Leonard {Triana s. n., Quindio): a. Tip of plant; t, bract;
c, bractlet; d, posterior calyx segment; f, one of the abterior segments; /, one of the lateral
segments; g, anther; A, tip of corolla; i, pubescence of corolla tube, (a, Half natural
size; h-f,h, natural size; g, twice natural size; i, about 16 times natural size,)
ing, up to 1 mm. long, silvery; calyx 18 mm. long, the segments cori-
aceous, striate-nerved (the nerves indurate at base), glabrous, ciliate
the lower lip lanceolate, 8 mm. long, 4 mm. wide, slenderly acuminate,
the tip recurved, the lateral lobes small, rounded, adnate to upper lip
of corolla stamens exserted, anthers 7
; mm. long, 1,5 mm. broad, obtuse
and cohering at tip, obliquely obtuse at base and minutely apiculate, the
filaments pilose at base, glabrous upwardly ovary glabrous.
Figure 83.—J phelandra albert-smithii Leonard {Killip & Smith 16283): a. Tip of stem;
b, bract; c, bractlct; d, posterior calyx segment; e, one of the anterior segments;/, one of the
lateral segments; g, anther; h, tip of corolla; i, pubescence of corolla tube, (a, Half nat-
ural size; b-g, twice natural size; h, natural size; t, about 25 times natural size.)
up to 11 mm.
long and 7 mm. wide, acute and cuspidate at tip, minutely
and inconspicuously puberulous or bearing a few longer hairs toward
tip, the margins ciliate, the hairs 0.5 to 1 mm. long ocelli usually 6, ;
elliptic, dark brown, nitid, 0.75 to 1 mm. long, 0.5 to 0.75 mm. wide,
contiguous or overlapping; bractlets ovate, obscurely striate-nerved,
acute, 6 mm. long and 3.5 mm. wide, subauriculate at base, moderately
hirsute, the hairs brownish, up to 0.5 mm. long, the costa rather promi-
nent, indurate at base calyx 9 to 11 mm.
; long, the segments puberulous,
subcoriaceous, striate-nerved, indurate at base, the posterior segment
oblong-ovate, 4.5 mm, wide, rounded and apiculate, the anterior pair
oblong, 3,5 mm. wide, acute and apiculate, the lateral pair similar but
slightly narrower; corolla 5,5 cm, long, red, puberulous, the hairs
minute and conical, the tube 3 mm. broad at base, narrowed to 1.5 mm.
at 5 mm. above base, thence enlarged to a subcylindric throat 6 mm.
broad at mouth, the upper lip erect, narrowly oblong, about 5 mm,
wide, bilobed, the lobes lanceolate, 18 mm, long, 4 mm. wide,
acuminate, the lower lip 3-lobed, spreading, the middle lobe lance-
olate, 17 mm. long, 7 mm, wide near base, acuminate, the lateral lobes
triangular, about 5 mm. long, acute, the upper margins adnata to the
lower part of the upper lip; stamens barely reaching tip of the upper
corolla lip, the anthers 5.5 mm. long and 1.5 mm. broad, the filaments
slender, retrorsely hirsute at base, otherwise glabrous ovary glabrous. ;
magna, acuta vel breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso vel subacuto),
basi angustata, in petioluni breviter decurrens, submembranacea, In-
tegra vel undulata, supra glabra vel pilos raros subappressos ferens,
subtus tenuiter et parce hirsuta, pilis appressis vel aliquanto patulis,
costa et venis lateralibus conspicuis; petioli plus minusve hirsuti;
spicae multae, paniculam gi-andem terminalem ferentes, pendunculis
dense hirsutis, pilis appressis vel ascendentibus,
rhache flocculoso-
pubescente, pilis sordidis; bracteae rhombeo-ovataej acutae, flavae vel
aurantiacae, ciliolatae, glabrae vel infimae dorso strigosae; ocelli saepe
2, minuti, opaci vel fusco-lucentes; bracteolae lanceolatae, carinatae,
carina dense brunescenti-flocculosa, apice apiculatae; calycis seg-
menta striato-nervata, apice acuta vel subacuta, minute ciliolata, seg-
mentum posterius anguste ovatum, anteriora oblongo-lanceolata, lat-
eralia lanceolata; corolla papilloso-puberulenta, tubo rubro, anguste
hypocraterifoi-mi, leviter curvato et subventricoso, lobis aurantiacis,
labio superiore ovato, bilobato, lobis triangularibus, apice tenuiter
acuminatis, recurvatis, patulis, labio inferiore trilobato, lobo medio
more or less spreading, the lower portions of the stems terete, gla-
mm. long, drying olive, the costa and lateral veins (16 to 20 pairs)
lighter olive than the upper, sparingly hirsute, the hairs sordid, closely
cose throat, 6 mm. broad at mouth, the upper lip erect, ovate, 15 mm.
long and 7 mm. wide, 2-lobed at tip, the lobes triangular, about. 5 mm.
long and 5.5 mm. wide, the tip slender and recurved, the lateral lobes
mm. and broad stamens
loner ;
upper lip, the anthers 4.5 mm. long and 1 mm. broad, the basal lobe
surface); c, bract; d, bractlet; f, posterior calyx segment;/, one of the anterior segments;
g, one of the lateral segments; A, corolla; i, pubescence of corolla tube; ;', anther, (a, b,
hy Half natural size; c-g, twice natural size; 2, about 20 times natural size;;, about twice
natural size.)
obtusis, cum labio superiore basi connatis stamina vix ;exserta, an-
theris apice flocculoso-tomentosis, adhaerentibus, filamentis basi
Suffrutescent, up to 2 meters high; stems subquadrangular, more
or less strigose toward tip, the hairs upwardly appressed, almost 1
long and 9.5 cm. wide, acute to acuminate (the tip itself blunt) , nar-
rowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, submembranaceous, un-
dulate to shallowly crenate, the upper surface glabrous or sparingly
strigose except the costa, this densely so, the hairs brownish, up to
0.75 mm. long, the lower surface moderately hirsute, the hairs sub-
appressed to ascending, brownish, up to 0.75 mm. long, the costa and
Figure %S.~Aphelandra schultesii Leonard {Gutierrez & Schultis 936): fl,Tip of plant; t,
bract; c, bractlet; d, posterior calyx segment;
one of the anterior segments;/, one of the
bracts rhombic-ovate, (5 mm. long, 4 mm. wide near base, acute, coriace-
mmutelv puberulous
ciliolate, the hairs up to 0.5 mm. long; ocelli 2 to 4 or
as many as 7, elliptic, up to 1.25 mm. long and 0.75 mm, wide,
throat, the upper lip erect, ovate-lanceolate, about 2 cm. long, 7 mm.
broad, bilobed at tip, the lobes triangular-ovate, 9 mm. long, 3.5 mm.
lanceolate, 21 mm. long, 6.5 mm. wide, acuminate, the lateral lobes
the upper lip stamens slightly exceeding
adnate to the lower part of ;
the notch of the upper lip, the anthers 6 mm. long and 2 mm. broad,
tomentum, the filaments puberulous near
adhering at tip by a webby
base, otherwise glabrous; ovary glabrous; capsules clavate (imma-
ture), 18 mm. long, 5 mm. broad toward tip, 1.5 mm. thick, glabrous,
U. S. National H
tomentum e
However, the spikes of A. macrophylla form a large panicle and are
usually much shorter (up to 9 cm. instead of 12 cm.) and its stems are
elliptico-oblonga vel late oblanceolata, tenuiter vcl breviter acuminata,
hirsuta, pilis ascendentibus brunneis, costa et venis dense hirsutis,
rhomb i CO
coriaceae, apice mucronulatae, parce
ovatae, obtusae vel rotundatae,
costa et ncrvis lateralibus
hirsutao, basi glabrae, marginibus ciliolatae,
lip, the free portion triangular, 1.5 mm. long and 1 mm. wide, rounded
stamens almost reaching the tip of the upper lip, the anthers 7 mm
long and 1 mm. broad, mucronate at base capsules not seen.;
I, about IS times natural size; c, j, slightly more than twice natural size.)
d The densely hirsute stems and costa of
the upper surface of leaf blade are also very noticeable. It seems
to have no close relative.
lobe of the lower lip spreading, ovate-lanceolate, about 21 mm. long,
the lateral lobes partly adnate
7 or 8 mm. wide, acuminate, carinate,
free portions triangular-ovate,
to the lower part of the upper lip, their
stamens reaching about mid-
2.5 mm. long, 2 mm. wide at base, obtuse;
way between mouth of tube and tip of upper lip, the anthers 6.5 mm.
apiculate at tip, acute at base; cap-
long and 1 mm. broad near base,
sules clavate, about 2 cm. long, 6 mm. broad near tip, 3 mm. broad near
glabrous, nitid, minutely punc-
base, about 3 mm. thick, obtuse at tip,
tate; seed (immature) flat, brown, minutely hispidulous.
U. S. National Herb
Arenosa Creek, in the ermeja, M
Valley, between the Sogamoso and Colorado rivers. Department of
Pcnnell 3782 (NY). Dense,
Antioquia: Gravel along stream bed, Malena,
and Le6n, Yepcs, Blair & Barldeij 1SC.300
damp woods between Rfo Guapa
(US) ; Ruiz, Rivera & Barkley 18C.388 (US).
on the Rio Sinti, Pennell 4581 (NY).
Bolivar: Forest along river, Boca Verde,
Baliia Solano, Haiight 552S (US). Dense for-
Choc6: Along stream in forest,
of Ciudad Mutis, KiJlip & Qaroia 3357G (US).
est near Quebrada Scca, vicinity
El Centro, naught 2,008 (US).
Santahdeb: Along the Rio Colorado, near
the upper portions, these upwardly strigose, the hairs about 0.25 mm.
long, closely appressed; leaf blades oblong-elliptic or broadly oblong-
lanceolate, up to 20 cm. long and 5,5 cm. wide, acuminate, narrowed at
long, the venation rather inconspicuous, the lower surface drying a
upper, moderately and minutely strigose or
lighter olive than the
chiefly to costa and veins (10 to 12 pairs)
hirtellous, the hairs confined
the venation conspicuous, the veinlets coarsely reticulate ;
petioles up
small I
long, the inner surface evenly, sparingly and minutely puberulous with
appressed hairs, the nerves closely parallel, the veinlets reticulate near
the subhyaline margins ; bractlets lanceolate, 8.5 mm. long, 2.25 mm.
portion carinate) glabrous ex-
wide near base, acuminate (the lower ,
cept the hirtellous tip, striate-nerved, the costa and adjacent nerves
^ - r
subequal to
costa and adjacent lateral nerves swollen and confluent at base, the
posterior segment 4.5 mm. wide, subobtuse and more or less lacerate,
the anterior segments 2.5 mm. widi ,
subobtuse and apiculate, the lat-
eral segments 2.25 mm.
wide, acute; corolla up to 5 cm. long, densely
and silkily hirtellous, except the glabrous basal portion, the hairs
brown, ascending, about 250 ^ long, the tube about 6 ram. broad at
mouth, the upper lip erect, ovate, bilobate at tip, the lobes rounded, the
lower lip spreading, the lateral lobes minute and connate with the basal
portion of the upper lip, the free portion minute and triangular; cap-
sules not seen.
February 1852, by Triana, J. s. n. An isotypc is in the National
Herbarium of Colombia.
The specific epithet is from the Greek a-qpiKds, silken, and audos, flower.
02. Aphelandra hartwcgiana Nees
Aphelandra JtartWG(/iana Nees ex Beiith. PI. Hartw. 23G. 1846.
Type col-
lected in shady woods (sylvis umbrosis) on the Hacienda
de I'ahiiar near
Gtiaduas, Citndinamarca, Ilartwcg 1270.
gular toward tip, minutely strigose, the hairs about 0.25 mm.
closely appressed, the lenticels narrowly elliptical, corky,
up to 1 mm.
long; leaf blades oblong-ovate to elliptic, up to 25 cm. long and
11 cm.
Antioquia: Villa Arteaga, Eodge 7053 (US). Near Chigorod6, Eaught 4699
(US). Mutatd, Vribe-Uribe 1505 (US).
BOLfVAu: Boca Verde, on the Eio Sinu, Pennell 45.80 (NT).
Cnoc6: Cupica, Fernandez 354 (US). Near Quebrada Seca, Bahia Solano,
Killip d Garcia 35639 (US).
El Valle Le
Rio Calima, Cuatrecasas 21206 (Valle). La Trojita, Bio Calima, Cuatrecasas
16355 (Valle). Isla de Golondro to La Amargua, Rfo Yurumangui, Cuatre-
casas 16069 (Valle). Silva, Rio Cajambre, Cuatrecasas 17605 ( Vaile).
Depaetment (?) Playa, Lehmann 9047 (NY).
Shrubs stems subquandrangular, densely strigose, the hairs brown-
ish, upwardly appressed, about 0.25 mm. long; leaves reflexed, the
blades oblong to oblong-ovate, up to 18 cm. long and 7 cm. wide,
derly acuminate, narrowed at base and decurrent on the
petiole, the
upper surface sparingly and minutely strigose, the hairs 0.25 mm. long,
the lower surface rather densely strigose, the hairs slightly
less than
0.5 mm. long, closely appressed, the costa and lateral veins
(9 or 10
pairs) fairly prominent; petioles (unwinged portion) up to 1
cm. long,
mmutely strigose ; spike
to 17 cm.
tomentose mm
the alveolar spots narrowly elliptic, about 2 mm. long and 0.5 mm.
wide, obscure; bractlets narrowly lanceolate, 15 mm. long, 2.5 mm.
wide near base, slenderly acuminate, carinate, the keel densely pilose.
the hairs white, ascending, 0.5 to 0.T5 mm. long, the margins thin,
apex, the anterior segments lanceolate, 3.5 mm. wide, obtuse and apicu-
late at tip, the lateral segments narrowly lanceolate, 3 mm. wide, obtuse
cm. long, papillose without, glabrous
at apes corollas yellow, about 5
slender, subc5dindric, about 3 mm. broad, the mouth about 5 mm. broad,
the lips about 14 mm. long (immature), the upper one ovate, about
5 mm.wide, acuminate, bilobed at apex, the lobes minute, triangular,
about 1 nmi. long and 0.25 mm. wide, acute, the middle lobe of the lower
]ip ovate, 5 mm.
wide, subacute, puberulous within, the lateral lobes
attached to the lower part of the upper lip, their free portions about
1 mm.long and broad, obtuse; stamens barely exserted, the anthers
7 mm.
long, about 1 mm. broad, obtuse at both ends, the lower lobes
minutely apiculate, the tips cohering, the filaments glabrous except
at base, here pilose ; ovary glabrous.
Type in the U.
National Herbarium, No. 1954767, collected in
the woods of Paramitos, Narino, Department of Antioquia, Colombia,
2,000 to 2,200 meters altitude, January 1949, by Lorenzo Uribc-
Uribc (No. 1862).
Aphelandra xanthantha should be easily recognized by its large, red,
ovate-lanceolate bracts, bearing inconspicuous, narrowly elliptical
alveolar spots, and by its yellow corollas with relatively broad but
rather short ovate upper lips minutely bilobed at tip. The name
xanthantha comes from ^avOos, yellow, aud avdos, flow^er.
G-i. Aphelandra straminea Leonard, sp, nov. Figube 00
Suffrutex, caulibus teretibus, minute et sursum strigosis vel glabratis,
pilis brunnescentibus ; lamina foliorum oblonga vel late
oblanceolata, acuminata, apice ipso obtuso, basi angustata, in petiolum
decurrens, submembranacea Integra vel undulata, supra nitida, glabra,
the margins subscarious, ciliolate near base of bract, the costa promi-
nent, inconspicuously excurrent at tip, the lateral nerves conspicuous
except on the broad scarious margins, both surfaces glabrous, the ocelli
replaced by dull alveolate oval areas about 1.5 mm. long and 1 mm.
wide bractlets lanceolate,
10 mm. long and 3 mm. wide, carinate, the
tube about 5 mm. broad near base, narrowed to 3 mm. at 10 mm. above
7 mm
lower lip spreading, ovate, 17 mm. long, 8 mm. wide, the apex acute
and recurved, the lateral lobes partly adnate to the upper lip, their
free portions about 1 mm. long and broad, rounded; stamens exserted
about 5 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, the anthers about
G mm. long and 1 mm. broad, their basal lobe muticous capsules ob- ;
Berrio 3
of Santander, Colombia
June G, 1935, by Oscar Hauglit (No. 1750) An isotype . is in the
herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden. Mutis 1501 (S, US)
is also of this species.
; can be separated
related species by
Figure 9Q~Aphdandra straminea Leonard {Haught 1750): a. Tip of stem including basal
portion of spike; t, tip of spike; c, bract; ti^bractlet; e, posterior caljrs: segment;/, one of the
anterior segments; g, one of the lateral segments; A, glandular area of bract; i, corolla, (a, b,
Half natural size; c-g, twice natural size; A, about 3 times natural size; natural
t, size.)
specific Stockholm
05. Aphelandra scolnikae Leonard, sp. nov, Figure
Frutex, caulibus teretibus, strigosis, pilis arete appressis; lamina
dulata vel crenata, supra glabra vel subglabra, subtus aliquanto stri-
the hairs closely appressed, about 0.25 mm. long leaf blades oblong-
subhyaline, ciliolate, the inner surface glabrous, the costa and lateral
nerves Inconspicuous, the alveolar spot elliptic, about 1 mm. long and
0.5 mm. wide, brown ; bractlets lanceolate, 8 mm. long, 9 mm. wide,
acuminate, carinate, the keel densely pubescent, the hairs whitish,
length; calyx 11 mm
gment oblong, 3.5 mm
pubescent, the hairs ascending, the anterior and lateral segments
narrowly oblong, 2 to 2.5 mm. wide, glabrous toward base, minutely
puberulous toward tip, all the segments coriaceous, striate-nerved and
subacute at tip ; corollas not seen ovary glabrous capsules subclavate,
; ;
12 mm. long, about 4 mm. broad and 3 mm. thick, rounded at tip,
Type in the U. S. :N"ational Herbarium, No. 1954096, collected in
G. Orozco (No. 523). Also of this species are: Barldey,
liios &
Betancourt 618 (US)
near La Palmitas, Antioq .Too meters altitude, and Scolnih.
Barkley & PcTia 554 (US)
Boqueron de San Cristobal meters
Afhelandra scolnikaeprobably related to A. gldbrata.
is close A
examination of the specimens cited failed to reveal the least vestige
of a corolla. Yet "flores amarillo-rlarfls" pnn«tifnfp« n nni-f n-P flm
Figure 9l.—Aphelandra scolnikae Leonard {Barkley, Scolnik, & Orozco 523): a. Tip of plant;
b, bract; glandular area of bract consisting of numerous minute ocelli; d, bractlet; e,
data of the type sheet. The note that Barkley, Eios, and Bctancourt's
No. 618 had "flores rojas," may have applied to red bracts, which
were mistaken for corollas.
C6. Aphelandra sericophylla Leonard, sp. noy. Figure 92
Frutex, caulibus teretibus, dense strigosis, pilis brunnescentibus
lamina foliorum elliptica, breviter acuminata, basi angustata, in
petiolum decurrens, subcoriacea, integra vel undulata, supra glabra
vel parce strigosa, subtus dense sericeo-pilosa, pilis albidis,
tibus, costa et venis lateralibus aliquanto prominentibus;
petioii ali-
quanto breves, dense strigosi; spicae solitariae, subsessilcs, breves,
bracteis imbricatis, rhache tenuiter pilosa vel subtomentosa, pilis
tenuiter piibescentes, marginibus tenuiter ciliatis, costa et nervjs la-
arium irlabrum
ish, about 0.5 mm. long; leaf blades elliptic, up to 12 cm. long and
4 cm. ^Yide, short-acuminate (the tip itself blunt), narrowed at base
conspicuous, more so beneath than above ;
petioles up to 1 cm. long,
6 cm. long and 8 mm. broad, the bracts rather closely imbricate, the
pilose or subtomentose, the hairs whitish ; bracts rhombic-
rachis finely
ovate, 6 mm. long, 4 mm. wide at 2 mm. above base, obtuse, glabrous
densely and finely pilose, the hairs ascending, up to 1 mn"i. long, whitish,
finely pubescent dorsally, the costa and lateral nerves obscure except
anterior segments obliquely lanceolate, 2 mm. wide, acute, the lateral
Figure 92. Aphelandra seTicophylla Leonard {Triana s. n., Casas Viejas, Limbo): a, Tip of
stem; h, tip of leaf blade (upper surface); c, bract; d, glandular area showing numerous
minute ocelli; e, bractlet;/, posterior calyx segment; g, one of tlie anterior segments; h^
one of the lateral segments; i, pubescence of corolla tube (immature), (a, h, Half natural
size; c, e-h, twice natural size; d, about 3 times natural size; i, about 40 times natural size.)
breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso vel rotmidato), basi angustata,
in petiolum decurrens, subniembranacea, supra glabra, minute alveo-
lata, subtus parce strigosa, costa et venis aliquanto dense strigosis,
pilis sordidis petioli breves, dense strigosi spicae terminales, soli-
; ;
" -.
dense pilosa pilis brunnescentibus, ascendentibus; calycis segmenta
g and 11.5 mm
base and decurrent on the petiole, submem
branaceous, entire or undulate, the upper surface drying to olive-
green, glabrous, minutely alveolate under lens, the costa and lateral
veins flat or slightly raised, barely conspicuous, the lower surface dry-
inp- to prrepn or lifrht olive-srreen. sDarinsrlv striiiose, the hairs sordid,
cm. loner, the pubescence similar
stem; spikes solitary, terminal, up to 22 cm. J
Figure 93.—Jphdandra garciaeLeonard {Kiltip & Garcia 33532) a, Tip of plant; h, alveolar
upper surface of leaf blade under strong lens; c, tip of leaf blade (lower surface); d, bract;
e, glandular area of bract; /, bractlet; g, posterior calyx segment; h, one of the anterior
segments; one of the lateral segments; ;, corolla; k, pubescence of corolla tube, {a, c.
Half natural size; b, about 20 times natural size; d, f-i, twice natural size; e, about 4 times
natural size;;, natural size; k, about 16 times natural size.)
lower part of the upper lip, their free portions about 1.5 mm. long and
1 mm. wide, obtuse; ovary glabrous; stamens and capsules not seen.
Type U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1770464, collected in
in the
dense forest along the Quebrada Jellita, Bahia Solano, Department of
. ;;
Frutex sursum
erectus, ctiulibus qmidrangularibus, glabris; lamina
f oliorum magna, oblongo-elliptica, breviter acuminata ( ? )
basi angus- ,
cept the narrowed basal portion, the upper surface drying olive-green,
glabrous, the costa and lateral veins (16 to 18 pairs) slightly raised,
scarcely conspicuous, the lower surface drying to grayish olive-green,
densely and minutely white-punctate under lens, glabrous or the costa
and lateral veins sparingly puberulous, the hairs appressed or spread-
ing; spikes several, up to 16 cm. long and 2 cm. broad, the terminal
ones subscsslle, the lateral borne on peduncles up to 3.5 cm. long,
these glabrous or sparingly and minutely strigose, the rachis glabrous
bracts coriaceous, scarlet {Haught) in live plants, drying to light
brown proximally. shading to blackish brown toward tip, glabrous,
ovate, 13 mm. long and 10 mm. wide, obtuse, the costa rather promi-
nent, ending in a minute mucro, the flanking nerves fairly prominent
except toward tip; ocelli replaced by elliptical, dull blackish brown
faveolate areas up to 4 mm. long and 2 mm. wide bractlets lanceolate, ;
falcate, carinate, 10 mm. long, slightly over 3 mm. wide, acutish, the
costa and keel densely hirsute, the hairs vellowish, ascending, about
the posterior segment oblong, slightly over 7 mm. wide, the anterior
segments narrowly oblong, 5 mm. wide, the lateral segments linear-
oblong, 3 mm. wide, all minutely scurfy within, glabrous and striate-
nerved without, ciliate, rounded and minutely mucronate at tip, in-
durate at base corollas rose, denselv papillose. 7 cm. lonn- from base
mm. wide, rounded stamens exserted about 1 cm. beyond mouth of the
corolla tube, the anthers 1 cm. long, 1.6 mm. broad, acute at base,
blunt at tip ; capsules not seen.
Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1662465, collected at
Camp Zarzal, in the vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, in the Magdalena
Valley, between the Sogamoso and Colorado rivers, Department of
Santander, Colombia, 100 to 500 meters altitude, December 15, 1934,
by Oscar Haught (No, 1464).
Idrobo and Schultes' No. 885, collected at Guapayita, Cordillera La
Macarena, Meta, 500 to 600 meters altitude, December 20-28, 1950, is
Urihc 1430 (Col), Uraba, llio Eama, between Dabeiba and Uraba, Urihe-Uribe
1517 (Col).
CuNDTNAMAHCA Along trail to Ana[)oima, east of Apulo, KUUp, Dugaml, d Jara-
ntillo 38155 (US). Fusagasuga, Hollon 595 (Ph, KY). Guaduas, Bro. Ariste-
Joseph 1019 (US). Between Guadiias and Alto do Aguaclara, at the Hacienda
ParamiUo, Garcla-Barriga 12358 (US). Narino, rercz-ArMUcz 417 (Col, US).
Paramos of Guasca, toward Gachet^, Bro. Ariste-Joseph s. n. (NY, US). La
Paila, Triana (Col). Qucbrada Carmargo, north of Apulo, Killip, Dugand, &
JaramiUo B82S1 (US).
El Vaixe: Call, Hcrrcra 944 (US). La Cumbre, Pennell 5G7G (Ph, NY, US),
Rio Dagna, KilUp 35586 (US) Lehmann a. n. (K).
Touma: Angostura de Honda, An(Tr6 287 (K), Doima, Haught 2449 (US).
Honda, Bro. Aristc-Joseph A3G0 (US).
Depautment (?) Miitis 720 (US), 1504 (US) Triana s. n. (NY, US),
: ;
supra glabra, subtus parce et minute strigosa^ costa et venis later alibus
prominentibus petioli glabri; spica termiualis, solitaria, subsessilis,
Figure 95. Aphelandra liodgei Leonard {Hodge 6513): a^ Spike; h^ basal portion of leaf
(lower surface); c^ bract; d^ glandular area; e^ bractlet;/, posterior calyx segment; g^ one
of the anterior segments; A, one of the lateral segments; i, lower lip of corolla; jy upper lip;
^, pubescence of corolla tube; /, anther, (a, ^, Half natural size; i:,^, /-A, twice natural size;
d, about 4 times natural size; :, j, natural size; k^ about 20 times natural size; /, about lYi
times natural size.)
Medellin, Colombia.
Aphelandra Tiodgei is related to A. Btraminca^^ also from Santander,
which has the same soft, silky pubescence on the rachis, the large,
oblong-elliptic leaf blades, these glabrous above and inconspicuously
Figure 96.^Aphdandfa longispica Leonard {KilHp, Dugand^ & Jaramillo 38346): a, Tip of
plant showing leaves and lower half of spike; J, tip of spike; c^ bract; d^ a glandular area of
bract; e, bractlet;/, posterior calyx segment; one of the anterior segments; h^ one of the
lateral segments; i, lower lip of corolla; j, upper lip; k^ pubescence or roughening of the
corolla tube; /, capsule, the dots representing puncta. (a, b, Half natural size; c, e^f-h,
twice natural size; dy 4 times natural size; i^ /, /, natural size; k, about 10 times natural
anterior pair lanceolate, 8 mm, long, 2.5 mm, wide, acute, the inner
pair lanceolate, 2 mm.
wide, acute, subfalcate and subcarinate; corolla
red, minutely and densely papillose, 5 mm. broad at base, narrowed at
tip of ovary to 3 mm. then abruptly enlarged to 5 mm. and thence grad-
ually to 6 mm. near mouth of tube, the upper lip erect, ovate, about
strigose, the hairs upwardly appressed, about long leaf blades
0.5 mm. ;
to 16 mm. long, 2 to 3.5 mm. wide, acute to acuminate and more or less
apiculate, striate-nerved, glabrous ; corolla up to 7 cm. long, minutely
nn.-nilloRp,. rftd. t.hft tube un to 5 cm. loner. 3 mm. broad at base, 5 mm.
broad at mouth, the upper lip oblong, ovate, erect, 23 mm. long, 5 mm.
wide at base, 2-lobed at apex, the lobes lanceolate, acuminate, 8 mm.
long, 3 mm. wide at base, the lower lip more or less spreading, 3-lobed,
the middle lobe oblong, about 25 mm. long and 5 mm. wide, obtuse and
apiculate, the lateral lobes oblong, about 5 mm, long and 2 mm, wide,
subacute, adnate in part to the base of the upper lip; stamens barely
reaching tip of upper lip, the anthers slender, about 7 mm. long and
1 mm. broad, glabrous; ovary 3 mm. long, glabrous; style about 5.5
cm. long; capsules subclavate, 15 mm. long, 6 mm, broad, 3 mm. thick,
obtuse at tip and apiculate, glabrous, minutely and inconspicuously
punctate retinacula linear, 3 mm, long and 0.5 mm. broad, subcucuUate
at tip; seeds brown, flat, 4 mm. long, 3.5 mm. wide, 1 mm, thick, gla-
brous, the margins thin.
Lindau, comparing ApTielandra hlandii with A. hartioegiana^ states
that A. hlandii differs from that species by having acuminate bracts
and calyx lobes and pubescent bractlets. He suggests also a relation-
ship with A, glabrata^ a species with a shorter calyx and a densely
pubescent rachis.
Araque & Barkley's No. 19An,032 was collected in rich soil of a
previously wooded mountain area at 2,700 meters altitude.
AntioqtjiaEast of Bolivar, Araque & Barldcy lOAn.032 (US)
: , Jerlc6, Daniel
&Tomds2ri89 (GH, US).
73. Aphelandra lingua-bovis Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 97
Antioquia: Villa Arteaga, 150 meters altitude, August 4-8, 1947, Ilodge 7012
Caldas: Santa Cecilia, 800 meters altitude, November 30, 1945, von Sneidern
50S0 (US),
Figure 97. Aphelandra lingua-hovis Leonard {^Archer 2012): a, Inflorescence; by node and
leaf; f, bract; d^ glandular area of bract; e, bractlct;/, posterior calyx segment; g^ one of
the anterior segments; h, one of the lateral segments; 2, upper lip of corolla; /, lower lip;
k, pubescence of corolla tube, (a, by Half natural size; r, e-j^ natural size; J, about twice
natural size; k^ about 18 times natural size.)
portions densely and minutely gray strigose, the hairs about 0.25 mm,
long, closely appressed; loaf blades oblong-elliptic or broadly oblong-
lanceolate, up to 32 cm. long and 10.6 cm. wide at or slightly above
middle, acuminate (the tip often curved), narrowed at base and de-
current on the petiole, membranaceous, entire or shallowly crenate,
drying olive-green, the lower surface a lighter and a deeper greenish
shade than the upper, the upper surface glabrous, minutely alveolate
under a lens, the lower surface sparingly hirtellous, the hairs about
275 fM long, ascending or subappressed and confined chiefly to costa
and lateral veins (9 to 11 pairs), these prominent on both surfaces;
petioles stout, 2 cm, long, densely gray-hirtellous, the hairs similar
hombic-ovate, up to 26 mm
long and IG mm. wide (the lowermost sterile ones much smaller), sub-
inent, the veinlets obscurely and rather coarsely reticulate toward
ocelli 50 /x in diameter, very numerous; bractlets linear, 13 mm. long,
2.25 mm. wide, acuminate, striate, sparingly hirtellous dorsally but
more so at tip, the hairs ascending, up to 0.5 mm, long; calyx segments
subequal, 23.5 mm. long, glabrous or ciliate at tip, coriaceous, striate,
cmarginate and apiculate at tip, the anterior segments linear-lanceo-
228609—53 11
Utria, Depai-tment of Choco, Colombia
6, 1950, by A. Fernandez (No. 254).
Aphelandra fernandezii a well-marked species characterized by
its large, red, rhombic-ovate bracts and narrow calyx segments.
indicated by the nature of the corolla lobes, it is one of the pulcher-
rima-tetragona group.
toward tip, the ocelli replaced by dull pitted areas up to 1.5 mm, long
and 1 mm. wide; bractlets lanceolate, 11 mm, long and 2.5 mm. wide,
siibfalcate and oblique, striate-nerved, carinate, the keel hirtellous, the
hairs ascending, sordid, about 0.5 mm. long, gradually diminishing in
length and number to the glabrous subhyaline margins, the inner sur-
face sillrjr-hirtellous to^yard tip, glabrous toward base; calyx up to 12
mm* long, the posterior segment ovate, 6 mm. wide, the anterior pair
Figure 99.^Aphdandra chaponensis Leonard {Lawrance 18): a, Tip of plant; b, tip of leaf
blade (lower surface); c, basal portion of leaf blade (lower surface); d, bract; e, glandular
area of bract;/, bractlet; gy posterior calyx segment; h,one of the anterior segments; i, one
of the lateral segments; ;, tip of corolla; k, pubescence of corolla tube (most of the hairs
broken), {a, b, c, Half natural size; d,f-j, natural size; f, twice natural she; k, about 20
times natural size.)
Figure 100. Afhelandra pharangophila Leonard {Killip 5676): a. Tip of plant; h, bract;
c, glandular area of bract; d, bractlet; e, posterior calyx segment;/, one of the anterior
segments; one of the lateral segments; h, upper lip of corolla;
g, i, lower lip of corolla;
;, pubescence of outer surface of lower lip of corolla; k, anther, {a, Half natural size;
b, d-g, twice natural size; c, 4 times natural size; h, i, slightly over natural size; ;', about 22
times natural size; k, 2% times natural size.)
long and 0.75 mm. wide; bractlets narrowly and obliquely lanceolate,
7 ram. long, 1 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to a slender
tip, carinate, the tip of keel densely hirsute, the hairs brownish, as-
cending, 0.5 mm. long, the margins thin, glabrous and delicately striate
posterior segment of the calyx ovate, 7 mm. long, 4 mm. wide, acute,
the anterior lobes lanceolate, 7 mm. long, 2 mm. wide, acute, the lateral
lobes narrowly lanceolate, 6.5 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at base, slenderly
acute, all of the segments finely striate, glabrous except at tips, here
sparingly pilose, the hairs 0.5 mm. long; corolla 5.5 cm. long, bright
rod, minutely papillose, 3 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 4 mm. above
base to 2 mm., thence enlarged to about 8 mm. at throat, the upper lip
. . ;
erect, ovate,about 2 cm. long and 1 cm. wide, bilobate at tip, the lobe
triangular and slenderly acuminate, about 3 mm. long, the middl
lobe of the lower lip narrowly ovate, about 2 cm. long, 5 mm. wide nea
middle, slenderly acuminate at tip, the lateral lobes adhering to th
lower part of the upper lip, their free portions triangular, 1.5 mm.
long, 1 mm. wide at base, rounded at tip; stamens about 5 cm. long,
the filaments glabrous toward tip, retrorsely pilose toward base, the
hairs about 0.25 mm. long, the anthers 4 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide,
rounded and minutely apiculate at base; ovary glabrous; style about
as long as the stamens ( ? ) ; capsule not seen.
Type Gray Herbarium, collected in wooded ravine at La
in the
Cumbre, Department of El Valle, Colombia, 1,600 to 1,800 meters
altitude, May 14-19, 1922, by E. P. Killip (No. 5676)
tips densely pilose, the hairs brownish, barely 0.5 mm. long, upwardly
appressed or ascending; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 25 cm. long
and 8.5 cm. wide, acuminate, narrowed from about middle to base and
decurrent on the petiole, subchartaceous, undulate or entire, the upper
Figure 10\.~ J phelandra arhorescens Leonard {Cuatrecasas 15400): a, Tip of stem showing
leaves and inflorescence; b, basal portion of leaf blade (lower surface) c, bract; d, glandular ;
area of bract; e, bractlet;/, posterior calyx segment; g,one of the anterior segments; h, one
of the lateral segments; i, upper lip of the corolla;;, lower lip; k, pubescence of corolla tube
(most of the hairs broken); /, anther, (a, b, Half natural size; c, e-k, twice natural size;
d, 4 times natural size; i, j, natural size; k, about 25 times natural size; /, about 3 times
natural size.)
surface drying dull green, glabrous or the costa and veins (13 to 15
pairs) more or less strigose, obscure, the lower surface drying yellow-
ish, finely pubescent, the hairs barely 0.5 mm. long, yellowish, spread-
ing or ascending, the costa and veins prominent; petioles (un winged
portion) 5 to 20 mm. long, strigose; spikes 1 to several, short-peduncu-
cm. long, about 1 cm. broad, the peduncles 5 to 20 mm. long,
late, 6 to 9
the pubescence that of the branchlets, the rachis rather sparingly pu-
bescent, the hairs barely 0.5 mm. long, more or less spreading, brown-
ish; bracts carmine, rhombic, 1 cm. long, 5 mm. wide about the middle,
glabrous except medially, here finely and thinly strigose, the margins
ciliolate; ocelli replaced by an opaque, alveolar, brown, elliptic, more or
less irregular area mm. long and 0.75 to 1 mm. wide; bract-
about 1,25
lets lanceolate, 6.5 mm, long, 1.75 mm. wide near base, acuminate, cari-
nate, densely pubescent dorsally, the hairs ascending, about 0.5 mm.
long, the margins thin, glabrous calyx 9 mm. long, the posterior seg-
ment oblong, 4 mm. wide, the anterior segments lanceolate, 2 mm. wide,
the lateral pair narrowly lanceolate, 1.5 mm* wide, all acutish, striate,
puberulous toward tip, otherwise glabrous; corolla carmine, minutely
papillose or bearing distally numerous microscopic spinelike hairs,
the tube 5.3 cm. long, 3.5 mm, broad near base, constricted to 2.5 mm.
at tip of ovary, thence gradually enlarged to about 7 mm. at mouth, the
lips erect or slightly spreading, the upper lip oblong, 15 mm. long,
about 5 mm, wide, bilobed, the lobes triangular, 5 mm. long, 2.5 mm.
wide at base, acute, the tips outwardly curved, the middle lobe of the
lower lip oblong, 15 mm. long, G mm. wide, rounded at tip, the lateral
lobes triangular, 5 mm. long, the upper margin partly adhering to the
upper lip, rounded at tip ; stamens reaching the notch of the upper lip,
the filaments glabrous, the anthers barely 5 mm. long, sparingly pilose
dorsally, loosely adhering at tip; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen.
Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1852612, collected in
woods at La Laguna, on the left bank of the Rio Sanguinini, Depart-
ment of El Valie, Colombia, 1,250 to 1,400 meters altitude, December
10-20, 1943, by J. Cuatrecasas (No, 15400).
Caldas: Thicket along stream east of Bel6n, 1,500 to IJOO meters aUitude,
September 15, 1922, Pennell 10624 (GH).
EuL Valle; Rio Cauca, August 10, 1930, Dryander 681 (US). Junction of the
Pichincleeito and Pichind^ rivers, 1,580 to 1,650 meters altitude, November 7,
1044, Cuatrecasas 18751 (Ch).
Aphelandra flava Neos
Aphelandra flava Noes in DC. Prodr. 11: 297. 1847. Type coHected at Alto do
Limba, Colombia, by Goudot and deposited in the Hooker Herbarium, Kew.
23 cm. long and 7.5 cm, wide, sharply acuminate, acute at base and
long-decurrent on tlie petiole, the upper surface sparingly pubescent,
the lower densely and softly so; petioles 5 to 7,5 cm. long; spikes ob-
Encephalosphaera Lindau, BuU, Herb. Boiss. II. 4: 322, 1904, The genus
Encephalosphaera is a segregate of Aphelandra estabUshed on the basis of
its spherical pollen grains and the presence of a staminode. Its name is
derived from the Greek wordsj iv with /ce^aXi^, head, and a^alpa, sphere^ and
aUudes to the globose pollen grains. Type species: E, vitelUna Lindau.
Figure 102. —Encephalosphaera Lindau {Lehmann 9048): fl. Tip of plant; i, bract;
f, bractlet; J, posterior calja segment; i^ one of the anterior segments;/, one of the lateral
the lower lip 3-lobedj the lobes rounded, the middle lobe 20 mm. long
and 10 mm. wide, the lateral lobes IC mm, long and 7 mm, wide fila- ;
ments inserted above the base of the corolla tube, 40 mm. long, curved
and pilose at base anthers 6 mm. long, cohering at tip by villous hairs
Shrubs (the angles
1 47
narrowed from
mately 15 cm. below tip to the base and decurrent on the petiole, sub-
membranaceous, shallowly dentate (the teeth broad, obtuse, about 2
to 1,5 mm. long, ascending, the costa and lateral veins (about 30 pairs)
rather obscure, the lower surface moderately pilose, the hairs up to 1
than elsewhere, the costa and veins prominent, the veinlets coarsely
reticulate, a veinlet ending at the tip of each tooth petioles up to 5 cm.
2 cm. long, these and the rachises (5 to T cm. long) densely brown-
the lowermost flowers soon deciduous, leaving prominent raised scars
bracts subtending the branches of the inflorescence triangular-ovate,
about 7 mm. long and 4 mm. wide near base, acute, carinate, sparingly
puberulous; flower bracts ovate, 7 mm. long, 4 mm, wide, acute,
mucronulate (the mucro 0.25 mm
ward tip a number of stouter glandular hairs up to 0.5 mm. long.
margins subhvalme: bractiets ovate, 7 mm
long, 4 mm. wide, rounded and mucronulate at tip, in other respects
similar to the bracts; calyx segments oblong-ovate, 13 mm. long,
nam scending
some of them glandular 3
Figure 103 .—Cyphacanthus atopus Leonard {Lawrance 502): a, Tip of panicle; h, tip of leaf
blade; c, bract; d, bractlet; e, posterior calyx segment;/, one of the anterior segments;
g, marginal pubescence near tip of anterior segment; h, anther; t, pollen grain;;, lower lip
of corolla, {a, b, Half natural size; c-/, twice natural size; IS times natural size; k, about
3 times natural size; i, 66 times natural size;;, 1}^ times natural size.)
base of the corolla lips, the anthers oblong, 5 mm. long, 1.25 mm. wide,
\yebby-pilosc at tip, otherwise glabrous, enclosed by the curved upper
lip of the corolla, the filaments densely pilose dorsally, the liairs 0.6
mm. long; pollen grains slenderly oblong, smooth, about 82 fi long
and 43 fi in diameter
ovary glabrous capsules not seen.
; ;
Rhomb ocMa my s Lindau, BuU. Herb. Boiss. 5: 659. 1897. The name is derived
from the Greek p6^j3os, top, and x^^ctM^'s, mantle, i. e.^ a top-shaped mantle,
alluding to the rhombic bracts. Type species: Rhomhochlamys rosulata
Rhombochlamys rosulata Lindau, Bull. Herb. Boiss. 5: 660. 1S97. Type col-
lected in damp sandyplace on the Rio Plata near Tolinia, 1,300 meters
altitude, December 23, 1882, by Lehmann (No. 2197). Photograph of the
type material from the Berlin Herbarium in the U. S. National Herbarium,
No. 8724, The Berlin specimen is poorly developed, consisting of a short
portion of stem, 3 leaves and 2 spikes, one detached from plant. Rosulata,
rosulate, i. e., forming a rosette, in aUusion to the arrangement of the leaves.
Herbs, scapes very short; leaf blades dull green, 5 to 7 cm. long,
2 to 3 cm. wide, oval, rounded or abruptly short-acuminate at apex,
narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, pubescent; petioles 7 to
15 mm. long; inflorescence a pubescent, long-pedunculate spike; bracts
rhombic, acuminate at tip, narrowed at base, 9 mm. long, 5 mm, wide,
glandular-pubescent, the margins bearing 2 pairs of minute teeth
affixed to middle of corolla tube, the anthers 2 mm. long, the tips
Asystasieae Lindau, Bot Jahrb, Engler 18: 47. 1893. Of the nine genera listed
in Dalla Torre & Harms* Genera Siphonogamarum, Asystasia alone is repre-
sented in Colombia.
Asystasia Blume Bijdr. 796. 1826. Type species: A. intrusa Blume (Java).
Herbs or shrubs; leaves entire; flowers borne in spikes or racemes,
these lax or dense, simple or branched, unilateral ; pedicels short ; bracts
and bractlets small, narrowly triangular to linear; flowers usually
solitary, opposite or alternate, white, blue, purple, rose or yellow;
India. The specific name again alludes to the type locality, Coromandel.
Asystasia gangetica T. Anders, in Thwaites, Enum, PL Zeyh 235. 1859-64.
Based on Jnsticla gangetica L.
Figure 105. Asystasia gangetica (L,) T. Anders, (a, Hasnali 7926, Trinidad; b, c, fy
Hitchcock 16536, British Guiana; d, e, Rushy & Squires 38, Venezuela): a. Tip of branch;
by node of Inflorescence to show bracts; Cy pubescence of inflorescence; d, anther; e^ pistil;
/, fruit, (a. Half natural size; b^ e, 3 times natural size; c, about 26 times natural size;
5 pairs) ;
petioles up to 3 cm, long, pubescent, tlie hairs spreading or
curved, about 0,25 mm, long; spikes terminating the branches, up to
20 cm- long, the peduncles up to 5.5 cm. long, these and the rachis
sparingly and minutely pubescent, the flowers more or less secund,
the spikes subtended by a pair of short-petioled (3 to 5 mm. long)
leaves slightly smaller than the average stem leaves; bracts and
bractlets similar, triangular, acuminate, 1,5 to 2 mm, long, 0.75 to
1 mm, wide at base, ciliate, the hairs 0.5 mm. long; calyx about 1 cm.
long, the segments linear-lanceolate, acuminate, about 8 mm. long
and 0.75 to 1 mm* wide at base, rather sparingly hirsute, the hairs
spreading, about 0.25 mm. long, some of them glandular, the tube
more densely hirsute with the glandular hairs predominating; ped-
icels up to 4 mm. long, minutely hirsute, the hairs both glandular
and eglandular corolla hirtellous, white or pale yellow, drying yellow,
Tribe 9. Graptopiiylleae
GraptophyUeae Lindan, Bot. Jahrb. Engler 18: 47, 1893. Of the 12 genera
included in this tribe in DuUa Torre & Harms, Genera Siphonogainarum,
only Pachystachys is represented in Colombia, The tribe is based on Qrap-
tophyUum, a genus found chiefly in Australia and Polynesia.
P achy st achys Nees in Mart. FL Bras. 9: 99, 1847* Type species: Pachystachya
riedelkina (Brazil). Nees described no other species in this treatment.
Later the same year (DC. Prodr. 11: 319. 1847) he republished this and
added five otlier species. No further additions were made to the genus until
liizzini described P. alhiflora from Brazil (BoL Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro, n. s,
8: 24, pL 7, 1947. The generic name is derived from ijaxos^ thick, large or
stout, and ardxvs, spike.
the base of the corolla tube, the filaments 5 cm. long, puberulous, the
ithers 7 mm.
long, deeply sagittate, the basal lobes muticous; stami-
)des rudimentary, puberulous; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen.
Pachystachys HedeliaTia has often been confused with P. cocdnea
(Aubl.) Nees (DC. Prodr. U: 319. 1847) of I G Al
though the two species are superficially similar, they can readily be
separated by the longer, linear calyx segments of P. coccinea.
Woods, margins of thickets, along trails or st West
South America
El Vali
Figure 106.— Pachystachys riedeliana Nees {a-e, Lehmann\W;H, E^rs 14135, Ecuador):
bract; bractlel; e pubescence of undersurface of
a Spike; b, leaf; c, upper surface of d,
or 4-seeded.
Calyx eglandular.
Leaf blades 2 cm. wide or less (or up to 3 cm, in No. 9).
Calyx glabrous 8- P* lanceum
10. P- atropurpureum
1 terminalis. Dedunculo et rliache plus minusve
sis, pilis albis, patulis, fasciculis 1-3 floribus, sessilibus; bracteae in-
tae; bracteolae anguste triangulares, minutae, ciliatae; calycis seg-
praegracili, lobis ovalibus, rotundatis; antherae subsessiles, lineares^
curvatae; stylus et ovarium glabri.
5,5 to 7 cm, wide, abruptly acuminate (the tip itself acute, straight or
slightly curved), rounded at base and abruptly and broadly decurrent
on the petiole, thin, the upper surface glabrous or bearing a few coarse
hairs, the costa and lateral veins (9 or 10 pairs) conspicuous, the lower
veins meeting the costa almost at right angles, the cystoliths linear,
delicate, the lower surface sparingly hirtellous, the hairs about 0.25
of the petiole near base of leaf blade 1 to 1.5 cm. wide, thence gradually
narrowed to its base; leaves of the small branches
produced in the
axils of the stem leaves ovate, about 2 cm. long and 1.5 cm. wide;
panicle terminal, sparingly branched, the flowers subsessile, the pe-
duncle 10 cm. long, the first internode 6 cm. long, the others suc-
FiGURE 107 .—Pseudcranthemum kaugkni Leonard {Haughl 3974): a, Leaf; h, small portion
of leaf (lower surface) to show venation in detail; c, small portion of leaf (upper surface)
to show scattered hairs and cystoliths; d, inflorescence; e, pubescence of rachis;
/, bract;
g, bractlet; h, calyx, {a, d, Half natural size; b, c, natural size; f, 18 times natural size;
/, g, twice natural size; h, slightly more than natural size.)
cessively shorter toward tip, the leaves subtending the panicle ovate-
cordate, about 7 cm. long and 3.5 cm. wide near the base, acuminate,
truncate or subcordate at base, subsessile, the short petiole winged,
about 5 mm. long, the bracts subtending the lower branches of the
cicle of flowers broadly elliptic, about 8 mm. long and 13 mm. wide,
angular, acummate, 2*5 mm. long and 1 mm, wide at base, ciliate, the
others becoming smaller toward tip of inflorescence; the bractlets nar-
rowly triangular, up to 1.5 mm. long, acute, the peduncle and rachis
pilose, the hairs mostly spreading, about 0,5 mm. long, arranged more
or less in two rows; calyx subsessile, 5 mm, long, the segments lanceo-
late, 3 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide at base, faintly and delicately 3-
ncrved, ciliolate; corolla dark red, 3 cm. long, the tube very slender,
1.75 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 4 mm. above base to 1 mm., the
filaments very short, the anthers curved, about 1.5 mm. long, the stam-
inodes subulate, 0.5 mm. long; ovary 3 mm. long, glabrous; style
slender, glabrous, exserted about 5 mm. beyond mouth of the corolla
tube; mature capsule not seen.
Type U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1708795, collected in
in the
coffee groves at Manaure, Department of Magdalena, Colombia, 500
meters altitude, January 23, 1944, by Oscar Haught (No. 3974).
Closely related to P. datum (Nees) Kadlk. of Mexico and Central
America, P, haughtii differs chiefly in the shape of the leaf blades and
the size of the calyx. The leaves of P. alatum are definitely cordate
at base, the venation being subpalmate, the lowermost three pairs of
veins arising nearly at a point, wliereas in P. haughtii the leaf blades
are somewhat rounded at base, and the venation is strictly pinnate.
The calyx of P, alatum is much shorter, being only about 2 mm. long
in comparison to the 5 mm. of P, haughtii^ and the segments of the
latter are glabrous or at most sparingly ciliolate instead of rather
copiously ciliolate.
Psenderant hemum cuspidatnm (Nees) Radlk. may likewise have a
resemblance to P. haughtily but is described as having roughened, gla-
brous leaf blades and simple spikes.
2. Pseuderanthemum idroboi Leonard, sp. dot. Figuee lOS
c, flower bract; d, bractlct; e, calyx, {a, b, Half ratural size; c, 4 times natural size;
d, 6 times natural size; e^ i}i times natural size.)
on the lower surface smaller and finer, conJined chiefly to costa and
lateral veins (usually 8 pairs), the venation of the upper surface ob-
scure, that of the lower more prominent and drying a bright yellowish
green, the cystoliths slender, inconspicuous, 250 /a long; petioles 4 to
10 cm. long, including the wings, about 10 mm. wide at base of blade,
thence gradually narrowed to base raceme terminal, simple, slender,
the peduncle 12 cm. long, the lowermost internode 7 cm. long, the
others successively shorter toward tip, both peduncle and rachis
moderately liirtellous, the hairs mostly spreading, straight or curvedj
0.25 mm. long, the pedicels up to 1 mm. long; bracts subtending the
spike and lowermost branches of the inflorescence leaflike, suborbicu-
lar, obtuse, cordate, the lowermost pair about 4 cm. wide, the second
pair 2 cm, wide, the upper flower bracts lanceolate, 4 mm. long or
Jess, 0.75 mm. wide at base, acute, subcarinate, moderately ciliate,
minutely hirtellous at margins subhyaline; bractlets narrowly
tip, the
lanceolate, L5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, acute, sparingly and minutely
hirtellous at tip, otherwise glabrous; calyx segments linear-lanceolate,
2.5 mm. long, 0.25 to 0.5 mm. wide at base, acuminate, minutely hirtel-
lous and ciliolate at tip; corolla 2.5 cm. long, purple {inarada)^ the
tube slender, 0.75 mm. in diameter except at mouth, here 1.5 nnn.
broad, the limb spreading, the lobes oblong, 9 mm. long, up to 4.5 mm.
wide, rounded or obtuse, the stamens slightly exserted ; capsules not
Type Herbarium, No. 2025691, collected on
in the 17. S. National
the margin of the Rio Guejar, Sierra de La Macarena, Intendencia of
Meta, Colombia, 500-1,000 meters altitude, August 29, 1950, by J. M.
Idrobo (No. 536).
Pseuderantheiivum idrohoi is closely related to the preceding species,
differing chiefly in color of flower and in the shape of the flower
the blades lanceolate, up to 10 cm. long and 2.5 cm. wide, acuminate
(the tip itself blunt) narrowed from about middle to a subauriculate
Figure 109. Pscuderanthevium leiophyllum Leonard {Toro 943) : a^ Tip of plant; h^ node of
inflorescence to show bracts and bractlets; r, calyx; t/, pubescence of calyx; e^ capsule
(right valve complete), {a, e^ Natural size; h, r, twice natural size; d, about 20 times
natural si2e.)
long, puberulous, 4-seeded5 the solid basal portion about 6 mm. long
and 3 mm. broad, the tip blunt, the seed-bearing cavity 4 mm. broad,
the seed flattened, about 3.5 mm. long and 3 mm. broad, verrucose, the
retinacula linear, curved, about 3 mm. and acute at tip.
long, thin
Type in the herbarium of the Facultad de Agronomia, Medellin,
Colombia, No. 1905, collected at Tamesis, Department of Antioquia,
Colombia, February 1, 1928, by Rafael A. Toro (No. 943)
Pseuderanthemum leiophyllum is well marked and has no close re-
semblance to any other Colombian species. The color of the corolla is
not apparent in the herbarium material. The name leiophyllum is
minutis et aDpressis; lamina foliorum
costa et venis lateralibus obscuris, subtus parce puberula, pilis praeci-
pue in costa et venis positis, costa et venis magis prominentibus ;
mm. long and 4 mm. wide, those of the lower lip ovate, 7 mm. long,
the lateral 4 mm- wide, the middle 4.5 mm. wide, all rounded; stamens
about 1 cm, long, attached in the throat of the corolla, exserted, re-
curved, glabrous, the anthers 2 mm. long; staminodes 1,5 mm. long;
style about 2 cm. long, sparingly puberulous near base, otherwise
glabrous; stigma minute, about as broad as the style; ovary ovoid, 1.6
mm. long, sparingly glandular-puberulous; capsule not seen.
Erect herbs 0.5 to 1 m. high or more; upper portion of the stem sub-
quadrangular, rather densely hirsute, the hairs about 0,25 mm. long
and more or less appressedj the lower portion of the stem terete and
glabrous leaves 8 or more, borne on the upper portion of the stem, the
mm. broad upper portion slightly ampliate, the lobes
at throat, the
ovate, subequal, rounded, about 6*5 mm. long and 3 to 4.5 mm. wide;
stamens inserted at about the middle of the tube, the filaments 1.5 mm.
long, the anthers about 2 mm. long, the lobes minutely apiculate at
base; staminodes subulate, 0.5 mm. long; ovary about 2 mm. long,
glabrous, the style about 1 cm. long, the lower portion minutely hir-
sute ; mature capsules not seen.
The specimens cited were collected at altitudes from 1,100 to
2,300 meters.
Caldab Tabeja, west of Armenia, PenncJl, Killip, &, Ilazen 8GoO. (GH, NY).
gasugtl, Pcnnell 2700 (GH, NY, US). Between the quebradas of La Maria and
La Victoria, Sasaima, vicinity of San Bernardo, Oarda-Barriga 12589 (US).
Wooded border of Laguna de Pedro Palo, Munieipio de Tena, Uribe-Urihe 1754
6. Pseuderanthemum ewanii Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 111
Figure 11 L —Pseudfranthemum fwanii htonaivd {Etvan 15629): a, Tip of plant; t, leaf blade;
f, bract; d^ bractlet^ e, calyx; /, pubescence of lower portion of calyx segment, (a, t,
Half natural size; c-c^ twice natural size;/^ 20 times natural bize.)
cluded, about 3 mm. long; staminodes 0,75 mm. long, curved; ovary
and style glabrous, the style about 12 mm. long; capsules not seen.
Type in the Tulane University Herbarium, collected on moist slope
above stream in relict mountain rain-forest, Quebrada Chiniata, 7 km.
228609 — 53 13
maturity, the peduncles up to 4 cm. long, these and the rachis^ hirtel-
lous, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, upwardly ascending, brownish, the
lower internodes about 1.5 cm. long (flowering stage) the others suc- ,
cessively shorter toward tip of raceme, the lower pair of bracts lance-
subulate, up to 6 mm. long and 1 mm. wide at base, carinate, the others
gradually reduced in size toward tip of spike, the bractlets similar but
much smaller, both bracts and bractlets rather sparingly hirtellous
o-labroiis above, the costa on the lower surface scabrous, the lower
blades a little shorter and wider than the upper petioles short flowers ;
corolla 10,5 mm. long, white ; capsule 12.5 mm. long.
No specimens seen. Description compiled from the original.
228609—53 14
base, the margins entire or undulate, the upper surface glabrous, the
cystoliths numerous, minute and subpunctiform, the lower surface
puberulous, the hairs subappressed, brownish, about 175 to 375 /x,
long, the venation (lateral veins G or 7 pairs) more prominent beneath
than above; petioles up to 2 mm. long, glabrous or sparingly puberu-
broad, the peduncles up to 2.5 cm. long, the lowermost internodes about
15 mm. long, the others successively shorter toward tip of inflores-
cence, both peduncles and rachis slightly flattened, sparingly puberu-
lous, the flowers solitary or several, borne in bracted fascicles, the bracts
similar, up to 1 mm. long, both bracts and bractlets carinate, glabrous
mm. long,
puberulous; calyx 2 mm. long, the segments narrowly triangular (their
tips slenderly acute), 0.5 mm. wide at base, sparingly puberulous;
corolla about 1 cm. long, white( ?), minutely puberulous or the lobes
glabrous, the tube narrow, subcylindric, 1.5 mm. in diameter, the limb
spreading, the lobes ovate, obtusish, about 4 mm. long and 3 mm. wide;
stamens 3 mm. long, attached at 3 mm. above base of corolla tube,
minute, filiform. 0.5 5
more or less sigmoid; capsules clavate, puberulous, about 15 mm. long.
2 mm.thick; seed light brown, flattened, about 3 mm. in diameter,
verrucose; retinacula 3 mm. long, curved, thin and truncate at tip.
n Sneidern (No.
emum sneidemii
lanceolate leaves, graceful panicles, minute calyx, and broad-limbed
corollas abruptly contracted to narrow subcylindric tubes. The color
of the flower is not apparent in dried material. It is probably white
but possibly faint purple.
30. Pseuderanthemum atropurpureum (Bull) Bailoy
1940). The specific epithet alludes to the purple leaf blades {ater, dark,
and purpureum, purple.)
P sender anthemnm atropurpureiim Bailey, Gentes Herb. 1: 130. 1923. Based
on Eranthcmum atroptirpureum Bull.
Shrubs stems glabrous or the uppermost internodes puberul
bract; bractlet; h, corolla, {a, b. Half natural size; c, h, natural si?.e; d, about 18
/, g,
lens; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 13.5 cm. long and 5.5 cm. wide,
acute or subacuminate (the tip itself blunt), gradually narrowed to
base and decurrent on the petiole, thin, entire or undulate, the upper
surface glabrous, the costa impressed, this and the lateral veins (6 to
natural size; c, about 10 times natural size; J, about V/i limes natural size; f, 3 times
natural size; /, 4 times natural siz.e.)
puberulous, the hairs confined chiefly to the costa and lateral veins
(8 to 10 pairs), these rather prominent, the cystoliths minute and in-
glabra vel parce ciliolata et hirtella; corolla alba, tubo angusto, basi
glabro, sursum dense glanduloso-papilloso, lobis oblongis siibobtusis;
stamina inclusa, filamentis brcvibus, glabris; staminodia brcvia; cap-
sulae ignotae.
Suffrutescent plants up to 1 meter high or more; stems simple or
branched, the lower parts terete and glabrous, up to 2.5 cm. in diameter,
the upper parts subquadrangular, moderately puberulous with curved
hairs about 0.25 mm. long; leaf blades oblong-ovate, up to 9 cm. long
and 5 cm. wide, acuminate, i\\^ tip often curved, narrowed at base,
moderately firm, entire or undulate, the upper surface glabrous, the
venation obscure, the cystoliths minute, blackish, 125/i long, the lower
surface sparingly and inconspicuously hirtellous, the hairs ascending,
about lOOju long, the costa and lateral veins (5 or 6 pairs) more promi-
nent than above; petioles mostly 1 to 3 cm, long, 1 mm. thick, glabrous
Figure 116. — Pseudcranthemum ckaponense Leonard {Lazvrance 441): a^ Tip of plant, half
natural Pseuderanthemum chaponense f, lilacinuvi Leonard {Lawrance 501); by
Portion of fascicle showing bract, bractlct and calyx; c, pubescence of calyx segment;
d, corolla; e, pubescence of corolla tube, {b, d, 3 times natural si2.e; c^ 20 times natural
size; e, 30 times natural size.)
Pseuderanthemum chaponeiise can be by the slen-
easily recognized
der, densely glandular-papillose corolla tube, and narrow corolla
FiGURE 117. Psfuderanthevium slenosiphon Leonard (Pe7ir ell 4436): a.Tip of plants JJeaf;
c, pubescence of rachis; dy bract; e, biactleis; /, calyx; g, pubescence of calyx segment.
((3, b, Half natural sr/.e; c, 22 times natural size; d, e^ 6 times natural size;/, 2)^ times
natural size; g, 20 times natural size.)
mm. long, white tinged with bhie (Pennell) . puberulons or the lobes
glabrous toward margins, the tube narrow, 1.25 mm. broad near base,
narrowed at 1.5 mm. above base to 0.75 mm., thence abruptly enlarged
from about the middle to 1.5 mm., the limb 8 mm. broad, the lobes
ovate, 5 mm, long, subobtuse or rounded; stamens attached at middle
of tubcj 2 mm. long, the anthers 1.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. broad, the
staminodes 0.5 mm. long; ovary puberulous, mature capsules not seen.
Type in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden, collected
at edge of forest about Antizales, Department of Bolivar, Colombia,
1,500-1,800 meters altitude, February 25 or 2G, 1918, by Francis W.
Pennell (No. 443G).
Psender anthemum sfenosiphon can bo recognized among its close
relatives by the bluish flowers with very narrow corolla tubes. Hence
the specific epithet, crrei^os, slender, and al^o^v, tube,
lo. Pseuderaiithemum cuatrecasasii Leonnrd, sp. nov. Fkjubfi: 118
Cuatrecasas 23848): a^ Panicle; h^ portion of panicle to show bract, bractlets and calyx;
c, node with leaf blade; d, pubescencCj edge of calyx segment; e, corolla;/, pubescence of
corolla; g, stamen and staminodc; h^ valve of cap^u^e, {a^ c, Half natural size; i, twice
natural size; d^ 34 times natural size; e^ \]i times natural size;/, 23 times natural size;
^, 4 times natural size; A, natural size.)
clusters narrowly triangular, 2 mm* long, 0.5 mm, wide at base, acute,
glabrous or nearly so, the bractlets similar to the bracts but slightly
smaller; pedicels slender, 2 to o mm. long, puberulous; calyx segments
narrowly triangular, 2 mm, long, 0,5 mm. wide at base, acute, glabrous
Turrill and may prove after more material can be examined to be only
a form or variation of that species. It differs chiefly in the size of
the plant and the color of the flower.
16. Pseuderanthemum dawei TurriU
PscudcraiUhcmvm dawei TiirrUl, Kew BnU. 1920: 09. 1920. Type in the Kcw
Herbarium, coUected in the Caiica Valley, Colombia, July 5, 1020, by M. T.
Uawe (No. 817). Isotypes in the U. National Herbarium (No. 142565)
An erect herb; tips of the stems sparingly hirsute, the hairs about
0.25 mm. long, arranged more or less in two rows, the cysotoliths sub-
punctif orm, inconspicuous leaf blades oblong-elliptic, 8 to 16 cm. long,
2.5 to 5,7 cm. wide, slenderly acuminate (the tip itself blunt, more or
lesscurved) y narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, the upper
surface glabrous, bearing subpunctiform cystoliths conspicuous under
a lens, the costa (impressed) and lateral veins (about 9 pairs) rather
prominent, the lower surface glabrous except costa and veins, these
prominent and sparingly pubcrulous, the hairs curved, the cystoliths
less abundant and conspicuous than those of the upper surface petioles ;
not seen.
Usually found in wooded ravines or in dense, damp woods of moun-
tain slopes betAveen 1,400 and 1,800 meters altitude. The flowering
season extends from June to Auirust. Killin notes that the corolla a
are purple-red (No. 5692) Lehmann gives the following field note
Pseuderanthemum cordatum (Nees) Radlk.
Type collected atAtacamas, Ecuador, by Sinclair. Erroneously
cited as from Colombia by Nees (DC. Prodr. 11 450. 1847) and from
Page rage
Awystasieae 1 19, 2S7 Picigallo 213
Babosn 207 1M6 de gallo. 213
Caiicholalma dulce 125 P^igallo -"-_-"" ""I]"""" 213
Cresla do gallo 135, 213 Psoudoranthcmeae 119, 291
Cvpluicanthus 119, 120,282 PbOLideranthemum 120, 291, 292
atopus 283,284 alatum 295
Ejicoplialosphaera___ 119, 120, 280, 28(5 atropurpereum 293, 307, 308
vitoUina 280, 281 chaponcnse 293, 312, 313, 314
ErauLhoniuin 292 chaponen^e f. lilacinum 314
alal urn 292 cordatum 319
atropurpureu 307, 308 cuatrecasasii 293, 316, 317, 318
lanvcu m 305 cuspidatum 295
Goranlia 120 dawei 293, 318
dulcis 12() cllipticum 292, 301,305
Graptophylloae 119, 289 ewanii 292,302,303
Graptopbylliun 289 haughtii 292, 293, 291, 295
Ileniisantlra 127 hylophilum 293,310,311,312
auranliaca 127, 1G8 idroboi 292,295,296,297
Im bricatae 119 lanceum 293, 305
Isoglosscae 119 leiophyllum 292, 297, 298, 299
Just icia 127 pennellii 292, 304, 305
asijstasia 288 poecilanthum 292, 299, 300, 301
crialata . 127 polamophilum 293, 308, 309, 310
gangelica 288 .snnidornii 293, 306,307
pulrherrima __. 127, 212 stcnosiphon 293, 314, 315, 316
scabra 127 Rhombochlamydeae 119, 285
Justicieae 119 Rhombochlamys 119, 285, 286
Lagochilium 127, 286 data 285, 286, 287
maximilianum 127 rosulata 160, 285, 286, 287
molle 151 Rnellia dulcis 125, 126
Neriacanthus 119, 120, 123 San Joaquiu 308
grandiflorus 121, 122 San Jos6 308
lehmamiianus 121, 122, 123 Stenandrium 119, 120, 124,286
purdieanus 120, 121, 123 corymbosum 124, 125
Odontoncmeae 119 dulco 125, 126
Pachystachys.. __ 120, 289,290 humboldtianum 125, 127
albiflora 290 niandioccanum 124
coccinea 29 radicosum 12^J, 125
riedeliana 290, 291 Titirigallo 213
, F_
y PtK
-.^'\ '^
> >
-.' I
-, • -, ^ I
\ ;
J t
119* Tetramerium nervosum Nees 326
120. Dicliplera trianae Leonard 333
12L Dicliptera sciaphila Leonard 335
122. Dicliplera uribei Leonard 338
123. Dicliptera bogoiensts Leonard 340
124. Dicliptera caucensis Leonard 342
125. Dicliptera confonnis Leonard 344
126. Dicliptera ochrochlamys Leonard 347
127. Dicliptera cuatrecasasii Leonard 348
128. Dicliptera killipii Leonard 351
129. Dicliptera driophila Leonard 353
130. Dicliptera garciae Leonard 355
131. Dicliptera ewanii Leonard 357
132. Dicliptera haiightii Leonard 359
132a. Dicliptera koiei Leonard 361
133. Dicliptera danielii Leonard 363
134. Dicliptera scandens Leonard 365
135. Dicliptera sarcochroma Leonard 367
136. Dicliptera hazenii Leonard 370
137. Dicliptera inamoena Leonard 372
138. Dicliptera megalochlamys Leonard 374
139. Dicliptera hatilliformis Leonard 377
140- Dicliptera sanctae-martae Leonard 379
14 L Dicliptera rhombochlamys Leonard 381
142. Dicliptera nanodes Leonard 382
143. Dicliptera columbiana Leonard 384
144. Dicliptera compacta Leonard 386
145. Odontonema coccineum Leonard 389
146. Odontonema stenostachyiim Leonard 392
147. Odontonema ampelocaule Leonard 394
148. Razisea spicata Ocrst 401
149. Siphonoglossa calcarea Leonard 403
150. Filtonia argyroneura Coem 406
151- Kalbreyeriella cabrerae Leonard 409
152. Kalbreyeriella gigas Leonard 414
153. Syringidium atropurpxireiim Lindau 416
154. Megaskapasma erythrochlamys Lindau — 418
155. Habracanthus syscius Leonard 422
156. Habracanthus trichotus Leonard 424
157. Habracanthus cuatrecasasii Leonard 427
158. Habracanthus aglaus Leonard 429
159* Habracanthus pycnostachys Leonard 431
160. Habracanthus hispidulus Leonard 433
161. Habracanthus heliophilus Leonard ,
162- Habracanthus erythranthus Leonard 438
1 63. Habracanthus putumayensis Leonard 440
164. Habracanthus fioriferus Leonard 442
1 65. Habracanthus callianthus Leonard 444
166. Habracanthus pilosus Leonard 446
167. Habracanthus killipii Leonard 448
168. Habracanthus charten Leonard 450
169. Habracanthus smiihii Leonard 453
1 69a. Habracanthus xanthothrix Leonard 455
170. Habracanthus xantholeucus Leonard 457
171. Habracanthus ampelinus Leonard 459
172. Habracanthus caucensts Leonard 461
173. Habracanthus antipharmacus Leonard 463
174. Habracanthus oresbius Leonard 467
175. Habracanthus corei Leonard 469
176. Habracanthus lamprus Leonard 471
177. Habracanthus congestus Leonard 473
178. Habracanthus pennellii Leonard 475
179. Habracanthus microcalyx Leonard 478
1 80. Habracanthus hylobius Leonard 480
181. Habracanthus scolnikae Leonard 482
182. Hansteinia charitopes Leonard 485
183. Justicia cystolithosa Leonard 494
184. Justicia chlorostachya Leonard 496
185. Justicia iscknorhachis Leonard 499
186. Justicia charadrophila Leonard 502
187. Justicia oreopola Leonard 504
188. Justicia archeri Leonard 507
189. Justicia blachii Leonard 509
190. Justicia infelix Leonard 511
191. Justicia fuchsiifolia Leonard 516
192. Justicia neurochlamys Leonard 518
193. Justicia rhodoides Leonard 520
194. Justicia daidalea Leonard 522 1
Volume 31
umTED states
Publications of the United States National Herbarium
Remington Kellogg,
Director, United States National Museum.
Errata —Part 3
Page 426^ line 9 from bottom For ^'ultimal" read "ultimae."
The Acanthaceae of Colombia
Leonard ^^'
21L Justicia cabrerae
212. Justicia kucerythra Leonard
213. Justicia enarthrocoma Leonard
214. Justicia sanchezioides Leonard
215. Justicia homoea Leonard
216. Justicia porphyrocoma Leonard
217. Justicia sciota Leonard
218. Justicia phlebophylla Leonard
219. Justicia malacophylla Leonard ^90
220. Justicia pelianihia Leonard
221. Justicia anahasa Leonard
222. Justicia aurantiaca Leonard
223. Justicia jacobinioides Leonard
224. Justicia novogranatensis Leonard
225. Justicia atacta Leonard
226. Justicia ephemera Leonard
227. Justicia chloanantha Leonard
228. Justicia helonoma Leonard
229. Justicia namatophila Leonard
230. Justicia idiogenes Leonard
231. Justicia fusagasugana Leonard
232. Justicia scytophylla Leonard ~
233. Justicia killipii Leonard
234. Justicia graphophylla Leonard
235. Justicia petraea Leonard
236. Justicia sterea Leonard
237. Justicia sciera Leonard
238. Justicia stereoslachya Leonard ^^
239. Justicia hodgei Leonard
240. Justicia hygrohia Leonard ^^^
24L Pelecostemon trianae Leonard ^^
242. Jacohinia axiologa Leonard ^53
243. Jacobinia amphibola Leonard ^^6
244. ChaetocUamys columhicnsis Leonard ^^1
245. Chaeiothylax leucanthus Leonard.. ^64
246. Chaetothylax haughtii Leonard
247. Chaetothylax huilensis Leonard
248. Staurogyne leptocaulis Leonard
248a. Mendoncia trichota Leonard
248b. Mendoncia phalacra Leonard
248c. Mendoncia garciae Leonard *J
249. Hygrophila tyttha Leonard
249a. Ruellia aurantiaca Leonard
250. Ruellia graniii Leonard
251. Ruellia macarenensis Leonard...^
252. Ruellia gorgonensis Leonard
253. Teiiostachya petraea Leonard
254. Stenandrium humboldtianum Nees ^^^
255. Aphelandra grangeri Leonard ^62
256. Aphelandra gilva Leonard
257. Aphelandra andrei Leonard ^^°
258. Aphelandra quadrifaria Leonard
259. Aphelandra fosbergii Leonard _ 711
260. Aphelandra phalacra Leonard ^ 713
261. Aphelandra diachyla Leonard
262. Aphelandra pinarotricha Leonard
263. Aphelandra graniii Leonard 710
264. A phelandra coccinantha Leonard
265. Aphelandra trichota Leona^rd
^ 724
266. Aphelandra atecmarta Leonard
__ 727
267. Psender anthemum ctenospermum Leonard 732
268. Psenderanthemum chilianthium Leonard 735
269. Psender anthemum diachylum Leonard , 730
270. P senderanthemum dadodes Leonard "
271. P sender anthemum galhamim Leonard
272. Psender anthemum micranthum Leonard 744
'i'JZ. Pseuderanihemum ' "
thelothrix h^oxiBxd 747
274. Psender anthemum chocoense Leonard ^ 749
By Emery C. Leonard
three tribes of the series Imbricatae, which are
The remaining
Acanthaceae of Colombia", arc as follows:
sated in this part of "The
11, Odontonemeae
12, Isoglosseae
13, Justicieae
(continued from Part
Subfamily 4. ACANTHOIDEAE 2)
in Parts II and III of this mono
Imbricatae, which are treated
Anthers with 2 fertile cells.
21. Asystasia
Stamens 4
Stamens 2,
Staminodes present.
^ . _
, .
^ „ 18. Encephalosphaera
Pollen grains elongated, cleft.
Pollen grains with 3 longitudinal clefts, often
with a pore in each
17 Aphelandra
Pollen grams with the clefts much broader
and flatter (i. e., stave-
shaped), each containing a pore. 20. Rhomb ochlamys
Subtribe 11a. Diclipterinae
Diclipterinae Lindau; Engl. & Prantl, Pflanzenf. IV, 3b: 287, 331. 1895.
24. Tetramerium
25. Diclipte
Figure 119.— Te tram erium nervosum Noes {a-c, Haught 4760; d-f, Pennell 4026): a Tip
of plant; J. bract; c, bractlet; d, corolla;
valve of capsule;/, seed,
e, {a, Haif'natural
size; h-d, natural size;
e,f, about twice natural size.)
more or less recurved, the cusp 0.5 to 1 mm. long), rounded or abruptly
subpetiolate base, sparingly hispid-
contracted below the middle to a
with white spreading or ascending
ulous, the smaller hairs intermixed
hispid-ciliate, the hairs
ones up to 2 mm. long, the margins strongly
and lateral veins
jointed, white, up to 2.5 mm. long, the costa 2 pairs of
rounded at tip; capsules clavate, 5 mm. long, 1.8 mm. broad, 1.5 mm
thick minutely hirsute, the narrowed base about 2 mm. long; seeds 4
mm. long and l.z mm
strongly papillose.
Plants of this £ Lriable in aspect. During the earlier
San L^zaro, Billberg s. n. (S). Sinc^,
BoLfvAR: La Popa, Billberg 1 (S).
cymes, these forming spikes or panicles subtended by
bracts; calyx 5-parted, hyaline;
aTuvolucre of 2-4 pairs of conspicuous
the limb 2-lipped; stamens 2, the
corollas narrow, slightly ampliate,
the longer one sometimes calcarate at
anther sacs often unequal,
from their walls and
the cell wall of the capsule valve; seeds 2 or 4.
Nearly 300 species of this genus have been described from the
tropical and temperate regions of the world. The species are easily
recognized by the hexagonal stems and the flattened bracted reduced
A. Bracts subtending the cyraules narrow, cuneate.
Flowers secund, borne in lax spikes, these forming large branched
Outer pair of bracts subtending the flowers subulate 1. D. assurgens
Outer pair of bracts subtending the flowers oblong to
abruptly acute at tip 2. D. vahliana
Flowers borne in peduncled or subsessile flattened compound cymes.
Cymes loose, 3-parted, the peduncles slender, up to 4.5 cm. long.
3. D. trianae
Cymes compact, usually composed of 6 or more cymules, sessile or
subsessile, crowded
dense axillary clusters.
B. Bracts subtending the cymules conspicuously ciliate, the hairs 0.75
to 1 mm. long.
C. Outer bracts subtending the cymules acute, not cuspidate; corollas
2 to 3 cm. long, often red.
Capitula axillary; corollas 3 cm. long 4, D. sciaphila
Capitula axillary and terminal, the uppermost aggregated;
2 cm. long.
Outer bracts of the cymules densely ciliate, 12 mm. long.
5. D. uribei
Outer bracts of the cymules sparingly cihate, 15 mm. long.
D. hogotensis ^.
C. Outer bracts subtending the cymules cuspidate; coroUas usually
light purplish, 1 to 2.5 cm. long.
Leaf blades, at least the uppermost, obtuse or rounded,
ously mucronate 7. 2) pii^sa
Leaf blades acute, subobtuse or acuminate, not conspicuously
D. Stems hirtcllous or pilosulous, the hairs 0.5 ram. long, the
angles acute or narrowly winged, light greenish.
Outer bracts subtending the cymules lanceolate, the cusp 1.5
mm. long, acute 8. D. caucensis
Outer bracts subtending the cymules oblanceolate, subobtuse,
the cusp 0.75 mm. long 9. D. conformis
D. Stems sparingly pubescent or glabratc, the hairs 0.25 mm.
long or less, the angles rounded.
Outer bracts subtending the cymules thin, whitish except the
tip, the posterior one about 9 mm. long
D. ochrochlamya
Outer bracts subtending the cymules firm, green, except the
whitish base, the posterior bract 13 mm. long.
numerous towards the tip, the anthers oblong, 2.5 mm. long and 1.5
mm., wide; capsules oval, 6 mm. long, 2.5 mm. wide, 1 mm. thick,
the sides flattened, the basal portion soHd and 1.5 mm. long, obtuse at
brown, flattened, oval, about 2
tip, hirtellous, 2-seeded; seeds reddish
mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, the surface roughened, bearing numerous
'orm hairs; retinacula about 1 mm
at tip.
meadow more
less damp sandy soil. West Indies and northern South America.
Barranquilla, Fosberg 21438 (US). Puerto
AtlXntico: Barrio del Prado,
Colombia, Barkley & GvtUrrez 1857 (US). Hacienda Cachubana, Usiacurf,
main stem
subulate bracts 1.5 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide at base, glabrous;
mm. lone:, 1 mm
! mm. long, 0.5 mm
acuminate calyx subhj^aline, 2, mm
campaniilate, tlie segments lar. 1 mm, lone:, 0.7
Figure 120.—DicHptera trianae Leonard {Triana, EI Cauca): a. Second node from base of
(a, Natural size, b, c, e-g, twice natural size; d, 12 times natural size; A, 8 times natural
(the tip itself blunt), rounded or narrowed at base and briefly de-
minutely papillate under lens, the costa and lateral veins (4 or 5 pairs)
acuminate, carinate, about 2 mm. long: and 0.5 mm, wide at base
middle one ud to 8 mm
all subhexagonai, densel}^ hirtellous with a mixture of glandular and
.25 mm. long; ou
mm. lonar, 3 mm
base, acute (the costa prominent), carinate, both surfaces rather
densely hu'tellous, the hairs straight, erect, up to 0.25 mm
smaller outer bract subtending the cymule lanceolate, 6 mm
2 mm. wide at about 2 mm. above base, acuminate (the tip often
recurved), the costa prominent, both surfaces of the bract hirtellous
with a mixture of glandless and erect straight glandular hairs about
0.25 mm. long, both the outer bracts green except their white basal
margins; innermost bracts narrowly lanceolate, 5.5 mm. long, 1 mm.
wide near base, green with whitisli margins, acuminate, puberulous
with a mixture of sharp and bluntish hairs up to 0.2 mm. Ions; calyx
5 mm. long, puberulous with stoutish hairs rarely more
long, the segments of the calyx narrowly triangular, 3 mm. long,
0.75 mm. wide at base, acuminate, whitish; ovary minutely hirtellous;
corolla about 12 mm. long, hu-lcllous, the hairs spreadiiig, about
0.2 mm. long, the tube narrow, about 2 mm. broad at mouth, the lips
subequal, about 4 mm. long, the lobes of the lower lip suborbicular
Herbario Nacional Colombiano
partment of Cauca, 1,000 meters altitude, February 1853, by J.
Triana (No. 4093.1-1). Isotygo: K.
When compared with other Colombian species of the genus,
Dicliptera trianae is strikingly distinct in the character of its in-
florescence. dried
4, Dicliptera sciaphila Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 121
SufFrutox, caulibus obscure hexagonis, crasse sulcatis, glabris vel
bifariam pubesccntibus, piliscurvatis; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata,
acuminata, basi angustata, inpetiolum brevitcr decurrens, membrana-
cea, intogra, parce pilosa, pilis sacpe in costa ct vcnis positis; petioH
graciles, subtus glabri, canali pubescente, pilis m.inutis ct curvatis;
capitula axillaria, peduncuhs aliquanto brevibus, bifariam pubesccn-
tibus, pilis curvatis; cymula 5-flora, subsessilis; bracteae aliquanto
magnae, bractea exterior oblongo-elliptica, acuta, viridis, basi
angusta, albida, subtus parce et minute hirtella, supra pubcrula,
ma mmor
interiores subulates, lanceolatac, acumin
>atulis; calyx (siccus) fulvus, segmentis a
portion of cal>TC enlarged to show pubescence, {a-c, e-f,
segment; g, small
about IS times natural size; about 25 times natural size.)
Natural size; d, g,
nfirrowfifl at base and
decurrent on the petiole, thin, enth^e, drying green, sparingly pilose,
f.liA limrft Rtraifrht or nearlv so. un to 0.5 mm. loner, confined chiefly
and (
Cundinamarca, 2,100-2,200 meters i
of this species.
Figure 123
6. Dicliptera bogotensis Leonard, sp. nov.
ascendentibus, subhexagonis, glabri
Herba, caulibus erectis vel
pUis retrorse curvatis; lamina foliorum
vel bifariam hirtcllis,
Figure 123. Mipura hogotensis Leonard {Triana, Salto de Tequendama):
a, Inflores-
cence; J base of cyme to show subtending bracts; c, larger outer
bract subtending the
cymule; d, margmal hairs of same; e, smaller outer bract subtending
the cymule-/ costal
hairs of same; g, one of the innermost bracts; h, calyz; ,',
marginal hairs of one of the
calyx segments.
(., Natural si^c; b, slightly over natural size; c, e, g, twice natural size;
natural size.)
the lateral ones; capsules not seen.
mm. long, 2 mm
hau-s about 0.25 mm
m. long; seed black, flattened, about 1.5 mm
)r the margins sparmgly papillose.
Type in u
National Herbarium, No. 1774439, collected
between Purac6 and Coconuco, Department of Cauca, Colombia
to 2,400 meters altitude, July 12, 1939, by E.
P6rez-Arbeldez and J
Cuatrccasas (No. 5977).
Kjell von Sneidern's No. 1032 (S), collected in
thickets at El Tambo,
Department altitude met ;rs, August 15, 1936, is
also of this species.
pilosulous, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, retrorsely curved; leaf
lous, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, the costa and veins more promi-
nent than above, the veinlets reticulate; petioles slender, up to 1 cm.
long, glabrous beneath, the channel rather densely hirtellous with
subappressed hairs about 0.25 mm. long; capitula axillary and ter-
minal, the uppermost aggregated in a dense thyrse about 2.5 cm. long
mm. broad, the peduncles up to 1 mm. long, glabrous
mos a pair of lance-subulate bracts about
5 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide near base; cymules
mm. long, moderately re-
peduncles 0.5
mm the larger outer bract sub-
mule green except a narrow margmj
ate. 1 cm. lone:. 3.5 mm. wide at 5 mm
isp 0.75 mm. long), gradually narrowed from
above middle to the basal portion convex, ciliate, the hairs
mostlv 0.75 mm
yellowish, the costa prominent
mm. lonsr,
lateral nerves obscure, the inner surface sparingly and finely hutellous,
the venation obscure except the basal portion of a pak of lateral sub-
mar smaller outer bract subtending the cymule
mm. lon^r, 2.25 mm. wide at 3 mm. below tip, in other respects similar
mm. lonsr, 0.5 mm
mm. long, the outer surface sparingly hirtellous, the mner
fx 2.5 mm. long, whitish, puberulous, the segments nar
L the Kew
Herbarium, collected at Almaguer, Province (
about 4>^ times natural size; c-r, g, Kh twice natural size;/, about
(a Natural size; b,
11^ times natural size; % 25 times natural size.)
mm. lonsr, the posterior lip 3 mm
p 2.5 mm, wide, 34obed at tip, the lobes rounded, 0.25 mm
one subcucuUate; stamens reaching the tip of th<
the hairs spreading, aboui
the filaments sparingly pilose,
margins ciliolate, the hairs up to 0.5 mm
mm. lone;, and 5 mm
smaller one 11 mm. long and 3.5 mm
mm. above base, the smaller
mm. long and 1 mm. wide at 2.5
mm. lone:, about 0.75 mm
tlic tips hirtellous and greenish, whitish toward
costate, ciliate,
hflsP! calvx segments narrowly triangular, 2.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide
costa and lateral veins slender, obscure, the cystohths up to 0.5 mm-
long, the lower surface rather densely hu-tellous, the hairs ascending,
nn to 0.75 mm. lonsr, confined chiefly to the costa and lateral yeins:
petioles slender, up to 2 cm long, glabrous below, the channel
hirtellous; capitula mostly axi few of the uppermost some-
times more or less confluent, the peduncles up to 2,5 mm, long,
bracts subtending a cyme; d, the larger of a pair of outer bracts subtending a cymule;
f, marginal hairs of same;/, the smaller of the two outer bracts subtending the cymule;
one of a pair of inner bracts of a cymule; h, one of the innermost pairs of bracts;
J, calyx spread to show lobes;;, tip of calyx lobe to show pubescence; k, valve of capsule,
{a, Natural size; c, d, f-i, k, twice natural size; b, 1^ times natural size; ^, 34 times
natural size;/, 14 times natural size.)
about 0.25 mm. long, the costa and a pair of lateral nerves predomi-
nating, the smaller bract lanceolate, up to 8 mm. long and 1.5 mm.
wide, in other respects similar to the larger bract; innermost bracts
Only immature flowers were present and, judging from the complete-
ness of the specimens in other respects, this absence of expanded
corollas may
have been due to clcistogamy. The specific epithet is
derived from 8plos, thicket, and ^iXos, loving.
14. Dicliptera garciae Leonard, sp. nov. Figuiie ISO
Suffrutex, caulibus erectis vel ascendcntibus, subhexagonis, sulcatis,
sursum pubesccntibus, deorsum glabratis; laminae fohorum (verti-
cillasteres subtendentes) ovatae, subacutae, basi rotundatae vel
obtusae, integrae, subcoriaccae, utrinquo pubescentes, pilis praecipue
in costa et vcnis positis, costa et venis lateralibus supra obscuris,
subtus aliquanto prominentibus; petioh breves, pubescentes; capitula
axillaria,pedunculis brevibus; bracteae cymulas subtendentes parvae,
lanceolatae, acuminatae, carinatae, parce pubescentes, 1-nervatae,
maj )rcs exteriores oblanccolatae,acutao vel acuminatae, corlaceae,
virides, ciliatac, parce hirtellac, costa et venis laterahbus obscuris,
maj )res interiores aliquanto minores quam exteriores, lanceolatae,
acuminatae, coriaceae, sursum virides, deorsum subflavo-virides,
ciliolatac, hirtcllae; bracteae intimac anguste lanceolatae, deorsum
albidae, minute hirtellae, l-nervatae; calycis segmenta triangularia,
acuminata, subhyalina, sursum hirtella; corolla rubra, plus minusve
pubescens, tubo anguste h3q;)Ocratcriformi, labiis ovatis, labio superiore
apice rotundato vol leviter emarginato, labio inferiore aliquanto
longiore quam
labio superiore, apice trilobato, lobis parvis, rotundatis;
stamina vix cxserta, filamentis planis, parce pilosis; capsulae planae,
ovatae, pubescentes; rctinacula parva, cucullata; semina plana,
suborbicularia, plus minusve minute rugosa.
Suffrutescent herbs; stems branching, erect or ascending, sub-
hexagonal, grooved, the tips pubescent, the hairs spreading or re-
plant; b, cymule; c^ portion of one of the larger bracts of the cymule enlarged to show
pubescence; d, one of the innermost bracts; e, one of the calyx segments;/, hairs from
margin of calyx segment; g, disrupted capsule expanding from base; h, disrupted capsule
expanding from tip. {a, Natural size; b, d, e, g, k, twice natural size; c, about 20 times
natural size;/, about 25 times natural size,)
cymes narrowly lanceolate, 2 mm, long, 0.75 mm
bracts subtending the cymule oblanceolate, 14 mm. long, 2.25 mm.
wide at 5 mm, below tip, acute or acuminate, gradually narrowed from
above middle to base, firm, green, ciliolate and sparingly hirtellous, the
hairs stiff, more or less curved, about 150 /x long, the costa and lateral
veins obscure, the inner bract subtending the cymule lanceolate,
about 10 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide toward base, acuminate, firm,
the upper half green, the lower half light yellowish green, the costa
barely prominent, the pubescence that of the outer bract, the inner-
most bractlets narrowly lanceolate, about 6 mm. long, 1 mm. wide near
base, whitish at least toward base, minutely hirtellous, 1-nerved;
calyx segments triangular, 3.5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide at base, acumin-
ate, white and subhyaline, 3-nerved, minutely ciliolate, hirtellous
toward tip; corollas red, sparingly to rather densely pubescent, about
3 cm. long, 2 mm. broad at base, narrowed to 1 mm. at 5 mm. above
base, thence gradually expanded, the throat 5 mm. broad, the lips
ovate, the upper lip 6 mm. long and 4 mm. wide at base, rounded or
shallowly emarginate at tip, the lower lip 8 mm. long and 5 mm. wide.
mm. lone and
flattened, about 5 mm.
long and 4 mm. broad and 1 mm. thick,
pubescent, the hairs up to 165 n long, spreading or retrorscly curved,
the capsule dehiscing and rupturing either from base or tip, the retina-
cula cucullate, about 0.5 mm. long; seeds suborbicular, strongly
mm. long, 2.5 mm. wide and about 0.75 mm
National Herbarium
dry thickets on the left slope of the valley of the Rio Chicamocha,
between Soatd and Tipacoque, Department of Boyac^, Colombia^
main stem leaves, deciduous and lacking on the type specimen
The stem is woody at base and the plant probably affects
a sprawhng habit. The exact height of the plant cannot be approx-
imated from the type material, probably a basal portion. The
branches are about 20 cm. long, but the main stem mav reach 1 meter
15. Dicliptera ewanii Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 131
Herb a
m hirtellis; lamma folionim
hirtella, costa et venis lateralibus conspicuis, cystoHthis minutis;
petioli subtus glabri, supra in canale dense hirtelli, pilis
capitula axillaria et terminalia, sursum aggregata, paribus foliorum
suffulta; cymae planae, 3-5-partitae, breviter
pedunculatae vel
subsessiles, paribus bractearum subulatarum subglabrarum suffultae;
bractea exterior cymulam subtendens herbacea, lanceolata, acuta.
/^ I \\
f :
O \
^ \
^ I
13.5 cm. lonff and 4.5 cm. wide, slenderly acuminate, narrowed at base,
prominent, the cystoliths minute, 125ju long; petioles slender, up
to 2 cm. long, glabrous beneath, the channel densely hirtellous,
e 2 uppermost confluent
forming a short thyrse about 3 cm, long ,nd 2,5 cm. broad, the
at base; bracts subtending the cymules unequal, rather thin,
baceous, the larger bract lanceolate, up to 2 cm. long and 4.5 mm.
acute, the outer surface sparhigly and minutely hirtellous, the inner
surface rather densely pubcrulous, the hairs spreading, 75
to 100;^
long, tlie costa and a pair of lateral submarginal nerves prominent,
the smaller bract subtending the cymule narrowly lanceolate,
acummate indurate and coarsely striate at base, the pubes-
cence that of the outer bract, tlie costa prominent, the veinlets
both bracts rather coarsely but obscurely reticulate, the innermost
pubcrulous and ciliolate, the lower half or sometimes the lower
marginal areas whitish; calyx segments liiiear, 3.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm.
wide, acute, whitish, densely hirtellous, the hairs ascending, 0.3 mm.
long, the cal^^x tube campanulate, 1 mm. long, whitish,
glabrous; corollas dull carmine with j^ellow throat (Ewan),
3 cm.
mod" irately pubescent, the hairs up to 275^ long, spreadhig,
mm. broad at base, narrowed at 5 mm. above base to 1 mm..
long, the upper lip 3 mm.
wide, obtuse, the lower 4 mm. wide, 3-lobod
at tip, the lobes ovate, obtuse, 1 mm. long, the middle one
1.25 mm.
wide at base, the lateral ones slightly narrower; stamens slightly
exceeding the lips, the filaments flat, their margins bearing a row
of curved hairs up to 250/ix long, the anther lobes slightly
1.5 mm. and capsules not seen.
long; ovaries
Type in the Tulane University Herbarium, collected in relict
mountain rain forest at edge of Qucbrada Chiniata, 7 kilometers east
of Hilo, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 2,430 meters
tude, May 1, 1944, by Joseph A. Ewan (No.
15628). Isotypes:
K, US.
The ovaries of the type material have been destroyed by insects.
16. Dicliptera haughiii Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 132
Suffrutex, caulibus ercctis vel ascendentibus, subhexagonis,
minutis, retrorse curvatis; lamina foliorum ovata, acuminata
(a pice
ipso obtuso), basi obtusa vel rotundata, supra aliquanto
subtus dense hirtclla, costa et venis latcralibus promincntibus;
petioh breves, dense hirtelli, pilis parvis, curvatis; capitula
et terminalia, sursum aggregata, racemos densos tcrminales formantia,
pedunculis brevibus, dense retrorse hirtcllis; bracteac cymas sub-
tcndentes subulatae, carinatae, pilosulae. et ciliatae. marmnibusnlbiHnfi •
one of the Innermost bracts; g, calyx; h, pubescence of calyx, {a. Natural size;
6 times natural size; g, 2}^ times natural size, h, 12 times
h, c, ej, twice natural size; d,
natural size.)
mm. lon^, retrorsely curved; leaf blades (only the uppermost present)
cm and 1,5 cm wide at 1 cm. above base,
undulate, both surfaces hirtellous, the lower densely so, the costa and
base, carinate, pilosulous and ciliate, the margins \yhltish; larger
areas near base whitish, the basal portion (about 4 mm. long) carinate,
both sm^faces rather densely hirtellous, the hairs spreading or ascend-
ing, costa prominent, the lateral nerves obscure; smaller outer
mm. Ions; leaf blades ovate, cm. long
up and 2
to 4.5cm
subacute to subobtuse at tip, cuncate to rounded at base and decur-
cymes Icaflike, mostly about 12 mm. long and 5 mm. wide, the pubes-
cence that of the leaves; bracts subtending the cymulcs unequal, the
outer oblanceolate, that of the middle cymule 15 mm. long, 3.5 mm.
wide, acute, those of the lateral ones 11 mm. Ions:, 2.5 mm. wide, sub-
mm. long and 1.5 mm IS
ovato, subobtuso, labio inferiore oblongo, apice 3-lobato, lobis par vis,
parce pilosis.
of the larger outer bract subtending cymule;/, one of the larger of the Innermost bracts;
about 8 mm. long, the upper one ovate. 5 mm. broad toward bnsp
ar. about 1 mm. long and broad, obtuse; stamens reaching
base; capsules not seen.
Type in the U. S. National
Herbarium, No. 1879088, coflected in
Jardin, southwest of Antioquia, Department of Antioquia, Colombia,
July 1942, by Brother Daniel (No. 2970). Isotype: US.
The color of the coroUa is not apparent in the dried material studied.
19. DicHptera scandens Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 134
Suffrutex diffusus, ramosus, caulibus subhexagonis, dcorsum glabris,
sursum puberulis, pilis curvatis, praecipue in angulis positis; lamina
foliorum oblongo4anceolata, acuta (apice ipso obtuso vel subacuto),
basi angustata, in petiolum decurrens, membranacea, (sicca)
viridis, utrinque glabra vel in costa ct vcnis lateralibus plus minusve
hirtella; petioU graciles, glabri vel canalc plus minusve hirtolli;
fere terminalia, confluentia, racemum dcnsum latum brevem forman-
tia,pedunculis brevibus, parce hirtcUis, pilis curvatis; bracteae cymas
subtendentes parvae, subulatae, hirteflae; bracteae majores cymulas
subtendentes inaequalcs, lanceolatae, acuminatac, aliquanto dense
hirtellae, virides; bracteae intimac anguste lanceolatae, albidae,
ciholatae, marginibus hyalinis; calycis segmenta triangularia, 3-
nervata, dense pubesccntia, pilis ascendentibus; corolla
salmonacea, subtiliter pubescens, tubo aliquanto angusto,
aequaiibus, labio superiore ovato, obtuso, labio inferiore ovato,
trilobato, lobis parvis, obtusis; stamina vix exserta, filamentis planis!
meters Lieh: stem
hexagonal, glabrous or the upper portions puberulous, the hairs minute,
curved, confined more or less to the angles; leaf blades
itself obtuse or acutish), narrowed at base and briefly decurrent on the
1- ^1
nerves predominating, the smaller bract 9 mm. long and 2 mm. wide
prominent, the innermost bracts narrowly
near base, the costa
whitish, ciliolate, the hairs ascending,
lanceolate, slenderly acuminate,
up to 250 M long, the margins hyaline, the larger pair 6 mm. long and
1 mm. wide near base, the smaller pair 4 mm. long and slightly less
than 1 mm.
wide at base; calyx 5 mm. long, the segments triangular,
mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide at base, acute, strongly 3-ncrved,
ciliolate and densely hirtellous, the hairs ascending, up to
250m long;
corolla pale salmon, finely pubescent, the hairs up to 0.7 mm
ladmg, a tew ot them gland-tipped, the tube about 2 cm. lonj
mm. broad at base, narrowed at 5 mm. above base to 1 mm
ice gradually enlarged to 6.5 mm. at mouth, the lins siuhoaun
2.5 mm. long, 1.5 mm
filaments flat, glabrous near tip, sparingly and
minutely pilose toward base, the hairs spreading or retrorscly curved,
up to 550m long; capsules not seen.
Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1515091, collected at
La Sierra, 18 kilometers north of Medcllin, Department of Antioquia,
Colombia, 2,000 meters altitude, January 1931, by W. A. Archer
(No. 1354).
Figure 135 —Diclipter a sarcochmna Leonard {Cualrecasas 15468): a, Node showing in-
florescence; b, basal portion of stem leaf (upper side); c, tip of same (lower side);^ d,
margin of bract above); /, tip of calyx lobe to show pubescence; m, tip of lower Kp
natural size.)
ermost peduncles up to 7 mm
SI un to 0.5 mm. lone:, nube]
subtending the cymes subulate, usually up to 3.5 mm. long and 0.5 mm.
wide, glabrous; outer bracts subtending the cymules unequal, glab-
rous, ciliolate, delicately veined, the costa more pronounced than
the lateral veins, the superior bract rhombic-ovate, 12 mm. long,
5 mm. wide near the middle, acute, the inferior bract lanceolate,
7 mm. long and barely 2 mm. wide slightly below the middle, acute,
cuspidate; innermost bracts narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, thin,
minutely ciliolate, 1-nerved, hirtellous toward tip, the margins
subhyaline, the larger pair 5 to 6 mm. long and 1 mm. wide near
base, the smaller pair 4 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide near base;
calyx 3 mm. long, the segments narrowly triangular, 2 mm. long and
0.75 mm. wide at base, 3-nerved, acute, ciliolate, hirtellous toward
tip,subhyaline; corolla flesh-colored, sparingly and minutely pubes-
cent, the lower portion of the tube 1 mm. broad, the throat 4 mm.
broad, the lips subequal, ovate, about 4 mm. long, the upper lip
obtuse, the lower one 3-lobed, the lobes about 0.5 mm. long and wide,
rounded; capsules not seen.
Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1852703, collected in
forest at La Laguna, on the left side of the valley of the Rio San-
juniquin. Department of El Valle, Colombia, 1,250 to 1,400 meters
altitude, December 10-20, 1943, by Cuatrecasas (No. 154G8).
Didiptera sarcochroma is very closely realted to D. cuatrecasasii
resembling it in many respects. Both are lush growers, have large
thin and nearly glabrous stems and
leaf blades, thick subglabrous
similar bracts. In D. sarcochroma, however, the long marginal hairs
of the larger bracts subtending the cymules are entirely lacking.
The inflorescence of D. cuatrecasasii is nuicli more crowded tlian tliat
of D. sarcochroma, forming dense terminal spikelike thyrsi. The
epithet mrcockroma {oap^, flesh, and xp^m^, color) alludes to the color
of the corollas.
the outer surface and margins, erect on the mner surface, the smaller
outer bract subtending the cymules oblong, about 6,5 mm. long and
1.25 mm. wide, acuminate at the tip, ciliolatc, 3-nerved, the upper
half greenish, the lower half whitish, the pubescence that of the outer
bract, the innermost bracts narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, ciliolatc,
whitish, the larger pair 6 mm. long, 1 mm. wide, the inner pair 4,5 to 5
Figure 136. Dicliptera hazenii Leonard (Pennell, Killip y Ilazen 8695): ^j Nc)de to show
inflorescence; b^ larger, outer bract subtending the cymnlc; c, marginal liairs of same;
dj the smaller of the outer pair of bracts subtending the cymule; e, one of a pair (larger)
of the innermost bracts; /, one of the pair of the smaller innermost bracts; g, calyx,
spread to show lobes; A, portion of calyx lobe enlarged to show marginal hairs; f, tip of
corolla, spread to show lobes of lower lip, {a^ Natural size; 5, d-g, twice natural size;
c, 12)^ times natural size; kj 10 times natural size; z, 2}i times natural size.)
mm. long, 075 mm. wide near base; o^lyx 4.5 mm. long, the segments
narrowly triangular, 3 mm, mm.
wide near base^ acuminate,
long, 0.75
obscurely scvcral-ncrvcd^ glabrous except the tips, these minutely
hirtellous; corolla peach red, up to 12 mm. long, finely pubescent, the
hairs spreading, about 0,25 mm, long, the lube 2.25 mm. broad at
base, narrowed at 3 mm. above base to 1 mm., thence gradually
enlarged to 4.5 mm, at mouthy the lips subequal, ovate, 7 mm, long,
and 5 mm.
wide near base, the upper lip obtuse, the lower 3-lobed, the
lobes suborbicular, 0,75 mm. long and Avide, rounded; stamens reaching
the tip of the upper lip, the filaments flat, sparingly pilose^ the hairs
about 0.5 mm. long, retrorsely ascending; capsules 9 mm. long, 5 mm.
broad, 2 mm, thick, densely puberulous, the hairs 375^ long, spreading,
or the lowermost retrorsely ascending; seed brown, smooth or obscurely
rougliened, flat, suborbicular, barely 3 mm, in diameter, about 0.5
mm. thick.
Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1142G64, collected on
the bank of Rio Quindio, above Armenia, Department of Caldas,
Colombia, 1,300 to 1,500 meters altitude, July 25, 1922, by Francis
W. Penncfl, Eflsworth P. KilHp, and Tracy E. Hazen (No. 8695).
Isotype: Pli.
A specimen collected in a clearing along the Rio San Kafael below
Cerro Tatami?, Department of Caldas, Colombia, 2,200 to 2,400 meters
altitude, September 7-11, 1922, by Francis W. Pennefl (No. 10320)
(G) is also of this species.
Pennell states that the corollas are jasper red externally and jasper
pink internal!}". He tells us, furthermore, that this plant is a '^tall
Figure 137. —Dicliptera inamoena Leonard {Triana^ Tuquerres): a, Tip of branch to show
inflorescence; b, enlarged portion of leaf blade (lower surface) to show minute punctae;
r, the larger of the outer pair of bracts subtending the cymule; d^ marginal hairs of
same; e^ the smaller of the outer pair of bracts subtending the cymule; /, one of the
innermost bracts; g, calyx; A, marginal hairs of one of the calyx segments, {a^ Natural
size; b, about 10 times natural size; c, e-g, twice natural size; d, 13 times natural size;
A, 20 times natural size.)
Figure 138.— Didipfera megalochlamys Leonard {a-e, i, Pennell 4499; /-A, Herb. Bayon);
tf, Tip of plant; b, cymule bracts; c, one of the inner bractlets;
d, calyx; e^ pubescence of
calyx;/, corolla; g, tip of stamen; h, ovary and disk; i, disrupted capsule valve, {a.
Half natural size; i,/, natural size; c, 3 times natural size; d, twice natural size; e, 40
times natural size; g, i, 3 times natural size; A, 5 times natural size.)
natural size; J, e^ i, 2}i times natural size;/, about 25 times natural size; g, 3}2 times
natural size.)
from base to node up to 2 cm. long, from node to cymules, up to 2,2 cm,
long, subhexagonal, slightly flattened, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous,
mes subulat
mm. long, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous; cymule
bapiculate at tip, cordate at base, thin, green (or in a small
inent, the lateral veins and reticulations of the veinlets rather obscure,
mm J
mm, wide, acumm
most bracts subtending flowers; e, calyx;/, tip of calyx segment to show pubescence;
corolla; h, tip of stamen; i, pistil, [a, Half natural size; h, i, e, 3 times natural size;
€, natural size;/, 40 times natural size; A, 4^ times natural size; j, 7 times natural
whitish, subhyaUne, minutely hirtellous except the glabrous basal
mm. wide at base, acute; corolla 15 to 20 mm
rosy, mod (the basal portion glabrous), the hairs
I to 250iLt long, the corolla tube 2 mm. broad a
above base to 1 mm., the mouth 2,5
mm. mm
vate, about 1 cm. long and 6 mm, wide, roui
in oblone^. un to 11 mm. long, and 2.5 mm. w
slender, up to 2 cm
sometimes glabrous beneath; cymes solitary or in pairs, axillary,
mm, wide at base; cvmule bracts rhombic
bracts up to 15 mm. long and 13 mm. wide, the inferior shghtly
smaller, both acute or subobtuse, narrowed at base, firm, glabrous or
Natural size; b, g, twice natural size; c, d, 4 times natural size- e, 25 times natural size,)
except the glabrous base, the slender pointed hairs (up^to 100/i
than the upper, 3-Iobed at tip, the lobes 0.75 mm. lon^ and 0.5 mm
d at tip; stamens exserted 6 mm. beyond
flattened J
mm. lone;, 4 to 5 mm. broad. 1 mm
quebrada thicket east of Neiva, Department of Huila, Colombia,
700 to 1,500 meters altitude, July 31, 1917, by H. H. Rusby and F. W.
Pennell (No. 4S7). Isotypes: GH, NY.
A specimen collected at Anolaima, Department of Cundinamarca,
from p6uj9i
27. Dicliptera nanodes Leonard, sp. nov. FmuRE 142
Hcrba parva, caulibus erectis vel ascendentibus, subhexagonis,
glabris; lamina foliorum ovata, acuta vel subacuminata (apice ipso
the stigma oblong and rounded, slightly broader than the style,
ing at tip of capsule, but retrorse towards base; retinacula 1 mm.
long, obliquely cucullate, glabrous or bearing a few minute hairs
mm. in diameter
light brown, slightly and minutely
Type in the U.
National Herbarium, No. 1830088, collected
at Tocaima, Department of Cundinamarca, July
22, 1934, by E.
Perez-Arbelaez (No. 3106).
Didiptem nanodes is characterized by its small size, glabrous
or nearly glabrous parts and relatively broad leaf
blades. The
specific epithet is from the Greek vavoidTjs, meaning dwarfish.
28. Dicliptera Columbiana Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 143
Herba, caulibus erectis vel ascendentibus, subhexagonis, glabris
vel parce vel dense bifariam hirtellis, pilis recurvatis;
lamina foliorum
ovata, subacuta vel subacuminata, apice ipso obtuso, basi
satis firma,
Integra vel undulata, utrinque glabra, costa et venis
lateralibus plus minusve puberulis, pills recurvatis, cystohthis
sed inconspicuis, atroviridibus vel subnigris; petioli ahquanto
Figure 143.
Dicliptera Columbiana Leonard {Garcia-Barriga 12355) a, Tip of
: h, node
at base of cyme to show bracts and winged peduncles;
c, one of the innermost bracts
subtending flowers; d, calyx;
pubescence of calyx; /, capsule valve; g, seed; h,
surface of seed to show roughening, {a, Natural size; h, twice natural size; c, 5 times'
natural size; d, 4 times natural size; e, 35 times natural size;/, 2>^ times natural size;
g, 3 times natural size; h, 30 times natural size.)
glanduliferis et eglanduliferis intermixtis; corolla subpurpurea,
bilabiata, labio superiore ovato, obtuso, labio inferiore anguste
capsules ovoid, 8 mm. long, 4 mm. wide, 1.5 mm. thick, flattened,
Figure 144. Dicliptera compacta Leonard {Triatta, Cop5): ^3, Node to show inflorescence
and leaf blade; b, tip of cymule bract to show venation and cystollths; f, a pair of the
innermost bracts^ d, calyx; e, tip of calyx segment to show pubescence, {a, Natural
size; by twice natural size; r, 3}^ times natural size; d, 3 times natural size; e, 20 times
natural size,)
um -^ ^ w^^4 X /CIS
acutis;bracteae cymas subtendentes parvae, subulatae; bracteae
cymulam subtendentes aliquanto magnae, bractea inferior aliquanto
minor quam ambae late ovatae, obtusae,
9 mmusve
costa et venis prominentibus, venulis crasse reticulatis: bracteae
mtimae sub-
hyalinae, cystolithis prominentibus instructae; calycis segmenta
anguste triangularia, acuta, puberula, pilis glanduliferis et eglandu-
Suffrutescent plants up to 30 cm more: stems
cymes 3-parted, usually several in each axil, the peduncles 2 mm. long
base cymule
from base to fork, 10 to 12 mm. long from fork to of
flattened toward tip, the angles acute,
bracts, glabrous, hexagonal,
under a lens; bracts produced at the
the cystoliths parallel, prominent
fork of the cyme subulate, 2.5 mm. long, 0.25 mm. broad at base;
more apiculate, truncate or
cymule bracts ovate, obtuse and or less
firm, subchartaceous, the costa
shallowly cordate at base, glabrous,
the veins prominent, the cystohths
and the coarse reticulations of
and conspicuous under a lens, the upper bract about
mm. long and wide, the lower 10 mm. long and wide; innermost
mm. wide at base, acute, ciliate, subhyaline, bearing prom
ovaries and capsules not seen.
shorter gland-tipped ones corollas,
26. Odontonema
27. Razisea
28. Siphonogiossa
. Hemisphere. Odontonema stricium (Nees) Kuntze
Justicia coccinea) is often found in cultivation. It is
difficult 3en Odontonema and Pseude-
offer only immature flowers.
stamens and two staminodcs.
iver, are usually smaller with
small regular lobes, the ry narrow, and the stamens
included. Those of Odontonema are larger, often several centimeters
long, the limb definitely 2-lipped, the lobes rather large
and the
stamens exserted or at least reaching the mouth of the corolla tube.
Leaf blades reduced from above middle to a narrow rounded
or subauriculate
Flowers scarlet; panicle relatively broad (5 cm.) 1. coccineum
Flowers white; panicle narrow (2 cm.) 2. 0. stenosiachyum
Leaf blades cuneate at base.
3 Q Qfnpelocaule
Corolla lobes suborbicular
4_ q rubrum
Corolla lobes oblong or oblong-lanceolate.
Corolla up to 16 mm. long; leaf blades up to 7 cm. long.
5. 0. interruplum
Corolla up to 3.5 cm. long; leaf blades up to 15 cm. long.
Corollas 2.5 to 3.5 cm. long
6. O. bradeolatum
Corollas 1.5 to 1.7 cm. long 6a. 0. bradeolatum var. parviflorum
Figure HS .—Odontonema coccineurn Leonard (a-i, Haught 2055; ;, Haughi 2841): a. Leaf
blade; b, basal portion of panicle; c, tip of panicle; d, calyx and pistil; e, corolla; /,
pubescence of anther; t, one of the hairs from the anther enlarged to show shape;;, valve
than natural size;/, 20 times natural size; g, 3 times natural size; A, 25 times natural
numerous 1
5 mm. long, stout, glabrous; panicles terminal, peduncled, rather
ascending, 1 to 3 pairs at each node, the lowermost up to 4cm. long,
the others successively shorter tow^ard tip of panicle; peduncles 2 to
peduncles sparsely hirtellous, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, ascending;
lowermost branches of the panicle subtended by small leaf blades;
bracts subulate, up to 3 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide at base, carinate,
sparingly hirtellous and ciliolate; pedicels 3 to 5 mm. long, sparingly
hirtellous; calyx 5 mm. long, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, the
segments subulate, 3.5 to 4 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at base; corollas
bright scarlet, puberulous (the hairs flattened, triangular, 25 to 75jjl
cm. loner, the tube 3 mm
throat, the lips subequal, 12 mm. long, the upper lip 2-lobed, the
lobes of the upper lip rounded at tip, subcucullate; stamens slightly
mm. Ions:, the filaments 4 mm
or sparingly hirtellous at base, the anthers oblong, 1 mm. broad,
their lateral surfaces puberulous, the hairs erect, 75^ long, the
of Barranca Bermeja, 100 to 500 meters altitude, October 7, 1934, Haught 1379
Along stream in forest about El Centro, vicinity of Barranca Bermeja,
100 meters altitude, June 11, 1939, Haught 2841 (US).
firm leaf blades narrowed
its rather large and compact panicle of brilliant showy crimson
flowers. The leaf blades resemble those of Odontonema ample xicanle
the stems; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 19.5 cm. long and 6.8 cm.
wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself blunt), narrowed and acute or
glabrous, the cystoliths minute, up to 0.8 mm. long, the lower surface
glabrous except the costa and veins (6 pairs), these sparingly strigose,
racemes terminal, slender, up to 25 cm
cm. loner. 1 mm .7 hirtellous, the hairs 0,25
raceme 6 cm. long, the others successively shorter toward the tip of
the racemes, all rather densely hirtellous with curved ascending septate
mm. lone: and 0.5 mm
and ciliate; bractlots narrowly triangular, 1.5 mm. long, 0.25 mm.
wide at base, acute, sparingly hirtellous and ciliate; flowers several at
4 mm. long, sparingly hirtellous, the tube campanulate, the segments
triangular, 0.5 to 0.75 mm. wide at base, slenderly acuminate; flowers
2.5 cm. long, red, puberulous with hairs up to 1 mm. long, the tube
3 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 4 mm. above base to 1.25 mm.,
thence gradually enlarged to 6 mm. at mouth, slightly ventricose,
densely and retrorsely pilose within near base, the lips subequal, 4 to
5 cm. long, the lobes 4 to 5 mm. long and 2.5 to 3 mm. wide, rounded,
the margins rugose (dried flowers) ; stamens reaching the tip of the
thers, the hairs up to 0.16 mm. long; style somewhat shorter than th(
stamens, the stigma bilobed, the lobes minute, obtuse; ovary glabrous
capsules not seen.
Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1932293, collected a
the Hacienda Curiche, El Pefi6n, between the Rios Bunque and Murca
Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 1,050 to 1,420 meters alti
ampelocaule and
schomburgkianum (Nccs) Kuntze of British
Guiana suggests a relationship between the two species. 0. schom-
hurgkianum, however, is a shrub only about 1 meter high and has
The type material consists of a section of
stem about 45 cm. long
bearing toward the lower end tw^o short branches, one of which is
terminated by the raceme. Both branches are noticeably reflexed.
Garcia-Barriga states in his label notes that the stems are quite thick
("tallos gruesos"), so the entire plant must reach a considerable
height. Its scandent nature suggests its specific epithet which is
irom tne Ureek, a/ix^Xos, vme, and Kavkbs, stem.
4. Odontonema rubrum Kuntze
Justicia rubra Valil, Eclog. Amcr. 3; 1. 1798. Type collected at Santa Marta,
Department of Magdalena, Colombia, by Rohr.
Thyrsacanthus ruber Necs in DC. Prodr. 11; 326. 1847. Based on Justicta
rubra Vahl,
Odontonema rubrum Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 3; 492. 189L Based on Justicia
rubra Vahl.
mm. Ions: and 3 mm
filaments about 9 mm. long, glabrous; anthers 3.5 mm. long, 1.5 mm.
broad; staminodes 4 to 5 mm. ovary glabrous; style
long, glabrous;
about 2 cm. long, glabrous, the stigma linear, but slightly broader
than the style; capsules not seen.
The largish red flowers more or less secund in terminal loose racemes
suggest, as Nees points out in his description of Thyrsacanthus ruber,
the species Odontonema schomhurgkianum from British Guiana. The
above description was drawn from Smith's No. 1390, a plant which
differs in several respects from Kohr's type. The leaf blades of
Smith (5.2 cm
Magdalena: Santa Marta, H. H. Smith 1390 (NY, GH, Ph, S); Rohr s.n.,
Shrub branches
; smooth, bearing
terete, scattered minute appressed
hairs; leaf blades oblong, acuminate (the tip itself obtuse), narrowed
at base, the upper surface blackish green, the lower pale, both sur-
faces reticulately veined, nitid, glabrous except the costa, this strigose-
the U, S. National Herbarium (Field Mus. No. 9515); this shows that
the leaf blades are 5-7 cm. long and 2-2. G cm. wide, and that the
corollas arc about 1.6 cm. long, measurements somewhat larger thnu
those given by Nees.
6. Odontonema bracteolatum (Jacq.) Kuntze
Jusliaa bradeolata Jacq. Coll. Bot. 3: 253. 1789,
Odontonema bracleolahan Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI, 2: 492. 1891. Based on Jusiicia
bradeolata Jacq.
cence. extremes
specimens cited.
The species is usually found growing along shaded streams m
me ers altitude. It produces show}^ panicles of
bright red corollas and blooms more or less throughout the year.
AtlXntico: Piojo, vicinity of Barranquilla, Bro. Elias 742 (US).
BolIvar: Between Cartagena and Turbaco, Dugand & Jaramillo 2852 (US).
Magdalena: Bonda, H. H. Sjnith 1389 (in part) (NY, US). Cincinati,
Giacometto 94 (US). Codazzi, Haught 3727 (US). Jiracasaca, U. H. Smith
1389 (ill part) (NY, Pli). Manaure, Haught 3946 (US). Poponte, Allen 866
(Mo). Rfo Ariguanf, near Caracolicito, Dugand & Garcia- Barriga 2493 (US).
Rio Hacha, Haught 4484 (US). Minca, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, alt.
600 m., Cardona, GidUrrez & Barklcy 18C. 089 (Med, US).
Norte de Santander: La Esmeralda, Killip & Smith 20932 (GH, NY, US).
Without Locality: Photograph (Field Mus. No. 32704) of Jacquin Herbarium
sheet from Vienna Herbarium (US).
6a. Odontonema bracteolatum (Jacq.) Kuntze var. parvifiorum Leonard, var. nov.
Magdalena: Rinc6n Hondo, Allen 368 (Mo). Tucurinca, Romero 608 (Ch).
Donama, Ciacomeito 78 (US).
Without Locality: Linden 703, represented by photograph Field Mus. No.
32706 (US).
Razisea Oerst. Vid. Medd. Nat. For. Kjobenhavn, 1854: 142. 1854. Named for
Razis, an Arabian botanist of the 10th century. Type species; Razisea
spicata Oerst. Type locality: Aguacate, Costa Rica
anther, {a, Half natural size; b, 23 times natural size; c, 3>^ times natural size; d, l}i
lower lip, this 3-lobed at tip, the lobes suborbicular, about 1 mm.
long and broad; stamens exserted about 10 mm. beyond mouth of
corolla tube, the filaments winged, glabrous; anthers glabrous, rounded
at each end; style about as long as the stamens; ovary glabrous;
capsules not seen.
Although limited in range in Colombia, this species seems to be
rathor widespread in Costa Rica and Panam^. In the last-named
BoYAcX: Thick forested region of Mount Ch:ip6n, Lawrance 198 (K, NY.
S, US)
Cundinamarca: Forests of Pancho on the La Palma Highway, 1,000 meters
altitude, Haught C013 (US). Sasaima, Herbarium of Fidel Pombo (Col).
Siphonoglossa Oerst. Vid. Medd. Nat. For. Kjobenhavn, 1854: 159 1854. From
the Greek ffi<i>uv, tube, and yXibacra, tongue, in allusion, probably, to the
slender-tubed corollas. Type species: Siphonoglossa ramosa Oerst. Type
locality; Province of Tehuacdn, Santa Lucfa, Mexico.
dense hirtelli, pilis curvatis; fiores solitarii et axillarcs, vel pauci
in pedunculis brcvibus, dense hirtellis; bracteolae subulatae, parvae,
hirtellae; calycis segmcnta acuminata, hirtella; corolla purpurea,
tubo angusto, cylindrico, hirtello, pilis patulis, bilabiata, labiis
subglabris, labio superiore ovato, rotundato, labio inferiore trilobato,
of stem to show pubescence; c, leaf; d, node from upper portion of stem to show inflores-
cence; e, calyx and one of a pair of bractlets; /, anther, {a, c, Natural size; b, d, twice
natural size; /r, 2>^ times natural size;/, 4 times natural size.)
and 1.2 cm
cm. lone:
similar to those of the upper surface, the costa and lateral veins
more prominent than those above, the vcinlets rather finely and
delicately reticulate; petioles slender, up to 4 mm. long, densely
tube, the filaments 2.5 mm. long, glabrous, the anthers 1.5 mm
their lobes more or less superposed; style about 15 mm. long, gh
toward tip, minutely hirtellous from about the middle to bas
mm. lone:, 2.5 mm
mostly straight and spreading, the capsule narrowed
mm g and nearly as broad, concave, rounded-truncate at tip;
-bout 1.25 mm. in diameter, somewhat flattened, tuberculate.
n the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1708760, collected on
limestone soil La
Paz, Department of Magdalena, Colom-
meters altitude. Januarv 14 1Q44 Kv 0«nnr Haught
Tribe 12. laoGLOssEAE
Isoglosseae Lindau, Bot. Jahrb. Engler 18: 47. 1893; Engl. & Prantl, Pflanzenf
IV, 3b: 287. 1895.
Fittonia E. Coem. FL des Serres 15: 185, 1865. Named and Sarah
for Elizabeth
Mary Fitton, authors of ''Conversations on Botany*' and friends of Robert
Brown. Type species: Fittonia verschaffeltii (Lem.) E. Coem.
similar in size to the upper lip; stamens
the filaments 4 mm pubescent; ovary glabrous or sparingl}-
hirtellous at tip. St stamens
the tips ascending, the nodes rooting and the leaves often resting flat
on the ground. All the species of the genus are distinguished by the
conspicuous colored netted veining of the upper surface of the leaf
blades. one prefers rather low altitudes (300 to 760 meters).
Specimens from Peru, Bolivia, and Colombia are in the U. S. National
Figure ISd.^Fittonia argyroneura Cocm. [a, b, Killip 35534; c-e, h, t, Allard 22279 (Peru);
/. g, U White 2348 (Bolivia)): a. Tip of sterile plant; h, pubescence of stem; c, spike;
d, bract; e, marginal hairs of bract;/, one of a pair of bractlets; g, calyx; h, corolla
lobes; i, stamen;/, pistil, (a, c, Natural size; b, j, 5 times natural size; d,f, g, i, 3 times
natural size; e, 7 times natural size; h, twice natural size.)
imann Weeds
terns up to 50 cm. in lensfth, creeping: on
ground and rami
m of a broad tail. Leaves paper-like, dark green with a network
m white nerves. Flowers a delicate sulplmr yellow. Colombia.
Grows very frequently in small islands in dense damp forests around
Las Juntas del Dagua, western littoral region of Buenaventura, 0-500
meters. Flowers in September and October. Note: This species —
also occurs on the coast of Barbacoas and on the East Andes of Cuenca
in the district of Guahiquiza Jabaros up to an altitude of 1000 meters."
"No. 5600. Weed with procumbent stems up to 50 cm. in length.
Leaves dark green with silver-white nerves. Flowers yellow. Colom-
bia. Grows on slate rubble in dense forests around Las Juntas del
the two species are practically identical. The upper surface of the
leaf blades has
of F. verschaffeltii been described as duller, the epi-
y Cabrera 19095): a, Infloresceuce, h, basal part of leaf blade; c, tip of same; d, same
show general shape; node of inflorescence showing bracts
leaf drawn on small scale to ^,
and bractlets;/, calyx; g, tip of corolla; h, 1-celled anther, i, 2-ceIIed anther of the pair;
one-sixth natural size; e, twice natural size; /, Iji natural size; g, natural size; h-j\
4 times natural size; k, l}i times natural size; /, 5 times natural size.)
Cabrera) stems subquadrangu
about 0.25 mm. long, mostly curved and ascending, the venation
more prominent than above, the cystoliths conspicuous under a lens,
casionally reaching 4 cm., glabrous or sparingly hirtellous; flowers
rachises glabrous
most internodes 10 to 15 mm
toward tip of inflorescence, the pedicels of the lowermost
slender, up to 4 mm. long, minutely hirtellous in two lines
mm. loner, and 2 to 3 mm
becomins smaller
to moderately pilose; bractlets similar but somewhat
to the bracts
longer; calyx 16 mm. long, 5-parted, deeply segmented, the segments
lanceolate, 10 mm. long, 3 ram. wide at middle, acute, thin, minutely
and sparingly ciliolate, faintly nerved; corollas a bright showy red, up
cm. Ions:, erlabrous or sparmgly and mmu
mm. above base to 12 mm
middle, thence reduced to 10 mm. at mou
lite. 13 mm. lonar. 4 mm. wide at base,
and 0.5 mm. wide; staniens
about 5 cm. long, exserted 15 mm. beyond mouth of corolla tube and
slightly exceeding the upper lip which partially enfolds them, the
anthers 5 mm. long and 1 mm. broad at middle, narrowed toward
both ends to bluntish tips, both anthers and filaments glabrous;
disc 1 mm. Ions, this and the ovarv srlabrous: stvlc sHorhflv Rimrhp.r
the leaf blad ma
very young leaves. In Ariste-Joseph's No. 1085, the upper surfaces
of the leaf blades are conspicuously covered with red-septate hairs;
other specimens show the same character to a more or less marked
degree. Again, the leaf blades of Ariste
Ariste-Joscph's material do not
exceed 9 cm. in length nor 2.8 cm. in width, whereas those of Cuatre-
cm long and 9 cm. wide. The type
material possesses leaves intermediate between these two extremes.
The specific epithet alludes to the acutely tipped unexpanded
corollas. Colomb
meters. Its
dark green leaves and brilliant red flowers make it an especially
beautiful and conspicuous species.
Antioquia: Shady woods near Plateado, Kalhreyer 1524 (isotype, K). Low-
wet forest along the Rfo Chigorodo, 10 km, northeast of Chigorodo, Haught
4723 (US).
BoYAcX: Higli thick forests in the region of Mount Chap6n, Lawrence 234
(US); 367 (K. Mo, NY, S, US); 694 (GH, US).
Caldas: La Sclva, von Sneidcrn 5293 (US).
Cauca: Quebrada Aguaclara, near its junction with Rfo Plateado, Core 1377
Choc6: Dauro, Toro 1175 (NY).
Cundinamarca: Albdn, Guevara-Amoriegui 315 (US). Paime, Arisie-Joseph
1085 (NY, US).
El Valle: Chorrera La Elsa in the densely forested valley of Rfo Digua,
Killip 34807 (US); Rfo Digua Valley between La Elsa and Rfo Blanco, Killip
34738 bis (US). Woods about La Laguna, on the left bank of Rio Sanquininf,
Cuatrecasas 15388 (Ch, US). Piedra de Molcr, left bank of Rfo Digua, Cuatre-
casas 15160 (US). Quebrada de San Juan, below Qucreinal, Rfo Digua Valley,
Cuatrecasas 22728 (US).
ingly hirtellous, ciliate, the marginal hairs about 0.25 mm. long,
ascending, the other bracts thin, lanceolate, 9 mm. long and 3 mm.
smaller toward tip of inflorescence, all acute,
wide, successively
delicate nerves, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous,
with about 3 pairs of
-:i:^i^ 4.i,« i^*^>.r.i ^r.;- rt; ViT-oota tVinoA aiiTifpTirlirur t.hft flowers. Similar
Figure ISl.—Kalbreyenella Leonard {Cuatrccasas 11271): a. Base of leaf blade; I, tip
of same; c, enlarged portion of lower surface
to show cystoliths and minute papillae;
d, base of inflorescence; e, tip of same;/, lower
bract; g, one of the upper bracts; h, one
of a pair of lateral bracts; calyx; anther; k, stigma;
/, ;, /, pubescence of tip of corolla.
(a, b, d, e. Half natural siz.c; c, 7 times natural size; /-A, twice natural size;
;, h, j, l>i
times natural size; /, 12 times natural size.)
damp between
forests Achipayaco and Mocoa, Comisaria of Putu-
mayo, Colombia, 450 to 500 meters altitude, December 25, 1940,
by J. Cuatrecasas, No. 11271.
When compared with K. rostellata, Kalhreyeriella gigas
recognized by its dense narrow panicle, large crimson cal and
remarkably large leaf blades. The specific epithet, gigas, is from
Greek ylyas meaning giant, in allusion to the large size of the plants
of this species.
Megaskepasma Lindau Bull. Herb. Boiss. 5: 666. 1897. Derived from the Greek
liiyai, large, and aKktraaiia, a covering, in reference to the large bracts. Type
species: M. erythrochlamys Lindau.
Suffruticose, up brown-
to 2 meters high; stems quadrangular,
puberulous; leaf blades oblong, up to 19 cm. long and 7 cm. wide (the
lowermost probably larger), short-acuminate (the tip itself rounded
and apiculate), cuneate at base, rather firm, entire or undulate, both
terminal up to 18 cm. long and 4 cm. broad
hairs up to 0.32 mm. long, usually variously curved ; bracts ovate, up
to44 mm. long and 17 mm. wide, subobtuse and mucronulate at tip,
narrowed at base, purple or red, sparingly and finely strigose, the hairs
mm. loner and 8 mm
le similar to that of
mm. loner and 3 mm
blunt tip, rather densely hirsute, the hairs upwardly curved, brown.
corolla white (Lindau) Killip
raight or slightly curved, the upper lip lanceolate, 36 mm. long and
mm. wide, bilobed at tip, the lobes oblong, 1.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm.
ide, recurved, the lower lip narrowly cuneate, 32 mm. long, 9 mm.
ide near the middle, 3-lobcd, the lobes 7 mm. long and 3 mm. wide.
mucronulate; ovary 2 mm. long, glabrous; capsules not seen.
Santander: Bucararaanga (cultivated), Killip & Smith 14979 (US).
Habracanthus Nees in DC. Prodr. 11: 312. 1847. (From dj3p6s, graceful, and
&Kav8osj acanthus). Type: Habracanthus silvaticus Nees. Type collected
between San Bartolo and Pueblo Nuevo, Chiapas, Mexico, by Linden.
tipiform; seeds
subrotund, discoid, more or less tuberculate, truncate and somewhat
obUque at base, the angular raphe prominent.
Habracanthus consists of about 40 species, these found in Mexico,
Central America, and northern South America.
A- Corollas blue or lavender.
Pedicels and rachilla hirtellous, the hairs minute and eglandular; corolla pale
lavender 1- H. sysdus
Panicles open.
Calyces hispidulous 7. lY. hispidubis
Calyces glabrous to hirtellous, the hairs soft and septate.
Calyces rather densely hirtellous.
Panicles acute at tip 8. //. heliophilus
Panicles rounded at tip .... 9, H, erythranthus
Calyces nearly glabrous, bearing a few hairs on the margins or tips.
Upper surface of the leaf blades conspicuously pilose.
10, H, pulumayensis
Upper leaf surface nearly glabrous or sparingly and inconspicuously
Calyx segments lanceolate, up to 7 mm. long, drying greenish, the
nerves more or less conspicuous; bracts subtending the branches
of the inflorescence ovate to suborbicular, 1 to 1.5 cm. long,
11, H, floriJeruB
Calyx segments linear, up to 12 mm. long, drying blackish, the
nerves inconspicuous; bracts subtending the branches of the
inflorescence cordate, up to 3 cm. long 12. H. callianthus
B. Calyces bearing at least a few gland-tipped trichomes.
Panicles lax, their branches few; leaf blades small, usually less than 10 cm.
Branches of the inflorescence densely and conspicuously pilose,
13, i/. piloaus
Branches of the inflorescence hirtellous.
Corollas up to 2.5 cm. long, bright red 14, H. killipii
Corollas up to 1.5 cm. long, rose 15. H, charien
Panicle branches numerous and crowded.
Inflorescence conspicuously pilose.
Hairs of inflorescence whitish, glandular; corolla red, conspicuous!}^
ventricose at middle, narrowed to throat, long-pilose.
16, //. smiihii
Hairs of inflorescence yellowish, jointed; corolla yellow, not ventricose,
broadened to throat, minutely pubescent 17. //. xanlhothrix
Inflorescence not conspicuously soft gray-pilose.
Corollas, at least the tips, more or less pilose or hirtellous.
Corollas lemon yellow 18. //. xantholeucus
Corollas orange-red 19. //, ampelinus
Corollas strictly glabrous.
C. Calyces with numerous glandular trichomes.
Panicles open and diffuse*
Corolla wine red 20. H. caucensis
Corolla scarlet with yellow tip 21. H , antipharmacus
Panicles compact.
Leaf blades 4 to 7 cm. long, 2 to 3 cm. wide_, 22. H. macrochilus
Leaf blades 12 to 19 cm. long, 5.5 to 7 cm. wide,
23. H. oresbius
C, Calyces with few trichomcjs, these mostly at the tips of the seg-
Panicles dense to rather dense, narrowly ovoid or subcylindric.
Leaves and the leaf-like bracts subtending the branches of the
inflorescence slenderly acuminate 24. H, corei
Corollas bright red 30. H, hylobius
slenderly acuminate
acuminate (the tip itself subacute), rounded at base, all moderately
and moderately
Figure 156,— Ilahr acanthus trUkotus Leonard {Cuatrecasas, Schultes, ^ E. Smith 12419):
Tip of plant; b, portion of lower surface of leaf blade enlarged to show pubescence
and cystoliths; r, portion of Inflorescence enlarged to show calyx and bracts; d, portion
of rachis enlarged to show pubescence; f, section of calyx segment (inner surface)
enlarged to show veins;/, corolla; capsule valve, {a, Half natural
g, size; h, S times
natural size; c, twice natural size; d, e, 6 times natural size;/, 6 times natural size;
g, twice natural size.)
Herbs stems :
mm !S cm
and 3,8 cm. wide, acuminate (the tip itself subobtuse), obtuse or
rounded at base (the larger lower leaves acute), rather thin, entire or
Dotn surtaces nitid, mod
mm. Ions:, septate, more
rounded at tip, the lower lip ovate, 3-lobcd, the lobes triangular, about
1.25 mm. long, rounded at tip; capsules clavate, 1 cm. long, 4 mm.
broad, 2 mm. thick, glabrous or the solid stipe (4 mm. long) bearing
a few hairs (?); retinacula 2 mm. long, about 1 mm. wide, the tip
Tvne in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1850282, collected in
inconspicuously pubescent.
The height of the plant cannot be determined from the herbarium
specimen, a lateral branch, but, judging from the thickness of the
388179—57 8
The specific epithet is from the Greek word rpixoiTos, furnished with
hairs pilose inflorescence.
acute more or less falcate tip, cuneate at base, one side attached
to petiole about 5 mm. above the other, rather firm, shallowly and
obscurely crenate, glabrous except the ciliate margins, their hairs
curved, ascending, conspicuously septate, the cystoliths minute and
obscure, the costa and lateral veins prominent beneath, less so
above, the veinlets coarsely reticulate; petioles up to 3 mm. long,
glabrous; panicles terminal, about 8 cm* long and 5 cra^ broad, the
natural size; by c, natural size; d, e, 3 times natural size;/, 6 times natural size.)
nodes of the stems below the terminal panicle bearing for some
distance small apparently abortive cymose inflorescences up to 2 cm.
long, the branches of the terminal inflorescence subhelicoid, the
entire panicle strictly glabrous, the pedicels 1.5 mm. long, 0,75 mm.
thick, bearing minute subpunctiform cystoliths, the bracts sub-
mm. wide, short-acuminate ultimate bracts lanceolate,
about 4 mm. long and 1.25 mm. wide, acute; calyx 9 mm. long,
glabrous, marked by slender linear cystoliths up to 0.2 mm. long,
the calyces of the sterile axillary branches about 3 mm. long; corolla
about 2 cm. long, glabrous, greenish-ycllowish-white, the tips a
sordid violet, the tube 3 mm. broad at mouth, slightly narrowed
just below mouth, the upper lip hnear, about 2 mm. wide, acute
at tip, curled, the lower lip spreading, about 9 mm. long and 8 mm.
wide, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes about 1 mm. lonsr. obtuse: stamens
ted 15 mm. beyond tube, glabrous
the anthers 4 mm. long and
about 1 mm. broad, muticous at both
ends; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen.
Type in the Herbarium of the Chicago Natural History Museum,
No. 1273513, collected in open woods of Cajon de Pulido, Quebrada
del Rio Hacha, Cordillera Oriental, Comisaria del Caquetd, Colombia,
1,700 meters altitude, March 26, 1940, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 8740).
5, Habracanthus aglaiis Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 158
Herba erecta, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris, cystolithis
numerosis, parallelis lamina f oliorum o vata (ultimae suborbiculares)
numerous cystoliths like those of the stems, the pedicels erect, about
2 mm. long, glabrous; calyx segments linear, 6.5 mm. long, 1 mm.
wide at base, acute, glabrous or bearing occasionally a few minute
*.. u„;«r, ^4- tir^ fVio /.iTcfnliflia nrknQnip.nons iindftr a Icns: bracts
rounded and 3-lobed at tip, the lobes 1 mm. long and wide, rounded
stamens exserted 1 to 2 cm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube
glabrous, the anthers 6 mm. long and 1.5 mm. thick, muticous
at botl
ends; style exserted about 2 cm. beyond mouth of the corolla
the stigmas minute and rounded; ovary glabrous; capsules not
Type in the National Herbarium of Colombia, collected at Planads
de Minchoy, between Sachamates and San Francisco de Sibundov
altitude, Decemb
The specific epithet is from the Greek 017X06?, meaning bright or
/, portion of leaf blade (lower surface) to show venation;/, cal/x segment; g, corolla,
(a-c. Natural size; d, half natural size; e, g, about 1}^ times natural size; /, 4 times
natural size.)
mostly borne
tube 8 mm. about 4 mm, broad at base, narrowed to 2.5
loner, mm
at throat, the upper lip erect, linear, cm mm
subacute, the lower lip spreading-ovate, 1 cm. long, 0.5 mm. wide,
rounded and subtruncate at tip and 3-lobed, the lobes low, 0.75 mm.
long and 1 to 1.5 mm. wide, rounded at tip; stamens glabrous, re-
curved, exserted 7 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube; anthers
5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. thick; style exserted 2.5 cm. beyond the mouth
Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1853812, collected
Los Carpatos, in the valley of the Rio Caii, Department of El
ille, Colombia, about 2.000 meters altitude. Novp.mbftr ."^ 1Q44 Kv
Quoremal, valley of the Rio Digua, Department
Duque's No. 1660 collected at El Recucrdo, valley of the Rio Cali
Habracanthus pycnosfachys should be easy to recognize by its narrow
cylindric panicles with recurved, violet-red flowers. The label of the
type bears the following field notes: "Hierba robusta, 1.5 m. Hoja
verde haz, vcrde cnves. Bractcas verdes. Raquis, pedunculo y
caliz purptireo violdceo oscuro. Corola violeta rojiza oscuro. Fila-
mentos y estilo id." The label on Duque's sheet bears the following
data: "Arbusto de metro de altura, lenosos, y notable por sus
semina (immatura) tuberculata
Herb; stems erect or ascending, subquadrangular, sparingly and
more or less bifariously puberulous, the hairs appressed or ascending,
up to 0.25 mm, long; leaf blades lanceolate, up to 10.5 cm. long and
3.3 mm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself blunt), narrowed at
Figure \G).—Habr acanthus hispidulus Leonard {_Hodge 6585): a, Tip of plant to show
inflorescence and leaves; b, portion of leaf blade (under surface) enlarged to show
pubescence and cystoliths; c, node of inflorescence enlarged to show bracts; d^ calyx;
/, (d. Natural size;
h, c, about 5 times natural size; d, lY% times natural size; e, 14 times natural size; /,
— ;
Figure 16L Ilabracanthus heliophilus Leonard {Molina 35): a, Node of stem showing small
axillary panicles and leaf; by portion of leaf blade (lower surface) enlarged to show
pubescence and cystoliths; c, portion of inflorescence from about the middle; t/, tip of
size; g^ 30 times natural size; A, \2}i times natural size; J, natural size.)
labio inferiore plus minusve patulo^ ovato, apice 3-lobato, lobis ovatis,
apice rotundatis; stamina exserta, glabra, antheris angustis; capsulae
clavatae, glabrae*
Herbs up to 1 meter high stems sub quadrangular, puberulous, the
blades short
tself obtuse), narrowed at base, moderately
long, septate, those of the under surface more numerous on costa and
lateral veins (10 to 12 pairs) than on the intercostal areas, the venation
beneath prominent, up to
cm. Ions. 1 mm
forming a narrow terminal acute panicle (about 2,5 cm. broad), the
rachis and rachilla rather densely pubescent, the hairs of the rachis
aoDresscd. those of the rachilla snreadinp^: nedippis 1 to 1 5 rnm Inntr
densely r
beyond the upper lip of the corolla, glabrous, the anthers 3 mm. long,
0.5 mm. broad; style about 8 mm. longer than the stamens, the stigma
minute; capsules clavate, 8 mm. long, 3 mm. wide and about 2 mm.
; rctinacula 2.5 mm. long, the tip obtuse, suberose;
seeds not seen.
The color of the corolla not apparent in the dried material.
Molina states in his label notes that the plant was in an open and very
sunny place, whence its specific epithet 7}Xtos, the sun, and <^t\os,
apiculate; stamens exceeding the upper lip of the corolla, glabrous, the
anthers linear-oblong, 3 mm. long, 0.5 mm. broad, blunt at both ends;
capsules clavate, 4-seeded, 12 mm. long, 4 mm. wide, about 2 mm.
thick, glabrous; retinacula 2 mm. long, 0.5 mm. broad at base, nar-
rowed to a subacute tip; seed (immature) whitish, flat, ovate, tuber-
Type in the U. National Herbarium, No. 1995127, collected
in damp forest at base of La Cumbre de Santa Elena, on the road from
Alolina, and Fred A. Barkley (No. 19An.340).
Habracantkus erytkranthus bears a general resemblance
H. to
may be closely related to it. The two species, however,
should be easy to separate. The corollas of H. scolnikae are sulphur
yellow, the segments of the calyx are tipped by several conspicuous
The specific epithet is from the Greek kpvOpSs^ red, and avdosj flower,
388179—57 9
mouth of the corolla, glabrous, the anthers linear, 6 mm. long, 0.5
^t itj
Figure leS.—IIabr acanthus callianthus Leonard {a, Pennell 2667; b-h, Grant 9011). a,
Leaf; b, tip of panicle; c, basal node of panicle;
branch of inflorescence from near its
base; e, portion of rachilla enlarged to show pubescence;/, calyx;
g, corolla; h, anther.
{a, b, Half natural size; c, d, natural size; e, 30 times
natural size; about 4 times /,
natural size; g, twice natural size; h, 6 times natural size.)
the stigma minute; capsules clavate^ 12 mm. long, 5 mm. broad, 2.5
mm. thick, glabrous; retinacula 2.5 mm. long, narrowed to the truncate
fimbriate tip; seed suborbicular, oblique at base, about 2.5 mm, in
diameter, brownish, muricate at least near the margiTis,
Type U. S. National Herbarium, No, 2059078, collected in a
in the
clearing in temperate forests 3 km. southwest of Charquita and 25
km. west-southwest of Bogotd, Department of Cundinamarca, Co-
lombia, 2,800 meters altitude, April 13, 1944, by Alartin L. Grant
(No. 9011).
Also of this species are Ciiatrecasas' No. 209 (US), collected in a
dense forest of La Hondonada, Salto deTequendama, 2,250 to 2,300
meters altitude, October 2, 1938, and PennelPs No. 2667 (GH, NY),
collected in a forest below El Penon, southwest of Sibate, 2,600 to
2,800 meters altitude, October 29, 1917, Both collections are from
the Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia.
The specific epithet is from the Greek /caXXt-, beautiful, and audosj
the rliachis and rachilla rather copiously pilose, the hairs spreading,
conspicuously septate, occasionally a few of the hairs terminating in
a minute brownish conical gland, the leaflike bracts subtending the
branches of the inflorescence 1 to 3 cm, long, 5 to 15 mm. wide;
bracts subtending the flowers subulate, up to 2 mm. long and 0.25
mm. wide at base, pilose, the tips usually recurved; calyx 12 mm.
long at maturity, rather densely pilose with septate spreading hairs
'.' *
Figure 166. Habraca^ithus pilosus Leonard (firant ^ Fosberg 9343): a, Tip of plant;
t, node of inflorescence showing the bracts subtending the pedicels; r, portion of rachilla
enlarged to show pubescence; dj calyx; /, a glandular and an acute-tipped trichoma
from calyx segment; /, tip of corolla; g, anther, {a, Natural size; h, 6 times natural
natural size; g, 8}^ times natural size.)
and entire, not contorted, the lower lip equaling the upper, ovate, 4,5
mm. wide, 3-lobed, the lobes ovate, about 3 tnm. long, the middle
one about 2 mm, wide at base, the lateral ones about 1 mm. wide, all
rounded; stamens exserted about 1 cm. beyond the mouth of the
mrolla. p'la,brons. the anthers 4.5 mm. lone and about 1 mm. broad.
minu IT stamens
the stigma minute; capsule clavate, 13 mm. long, about 5 mm. broad,
2 mm. thick, glabrous; retinacula 2 mm. long, slender, straight or
slightly curved, the tips rounded, erose; seeds brown, 3 mm. long,
2 mm. wide, 075 mm. thick, smoothish or slightly roughened, obhque
at base.
Type U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2045428, collected in
in the
temperate forest around San Isidro, 7 km. south of Gachala, Cordillera
Oriental, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 2,200 meters alti-
tude, May 27, 1944, by Martin L. Grant and F. R, Fosberg (No. 9343).
Earl L. Core's No. 591 (US), collected in dense forest in the vicinity
of Los Andes, on the Rio Blanco, southeast of Guasca, '^9,300 ft."
altitude, April 19, 1944, is also of this species. The corollas of the
holotype were stated to be pale red, and those of Core's No. 591
dark red.
14. Habracanthus killipii Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 167
Herba vel suffrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, antrorse strig-
lamina foliorum ovata vel oblongo-ovata, subacuta
osis vel glabratis;
vel breviter acuminata, basi angustata, ahquanto membranacea,
Integra vel undulata, supra nitida, glabra vel parce hu-suta, pilis
ascendentibus, cj^stohthis sum lente prominentibus, subtus pilosula,
pilis curvatis,ascendentibus, praecipue in costa et venis positis, venis
et venulis crasse reticulatis, subtus aliquanto prominentibus; paniculae
terminales, magnae, graciles, laxae, pedunculis et ramis panicularum
minute paucis patulis glandulosis intermixtis; pedicelli
strigosis, piUs
graciles minute hirtelli vel strigosi; bracteae infimae foliaceae; brac-
tpae suneriores minutae. subulatae, oarce hirtellae: calvcis segrmenta
superiore lanceolato, apice agnustato, rotundato, labio infcriore sub-
erecto, ovato, apice trilobato, lobis anguste triangularibus, apice
obtusis; stamina exserta, filamentis puniceis, glabris, antheris utrinque
muticis; ovarium glabrum.
Herbs or shrubby plants un to 2 meters
blades ovate to oblong-ovate, up to 10 cm. long and 3 mm
the hairs up to 0.75 mm. long, ascending, the cystoliths rather promi-
nent under a lens, about 0.08 mm. long, the lower surface pilosulous,
the hairs confined chiefly to costa and veins (8 to 10 pairs), up to 0.2
mm. long, curved and ascending, the cystoliths prominent under a
lens; petioles up to 2mm. long, puberulous, the hairs appressod or
ascending, up to 0J6 mm. long; flowers borne in loose terminal pan-
Figure 167,— Hahracanihus killipii Ltonsivd {KUlip ^ Smith 19966): a, Tip of plant;
b, calyx and bracts; f, portion of calyx segment enlarged to show pubescence; d^ corolla;
e, tip of lower lip of corolla, {a, Natural size; b, !}{ times natural si2:e; c, 6 times
natural size; dj e^ 1% times natural size.)
icles up cm. long and 10 cm. broad, the branches slender, ascend-
to 30
ing, few-flowered, the lower internodes of the inflorescence finely
strigose or hirtellous, up to 4 cm. long, becoming shorter toward
tip of panicle, the internodes of the ultimate branches about 1 cm.
long and bearing in addition to the appressed hairs a few longer
(0.75 mm.) more spreading ones, the lowermost branches of the
mm. wide at base, narrowed at 2 mm. above base to 1.5 mm., thence
expanded to 5 mm. at mouth, the upper lip about 1 cm. long, 4 mm.
wide at base, gradually narrowed to a blunt tip, usually more or less
contorted, the lower lip more or less spreading, 1.5 mm. long, ovate,
8 mm. wide slightly below the middle, thence narrowed to 3 mm. at
tip and terminated by 3 narrowly triangular lobes about 2.5 mm.
long, the middle one 1.5 mm. wide at base, the lateral ones 1 mm.
wide, all obtuse; stamens slightly cxserted beyond the lower lip, the
filaments dabrous and bright red, the anthers 3 mm. long and 0.5
dense woods on the road from Pamplona to Toledo, crossing the
divide between Rfo Teja (Maracaibo drainage) and Eio Mesme
(Orinoco drainage). Department of Norte de Santander, Colombia,
2,800 to 3,000 meters altitude, February 27-28, 1927, by E. P. Killip
Figure \e%.—Habracanthus chaiien Leonard {Grant 9439): a. Tip of plant to show upper
portion of inflorescence; b, portion of undcrsurface of leaf blade
to show pubescence
and cystoliths; c, portion of rachis enlarged to show pubescence; d, node
of inflorescence
to show bracts; e, calyx;
/, portion of calyx segment enlarged to show pubescence;
g, anther; h, style, {a, Natural size; b, 10 times natural size; c, 25
times natural size;
dy k, 5 times natural size; e, 3 times natural size;
/, 37 times natural size; about
7 times natural size.)
the hairs mostly curved, ascending, rigid, up to 0.3 mm. long, the
hairs of the lower surface confined chiefly to costa and lateral veins,
the stems; pedicels short, not more than 1.5 mm. long and 0.3 mm
diameter, hirtellous, the medial and lowermost branches of th<
ppermost branches subtended by bract
mm. lone and 0.5 mm
bracts subtending the flowers similar but somewhat smaller; bractlets
the inner surface of segments glabrous; corolla rose, 11-15 mm.
long, glabrous except the lobes, these pilose dorsally, the hairs
1,5 mm. in diameter, the lobes elliptic, 7 mm. long, 3 mm. wide,
excerted, 7 mm. long, glabrous, the anthers 2.5 mm. long and 0.5 mm.
stigma subcapitate, incon-
broad; style 4 mm. long, glabrous, the
spicuously bilobed; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen.
National Herbarium, No. 2045429, collected in
Type in the U. S.
temperate forest, Cerro Negro, Hato Grande, on ridge^east of
Rio Muchindote, 15 km. east of Gacheta, Department '
broad at base, enlarged to 3 mm. at 3 mm. above base, thoncc abruptly
Figure 169.— Hahr acanthus smilhti Leonard {Killip ^ Smith 19257): a, Section (about
middle) of inflorescence; by basal portion of leaf blade; c, tip of leaf blade; d, portion
of leaf blade (upper surface) enlarged to show cystoliths; e, bracts;/, corolla; g, portion
of pedicel enlarged to show trichomes. {a-c, Half natural size; d, 4 times natural size;
stamens, glabrous, the stigma minute, obtuse; capsules clavate,
glabrous, 16 mm. long, the seed-bearing portion 4 mm. wide and about
3 mm, thick, the solid stipe 6 mm. long and 3 mm, wide; seed 4, brown,
ovoid, oblique at base, 3 mm. longj 2 mm. broad, 0.75 mm. thi
Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1354534. collected
February 11, 1927, by E. P. Killip and A. C, Smith (No. 19257).
Isotypes: GH, NY.
Araque-M, and Barkley*s No. 18S.341, collected in dense humid
forests east of Bucaramanga, Department of Santander^ Colombia,
about 2,000 meters altitude, December 18, 1948, is also of this species.
Hahracanthus smithii can be readily recognized by its large, densely
glandular-pilose panicles of red flowers with conspicuously ventricose
sparingly and minutely hirsute with liairs up to 0.5 mm. long; pedicels
5 mm. long, about 0.75 mm. thick, these and the cal>^ moderately
hirsute with yellowish spreading or retrorse jointed hau-s up to 0.5
natural size; b, natural size; c, !){ times natural size; d, SO times natural size.)
the lobes about 0.25 mm. long and 0.5 mm. broad; stamens exserted
5 mm. bej^ond the mouth of the corolla tube; anthers linear-oblong,
2.5 mm. long and broad, minutely apiculate at base; ovary
1 mm.
glabrous; disk 1 mm. high; capsules not seen.
Type in the Herbarium of the Botanical Museum of the University
of Copenhagen, collected at Nunez, Department of Cundinamarca,
ulosis^ intermixtis; corolla citrina, tube subcylindrico, glabro, labio
siiperiorc angnste lineari, apiccm versus externe minute hirtella,
apice obtuso, labia inferiore patulo, conduplicato, ovato, apice
tundatis; stamina
meters Lieh; stems
mmu hairs appressed, up to mm
cm. wide, short-acuminate, the sometimes tin
at base, rather thin, entire or shallowly and obscurely undulate, both
minutely and sparingly pub
veins (14 to 16 pairs), those, including the coarsely reticulated vein-
lets, rather conspicuous beneath, less so above, the cystohths
few and
cm. Ions: and 1.5 mm
surface glabrous, the channel pubcrulous with subappressed hairs
mm. long; panicles lealy, lax, up to about 10 cm
in the fork, the lowermost axillary panicles small, reduced, perhaps
sterile, the calyces small, the rachis and rachilla rather densely
lous with light brownish spreading or slightly recurved hairs up to
mm long, the pedicels up to 5 mm. long, erect or ascending.
{a, b, Half natural size; c, d, g, natural size; e, lYz times natural size;/, 24 times natural
mm. loner, 2.5 mm. broad at base, 3 mm. at mou
mm, lone:, 1 mm
mm. lone: and 1.5 mm. wide, rounded; stamens
mm. beyond the mouth
388179—57 10
mm moderately hirtellous, the haii-s
; mm. Ions:, septate, the glandular
of Inflorescence about 15 cm. below tip; c, leaf; d, portion of leaf blade (upper surface)
enlarged to show pubescence, {a, h. Natural size; c, half natural size; d, 8 times natural
size; e, 3^ times natural size;/, 5 times natural size; g, about 40 times natural size.)
mm. loner, 1 mm
ovate, conduphcate, 11 mm. long, 12 mm. wide at bas
ulatc or the lowermost pair much larger, up to 4 cm. long and 1.5 cm.
wide, short-acuminate; bracts subtending the flowers linear, about
3 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide, acute at tip, glabrous or minutely
hirtellous; pedicels slender, up to 4 mm. long, 0,25 to 0.5 mm. thick,
Figure \72,—Habracanihus caucensis Leonard {a, Fosberg 19941; b-hj Cualrecasas 23468):
a. Leaf; b, lowermost node of inflorescence; c, tip of Infloresrence; d, a pair of bracts
subtending lateral branches near base of panicle; e, portion of rachis from upper part
of panicle enlarged to show pubescence;/, calyx segment; g, trichome from calyx; A,
corolla, {a. Half natural size; h, c, natural size; d, l?i times natural size; e, about 20
times natural size;/, 4 times natural size; g, 150 times natural size; A, V/z times natural
lip erect, linear, 7 mm. long, 2 mm. wide near base, somewhat narrowed
toward the rounded tip, delicately 3-nerved, the lower lip spreading,
ovate, about 8 mm. long and 7 mm, wide, terminated by 3 rounded
lobes about 0.5 mm, long; stamens glabrous, exserted about 2 cm.
beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, the anthers linear, 2.5 mm.
long, 0.75 mm. thick; pistil not seen; capsules clavate, 13 mm, long,
4 mm. wide, 2 mm. thick, glabrous; retinacula 2.5 mm, long, subacute
and erose; seed flattened, suborbicular, about 2 mm. long and broad,
muricatc or pebbled, oblique at base.
Type In the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1950035, collected in
woods at Aguabonita, valley of the Rfo San Jos6, MoscopAn Region,
Cordillera Central, Department of Cauca, Colombia, 2,280 meters
altitude, January 30, 1947, by J. Cuatrecasas (No, 23468),
Also of this species is Fosberg's No, 19941 (US), collected in thick
brushy ground-cover under trees in mossy, ridge-type, wet forests
with deep humus, at the head of Rio Villalobos, southwest of Pitalito,
on the boundary between the Departments of Huila and Cauca,
Colombia, 2,300 meters altitude, February 6, 1943.
21. Habracanthus antipharmacus Leonard, sp, nov. Figure 173
Suffrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris vcl parce pilosis,
pilis apprcssis, inconspicuis, lamina foliorum
cystolithis parallelis;
oblongo-ovata vel oblonga-elliptica, subacuta vel breviter acuminata
(apice ipso obtuso), basi scnsim angustata in petiolum decurrens,
membranacea, Integra vel undulata, supra parce hirsuta, pilis curvatis,
ascendentibus, albidus, septatis, subtus glabra, costa et venis lateral-
ibus prominentibus, cystolithis raris, magnis; petioli glabri vel in canal-
ibus hirtclli, pilis subappressis vel ascendentibus, cystolithis parallelis,
magnis, conspicuis; paniculae terminal es, anguste ovoideae, aliquanto
laxae, ramis gracilibus, furcatis, leviter recurvatis, rhachibus dense
pilosis, pilis rectis, patulis, acutis, vitreis, pilis longioribus glandulosis
intermixtis ;
pedicelli erccti ; calycis segmenta lanceolata, acuta,
puberula et pilosa, pilis brevioribus rigidus, vitreis, acutis vel obtusis,
pilis longioribus aliquanto raris, glandulosis, elongatis intermixtis;
corolla glabra, coccinea, apice aurea, tubo basi angusto, abrupte
dilatato, valide ventricoso, in fauce leviter angustato, labio superiore
anguste obovato, erecto, plus minusve rccurvato, obtuso, labio in-
f eriorc brevi, trilobato, lobis suborbicularibus stamina exserta, ;
of capsule enlarged to show pubescence, {a, b^ tf, Half natural size; c, about 17 times
natural size; e, t, m times natural size;/, about 28 times natural size; g, A, about 45
times natural size; j, twice natural size; k^ about 38 times natural size.)
the leaf blades are rounded above the winged petiole instead of being
gradually narrowed into the petiole wing, and the inflorescence is
denser with the shorter ascending rigid branches, the branches of the
forks widely spreading. In H. antipharmacus the branches are slender,
spreading, recurved, and the branches of the forks are only slightly
type material of the Berlin Herbarium (Field Mus. No. 8890) in the U. S.
National Herbarium.
than the leaves or axillary and shorter than the leaves and terminating
panicles lax and few-flowered, the
the lateral branches, the lateral
terminal dense; calyx segments 12 mm. long, 1 mm. wide, unequal,
becoming 18 to 19 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide at maturity, glandular-
pubescent; corolla purple,^ the tube 14 mm. long, 2 mm. wide at base,
and 3 mm. wide at tip, the upper lip 28 mm. long and 4 mm. wide at
mm. long, 10 mm
middle, 4 mm thn teeth 1.5 mm
filaments 35 mm
and long-exsertcd anthers 3.5 mm.
long; style 50 mm. long, exserted;
capsule 14 mm. long, 3 mm. wide, glabrous, the solid stipe 5 mm.
long; seeds 4.
No specimens seen. Description compiled from the original.
The snecific epithet is from the Greek words jua/cpos, long, and x«^os,
known in the large lips of the corolla, and the long calyx
Figuhb 174
23. Habracanthus oresbius Leonard, sp. nov.
Frutex, subquadrangularibus, apice aliquanto dense
puberuiis, pilis subbrunneis, appressis, septatis, sum
hirteUis, pilis subbrunneis, appressis, septatis, deorsum glabratis;
d h
panicle; c, portion
Figure m—Hahr acanthus oresbius Leonard {Pennell 7556): a. Leaf; b,
natural size; h, about 1^2 times natural size; t, about 4 times natural size.)
46 mm, long; corolla glabrous, the tube 18 mm. long, 3 mm. broad
above base, narrowed at 8 mm. above base to 2 mm., 5 mm. broad
at throat, the upper lip erect, Hnear, mm. lonsf, 2.25 mm
rounded and entu-e at tip, obscurely
when dry, the lower lip spreading, ovate, mm
lobes 1 mm. loner, the middle one 1.5 mm. wid
node of rachis to show bracts;/, calyx segment; g, trichome from tip of calyx
bracts; e,
ones about 1 mm. wide, all rounded; stamens exserted 2 cm. beyond
mouth of the corolla tube, erect, glabrous; anthers linear, 3.5-4.5 mm.
Ions' about 1 ram. broad; pistil about as long as the stamens, glabrous.
stigma minu
lanceolatae, apice obtusae, pilosae; calycis segmenta anguste tri-
acutis et pilis glandulosis intcrmixtis; corolla atrorubens, glabra,
anguste infundibuliforrais, labio superiore lineari, apice cincinnato vel
m. high, the stems
glabrous or sparingly hirtellous near the inflorescence; leaf blades
ovate, up to 11 cm. long and 5.8 cm. wide, short-acuminate, rather
broadly cuneate at base and decurrent on the petiole, moderately
thin, entire or undulate, rather densely pilose, the hairs
up to 1 mm.
long, septate, ascending or subappresscd, the margins
ciliate, the
costa and lateral veins
(about 10 pairs) moderately prominent
beneath, less so above, the cystoliths minute, up to 0.128 mm. long,
obscure; petioles up to 1.5 cm. long and 1.25 mm. thick, pilose-
panicles ovoid, up to 16 cm. long and 5 cm. wide, moderately dense,
the several short, axillary panicles only 1 to 2 cm. long; bracts
tending the branches of the panicle conspicuous, leaf-like, cordate,
cm. lone: and 3 cm
becomin toward tip of panicle, all sliort-
acummate, the pubescence that of the stem
mm. long and 0.28 mm
0.16 mm. lontr or oeeasi
mm. wide, blunt at tip, pilose; calyx 5 mm. long, glabrous below,
sparingly hirtellous toward tip, the small acute hairs intermixed with
gland-tipped trichomes about 0.5 mm. long, the segments narrowly
triangular, 1.25 mm. wide at base, acute; corolla dark red, glabrous,
1.5 cm. long, the tube 3 mm. broad near base, narrowed at 4 mm.
above base to 2 mm., the throat 2.5 to 4 mm. broad, the upper lip
\"7 * # r
natural size;/, Sji times natural size.)
14 mm. long, glabrous, the upper lip erect, about 8 mm. long, and
1 mm. wide, subobtuse, curled at tip, the lower lip spreading, about
10 mm. long, ovate, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes ovate, about 2 mm.
long, rounded; stamens exsertcd 10 mm. beyond the mouth of the
corolla tube, glabrous, the anthers 4 mm. long, 1 mm. thick; style
slightly longer than the stamens, the stigma minute; ovary glabrous;
capsules not seen.
Figure 111. —Ilahr acanthus congestus Leonard {von Sneidern 2646) : a, Upper half of panicle;
by lowermost part of panicle; c, leaf blade; d, portion of leaf blade enlarged to show
pubescence; e, calyx;/, portion from near tip of calyx segment enlarged to show pubes-
cence, (a, Half natural size; hy c, natural size; d, 4 times natural size; e, 6 times natural
size;/, 40 times natural size.)
a considerable distance down the stem^s, the dense terminal part of the
pyramidal, up to 22 cm. long and 12 cm
often with a flower in the fork, the rachis and rachifla rather densely
lous, the hairs similar to those of the rachiUa, the main nodes of the
inflorescence bearing smaU leaves, the ultimate nodes producing
subulate bracts up to about 6 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, gradually
narrowed from base into a slender tip, sparingly hirtellous; fully
Figure 1^0.— Hahr acanthus hylobius Leonard (von Sneidern 647): a, Leaf; b, branch of
inflorescencefrom near the base of the terminal panicle; c, tip of same; d, one of the
ultimate nodes of the panicle showing bracts; e, portion of a rachilla enlarged
to show
pubescence;/, calyx; g, portion of calyx segment from near Its tip, enlarged to show
pubescence; h, corolla; t, tip of the upper Up of corolla; lower of same;
;, lip k, anther.
{a, Half natural size; b, c, natural size; dj, t,/, 3 times natural size; e, 32 times natural
size; g, 40 times natural size; h, twice natural size; k, 6 times natural size.)
at tip, the lobes 1 mm. long and broad, obtuse; stamens exserted about
15 mm, beyond the mouth of the corolla, glabrous, the anthers oblong,
4 mm. longj 1.5 mm. broad, rounded at both ends; style slightly
exceeding the stamens, glabrous, the stigma minute; capsules clavate,
12 mm. long, 4.5 mm. wide, 2.5 mm. thick; retinacula 2 mm. long,
minutely and delicately striate, nearly straight, the upper portion
oblong, the tip subacute, obscurely lacerate; seed suborbicular,
flattish, about 2 mm. in diameter and 0.5 mm. becom-
thick, whitish,
ing brown at maturity, more or less muricate, becoming smooth at
maturity except at margins.
Type in the herbarium of the Riksmuscet, Stockholm, collected in
virgin forest at Munchique, near the village of El Tambo, Depart-
ment of Cauca, Colombia, 2,500 meters altitude, April 26, 1936, by
Kjell von Sneidern (No. 647).
The following are paratypes:
Cauca: Virgin forests at La Costa, near the village of El Tambo, 1^800 meters
altitude, March 7, 1935, von Sneidern 491 (S) ; 900 meters altitude, March 19, 1936,
von Sneidern 621 (S); 1,600 meters altitude, May 28, 1936, von Sneidern 703 (S).
Western bank of the Rio Munchique, Cordillera Occidental, 2,400 meters altitude,
July 23, 1948, H. Garcia- Bar riga^ /. G. Hawkes & M. Villarreal, 12945 (US).
Cerro de Munchique, Cordillera Occidental, above the Rio Tambito, 2,000 to 2^500
meters altitude, July 16, 1939, E, P&rez-Arhel&ez & J. Cuatrecasas 6260 (Col).
Cundinamarca: Wet forested hillside, along the road from Bogotd to Fusaga-
sugd, near San Miguel, eastern Cordillera, April 30, 1944, E. P. Killip 38086 (US).
Salto de Tequendama, 2,800 meters altitude, July 1855, Triana s.n. (Col)*
Htjila: Virgin forest at La Plata, 2,600 meters altitude, March 14, 1939,
Kjell von Sneidern 2645 (S)
Tolima: Aguadita, January 27, 19^Sj Bro, Lmireano Javier 17 (US). Quindio,
2,300 meters altitude, February 1852, Triana s,n, (Col),
Without DEFINITE LOCALITY: J. Triana s.n. (NY). Mutis 1508 (US).
The specific epithet is from the Greek v'Ko^tos, living in the woods.
FiGURE 181.— JIabracantkus scolnikae Leonard {Scohiik, Barva-Lopez & Barkley 19 An. 199)
a. Tip of plant to show inflorescence; l, a lower node to show tumescence and small
lateral panicles; c, cross-section of stem near node to show pith area; d, calyx; e, portion
of pedicel enlarged to show pubescence; /, a trichome from near tip of calyx segment;
d, 3 times natural size; e, 50 times natural size;/, g, 30 times natural size; i, 3>^ times
natural size;;', 5}^ times natural size; k, lYz times natural size.)
up to 0.5 mm. long, the costa, lateral veins (7 or 8 pairs) and the
coarsely reticulate veinlets moderately conspicuous, the cystoliths
minute, sparse, inconspicuous, up to 0.16 mm. long; petioles slender,
the unwinged portion up to 2 cm. long, strigose; flowers borne in small
delicate terminal and racemes 3 to 8 cm. long and 2 to 4.5 cm.
broad, the peduncles 0.5 to 5 cm. long, sparingly and inconspicuously
hirtellous, the branches of the panicle once or twice forked (sometimes
with a flower In the first fork) and subtended by subsessile cordate
acuminate recurved leaves 0,5 to 4 cm. long and 0.3 to 2 cm. wide, the
pedicels and secondary branches of the panicle subtended by subulate
bracts 2 to 5 mm. long and about 0.5 mm. wide, acute, minutely
ciliate and sparingly hirtellous or glabrate, the lowermost internodes
about 12 mm, long, the others successively shorter, the pedicels 1 to 4
mm. long, both the pedicels (0,24 mm. thick) and branches very
slender, sparingly to moderately hirtellous, the hairs ascending, up to
0,16 mm. long, septate; calyx segments narrowly triangular, 5 to 8
mm. long, 1.25 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to a slender
bluntish tip, sparingly and minutely hirtellous, the hairs ascending,
the segments sometimes bearing at or near the tips a few long (0.4
mm.) hairs tipped by conical elongated brownish glands; corolla
sulphur 3^ellow, glabrous, reaching 15 mm. in length, the tube 3 mm.
broad at base, enlarged at 2 mm. above base to 3.5 mm., thence
narrowed at 4 mm, above base to 2.5 mm., from there gradually
enlarged to 3.5 mm. at mouth, the upper lip linear, 7 mm. long, 1 mm.
wide (flower young), rounded at tip, the lower lip suborbicular, 5
mm. long and 4 mm. wide, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes 0.5 mm. long, and
0.75 mm. wide, rounded; stamens exserted about 7 mm, beyond the
mouth of the corolla, glabrous, the anthers 3.5 mm, long, 1.25 mm.
broad, rounded at both ends; style slightly exceeding the stamens,
glabrous, the stigma minute; capsules clavate, glabrous, 15 mm. long,
4 mm. wide, 3 mm. thick; retinacula 2 mm. long, linear-cucullate at
tip,inconspicuously erose; seed light brownish (immature), 2 mm. long
and broad, strongly muricate.
Type in the National Herbarium, No, 1995126, collected in a
U. S.
damp woods on a pdramo 10 km, east of Sonson, Department of
Antioquia, Colombia, 2,700 meters altitude, March 18, 1949, by Rosa
Scolnik, Nemesio Barva Lopez, and Fred A. Barldey (No, 19An.l99).
Garcia-Barriga's No. 4857, collected at Yanaca, Maripi, Depart-
ment of Antioquia, July 22, 1936, may also be of this species.
The relatively small thin leaf blades, numerous small delicate
panicles of sulphur yellow^ flowers, and all the main branches of the
panicles being subtended by small, sessile, cordate, pointed leaves are
characters markinjr Habracanthus scolnikae.
Hansteinia Oerst. Nat. For. Kjobcnliavn Vid. Medd, 1854: 142, 1854. Named
for Dr. Johannos Hanstein. Type species: Hansteinia gracilis Oerst. Type
collected by Oersted ia Costa Rica.
Galcottia Nees in DC. Prodr. 11: 31L 1847. Based on a single species, G.
gracilis Nees, from Veracruz, Mexico,
Glockeria Nees in DC. Prodr, 11: 728. 1847, A renaming of Galeoitia Nees, non
Rupr, (1842), non A. Rich, (1845); non Glockeria Goepportj Nov. Act, Acad.
Cacs. Leop, 17; 379, pi 39, figs, 3, S. 1836.
Natural size; c, half natural size; d^ 5 times natural size; e^ 6 times natural size; /,
7 times natural size; g^ l}i times natural size.)
(US) of specimen in Berlin Herbariuni (Field Mus. No. 8885), and in woods,
Province of Ocafia, Norte de Santander, 1,700 to 1,900 meters altitude, by
Schlim (No. 1094).
Justicia Houst. ex L. Sp. PL 15. 1753; Gen. PL 10. 1754. The genus is named
for James Justice, a Scotch horticulturist and botanist of the 18th century.
Type species: /. adhatoda L.
Dianthera Gronov. ex L. Sp. PI. 27. 1753; Gen PI. 15. 1754, The generic epithet
was introduced by Gronovius (Fi. Virgin. 5. 1742). The anther lobes in
this genus are similar, or nearly so, in shape, with the lower lobe stalked
instead of sessile as in typical Justicia, Type species: Z>. americana L*
Adhatoda Tourn. ex Medic, in Act. Acad. Theod. Palat. 6. Phys.: 393. 1790;
Nees in Wall. PL As. Rar. 3: 76, 102. 1832, The generic epithet is a native
name. Two species, A, zeylanica and A, Tiy^so-pifolia, are discussed; the first,
a synonym of Justicia adhatoda L,, may be chosen as type.
stichous spikes of the genus. Of the 9 species described here by Nees, his
No. 5, 0, venosiis illustrated by PL 21, can be chosen as the type species.
It was collected on the Rio MaranhSo in the Province of Goyaz, Brazil,
by Pohl
Psacadocalymma Bremekamp, Verh. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch., Afd. Natuurk.,
Sect. 2, 45: 54. 1948. Type: Justicia comata L.
> Beloperone amhersHae was described from cultivated nuaterial of unknown origin. Later, Nees hl;nself
(in Martins, Fl. Bras. 9: 139. 1847) stated that it was conspeciflc witli Justicia brasiliam Hoth (Nov. Plant.
Bp. 17. 1821). Consequently, Breaielcanip has niado the new con^bination Beloperone brasiliana Brcme-
kanp (Verb. Kon. Nod. Akad. AVctensch., Afd. Xatuurk., Sect. 2, 45: 52. 1948).
mm ^ iQjjg 1 5. /, oreopola
A. Calyx segments 5.
B. Calyx irregular.
calyx connate except at tips 11. J", fuchsiifoha
Posterior segments of the
Posterior segments not connate, the anterior segment much smaller than the
and imbricate, ovate 12. J. neurochlamys
Bracts conspicuous
Bracts small and inconspicuous, triangular or subulate.
cm. long or less, axillary 13. /. rhodoides
Spikes very small, 1
Spikes larger, 3 to 18 cm. long, usually terminal.
Leaf blades elliptic or ovate, rounded or broadly obtuse at tip.
14, J", daidalea
Leaf blades ovate, short-acuminate or acute 15, J",
conspicuously pilose with more or
Stems or at least the upper portions
less spreading hairs, these from 2 to 5 mm. long.
21. /. chaponensis
Bracts acuminate
Bracts rounded and apiculate
Bracts conspicuously long-clawed, up to 6 mm. wide.
22. /. ungxdculaia
388179—57 12
Panicles open.
crowded at the tips of the panicle branches.
Flowers greenish white,
64. J. chloanantha
up to 5 cm. long 55. J. helonoma
Flowers purplish, disposed in spikes
Leaf blades small to medium, up to 15 cm. long and 2.5 cm, wide.
Pubescence of the inflorescence a mixture of glandular and eglandular hairs.
Leaf blades up to 11 cm, long and 2.5 cm, wide 56. /, pedoralis
Leaf blades up to 5 cm, long and 5 mm, wide.
56a. J. pedoralis var. stenophylla
Pubescence of the inflorescence eglandular.
Calyx 2.5 mm. long; lowermost spikes borne in peduncled umbels,
57, /, comata
Calyx 4 to 6 mm. long.
Flowers borne in slender axillary dichotomously or trichotomously
branched panicles 58. J. namatophila
Flowers borne in dense terminal panicles comprised of verticillasters
of numerous slender ascending spikes 59. J.martiana
H. Spikes not arranged in panicles.
Spikes axillary.
Peduncles up to 7 cm. long GO./, laevilinguis
Peduncles up to 2 mm. long or lacking.
Bracts spathulate; spikes up to C cm. long, dense, the flowers conspicuously
secund 61. /. idiogenes
Bracts linear-subulate; spikes up to 1.5 cm. long or lacking and the flowers
disposed in close axillary clusters, these not conspicuously secund.
62. J fusagasugana
florescence internodes glabrous, the upper ones sparingly puberulous
with spreading glandular hairs about 0.1 mm. long; bracts subulate,
up to 4 mm. long and 1 mm. wide at base, glabrous; bractlets
to tlie bracts but slightly longer, the bracts and the internodes of
up to 0.5 mm. long, the tube 2 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 3 mm.
above base to 1.5 mm., thence gradually enlarged to 7 mm. at mouth,
+v,r» .iTM^oT. Mr, a^^hor(^nt. trioTKrnl jitI V ovatfi. fthout 8 mm. wldc at base,
obovate, 5 mm. wide at 4 mm. below tip, 4 mm. wide at tip, 3-lobed,
the lobes low and rounded, 1 mm. long, tbe middle lobe 1.5 mm, wide,
tbe|latcral|ones 1 mm. wide; stamens exserted about 9 mm. beyond
terminated in a blunt tail 0,13 mm
Herbs ud to 1meter
stems usually more
hairs from margin of bracts; d, bractlet; e, calyx;/, corolla; g, anther; h, capsule, (a,
Natural size; b, 3 times natural size; c, 10 times natural size; d-f, h, twice natural size;
g, 4 times natural size.)
spreading, curved, up to 0.25 mm. long, the cystoliths few and obscure
to numerous and conspicuous; petioles rather slender, up to 1.5 cm.
long, more or less puberulous, the hairs curved, ascending or subap-
presscd, up to 0.5 mm. lonjr; spikes terminal, solitarvor orcflsionnllv.
cm. long and 8 to 15 mm
similar stems
mm. Ions: and 5 (usuallv 4) mm
to obtuse and apiculate, narrowed at base, rather thin and subcharta-
ceous, a bright nitid slate green ("empizarradas verde claras," Cuat-
recasas), glabrous except the margins, these ciliate, the hairs spreading
or ascending, up to 1.5 mm. long, the cystoliths usually prominent
ibe 7 mm. long, 1.75 mm.
broad near base, narrowed gradually t(
mm. at 5.5 mm. above base, 1.75 mm. broad at mouth, the posterio
p erect, ovate, 4 mm. long, 2.5 mm. wide, acute, the lower lip spread
Iff. 4 mm. Ions:, 3-lobed, the middle lobe orbicular, about 3 mm. ii
diameter mm mm
wide, rounded; stamens adnate to the throat of the corolla tube,
the free filaments slender and glabrous, 3 mm. long, the adnate
parts hirtcllous, the anther lobes attached obliquely on the connec-
mm. loner, the smaller 0.5 mm
ma 7.5 mm
stiffma nan
cent, 7.5 mm. long, 3 mm. mm. broad, clavate, 4-S€
thick, 2
sterile solid basal stipitate portion 3 mm. long; retinacula lig
basal Dortion about 0.5 mm. wide, the tip 0.25 mm. wide
rounded; seeds ovoid, light brown, mm. loner and broad, about
U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1770577, collected in
San Antonio, west of CaH, near summit of Cordillera
ipartment of El Valle, Colombia 1,900 to 2,350 meters
arv 26 to March 2. 1939. bv E. P. Killip and Hernando
Other collections are:
7G84 (GH), 7786 (GH). Virgin forest near El Tambo, Munchique, von Sneidern
711 (S). Shady place on the plateau of Popayfin, Lehmann 5601 (K). Rfo
Munchique, Garcla-Barriga, Ilawkes & Villarreal 12960 (US). Rfo Tambito,
Killip 5759 (Gil, NY, US). Woods at La Elsa, valley of the Rfo Digua, Cuatre-
casas 15303 (US), Monte La Guarida, above La Carbonera, between Las Brisas
and Alb^n, Cuatrecasas 22210 (T^S). Woods, near La Laguna, valley of the Rfo
Sanquininf, Cuatrecasas 15438 (US). Mount El Tabor, above Las Brisas, Cuatre-
casas 22266 (US). La Trojita, along the Rio Calima, Cuatrecasas 16444 (US).
Between La Elsa and Rfo Blanco, Rfo Digua Valley, Killip 35666 (US).
Tolima: Forests of Lfbano, Pennell 3397 (GH, NY, US).
VaupiSs; Soratama, between the Rfos Pacoa and Kananart, SchtiUes & Cabrera
12703 (US).
Without locality: Pennell & Killip 12131 (NY, US).
Endemic. The sdccIgs is usually found in morft less damp forests
more or loss
from 1.000 to 2.500 meters altitude. It has, however, been found as
meters trecasas 16444). The color of the corolla
om ^hite through pink or purplish. Pennell
gives a detailed description of the corolla of his No. 10347 while still
fresh: "Corolla: 2 posterior lobes arched and united (apex acute,
erect, distally purple); 3 anterior lobes of equal length, proximally
white, distally phlox-pink; throat anteriorly 2-ridgcd and with hori-
zontal processes white, with horizontal radiating areas on the ridges
of phlox-purple." The specific epithet comes from x^<>^P^^, green,
and (TT&xvs, spike.
o prommcn
cystolithis (sub lente) conspicuis; petioli breves, glabri vel parco
puberuli; spicac terminalos ct axillarcs, pedunculis gracilibus, quad-
rangularibus (angulis leviter alatis), glabris vel bifariam hirtellis;
bractcae lanceolato-ovatae, acutae vel acuminatae, aliquanto firmae,
striato-vcnosac, hirtcllao, pilis patulis, rectis vel leviter curvatis;
bracteolae subulatae, ciliatae, glabrae, costa prominente hirtclla;
calycis scgmcnta subulata, apice filiformia, hu-tella, pilis patulis,
apice acutis vel cyathiformibus; corolla rubra vel rubro-straminea vel-
fusco-coccinea vol violacea, parce pubescens, pilis septatis, apice
acutis vel intcrdum cyathiformibus, tubo longo, anguste infundibuli-
formi, labio supcriorc ovato, crecto, apice acuto, inferiore oblongo,
natural size;/, 16 times natural size; g, 1% times natural size; h, 5% times natural size;
in somishade, 1,600 feet altitude, February 7, 1948, Sandeman 5814 (K), Macizo
Renjifo, Cordillera La Macarena, 1,300-1,900 m,, Idroho & SchuUes 059 (US).
Norte de Santander; Valley of Rio Margua, between Junfn and C6rdoba,
920 to 1,240 meters altitude, November 22, 1941, Cuairecasas 13382 (US).
Figure 186. Justicia ckaradrophila Leonard {Idrobo 13 Schultes 1079): a. Tip of plant
showing leaves and inflorescence; J, portion of peduncle enlarged to show pubescence;
Cy bract and bractlet; dy posterior calyx segment; f, one of the lateral calyx segments;
/, anther, {a^ Natural size; £, about 20 times natural size; c, 6^ times natural size;
d^ fy 4 times natural size;/, 8 times natural size.)
ly dissimilar. The
cm. lone: and 7.5 cm
from the Greek, xapdSpa, ravine, and d>iK6s
FiGURE 187, Justicia oreopola Leonard (Pkiltpson^ Idroho i^ Jaramillo 2183): a^ Tip of
plant showing inflorescence and leaves; t, portion of leaf blade to show hairs of upper
surface; c, bract; J, bractlet, side view; e^ bractlet, dorsal view; /, calyx segment;
g, corolla; A, anther, {a, Natural size; b, 3 times natural size; c-f, 4 times natural
size; g, \}i times natural size; A, 5 times natural size.)
FiGURE 188. Justicia archeri Leonard (Archer 1640): a, Inflorescence; J, leaf; f, node of
inflorescence to show bract and bractlets; d^ portion of rachis to show pubescence;
fj tip of bract enlarged to show marginal hairs and cystoliths;/, calyx; g^ corolla; A,
anthen (a, b^ Natural size; r, 3 times natural size; d, 6}i times natural size; e^ twice
natural size;/, g, 3 times natural size; A, 16 times natural size.)
breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi acuta vel obtusa, tenuis,
Integra vel undulata, glabra, costa parce hirtella^ costa et venis laterali-
bus obscuris, cystolithis pluribus et sub lento conspicuis; petioli
graciles, glabri vel parce puberuli, cystolithis pluribus, minutis et
parallelis; spicae graciles, terminales et axillarcs, pedunculis gracilibus,
subquadrangularibus, sursum planis, bifariam hirtellis, rhachibus
planis, glabris, parce hirtellis; bracteae lanceolato-subulatae, carinatae,
glabrae, costa prominente; bracteolae lanceolato-subulatae, glabrae;
calycis segmenta 4, lanceolata, glabra vel parce ciHolatae, costa
obscura; corolla extus alba, intus purpurea, glabra vel labiis intus
puberulis, tubo subcylindrico, labiis subaequalibus, labio superiore
erecto, ovato, apice rotundato, labio inferiorc plus minusvc patulo,
3-lobato, lobis suborbicularibus, apice rotundatis; stamina vix
exserta, filamentis gracilibus, glabris, antheris glabris, connectivo
lato, planO; lobo superiore obliquo, inferiorc plus mmusve recto;
capsnlae clavatae, glabrae.
Erect or ascending herbs up to 40 cm. high; stems subquadrangular,
glabrous or the upper portions puberulous in two lines, the hairs
curved and subappresscd, up to 0.15 mm. long, the nodes of the stems
swollen; leaf blades up to 9 cm. long and 2 J cm, wide, ovate to broadly
lanceolate, short-acuminate (the tip itself blunt), acute to obtuse at
base, thin, entire or undulate, glabrous or the costa sparingly hirtel-
lous, this and the lateral veins (about 5 pairs) faint, the cystolitlis
numerous and conspicuous under a lens, up to 0.2 mm. long; petioles
Figure 189. Jusiicia hlackii Leonard {Schultes y Black 8697): a. Tip of plant showing
leaves and inflorescence; J, calyx; c, bract; J, bractlet; Cy corolla;/, anther, (a^ Natural
size; h-d, about 6 times natural size; ^, 3 times natural size;/, about 10 times natural
bractlets lance-subulate, 2 mm- long, 0-25 mm, wide near base, gla-
brous; calyx 2.75 mm. long, the segments 4, lanceolate, 0.5 mm, wide
near base, narrowed to a slender tip, glabrous, or sparingly ciliolate,
the costa obscure; corolla white externally, purple within, glabrous
or the inner surface of the lips puberulous, 12-14 mm. long, the tube
L5 mm. broad at base, subcylindrical, 2 mm. broad at throat, the
lips subequal, 3.5 mm. long, the upper lip erect, ovate, 2 mm. wide at
base, rounded at tip, the lower lip more or less spreading, 3-lobed,
the lobes suborbicular, about 1.5 mm. wide, rounded; stamens barely
exsertcdj the filaments slender, flattened, glabrous, the anther lobes
attached to a flattened connective 0.75 mm. wide, the upper cell
oblique, 0.75 mm, long, the lower cell 0.5 mm. long, attached more or
less vertically, both glabrous; capsules clavate, 12 mm. long, 2.5 mm.
broad, 1.25 mm. thick, glabrous.
Type U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1989433, collected
in the
alone the Lorctoyacu River, in the '^trapecio amaz6nico," Intendencia
of Amazonas, Colombia, about 100 meters altitude, September 1946,
by Richard Evans Schultes and George A. Black (No, 8317). SchuUes
cf: Black No. SG97, collected in the same general region, is also of this
Figure 190. Justicia infelix Leonard {Killip 35574): a, Portion of stem showing spike
and a pair of leaves; b, bract; bractlet; d, calyx; e, upper lip
<r, of corolla;/, lower lip of
corolla; g, anther; h, valve of capsule; t, seed, (a, Natural size; J, c, 3J^2 times natural
size; d^ 4 times natural size; r, /, 3 times natural size; g, 5 times natural size; A, twice
natural size; f, 3j>^ times natural size-)
6 mm. long, 7 mm. wide at base of lobes, the lobes 3, ovate, 3 mm.
long, the middle lobe 3,5 mm. wide, rounded and shallowly emarginate
at tip, the lateral lobes 2 mm. wide, rounded, the lip swollen and
plaited in throat of corolla; stamens exscrted 2.5 mm. beyond mouth
of corolla^ the filaments flattened, glabrous toward tip, bearing a
few hairs about 0.1 mm. long, the anther cells attached to a flat
connective 0.5 mm. wide, slightly superposed, tlie upper cell 1 mm,
long, horizontally attached, the lower one slightly shorter, vertically
attached, sparingly hirtellous dorsally, the hairs about 0,11 mm. long;
capsules 4-seedcd, slenderlj^ clavate, 1 cm. long, 4 mm. broad, 1.75 mm.
thick, glabrate; retinacula 2 mm. long, shghtly curved, the tip thin,
obtuse; seed ovoid, 2,5 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, 1 mm. thick, truncate
or obtuse at tip, obliquely cordate at base, dark blackish brown,
Type in the U.National Herbarium, No. 1772277, collected at
Cisneros, in a thicket along the Rio Dagua, Department El Valle,
Colombia, 300 to 500 meters altitude, Alay 5, 1939, by E. P. Killip
(No. 35574). Also of this species are Haught's No. 6383 (US),
collected at an irrigation canal take-off along the Rio Saldana, Depart-
ment of Tolima, altitude 400 meters, March 23, 1949, and Percz-
ArbeMez & Cuatrecasas' No, 6372 (US), coHected in woods at the
Hacienda Valparaiso, Zarzal, near Bugalagrande, Department El
Valle, 1,020 meters altitude, July 20, 1939.
Jvsticia infelix is related to J. polygonoides H. B. K., but can be
separated by its relatively broader leaf blades, broader bracts, larger
cal^^ces and corollas, and hirsute rachiscs. The specifLC epithet
appearance of the plant.
refers to the nondescript, wced}^
Haught's plant was a very slender undershrub, 40 cm, high, found
growing on igneous rocks where water often overnowod; the flowers
were purple wdth lighter lines. The color of the corolla of Killip's
collection is not stated.
the hairs retrorsely curved, up to 0.2 mm. long; leaf blades lanceolate
or ovate-lanceolate, usually up to 4 cm. long (occasionally as much as
7 cm.) and 1,5 cm. wide, acute to acuminate (the tip itself obtuse to
subacute), narrowed to rounded at base, moderately firm, entire,
glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, tlie hairs confined chiefly to cost a
and lateral veins (4 or 5 pairs), curved, up to 0.32 mm. long, the cysto-
liths usually obscure; petioles 3 to 4 mm. long, hirtellous; spikes
solitary or in pairs, terminating the branches, rigid, straight or slightly
curved, up to 7 cm. long and 1 cm. wide, moderately dense, the ped-
uncles usually 0.5 to 2 cm. long, and rachis bifariously hirtellous;
bracts and bractlets subulate-acuminate, 1.5 to 3.5 mm. long, 0.5
mm. wide at base, sparingly hirtellous; calyx 4-parted, the segments
linear-subulate, 6 mm. long, 1.25 mm. wide near base, sparingly to
rather densely hirtellous, the costa and a pair of lateral veins rather
prominent; corolla 9 mm. long, hirtellous, the tube 3.5 mm. long, the
hairs more or less spreadins:, up to 0.2 mm. long, the upper lip narrowly
the palate plicate-lamellate, papillose; stamens about 3 mm. long, the
anther lobes rounded, obliquely attached to a relatively broad flattened
connective 2 mm. broad and about 0.5 mm. thick; capsule clavate,
10 mm. long, glabrous, 4-seeded; seeds ca. 1.7 mm. long, densely
The specific epithet is from the Greek words irXeupa, rib, and Xapvy^,
throat, alluding to the plicate-lamellate lower lip of the corolla.
Cundinamarca: Jerusalen, P^rez-Arbeldez 587 (US).
along the Cauca River between PopayAn and Cartago, Colombia, by Hum-
boldt and Bonpland. Photograph US (Field Miis. No. 39429.)
Rhyliglossa polygonoides Nees in DC. Prodr. 11: 353. 1847. Based on Jus-
ticia polygonoides H. B. K.
Antioquia: Sandstone rocks along the Rfo Mulatos \\hvve submerged rather
frequently, vicinity of Turbo, Haught 4953 (US).
BoLfvAR: Forests of Boca Verde on the Rfo Sinti, PenncU 4206, in part (NY).
Cauca: La Paila, HoUon 594 (GH, NY).
Cundinamarca: La Palma, along the road to Pacho by the Rfo Murca, Garcla-
Barriga 12381 (US).
El Valle: Vicinity of Zaragoza, Cuatrecasas 22770 (US). Low forest east of
Zarzal, Pennell, Killip & Hazan 8414 (GH, NY).
Tolima: In pastures, Armero, Cnatrccasas 10524 (US).
Without definite locality: MiUis 725 (US).
11. Justicia fuchsiifolia Leonard, sp. nov. Fioure 191
Suffrutex,caulibus subquadrangularibus (angulis rotundis), plus
minusve bifarlam hirtellis, pilis retrorse curvatis; lamina foliorum
oblongo-ovata vel oblongo-elliptica, acuta vel breviter acuminata,
17 mm. long, the upper lip elliptic, 6 mm. wide, bilobed at tip, the lobes
triangular, acute, about 1 mm. Ions: and broad, incurved, the lower
calcarate at base, the filaments glabrous; pistil reaching the tips of the
corolla lips; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen.
nent, especially on the upper surface where not obscured by the pubes-
cence; bractlets green, oblong-lanceolate, 8 mm. long, 1.5 mm. \\ade,
acute at both ends, the pubescence and venation that of the bracts;
calyx 5 mm. long, the posterior segment subulate, about half as long as
the other 4, the calyx tube glabrous, triangular in cross section, the
angles narrowly winged, the segments narrowly lanceolate, subhyaline,
moderately hirtellous and ciliolate, the hairs up to 0.25 mm. lonsr. the
Figure 192. Justicia neurochlamys Leonard {Garcia-Barriga 14096) a, Tip of plant to show
inflorescence and leaves; b, a hair from stem; c, bract; d, bractlet; e, calyx;/, calyx
segment; g, anther, {a, Natural size; h, about 40 times natural size; c, d, l^i times
natural size; (f, twice natural size;/, 5 times natural size; g, 13 times natural size,)
letube 1.5 mm. broad at base, 1,75 mm, broac
arrowed 1 mm. at middle, the throat 2 mm. bi
mm. long, the upper lip erect, oblong, 0.75 mm
p more or less spreading, cuneiform, 3 mm. w
le lobes about 3 mm. loner, tiie middle one a
Soratama, on the Rio Apaporis between the RIos Kananarl and Paco
Intendencia of Amazonas, Colombia, 250 meters altitude, Decemb
15-19, 1951, bv H. Garcia-Barriga (No. 14096).
iga's 13653 (C
ris. Amazonas meters
November 22, 1951, is also of this species.
Justicia neurochlamys resembles and is probably very closely related
to J. chlorostachya Leonard. However, the former can be readily
recognized by the delicate white corollas and by the puberulous upper
surface of the bracts. The corollas of J. chlorostachya are pink or
pale violet and the bracts are essentially glabrous on both surfaces.
The specific epithet is from the Greek, vcvpov, nerve, and x^^^f^^^^, bract
Figure 193.—Justicia thodoides Leonard {a-e, k, Smith 1358, collected Nov, 29;/, g, Smith
1358, collected June 6): a, Tip of plant; b, portion of stem enlarged to show pubescence
and cystoliths; c, portion of the under side of a leaf blade enlarged to show pubescence
and cystoliths; d, bract; c, calyx;/, corolla; g, anther; k, capsule valve, (a, Natural
size; b, 6 times natural size; c, 5 times natural size; d, 8 times natural size; ^, 7 times
natural size;/, A, 3 times natural size; g, 9 times natural size.)
the peduncles up to 2 mm. long, slender and like the racliis puberulous;
bracts subulate, up to 2.5 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide at base, the
outer surface puberulous, the inner glabrous; bractlcts similar but
smaller; calyx deeply segmented, the segments 5, subulate, 4 large
and one small, the larger ones 3.5 to 4 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide at
base, the small one 1 mm. long and 0.2 mm. wide at base, all gradually
narrowed to a slender tip and puberulous; corolla 12 mm. long, rosy,
up to 9 mm. long, 2.5 mm. broad and about 0.75 mm. thick, rather
densely puberulous, the hairs spreading or, towards base of the capsule,
Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 703897, collected in dry
forest 3 to 5 miles north of Bonda, Santa Marta Mountains, Depart-
ment of Magdalena, Colombia, 100 to 300 feet altitude, November 29,
the West Indian J. sessilis Jacq. That species has, however, sparingly
number, are much less puberulous, becoming
Smith states that this plant was common
time. His
e ruined
_ in the process of gluing, rendering dissection im-
possible; consequently, the corolla lobes and lips could not be de-
elliptica vel ovata, apice rotundata vel late obtusa, basi acuta, vel
Figure I9i.—Justicia daidalea Leonard {Haught 1603): Tip of plant showing leaf and
lower part of inflorescence^ i, node of inflorescence showing bracts, bractlets and calyx;
c, bract; d, one of the calyx segments; e, anther, (a, Natural size; b, about !}{ times
natural si7.e; c, d, 8 times natural size; e, 10 times natural size.)
Haught in the vicinity
como — w
Figure \9S.—Justicia Leonard {Ilaugh 3632): a^ Tip of branch showing leaves and
inflorescence; hy section of stem to show pubescence; r, calyx; dy bract; ^, bractlet; /,
tip of calyx segment to show hairs; g^ anther; A, valve of capsule, (a, Natural size;
t, 3y2 times natural size; c-e^ 3 times natural size;/, 8 times natural size; g, 6 times
natural size; hy 2}^ times natural size.)
pilis aureis, curvatis, costa ct venis proininentibus; petioli dense
tomentosi, pilis aureis; paniculae terminales, pedunculis crassis et
internodiis panlciilaruin dense hirtellis vel subtomentosis, pilis aureis,
curvatis, ramis panicularum asccndentibus, floribus et bracteis
secundis, densis; bracteae oblongo-ovatae, acutae vel subacutae,
subhyalinae, saepe roseae, extus puberulae, intus glabrae; bracteolae
lanceolatae, subacutae; calycis segmenta lanceolata, acuta, intus
glabra, extus puberula, costa et venis obscuris; corolla rosea, pubescens,
basi glabra, labiis subaequalibus, labio superiorc erecto, ovato,
integro, obtuso, labio inferiore trilobato, lobis ovatis, rotundatis;
stamina exserta, filamentis planis, glabris vel deorsum parce hirtellis,
lobis m leviter superpositis^ subparallclis, lobo inferiore
calcarato; capsulae clavatae, tenuiter hirtellae; retinacula apice
truncata; semina plana, papillosa.
Slender erect, much-branched shrubs up to 6 meters high; stesm
stout, obtusely quadrangular, broadly 4-sulcate, densely hirtellous
or subtomentosc, the hairs golden yellow, variously curved, up to
0.75 mm. long; leaf blades ovate or oblong-ovate, ud to 25 cm. lone^
moderately firm, entire or undulate; the upper
prominent but less so
minute ("about 0.2 mm
mm. lonsf; netioles ud to 8 cm
10 to 20 cm. long and 6 to 8 cm. broad, more or less narrowed to tip;
peduncles stout, these and the internodes of the inflorescence golden
brown hirtellous or subtomentose, the lowermost nodes of the inflor-
escence nroducinp^ small leaf blades, the brnnchnR of thp, inflorpsnonr.p'
crowded more
mm. wide, acute or subacute, narrowed to 2 mm
subhyaline, usually pink, puborulous without (the hairs up to 175/x
similar to the bracts; calyx 8 to 12 mm. long, deeply
I segments lanceolate, 1.5 to 2 mm. wide, acute, the
glabrous, the outer puberulous with papilliform hairs,
the costa and lateral nerves obscure; corolla pink red, mod
erately and finely pubescent except the glabrous basal portion (the
hairs up to 128ju long, the pointed ones intermixed with a few stouter
Figure 196.—Justicia chrysocoma Leonard, a-g {Killip ^ Smith 16797) and Justicia rohrii
Vahl, h-m ^Killip y Smith 21100): a, Tip of plant showing inflorescence and leaves;
i(a, Half natural size; h-dy h-j, twice natural size; ^, 12 times natural size;/, /, natura
sze; g, 3}^ times natural size; k, 10 times natural size; m, 3 times natural size.)
15 mm. long, the upper lip erect, ovate, about 8 mm. wide at base,
obtuse at tip, the lower lip stroiigly recurved, about 5 mm. wide near
tip, 3-lobcd, the lobes ovate, 3 to 5 mm. long, obtuse or rounded, the
middle one 2 mm. wide, the lateral ones slightly narrower; stamens
exserted, reaching tip of the upper lip of the corolla, the filaments
adnate to the corolla tube about 5 mm. below its mouth, glabrous
or bearing a few minute hairs near base, the anther lobes slightly
superposed, nearly parallel, 2 mm. long and 0.75 mm. broad, the lower
cell ending in a blunt whitish tail about 0.5 mm. long and 0.25 mm.
broad; pistil sliglitly shorter than the stamens, sparingly and minutely
hirtellous; capsules clavate, 15 mm. long, 4 mm. broad, 3 mm. thick,
fmety hirtellous, the hairs about 125jli long, those at the tip spreading,
the others retrorse; rctinacula 2 mm. long, flatand truncate at tip;
seeds suborbicular, flattened, about 2.5 mm. broad and long, strongly
Type in the
U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1352491, collected in
a thicket between Surata and Cahfornia, Department of Santander,
Colombia, 1,740 to 2,000 meters altitude, January 8-11, 1927, by
E. P. Killip & Albert C. Smith (No. 16797). Iso types: GH, NY.
Magdalena: Forest near stream above Manaure, 800 meters altitude, Haught
3947 (US). Cincinati, Giacomelto SO (US).
Santander: Woods between El Roble and Toma, 1,500 to 1,900 meters,
KiUip & Smith 19391 (GH, NY, US). Thicket in the Rfo SuratA Valley,
between El Jaboncillo and Suratd, 1,500 to 1,800 meters altitude, Killip &
Smith 16462 (GH, NY, US).
less so above, the haii's similar to those of the upper surface, the
cvstoliths minute and obscure on the upper surface, more numerous
leaves glabrate or puberulous, the tip of the branches densely golden
hirsute, the hairs mostly spreading and up to 1.5 mm. long; peduncles
terminal, solitary, up to 7 cm. long, quadrangular, densely hirsute
Figure 197 ,—Justicia chrysea Leonard {Cuatrecasas 13731): a, Tip of plant showing
florescence and leaves; h, bract; c, one of a pair of bractlets and the calyx;
d, hairs on
margin of bractlet; e, anther, {a, Natural size; b, c, 4 times natural size; d, 26 times
natural size; e, 8 times natural size,)
golden stiffish hairs, especially those clothmg the branchlets. The
specific epithet is from the Greek word, xP^'o-^os, golden.
18. Justicia chaetocepfcala (Mildbr.) Leonard, comb. nov.
Notizblatt Bot. Gart. Berlin 11: 70. 1930.
Beloperone chaetocephala Mildbr.
La Portada, Santa Marta,
Type in the Berlin Herbarium, collected at
Department of Magdalena, Colombia, 250 meters altitude, December 23,
1926, by Arnold Schultze, No. 679. Photograph US (Field Mus. No. 8925).
the cystoliths numerous and conspicuous under a lens, the lower sur-
section, rather densely hirtellous, the hairs ascending, 0.5 mm. long,
sometimes a few additional gland-tipped hairs present; bractlets
but mm. long, deeply seg-
glandular-pubescent, the hairs 75 to 150m long, the tube 2.5 cm. long,
I at 4 mm. i
mm. at mou
mm. lone. 0.75 mm
cm. lone:, the lobes
cm. long and 7 mm
exserted about 12 mm. beyond mouth of corolla tube, the filaments
glabrous; anther cells widely divergent, slightly superposed, the upper
cell horizontal, 2.5 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, muticous
at base, the lower
cell 3 mm. long, 1.5 mm.
broad, the basal spur white, blunt, 0.3 mm.
long, the connective about 1 mm. broad; pistil exserted J
cm. beyond
mouth of corolla tube, glabrous; ovary glabrous.
Endemic. Limited to damp forests or thickets of Magdalena.
Haught's No. 3716 was collected at 300 meters altitude. Vageler's
No. 22, a paratypc probably in the Berlin Herbarium, was cited by
Mildbracd. This was collected in a forest at Banco, Department of
Magdalena: Road to east from about 60 km. northeast of Cluriguand,
Hanghi 2302 (US). Forest of Cerro Chimichagua, about 4 km. north of Chimi-
chagua, Haught 2360 (US). Damp forest near Codazzi, Haught 3716 (US).
Forests near La Jagua, 40 km. northeast of Chiriguand, Cyril Allen 028
Haught 2283 (US); Haught 3G45 (US). Bushland, lower Magdalena, Daive 440
(K, US).
Without locality: Mutis 3904 (US).
19. Justicia croceochlamys Leonard, sp. nov.
Figure 198
Herba vel sulTrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris vel
sursum biiariam
vel brevitcr acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata
ct m
prommentibus; petioli glabri; thyrsus tcrminalis, subhelicoideus,
pedunculis et internodiis infloresccntiac quadrangularibus, bifariam et
retrorse hirsutis; bracteae infimae foliaccae; bractcac cymas
dentes graciliter lanccolatae, glabrae vel parce hirsutae; bracteae llores
subtendentes miformcs, longae, flavae, graciliter striatae, parce ciliatae;
bracteolae bracteis similes scd longiores; calycis scgmenta flava,
lanceolata, graciliter acuta, striata, ciliata; corolla longa, alba,
glanduloso-pubescens, tubo subcyUndrico, intus basI dense hirsuto
equal, up to 2.5 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, rounded; stamens 15
mm. long, adnate to corolla tube slightly below mouth, the filaments
glabrous or minutely and sparingly hirtellous near base, the anther
mm. Ions: and 0.5 mm
ma minute
petiole, firm, undulate, the upper surface rather densely pilose, the
hairs ascending, similar to those of the stem as are also the additional
small curved hairs of the costa, the pubescence of the bwer surface
natural size; c, 10 times natural size; d, 3 times natural size; e, 5 times natural size;
similar to that of tlie upper except for the absence of the small curved
(lateral veins 9 to 10 pairs) rather prominent, the veinlets coarsely
sometimes lacking;; petioles up to 1-5 cm
several pairs produced at each node, up to 12 cm. long and about 1 cm.
broad, the flowers secund, rather crowded, erect or ascending; ped-
uncles up to 1 cm. long, pilose; rachis both pilose with long spreading
388179—57 15
plant showing inflorescence and leaves; b, portion of leaf blade (under surface) to show
pubescence; c, bract; d, bractlet; e, calyx;/, corolla lips; g, anther, (a, Natural size;
with the type and Cuatrecasas' No. 13198 at El Banco, at the con-
15, 1941.
amone: other Colombian
species by its conspicuous ungulate ciliated bracts. These are strik-
tip. In size they rarely exceed 5 cm. in length and 2.5 cm. in
cm. wme ana u often slenderly acuminate.
o re
more densely pilose with similar hairs, the costa and lateral veins (6
to 8 pairs) barely conspicuous, the cystoHths obscure above, more
prominent beneath; petioles up to 2 cm. long, densely pilose with long
hairs; spikes numerous and crowded, terminal and in the axils of the
upper leaf blades, 6 to 8 cm. long, 13 to 14 mm. broad, the bracts
closely imbricate, secund, the rachis slender, hirtellous, the hairs
curved, about 0.5 mm. long; bracts suborbicular, about 8 mm. in
diameter, apiculate, the apicula about 1 mm. long, abruptly narrowed
to a small cuneate base, 1.5 to 2 mm. long, thin, glabrous or the upper
surface bearing a few brown hairs up to 2 mm. long, the margins
densely cihate with spreading nitid brown hairs up to 3 mm. long and
long, the segments lance-subulate, thin, glabrous or bearing 1 to
mm. loner, mo
mm. Ions:, the tube 2 mm
1.5 mm. at middle, the throat 3 mm. broad, lips subequal, 5 mm
long, the upper lip ovate, 3.5 mm.
wide at base, narrowed to a roundec
emarginate tip, the lower lip broadly cuneate, 7 mm. wide near tip
3-lobed, the lobes suborbicular, rounded, the middle lobe 3.25 mm
mm. long, the lower 1 mm. long, the base tipped by a blunt white
0.5 mm. long; capsule clavate, about 6 mm. long, 2 mm. broad
1.5 mm. thick, 4-seeded, glabrous; retinacula 1 mm. long, thin
specific epithet is from the greek words, rhuiroXvs very many,
and cTTCLxvs, spike.
Figure 202
24. Justicia hyperdasya Leonard, sp. nov.
ascendentibus, subquadrangularibus, sulcatis,
Herba, caulibus
longis, patulis, nitidis,
bifariam subtomentosis etiam pilosis, pilis
long, densely pilose, the haii^s resembling those of the stem; spikes
imbricate moderately
bracts elliptic, up to 14 mm mm obtuse and
trichomes (up to 1.5 mm. long) at and near tip, otherwise glabrous;
corolla white^ about 2 cm. long^ moderately hirtcllous, tlie hairs up to
0.28 mm. long, the tube 2 mm. broad at base, 3.5 mm. broad at mouth,
the upper lip oblong, erect^ 6.5 mm. long, about 3 mm. wide, rounded
and emarginate at tip, the lower lip spreading, 3-lobed, the lobes
mm. lonjr, 3 mm, wide, rounded at tip; stamens
mm 1
long, the ventral bracts elliptic, 10 or 11 mm. long, 4.5 mm. wide,
acute at both ends, ciliate, their faces puberulous with hairs up to
0,16 mm, long or those on the costa and lateral veins somewhat longer
(0,5 to 1 mm, long) bractlets linear, 8 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, ciliate,
the flat surfaces glabrous or more or less pilose dorsally; calyx seg-
ments 5, linear-lanceolate, 5.5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide near the base,
gradually narrowed into a slender tip, puberulent, the costa rather
prominent; corolla white, about 2 cm. long, the lower half glabrous,
the upper half finely pubescent, the tube 2.5 mm. broad near base,
3.5 mm. broad at throat, the upper lip erect, triangular, 3.5 mm* wide
at base, narrowed to an obtuse slightly emarginate tip, the lower lip
ovate, about 1 cm. long and 6.5 mm, wide at middle, rounded and
3-lobed at tip, the lobes ovate, 1 mm. long, 1.25 mm. wide at base;
stamens slightly exserted beyond the mouth of the corolla tube,
glabrous, the anthers 3 mm. long^ the lobes superposed, nearly vertical,
the connective slender, about 0.5 mm. long and 0.2 mm. wide, the
lower anther cell spurred, the spur 0.25 rounded at tip; mm. long,
capsules clavate, pubescent, 7.5 mm. long, the fruiting portion about
3 mm. wide and thick, the lower half solid, 1 mm. wide near base of
stipe, 2 mm. wide at base of seed-bearing cavity; retinacula 1.75 mm.
long, the tip thin, subcucuUate, rounded and more or less erose; seeds
lenticular, about 2.5 mm. in diameter, glabrous.
Type in the U- S. National Herbarium, No. 2124632, collected on
the Cerro Isibukuri, along the Rio Kananarl, Comisaria of Vaup6s,
Colombia, 250 to 700 meters altitude, August 4, 1951, by Richard
Evans Schultes and Isidoro Cabrera (No. 13322). Isotype: US.
26. Justicia carthaginensis Jacq.
Justicia carthaginensis Jacq. Enum.
Jacquin's "Enumeration" was
11, 1760.
republished without change again in 1762. The specific epithet means
found in Cartagena/'
Adhatoda carthaginensis Nees in DC. Prodr. II: 403. 1847.
the venation rather obscure, the cystoHths minute (about 0.08 mm.
long), often obscure; jQowers borne in terminal and axillary spikes up
and about 1.5 cm. broad, the peduncles up to 2 cm. long,
to 6 cm. long
subquadrangular, more or less flattened, glabrous or sparingly and
minutely strigosc, the rachis puberulous, the hairs upwardly cm"ved,
up to 0.16 mm. long; bracts lanceolate, 10 to 12 mm. long, 3 to 4 mm.
wide, acuminate, narrowed at base, rather thin and veiny (the costa
prominent), more or less minutely glandular-papillose, rather spar-
ingly ciliatc, the hau-s 0.2-0.4 mm. long; bractlets linear-lanceolate,
about 9 mm. long and 1 mm. wide, rather sparingly glandular-
cm. loiiiT and 1.5 cm
wide, acuminate (the tip itself obtuse), narrowed at base^ rather thin,
entire or undulate, glabrous or the costa of the lower surface sparingly
hirtellous, tlie lateral veins (5 or 6 pairs) obscure, the cystoliths of
both surfaces numerous and conspicuous under a lens, up to 0,24 mm.
1 mm. broad and
at base mouth, narrowed to 0.5 mm. above base,
the lips about 2 mm. long, the upper lip erect, entire, the lower more
or less spreading, 3-lobed at tip, the stamens exserted beyond the
mouth of the corolla tube but not exceeding the corolla lips, the an-
thers 1.5 mm. mm.
long, 0.25 thick, superposed, vertically attached
to connective; capsule 7 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, 1 mm. thick, minutely
hirtellous toward tip, becoming glabrous; retinacula about 3 mm.
long, flat and rounded at tip; seed ovate, flattened, about 3 mm. long
and 2 mm. broad, glabrous.
Typo in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden, col-
the lower surface rather densely and softly strigose or hirsute, the
venation rather prominent, the cystohths obscure or lacking; petioles
up cm. long, slender, densely strigose or subtomentose; spikes
to 3.5
terminal and subterminal, up to 2.5 cm. long and 12 mm. broad, the
bracts closely imbricate, quadrifarious and secund, the peduncles up
to 1 cm. long, these and the rachises densely hirsute or subtomentose
with ascending hairs; dorsal bracts sterile, ovate, 11 mm. long and 8
mm. wide, subobtuse and subapiculate, obtuse at base, submembrana-
ascending, the costa and about 4 pairs of lateral veins rather promi-
nent; ventral bracts (those subtending the flowers) broadly oblance-
e, 14 mm. long, 4 mm. wid
mm erect, 1 cm
triangular-ovate, 3.5 mm. wide near base, rather gradually narrowed
to a subacute tip, the lower lip more or less spreading, obovate, 4 mm.
wide near middle, 3-lobed, the lobes oblong-ovate, 3 mm. long, 1.25
mm. wide, rounded, the outer lobes slightly incurved; stamens reach-
ing the tip of the upper lip, slender, glabrous, flattened, subhyaline,
til A n n Vi p,r-l nb RR sunernosed. 1.25 mm. Ions:. 0.5 mm. wide, verticallv
subacute at the base; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen.
Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1953042, collected along
the Rio Apoporis, on the Cerro de "El Castillo," Comisaria of Caquetd,
Colombia, January 16, 1944, by G. Gutierrez-V. and R. E. Schultes
(No. 606). Isotype: Valle.
The bracts, bractlets, and calyx of the dried specimens are red.
puberulous with brownish hairs about 0.16 mm. long; bracts rod or
770 meters, December 21, 1942, Fosherg 19492 (US). Vicinity of the Los Micos
landing strip on the left bank of the Rio Giiejar, on the Sabanas de San Juan de
Arama, 500 meters altitude, January 22, .1951, Jesus M. Idrobo & Richard E.
SchtiUes 1218 (US).
The thin veiny reddish bracts and narrow white or reddish corollas
marginibus rugosis; stamina
a vel deorsum narce furfural
antherarum leviter superpositis, lobo infcriorc caudato; capsulac
clavatae, glabrae.
Branching shrubs up to 3 meters high; stems sub quadrangular,
puberulous or the lower portions glabrate, the hairs up to 0.48 mm.
m »
or oblong-ovate, up to 25 cm. long and 10 cm. wide, short-acuminate
(the tip itself obtuse), narrowed at base and briefly decurrcnt on the
moderatelv hrm
moderately puberulous butmoi
flowers borne in axiUary spikes, these usually 2 to 5 cm. long and 2 to
cm sometimes subcapitate, the peduncles erect or as-
cending, up to 10 cm. long, puberulous; rachis puberulous, the lower-
most internode 4 mm J shorter toward
ded at the apex and minu
mm. lono; and 1 to 2.5 mm
the entire blade puberulous, the costa and lateral veins evident but not
minu base
the entire bractlet puberulous, both bracts and bractlets often bearing
glandular marginal hairs up to 0.16 mm. long, these intermixed with
the shorter eglandular ones; calyx 4.5 mm. long, deeply segmented,
the segments 5, lanceolate, 4 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, acute, hirteflous
and ciliolate toward tip, the hairs ascending or subappressed, curved.
mm. long; corolla H8 mm. lone:, white, m
)roiIa tube about 1 cm. long, 4 mm.
broad at base, 10 mm. broat
imouth, the upper lip erect, ovate, 8 mm. long, about 12 mm. wide
icuHate, enclosing the stamens, the lower lip about 13 mm. long anc
cm. wide at base of the 3 lobes, these ovate, 8 mm. long and 6 mm
ide, rounded, the margins of both hps crinkled at tip stamens
18 ; mm
mm the lower lobe terminating
in a short tail about 0.1 mm. long; capsules clavate, glabrous, 2 cm.
% fe
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Figure 208.—Justicia pharmacodes Leonard (a-/, ^ai^gA^ 4072; g, Haughi 3816): ^, Tip of
plant; fc, bract; c, marginal pubescence of bract; d, bractlet and calyx; e, corolla; /,
anther; gy capsule valve, (a, Half natural size; b, d, twice natural size; r, 28 times
natural size: if, natural size;/, 5 times natural size; g, 1}^ times natural size.)
_ J. ft//-
species does not have long-pedunculate inflorescences, and its bracts
are relatively narrower and the leaf blades smaller. The specific
epithet is from the Greek 0apjuaKa)5i;s, meaning poisonous.
Figure 209, Justicia phytolaccoides Leonard {Haught 6242): a^ Tip of stem showing spike
and leaf; by bract; c, bractlct; d, calyx segment; (•, anther, {a^ Half natural size; h-d^
or nearly so, the upper lobe muticous, dorsaliy densely pubescent, the
lower lobe glabrous, calcarate, the tail blunt, about 0.75 mm, long,
the filaments flattened, glabrous; capsules clavate, 16 to 18 mm. long,
5 mm. wide, 3.5 mm. thick, acute, finely pubcrulous; rctinacula
ligulate, 2,5 mm, long, 0.5 mm. wide, the tip thin, whitish, rounded;
seed 4 mm. long, 3.25 mm. wide, 1 mm. thick, brown, tuberculate.
Type in theNational Herbarium, No. 2045848, collected along
U. S.
stream at San Antonio, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia,
200 meters altitude, June 14, 1948, by Oscar Haught (No. 6242).
Other collections are:
Antioquia: Dry rocks of Rfo Magdalena at Angostura de Nare, AndrS 447 (K),
Cundinamarca: Hacienda Paramillo, on road between Guaduas and Alto de
Aguaclara, 1,040-1,320 meters altitude, July 24, 1947, Garcla-Barriga 12353
(US); 12646 (US).
Santander; San Juan Valley in the vicinity of Puerto Bcrrfo, between Carare
and Magdalena Rivers, 100-700 meters altitude, June 15, 1935, Haught 1788
(US); June 24, 1935, Haught 1807 (US). Along stream in forest at San Fernando,
between Puerto Berrfo and Rio Carare, 300 meters altitude, June 30, 1939,
Haught 2S53 (US).
Tolima: Caii6n del Rfo Guali, on the road from Fresno to Faldn, 1,120-1,700
meters altitude, December 5, 1939, Garcla-Barriga 8341 (US). Faldn, region of
"Calamonte," 1,120 meters altitude, December 7, 1939, Garcia-Barriga 8346 (US).
Without locality: MuHs 892 (US); 1503 (US),
Figure 210. Justicia xanthostackya Leonard {Kalhreyer 930): a, Tip of plant; t, node of
stem to show leaf blades; c, tip of leaf; d^ bract; bractlet;/, segment of calyx; g, portion
of bract enlarged to show pubescence; A, anther, {a-c^ Half natural size; d-fy twice
natural size; g, 23^ times natural size; A, 4}^ times natural size.)
Figure 211. Justicia cahrerae Leonard (a, J, ^, Sckultes y Cabrera 12701; by c,f^ SckulUs
y Cabrera 12679): Tip of plant to show inflorescence and leaves; b, bract; c, calyx
and one of a pair of bractlets; d, upper lip of corolla, ^, lower Up showing middle and
/. (ay Natural size; b, 3 times natural size; c-e, 4 times
slender tip, the upper part hirtellous (the hairs at tip up to 0.25 mm.
long), the lower portion glabrous; corolla white, about 2 cm. long,
glabrous except the lips^ these minutely hirtellous, the tube 2 mm.
broad near the base, about 4.5 mm. broad at throat, the upper lip
erect, ovate-lanceolate, 4 mm, long and 2 mm. wide at base, obtuse
and emarginate at tip, the lower lip more or less spreading, ovate,
7 mm. long, 6 mm, wude at base of lobes, these 4 mm. long, the middle
one ovate, 4 mm. wide at base, the lateral ones triangular, 2.5 mm.
wide at base, all three lobes obtuse at tip; stamens glabrous, slightly
exsertcd beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, the anther cells L5 mm,
long and 0.25 mm. wide, superposed, vertical, about 0.5 mm, apart,
the upper one on a short slender stalk about 5 mm. long, the connec-
tive 0.25 mm.
wide; style as long as the stamens, the stigma 2-lobed,
the lobes lanceolate, slight!}' recurved, 0.75 mm. long, 0.25 mm. wide;
top of ovary and the base of the style sparingly hirtcUous, the hairs
straight, ascending or spreading, up to 0.8 mm. long; capsules not seen.
Type in the National Herbarium, No. 2124630, collected at
U, S,
Soratama, along the Rio Apaporis, between Rio Pacoa and Rio
Kananari, about 250 meters altitude, June 20, 1951, by Richard Evans
Schultes and Isidoro Cabrera (No, 12701),
Schultes and Cabrera's No, 12679 (US), collected on a flood bank
on the same date and in the same general region as tlie type, is also
of this species,
appressed, about 0.2 mm. long; bracts ovate, ca. 18 mm. long, 8 mm,
wide, acute or short-acuminate, narrowed to base, firm, glabrous or
sparingly strigose (hairs appressed, white, ca. 75{x long), sparingly
ciliate with hairs up to 0.5 mm. long, the veins coarsely reticulate,
Figure 212. Justicia leucerythra Leonard {Haught 6729): a^ Tip of plant showing leaves
and inflorescence; by bract; c> bractlet; d^ calyx; e^ corolla;/, anther; g, pistil, {a. Half
natural size; b~d, twice natural size; ^, g, natural size;/, 4 times natural size,)
38817&— 57 17
3-lobcd, the lobes oblong, 10 mm. long, 4.5 mm. w^idc, rounded at tip,
delicately veined; stamens exsertcd 8 mm. beyond mouth of the corolla
tube, the anthers 3 mm, long, the lobes 0.5 mm. long, superposed,
somewhat obliquely attached to the connective (0.5 mm. broad),
the upper lobe muticous, the lower terminating at base in a short
blunt spur 0.25 mm. long, the filaments flat, glabrous; ovary glabrous;
stylo 2.5 cm. long, glabrous; stigma bilobcd, minute; capsules
(immature) 10 mm. long, 3 mm, broad, 2,5 mm. thick; seed orbicular,
flattened, reddish, muriculatc.
Type in the National PIcrbarium, No, 2046312, collected in
U* S,
flood-plain forest at Cerrcjon, Department of Magdalcna, Colombia,
100 meters altitude, December 3, 1949, by Oscar Haught (No. 6729),
AtlXntico: Woods around Los Pendalcs, Hacienda Riodulcc, altitude 20 to
50 meters, Dvgand & JaramiUo 41G0 (US). LuruacOj Bro. Apolinar 490 (US).
Pioj6, Bro. Elias 681 (US). Puerto Colombia, Bro. Eiias 1411 (Gil, NY, US).
Arroyo del Higuer6n, Usiacurf, 100 meters altitude, Dugand & Garda-Barriga
2287 (US),
Magdalena: Forest east of Codazzi, 200 meters altitude, Ilaugiit 3739 (US).
Fucurinca, Romero-Castaiieda 557 (Ch, US). Hacienda Juan Lc6n, 150 meters
altitude, Haitght 4763 (US).
Figure 213, Jusllcia enarthrocotua Leonard (Grant 10900): a, Tip of stem, showing leaf
and inflorescence; t, hair fron:i upper portion of stem; c^ bract; dj bractlet; £*, calyx;/,
anther, (a^ Half natural size; by 36 times natural size; c-e^ slightly less than natural
size;/, 3}^ times natural size.)
base, the anther cells slightly superposed, 2.5 mm, long, 1,25 mm,
broad, caudate at base, the tails whitish, about 0.5 mm, long; pistil
extendhig about 5 mm. beyond the stamens, the stigma capitate;
ovary glabrous*
Figure 214. Jusiicia sanchezioides Leonard {Cuatrecasas 10581): Tip of plant showing
inflorescence and leaf blade; b, bract; Cy bractlet; d, a marginal hair from bract; e, tip
of bractlet enlarged to show pubescence (dorsal surface); f, a glandular hair from a
bractlet; g, a segment of the calyx (dorsal surface); A, corolla; /, anther, {a, Half
natural size; h^ c, g, natural size; J, /, 40 times natural size; r, 10 times natural size;
hj about lyi times natural size; z, 5 times natural size.)
rhftchibus subauadransrularib
rigidis, bracteae paululum obovatae, acutae, sessiles, valde
parallelo-nervatae, aliquanto dense pubcrulae, pilis subpapilliformibus,
vel apice pilis paucis longioribus eglandulosis praeditae, marginibus
ciUatis; bracteae similes sed minores; calycis segmenta lineari-
lanceolata, acuta, puberula, pilis papillosis glandulosis et pilis long-
ioribus eglandulosis intermixtis; corolla rosea, dense et retrorse
hirtella, pilis rigidis, tubo subcylindrico, labiis subaequalibus, labio
superiore erecto, oblongo-ovato, apice rotundato, labio inferiore
mm a
filamentis sursum
pilis rectis, patulis, subalbidis, antheris glabris, lobis verticalibus
superpositis, lobo inferiore caudato; ovarium giabrum.
Slender shrubs up to 2 meters high; stems sub quadrangular, the
angles rounded, minutely and antrorsely strigose, the hairs up to
0.2 mm. long, golden brown; leaf blades oblong-ovate, up to 26 cm.
long and 11.5 cm. wide, short-acuminate, subobtuse at base, firm,
undulate or shallowly and indistinctly crcnate, both surfaces glabrous
except the costa and lateral veins, these conspicuous especially beneath
and sparingly strigose, the hairs up to 0.24 mm. long, the veinlets
delicately reticulate beneath, the cystoliths numerous and con-
mm. thick, mmu
cm. lonsr and 13 mm
the peduncles about 1 cm. long, these and the rachis subquadrangular,
densely hirtellous with yellowish ascending straight rigid hairs i;p to
0.2 mm. long; bracts slightly obovate, 11 mm. long, 4.25 mm. wide
slightly above the middle, acute, sessile, strongly parallel-nerved (4
to 6 pairs of lateral nerves), rather densely puberulous with erect
otrnicrlif trlnnrliilnr Ruhnnnillfltfi hairs UD to 0.03 mm. lons and beariner
long, 1.5 mm. wide, the pubescence similar to that of the bracts and
bractlets; corolla rose color, 2.3 cm. long, and retrorsely
Figure 2\S.—Justtcia homoea Leonard {Haught 4565): a, Tip of plant; i, bract; c, portion
of bract to show nature of pubescence; d^ bractlet; e^ calyx segment;/, tip of corolla;
5 mm., thence enlarged to 2 mm. at the throat, the Hps
mm. long, the upper lip erect, oblon^-ovate, about 4 mm
base, mm
about 6 mm. wide at base of the lobes, these 3, ovate. 3,5 mm
long, the middle one 2 mm. wide, the lateral ones slightly narrower,
all rounded; stamens reaching tip of the upper lip of the corolla, the
filaments flat, glabrous except the auriculate base, the auricles densely
mm. loner, 0.75 mm
and vertically attached to the connective, the cells about equal in
length, the lower one caudate, the tail about 0.75 mm. long and 0.25
mm. wide, rounded at tip; style exserted about 5 mm. beyond the
mouth of the corolla tube, glabrous toward tip, hirtellous toward base,
subcapitate; ovary glabrous except the hu-sute
the stigma minute,
tip, the hau-s ascending, up to 0.32 mm. long, capsules not seen.
and the bracts are ovate and 3 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide. The
homoea is rose color.
meaning similar, in allusion to its resemblance to J. phlebophylla.
moderately hirsute, the hah's up to 0.75 mm, long, more or less curved,
the lower surface glabrous or very sparingly hirtellous or occasionally
rather densely so, the hairs curved, up to 0,38 mm. long, the costa and
lateral veins (9 or 10 pairs) prominent, the cystoliths of both surfaces
small but rather prominent under a lens, up to 0.2 mm. long; petioles
or less densely puberulous with curved hairs; flowers borne in dense
bracts more
or less secund, the rachises and peduncles rather densely
puberulous, the hairs rctrorsely curved, about 0.1 mm. long, the pedun-
the axils of the uppermost leaf blades; bracts subulate, usually up to
mm. ions:. 0.5 mm
hirtellous, the hairs up to 0.2 mm. long, brownish; bractlets subulate,
calyx 1 cm. long, deeply segmented, the segments lanceolate, 9 mm.
violet or lilac, glabrous below, finely pilose toward tip, the hairs
cm, long, 2.5 mm. broad at base, gradually enlarged to 4 mm
mouth, the upper lip oblong-elliptic, more or less erect, 12 mm. long,
4 mm. wide at middle, plicate, dorsally pilose, minutely glandular-
puberulous on the upper surface, rounded and emarginatc at tip, the
lower lip ovate, spreading, 13 mm. long, 9 mm. wide, transversely
fluted, saccate, 3-lobed, the lobes ovate, rounded, 3 mm. long, 2.5
mm. wide; stamens exsertcd 8 mm, beyond the mouth of the corolla,
the filaments glabrous or bearing a few hairs near the base, the starainal
plaits densely and retrorsely pilose, the anther lobes slightly super-
posed, the connective 0.75 mm. broad, the upper lobe 1.5 mm. long,
0.75 mm.broad, white-pubcrulous on margin, muticous and subapic-
ulate at base, the lower cell 1 mm. long and 0.5 mm. broad, white-
ulous on margin, tipped by a white tail about 0.2 mm. long;
style 17 mm. long, glabrous, the stigma minutelv bilobcd: cansnle
mm. long, 3 mm. broad, 2.5 mm
mm and finely puberulous, the
of capsule, there spreading; retinacula 2 mm. long, curved, the tip
thin, obtuse, subcucullate, minutely lacerate; seeds
4, ovate, flattened,
2.5 long, 2 mm.
broad, about 0.5 mm. thick, glabrous, the margin re-
curved over a concave surface and bordered by a row of llattish hairs
mm. long, these merging to form
of seed.
Aktioquia: Cocornd, Bro. Daniel 1790 (US). Fredonia, Archer 038 (US); Toro
Daniel & Bro. Tom&s 3366 (US). Medellin, Archer 871
842 (NY). Jenc6, Bro.
4772 (US); 4773 (US). Santo Domingo, Scolnik, Araque
(US). Turbo, Haught
tfc Barkley 19 An. 439
Caidas: La Sombra, east of Apfa, Pemiell 10273 (GH, NY). Rio Quindio,
above Armenia, Pennell, Killip & Hazen 8697 (GH, Ph, NY, US).
Cauca: Timbiqui, Lehmann B. T. 435 (K, NY).
Choc6: Cupica, Fernandez 350 (US). Quebrada Guarapo, near Andagoya,
K'iZ?ip 35198 (US).
Cundinamarca: Choachi, January 18, 1854, Holton s.n., (NY). La Esperanza
Garcia-Barriga 3067 (US). Paime, Ariste- Joseph 1082 (US). Guaduas, Uribe-
C/nfce2336 (US).
El Valle: Valley of Albdn, between Quebradita del Retire and Rio Albdn,
Cuatrecasas 22620 (US). Cuctiilla, cast of Zarzal, Pennell, Killip & Hazen 8505
(GH, NY, US).
Meta: Macoya Guafa, Rio Meta, Cuatrecasas 4139 (Col).
NY, US).
Without locality: Mutis 1512 (US).
segmenta minute
corolla azurea.
stems subquadrangular, puberulous,
Herbs about 1.8 meters high,
curved; leaf blades ovate to oblong-ovate, obtuse,
the hairs retrorsely
np.ntft or short-acuminate (the tip itself acute), rounded or narrowed
(No. 35589).
40b. Justicia fiUbracteolata Lindau var. pubescens
Juslicia fiUbracteolata Lindau var. pubescens
Lindau, Bull. Herb. Boiss 5-
674^ 1897. Type collected in the vicinity of Ocaiia, Department of
de Santandcr, Colombia, 3,500 meters altitude, by
L. Schlim, No. 196.
Suffrutescent subscandent herbs up to 1 meter high
or more; stems
and leaf blades moderately to rather densely hu-sute,
the hairs up to
mm. lone:, more
mm. long; calyx segments
Justicia Jilihracteolata var. pubescens is a forest
plant usually found
between 1,600 and 2,200 meters altitude.
Cundinamarca: La Palma, road to Pacho along the
Rfo Murca, Garcia-
Burnga 12417 (US). El Pefi6n, Hacienda Curiche,
Garcia-Barriga 12467 (US)
1862 (US).
40c. Justicia fiUbracteolata Lindau var. leucantha Leonard, var. nov.
Hcrba, caulibus subquadrangularibus, dense
bifariam pilosis, pilis
retrorse curvatis; lamina foliorum
magna, oblongo-elliptica; corolla
Suffrutescent herbs up to 1 meter high or
more; stems subquad-
rangular, pilose, the hairs retrorsely
curved, disposed in two hnes
brownish, up to 1 mm. long; leaf blades
oblong-elliptic, up to 20 cm'
long and 9 cm. wide, short-acuminate
(the tip itself acute), narrowed
at base and decurrent on the petiole,
the upper surface glabrous to
sparingly pilose, the lower surface more
densely so, the hairs of both
surfaces brownish, up to 1.5 mm. long,
subappressed to ascending
more numerous on costa and veins of the lower leaf-surface than
where; corolla white; capsules densely
puberulous, in other respects
similar to the typical variety.
Type in the U
National Herbarium, No. 1853617, collected
500 meters altitude at ViUavicencio, Intendencia of
Meta, Colombia
(No Her
barium. No
between 1,100 and 1,300 meters, the other specimens cited were from
between 350 and 500 meters. The specific epithet leucantha is from
the greek Xcukos, white, and ai^^os, flower.
40d. Justicia filibracteolata Lindau var. aurantiaca Leonard, var, nov.
spreading; petioles about 1 cm. long, pilose at least above; bracts and
calyx segments conspicuously ciliate, the hairs up to 0.75 mm. long,
Type in the U. National Herbarium, No. 1773531, collected at
Villavicencio, Intendencia of Meta, Colombia, 500 meters altitude,
Herba minusve
vel suffrutex, caulibus plus bifariam pilosa, pilis
Figure 216. /
a liair from the upper surface of a leaf blade; c,
to show leaves and inflorescence; I,
attachment and 0.5 mm* wide, the lobes 2.25 mm. long, 0.5 mm. broad,
glabrous, the lower lobe subacute at base; ovary glabrous; capsule
not seen.
Typo in the Herbarium of the Missouri Botanical Garden, No.
1014436, collected in forest at Popontc, in the Magdalena Valley,
Figure 217. Leonard {Cyril Allen 844); ^, Tip of plant showing inflorescence
Justicia scioia
and leaf blade; h, bract, bractlet and calyx; c, bractlet enlarged to show pubescence;
dj calyx segment; e^ corolla;/, anther, (a, Half natural size; b^ 3}i times natural size;
FiGURE 2l8.~Justicta phlebophylla Leonard {a, b, d-g, Haught 4564; c, Hodge 6978): a,
Tip of plant showing leaf and inflorescence; b^ portion of leaf blade bordering costa
(under surface) enlarged to show veinlets and cystoliths; f, portion of spike, ventral
view; d, bract, a bractlet and calyx; /, a calyx segment;/, corolla; g, anther, {a. Half
natural size; b^ about 4 times natural size; c, natural size; i^ 2}i times natural size;
e, 4 times natural size;/, twice natural size; g, 8 times natural size.)
cate at tip and 3-Iobed, the lobes rounded, 1 mm, long, the middle one
2,5 mm.wide, the lateral ones 2 mm. wide; stamens almost reaching
the tip of the upper lip of the corolla, the filaments bearing a row of
minute glandular hairs, the anthers 3 mm. long and 0.75 mm. thick.
The dense spikes, with small triangular bracts, the slender calyx
segments, and the relatively large, papery, conspicuously veiny leaf
blades covered with cystoliths are the distinguishing: characteristics
of J. phlebophylla. The specific epithet is from the Greek AXe^^
to show calyx and scars left by fallen bracts and bractlets (one bractlet remaining);
e, node of inflorescence from near the tip to show bract and bractlets;/, corolla;
anther, {a^ Natural si^e; b, about half natural size; c-e^ twice natural size;/, \}i times
natural size; g, about 6 times natural size.)
narrowed and acute at base, firm, entire or undulate, the upper sur-
face hirsute, the hairs ascending to subappressed, up to 0,5 mm. long,
the costa densely hirsute with brownish spreading hairs, it and the
lateral veins obscure, the lower surface denselyand softly hirsute, the
hairs straight or slightly curved^ 0.5 mm. long, hght brownish, erect,
the costa and lateral veins prominent, the cystoliths of both surfaces
obscured by the pubescence; petioles 5 to 15 mm* long, densely hirsute;
flowers borne in leafy panicles of erect or suhercct spikes up to 11 cm.
long and 8 mm, broad (excluding cm-
corollas), the panicles up to 17
long and 6 cm. broad, the peduncles up to 2.5 cm. long, the lowermost
internodes of the rachis 5 mm. long, the others SQCCCSsively shorter
toward both peduncle and rachis densel}^ and softly
tip of spikes,
hirsute with light brownish ascending hairs; bracts lanceolate, 8 mm.
long, 2.25 mm. wide, obtusish at tip, densely and softly hirsute;
bractlets 1.25 mm, w^ide, in other respects similar to the bracts; calyx
6.5mm. long, deeply dividedJnto|5 segments, these lanceolate, 1.75
mm. wide near base, acuminate, rather densel}^ hirtellous, erect or
appressed to the ovary; corolla up to 4.7 cm. long, red, minutely
pubescent with straight spreading hairs up to 0.2 mm. long, the tube
2,5 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 4 mm* above base to 1.5 mm.
thence gradually enlarged to 7 mm. at throat, the lips subequal, 22
mm. long, the upper lip erect, oblong-ovate, 8 mm. wide at base,
bilobed at apex, the lobes rounded, 0,5 mm. long, 0.75 mm, wide, the
margins subhyaline and glabrous, the lower lip subcrcct, 34obcd, the
lobes oblong, 1 cm. long, 2.5 mm, wide, rounded at tip; stamens ex-
serted 15 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, the filaments
glabrous, the anthers 5 mm. long, the lobes superposed, 2.75 mm, long,
0,75 mm. broad, vertically attached to the connective, the basal end
of the low^er lobe terminating in a blunt w^hitish tail; capsules clavate,
17 mm, long, 4.25 mm. broad, 3.5 mm, thick, subobtuse, glabrous;
retinacula curved, oblong, 2 mm. long, the tip rounded; seed (im-
\ mature), glabrous, brown, flattened, murlcate, the projections rounded.
Type in the U, S. National Herbarium, No. 1900474, collected in
the Quebrada de los Osos, in the valley of the Rio Bugalagrande,
Cordillera Central, Department of El Vallc, Colombia, 2,170 meters
altitude, April 20, 1946, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 20941),
Justicia malacophylla has apparently no close relatives among
the Colombian species of Acanthaceae. The specific epithet is from
the Greek and was suggested by the soft velvety leaves, juaXaKos, soft,
and 4?vWoyy leaf,
mm mm. wide, acute, firm, strigose with minu
ictlets resembling the bracts; calyx 7 mm. Ion
deeply segmented, the segments lanceolate, 3.5 mm. wide at about tht
middle, acute, firm, 3-nerved, strigose or puberulous, the hairs curved
averaging 0.13 mm. in length, golden-brown; corollas purple, up tc
6.5 cm. long, sparingly and minutely pubescent, the hairs spreading
Figure 220,— Justicia pdianthia Leonard (Cuatrecasas 11157): a, Node and leaf; i, basal
branch of inflorescence; c, node of inflorescence to sKow brarts and one of a pair of
bractlets; d, a segment of the calyx; ^, dorsal portion of calyic segment enlarged to show
hairs and cystoliths; /, tip of corolla; g^ pubescence of corolla; A, anther, (a, Half
natural size;i,/, natural si2e;r, if, about twice natural size; ^, about 8}^ times natural
size; g, llj^^ times natural size; A, about 4 times natural size,}
or less spreading, oblong, 3.5 cm. long, 1 cm. wide, truncate and shal-
lowly 3-lobed at tip, the lobes rounded or obtuse, 2.5 mm. wide and
1 mm. long; stamens glabrous, exserted 2.5 cm. beyond the mouth
of the corolla tube, the anther lobes superposed one about 0.5 mm.
above the other, the upper lobe liorizontally attached, the lower more
or less vertical and terminated at base by a white blunt spur 0.5 mm.
long; style slightly shorter than the stamens; ovary glabrous; capsules
not seen.
Type U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1798544, collected in
in the
wet woods between Qucbrada de la Hormiga and San Antonio del
Giiamu^s, Comisaria of Putumayo, Colombia, 330 meters altitude,
December 18> 1940, by
Cuatrccasas (No. 11157).
Justicia pelianthia is readily recognized by its large erect purplish
corollas, by the flowers being secund in short spikes, these forming a
broad, rather flat panicle, and by the minute golden-brown pubescence
of the panicle branches. Apparently it has no close relatives among
the Colombian species. The specific epithet is from the Greek
TfXtos, livid, and avdeiov, blossom.
47. Justicia anabasa Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 221
Suffrutex scandens, caulibus subquadrangularibus, substrigosis,
demum glabratis, pilis curvatis, rigidis; lamina foliorum ovata vel
efliptica, brevitcr acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, ali-
quanto firma, integra vel undulata, utrinque parce hirsuta, costa et
venis lateralibus aliquanto hirsutis, pilis curvatis, rigidis, cystolithis
obscuris; petioli dense hirsuti, pilis antrorse curvatis, rigidis; racemi
axillares et terminales, laxi, pcdunculis et rhachibus subquadrangulari-
bus, hirsutis, pilis curvatis, plus minusve patulis; bracteae florcs
subtendentes parvae, oblongo-ovatae, acutae, subcarinatae, parce
hirsutae; bracteae ramos racemi subtendentes oblongae, obtusae,
hirsutae et ciliatae vel bracteae infimae foliiformcs; calycis segmenta
linearia, acuta, aliquanto hirsuta, pilis antrorse ascendentibus vol
subapprcssis, pilis marginalibus longioribus, ascendentibus; corolla
brunneo-aurantiaca, deorsum pallida, aliquanto hirsuta, pilis plus
minusve patulis vel basi retrorsis, glandulosis et eglandulosis intcr-
mixtis, tubo anguste infundibuliformi, labiis curvatis, subaequalibus,
labio superiore oblongo-ovato, apice bilobato, lobis aliquanto parvis,
apice rotundatis, labio inferiore Icviter patulo, oblongo-ovato, 3-
lobato, lobis aliquanto parvis, apice rotundatis; stamina labium
glabris, supcrpositis, verticalibus, lobo inferiore brevitcr caudato;
um corolJae excedcns, dan rum
Woody vine; stems subquadrangular, hirsute to substrigose, the
hairs upwardly curved, up to 0.26 mm. long, rigid, septate but not
conspicuously so, the lower parts of the stems glabrate; leaf blades
ovate to elliptic, up cm. long and 4 cm. wide, short-acuminate
to 8
(the tip itself obtuse), narrowed at base, modcratelv firm, entire or
hairs: flowers borne in axillary few-flowered racemes (2-4 pairs of flow-
stems, UD to 5 cm. lonir; peduncles 10 to 20 mm
\ Figure lll.^Justicia anabasa Leonard {Killip U Smith 16091): a, Tip of branch to show
inflorescence and leaves; b, portion of under surface of leaf blade enlarged to show
pubescence; c, calyx and bract; d, portion of calyx segment enlarged to show pubescence;
e, upper lip of corolla, /, lower lip of corolla, g, anther; h, portion of corolla enlarged to
show pubescence, (a^ Natural size; b, 4}^ times natural size; c, 2}i times natural size;
d, 16 times natural size; e,f, about 3 times natural sl^ic; ^, about 6 times natural size;
the internodes usually 10 to 15 mm. longj slender; calyx sessfle or sub-
sessile at the tips of tlie slender pedicel-like branches, these 5 to 8 mm.
long, hirsute like the rachis and bearing an apical pair of oblong-
mm. lone:. 0.5 mm
ingly hirsute; bracts subtending the flower-bearing branches oblong,
mm. lonsr, 0.7o mm
lowermost pair broader and leaflike: calyx 7 to 8 mm
Figure 222,—Justicia aurantiaca Leonard (Grant W Fosherg 9341): a. Tip of plant showing
leaves and inflorescence; h, portion of cyme; c, ultimate node of inflorescence to show
pubescence; d, bract; e, calyx;/, anther, (a, h. Half natural size; c, 4 times natural
size; d, 3 times natural size; e, 2% times natural size;/, 5 times natural size.)
mm. long, 1.75 wide, gradually narrowed from 2.5 mm. above
ise to an acute tip, thin, glabrous, obscurely nerved; corollas orange,
abrous, up to 5.8 cm. long, 2.5 mm. broad near base, thence gradu-
ovate, 7 mm. long, the lateral ones 3.5 mm, wide, the middle one 5
mm. wide, all rounded; stamens exserted L5 cm. beyond the mouth
of the corolla tube, glabrous, the anthers 4.25 mm. long, the cells
3.25 mm. long, 0,5 mm. broad, superposed and vertically attached to
the connective, the lower cell briefly caudate; pistil slightly exceeding
the stamens, the stigma minute, unequally bilobcd, the lobes ovate,
rounded; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen.
Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2045427, collected in
temperate forest at San Isidro, 7 km. south of Gacbala, Department
of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 2,200 meters altitude, May 27, 1944,
by Martin L. Grant and F. R. Fosberg (No. 9341),
Also of this species is Grant's No. 10278, collected in temperate
forest at Toquiza, Gazaunta Valley, Cordillera de Helicona, 15 km.
northwest of Medina, Cundinamarca, 2,135 meters altitude, Septem-
ber 24, 1944.
Justicia aurantiaca can be easily recognized by the cuneate trun-
cate bracts and large orange flov/ers.
the hairs of the lower surface confined chiefly to the costa and lateral
veins, the hairs up to 0,3 mm, long, more or less curved, the venation
(lateral veins 5 to 7 pairs) prominent beneath, less so above, the
cystolifchs obscure or lacking; petioles up to 5 mm. long and 1 mm,
thick, sparingly hirtellous; flowers (1 to 3) borne in smaU axillary
panicles up to 3 cm, long, the peduncles up to 11 mm, long, the sec-
ondary peduncles up to 8 mm,
primary and secondary
long, both
peduncles sparingly hirtellous with more or less curved hairs, sub-
!J..iu })
Figure 223. Justicia jacobinioides Leonard {Kalhreyer 1043): a, lip of plant; hy tip of a
calyx segment^ c, corolla; d^ anther, {a^ c, Slightly over natural size; b, about 4 times
natural size; d, 5 times natural size,)
888179—07 19
with rigid narrowly triangular spreading hairs, the tube narrow,
mm .T
mm. at mou
mm. Ions:, the upper lip oblon^r-ovate, 5 mm
wide at base, gradually narrowed to an emarginate rounded tip 1
mm moi
mm, wide at the base ol the 3 lobes, these oblong-. 7 mm
the middle, the tip obtuse: stamens mm
there bearing a band of retrorse hairs about 0,13 mm, long, the
anthers glabrous, their cells superposed, attached ncarl}^ vertically to
the connective, each about 3.5 mm. long and 1 mm. thick, the
lower obscurely caudate; style reaching the tip of the upper
tend to become elongated as in J. secunda.
Magdalena: Near Bonda, Santa Marta region, "1000 ft." altitude, H, H.
Smith 377 (Ph, NY, US),
3.5 mm. long and broad at base, enlarged to 1.5 mm. from just
1 mm.
above base to throat, the lips about 3 mm. long, the upper lip erect,
oblong-ovate, about 1.5 mm. wide, minutely bilobed at tip, the lobes
rounded, the lower lip more or less spreading, 1.5 mm. wide near base
of the 3 lobes, these 1.5 mm. wide, 0.75 mm. long, rounded; stamens
3 mm.long, their filaments very slender, glabrous, the anthers glab-
rous, the cells slightly superposed, attached vertically to a relatively
broad connective, the upper cell 1.75 to 2 mm. long, the lower 1.5
mm. long and short-caudate; style slightly longer than the stamens;
stigma minute and bilobate; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen.
Typo in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2045413, collected in
a shaded wet place in rather scrubby, biushy woods on white clay soil,
2 km. east of Barbacoas and just south of the Rio Telerabi, Depart-
ment of Narifio, Colombia, 100 meters altitude, October 13, 1943,
F. K. Fosbcrg (No. 21244). Isotype: US.
Juntos dc Tainand, March 1853, Triana
Ciioc6: s.n. (K, Col). Sail Pablo,
March 1853, Triuna s.n. (K).
duriform slender
inflorescence, the extremely small spicatc or paniculate branches
simulating the clusters of pcdiceled flowers in Pscudcranthemum,
Yet a close examination of the Howlers reveals superposed anther
lobes, the lower one tailed, and no stamJnodes.
The specific epithet is from the Greek araKTos, meaning irregular
or atypical.
Figure 226. Justicia ephemera Leonard {Ilaught 4775): a. Tip of plant; h^ portion of the
under surface of leaf blade enlarged to show veining and cystoliths;
£*, node of inflores-
cence; d^ inflorescence node from near tip; e, calyx segment;/, anther, (a, Half natural
size; i, about 6 times natural size; r, d, 4 times natural size; e^ 8 times natural size;
corolla white, 8-12 mm. long, the tube short and relatively broad,
1mm. broad at base, 1.25 mm. at 1 mm. above base, thence enlarged
to 3 mm. at throat, the lips equal, 4.5-6 mm. long, the upper lip ovate,
about 2 mm- wide, obtuse at tip, the 3 lobes of the lower lip ovate,
3.5 mm. long and 3 mm. wide, rounded at tip; stamens included,
3.5 mm. long, glabrous, the anther lobes somewhat superposed,
about 1 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, obliquely attached to the
connective, the bases divergent; pistil 2.5 mm. long, the style minute,
2-Iobed; stigma glabrous; ovary papillose; capsules not seen.
Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1995088, collected in
a forest at Turbo, Department of Antioquia, Colombia, less than 50
meters altitude, March 28, 1946, by Oscar Haught (No. 4775).
Also of this species is Haught's No. 4554, collected in low wet
forest near Vijagual, 30 km. south of Turbo, Department of Antioquia,
40 meters altitude, April 12, 1945.
Justicm ephemera is a well-marked species apparently without near
relatives. The panduriform leaf blades are like many of those in
Pseuderanthemum. Staminodes, however, so constant in Pseuder-
definitely absent in this species. Haught states
» fragrant forming a showy inflorescence during
mornmgs m
only two or three days. The specific epithet is from the Greek
word i<f>rinepos, meaning ephemeral or short-lived
Leonard Figure 227
Suffrutex, caulibus
subquadrangularibus (angulis rotundatis),
glabris vel bifariam parce puberulis, pilis parvis, varie curvatis,
cystoHthis subpunctiformibus, minutis; lamina foliorum oblongo-
ovata vel oblongo-elliptica, breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso),
basi acuta in pctiolum dccurrcns, ahquanto tenuis, Integra vel undulata.
utrlnque glabra vol parce strigosa, costa et venis promm
strigillosis; petioli puberuli; paniculae torminales, ramis patulis,
ramis panicularum puberulis; flores in apicibus ramorum spissi,
sessiles vel bracteae ramos ultimos panicularum sud-
tendenteslanceolatae, acutae, parvae, parce ciliatae, costa prominente;
bracteae et bracteolae flores subtendentes subulatae, parvae, acutae,
bus parce dorsalibus aliquando glandulosis; corolla viridi-
ciliata, pilis
tubo subcvlindrico. narce et minute
erecto 3-lobato, lobis
— - ^
^ J
cence; b^node from tip of inflorescence showing bracts^ bractlets and calyx; c, bractlet;
d, bract; e^ a segment of the caljrx;/, corolla; g, anther; h, dorsal view of capsule valve.
(<7, Half natural size; b, twice natural size; c, d, 10 times natural size; ^, lYz times natural
size;/, about twice natural size; g, 8 times natural size; A, 3 times natural size.)
Figure 228.~Justicia helonoma Leonard {Haugkt 1754) : a, Tip of plant; b, bract; c, bractlet;
d, calyx; e, corolla;/, portion of corolla tube enlarged to show pubescence; g, anther.
(a, Half natural size; b, c, 6 times natural size; d, 3 times natural size; e, l>i times
natural size;/, 50 times natural size; g, 6}^ times natural size.)
retrorse, up to 0.13 mm. long, the corolla tube 11 mm. long, 2.25 mm.
broad near the base, 3 mm. broad at throat, the upper lip erect,
oblong, 8 mm. long, 3 mm. wide at base, the tip 1 mm. wide, emar-
ginate, the lower hp somewhat spreading or ascending, cuneate, 9 mm.
long, 5 mm. wide at base of the 3 lobes, these oblong-ovate, about 4
mm. long, 2 mm. wide, rounded; stamens exserted 6 mm. beyond the
toward base, the anthers 2 mm. long, 0.75 mm. broad, the lobes
tailed, the tail about 1 mm. long, bent vertically to the axis of the lobe;
style exserted about 2 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube,
about 200 meters altitude, April 28, 1937, also represents the species.
Justicia pectoralis Jacq. Enum. PI. Carib. 11. 1760. Type locality: "Insulis
Dianthera pectoralis Gmel. Syst. Nat. 36. 1796. Based on Justicia pectoralis
Stethoma pectoralis Raf. Fl. Tellur. 4: 61. 1836 [1838].
Bremekamp, Verb. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. Afd.
Psacadocalymma pectorale
Natuurk., Sect. 2, 45: 55. 1948.
above; petioles slender, 2 to 12 mm
about 0.2 mm, loner; flowers born
panicles usually 5 to IG cm. long and up to 6 cm.
broad, the branches
paired or verticillate, sl?npIo or the lower ones
branched, subterete,
pubcrulous, the eglandular hairs numerous,
spreading, 50/x long'
the glandular ones fewer, stouter, 75/. long,
with broad turbinate
tips, the lower internode usually 2
or 3 cm. long, the others succes-
sively shorter toward tip of panicle; lower
bracts narrowly lanceolate,
5 to 10 mm. long, 0.5 mm.
wide, acuminate, costate, glabrous or the
margins and costa more or less hirtellous, the
succeeding bracts
subulate, 1 to 2 mm. long, about 0.2 mm. wide
at base, acuminate,
pubcrulous with glandular and eglandular hairs: bractlets
subulate, 2.5 mm. long, about 0.25 mm
acuminate, pubcrulous with both glandular and
eglandular hairs'
of the corolla moderately pubescent, the hairs
spreading, 125 to
at throat, tlie upper lip triangular, erect, 2.5 mm. wide at base,
termmatm mm.
1.5 long
and 1 mm
more or less spreading, cuncate, 4 mm
lobes 1.5 mm. Ions:, the middle one 2 m
mm. long, exsertcd about 1 mm
the corolla, the filaments glabrous except the adnate
portion, this
pdose, tlie hairs rctrorsc, the anther lobes equally
attached or sliglitly
--_:' '
the internodes of the stems short, usually less than 2 cm. long; leaf
Herbarium, No
etcrs altitude, January 1856, by J. Triana. Isotype; Col.
VAUrfis: Banks of the Rio Pacoa, Schultes & Cabrera 15244 (US).
names: Abi
note: "Fortificante para lavar los nifios." On the label of the Cali
__^^ _„^„„ ^ information: ^
"Hierba de 30 cm
para orlar las eras o lineas di-
altura, erecta, notable porque sirve
visorias de la gcometria dc los parques.",
puberulous (the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, spreading or retrorse and
disposed more or less in 2 lines) or occasionally pilose with
spreading hairs up to 3.5 mm. long, the cystoliths numerous, parallel,
100 to 200 long; leaf blades lanceolate to oblong or oblong-ovate,
usually about 6 cm. long and 2 cm. wide but occasionally reaching
length of 15 cm. and a width of 4 cm., acuminate or acute at apex,
rounded, obtuse or narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole,
entire or shallowly undulate, moderately firm, both surfaces glabrous
or sparingly hirtellous, the costa and lateral veins (about 6 pairs)
obscure, the cystoliths slender, about 150^ long, not often conspicuous;
petioles up to 2 cm. long (including winged portion), the uppermost
leaves often subsessile; inflorescence terminal or axillary, the flowers
socund in slender simple or branched spikes, these fascicled or the
lowermost disposed in peduncled umbels, the peduncles up to 5 cm.
long, the spikes forming in aggregate a terminal panicle or
a paniculate inflorescence involving nearly the entire plant, the
branches of the inflorescence very slender and almost fihform, more or
less mmu ous, often with longer (up to SOOju)
late,barely 1.6 mm. mm. wide, sharply acute, glabrous,
long and 0.35
strongly costate; bractlets about 1 mm. long, 0.25 mm. wide, in
other respects similar to the bracts; calyx 2.5 mm. long, the segments
narrowly lanceolate, 2 mm. long, about 0.5 mm. wide at base, slenderly
acute, glabrous; corollas white, lilac, light blue, purplish white, rose
or greenish pink (Pennell), often marked with purplish lines or spots,
4.5 to 7 mm. long, glabrous or the upper part of the tube bearing a
few minute spreading hairs; the tube ca. 1.2 mm. broad at the base,
slightly enlarged upwardly, contracted at about the middle, here
1.5 mm.wide, thence arapliate to the throat, this 2 to 3.5 mm. wide,
the limb bilabiate, the upper lip erect, ovate, 2.5 mm. long, 1.25 mm.
wide, rounded or obtuse at tip, the lower lip spreading, triangular,
1.5 mm. wide at base, 3 mm. wide near tip, 3-Iobed, the lobes ovate'
0.5 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, obtuse; stamens exserted about 2 mm.
beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, the filaments slender, niloso, at
mm. wide, the lower one smaller mm
mm. bevond mouth
mm. long, 2 mm. broad and 1 mm
thick, 4-secdcd,
sparingly hirtellous or glabrate; retinacula about
0.75 mm. long, narrowly cucullate at tip; seeds reddish brown, some-
what flattened, barely 1 mm. in diameter, about 0.25 mm. thick,
roughened or indistinctly papillose.
- JL?
Naya, between Puerto Merizalde and Meregildo, Cuatrecasas 14345 (US). Rfo
Yurumanguf, between Isla de Golondro and La Amargura, Cuatrecasas 16060
388179—57 20
bracts subulate, 1.5 to 2.5 mm. long, strigose; bractlets minute, subu-
late; calyx 6 mm* long, hirtellous, the hairs mostly spreading, rigid,
up to 0.15 mm, long, the segments subulate, 5 mm, long, 0.75 mm.
wide at base; corolla purple, 15 mm, long, retrorsely hu:sute, the hairs
up to 0.2 mm. long, the lower half of the tube 1 mm. broad, the
mouth 4 mm. broad, the lips veiny, the upper lip erect, ovate, 4 mm.
long and 2.5 mm. wide, acute, the lower lip more or less spreading,
Figure 229. Justicia namatophila Leonard {Haught 2135): a, Tip of plant to show leaves
and inflorescence; h, portion of inflorescence enlarged to show calyx; c, anther; d^ corolla,
{a^ Half natural size; b, 3 times natural size; c, 7 times natural size; d^ l}i times natural
5 mm. long, 3-lobed, the lobes obovate, rounded, the middle lobe
2.5 mm. wide, the lateral ones 1.5 mm. wide; stamens slightly exserted
beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, about 4*5 mm. long, the fila-
ments flattened, glabrous, the anthers lobes slightly superposed and
obliquely attached to the connective, the lobes 0.75 mm. long, glabrous,
the lower lobe caudate, the tail about 0.15 mm, long; pistil slightly
longer than the stamens, curved at tip, the stigma lobes minute and
3 mm. long, about 3 mm. wide, 3-lobed, the lobes rounded, about
1 mm. in diameter; stamens 2.5 mm. long, the filaments slender, the
anther lobes slightly superposed, somewhat obliquely attached, the
upper 0.4 mm. long and 0.2 mm. wide, the lower slightly shorter,
both rounded at base, the connective 0.25 mm. wide; style 5 mm.
long, glabrous, the stigma minutely bilobed and rounded.
Woods, ditches, and grassy meadows in Colombia, Brazil, French
Guiana, and Ecuador.
Justicia martiana is closely related to J. comosa but can be easily
recognized by its large dense hirsute panicles. The species shows
considerable variation. The flowers vary from white to blue. Schom-
burgk's No. 305, the type of var. hispida Nees, from French Guiana,
has a glandular pubescent inflorescence and ovate leaf blades with
rounded Klug's specimens, cited here, have
lanceolate leaf blades gradually narrowed to the base, but
Uribe-P., although likewise narrowly lanceolate, arc rounded
at base and briefly decurrent on the petiole. The capsules of Schom-
burgk's plant are 4 mm. long, 2.25 mm. wide, and about 1 mm. thick,
Argentina (Herb. Arnott), and Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil,
FiGURE 230. Justicia idiogenesLeonard {a, b, Cuatrecasas 10757; c-e^ ^/w^ 1813): a, Tip
of plant to show inflorescence and leaves; Z^, calyx, bract and bractlet;c, bract; f/, stamen;
e, capsule valve, {a, Half natural size; b, 4 times natural size; c, 5}^ times natural size;
densely hirtellous, the hairs more or less disposed in two lines, re-
trorsely curved, up to 0.4/inm. long, the nodes swollen; leaf blades
oblong-ovate to lanceolate, up to 8 cm. long 2.5 cm. wide, obtuse, Wd
Figure 231. Justicia fusagasugana Leonard {Andre 1517): a, Node of stem showing
inflorescence; t, bracts; c, tip of bract enlarged to show type of hairs; J, calyx; ^, section
of calyx segment (outer surface) enlarged to show hyaline margins; /, anther. (^,
Natural size; hj 3}i times natural size; f, 25 times natural size; d, 3 times natural size;
/,/, 10 times natural size,)
to 0,25 mm. long, the inner surface papillose, the margins whitish
and subhyaline; corolla lilac, sparingly and minutely pubescent,
the tube 9 mm, long, the throat about 4 mm. broad, the upper lip
narrowly ovate, about 6 mm, long, the lower cuneiform, 11 mm. long,
3-lobed, the lobes 2.5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, rounded; stamens
exsertcd, reaching to middle of lips of the corolla, the anther lobes
superposed and vertical, 1.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm, broad, the lower one
caudate, the tail 0.75 mm. long; ovary densely puberulent; cap-
sules not seen.
Type Kew
Herbarium, collected at Fusagasug^, Department
in the
of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 1,780 meters altitude, February 4, 1876,
Ed. Andre (No. 1517).
Cundinamarca: Toeaimaj 500 meters altitude, January 1858, Triana s. n.
Figure 232.— Justicia scytophylla Leonard {Schultes i^ Cabrera 17545): a, Portion of stem
5 cm- below spike; i, spike; c, bract; dy calyx and bractlets; ^, upper lip of corolla;
/, anther, (a, b^ Natural size, r, f> 3}^ times natural size; d, 3 times natural size;
and ciliate, the hairs up to 0.08 mm. long; corolla 8 mm. long, the upper
part finely and rather sparingly pubescent, the lower part glabrous,
the tube 1.5 mm. broad at base, 2 mm. broad at the throat, the upper
lip rather narrowly ovate, 6 mm. long, 2 mm* wide at base, narrowed
from middle minutely bilobed tip 0,5 mm. wide, the lobes 0.25 mm.
to a
long, obtuse, the lower lip subovate, about 6 mm. long and 4 mm.
wide, rather shallowly 3-lobed at tip; stamens about 3 mm. long,
slightly exserted, the filaments slender, glabrous, the anther cells super-
posed, 0.75 mm. long, 0.25 mm. thick, minutely pilose dorsally, the
connective 0.25 mm, wide; capsules clavate, 7 mm, long, the seed-
bearing part 4 mm. long, 3 mm. broad and about 2 mm. thick, the
mm. loner, the tin th
Type the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2124584, collected
along the Rio Piraparand, a tributary of the Rio Apaporls, Comlsaria
of Vaup^s, September 18, 1952, by Richard Evans Schultes and
Isidoro Cabrera (No. 17545). Isotype: US.
The color of the corolla is not apparent in the dried material. The
specific epithet is from the Greek ckitos, leather, and <^6XXoj', leaf, in
allusion to the coriaceous texture of the leaf blades.
(under side) in detail to show hairs and cystoliths; c, bracts, a bractlet and calyx;
d, calyx; e, portion of bract enlarged to show pubescence;/, tip of corolla; g, anther.
{a. Half natural size, h, 20 times natural size; c, d, 4 times natural size; e, 25 times
(the tip itself blunt), acute to obtuse at base, rather firm, entire,
glabrous on both surfaces except the strigose costa and lateral veins
(8 or 9 pairs) of the lower surface, the cystoliths slender, up to 0.24
mm. long, rather obscure; petioles up to 1 cm. long, sparingly strigose
or hirtellous, the hairs up to 0.16 mm. long; flowers borne in trifurcate
spikes up to 7 cm. long and 5 mm. broad, the common peduncle 10.5
cm. Ions, subquadranerular, 1.5 mm. thick, hirsute, the hairs ascending.
9 cm. long and 4.8 cm. wide, and their spikes are only 3 cm. long
instead of 7 cm.
mm. in diam
lowermost mm
wide at base, carinate and condupUcate, sparingly hirtellous, the hairs
mm. Ions*, the cvstoliths numerous
conspicuous, the upper bracts subulate or narrowly triangular, about
g, narrowed from base to a slender tip, carina
\ and covered with cvstoliths; bractlets similar
mm. loner* about 0.75 mm
hairs rigid and ascending, up to 0.2 mm. long, the cystoliths numerous,
parallel and conspicuous; corolla white with the anterior lip spotted
with violet (Pennell), 26 mm. long, rather densely hirtellous except
at base, the hau-s more or less spreading, up to 0.24 mm. long, rigid,
the corolla tube narrow, 2 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 5 mm.
above base to 1.5 mm., thence gradually enlarged to 2.5 mm. at mouth,
mm. ione. 4 mm
mm. wide at tip, rounded, emarsfinate
recurved, the inner surface papillose, oblong, 5 mm. wide, 3-lobed at
tip, the lobes about 1 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, rounded,
the middle
one cucullate; stamens exserted, equaling or slightly shorter than the
corolla lips, the filaments glabrous, the anthers 3.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm.
broad, dorsally hu*sute, the cells superposed and vertically attached
to the connective, the cells slightly overlapping, the lower one short-
caudate, the rounded at tip, about 0.32 mm, long; ovary hirtellous.
Figure 235. Justicia peiraea Leonard (C. L. Collenelte 614): a, Tip of plant; t, portion of
under surface of leaf blade enlarged toshow pubescence and cystoliths; bract; d^tr,
the rachis 1.5 cm. long, the others successively shorter toward tip of
spike, these and the peduncles rather densely hirtellous, the hairs
brown, more or less spreading, up to 0.3 mm. long; bracts subtend-
mg spikes subulate, 4 or 5 mm. long, about 1 mm. wide at base,
gradually narrowed to a blunt tip, subcarinate, firm, hirtellous like
the rachis; bracts subtending the flowers subulate, the lowermost pair
linear-lanceolate, 3.5 mm, long, 075 mm. wide, blunt at tip, striate,
linear^ up to 3.5 mm. long and 0,5 mm. wide, blunt at tip, hirtellous;
€alyx 6 mm. long, the segments narrowly lanceolate, 5 mm, long, 0.5
mm. wide near the base, gradually narrowed to an acute tip, sparingly
hirtellous with spreading or ascending hairs up to 0.5 mm. long,
delicately 3-nerved; corolla 13 mm. long, white with mauve markings
on lip, rather sparingly puberulous, the hairs spreading, up to 0.13
mm. long, the lips subequal, 6 mm. long, the upper one oblong-ovate,
about 3 mm. wide, rounded at tip, the lower one cuneate, 7 mm. wide
at base of the 3 lobes, these ovate, 3 mm, long, the middle one 3 mm,
wide at base, the lateral ones 2 mm. wide, all rounded at tip; stamens
slightly exscrted, the anthers 2 mm. long, dorsally pubescent, the
cells vertical or slightly oblique at maturity, superposed, 1 mm. long,
0.5 mm. wide, the lower one calcarate, the tail 0.5 mm. long, cucullatc
and rounded at tip, the connective spurred, the filaments glabrous
except at base, here retrorsely hirtellous with straight rigid hairs up
to 0.24 mm. long; capsules 4-seeded, clavate, 1 cm. long, 2 mm.
broad, 1.5 mm. thick, rather sparingly hirtellous, the hairs more or
less spreading, up to 0,11 mm. long or a few at the tip of the capsule
reaching 0,18 mm. in length, the acute hairs intermixed with shorter
gland-tipped ones; retinacula curved or bent at middle, 1.5 mm,
long, the tip rounded, thin, obscurely erose; seeds flat, about 2 mm. in
diameter, light brown, obscurely tuberculate.
Type in the Kew Herbarium, collected on rocks
narrow gorge in
near stream, Gorgona Island (off coast of Cauca), Colombia, ''200
ft/^ altitude, October 18, 1924, by C. L. CoUenette (No. 614),
Justicia petraea may be related to J. sterea^ a species with a similar
inflorescence but with the leaf blades acute at base and the petioles
longer- The specific epithet is from the Greek TrerpaZos, meaning
living on or among rocks, in allusion to its habitat.
Figure 236.—JusHcia sterea Leonard {Cuatrecasas 16811): a, Tip of plant to show leaf
and inflorescence; h, portion of leaf blade (lower surface) enlarged
to show pubescence
and cystoliths; c, bract and bractlets; d, margin of bract (near
tip) enlarged to show
pubescence; e, calyx segment (inner surface);/, tip of calyx
segment (outer surface);
g, tipof corolla; h, portion of inner surface of upper lip enlarged to show glandular
pubescence; r*, anther, {a, Half natural size; h, times natural size; c, 5 times natural
g, 3
size; d, 18 times natural size; f,f, 4>^ times natural si^c; h, 30 times natural size; {, IS
times natural size.)
13.5 cm. long and 5.5 cm. wide, acuminate, the tips often
the upper surface glabrous, the lower surface
glabrous except the
costa and lateral veins (8 or 9 pairs), these minutely
strigose, the
venation prominent beneath, obscure above, the cystoliths
uous under lens but more or less scattered; petioles
up to 2 cm.
long and 1.75 mm. thick, minutelv striyosn- flnwors l-.nrno ir. ir.^.-^;^^i
cm. long and 6 mm
Figure 237. Jusiicia sciera Leonard {Guturrez-F, 1300): a^ Tip of plant showing leaves
and Inflorescence; b, portion of upper part of stem enlarged to show pubescence; c,
portion of leaf blade (under surface) enlarged to show cystoliths; dy bract; ^, bractlct;
/, calyx segment; g, capsule valve; A, retinaculum, {a, Natural size; i, about 30 times
natural ^iixe; c, 10 times natural size; d-f^ 3 times natural size; g, 2 times natural size;
A, 6}i times natural size.)
mm. long, slightly curved, the margins finely striate, the tip flattened
obtuse, erose; seed brownish, cordate, flattened, about 2.5 mm. lon^
f/< ^A
0.24 mm. long, the lower surface drying light olive-green, glahrons
except costa and lateral veins^ these conspicuous, moderately pubcru-
lous, the hairs curved, up to 0,11 mm. long, subap pressed; petioles
5 mm. longj appressod-puberulous; spikes sohtary or in 3^s, rigkl^ up
to 5 cm, long and 4 mm, broad^ the peduncles slender, up to 2.4 cm.
long, sharply quadrangular, 0J5 mm. thick gradually increased to
1.75 mm. at base of first pair of bracts, there somewhat flattened,
hirsute, the hairs straight or curved, spreading or ascending, septate,
the rachis flattened, the lower internodes about 6 mm. long, the others
successively shorter toward tip of the spike, the hairs similar to those
of the peduncles; bracts ovate, 3 mm. long, 1.5 mm, wide, acute,
firm, hirsute, the hairs 0.2 mm. long, erect, septate, some of
them cyathiform, the margins ciliate, the costa prominent, the cysto-
liths conspicuous; bractlets ovate, 1.75 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide,
acute, the pubescence that of the bracts; calyx 6 mm. long, the
segments rigid, lanceolate, 4 mm, long, 1 mm. wide slightly above
middle, acute, glabrous or bearing a few cj^athiform hairs, sparingly
ciliate, the costa and a pair of lateral nerves prominent; corolla lilac,
densely puberulous with spreading glandular hairs about 0.8 mm, long,
except the lower portion, this glabrous, the tube 6 mm. long, the
basal portion 2.5 mm. broad, narrow^ed at middle to 2 mm., thence
enlarged to 2.5 mm, at throat, the lips subequal, about 6 mm. long,
the upper lip triangular-ovate, 3 mm. broad at base, obtuse and
apiculate at tip, the lower lip cuneiform, 5 mm. wide near tip, 3-lobcd,
the lobes orbicular, the middle one 2.5 mm. wide, the lateral ones
1.75 mm. wide, all rounded, the throat swollen and plaited; stamens
exserted 5 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla, the lobes 1 mm.
long, superposed and contiguous, attached vertically to the connective,
the lower ceU spurred, the spur ligulate, curved, flattened, rounded at
tip, the filaments flattened, their ventral surface densely glandular-
the lower lip 3-lobed, the lobes oblong-ovate, rounded at tip, ciliolate;
stamens slightly exserted but not extending beyond the corolla lips,
Figure 239. — /
calyx segment;
show marginal hairs and cystoUths; d, bractlet; e,
of bract enlarged to
times natural size; c, 25 times natural size; e, 5 times natural size;
Natural size; b, d, l^i
_^ anther lobes superposed, 1.25 mm. long and 0.75 mm. broad, the
lower vertically attached to the connective
upper lobe obliquely, the
and obscurely subcaudate at base; capsules clavate, mm
about 3 mm. broad and 2 mm. thick, minutely hirtellous,
bracts narrowly ovatOj 5.5 mm. long, L75 mm. wide near base, acute,
3-nerYed, sparingly hirtelloiis, the hairs slightly curved, ascending,
up to 0.2 mm. long; bractlcts lanceolate, 5 mm. long, about 1 mm.
wide at base, conduplicate, hirtellous with minute ascending straight
or slightly curved hairs; calyx 11 mm. long, deeply segmented, the
segments 5, linear-lanceolate, 0.75 mm. wide, narrowed to a slender
Figure 240.—Justicia hygrohia Leonard {Cuatrecasas 10848): a, Tip of plant showing leaf
and inflorescence; by bract; Cy portion of bract (medial dorsal) enlarged to show hairs
and cystoliths; d, bractlet; e, calyx; /, portion of calyx segment to show hairs and
cystoliths. {a. Natural size; h, d, 4 times natural size; cj, about 20 times natural size;
e, twice natural size.)
enfolding the stamens, the lower lip spreading, about 3.5 mm. wide,
3-lobcd, the lobes ovate, rounded; stamens reaching the tip of the
upper lip, the filaments glabrous or bearing a few hairs near base,
the anthers 2.5 mm. long, the lobes superposed one above the other,
subvcrtically attached to the connective, the lower lobe terminating
in a blunt white spur 0.5 mm. long; pistil equalling the stamens,
hirtellous; capsules clavate, 12 mm. long, 3 mm. broad, 1,5 mm.
thick, 4-secded, puberulous, the hairs up to 0.06 mm. long, spreading
or retrorse; retinacula 1.5 mm. long, curved or bent, the tip flat,
rounded, erose.
Type U.
National Herbarium, No. 1798535, collected in
in the S.
wet forests along the Rio Putuma^^o at Puerto Ospina, Comisaria of
Putumayo, Colombia, 230 meters altitude, November 29, 1940, by
J. Cuatrecasas (No. 10848).
The holotypc specimen is forked at the tip, the two branches about
20 cm. long and each bearing at the tip of the single internode (about
12 cm. long) a pair of leaves and an inflorescence. This mode of
forking may or may not be normal for the species. The lobation of
the lips was not discernible in the immature corollas of the type
material. The species apparently has no close relatives and is
probably confined to tlie Putumayo region. The specific epithet is
Justicia sp.
0.22 mm. long; the intcrnodes of the stem are short and rather
Colombia by Sinclair,
Rhytiglossa oblonga Nees in DC. Prodr. 11: 343. 1847.
Sufl'rutcx, caulibus
subquadrangularibus; laminae foliorum ali-
quanto magnae, apice acuminatae, basi cuncatae, integrac, cj^stoliihis
parvis sod conspicuis; paniciilae torminales, angustac, pubcrulae,
pilis acutis et pilis
glandulosis iiitermixtis; bractoae parvae, subulatae;
calycis segmenta 4, linearia; corolla hypocrateriformis, labiis
labio supciiore apicc rotimdato, labio inferiore trilobato, lobis
tundis; stamina 2, lobo uno antberarum normali. lobo altnrn in
^ma parvum, bilobatum
ovarium glabrum
stems subquadrangul acuminate,
forming a narrow terminal
mmu iT
1 mixture of dandular and
corolla 2-Iipped, tbe upper rounded at tbe tip, the lower lip 3-lobcd;
stamens 2, tlio anthers each with one fertile cell, the other reduced to
Pelecostemon differs from Justicia in its peculiar anthers. Tbe
name, ot Greek origni and derived from
certain type of ancient battle-ax.
moaeratelv lU'm
the costa and lateral veins (7 or 8 pairs) prominent beneath, less so
above, the cystoliths rather loosely scattered but prominent under a
1 T-
show pubescence; gy same (outer surface); A, portion of rachis enlarged to show pubes-
cence; i, anther* {a, b. Half natural size; c, 9 times natural size; d, twice natural size;
tfj 3 times natural size; /-A, about 10 times natural size; i, 7 times natural size.)
388179—57- 22
Jacohinia Noes ex Moric. PI, Nouv. Am, 15G, PL OS, 1846, Origin of name
unknown. Type species Jacohinia lepida Nees ex Moric, Type locality;
Cyrfanthera Nees in Mart. FL Bras. 9: 99. 1847, Derivation: KvprSsj curved,
and avdr}p6sj anther. The first of the species described, and the one illus-
trated, C. magnifica Nees, may be the lectotype.
Sericographis Nees in Mart. Fl. Bras. 9: 107. 1847. Derivation: S7?pift:6s, silken,
and probably in allusion to the conspicuous cystoliths. The
ypa(f>hj style,
first of the 12 species described, and the one illustrated, S. rigida Nees, may
be the lectotype.
About 120 authentic species have been described, all from tropical
Calyx segments up to 3 mm, long; flowers red or orange, the spicate branches
up to 7 cm. long.
Flowers borne in cymose panicles 4. /. spicigera
Flowers borne in axillary spikes up to 7 cm. long 5. /. tinctoria
Figure 242. Jacobinia axiologa Leonard (Haught 1986): a, Basal portion of leaf blade;
b, tip of leaf blade; c, portion of spike (middle); d, basal node of inflorescence; e, one of
the hairs from basal node;/, bract; g, pubescence of lower surface of bract; /;, one of a
pair of bractlets; i, a calyx segment; ;, tip of corolla; k, anther, (a-d, Half natural
siz3; e, 14 times natural size;/, twice natural size; g, 41 times natural size; h, i, 3 times
natural si7.e;/, 3 times natural size; k^ 8 times natural size.)
brown-pilose, often densely so, the hairs spreading, up to 1.5 mm. long,
septate; flowers borne in terminal and sometimes axillary spikes,
these solitary, paired or in threes and up to 20 cm. long and 3 cm.
broad, the peduncles (up to 3 cm. long) and rhachis hirtellous; bracts
subtending the spikes and lowermost flowers lanceolate, leaflike,
up to 3 cm. long and 1 cm. w^idc; typical bracts subtending the flowers
orbicular, 1.5 cm. long, 1 cm. wide, abruptly and slenderly acuminate,
the slender tip about 3 mm, long, abruptly narrowed at middle to a
slender claw, the upper surface glabrous, the lower puberulous with
minute erect papular hairs and a few longer curved eglandular ones
intermixed, the margins ciliate with spreading hairs up to 1 mm,
long; bractlets lanceolate, 3.25 mm, long, 1 mm. wide near base,
slenderly acuminate, subhyaline, glabrous or bearing a few curved
stiff hairs about 0,18 mm. long, sparingly ciliolate; calyx 4-parted,
ascending hairs about CIS mm. long, sparingly ciliolate toward base;
corolla pale yellow, 2.5 to 3 cm. long, sparingly hirtellous at tip,
otherwise glabrous, the tube about 2 mm. broad at base, slightly
constricted above base, the mouth 4.5 mm. broad, the lips subequal,
7 mm. long, the upper lip subcrect, oblong, about 3 mm. wide at base,
gradually narrowed to 1 mm. near tip, 2-lobed, the lobes about 0.5
mm. long and broad, rounded, the lower lip somewhat spreading,
34obed, narrowly ovate, about 5 mm. long, rounded at tip; stamens
reaching within about 2 mm. of the tip of the upper lip and Ij^ing in it,
glabrous, the anthers 2.5 mm. long, the lobes narrow and parallel
and rounded at base, the connective very narrow; pistil about as
long as the stamens, sparingly hirtellous; capsules 13 to 15 mm. long,
5 wide and 2.5 mm. thick, 4-seeded, glabrous, the solid stipitate
portion about 6 mm. long and 2 mm. broad; retinacula straight or
slightly curved, about 2.5 mm. long, acute; seed suborbicular, 5 mm.
long and 4 mm. broad, 0.75 mm. thick, whitish, faintly wrinkled,
the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1742247, collected
about 20 km. south of El Centro, in the vicinity of Barranca Bermeja,
Magdalcna Valley, between the Rios Sogamoso and Carare, Depart-
ment of Santander, Colombia, 100 meters altitude, September 29,
1936, by Oscar Ilaught (No. 1980).
Also of this species are Haught's No. 1672, collected at Camp
Carare IV in the vicinity of Puerto Berrio, between the Rio Carare
and Rio Magdalena, Department of Santander, 100 to 700 meters
altitude, April 25, 1935 (US), and Hodge's No, 0511, collected in rain
upper surface glabrous or nearly so, the lower surface puberulous, the
mm. long) conrmed more
costa and lateral veins (about 6 pairs) prominent beneath, less so
above, the veinlets coarsely reticulate, cystoUths not apparent;
petioles rather slender, up to 3 cm. long, glabrous or sparingly puberu-
lous; flowers borne in terminal panicles about 10 cm. long and 6 cm.
broad, the lowermost internodes of the panicle about 2 cm. long, the
others successively shorter toward the tip of the inflorescence, all
glabrous and subquadrangular; bracts subtending the ultimate
branches of the inflorescence linear, about 3 mm. long and 0.75 mm.
wide, obtuse or rounded, glabrous, those subtending the flowers spath-
ulate, 5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide near tip, narrowed to 1 mm. at 1.5
mm. below tip, obtuse, glabrous; bractlets lacking; calyx 2 cm. long,
glabrous, the segments 5, lanceolate, up to 16 mm. long and 3.5 mm.
wide, acute, the costa and 2 pairs of lateral nerves slender but rather
prominent; corolla yellow, glabrous, up to 4.8 cm. long, the tube
subcyhndric, 7 mm. broad at base, narrowed to 3 mm. at 5 mm.
above base, 6 mm. broad at mouth, the upper lip subcrect, oblong,
L8 cm. long, 5.5 mm, wide, bilobed at tip, the lobes triangular-ovate,
style about as long as the stamens, glabrous; ovary glabrous, 4-
ovuled; capsules not seen.
^ Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1950034, collected at
Aguabonita, valley of the Rio San Jose, in the vicinity of Moscopdn,
Department of Cauca, Colombia, 2,280 meters altitude, January 30,
1947, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 23467).
Quebrada la Candela, Rio Naranjo, 20 km
of San Agustin, Department of Huila, Colombia, 2,100 to 2,300 meters
altitude, February 13, 1943, is also of this species.
Cuatrecasas gives on his label the following notes: "Suffrutex 1
met. Hoja verde brillante, haz verde grisaceo enves, peciolo y
nervios violaceos. Caliz amarillo con margenes verdosos. Coiola
amarilla. Anteras viol etas."
from an herb less than a meter
doubtfully placed in the family Acanthaceae. Should
s is
it belong in the genus Jacobinia, the shallowly toothed leaves and the
the connective, 2.5 mm. long and 0.75 mm. broad, the filaments
flattened, glabrous; capsules not seen.
Vernacular names: Azul {Idrobo cfc Ferndndez 243; Lehmann B. T.
428, B. T. 438, 7851) and panciga {Duque 1701)
Jacobinia tinctoria is a cultivated plant in Colombia often planted
in parks, gardens, or patios. The
and young branches
macerated in water yield a deep blue dye which in a diluted solution
can be used as a substitute for indigo for washing white clothes.
have originated.
bushy and erect shrubs 2 m. in height.
j^ij.u. Leaves sca^'oen.
ijv^ti; r i^o
Oi^ctg Flowers
dark vermilion yellow at base." The plants from which his No.
iken were propagating by slender underground rooting
Cauca: El Tambo, Corregimiento de L6pez, 1,750 meters altitude, August 23,
1949, Idroho& Fernandez 243 (US).
El Valle: Call, 1,000 meters altitude, June 15, 1938, Duque 1701 (US).
Popaydn (cultivated), Lehmann B. T. 428 (K, NY), B. T. 438 (K, NY), 7851
(K). Toro, 970 meters altitude, October 7, 1943, Cuatrecasas 15275 (GH, US).
Jacobinia lindaviana Rusby
Jacobinia lindaviana Rusby, Descr. So. Am. PL 128. 1920.
The type has not been available for study. Following is the orig-
inal description:
base, obtuse at summit, dark-green, thickish, the veins dark, strongly ascending.
2-bracteolate at the base of the calyx,
Flo\vers few, in the upper axils, subsessile,
the bracts minute, subulate. Calyx 10 mm. long, the lobes lanceolate, acuminate,
acutish. Corolla-tube 15 mm. long, nearly straight, dilating very near the
summit, the lobes partially destroyed by insects in my specimen. The short
stamens equalling the corolla tube, the longer ones exscrted, the lower anther
cell with about two-thirds of its length below the base of the upper, which is
short mucronate. Style not equalling the longer stamens, stout, sharply declined,
"Species dedicated to Dr. Lindau who has kindly confirmed my determination.
"Collected at Playa Brava on the northern coast of Colombia, on a dry, rocky
hillside on June 6, 1899, by Herbert H. Smith, who reports it as a foot high, and
having crimson Flowers. (No. 2821).
Chaetochlamys Lindau in Bull. Herb. Boiss. 3: 490. 1895. From the Greek
xairr}, hair, and x>^an{>s, bract. The name was probably suggested by the
Paraguay), and C. rushyi {Kuntze s. n., Bolivia). The first of these can be
considered as the type species.
ovata, apice obtusa vel siibacuta, basi acuta vel obtusa, aliquanto
firmaj Integra vel imdnlata, supra glabra vel in costa strigosa vel
hirsuta, pills appressis vel curvatis et asccndentibus, cystolithis
pluribus ct conspicuis, subtus glabra vel in costa ct venis parcc hirtella,
cystolitliis pluribus densis ct conspicuis; petioli breves, glabri vel in
canale parcc puberuli; capitula terminalia, foliis ovatis suffulta;
bracteae lanccolatae, virides ct foliaceae, acutac, venosac, glabrae vel
intus basi pubcrulae, marginibus ciliatis, pilis ascendentibus;
bractcolao anguste lanccolatae, apicc graciles (apicc ipso obtuse),
glabrae vel intus basi puberulae, marginibus ciliatus; calycis segmcnta
ciliatis, pilis conspicuis, albis, patulis vel ascendentibus; corollae pur-
purea, birtella vel basi extus glabra, pilis patulis, tubo subcylindrico,
labio supcriore crecto, anguste ovato, apice bilobato, lobis oblongis,
lobo inferiore calcarato; capsulao ovoideac, abrupte acutac, glabrae;
retinacula fere recta, apicc tenuia, erosa; semina subsphaerica, sub-
brunnea, slabra.
branched, subterete, bifariously puberulous, the hairs retrorsely
curved, up to about 0.16 mm. long, the intcrnodes 2 to 5 cm. long,
the lower woody portions of the stems glabrous, the bark gray; leaf
upper surface glabrous or the costa strigoso or hirsute, the hairs about
mm appressed or curved and ascending, the cystoliths
numerous and conspicuous, up to 0.1 cm. long, the lower surface
glabrous or the costa bearing a few scattered hairs, the cystoliths
conspicuous, crowded and numerous; petioles up to 4 mm. long,
glabrous or the channels sparingly puberulous; flowers borne in green
terminal sessile heads about 2 cm. long and 2 to 3 cm. broad, these
subtended by a pair of ovate leaves up to 5 cm. long and 2 cm. wide;
bracts lanceolate, green and leaflike, up to 1.8 cm. long and 3.5 mm.
wide, acute, veiny, the surfaces glabrous except the puberulous lower
wide near base, gradually narrowed to a slender tip (the tip itself
blunt), glabrous except a small puberulous area at base of inner
surface and the ciliate margins; calyx segments lanceolate, up to
natural size; g, 7 times natural size; h, 1^ times natural size; i, 4 times natural size.)
wide, subacute and aristate at tip, the seta about 1 mm. long, narrowed
and deeurrent on the petiole, moderately firm
spreading or ascending, up to 1 mm. long, the cystoliths numerous
and prominent; flowers borne in numerous terminal and axillary
spikes, these frequently forming large panicles, the spikes oblong,
usually up to 1.5 cm. long, although at times as much as 3 cm. long,
mostly 3 to 5 mm. broad (the flowers secund), sessile or short-pedun-
culate (1 mm.), the rachis puberulous; bracts lanceolate, 3.5 mm.
long, 0.75 mm. wide, the hairs ascending, up to 0.5 mm. long,
the flat surfaces glabrous, the costa promment; calyx segments linear,
7 mm. lone. 0.75 mm wide, narrowed to a slender tip, ciliate, the haks
mm. Ions: corollas violet to white, about 1.5 cm
mm. long
mostly retrorsely curved, the tube 1.25 mm. broad at base, narrowed
just above ovary to 1 mm., the throat 1.5 mm. broad, the upper lip
erect, narrowly ovate, 4.5 mm. long, 2 mm. wide at base, obtuse or
rounded at lip, the lower hp 4 mm. long, deeply 3-lobed, the lobes
obovate, 1.5 mm. wide, rounded; stamens exserted 2 mm. beyond
the mouth of the coroUa tube, the upper lobe 0.75 mm. long and 0.25
mm. thick, the lower lobe affixed about 0.5 mm. below the upper,
vestigial; capsule clavate, 7 mm. long, 1.5 mm. broad and thick,
minutely and rather sparingly puberulous; retmacula truncate or
irregular at tip; mature seed not seen.
No Colombian specimens examined. The description is based on
material from Argentina.
rowly cylindric, 0.75 mm. broad, the throat 1 mm. broad, the upper
lip narrowly ovate, 2.5 mm. long, 1 ram. wide at base, emarginate at
tip, the lower lip 3-parted nearly to base, the lobes obovate, about 3
mm. long, the middle lobe 2 mm, wide, the lateral lobes 1.5 mm* wide,
all obtuse; stamens glabrous, exserted 2.5 mm, beyond the mouth of
the corolla, the upper anther lobe 0.75 mm, long, 0.5 mm. broad, the
lower anther lobe affixed 0.5 mm. below the upper, sterile and reduced;
capsule clavate, 5 mm. long, about 2 mm. broad and 1 mm. thick,
minutely pubescent, the hairs up to 0.08 mm. long, retrorsely ascend-
ing; seed (immature) papillose.
Type in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden, collected
at edge of thicket in Buenavista, east of Sinc6, Department of Bolivar,
Colombia, 100 to 200 meters altitude, January 24, 1918, by Francis W.
Pennell (No. 3985). Isotype in the Gray Herbarium.
PennelPs No. 4236 (NY), collected in a forest at Boca Verde, on
the Kio Sinii, Department of Bolivar, Colombia, 100 to 300 meters
altitude, February 13-14, 1918, is also of this species.
The specific epithet is from the Greek Xcy/cos, white, and apdos,
Figure 246. Chaetotkylax haughiii Leonard {Haught 377S): a, Node showing leaf and
spike; b, bract; c, calyx; dj corolla; e, posterior lip of corolla;/, middle lobe and one
of the lateral lobes of the lower lip of the corolla; g, anther, (a, Natural size; b^ 4 tinncs
natural size; c, 3}i times natural size; d, l}i times natural size; e,fy 5 times natural size;
g, 12 times natural size,)
500 meters altitude, October 23, 1943, by Oscar Haught (No. 3775).
4. Chaetothylax huilensis Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 247
Herba, caulibus quadrangularibus, plus minusve ramosis, erectis
Figure 247. Chaeiothylax huilensis Leonard Galen Smith 1164; c-f. Rushy
{a, b, S, ^ Pennell
486): a^ Stem node and leaf; b^ tip of plant showing Inflorescence; Cy bract; dy calyx;
f, corolla;/, anther, {a, b, Natural size; c^ dy 3 times natural size; ^, twice natural size;
/, 8 times natural size.)
into the stem leaves; bractlets oblong-linear, 2.5 mm. long and 0.5
mm. wide, obtuse and ciliate; pedicels 0.5 mm. long, pilose; calyx 5
mm. long, the segments narrowly lanceolate, acuminate (tip itself
blunt), the posterior segment 0.5 to 0.75 mm. wide, the anterior seg-
ments 4, about 0.25 mm. wide, all densely white-pilose, the hairs
similar to those of the stem; corolla white, puberulous above, glabrous
at base, 5 to 6 mm. long, the tube 2.5 mm. long and 0.75 mm. in diam-
AtlXntico: Thin dry woods in the vicinity of Puerto Colombia, Barkley &
GutUrrez 183G (US). Thin shrubby woods south of Barranquilla, Torreyroza^
Araque-M, & Barkley 18At.521 (US).
BoLfvAR: Southwest of Monterfa, Araqiie-M, & Barkley l9BoL83 (US),
Magdalena: Open forests of Cerrej6n, Haught G711 (US). Wet sandy soil on
the bank of the Rfo Manzanarcs near Santa Marta, Giacometto 1049 (US).
1. Mendoncia
Vaup^s: Soratama, on the Rio Apaporis between Rfo Pacoa and Rio Kananarij
Schultes & Cabrera 13710 (US),
Antioquia: Road between El Socorro and Mulato, east of Argelia, Core 825
(US). Rio Samand, near the road to Sons6n, Uribe-Uribe 2151 (US). Wet
woods of the Fucntes Termales de Santo Domingo, Scolnihy Araque-M. &
Barkley 19An.478 (US).
Meta: Plaza Bonita, Sierra de la Macarena, Philipson, Jdrobo & Ferndndez
1496 (BM, US).
3a. Mendoncia lasiophyta Leonard. (Page 16.)
Vichada: Amanaven, November 22, 1948, Romero 1225 (US). Dense ^\oods
along the Rfo Guaviare in the regi6n dc Amanabcl, 250 meters altitude,
November 23, 1948, Araquc-M & Barkleij 18 Vi. 128 (US).
9a. Mendoncia trichota Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 21.) Figukk 248a
Suffrutex volubilis, caulibus sulcatis, subterotibus, pilosis et
puberulis, pilis longis patulis brunncis ct parvis albidis intermixtis;
Figure 2i8a.~ Mendoncia trichota Leonard {Koie 5043): a. Lower portion of leaf; b, upper
portion of leaf; c, portion of stem; d, bract, (a, by Half natural size; c, d, natural si^e.)
Meta; Rio Giiejar, north of La Macareiia, Sabanas de San Juan de Arama, 500
meters altitude, August 23, 1950, Idrobo 566 (US).
12a. Mendoncia phalacra Leonard, sp, nov. (Page 23.) Figure 248b
Plauta volubilis, caulibus subteretibus, leviter sulcatis, glabris;
lamina foliorum obloniro-elliptica, breviter acuminata et apiculata.
b acuta vel obtusa vel rotundata. firma, sub Integra,
mediocriter prominentibus
minusve sulcati, glabn; flores solitani vel gemmi
pedicelli sulcati, glabri, bquadrangularcs, deorsum teretcs;
rotundatae ct mucronulatae, dIus
Vine; steins shallowly grooved, sub terete, glabrous, 3 mm. in
diameter near the fruiting nodes; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to
12.5 cm, long and 7.5 cm. wide, short-acuminate and bluntly apiculate,
entire, both surfaces glabrous, the costa and lateral veins (4 pairs)
moderately prominent L5 to 2.5 cm. long, mor
sulcatc, glabrous; flowers solitary or in pairs in the axils of the upper
cm. lonir, toward base terete and 1 mm
iametcr, trraduallv enlarsred to 3 mm
Figure 248c. —Mendoncia garciae Leonard {Gafcia-Barriga 14399): a, Node showing leaves,
both upper and lower surface, and portion of stem; h, bracts and pedicel; c, drupel
(^, Half natural size; t, c, natural size,)
Shrubby vine up meters high; stems subterete, shallowly
to 3
sulcate, 4.5 mm. in diameter toward tip, densely and upwardly pilose,
the hairs brown, up to 2.5 ram. long, closely approssed, the older
ems glabrate; Icat blades elliptic, up to 10 cm. long
mm. lontr, more
tomentose, the hairs up to 0.75 mm
and lateral veins (4 pairs) very jirom
brownish hairs; corollas not seen (yellow, Garcia-Barriga) flowers ;
axillary, one or more (?) in each axil; pedicels 2.5 cm. long, 1.5 mm. in
diameter, terete, densely tomentose with soft fmc brownish hairs up
to 2 mm. long; bracts oblong-ovate, 2 cm. long, 1 cm. wide, rounded
and mucronate, the mucro about 1 mm. long but obscured by the dense
tomentose pubescence covering the outer surface of the bracts, the
hairs soft, yellowish brown, about 2 mm. long, the costa obscure, the
mner surface of the bracts glabrous; drupes 1.5 cm. long, 8 mm.
broad, 6 mm. thick, obtuse and oblique at tip, somewhat flattened,
Type in the U.
National Herbarium, No. 2173519, collected at
Jino-Goj6, between the Rios Piraparand and Popeyakii, in the valley
Vaup^s, Colombia, 250 meters altitude, September
suborbicular leaf with yellowish brown-tomcntose lower
surfaces and subglabroiis, veiny upper surfaces. There are apparently
no close relatives.
19. Mendoncia gracilis TurrilL (Page 33.)
Cauca: QuindiOj Triana (K),
L Thunbergia alata Bojer. (Pag(^ 41.)
Cauca; Cuchilla del Taiiibo, Idroho cO Fernandez 30 (US)
3a, Thunbergia grandiflora Roxb. forma alba Leonard, f. nov. (Page 44.)
forma typica corolla alba rccedit-
Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No, 1443113, collected
at Barranquilla, Department of Atlantico, Colombia, December 1929,
by Brother Elias (No. 794).
3b. Thunbergia grandiflora Roxb. forma cUrina Leonard, f. nov. (Page 44.)
1. Bravaisia integerrima (Spreng.) Standi. (Page 47.)
Bravaisia flGrihunda DC, BibL Univ. Geneve n. ser. 17: 132. 1838. The type
was collected near Caracas, Veneznela, by Vargas. The other synonyms and
specimens mentioned above on page 46 under B, Jloribunda should be deleted,
AtlAntico: a common tree at Convento, near Galapa, Dugand 412 (Ch).
El Prado, near Barranquilla, Dugand 1G8 (Ch). In an arroyo at Juanmina,
Dugand & JaramiUo 4094 (US), Near Puerto Colombia, Dugand 13 (Ch).
Tubard, Elias 952 (US), SabaniUa Lagoon, Dugand 83 (Ch). El Pajar forest,
Dugand 542 (Ch).
Magdalena: On the Rio Rancheria, near Barrancas, Haught 3989 (US).
Antioquia; Rain forest near Villa Arteaga, Ldpez & Sanchez 61 (US).
Cauca: In field along the Rio San Juan, Core 1501 (US). El Tambo, Kjell
von S7icidern 2G52 (US), 2653 (US).
Hitila: East of San Antonia FortalccillaSj Little 7930 (US).
Meta: Dense forest on bank of the Rio Guapaya, Sierra de la Macarena,
Philij^son, Idrobo & Fern&ndez 1G39 (US).
Amazonas: Lowland along the Rfo Caquet^, at La Pcdrera, Schultes & Cabrera
17714 (US).
Caldas: Near Salamina, on the Rfo Pozo, Bro. Tomds 2452 (US).
Cundinamakca: Villetta, Andr6 512 (K). Chipaque to Coqueza, Andri
513 (K).
Meta: On river bank in dense humid forests of Plaza Bonita, Sierra de la
Macarena, Philipson, Idroho <& Fern&ndez 1722 (US).
Santander: Tagual, Andr& 266 (K).
VAUP:fis: Mesa La Lindosa, 15-20 km, south of San Jose de Guaviare, Idroho
& Schultes 682 (US), Rfo Guaviare, near San Fernando, 250 m. alt., Araque
M. & Darkley 18Va.068 (US),
2a, Sanchezia thlnophila Leonard. (Page 53.)
Sanchezia thinophilaj Leonard, Bot. Mus. Lcafl, Harvard Univ. 16: 94, pL
16. 1953. Type collected along the Rfo Loretoyacu, Trapecio Amaz6nico,
Intendencia of Amazonas, Colombia, about 100 meters altitude, October
20-30, 1945, by Richard Evans Schultes, No. CG07 (US, 1995537).
Schultes states that the type was taken from a plant growing on
beach at the mouth suggested
the specific epithet, thinopkila, from the Greek Bis, beach, and
<l>l\osj loving.
2b. Sanchezia thlnophila Leonard forma glabra Leonard, f, nov. (Page 53,)
A forma typica folia glabra recedit.
A shrub with yellow flowers and red bracts collected in the same
general locality as the type of the typical form.
Antioquia: Wet
places at Copacabana, Bro. Daniel 3965 (US).
Meta: Wet rocky forest along the Rfo Guatiquia, in the vicinity of Villa-
vicencio, Araque-M, & Barkley 18M.041 (US).
PUTUMAYO: Wet forest on stoOD Slnnn of riHerp fihovr^ R.'inhfl.mnf<^Q atiH'fii
Figure 249. Hygrophila tyttha Leonard {a~j, Killip 35383; h, Cuatrecasas \6GI1): a,
times natural size; f> 18 times natural size; /, twice natural size; k, 10 times natural
Naya, between Puerto Merizalde and Meregildo, Cuatrecasas 14346 (US). Wet
rocky soil on edge of R£o Sabaletas, at Sabalctas^ km. 29 of highway from Buena-
ventura to Cali, Killip & Cuatrecasas 3885G (US),
Trail near the Rfo Ampurrumiad6, GutUrrez tfe Barkley 17C.174 (US).
AtlAntico: Hacienda El Parafso, on the bank of Rio Magdalena between
Palmar de Varela and Ponedcra, Dugand 4420 (US).
BoLfvAu: Hacienda Martinica in the vicinity of Sinii, 15 km, from Monteria,
Bcchara, Araque-M. & Barkley 19Bo.085 (US). Rich soil west of Monterfa, near
the Rio Sind, Cervantes, Araque-AL & Barkley 19Bo.054 (US),
El Valle: La Paila, Ilolton s.n. (NY). Near Queremal, Core 1482 (US).
Huila: Wet silt near river and rice fields, Rio Cabrera, 18 km. northeast of
Villavieja, S. Galen Smith 1203 (US),
Magdalena: Santa Marta, Bertero s.n, (Mo)*
Huila: Sand bar at Cabrera Lajas, about 11 km. east of Villavieja, on the road
to Baraya, upper Rfo Magdalena basin, S, Galen Smith 1137 (US). Road from
Villavieja to Colombia, upper Rfo Magdalena basin, Mason 13978 (UC).
Magdalena: Along weedy roadside in cultivated grounds of Prado de Magda-
lena, Santa Marta, Fosberg 22126 (US),
Norte de Santandeb: Cticuta, Miguel de Garganta-Fdbrega 902 (US). In
rather dry, sandy, rocky soil near the Rio Pamplonita, east of Ciicuta, Araque-M,
& Barkley 18NS.153 (US). In rather dry, rocky soil along the Rfo Peralonso in
the vicinity of Santiago, Araque-M. & Barkley 18NS.106. (US),
Tolima: Open bushwoods above Prado and near La Uni6n, Lehmann 6410 (K).
9. Ruellia macrophylla Vahl. (Page 80.)
Antioquia: Loreto, Toro 859 (NY). El Boquer6n, along road to sea in vicin-
ity of Medellln, Uribe-Uribe 2273 (US).
Cundinamarca: Barroblanco, near Fusagasugd, AndrS 1439 (K). On bank of
the Rio Magdalena at Guataqui, AndrS 1881 (K).
NariRo: La Uni6n, in the Rfo Cauca valley, Andr6 2916 (K).
Tolima: Dry heaps of rubble around Guadelupe and Suaza, Lehmann 8692
(NY, K), Rfo Saldafia, Haught 6382 (US),
13. Ruellia rusbyi Leonard. (Page 88,)
Cauca: La Vlbora, LeAwann 4478 (K), Los Arboles,in the Rio Cauca Valley,
^ndr^ 2848 (K),
Tolima: Pitalito, Sprague 246 (K).
15. Ruellia humboldtiana (Nees) Lindau. (Page 89.)
Nees 1847.
IGa. RuelHa tubiflora TI. B. K. var. tetrastichantha (Lindau) Leonard. (Page 92.)
BoLfvAK; Forests between Las Dantes and Puerto Canoa, Pcnnell 4542 (NY).
Cundinamarca: Cordillera de Viota, on the road to Fusagasuga, Triana
4043-6 (K).
]\[eta: Susumuco, AndrS 900 (K), Villavicencio, Paul IL <fc Dorothy 0. Allen
3229 (:Mo); Pirez-Arbddez 5343 (Herbarium of P(5rez-Arbe]dez). Between
Susumuco and Vihavicencio, 300-1000 meters, Triana 32-4 (K).
1Gb. Ruellia tubiflora IT. B. K. var. tetrastichantha (Lindau) Leonard f. bicolor
Leonard. (Page 92.)
Cauca: La Costa, El Tambo, von Sncidern 864 (S).
Meta: In rich soil in damp rocky woods on the bank of Rio Guatiquia, in
the vicinity of Villavicencio, Araque-M. & Barkley 18M.058 (US). Guapayita,
on trail between the Rfo Gliejar and Cafio Guapayita, Cordillera de Macarena,
Idroho & Schidtes 916 (US). Dense humid forests on the Rio Giiejar south of
the El Mico Airstrip of Camp 1, Cordillera de Macarena, Philipson, Idroho &
Fcrn&ndcz 1364 (US). Los Micos, along the Rfo Giiejar, Sabanas de San Juan
de Arama, Cordillera de Macarena, Idroho & SchuUes 5G8 (US). Moist shady
place along stream, Villavicencio, Sandeman 6821 (K). Villavicencio, Andr6
1014 (K); Sprague s.n. (K); Pennell 1478 (NY).
16c. Rueliia tubiflora H. B, K. var. tetrastichantha (Lindau) Leonard forma
caesiolineata Leonard, f. nov. (Page 03.)
type: US.
16f. Ruellia tubiflora H. B. K. var. parviflora Leonard forma alba Leonard.
(Page 94.)
Leaf blades lanceolate, 2.5 to 6 cm. long and 0.8 to 2 cm. wide.
Amazon as: Soratama, on the Rio Apaporis between Rio Pacoa and Rio
Kananarf, SchuUes & Cabrera 13570 (US).
Figure 249a. Ruellia auranliaca Leonard {Andre 1203): a, Leaf; b, tip of inflorescence;
c, floral bract; d, calyx segment; e, corolla; /, capsule valve, {a, Half natural size;
h, e, natural size; c, 2}^ times natural size; d, l^i times natural size; /, twice natural
seo;ments linear. 12 mm
from 1 mm
ciliate with spreading or ascending hairs up to mm
corolla light orange, pubescent (the hairs variously curved, up to 0.5
mm. long) up to 3 cm. loner, the tube 2
, mm
iflora proposed by Nees under the name Dipt
published except jS Of course, they w^ere validly published;
and e.
I intended to say that they had not been validly transferred to the
genus Ruellia^ except for the two varieties mentioned.
Cundinamarca: Hacienda Tobia, Nocaima, Garcia-Barriga s.n. (Col).
Cauca: Woods in the District of Saladito^ 15 km, west of Cali, Alma Moldenhe^
Millard &
Barkley 18VC.000 (US).
El Valle: Upper Rfo Dagua^ 1400-1600 meters, Lehmann 5505 (K)*
Huila: Flats along stream in dissected plateau in the upper basin of the KIo
Magdalena about 5 km* north of Villavieja, Mason 13817 (US).
Magdalena: Poponte, Cyril Allen 934 (K),
Meta: La Poyata, Garcla-Barriga 5196 (Col),
Norte de Santander: Ocafia, Kalhreyer 1257 (K).
Tolima: Wooded bank of stream west of Chaparral, S, Galen Smith 1272
(UC), Near Piedras, Andr6 1859bis (K),
18a. Ruellia geminiflora H, B. K var. angustifolia (Nees) Griseb. (Page 96.)
forma typica corolla alba recedit.
Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2025721, collected
near Sahagiin, on the road to Ccret6, Department of Bolivar, Colombia,
120 meters altitude, June 1, 1950, by H. Garcia-Barriga (No. 13454).
Ruellia ohtusa f. albiflora is an herb up to 1 meter high. It resem-
bles the typical form except for its white flowers/
Figure 2S0.~RuelHa grantii Leonard {Grant 10013): a, Inflorescence; i, stem node and
leaf; portion of under surface of leaf blade enlarged to show venation and cystoUths;
g, hj 8 times natural size.)
vel ascendeniibus, costa prominente; corolla alba, minute pubescens,
tubo hypocrateriformi, lobis siiborbicularibiis; stamina plus minusve
inclusa, filamentis sursum glabris, basi pubcrulis, antheris linearibus;
capsulae clavatac^ dense pubcrulae, apice pilis patulis vel ascendenti-
buSj basi pilis retrorsis retinacula suberccta, inferiora apicc rotundata,
Figure 251. RuelUa macarenensis Leonard (S- Galen Smith 13 Idrobo 1486); a. Tip o
plant; i,portion of leaf blade (lower surface) enlarged to show pubescence and cystoliths
c, portion of stem enlarged to show cystoliths; d, node of stem; ey bract; /, calyx; g,
portion of calyx segment enlarged to show ciliatlon; A, anther; i, stigma, {a. Half
natural size; h, c, about 5 times natural size; i, f, !}{ times natural size; /, i, twice
natural size; g, lyi times natural size; A, 4J'^ times natural size.)
wide, the other ovate, rounded, about 0.75 mm. long and wide;
capsule not seen.
Type in the Herbarium of the University of California, No. 941780,
collected in dense forest Rio Giiejar near its
on north bank of the
junction with the Rio Zanza, at the northern end of the Cordillera
Marcarena. Intendencia of Meta meters August 20,
Smith and Jesiis ). M
^, calyx; g, tip of calyx segment, (a, Natural size; b, 12 times natural size; c, d, e, twice
natural size;/, 4 times natural size; gy 7 times natural size.)
2 mm. wide; mature calyx 6.5 mm. long, the segments lanceolate,
5 mm, long, 0,75 mm, wide near base, thence gradually narrowed into
a slender sparingly hirteUous, the hairs about 0.16 mm. long,
subappresscd or ascending, confined mostly to the costa and tips of
the segments; corolla pale pink or lavender, minutely pubescent, the
narrow portion of the corolla tube (except at base) densely so with
S. Moore (Journ. Bot. Brit. & For. 65: 221. 1927) reduced the genus
Neriacanthns to Salpinxantha'H-OokoT (Bot. Mag. Curtis j?^. 4158. 1845),
but I am inclined to regard the two as distinct, Neriacanthns has
dense spikes with largo, closely imbricated, ascending bracts, and
corollas with narrow tubes abruptly expanding into a rather con-
spicuous limb. These characters contrast strongly with those of
Salpinxantha, which has loose spikes with distant spreading flowers
the spike, the lowermost pair of bracts lanceolate, 6 mm. long, 1,5
mm, wide, the others similar in size but progressively smaller toward
tip of spike, all entire, acute (the tip itself blunt), the pubescence
similar to that of the peduncle, but with a predominance of the longer
acute hairs on the costa of the lower surface, the costa flanked by
Figure 254» Stenandrium humholdtianum Nees {Exvan 15622): a, Node with a leaf and
flower branch; J, portion of peduncle enlarged to show pubescence; r, one of the lower-
most bracts; J, bractlet; e, calyx;/, corolla; g^ capsule valve; h, retinaculum; t, seed.
(^, Half natural size; J, about 30 times natural size; c~e^ about 3 times natural size;
/, V/i times natural size; g, about twice natural size; A, 10 times natural size; t, 5
times natural size-)
3a. Aphelandra granger! Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 139.) Figure 255
c, bract; J, bractlet; e^ one of the calyx segments;/, anther, (a, Natural size; J, two-
thirds natural size; r, V/z times natural size; i^ e, twice natural size;/, 5}^ times natural
smaller, the lowermost about 3 cm. long and 10 mm, wide, the other
successively smaller toward tip of spike; bractlets lanceolate, up to
9 mm. long and L5 mm. wide near the base, slenderly acuminate,
terminating in a spine about 1.5 mm. long, glabrous or sparingly
pubcrulous, except the margins, these ciliate, the hairs more or less
spreading, up to 0.5 mm. long; calyx segments lanceolate, 9 mm. long,
3 mm. wide near base, acuminate, terminated by a sharp spine about
0.5 to 1 mm. long, glabrous or bearing a few minute dorsal hairs, the
margins densely ciliate, the hairs more or less spreading, about 0.5
mm. long, the costa prominent, the lateral nerves numerous and rather
prominent; corolla 4 cm. long, rather densely pubescent, the hairs
spreading, up to 0.25 mm. long, the corolla tube 3 mm. broad at base,
enlarged to 4 mm. just above the base, then narrowed to 3 mm. at 1
cm. above base, thence enlarged to 7,5 mm. at throat, the upper lip
becoming about 1 cm. long, 3 mm. wide, bilobed at tip,
erect, linear,
the lobes oblong, about 3 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, rounded and
emarginate at tip, the lower lip divided to base into 3 suborbicular
lobes, these 4 mm, long and 3.5 mm. wide, rounded; stamens reaching
the throat of the corolla, the anthers 4.5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. broad,
glabrous, the filaments minutely pilose at base, glabrous above;
style 3.5 cm. long, glabrous, the stigma cupular and fimbriate; ovary
glabrous; capsules not seen.
Type U. S. National Herbarium, No, 2045423, collected on
in the
the Tinea Las Mercedes, near Silvia, Department of Cauca, Colombia,
3,300 meters altitude, 1943, hy J. S. Granger and C. Rodriguez-A.
(No. 10). Isotype: US.
Aphelandra grangeri is related to A. euopla, which it closely re-
sembles, but from which it can, however, be readily separated by its
strongly ciliated calyx segments and bractlets. In A, euopla these
are at most only very sparingly ciliate. The color of the corolla is
not apparent in the dried material*
4, Aphelandra porphyrocarpa Leonard. (Page 140.)
Emended description: Corolla yellow, densely pubescent (the
hairs up to 0.5 mm. long, more or less spreading), up to 5.5 cm. long
from base to tip of upper lip, the tube funnelform, slightly ventricose,
6 mm. broad at base, narrowed gradually to about 4 mm. near the
middle, thence enlarged to 1 cm. at mouth, the upper lip erect, 2 to
2,5 cm. long, 6 mm. Avide at base, 1 cm. wide at base of the 2 lobes,
these obovate, about 8 mm, long, 7 to 8 mm. wide near tip, rounded,
the lower lip more or less spreading, divided nearly to base into 3
obovate lobes 8 to 9 mm. long and 7 mm. wide, rounded, the longer
pair of stamens reaching nearly to tip of the upper lip, the anthers
of both pairs linear^ about 7 mm. long and 2 mm. broad, these and the
filaments glabrous.
Huila: Ravine temponito forest, between Hacienda Balsillitas, Meta, and Kl
Cedral, '^9000 ft/' altitude, June 16, 1944, Elbert L. Little 8030 (US). Moist wet
soil of temperate forest at Hacienda Pensilvdnica, 15 km. east of Baraya, Cordil-
lera Oriental, '^8100 ft/' altitude, June 24, 1944, Elbert L. Little No. 8135 (US)
4a. Aphelandra gilva Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 142.) Figure 250.
hirtellous, the hairs about 0.5 mm, long, confined mostly to the costa,
veins and veinlets, the latter coarsely reticulate, the hairs interspersed
with scattered small glandular particleSj the venation rather promi-
nent beneath, less so above; petioles up to 2.5 cm, long and 3 mm.
thick, sparingly hirtellous; interpetiolar bracts flabelliform, armed
with 4 to 7 sharp ascending yellowish spines, the lowermost 1.5 mm.
Figure 256. AphclandraLeonard {Ewan 16501) a, Lower half of leaf blade; h^ uppei
gilva r
long, the others increasing in length to 13 mm. for the middle one,
the surface of the bracts sparingly hirtellous except the glabrous
varnished tip of the spines; spikes terminal, solitar}'", up to 30 cm.
long at maturit}^^ about 3 cm. broad, more or less lax toward base,
the rachis hirtellous with ascending or apprcssed hairs up to 0.5 mm<
long; bracts (mature) lanceolate, 2 cm. long, 4 mm, wide, slenderly
acute, terminated by a spine about 1 mm, long, the tip recurved at
each end, glabrous; filaments glabrous except a few small hairs at base;
ovary glabrous; capsules not seen.
Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2045402, collected in
a heavy thicket near Rio Tellez, in the vicinity of Funes, Cordillera
Oriental, Department of Narino, Colombia, 2,600 meters altitude,
December 1, 1944, by Joseph A, Ewan (No, 1G501). Isotype: US
Aphelandra A. porphyrocarpaj but distinct from
gilva is close to
this species in its acute calyx segments and incised leaf blades. In
A. porphyrocarpa the calyx segments are rounded, mucronate and
dentate at tip, and the leaf blades are shallowly incised. The specific
epithet gilva, pale yellow, alludes to the color of the corolla,
rather densely pilose with hairs 0.75 mm. long, some of them more or
less spreading, others appressed, each spike about 1.5 cm. long and
1 cm. broad, borne on secondary densely pilose peduncles up to 7 mm.
long, the three spikes subtended by a pair of small leaves 18 mm. long
and 8 mm. wide, subobtusc and narrowed at base to a winged petiole
0.5 mm. long, mostly ascending, the margins ciliate, the costa and
1 or 2 pairs of lateral nerves slender; bractlets narrowly linear, 5.5
mm. mm.
wide at base, gradually narrowed to a slender tip,
long, 0.5
the outer surface pilose, densely so toward the tip, the inner surface
glabrous, striate-nerved calyx segments narrowly lanceolate, acute,
Figure 257. Aphelandra andrei Leonard {Andre 4661) a, Tip of plant; ft, bract; c, bractlet;
if, calyx segment; e, ovary; /, lower lip of corolla; g, upper lip of same, {a, Half
natural size; h-d, 2% times natural size; e, 6 times natural size;/, g, .1 times natural
however, from that species in its rather densely hirsute stems and
entire bracts.
16a. Aphelandra quadrifaria Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 158.) Figure 258
Herba, caiilibus erectis vel asccndcntibns, subteretibus, dense
antrorse strigosis; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, apice subobtiisa,
basi cuneata, in petiolum decurrens, aliquanto firma, Integra vel
undulata, parce hirsuta, pilis appressis vel ascendentibus, praecipue
terminahs, pedunculis d
bracteae conspicuae, subchartaceae, ovatae, apice acutae
segments 1 mm. wide, the anterior ones 1.5 mm. wide; corolla yellow,
sparingly and minutely hirtellous, 2 cm. long, the tube 2 mm. wide at
base, narrowed to 1.25 mm. at 2 mm. above base, the throat 4 to 5 mm.
broad, the lips ascending, about equal, 6 to 7 mm. long, the upper
lip cuncate, about 6 mm. wide near tip, bilobed, the lobes 3 mm. long,
3.5 mm. wide, rounded, the lower lip 3-lobed, the lobes obovate, about
5 mm. long, the middle one 6 mm. wide, the lateral ones 3.5 mm. wide,
all rounded; stamens slightly exserted but not exceeding the lips,
Figure 258. Aphdandra quadrifaria Leonard [Grant 9811): a, Tip of plant; b, bract; c,
bractlct; d, posterior calyx segment; f, one of the anterior segmcntr.; one of the
lateral segments; g, upper Up of the corolla; A, lower lip. -/.
leaves and smaller bracts, these rather densely and softly appressed-
pubescent and with fewer teeth on their margins. The specific
epithet alludes to the 4-ranked bracts of the spikes.
Kalbreyer's No. 1849, collected in forest shade on the Rio Verde,
Department of Antioquia, 4,500-5,000 feet altitude, June 27, 1880, is
also of this species. The following notes are on the Kalbreyer sheet:
"4-12 inch stem, repent, If. glossy green, thin; fl. bright yellow with
purple veinlets."
16b. Aphelandra fosbergii Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 158.) Figure 259
Herba, caulibus subteretibus, ascendentibus, nodis infimis radicanti-
bus, hu-sutis, pilis ascendentibus vel appressis, subbrunneis; lamina
foliorum oblongo-elliptica, apice brcviter acuminata (apice ipso
subacute), basi angustata in petiolum decurrens, aliquanto firma,
integra vel undulata, utrinque hirsuta, pilis subappressis vel as-
f, bractlet; d, calyx segment; e, upper portion of corolla- (a, Half natural size; b-d,
taCj intusglabrae vel basi parcc hirsutae, extus hirsutac, pilis praecipue
in costa et venis positis, ciliatae; bracteolae anguste lanceolatae,
striato-nervatao, intus glabrae, extus hirsutae, pilis ascendentibus;
calycis :menta anguste lanceolata, sursum hirsuta et ciliata,
deorsum glabra; corolla rosea, parce et minute pubescens, tube
anguste liypocratcriformi, labiis subaequalibus, ascendentibus, labio
superioro obcordato, labio inferiore trilobato, lobis suborbicularibus,
rotundatis: stamina inclusa: ovarium glabrum.
and bearing about 4 slender ascending teeth up to (the lowermost)
4 mm. long, the upper or inner surface glabrous or sparingly hirsute
at base, the lower or outer surface hirsute, the hairs mostly borne
in the costal region but diminishing toM^ard the margins; bractlets
narrowly lanceolate, 12.5 mm, long, 0.75 mm
the upper half hirsute and ciliate, the lower half glabrous, in other
form, the lower part
mm. broad, the mouth 2.5 mm
mm, wide, the lateral 3 mm
L5 mm. straiglit erect vvdiite
temperate forest at San Isidro, 8 km. south of Gachala, Cordillera
Oriental, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 2,450 meters
altitude, May 20, 1944, by Martin L. Grant and F. R. Fosberg
(No. 9319),
Aphelandm fosbergli is nearest A. silvicola. In that species,
however, the leaf blades have colored veins and the teeth of the
bracts arc all low instead of sliarp and slender.
20a. Aphclandra phalacra Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 1G6.) Figure 2G0
Herba, caulibus ascendentil)us, subquadrangularibus; folia reflexa,
lamina foliorum oblonga, breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso vel
rotundato), basi angustata, glabra; spica terminalis sessilis; rhachis
glabra; bractcac ereclac vel ascendentes, lanceolatae, glabrae vel
minute et inconspicue papilloso-puberulae, costa et nervis lateralibus
,tT V
FicuKE 260.— A pkelandr a fhalacra Leonard (Jervise s. n,): ^, Tip of plant; i, bract; c,
bractlet; d, calyx segment; f, ovary, (a, Half natural size, b-dy twice natural size; e, 3
cm, lone:, 6.25 mm,
wide near the middle, 3 mm
at base, minutely dentate, glabrous or very mmu and mcon-
spicuously papillose, puberulous, the costa and a pair of lateral
nerves prominent, several additional pairs less so; bractlets subulate,
4 mm. long, 0,25 mm. wide at base, carinate, the costa prominent,
glabrous; calyx segments lanceolate, 7 mm. long, 1.25 mm. wide
at base, narrowed to a fine slender tip, glabrous, the costa prominent^
388179—57 26
34a. Aphelandra diachyla Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 191,) Figure 261
Herba, caulibus glabris subquadrangularibus ; lamina foliorum
oblanceolata, breviter acuminata (apice ipso rotundato), basi an-
gustata^ costa et venis aliqiianto obscuris, cystolithis obscuris vel
nullis ;
petioli racemi terminales vel subtcrminales, laxi,
glabri ;
base, moderately firm, entire, both sides glabrous, the costa and veins
(8 to 10 pairs) scarcely prominent, cystoliths obscure or lacking;
petioles up to 15 mm, long and 1.5 mm. thick, glabrous; panicles
terminal or subtcrminal, about 12 cm. long and 6 cm, broad, the inter-
node between the 2 pairs of branches 3.5 cm. long, the peduncle 8 cm.
long, L75 mm. thick, the flowers solitary and sessile in the axils of
Figure 26h—J phelandr a diachyla Leonard {Triana s. n.) : a, Node and leaf; b, inflorescence;
larged over the ovary, narrowed to 0.75 mm. near tip, the mouth
2.5 mm. broad, the corolla lobes obovate, 7 mm. long and 3 mm. wide,
obtuse at tip, delicately nerved; stamens included, 2 ram. long, the
filaments slender, 0.5 mm. long; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen.
Type Kew
Herbarium, collected at San Pablo, Intendencia
in the
of Choc6, Colombia, 100 mctei'S altitude, March 1853, by J. Triana.
Isotj-pe: Col.
On page 1 57 above, I referred this collection to Aphelandra botanodes,
but it diflfers in the more open inflorescence and in the entire, more
4 to 5 mm. broad at mouth, the upper lip erect, ovate, 4 mm. wide at
base, 6 mm. wide at middle, subacute, the lower lip 17 mm. long,
5 mm. wide at base, erect to spreading, 3-lobed, the middle lobe lance-
olate, 12 mm. long, 3.5 mm. wide just below middle, acute, the lateral
lobes linear, 10 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, acute; stamens exserted 12
mm, bej^ond the mouth of the corolla, the anthers 4.5 mm. long^
0J5 mm* broad, acute at both ends, glabrous, the filaments glabrous;
ovary glabrous; capsules not seen.
49a. Aphelandra grantii Leonard, sp. nov* (Page 218.) Figure 263
Frutex vcl arbor parva, caulibiis subterctibus, sursum pilosis, pilis
albidis appressis, doorsum glabratis; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata
vel oblongo-obovata, breviter sod graciliter acuminata, basi cuneata
et in petiolum dccurrens, aliquanto firma, Integra vel leviter undulata,
glabra vel parco hirsuta, pilis appressis vel ascendentibus, nitida,
subtus costa et venis iateralibiis prominentibus, supra obscuris;
pctioli glabri vel parce hirsuti; spicae plures, terminales, pedunculis
ascendcntibus, apprcsso-liirsutis, pilis albidis; rhacbis dense albo-
floccosa; bracteae ovatae, subacutae, coriaceae, marginibus scariosis,
parce ciliatis, costa et nervis lateralibus aliquanto promincntibus;
ocelli plurcs, ellipticij nitidi, brunnei; bracteolae anguste ovatae,
acutac, plus minusve falcatae, carinatae, carina dense albo-floccosa,
in margine glabrae, ciliatae; calyx glaber vel apice parce puberulus,
graciliter striatus, scgmento postcriore ovato, subacute, segmentis
lateralibus oblongis, apice truncatis et apiculatis, parce ciliatis,
segmentis anterioribus oblongo-ovatis, acutis, parce ciliatis; corolla
cinnabarina, papilloso-puberula, base glabra, tubo hypocrateriformi,
leviter curvato et ventrlcoso, labio supcriore erecto, bilabiate, lebis
Figure 263.—Jph^landra grantii Leonard {Grant 10363): a. Tip of plant; i, leaf; c, bract;
dy bractlet; e^ posterior segment of calyx;/, one of the anterior segments of the calyx;
gi tip of corolla; A, portion of corolla tube enlarged to show pubescence, (a, g, Natural
size; by half natural size; f-/, about 4 times natural size; A, about SO times natural size,)
cm. long and 6.5 cm, wide, somewhat abruptly but slenderly acumi-
nate, cuneate at base and decurrent on the petiole, moderately firm,
entire or slightly undulate, glabrous or very sparingly hirsute with
appressed or ascending hairs up to 0,5 mm. long, the costa and main
lateral nerves (about 12 pairs) prominent beneath, obscure above,
the upper surface more or less nitid; petiole (unwinged portion) up
to 3 cm. long, glabrous or sparingly hirsute, the hairs similar to those
of the blades; spikes several (5 or 7), borne in a terminal paniculate
mm. loner. 1 mm
pubcrulous at tip, the posterior segment ovate, 2.5 mm. wide just
below the middle, subacute, essentially glabrous, finely striate, the
Striate, glabrous, inconspicuously ciliate at tip, finely striate, the an-
tip, finely striate; corolla cm. long, papillose-
orange-scarlet, 4.5
pubcrulous except base and the subscarious margins of the upper lip,
vcntricose, the upper lip erect, 14 mm. long, 2-lobed, the lobes narrowly
triangular, 4.5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide at base, acuminate, the lower
lip usually recurved or coiled, lanceolate, about 15 mm. long and 5
mm acuminate, the lateral lobes adnate
to the upper lip, the free portions triangular, about 0.5 mm. long and
broad; stamens exsertcd 5 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube,
the anthers 4 mm. long, 1 mm. wide near base, acute and minutely
arachnoid at tip, pubcrulous dorsally, the filaments hirtellous toward
the base, the upper portions glabrous; ovary glabrous; capsules
not scon.
Type in the U.
National Herbarium, No. 2045433, collected in
subtropical forest at Cano do la Muerta, in the Gazaunta Valley,
15 km. northwest of Medina, Department of Cundinamarca, Colom-
bia, 1,950 meters altitude, October 4, 1944, by Martin L. Grant (No.
10363). Isotypc: US.
Aphelandra gmntii is closely related to A. imrvisj)ica. Its leaf
blades are larger than those of A. parvispica, reaching 23 cm. in
length and C.5 cm. in width, whereas those of A. parvispica do not
exceed 19 cm. in length or 5 cm. in width. The color of the corolla
is orange-scarlet, in contrast with the red flowers of A. parvispica,
and the stems, especially tKe upper portions, are noticeably pilose
instead of being essentially glabrous. Its spikes are broader and the
ocelli are relatively large and conspicuous under a lens; in A. jjarvispica
the ocelli are small or even lacking.
51. Aphelandra barkleyi Leonard. (Page 223.)
Meta: Between Acacfas and San Marttn, 430 meters, July 28, 1946, Uribe-
Uribe 1319 (Col).
sparingly hirsute, the hairs 0.5 mm. long, the lower surface rather
densely and evenly hirsute, the hairs ascending or appressed, about
Figure 2(A.—Aphlandra coccmantha Leonard {Foslerg 19131): a, Node with basal portion
of leaf blade; h, tip of leaf blade; c, lowermost node of inflorescence showing a branch
with 3 spikes; d, bract; e, ocelli;/, bractlet; g, posterior calyx segment; h, one of a pair
of anterior calyx segments; i, one of a pair of lateral calyx segments; ;, tip of corolla;
i, upper lip of corolla spread to show detail, {a-c. Half natural size; d, f-i, 3 times
natural size; /, 10 times natural size; /, about 1}5 times natural size; k, twice natural
mm. lonp:, 4 mm
mamns tomentose-ciliate, the glands in groups of
three mm. lone:, 0.16 mm
mm. loner and 0.25 mm. wide, subobtuse
terior segments lanceolate and 1.5 mm. wide, subacute, in other
respects resembling the posterior segment; corolla scarlet, 4 to 5 cm.
long, papillosc-puberulcnt except the glabrous base, the corolla tube
1.5 mm. broad at base, slightl}- enlarging over the ovary, 8 mm. broad
at mouth, the lips 12 mm. long, the upper lip erect with acuminat^e
recurved tips, ovate, 7 mm. wide near base, the terminal lobes tri-
angular, finely pilose on inner surface, 5 mm. long, 2.5 mm. wide at
base, the middle lobe of the lower lip recurved, lanceolate, 4.5 mm.
wide at middle, slenderly acuminate, puberulous on the inner surface,
mm. lone:. 1 mm
(No. 19131).
Alphelandra coccinantha would follow A. macrophylla in the key.
are smaller and the spikes are noticeably shorter and thicker, and,
lastly, the corollas are orange-rod instead of scarlet as in ^. coccinantha.
The specific epithet is from the Greek k6kklvos, scarlet, and avdos,
60a. Aphelandra trichota Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 244.) Figure 265
Figure 265.~Aphela>idra trichoia Leonard {Fosherg y Fassett 21809): a, Node with basal
portion of leaf; b, tip of leaf blade; reduced to show shape; d, bract; e, ocellus;
c, leaf,
acuminate at tip (the tip itself subobtuse), cuneate at base and
3 mm. near base, acute, the lateral segments lanceolate, 2.5 mm.
wide near base, acute and apiculate, glabrous or sparingly puberul-
at tip; seeds brown, obovate, 4.5 mm. long, 4 mm. wide, 1.75 mm.
thick, glabrous or the upper margin rather minutely puberulous.
Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2045416, collected in
thick forest on steep slope at Jordan, on the north side of the Cuchillo
70a. Aphelandra atecmarta Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 265.) Figuke 266
Suffrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, puberulis, pilis appressis,
albidis; lamina foliorum oblonga, apico brevitcr acuminata, basi
subtus aequahter puberula, pilis appressis, costa et venis aliquanto
proniinentibus; pctioli puberuh, pilis appressis; spicao solitariae,
terminales, rhachc glabra, pedunculo brevi; bracteae ovatae, acutae,
glabrae vel minute ciHolatae, striato-nervatae, areola elliptica opaca
pro occllis substituta; bractcolac falcato-lanceolatae, acutae, costa et
apice dense et molliter hirsutae, pilis plus minusve appressis, margin-
minute papillosa, segmentum
tiaca, papillosa, basi glabra, tubo subcylindrico vel anguste hypo-
triangularibus acuminatis,labio inferiorc trilobato, lobo medio ascen-
dente, ovato acuto, lobis lateralibus parvis, triangularibus, subacutis,
cumlabio superiore basi connatis; stamina vix cxscrta, glabra, antheris
utrinque acutis, apice arachnoidois; ovarium glabrum.
Shrubs up to 2 meters high; stems subquadrangular, pubcrulous, the
hairs closely and upwardly apprcsscd, whitish, up to 0.2 mm. long;
cm. long and 10 cm. wide, short-acuminate
the petiole, rather thin, entire or undulate, the upper surface glabrous
or the costa sparingly and minutely pubcrulous, the lower surface
evenly hirtellous, the hairs approssed, resembling those of the stem
moderatelv nromin
stem; spikes solitary, terminal, up to 23 cm. long and 1.5 cm. broad, the
orange (Grant), ovate, 13 mm. loner, 11 mm. wide, acute (the tip itself
mm, and
lonsr 1mm. wide; bractlets
lanceolate, 12 mm long, about 3 mm. wide middle, acute,
0! Im ^
natural size; c, Yt natural size; f-i, 2}i times natural size; k, natural size; /, about 30
times natural size.)
the costal region and tip densely and softly hirsute, the hairs more or
less appressed, up to 0.25 mm. long, the marginal region (about 1 mm.
wide) glabrous and sparingly and minutely papillose; calyx 1.5 cm.
long, the segments glabrous, rather sparingly and minutely papillose
dorsally and tipped by a few minute hairs, the posterior segment
ovate, about 6 mm. wide, subobtuse, the anterior segments lanceolate,
about 4 mm.wide, acute, the lateral segments lanceolate, about 3.5
mm. wide, subobtuse and apiculate; corolla orange, up to 6 cm. long,
sub cylindrical
7 mm.
wide at mouth, the upper hp erect, ovate, bilobed at tip, th(
lobes narrowly triangular, 3 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide at base, acumi
nate, the middle lobe of lower lip ascending, oval, acute, about
mm. wide at middle, the lateral lobes adnate to the unner Hd. th^ frf><
mm. lone: and 1 mm
ttachmont: stamens the anthers
both ends, the style glabrous or sparingly pilose at base; ovary
glabrous; capsules not seen.
Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2045425, collected in
temperate forest on the Caraucha Range, east of Ibama, 13 km.
east of Yacopi, near tlie Boyacd border, Department of Cundinamarca,
2,250 meters altitude, May 8, 1944, by Martin L. Grant (No. 9167).
Isotypc: US, 2144299.
Aphelandra atecmarta in the key would follow A. crenata, but it
differs in having entire instead of crenate leaves. The spikes of A.
and more compact.
from the Greek &TkKnapTos, meaning
73. Aphelandra lingua-bovis Leonard. (Page 270.)
Choc6: Fairly common between La Oveja and Quibd6, April 1, 2, 1931, Archer
1731 (US).
ifly characterized i
Tips and bases of the seeds bearing a spiny crest; panicles large and many-flowered,
1- P. ctenospermtivi
Tips and bases of the seed without a spiny crest {P, chilianthium bearing a single
spinelike projection at base of seed).
A. Leaves of each pair very unequal, t!ie larger alternating with the smaller
of the next succeeding pair.
Tips of the leaf blades slenderly acuminate 2. P. chilianthium
Leaf blades abruptly narrowed into long winged petioles, those subtending
the lowermost branches of the inflorescence orbicular or suborbicular
sessile or subsessile, differing noticeably from the main stem leaves
Flowers dark red; bracts subtending the flowers triangular, up to 2 mm
long 5. P. haughtii
388179—57 27
petiolum decurrens (lamina foliorum summorum basi plus minusv
auriculata), firma et crassa, Integra vel undulata, supra glabra, c^^stc
cm. long and 5 wide, those subtending the upper branches of the
inflorescence linear, 10 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide or smaller; bracts
subtending the flowers triangular, 3 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide at
base, acute (the tip itself blunt), sparingly hirtellous and ciliate;
bractlets linear, about 2.5 mm
tip, sparingly hirtellous; pedicel mm. long, rather slend
mm. long, the segment ,r
triangular, 4 mm.
purple inflorescence, and his No. 5323 was taken from an erect
suffrutescent plant 1 meter high or less whicli possessed a showy
inflorescence with the axes and flowers light purple. Killip and Garcia
cm. nig
bearing distichous panicles, and with both flowers and inflorescence
branches pink. The type sheet bears the following note: "Sufrutex
ram as erguidas 1 m.; hoias rugosas, verde grisaceas; bracteas,
cdliz y corola lilas."
P sender anthemum ctenospermum can bo easily recognized by its
peculiar crested seed and rather large rugose leaves. This comblike
crest suggests the specific epithet taken from the Greek Kreh, comb,
and o-TTfpjua, seed.
calyces up to 4.5 mm. long, the segments 4 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at
Kooo fY-i-QrliiQlli7 nnrmwArl in Jin flciite tin. snarine-lv hirtellous with
10 to 17 mm. long, sparingly puberulous with a mixture of glandular
papilliform hairs (about 0.03 mm. long) and curved ascending
show pair of dissimilar leaves; J, portion of lower surface of leaf blade enlarged to
Antioquia: Mariquita, 2,200 meters altitude, February 1852, Triana s.n. (K)"
Cauca: Damp forests at Cotoje, along the Rfo Timbiquf, to 500 meters
altitude, February 1898, Lehmann s.n. (K).
Ciioc6: Between Carmen dc Atrato and Tutunendo, 500-(300 Jiieters,
25, 2G, 1944, Garciu-Barriga La Concepcion, 15 km. east of Quibdd,
1112S (US).
75 meters altitude, April 20 to May 23, 1931, W. A. Archer 2097 (US). Be-
tween La Oveja and Quibd6, April K2, 1931, W. A. Archer 1G73
Tutunendo, 20 km. north of Quibd6, 80 meters altitude, May 19, 20, 1931, W.
Archer 2120 (US). Damp woods along the Efo Huaneliirad.5 (Cucnca del
Atrato), June 2, 3, 1949, Rosa Scolnik 1636 (NY).
El Valle: Quebrada del Corosal, Rio Cajambrc, 0-5 meters altitude, May 17,
1944, Cuatrecasas 17736 (NY). San Isidro, Rfo Cajambrc, 5-100 meters altitude,
May 2-5, 1944, Cuatrecasas 17317 (NY).
Meta: Tiramena, Llano dc San Martin, 250 meters altitude, /. Triana s n
long, septate, the lowermost internode of the panicle 3 cm. long, the
others successively shorter toward tip of the inflorescence, all hirtellous,
mm. long, some them gland-tipped, the tube 1 mm. broad at base,
narrowed at 2 mm. above base to 0.75 mm., thence gradually enlarged
to 2 mm. at throat, the lobes ovate, 8 mm. long, 4 mm. wide, rounded
at tip; stamens reaching the mouth of the corolla tube, the filaments
0.75 mm. loner, dabrous or bearins: afew minute hairs at base, the
mm. lonsr. 0.5 ram. broad, dabrous: staminod
a wet forest glade along the Eio Nuqui, Intendencia of Choc<5,
Colombia, about 300 meters altitude, January 25, 1947, by Oscar
Haught (No. 5489).
Pseuderanthemum diachylum is characterized by its large leaves,
attractive light purple flowers, and succulent texture. The plant
from which the type was taken was the only one seen by the collector.
The specific epithet is from the Greek, Siaxv^os, meanmg succulent.
4. Pseuderanthemum cladodes Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 270
Herba, caulibus gracilibus, profuse ramosis, striatis, aliquanto
pilosis, pilis patulis; lamina foliorum ovata, gracUiter acuminata,
basi rotundata, hirsuta, pUis saepe in costa et venis positis, cystolithis
sub lente conspicuis pyriformibus ; petioli breves vel nulli; spicae
laxae, paucae, paniciJam formantes; bracteae raraos panicularum
subtendentes foliaceae sed minores, sessiles; bracteae flores sub-
tendentes lanceolatae, parvae, acuminatae, parce hirtellae; rhachis
hirsuta; calycis segmenta lanceolata, acuta, parce hirtella; corolla
tubo angustissimo, lobis plus minusve patulis, obovatis,
lilacino -rubra,
apice rotundatis; stamina inclusa; staminodia parva; capsulae
clavatae, parce puberulae, pilis minutis, glandulosis; semina muricata.
Herbs up to 1 meter high; stems slender and profusely branched,
furrowed, moderately pilose, the hairs spreading, up to 0.58 mm. long,
evenly or sometimes bifariously distributed, the lowermost internodes
10 cm. loner or more: leaf blades ovate, up to 6.5 cm. long and 3.5 cm.
acuminate, rounded at base, hirsute, the hairs m
long, the upper surface bearing numerous crowded whitish cysto-
liths, these very conspicuous under a lens and up to 0.13 mm.
spicuously marked by cystoliths; flowers borne in lax spikes, these
both terminal and axillary, up to 18 cm. long, forming loose terminal
panicles up cm. long, the lowermost pairs of bracts subtending
to 30
the axillary spikes resembling the stem leaves but slightly smaller
and sessile, the other pairs progressively smaller toward tip of panicle,
the lowermost pair of bracts subtending the flowers suborbicular,
about 5 mm. in diameter, sessile, long-apiculate, the succeeding
Figure 270.— Psfuderantkemum cladodes Leonard {Lehmann 7266) : a, A lower node showing
leaf blade; h, inflorescence; c, portion of leaf blade (upper surface) showing rystoliths;
d, bracts; e, calyx; /, stamen and staminodc. {a. Natural size; h, half natural size;
c, 20 times natural size; d, 4 times natural size; e, 5 times natural size; /, 10 times
natural size.)
curved hairs; racemes solitary, terminal, narrow and lax, the flower-
bearing portion about 9 cm. long and 8 mm. broad, the peduncle
4 cm. long, the lowermost internode of the raceme 2 cm, long, the
ith ascend-
Figure 272. Pseuderanthemum micranthum Leonard (Triana s, n.): a, Leaf and node; b,
inflorescence; c, inflorescence (Col); d, node of inflorescence; e, a segment of the calyx;
/, portion of calyx segment enlarged to show pubescence; g, corolla, {a-c, Half natural
size; d, 3 times natural sue; e, 15 times natural size;/, 40 times natural size;
g, 4 times
natural size*)
upper, the cystoliths scattered and inconspicuous; flowers usually
racemes, the peduncles up to 10 cm. long, glabrous or sparingly hirtel-
mm. lonsr and 4 mm. wide, the lowermost internode of the raceme
densely puberulous, the hairs upwardly curved, up to 0,3 mm, long;
pedicels slender^ up to 1.5 mm. long, puberulous; bracts subtending
the flowers triangular, 1.5 mm. long and 075 mm. wide, glabrous or
snarindv puberulous; bractlets similar but smaller; calyx segments
mm, lonp;. 0.5 mm
acute minutely hirtellous, the acute hairs up to 0.1 mm. long
388179—57 28
Figure 273.
and branchlet; node of inflorescence (second from base); d, calyx; e,
showing leaf c,
corollaj/, portion of corolla tube enlarged to show pubescence; g, stamen and staminode.
times natural size; d, 3>^ times natural size; e, 3 times
{a, h, Half natural size; c, V/i
corolla tube, glabrous, the filaments 1.25 mm. long, the anthers
mm. Ions, 0.75 mm. broad; staminodes slender, 0.5 mm. long;
Figure 274.— Pseud^ranihemum chocoense Leonard (Triana s. n. "Prov. del Choco"): a, Tip
of plant; b, a branch of the inflorescence; c, hairs from a portion of the rachis; d, calyx
segment; e, stamen and staminode;/, ovary, (a, Half natural size; b, 2>^ times natural
size; c, 70 times natural size; d, 4 times natural size; e,f, 10 times natural size.)
up to 6 mm.
long and 1.25 mm
similar to those on the stems; cm
mostlv 3 to 4 cm
conspicuously septate under a lens, the peduncle 4.5 cm. long,
1.75 mm. thick, hirtellous, the hairs similar to those of the rachises
linf Tint, so nimiproiis. the first internode of the panicle 2.5 cm, long,
r^h^- 3 q
KiLLip, E. p.; DuGAND, A,;& Jara- 16816, Justicia filibracteolata var. pu-
AIILLO, R. bescens
38155. Aphelandra glabrata 17031. Justicia filibracteolata
38237. Aphelandra glabrata 17042. Justicia fihbracteolata var. pu-
38257, Ruellia lorcntziana Griseb, bescens
38284. Justicia erytlirantha (type) 19040. Justicia filibracteolata
38289. Cliaetochlamys eoluinbiensis 19257. Habracanthus smithii (type)
38346. Aphelandra longispica (type) 19262. Aphelandra runcinata
19359. Ruellia tubiflora var. tctrasti-
KiLLiPj E. P., & GarcIa, Hernando chantha
19391. Justicia chrysocoma
33318. Pseuderanthemum ctenosper-
19960. Habracanthus killipii (type)
20080. Justicia fihbracteolata var. pu-
33400. Blechum brownei f. puberulum
33444. Aphelandra dohchantha
20140. Trichanthera corymbosa (type)
33532, Aphelandra garciae (type)
20157, Habracanthus di versicolor
33559, Ruellia pennellii
20451. Habracanthus killipii
3357C. Aphelandra incarnata
20504. Trichanthera gigantea
33589. Trichanthera gigantea
20534. Trichanthera gigantea
33598. Justicia comata
20807. Justicia filibracteolata
35639, Aphelandra hartwegiana
20891. Trichantliera gigantea
33671. Justicia chlorostachya (type)
2093 L Aphelandra pulcherrima
33678. Neriacanthus lehmannianus
20932. Odontonema bracteolatum
33889. Neriacanthus lehmannianus
20978. RueUia tuberosa
KiLLip, E. P.J & Hazen, Tracy 21100. Justicia rohrii
Schultes, Richard Evans^ & Black, ScoLNiK, Rosa; Barkley, Fred A.; &
George A, Pe^Ja, Luis
3881TD— 57 30
Parts I and II
Page iii (of Part I), line 14: For "72" read "73."
Page 5, line 20: For "Hcnrich" read "Heinricli."
Page 7, lino 2: For "Buena Vista" read "Buenavista."
Page 8, line 15: For "appressed-ovate" read "apprcssed, ovate."
Page 8, fifth line from bottom: Delete "Mare Caribe."
Page 8, second line from bottom: For "Sonto" read "Santo."
Page 10, line 11: Delete the line readiJig "Type species: Jusiicia
Lam. Type locality: Java/' and substitute "There were two original species,
N. campcsiris R. Brown and N. rolundifolia R. Brown, of which the first may
be chosen as Icctotypc."
Page 12, line 14: For "1874" read "1847."
Page 12, line 16: For "Nees" read "Karsten ex Nees"; for "Engelio" read "Engel "
Page 12, line 26: For "Type" read "Lectotype."
Page 17, line 1; For "rotudatae" read "rotundatae."
Page 18, line 23: For "palidc" read "pallide."
Page 18, line 26: For "liisuta" read "hirsuta."
Page 21, line 27: For "1947" read "1847."
Page 22, line 11: After "Crucis" add "oppidum."
Page 22, line 12: For "Provincia" read "Provinciae".
Page 23, line 9 from bottom; For "dipositi" read "dispositi."
Page 26, line 14: For "Santurario" read "Santiiario."
Page 29, line 18 from bottom: For "1790" read "1825."
Page 30, line 25: For "Cubvij6n" read "Cubug6n."
Page 36, line 9: For "1260" read "1280."
Page 36, line 11: For "Bayaca" read "Boyaca."
Page 43, line 2: For "1639" read "1369."
Pago 44, line 17: For "species" read "series."
Page 44, line 18: For "at" read "in."
Page 44, line 19: For "at" read "in."
Page 44, line 5 from bottom: For "Phaylopsis" read "Phaulopsis."
Page 45, line 19: For "stamens 2 or 3" read "stamens 2 or 4."
Page 45, line 20 from bottom: For "Bignonaceae" read "Bignoniaceae."
Page 46, line 20: For "arhorea" read "arhorcus."
Pago 46, lino 20: For "pi. I40" read "pi. 150."
Page 49, line 4 from bottom: For "4213" read "4314."
Page 49, last line: For "Freijito" read "Frejito."
Page 50, hne 16: For " lYicanihera" read " Trichanihera."
Page 50, line 18: For "March 4" read "March 3-8."
Page 52, line 19: Add "10" after "HoUon."
Page 52, line 21: For "Bermega" read "Bermcja."
Page 55, line 13: For "fasiculis" read "fasciculis.
Page 58, line from bottom: For "Porcesito" read "PorceciLo."
Page 58, line 5 from bottom: For "Killip & Hazen" read
"Pennell, Killip, &
Page 59, line 12 from bottom: For "Nouva" read "Nueva."
127, 324, 487. 647, GIS Justicia Continued —
487 leuccrythra... 490, 568, 569, 570, 572
aethes 489, 524,525 lucida 388
anabasa 491, 594,595, 596 macarenensis 490, 555, 550, 557
arched 489, 505, 507, 508 malacophylla 491, 589, 590, 591
assurgens 330 martiana 492, 620, 62
atacta 491, 604,'605, 606 melgariensia 280
aurantiaca 491, 596, 597, 598 namatophila 492, 618, 619, 620
blackii 489, 508,509 neurochlamys 489, 517,518, 519
bradeolata 398 novogranatensis 491, 600,601
bracteosa 489, 535,536 ohfusifolia 621
brasiliana 488 oreopola 489, 503, 504, 505
breviflora 514 pampolystachys 490
hrunelloidcs 10, 770 538,541,542,545
cabrerae 490, 566^5()7 pcctoralis 492, 613, 014, 617
carnca 05 pectoralis var. stenophvl]a._ 492, 615
car Oiaginensis 490, pelianthia 491, 591,503,594
547, 548, 560, 646 periplocifolia 491, 584
chaetocephala 489, 531 pctraea 492, 633, 634, 635
chaponensis 489, 536, 537, 538 pharmacodcs 490, 557,559
charadrophila 489, 501,502, 503 phlebophylla 491
chincnsis 327 577, 587, 588, 589, 033
chloanantha 491, 608, 609, 611 phytolaccoides 490, 560,561
chlorostachya 488, 495, 496, 519 pilosa 541
chrysea 489, 529,530,531 pleurolarynx 489, 512
chrysocoma... 489, 525, 527, 528, 529 polygonoides__ 489, 512, 513, 514, 525
coccinea 388 porphyrocoma 490, 582,583
comata... 488, 492, 014, 615, 017, 647 pulcherrima 127, 212
cristata 127 rcjlexijlora 584
crocoochlamys 489, 532,' 533, 534 rhodoides 489, 519,520,521
cuzcoensis 611 rohrii 490, 527, 528, 529, 564
cystolithosa,.. 488, 492, 494, 495, 503 rubra 395
daidalea 489, 521, 522, 523, 524 sanchezioides 490, 572, 574, 575
enarthrocoma 490, 570, 571, 572 sanctao-martae 646
ephemera 491, 606, 607, 608 scahra 127
crythrantha 400, 549, 550, 551 schultesii 490, 545,546
filibracteolata 490, 491, 577, 603 sclera 492, 637,638
filibracteolata var. aurantiaca ^ 579 sciota 491, 585, 586
581 scytophylla 492, 626,627
filibracteolata var. azurea 579 secunda 491, 602,603
filibracteolata var. Icucantha. 579, sccunda var. leucantha 491, 604
580,581 sessilis 52
filibracteolata var. lilacina_ 579, 581 spicrgera.. 1 657
filibracteolata var. pubcHcens 579, 580 sterea 492, 630, 635, 636, 637, 644
fuchsiifolia 489, 514,516, 517 stcrcostachya 492, 639, 640, 641
furcata 026 steycrmarkii 523
fusagasui,'aiia 492, 624, 625, 626 unguiculata 489, 538, 539, 541
gangetica 288 xanthostachya 490, 562,563
Rlabribracteata 570 Justicieae 119, 323, 487
graphophylla 492, 631, 632, 633 Kalbreyeriella 324, 404, 408
gutierrezii 490, 553, 554 cabrerae 408,400,411
helonoma 491, 611, 612, 613 gigas 408, 412,414,415
hodgei 492, 642, 643, 644 rostcllata 408, 411, 415
homooa 490, 575, 576, 577 Lagochilhim 127
hygrobia 492, 644,6-15 157, 202, 280, 707, 708, 718
hyperdn,sya... 490, 538, 543, 544, 545 maximilianum 127
hyssopifolia 487 ni oUe 154
idiogoncs 492, 622,623 Lepidagathis 7, HI, 112, 696, 772
imhricata 7 alopecuroidea 112, 772
infelix 489, 5io,'511, 512 cristata 112
interrwpta 397 Leptostadnja
_ 488
ischnorhachis. 489, 498, 499, 501, 505 comata 615
jacobinioidcs 491, 598, 599, 600 crinita 647
killipii 492, 628,029,630 martiana G20
laevilinguis 492, 621,622 martiana var. hispida 021
leptochlamys 490, 551,552 virgata 488
Icptophylla 508 wallichii 488
Pseudcranthemum — Continued —
Ruellia Continued
ctciiospermum 729, 730, 732, 733 geminiflora var. hirsutior 95
cuatrccasasii 293, giganiea 47, 48
316,317,318,730,748 gorgonensis 694, 695, 696
cuspidat um 295 grantii 690,692
diuvei 293, 318,730, 748 grisea 67, 81,82
diachylum 729, 737, 738, 739 humboldtiana 67, 89, 685, 686
ellipticmn 202, 301, 305, 730, 745 inundata 67, 77, 684
ewanii 292, 302, 303, 730, 745 isclinopoda 67, 82, 83, 84, 86, 685
galbanum 729, 741,742, 743 la^iostachya 68, 105, 106, 694
haughtily 292, 293, 294, 295, 729, 741 longifilamentosa 67, 88
hylophilum 293, lorcntziana 08, 94, 687
310,311,312,730,746 macarcncnsis 692, 693, 694
idroboi„_ 292, 295, 29(>, 297, 729, 741 macrophylla 67,
lanccuni 293, 305,730, 7'5 73, 79,81, 685,686
leiophy Hum 292, macrophylla var. lutea 81
297,298,299,720, 741 macrophylla var. puberula 07, 80
micranthum 729, 730, 743,744 macrophylla var. i)ubesccng___ 80
IK^nucllii 292, 304, 305, 730, 745 malacosperma 07,08, 73
poecilanthuin 202, nudiflora 78
299,300,301,720,741,743 obtusa 68, 94, 96
potamoi)liilum 293, obtusa f. albiflora 689
308,309,310,730, 745 paniculata 67, 76,684,771
snoidernii 293, 306, 307, 730, 745 pcnriellii___ 68, 100, 101, 102, 103, 690
steiiosiphon 293, potamophila 67, 71,72, 73, 684
314,315,316, 730, 748 purdieana 90
thdothrix 730, 746, 747, 748 puri 694
Pscudocaly X 40 putumayonsis 68, 106, 107,696
Raiz preta 30 ruiziana 84
Razisoa 324, 387, 400, 408 rusbyi 67, 86,87, 88, 685
spicata 400, 401 spnicei 109
Rhacodiscus secuiidiis 602 shiebelii 00
Rliombochlamydeae 119, 285 tetrastichan tha 91
Rhombochlamys 119, tolimensis 67, 70,71, 684
285, 286, 324, 772 tuborosa 66, 67, 78,94, 684
data 285, 280, 287 tubiflora 68, 89, 90, 91, 686, 696
rosulata IGO, 285, 286, 287, 772 tubiflora var. hirsuta 67, 93
RhyligJossa 488 tubiflora var. parviflora__ 68, 93, 687
ciliaia 488 tubiflora var. parvifiora f . alba, 68,
eckloniana 488 93, G87
laevilinguis 021 tubiflora var. tctrastichantha_, 68,
oblonga 647 91, 686
oht usifolia 62 tubiflora var. teirastichantha
origanoidcs 488 f. bicolor 67,92,686
pohjgonoidcs 513, 514 tubiflora var. tetrastichantha
secunda 602 f caesiolineata
. 686
Rojizo 615 tubiflora var, tetrastichantha
Rompebarringa 48 f flava
. 68,92,93
Ruellia 1, 2, 3, 45, 48, 49, 60, 66, 684 iurhacensis 76
alhicauHs 77 uribci 68, 106, 108, 109
alopecuroidea 111, 112 viridiflora 68, 98,09
aquatica 68, 103, 104, 105 viscosa 76
auranliaca 687, 688 RuelHeae 44, 65,292
hlechuvi ,
00, 771 Salpinxantha 098
caucensis 67, 84, 85, 86, 88 Sancarano 46
chariessa 67, 74,75 Sanchezia 2, 3, 45, 51, 680
clandesiina 78 lutea 51, 53, 54, 680
colombiana 68, 102,103 oblonga 51
colorata 68, 97, 690 ovata 680
dulcis 125, 126 parvibracteata 51,56, 57
fulgida 68,69, 684 parviflora 55
fulgida var. anguslissima 67, pennellii 51,680
68, 69, 684 putumayensis 51, 55,56
gemininora 95,96, 689
68, speciosa 3, 51, 52
gcminiflora var. angustifo]ia_ 08, .. sprucei var. salvadorensis 56
95, 90, 689 sylvestris 56
Sanchezia — Continued —
Teliostachya Continued
thinophila 680 cataractae 111,112
thinophyia f glabra
, 680 diffusa 111
Sancho araiia -- 46 lanceolata 112, 113, 696
San Joaqufn ._ 308 lanccolata var. crispa_ . 112, 114, 696
San Jos6 308 petraea 696,697,098
Scorodoxyluni 66 Tetramcrium 3,64,324, 325
hartwegianuin 66, 90 nervosum 325, 320
Sericographis 650 polystachyum 325
rigida 650 Thunbergia 2, 3, 40, 678
iindoria 658 alata 40, 41,42, 678
Siphonoglossa 323, 387, 402 alata var. alba 42
calcarea 402,403 alata var. baked 41, 42
ramosa 402 aurantiaca 42
Soldado parado 8 aurantiaca subvar. doddsii 42
Staurogyne % 5, 671 capensis 41
agrestis 7 cordifolia 43
argentea 5 fragrans 41, 42,43, 678
lepidagathoides 5, 6, 7, 673 f ryeri 42
leptocaulis 671, 672, 673 grandiflora 41, 43, 678
Stemonacanthiis 66, 684 grandiflora f, alba 679
hu7nholdUanus 89, 685 grandiflora f, citrina 679
jnacrophyllus 79 lutea 42
salviifolius 66, 684 sulphurea 42
Stenandrium 119, 120, 124, 127, vohibilis 42
157,286,324, 699,708 Thunbergioideae 2, 4, 40
corymbosum 124, 125 Thyrsacanthus 388
dulce 125, 126, 699 barlertoides 388
humboldtianum 125, bracteolatus 400
127, 699, 700, 701 interruptus 397
mandioccanum 124 ruber 390, 397
radicosum 124, 125 Titirigallo 213
Stenostephanus 324, 415, 419, 486 Trichanthera 2, 44, 45, 47, 48, 679
lobeliaef ormis 486 corymbosa 48, 50, 679
puberulus 486 gigantea 48,49, 679
Steihoma pectoralis 613 Trichanthereae 44, 45
Syringidium 324,404,415 Verbena squamosa 7, 8
atropurpureum 415, 416 Yerbabuenilla.- 647
Tango rojizo 652 Yuca de puerco 78
Teliostachya.__ 2, 44, 109, 111, 112, 696 Yuca-e-puerco- 78
alopccuroidea 111,112 Yuquilla 95